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File: 8d2c9a96ae8a654⋯.png (97.87 KB, 1143x482, 1143:482, wixoss.png)

File: b93a55ef67c7de0⋯.jpg (61.27 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1460854639792.jpg)


The games and faces begin. The next 12 weeks should be filled with all kinds of suffering.

Most importantly, Ruuko is back. I cannot remember if we found out Kiyoi is Piruruluk from selector infected/spread but since Ruuko is present I suppose we can finally find out what happened to Tama. Given that the old characters are coming back, this will either be a season of flashbacks and/or the finale for the wixoss animations.


File: 5801f1cc660f5da⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1351x2000, 1351:2000, Ch10_p28.png)

File: ec3993196f6338d⋯.webm (13.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Lostorage conflated WIXOS….webm)


>I cannot remember if we found out Kiyoi is Piruruluk from selector infected/spread

Kiyoi was confirmed to be Piruluk in Peeping Analyze.

I suppose we can finally find out what happened to Tama

>Tama is alive in the real world and lives with Ruuko. It was shown in the Conflated PV.


I didn't really like the last season all that much, but I'm in deep enough that I'll pick it back up.


Don't forget you can battoru in real life as well. https://webxoss.com/


File: 41bcb65c7b9ee0b⋯.jpg (225.95 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, mpv-shot0104.jpg)

File: 292e3cdb9bfa0d3⋯.webm (4.92 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, Get Aki-Lucky.webm)

>Aki-lucky gets Remember

>Being Piruluk is suffering


I'm watching the first wixoss right now.

I can't believe a company used twincest to promote their card game. Japan is truly amazing.


File: b09ea224ad55883⋯.png (885.48 KB, 1384x2000, 173:250, 015.png)


You don't know the start of it.


File: e01170fd4cb032e⋯.jpg (110.27 KB, 490x401, 490:401, okada01.jpg)


Wixoss. Incest, child abuse, suicide, traffic accidents, broken homes and card games.


File: f6457d9c8ec320c⋯.jpg (207.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, mpv-shot0004.jpg)

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They tried to adapt literally all of Peeping Analyze in half an episode and ended up skipping over or rewriting all of the best parts because of it. Maybe they should have had another OVA or had an extra episode to dedicate to it.




>Peeping Analyze


Peeping Analyze should have been a whole other season. Piruluk/Kiyoi would have been amazing in 13 or 26 episode format especially with how it ended. Clearly it was written by Okada because its a level above the first lostorage story. Probably need to read it now. Good to have the ending of selector sorted out too.

This really feels like the end of the wixoss franchise. With the most popular faces back in the show I assume this will be a total bloodbath and fill our hearts with the blood and tears of cute girls. If the writer (who is not Okada) screws this up it will be a huge disappointment.


File: 87743f6339fe798⋯.jpg (617.12 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Is or not.jpg)

She is a whore?

I know many female characters that look cool but after advancing a little more in the story end up being just as whores as the characters of a hentail.

With her it is not clear to me.



>Ruuko is back

Then so am I. It wasn't the same without her.


>Akira episode

>Not a single Akilucky

>Not even a new catchphrase

The studio had one job and they screwed it up. Also LRIG stealing and combos every turn should fuel something amusing later. Its not very creative though.



The brilliance of Infected is starting to feel like a lucky accident. Spread wasn't as good as Infected and Incited was considerably worse. So far Conflated has been better than Incited but it's still nowhere near Infected



Infected was new. The first episode had several plot hooks to keep us interested. Okada did Okada things. Once the novelty wore off (Spread) the quality or lack thereof started to show. Incited had some novelty but tried too hard to be suffering for the sake of suffering and make every battle a sobbing blood bath which made it much worse. Conflated is essentially "remember when we were good?" nostalgia from Infected that makes it look better than it actually is. If Conflated was an entirely new cast or worse only the Incited cast, it would be trash even lower than Incited. The flashbacks to peeping analyze have actually been better than the story thus far. I'm not an Okadafag. She just writes so much better than the current idiot writer


File: defd5f8c156977a⋯.jpg (793.22 KB, 1200x1190, 120:119, defd5f8c156977a4df50631e35….jpg)



The whole current stytem is just bad. Here we have asspull coins, and there we have the asspull key card! Holy shit I was laughing when they pulled out that one-shot trick card against Akira, who was clearly winning.


File: f1e22d076156b3c⋯.jpg (205.04 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, mpv-shot0015.jpg)

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>asspull key card

Keys have been in print in the actual for little while now and they do exactly what they did in the anime. Give some flavor abilities of another LRIG to your own at the cost of some coins.



It sounds like wixoss is going the way of many tcgs with new cards introduced that let you win out of nowhere or worse on a huge first turn combo with luck of the draw. It forces everyone to have the new cards and makes games into a race to who uses them first.



>that let you win out of nowhere

It's called combo and it is usually necessary for a healthy metagame.

>on a huge first turn combo with luck of the draw

It's the opposite actually. Games are extremely grindy and getting face damage is difficult.

> It forces everyone to have the new cards and makes games into a race to who uses them first.

Power creep is inevitable because it is a business trying to make people buy new cards every few months.

You probably have a misconception about the game from watching the anime. Usually what happens is they call out the name of a card and shoot a laser at the other LRIG. They aren't just blatantly breaking rules, but you don't see the actual effects of the cards just the once per turn LRIG attack.


>Tama is battoru again

And now it really begins. Its nice theres a limit on LRIGs in play. It would turn into a shitshow to have teams vs teams of LRIGs.


File: bac42db3045aa6c⋯.jpg (124.66 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, [HorribleSubs] Lostorage C….jpg)

I gotta say I really love Akira.



She is in a much better place now where her face is healed. She was cute the first time around when she lost her mind out of revenge or egoism. By now its just a plot device and has lost its appeal.


Well the climax came and went. Completely lacklustre and fell flat on its face even with zero expectations. Akira actually managed to be more interesting than the primary antagonist.


File: 780219685025b58⋯.jpg (380.12 KB, 800x610, 80:61, 780219685025b585fef45c3203….jpg)

Is it too late to get on the wixoss train? Or rather, is it a good idea?


File: 382dd8910642741⋯.jpg (153.78 KB, 719x942, 719:942, b3a42022db4a5823243054dda9….jpg)

There's more fucking WIXOSS? It's a show that got worse and worse the longer it lasted and they're trying again? What the hell. I'll never forget the first season, but this is just sad.



The first season is an unforgettable good time, then it slowly sinks lower and lower until the only ones who are watching it are those who remember the one good season and hate themselves enough to keep watching out of habit.


File: c86036db19da574⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 4081x5931, 4081:5931, 47858a100d637a12663d898ad8….jpg)



It's not horrible, definitely refreshing after the other series that comes out the same day, Mahou Shoujo Site, but it's true it will never be anywhere near as good as the first season.

The worst part is how they made all characters, and even LRIGs into a very mature, and plain designed something, which conflicts so hard with the card game, WIXOSS' designs it pains me every time they summon a card and we see the cute gilr (often loli) attached to it in the game.

I miss when the girls were young or cute.



I'm still sitting on episode 4. Maybe I really should just drop it. I won't, but the thread will be long gone by the time I finish it.


Thank goodness its over. Somehow the last episode managed to be worse than all the others up until now. They just tossed aside the whole wixoss game and had LRIGs attack each other for no reason then undo half the events that occurred this season. Hopefully the sales are so bad no one tries to revive animating this series. Somehow I managed to get through just because Kiyoi is inexplicably cute



I wouldn't worry, WIXOSS is now done. No new season, no movie, no ova necessary. I might be in the minority here-I am pretty sure of that- but I enjoyed this season, at least by comparison to the last one.

It's had it's run though, this was the coda.


File: 3a0bed873668732⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, [Erai-raws] Lostorage Conf….png)

File: f2963df4ac7f37e⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, [HorribleSubs] Lostorage C….png)

File: 481387bf0ba7dba⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, [HorribleSubs] Lostorage C….png)

The only good thing about this series was that the animation in some scenes was so bad that I couldn't help but laugh. Suzuko's eyes nearly always look in opposite directions.



Don't be too sure of that. Incited sold less than the first release of KMB and they still made a sequel. It sells cards which is what Takara Tomy cares about.

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