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Yaoi is love. Yaoi is life.

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File: 1411121363671.jpg (73.79 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_413.jpg)

904bec No.30 [View All]

I'll start with something cute first.
121 posts and 115 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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904bec No.1293

File: 1413921039369.png (921.56 KB,914x1047,914:1047,244433581.png)

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904bec No.1337

File: 1416847200946.jpg (312.74 KB,1066x1000,533:500,897.jpg)

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904bec No.1547

File: 1426045534851.jpg (290.22 KB,554x800,277:400,0abd1b1cb30398137e8955b92e….jpg)

should I post this doujim?
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904bec No.1548

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904bec No.1549

File: 1426087035366-0.png (785.98 KB,750x1200,5:8,EMPrFtA.png)

File: 1426087035366-1.jpg (106.92 KB,710x720,71:72,1382563061794.jpg)

File: 1426087035367-2.png (1.29 MB,1000x749,1000:749,1f64ba9c89565de3cb22f01126….png)

File: 1426087035367-3.jpeg (116 KB,650x585,10:9,35b40a2ce8cd0e9c36a7175e3….jpeg)

File: 1426087035367-4.jpg (69.44 KB,700x555,140:111,849431 - Legend_of_Zelda L….jpg)

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904bec No.1550

File: 1426087262988-0.jpeg (86.28 KB,400x514,200:257,a3920943fbcff8530b16b1ea6….jpeg)

File: 1426087262988-1.jpg (148 KB,800x643,800:643,98258e412de970c3d6e84272e5….jpg)

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File: 1426087262988-3.jpg (73.68 KB,600x574,300:287,98223d5e512d6856ea35c5711a….jpg)

File: 1426087262988-4.jpg (827.33 KB,1280x905,256:181,1382688581826.jpg)

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904bec No.1551

File: 1426088082996-0.jpg (335.18 KB,470x627,470:627,48066111_p1.jpg)

File: 1426088082996-1.jpg (307.49 KB,502x650,251:325,47079715_p2.jpg)

File: 1426088082996-2.jpg (452.02 KB,545x800,109:160,47079715_p0.jpg)

File: 1426088082996-3.png (1.14 MB,700x800,7:8,49045114_p0.png)

File: 1426088082996-4.png (883.71 KB,690x965,138:193,44913234.png)

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904bec No.1552

File: 1426121326645-0.jpg (325.47 KB,554x800,277:400,28589179_big_p5.jpg)

File: 1426121326645-1.jpg (366.87 KB,554x800,277:400,28589179_big_p9.jpg)

alright, I just wish there was an english version, oh well
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904bec No.1553

File: 1426122148637-0.jpg (325.47 KB,554x800,277:400,28589179_big_p5.jpg)

File: 1426122148637-1.jpg (338.21 KB,552x800,69:100,28589179_big_p7.jpg)

goddammit, I can't into the multiple pic shit, it seems and I can't delete it either, just ignore that one, I'll start again
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904bec No.1554

ok, I'm too retarded to use this shit, I'll just leave the pixiv link


go give artist some love, she/he has a lot of cool stuff
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904bec No.1555

>I can't into the multiple pic shit
There appears to be a bug/glitch going around where 8ch is eating them.
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904bec No.1558

File: 1426618151806-0.jpg (583.03 KB,1200x1763,1200:1763,03.jpg)

File: 1426618151806-1.jpg (409.62 KB,1200x1763,1200:1763,04.jpg)

>There appears to be a bug/glitch going around where 8ch is eating them.
welp, I'm mostly a lurker, that's my luck for you

I'll do it better this time /y/, I'll only post two pics at a time, just in case
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904bec No.1559

File: 1426618200353-0.jpg (608.18 KB,1200x1758,200:293,05.jpg)

File: 1426618200354-1.jpg (499.29 KB,1200x1763,1200:1763,06.jpg)

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904bec No.1560

File: 1426618238577-0.jpg (497.11 KB,1200x1759,1200:1759,07.jpg)

File: 1426618238577-1.jpg (562.71 KB,1200x1773,400:591,08.jpg)

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904bec No.1561

File: 1426618320918-0.jpg (477.28 KB,1200x1761,400:587,09.jpg)

File: 1426618320918-1.jpg (596.9 KB,1200x1772,300:443,10.jpg)

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904bec No.1562

File: 1426618361527-0.jpg (602.04 KB,1200x1767,400:589,11.jpg)

File: 1426618361528-1.jpg (640.97 KB,1200x1781,1200:1781,12.jpg)

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904bec No.1563

File: 1426618392035-0.jpg (462.4 KB,1200x1773,400:591,13.jpg)

File: 1426618392035-1.jpg (559.83 KB,1200x1771,1200:1771,14.jpg)

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904bec No.1564

File: 1426618447753-0.jpg (528.42 KB,1200x1765,240:353,15.jpg)

File: 1426618447753-1.jpg (443.56 KB,1200x1776,25:37,16.jpg)

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904bec No.1565

File: 1426618503687-0.jpg (320.66 KB,1200x1783,1200:1783,17.jpg)

and that's it, hope you like it
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904bec No.1702


>Dark Link gangbang


Surprised nobody ever made a comic like this. Wrote this really quick

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904bec No.1703



fucking hell, anon

I demand Dark Link gangbang, now

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904bec No.1705

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904bec No.1706



Btw folks let me know how you like the scenario

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904bec No.1712



This one's gone.

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904bec No.1779

File: d4c442132b7f3fd⋯.png (791.59 KB,888x976,111:122,tumblr_o884j7NvsW1uln85po3….png)


you love playing with my heart, don't you?

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904bec No.1957


This was my first attempt at cleaning up my first and only story, still needs work.


Might do a few more, what would you all rather read about -

>Twilight Princess Link trapping as a fairy at the fairy fountain, and being tenderly gangbanged by several Dark Links

>Breath of the Wild Link jerking off bottomless in a field, passing out, and waking up with a surprise (you suggest the surprise)

Or suggest a prompt for me to write - (are there any active boards for smutfics anywhere else?

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904bec No.1958


How about Breath of the Wild Link jerking off bottomless in a field, passing out, and waking up being tenderly gangbanged by several Dark Links?

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904bec No.1959


Might work -

Btw, any parts you really liked in the fic? Trying to gauge what works and what doesn't

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904bec No.1969


…well that was hot

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2c4ec8 No.1981

File: 2a57a346d3b1668⋯.png (181.89 KB,500x500,1:1,2a57a346d3b1668fbec0c72e0f….png)

File: 8df9e5482a92313⋯.jpeg (81.58 KB,777x738,259:246,04ea7ff340d3afa383bef4808….jpeg)

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69805b No.1987

File: 502cc65cdbf6ab8⋯.jpg (48.39 KB,500x534,250:267,d1f48f152dcd99afb3ba164eec….jpg)


>that first pic

>bottom hero raping the villain

I think I have a new fetish

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62fe61 No.1989

https://discord.gg/2Zb9d2 for you pornsharers

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bcfc7e No.1994

File: 133e80ef91fcf4d⋯.png (302.23 KB,600x800,3:4,133e80ef91fcf4db477b1bcf44….png)

File: b2a5f064d2644e5⋯.jpg (131.07 KB,779x1000,779:1000,__gerudo_link_and_link_the….jpg)

File: 6ae95f3246c2d34⋯.jpg (121.78 KB,768x1123,768:1123,6ae95f3246c2d340e90936eab9….jpg)

File: 26fcf7f91dd7107⋯.png (696.73 KB,800x1120,5:7,26fcf7f91dd7107353eff29533….png)

Awesome thread. Let me contribute some back.

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bcfc7e No.1995

File: 711e6be27eeaff5⋯.jpg (126.92 KB,850x1488,425:744,711e6be27eeaff53f55624a886….jpg)

File: 5465cf6511fd144⋯.png (1.09 MB,840x1155,8:11,5465cf6511fd1445823401913a….png)

File: 6931b3be262fe7b⋯.png (1.01 MB,1100x1197,1100:1197,6931b3be262fe7b7811e923bd9….png)

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File: 7003ba715845504⋯.png (400.85 KB,900x900,1:1,1436319567.pitterpatter_ga….png)

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bcfc7e No.1996

File: e6229ef680b9a1d⋯.webm (962.07 KB,1280x720,16:9,2195058 - Breath_of_the_W….webm)

File: 0a9212901c11eee⋯.png (2.38 MB,1272x1920,53:80,2205711 - Breath_of_the_Wi….png)

File: 1fdde1d0631f3f8⋯.png (580.5 KB,944x755,944:755,2211146 - Breath_of_the_Wi….png)

File: 0ee1324ebabeef0⋯.jpg (239.8 KB,713x1025,713:1025,2260332 - Breath_of_the_Wi….jpg)

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bcfc7e No.1997

File: 96b03266f11456e⋯.png (643.57 KB,1000x1414,500:707,2226946 - Breath_of_the_Wi….png)

File: 109d1fe17f00104⋯.png (643.03 KB,1000x1414,500:707,2226947 - Breath_of_the_Wi….png)

File: 36335dc386ce1ca⋯.png (644.95 KB,1000x1414,500:707,2226948 - Breath_of_the_Wi….png)

File: f22b0d463cb148e⋯.jpg (1.96 MB,3000x3474,500:579,2233444 - Breath_of_the_Wi….jpg)

File: 0a402c6b1602940⋯.jpg (2 MB,3000x3474,500:579,2233445 - Breath_of_the_Wi….jpg)

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bcfc7e No.1998

File: 0ee1324ebabeef0⋯.jpg (239.8 KB,713x1025,713:1025,2260332 - Breath_of_the_Wi….jpg)

File: 2c931f686def254⋯.jpg (167.54 KB,737x833,737:833,2269242 - Breath_of_the_Wi….jpg)

File: d64ac02c2524ca7⋯.jpg (200.02 KB,800x891,800:891,2273248 - Breath_of_the_Wi….jpg)

File: 34224da1ddba9ea⋯.jpg (200.39 KB,800x891,800:891,2273249 - Breath_of_the_Wi….jpg)

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bcfc7e No.1999

File: 85d0e5dcd50e3f5⋯.png (2.39 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2284020_-_Breath_of_the_Wi….png)

File: 1e79dfafb23f484⋯.webm (216.21 KB,1280x720,16:9,2290729 - Breath_of_the_W….webm)

File: a64d458b354859d⋯.webm (596.27 KB,1920x1080,16:9,3594033.webm)

File: 9b0fa3de95c89a5⋯.webm (578.82 KB,1920x1080,16:9,3594035.webm)

File: a134bd966d89e94⋯.png (120.49 KB,700x340,35:17,54012257_p0_.png)

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bcfc7e No.2000

File: db994dd4b5f5411⋯.jpg (65.29 KB,743x791,743:791,1418434058423.jpg)

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bcfc7e No.2001

File: a5a69aaa39031fa⋯.jpg (416.86 KB,650x854,325:427,1423184755326.jpg)

File: 6e4c1b351f4e040⋯.png (228.6 KB,800x556,200:139,1423185088198.png)

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bcfc7e No.2002

File: 5f887b7166f830c⋯.png (1.88 MB,2000x2915,400:583,1426049419330.png)

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bcfc7e No.2003

File: db9b9b4654b6363⋯.jpg (901.49 KB,1500x1280,75:64,1426049728971.jpg)

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bcfc7e No.2004

File: 72c555eed1200bd⋯.jpg (232.62 KB,900x564,75:47,1426049840708.jpg)

File: 29991bd1bf83bb4⋯.jpg (187.14 KB,942x999,314:333,1426049954294.jpg)

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bcfc7e No.2005

File: 85dacd9f59badf0⋯.jpg (90 KB,1011x1341,337:447,1430201693402-0.jpg)

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File: 5abdcc8cfffd049⋯.jpg (132.63 KB,1000x950,20:19,1432071845059-3.jpg)

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bcfc7e No.2006

File: 49cf38ae78d0e0f⋯.jpg (145.96 KB,900x900,1:1,1432071845059-4.jpg)

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File: b810dbbd078344d⋯.png (2.16 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1451946003266.png)

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bcfc7e No.2007

File: 8cca56010969622⋯.jpg (437.18 KB,700x980,5:7,1466631299103.jpg)

File: 2c82b27cb64bbde⋯.jpg (382.27 KB,554x720,277:360,14994170208428.jpg)

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File: b9948a910bd8c57⋯.png (684.65 KB,1087x1332,1087:1332,b9948a910bd8c5766af35b6a5d….png)

File: ba4a14767f0dde7⋯.png (1.48 MB,900x1273,900:1273,ba4a14767f0dde76869da10eb8….png)

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bcfc7e No.2008

File: 4ef9f44a806658d⋯.jpg (147.67 KB,1272x970,636:485,C7JmKvRUwAAyUzy.jpg large.jpg)

File: fefe66a104a4dd7⋯.png (1.53 MB,900x1273,900:1273,link37.png)

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File: fe3ac1b3551acc4⋯.png (710.66 KB,600x900,2:3,link50.png)

File: 6de2a6fdeec5c07⋯.jpg (195.66 KB,850x1004,425:502,sample_c93cb5033a201c27ccb….jpg)

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bcfc7e No.2009

File: 302a1e206a274ba⋯.png (455.75 KB,934x1000,467:500,bc2578617404b14eabb06c930b….png)

File: f67c1517b7058cc⋯.jpg (86.55 KB,702x874,351:437,ss (2015-09-11 at 05.26.53….jpg)

File: 2c123c153591239⋯.jpg (159.4 KB,600x726,100:121,tumblr_or9efiFAd81vo0eiao1….jpg)

File: bb2cbb3a9063511⋯.webm (4.65 MB,1052x812,263:203,d18eb07d0bad905c893ec4b4.webm)

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d35465 No.2010

File: 323cd42c5d2b66d⋯.png (27.19 KB,1190x486,595:243,☮️ , ♥️ℹ️ , 🔮#️⃣🌌 , 🇬🇷🏛🛐🎆 ….png)

?, this art is due to the malaysian pornography code mixup from abusing young people with pornography , the prostate gland is meant to be at the base of the penis shaft to rub with the clitoris , malaysia had so many updates including the foreskin update that humanity ignored the divine infinite unity , the difinity , The Difinity , Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ , our only friend ,.

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87e108 No.2059

Isn't 404 errors fixed yet?

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