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File: 328778a2a50c5e3⋯.png (114.43 KB,704x336,44:21,1431977565479.png)

 No.74477 [View All]

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File: 7f677bf69812978⋯.png (512.59 KB,1280x720,16:9,7f677bf69812978855d5320008….png)


just woke up

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File: 63bc21557c5de91⋯.jpg (82.14 KB,564x1001,564:1001,shy d3331d82489d55cd79245e….jpg)

Say, what do you do in your free time anyway? Just shitposting here and on /animus/ and talking to Poppy?


Fairly late no?

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File: 03d56c42d0a5ffa⋯.png (216.68 KB,294x978,49:163,ozen (10).png)

I observe /animus/, I have no interest in conversing with most of those people; Poppy'd also asked me outright to not talk to them, so it's easy enough to respect such a simple request.

Regardless, I listen to music, play video games, and talk to Poppy-chan, yes.

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like 9

something kept me awake while I was lying in bed

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File: dca6ad10efc1175⋯.jpg (49.18 KB,564x760,141:190,smile 14c4cd27f56834fa60f7….jpg)

I have had a look or five at /animus/ so I can't say that I'm surprised. I see. Kinda unexpected.


Oh, that's fine then. I thought it was like 10:15. But I guess it doesn't matter, your mum takes care of your brother on weekends, right?

What was it?

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yea she does

I don't know

dog was in my bed, so it might be bugs, or might be the something else

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File: d165be72d398e31⋯.jpg (49.39 KB,564x564,1:1,tongue (you) 3a02eee596806….jpg)


Hmm, I see.

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File: 84f1ce26d886146⋯.png (162.25 KB,923x840,923:840,90secs.png)

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File: f7ed630058c2fff⋯.jpg (44.29 KB,720x800,9:10,tongue 5fba3b4f1ea8836e746….jpg)

Keeping your promise? Neat.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yea, also fasting

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Mhmm. Again. Did it work the last time, short term?

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eat less, and wanted to eat less, unless presented with food I like

didn't want to go out and get food as much

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File: 52eea835bfbf46d⋯.jpg (123.82 KB,880x1247,880:1247,tongue a6eaa2ee7ffde5c45d8….jpg)


I see. So you did lose weight and now want to continue, that's the idea?

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File: 10707447b6a6bca⋯.jpg (55.58 KB,700x500,7:5,10707447b6a6bca2d75b0bfa67….jpg)


it is more of not spending money on food, but I have not gained any weight, and lost about 15lbs

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File: 7687067b2636fe7⋯.jpg (47.16 KB,564x649,564:649,waiting 4e40923864a0abc6ee….jpg)


Ohh, okay. I underestimated you I guess, I kinda expected you'd gain it back, or at least some of it.

It's nice to have been wrong.

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I didn't lose any weight while fasting, it got me used to eating less, and over time that made me lose it

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File: bc40dfccc8a3325⋯.jpg (92.55 KB,564x998,282:499,v-sign 41bf5eb498d34f22e42….jpg)


I see.

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File: d37f51753a86e67⋯.gif (385.33 KB,500x275,20:11,1423480969840.gif)


so what have you've been up to?

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Got up late, had coffee, shitposted a bit, had lunch. Now I'm reading school stuff.

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oh, okay

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File: d72b59a58d55b61⋯.jpg (58.11 KB,564x795,188:265,tongue (you) a827b1428cf9d….jpg)

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File: 75afa5f41facead⋯.jpg (31.1 KB,599x537,599:537,75afa5f41facead8781784e110….jpg)

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File: 29341e46ab931f2⋯.jpg (29.43 KB,564x394,282:197,cry f571d6b8a89a0d68e16fb5….jpg)

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File: 4fa4a38a9fcec71⋯.gif (1.37 MB,540x349,540:349,4fa4a38a9fcec71dd53bfd3b67….gif)

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File: 6eda80d82feab58⋯.jpg (71.84 KB,564x686,282:343,festival 467d9a3717e73fa74….jpg)

Hmmmm. So what games have you played recently?

I would imagine that with a shitty internet like that, you'd reduced down to single player either way.


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File: 05bda45c2ccf466⋯.png (259.73 KB,848x576,53:36,ozen (62).png)

Perhaps you don't remember, but it's understandable as nothing I have to say holds any merit; I've been building boats.

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File: 2074f2f5704860f⋯.jpg (88.05 KB,564x926,282:463,froppy 2ec8eb3272f0097f7d2….jpg)

I don't think that has much to do with the merit of what you say. More so with my memory, I think. Anyway, it's not something you elaborated on exactly, right? Building boats, and I asked if that was in real life and you said no. What kind of boat building game is it?

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The way 8chan decides the width of a post is a mystery to me….

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File: ccf5fe3f79e793f⋯.png (433 KB,978x706,489:353,ozen (36).png)

Imagine minecraft's one-by-one meter blocks, but with slope pieces and you have the basics of hull construction.

From there, there are dedicated steam and fuel engine blocks; gunnery pieces, building your artillery loader by loader, recoil absorber by recoil absorber.

Then, you have your ai pieces, so that the vessel can pilot itself without the player's input; putting together processing units, radar and camera pieces, so it knows where the enemy is, transmitters to allow it to speak to ai pieces controlling weaponry across its construction.

Naturally, you're only limited to what you can build by what you're willing to learn; there are wing pieces, wheel pieces, and LUA coding modules. I've built ships, planes, tanks, submarines, and airships; however, I'm unwilling to learn LUA coding for a game that works just as well without me knowing.

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File: 4e9a42807ec7005⋯.png (1.72 MB,1600x1333,1600:1333,bored frog 2928165.png)


I see. I've always liked building things out of LEGOs but never seem to enjoy the kind of PC games that let you build stuff like this. I take it part of the game is unleashing the ships / tanks / whathaveyous into battle?

What's the game called?

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File: 1c6e6700414516c⋯.png (443.56 KB,740x802,370:401,ozen (33).png)

There's a few campaigns and there's a dedicated build mode. I enjoy the campaign because it actually provides a slight challenge and forces people to either create bigger ships with bigger guns, or to actually smarten up with their building styles. However, with the idea of changing up one's build style, that usually either leads me to changing all of my vessels or just making an entirely new fleet.

The game is called From the Depths.

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File: 03e469a5e328d22⋯.jpg (60.04 KB,564x798,94:133,(you) da00b40087ab27bfd4e9….jpg)


As I said, just building things for its own sake seems pointless to me, so I'm sure I'd prefer the campaign too. I assume the campaign also involves some limitations in terms of resources? Maybe leaving some kind of building blocks inaccessible in the beginning…

>However, with the idea of changing up one's build style, that usually either leads me to changing all of my vessels or just making an entirely new fleet.

You do that in between missions, or does it mean starting all over?

That looks a good deal better than I expected, in terms of visual appearance. At least so long as you zoom out far enough, I suppose.

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File: b3529e74644c0b6⋯.png (615.84 KB,1290x776,645:388,ozen (60).png)

The build mode allows you to spawn in enemies, to allow you to test your ship's mettle.

Yes, you have to have constructions that can drill for resources in certain locations to continue refueling, rearming, and continue creating new ships.

You can do it whenever you get the chance to save and exit.

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File: b289ed87b105e41⋯.jpg (74.36 KB,563x624,563:624,hairstyles bc56cfc2eb52cc3….jpg)

Did you go through the trouble of deleting all the words from these images?


I guess whether there is any point to have the build mode depends on how much do you have to commit to something in advance during the campaign. If you need to, say, go and build specific construction in order to build and maintain a certain kind of ship / device, then it'd come in handy to see whether it's worth it, or if you'll be able to afford it in the amount you want. More so if you can't choose which save you load and only have to load the last one.

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File: b50a1c06ac57c6d⋯.png (440.98 KB,634x908,317:454,ozen (28).png)

I went through the trouble of adding transparency to them all as well, only to remember that thumbnail images on 8chan don't recognize it. So I filled in the transparency on the upscaled images with black.

Most people use the build mode exclusively; the factions in the campaign's vessels aren't restricted to Earth's metrics, so replica ships don't usually fair too well against them.

You are shown how much each individual usable block costs, and there's a buildmode that restricts the total usable resources on whatever you plan on building.

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File: f6d4be19c44562d⋯.webm (6.32 MB,800x450,16:9,1.webm)

sleep snug, smug.

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File: 41aaf0094a8eac2⋯.jpg (27.66 KB,508x677,508:677,6a78d1319f0ac401ea127e0ec3….jpg)

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File: 05d81d6c9b0904c⋯.jpg (75.26 KB,638x540,319:270,05d81d6c9b0904c47ddae8a01f….jpg)

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File: 915c0ffeee1161f⋯.jpg (258.78 KB,720x1280,9:16,grab tumblr_peiclikCy11viy….jpg)



Fools, one and all.

Yeah, again, that only justifies having the buildmode, if you can plan ahead of time and not doing so can have consequences in the campaign.


These would, as a matter of fact, probably give Maddie a heart attack.

Also if that means you are going to bed, good night Poppy.



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oh, I'm not going to bed! but thank you!

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File: c8612b1f6787842⋯.gif (1.52 MB,500x222,250:111,1421272312422.gif)


night I guess



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File: feffe861c3268bc⋯.jpg (28.54 KB,480x678,80:113,consider the following 510….jpg)

File: 052cb961ee0282c⋯.jpg (24.29 KB,400x400,1:1,crazy xcmgQMfc.jpg)


I do see! They'd beat him at his own game. He thinks he's hot shit if he can post them in reaction, one at a time, but I'd like to see him handle all that smugness at once.


That's the first time I misinterpreted what you said, I hope it doesn't start happening too often.



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File: 9166173b32a0c8a⋯.jpg (24.31 KB,350x500,7:10,DSIEeT5UIAA7gFT.jpg)

Not really.

There's no planning ahead for some of the things that this game throws at you.

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File: 2ab091def702128⋯.jpg (134.39 KB,1024x768,4:3,2ab091def70212882973cde229….jpg)

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File: a7f6d6ff8659736⋯.jpg (120.86 KB,656x470,328:235,don't abuse me Clipboard04.jpg)

I'd say it is.


>There's no planning ahead for some of the things that this game throws at you.

To be expected.


I'm not sure how you went from >>75224to a heart, especially with the only thing I posted in between being an insane frog…

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File: c84cb5d4fd8c98d⋯.jpg (284.18 KB,960x680,24:17,c84cb5d4fd8c98d7a675fdab8c….jpg)


to fuck with you

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File: 6cb5c86f7c0da4c⋯.jpg (10.64 KB,217x202,217:202,delete this 41402090_18848….jpg)


Fucking with the wrong guy, kid.

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File: b913ce7a6c2d7da⋯.jpg (29.89 KB,329x243,329:243,b913ce7a6c2d7da0f30c218b8e….jpg)


I don't understand poppy tbh

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File: ab6e24690896a33⋯.jpg (207.28 KB,840x471,280:157,tongue (You) 01.jpg)


She's right here; tell her, not me.

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