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File: 0c986555ce17673⋯.png (33.52 KB,197x195,197:195,0c986555ce176739fff3bc5768….png)

 No.63336 [View All]

it is new thread time

605 posts and 384 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: ba55a8ed7424185⋯.gif (1.61 MB,500x281,500:281,ba55a8ed7424185c9121aa99f6….gif)


I don't have anything to talk about

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File: 6eadd8f53b0fa24⋯.png (470.38 KB,1000x900,10:9,6eadd8f53b0fa2413fe70a5ec8….png)


's fine ^.^

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File: 6cda530220ceafa⋯.jpg (360.19 KB,1000x753,1000:753,1496816033781.jpg)


I am never going to be good ;_;

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Nonsense! n _n/)))

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File: ef2c709b48f411b⋯.jpg (83.74 KB,1000x620,50:31,fc1ab912d52d33c23106a31f94….jpg)



I should have started when I was younger

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File: 6eadd8f53b0fa24⋯.png (470.38 KB,1000x900,10:9,6eadd8f53b0fa2413fe70a5ec8….png)


Well that much is true I suppose.

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File: 6294bb82b468b57⋯.png (408.44 KB,1444x1500,361:375,3e88dbf66f52ddce7782098933….png)


you really like that cow

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Ehe. I post her fairly often so I forgot I posted her just then. SIlly me.

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be back in a bit

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Ahh, oki, stay safe :3

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back now

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Aha, welcome back!

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Gotta walk the hound.

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yeah, doing gesture drawings now



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File: 02cf1c26bdd1926⋯.jpg (302.57 KB,1365x865,273:173,angry dog noises 02cf1c26b….jpg)


Ahh, enjoy!

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File: 6e4c2bf349c9675⋯.jpg (82.55 KB,980x968,245:242,DGX8s8TU0AAB4lK.jpg)

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File: c684d3cf4297bde⋯.jpg (62.34 KB,544x800,17:25,7a0ae7e0153f44d2d512091138….jpg)

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File: 942a6c13f0feeea⋯.gif (809.45 KB,480x270,16:9,discovered Hide 001.gif)


The anon returns.



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should I do one more set?

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File: 4b3ddc9cabd88b4⋯.jpg (22.05 KB,500x352,125:88,drinking CRo2jgHUwAANs2C.jpg)

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How'd it go? :3c

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okay, i guess

60 and done

need something else to draw

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Wah, sixty pics?

Hmmm, I see.

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and I'll to 60 a day for the last few days now

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Dice rollRolled 141 (1d364)


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Yuss. Good lad n_n

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File: c919dfdcb48ec39⋯.png (482.02 KB,391x716,391:716,50.png)


so I drew this from imagination a few weeks ago

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Maybe it wasn't actually an anon after all.


Ahh, I see. It looks like a Sanic character, but with a cock coming out of her mouth.

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yeah, don't really need what I was going for

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File: 0b46a80d0755f70⋯.webm (1.9 MB,176x144,11:9,Nirvana - Smells Like Tee….webm)


Mhmm, I sorta figured.

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File: 2f5406d2f52ec05⋯.webm (7.59 MB,640x360,16:9,NFS2SE-long.webm)


Aww, shhh!

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well, I have some ideas

good night mouse, if I don't see you again

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You might, but it depends on when you get back I suppose. Good night if not.

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I am here now, just trying to get the ideas on paper

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Ahhh I see. What idea then?

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the book said to draw some birds on power lines, and I want to some ntr of >>63972 because I hate the cunt that keeps posting her

also I need to work on some thumbnails for comics

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>and I want to some ntr of >>63972 because I hate the cunt that keeps posting her

Oh xwx What if he enjoys NTR though…

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then we know is the not worthy of carrying shit, and deserves to die slowly and painfully

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File: 534e861ccbc9876⋯.png (2.78 MB,1500x2099,1500:2099,73b9363038e13a7a9623bce245….png)


what are you laughing about?

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I dunnu.

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File: b4677db0ef33595⋯.png (4.5 KB,500x250,2:1,Oekaki.png)

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File: f0729daed1d4104⋯.webm (6.38 MB,480x360,4:3,Warren Zevon/Wanted Dead ….webm)

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File: b4677db0ef33595⋯.png (4.5 KB,500x250,2:1,Oekaki.png)

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File: b4677db0ef33595⋯.png (4.5 KB,500x250,2:1,Oekaki.png)

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File: 08d373ce574b63d⋯.png (7.31 KB,500x250,2:1,Oekaki.png)

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