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File: e043ac59ddf9f31⋯.gif (4.28 MB,600x338,300:169,love is in the air giphy.gif)

 No.18969 [View All]

You boys are slacking off again, time for a new bread!

479 posts and 309 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: f1b0b4d0e02a330⋯.png (654.4 KB,643x900,643:900,__heroine_x_heroine_z_and_….png)

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File: ddba298bbc29ea1⋯.png (13.59 KB,400x400,1:1,tumblr_n7vyol9rn81qz6y3go1….png)

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File: 2037cd11149bbbe⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,1600x933,1600:933,__master_artoria_and_saber….jpg)

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File: 4226b7df725dae0⋯.jpg (126.9 KB,1024x710,512:355,ufoaleman10_01.jpg)

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File: 8596e568546383c⋯.jpg (284.87 KB,454x645,454:645,__master_artoria_and_saber….jpg)

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File: c35f0bf922c5b3a⋯.jpg (145.14 KB,1024x717,1024:717,ufoaleman10_05.jpg)

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File: 67d235cc8e3ae88⋯.png (1.04 MB,1226x1750,613:875,__master_artoria_and_saber….png)

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File: 79776a36ce8595a⋯.jpg (58.21 KB,1024x339,1024:339,ufoaleman10_06.jpg)

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File: 977792e2889dd54⋯.png (1.21 MB,900x1273,900:1273,__master_artoria_and_saber….png)

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File: 9cab7ace1bcdcdf⋯.jpg (75.99 KB,1024x425,1024:425,ufoaleman10_07.jpg)

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File: 16bcebb0c505970⋯.png (774.75 KB,581x1000,581:1000,__master_artoria_saber_and….png)

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File: da8578eb311af86⋯.jpg (42.3 KB,1024x270,512:135,ufoaleman10_08.jpg)

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File: 2f5cf59de66ab16⋯.jpg (388.91 KB,752x1062,376:531,__mordred_and_saber_of_red….jpg)

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File: 22fc3c94995c5b4⋯.jpg (141 KB,723x1024,723:1024,uJRf5Hz.jpg)

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File: f936b6d5fc7659e⋯.jpg (2.63 MB,2480x3508,620:877,__mordred_and_saber_of_red….jpg)

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File: cb4147502868667⋯.jpg (49.61 KB,700x707,100:101,Umaru Merchant.jpg)

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File: fc7986fb7c7fbe6⋯.png (349.13 KB,607x939,607:939,__olga_marie_and_saber_fat….png)

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File: 30d036dfa24cb67⋯.png (509.35 KB,916x566,458:283,umarusiegheil.png)

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File: d0c2e8931d54d9e⋯.jpg (22.91 KB,308x500,77:125,__pon_de_lion_and_saber_fa….jpg)

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File: c97d62334868816⋯.jpg (94.92 KB,900x434,450:217,universe-brain.jpg)

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File: b54504d596da543⋯.jpg (307.67 KB,700x1042,350:521,__saber_2006_fifa_world_cu….jpg)

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File: 611f36aba7bea83⋯.jpg (487.73 KB,2000x1500,4:3,Unleash the Slav Within Yo….jpg)

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Hey sorry about that I went to pick up a bunch of nitrous, is the video up and ready to go now?>>19259

Was there a waiting period in between re testing or did you want to study up more?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here. Also Im probably gonna record soon again. These faggots are being extremely boring

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kek again

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Heeeyyhyyy iiii

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File: 77f56251d7ec7bc⋯.png (312.34 KB,582x630,97:105,1465155755060.png)


Calm down bro, this isnt a high school hallway

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Is that your voice?

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In an inflected manner to be prejudice towards arabians, yes

My "actual voice" is in the other vids

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I wasn't 100% sure but I guess I should have assumed so. Was pretty funny regardless.

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Yeah sorry I blasted 3 whippits and tried to type


Fuck, one of these days I'll perfect it

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File: 304200a3e5cbfec⋯.jpg (63.62 KB,501x443,501:443,Perfect.jpg)


Do you post often on the chans?

It's not that hard. I kind of think you are doing it on purpose.

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figured as much

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Can you guess which of your 7 subs is me? :^)

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I've only watched the first few minutes so far considering I'm doing nitrous and listening to music but it seems good, I love the background image, you could improve your mudslime voice I gotta say but still great.


Never besides this board and one post on /b/ actually, I've always lurked, have been for years

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>>19488 (checked)

Well so have I…

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File: cbb28ca9e581e1d⋯.gif (597.24 KB,500x281,500:281,tumblr_mv6e6rCzSu1s21xzoo1….gif)


Your subscription is set to private so I cant see it


There's always room for improvement. Thanks though

"Because bomb pussy always makes my dick explode" topkek that's my personal favorite line

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Ok try now

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oh yeah the LP I plan to do soon is more than likely Conker's BFD. That's my favorite N64 title, one of my favorite games even. And I feel like I could really flesh out my smartass/trolly side doing that

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I might just be retarded then, and I promise it's not intentional I'm genuinely this bad at formatting posts.

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Tat Guy Anon with kona-chan as the pic? I thought that was wired's

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File: ca6dd05161e1692⋯.gif (15.79 KB,320x288,10:9,PERFECT!.gif)


Well then I guess I will call you Perfect Format anon from now on.


Nope, guess again.

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I cant see it

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File: 3b48c661bc7bbbc⋯.jpeg (514.31 KB,728x640,91:80,3b48c661bc7bbbce838e8b09b….jpeg)


Need a hint, kek.

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I still couldn't see it

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Do you not have notifications on?

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I saw the comment now, but before that I could not see your sub

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File: 06b4eaa7431c1ab⋯.jpg (30.67 KB,540x746,270:373,1457209705484.jpg)

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Check em, three threes.

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