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/tingles/ - ASMR

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For me so far I've found Leynainu to be the golden standard

TheNicoleT has also started getting really into her licking, and is making videos standalone from her stream (the clips are kind of boring, as she probably can't get away with as much eroticism on there as on Youtube)

Youtube seems to be not entirely embracing but more tolerating erotic ASMR, so it's hard to find channels and videos in the genre when searching and getting suggestions.

So here's to sharing all the ASMR sluts we can find, who don't keep it all on their onlyfans

>tfw can't do clickbait picture from Nicole's video

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

mankillers like those suck real girls are the best

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

example 2

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This is just the visual stimuli I prefer

That's what gives me tingles, stop being a purist

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these girls are just containing their inner sluts to keep face, because of purists like you

I prefer when they just let go, especially when they give it more than that

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its pretty based

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Your recommendation didn’t disappoint! Leynainu gives me all of it <3

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If someone were to make a "ASMRTUBE" with only asmr content, that person would become millionaire.

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