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File: ca5f1e027f97b39⋯.jpg (248.41 KB,1920x3383,1920:3383,4e451536d7b24fe6b7bbadc37a….jpg)


Hey /tg/. I am the DM for my group of players. We started playing Shadowrun under a different GM, but eventually I ended up becoming a GM for an alternate game that is a western using modified Shadowrun rules. It is an alternate history, where the North lost the Civil War, England invaded and conquered New England, and the Republic of Texas and the Confederacy broke off with the Republic of Texas controlling everything west of the Mississippi while the Confederacy itself controls what is east of the Mississippi. The game takes place in Cheyenne, and the only safe way to Cheyenne is through the Union Pacific Railroad Company. Thanks to the actions of my players during session 0, the railroad west of Cheyenne was destroyed and the Indian shamans cast a spell to make it so that no more railroads could be built.

Currently my players are going to be heading into the North to try and meet with the Pawnee tribe to find out who help them destroy the railroad (only one of the two characters who destroyed the rail road is still alive, the rest were killed in the battle before the he destroyed it,)

I'm trying to think of a challenge that will get them out of nowhere. I'm considering making it so that it will be very difficult to survive in the frozen tundra of Montana in the middle of winter, and they are possibly going to get snowed in since again, it's mid-winter when they decide to go shut off on this journey.

The characters we have are as follows

Chaise Elijah Vapeur - Human Australian outlaw and explosives expert

Nalhatin - Navajo Dwarf Pinkerton Agent and Indian Tracker

Sheamus O'Malley - Irish Ork thug

Hades Black - Escaped slave and voodoo magician

What could be challenging for this group I have? I would like some ideas for what to hit my players with this sunday.

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File: b1a88986e601f4a⋯.jpg (33.8 KB,300x562,150:281,I'm out.jpg)

This is a next level of helplessness and spoonfeeding.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


File: 07508e3c2893840⋯.png (196.31 KB,1600x1724,400:431,b771cae640283305d0cd981730….png)

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