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There are FAKE Skial servers not run by us. Type !servers for an official list.

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I'm pretty sure you all remember when this game wasn't free. I kind of sucked at the game then, but I'd trade all of my git gud for the feeling I got playing over five years ago, when the community was less than a circlejerk of autistic slenderman_idle servers. There used to be a lot more community run game servers, but now all I can find between valve sv_pure 1 servers are idle, trade, and slenderman bullshit servers with the occasional horsefucker server. Are there any cozy servers in the US to take shelter from all the cancer? Don't care how good or bad anyone is, just that they aren't brazilian monkeys or autists.

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those days will never come back. get over it and move on.

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Skial is pretty good, if you dont mind bronies. ignore them. freebeer and micsnobs if you can handle the servers not always being populated too.

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Critsandvich is pretty nice, has multiple servers. Good regulars and map variety but has random crits. 24 player limit.

There's also fucked in the head's servers. No random crits, higher skilled regulars. Does have the downside of 32 player limit at peak times and if you curse in chat/voice a mod might scold you.

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Please kill yourself. That mod is shitty and the people who play it are cancer incarnate.

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i'll back both of these

skial servers have a pretty decent crowd and the regulars are pretty fun to play with

csv servers are 'for good people' and are fairly competitive so if you feel like playing a 'serious' pub but you're not in a lobby mood then you'd go to a csv server - although they're full like all of the time

i frequent mit and interrobang servers, and i've had no real problem with the admins (mainly because i'm not an autismal shitstirrer) from either, and the regular playerbase is a nice mix of cannon fodder and good players

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I think the Weeabootique still fills up Friday evenings. It's not much and it's on a different IP now, but it's better than the other chan micspam server.

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