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File: 1416779449942.gif (194.19 KB,450x270,5:3,1407700287646.gif)


Are you all excited for the Engi vs Spy update?
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#TeamSpy all the way
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Spy gets rekt by pyro that is defending engi.
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Shut the fuck up bitch you don't know what you're talking about
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File: 1417062160426.jpg (14.91 KB,1280x720,16:9,gernade launcher.jpg)

How do you guys know that this is even happening?
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>edgelords being tricky
>off the cliff they go
pyro the chemoman
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>they promise new weapons and an sfm short
>the weapons are not delivered because the tf2 beta was scrapped long ago
>the short comes out half assedly by a bunch of community members doing volvo's job for them
>same with the hats
>another journal
>more crates and effects
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File: 1421068827569.png (547.53 KB,640x400,8:5,edgelords.png)

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