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 No.51520 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

For testing cyclical threads!

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 No.1453 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

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 No.85111 [Open thread]


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 No.83007 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]










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Christie Laura Grace


Replying to





1/ I am going to retweet this, just an FYI. For posterity.

"Small non-coding RNAs transfer through mammalian placenta and directly regulate fetal gene expression"


EMA has admitted non coding RNAs exist in the RNA ""vaccines". These are TGA.


Christie Laura Grace




Replying to



and 3 others

2/ I can post more studies.

As I posted in anther thread under one of these videos,we have the regulatory lord and master of the UK medicine division, which is pro vaccine and pro RNA (and pro lockdown), that there are noncoding fragments in the vaccine. So that is proven.

Christie Laura Grace




Replying to



and 3 others

3/ that study I just posted about the fragments, come from plants! We are not even in vaccine world yet! I just posted about a plant. The kind that you eat!

Here is the full report right from the UK website and again, this is not up Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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 No.85100 [Open thread]

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 No.85094 [Open thread]

Have you ever tried your luck with Aviator games at 1 Win Casino? Share your experiences, strategies, and tips for navigating through these thrilling games. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer looking to dive into the world of Aviator, let's discuss the adrenaline-pumping action, big wins, and everything in between. What keeps you coming back for more in these high-flying adventures? Join the conversation and let's explore the excitement together!

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Absolutely! I've had some unforgettable moments playing Aviator games at 1 Win Casino. The rush of adrenaline when the multiplier starts climbing is unmatched. My strategy usually involves starting with smaller bets to get a feel for the game, then gradually increasing as I gain confidence. What keeps me coming back? It's the thrill of chasing those big wins and the excitement of every spin. If you're ready to experience the excitement yourself, check out https://aviatorgamez.in/ and get ready for an adventure like no other!

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Oh wow, that sounds intense! So there's no spinning or anything, just watching that multiplier climb?

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 No.85098 [Open thread]

Korean women's faces

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 No.85097 [Open thread]

Korean women's faces

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 No.85093 [Open thread]

Hey everyone, just started playing Aviator and I'm a bit confused. Is it a slot or something else? It doesn't have reels like traditional slots.

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 No.85092 [Open thread]

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 No.85090 [Open thread]

Hey everyone, I'm neck-deep in my DNP capstone project, and I'm feeling a little lost when it comes to finding good resources. Has anyone used any websites or platforms specifically for DNP capstone project reviews?

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Hey there! It's completely normal to feel a bit overwhelmed when diving into your DNP capstone project. Finding reliable resources is crucial for success. While there are many platforms out there, it's essential to choose ones with reputable reviews and testimonials. One such platform worth checking out is https://www.dnpcapstoneproject.com/testimonials/ They offer valuable insights and feedback specifically tailored to DNP capstone projects. Remember to always cross-reference and verify the credibility of any resources you use. Keep pushing forward, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance or guidance along the way!

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 No.85082 [Open thread]

Hey everyone! I've been searching for a reliable software tool that can help activate multiple versions of Microsoft Windows and Office. Anyone got any recommendations?

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Hey there! When it comes to activating multiple versions of Microsoft Windows and Office, I've found KMS-Full https://kms-full.com/ to be quite reliable. It offers a range of activation solutions for various Windows and Office editions. Plus, it's user-friendly and efficient. Just make sure to download it from a trustworthy source to avoid any potential risks. Always prioritize safety when downloading software. Give it a try and see if it fits your needs!

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It's reliable, offering a range of activation solutions for different editions. It's user-friendly and efficient, but remember to download from a trustworthy source to stay safe. Prioritize safety when downloading software. Give it a shot and see if it suits your needs!

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 No.85087 [Open thread]

Hey folks! I've been curious about OnlyFans lately. Anyone else here familiar with it?

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Hey there! OnlyFans https://thefap.org/ has been gaining a lot of attention lately. It's a platform where creators can share exclusive content with their subscribers for a subscription fee. While it's often associated with adult content, it actually hosts a wide range of content, from fitness tips to cooking tutorials. It's become a popular way for creators to monetize their content directly from their audience. If you're curious about it, feel free to ask any questions you have!

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 No.85083 [Open thread]

Feeling swamped with nursing essays! Has anyone here used a professional writing service? They seem like a quick solution, but I'm unsure about the ethics.

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Hey man, I know exactly what you mean. Writing nursing essays can be a real pain!I was in the same boat until I stumbled upon https://nursingwriting.org/nursing-essay-writing/ Believe me, it was a real breakthrough! Their writing service does not only provide me with a way to escape loads of deadlines but also guarantee me the first-rate quality without violating any ethics. Their experienced specialists supplied custom-written essays made to the highest academic standards in terms of content and formatting. In addition, they are honest about their process, and therefore, you will have peace of mind, as you will know that you are in the right hands. Believe me; they will soothe you if you are feeling overwhelmed!

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 No.85043 [Open thread]

So I got banned in SCUM for (insert transgression here). Feeling desperate, I stumbled upon HWID spoofers online. They claim to bypass hardware bans and let you create a new account. Seems too good to be true, right?

Has anyone tried using HWID spoofers in SCUM? Did it actually work, or is it just a trap waiting to get another perma-ban?

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Getting banned in SCUM can be disheartening. It's understandable to feel desperate and consider using HWID spoofers https://spoofer-hwid.com/ as a solution. These tools promise to bypass hardware bans and provide a fresh start. However, it's crucial to approach them with caution. While it might seem like a tempting solution, there's always a risk involved. It's essential to consider the potential consequences and whether it's worth jeopardizing the integrity of the game. Before making a decision, it's wise to seek advice from other players or explore alternative options for resolving the issue.

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Hey, fellow gamer, I get the frustration of getting banned in SCUM. It's tough not being able to dive into the action.

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