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File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,000ccc.png)

6f20b5 No.20873961 [Last50 Posts]

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6f20b5 No.20873969

International Q Research Threads

>>20545607 —————— Australia #35

>>20842620 —————— Canada #58

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#25601 >>20873119

>>20873593, >>20873695, >>20873741, >>20873772 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med/CONUS

>>20873139, >>20873140, >>20873179 Hunter Biden’s legal defense has a problem: The patron paying the bills is running out of cash


>>20873216 JetBlue passenger confused over mysterious mist on her 4-hour NY-bound flight: ‘Raining in the cabin

>>20873229 EU probes Facebook, Instagram over child protection

>>20873246 Lawyer opens defense of US Sen. Bob Menendez in his corruption trial by blaming his wife

>>20873279, >>20873290, >>20873296 POTUS Truth - Crooked Joe Biden does not want RFK Jr. in the debates because Junior’ is far left him and they would be debating over the same territory, like ridiculous Open Borders and the Green New Scam, both of which are killing our Country. He’s also sharper and far more intelligent than Joe, all making for a bad combination of ingredients.

>>20873280, >>20873282 Michael Cohen's Former Lawyer Shatters His Testimony

>>20873308 North Carolina could ban face masks for medical reasons in public

>>20873330, >>20873463, >>20873790 Something going on in the docs case that is NOT public yet…

>>20873361, >>20873374 Cuba Cash Crunch???

>>20873405, >>20873405, >>20873449 The "mapping of the treasonous parties"

>>20873417 Markup of Report Recommending that the House Cite AG Merrick Garland for Contempt of Congress

>>20873427 Trump hush money trial LIVE: Outside Trump Tower in New York as Michael Cohen resumes testimony

>>20873428, >>20873431, >>20873434, >>20873437, >>20873537, >>20873573, >>20873581, >>20873583, >>20873586, >>20873587, >>20873707 Swamp Meets

>>20873468 Night Owl News Archives


>>20873578 War Room With Steve Bannon AM Edition

>>20873609 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Aurora Georgia

>>20873622, >>20873808 @realDonaldTrump They have no case

>>20873765 NASA

>>20873799 Garland Holds News Conference

>>20873835 Korea's version of NASA to launch on May 27

>>20873898, >>20873927 Slovakia faces ‘civil war’, attempt to kill Prime Minister Robert Fico stems from a combustible political environment

>>20873924 Dow rises to 40,000 for the first time

>>20873958 #25601

#25600 >>20872258

>>20872269 Dough claim

>>20872346 The Banking system of Cuba has reportedly collapsed.

>>20872352 The iconic Mirage hotel-casino on the Las Vegas Strip will shut its doors this summer

>>20872368 Japan's economy skids, complicating BOJ's rate hike plans

>>20872391 The first footage of Vladimir Putin's arrival in China

>>20872432 PF Report: SAM573 C32A 'moneybags' Blinken stopped at Shannon, Ireland for a refuel then on to JBA

>>20872438 Deputy PM says Fico ‘no longer in life-threatening condition’: Robert Fico “is expected to survive” after surgery, his deputy prime minister Tomáš Taraba said


>>20872489 PF Report: Late night SAMs back to JBA

>>20872490 Putin China Visit Live

>>20872495 🇷🇺🇨🇳 Chinese servicemen salute Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing

>>20872526 Christine Serrano Glassner Discusses Her Run For Senate In New Jersey. Wife of Michael Glassner and sister of Mark Serrano, a legend in marketing

>>20872587 Chinese Junk Bonds Jump to Three-Year High on Property Stimulus

>>20872605 Two illegal aliens in a box truck tried to break into Marine Corps Base Quantico. One was a Jordanian national who illegally crossed the border & one was on the terrorist watch list.

>>20872658 Here are pictures of Donald Trump Jr. during his visit to Canada for the Rumble and Rebel News event in Toronto.

>>20872672 Russian-Chinese ties are not a threat to other nations – Putin (RT)

>>20872689, >>20872841 Australian healthcare provider victim to large-scale ransomware attack

>>20872717 FBI STUDY: More Law Enforcement Officers “Feloniously Killed” Under Biden/Garland DOJ Than in Any Other 3-year Period in Past 20 Years

>>20872734 IDF announces 5 soldiers killed, 7 injured in ‘friendly fire’ case in northern Gaza

>>20872744 Florida man stunned to learn he’s not a US citizen after voting, paying taxes for over 60 years: ‘I acted like a regular citizen’

>>20873110 #25600

#25599 >>20871499

>>20871541 Winnipeg lab hearings: Trudeau let two agents of the Communist dictatorship in Beijing infiltrate Canada's top microbiology lab

>>20871550, >>20871572 Texts between Cohen and Maggie Haberman of NYT (2/13/18)

>>20871575 148 Democrats just voted against a bill to detain and deport illegal aliens who assault law enforcement officers

>>20871609 Keep an eye on Auto Insurance, it's currently the cause of nearly half of all annual Supercore inflation

>>20871612 Australia's PM Scott Morrison: Was pleased to meet with former President Donald Trump on Tuesday night at his private residence in NY

>>20871623 Alexander Soros and the International Renaissance Foundation

>>20871651, >>20871712 Live: Pro-Palestine Protesters in NYC / Irvine, California

>>20871654 The judge overseeing multiple 2022 midterm election challenges in Harris County, Texas has ordered a Redo for the 180th District Court judicial race

>>20871689 Tennessee governor OKs bill allowing death penalty for child rape convictions

>>20871691 Slovakian PM 'still fighting in hospital' in major update on attempted assassination

>>20871711 UW Gaza camp ringleader identified as former Seattle Times columnist Aziz Junejo

>>20871713 PF: Blinken departs Rzeszow, Poland after ‘secret’ trip, Slovenia AF returns to capital of Ljubljana after attempt on PM departed Riyadh quickly and stopped in Albania

>>20871718 Mollie Hemingway: You Can't Have A Future In The Republican Party If You Are Not Speaking Out About Lawfare Against Trump

>>20871734 Silvana Casale has worked with autistic kids for 25 years - in almost every case, it was vaccine induced

>>20871738 When you play by their own rules, they still get mad

>>20871747, >>20871660 Bag of Cocaine Discovered Inside U.S. Capitol Police Headquarters

>>20871788 Interior Dept staffer becomes first Jewish Biden appointee to publicly resign over war in Gaza

>>20871840 Australia: Jewish community furious after police refuse to charge tourist over 'October 7' jersey

>>20871846 Taiwan's president joins drag queens celebrating RuPaul win

>>20871858, >>20871894, >>20871758 Biden and Trump agree to presidential debates on June 27 and Sept 10

>>20871860 Oversight Committee Chairman Comer says House has enough votes to hold Garland in contempt

>>20871883 iPhone iOS 17.5 update makes users’ old deleted photos, nudes reappear

>>20871887 Eduardo Verastegui: "Democrats Don't Care About Your Children"

>>20871890 A citizen read from a pornographic book available to students in @NEISD, one board member responds: "This is revolting… this is in our schools?!"

>>20871913 Stock shorting explained

>>20871919 In a landmark decision, a Bexar County visiting judge has ordered a new election for the 180th District Court seat in Harris County, Texas

>>20871940 Biden advances $1 billion in arms for Israel amid Rafah tensions after saying he would not

>>20871960 UK: Sex education to be banned for children under 9 as ministers finally get tough on 'extreme, sexualising and inaccurate' content

>>20871967 Maryland Senate primary: Alsobrooks defeats Trone in race for Democratic nomination; Hogan wins GOP nod

>>20871999 PF: SPAR82 G5 leaving JBA after Combatant Commanders dinner with Potato and Flauxtus

>>20872097 Kat Cammack Grills Dem Witness Over Fundraising Of Alvin Bragg & Letitia James After Charging Trump

>>20872141 DJT: Turning Point is a GREAT Organization doing critical work to Get Out The Vote, and make our Victory TOO BIG TO RIG

>>20872144 Sinaloa cartel member arrested in Washington with wild haul of gold-plated guns, pounds of cocaine and $182,000 in cash

>>20872185 JD Vance, Tuberville, Malliotakis Rip Trump's Hush Money Trial As Michael Cohen Testifies

>>20872248 #25599

Previously Collected

>>20869862 #25596, >>20870620 #25597, >>20871484 #25598

>>20867431 #25593, >>20868233 #25594, >>20869023 #25595

>>20868233 #25594, >>20869023 #25595, >>20869862 #25596

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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6f20b5 No.20873977

File: 14af333fa871bc2⋯.mp4 (5.31 MB,480x270,16:9,no_case.mp4)



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680360 No.20873984

>>20873983 lb

>But you keep protecting the Jews.

>>20873955 lb

>Do you have to appear so desperate?

I thought the Jesuits were conversos?

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4785ea No.20873985

File: 26dfcaa3430b0d7⋯.jpg (13.9 KB,255x255,1:1,5e442cc63419aa0678e8890c7c….jpg)

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5a5bd3 No.20873986

File: 304de0efee80404⋯.png (210.77 KB,612x378,34:21,tyb_cat.png)

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5e9309 No.20873987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Report Recommending U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland for Contempt of Congress


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cd92e6 No.20873989

File: 7c065dd12635945⋯.jpg (92.77 KB,736x548,184:137,20210826_112643.jpg)

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43d9ed No.20873992


nice ring haha mason dickhead

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64f00d No.20873993

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)



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680360 No.20873995


>No, I don't believe you did.

The muh joo shill doesn't call the Jesuits Jews? Seems like a pretty easy fucking connection.

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1583b0 No.20873996

They will not be able to walk down the street

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24009a No.20873997

File: 6b82b98876f7d58⋯.jpg (756.57 KB,970x1210,97:121,Screenshot_20240516_081759….jpg)


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64f00d No.20873999

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)



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5e9309 No.20874000

Anyone else notice all the democrats have shinese handlers behind them?

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c305a7 No.20874001

File: a94063f9a4f57d6⋯.jpeg (723.88 KB,1179x1476,131:164,6AFFAB79_4B68_4ED9_AA53_B….jpeg)

>>20872748 (PB)

re: turpentine nasal swabbing

fucking trust me

just make sure it is 100% pure

you are looking for something like picrel

the burn means it's working

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07e6ff No.20874002

File: 51cce575ccd3917⋯.webm (1.15 MB,427x240,427:240,as_above.webm)

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71b74f No.20874004

File: 69694a1468331ea⋯.jpg (51.43 KB,758x488,379:244,pputghvrf.jpg)

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24009a No.20874005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a0be18 No.20874007

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de54b6 No.20874009

https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/20873114.html#q20873390 LB

Notable and missed last bread

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51ba03 No.20874010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


tyb & chekt

Mind Over Mind IV (all material goodies fall apart) - Akira the Don & Alan Watts

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9985ec No.20874012

File: 7442c3754439fe8⋯.gif (981.79 KB,500x241,500:241,0000000000000000000009.gif)


do do do-do…

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680360 No.20874013


So it's just jews in your opinion, no catholics, muslims or protestants involved?


>I don't believe that you believe it's the Vatican.

Got it, that's fucking insane, it's all of them.

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9985ec No.20874014

File: 944bac495245c25⋯.png (1.86 MB,1896x1008,79:42,lnaz.png)

File: 70d7a02f03f2490⋯.png (995.06 KB,1360x854,680:427,murdoch_follow_wives.png)

File: 150c8e36d7d6038⋯.png (1.1 MB,1358x948,679:474,murdoch_follow_wivesb.png)

File: f1101c85fac5d20⋯.png (960.45 KB,1374x904,687:452,murdoch_follow_wivesc.png)

File: 5eb805da5b36c49⋯.png (616.35 KB,998x704,499:352,rupertmurdochpapalknight5.png)


do do do-do...

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680360 No.20874015


> it's all of them.

and none of them

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1583b0 No.20874017

File: b1af40def9f321a⋯.jpg (82.88 KB,500x506,250:253,shill_vs_shill.jpg)




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64f00d No.20874019

File: 69b79f30f5359f8⋯.png (1.36 MB,1068x712,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)



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56c730 No.20874020

File: 60f96b9e066e69f⋯.jpeg (49.89 KB,211x308,211:308,IMG_3683.jpeg)



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680360 No.20874022


>I do believe it's the Jews.

What if it was just the Levites and they run the Vatican too?

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c7b824 No.20874024

File: df24eab13aaf0eb⋯.jpeg (254.01 KB,975x975,1:1,ABFB212C_B8CB_45AC_9979_3….jpeg)

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680360 No.20874025


>they run the Vatican too?

and Islam…

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f43c5c No.20874028

Just when I was on another roll.

Oh well, at least I got it down so I could read it. What was it you might ask?

God said when mankind was close to discovering the secrets of life he'd return.

What are the odds his Son has been on earth, not knowing he was the Son of God, and it takes our DNA being in distress to wake him? Remember we're all related to the same initial mother and father. Our DNA is intertwined. How cool would that be, the Son of God being a normal man, not someone who demands that he's worshipped, like Charley 'fat fingers, happy camilla' Mountbatten, soon to be ousted king of the u.k.

Does any of that make sense? AI, please don't comment, I know a soulless response when I read one.

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c7b824 No.20874030

File: 4ac217c8178b38d⋯.gif (1.84 MB,320x180,16:9,BE21E2CD_5BA6_44B1_A0A1_85….gif)


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f43c5c No.20874031


Hello. Can we inflict pain now? I've got a lot i'd love to give away to those that need it.

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6a9ab0 No.20874034

File: 8475cc2b1931ce0⋯.jpg (68.66 KB,556x493,556:493,GREEN_LITE_GO.jpg)

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680360 No.20874035

File: 26165bc01580b6a⋯.jpg (12.95 KB,278x181,278:181,download.jpg)


>Dig and decode on the Eye of Providence

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308173 No.20874037

File: 873033cc27321a4⋯.png (690.62 KB,640x427,640:427,ClipboardImage.png)

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f43c5c No.20874038





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39e582 No.20874040

File: 82d466882820c18⋯.png (1.52 MB,865x1000,173:200,82d466882820c1814c798752fb….png)


Thank you Baker!!!

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67cd20 No.20874041

File: 9687eb278068c95⋯.png (1.16 MB,500x1041,500:1041,ClipboardImage.png)

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64f00d No.20874042

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)





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660a96 No.20874043

File: 38bd602476dd8c2⋯.png (457.83 KB,1024x491,1024:491,alien8c25b2886a755345fe504….png)

File: 5bbcce6a74ca73c⋯.jpg (38.49 KB,828x659,828:659,ayy6e95cfff18234645fa6fb59….jpg)




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fe4cff No.20874046

Yep, Todd Blanche ran a psyc-op on Alvin and his team on Tuesday. You know, a little Sun Tzu, appeared weak when he was strong and diverting Alvin to prepare for today. Today TODD BLANCH has Cohen in a cauldron with no escape.

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d78d1d No.20874047

Fuck the IP-hoppinng Vatican shill faggot!

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f43c5c No.20874050


God needs to be in the car picking up fertilizer for his garden at the moment.

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680360 No.20874052



Maccabees pftt


You might be scared and confused.

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f43c5c No.20874055


Phaggets being pissy to each other. Why?

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680360 No.20874056


> Why?

We're really fucking bored.

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cd92e6 No.20874058

File: 3aa516dde20dd64⋯.jpg (114.04 KB,1242x720,69:40,Biwi.jpg)

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660a96 No.20874060




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5e9309 No.20874062




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eec37f No.20874063

debate triumph trumps unattainable Riker' perp walk – they got him now…, charismatic ole rich man of north east engrish 3eyes wins

roaring crowds irrelevant

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5e9309 No.20874067


>Can we inflict pain now?

Yes plesae start posting truthful memes especially to "their" time lines and show the world the truth. BERRY PAINFUL FOR 'EM

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72f237 No.20874072

File: 5a8bd0acf62bb69⋯.jpg (1.56 MB,1440x3040,9:19,Screenshot_20240516_103545….jpg)



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5e9309 No.20874074

File: 2dee8fa4f0a3a34⋯.png (303.46 KB,720x348,60:29,ClipboardImage.png)


>Eye of Providence

most likely a reference to the third eye in your head, it is an eye… wonder what it sees?

>You just dont know the truth, but you need to

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f43c5c No.20874077


Ever stick your finger into a place where you wish you hadn't?

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43d9ed No.20874080

File: 192ab4202a4c4bb⋯.jpg (298.93 KB,640x840,16:21,gustave_dore_wandering_jew.jpg)


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56c730 No.20874081


D.C. is only a tentacle

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f43c5c No.20874082


Bannon looks like a drunk.

Not a good look. If he doesn't drink, he needs to work out more. He looks much older than 34.

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c7b824 No.20874083

File: 12b1336af54c3af⋯.jpeg (547.72 KB,828x587,828:587,6EA75D1E_E155_4FE4_9FD9_C….jpeg)

File: 6ae67acc6f61f23⋯.jpeg (207.15 KB,828x1027,828:1027,913C9F82_73CF_4290_BCB2_1….jpeg)

Banks Remain Financially Committed to Oil Despite Transition Shift

* The world’s 60 largest banks have invested $6.9 trillion in the oil and gas industry since the Paris Agreement was signed in 2016.

* Oil Change International reported, $3.3 trillion went towards expanding the production of hydrocarbon energy.

* Worse still for climate NGOs, funding for fracking increased last year as well, reaching $59 billion.

There is no large international bank without a net-zero plan. These plans invariably include curbs in lending to the oil and gas industry. Yet despite these plans. Most of the world’s top lenders continue doing business with the oil industry—and they’ve been doing more of it lately.

The revelation comes from the 15th annual Banking on Climate Chaos report authored by an organization called Oil Change International, part of a group of climate NGOs committed to putting an end to the oil and gas industry. According to this report, the world’s 60 largest banks have invested $6.9 trillion in the oil and gas industry since the Paris Agreement was signed in 2016, marking the official start of the global net-zero shift. Of this, Oil Change International reported, $3.3 trillion went towards expanding the production of hydrocarbon energy.

This is bad enough news from the climate NGO perspective, certainly, but it is not the only bad news. What’s worse than a total of $6.9 trillion in hydrocarbon investment is an investment of $705 billion for 2023 alone—with some segments of the industry seeing increases in bank funding. This, in a world with a net-zero agenda, should not be happening, especially when banks are making decarbonization pledges and officially shrinking their business dealings with oil and gas producers. Yet not all of them are doing it.

Oil Change International, for lack of other tools, uses naming and shaming to sound the alarm of banks financing oil and gas, calling what it sees as the worst net-zero offenders “The Dirty Dozen”. Those are led by JP Morgan, which invested $430.9 billion in the oil and gas industry between 2016 and 2023. At number two, we have Citi, with oil and gas exposure of $396.3 billion for the period, followed by Bank of America, which invested $333.3 billion between the signing of the Paris Agreement and last year.

The “Dirty Dozen” also includes lenders such as Barclays, MUFG, Scotiabank, and HSBC, as well as RBC and the report includes a lot of language aimed at making these banks feel embarrassed about their business practices. What it doesn’t do is ask the question that this information begs: why are banks investing so much in oil and gas?

The answer, of course, lies in the financial reports of oil companies and news reports such as the one that Global Witness released this February, stating Big Oil majors paid their shareholders a record $111 billion in dividends on the back of record profits for 2022. Those record profits were driven by the energy crunch in Europe that highlighted the importance of energy security in a way that everyone could understand—except climate NGOs, it appears. The Oil Change International report says that financing for liquefied natural gas increased last year, hitting $120.9 billion. From their perspective, this must be a worrying trend. From the perspective of the banks themselves, this is good business—because demand for LNG is on the rise with Europe switching from pipelines to LNG carriers. Even record electricity generation from wind and solar in 2023 did not depress demand for liquefied gas.




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cb263a No.20874084

File: 8b7fa5e9684633d⋯.jpg (120.07 KB,720x992,45:62,20240516_080911.jpg)

File: 201b6f1f203de86⋯.jpg (37.53 KB,947x484,947:484,20240516_080629.jpg)

File: 248fad88213a5cd⋯.jpg (140.62 KB,1124x1513,1124:1513,20240516_080802.jpg)

File: dc9b41cd93ff8cb⋯.jpg (132.74 KB,1124x1038,562:519,20240516_080808.jpg)

File: 0bdeae2ebbd3d0e⋯.jpg (80.96 KB,1125x1041,375:347,20240516_080807.jpg)


The official account of the City of Kansas City just tried to doxx their kicker over politics

Fire whoever sent out this tweet

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56c730 No.20874085

File: a81be0207555a69⋯.gif (232.11 KB,480x320,3:2,IMG_3688.gif)




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308173 No.20874087

File: defda6e4df84bda⋯.png (673.13 KB,780x439,780:439,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2266141af4fd214⋯.png (2.55 MB,1180x885,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 356ef35590c41bf⋯.png (462.65 KB,620x349,620:349,ClipboardImage.png)

Chunk of space debris lands in Sask. farm field

May 15, 2024

As a farmer in rural Saskatchewan, Barry Sawchuk is used to removing rocks and weeds from his fields.

But he recently discovered a two-metre wide, 40-kilogram heap of twisted, burnt metal.

"My oldest son and I were out driving around just checking fields," said Sawchuk, who farms near Ituna, Sask., about 250 kilometres southeast of Saskatoon. "We came across this object. We thought originally it was just garbage."

Sawchuk said the multiple layers of charred composite fibres and webbing made him suspect it was space debris.

"But I had no idea. I don't build spaceships for a living. I farm," he said.

A group of astronomy professors heard about the case and, after agreeing that it was space debris, decided to try to figure out where it came from. Based on the date and location, they connected it to a rocket from private company SpaceX that flew back in February.

University of Regina astronomy professor Samantha Lawler, one of those working with Sawchuk, noted large chunks of metal from space have recently been found in Australia and Washington state, and one smashed through the roof on a house in Florida.

Lawler said space launches and re-entries are now a daily occurrence, so the risk of serious damage or death is increasing rapidly.

"It's really just luck. If that had hit in the middle of Regina or, yeah, New York City, it very easily could have killed someone," she said.

Lawler and others say some countries have rules regarding space debris, but they were written before anyone imagined private companies joining the space race. She said better regulations are urgently needed.

"The aggregate effects of all of these satellites and all of these re-entries need to be considered more carefully. This will be tested in the very near future. It's really unfortunate how this is evolving," she said.

No one from SpaceX or the Canadian Space Agency could be reached for comment. So far, the company hasn't come to claim the debris from Sawchuk.

Sawchuk said once spring seeding is done on the farm, he has plans for his new treasure.

"Here in Ituna, Saskatchewan, we're in the process of building a [hockey] rink. I think, if I can, I'm going to sell it. Some of the proceeds will go to the rink," he said. "That's where I was born and raised, so why not?"


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7294f1 No.20874089

Muh Daily GM





GM Frens, anons, shills, feds, alphabets

May the Good Guys have a blessed day; may those of you who are evil, have a really really really bad day! Point of fact, may the wrathe of Almighty God be upon you who are evil.


now pass the covfefe please





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a3364f No.20874090

Media silence on this US plane disintegrating in flight! Seems like a big deal.


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c7b824 No.20874091

File: c8f374ff1c92d07⋯.png (167.12 KB,435x419,435:419,62815BDF_19AC_4576_8ADE_F6….png)

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f43c5c No.20874092


Funny. Ironiccally funny. Every post I make is notable, but it's never noted. When you guys learn who you've been speaking to on here, you're gonna need a change of rectal cavities, the one you have now will explode. :-} teehee jajaja

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c7b824 No.20874097

File: 4fdd92b74c50ea8⋯.gif (1.05 MB,400x213,400:213,AC3BDEC5_A16F_4780_B6E2_9E….gif)


Instead of complaining constantly (like that’ll ever stop)

Offer to bake

Just sayin’

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a3364f No.20874098



Make Lynching Great Again!

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35596d No.20874100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nasty-Looking Sunspots, Sun-Moon-Earthquake Connection | S0 News May.16.2024



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d51620 No.20874103

File: 852a62b564885cf⋯.png (73.87 KB,713x572,713:572,DJIA_40K.png)

Dow Jones Industrial Average Tops 40000 for the First Time

The recession that so many economists anticipated has remained out of sight, giving investors hope that stocks can keep climbing

By Karen Langley

May 16, 2024 10:32 am ET


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56c730 No.20874105


It appears as a lamb like Christ, but actually speaks “like a dragon”—Satan. This beast, through its head, the pope, crowned the various heads of state as emperors of the “holy” Roman Empire.

Through succeeding restorations, Catholic popes conferred the title of Holy Roman Emperor to Charlemagne (800), Otto the Great (962), Charles V (1520) and Napoleon (1804).

The most recent revival was the German-Italian alliance (under Hitler and Mussolini), which tried to unite Europe by force in the 1930s and 1940s. Adolf Hitler considered Nazi Germany an extension of past German-dominated revivals of the Holy Roman Empire, while Benito Mussolini saw himself as a modern “Caesar” over a revived Roman Empire.

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7ee37c No.20874106

File: 3cf77f6aad3c02e⋯.gif (1.01 MB,400x225,16:9,941A8B12_BBCF_4319_B6C7_23….gif)


Maybe if you posted something other than an illegible thumbnail you might get traction.

Can’t fucking read it for fuck’s sake.

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a60b44 No.20874107

File: de4adff2e2b80e3⋯.png (131.89 KB,535x642,5:6,ClipboardImage.png)


you think your spam will stop it

that's cute

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5e9309 No.20874109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reminder: (You) are also made from animal



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fc2062 No.20874110

The "good Jews" became Christians and are no longer referred to as Jews.

Those people who continue to call themselves Jews are really worshipers of Satan because they actively deny Jesus as their Promised Messiah.

Don't believe me? Ask them.

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a3364f No.20874111


Probably because he's 70, numb nuts. He has rosacea, which causes red splotches on the face.

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c3bac2 No.20874112


She won.

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62df67 No.20874114


>Not a good look.

faggot detected

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d00967 No.20874115


(((They))) are soulless husks of humans inhabited by demons.

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5bfd31 No.20874116

File: 68f08b23a6fdee1⋯.png (778.68 KB,664x969,664:969,Screenshot_20240312_092452….png)

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5e9309 No.20874118

If you stare into the abyss, the abyss will stare back.

If you stare longer, the abyss will bow down.

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c3bac2 No.20874119

File: 947e09cf4bef899⋯.png (460.74 KB,834x536,417:268,Bling_Nigger_2.png)

File: 85b7c08c022cbd3⋯.png (351.04 KB,776x449,776:449,Gold_Nigger.png)

Why are they like this

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c7b824 No.20874120

File: b7369fd7d1e32f1⋯.gif (2.87 MB,640x390,64:39,D46B2438_D018_4049_9ABC_BA….gif)


Your ego is off the charts phaggit


Ask me (again) if I care about your own created problems

Every single post is “I,me,me,me,me”

Just shut the fuck up already

Goddam crybaby

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72f237 No.20874122

File: 2acb11e5cefc291⋯.jpg (353.87 KB,1416x2565,472:855,Screenshot_20240516_105055….jpg)

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efcb2b No.20874123

File: c3b1208f7c8c33a⋯.png (1.25 MB,1200x884,300:221,hillary_in_purple.png)

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72f237 No.20874124



U.S. Navy JAG investigators arrested special counsel Robert Hur on treason charges on Wednesday. The late Merrick Garland and DOJ had appointed Hur to determine whether illegitimate President Joseph R. Biden mishandled classified documents while serving as vice president under his liege, Barack Hussein Obama, a JAG source told Real Raw News.

“The corruption didn’t end with Garland’s hanging,” our source revealed. “We’ve been monitoring Hur closely since he took over the case. The discovery of a garage full of classified documents, which Biden lacked the authority to declassify unlike President Trump, raised suspicions of a potential cover-up.”

When Hurr, a Republican, declared that Biden had committed no crime, calling him an innocent “elderly man with a poor memory,” JAG deepened its probe against what they believed to be a Deep State plant who probably never glanced at the Biden documents and worked the case only to avoid the appearance of biased impropriety.

Our source disclosed that JAG has gathered compelling evidence, including a recorded phone conversation between Hur and someone sounding like Biden. In the conversation, they appeared to mock the investigation, with Hur stating, “I’ll stage a convincing performance and find a solid reason to clear you.” Biden allegedly responded, “You do that, my friend, and you’ll be rewarded. I knew you’d play ball.”

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72f237 No.20874125

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72f237 No.20874126


We’ve had sufficient evidence to arrest him for a while,” our source said.

The timing of Hur’s arrest coincided with Biden asserting executive privilege to block the release of several audio recordings of his interviews with Hur.

“It’s obvious why Biden wants those kept secret,” our source said. “We’re planning to move on Hur anyway, but when we found out Biden was going to invoke executive privilege, we moved Hur’s indictment to the top of the pile.”

On Wednesday evening, investigators traveled to Hur’s New York City townhouse, but he wasn’t home. They then made a surprise visit to his swanky Chevy Chase, Maryland, domicile and, with weapons drawn, kicked down a rear door.

Hur, wearing only a bathrobe, was lying on the sofa with his eyes glued to homosexual pornography on a flatscreen television affixed to the wall.

“Why am I not surprised,” one investigator quipped as he tossed a copy of a military arrest warrant on Hur’s lap.

With a confident scowl, Hur said, “I was expecting company, but not you. I don’t know who sent you, but I have presidential immunity against prosecution.”

The investigators, our source said, cuffed Hur and seized from the household more incriminating evidence, including child pornography.

“They’ll have to keep an eye on this guy at GITMO. The guards there have no love for pedos,” our source said.

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a60b44 No.20874127

it's going to be fucking glorious

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5e9309 No.20874128


Joe Biden's Most Awkward Gaffes of the Year


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72f237 No.20874130

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d78d1d No.20874134


kek! The idea that Bannon is a 34-year-old millennial is sending me rn.

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5a5bd3 No.20874136

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB,398x442,199:221,pepe_5.png)


Not a Gaffe, but a Freudian slip…

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853c6d No.20874138


We're gonna need a bigger scaffold.

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894f49 No.20874140

File: ea4a57fbbd3fc6a⋯.png (310.46 KB,583x593,583:593,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31ee62eb870ee6b⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB,1256x696,157:87,yestheydid.mp4)

🚨The National Institutes of Health admits to funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China🚨

@RepDLesko: "Did NIH fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through EcoHealth?"

Dr. Tabak: “If you're speaking about the generic term, yes, we did”


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c7b824 No.20874142

File: bbedaa95f75030a⋯.gif (3.1 MB,498x280,249:140,A231EB56_BCB9_4945_8BF3_F4….gif)


Represents about 10% of actual trading.

It all goes off in dark pools and brokered sales/buys.

The sheeple see ‘up’ and then don’t care.

Love how they show the humans ‘on the floor’.

They are window dressing nothing moar

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5e9309 No.20874143






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308173 No.20874145

File: 384471f74030dd5⋯.png (2.03 MB,1200x877,1200:877,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf74c5715f41877⋯.png (680.53 KB,700x467,700:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2e352953169ba9⋯.png (620.1 KB,700x467,700:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a8eeddbafa7a37⋯.png (665.57 KB,700x467,700:467,ClipboardImage.png)

72nd ISRS in line with SPAFORGEN model

May 15, 2024

The 72nd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Squadron held a readiness exercise at Peterson Space Force Base, May 8. The exercise focused on practicing mission-essential tasks, training Guardians in a low-threat environment and validating unit readiness for deployments.

“Our Guardians will be able to go through the entire deployment process, from required training to using equipment, as they exercise our mission essential tasks,” said 1st Lt. Wyatt Packard, 72nd ISRS operations flight commander. “This will validate the previous training they undertook in their ‘Prepare Phase’ of [Space Force Generation].”

A framework that the USSF is using to present forces to combatant commands, SPAFORGEN provides force element packaging tailored to meet combatant commander’s requirements.

“SPAFORGEN is the model we use to build readiness. It is based on the straightforward observation that day-to-day space operations do not prepare Guardians for the challenges they will face in a high-intensity combat environment… Under SPAFORGEN, the force elements that comprise combat squadrons and detachments rotate through three phases. During the Prepare Phase, Guardians build expertise in assigned roles. Next comes the Ready Phase where Guardians participate in advanced training to equip them for high-intensity conflict. Guardians then rotate into the Commit Phase as part of a combat squadron or combat detachment. Once complete, they rotate back into the Prepare Phase and begin the process again,” according to Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman in his 26th CSO Notice to Guardians published April 19.

Tech. Sgt. Matthew Hahnrauch, exercise lead and 72nd ISRS operations flight chief, discussed the organizational structure of how the units are designed to operate.

“The goal is to collect radio frequencies, provide electromagnetic support and then conduct reporting,” Hahnrauch said. “The six-person crew is designed with mobility and survivability as a priority. This team structure is designed for 24/7 operations and minimal support from other military forces to accomplish the designed tasks.”

The 72nd ISRS uses Deployed ISR Support Crews, which are modular, agile teams designed for worldwide deployment and operations, Hahnrauch said. They are composed of five components.

“These components are collection apertures, processors, communication suites, data relay and temporary Secure Compartmentalized Information Facilities,” Hahnrauch said. “Each variation of DISC is trained on slightly different equipment and DISCs are scaled up or down depending on the systems they are operating.”

Communication technologies have rapidly advanced in the last 20 years and the need to advance U.S. collection systems has increased.

In cyberspace, the barriers to entry are continually reduced and more actors can enter the domain with relative ease, Hahnrauch said.

Military systems are increasingly disconnected and do not rely on communications and when over-the-horizon communications are required, dedicated military satellite communications are leveraged. This presents opportunities for cyberspace, electromagnetic warfare and space operations.

“Failure to field and employ expeditionary, mobile collection systems will place the joint force at a disadvantage in cyberspace operations, electromagnetic warfare and space operations and degrade our ability to produce the intelligence necessary to drive operations across the spectrum of competition and conflict,” Packard said. “We will continue to execute iterations of this training event with the intent of mission rehearsal for contested environment operations. In the future, we’ll be incorporating more austere components into the exercise to provide a dynamic and mobile collection with the ability to rapidly deploy, maneuver and communicate in a high-end fight. Our capabilities continue to grow and expand.”

The 72nd ISRS is a unit within Space Delta 7, with the mission to provide expeditionary ISR in addition to electromagnetic support to joint and allied partners worldwide.


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7294f1 No.20874149


tea tree oil is a form of turpentine

however using real turpentine on a nasal swab can and will cause blindeness and an eff ton of internal pain. the sinus cavity is very susceptible to chemical burns

neither one will cure allergies. hot steamy baths / showers will flush the sinus cavity. eating proper foods… read the labels. things like gmo, color no. xyz, and shite like that cause the body to reject stuff violently in the form of allergic reactions from rashes to hives to sneezes to etc

my sneeze record is 17 back to back sneezes, ma watched me pass out from sneezing.

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5a5bd3 No.20874151

File: baeb8d57167c9d0⋯.png (492.8 KB,888x499,888:499,shills_durham_shills.png)

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853c6d No.20874153



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a3364f No.20874154


Don't bet on that! The endgame has not even started yet.

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d51620 No.20874157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:25 PM EDT

Vice President Harris Continues her Nationwide Economic Opportunity Tour - Vice President Harris continues her nationwide Economic Opportunity Tour by participating in a moderated conversation with comedian, radio show host, and author DL Hughley.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin



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853c6d No.20874158


Looks like shill means someone posting the truth.

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72f237 No.20874159


forgot about Durham



we're back to flynn again

i think

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07e6ff No.20874160

File: 74118712a6fe11e⋯.png (463.75 KB,600x309,200:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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c3bac2 No.20874162


t'was a joke

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5e9309 No.20874163


>we're back to flynn again


>i think

actually were onto this hearing


>Report Recommending U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland for Contempt of Congress

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71b74f No.20874164

File: fd4a4b1c2ee2a4b⋯.jpg (12.64 KB,474x315,158:105,geqwsfdgk.jpg)

RICHMOND, VA: "A federal appeals court has ruled that parents in Montgomery County can’t remove their elementary school-age children from classes that include books on human sexuality and gender. The parents, Muslim, Catholic, Protestant and Jewish, had asked the court to uphold their religious free-exercise rights to opt their children out of classes where the books were being used. One of the books to which the parents objected, “Pride Puppy,” tells three- and four-year-old students to find images from a vocabulary list including “‘intersex flag,’ ‘drag queen,’ ‘underwear,’ ‘leather,’ and the name of a celebrated LGBTQ activist and sex worker.” Another volume, “Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope,” promoted what attorneys representing the parents said was a “child-knows-best” view of gender transitioning. They claimed teachers were “instructed to say doctors only ‘guess’ when identifying a newborn [child’s]” gender.

Initially, MCPS allowed parents to remove their children from the discussions. But the district, with the backing of the county’s board of education, reversed its policy for the 2023-2024 school year, and would no longer notify parents in advance about readings from the disputed texts.

Two members of a three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond said Wednesday the parents hadn’t made their case for a preliminary injunction against the county’s school district, and couldn’t show that their fears about classroom instruction had been realized."


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c3bac2 No.20874165


>Don't bet

Oh I see what you mean

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853c6d No.20874167


Anyone Senior Executive Service is on their team. The Swamp is SES.

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07e6ff No.20874168

Tired. Need sleep.

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5e9309 No.20874170

>>20874159, >>20874163

Scrath last reply. its bannon atm


>Bannon looks like a drunk.

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fc2062 No.20874172


But they do have a soul and Satan plies for it.

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c7b824 No.20874174

File: a304cccde794531⋯.jpeg (691.95 KB,1181x623,1181:623,BF377588_E702_473C_96D1_3….jpeg)

File: 755e51a282905c0⋯.jpeg (624.67 KB,1106x619,1106:619,DD5C04A5_9FF0_4470_86D8_2….jpeg)

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6a6d32 No.20874175

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

#OTD in 1986, TOP GUN premiered. We are still waiting for TOP GUN Day to be proclaimed a national holiday.


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308173 No.20874176

File: 645d36e24cf3e44⋯.png (100.39 KB,300x195,20:13,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2bd517135768e24⋯.png (68.76 KB,960x640,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

The future space environment

16 May 2024

Our use of space is rapidly evolving. The National Space Operations Centre (NSpOC) is preparing for the future now to ensure the UK is ready for the challenges and opportunities that await.

Powered by a global network of space sensors and a team of dedicated civilian and military analysts, we protect UK interests in space and on Earth, 365 days a year.

Why understanding the future of the space environment matters

The orbital landscape is changing rapidly. Launching spacecraft has become considerably more affordable (there has been a 95% cost reduction from around $65,000/kg to $1,500/kg for heavy launch to Lower Earth Orbit (LEO)).

Couple this with an ever-increasing reliance on satellite data and it’s easy to understand the boom in human-made objects being launched into our orbital environment. The number of active satellites in orbit, as of April 2024, reached over 9,000 and some reports suggest that by 2030, we could have more than 60,000 active satellites in space.

This graph shows the growth in the number of satellites in orbit since 2000. Data is from OECD The Economics of Space Sustainability 2022 and ESA Space Debris ‘by the numbers’.

Understanding the future of space is critical to planning our response to protect UK interests going forwards which is why we’re now developing our future sensor strategy and Space Domain Awareness (SDA) capability.

The four future scenarios

We commissioned InTandem and Raytheon to support us in developing a sensor and data strategy. As part of the strategy, four scenarios have been developed, using the GO-Science futures toolkit, to predict how the space environment might look over the next 10 years.

The Cosmic Bazaar

Growing private investment creates an environment where companies lead the charge, pursuing their own interests and projects independently pioneering their own projects without being tied to central government regulations. It’s a dynamic ecosystem where competition breeds innovation, leading to breakthroughs at every turn.

Corporate Cosmos

In this scenario, major corporations and private space agencies join forces to explore space together. It’s a unified approach where public and private sectors work hand-in-hand, propelling space exploration forward through collaboration and efficiency.

Nebular Nations

Here, governments take the reins, each pursuing their own space agenda independently. It’s a mosaic of different approaches and capabilities, with limited collaboration between nations. Space becomes a geopolitical playing field, with tensions on Earth translating to actions in orbit.

Global Space Directorate

Picture a world where governments unite to shape the future of space. It’s a coordinated effort where international alliances drive exploration and governance. Space isn’t fragmented; it’s a symphony of global collaboration.

We are working with our international partners to determine what the future of space should be.

The future of space

The future of space is filled with possibilities and by understanding these potential scenarios, NSpOC and its partners can better prepare for what lies ahead, ensuring that we continue to protect UK interests on Earth and in space for years to come.


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fc2062 No.20874178


Why do Jews look like White people?

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d51620 No.20874179

File: c56bb7d2975c507⋯.png (94.44 KB,225x407,225:407,bloomberg_ny.png)

File: 6dc82e043f007c7⋯.jpg (6.86 KB,259x194,259:194,Mike_Bloombrg_Terminal.jpg)

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5e9309 No.20874180


>Why do Jews look like White people?

Define "White People"




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a3364f No.20874182


Why would they want to look like unevolved monkey niggers?

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72f237 No.20874184

File: ddff1bcd78b90de⋯.jpg (161.25 KB,1440x1099,1440:1099,Screenshot_20240516_110819….jpg)


>balloon propulsion

flat n covered

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f3e033 No.20874187


Which "White people"?

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c7b824 No.20874188

File: 5db052c01d7367c⋯.jpeg (727.89 KB,1208x580,302:145,8E4D6632_EEEB_4AC9_84D1_1….jpeg)

File: ab6adfe52af6bdd⋯.png (112.5 KB,390x275,78:55,AC641BDE_EC93_4470_97D7_40….png)

>>20873593 lb

Italian AF PERSE71 G550 AEW&C has support from JAKE17 Rivet Joint nao and both ‘protecting’ Warsaw pretty heavily so something going down there or the appearance of it with these two running these defensive patterns

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6a6d32 No.20874190

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAKING: The NIH just ADMITTED to funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan through EcoHealth Alliance.

This is MASSIVE news.


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5e9309 No.20874196


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853c6d No.20874198


The Late Merrick Garland?

What's the source?

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6f20b5 No.20874200


goes with garland?

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5a5bd3 No.20874201

File: 1f2e094e762726e⋯.png (236.71 KB,488x556,122:139,RRN_rabid_Trumpists.png)

File: 278c4b14e9e7b45⋯.png (274.83 KB,551x453,551:453,RRN_u_serious_nigga.png)


>RRN / Michael Baxter

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c3bac2 No.20874202

File: ad435bcc7389b7c⋯.png (355.26 KB,715x482,715:482,Deer_Park.png)

They're talking a lot about Trump's rally speech at the "Water Park" in New Jersey.

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ad5942 No.20874203


house nigger


A subservient or accultured black person; an Uncle Tom or traitor.

A black slave that worked as a domestic as opposed to manual labor.

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fc2062 No.20874204


Christianity is just a continuation of Judaism.

But people who continue to call themselves Jews have missed The Boat.

People who call themselves Christians saw The Boat and got onboard. They are sailing into Eternity to be with God.

Those who call themselves Jews and who have missed The Boat, are destined to sink to the Depths of the Sea.

Just like in the days of Noah.

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f3e033 No.20874205

Strongly worded letters are being prepared

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efcb2b No.20874206

File: 04ef92ecbfd8520⋯.png (559.84 KB,1200x907,1200:907,kirby_smirk_3.png)

caught admiral john kirby in a classical smirk

he is smirking here about russia's nuclear drills

maybe one day he will smirk on the other side of his face

john kirby, the smirking gun of genocide

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8e8347 No.20874207

File: a916045b1cba7f1⋯.png (3.65 MB,2048x1381,2048:1381,ClipboardImage.png)

File: addceb6052e5963⋯.png (171.66 KB,952x928,119:116,ClipboardImage.png)

Study finds enlisted Asian Airmen are least likely to get in trouble and Blacks the most

A recent study conducted by the federally funded think tank Rand Corp. revealed significant racial disparities within the Air Force’s junior enlisted ranks concerning nonjudicial punishment or court-martial.

According to the report released on April 10, Black men in these ranks are 86% more likely than their White counterparts to face such disciplinary actions.

The study highlighted several factors contributing to these divergent experiences, including an airman’s job, Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) score, and hometown. These variables can influence the likelihood of an airman facing criminal charges or disciplinary measures.

Researchers admitted difficulty in pinpointing the exact reasons behind why Black airmen are more frequently in trouble, suggesting potential unfair treatment as a plausible explanation for the observed differences.

This report adds to a series of studies examining racial disparities within the military, particularly within its justice system. Previous investigations, including those conducted after the racially-motivated nationwide civil unrest of 2020, have consistently highlighted obstacles faced by Black airmen, minorities, and women in their careers, hindering their opportunities for advancement and sense of belonging in uniform.

Rand’s study focused on airmen in the ranks of E-1 through E-4, where disciplinary actions are more common. It analyzed Air Force discipline and personnel data from fiscal years 2010 through 2019, considering racial disparities in nonjudicial punishments (Article 15s) and court-martial referrals.

For instance, the study noted that certain career fields, such as Security Forces, tend to impose harsher consequences for infractions like falling asleep on duty, with Black airmen more likely to occupy such positions.

Variables like marital status, AFQT scores, waivers, education, training issues, previous punishments, and marijuana legality in an airman’s state were also examined to understand differential treatment between Black and White airmen.

The report’s key findings include such details as:

Black junior enlisted airmen were 71% more likely to receive Article 15s or court-martial referrals compared to their White counterparts.

Similar disparities existed for American Indian, native Alaskan, and Hispanic airmen, while Asian airmen were less likely to face such actions.

Black airmen referred to court-martial were less likely to be convicted and received lower sentences than White counterparts.

One-fifth of disparities could be explained by career field differences and other variables, while four-fifths lacked a definitive explanation, suggesting possible disparate treatment.

This study coincides with efforts within the Pentagon to address racism in the military and promote diversity among its ranks. While the Department of the Air Force’s active duty component is predominantly White, initiatives aim to improve equity and inclusivity across all services.

While AFQT scores and prior trouble may partially account for racial disparities in disciplinary actions, the study emphasizes the significant influence of an airman’s background and job assignment within the military hierarchy.

Rand also cited a 2020 Department of Air Force report to claim it was possible that airmen may have a stronger bond with their supervisors or commanders when they are the same race.

“[Airmen] might be more likely to share mitigating circumstances related to their offense. Because the majority of supervisors and commanders are White, this will disadvantage minority airmen. Evidence of this form of disparate treatment was documented in the DAF IG report in which airmen stated that when individuals were late to work, White airmen were more likely to be asked if they were okay, whereas Black airmen would be disciplined (DAF IG, 2020).”

Conversely, Asian Airmen seemed to avoid disciplinary actions more than any other demographic, despite often having White commanders.

When compared to the military, the recorded disciplinary actions are not too far removed from per capita demographic-populated data on a national level when it comes to arrests, crime, and incarceration rates.

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1c6cc7 No.20874208

File: fd59444e275383d⋯.png (409.01 KB,510x510,1:1,bestisyettocome.png)

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fe4cff No.20874209

Re: (fake) Hush Money trial. cnn & msnbc hosts are going. They are scream at their expert quests on their panels who are telling them Cohen just blew the case. Many KEKs

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8e8347 No.20874210


sorry forgot sauce,


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c7b824 No.20874211


Digitized the back end of entire market making them digital in about 1976 but the public still had fractional pricing until just before 9/11/01

Greenspan a programmer first and not many know this.

His bestie back in the day was John Kearny who invented BASIC along with Tom Kurtz

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665061 No.20874212

File: 04e86a4d9c8c3e6⋯.mp4 (12.24 MB,1280x544,40:17,GHOSTS_IN_THE_MACHINE_2_mp….mp4)

File: 7a1ebf076d08a93⋯.jpg (267.07 KB,2316x1080,193:90,Baphomet_GITM_.jpg)

File: bb17f8bd716559e⋯.jpg (229.53 KB,522x2048,261:1024,bb17f8bd716559eb7ef45ae2e0….jpg)

File: 73c777045165baf⋯.jpeg (258.3 KB,753x742,753:742,73c777045165bafb372d1089b….jpeg)

"We must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda; it is a form of truth…"

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8ecce1 No.20874213

File: bdd006cf68989ad⋯.png (1.09 MB,1034x546,517:273,mewrwnrbes.PNG)

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c7b824 No.20874214

File: 50ca4760d3f9d78⋯.jpeg (645.83 KB,828x964,207:241,6EE17027_A0F9_4126_98D6_7….jpeg)

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8e8347 No.20874218

File: 2d004a57fcfe6ad⋯.png (1.15 MB,1200x850,24:17,ClipboardImage.png)

Retired US Air Force general arrested for child sex crimes

A retired Air Force General in Texas has been arrested on charges related to child sexual abuse offenses, according to official documents.

Judicial records from Hopkins County indicate that retired Brigadier General Mike Houston McClendon was taken into custody and placed in Hopkins County Jail on Saturday, May 11.

He was charged with continuous sexual abuse of a minor under 14 years of age.

Following his arrest, he was released from custody.

Details from McClendon’s biography on the USAF’s official website reveal that he graduated from the Air Force Academy in 1975.

His military career began with piloting the A-7D fighter aircraft under the Tactical Air Command. He was also part of the team that introduced the A-10 aircraft to the US Air Forces in Europe.

“General McClendon attended the Air Force’s Experimental Test Pilot School at Edwards AFB, California, where he later served as the Air Force chief A-10 test pilot and Director of Flight Test,” the biography read. “His career also included roles such as Deputy Program Manager for a highly classified special program, along with successive positions in Air Force research and development. His roles in the F-22 System Program Office, the Air Force Materiel Command Headquarters Directorate of Operations, Air Force Research Laboratory, and the now-defunct AFC2ISR Center have marked a distinguished career.”

McClendon was a senior pilot with over 10,000 flying hours across more than 35 different types of aircraft, including helicopters, fighters, and transports.

Following his Air Force career, McClendon became an airline pilot and eventually captained International flights.

According to a report from CBS19, McClendon retired from the military in 2009.



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5a5bd3 No.20874219

File: d9e56d7d96b0d9b⋯.jpg (13.53 KB,432x336,9:7,rs.jpg)


Probably because they are trying to claim that him complaining about the trial is violating the gag order.

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8ecce1 No.20874220

File: 4d222f382189e5f⋯.png (795.86 KB,1024x1024,1:1,7m54n5b43542.png)


Thanks baker

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c3bac2 No.20874221


Look at the water bottle. "Deer Park"

Water park

Deer park


Q post 4153 FBI Floor 7 "In_the_park"


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72f237 No.20874222


eat a bullet

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fd77fe No.20874223


Only as much as Asian people do.

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c7b824 No.20874224

File: fc6f2ea2ed0c62c⋯.jpeg (243.52 KB,1500x1050,10:7,A9E57294_0906_47D3_8B15_7….jpeg)


>Rand’s study

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665061 No.20874225

File: 1f4ee6e5c362603⋯.jpg (196.9 KB,923x397,923:397,GITM.jpg)

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5a5bd3 No.20874226

File: 92118a4f24f7e74⋯.png (469.05 KB,1000x640,25:16,Twitter_censors.png)


Of course. Remember the fact checkers losing it on Twitter (Dorsey's Twitter)…

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7ee37c No.20874227


It’s the dead cat bounce.

It’s all fake.

Everything is fucking double the price!!!!

A Big Mac meal is $20, of course McDonalds is taking double the revenue. It’s all fake.

Cut that 40k in half at least, that’s where we are at.

Not to mention that the 40k is built on worthless fiat currency. The end is near and the people will find out because all their money will disappear into thin air and they will discover they have been lied to.

It will be delicious.

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fd77fe No.20874228

Poland should be pissed. Schlomo and israel stole their grief.

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8e8347 No.20874230




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c7b824 No.20874231


The low in March 2009 is about right even nao

Then black jeebus,Geithner,and Bernancke hit us with the ‘Green Shoots’ narrative.

Complete and total hot air since then

Was pumped to that point by muh derivative explosion in mid 90s

No argument at all

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7294f1 No.20874232

File: d0010740be8a9fb⋯.png (50.85 KB,456x314,228:157,ClipboardImage.png)


peter chose to be crucified upside down because he felt he was unworthy to die the way Jesus Christ did. the inverted cross is not a christian symbol. it has been perverted to mean the antichrist symbol.

any idiot who tells you otherwise is themselves antichrist!

ymmv but be not deceived comes to mind here.

now throw in the rose sigil and you are definitely talking devil worshipper. the rose became uber populare as a result of the alberta canada branches; they produced brides of satan just like the other branch. the two main sigils can be found on the clothes of nancy pelosi and lyn de rothchild.

they do not hide it and they…


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912792 No.20874233

File: f2064b610f595ab⋯.mp4 (538.38 KB,640x640,1:1,VID_20240508_194121_268.mp4)

File: fa81f1819754b3e⋯.jpg (415.67 KB,507x666,169:222,20240516_003449.jpg)

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76b29c No.20874234

Oh, looky how skeered the tiny pedophiles in DC and Tel Aviv are running. They gotta run their steers in Congress to pass another law to benefit themselves.

"According to the official text, the Israel Security Assistance Support Act which "specifies that no federal funds may be used to withhold, halt, reverse, or cancel the delivery of defense articles or defense services to Israel. Also, no funds may be used to pay the salary of any Department of Defense (DOD) or Department of State employee who acts to limit defense deliveries to Israel."

Isn't this just an attempt to force loyalty to tiny pedos sacrificing unknown numbers of children daily?

Isn't this the blatant coup?

Fuck you, tiny pedos. Fuck you, Congressional steers.

There is but one authority over all this Earth. And you ain't it.

God's will in all things. And that troubling Sun.

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8ecce1 No.20874236


> the rose

is a title of a chapter in the satanic bible

so they have lots of rose coms in hollywood

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7294f1 No.20874237

File: 91ff8e95a82058d⋯.png (Spoiler Image,93.79 KB,612x368,153:92,ClipboardImage.png)


ye do tarnish the long and sacred tradition of ginger mound!

for shame, and on a pedofile to boot! for shame


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55019b No.20874238


I don't think it's funny. I respect your point of view. I don't think people should suffer. It's not funny, hard working Americans 3 jobs sometimes, up at 4 am packing groceries, selling flowers being nurses, teachers, garbagemen, lawyers, architects, doctors, engineers, slaves for lies and poison. Cheated. Addicted, manipulated, trapped, emprisoned.

Hard working foreigners sometimes for 30 dollars a month, lied, poisoned, uneducated.

Why? Cause a bunch of greedy whatever, nationality, sold us out. The true ABBA sold out, betrayed by his own? The angels, wise, and wisdom sharers, fighting to survive? Walking around and around following a chick with a red dress?


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ad5942 No.20874239

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c7db72 No.20874240

File: d7f8c340fbbcf35⋯.jpg (96.64 KB,743x708,743:708,1529962714864.jpg)


Thank you, Baker.

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55019b No.20874241


It's bolon and ayZ

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56c730 No.20874242

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

The Protocols of Zion were penned by the Jesuits

wasp said…

Point of Information:-

The men who were loyal to the Pope who wrote The Protocols were the Jesuits, according to Leo Lehmann—the ex-Irish Catholic priest who became converted to Christ and set-up the mission there in New York City, Converted Catholics For Christ. He said that the Jesuits wrote The Protocols, and that this is no new attempt of deception, based on their document that they wrote concerning their attack on the Jansenists, which was called: The Secrets Of The Elders Of Bourg-Fontaine.

IT IS ADMITTED by all intelligent people that the so-called

"Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion" are criminal forgeries,

and could never have been written either by a group of Jews

or Freemasons. Yet their authorship remains unknown. The amazing

part of it is that this fantastic fraud has succeeded in its planned

objective—the ousting of all Judaic-Masonic influence in Central

Europe by methods that would bring a blush to the cheek of a


These Protocols of supposedly Jewish leaders are not the first

documents of their kind fabricated by the Jesuits.

For over a hundred years before these Protocols appeared, the

Jesuits had continued to make use of a similar fraud called The

Secrets of the Elders of Bourg-Fontaine against Jansenism—an

anti-Jesuit French Catholic movement among the secular clergy.

The analogy between the two forgeries is perfect—the secret

assemblage in the forest of Bourg-Fontaine; the plan of the "conspirators"

to destroy the Papacy and establish religious tolerance

among all nations; the alleged plot against Throne and Altar, and

the setting up of a world-government in opposition to the Catholic

Church. There is the same dramatization of the negative pole of

the historic evolution of the world, in order to bring out, by contrast,

the positive Christian [Catholic] pole, around which all

conservative forces—the monarchy, the aristocracy, the army, the

clergy—must gather to save the world from Satan's onslaught.

Analyzing, therefore, the ends to be attained by these Protocols

of Zion, the means to be employed, the forces depicted as evil and

those to be considered good, we must reach the conclusion that

only to those whose objectives these forgeries were clearly intended

to serve, can their authorship be attributed.



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503929 No.20874243

File: ab4e4cdcabaaf78⋯.png (546.25 KB,900x507,300:169,britain_refuses_to_sign_gl….png)

File: 417c663f7f1a1ea⋯.png (583.2 KB,1100x622,550:311,chinese_nationals_at_the_s….png)

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c3c33b No.20874244

File: 80674eabe574e1b⋯.mp4 (678.44 KB,640x360,16:9,j.mp4)

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308173 No.20874245

File: c76d74f5415d697⋯.png (590.88 KB,810x539,810:539,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd43017b8c14081⋯.png (1.59 MB,1200x788,300:197,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd7b3f5761e7b34⋯.png (113.01 KB,942x1043,942:1043,ClipboardImage.png)

Pope to hold press conference on aliens and the supernatural – and people are confused

UPDATED12:53, 16 MAY 2024

The Vatican has announced that it is set to hold a press conference on “supernatural phenomena” tomorrow, and it will touch on aliens and how it will deal with potential encounters in the future.

According to a notice on the Vatican's website, it will kick of at noon tomorrow, and will feature three prominent Vatican members.

Being held to “present the new provisions of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith for discerning between apparitions and other supernatural phenomena,” it will be led by Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandex, Messenger Armando Matteo and Daniela Del Gaudio.

The former are part of the Vatican's Doctrine of the Faith, while the latter is listed as the director of the International Observatory for Marian apparitions and mystical phenomena of the Pontifical International Marian Academy, lecturer in Mariology at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum and the San Bonaventura Faculty of Rome.

The move to hold the press conference has caused ripples in the alien community, as one like this hasn't been held since February 1978. However, according to the National Catholic Reporter, it is being done so after a surge in reporting of aliens and “supernatural phenomena” from mainstream media . . . such as the one you're currently reading.

Cardinal Franjo Seper explained how the move made by The Pope and his officials is “necessary”. He said: “Moreover, the ease of going from one place to another fosters frequent pilgrimages, so that Ecclesiastical Authority should discern quickly about the merits of such matters.”

The press conference is will see new guidelines launched on how the Vatican will deal with aliens and phenomena created by them – or alleged aliens etc. Until now, pretty much everything has been dismissed by The Pope and its investigative team, so it remains to be seen what the new document will do in terms of being more open to it.

However, Pope Francis did touch on aliens at the end of last year, when he was talking about how early Christians discussed associating with “Jews and Gentiles” – which, for some reason, he compared to aliens.

He said: “That was unthinkable. If, for example, tomorrow an expedition of Martians came, and some of them came to us, here…Martians, right? Green, with that long nose and big ears, just like children paint them…And one says, ‘But I want to be baptized!’ What would happen?”

He didn't answer his own question, but added: “It was never the ministry of the closed door, never,”




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e05879 No.20874246

File: 067dec6065e4c26⋯.png (338.57 KB,640x2186,320:1093,1148_4_.png)


coming to a theatre near you

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6a9ab0 No.20874247

File: e38530f8fc8b3f0⋯.jpg (97.26 KB,441x537,147:179,JERSEY_RALLY.jpg)

File: 5cfd01cc1613857⋯.jpg (81.61 KB,571x434,571:434,VALLY_JUDGE.jpg)

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853c6d No.20874248


Biden likely only got 35 to 40 million vote, which is why they took a week counting the ballots. They were counting the same ballots over and over and over…

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1b91f8 No.20874249


That was factual news back in 2020, when the anons caught it and tracked it. This is just bullshit theater with a do nothing congress that should all be hung for treason.

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680360 No.20874250

File: 507a68b3049291e⋯.jpg (3.65 KB,228x158,114:79,download.jpg)


>It poses no harm to anyone

Where are they saying Covid-19 came from? Furin Cleavage site what?

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c7db72 No.20874251

File: f0bdf6a9770cde6⋯.jpg (72.61 KB,499x499,1:1,f0bdf6a9770cde630cb907a884….jpg)


>apparitions and other supernatural phenomena.

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d51620 No.20874252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1:00 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel.

Department of State




State Department Daily Briefing

Principal Deputy Press Secretary Vedant Patel briefs reporters at the State Department.


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76b29c No.20874253

Just one more thing you sick fucking pedophiles masquerading as sane:

Gonna really suck, especially for you, if Putin and Xi discussed how to take down the West economically, but not on your timetable.

Just an FYI.

God's will in all things. And the Sun, can't change that Math.

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680360 No.20874254


I'm still rooting for you white hats and hope it's just shitty coding and saline.

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9ea1d6 No.20874255

File: 040342174f53070⋯.png (614.77 KB,788x587,788:587,Capture.PNG)


81 million votes and can't sell a book.


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7294f1 No.20874256

File: e481a2837b14b74⋯.png (202.16 KB,1324x860,331:215,ClipboardImage.png)


lmgtfy.. picrel

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ad5942 No.20874257

File: 98de857a24e6d69⋯.png (876.69 KB,800x1035,160:207,ClipboardImage.png)


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503929 No.20874259


New court filings vindicate IRS whistleblowers in Hunter Biden tax case

By Sharyl Attkisson | May 16, 2024

The following is from Just The News.

The government quietly confirmed in a recent court filing the IRS whistleblowers in the Hunter Biden tax case did nothing illegal, pushing back on allegations by the Biden legal team that they violated the law by making protected disclosures to Congress.

Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler originally brought concerns to the House Ways and Means Committee that the Justice Department had provided preferential treatment to Biden during the probe into his alleged tax violations, including by blocking search warrants and limiting the investigators’ pursuit of information related to then-candidate Joe Biden, Hunter Biden’s father.

Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden’s lawyer, immediately attacked the agents in a letter to the House committee seeking to discredit the whistleblowers, labeling them “disgruntled agents.” Eventually, Hunter Biden sued the IRS over the whistleblowers’ disclosures, claiming they unlawfully disclosed his private tax returns.

The government in its filing Friday says it disputes this characterization and cited the regulations governing whistleblower activity to rebut Biden’s lawyers’ claims.

“[The] United States disputes that the IRS employees’ alleged disclosures violated I.R.C. § 7431(a)(1),” the United States Internal Revenue Service wrote in a footnote in its filing.

You can read the filing below:

Case 1.23-cv-00227711-RC Document 21.pdf

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1b91f8 No.20874260


Fact is 156 million Votes counted on a 135million registered voter base.

Fact mail in ballots were printed by china and brought in by the boxes full, 96% Biden votes

Fact precincts across the country have open lawsuits where the voter overage versus registrations are being challenged

Fact Pence is a treasonous little PEDO that knew the electors were being challenged in multiple states and voted for the electoral ballot anyway

Fact Congress controls the government of DC and declined the presidents offer of National Guards

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c7db72 No.20874261

File: 3709261da2e8667⋯.png (377.75 KB,500x517,500:517,Screen_Shot_2019_05_21_at_….png)

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92bc5b No.20874262

File: b315d4fbc78da3f⋯.png (47.14 KB,1200x246,200:41,Screenshot_2024_05_16_at_1….png)

A senior FBI official reportedly advised his agents to use the agency’s warrantless surveillance authority against targets on American soil.

This is according to Wired, who obtained an internal e-mail in which Paul Abbate, a deputy director for the FBI, pressed his subordinates to find ways they can leverage Section 702 authority against U.S. citizens on American soil.

Part of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, Section 702 was originally set up in 2008 as a way to surveil threats from hostile actors who are taking part in crimes such as arms proliferation, terrorism, drug trafficking and cyber crimes. As long as one of the parties in the communications being surveilled is reasonably believed to be a non-citizen situated outside of the U.S., government agencies can compel American companies to intercept communications without a search warrant. It states that they can eavesdrop on a range of communications, including phone calls, emails and text messages, among others, without obtaining a search warrant.

However, Section 702 is often misused by the FBI, who has been accused of targeting journalists, American protesters and a sitting member of Congress with this authority. Despite the controversy, the program was extended for two more years in April after an extensive debate and over the objections of some conservative and progressive lawmakers.

In the e-mail obtained by Wired dated April 20, Abbate instructs employees to find ways to use the authority, writing: “To continue to demonstrate why tools like this are essential to our mission, we need to use them, while also holding ourselves accountable for doing so properly and in compliance with legal requirements.”

He added: “I urge everyone to continue to look for ways to appropriately use US person queries to advance the mission, with the added confidence that this new pre-approval requirement will help ensure that those queries are fully compliant with the law.”

Some lawmakers, like Representative Zoe Lofgren (D- California) fear that Abbate is trying to convince FBI agents to spy on American citizens. She told Wired: “The deputy director’s email seems to show that the FBI is actively pushing for more surveillance of Americans, not out of necessity but as a default. This directly contradicts earlier assertions from the FBI during the debate over Section 702’s reauthorization.”


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92bc5b No.20874263

File: dd66437d91d4ea6⋯.png (361.75 KB,957x699,319:233,Screenshot_2024_05_16_at_1….png)

The giant pharmaceutical company Pfizer is ready to pay between $200-250 million as a result of over 10,000 U.S. lawsuits involving supposed cancer risks associated with the drug Zantac, which it sold between 1998 and 2006, sources told the Financial Times.

Zantac was approved in 1983, becoming the world’s largest-selling medicine by 1988. But in 2019, after a Connecticut lab heated ranitidine, the active ingredient in Zantac, and found “extremely high levels” of NDMA, a probable human carcinogen, the Food and Drug Administration asked for Zantac and its generic equivalents to be pulled off the market in April 2020.


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7ee37c No.20874264

File: e597e8101632860⋯.jpeg (42.52 KB,570x350,57:35,2FC0DC05_9C02_4F28_B256_8….jpeg)


Half would be ok with voting for bidan right now.

Walking through the darkness is impossible if it’s not dark. This HAS to happen, the people NEED THE PAIN to wake up.

No pain- no gain. I hate it too but I have come to terms with the fact that this is required to save the Republic from destruction. The crooked economic system needs to burn down for us to MAGA.

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f3e033 No.20874265


> I don't think people should suffer. It's not funny, hard working Americans 3 jobs sometimes, up at 4 am packing groceries, selling flowers being nurses, teachers, garbagemen, lawyers, architects, doctors, engineers, slaves for lies and poison. Cheated. Addicted, manipulated, trapped, emprisoned.

Are these "white people? Black people? Jewish people? Not that it matters, but I know it does to (You)

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c7b824 No.20874266

File: e8e30695b4b2a6f⋯.jpeg (600.66 KB,1165x598,1165:598,DC2F1D52_7665_4B11_AC4B_D….jpeg)

File: 7cf815a99366b67⋯.jpeg (533.49 KB,1208x617,1208:617,28970944_9197_4275_9174_1….jpeg)

File: 74e444b4bb9a2ca⋯.jpeg (462.93 KB,1146x621,382:207,DAF8FFB9_133F_4EB4_8759_9….jpeg)

File: 6fcce81154694ca⋯.jpeg (375.99 KB,828x641,828:641,76281658_97A7_47C1_99D7_A….jpeg)

>>20873695 lb

SAM643 G5 went to Nellis from JBA depart

SAM665 Heading to NoLo-Lakefront Airport

MANGO28 (was SPAR28 on ground) left MacDill (CENTCOM) after quick is he ground stop and ascended to 35k Ft and nao at 21kft @about 420kts like it doesn’t know where it’s going and decisions being made

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1b91f8 No.20874267

File: c1a3d26f59e2306⋯.png (1.94 MB,1000x1500,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


The Ethiopian Bible is the oldest to exist; Guess what it includes all those excised books from the western versions that inconveniently mention the watchers, Aliens, etc..

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640b1d No.20874268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fc2062 No.20874269


>suggesting potential unfair treatment as a plausible explanation for the observed differences.

of course

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680360 No.20874270

File: 8261b884e95b406⋯.png (265.24 KB,1239x1266,413:422,robots.png)


>NDMA, a probable human carcinogen

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92bc5b No.20874271

File: 28aefaeb8b63cdb⋯.png (770.46 KB,1024x685,1024:685,Screenshot_2024_05_16_at_1….png)

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5e9309 No.20874272


>goes with garland?

yes and was talking of jack smith i believe

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7ee37c No.20874273


Book advances are loans, that don’t need to be paid back if the loan providers do not ask for it back. This is the scam they have been using forever. Loans used as bribes…..

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5e9309 No.20874274


>Christianity is just a continuation of Judaism.

Christianity is just a continuation of Hinduism


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5c4531 No.20874276

>>20872672 (lb) Russian-Chinese ties are not a threat to other nations – Putin (RT)

If anyone from North America believes this, just know that you are basically dead to me.

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6f20b5 No.20874277

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fc2062 No.20874279


>Black airmen referred to court-martial were less likely to be convicted and received lower sentences than White counterparts.

Whites are held to a higher standard.

What the Black person can get away with doing or saying, a White person cannot get away with it.

Double Standards.

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894f49 No.20874282

File: e4d6fadbc0ed3b1⋯.png (461.26 KB,1007x610,1007:610,ClipboardImage.png)


kek which one works best?!

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c3bac2 No.20874284


They would be so much happier in Africa. I don't know why we call can't just agree for them to go home.

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fc47a9 No.20874285

File: af8877bf0e0c10e⋯.png (405.05 KB,640x480,4:3,trump_light.png)


>Fact Pence is a treasonous little PEDO that knew the electors were being challenged in multiple states and voted for the electoral ballot anyway


How do you know he wasn't acting under instruction to bring light to dark.

You, little faggot, are an example of the billions of morans who conflate opinion with fact.

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0be97d No.20874286

>>20872605 (pb notable)

I smell the possible seeds of plausible deniability for future events and a case for don't blame the messenger.

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c3bac2 No.20874287

If I get D+ed….

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84ef16 No.20874288

File: 75c97df2415d8a9⋯.jpg (126.44 KB,1085x1062,1085:1062,75c97df2415d8a9fd7c22c1cce….jpg)

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5a5bd3 No.20874289

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


Just wait until the myocarditus and cancer lawsuits from the experimental vax start rolling in…

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c49da9 No.20874290


make McShit more expensive

people stop eating at McShit

I consider that a good thing.

>make people suffer

they are literally poisoning themselves with that crap.

sweets more expensive


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5c4531 No.20874291

File: 1b3323676e24b75⋯.png (423.93 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e09d4 No.20874292

File: 7a3bcd9e24664e1⋯.jpeg (347.15 KB,1170x1156,585:578,BDD40765_8908_492E_A541_6….jpeg)


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ad5942 No.20874293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mine only hope is that if something Big is to go down, We get a heads up. Other than that, I trust the Plan and MAGA ON.

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d51620 No.20874294

Trump Campaign Statement on White House Executive Privilege Claim Over The Hur Tapes

May 16, 2024

“Crooked Joe Biden and his feeble administration have irretrievably politicized the key constitutional tenet of executive privilege, denying it to their political opponents while aggressively trying to use it to run political cover for Crooked Joe.”

—Steven Cheung, Trump Campaign Spokesman


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6f20b5 No.20874295


so they have immunity?

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30e87f No.20874296

File: f29608b4edc1737⋯.jpg (90.34 KB,936x1020,78:85,ZomboMeme_24062021194201.jpg)

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a3364f No.20874299

File: 2c63bf00a5da6b4⋯.png (279.99 KB,823x823,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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92bc5b No.20874300

File: 8d4bfa55bcd38c2⋯.png (664.44 KB,612x679,612:679,Screenshot_2024_05_16_at_1….png)


hold up, bitch

it none of your fucking business if i was pregnant

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30e87f No.20874301

File: d0d85f3d3e90c16⋯.jpg (27.33 KB,316x300,79:75,ZomboMeme_6197.jpg)

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6f20b5 No.20874303

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7a4ce4 No.20874304

File: 983e1448682f106⋯.jpg (181.75 KB,712x1266,356:633,20240516_104908.jpg)

File: a68a5f223656fea⋯.mp4 (771.91 KB,456x766,228:383,Anti_White_Watch_20240516_….mp4)


Somali criminal migrant thugs gun down a White teenager who they tried to rob outside of his home on May 6th. Minnisota has been flooded with criminal Somalis for years now and residents report that the areas has become "an absolute zoo". Just more migrant fueled #BlackonWhiteViolence #migrantviolence #greatreplacement

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7294f1 No.20874305

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2 minutes in…

consequences aka karma is a beotch

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4ff68d No.20874306

Bureau of Prisons thumbs its nose at Congress, taxpayers

Add 'smart on crime' to political mantra of 'tough on crime'

By Peter Navarro - - Tuesday, May 7, 2024 OPINION:1/2

Thefailure of the Bureau of Prisons to implement two major federal lawsmandating sentence reductions for nonviolent and first-time offenders costs taxpayers billions of dollars annually even as it increases recidivism risk and the crime rate — never mind the human misery such malign neglect entails.

This is the most pressing of the many problems I’ve observed as a prisoner of conscience from inside the walls of a federal prison.

In any fair and efficient criminal justice system, a prison sentence must be long enough to match the crime while sufficient to deter future criminal behavior.

Based on my conversations with nearly a hundred fellow inmates and supplementary research, the United States justice system wildly over-sentences and significantly delays releases and thereby misses this mark.

Here’s Prisonomics 101: We must be as “smart on crime” as we are “tough on crime.” Every inmate costs taxpayers $60,000 a year, and the costs of over-sentencing and the Bureau of Prisons‘ failure to release inmates in a timely manner run well into the billions.

America’s over-sentencing for first-time and nonviolent offenders begins with a large roster of “hanging judges” fearful of a political backlash from a citizenry rightly angry with the breakdown of law and order in our society. However, far too many of these black-robed czars have little concept of what it means to be behind bars, and it means nothing toimpose sentences twice or more as longas might be needed to adequately punish and deter.

Here, the significant variance across judges in sentences for the same crimes is both well known and troubling. In my own dorm, one inmate got a soul-crushing150 months for embezzlementwhile his co-defendant got a mere30 monthsfor a muchlarger rolein the scam.

Second, over-sentencing has been institutionalized through outdated “mandatory minimums,” which regularly put first-time, nonviolent offendersin prison for 10 to 15 years or more. Mostly, these are young men, often with wives and young children. They will go from youth to middle age in our prison system at a per capita cost to U.S. taxpayers approaching $1 million. In prison, their skills and employability will deteriorate. Tragically, their children will go from babies to teens without a male parent.

Third, there is the “RICO wing” of the Department of Justice, now exploiting and often abusing the broad powers of federal racketeering laws. Indeed, DOJ prosecutors routinely useoverly broad “conspiracy” chargesto threaten defendants and their family members with ridiculously long sentences if the defendants refuse to plea bargain and instead go to trial. When the inevitable plea comes, coerced defendants are often still saddled with eight-, 10- or 15-year sentences for white-collar crimes that, absent the RICO gambit, would be settled through civil rather than criminal prosecutions.

Through such coercion, DOJ prosecutors act more like racketeers than those they are prosecuting. Their goal is not justice but simply another scalp to take for their resumes and professional advancement. I have met numerous men in prison who had their lives, families, and job-creating, tax-generating businesses ruined by DOJ’s RICO wing and who never should have been put behind bars.


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0be97d No.20874308

File: 5da4de5c30bde88⋯.jpg (184.2 KB,1200x628,300:157,GBzew_UXoAAkKnG.jpg)

Marker of DNA damage seen in men applying Roundup and other glyphosate-based herbicides


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f9b288 No.20874309

File: e124546a3122efe⋯.png (340.14 KB,884x691,884:691,ClipboardImage.png)


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b30e5c No.20874310



look at the tag lines. these are valid notables. still waiting for someone to do the right thing and un-delete these notables from bread #25598

>>20870671 White House 'Deeply Troubled' As Georgia Enacts Law To Thwart NGO 'Interference'

>>20870680, >>20870814 Catherine Herridge: SSA Shapley and SA Ziegler had not violated the taxpayer privacy laws, as Hunter Biden had falsely alleged

>>20870726 Israeli Ministers Join March Calling for Settlements in Gaza, Expulsion of Palestinians

>>20870751, >>20870863 17 of the Most Dangerous Cities in the World

>>20870770 Judge Nichols gives Steve Bannon until Monday to respond to DOJ demand for immediate prison sentence

>>20870828 AIPAC-affiliated PAC backs Maryland primary candidate with US$4 million

>>20870899 Rumble Sues YouTube for Over $1 Billion in Damages

>>20871000 Whistleblower reveals how government rushed to give all clear after East Palestine train derailment and says he was threatened when he asked why

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853c6d No.20874311


The laundry was hung to dry. The traitors were hanged to die.

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680360 No.20874313


It's okay though Somalis are part of the tribe.

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a3364f No.20874314


Immunity from being dragged out of their executive offices, research labs and being swung from lamp posts in the streets?

No. None.

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c3bac2 No.20874316


Shut the fuck up please

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5a5bd3 No.20874317

File: 9c131cfd4df9b70⋯.png (367.5 KB,504x499,504:499,I_told_you_so.png)



At the moment. But once the full scale of the fraud that was perpetrated on the public starts to come out, that immunity will not survive.

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4ff68d No.20874318

File: efdb4b2b954d4c4⋯.png (752.32 KB,885x516,295:172,ClipboardImage.png)



Congress has sought to address this over-sentencing epidemic through the Trump-era 2018 First Step Act and the 2008 Bush-era Second Chance Act and its 2018 reauthorization. Yet theBureau of Prisons has largely ignored the mandates Congress has given it.

For example, during my prison stay, I have worked with dozens of first-time and nonviolent inmates. I have discovered case after case where prerelease custody into a halfway house and home confinement had been delayed for months and sometimes more than a year. I had this happen even in my own case, which has lengthened my prison stay by more than one-third.

One of thebiggest reasonsthe Bureau of Prisonsfails to release inmatesin a timely manner is its failure to follow a 2022 directive mandating full forecast release credits under theFirst Step Act and the Second Chance Act. An equally big reason is simply bureaucratic inertia, which causes many inmates who fail to speak up to fall through the cracks.

One of the most economically perverse problems I have observed is therefusal of the Bureau of Prisons to allow inmatesinto prerelease custody because of the closing of some halfway houses and a lack of halfway house capacity. This is not just inhumane; it is fiscal insanity.

It costs taxpayers half as much to support an inmate in a halfway house. So when the Bureau of Prisons closes halfway houses to save a few dimes and inmates have to stay in prison longer, the total cost to the Bureau of Prisons — and taxpayers — goes up.

Finally, while Congress has significantly relaxed the rules governing compassionate release, time and again, the Bureau ofPrisons and wardensat prisons like mine in Miamiwon’t approve such releases. In my prison dorm alone, there is a 66-year-old in deteriorating health in a wheelchair, an 80-year-old in even worse condition, a guy with what is likely terminal cancer, and a 40-something suffering from the aftermath of a stroke and related spinal surgery.All should have been sent home months or years ago.

This is not what Congress intended, and theBureau of Prisons‘ failure to obey the lawsof our land — irony noted — is needlessly costing taxpayers billions annually while increasing crime and recidivism rates. This travesty is happening on President Biden’s watch. It’s well past time to add “smart on crime” to the political mantra of “tough on crime.”

• Peter Navarro served for four years as a senior White House adviser to Donald Trump. He is currently a prisoner of conscience in a federal prison for defending the constitutional separation of powers and honoring his oath of office. He is the author of the forthcoming book “The New MAGA Deal: The Unofficial Deplorables Guide to Donald Trump’s 2024 Policy Platform.”


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c7db72 No.20874319

File: 33391d814b4feb1⋯.png (1.58 MB,1281x855,427:285,Screen_Shot_2020_06_10_at_….png)


Dinkytown is a Somali infested hellscape.

Voting has consequences.

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5c4531 No.20874321


SwampRat is allowed to be the DEI Jewish admin who does this shit all the time. Literally read the name: SWAMP RAT.

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efcb2b No.20874322

File: e07a17414f7586b⋯.png (594.68 KB,1200x588,100:49,new_caledonia.png)

major riots in new caledonia

france declares martial law

the natives are more than restless

and at least they're colorful

if you're going to fight, clash

is this another anticolonial uprising?

hitherto safe corner of european control in the south-west pacific

i often listen to a radio station there

radio nia

for caledonia


now playing psy progressive

coup music

this is sunspot stuff

look out for more masses on the streets

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76b29c No.20874323

Hey tiny pedos, here's something to chew on.

There have been zillions of Dads throughout the History of Man telling their wayward kids, "I brought you into the world and I can take you out." Even zillions of Moms have said that, I'm sure.

The same applies to our Father, our Creator.

He brought America into the world, he can take her out.

He brought Mankind into the world, and now he will take us out.

Look at the Sun. And the Math.

There will always be a remnant. We're all the descendants of the last survivors, 12-thousand years ago.

Now's the time for all good men and women to grow their souls and leave the evil of tiny pedos to wallow in its despair.

God's will in all things. The Sun, the Math, Eternity.

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b30e5c No.20874325


tit for tat

time for whites in MN to grow a pair and start killing ALL sandniggers on sight

didn't start this shit

but WILL end it

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7294f1 No.20874326

File: b512c2f945c9435⋯.png (Spoiler Image,2.96 MB,287x191,287:191,ClipboardImage.png)




no thank you and you're welcome!

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7a4ce4 No.20874327


The more we go along , I'm starting to think this will happen, this info could all come out to the public, and they will either A: not believe it or B: Not care

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fc2062 No.20874328


How so?

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6f20b5 No.20874329


this was last night, correct?

I came in after

articles can't be reinstated once deleted

can be reposted though

after 6 hours nothing can be changed

I personally take the green links out, was not the beevee who deleted, they can be left in as record of what was deleted, not muh choice but…

so feel free to repost


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c7b824 No.20874331

File: 924b68b9d893037⋯.jpeg (727.44 KB,1138x619,1138:619,DE2BC00A_6A39_42A6_914F_9….jpeg)

File: dfca840fa25bd87⋯.jpeg (508 KB,784x866,392:433,CDC549BC_289E_4FF1_A90E_B….jpeg)

File: 6bd75d391d01d15⋯.jpeg (149.68 KB,775x612,775:612,F7D89968_765C_4D20_862D_5….jpeg)

EXEC1F C40BFlauxtus and kneepads husband/handler Doug Emhoffheading to Marquette, MI

These two together for three days on the road after those dinner shenanigans?!


Jill Biden to tour Michigan from the U.P. to Detroit over 3 days

First Lady Jill Biden and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff will travel all across Michigan later this week, starting in the Upper Peninsula and ending in Detroit. Biden and Emhoff will arrive in Marquette on Thursday afternoon and then speak at a political event. Later Thursday, they will speak at a community event with the Bay Mills Indian Community and Sault Ste. Marie Tripe of Chippewa Indians in the eastern part of the U.P. On Friday afternoon, they will host a listening session with the two tribes about health care, and then will tour the Soo Locks before they head to Mid Michigan.

During their time in Mid Michigan, they will speak at a political event and then fly to metro Detroit on Friday night before speaking at a political event in Detroit on Saturday morning in Detroit.


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fda383 No.20874332

File: 3e561939e026262⋯.jpg (93.48 KB,720x778,360:389,Screenshot_20240516_130019….jpg)

Don't ask don't tell

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6a6d32 No.20874333

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

May 15 - Shooting and Skills Event

Competitors from 17 countries gathered in Cerro Tigre, Panama to compete in Fuerzas Comando 24, a U.S. Southern Command-sponsored Special Forces skills competition which is conducted annually in Central and South America and the Caribbean. Through friendly competition, this exercise promotes interoperability, military-to-military relationships, increases training knowledge, and improves regional security.

Competidores de Países 17 se reúnen en Cerro Tigre, Panamá para competir en Fuerzas Comando 24 siendo U.S. Southern Command patrocinador de la competencia de Fuerzas Especiales la cual se lleva a cabo anualmente en Centro y Sur América y el Caribe. A través de la competencia amistosa este ejercicio promueve interoperabilidad, relaciones de militares, incremento de conocimientos de entreno y incremento de seguridad regional.

#fuerzascomando24 #strengthenpartnership #comandosdelasamericas #fortaleciandoalianzas #fc24







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fc2062 No.20874334


The US already has one religion.

In God We Trust

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f1a127 No.20874335


not only this

but i got deleted for the first time on this board for calling baker a faggot for ignoring anon's notables from last bread


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4ff68d No.20874336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump allies BLAST 'sham' trial: 'He will be proven innocent'

Watch Live Happening Now | Matt Gaetz, Anna Paulina Luna, Andy Biggs speak live outside Trump courthouse in Manhattan.


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a3364f No.20874338


Or 3. They could start burning big pharma executive offices, research labs and CDC offices to the ground. And dragging the honchos from their corner offices and drag them through the streets like niggers in Jasper!

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6f20b5 No.20874339


thought so

flu shot makers in US some years ago quit because not given immunity and was not worth the cost to develop and distribute

thinkin 90's with Clinton start of HMO/PPO stuffs, could be wrong on timing

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f1a127 No.20874340


why did you delete my posts?

why did you ignore the delta lb?

what the fuck is wrong with you??

since when is this happening here, anons?

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5a5bd3 No.20874342

File: 4e422d42060755e⋯.png (1.21 MB,1440x960,3:2,vaxx_cov1.png)


The not believe it crowd will be in denial, but they will eventually come around. I don't think that there will really be a don't care crowd.

Everybody knows somebody, who was vaxxed.

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5bfd31 No.20874343


"Is that a tiger?"

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c4fcf7 No.20874345

File: 1117f0a0a91d33b⋯.png (442.03 KB,1024x768,4:3,1117f0a0a91d33b1e60441c031….png)


I think Nina Jankowicz learned how to bake…

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b30e5c No.20874346


>so feel free to repost

i would if i could, but i'm not the OP

i just want to READ THEM

i heard somewhere "nothing is ever deleted"

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680360 No.20874347


This is the place I go to pretend there won't be a vaccine genocide.

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1c6cc7 No.20874348

File: 02937d498f6d3f4⋯.jpg (260.25 KB,739x1058,739:1058,garlandofskullsunclesam.jpg)


Bannon played the statement by Garland from this morning a few times.

"Garland wets his pants; knows all the crimes he's done" ~ to paraphrase.

Think of this:

Garland claims that to turn over the Tapes of Biden (of pedoJoe speaking to his Ghost Writer) would compromise the DoJ's own criminal investigations.


Are they investigating Biden?

No, it's just the boilerplate answer they give whenever asked for transparency.

Garland didn't have time to make up a new lie?


There is actually no excuse for with-holding the tapes?

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308173 No.20874349

File: 8dc1a3ab9aac2f4⋯.png (644.99 KB,899x915,899:915,ClipboardImage.png)

NARA Gives Feds Instructions on UFO Records Classification

MAY 15, 2024 12:58 PM

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is giving Federal agencies instructions on how to review, identify, and organize records in their custody relating to unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) – or UFOs as they are more commonly known.

On May 9, NARA released the Guidance to Federal Agencies on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Records Collection, which instructs agencies on what information is needed to create and manage a governmentwide repository of records dealing with UAPs, as well as how to collect it.

Step one, Federal agencies must prepare and identify all metadata elements. The guidance includes a metadata requirements list that agencies must follow when reviewing, identifying, and organizing each UAP record.

Step two, agencies must conduct an access review of each UAP record and identify which records can be publicly disclosed without any redaction, identify partially restricted records, and create a public access version with redactions and postpone fully restricted UAP records.

Step three, Federal agencies must transfer physical and legal custody of the copies of the fully releasable, restricted in part, and postponed UAP records to the National Archives.

The records must be delivered to NARA as digital copies by the end of the current fiscal year, Sept. 30.

Under a new records management provision — which was tucked into the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act — NARA is required to set up a UAP Records Collection.

NARA began to stand up the records collection earlier this year, urging agencies to begin classifying any UAP-related records in their custody. The recent guidance provides further instruction on what actions agencies need to take.

The collection will consist of “copies of all Government, Government-provided, or Government-funded records relating to [UAPs], technologies of unknown origin, and non-human intelligence (or equivalent subjects by any other name with the specific and sole exclusion of temporarily non-attributed objects),” according to the bill.

Unclassified copies of UAP records transferred to NARA will be made available online in the National Archives catalog. In addition, NARA will integrate an online finding aid into the collection.


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c7b824 No.20874350

File: 8b5b6e0a5ca1b38⋯.gif (1.66 MB,320x180,16:9,EADD0A5C_2BCE_41C2_87AE_38….gif)

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853c6d No.20874352


If cuck bangs the pResident's wife, are they still considered a cuck?

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fc2062 No.20874353


More people should just Homeschool their kids.

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5bfd31 No.20874354

File: a4e6735b70ca3e0⋯.png (766.32 KB,979x708,979:708,Screenshot_20240516_100656….png)

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6a6d32 No.20874355

File: e315acca92318c3⋯.png (810.13 KB,704x587,704:587,Capture.PNG)

Britain says it is developing a radio-wave weapon that can take out a swarm of drones for just $0.12 a shot


Now think… "The Wall".

America already has this tech.

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4785ea No.20874358

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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fda383 No.20874359


Impulsive raging is very draining.

Al Jazeera is too the arabs as cnn is to the woke.

Turn off the boob tube.

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f1a127 No.20874360


no anon, you don't seem to understand that this is serious. lots of anons addressed this already many times recently that notable calls are obviously being ignored and instead filled with bullshit

that's not good

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62df67 No.20874361


maybe you will begin to comprehend how this slide doesn't work.

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b30e5c No.20874362


>i got deleted for the first time on this board for calling baker a faggot for ignoring anon's notables from last bread

i thought the thin skinned ADL BoredVermin had been banished

we back to this shit AGAIN?

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c4fcf7 No.20874363

File: f6fd4869bd0a1ad⋯.png (60.12 KB,255x208,255:208,29a77edd7.png)

Rumble suing Google for $1BILLION

Rumble, the publicly-traded YouTube alternative that's favored by conservatives, has filed a lawsuit against Google and its parent Alphabet.

The big picture: The lawsuit argues that Google owes Rumble upwards of $1 billion in damages for lost ad revenue as a client, and for illegally leveraging its dominance in ad technology to hamper Rumble's ability to compete as an ad tech competitor.


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853c6d No.20874364


Kinds how the place was setup, wasn't it?

Something about keeping your enemies closer and a camel's nose under the tent flap.

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6a6d32 No.20874365


I hope Rumble wins.

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c3bac2 No.20874366


>fucked around and found out

Has to be the worst meme in existence right now. It is so abused by people living in glass houses.

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efcb2b No.20874367


absolutely 100% for sure, please do it

it's not too hard, can be fun

keep your kids out of these hellholes

keep them out of college as well

save your money

train on the job

you'll learn more in a week than the graduates do in four years

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f1a127 No.20874368


it's not a slide and you know it

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62df67 No.20874369


what is stopping you from using a search engine to find the source material and reposting?

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a3364f No.20874370


Apparently the publishers DO want their money back this time.

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84ef16 No.20874371

File: 3c843db2ca6139e⋯.png (951.93 KB,1024x687,1024:687,3c843db2ca6139e19ca4f6c628….png)

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bc3833 No.20874372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: U.S. State Department press briefing

Associated Press


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680360 No.20874373


>Now think… "The Wall".


I'm guessing it might have some problems with a faraday mesh encased drone with a raspberri pi inside.

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b30e5c No.20874374

File: bacccb65017fcba⋯.jpg (46.7 KB,850x400,17:8,apathy.jpg)


>I don't think that there will really be a don't care crowd.


you need to get out more

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c49da9 No.20874375

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ad5942 No.20874376

File: 8a7ca26b604a3c5⋯.png (1 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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333197 No.20874377

File: e2477df40008074⋯.gif (1.55 MB,260x260,1:1,nightshift_guard_duty_gif.gif)

File: 0b4d1c83092da42⋯.mp4 (605.73 KB,480x480,1:1,ride_never_ends.mp4)

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62df67 No.20874378


all of your kvetching is a slide

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de67ec No.20874379

File: 7f2370fb35dd261⋯.jpg (8.05 KB,243x207,27:23,download_jpeg_7.jpg)

Guud afternoon, noon shift

God bless (You)


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c266bf No.20874380


I approve this message.

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680360 No.20874381


These are the guys allowed to lie to us right?

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ed62b1 No.20874382

File: 963458a9676cc77⋯.jpg (82.53 KB,1210x679,1210:679,Disney_Wonder_16_May_2024_.jpg)

File: 3b3c0e6f6bc90a5⋯.jpg (182.7 KB,1206x684,67:38,Disney_Wonder_Track_16_May….jpg)

Mouse, exciting and new

Come Aboard. We're expecting you.

And Mouse, life's sweetest reward.

Let it flow, it floats back to you.

Mouse Boat soon will be making another run

The Mouse Boat promises something for everyone

Set a course for malventure,

Your mind on a new bromance.

And Mouse won't hurt anymore

It's an open smile on a friendly shore.





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642a90 No.20874383

File: 88e7f0500189e46⋯.png (856.8 KB,1080x1350,4:5,88e7f0500189e46d7927db6296….png)


Second on notable

hellava coincidence

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5ccdf8 No.20874384


They go to school for it

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f1a127 No.20874386

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ad5942 No.20874387


They look real French

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6f20b5 No.20874388




or you could type the article titles in and see what habbens


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f1a127 No.20874389



It was already 3rded last bread and baker ignored it!!!!!!!"

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f9b288 No.20874390

File: 0210bfd2730da44⋯.png (491.7 KB,1179x1564,1179:1564,ClipboardImage.png)

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c266bf No.20874391


Maybe that's why they call it a "book deal".

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c7db72 No.20874393

File: 5d5ad24aef6e869⋯.png (835.69 KB,1210x963,1210:963,Screen_Shot_2018_09_27_at_….png)

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fda383 No.20874394

File: 0c1a64781f57243⋯.jpg (100.31 KB,671x600,671:600,20210913_210208.jpg)

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5c4531 No.20874396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f9b288 No.20874397

File: bc0299c00be7f59⋯.png (1.37 MB,1080x2015,216:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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6f20b5 No.20874401


good to know


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fda383 No.20874402


Wow colossal backfire

Mr potato hahaha ha

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a3364f No.20874403


I'm pure blood and I don't care. I've known for years now. For the idiots just now finding out the truth, they should have been dead long ago. One or two more boosters may get this show on the road!

Just because I 'know' someone doesn't mean I need to care whether they live or die. I don't.

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f9b288 No.20874404

File: f09351c02d6ab86⋯.png (330.37 KB,700x518,50:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a08e8 No.20874406

File: e12fb598ee76865⋯.jpg (84.83 KB,800x600,4:3,e12fb598ee7686562d2de4edb2….jpg)

File: 3d9ae32988ed65f⋯.png (754.9 KB,1000x735,200:147,3d9ae32988ed65fdb1b221adad….png)

File: b8a63c1c439d869⋯.mp4 (3.16 MB,640x592,40:37,b8a63c1c439d86985e305108af….mp4)

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5c4531 No.20874408


I've been on Counter-Strike servers with better Admins than this.

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b30e5c No.20874409


>what is stopping you from using a search engine to find the source material and reposting?

some of us have jobs IRL

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ed62b1 No.20874411





𝔄𝔫𝔡, 𝔴𝔢𝔩 ℑ 𝔴𝔬𝔬𝔱, 𝔱𝔥𝔶 𝔟𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔥 𝔣𝔲𝔩 𝔰𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔶𝔫𝔨𝔢𝔱𝔥:

𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔴𝔢𝔱𝔥 𝔴𝔢𝔩 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲 𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔫𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔢𝔩 𝔡𝔦𝔰𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔢𝔡.

𝔒𝔣 𝔪𝔢, 𝔠𝔢𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔶𝔫, 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔱 𝔫𝔞𝔱 𝔟𝔢𝔢𝔫 𝔶𝔤𝔩𝔬𝔰𝔢𝔡.

𝔖𝔢𝔢 𝔥𝔬𝔴 𝔥𝔢 𝔤𝔞𝔫𝔢𝔱𝔥, 𝔩𝔬, 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔡𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔴𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱,

𝔄𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥 𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢 𝔰𝔴𝔬𝔩𝔴𝔢 𝔲𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱.

ℌ𝔬𝔬𝔩𝔡 𝔠𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔶 𝔪𝔬𝔲𝔱𝔥, 𝔪𝔞𝔫, 𝔟𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔶 𝔣𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔨𝔶𝔫!

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔡𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔩 𝔬𝔣 𝔥𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 𝔰𝔢𝔱𝔱𝔢 𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔣𝔬𝔬𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔫!

𝔗𝔥𝔶 𝔠𝔲𝔯𝔰𝔢𝔡 𝔟𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔥 𝔦𝔫𝔣𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔢 𝔴𝔬𝔩𝔢 𝔲𝔰 𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔢.

— 𝔊𝔢𝔬𝔣𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔶 ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔠𝔢𝔯, 𝟏𝟑𝟖𝟕-𝟏𝟒𝟎𝟎



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62df67 No.20874412


yet you have time to complain

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894f49 No.20874414

File: bb31d9b9ba9399d⋯.png (126.29 KB,603x637,603:637,ClipboardImage.png)



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5c4531 No.20874415


SwampRat is BO then?

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b30e5c No.20874417



learn sumpin' every day

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4785ea No.20874418

File: 1423bfb7cbfc849⋯.png (338.16 KB,833x866,833:866,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23bf6500724d9f5⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB,490x270,49:27,DARPA_not_Pfizer_Moderna_w….mp4)


US military, not Pfizer/Moderna, was the origin of mRNA vaccines. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) invested in gene-encoded vaccines since 2012 to pursue a bioweapon and vaccine.


It is better late than never. This is two year old news. Welcome to team humanity and freedom.


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d51620 No.20874419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1:30 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Stephen Benjamin, Director of the Office of Public Engagement

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room




White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda. She is joined by Director of the Office of Public Engagement Stephen Benjamin.


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6f20b5 No.20874421




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a3364f No.20874422



So their only hope lies in total subjugation and hoping the sand niggers kill them last???

We are Americans! We will fight!

Let Europe bend over. It's all they've ever done anyway.

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5c4531 No.20874423


SwampRat was the one who deleted but you said it wasn't a BV.

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680360 No.20874424


>US military, not Pfizer/Moderna, was the origin of mRNA vaccines.

We know, that's why we like to pretend that shit was normal saline, we've all been fucked by PSYOPs and the people that can tell us the truth are intel agents wearing fucking silicone masks.

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7294f1 No.20874426

File: 64b14d6e69d7cbe⋯.png (3.28 MB,2048x1822,1024:911,ClipboardImage.png)


>Turn off the boob tube

>Turn off the boob tube

i don't normally get this many (You)s over a demon possesed professor losing it!

but what i find truly amazing is the politeness of the responses, like OMG WOW…


yup this is still 8kun, i had to chek!


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ed62b1 No.20874427


Geoffrey Chaucer

on the topic of

"Morning Breath"


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6f20b5 No.20874428


no, I said it wasn't me

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5a5bd3 No.20874429

File: 1418279b961e221⋯.png (236.46 KB,654x382,327:191,shill_try_to_blend.png)

A message from Hillary to the vatican shill…

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4ff68d No.20874430


notableand fucking funny, he should stick to bribing

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46e0f5 No.20874431


How many times do you Jew faggot want to thank the baker?

TYB one post faggot! KYS

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c7b824 No.20874432

File: 4b3b4d572666c57⋯.webp (732.18 KB,500x333,500:333,CD85EFBB_D34C_47A6_A0BF_D….webp)


Grow a fuggen pair “anon”

Shit is stale

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6c9c71 No.20874434


would that be legal?

If it was legal now, would we be doing it?

Or it is a version of everything else here, which is. 1) oh, we're not going to do it, because it's illegal, but 2) sometime in the future, somebody else is going to do it, despite it still being illegal to do it.

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5c4531 No.20874435

File: 65c1cb9211c0bdc⋯.png (261.66 KB,474x324,79:54,ClipboardImage.png)


You literally said it was not the beevees. Anyways, you rustled some jimminies and rightfully so. Eat shit tbh. You refuse to give up the perpetrator still.

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62df67 No.20874438

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1c6cc7 No.20874439

File: fbcdf0dd08c8877⋯.jpg (72.93 KB,474x564,79:94,CIA_MKULTRA_Monarch_Mockin….jpg)

File: 061f7e50287f4d8⋯.png (203.17 KB,1782x615,594:205,teslainventedtorpedo.png)

File: 579e76fde223a2e⋯.png (137.6 KB,1771x686,253:98,mkultrafromearlybread.png)

File: 22f78f0e79aa8b0⋯.png (126.91 KB,1768x675,1768:675,mkultrafromearlybread2.png)



I'll do some guerrilla note taking, until things settle down.


Seems like normal Notables.

Why did Baker delete?

Bad form.

Anything to distract anons from important news dropping today.


We're in a turnaround guyz

Like when the Torpedo gets boomeranged against the guys who deployed it?

(didnt watch the movie.)

What was that movie again.

With Sean Connery as the captain?

But I did search archives for material on Torpedo and found entries on MKULTRA, which was discussed last night in regard to the Official Portrait of Brit-Pedo Charles. Butterfly in Shoulder indicates MKULTRA.


Also, Brits connect to NAZI - WW2 was KaKaBe.

Charlie was best buddy with Savile.

And per elite informant Epstein (Mossad - British Zionists?) was who cared for Queen's bank accounts.

Just sayn'

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d51620 No.20874440

File: 07f7b43e0c6ffb6⋯.jpg (247.35 KB,2000x1545,400:309,USS_Constitution_Boom.jpg)

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5e9309 No.20874442

File: af5b3ca2a7e4300⋯.png (596.83 KB,740x565,148:113,ClipboardImage.png)



>Christianity is just a continuation of Hinduism

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6f20b5 No.20874443


this was last night, correct?

I came in after

articles can't be reinstated once deleted

can be reposted though

after 6 hours nothing can be changed

I personally take the green links out, was not the beevee who deleted, they can be left in as record of what was deleted, not muh choice but…

so feel free to repost


whre exactly did I say that?????

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ee174c No.20874444


the fact that We have to now use the phrase "proven innocent" (vs. "proven guilty" as per the foundation of this once great country) shows how absolutely inverted this Government has become against our own civilization.


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5e9309 No.20874445


>Rumble suing Google for $1BILLION


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9a08e8 No.20874446

File: 773d2a71c6b7283⋯.jpg (116.66 KB,812x800,203:200,1676733114247187.jpg)


>one post faggot


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d51620 No.20874447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:00 PM EDT

Security Risk: The Unprecedented Surge in Chinese Illegal Immigration

House Homeland Security Committee



Simon Hankinson

Senior Research Fellow, Border Security and Immigration Center, The Heritage Foundation


Todd Bensman

National Security Fellow, Center for Immigration Studies


Craig Singleton

Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies





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6a6d32 No.20874448

File: 21bbe2b4a3ab771⋯.jpg (225.48 KB,1170x1350,13:15,GNt5hbHXIAAzG6r.jpg)

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5bfd31 No.20874449


>US military

What ever happened to their "soccer ball" vaccine development they were making so public back in 2021?

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5e9309 No.20874450


prob best to repost here, jsut dont e a fag about it

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d51620 No.20874451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:00 PM EDT

Ensuring VA’s Security: How Can Congress Best Support VA’s Law Enforcement?

House Veterans' Affairs Committee



Mr. Alfred Montoya

Deputy Assistant Under Secretary for Health Operations, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Mr. Troy Brown

Senior Security Officer, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Ms. Brandy Soto

Chief of Police, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Mr. George Chester

Chief of Police, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Mr. Bryan Hunt

President, AFGE Local #2384


Mr. Kapua Conley

Regional President, Sentara Healthcare System


Mr. Chuck Dowd

Vice President, Public Safety Broadband Technology Association


Mr. Jon Retzer

Assistant National Legislative Director, Disabled American Veterans


Statement for the Record - Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association






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5e9309 No.20874452


9/10 9/11

1 day delta

>hellava coincidence

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6a6d32 No.20874453


Agreed with quads.

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5c4531 No.20874454

File: 341874f9cb97694⋯.png (174.76 KB,533x499,533:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9b288 No.20874455

File: 544d650a10ae57f⋯.png (199.1 KB,1170x1156,585:578,ClipboardImage.png)

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d51620 No.20874456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:00 PM EDT

Closing The Skies, Liberating Ukraine

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission)



Nataliya Bugayova

Non-Resident Fellow

Institute for the Study of War


Ambassador John Herbst (ret.)

Senior Director

Atlantic Council


Michael Ryan

Former Deputy Assistant

Secretary of Defense





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1583b0 No.20874457


It's hard to blend in when all you've got is pasta, and no original thought.

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680360 No.20874458


>As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt and make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position.

I knew I was gonna see this graphic soon, but 5/17 is interesting? Day early?

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f9b288 No.20874460

File: e9d6b91fe37db36⋯.png (1.11 MB,1498x2554,749:1277,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd254b3ee290ff4⋯.png (344.25 KB,705x1200,47:80,ClipboardImage.png)

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333197 No.20874461

File: d9f1a56c6dfcb3d⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,540x960,9:16,christmas_2023_part_2.mp4)


fuck you fuckin bastard


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1583b0 No.20874462


Quads confirm, in [their] democracy it's always guilty until proven innocent, when applied to their opposition.

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4ff68d No.20874463

File: f49447405812cb0⋯.png (304.45 KB,406x679,58:97,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6673ec6fdf6651⋯.png (233.46 KB,499x422,499:422,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4aed09c40b8a15⋯.png (182.85 KB,461x363,461:363,ClipboardImage.png)

Julie Kelly


Joe Biden repeatedly denied Trump’s claims of privilegein authorizing NARA to turn over presidential records to Congress. Biden claimed Congress’ investigation into Jan 6 “insurrection” outweighed presidential privilege claims. Judge Tanya Chutkan agreed. 3 Dem judges including Ketanji Brown Jackson upheld Chutkan’s order.So now House GOP has a framework of recent case law to challenge Biden’s privilege claims related to denying Congress the recording of his interview with Robert Hur—by using Biden’s own words. DC appellate court:

9:52 AM · May 16, 2024




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7294f1 No.20874464

File: 59d1827d7870bcc⋯.png (411.99 KB,824x487,824:487,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93103ccbd0e1e25⋯.png (1.81 MB,450x254,225:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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21e8bc No.20874465

File: 9937f14f474bdcf⋯.png (283.59 KB,1125x1041,375:347,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca8883e23ecd4af⋯.png (609.46 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



Is that an eating disorder?

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6f20b5 No.20874466

halfway there, livin on a prayer

#25602 >>20873977

>>20874188, >>20874266, >>20874331 PF updates

>>20873987, >>20874196 Report Recommending U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland for Contempt of Congress

>>20874083 Banks Remain Financially Committed to Oil Despite Transition Shift

>>20874140 The National Institutes of Health admits to funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China

>>20874145 72nd ISRS in line with SPAFORGEN model

>>20874157, >>20874174, >>20874252, >>20874447, >>20874451, >>20874456 Swamp Meets

>>20874164 A federal appeals court has ruled that parents in Montgomery County can’t remove their elementary school-age children from classes that include books on human sexuality and gender

>>20874176 UK: The future space environment

>>20874207, >>20874210 Study finds enlisted Asian Airmen are least likely to get in trouble and Blacks the most

>>20874218 Retired US Air Force general arrested for child sex crimes

>>20874245 Pope to hold press conference on aliens and the supernatural

>>20874259 The government quietly confirmed in a recent court filing the IRS whistleblowers in the Hunter Biden tax case did nothing illegal

>>20874263 Pfizer is ready to pay between $200-250 million as a result of over 10,000 U.S. lawsuits involving supposed cancer risks associated with the drug Zantac

>>20874349 NARA Gives Feds Instructions on UFO Records Classification

>>20874383 Q/Q+

>>20874418 Refresher: US military, not Pfizer/Moderna, was the origin of mRNA vaccines. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)

>>20874419 Buckwheat up

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efcb2b No.20874467


~The first lady has another children's book coming out this July: 'Willow the White House Cat' about life at the executive mansion as seen through the eyes of the family pet.~

what about commander the white house dog

took out 10 usss agents

must be a world record

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5e9309 No.20874468


>fuck you fuckin bastard


bloody fuck you

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6f20b5 No.20874469


Bread title explained


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d51620 No.20874471

File: 756fd2a5d7d4f44⋯.png (228.72 KB,633x522,211:174,just_a_bill_pepe.png)

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5bfd31 No.20874472

File: 9b2e128db8d4fe4⋯.png (1022.51 KB,1080x1745,216:349,Screenshot_20240516_103234….png)


>Soccer ball vaccine

From 2021 for reference


Even in the article they said it would be useful against the next big pandemic. No mention of this lately.

He said nearly all of Walter Reed’s 2,500 staff have had some role in the vaccine’s nearly-two-year development.

“We decided to take a look at the long game rather than just only focusing on the original emergence of SARS, and instead understand that viruses mutate, there will be variants that emerge, future viruses that may emerge in terms of new species. Our platform and approach will equip people to be prepared for that.”

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5e9309 No.20874473



but controls our BIG RED BUTTON

foooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss day.

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21e8bc No.20874474

File: 3f578c06de6aa2e⋯.png (1.02 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


two people looking into the abyss by Moribato

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f9b288 No.20874476

File: 21b8ada18a0112d⋯.png (627.34 KB,612x951,204:317,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a6d32 No.20874477


The monetary system collapse is close.

Two systems ready to go.

Pretty clear by now who did the work necessary to implement control.

Not only are [they] stupid… but lazy too.

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333197 No.20874478

File: db0fae0fc512f55⋯.mp4 (4.05 MB,540x540,1:1,day_shift_change.mp4)


shill change anon thinks.

yeah well these cheap shills are crap

indian shills are the worst.

so bloody fuck them, the fucking fucks.

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6f20b5 No.20874479

File: 0bf8eba5b7a1e31⋯.png (26.15 KB,1262x218,631:109,ClipboardImage.png)


this post @354

471-354= over 100 shill posts taken out


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5e9309 No.20874480


Biden's Fools Day

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5e9309 No.20874482

File: c1690bf2d7e3857⋯.png (1.7 KB,192x123,64:41,ClipboardImage.png)


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4ff68d No.20874483

File: b98d250e4fc88b8⋯.png (298.49 KB,402x562,201:281,ClipboardImage.png)

Citizen Free Press


Congressman Tim Burchett is a good man. He tells the truth about spending.The National Debt is growing by $1 Trillion every 100 days. You can hear the frustration in his voice.


Tim Burchett

Last edited10:54 AM · May 16, 2024


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fc2062 No.20874484


Remember when a teacher's aid was told that she couldn't wear a Christian cross necklace at a Public School? They did everything they could to try to squash Christianity.

But they bend over backwards to appease the Muslims.

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5e9309 No.20874485


>two people looking into the abyss by Moribato

similar to what i saw

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f9b288 No.20874486

File: f35ff28cbabc0d3⋯.png (855.13 KB,1179x924,393:308,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a5bd3 No.20874488

File: f8981ca2421276b⋯.png (570.98 KB,769x500,769:500,ClipboardImage.png)


>controls our BIG RED BUTTON

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fda383 No.20874490

File: 29af9217ea0fbad⋯.jpg (149.23 KB,666x823,666:823,J8u6e33d.jpg)

Can't be sick or ded

Must be in someone's safe house.

Kinda explains the hostage negotiator mystery.

If he helped in the escape

Also helps explain tom cruise and kate Holmes visits

Just thinking

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1c9ae5 No.20874491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5a5bd3 No.20874493

File: 60f9372808b1f67⋯.png (99.81 KB,539x500,539:500,pepe_seethe_moar.png)

Fact:Shills know their losing the fight, when they have to resort to posting CP.

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62ff13 No.20874495

Moran Ivey

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5e9309 No.20874497

John heard the number of those who were sealed, and that number was 144,000

144K is the hz u seek

all is internal for eternally

as it is written, so are (You)

Immortality is yours

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333197 No.20874498

File: 4566a7788aed4b1⋯.png (833.04 KB,500x818,250:409,ClipboardImage.png)


bonus hole

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680360 No.20874499

File: 1b6bf84fd29c57c⋯.jpg (48.98 KB,440x550,4:5,Lt_Gen_Jeffrey_A_Kruse_2_.jpg)


I still think it's this guy, no actual autist will help me figure shit out.

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fda383 No.20874500


Acoustics and Jericho

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5e9309 No.20874501



>National Debt is growing by $1 Trillion every 100 days

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5ccdf8 No.20874502


The chomo indoctrination agenda

Kids are not gay, they are confused and coerced this method. Groomers looking for rising stars

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1c6cc7 No.20874504

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Charge against Garland is refusal to turn over interviews with Biden

1. by the special council

2. by the Ghost writer for Biden's book, for which Joe received over 5 million $$$

They won't turn over the tapes since the Special Council said there could be no trial of Biden for his crimes since he was non compos mentis (out of his mind).

The interview with his Ghost writer was wherein Biden admitted to mis-handling Top Secret Docs while he had a close Chinese aide with access to same.


Bannon calls out Garland

Garlands presentation to the Press should be in there.

Garland appears to almost cry. Tears.

Cry moar

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fc47a9 No.20874505

File: db6fa6e81aae93a⋯.png (44.21 KB,500x651,500:651,theiyre.png)

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3b90a4 No.20874506


She got paid by some dork to do that. Why would you do that for free?

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5e9309 No.20874507




what happens to the water when harmonics are applied

we are also water

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680360 No.20874508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Someone order music laced with symbolism for some reason?

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fc2062 No.20874509



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682aaa No.20874510

File: 4f62f8105b1908c⋯.png (574.56 KB,582x709,582:709,0b.png)

night shift hurt sidez

night shift down!

night shift down!

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1c6cc7 No.20874511


The Congress / House needed these docs for Biden impeachment.

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5e9309 No.20874512

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e7f33c No.20874513

File: 285fd8140570f2d⋯.png (1.46 MB,1005x614,1005:614,Q_1951_VATICAN_GODFATHERII….png)



May 16, 2018 11:21:28 PM EDT

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 02243d No. 1438412

May 16, 2018 11:19:15 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a4f36 No. 1438387


thank you for your service to the great awakening baker!



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fda383 No.20874515

File: 5f3af12eaf07fb9⋯.jpg (57.58 KB,421x524,421:524,Screenshot_20240516_134740….jpg)

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333197 No.20874516

File: fccac7c45233398⋯.gif (3.4 MB,588x588,1:1,kek_gif.gif)


cos she is a desperate attention whore.

gotta admit, it is better than some drunk ass irish geezer flashing his pale crack at the new yorkers.

Think this thing should be named the bonus hole by anons.


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5e9309 No.20874517


and Theiyr're it is

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4785ea No.20874519


OnlyFans/eCeleb - free advertisement

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6a6d32 No.20874521

File: e40e42df9eb2815⋯.png (277.54 KB,528x701,528:701,Capture.PNG)

Today we're celebrating the 116th Birthday of III Armored Corps!!! 🎂🎉

Happy Birthday, Phantom Warriors!!! Here's to another #116 of being ready and lethal! 🎊


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1f1b82 No.20874522

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5e9309 No.20874523

File: e401624b6d32277⋯.png (529.88 KB,522x518,261:259,ClipboardImage.png)


>Magik cube for (You)

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1c9ae5 No.20874525

File: 2766951e90a4972⋯.jpg (429.44 KB,634x737,634:737,193323129_Amanita_Jesus_38….jpg)

File: e2c87da091815b9⋯.jpg (216.21 KB,1200x900,4:3,Plaincourault_fresco_Garde….jpg)

File: 01247540ba4ee8c⋯.jpg (133.91 KB,800x487,800:487,Mushroom.jpg)

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5e9309 No.20874526




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c266bf No.20874528


Which is just a continuation of another religion, and then another, and so on, all of which hide the fact that the "one world government crew" REALLY believes they are the 12 Olympians.


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fda383 No.20874530


Raging is exhausting

They won't have anything left in the tank for pride month.

Outrage fatigue


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7294f1 No.20874532


>Why would you do that for free?

shits and giggles anon

shits and giggles!

it is the way!

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1c6cc7 No.20874533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Yesh, Biden is full of Chyna money.

>>20873983 pb


shaddup (you) face



shaddup (you) face

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f9b288 No.20874535

File: 9bc93966e85bc4c⋯.png (413.67 KB,1059x1280,1059:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3c03d No.20874536


Imagine thinking this is winning

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680360 No.20874538


>In ancient Greek religion and mythology, the twelve Olympians are the major deities of the Greek pantheon, commonly considered to be Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, Aphrodite, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes, and either Hestia or Dionysus.

This says 13 with either Hestia or Dionysus, probably means nothing…

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1c6cc7 No.20874539

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680360 No.20874540

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642a90 No.20874541


General Research #23139 >>18851346

Not going to work anymore. The cycles are becoming clearer. Gore and cp to test the defenses, then cycle through tons of muh joo, then racist/white supremacy, then some slide like "RRN is legit" and then when the garbage gets tossed, scream "muh censorship"

Bitch about BO and BVs and the truly retarded among you bitch about bakers deleting stuff all you want, not going to work, not going to change anything.

The Fuckitol has taken effect. The continuous bombardment of all the playbook shit has finally done the same thing as the pussyhats screaming nazi, or racist. Overused to the point of uselessness. Game Over shill bois. You have induced "Fuckwad Fatigue" and become nothing but noise to be easily tuned out. Like a dog with fireworks, every now and then, flash and bang and Fido cowers. But this was Fourth of July Finale shit basically 24/7 for six years. You turned Fido into a Cavalry Horse, the shit simply no longer matters. It's "oh, this shit again" and every angle is known.

So what's next on the schedule? Dick pics, Blacked porn? Tranny porn? The gore seems mostly reserved for night shift.

Ah, I got it, I revealed the rotations so it has to be accuse everybody possible of being a fed, or some alphabet agency

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f3c03d No.20874542


Doesn’t matter. They don’t follow courts that go against them any way. Cry more

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c266bf No.20874543


Or, you might be onto something.

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6be8d1 No.20874545


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de8481 No.20874546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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680360 No.20874547


<In ancient Greek religion and myth, Dionysus (/daɪ.əˈnaɪsəs/; Ancient Greek: Διόνυσος Dionysos) is the god of wine-making, orchards and fruit, vegetation, fertility, festivity, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, and theatre.

We should probably worship him in secret…

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6f20b5 No.20874548

File: d6556d6f89befac⋯.gif (1.49 MB,480x270,16:9,roflmao.gif)

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ee174c No.20874550


meme stolt and released back into the wild

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680360 No.20874551


> ritual madness


>religious ecstasy

Just saying shit could get odd my fellow, let's just do all this in secret.

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8e8347 No.20874552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A severe business exodus from downtown Los Angeles is accelerating day by day , Historically, downtown held a dense concentration of banks,department stores, restaurants and movie palaces that drew residents and visitors of all socioeconomic classes, but after 2020 the area began to experience an economic and social decline to the point of complete collapse, downtown is unrecognizable from what it used to be before 2020.

this video is walking Main Street from 3rd Street to 14th St.

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6be8d1 No.20874553


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fc2062 No.20874554


>I thought the Jesuits were conversos?

I believe you are correct.

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c2de55 No.20874555

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jeff Clark Gives Updates On Cohen Case Live Outside The Courthouse. Excellent description of whats going and explanation of legal problems with this stupid trial. He says Trump’s attorney is doing a great job



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7294f1 No.20874556

File: cd6196d0c711977⋯.png (2.14 MB,480x270,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6fd4869bd0a1ad⋯.png (60.12 KB,255x208,255:208,ClipboardImage.png)


>They won't have anything left in the tank for pride month.


there are soooo many versions of mental illness month! and soooo many mental illness months!

still the shit show goes on and i laugh and laugh! sad really sad but still i laugh for the Lord shall have them in derision!

peace out anon

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62ff13 No.20874557


Uhh this is a research board, nobody is forced to come here, or stay here.

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30b71d No.20874558

File: 4a8d42a707f36f3⋯.png (557.88 KB,893x471,893:471,freud2.png)

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3b90a4 No.20874559


She could be a legit model with that figure. What a waste.

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d58838 No.20874560

File: 740a275b6700e78⋯.jpeg (44.17 KB,471x357,157:119,IMG_1119.jpeg)


Dozens of students now enrolled in private school or home schooled.

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86159e No.20874561


When did the alphabet mafia become a religion?

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f3c03d No.20874562



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834bc7 No.20874564


Just search it, might try "all seeing eye" it had different meanings throughout history. The eye of Ra or third eye is Egyptian and totally different.

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ee174c No.20874565


WINNING, if it drives ever more and more OUT of the corrupt Skooling System, and into neighborhood family schools and back yard mud puddles where children can learn a thousand times morebetter stuff than in the sicko chambers.

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7294f1 No.20874567


and yet another court has said yes you can opt out of this shite

ilhan omar's state to be specific. or was it michigan?

white (any color christian) christian - FU

muslim - o7 not a prob

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fc47a9 No.20874569


Whilst anon does not disagree with much of what you wrote, anon would like to ask a simple question.

Do you have 100% faith and trust in and support for current board Admin?

Anon does not and has not since the departure of 8bit.

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9a08e8 No.20874570

File: 15e3577317f1f7f⋯.jpg (62.87 KB,514x481,514:481,15e3577317f1f7f70bffb97778….jpg)

Trump too 'weak and feeble' for presidency, congressman says after he's spotted sleeping in court

Former President Donald Trump is too "weak and feeble" for the presidency, a congressman said during the hearing for Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday as he detailed Trump's courtroom snoozes


Trump is COMFY



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de8481 No.20874571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c2de55 No.20874572

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mike Davis: Biden Put Our National Security At Risk For $8 Million Book Deal



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ee174c No.20874574


this guy has put togehter a fantastic collection archive of documenting the WarpSpeed decline of cities in California

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19f214 No.20874575

meme war!

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fd751a No.20874576

File: 38a55088d418a11⋯.png (305.52 KB,720x405,16:9,0.png)

what? meme war?!

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bb7a89 No.20874577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1f1b82 No.20874579



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e05879 No.20874580

File: da8d74da42f507e⋯.jpg (197.15 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_14_0….jpg)

File: a8ecedab99acc07⋯.jpeg (491.27 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GNuByUiWgAAmTl2.jpeg)

File: 719e13d546f4b96⋯.png (365.64 KB,640x3182,320:1591,97_4_.png)

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333197 No.20874582

File: d36a106d0adccd6⋯.png (815.04 KB,659x680,659:680,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e68e969aa4b34de⋯.png (240.98 KB,500x536,125:134,ClipboardImage.png)

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c266bf No.20874583


I read in some related comments on reddit, that Hestia gives Dionysus her spot so he can be a full fledged god. Although there is no source for this telling, it doesindirectlyremind me of the Adam and Eve story, after I read the Book of Adam and Eve, which now that I looked this up to provide this link, I realize I may have only read half of.


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1c6cc7 No.20874584

File: b1909703b5b79e5⋯.png (311.87 KB,608x339,608:339,911_Black_Cube_memorial.png)

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1f1b82 No.20874585




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ee174c No.20874586

File: 762c20977e681f1⋯.png (1.22 MB,1098x1268,549:634,762c20977e681f1f5ed259d386….png)


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38d385 No.20874587

Reasons to suspect there is no Genocide in Gaza

1. The numbers are coming from Hamas

2. The Fake news is Reporting it

3. Antifa is Protesting it

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1c6cc7 No.20874589


it'll be a round-robin.

Everybody will blame everybody else.

Just as Twit blamed FB1

And Fb1 blamed Twit

Same goes for FB

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f3c03d No.20874590


Cept it DOESNT

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fc47a9 No.20874591


It's not just Calipornia, but to this nonAmericanon,it seems as though it's all democrat cities.

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d58838 No.20874592


Yes. 24 or any other multiple of 12. You don’t math, do you?

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c266bf No.20874595


This is what the Mason's do…

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e05879 No.20874596

File: 3b5214d6378721b⋯.jpg (212.77 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_14_1….jpg)

File: 8c05ecc22233e61⋯.png (27.8 KB,640x408,80:51,202_4_.png)

File: de5ef6326bdd738⋯.png (250.01 KB,640x2326,320:1163,1402_1_.png)

File: 8d7c0ba2f8d9d8b⋯.jpeg (148.85 KB,1024x512,2:1,GNuBUX_WgAA7b9X.jpeg)

File: d0927c10d96eb58⋯.png (121.45 KB,640x992,20:31,3604.png)

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f3c03d No.20874597


Pequals Pfizer


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791def No.20874598

File: bc8f6801d8165a8⋯.jpg (73.12 KB,500x500,1:1,SWORDPEPESAVEYOU.jpg)

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9a08e8 No.20874599

File: 4ec7cd3d0e98c57⋯.jpg (14.95 KB,255x253,255:253,4ec7cd3d0e98c57c59cf16f2f0….jpg)



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7294f1 No.20874601

File: 0c6661a526dfa22⋯.png (425.94 KB,305x205,61:41,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 083d872e812c565⋯.png (369.66 KB,140x140,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc2062 No.20874602


The parole system is ridiculous.

Give shorter sentences and then once time is served the ex-con gets to be part of society again with all of the rights and privileges they had going in.

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d51620 No.20874603

2:30 PM EDT

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh briefs the media at 2:30 p.m. EDT in the Pentagon Briefing Room, 2D972. The briefing will also be livestreamed on defense.gov and broadcast on Channel 2 in the Pentagon.

Department of Defense




Defense Department Briefing

Defense Department Deputy Spokesperson Sabrina Singh briefs reporters at the Pentagon.


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e05879 No.20874605

File: b770189a2500783⋯.png (236.03 KB,640x1706,320:853,3.png)

File: 3565a52896da795⋯.jpeg (160.8 KB,1024x512,2:1,GNuBUZIXsAE0Ud7_1_.jpeg)

File: 1ec6a81d3e19c47⋯.png (283.23 KB,640x1850,64:185,5_1_.png)

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ee174c No.20874606


Not Sure how to efficiently search it, but there are MANY independent videographers all over the US getting just that you speak of.

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86873f No.20874607


I am the bloody fucking general.

No I am the bloody bastard general.

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f3c03d No.20874608


Dozens are great when you’re talking chicken wings but not so much when talking saving kids from groomers

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f5a6ec No.20874609

My Day in Court with Former President Donald Trump - Vivek's Take from the Trump Trial in NYC

Vivek Ramaswamy


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7a4ce4 No.20874611

File: ab622bb95df51be⋯.jpg (124.02 KB,710x947,710:947,20240516_121311.jpg)

"Queer Planet" will be released in June.

The documentary by NBC is focused on "LGBTQI+ tolerance" among the animal kingdom…

No, this is not satire.


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ee174c No.20874613


every healthy 'family' i encounter these days is looking into every opportunity to limit or exchange their children's time away from DoE.

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791def No.20874615


It is not a Court

IT is a Big Top Clown fucking show.

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f3c03d No.20874617


Yup they look but with 20% inflation they aren’t doing it

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e05879 No.20874618

File: c853351c3c3bd88⋯.jpg (206.73 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_14_1….jpg)

File: 758f4ec8128b020⋯.jpeg (294.26 KB,2048x1591,2048:1591,GNuAwDLW4AAGots_1_.jpeg)

File: 0b931ee9e4addeb⋯.png (72.52 KB,640x754,320:377,240_5_.png)

File: 1d1f3ab9640c097⋯.png (499.01 KB,640x3660,32:183,450_2_.png)

C 240

S 450

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4785ea No.20874619

File: 71c6dd48c3d1611⋯.jpg (59.58 KB,828x706,414:353,ps.jpg)

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3b90a4 No.20874620


Mike Davis: A guy who understands the game and knows that you need to fuck back. Thankfully we have him on our side.

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680360 No.20874622


>After seducing the Sethites, their offspring become the Nephilim, the "mighty men" of Gen. 6 who are all destroyed in the deluge, as also detailed in other works such as I Enoch and Jubilees.

>A Sethite is a member of a Gnostic school that worships serpents. The Sethite line in Genesis 5 starts with Adam, continues to Noah, and includes his three sons.

I feel you, that's about as far as I could get before I couldn't go further.

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da3250 No.20874623


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1c6cc7 No.20874624

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



40K ft.

Going in for the landing.

Can you feel it?

Jackson 5


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9a08e8 No.20874626

File: bafd15833d93983⋯.png (175.04 KB,483x483,1:1,bafd15833d93983c9caa573bf6….png)




grease the scroll wheels anons


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0efea6 No.20874627

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,Risible.png)


They/it claim to be Q's personal site…Da Fuk?

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e05879 No.20874628

File: 4659e94ebc0683d⋯.jpg (144.28 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_14_2….jpg)

File: 12c0a90a9e544d9⋯.jpeg (211.94 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GNuAp7BWkAAK5h6.jpeg)

slow march

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ca6a66 No.20874630

File: b0c47c42e0b2b91⋯.png (287.59 KB,455x683,455:683,b0c47c42e0b2b91576f55ebfc5….png)

File: 57a0bab56949830⋯.png (167.79 KB,1636x856,409:214,000_find_way.png)

File: 5b56f8a7ccda722⋯.png (18.71 KB,606x425,606:425,000_find_way_tew.png)

side perspective of hermes


the method used by hermes to hide the cattle (taurus) he stole from apollo

-grabs cattle by tail to make them walk backwards

zodiac circle

hermes made a lyre with the following

-spangled (divided) tortoise shell (circle)

-two horns

–1. earth sun axis; noon & midnight

–2. earth orbit axis; 6am & 6pm

-seven string made of cow gut

–six & two halves zodiac constellations

–representing maximum daylight hours during summer

moses & priests staff battle

-pseudo-hyginus, astronomica 2. 7

when mercury [mermes], holding it in his hand,

was journeying to arcadia and saw two snakes with bodies intertwined,

apparently fighting, he put down the staff between them.

they separated then,

and so he said that the staff had been appointed to bring peace.

birth of j.esus; 3:14am

hermes was born in a cave…

-homeric hymn 18 to hermes 3 ff:

[maia]…ever she avoided the throng of the blessed gods and lived in a shadowy cave,

and there kronion [zeus] used to lie with the rich-tressed nymphe at dead of night,

(many individuals die in their sleep during the "dead" of night)

while white-armed hera lay bound in sweet sleep:

and neither deathless god nor mortal man knew it.

-pseudo-apollodorus, bibliotheca 3. 112:

the oldest daughter [of atlas] maia,

after her intercourse with zeus,

bore hermes in a cave(animal stable) on kyllene.

though he was laid out in swaddling-clothes with her winnowing-basket for a cradle (manger),

he escaped and made his way to pieria,

where he stole some cattle (created a flock / congregation) that apollon was tending.






fun navigation stuff

we three kings of orient are…

-kings wear crowns

-a chrosmas tree is crowned with a star

three stars

see pic, tip of index finger

stars of orions belt

ref about ancient nav tech:


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37518b No.20874631

Have Skanky Denials' arguments against Trump collapsed yet? A Friend is asking me about it.

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1c6cc7 No.20874632


>>20873924 pb

Dow rises to 40,000 for the first time

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03d9d0 No.20874633

File: 336c82ed537de2a⋯.png (580.33 KB,743x1041,743:1041,debate19.png)

File: f82f992d09772f7⋯.png (399.82 KB,455x905,91:181,debate51524.png)


Don't forget the TimeStamp - 19

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113d71 No.20874634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For all [you] Boppers out there

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e05879 No.20874635

File: 916f790790d0cd0⋯.jpg (196.67 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_14_2….jpg)

File: c4b402e27ff6546⋯.png (33.35 KB,640x452,160:113,131_6_.png)

File: 233342f79379308⋯.jpeg (56.33 KB,680x453,680:453,RYHhPft8.jpeg)

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791def No.20874636

sudo pip install snow white

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ee174c No.20874637


anon in Loudoun County here. it is hundreds and thousands of families and their children building momentum in a snowball. the Trend will become unstoppable. The ones who are most suffering atm, are children in broken or dysfunctional homes where a working parent just can't break out (at this time).

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37518b No.20874638


Pepsi? Partial credit.

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113d71 No.20874639

File: 2abb70c7f052f66⋯.png (549.4 KB,618x618,1:1,2abb70c7f052f662b84c47e4ec….png)

File: b7395b93f12649e⋯.jpg (103.15 KB,834x558,139:93,0dfgthr565464re56edryFA.jpg)

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f5a6ec No.20874640

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d51620 No.20874641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:30 PM EDT

Examining the President’s FY 2025 Budget Proposal for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Power Marketing Administrations

House Natural Resources Committee



The Honorable Camille Touton, Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C.


The Honorable Martha Williams, Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C.


The Honorable Richard Spinrad, Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere & National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Administrator, Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C.


Mr. John Hairston, Administrator and CEO, Bonneville Power Administration, Department of Energy, Portland, Oregon


Ms. Tracey LeBeau, Administrator and CEO, Western Area Power Administration, Department of Energy, Lakewood, Colorado


Mr. Mike Wech, Administrator, Southwestern Power Administration, Department of Energy, Tulsa, Oklahoma


Mr. Virgil Hobbs, Administrator and CEO, Southea






2:50 PM EDT

Land Forces Pacific (LANPAC) Symposium 2024 #LANPAC2024 Day 3

The Association of the United States Army (AUSA)



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113d71 No.20874642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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333197 No.20874643

File: 906696158b78477⋯.png (110.5 KB,255x253,255:253,ClipboardImage.png)


bet this will appeal to the 8kun furry crew.

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9a08e8 No.20874644

File: 4acbbb1c706fdb1⋯.png (354.86 KB,662x496,331:248,1676729505287560.png)



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15bcfd No.20874645

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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113d71 No.20874646

File: 94dc9c5d7156192⋯.png (964.87 KB,1058x498,529:249,1a20.png)

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791def No.20874647


is that ZUCKERBERG ????????????

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311f2d No.20874648


How fucking dare you make fun of the elite 666th Funny Walks Regiment part of the super elite 33rd Silly Hats Brigade.

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ee174c No.20874649


i don't know what can measure a 'tipping point', but at some point the Skools are going to look mighty fucking stupid to everyone when they see a Skool with a billion dollar budget for fifteen kids.

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449311 No.20874650

File: 94dc9c5d7156192⋯.png (964.87 KB,1058x498,529:249,1a20.png)

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19f214 No.20874651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0e09d4 No.20874652


Wow, it’s almost like debates happen around the same time on election years.

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e05879 No.20874653

File: 209e4575c76392e⋯.jpg (202.86 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_14_2….jpg)

File: 47a54e7ddc91b06⋯.png (150.19 KB,640x1346,320:673,317.png)

File: fef1ec2055a8db6⋯.jpeg (343.36 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GNpIrE6WAAIa0S_.jpeg)

File: 6d764b72aa91b09⋯.png (504.71 KB,640x1862,320:931,75_5_.png)

this the Q chat board place

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38d385 No.20874654


Do Animals Tolerate ABC's Grooming their children I wonder?

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19f214 No.20874655

File: 8951c47451b08b4⋯.jpg (167.63 KB,1041x984,347:328,0_CYMBALS.jpg)

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24f78a No.20874656

File: 2c55678c8f96f7c⋯.jpg (125.66 KB,500x651,500:651,8qaq8z.jpg)

Gayle King looks like a Reptilian shape shifter.

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19f214 No.20874657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


a terrible comfy

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1c6cc7 No.20874658

File: 07b2a492858a423⋯.gif (9.87 MB,352x198,16:9,spherewaterrepulsinemedi.gif)






Bannon's doing a great job. Much better than you are, spammer.



Check out the weapon in the Courtyard of the Twin Towers / Trade Complex.

Water / Magnetism? / Repulsine

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d3a54a No.20874659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1d0d31 No.20874660

File: 6fd40342d801703⋯.mp4 (6.67 MB,640x350,64:35,hekeepsfalling.mp4)

Keeps Falling

Well-done short vid for keks

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682aaa No.20874661

File: e26e6a51b3222ec⋯.jpg (11.43 KB,255x199,255:199,2_PEPE_TRUMP3.jpg)

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847adc No.20874662

File: e26e6a51b3222ec⋯.jpg (11.43 KB,255x199,255:199,2_PEPE_TRUMP3.jpg)

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894f49 No.20874663

File: 783fc045a57952b⋯.png (523.44 KB,590x582,295:291,ClipboardImage.png)

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c4ca74 No.20874664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The documentary by NBC is focused on "LGBTQI+ tolerance" among the animal kingdom

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000000 No.20874665

Australia passes Mark of the Beast Act



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38d385 No.20874667

File: e10f3e676f276a6⋯.png (927.32 KB,668x641,668:641,ClipboardImage.png)

Pandemic 2020 - No Excess Deaths

Pandemic 2021 - No Excess Deaths

Vax Released 2022 - Excess Deaths

Vax Released 2023 - Excess Deaths

Shouldn't this be the other way around?

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03d9d0 No.20874668


> a congressman said

why not name the fuck, "congressman So&so"? No wonder (hopefully the majority 0f) people ignore hack media. Hope people don't click on that clickbait.

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fc2062 No.20874669

File: aef90bec83bfae8⋯.png (206.68 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe they allow a few Whites to become Jews so that they can lighten up their offspring?

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6a6d32 No.20874670

File: 221e3c21b565d28⋯.png (137.36 KB,527x418,527:418,Capture.PNG)

$27,000 Gold


Could it happen?

Gold will destroy the FED.

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feaa39 No.20874672


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2a6b15 No.20874673

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894f49 No.20874675

File: 945e0f1ca7478dd⋯.png (209.39 KB,535x611,535:611,ClipboardImage.png)

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feaa39 No.20874676

File: a2cb145de62991f⋯.png (578.64 KB,720x1560,6:13,Screenshot_20240516_143454.png)


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9a08e8 No.20874677

File: 1bd0406f78abed9⋯.jpeg (135.06 KB,508x508,1:1,1bd0406f78abed9f29120ef26….jpeg)


Dread Buns are adorable


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5e9309 No.20874678


>sudo pip install snow white

sudo pacman -Syu 7Dwarves

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e05879 No.20874680

File: 9ac399b7023a555⋯.jpg (219.47 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_14_3….jpg)

File: 6e80bd9d441d9f2⋯.jpeg (375.98 KB,720x1200,3:5,GNmEh9oXkAA2u1V.jpeg)

File: 4021b20a13d37aa⋯.jpeg (420.54 KB,1200x800,3:2,GNmEiJ2WoAE1Qa9.jpeg)

File: 04abbbdc63f13fc⋯.jpeg (362.29 KB,1200x800,3:2,GNmEiTEWYAAObaA.jpeg)

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8cc5dd No.20874681

The real "plan"?


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ca6a66 No.20874682

File: d170ec26a8edaab⋯.jpeg (131.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,51d459a00168a6cc292e0ceee….jpeg)




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5e9309 No.20874683




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333197 No.20874684

File: 9adf39b2b4888db⋯.gif (3.63 MB,600x446,300:223,storm_gif.gif)


anyone told these idiots that the animal kingdom do not know the alphabet?

only way to test it for real.

put them in a cage with a lion and see how that works out…

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feaa39 No.20874686


Year of the boomerang incoming

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b956b2 No.20874688


gotta hide the hook

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6f20b5 No.20874689

Last Call, Will Baker in 10 min

#25602 >>20873977

>>20874188, >>20874266, >>20874331 PF updates

>>20873987, >>20874196, >>20874504 Report Recommending U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland for Contempt of Congress

>>20874083 Banks Remain Financially Committed to Oil Despite Transition Shift

>>20874140 The National Institutes of Health admits to funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China

>>20874145 72nd ISRS in line with SPAFORGEN model

>>20874157, >>20874174, >>20874252, >>20874447, >>20874451, >>20874456, >>20874603, >>20874641 Swamp Meets

>>20874164 A federal appeals court has ruled that parents in Montgomery County can’t remove their elementary school-age children from classes that include books on human sexuality and gender

>>20874176 UK: The future space environment

>>20874207, >>20874210 Study finds enlisted Asian Airmen are least likely to get in trouble and Blacks the most

>>20874218 Retired US Air Force general arrested for child sex crimes

>>20874245 Pope to hold press conference on aliens and the supernatural

>>20874259 The government quietly confirmed in a recent court filing the IRS whistleblowers in the Hunter Biden tax case did nothing illegal

>>20874263 Pfizer is ready to pay between $200-250 million as a result of over 10,000 U.S. lawsuits involving supposed cancer risks associated with the drug Zantac

>>20874349 NARA Gives Feds Instructions on UFO Records Classification

>>20874383 Q/Q+

>>20874418, >>20874358, >>20874472 Refresher: US military, not Pfizer/Moderna, was the origin of mRNA vaccines. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)

>>20874419 Buckwheat up

>>20874463 Joe Biden repeatedly denied Trump’s claims of privilege


>>20874483 Congressman Tim Burchett: The National Debt is growing by $1 Trillion every 100 day

>>20874521 @1stArmoredDiv Today we're celebrating the 116th Birthday of III Armored Corps!!! 🎂🎉

>>20874555 Jeff Clark Gives Updates On Cohen Case Live Outside The Courthouse

>>20874572 Mike Davis: Biden Put Our National Security At Risk For $8 Million Book Deal

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d51620 No.20874690

3:00 PM EDT

House Minority Leader Weekly Briefing

House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries (NY) briefs reporters and responds to questions on his party’s legislative agenda.


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5e9309 No.20874691

File: 61d34a82c0dc05b⋯.png (898.36 KB,735x1075,147:215,ClipboardImage.png)


>Australia passes Mark of the Beast Act

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1c6cc7 No.20874692

File: a2f2ae758365fe1⋯.jpg (61 KB,952x535,952:535,contacttracing.jpg)

File: 32438646dcbea8f⋯.jpg (45.81 KB,537x689,537:689,contacttracing2.jpg)

File: 61451884dd1c1f7⋯.jpg (89.04 KB,1018x605,1018:605,contacttracing3.jpg)

File: 22e225813677bf8⋯.jpg (91.72 KB,1010x535,202:107,contacttracing4.jpg)

File: 11cae189fc772c0⋯.jpg (36.81 KB,600x442,300:221,contacttracing5.jpg)



fraudulent cops forced the lock at Mar-a-Lago and are stationing armed troops in our cities since attack of 9/11

Illegal searches and seizures.

Getting us used to it, since then.

They play the tape every day

"Bags subject to inspection"

So easy for corrupt cops and FB1 to plant evidence, as they apparently did against DJTrump - a billionaire who can ~afford the lawyers needed to combat their scum.

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642a90 No.20874695


Would you happen to have a link handy?

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5e9309 No.20874696


>Last Call, Will Baker in 10 min



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e05879 No.20874699

File: d313c88f198785b⋯.jpg (196.4 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_14_3….jpg)

File: 62f8e834268b122⋯.png (37.63 KB,640x496,40:31,102_10_.png)

File: 6630ee1da86e9ae⋯.png (96.61 KB,640x1104,40:69,471.png)

C 47A

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6f20b5 No.20874700

File: ece8a3a50309fdf⋯.png (206.57 KB,320x200,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc2062 No.20874701


Lieu is an assfucker.

No one who is an assfucker should be taken seriously and should definitely not be in Congress.

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7294f1 No.20874702


i spent the last three hours trying to shrink the video size down to 8kun stds. 25 meg with a tiny thumbnail sized pic and clear audio.

me thinks i'll rip the audio and attach it to a simple image file nxt

then again… l8r

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6a9ab0 No.20874703

File: bd61e1b7883b78b⋯.jpg (130.79 KB,750x502,375:251,DRUM_BEAT.jpg)

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5e9309 No.20874704


>Would you happen to have a link handy?


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fc7f89 No.20874705

File: 8ae8d5f2e424092⋯.jpg (119.42 KB,572x351,44:27,MarineMG_Night1.jpg)


Thanks bakes.

I've been out of the game a bit. What's the QRD on the board meta right now?

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642a90 No.20874706


>Do you have 100% faith and trust in and support for current board Admin?

Why would I not?

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72f237 No.20874708


is this supposed to be a head scratcher

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6a6d32 No.20874709


You have not been paying attention.

You're money magic sceme is over.

Time to work for a living clown.

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c7b824 No.20874711

File: a4ac6752b3975dc⋯.jpeg (766.45 KB,1188x610,594:305,28C44C99_5AAC_45AA_ADD3_B….jpeg)

File: 602866a330ad237⋯.jpeg (269.83 KB,768x622,384:311,7415DCDA_02F9_484E_A6EC_0….jpeg)


Dunno what’s going on with this as it went to Pittsburgh Intl and did roundies.not going to stated destination of Marquette,MI

Now headed SE back to JBA

Did they get it out already and all tired nao?

Cuz it ain’t going to Michigan according to this trace

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8cc5dd No.20874712


she's doxxed now tho

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894f49 No.20874713

File: 3194c63ea8afc3e⋯.png (429.37 KB,418x607,418:607,ClipboardImage.png)

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1c6cc7 No.20874714

File: 9a2587e9d97e76d⋯.jpg (97.3 KB,1200x619,1200:619,contacttracing6.jpg)

File: ceb23a97bc015ac⋯.jpg (93.5 KB,1200x621,400:207,contacttracing9.jpg)

File: c3da97da4ab211f⋯.jpg (97.57 KB,1200x619,1200:619,contracttracing7.jpg)




Now it's guilty til proven innocent, is it?

That's how they get away with the frame-jobs; with their accessories to the crime, Propaganda Mass Media.

Been going on, provably, for 70 years.

Spin the public so Jury is biased.

Many, erstwhile, rules have been broken for them to get this far.


rife with blackmailed judges, lawyers and court officers.

Police also blackmailed by the "MOB" the "BLOB" and / or under threat - placed under gag order.

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1c6cc7 No.20874715



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257cf4 No.20874716

File: f4cde06b431a19b⋯.jpg (50.73 KB,586x846,293:423,1715706408994206.jpg)

File: 89f768b4ab135af⋯.jpg (47.35 KB,558x461,558:461,89f768b4ab135af5eac8f5e52b….jpg)


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d51620 No.20874718

File: db45ed0253acad9⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,2354x1590,1177:795,qnn_meme_theft.jpg)

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9b684f No.20874719


King Kong is literally the documentary of bringing Blacks to White countries.

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4785ea No.20874720



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6f20b5 No.20874722


point that at the shills and fire


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1c6cc7 No.20874723

File: 7661972de34502d⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,fakenewsinformanc_a.mp4)





irrelevant shill

It'll be fun when the day comes to unmask these shill.

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6a6d32 No.20874724

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Today we're celebrating the 106th Birthday of III Armored Corps!!!

Happy Birthday, Phantom Warriors!!! Here's to another #106 of being READY and LETHAL!

#PhantomWarriors #PhantomLethal #IIIAC #IIIAC106


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1baeec No.20874725


Is he one of the MIL guys on the Q Team?

Has all the credentials, military, Intel, very smart guy.

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6a9ab0 No.20874727

File: d762bedc732db7b⋯.jpg (145.45 KB,778x586,389:293,RAT_A_TAT_TAT.jpg)

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c7b824 No.20874728

File: 5749785e1f78072⋯.png (421.1 KB,544x342,272:171,BD0FBD2A_F6CA_4073_B46D_A8….png)


Trust me you don’t want to live in the world when gold is priced like that for very long

Who will buy it from you or who will sell it?

The inflation at that point would exceed the Weimar Republic era.

It sounds good to hear it but you have to factor in the world around you if that price point occurs

Am strong advocate for sound, backed money that is redeemable however that price means you are living in Mad Max scenario.

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6f20b5 No.20874729


#25602 >>20873977

>>20874188, >>20874266, >>20874331, >>20874711 PF updates

>>20873987, >>20874196, >>20874504 Report Recommending U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland for Contempt of Congress

>>20874083 Banks Remain Financially Committed to Oil Despite Transition Shift

>>20874140 The National Institutes of Health admits to funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China

>>20874145 72nd ISRS in line with SPAFORGEN model

>>20874157, >>20874174, >>20874252, >>20874447, >>20874451, >>20874456, >>20874603, >>20874641, >>20874690 Swamp Meets

>>20874164 A federal appeals court has ruled that parents in Montgomery County can’t remove their elementary school-age children from classes that include books on human sexuality and gender

>>20874176 UK: The future space environment

>>20874207, >>20874210 Study finds enlisted Asian Airmen are least likely to get in trouble and Blacks the most

>>20874218 Retired US Air Force general arrested for child sex crimes

>>20874245 Pope to hold press conference on aliens and the supernatural

>>20874259 The government quietly confirmed in a recent court filing the IRS whistleblowers in the Hunter Biden tax case did nothing illegal

>>20874263 Pfizer is ready to pay between $200-250 million as a result of over 10,000 U.S. lawsuits involving supposed cancer risks associated with the drug Zantac

>>20874349 NARA Gives Feds Instructions on UFO Records Classification

>>20874383 Q/Q+

>>20874418, >>20874358, >>20874472 Refresher: US military, not Pfizer/Moderna, was the origin of mRNA vaccines. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)

>>20874419 Buckwheat up

>>20874463 Joe Biden repeatedly denied Trump’s claims of privilege


>>20874483 Congressman Tim Burchett: The National Debt is growing by $1 Trillion every 100 day

>>20874521 @1stArmoredDiv Today we're celebrating the 116th Birthday of III Armored Corps!!! 🎂🎉

>>20874555 Jeff Clark Gives Updates On Cohen Case Live Outside The Courthouse

>>20874572 Mike Davis: Biden Put Our National Security At Risk For $8 Million Book Deal


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ee174c No.20874730



(i don't know how you could search all the other documentation… but there are thousands of hours of this kind of material)

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e05879 No.20874731

File: b70562ff6dd3f7e⋯.png (31.98 KB,640x452,160:113,242_3_.png)

File: 438d2346d7ea462⋯.png (54.04 KB,640x766,320:383,1442_1_.png)

File: ae7c37cff139a95⋯.png (366.91 KB,640x2562,320:1281,106_7_.png)

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fc7f89 No.20874732

File: f369fa73aed5ff8⋯.png (62.88 KB,522x613,522:613,Pepe_As_KoKo.png)


It's nice to be back.


Good to see you're still here, Pig.

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a330a5 No.20874734

File: 0b41376c846f876⋯.webm (2.64 MB,640x800,4:5,1715297914271279.webm)





Propaganda is legitimate online WARFARE.

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d51620 No.20874735

File: 7b9a36821530bc0⋯.jpg (98.36 KB,680x453,680:453,cat_tank_copy.jpg)

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9ea1d6 No.20874738


He's a Flynntard and a fucking clown.

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791def No.20874739



Syu refreshes the repositories only if it's been a certain amount of time since the last refresh. This prevents unnecessarily burdening the mirrors with requests.

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6a6d32 No.20874741

File: ce4e3ee22525da8⋯.png (98.93 KB,473x546,473:546,qaggdropimage35.png)


Thank you anon.

Also 35 sec vid.

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e05879 No.20874742

File: 8261ee93333471b⋯.jpg (165.5 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_14_5….jpg)

File: 938722ea6707476⋯.png (294.77 KB,640x2356,160:589,222_2_.png)

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fc2062 No.20874744


Or maybe he was in a fire.

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6f20b5 No.20874745

Fresh Fuck DS




Migrate, locked board

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ee174c No.20874746


sorries bout that

try this one


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1baeec No.20874747


Green Berets are among the most elite groups in the world

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