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File: 7dd4bcff174101b⋯.jpg (83.77 KB,1344x1061,1344:1061,581df5dee10c5e9abd5c9dfbd0….jpg)

08cb73 No.5555 [View All]

What do you guys think of Jordan Peterson? The conservative who goes on about myths and the unknowability of truth while trying to blue pill the world.


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59dbdb No.5559

At least he's trying.

He's no Gore Vidal tho'.

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b68fc5 No.5561

>He contended that Roosevelt had advance knowledge of the dawn-raid attack on Pearl Harbor.

Gore Vidal sounds like a conspiracy theorist crackpot. What does Jordan have in common with him?

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b92ff2 No.5621

File: 27485f547f3d6ad⋯.jpg (46.52 KB,480x600,4:5,chumlee-pawn-stars-mug-zoo….jpg)


Hey, uh, source on pic?

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63ca66 No.5623

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da0011 No.5633

>Jordan Peterson


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8fb3f4 No.5638

File: 72ef13376481045⋯.png (154 KB,1891x209,1891:209,jordan peterson mockery.png)

>>5555 (nice quads)

He's a mindless hack who honestly believes having a degree in psychology qualifies him to be an expert on shit he knows nothing about, mainly economics & politics. He has no idea what Marxism even is and just makes shit up to appeal to the aut-reich crowd to win those sweet paytreon bux. He's also a delusional christfag who thinks we owe everything in western civilization to christfagianity and countries that don't have jesus will collapse due to all their problems stemming from atheism because muh "you can't be moral without being religious" bullshit.

As for what I think of him personally, he once stated in an interview that because he wasn't able to hit women during arguments, this is an example of society "oppressing" him. So yeah, fuck him.

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4784f0 No.5639


Ironically he is an atheist who defends Christianity, but he cannot give a good reason for doing so other than "Christianity is special" and Because he conflates western accomplishments with the Christian identity which has held back those accomplishments.

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ca8615 No.5646


i dont know man i really dont hate jordan. I think his ideas based around religion are bang on and i also just think his head is in the right place. His political views could be a bit more "centrist" though (i hate using that word).

But jordan was one of the first people that got me into thinking more about psychology and sociology

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44da27 No.5648


He doesn't defend christianity, he shits on it all the time. His discussion and lectures on Christianity/parables are all about revealing the moral frameworks handed down, not endorsing them, just giving context to "why."


>He's also a delusional christfag

See, you fucking retards have no clue what you're talking about. You're scatter brained in your criticisms because you don't actually know what he is. Also >>5638 is an asshurt leftist who is mad that Peterson calls out people (Marxists, in Peterson's case) for misusing deconstructionist tools that Nietzsche invented when he himself was a radical empiricist. That is to say, Nietzsche had not a truth, but a perspective on the truth. You must form a "why" to have a perspective.

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ab6809 No.5649


Sorry xir.

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219ab7 No.5653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stephen Molyneaux: a strong rebuttal.

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219ab7 No.5654


jb peterson is a sociopathic post-modernist just like you. He refuses to affirm there can be any absolute truth and so arguing with him is like talking to a plant: its fruitless.

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aabb28 No.5686


>Peterson calls out people (Marxists, in Peterson's case) for misusing deconstructionist tools that Nietzsche invented when he himself was a radical empiricist

You're giving him too much credit, gayboy, his analysis of marxism is "anything I don't like." He also thought Nietzche supported christfagianity so it's apparent he hasn't read him at all.


>being this butthurt

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aabb28 No.5689

File: c1a581d6b5c809d⋯.jpg (55.17 KB,428x378,214:189,e8d5a782847ae22ec4f0e8024d….jpg)


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44da27 No.5704


>He also thought Nietzche supported christfagianity

No, he doesn't think "Nietzche" (It's Nietzsche, you fucking moron) supported Christianity. If you've actually read Nietzsche you'd know that he does praise Christianity on many points, he's just fucking ruthless in his ultimate deconstruction of it as nihilism. The reason he was able to do this with such ease is because the nigga had an IQ of 150, a genius.

The best way I would describe Peterson's religion series is the unpacking of wisdom and moral frameworks from parables. Peterson himself is from a Christfag household, but not a Christfag currently.

His analysis of marxism are concerning the academic marxists who had to bullshit after the discovery of the Gulags, and all of their retarded as fuck relativistic followers, probably like you.

Maybe you should go back to reddit.com/r/badphilosophy/ where you can circlejerk with your tranny friends about shit that's not true.

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8ba753 No.5726



>As for what I think of him personally, he once stated in an interview that because he wasn't able to hit women during arguments, this is an example of society "oppressing" him. So yeah, fuck him.

personal anecdotal evidence is not an argument. besides mr. white knight, how is shilling for female emancipation revolutionary anymore?

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8ba753 No.5727


I don't see how Christianity pertains to homosexuality but go on...tell us how you really feel.

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54330d No.5729


He talks about how post-modernism is bad despite making deconstructive arguments for every facet of his superstsitious beliefs to not be seen as irrational, because he believes in an objectivity to his words, clinically delusional or a narcissistic parasite. Either way, dead weight.

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8ba753 No.5752


rationalism is cancer.

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8d849e No.5753


Cut it out, then

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62cb23 No.5762


> The conservative

Being right of the New Left still puts you left of Eisenhower and south of Enoch Powell. Bare minimum acceptable half-cucked centrism. Not bad for a limited hangout, and would be fairly banal but for the present low expectations and standards.

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d2064f No.5767


>because Peterson believes in an objectivity to his words

Straight to the heart of the problem

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1a9eb4 No.5782

File: 323c3ae10173935⋯.webm (7.7 MB,1186x680,593:340,Peterstein 1.webm)

He should gas himself.

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c45ae8 No.5806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Those digits...

This frog did seven hours on what a goddamn bonehead peterson is. All this "sufficiently true" garbage. Holy fuck. I got through about three hours. Harris has people like this on just to make himself seem smart by comparison. He gets dem patreon shekels because he has some good rebukes of cultural marxism— which anyone with a room temperature IQ could do, obviously. The one-eyed man is king,

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566451 No.5847


>If you've actually read Nietzsche you'd know that he does praise Christianity on many points

Almost never. The only Christianity-related praise of any strength that I can recall is for Jesus Christ as an individual, and even that praise was tepid. He was much more positive about Judaism (especially prior to what he regarded as the corrupting influence of the priestly caste upon Judaism as a religion).

I'm not sure why you're trying to protect the author of "The Anti-Christ" from his oft expressed views other than to save Peterson's reckless pronouncements and philosophical pablum from their own absurdities.

>The best way I would describe Peterson's religion series is the unpacking of wisdom and moral frameworks from parables

Then he learned nothing from Nietzsche's analysis of Christianity. But surely the world surely needed yet another "English atheist" to praise and follow Christian morality.

Not that any of this matters, regardless, since your post was from last year.

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d1c674 No.5979

I just am joining this conversation, but after watching several videos I just find Jordan Peterson to be one of those packaged-e-celebs with specific views that will produce the desired result. (money) He teeters on the questions of religion to keep both sides of that on board while going after easier targets that will please a large demographic. His message isn't downright evil and he's not exactly a right-wing extremist, I just don't think he's interesting or as enlightened as he obviously believes himself to be.

ps-fuck you mods for not having a realism flag. ;p

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31ed7e No.5988


>conspiracy theorist


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31ed7e No.5989


>unironically shilling for a christcuck scam artist by saying he is actually non-christian 1 day after Anon posts a ridiculous non-sequitur tweet that proves JBP is a christcuck

>for free

I would tell you what personality you have, but first you have to give me 10$ and clean your room.

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71555d No.5994


You go way too far but it's true he's a simpleton when it comes to Marxism and economics. It's a shame because he's brilliant at introducing concepts to plebs (which is most people if not all, at some point)

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f7b135 No.6009

File: 03eb2721fd46d32⋯.jpg (177.22 KB,500x466,250:233,dentata truth.jpg)

He's not a philosopher. neither is Sam Harris

He's a complete hack fraud. Pseudointellectualism dressed up for depressed losers on reddit.

He knows pretty much nothing about post-modernist philosophy, yet he insists on critiquing it. Literally a cursory glance at any of the writers he's talking about, particularly Derrida, would show that he has no idea what he's talking about. he's a paranoid conspiracy theorist with a subreddit that suckles at his teats

Both he and Harris have a cult following them that will fucking believe anything they say including the fucking Justification Of Eugenics????

hes a fucking idiot and I hope he loses his job

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0dc42d No.6013


Eugenics is good. The real reason why Sam Harris has never said anything worthwhile is because he is a kike.

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9818c6 No.6023


>you spelled someone's name wrong and disagree with my Lord and Savior! you must be a reddit SJW tumblr cuck BAAAAAAAWWWWWW

>academic marxists who had to bullshit after the discovery of the Gulags

USSR had a progressive prison system;


lol you're welcome, fag.


>personal anecdotal evidence is not an argument

>What I think of him personally


Can you not read?


>he has some good rebukes of cultural marxism

'muh kultural markerism' is a shit meme nazifags made up that replaced Hitler's "cultural bolshevism" garbage. Nazifags knew if they called it what they really thought, "cultural judaism" they would stop getting support from neocons.

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43fc14 No.6029


>this ideology which killed millions of people is bad

>my ideology which killed millions of people is better

I'm sure Nazis have nice things to say about Germany too. I mean, look at those animal welfare and environmental regulations.

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f7b135 No.6037


im sure you have really well reasoned arguments for all of these things you're saying

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62cb23 No.6044



It's tertiary insights for the moral/spiritual/physical bottom feeders in this end times of post-historical/capitalist/moder/whatever degeneracy.


>He knows pretty much nothing about post-modernist philosophy, yet he insists on critiquing it.

Sokal Hoax is sufficient.


>He's not a philosopher. neither is Sam Harris

They're on (((the same))) team

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890799 No.6058


Is that sargon of akkad?

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f7b135 No.6060


someone else showing how stupid one academic journal is doesn't mean peterson gets a free pass tp say whatever the fuck he want's about derrida without critique.

post-modernist philosophy is full of flaws and crackpots, particularly its hazy relationship with science, as evidenced by the sokal affair. yet peterson doesn't even know enough about post-modernism to critique that.

yes thank you for reminding me of judaism, now I can go back to my bunk and masturbate to pictures of zugspitze while wagner plays and think about how enlightened i am to know that the jews of course control everything. i've read three books. ishygddt

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3126e4 No.6062

>not knowing psychoanalysis is a major part of continental philosophy

>not knowing that jung has had an impact on continental philosophy as well as the freudian and lacanian programs

>not knowing the impact of psychoanalysis and marxism on critical theory

>thinking that because those "dumbasses" on /pol/ call it "cultural marxism" it's not a family resemblance concept and its features roughly and genealogically do map onto the historical trajectory of marxist thought

>chapo /r/badphilosophy soyboy libs are fucking butt devastated that their sociology, film theory degrees and limited understanding of continental philosophy are being critiqued and they can't put a substantive counter-argument together apart from "BUT WAAAAAH HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND IT" even though there is a historical precedence within continental philosophy for using jungian psychoanalysis, e.g. Deleuze/Guattari, as a bulwark against the freudian-marxism of the critical theorists

The universities should be emptied Khmer Rouge style of any white guys with black framed glasses. Honestly, whatever the first order arguments against JP exist, the left are fucking embarrassing in its ignorant second order criticisms of him. I don't think there is any free-thinking leftists anymore that can't put together their own thoughts without regurgitating powerpoint maoist boiler plate from whatever capitalist media that they are consuming.

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f7b135 No.6064


fuck off. JP crowd and ConPhil crowd are equally composed of fags, which is to say 100%.

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17dabf No.6072


ding ding ding

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57913e No.6075


>not knowing that this string of dick sucking through the ages is irrelevant

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9818c6 No.6100

File: 81067527bfe18db⋯.png (28.65 KB,579x303,193:101,httparchive.ishXPSm.png)


>blaming an immaterial force for affecting physical reality

>buying into MUH GORRILLIONS meme

lol get a load of this idealist


Good worker! those evil unionists- er...commies directly threaten my profit-....I mean, our proud nation! We need more laws and higher taxes for the 1%! Your nation wants me to have more money, you don't want to go against your nation, now do you? Don't forget to buy the latest progressive/neonazi merchandise that I offer! Can't fight back against the boogeyman without first giving us your money!

Also casual sex is state tyranny now.

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10ef31 No.6137


That's not what the tweet says.

He's calling for the sate to intervene to prevent people from destroying any chance they potentially have at creating a successful family by overindulging in rampant casual sex with many partners in their early years.

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4e377b No.6164


You're spot on.

However, the way he has written it also has multiple interpretations.

This is a good example of what happens when power over man is the end goal...not seeking God.

The tweet is endorsing sin (committing adultery) in the hopes that it will lead to people gaining power over others in the long run. The "missing responsibility" he should be spreading instead is that people need to seek God and need to share Gods word, not seek power.

Had this been a message for people to seek God, it would be worded differently..it definitely wouldn't be discussing a "necessity" for man to have power over one another.

For example he could just write:

"Committing adultery by casual sex will lead to your destruction. Seek God". It's truthful, straight to the point and has good clarity. The original tweet is crafted in a way where its hard to tell if he is someone who is for or against God.

The bible talks about this, about spies who will incorporate in their message that which resembles God in some way, and then bringing others back into slavery and bondage through lies.

An example of this would be the JP videos talking about divinity and Christian morals.

It uses a lot of imagery and emotion and tries to twist that into resembling God, but it does not spread the simple message of "please seek God, pick up a bible, study the word and pray".

This is the kind of thing that tricks people.

The bible says to follow authority. Authority when under God is just, and of sound judgement.

Tyranny by definition is not, it is unreasonable by default...so if there is currently NOT state tyranny and he is wishing for state tyranny...that is wishing for people to become worse than they currently are.

If they are having casual sex, help them to stop! Give them a bible, read it with them, pray with them, show them how to change their heart and how to not continue doing what they are doing. Don't say that their sin is a necessity for man to get worse, not better. That's not love at all.

In the long run, his message reads as though he wants to see people not find God. It is not a hopeful message. I honestly hope he just ditches all that stuff he studied and picks up a bible instead. I would love to see how he would use his energy after finding God.

He talks a lot about the contents of the bible, but he's only explaining them from a worldly point of view, he's not approaching that in a Godly way.

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600f90 No.6190

The stupid mans' smart man.

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f62b1b No.6219


He is boring and does a lot more harm than good. His views on violence is spot on though.

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cac0bd No.6224


The "missing responsibility" has nothing to do with any form of god/gods/religions. It's just that young dum-dums have sex without thinking about consequences. In best cases, they buy condoms. In other cases, they just make the child, leave to an orphanage and call it a day, no responsibility involved.

>If citizens could be called to responsibility for making babies with no way to legally get rid of it, would it be state tyranny?

^ i think he means that, not "Seek God"

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24020a No.6259

I have found JP very useful in providing red pills on feminism, post-modernism, and cultural marxism..

Also seems to be having an effect in fighting the shame-based infantilization & emasculation of men that government schools/media/universities have been pushing for decades now..

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de1b72 No.6440




>complete lack of counter-argument to the post

>waaaaaah JP is wrong waaaaah i can't explain why

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33c763 No.6450


>That is to say, Nietzsche had not a truth, but a perspective on the truth

You just prove that you know nothing about Nietzsche. He see truth as a convention between humans and not as the adequacy of the subject and the thing.

See On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense :

"A mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, and anthropomorphisms—in short, a sum of human relations which have been enhanced, transposed, and embellished poetically and rhetorically, and which after long use seem firm, canonical, and obligatory to a people: truths are illusions about which one has forgotten that this is what they are; metaphors which are worn out and without sensuous power; coins which have lost their pictures and now matter only as metal, no longer as coins. "

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