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/philosophy/ - Philosophy

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File: 1450848368661.jpg (68.61 KB,366x370,183:185,1450417564462.jpg)

0dea5a No.2890 [Last50 Posts]

How do we make this board more popular? I really like this board and would like to use it more, but it' extremely slow. I've heard people say that they like the slow pace, but personally I'm not a fan of it. A somewhat slow board is fine but usually it takes maybe a day to generate a thread with at the most 5 replies, an abhorrently slow speed.

Should we start advertising the board on other boards, or should we take another approach?

Or am I just in the completely wrong mindset and should just accept that the board is really slow?

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0dea5a No.2891

File: 1450852764577.jpg (52.46 KB,500x421,500:421,not mine.jpg)

Yeah, maybe advertisement on relevant boards would work.

Philosophy is just such a niche, man.

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0dea5a No.2892

The level of internet autism is directly proportional to the population level.

I'd love more activity too, but the way to get it is to advertise it to people who are interested in these topics to begin with.

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0dea5a No.2893


>The level of internet autism is directly proportional to the population level.

This reminds me of so much elitist philosophy. How can we depend on the masses?

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0dea5a No.2898


I recommend >>>/lit/.

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0dea5a No.2900


That board is a hotbed for consumers of popular culture. Minds that embrace fiction, not logic.

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0dea5a No.2901


Maybe politics boards? /liberty/, /pol/, and /leftypol/, from what I've seen on either board, have frequent philosophy threads.


That place looks rather dead.

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0dea5a No.2903

File: 1450905878469.png (5.8 KB,300x300,1:1,1447585204440.png)


Why not /his/? I really like /his/. They've got plenty of posters there as well, compared to us at least. A board that isn't dead that is sure to round up some good posters.

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0dea5a No.2906

Religious boards including Atheism?

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0dea5a No.2907


Sounds like a great idea. Maybe even /islam/

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0dea5a No.2908


I guess I'll send them a notification or something.

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0dea5a No.2910

More popular just means more pseudo-intellectuals.

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0dea5a No.2911

I've hit /atheism/, /christ/, /his/ and /islam with adverts. Now we wait, or drop more.

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0dea5a No.2912


True, I agree with the more users, the more autism, but as long as we can generate some worthwhile discussion that is at some kind of pace than that's worth not having to wait maybe a week to get 30 replies on one thread

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0dea5a No.2913

Should we go for more popular boards?

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0dea5a No.2914


I believe the adverts will just slide to oblivion.

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0dea5a No.2916


/liberty/ is a fairly slow board but gets more traffic than here, at least. One of the three major politics boards here on fullchan.

Maybe them?

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0dea5a No.2926


>inviting dogmatists

I'm not sure this is such a good idea.

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0dea5a No.2930


Eitherway, whatever you guys do, do NOT invite /pol/, /leftypol/, /christian/, etc.

Also, I wish we had "flags" for philosophical schools and stuff. That'd be stylish.

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0dea5a No.2932


Eitherway, whatever you guys do, do NOT invite /pol/, /leftypol/, /christian/, etc.

Also, I wish we had "flags" for philosophical schools and stuff. That'd be stylish.

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0dea5a No.2933


Thnx for the dubble-post 8chong.

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0dea5a No.2935


what would the flags look like?

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0dea5a No.2936

Heavy advertisement or maybe merge with /his/?

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0dea5a No.2943


Yeah that's what I was thinking. There are pretty much no "logos" for philosophies and so forth. On leftypol, one of the "flags" is a Marx head so I suppose you could just use Plato, Aristotle, etc. heads to represent a wider school or something but honestly idk. However that would work, I would love it.

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0dea5a No.2945


maybe we could just use a philosopher head for each flag and rather than use philosophy school flags, we simply use philosopher names? thoughts?

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0dea5a No.2946


there are some philosophical symbols out there

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0dea5a No.2947

btw is out BO even active? Does he moderate the board or is he kill?

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0dea5a No.2948


What is the max resolution for flags, again?

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0dea5a No.2949



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0dea5a No.2950

File: 1450997440808-0.jpg (40.35 KB,625x884,625:884,enhanced-buzz-2970-1384108….jpg)

File: 1450997440809-1.jpg (9.85 KB,250x192,125:96,250px-MagrittePipo.jpg)

These could make good flagsl

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0dea5a No.2953


Forgot about that thread with the cool graphics. Those might work nicely.

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0dea5a No.2954



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0dea5a No.2956

File: 1451005834300-0.png (467 B,17x11,17:11,nihilism1.png)

File: 1451005834301-1.png (440 B,17x11,17:11,absurdism1.png)


Just made these, Yay? Nay?

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0dea5a No.2957

File: 1451005870749-0.png (427 B,17x11,17:11,existentialism1.png)

File: 1451005870749-1.png (360 B,17x11,17:11,christianity1.png)

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0dea5a No.2959

File: 1451007794378-0.png (470 B,17x11,17:11,pragmatism1.png)

File: 1451007794442-1.png (423 B,17x11,17:11,historicism1.png)

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0dea5a No.2962




Awesome work. We'll need the BO to add these, but is our BO even around still?

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0dea5a No.2976



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0dea5a No.2980

File: 1451080352340.png (418 B,17x11,17:11,historicism1.png)


Fixed this flag.

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0dea5a No.2982

File: 1451084143430.webm (717.19 KB,640x358,320:179,mfw.webm)





These are great, but how exactly do we add them without the BO?

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0dea5a No.2983


Won't be possible. You have to go into board settings for that.

While we wait, any ideas of more flags I should make? I don't want to make too many. I want to go for ones that are as broad as possible since chances are if there are too many there will be multiple flags one could fit into and they'd be forced to choose one above all.

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0dea5a No.2984


>Won't be possible. You have to go into board settings for that.

Is the BO even around though? Does he even moderate the board?

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0dea5a No.2985


Maybe a flag that represents Transcendental Idealism? (Basically a Kant flag)

Phenomenology flag?

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle faces?

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0dea5a No.2986


Can't thank you enough for making all this OC by the way. Great flags.

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0dea5a No.2987

File: 1451087534934-0.png (413 B,17x11,17:11,stoicism1.png)

File: 1451087534935-1.png (426 B,17x11,17:11,idealism1.png)


I don't know him nor have I seen him in action. Why do some boards have "Board Owner" and volunteer or whatnot next to their posts and others don't?

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0dea5a No.2988


Well that's just the thing. I'm not even sure if we have active moderators or board owners. We can't really add any of these without a BO or Volunteers.

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0dea5a No.2991


I know we have moderators of some kind because they made that shitposting thread, but idk about anything else.

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0dea5a No.2999


Well I'll definitely save these flags if the mods do show up. Also, the anons over at /his/ were talking about merging out two boards.

>shitposting thread

What shitposting thread? The Stirner shitposting thread, or?

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0dea5a No.3000


I saw it. I am not such a fan of the idea. History and philosophy are too distinct imo, and the humanities are far too broad. I would prefer if they stayed separate but had a concurrent userbase.


Also, 3K, W00T!

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0dea5a No.3001

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0dea5a No.3002


Look @ my post #.

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a9b922 No.5744


that name alone is gonna bring a lot of people that I'm gonna get into heated debates with. not sure if that's a good or bad thing

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9ed70b No.5763





>and dank memes

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