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fb30cf No.1798

Whats the legal requirement/rule for make qutes of dead thinkers to refute them? for exampe, i quote Kant and his main works to refute him and his ideas; do i any need copyrights for this, or somthing similar?

More importantly, are works consisting of refutations of important works considered relevant?

>pic unrealted

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fb30cf No.1799


I'm not quite sure what you're asking but; you can quote anyone at any time in order to critique them. There isn't any sort of copyright protection protecting one from criticism.

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fb30cf No.1801

No point in pure negative critique. If you're not going to offer nothing new, nobody will care.

You can go against Kant thinking it's easy fruit, yeah, good luck.

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fb30cf No.1802


by making a critique, im ipso facto proposing new ideas, since its logically needed to replace the "refuted" idea with a new one

>and actually im gonna critize "the world as will and idea"

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fb30cf No.1803


You don't need to worry. Copyright is not relevant after (I believe) 100 years since the death of the author have passed. A lot of important philosophers are ripe for the picking - only most of them already have entire fields of study dedicated to their criticism and improvement.


>by making a critique, im ipso facto proposing new ideas

No you aren't. You are merely advising against an already existing idea. That does not a new proposal make.

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fb30cf No.1804


I cant simply refute ,i must propose a new solution, by doing that, i AM actually creating a new, original idea, to replace the other one.

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fb30cf No.1805


>New and original idea

>critiquing Schopenhauer

Bruv, I suggest you find a bigger target if you want your critique to actually have something new. Schopenhauer is widely ignored in academia precisely because he wasn't anything original in his own time.

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fb30cf No.1806


That's not ipso facto. You criticise and then suggest your own ideas, but the two aren't connected by necessity. Though there might be a nunace to the term "critique" I'm unaware of.


Philosophical academia isn't necessarily as linear as that though. Even 'discarded' ideas can be reevaluated or made fruitful at any given time, provided it's done well enough.

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fb30cf No.1809

I assume that the majority of copyright laws make exceptions to quotations in scholarly works, given that they are properly cited.

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b3531e No.5670



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51e1a7 No.5722


modern academia is full of "empowered wimmins" now. Schopenhauer would be a blow to their fragile egos.

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