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File: 75cc7a78dce0bde⋯.webm (51.19 KB,112x116,28:29,Eliphas - soulless.webm)

 No.419612 [View All]

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File: 174424ff78b9b89⋯.png (1.3 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1515773770623.png)


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File: c3c897c5a4cb1aa⋯.jpg (485.23 KB,1000x452,250:113,sk1426890960319.jpg)


That's what I'm doing in the /lewd/ Discord already though!

Pfft. Not as drunk as I wanna be, but the convenience store stopped selling alcohol at 9pm. smh


robot alert!!

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File: 3f3794038412710⋯.jpg (29.88 KB,250x275,10:11,63.jpg)


Good, just do that forever then. Never talk, ever.

The convenience stores have to as well? Only liquor stores here have to close at 9pm. Convenience stores can sell until 2am, but they can only sell watered down beer and malt beverages.

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File: 5a88a53488c474a⋯.jpg (314.79 KB,1040x720,13:9,sk1426890959461.jpg)


Too laaate!

Master drove me to a convenience store in another part of town where the laws are different! So I got two cans of Pabst, and we'll see how this goes. Never tried it!

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File: 611cf2cb7ccd99e⋯.jpg (12.88 KB,251x269,251:269,106-2.jpg)


You messed up!

Oh so you were in a more strict county, huh? Some states do that more than others. Just two cans?


Beer for rednecks.

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File: 73919dcd3eaba64⋯.jpg (40.91 KB,213x213,1:1,sk1426890960036.jpg)


I know, but I was talking on master's account first, since he was logged in, and I got bullied into joining the channel myself!

Not even county, just a more strict city. Ordinances suck.

And hipsters, though! It's completely drinkable. And yeah, but two 24 fl oz cans, which is more than enough since I've been drinking already.

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File: bcc21d7a9476de5⋯.jpg (48.04 KB,300x323,300:323,567.jpg)


>got bullied into it

Quite the fuccboi.

Would think it's just the county but if it's just the city then I really have to look into this. Thankfully cities aren't that far away by car. Hopefully he's a good driver. You suck.

Hipsters drink IPAs no one has ever heard of. Probably from microbreweries. Oh, yeah that should be plenty then. That's at least 4 cans.

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File: 3b0ba55e293aabf⋯.png (55.61 KB,237x276,79:92,sk1426890960187.png)


Stop with the fuccboi meme!!

Well yeah, I don't even really get how "cities" work here. It just looks like someone randomly slaps down city limit signs in the middle of residential areas.

… That's what I normally drink. But yeah, even the one can seems like it'll be enough, jeez.

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File: 2c256dd925fd0ef⋯.jpg (53.95 KB,300x332,75:83,571.jpg)


Do I HAVE to?

Does anyone really know how cities work?

You're a hipster so that makes sense! Should have bought some IPAs. What did you drink before?

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File: 23b9dabb93b32e8⋯.jpg (26.85 KB,240x300,4:5,sk1426890960330.jpg)


Well, not really, since it doesn't actually bother me.

I got a Samuel Adams variety pack thing yesterday, and I finished that off today! There was some decent stuff, though nothing fantastic.

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File: 14d1db1197aff28⋯.jpg (49.92 KB,300x336,25:28,555.jpg)


Good, but I'll use it sparingly.

Sam Adams ain't too bad. Some standard stuff that anyone can like, but not complete garbage.

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File: b69156d8f252a4d⋯.png (226.5 KB,600x600,1:1,sk1426890959495.png)


That gives it more impact!

We agree, then! I surprisingly liked some of their darker stuff, despite generally not being a fan of that kind of thing. Aaand I liked the orange blossom lager because I am a complete sucker for fruity beers.

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File: e869881e11dec40⋯.jpg (44.56 KB,300x304,75:76,807.jpg)


That's exactly what I want!

It's how popular beers go. Fruity beer huh? I know you don't have much time, but if you somehow can you might try Leinenkugel's Berry Weiss if you can find it there.

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File: da3bd1b06c29bf9⋯.jpg (224.7 KB,600x485,120:97,sk1426890960257.jpg)


I doubt I'll have the time, but we'll see!

Anyway, time to head to bed. Master already has, smh. Goodnight!

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File: a41831f48cd7c82⋯.jpg (46.47 KB,320x346,160:173,158.jpg)


Sleep well, sweet dreams.

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File: 10d744cab1653d2⋯.png (821.12 KB,1280x720,16:9,HorribleSubs_Yuru_Camp_-_0….png)


its weird to me it releases on a friday

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File: 7769d92ca552d7b⋯.png (273.97 KB,800x567,800:567,1500562694589.png)


I would of sent roses


The perfect day to go hunting, can't wait!

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How kind of you!

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File: a59b74b3f272e1b⋯.jpg (133.98 KB,1920x1080,16:9,RLtIWZ8.jpg)


Its the least I can do

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Why am I looking at gay things today.

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Yeah. Indeed. Sup?


It's good for you.

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B-bad for me!

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Boyzo rovu slut!

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I-I'm not a slut! mostly

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I meant that it was pu.re!

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Oh I see

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File: 47f0eb2b2a14e25⋯.jpg (47.79 KB,300x168,25:14,sk1426890959413.jpg)

>adding tags to all my Konata images

>there's 897 of them

This is gonna take a while!! But it should make everything easier forever.

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Indeed! Hello you.

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File: af11f22f49241e7⋯.png (243.02 KB,391x543,391:543,sk1426890959451.png)


With such important tags as "annoyed", "gay" and "autistic".

And hi! What's up?

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Mhm! As it should be.

Playing the dankest dungeon. Drinking tea. Listening to RollPlay: Court of Swords.

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File: 7bfc7d492f75461⋯.png (221.96 KB,410x475,82:95,sk1426890959470.png)


Sounds good! I'm currently just trying to wrap my figure out how to make time to do all the assignments that keep getting thrown at me. The second semester starts off insanely busy, apparently! In British Studies alone there's 29 questions about Romeo and Juliet, which each will require at least somewhere between five lines and half a page. smh

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>trying to wrap my figure out how

Derp. Trying to wrap my head around + trying to figure out

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Oh dear :-/ That is quite a bit, shucks…


Aha, I figured ^.^

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File: aa62777954485d3⋯.jpg (58.07 KB,712x630,356:315,1516825614918.jpg)


How is dankest dungeon?

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Addictive as far as I'm concerned!

How is you?

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File: 271e8a9f85f7859⋯.gif (847.11 KB,498x278,249:139,127.gif)


Gotta get it next sale. Hmm okay, just waiting for tomorrow so everything is slow. What about you?

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I see. Oh, did you apply for a job earlier? How'd it go? Or uhm, had you already have the job last time we spoke (actually spoke, not these short exchanges)?

Playing DD, doing lunges, listening to youtube. My thighs ache a bit.

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File: af3cd802905b404⋯.png (46.47 KB,522x472,261:236,1516824190952.png)


Nuh, had to wait till the *15th* for the site to open again then i checked but someone didn't update it! I'll check tomorrow. Is something thigh fucking you? Tell em to be gentle

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Oh, I see I see. Gotta czech urself before you uh… you know.

No, just the lunges were fucking with my thighs!

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File: 594fba604045043⋯.gif (49.1 KB,696x768,29:32,1516454863192.gif)


I dont know, explain you czech. Hmm so you say

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I'll explain once I return from the bath! Maybe.

I do. You can use my thighs that way any day though, no worries.

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File: 47c5dab8422d78c⋯.jpg (41.15 KB,501x391,501:391,ZPxXrEc.jpg)


Enjoy and don't drown. Phew, lucky me.

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File: 1f12091f89b0bc6⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,1440x1080,4:3,pat slut maxresdefault.jpg)


I did and I didn't.

I know right?

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File: 6a1990bcdbf683b⋯.jpg (61.21 KB,581x753,581:753,DQN4GayVAAUS5tJ.jpg)


Good job. I wanna take a bath now but I just ate

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File: 482578de2704967⋯.jpg (6.63 MB,2900x2440,145:122,632fb41a45984af5bbed9da043….jpg)

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File: 0003a25a76a8e27⋯.jpg (555.54 KB,900x768,75:64,sk1426890960303.jpg)

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