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/lewd/ - Circlejerks

There's always room for one more person in the circlejerk

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File: 424c249f027b266⋯.gif (1.08 MB,400x224,25:14,flailsneeze tumblr_nycgbiO….gif)

 No.413009 [Last50 Posts]

One one zero one. Hmm. That'd be thirteen.

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File: b87b10616a5264b⋯.jpg (143.47 KB,850x1204,425:602,__anastasia_idolmaster_and….jpg)

first for mormon unconditionally loving bit

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File: e84d46e46e0f7bc⋯.png (224.4 KB,362x553,362:553,sk1426890959563.png)


First of all: I understood that joke.

Secondly, to your previous post: Does that mean you'll also start with phonetics, which is boring and not actually related to your interests?

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File: 8525fb3a2044d19⋯.png (1.56 MB,900x1332,25:37,index.png)


I hope you're skinny and smol too, it would be unbecoming for the biggest bottom to be bigger than the remaining two guys!


Hue. Good job!

Well, actually no. It is probably going to be one of the classes along the way though. I am not certain. I think the curriculum might not be completely stable. They only list the obligatory courses and then say you have to have X amount of "track" courses (the tracks being the two choices, linguistic and cultural/literary). But there aren't enough track courses available so far. Presumably, they only make two available for every semester and you either pick one or both, such that you get the required number in the four semesters.

Oddly enough, I have seen two conflicting versions, in one they say you have to sign up for six track courses, in the one that seems more up to date it says seven. But seeing as all of them are worth 10 credits, it wouldn't add up if there were seven of them. So I assume that's a mistake.

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File: 22d2438cd3c607d⋯.png (478.12 KB,730x848,365:424,erika_cute.png)




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File: 44fea4fcd071e3a⋯.jpg (103.18 KB,595x842,595:842,1459713909553-1.jpg)


Mmm, nice!~ 5'9", 129 though! In either case, you are perfectly qualified to bottom as much as you want! Maybe even more.

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File: 648350789151f61⋯.png (346.86 KB,600x661,600:661,1505301645292.png)


Thank you master

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Ree, I am not your master. Don't confuse me with… actually… Yes, good job, pet! You will get all the cummies as a reward.

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File: 0e4b8f552a07354⋯.png (194.96 KB,453x453,1:1,sk1426890959485.png)


Well, phonetics is weird and boring anyway! And not really relevant to anything unless you're gonna become a speech therapist.

Is there any specific reason you're taking this, then? (Note: I might've asked this before and not remember the answer.)

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File: 8c6072f3f50e8c1⋯.webm (6.42 MB,320x240,4:3,The Armstrong and Miller ….webm)


For me it was a bit hard, but I didn't think it was boring o: Maybe it's in the teacher, ours was pretty cool, I even had her for a thesis supervisor. Hmmm, or a sociolinguist. Or maybe also a historical linguist, you could study the changes of he language in history.

Well, it seems more useful than literature and culture! I will probably end up just teaching. Probably, we'll see, I am not sure that's where I'll go. But even if that's the case, it is still more useful to have linguistic background than a literary one, I think. Hmm, well it depends. I guess a literary one would be more useful in that it's more humanistic, and you have to deal with humans as a teacher, even if the people in question are half monsters half the time.

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File: f392dd1b16b3244⋯.png (234.78 KB,429x525,143:175,sk1426890959595.png)


Well, ours is Japanese, so she kinda sucks at Norwegian pronunciation in general, which makes it hard when part of the point is to identify very specific sounds!

Anyway, I need to head to bed now, I suddenly have a reasonable sleep schedule. Goodnight!

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Oh o: Also I thought you were doing English linguistics?

Aha, good night Skandi, sweet dreams!

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Last point: I am doing English linguistics, but the mandatory intro to phonetics/linguistics is language-neutral, since people who study Norwegian and English and Russian and whatever share that class!

sleep sleep sleep

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Oooooh, I see ^^

Good night good night good night.

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File: 00169df90261596⋯.jpg (93.6 KB,639x500,639:500,1419028736194.jpg)

Hey, mormon, are you still here?

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File: 8f40c2afa6820db⋯.png (460.2 KB,544x761,544:761,4a51bd0a62fa304e275dda0b29….png)


I always am

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File: 55642c3d224219b⋯.png (1.04 MB,1400x1246,100:89,1472042744484.png)


I wanted to do something fun. I just don't know what!

Do you know of anything fun you'd wanna do?

Hmmm. Are you familiar with gamebooks?

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File: 0476710f126aaee⋯.png (791.62 KB,1440x1080,4:3,66.png)


Banned! Believe what you want weeb


Had a pretty good pic tbh, too bad I deleted all that



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File: cf7224e74069bb1⋯.png (1.12 MB,743x1176,743:1176,1503105848106.png)


I have not, but bit's here.. We could do lewd things with him


Hello master

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File: d68429627e9b871⋯.gif (311.07 KB,472x472,1:1,forced stroking d68429627e….gif)


Well, if I were free to believe what I wanted, I would believe it's round and perky! I am not though.

>too bad I deleted all that

Too bad indeed!


He won't let us. We'll have to seduce him somehow.

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File: f277b5e9465d01a⋯.png (940.8 KB,1440x1080,4:3,41.png)


Not this master stuff again reeee!


Well its not like a girl butt! Its really good I did :^)

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File: eb1c22f9415b80c⋯.png (448.52 KB,602x632,301:316,1504882015245.png)


but I'm hard, I was in a lewd thread for a while now I can't think of much of anything but his cock

He's just a tsun, I think deep down he would love to have us both at once

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File: 3cd5fe8f14b0740⋯.jpg (55.95 KB,748x1024,187:256,1500756667255.jpg)


Yes yes! I want to rub masters feet and nibble on his toes!

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File: 4859bd375f63bd9⋯.jpg (499.07 KB,607x850,607:850,1414904057707.jpg)


So few boy butts are, it's fine, I'll have it even if it's flat and blocky ♥ R-ree, it is not!

Also, nice pic.


Fug, how lewd! How hard are we talking?

I want to believe that! We could lie on top of one another and kiss and he'd have his way with us one at a time!

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File: 7cf9a19eeb6722c⋯.jpg (335.57 KB,1200x1704,50:71,1502243077865.jpg)


I've been rolling around in bed trying not to touch it but there's precum on it already

We could kiss each other while bit runs his hands through our hair and guides our heads lower and lower until we share something of his!

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File: e3cea2a076fbb20⋯.jpg (69.96 KB,951x1101,317:367,4cc1da8552de7a5efacdd6ee62….jpg)



spooky skeleton

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File: 30963675f0b8b2e⋯.gif (2.92 MB,400x225,16:9,finger 9c441e06969d352c1e0….gif)


Super lewd. You probably humped it, that's why!

W-wow, quite the vivid imagination you have!


'evening, Boobs!

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File: ba0fe1e8e46444b⋯.jpg (686.77 KB,900x720,5:4,1502289500864.jpg)


I did but nobody gave me permission to touch it

I can't help it!


Hotaru is for breeding and face sitting

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File: aefbae377860832⋯.jpg (66.29 KB,800x600,4:3,1469219213320.jpg)


Oh no, poor thing. I guess you just have to keep humping then!

You're the victim of circumstance, mhmm! Do you want to risk weirding Bit out by elaborating?

>when we hug

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File: c7288f426fb3908⋯.jpg (821.81 KB,750x1393,750:1393,__anastasia_and_nitta_mina….jpg)


I'm losing my sanity from not touching it, my mind is racing with perverted thoughts

Maybe he's not weirded out at all by this, maybe he's just as into it as we are!

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File: 7106238d76b0645⋯.jpg (56.25 KB,433x650,433:650,--dizzy-and-ramlethal-vale….jpg)


I believe those are off limits


You would know! Banned again. It was curse so I had to get rid of it.


no u

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File: a6c904620118e00⋯.jpg (223.6 KB,1104x1150,24:25,1504416639034.jpg)


please master I'd do just about anything to worship your feet and your [REDACTED]

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File: b75fd9f7adedde1⋯.jpg (312.96 KB,1536x1152,4:3,1470608011006.jpg)

>in mormon's mind


J-jeez. I told you, keep humping then! It's the only way.

He would have to be a huge tsun tsun. I want to believe it!


Now that I think about it, yes and no. In that I do have lots of porn, but it's disproportionately traps and cross-dressers. Who tend to have rounder butts than an average guy. But even then, most of them don't quite keep up with female bottoms. Anyways that's enough of serious thoughts, back to the schedule of whatever it is we do.

No, you silly Bit, it was a blessing and you took it away from us!

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File: ac8686fe99bd952⋯.jpg (145.02 KB,800x1200,2:3,1505592756708.jpg)


I can't handle this anymore I'll be back later aaaaaaaaa

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File: d271da84105c2a7⋯.jpg (276.69 KB,1280x1837,1280:1837,003.jpg)


Lick your monitor instead


Can't beat fem butt like a real fem. Not like I was gonna show everyone anyway!

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File: 1e63d97d2be91f4⋯.jpg (534.33 KB,1200x640,15:8,1505589212048.jpg)


am I allowed to think of you while touching myself master?

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Come back when you do X3 We can still do the gamebook!


For the most part, I guess not. I mean, not all female butts are alike, of course. I would never ask you to! Just me. And mormon, of course!




do you see what you did, Bit?!

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He had better say 'yes'!

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File: 85c45873f67e04f⋯.png (404.33 KB,891x461,891:461,85c.png)


Ask Rumor that is your master not me!


I would hope not. You're the one talking all lewd its all your fault so its your responsibility

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File: ce3bb25f6d27295⋯.gif (332.76 KB,400x225,16:9,heavy breathing a618c3b551….gif)


Nu-uh, it is your fault for being such a tsundere stud. Making poor mormon burning with passion and filling his mind with lustful thoughts. And now you don't even have the common decency to give him permission to think of you while masturbating furiously, how do you live with yourself!

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File: 7f44f2faa8cc3fc⋯.png (915.51 KB,1200x1200,1:1,tumblr_owclnq6MB41sxr4x7o2….png)


The tsundere meme lives on I see. Two years trying to do that I think? Guess he can't fap for another two :^)

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File: 4e861884302d79e⋯.jpg (163.99 KB,960x960,1:1,1470609417287.jpg)


I guess so.

>Two years trying to do that I think?

What do you mean? o:

Oh jeez. You meanie meanieface, you!

>mormon when inspected by Bit

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Or was it Bit inspected by me? we'll never know…

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File: f079a7667453ae5⋯.png (245.23 KB,1011x556,1011:556,tumblr_owauikv1lD1ubr8nvo4….png)


Nothing nothing. Two years can't be that bad :^)

Too lood.


Also too lood

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File: 4fdfea14204a109⋯.png (451.77 KB,1526x1053,1526:1053,c5ee12140ccb98e725003b99bb….png)


Answer, tumblr-kun! They are! You try going without for two years! In fact, I do seriously encourage you to… By the end of the first or second month, you would sooner give in to my advances than keep going!

Speaking of that, I wonder… it's been half an hour, I hope mormon-kun is coming back soon.

Hey, agreeing with Skandi's intuition doesn't mean it's not worth double-checking just how flat it actually is, innit :^)

>when mormon is finally finished

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File: 44eacb2f073a277⋯.jpg (163.98 KB,800x600,4:3,tumblr_olcfydx4L01w43du0o1….jpg)


I dont need to since I can when I want where I want! You try!

Probably passed out lul or only comes here when horny. My intuition is that his dick is 4 inches :^)

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File: fed60d8f1e2e33f⋯.jpg (102.51 KB,637x660,637:660,1501078912697.jpg)

One wonders where this meme of making awkward sexual advances to Bit suddenly came from.

And rumor being quite the horn dog lately.

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File: 0b3d9dc80d06d01⋯.jpg (53.49 KB,425x480,85:96,tumblr_or59dmjE5g1takt7zo3….jpg)


Save me!

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File: 60cf8f8ec252d74⋯.gif (1.55 MB,448x252,16:9,brush rape nisebrush003.gi….gif)

I don't have to try, you were the one who said it was no big deal, so you go ahead put your money where your mouth is! Mmmmm, Bit's mouth…

That would be a shame! That might be a really cute dick though ♥

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File: ef00ed1abae2f0f⋯.jpg (208.18 KB,600x848,75:106,1430978718238-3.jpg)


He is too much of a bro to tell you to fuck off, that's why!

G-guilty as charged. Gomen, Motley-sama. In my own defence, I have been listening to fedora stuff in the background this whole time. That's not to say I get off on fedora stuff! Just as evidence I haven't been getting off on the lewd talk!

Shit, I forgot where we left off, but I think this one might be $0.70.

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File: 0c8ed50c3c4a5de⋯.png (1.77 MB,1239x774,413:258,37889806_p0.png)


I don't have anything to prove anything buddy boy. Delete! Everyone here needs a damn cage or something! Im sure he will be fine with it

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File: 510b0122f5f993c⋯.gif (718.39 KB,400x400,1:1,gvENHQa.gif)


Fok off :^)

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Because you don't actually believe that two years without uh… without doing… you know! That it's a big deal. It's for inserting things!~

I am not sure what you meant with the cage and him being fine, I meant that it would be a shame if he passed out and wouldn't come back! But it's been over an hour now…



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File: 48e195e1203628e⋯.gif (1.24 MB,500x301,500:301,zaLrEFx.gif)


I could go 1000 years! Food? I am hungry, send Chinese food. Ooh well I am probably right. Doubt it takes him 3 minutes.

All jokes

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File: 2135ac759caa166⋯.jpg (289.19 KB,1813x2377,1813:2377,1502201443872.jpg)

it's 6.5 inches not 4

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File: f4084c38dff558f⋯.png (107.39 KB,500x500,1:1,1504812071161.png)

this place is strange again

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File: 42ef80735e6e6f0⋯.jpg (123.51 KB,1200x1200,1:1,DDwODHNV0AAOd6s.jpg)


Uh huh


What you been up to?

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File: ba4ae3f047a270a⋯.jpg (1.87 MB,2000x2400,5:6,1505591807505.jpg)


I could show you if you'd like

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Pffft, lies and deceit. Kek, predictable. Enjoy your food, Bit. If you do.

Well here he is again, yay!




Too lewd!

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File: 131d7b54d1f499c⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,900x901,900:901,__kaname_madoka_mahou_shou….jpg)


playing new vegas and reading umineko mostly, howwa you?

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*saves *:^)


That doesn't make much sense!

You better find a way to kill your testosterone! Why fedora stuff?

Gib real money pls.

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File: 76b115404542f52⋯.gif (119.51 KB,500x286,250:143,1505598451045.gif)

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File: c923e4416f2a1f5⋯.jpg (151.39 KB,1024x768,4:3,1430978822253-1.jpg)


Does too.

That's what the fedora stuff is for! Nah, idk, really, it's just a weirdo interest of mine.

Nope and nope. $0.80

Problem is I am not 100% sure what the debt was, but I think it's $4.



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File: a4ace17ba4d26eb⋯.jpg (66.08 KB,853x480,853:480,1505585038417.jpg)


I can't control my urges

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File: 474cf1ba53a31d8⋯.gif (2.97 MB,640x360,16:9,weirdo 1468168347951.gif)


You're a neat little perv! ^.^

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File: a43a6b571174440⋯.png (6.26 KB,198x207,22:23,1468425921164.png)


Alright just post it here then


Your face! No food yet but soon. Your benis rises and youre happy!


Man I tried getting into that but sadly I couldn't ;-;. Nice to watch tho. Oh I wanted to try out that vn when I saw it on steam, is it good? Doing okay just playing some runescape atm nothing exciting.


Wow great job ;-;

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File: 3887336daa9e1ab⋯.jpg (610.73 KB,940x800,47:40,1505591338358.jpg)


n-not a perv!


Aaaaaa in public!?

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File: 40d42c163494f51⋯.jpg (954.53 KB,1035x1500,69:100,1504878181982.jpg)


new vegas is ehh sometimes the dlc for it is some of the worst I've ever played. Umineko is really good if you don't mind that it's basically a book and its kinetic and there's no choices, just reading with voices and music. If you get it on steam there's a guide that tells you how to add in the ps3 sprites and voices which makes it a much better experience.

nothing exciting is good sometimes though, better than bad things right?

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I said no and that's final, mister!

Doesn't seem to be working! Hmm fair enough. I'll just start calling you one. :^)

Well then I don't need anything from you! Except attention.

It was 80 cents. Wow look at that! You're done!


Did I really do a great job?

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File: c97051e94fd5d0e⋯.jpg (101.46 KB,650x875,26:35,ClBIvAhVYAAqrG3.jpg)




Hmm no choices..I could live with that. Is that for both of them or just the last one? Yea you are right not bad when you wanna be comfy too.


No you're making me sad

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File: ecf17d2acfe7c1d⋯.png (455.49 KB,600x900,2:3,ecf17d2acfe7c1dabf64aadbcb….png)


Nu-uh. I figured it would be soon. That's like a line a hypnotist says at the end when he is waking his patient up, kek.


A huge perv, mhm!


You are not the master of me.

Don't mind if I do! Wait, I mean if you do. Uh…

The attention is had, as well as the futas. $0.90

Sucky sucky four dolla.

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File: 02c36593205c38b⋯.png (169.77 KB,750x750,1:1,1504562383351.png)


both of them? do you mean the sprites and voices? it's two separate patches if I remember right and you just move em to where they go

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>inb4 mormon-kun is actually taking a pic at the moment

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File: 3834a1f2fb7afe9⋯.jpg (73.91 KB,525x700,3:4,DIdZs5TVYAAr7BJ.jpg)


Good timing then. I only had a grilled cheese today ;-; Gonna get beef stew and rice. Well did it work?


I thought it had two full games.

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Oh, so you don't want to be saved?


I don't have to be you whore.

Whatever you say, fedora.

Do as you please I guess.

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File: 166fb533f141dec⋯.png (311.96 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1504975730643.png)


oh that's what you meant. yeah there's umineko and umineko chiru, chiru isn't on steam yet so you have to play through the unofficial translations. but they both have the ps3 sprites and voices available that way too so its okay just not if you want it on steamu yet

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File: 0231ac01c319e4c⋯.png (1014.67 KB,1280x960,4:3,ecf17d2acfe7c1dabf64aadbcb….png)


Awww. Enjoy it ^.^ No. Flaccid as something really flaccid.


Pffft, so you think.

I already hate.


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File: 0fb220dc81bb65e⋯.jpg (264.31 KB,886x1299,886:1299,1467861844223.jpg)


Thought you already did, but if you had to ask the question it means you didn't!


Hmm wonder if the ps3 emulator has them up and running. Ooh nvm then, there are so many good vns not being translated it hurts inside.


I shall. It died, rip ;-; 7

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Boop, come back, Mormon-kun o:


Good to hear ^.^ Are you worried about my penis being soft? D'awwww ♥

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File: b5a39dc8b804b9d⋯.jpg (1.63 MB,1566x1554,261:259,63418351_p0.jpg)


Nope! Just my own for now and not even now!

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On an unrelated note, the nerve centre notices when people are active in a thread even when the thread itself does not bump. Interesting. That is how I noticed the squatters are still around, that is neat to see.



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File: 34a52c4f263cf77⋯.jpg (126.25 KB,708x1003,12:17,DJEbosAVwAAq69h.jpg)



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Yeah. You know, the people who post in old threads ^^

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Maybe it's a true factual fact.

Shame, fedora. :^)

This is going too slow.


Then why are you sad?!


Oh, they're still around?

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File: b59d4fe5a1bcfb7⋯.jpg (125.15 KB,850x929,850:929,sample_f5dec5d6d3f88d222e8….jpg)

File: c96524c01381be6⋯.jpg (276.8 KB,1253x673,1253:673,1276671355.melindathekinky….jpg)

Lookie here, a hypnotist taking care of someone's erection. Basically Bit and me tbh.


Is not.


You took a long time so have a huge futa bukkakke, $1.1 !

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File: b463ad61985cfbf⋯.png (3.54 MB,1919x1079,1919:1079,4.png)


Oh checking the recent posts it I dont see them at all



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File: ff739e993c6365c⋯.jpg (1.77 MB,2067x2067,1:1,127803718370.jpg)


>Oh, they're still around?

Oh, and yeah they are. >>317385



See above!

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Is so.


Because I'm busy!


What did I do though? ;_;

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File: 3840b01f7faf612⋯.png (1.43 MB,1351x976,1351:976,1417848859622-4.png)


Never has a man been more wrong in the history of ever like you are now.


Doing some moar programming? 1$.3

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File: e20ecc624675108⋯.png (490.69 KB,414x692,207:346,16.png)


Isn't that like from last year?



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File: c7dfedc7ef12147⋯.jpg (438.24 KB,700x900,7:9,1504956443451-d.jpg)

So rumor likes tentacles?

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…fuck, yes it is. How did I misread that ._.'' I mean, I thought that was what happened because it showed up in the nerve centre, so I guess I was biased before I clicked it, but still!

It is weird that it appeared in the nerve centre though.


As much as the next dude. Hello Grids.

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File: d885220c0bf50c0⋯.png (517.05 KB,483x585,161:195,12.png)


Probably left to another board, not really sure why though

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File: 141a4628396ca16⋯.webm (6.65 MB,512x384,4:3,BB s1e2 01001.webm)

I do want moremon though.


Maybe they were getting too up to speed with us. We weren't leaving enough corpses of threads for them to inhabit.

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Are you talking to yourself?

I don't watch Anime.

Nope! I wish. work.


That's good. I think that's good.

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File: f3eacb75d68d495⋯.jpg (74.31 KB,599x600,599:600,1434577736832-4.jpg)


You wish!

No? Why do you use those Nichijou girls as your avatar? o:

Ohhh, shucks. Then you're a naughty boye, shitposting at work.


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File: 08a7e3aaafbbb33⋯.jpg (682.58 KB,1202x1280,601:640,1505064524509-d.jpg)


I like them a lot, but then again I like most of the stuff on /d/

How about parasites?

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They can be really hot, that's for sure.

Hmmm, it's hits and misses with those, I guess. Slightly more misses than hits.

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File: 3abbecf81616669⋯.jpg (140.48 KB,1200x900,4:3,1504459941794-d.jpg)


Well, I am a unique individual I would say, porn hub recommends the tag fetish, because it can't figure out what I'm into.

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I don't have to, it's what you're doing!

Nichijou is the exception.

Sue me! I don't always do so though. Just an easier day today for once.

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File: 201858c3427b940⋯.gif (1001.89 KB,500x240,25:12,4.gif)


A true 3 incher at heart. No way, we had too many threads for that or maybe they didn't like people seeing what they were saying anymore



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Hehe, Pornhub does that to people it can't classify? Neat, I didn't know.

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I don't even remember what we're arguing about, ree.

I have sorta started watching it, it is an odd one! Has style, but the lack of plot does kinda bother me in the end!


>A true 3 incher at heart.


>No way, we had too many threads for that or maybe they didn't like people seeing what they were saying anymore

Hmmm, I wonder….

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File: db3caf9fa02ea8d⋯.jpg (166.48 KB,1200x900,4:3,1504909921838-d.jpg)


Yep, if the algorithm sees a tag on the videos you watch it account for it in recomended, and everything I'm into can be tagged fetish, what I'm into is constantly in a state of flux.

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Heh, fair enough, mhm! An indecisive perv is what you are.

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Heh, fair enough, mhm! An indecisive perv is what you are.

Also I have serious problems posting now!

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Heh, fair enough, mhm! An indecisive perv is what you are.

Also I have serious problems posting now!

Let's try this the third time ;-;

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File: b225cb5e00ffee4⋯.jpg (281.26 KB,1257x1478,1257:1478,tumblr_n2kk0vclGF1t0oz8yo1….jpg)


The one person you keep begging for, baka.

Or they all died

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That's for the best then!

It's the best! You better like it! It's a slice of life so no real central plot.

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I don't get how his size was relevant!

Also possible!

Well then. By the time this posts, I'll probably be on my way to bed. Good night, Bits.

And good night, Grids. And Motley too!

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File: 7042be9e369acc2⋯.jpg (74.94 KB,600x383,600:383,1505218030579-d.jpg)




Well, I do always go back, I just go for everything, he'll even the recommended stuff I would never think to search, or would ever think I would be interested in, I get off to it, there's even stuff I've gotten off to and felt bad after.

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File: 6a958bd7745dae2⋯.jpg (553.95 KB,1152x922,576:461,fc11560531592ce1025a2dd170….jpg)




All you have to do is put two and two together. Night

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File: 1e7e7736088b782⋯.jpg (89.02 KB,640x901,640:901,1505611063054.jpg)


I want you

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File: 27dd60bf2e3b9d1⋯.webm (7.58 MB,640x360,16:9,02 26 2003.webm)

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File: d59cf3975fd9728⋯.jpg (161.06 KB,341x354,341:354,Dammit fucking humanoid fo….jpg)

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File: a75596e70fcf1a3⋯.jpg (235.15 KB,486x800,243:400,57f9ece3db53a38aaf7e29f415….jpg)


Hello Motley. Sorry I was walking the dog. And showering.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Also the vid is an enactment of a Garfield strip. See ~ 0:20

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File: e4f6b52c70a6b22⋯.jpg (146.67 KB,800x1000,4:5,1499761039065.jpg)

I eat ass

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File: 12b4a58e64f6648⋯.jpeg (170.88 KB,710x557,710:557,_ass ea96b0b336cbe1606b86….jpeg)


Hello you.

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File: 6f2e9e78d723086⋯.jpg (71.91 KB,500x375,4:3,not sure if bros or gay 13….jpg)

>no Mormon to molest

>no Bit to harass

What a disappointing Sunday.

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File: 2123f8192d59a8b⋯.png (79.95 KB,248x246,124:123,sk1426890959405.png)


Wow okay. I'll just go slit my wrists or something.

(Semi-related: Master linked me to some dumb rap video today, and one line was (iirc) "pussy slit like slitted wrists". That is spectacularly bad.)

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File: 44fce55084cae4a⋯.jpg (77.93 KB,399x500,399:500,nie radšei knihu.jpg)


I mean, are you saying you want to be molested or harassed? Yeah I didn't think so!

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File: f82e88471f75c64⋯.png (184.49 KB,390x390,1:1,sk1426890959417.png)


One of the best things that ever happened to me was master doing those things to me, so yeah. Can't spell "harassed" without "ass".

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File: b388c23fbc359f4⋯.jpg (307.2 KB,1032x942,172:157,open your mouth 1471046326….jpg)


Yeah but you have him so there is no need for me to do it, nay, there is a need for me not to do it, even.


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File: a66154258a86830⋯.jpg (398.34 KB,1200x1728,25:36,konachan17.jpg)


>dat doujin

Besides, master doesn't mind if other people bully me! As long as I just submit to him and stuff.

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File: b8aae795a5037a0⋯.gif (44.7 KB,408x200,51:25,this goes up your butt 200….gif)


Kek, I don't even have it. That translation though. Japanese are weirdos.

Well I don't care anyways. Having a bf means you're off limits.

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File: c2fb255c8d721a7⋯.png (78.7 KB,180x180,1:1,sk1426890959434.png)




But yeah, obviously I'm off limits! I'm just also allowed to humorously flirt with people.

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Suck it up, weeb.


I have been doing that to Bit a lot these days, I think it's stopped to be funny though. Should probably stop. Even though he's a big guy and can take it.

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File: b3331e04feb545d⋯.png (187.55 KB,321x412,321:412,sk1426890959683.png)


>Suck it up

I thought you said taken guys were off limits!!!

P sure it's fine as long as he doesn't actually get annoyed or anything!

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File: 0e418eb0751a8df⋯.jpg (12.28 KB,236x209,236:209,thumb up 285e9d3607232075c….jpg)


Too predictable!

Who knows if he does or doesn't though!

Anyways. What's up?

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File: 31fce123319ad31⋯.png (199.03 KB,600x600,1:1,sk1426890959494.png)


Gimme a break, I'm drunk and sleepy!

So sleepy, in fact, that I'm heading to bed! Sleep well, Rumi!

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Heh. Cheers. Having my second beer. That will be it for me though.

Good night Skandi. Sweet dreams.

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File: b062ba82f2c51af⋯.png (82.76 KB,580x356,145:89,Your Statement.png)



I fell asleep.

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File: 091c34d02d0dbbd⋯.jpeg (202.9 KB,900x1200,3:4,1418336504866-0.jpeg)

File: d2b2ecc2ac1abe5⋯.jpeg (235.48 KB,900x1200,3:4,1418336504866-1.jpeg)


Ahhh, fair enough.

>not worth Motley's time

Also I cannot in good conscience count these for full 10 cents each, so let's say the other one is worth 5.


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File: 9ca9fd419359e48⋯.jpg (1.37 MB,1278x1344,213:224,1503174371780.jpg)

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File: 271520aed4e1a29⋯.jpg (17.7 KB,245x263,245:263,1504589917887-trash.jpg)


Boob suspenders combo a cute.

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File: 137abd7f472505c⋯.png (385.08 KB,527x674,527:674,1502486380193.png)


bretty cute

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File: c452bb5ae257366⋯.webm (3.44 MB,640x360,16:9,Cowboy Bebop OST - No Dis….webm)




Howdy ho.

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File: e3ef9a771c6f132⋯.jpg (486.67 KB,828x900,23:25,e3ef9a771c6f1325530441bd33….jpg)

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File: 270ee9e37865cee⋯.gif (383.27 KB,257x266,257:266,cunnilingus 1446934527104.gif)


How are you doing?

That¨s a mighty stronk woman, that.

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File: 97e1072334c0063⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,2039x2894,2039:2894,,lmklmkjmnjknjknjkbhbhi.jpg)


very indeed!

im alright taking it easy


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Neat. Something like that as well. Just eating a banana, I think I'll have a soup afterwards.

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File: de7dfb8e8ec335c⋯.png (793.38 KB,647x1059,647:1059,1504592393013-trash.png)


How you doin? Rumor.


Idk what else to talk about.

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File: 8f84c82b106f4ee⋯.jpg (705.06 KB,848x1200,53:75,1504402651153.jpg)


sounds pretty nice!

so what is rumor up to now outside of eating

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File: f1bb8c23ec758a3⋯.png (901.05 KB,708x1003,12:17,b5f2a573c14597a7c1aa71fde7….png)


no clue dood have this i guess

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I am not unwell, thank you. And you?


Not much. Reading other people's conversation because I can, I suppose.

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File: 4d5014443fff186⋯.png (812.69 KB,827x1168,827:1168,DH8LMLuWsAUq1Jv.png)


just make your own convos then silly!

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File: fcb726410a98193⋯.gif (1.33 MB,853x480,853:480,flail 1502870805359.gif)


I am running out of my word count for the day!

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File: 05b71eb5f233484⋯.png (1.16 MB,1021x1450,1021:1450,1505539414061.png)


ill help ya!

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File: de7dfb8e8ec335c⋯.png (793.38 KB,647x1059,647:1059,1504592393013-trash.png)


Quite the expression on her, like she's never seen a dick before.


Get to visit with my girlfriend before she goes back to florida, so I am quite well.

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File: 6602731d5775eac⋯.jpg (297 KB,1072x1500,268:375,6602731d5775eac53bfa2f4a7a….jpg)


she prob hasnt or prob too big who knows

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File: d10383449276f1a⋯.jpg (54.23 KB,480x600,4:5,cookies 5fpeb7of2yhmf6bwi5….jpg)


Yea, you'll help me run out of words and then I'll only be able to communicate in pictures!


Oh, neat o: I didn't know you had a girlfriend.

She's not an alligator, right?

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File: be0aeb3efa9631c⋯.jpg (168.56 KB,827x1142,827:1142,1503276036019.jpg)


sounds like you are being lazy more than a limit!

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File: a9fa51eaad1af2c⋯.jpg (529.28 KB,1536x1931,1536:1931,1504383560314-trash.jpg)


It's not even that big.


I'm not into scaley, so, no she isn't an alligator.

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File: 9ee2ec4ac3e2e95⋯.gif (919.42 KB,250x224,125:112,ears 16 - 1.gif)


Ya got me there, chief!

Also oh my, nice pic.

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File: e335a9b08054fa1⋯.jpg (316.92 KB,1299x1812,433:604,1505488481897.jpg)


well how big is too big then?

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>not into scaley

We'll see how you talk after I am done with you!

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File: 8d266471cf8e6a4⋯.gif (2.15 MB,845x576,845:576,tumblr_ooq937sMTV1u9a3sso1….gif)


thx its really nice :D

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File: f33d7dbdf5adfb7⋯.png (338.49 KB,660x934,330:467,1504632047430-trash.png)


Anything longer than 12inches and more than 2.5inchs girth.

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Too big is way smaller than that to be honest!

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File: ba7ee5a167c6b20⋯.gif (1.17 MB,650x766,325:383,tumblr_okwz3dZRrN1tofch8o1….gif)


good to know

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The thicc, tails are offputting.

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The thicc?

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File: 30b4394c6ecafe0⋯.png (588.83 KB,800x600,4:3,1504820212232.png)


post more pics!

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l-lewd Yukari … ;_;

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File: 2da000ccdb73e3b⋯.png (688.51 KB,889x1200,889:1200,2da000ccdb73e3b52dc3648b1c….png)


yeah rip her p.urity

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Give me a few. I have to finish something first! O:


Woah, a frenchie here?

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File: 7679aef53fdda01⋯.jpg (506.33 KB,621x1024,621:1024,1501086213222.jpg)


yes hurry

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yep, I just forgot my tripcode

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File: 891731407222bda⋯.png (848.16 KB,840x1200,7:10,1393116833.lapinbeau_gladi….png)


Wow wow wow, looks like you are in need desperate of some pictures o:


Aha, I see I see. Who are you then?

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Furansu. I posted several times during july and august.

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File: 0b57b15c0e8ad41⋯.png (1.15 MB,1224x1584,17:22,1407752812.lapinbeau_infin….png)


I remember, but only vaguely, because you've been here for too short a time!

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File: 0ae98f994bfe7d3⋯.png (888.89 KB,1280x720,16:9,1504403107013-trash.png)

Rumor confirmed for tiny dick.


Yep, that's about good.


Thicc tails are no bueno for me.

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I never made it a secret except 'tiny' is too extreme!

It was the comma that confused me in that sentence -.-

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File: dd790a6acebcf21⋯.png (450.47 KB,673x805,673:805,1504410343065-trash.png)


I'm about 6.5inchs, 7inchson a good day

And about 1.75inchs girth.

The comma represents a pause, a pause in my thought process.

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File: 88035817053b125⋯.jpg (200.72 KB,380x772,95:193,1418960310367.jpg)


Solid if I've ever seen one.

Well it made a mess of that sentence.

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I wasn't in the mood recently. I was focused on other things (like vidya).

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File: ea178659710e90b⋯.jpg (123.96 KB,746x1186,373:593,1459713909553-4.jpg)


Ahh, oh well. Any other things you been up to?

I am resisting the urge to ask What gets you into the mood? but I just failed.

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File: b62bc65387b238d⋯.png (28.04 KB,640x360,16:9,1504591400898-trash.png)


I am a messy typer because I type my thoughts.

Sometimes whole paragraphs will be broken up with only commas.

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Seems like it!

Please no ;-;

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File: 6c4846a11ef6838⋯.png (319.56 KB,649x790,649:790,0c44eba96dc1a4b578c0575306….png)


Gridds, have you ever installed an live AC unit in a car?

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I had to prepare my new college year.

>What gets you into the mood

It depends. This last month, I get up and go to bed early. So, when I have time to spare, I often choose to play some video games or go biking instead of posting on imageboards, forums or Discord.

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Oh, neat. What do you study?

>being outside instead of sitting behind the PC

Lucky man, to be honest.

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File: 058f4b5889960b0⋯.jpg (115.59 KB,820x650,82:65,1504401744659-trash.jpg)


I do what I want.


No, only repairs to systems that needed recharged.

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File: f6b5d95124f8a04⋯.png (42.32 KB,1012x388,253:97,AC unit.png)


I was just wondering because of this image.

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File: 7f7c91134590f30⋯.jpg (740 KB,814x1151,814:1151,1468293253424-1.jpg)


I ain't gonna stop you, I'll just be really frustrated if I get confused and don't understand!

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Gonna have a shower, be back soon.

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File: 70d3555ead44be5⋯.jpg (658.17 KB,1194x1641,398:547,1504587249791-trash.jpg)


Oh, that sounds fun, when you said live, I thought you meant charged with freeon.


And I will help you to understand.

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Computer science (web dev' especially).

>being outside instead of sitting behind the PC

Yeah, going to the park by bike is very relaxing (even if I live in a medium-sized city).

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File: 11b32ba93e55520⋯.png (4.35 MB,1625x1800,65:72,9df06a6d40985436a82825420a….png)


Have a good one Rumors.


I found the image a bit too funny.

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File: dd790a6acebcf21⋯.png (450.47 KB,673x805,673:805,1504410343065-trash.png)


It was pretty funny, but no, I have never worked with a human A.C.

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File: 6ecef632d3c57fa⋯.jpg (97.64 KB,1018x1024,509:512,420945.jpg)


Shame, I bet it would have made a good story.

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File: 7042be9e369acc2⋯.jpg (74.94 KB,600x383,600:383,1505218030579-d.jpg)


He sounds like he's a fairly competent A.C. unit.

I like this one.

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File: 77f534fc6ea5634⋯.jpg (137.81 KB,1202x1200,601:600,52e177a2fc79153b68549049c1….jpg)


Ha, reminds me of that one where it turns out that the writer was actually a microwave from Asia.

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File: ca3515016dae2e6⋯.png (349.57 KB,814x678,407:339,(you) ca3515016dae2e692f4d….png)


That might work, but we'll have to wait and see!


Ooooh, I see I see. Rip.

May be, mhmm. I would need people to drag me out to be honest.


Thanks. It was too hot in the end but oh well, that's me being me.

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File: f04f0a18c16d859⋯.jpg (148.04 KB,716x1024,179:256,02a2c45f5c1af5e6dc2b23749f….jpg)


Hot showers are the best.

Because it's like emotional warmth.

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File: eed9a90858f324a⋯.png (227.58 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1504402966427-trash.png)


I feel like I've seen a lot of these, brendanial does a lot of these on the YouTube's.


We shall in fact see.

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It was a bath, actually.

Hmmm. I am not sure what you mean. That it gets you into a happy/ier mood?

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File: 9128c48254838ca⋯.jpg (3.14 MB,1800x1782,100:99,0acc366247ef355aeb28c17e5b….jpg)


Oh, haven't heard that name in a while.


Ah, don't think I've ever had a bath.

It was a reference to a thing I saw months ago.


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File: 151b7728d6e856b⋯.png (460.58 KB,885x1392,295:464,1505246118573-d.png)


I love his readings.

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File: c0b4d900b24238c⋯.jpg (235.38 KB,726x800,363:400,1450129794094.jpg)




W-woah. I see.

Tfw I used to take hour long baths and more and only cut down on it because it's impractical.

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File: b27ee889c6e1fd4⋯.jpg (160.74 KB,700x990,70:99,767c390c152a8302ddf2869f9a….jpg)


I think I've been lately watching only videos of PC builds, I don't know, I'm dumb when it comes to Youtube stuff.


Never had a bathtub to be honest.

I usually take 10 min or shorter showers, but sometimes it happens so that it's one of those days and I stand 30 mins under the warm water.

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File: c051f8cf586e665⋯.jpg (589.69 KB,964x1280,241:320,1504714772193-d.jpg)

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File: 61a07ada6861dd0⋯.png (140.58 KB,1280x853,1280:853,1505072919898-k.png)


I got on that kick for a while too, thinking about setting up a bunch of bitcoin machines.

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Well that explains it I suppose.

Hmmm. Not the longest shower I have had by a longshot! It is better to keep them shorter, of course.



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File: 3d8d46fbfe40a30⋯.jpg (91.12 KB,666x1000,333:500,4b4f8ee0efb8e94611a0d57ed0….jpg)


Eh, they're not worth it anymore.

The amount of bitcoin fractions you get are going down all the time, so it would require stronger builds to make the same amount people made a long time ago with a laptop.

I think the ship with bitcoins just sailed away, unless you have an apartment with paid electricity and interwebs that you don't need to pay yourself.


Ah, I always keep it quite short unless I get stuck thinking things through.

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File: 7d23c6272c9fc4e⋯.jpg (111.49 KB,850x1109,850:1109,7d23c6272c9fc4e554c35783bc….jpg)


That's dangerous. You could slip, hit your head and come to a daunting realisation about yourself or your life.

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File: a9fbbad9b6fbc6b⋯.jpg (97.67 KB,832x1000,104:125,55d79826106f47b791283d982d….jpg)


I've done that once or twice, but one time was because I was in the sauna for too long and dehydration struck me, so I just fell unconscious on the shower floor.

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File: 36cd61a1d09476a⋯.jpg (109 KB,850x667,850:667,1504207822862-k.jpg)




With good enough rigs, it's still profitable, and I would build good enough and use the profits to build another in a couple months, And keep doing that.

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File: c421546a212d6eb⋯.gif (899.44 KB,500x281,500:281,sleep 1433900409_tumblr_mj….gif)


Happens to the best of us, except saunas are only a thing at pools here, so really it just happens to the best of you.

Good night, SD the Finn.



Good night Griddles.

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File: 6f08de42f598c5b⋯.jpg (395.53 KB,657x986,657:986,7a5c35bbb0568e5e061ddab22d….jpg)


It would cost thousands, just keep in mind the electricity and internet cost too, it's not really too good anymore unless you live in an apartment building with inclusive electricity/internet bill paid by the company.


Perhaps then, haven't been to a sauna in half a year now I guess..

Sleep well Rumors.

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File: b40f0aa4df947fb⋯.png (521.39 KB,674x1125,674:1125,feaff36554c32a18021a26ad0b….png)

I want bit to cum inside me


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File: bfa8b1b5383ca5d⋯.png (9.3 KB,432x509,432:509,1504595583935-trash.png)


Night rumor.


Idk, I could do the math, if the first one doesn't make a profit, it will still be a gaming rig for me.


Could you accept me instead?

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File: 2e3bf05afc7906d⋯.jpg (289.41 KB,1600x793,1600:793,5b84e2ae1cb5625f6c71dc4635….jpg)


I would vote against it, but a gaming rig is always nice.

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I already want to build a game rig, so the worst that happens is that's all it's good for.

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Is it broke?

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File: 99aeac7da204951⋯.jpg (42.76 KB,300x232,75:58,784.jpg)


What do you mean?

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File: a265dd957c05ac8⋯.jpg (229.35 KB,1200x900,4:3,1412565503032-1.jpg)

File: 794f68a679d80f9⋯.jpg (328.37 KB,1280x960,4:3,1412565503032-2.jpg)


Probably 8chan doing a silly. Unless he just meant that no one was around!

Again, I only appraise these to be 7.5 cents each, hence



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File: f2b4eb33d121734⋯.jpg (347.01 KB,640x823,640:823,1504982256174.jpg)

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File: ddbbfd1133435ab⋯.jpg (143.54 KB,589x600,589:600,ddbbfd1133435abfe5bcaa4edb….jpg)


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Cute pic, but strange artwork, a little bit.

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>but strange artwork


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Oh it's not super strange for sure; I don't know what it is that I find unusual. I may just be tipsy.

How are you doing, sir?

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Good night /lewd/

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I'm watching more and more yuri-related anime these days. I'm really getting into that genre.

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File: 131d5b80157162c⋯.jpg (972.96 KB,1600x1652,400:413,131d5b80157162cfbac372979b….jpg)


who are you?

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File: 32089f18f5c6fca⋯.png (184.63 KB,1024x1325,1024:1325,day_9_lucy_loud_by_oasisco….png)

Who are we all?

Does a name really mean so much?

Can I have a hug?

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File: 52116e13038bdb0⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,2732x3922,1366:1961,1500735677126.jpg)

bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit <3

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File: 2928a46f4713651⋯.jpg (83.24 KB,1024x877,1024:877,1476387464936.jpg)

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File: 6562d03199cb859⋯.webm (1.72 MB,640x480,4:3,1497173017346.webm)

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File: 542cfd26cac6175⋯.jpg (217.08 KB,1000x707,1000:707,__nasuhara_anastasia_onii_….jpg)

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File: bb79b930737526c⋯.png (257.48 KB,517x600,517:600,sk1426890959699.png)

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File: a6bd2267550acc2⋯.jpg (614.25 KB,1000x1412,250:353,1505906699501.jpg)


skandi jr?

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File: 523f9c5d8f6b59a⋯.jpg (198.4 KB,1280x2517,1280:2517,beer a0bd51d3e1760ff10ad51….jpg)

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File: 5f7f999ae053786⋯.png (470.52 KB,868x1227,868:1227,58707841_p0.png)


ill give you a (you) i wasnt cause too lazy but why not

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You wasn't what?

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File: 61e7fe91b0f5860⋯.jpg (1.98 MB,1446x2046,241:341,53593743_p0.jpg)



so whats up with you

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Pffft, you are no nun!

Drinkin' that beer and playing Baldur's gate. How about you, Boobs?

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File: ce571ee226ca595⋯.jpg (290.57 KB,587x950,587:950,58851562_p0.jpg)


noice dont get drunk now! its wednesday after all

not much playing some game

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No worries. Just one bottle. Maybe a bit more afterwards but not by much.

Ahhh, I see. And posting boobs, neat. Some nice pics, those.

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File: b52c5cc2c08b61e⋯.jpg (2.32 MB,1446x2046,241:341,29356599_p0.jpg)


thx they are pretty good

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Keep them comin'! ^.^''

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File: 05d9733f9934a62⋯.jpg (70.98 KB,600x915,40:61,Chh48VhU8AA7HuB.jpg)


sure why not dood

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File: 61d3f74d55d897d⋯.jpg (48.54 KB,500x613,500:613,04b4ef60c6c6f56ad36df8a347….jpg)


I'll give you some in return too. I only hope I didn't get them from you!

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File: 4b5fa5a38412ee6⋯.jpg (378.95 KB,707x1000,707:1000,1472413204732.jpg)


ehh dont worry i dont mind dupes

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File: 1636014582dc38d⋯.png (709.74 KB,915x982,915:982,1494900326571.png)


You should! But thank you.

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File: 97f31ba163b8d4a⋯.jpg (401.75 KB,1000x1300,10:13,58257660_p0.jpg)

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File: 5ece77dfdbf5ce4⋯.png (1.01 MB,1447x2046,1447:2046,5ece77dfdbf5ce46b21108afb6….png)

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File: 6cb4c817a693afd⋯.jpg (114.09 KB,640x853,640:853,1470413983534.jpg)

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File: 67dc2b299c37874⋯.jpg (1.41 MB,3387x2400,1129:800,1342702029835.jpg)


I wish somebody else came.

Oh fug, I need to walk the doge before he pees on the floor. I'll see you in 20 or so minutes! o:

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File: 25abbcd3d1cb2e0⋯.jpg (2.02 MB,1446x2046,241:341,45875719_p0.jpg)

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In 22 minutes or so!

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File: aa3023b6ab3ee66⋯.jpg (946.99 KB,1180x1600,59:80,64172710_p0.jpg)

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File: eb55293ec09bf83⋯.jpg (785.62 KB,1412x2000,353:500,1346361476744.jpg)


Ya ha. Damn those are big.

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File: 246c603fcb246f1⋯.png (1.21 MB,1000x1750,4:7,tumblr_ovx9c2uxu71vi2f7go1….png)


yee nice size

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File: 5b685f175d1e47f⋯.jpg (238.3 KB,850x1085,170:217,Aya 2.jpg)

boobs posting!

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File: 2da000ccdb73e3b⋯.png (688.51 KB,889x1200,889:1200,2da000ccdb73e3b52dc3648b1c….png)


time to start the boob dumps baguette

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File: 052b8cf48a07185⋯.jpg (178.73 KB,540x750,18:25,1349678625117.jpg)

File: dcfba3618b480d7⋯.jpg (321.65 KB,1275x1755,85:117,1349678671711.jpg)


Mine were more appropriate!

Killer thighs. Maybe literally.


Indeed he is! Hello.

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File: 975f9e0e800d678⋯.jpg (72.72 KB,600x600,1:1,1505500017384.jpg)


heh yeah

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File: bdb7f992fa3a849⋯.jpg (188.84 KB,1065x1500,71:100,1349678783253.jpg)


>just right

Her hand is weird tho.

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File: 44b91c34e2e252e⋯.png (1015.98 KB,847x1200,847:1200,1504400477325.png)


its awkward

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File: 2d013ea645a2473⋯.jpg (194.79 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1350082742150.jpg)


Aye, it is.

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File: 8f18614747b78f7⋯.jpg (154.61 KB,800x1130,80:113,Patchouli 1.jpg)

File: c83a4fd48baeeb5⋯.jpg (518.11 KB,705x1000,141:200,Patchouli 3.jpg)

File: eb6d7b687404493⋯.jpg (229.66 KB,1280x720,16:9,Maki 1.jpg)

File: 57a28c1680d70fd⋯.jpg (302.77 KB,1200x1586,600:793,IMG_187.jpg)

File: cc5093c2b219b28⋯.jpg (313.9 KB,700x990,70:99,IMG_198.jpg)

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File: bcb669724202353⋯.jpg (520.18 KB,1200x1168,75:73,1504709213569-d.jpg)

MOAR STOCKINGS!!!!!!!!!!! MOAR!!!!!!!!

I DEMAND THEM!!!!!!!!!!

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File: c1b74f01193e648⋯.jpg (605.14 KB,916x1280,229:320,1503713309262.jpg)


ye sir


good lad~

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File: b7e2fc8bc8bb281⋯.jpg (123.71 KB,1000x1414,500:707,2c57d6a1ac98aef96ae865f384….jpg)


I don't have any folder for that x_x Oh, never mind, I do but it is only 4 pics big.


Unf. Nice cummies.

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File: a92c2d3093942e5⋯.jpg (64.6 KB,553x1000,553:1000,1501852242245.jpg)

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File: e0893f16f609907⋯.jpg (46.36 KB,625x625,1:1,1504930367108.jpg)


>folder for a few images

You're organized. Mine is pretty messy. I've over 1000 pics in only one folder…

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File: 7d259789388c72d⋯.png (1.3 MB,1053x1500,351:500,1504401283862.png)


dont worry same here

i just dump all lewds into one folder

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File: 06aca38ef23819c⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,3863x3823,3863:3823,06aca38ef23819cfe6c17a6080….jpg)


That artist is pretty good. Don't suppose you got a name or anything… I'll look the pic up, I think.


Too much. I mean the idea was that I would add to it eventually, of course. Also no one told you to stop posting boobs!

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File: 1ac2753d134aefa⋯.jpg (153.81 KB,722x1022,361:511,1504401083426.jpg)


no clue yeah go look for it

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File: daefe7123dd5298⋯.jpg (300 KB,1024x768,4:3,guishen_2264na01_b1.jpg)

File: c9f67166cedf81a⋯.jpg (89.58 KB,800x1130,80:113,IMG_166.jpg)

File: f2414cd2dc3963a⋯.jpg (826.28 KB,1170x1452,195:242,IMG_176.jpg)

File: 93f07e7004dba55⋯.jpg (89.96 KB,800x1131,800:1131,IMG_200.jpg)

File: fd763bb3c6792f4⋯.jpg (55.95 KB,800x600,4:3,IMG_226.jpg)


more boobies!

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File: a942875d11f12d5⋯.jpg (229.4 KB,494x800,247:400,1504393827293.jpg)


good ones

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File: 636d3ba642d4356⋯.jpg (53.88 KB,599x711,599:711,1505412568319-d.jpg)




These are nice.

I have a few.

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File: 5131d34fdd2c052⋯.jpg (2.29 MB,2894x4093,2894:4093,3826875.jpg)


Soon, mhmm!


Not bad, yeah! And a foot. A fren of mine likes those a lot.


We'll be mutually useful to one another.

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File: 34bef3d2d08c019⋯.jpg (72.17 KB,720x1000,18:25,1500670986395.jpg)

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File: d766164cc8ffc7f⋯.png (826.97 KB,791x1095,791:1095,1499154003189.png)

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File: 53ac668ddf75101⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,1557x1342,1557:1342,14995869107099.jpg)


W-wow, google does nothing.

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File: e335a9b08054fa1⋯.jpg (316.92 KB,1299x1812,433:604,1505488481897.jpg)

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File: 7e74a9ad9050b0e⋯.jpg (205.53 KB,1000x1415,200:283,7e74a9ad9050b0ea027f1a2f0d….jpg)

Mormon! Get in here!



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File: f4ffa90a6470a43⋯.jpg (49.64 KB,725x960,145:192,1505412469629-d.jpg)


God yes,


Thank you.

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File: 9fc3e3f72f05915⋯.jpg (219.52 KB,850x1200,17:24,1504394684248.jpg)

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File: 186acddef89462c⋯.jpg (269.76 KB,1500x2000,3:4,1504565139460-d.jpg)

A lot of good ones show up in foot fetish threads, they see feet, I see stockings.

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File: 623441137194802⋯.jpg (493.17 KB,1134x1600,567:800,1750594.jpg)


>God yes,

Reaction to the pic or to being useful? o:

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File: 37ca3b00807a23e⋯.jpg (205.01 KB,673x897,673:897,1504632357895.jpg)

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File: c57da829c66541d⋯.jpg (277.01 KB,800x1133,800:1133,1504565277567-d.jpg)

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File: 4452c97f2d1a983⋯.png (1.3 MB,1000x1270,100:127,4bcfe107000c529002a31a7e73….png)


Ew, she's hurt and crying ;~;



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File: d8fbe7896eb09bd⋯.png (1.66 MB,2000x1500,4:3,d8fbe7896eb09bdddf3e4fd4f7….png)

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File: 7a1043087dcc64c⋯.jpg (411.98 KB,719x1200,719:1200,1504631714531-d.jpg)

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File: cbfe2e26acf3553⋯.jpg (273.75 KB,794x1134,397:567,1504716136155-d.jpg)

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File: aefe7898c97cf69⋯.jpg (65.01 KB,800x1131,800:1131,1504738072700-d.jpg)

File: f405f50a9b90082⋯.jpg (75.06 KB,800x1131,800:1131,1504738105079-d.jpg)

File: 8a69f66941bdf4c⋯.jpg (197.69 KB,1448x2048,181:256,1504738137533-d.jpg)


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File: 4dbabb440232643⋯.jpg (342.54 KB,780x1100,39:55,4dbabb440232643efef0660d1a….jpg)



Ooooh, nice. I might have more in my shota or even yaoi folder too! But for now, have some nurses with thigh-highs.

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File: a89ec0cf1fb786b⋯.jpg (107.9 KB,750x950,15:19,1502635907101.jpg)

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File: bd9c1b5098b6d6c⋯.png (505.39 KB,680x984,85:123,1504752058472-d.png)

File: 1e7ad5a6b17d7fd⋯.jpg (567.56 KB,1024x1200,64:75,1504752092568-d.jpg)

File: d1fb387b78bf6de⋯.jpg (141.9 KB,850x637,850:637,1504812623958-d.jpg)


Thank you. And yeah shotas tend to have them because it makes them more feminine.

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File: a42889b7d952fc2⋯.jpg (806.69 KB,2331x1653,777:551,2222441.jpg)



Indeed they do. And indeed it does.

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File: 0417700de4bceaf⋯.png (449.65 KB,800x560,10:7,1504820714581.png)

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File: 129dbbdc51facbe⋯.png (1.07 MB,1280x720,16:9,2229049.png)

File: 51be14747833ebf⋯.png (1.07 MB,1280x720,16:9,2229048.png)


Pretty nice tbh. Could be a higher resolution but not bad.

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File: ffa0e10587dd42a⋯.jpg (131.91 KB,800x1064,100:133,1504161661005.jpg)

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File: ac9730dd0439834⋯.jpg (532.83 KB,1200x876,100:73,2234448.jpg)

File: 7fd98feb6ff2bd4⋯.jpg (176.59 KB,1409x1032,1409:1032,2234449.jpg)

File: 6d44bbe5237921b⋯.jpg (180.48 KB,1033x1463,1033:1463,2234450.jpg)

File: e8547d9b4f4e958⋯.jpg (139.46 KB,1030x1387,1030:1387,2234451.jpg)

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File: 9663f21b642fd67⋯.jpg (123.36 KB,600x581,600:581,1504420394018.jpg)

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File: ff49298ab653c60⋯.jpg (396.69 KB,1250x1268,625:634,2255202.jpg)

File: 0c46e382810edcf⋯.jpg (392.4 KB,1250x1268,625:634,2255201.jpg)

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File: afc8fd1851a7420⋯.jpg (1.52 MB,1200x1600,3:4,1505110622411.jpg)

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File: 4b18bf3bbe79c28⋯.jpg (352.07 KB,900x636,75:53,2264257.jpg)

File: fe5c51061a301ec⋯.jpg (269.48 KB,650x845,10:13,2264368.jpg)


Woah, super pervy.

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File: df84d23f60c60e5⋯.jpg (204.89 KB,1464x2048,183:256,1504900254955-d.jpg)

File: 0964ec723e9f33b⋯.jpg (414.96 KB,800x800,1:1,1505099156511-d.jpg)

File: 93787012c695819⋯.jpg (252.51 KB,1280x960,4:3,1501488038943-d.jpg)

File: 1df3afbae533e0d⋯.jpg (653.74 KB,764x1080,191:270,1505209819294-d.jpg)

File: d5bc89e3c6f49a0⋯.jpg (492.06 KB,1120x1646,560:823,1505245684479-d.jpg)

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File: 7e7dd685ff87937⋯.jpg (773.49 KB,1080x810,4:3,1504837917907.jpg)

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File: cc76fe704d0dd41⋯.jpg (228.36 KB,553x876,553:876,3426219.jpg)

File: bdf7040daf019ed⋯.jpg (100.87 KB,726x1000,363:500,2281599.jpg)


I-is that Reimu? x:

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File: b8b7ee26114426a⋯.jpg (65.81 KB,600x800,3:4,1505503065859.jpg)

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File: f3c81fe593ca2fb⋯.jpg (63.66 KB,800x835,160:167,1505293867838-d.jpg)

File: 474f59ab7884c05⋯.jpg (400.42 KB,850x850,1:1,1505269362997-d.jpg)

File: 4d7226869658d8f⋯.jpg (119.7 KB,1219x993,1219:993,1505384570715-d.jpg)

File: 61ae910f7a39fb7⋯.jpg (521.41 KB,852x1200,71:100,1505443084903-d.jpg)

File: ac342e093980064⋯.jpg (103.57 KB,512x894,256:447,1505509900866-d.jpg)

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File: 1f39b8fda40a66b⋯.jpg (792.91 KB,1000x1414,500:707,3426456.jpg)

File: 6532f7a4f13c653⋯.png (638.57 KB,687x960,229:320,3426695.png)

File: 99b3db1277d22a2⋯.png (1.25 MB,1447x1278,1447:1278,3428075.png)

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File: 85cd9466a4911c2⋯.png (634.56 KB,849x1200,283:400,1505846965089.png)

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File: 7a42192070d1197⋯.jpg (107.6 KB,422x810,211:405,3427748.jpg)

File: 5497c254100a045⋯.jpg (79.87 KB,600x800,3:4,3428628.jpg)

File: 7f3bbafcfbae31c⋯.jpg (945.56 KB,2480x3507,2480:3507,3434753.jpg)


Obligatory school uniforms. Yummy.

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File: c3783ccf6dcb0bf⋯.jpg (639.71 KB,831x1200,277:400,1502851930629.jpg)

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File: 4d7a21a7b14ef91⋯.jpg (211.23 KB,989x1430,989:1430,1505597427284-d.jpg)

File: f6ecade8daf6773⋯.jpg (162.25 KB,850x1133,850:1133,1505603652114-d.jpg)

File: 928f9eeb3dec179⋯.jpg (431.5 KB,1240x1753,1240:1753,1505652562098-d.jpg)

File: 4a38aede9da3e75⋯.jpg (142.78 KB,1600x1200,4:3,1505671722620-d.jpg)

File: e11badda22e853e⋯.png (1.4 MB,1200x1724,300:431,1505787077852-d.png)


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File: 69b7542342b8cee⋯.png (547.16 KB,900x1200,3:4,1505737314334-d.png)

Last one without searching a lot.

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File: 5a8dcab6db4474c⋯.jpg (249.12 KB,679x1024,679:1024,3444446.jpg)

File: 7a4f3ca58203da1⋯.jpg (204.3 KB,849x1200,283:400,3444860.jpg)


Not bad. Artwork is slightly on the weaker side but not too bad!

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I like all qualities of art, they all have their place, and it reminds me of John k Pete's stuff like monsetsu.

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File: 64270e0050f5b23⋯.jpg (365.45 KB,1280x720,16:9,3459560.jpg)


Ahhh, I see I see.

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File: affc360a1f0b72a⋯.png (832.82 KB,1280x1805,256:361,1503872998112-d.png)

Drinking a cold milk tea with captain morgan.

First fucked up hentai manga I ever read was camp heaven, and that style and stuff like that stuck with me.

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Sounds nice ^.^

Porn nostalgia, eh… I only have some oldish 3D porn I like to watch and fap to occasionally. Like 5-8 minute long German vids.

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File: eba278a2e08c509⋯.png (465.41 KB,1024x1128,128:141,1503873200543-d.png)


I don't think I have any porn from the past saved, I just look it up online again.

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Heh, well I didn't have the internets back then so it's not like… well maybe I could find it somewhere but who knows.

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File: fbfe0afe6b801b3⋯.jpg (228.08 KB,1813x2048,1813:2048,fbfe0afe6b801b30730fd37bef….jpg)


Sometimes it takes a bit for me to find stuff based on memory.

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There you go.

Good night Grids.

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File: 43e3c339daa8c17⋯.png (751.61 KB,680x850,4:5,lucy_loud_by_ta_na-db52jtp.png)


Night rumor, hope you have a great nights sleep.

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Why did it die?

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File: 9ee022c86430b49⋯.jpg (146.22 KB,839x1200,839:1200,9ee022c86430b496239498982c….jpg)


has to die eventually

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File: 61e8ac4d06de970⋯.jpg (284.95 KB,1275x1650,17:22,1503290197008-d.jpg)

File: ce32766d78de71e⋯.jpg (318.68 KB,1275x1650,17:22,1503290239555-d.jpg)


But I am still here and still alive.

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File: d79cbd4d980a765⋯.jpg (135.59 KB,700x1000,7:10,1505279513293.jpg)


hard to conversate with one person only here

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File: d95cad313e3f6a2⋯.png (1.06 MB,980x1500,49:75,1505852386069-d.png)

Me and rumor do it all the time, then he goes to bed and the thread dies.

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File: 55e98b28de844de⋯.jpg (359.63 KB,850x1202,425:601,1505482963365.jpg)


gotta be creaive i guess

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File: 42ae4aa84a504fc⋯.jpg (610.17 KB,1200x675,16:9,1505840990048-d.jpg)


Creative for conversations?

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File: ff8d6b6e090d9c1⋯.jpg (732.58 KB,1500x2226,250:371,1505480920259.jpg)


ehh i meant if you were alone here

anyways whas up with you?

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File: 8359bff60f6fec8⋯.jpg (607.05 KB,828x1200,69:100,1505838279680-d.jpg)

File: d4778169d6595b9⋯.jpg (706.08 KB,828x1200,69:100,1505838313558-d.jpg)

File: 4c1b832dc598559⋯.jpg (811.01 KB,828x1200,69:100,1505838356705-d.jpg)

File: 4d487f12503bc65⋯.jpg (710.73 KB,828x1200,69:100,1505838390313-d.jpg)


Oh, you meant a single person conversation, I'll try next time I'm alone.

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File: b6e459ee4c0e97c⋯.jpg (99.1 KB,1200x675,16:9,1503898783358.jpg)


ye so whats up pal?

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File: 85fef36639a4ff7⋯.jpg (191.26 KB,850x1020,5:6,1505830518012-d.jpg)


Just drinking a little bit, watching catfish, it's my secret pleasure.

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File: 0ac216a28001c58⋯.jpeg (2.52 MB,4549x3200,4549:3200,0ac216a28001c581c096383de….jpeg)


sounds like fun then dood

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File: 41b93e515ea78c8⋯.gif (1.9 MB,500x280,25:14,1505772896496-d.gif)


Yeah, it's not bad.

Whatchu up to?

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File: 57da732fe606edb⋯.jpg (235.42 KB,880x660,4:3,1503616660673.jpg)


playing overwatch and chatting with you not much but alright

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File: e57bba3c5615f9f⋯.png (843.33 KB,1200x1600,3:4,1505756822382-d.png)


Oh, how active is overwatch now, has it slowed down at all, I might pick it up in about 6 months when I can put together a gud desktop.

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File: c98b1912f17e562⋯.jpg (195.71 KB,850x1209,850:1209,1501438676959.jpg)


alive and growing as always deffo worth gettin it dood

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File: 2bf8454e240758b⋯.gif (2.65 MB,540x304,135:76,1505754936578-d.gif)


If you say so, I was interested before it came out, but I didn't have reliable internet, and now I want to wait until I have something better than my surface book, it will run it, but I want max quality.

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File: 28c67df9ef1643c⋯.jpg (138.52 KB,1200x900,4:3,1501646251244.jpg)


fun to play deffo worth it

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Coolcool, I'll definitely get it, do you pc?

We could play together once I get it.

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File: e536b6cf94ab739⋯.jpg (118.52 KB,600x450,4:3,1504837951050.jpg)


just remind me then :b

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Will do, who are you?

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File: c429a6d793e3784⋯.jpg (60.8 KB,637x895,637:895,1505479563543.jpg)


im a dude in lewd

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What about steam, you got one?

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File: f5baf6daa96a858⋯.png (752.33 KB,777x1370,777:1370,1503519777485.png)


ye post yours

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File: b6c5eb70dd0133d⋯.png (1.76 MB,992x1403,992:1403,1505771327743-d.png)

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File: 4bcabd6c86dc8e3⋯.jpg (128.49 KB,960x960,1:1,1501168814398.jpg)


noice ill add ya

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Shower time, I'll be back for a bit before bed.

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kk added ya btw see ya later

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File: 778c82e28ae35a5⋯.jpg (42.56 KB,653x500,653:500,1505748449901-d.jpg)

I'm back, it was a nice shower, I scrubbed really good, with extra hot water to try to get the poison oak oils out of my pours.

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File: 4051625fc0bed6a⋯.png (1.79 MB,625x1000,5:8,1504422026792.png)

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File: cd5b17500beca2b⋯.jpg (159.79 KB,920x518,460:259,1505949141212-k.jpg)


I also put some calamine lotion on the spot with rash, poison oak sucks. And I don't even get it that bad.

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File: be42655e88799a5⋯.png (1.09 MB,1800x1848,75:77,1505251195702.png)


sounds pretty comfortable

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File: 76285bd0a3f8f33⋯.jpg (291.02 KB,700x900,7:9,1503831176329-d.jpg)


A latex catsuit with anti itch powder might be nice.

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File: 9843ae370316bab⋯.jpg (126.26 KB,767x773,767:773,1505704264592.jpg)


one can always dream for such bliss

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I'm going to sleep now,

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