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/jim/ - Jim

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9f1ce8 No.2462

Jim, you might want to consider doing some SEO. 8chan is no longer the first search result for "8chan". 8ch.pl took over.

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62aab5 No.2463

SEO = search engine optimization

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c50185 No.2470


yeah I don't think we'll be seen in google unless 8chan appeals for the ban.

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72d9e7 No.2486


This is my personal page. You probably said something I didn't like. Please do that at >>>/tech/ >>>/operate/ or >>>/sudo/

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2408b5 No.2487

The No smoking complaint email at Philippine Airlines is wecare@pal.com.ph

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91bd90 No.2553

File: 1469849080129.j⋯.jpg (1.95 MB,3264x2448,4:3,20160730_122121.jpg)

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3e9ac5 No.3416


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2aa1ae No.3418


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a0166b No.3420

Hey, Jim what the study is this manure?


What is the headline? "Colorado University Worried About DeVos Policy Changes". What is the article about? "Off-duty police officer Greg Sandel Jr. of Northern Kentucky".

It's bad enough that you use >>>/newsplus/ to shill your own goddamn website, but can you at least put in some effort on the content?

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cbdee6 No.3551

i will never stop maturejim

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