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File: 215ed9c65875171⋯.png (124.22 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.57391 [View All]

I mean why is there no My Hero Academia game ?

They live in the same building, there's a lot of cute animu girls, you wanna add one of your shit fetish ? Slap a new quirk in here and here you go.

You could play as Midorya for like the love route, mineta for the slut/ harem route and Bakugo for like the rape and abuse route.

There's even an episode where everyone present their room so you don't have to create anything just rip off the original and enjoy the shekels.

I'll take 30% of the retard revenue or as you call it "patreon pledge" and just engage a good fucking artist, an animator that knows what he his doing and you can teach Dark cookie how to make a fucking game

Come on /htg/, please create something good, nobody want a shit tier game like the sexsons again, or some other crap.

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Told you, faggot it's going to be like that >59916

>You are going to loop yourself in "u so mad nigga!" and acting like it doesn't bother you

Ahahaha, keep clinging to that like your life depends on it. What, ran out of cucks to throw? Feeling ashamed of flinging what have been thrown at you, spic? You should be, fucking retarded shit.

Now listen to your great arguments, fucking faggot. Everyone playing a game is self inserting, by your own tard logic, as long as you control the game in a way, it's not cuck. Newsflash for you, sperg: You are still not the one fucking, just watching, like a fucking degenerate.

Told you already, you are trying to find justification for being trash, how is that working for you? Hahaha, seems like it's not doing well.

Look at yourself, trying to be seen as calm as possible, because being little curled bitch is all you reddit faggots can do.

Now, since we established you are that much of a moron, what are your other sick fantasies faggot? What other degenerate shit you are into? Come on, what else other than being cartoon cuck you are into? Show how much of disgusting human you are, don't be afraid, bitch.

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If it got a Y chromo, you're a fucking homo.


Who said you can't be mad and be a cuck at the same time, anon? Because that's exactly what is happening. Is this pasta?

>by your own tard logic, as long as you control the game in a way, it's not cuck

Not really. If you're playing a cuck game and you're in control, THAT makes you a cuck, idiot.

>Newsflash for you, sperg: You are still not the one fucking

I am, that's what self-insertion is about.

>you are trying to find justification for being trash

You're looking for a justification for being a cuck, anon.

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Never mind you're all equally oven worthy.

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Ahahaha, I didn't expect this will actually work. What the fuck are you? Trained monkey? I say jump, you jump, I say dance, you dance. You fucking autistic whore, ahahahaha. Bitch boy, you are forgetting one major thing, it's still not you fucking anyone, just a little faggot playing with his virgin dick. Your shitty cartoons are not sex, until you are fucking a real woman, you are just a porn watching loser. Your disgusting crap may be an extension to actual sex, but in your case it's only thing you have, spic and it's hitting you harder than being a poor mexican, ahahaha.

You know pretty well that I was correct this whole damn time and it just kills you inside, bit by bit. That's why you started dropping extra post after every other. You just react like a little hurt bitch, you calm down a little and realize how retarded you are, ahahaha.

Now, come on, monkey, throw something like a loser would, ahahaha. What it will be? You don't care about reality? Jacking off to porn is same as having sex? You have tons of bitches but still prefer shitty games? More cucks? You hate women? Boo-hoo, what, have been told by plenty to fuck off? Ahaha, I bet that was what happened, ahahahaha.

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>Look at me

>I'm so no mad!

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Ahahahaha. So you looped back to "u so mad nigga!", like a monkey? It's exactly as I told you, spic, hahahaha. You can't handle the truth, you can't talk back, you can't do anything, you are just a waste of oxygen. You will keep repeating basic shit, because a tard can only loop himself in repetitive behavior. Now, come on redditor, got anything? Or are you going to keep curling like a bitch you are and hiding behind "u mad/no u"?

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It's two anons screeching like harpies at each other over cuckshit that literally does not exist yet.


>implying this whole debacle has been more than 2 anons wide at any point, not counting flame-fanning trolls

Into the corner with you.


I'm the same way. By the looks of thing the only decent artist in the thread has fled, so unless we find another one it's either stolen assets or text games.

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File: 4feecbc702eef41⋯.png (172.12 KB,340x407,340:407,ClipboardImage.png)


>You're a monkey because I say so

>I'm so not mad I'll call you names

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Ahahaha, look at you, bitch, so bothered by someone calling you names. What, didn't got those on reddit? You see faggot, it's because you are just a trash and calling you literal shit makes me laugh. I am not going to explain any more, because it's above your mental capacity.

See how nicely you dance, tard? I say you will continue looping yourself and here you go.

You do this because you know you got nothing and you can't talk back, only being laughed at and shoved like a bitch. Does this reminds you of your school days? I bet it does.

So let's go back to a thing you are afraid of: Doesn't matter if you self insert or not, as long as you keep watching porn instead of having sex with actual woman, you are a cuck. Or a virgin. Or a faggot. Whichever works for you, spic.

Come on, I already told you earlier what your response to that will be. Just say it. It won't make you feel better, but I will get a good laugh.

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What happened with the whole spic-chan thing? Change of tactics or you realized you were literally roleplaying?

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Ahahaha, doesn't take much poking to keep you dancing to the tune, faggot. Spic-chan… Dear god, now you want to be second Chris-chan or something? I bet you can reach same levels of autism, keep it up. And while we are on the topic of autism. So, what are you when instead of having a woman by your side to have sex with, you just sit all day watching porn? Come on, stop being afraid of it.

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File: c4f9a98b327e74b⋯.png (54.75 KB,300x300,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


It's all name calling, anon. Just an step lower with roleplaying.

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>Boo-hooo! Anon is calling me names!

You sure you didn't mispell reddit or something when coming here? Where the fuck do you think you are, shithead? You are too much of a brown nigger to understand anyway. But continue proving it doesn't bother you, cunt.

Again, monkey, because you are afraid of it. Why an adult faggot, such as yourself, sits all they watching porn like a good goy instead of having sex with his wife? What? Don't have a ring at your age? Dear god, you must be a really pathetic piece of trash.

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>I'm not mad! U r

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See how much of a little bug you are? Not saying you are mad or angry. Bothered? Yes. Annoyed? Certainly. Afraid of yourself? Very.

So how is your wife doing? Oh right, forgot you are just a degenarate who watches porn and doesn't know what sex is at your age. Will take a while before you decide to throw something in relation to that. Since you curled back to "u mad nigga!", going to continue with it or will it be some other shit from your copy-paste notebook? Come on, do the same things you already did. Be entertaining, monkey and keep dancing.

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the anon who was doing it doesn't seem to be here

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File: c172186d8385592⋯.jpg (12.11 KB,300x168,25:14,gg.jpg)

everyone calm down and have some tendies

now lets talk about what is cuck and what is not cuck

>self inserting as a estblished character is not cuck

>self insterting as a oc is not cuck either

>selling your slave is not cuck if İTS ONLY FOR MONEY and not for ntr fap

>your slaves are not your waifus

>and jack o nine tails is not a cuck game

that being said i dont like jack o ninetails i like strive for power more jack o ninetails is not my taste it cant get me hard , now all of you just make peace alright ?

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Dunno anon, maybe he just went mad because he couldn't take it anymore.


>Cuckchan meme

>Revitionist cuck

>Cuck apologist

Fuck off.

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File: bffe4f153e102fd⋯.png (41.73 KB,193x192,193:192,The caveman.png)


>self inserting as a estblished character is not cuck

I don't personally fuck the girl, it's the character that does that.

>self insterting as a oc is not cuck either

Pretty much the only way, many trainer games have hooded protags for a reason.

>selling your slave is not cuck if İTS ONLY FOR MONEY and not for ntr fap

It is. Why bother training her for others to use? She can get a day job to pay for expenses and lodging while you train her at night. Personal slave/slut. Anything else is cucking, especially if you lend her to other people to use as a part of "training"

>your slaves are not your waifus

They're my slave girls and in return for their servitude, it's up to me to provide a decent place for them to live. They're happy and content to stay with me instead of running away and I get to mold them as I see fit. Break em with love, baby.

>and jack o nine tails is not a cuck game

It probably is if you're training a girl then selling her.

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>Break em with love, baby.

You're the anon this board needs, but not the one it deserves.

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You are a cuck and everything you stated is cuckshit fucking retard.

self inserting yourself you are a cuck.

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So you virgins are done discussing fapping to fictional characters like good goys? Unless your real girl can't satisy you, there is no excuse.

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I don't think you understand how /pol/ related words work, faggot.

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>so much salt

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File: 0cff91c8bf9a4c1⋯.png (437.6 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 8b23cdbc87446a5⋯.jpg (9.14 KB,250x238,125:119,65dd8cfa26fbf840f0ae12a7c9….jpg)


speak english ,tard

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File: 56dc3e77732cd79⋯.jpg (100.94 KB,364x444,91:111,56dc3e77732cd7924c6e2f468f….jpg)


>You're a monkey because I say so

to be fair he has a point you are spic after all



that goes for you too spic-chan your retardation is not welcone here amigo

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File: 30a3bce5b842f4f⋯.jpg (17.22 KB,480x424,60:53,Blank _3badefdb053713767e5….jpg)

with hopes

hopes i came to this thread

fear not fear not

we have enough hoes and hopes

then the demon king spic-chan attack

and claimed that cuckry is in progress

cuckry cuckry she shouted !

demanding everything she considered cuck was to be killed !!

fried not fried not our suffering has ended

tardy spic-chan killed the thread

why has it come to this ?

why did spic-chan is so tardy and unself aware

killed thread she did but for what cost ?

anons fought and fought they roasted her hard and hardy

even then thot did not give up

why ?

cuz she is not self awera !

achived the metal of /htg/ lolcow she did

annons gave up upon talking to her

oh spci oh ! why are you so retarded !

-poem made by the anon that first uses the word cuck randomys and causes spic chan to rage around the thread

im sorry its all my fault desu

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File: dcb7d360eb61041⋯.mp4 (438.34 KB,1280x720,16:9,Baka! Baka~ Baka Bakaaaa.mp4)

Can both of you just


You're arguing over nothing. There is currently no game there is no code no images no text and yet here you are shitting up what was once a perfectly good thread and impeding any kind of constructive effort of the people that might actually want to work on something.

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Consider this thread taken over by cancer and make a new one. And if that's enough to discourage some fags from making some game, it was never going to happen anyway. I wonder when this tard will spread to other threads to the same extent.

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Twenty more posts (even less, actually) and this thread will be history, anyway.

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Well then, let's murder it in cold blood?

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File: f88c9fc67b32ea0⋯.png (2.61 KB,594x28,297:14,IxIVc9I.png)


Also someone got a new discord link? Didn't notice the previous links because the thread is absolutely buried in cuckposting.

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Don't worry, if cucks try to fuck in the other one I will nuke it too.

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So you want to nuke all threads where spic-chan the brown cuck is?

>inb4 salty spic, u mad, no u, u a cuck and so on

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I want to nuke all threads with cuckshit in them.

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Jesus, you are going to commit suicide then? Remember to stream it.

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File: cd4e1a6d0ee3a63⋯.jpg (69.82 KB,564x781,564:781,Bakugou.Katsuki.full.23395….jpg)


I could help in the writing department, but I was with the idea this was gonna go Bakugo-route? I mean I am unsure how the OC MC would help (other than the cuck-complaining anons) I mean with Bakugo you'd actually have a base where to start and an already set idea of how other characters would react to it which you'll only need to branch out. You could even change certain events depending on your actions/who you bang first.

I don't know, I just feel Bakugo would be chaotic/familiar enough for the player. OR you can simply just make it a two-option kind of deal, if you want to dodge that bullet altogether.

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Honestly man there's even less of a base than Deku with Bakugo

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I guess that's a 'no' for the stream. Have a fast and painless ride.

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File: 4b2d919eb78e2e8⋯.png (613.77 KB,1078x1078,1:1,Do not open.png)


I'll be honest he looks pretty fucking gay, hes super fucking lanky and not very well built, making the shoulders broader would fix some of most of it, the face you drew on the left actually looks decent. Reminder we aren't going for some nice guy (tm). Give us something a bit more masculine, either that or just go with faceless generic anon.

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File: 276b98f72f7dc5b⋯.png (2.72 MB,1920x1080,16:9,20181119214432168.png)

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>Reminder we aren't going for some nice guy (tm)

t. cuck

>Give us something a bit more masculine

t. gay

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>wants to play as nice guy in trainer game

>doesn't want to play as manly guy

t. hipster gay kike

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>wants to play as nice guy in trainer game

Trainers =/= Cuck games. All you want is a cuck game disguised as a (((Trainer))). Also, reminder, degeneration is a getaway drug to cuckolding.

>doesn't want to play as manly guy

I'm not gay, that's why.

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>wants to play as this nice, emotional guy that can't do shit because he isn't a man himself

are you a tranny, faggot? Are you one of those gay niggers with mental illness?

>wants to play as wimpy, little faggot

>I'm not gay

Sure you aren't, lad. You did everything to prove otherwise so far.

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>Wants to play as a manly muscular guy because he is attracted to men

Dunno, faggot.

>Having an small frame means you're a faggot

No, anon, being attracted to men and manly things is.

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>be me young once, fell for weak, faggot MC meme

>they all look like wimps

>realized what kikes are trying to do with men

>started hitting gym and stopped eating shit

>got fit, gained muscle mass

>luck with ladies

>testosterone is burning

>hey, goy, want to enjoy fantasy of this antifa looking cuck?

>He looks weak, want to be him?

I am not falling for this shit again, fuck off.

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>Be me

Back to cuckchan

>Be young once

Not everyone is a grampa, faggot. Maybe that's why it's so hard for you to self-insert.

>I-I'm fit! I swear!

Yeah, right, you probably go to the gym only to watch muscle men without their shirts, faggot.

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