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File: 76d224544f9829e⋯.jpg (130.26 KB,355x440,71:88,76d224544f9829ee9ef08c9461….jpg)

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File: e1f39000e23a26a⋯.jpg (48.2 KB,640x467,640:467,e1f39000e23a26a09bef746270….jpg)

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The Blues Brothers

Starring James Dambro and James Dambro

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12 years a slave

Starring Joseph "Rev" Fender

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File: d95279a9d749a86⋯.jpg (74.01 KB,750x766,375:383,d95279a9d749a86965627ed91b….jpg)

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File: b21c8a089e19251⋯.jpg (112.55 KB,1049x1033,1049:1033,b21c8a089e19251c98c31ac5a4….jpg)

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File: afe939d96f40023⋯.jpg (941.72 KB,1916x2012,479:503,millrats.jpg)


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I ate like $80 of sushi

Aaaaah (that's me yellin)

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File: f4e3fba20055098⋯.jpg (175.97 KB,883x990,883:990,f4e3fba200550989368f0d4f89….jpg)

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im nuttin

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File: bf0d9289d7dff59⋯.jpg (188.07 KB,1080x1256,135:157,bf0d9289d7dff59548424226fd….jpg)

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File: 462a75c887adb0e⋯.jpg (53.75 KB,720x732,60:61,462a75c887adb0e13d8d6e09eb….jpg)

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Dubyu Pee Dubyu Dubyu

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File: 5172b519823a67b⋯.jpg (68.48 KB,750x628,375:314,5172b519823a67b58069ee193a….jpg)

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File: ee5f45f32471a20⋯.jpeg (125.5 KB,1280x562,640:281,3F46A6F9-9E7A-403B-9009-5….jpeg)

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File: 364ef7530147979⋯.jpg (75.2 KB,750x759,250:253,364ef7530147979895e81962e7….jpg)

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you ever eat fried sushi?

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File: 6092145004421f7⋯.jpg (426.58 KB,1080x1829,1080:1829,Screenshot_20190216-222804….jpg)

i think this guy actually is a crossie

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what the

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sushi: overrated

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File: 14aa5ede843dc35⋯.jpg (185.05 KB,1080x1188,10:11,14aa5ede843dc35e3952e9fb90….jpg)

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holy cringe

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File: 79609528f723779⋯.jpg (81.37 KB,1080x1038,180:173,79609528f723779f5f3c6692c9….jpg)

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Yeah, but unless you're getting nigiri, sashimi or like a chirashi bowl you're gonna get the cheap/frozen fish because it's way easier to hid when mixed with like cream cheese, spicy sauce, and then tempura'd

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File: ec2c20a3c65b51c⋯.jpg (57.16 KB,495x663,165:221,ec2c20a3c65b51c83c533c4576….jpg)

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*charges you 50 dollars for raw fish and rice*

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File: fda15bcc1bc3ab8⋯.jpg (152.61 KB,544x790,272:395,fda15bcc1bc3ab88cebdb4bee4….jpg)

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i’ve only gotten it alongside actual sushi, not that that means they totally aren’t cheap/frozen.

ikiyaki or whatever the tentacles are called is based too

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That's also why you always see like shrimp/imitation crab in those kinda rolls as opposed to snapper/eel/mackerel

If there is an actual fish in there, it will inevitably be some sort of "spicy" mix of ground fish with a filler like panko crumbs

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File: 42eb802cad4f676⋯.jpg (282.2 KB,1080x1100,54:55,42eb802cad4f6764c894335e9a….jpg)

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File: 741e6286b8b8a11⋯.jpg (83.78 KB,524x702,262:351,741e6286b8b8a1178cc15ad5e9….jpg)

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Being a fat fuck, I know my way around sushi, especially with my locals' $16 all you can eat

It's not buffet style though, all made to order. Wait time can be pretty long as a result when it's even lightly busy but I'd rather have this than the alternative

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File: 1dd7e9a37270f9e⋯.jpg (111.15 KB,1080x1093,1080:1093,1dd7e9a37270f9e9c1e01f5e00….jpg)

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File: 411dda7cfaa2c2a⋯.jpg (112.5 KB,800x757,800:757,411dda7cfaa2c2ade3bfcbbdd8….jpg)

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File: cf8023ff5a1c749⋯.png (277.55 KB,500x678,250:339,1550375983726.png)

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File: 9e34793bc76ca34⋯.png (227.42 KB,882x547,882:547,ClipboardImage.png)

ruh oh

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File: 56cbff7b1e59599⋯.jpg (138.45 KB,1080x953,1080:953,56cbff7b1e595999f6ea5b348e….jpg)

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Yes? Hasn't that been the conclusion for two days?

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My friend's mom accused of him of harboring racist views because he said he thought Smollet was lying

The kicker: it was the night before the Nigerian Brothers story came up

The kicker kicker: he's mixed race

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it flopped back and forth it seems

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hussie hate crime

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how's a cookie dough actor gonna fight off two chiseled black men who look like body builders

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BBC on Rev?

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File: e4a913f33a18914⋯.jpg (57.03 KB,1080x600,9:5,e4a913f33a18914e6efb81a769….jpg)

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I don't think you understand the situation.

I'm the bull.

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yeah ok mr brokedick

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tfw no gf whose feet i can play with

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File: 6a8bdbb71e11d73⋯.gif (255.57 KB,640x400,8:5,1550186136048.gif)

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this would so fucking based

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