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The modern hermit
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A WARNING TO ALL NEW USERS IF YOU ARE NOT A HIKIKOMORI I WILL BAN YOU!! People who are going to work or school are not Hikikomori There are many people on here who can not leave their home Please choose your topic with consideration IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN AT HOME INSIDE YOUR ROOM FOR AT LEAST 6 MONTHS OR MORE THEN DON'T POST HERE!

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73e1b4 No.7810

I've always had anxiety growing up. When I got a job, is when I realized it wasn't normal like other people and was severe enough for me to need to self medicate. So I did that for a looong time. in 2012-13, I lost my aunt and then my mother a few months later. It's what finally prompted me to seek medical help. I was fine till about 2016 when I realized that I was set up. All of a sudden, strangers were following me, saying things that no one else would know. I learned after looking for answers that I what people called a Targeted Individual.

I've since tried working, but the harassment from people is on every aspect of my life. At first you think you just have bad luck, but when you realize what is happening they make it more obvious to you. I've since developed agoraphobia from the ptsd. A year after 2016, I was suddenly hit with artificial voices, shocks to my body, artificial rape, dream manipulation. Literally everything enough to make someone go insane. I mention this because I just wanted to let some people here realize that schizophrenia may not even exist. There is a program gov contractors are putting people in to make their lives a living hell. To all of you living this life, I am sorry for what you've suffered through, this shit is quite literally hell on earth.

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