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You are born as freedom. It is just that you have been conditioned to forget it.

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 No.3753 [View All]

In the UK, this black son of a bitch marauder was photographed kidnapping a very nice white man who was minding his own business.

This must be stooped IMMEDIATELY!!

67 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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and 1500 dollars

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What does it say about a political party when its chief strategy is to prevent as many people as possible from voting — and its leader admits as much?

That is where Republicans find themselves heading into the 2020 election.

For the latest, breathtaking example of this pathology, look at Iowa. On June 2, Iowa held a highly successful primary, with record turnout — and Republicans in the state legislature immediately initiated action to ensure the success is not repeated in the fall.

Yes, not repeated. For many Republicans, a high-turnout, no-chaos election is a result to be avoided at all costs.

In fairness, not all Republicans. The secretary of state who engineered Iowa’s primary success, Paul Pate, is also a Republican. To allow for safe voting in a time of pandemic, Pate mailed every registered voter an absentee ballot request form — not a ballot, mind you, just a request form — and extended the early voting period from 29 days to 40 days.

“My goal was to protect Iowa voters and poll workers while finding ways to conduct a clean and fair election,” Pate told the Des Moines Register.

Well, there was your mistake. A clean and fair election? GOP senators rushed in to make sure that won’t happen again. On Wednesday, the GOP-controlled state senate approved legislation to bar Pate from sending absentee ballot request forms to anyone who hasn’t asked for one.

Iowa’s county auditors, who administer elections, pronounced themselves “baffled” by the legislation, given the “very successful” primary, as Roxanna Moritz, head of their association, noted.

(The Washington Post)

(The Washington Post)

It’s not baffling to anyone who has been following Republican vote-limiting efforts around the country. The GOP has gone to great lengths to shrink and control the voter rolls, particularly trying to impede young people and black people from voting.

Many of their methods predate the coronavirus pandemic: obstructive voter-ID laws; closing polling places in selected neighborhoods so that voters must travel long distances or wait in long lines; impeding voting in college towns; finding pretexts to scrub voters from the rolls; opposing automatic or same-day registration; blocking former prisoners from voting, even when (as in Florida) nearly two-thirds of voters approve a referendum saying former felons who have served their time should be allowed to vote.

Now, in coronavirus time, they have gone into overdrive, doing everything they can to block the orderly issuing and processing of absentee ballots, which will be essential in November if the virus is still rampaging. They limit access as narrowly as possible where they are in control, as in Texas; they sue where they are not, as in California.

When they bother to justify this extraordinarily destructive campaign, Republicans generally pretend they are fighting election fraud. Fraud does exist — most recently, committed by Republicans in a North Carolina congressional race — but it is rare. Absentee voting would not greatly increase the risk, particularly if Congress adequately funded state election offices for the emergency — which, in another chaos-enhancing move, Republican senators are refusing to do.

No, fraud is just the excuse. President Trump early in his term appointed a commission with the express mission of locating this Loch Ness monster of Republican mythology, and it collapsed in utter, embarrassed failure.

Then in March, as he is wont to do, Trump gave the game away. Referring to a Democratic proposal to allow more vote-by-mail, he said, “They had things — levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”

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lol he thinks he can win if he kisses ass


he can tap dance all he wants & it wont work

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nobody cares what he signs or says

america is sick and tired of his stupid face

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the illiterate angry racist who ordered military riot police to attack peaceful protesters because his hideous daughter told him hiding in a bunker looked weak….

lol now he's going to 'sign something' ahahahahahaha he's gone… he's GONE….

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I couldn't care less if its biden, or nipsey russel, or kathy lee gifford, or a bowl of pinto bens, or a pigeon, or an old tire, or kim jung un, or a door handle, or a water buffalo….

it doesn't matter…….

ANYTHING but the caveman……….

and im not alone… The majority of americans agree

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F U C K . . . . T R U M P . . . .

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Comedy legend and Monty Python veteran John Cleese just farted in Fox News’ general direction.

In a Friday segment, Fox tried to suggest there was trouble brewing between protesters in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, a roughly six-block area of Seattle that demonstrators against police brutality and systemic injustice occupied last week.

The quote-unquote evidence of infighting came from a post on Reddit, supposedly written by someone within CHAZ, that read in part: “I thought we were an autonomous collective? An anarcho-syndicalist commune at the least. We should take turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week.”

The trouble is, the Reddit post was actually referencing a scene from the 1975 comedy classic “Monty Python and the Holy Grail.”

The scene shows two peasants, played by Monty Python’s Terry Jones and Michael Palin, explaining their society to a befuddled King Arthur, played by Graham Chapman.

“We’re an anarcho-syndicalist commune,” Palin’s character says. “We take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week. But all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting ― by a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs, but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more major issues.

Python fans and news junkies spent the weekend ribbing Fox News for getting played, but Cleese delivered the final blow on Monday.

Fox News’ coverage of the autonomous zone has been alarmist and misleading at best. Tucker Carlson has described the zone as “chaos and craziness,” and Laura Ingraham called it “a Marxist cultural revolution” that hopes to “destroy everything that came before it.”

HuffPost reporter Michael Hobbes, who has repeatedly visited CHAZ, described something much calmer and more community-oriented in a dispatch from the zone this weekend.

The Seattle Times has accused Fox News of publishing digitally altered photos in stories about CHAZ, saying the Fox coverage was “a clear violation of ethical standards for news organizations.”

Fox News apologized on Sunday and admitted it “did not clearly delineate” the splicing together of multiple images from different locations.

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i swear to god, you're going to end up really liking Kiesha Lance Bottoms, once you finally come to grips with the shock of having a black woman be the deciding factor.

you'll see…… shes going to be more popular than Obama, and Biden will sit back and let her take the spotlight, as America celebrates…

(thats going to be the key to caveman's defeat)

America wants something to CELEBRATE

and she's going to give them what they want

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free yourself of your judgemental false sense of self righteousness

stop hating women. stop thinking youre superior to them.

stop hating blacks. stop convincing yourself that you represent america.

stop hating mexicans, and gays, and muslims and all the other people you hate.

because youre going to be so much happier


and if youre not happy about it, thats okay, because America isn't voting to make you happy

you really dont have any choice in the matter…

nobodys asking your permission to get rid of cavemonkey

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Victor Willis, vocalist and co-founder of disco greats the Village People, told President Donald Trump to stop using two of the group’s most famous songs, “Y.M.C.A.” and “Macho Man,” at his rallies.

In a Facebook post last week, Willis said the decision came after Trump had law enforcement officers clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square with tear gas, batons and explosive devices so he could take a photo in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church. Demonstrators had gathered in Lafayette Square to protest police brutality and the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others. (Coincidentally, Willis frequently appeared as a police officer while performing with the Village People.)

“If Trump orders the U.S. military to fire on his own citizens (on U.S. soil), Americans will rise up in such numbers outside of the White House that he might be forced out of office prior to the election,” Willis wrote. “Don’t do it Mr. President! And I ask that you no longer use any of my music at your rallies especially ‘Y.M.C.A.’ and ‘Macho Man.’ Sorry, but I can no longer look the other way.”

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AND YMCA hahahahahahaha

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Don’t Listen to Fox. Here’s What’s Really Going On in Seattle’s Protest Zone.

SEATTLE — It seems I live in a city undergoing a “totalitarian takeover” that will lead to “fascist outcomes” and could “metastasize across the country.” Its government “has handed over an entire portion of the city to domestic terrorists.” This “group of rogue protesters” is attempting “to get a stranglehold on the city.” This radical “army” of “conquistadors” has “rolled over the police like Cortez rolling over the Aztecs.”

Welcome to our world, out here in Seattle—at least according to the hosts and commentators of Fox News. Lesser voices on the digital right have announced even more dire supposed developments: “Rapper-turned-warlord rules commune streets with the iron fist of a privatized police force.” But it’s Fox that has been all over the story of the so-called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone or CHAZ (which its Black Lives Matter organizers on Saturday renamed the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, CHOP): four-plus blocks of street and sidewalk in Seattle’s traditional gay and bohemian nightlife district, surrounding a boarded-up police precinct headquarters that the mayor ordered vacated last Monday to dampen a week-and-a-half of escalating confrontations between police and protesters. From there, the fluid protests, spearheaded by BLM but involving a wide spectrum of activists and ordinary citizens, coalesced with surprising rapidity into something like a provisional government.

What’s going on in these four blocks that shook the world is indeed an occupation, but it looks nothing like the conquista touted on Fox. It’s also the “block party” that Mayor Jenny Durkan has compared it to, to gleeful jeers from Fox commentators. And it’s other things as well—a protean, issue-focused but conceptually sprawling formative community, at once silly and serious, spontaneous and disciplined. Over the course of two evenings and an afternoon in the zone (plus a night observing a police/protest showdown there the week before), it seemed by turns like a commune (as in Paris 1871), an anarcho-syndicalist and small-L libertarian dream, a ’60s-style teach-in, a street fair and street market, a campout and weekend party, a poetry slam and pilgrimage, a school service day, a mass healing circle, a humbler urban version of Burning Man, and of course a protest rally.

You’d hardly guess all that from the breathless attention Fox has lavished from Day One on this tiny strip of Seattle—while ignoring, among other peaceful protests, a 60,000-strong BLM march that proceeded in solemn silence through chilly rain and nearly no police presence on Saturday. The litany of elisions, misconceptions and misrepresentations that have spread from Fox’s coverage across social media and in the public and presidential minds may still surprise even those with diminished expectations of the network.

The most brazen have been visual. On Friday the Seattle Times revealed three sleights of the photo-editing hand on the Fox site, two of which it managed to preserve before the channel took them down. In one, Fox led a package of stories headlined “Crazy Town: Seattle helpless as armed guards patrol ‘autonomous zone’” with an incendiary photo of a man running between a burning car and building. That photo was actually taken May 30 in St. Paul, Minnesota. Seattle’s protests have produced no such blazes.

Fox also undertook two cut-and-pastes of a photo of a young sentinel standing calmly with a semiautomatic rifle on a quiet nighttime street in the zone, which it had already published intact. In one altered image, it set him in front of shattered storefront windows that had been photographed a week before CHAZ/CHOP was set up, more than a mile away. (Storefronts and windows have been spared in the autonomous/organized zone—even those in the vacated police station.) In the other, he stands by a street barrier and a hand-lettered sign reading, “You Are Now Entering Free Capitol Hill.” An editor’s note acknowledging the removal of the storefront mashup called it a “collage,” suggesting it was not intended to look like a single photo.

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Fox is also slippery in its verbal attributions. It has hammered at the idea that the CHOP has made neighbors alarmed and fearful. But the only purported “resident of this part of the city” it has presented is a “former Seattle City Council candidate” named Ari Hoffman, who said nothing about the neighborhood but inveighed against “domestic terrorists.” One problem: Hoffman, a familiar face on Fox, isn’t from Capitol Hill. He lives in Seward Park, an affluent neighborhood 4 miles away. And when a member of the Police Department’s African American Community Advisory Council told protesters they had “hijacked” the movement and “taken the meaning away,” a Fox headline, echoed in later coverage, blared something very different: “Black Lives Matter protesters say Seattle’s autonomous zone has hijacked message.”

Such misrepresentations reverberate in subsequent reports and commentaries, painting a dark picture of the “organized protest” as illegitimate, divided, armed and violent. Many of these tropes derive from an on-camera statement Wednesday by Police Assistant Chief Deanna Nollette. “We’ve been hearing from community members that they have been subjected to barricades set up by the protesters with some armed individuals running them as checkpoints,” Nollette said, adding, “we have heard anecdotally of citizens and businesses being asked to pay a fee to operate within this area. This is the crime of extortion.” Nollette urged “anyone who feels threatened to call 911.”

The next day, Police Chief Carmen Best walked back that statement, saying that only “rumors” and social media claimed extortion. At least one such claim is an evident fake. The Greater Seattle Business Association, which is based on Capitol Hill, checked with local businesses and “found no evidence of this occurring.” Detective Patrick Michaud, a Seattle Police spokesman, says the department has received no 911 calls or other complaints about extortion, intimidation, guns or checkpoint barriers in the CHAZ/CHOP.

It’s understandable how the barriers around the zone—movable wood and plastic left behind by the police—and the hygienically masked sentinels standing at them could look intimidating to residents. But I passed through them perhaps a dozen times over three days and, like everyone I saw and talked to in the zone, was never stopped or asked my business. Even if this were the “border wall” Fox commentators call it, it would hardly be impenetrable; people could still come and go through the park abutting the zone.

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I chatted with one of the border guards, a slight young man of East Indian descent with a stick-on name tag reading “Elijah.” He lived in the suburbs, he said, and hadn’t joined in the protests. “I’d seen what the media said,” he explained. “I came out to see what it was like”—and wound up volunteering. The only disturbance he’s seen, he said, “was someone trying to pull the barriers apart. We asked her to stop.” Otherwise, he said, he was “surprised” how mellow it all was. “Some of the nicest people I’ve seen have been here.”

The barriers, other guards explained, were there to stop cars from driving into the occupied streets—a real fear. Last Sunday, a motorist drove into the protest at that very intersection and shot a man point-blank who tried to make him stop, hitting his shoulder. He then charged through the crowd, gun in hand and surrendered to police. According to charging documents, he told police he was a security guard, his brother worked at the precinct, and he’d come to the protest “to see how bad it was,” with his Glock on the seat beside him.

Fox’s Vandana Rambaran reports, without details, that there have been “multiple shootings,” at the protests. Michaud says Seattle police have received no reports of shootings or guns at protests or in the occupied zone.

There have been guns in the zone, however, at least in its first days (I never saw any in later days). The sentinels carrying them belong to a left wing gun rights and self-defense group called the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, which offers “support upon request to those in our communities targeted by white supremacists and other agents of oppression and exploitation.”

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Mindi Welton-Mitchell, a pastor at Seattle’s Queen Anne Baptist Church, was at the “Interfaith Chaplain Table”—where Christian, Jewish and Muslim clergy offer counsel, masks and hand sanitizer—when two John Browners came by and identified themselves. Far from intimidating, she says, they were so inconspicuous, with their guns at their sides, “most people didn’t notice them.”

Welton-Mitchell and the other minister at the table, Aaron Monts, saw unarmed barrier attendants deal with a man who approached “screaming and shouting” with a “Don’t Tread on Me” bath towel draped over his shoulders. “They moved him out without touching him,” Monts says. “One talked to him, heard what he had to say, and calmed him down. The de-escalation technique was superb.”

Pastors and progressive gun-toters are just the start; just about every conceivable sort of volunteer has brought whatever she or he can offer. “We do not accept $ donations of any kind,” the No Cop Co-Op announces over tables heaped with groceries for anyone who wants them. Other ramshackle stalls and tables offer free clothes, battery charges (for tools and bikes as well as phones) and food, from camp-stove fry-ups to the enormous tureen of crab soup one Asian family ladles into disposable cups. The free books at the Chaz People’s Library and Mutual Aid Books tend to be crisp and movement-friendly.

Two women circulate with a handwritten sign offering mental-health help. Yes, they say when asked, we are certified therapists. Others circulate with garbage bags, darting at every scrap of litter. The trash cans are stuffed but I’ve never seen the street so clean.

“This is the first time I’ve done this,” says 27-year-old Layla Lacos, standing behind a card table and a handwritten sign saying “Register to vote.” “But I believe passionately in voting.” She figured this might be a good place to enlist new voters, so she secured the necessary forms and a stash of “Vote/Vota” buttons from the county and ventured into the zone. Her hunch seems spot-on. “I just got here an hour ago and I’ve already signed up 30 or 40 registrations and address changes.”

Cash-free mutual aid hasn’t entirely dimmed the entrepreneurial spirit. Despite all the free food, people line up for $6 hot dogs at a commercial cart. A vendor stationed in the middle of the street does a land-office business in $30 Black Lives Matter T-shirts.

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Jordan Lyon, an irrepressibly earnest and enthusiastic young community organizer, is fired up with a more social entrepreneurship. The day before, he brought down four folding chairs and a table, hung signs saying “Conversation Cafe: Let’s make a friend” and “Let’s talk about antiracism,” and wondered if anyone would sit down. Others brought more chairs and couches, until he had some 30 seats arranged in three circles.

All are now full, and the conversations hum. Some are confessional, testimonials to racism practiced and experienced. The circle I slip into looks toward broader solutions. A middle-aged African American man who says he works in “construction and performance art” urges the mutual investment that is a perennial, and perennially difficult, goal in black communities. “We need to do what they do in Chinatown,” he says. “Invest in business!” A fair-haired young woman, just graduated from the University of Georgia, wonders if what she learned in her Marxist-Leninist study group might be pertinent. Worlds collide, but gently.

“There is a level of trust here that is remarkable,” Lyon says, and I realize he’s talking not just about this conversation space but what he calls the surrounding “commons.” “I see this as potentially permanent. I would so love to see the Black Lives Matter Commons here—like Barcelona superblocks, like [car-banishing] Copenhagen, but about black culture.”

Across the street in the park, other volunteers are planting literal roots. Someone has planted four chestnut seedlings, memorials to George Floyd and three local victims of police violence. (Alas, they’re too close together to reach full glory.) Four carefully plotted, compost-heaped vegetable gardens also have taken shape, suitably framed: “This Garden Is for Black and Indigenous Folks and their Plant Allies.” One lead gardener tempers his hopes, however. “I want it to be beautiful so it will look really bad when they tear it up.”

On Pine Street, local black artists have laid down a blocklong “street mural” so beautiful and conspicuous officials may shrink from removing it, if they even want to. Seventeen-foot-high, meticulously drawn and painted letters, each by a different artist or team, spell out “Black Lives Matter” in styles by turns whimsical, geometric and symbolic. The project emulates similar new street art in Washington, D.C., and, especially, Charlotte, N.C.

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This mega-artwork symbolically reclaims embattled turf, ground zero for more than three decades in Seattle’s battles over class, power and race. The precinct headquarters was only located there in the early 1980s because of a community uproar; it was to go in the Central District, the pre-gentrification center of Seattle’s black community, a mile to the east, but activists there resisted. So the cop shop landed on Capitol Hill, where reaction was more muted, even welcoming.

In the more turbulent ’90s and 2000s, however, things changed for the testier. Police confrontations with massed street kids and May Day protesters often turned violent. Rioting broke out in downtown Seattle, as elsewhere, in 1992 following the acquittal of the Los Angeles policemen who beat Rodney King, the first on-camera police violence to become a national sensation. Seattle police ill-advisedly pushed the rioters from downtown up Pine Street, where they scattered across Capitol Hill on a smashing and torching spree. The 1999 “Battle in Seattle,” when massive demonstrations shut down the World Trade Organization meeting, culminated on these same blocks as well. Demonstrators, many from the neighborhood, massed below the precinct building until police, backed by National Guard troops, drove them off with barrages of tear gas, flash bangs and rubber bullets. It became a battle for turf, just as the current occupation has. Chants “WTO must go!” gave way to “Get off our hill!”

Now that long-simmering local history has come to a boil, precipitated by accumulated outrage at police violence and racial inequity. Everything converges here. Mayor Durkan is as besieged as the precinct building (and like the police, the target of profuse graffiti, the most printable of which proclaims “Impeach Jenny Durkan”). Protesters, and at least a third of Seattle’s left-leaning City Council, want her to resign. Her own police chief has publicly disputed her decision to evacuate the precinct. Critics on the right, including the Seattle Police Officers Guild’s firebrand president, call it craven capitulation.

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That decision may look better in retrospect, however. It bought time, preventing further, perhaps catastrophic escalation and giving volatile demonstrations the chance to morph into orderly occupation. The name change announced Saturday signaled a further consolidation of the movement, although some media still managed to confuse the issue by calling the new CHOP the “Capitol Hill Occupied Protest.” As one of them explained, BLM organizers had no idea who slapped “CHAZ” on the project, but “Capitol Hill Organized Protest” makes it clear: “This is not an autonomous zone. We’re not trying to secede from the United States,” merely to have “our rights upheld.”

An organized protest is one you can negotiate with. City officials, protest representatives and neighborhood business and property owners have begun talking about first steps: cooperating on safety and emergency services, trimming back the CHOP perimeter to let firetrucks and ambulances through. Much bigger issues remain: At a hundreds-strong “people’s assembly” outside the shuttered precinct station, I hear Nikkita Oliver, a charismatic former mayoral candidate and the most visible presence at CHOP public gatherings, lead the throng in a catechism of “core demands”: defund the police, release all arrested protesters, close the precinct. Kshama Sawant, the furthest-left member of our City Council, wants to turn the building into a community center.

Unlikely as that last measure may sound, there are precedents. Three hallowed Seattle institutions—the Northwest African American Heritage Museum, El Centro de la Raza, and the United Indians of All Tribes’ Daybreak Star Cultural Center—were born out of protest occupations, the first two of empty schools, the last of an obsolete army fort.

At the same time, the city has been steadily closing streets deemed unnecessary for auto traffic to create open pedestrian corridors. Pedestrians are already more dominant on Capitol Hill than in any other district.

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like i said, this time around they're going to show up in record numbers

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'Defunding' law enforcement is ridiculous. Nobody in their right mind would ever think police funds should or could be diverted to 'community programs', no matter how much the angry protesters chant it…

The issue at hand should be REINVENTING law enforcement… And it begins with eliminating QUALIFIED IMMUNITY, holding cops accountable for their actions, along with rethinking the training of law enforcement.

But the caveman's Supreme Court do-boys have refused to reexamine Qualified Immunity….

so he can talk about signing whatever piece of paper that he wants… Because he has never kept a promise, no wall, no nothing… not to mention that he's a racist sack of shit who thinks he can violate the constitution 'to make himself look tough'….

He's toast.

(also, police officers across america are threatening to 'quit' if they're going to be held accountable for their actions on their jobs)

hahahaha FUCK THEM !!

everybody is held accountable for their actions at work.

let them go apply at McDonald's….

they can all easily be replaced

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"i quit because you want to hold me accountable when i use excessive force and when im a completely unfair asshole, failing to follow protocol!!"


good… its not about blacks or whites, and its rarely about killing suspects… 99% of the time, its about simply failing to Serve And Protect, being an arrogant asshole, and hiding behind their badge to bully people and treat people like shit…

This is going to eventually result in a good thing. its about time we weed out the assholes

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At this point, the caveman can tapdance like a Jester all he wants. It wont work.

the ONLY way he can possibly be elected is by using unfair crooked underhanded techniques (which is exactly what hes going to do, and already is)

Youll see…. Hes going to try every trick in the book PLUS SOME, in a desperate, corrupt, unprecedented attempt to cheat his way into a 2nd term.

unfortunately for him, thats his only chance…

so he'll take it

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'Police Reform' = stfu caveman….

we're done with you…………………..

america gave you a chance and look what you did

Biden sucks but its his turn now

Even the democrats dont like Biden

But America doesn't HATE Biden

however, a clear majority of Americans HATE caveman

trust me, we are going to reinvent law enforcement, and the criminal court system

but we're going to do it without the cavemonkey

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You have truly gone insane, Johnny.

Your hate blinds you to the fact that BLM is not only dangerous terrorist group masquerading as a political party, it is evil, and you personally support them, just like everyone else except the people you hate. That's why Republicunts and Demoncruds are both in the wrong, as are you. They bow to BLM.

Trump will not.

I will not.

So your kind had better not chimp out further when your Lord and Slaver Trump wins this next election in a landslide.

And you're an idiot if you think Trump loses to ANY Democrat. Can't you see that BLM is the biggest political party in this nation right now? More popular than God. Seriously. Do you see what your hate is doing? You better start supporting OUR President, or you'll be worshipping black cock whether you want to or not for your last few bloody minutes of life, you stupid faggot.

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its not just the LAW that needs to be corrected

its also the ORDER that needs correction

they always tell you "the system isn't perfect, but its the best there is"

B U L L S H I T ! ! ! ! !

thats just another distraction technique


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youve become a radical anti-american

and ironically, youd mention Jesus, because you have become a perfect candidate for christianity, with your mob mentality

Libertarian ?….. hahahaha


and your salt is glorious……………

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98% of all criminal cases are settled using this travesty of justice, coercing defendants into allowing the criminal justice system to NOT do their job, under the duress of the threats of an unfair trial

sure, the blacks are outraged… i can understand their position… but it goes much farther than any one race in particular….

this is about THE US CONSTITUTION, which was created 52 years before the Democratic Party was created, and 78 years before the Republican Party was created.

the 'right to a fair trial' has become a lie

the criminal court system is corrupt as fuck

and law enforcement are their henchmen

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however, we are about to have an EXTREMELY INTELLIGENT BLACK FEMALE tip the scales


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by being black, and female, shes going to represent the underdogs….

shes going to represent all of us, including YOU

yes, YOU…. the same guy who the cops have always treated like shit, the guy who the court system has bullied, the same guy who would be frowned upon by the caveman….

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imagine if your caveman hadn't failed…..

wouldn't that have been awesome?….

oh well

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apparently, youre unaware that you are the nigger

at least thats what the caveman would think if he came to your place and stayed with you for a weekend.

hed be looking down his nose at you SO HARD

he'd leave within an hour

youre not elite

Neither am i

There is no middle clasd anymore

you and i are both LOWER CLASS

we are BOTH niggers

broke, old, overlooked NIGGERS

does your life matter?

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you should rename FREEDOMZINE

you should name ut MOM

(my opinion matters)


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File: 29d6f859a974f8d⋯.jpg (68.45 KB,620x589,20:19,Romney_Kneels_With_Derek.jpg)

When your buttons are this easy to push you run the risk of looking just like your hero, Trump.

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File: 12bc9035ff420d8⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,9.4 MB,1920x1080,16:9,NOT_OK_to_be_White.gif)


>apparently, youre unaware that you are the nigger

Well aware.

Have been admitting it all along.

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Johnny actually thinks Trump is worse than chimping niggers.


You had better pray the majority of voters are not as insane as you are, Johnny. Your hate allies you with actual evil.

You don't like misspelled words or a white man acting like a buffoon. I get it. You worship black cock and beg for their knife at your throat. You do not know who the REAL enemy is, or where REAL Racism lies.

Protip: It Lies WITHIN. (You) are the REAL Enemy. As am I.

Who Do You REALLY Hate, Johnny?

>inb4 Trump

Obsessed, like a teenaged girl, you are.

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File: b65d51d27e42d41⋯.png (255.06 KB,1080x2160,1:2,Screenshot_2020_06_16_11_2….png)

of course, I am ALSO one of society's niggers, just like you.

we are both disenfranchised, broke, old non-participants, former junkies with a long criminal history.

we are both barely eeking by

and our opinions matter just as little as our lives matter.

Lennon sang 'woman is the nigger of the world', and its true… Latinos, gays, atheists, disabled, etc etc

The list goes on and on and on…. we ARE the underdogs… we ARE the niggers, not just blacks

blacks have a very unique position in the equation

and its not OUR place to minimize their perspectives……..

but in all honesty, these days there are a SHITLOAD of black people who live waaayyy beyond our level… Theyve got nice as shit houses, drive BMWs, have strong family values, graduate with honors… (not all of them, but A LOT of them)

who are you to think you're on a level higher than a nigger?

You and i both live on the sub-poverty level

Americans are unhappy. This year has made our collective unhapiness paramount. Instinctually, we WANT to be happy….

and thats exactly why your white trash imaginary 'elitist' illiterate caveman is already struggling to suppress the vote….

Americans are about to show up in RECORD numbers, and vote their unhappiness out of office

because THE UNDERDOGS are going to celebrate the black female VP as a symbol of our collective nigger status and a way of recognizing that we need to balance things out again…

The upcoming change in the white house is ultimately about restoring the MIDDLE CLASS

and thanks to the black woman you will be saluting, you wont have to live like a fucking nigger anymore

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see, some of us broke ass old white criminal drug addict antiestablishment tyoes are honest about our LOWLY POSITION ON THE TOTEM POLE

and then theres you

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you'd be floored if you visited Atlanta……

you should drive around Buckhead… thats where i grew up in affluence before i made choices that brought me down to the level of a nigger just like you…

Buckhead is THE most exclusive area of Atlanta. The highest real estate prices in georgia in that neighborhood.

Thesedays, Buckhead is FILLED with multimillionaire blacks…….

Theyre not drug dealers……

youd want to kys if you could see how they live

because youd realize HOW MUCH of a nigger you are

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File: 06c80458a9bd55c⋯.jpg (56.21 KB,600x315,40:21,PicsArt_06_16_09_21_02.jpg)

I tried to tell you, the civil war already began. BLM and Antifa are already waging war, and many, including you, are aiding, abetting and actually fighting on their side. They only stand for hatred, violence, murder and looting. Anything to get their way. The worst kind of niggers. Dangerous. You know I am right, but your hatred of Trump blinds you to how dangerous your complicity to, and support of, this utter madness is. When hate is your only message it is easy for hordes of niggers to steal your message andYou'll Follow THEMdoing whatever the witch-burning mob tells you to; whipped up by the media that is controlled by the very same elite you both worship and hate, carrot and stick, a Slave to your instincts, your emotions, your feefees, your allegiance to the tribe, the leader, the group, whatever ideology you worship or hate; so desperate are you for meaning that you'll take it all canned in a tin for you… even if that can is about ready to explode.

Let's all take a little breather from the 24-Hour News Cycle and recognize thatEVERYBODY, from Trump to Johnny Neptune, is letting mass media and the 24-Hour News Cycle govern their livesFARmore than is necessary or at all healthy, and we couldALLdo with a breather.THIS IS NOT FUN.I would like to go back to having fun in the sun. It's Summer. I fucking hate pseudonymous image boards in the Summer. Pure Cancer. I hate what the chans have become anyway. I personally need a breather. I'm taking a break. Giving a fuck about politics isDEFINITELY NOTwhere I'm going with any of this anyway. I can see which way the wind is blowing… And I can smell it too.

I gotta go.

No time left to PREPARE. Time to divest myself of all those old toasters and shit, before the hordes come and divest me of anything I cannot personally protect. Those hordes that Johnny supports with his hate.

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lol @ 'their' side

See?…. you have to come and anti-American radical Fundamentalist

You sound quite insane. You have become everything you used to hate when you were young and cool

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Don't try to mask your hatred as vehement opposition

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You really owe the Democrats a huge THANKYOU

if it weren't for the Democrats, you wouldn't have gotten that $1,200 stimulus (welfare) money

and that extra money they've been putting on your EBT Card?…. it was the Democrats who did that….

so you owe them a great gesture of appreciation…

because you DIDN'T turn down the money

and yoyu certainly DIDN'T turn down the food stamps

thats Mighty Ghetto of you

to accept the Democratic Welfare Assistance

while you badmouth the people who gave it to you

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Yeah? your 1500 dollars are going to be worth so much when the dollar crashes you dumbass.

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WTF? In the UK? I bet they wish they never gave up their guns! In America, people are just going to get shot dead, and in droves when it escalates. PS: new ZH article is reminding me about ALL the reasons I am very glad I am bugged-out (and well armed) with my family becoming self-sufficient.


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If anything, let them keep it up lol. Americans are going to be forced to make a choice come election time: vote for stability, or vote for the insane party that promotes all this deliberate destabilization!

One way or another, average Americans will only take so much bullshit before there is a full blown shooting war. I know this in my gut, and that is why I have bugged-out to get out of dodge. These niggers are stupid, they are actually asking for racism to rise (which will lead to many more of them being killed).

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Police Reform is what cities actually need you fucking nutcase BLM-worshiping loon. We don't need riots. We don't need thugs. We don't need looting. We don't need shootings. We need Police Reform to curb knucklehead cops who are (purposefully or accidentally) killing people from too much aggression.

Any common sense black man would agree with that. Unfortunately people like you make the BLM movement look all the more worse.

One more thing I find ironic: why does all this people brutality happen in Democrat-run slums!?

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