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You are born as freedom. It is just that you have been conditioned to forget it.

File: 40fccf2bf3fbf0a⋯.jpg (75.8 KB,600x400,3:2,Screen_Shot_2020_06_12_at_….jpg)

 No.3571 [View All]

Trump said, “So, I think I’ve done more for the Black community than any other president. And, let’s take a pass on Abraham Lincoln because he did good, although, it’s always questionable, you know, in other words, the end result.”

At which point, even THE FOX NEWS REPORTER couldn't pretend anymore….

And she had to remind the caveman that Lincoln freed the slaves.

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You think the media You consume is not fake?

CNN correspondent contradicts network's own report that armed protesters had no presence in CHAZ


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LoL @ minority

HahahahHAHA !!!

(caveman is going to get half the votes of his competitor)

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File: 000538058a9460b⋯.jpg (362.67 KB,1920x1440,4:3,Jewny_Nigturd_JKI.jpg)

It IS pretty interesting how much our two states are involved in whatever this is…

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>actually thinks i give a shit what CNN says

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>(caveman is going to get half the votes of his competitor)

This is true. Half of Biden's votes will go to Trump because NO ONE IS STUPID ENOUGH TO VOTE FOR BIDEN.

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You think Killcen got v& yet?

Ain't seen hide nor hair in a week.

I know you don't care, butInquiring Minds Want to Know!

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again : if youre so confident, a friendly wager

$1,500 isn't enough… My shopping list is already over $1,500

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lol ive noticed that

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Biden isn't going to win…..

His Black Female Vice Presidential Running Mate is the one whos going to win

The MAJORITY of americans are going to relish the sweet satisfaction of watching Trump get his ass kicked BY A BLACK WOMAN

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you'll see……………… trust me, you'll see

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Even blacks are against CHAZ.


They also want MORE Police, NOT Defunding. As in 65% of blacks in the inner cities want more cops, not less.

BlexitFor Sure if this violence continues, or if Trump stops it, either way. Even black people hate niggers.

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File: 9208412c191d10b⋯.png (1.73 MB,1080x2160,1:2,Screenshot_2020_06_14_10_2….png)

and the inauguration is going to be the biggest inauguration in our history

record attendance……

Hahahaha @ thinking youre in the majority

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Q: who actually thinks theyll defund the police?

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This isn't the first time left-wing ideologies have fucked up Chaz…


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……its about REINVENTING the police…….

people like YOU AND ME also know first hand how police need to be reinvented… Its not just blacks who get treated unfairly and have to deal with whats wrong about law enforcement

and hopefully, this will lead to reinventing the entire criminal justice system

In fact, its one of the most important topics on our plate

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I gotta go…

Much work to do for daughter and gf.

Still building better computers every day…

Have fun today!

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Could not agree more.

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dude….. the links dont mean ANYTHING

im not talking about links, killcen2.0

Im talking about REALITY

and the reality is……………

He had his chance to MAGA

and now we're going to do it for him

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YES !!!! YES YES YES !!!


and caveman sealed his fate by thinking the answer was to use force against us citizens

trust me, man…….

hes going to lose

but the good news? youll survive

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Nobody likes Biden

but america doesnt HATE him

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theres another term for 'derangement syndrome'


youll see, dude. nothing personal

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before i run to make breakfast:

one anecdotal gemstone:

In real life, i only know TWO PEOPLE who have said they support trump

(not including you) im talking about here in macon and ive had this conversation with A LOT OF PEOPLE…

whites, blacks, young, old, male, female…..

ALL OF THEM told me they hate the cavemonkeyboy

but only TWO people said they like him

(and they were both trailerpark level trash)

Not lying…..

Okay time to eat

Be well, sir

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Its been 3.5 years……………


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this inauguration is going to be THE LARGEST ATTENDANCE in our history. even with the pandemic, throngs of people will travel from all 4 corners (especially yours) and they're going to PACK the National Mall in numbers never seen before…

Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Arabic, Gay, Straight, Bi, Rich, Poor, Males, Females, Liberals and Conservatives and everything in between

This is going to be our 'Moon Shot', and it's going to be a MASSIVE Celebration….

Because getting rid of the caveman was the goal

But INCLUSION will end up being the result

and having a black female vice president s going to represent the inclusion (obamas inauguration was the biggest so far) that we (hillary won the popular vote) have all (michigan is flushing trump) needed so desperately

America is NOT represented by Trump & Pence

A black female is going to represent INCLUSION

and youll end up accepting it

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its going to be AWESOME and its going to lift a massive weight off our shoulders

getting rid of the caveman is going to feel GREAT

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……….he Made America Hate Again…………

and now we're making him a civilian again

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File: 76511dde5d4ee86⋯.jpg (105.4 KB,1080x1093,1080:1093,PicsArt_06_14_12_13_50.jpg)

btw, according to GOP POLLING NUMBERS, he's only got a 34% approval rating

(and thats not fake news) its a fact

its not 'leftist brainwashing'…………



are you aware that when his reelection team saw these numbers, they made a concerted effort NOT to tell him?… but he did end up hearing about the 34% and he went into a weird state of angry depression….

SO HIS STAFF ACTUALLY BOUGHT TRUMP ADS SPECIFICALLY FOR WASHINGTON DC ONLY where they dont run political ads because their is no target voter demographic AND THESE ADS WERE PURCHASED SPECIFICALLY DURING THE FOX NEWS SHOWS TRUMP WATCHES because they admitted that they 'wanted to cheer him up'

weakness……….. failure………… defeat


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34 % dude…… it was at 37% just a couple days ago


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Remember the good old days, back when you were a hopeful young hippie?….

who would've ever guessed you'd end up becoming Colonel Jack D. Ripper, the deranged right-wing general in Dr. Strangelove?

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File: 2da1822e30de672⋯.jpg (24.43 KB,253x392,253:392,EasyRider.jpg)

sorry, but THIS is the (You) who i know

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File: 10bc25a3e1300c9⋯.jpg (52.86 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_2_.jpg)

Not this……

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File: 216097f00844026⋯.png (1.38 MB,1269x708,423:236,PicsArt_06_14_01_57_32.png)

you want to see who's going to vote him out of office?

look closely, Peter Fonda…… theyre not all black

its gonna be EASY, Captain America

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File: ecb845c7d55cddd⋯.png (2.44 MB,1080x2160,1:2,Screenshot_2020_06_14_14_0….png)

imagine dropping LSD and going to the Holi Festival with the Cavemonkey

imagine having your face painted, and that's when you simultaneously realize that the LSD has just started to kick in, and that the Cavemonkeyboy is NOT going to have his face painted, and he doesn't relate to you, and he's too scared to be cool

and thats when it hits you what an uncool, uncomfortable day its going to be

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Try saying "Ulysses S Grant and Douglas MacArthur"

if you managed to say it, you're doing a lot better than the caveman.

He literally STRUGGLED to pronunciate it yesterday

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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A : 9,334

Q: how many cities are there in America?


Q : how many Cavemen are going to be voted out of office ?

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File: a1453465b9c4ce7⋯.jpg (493.11 KB,1560x1111,1560:1111,06132020_12345_184946_1560….jpg)

Look at these terrifying dangerous ANARCHISTS !!!


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File: 191f04308099215⋯.jpg (252.13 KB,1560x1040,3:2,06132020_chaz1234_221134_1….jpg)

how DARE they be learning things !!!!

Ulysses G Grant and Douglas MacArthur?

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File: c8774ee6361748d⋯.jpg (376.44 KB,1560x1076,390:269,06132020_12_184937_1560x10….jpg)


somebody needs to "STOOP' them immediately!!


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lol @ today being Caveman's disgusting birthday, and him trying to explain why he uses two hands to take a sip of water, can't pronounce words, and struggles to walk down steps

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File: 56dd57da9e807a5⋯.jpg (344.3 KB,1163x1280,1163:1280,20200614_160342.jpg)


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File: 234db2fdfe4b9dd⋯.jpg (93.57 KB,853x1280,853:1280,71AGQAEs7RL_AC_SL1500_.jpg)

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File: 25fe94f812d7f99⋯.jpg (45.23 KB,324x500,81:125,51CfxXyW63L_AC_SL1500_.jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

its easy to be lulled into thinking you're in the right

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Especially when alleged 'patriotism' is involved

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Even black folk have had enough of the mob.

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Within 3 monthsCOVID

And I meanCOVID.

Nothing butCOVID.

Within 18 months 10 to 12 times more people will get it. These are your COVID Orgies NOW.ENJOY!

Just say NO to mail-in ballots.

Say YES to merit-based EVERYTHING, Including Voting!


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