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You are born as freedom. It is just that you have been conditioned to forget it.

File: f9b05c722c00bbd⋯.jpg (31.92 KB,500x377,500:377,wpew2.jpg)

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IT HAS BEGUN! https://www.bitchute.com/video/nsgmcaCSYbU/

HERE'S WHAT THE VACCINE WILL DO TO YOU! https://www.bitchute.com/video/AwTbrI3T9UzA/

WILL YOU THRIVE DURING THE TECHNOCRACY? https://www.bitchute.com/video/LWOgNHobCZqx/

499 posts and 171 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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In the video it is at the 5 minute mark when he slides that bad boy on (and wow, no, mine did not go on that easily!)

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Flying Spy Drones The Size Of A Grain Of Sand Are Going To Be Used To Surveillance Everyone!



US Congress Quietly Sneaks In Crypto-Bill Amendment Authorizing Central Bank Digital Currency



China Declares All Virtual Currency Transactions "Illegal", Sending Crypto Prices Tumbling



Biden & Abbott Lying About Sending Haitian Invaders Back, They Are Still Coming In DROVES!



The Left Cheered When Australians Gave Up Their Guns, Now They’re Being Shot By Their Own Government



WTF? Chicago Govt Workers Must Pledge Allegiance To The New World Order



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Florida's New Surgeon General: We Are Done With Fear, Stop Treating Vaccines Like A Religion!



Good! House Passes Amendment To Defund Wuhan Lab Middleman Outfit EcoHealth Alliance



Before They Were An Inconvenience, But Now The Shortages Are Really Beginning To Sting



The European Energy Crisis Is About To Go Global



Americans Have 3 Remaining Options Before The New Ruling Party Turns Out The Lights & Commences The Purge



Will Govenor Inslee's Mandates Down The Power Grid?


PG&E Charged With Deaths Of 4 In 2020 Wildfire Started By Its Equipment



MEDIA LIES: Photographer Who Took Viral Border Patrol 'Whipping' Photo Says Nobody Was Whipped



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File: c4fe7c975c7665f⋯.jpg (59.99 KB,552x783,184:261,Country_Girls.jpg)

[This is how we prevent the next pandemic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJtblo12UxI)

Bill Fucking Gates.

Reported for "Promoting Terrorism".



> __"_WORTH IT_".__


[AMERICANS NEED TO STAND UP FOR FREEDOM LIKE IT'S 1776 [2021-09-24] (VIDEO)](https://odysee.com/@SergeantMajor'sTrutherInfo:2/AMERICANS-NEED-TO-STAND-UP-FOR-FREEDOM-LIKE-IT'S-1776--2021-09-24--(VIDEO):0)

Just droppin' these in here… I have more, but these were the ones that most belong in this thread…

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Disclaimer: The Western World is being set up for deliberate collapse.

Watch Purple Anon Debate Johnny Neptune, With Killcen Projecting END TIMES Tribulation!


Deliberate Destabilization: At Least 12,000 Haitian Invaders Have Been Released Into America!


MORE ON THE WAY! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sBV8QeO7Wk

Teachers Are Now Getting Fired For Refusing Vaccines, See How All This Ends Yet?

They'll fire Americans and replace them with foreigners as I warned over and over again! Watch!



US Police, Fire, Military, Health And Education Being Gutted By Vaccine Mandate

This Is The Perfect Method To Destroy The US For China



Germany Has Modern Concentration Camps For The Unvaccinated, They Are Destroying Their Lives



Congress Passes 'Red Flag' Laws In NDAA For Military Courts With Massive Neo-con RINO Traitor Support



FBI Forced To Admit Proud Boys Are Infiltrated With Feds

As everyone already knows today, the feds provocateur shit to arrest people!



Corrupted Italian Ruling Court Has Just Legalized The Mafia



Shortages Hit COSTCO Again!

Smart Americans have already prepped for these End Times as warned for many many years.



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Disclaimer: The Western World is being set up for deliberate collapse.

Israel Is Leading The Way To Medical Tyranny, Endless Vaccines & Depopulation



Heartless United Airlines Vax Mandate Halted In Federal Court



War Criminal Fauci Talks Of A 'Dark Winter' Once Again: Prepare For Grid-down Events!



Indoctrination Over Education Is Leading To Tyranny, At Some Point The Youth May Become Your Enemy!

Never give up those guns! Kill anyone if they come for you or the guns, or they will kill you!



Gerald Celente: Fight For Freedom Or You'll Live In Hell On Earth!


Good! These Americans Are NOT Putting Up With Vaccine Mandates, WATCH Them Take Over A Vax-only Mall!



Good Article Explaining What Is Going On In China With Evergrande And Crypto Ban



Labor Shortage Forcing FedEx To Reroute Hundreds Of Thousands Of Packages Per Day



United States of Venezuela: How to Prepare for the Economic Collapse


Brave Armed Citizen Takes Down Active Shooter Outside Fitness Center



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Disclaimer: A nuclear superpower has intentionally commit national suicide. Be aware unintentional global chaos may soon arise.

Fights Break Out In Third World UK Over Massive Gas Shortages

Coming to every Western nation, from cities to towns near you!



UK To Bring In Thousands Of Foreign Truck Drivers



Massachusetts State Troopers Resign En Masse Over Clot Shot Mandate



New York Hospitals Prepare For Staffing Crisis As Clot Shot Mandate Forces Mass Firings



Retail Industry Suffering Shortages As FDA Warns Of Medical Supply Shortages



Watch The Mainstream Media Forced To Cover Food Shortages And Downplay It!




Deagel's 2025 Depopulation Forecast Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes



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Disclaimer: A nuclear superpower has intentionally commit national suicide. Be aware unintentional global chaos may soon arise.

New York Governor Declares State Of Emergency After Tons Of Doctors, Nurses Quit Over Clot Shot

The control freak crazies still think they're serving public interests!



National Guard To Drive Kids To School Amid Bus Driver Shortage In Massachusetts



Police Are Resigning En Masse Over Vaccine Mandates, This Will Lead To A Federal Gestapo Replacement


LEAKED: Big Pharma Executive Admits Covid Vaccines Are Dangerous To Children's Health



WATCH: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8D5t0El1SoqF/

Massive Trucker Strike In Italy Over Clot Shot Mandate, 30,000+ Trucks Block Roads & Highways



UK Hit With Gas And Food Shortages, It's Only Getting Worse



Top Apple, Tesla Suppliers Suspend Production Due To Supply Chain Shortages



Criminal Biden Regime Ignoring The Courts On Immigration Rulings



The Crazy Is Very Strong In USSA Today



I Agree With Styx! The Only Way To Stop The Crazies Is To Defund Them!


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Disclaimer: A nuclear superpower has intentionally commit national suicide. Be aware unintentional global chaos may soon arise.

Third World Washington DC Won't Pay City Workers To Clean Up Trash And Shit In The Streets



LOL!China Forces Other Market Investors To Bailout Evergrande!



Everyday Foods & Spice [Will] Become A Luxury Commodity In The Western World

Solution: stockup what you can in totes, go local farmers markets and make contacts to purchase from them directly!



Our New Normal:Inflation, Poverty, Starvation, Economic Collapse, Fascism, Marxism, Communism and Murder



Over 3,000 Doctors, Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers Of Crimes Against Humanity



The History Of COVID Policy-Maker Crimes Against Humanity Archived



Corporate Media Blackout: Thousands In New York Protest Clot Shot Mandates, Chant "Fuck Biden!"



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Tyranny: Biden Wants To Fine Companies $70,000 To $700,000 For Violations Of Vaccine Mandate



New York Initiates Medical Martial Law Rollout With Troops Taking Over Hospitals

The government has officially RUINED the healthcare system! It would be wise to stay away like the plague!



JIM STONE COMMENTS: NaturalNews got onto the worker shortage "millions must be dead from the vax" topic


Since I was the one who originally pointed this out months ago, I'll throw in my two cents with a short repeat:

This problem is global. It is not an American problem. Millions of jobs are open in every country with no one to fill them. All countries are in economic downturn. But I will just detail the U.S. here-

Back when there was still unemployment, there was a time when the stats lined up to 8 million people unemployed, and 30 million jobs that could not be filled no matter how much pay was offered. That meant over 20 million people were not available to be hired, leaving jobs vacant while we were in the middle of a huge COVID caused economic downturn that should have had people clamoring for work because there should not have been ENOUGH jobs.

Add to this multiple reports of body bags, the latest one was yesterday they were discovered at a Wal Mart distribution center and were proven to be in Wal Mart's inventory for $30 each (but not in stores, sort of like those "shoes" I posted a while back . . . . ) how many people are dead, REALLY? Stats don't lie. Less workers are needed than ever now, due to the economy being thrashed, and there's a HUGE 10's of millions SHORTAGE of workers? Where TF did they all go? The camps? Body bags? Disabled and twitching?

MY GUESS: Probably all 3.

This topic is not dying. It is NOT going away. If this was just a fluke, the problem would have vanished in the months since I first posted about it, yet here it is, IN OUR FACES. McDonalds going un-staffed along with the rest of them. Not enough shipping workers. Not enough meat packers. Not enough of ANYTHING. Why???

Let me ask a question here: IF you wanted to murder 90 percent of the planet, and were having HUGE success with a shot that did exactly that, AND an enormous pile of people knew the shot was doing it but they were not shooting you to stop it, would you quit trying to force it on them even if they knew you were a murderer? HELL NO. Instead, you'd keep trying to find ways to force people who did not want your jab into getting it so you could kill them too. After all, if they only bitch and moan and never present a threat while you kill them, why stop? Just keep going until you hit your 90 percent. That is where we are at.

FRAUD REMINDER: CDC Allowing Hospitals To Classify Dead Vaccinated People As “Unvaccinated Deaths”



Whistleblower Warns Americans That Hospitals Are Killing Patients For Govt Covid Bailouts!


Doctor Explains How Hospitals Are Killing Patients & Rigging Deaths As Covid


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United Airlines Loses 593 Pilots & Employees Over Clot Shot Mandates

Flights will be delayed!



Biden's Clot Shot Mandate Creating A Whole New Pandemic: Hospital Staff Shortages



Alabama Schools Facing Unprecedented Food Shortage



Democrats Want All American Workers' Bank Accounts Audited By The IRS For Political Targeting



Fascist Antifa Member Charged With Shooting A Pro-freedom Protester



Will Red States Be The Only American Safe Havens Left As The US Economy Collapses?



Despotic Criminal British Government Trying To Bypass Parliament To Implement Vaccine Passports



Our New Normal: Inflation, Poverty, Starvation, Economic Collapse, Fascism, Marxism, Communism and Murder



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File: ae6146912aa6918⋯.pdf (574.09 KB,COVID_19_The_Spartacus_Let….pdf)

Ready for Moar Links, Killcen!

Have a PDF.

The Spartacus Letter

If you give a shit about COVID, Read It.

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File: b9f97c763d79e92⋯.png (344.53 KB,516x600,43:50,4a0731e66bede270d02298fdc2….png)

Ready To Embrace Global Communism Goyim?

In order to save the planet from catastrophic climate change, Americans will have to cut their energy use by more than 90 percent and families of four should live in housing no larger than 640 square feet. That's at least according to a team of European researchers led by University of Leeds sustainability researcher Jefim Vogel. In their new study, "Socio-economic conditions for satisfying human needs at low energy use," in Global Environmental Change, they calculate that public transportation should account for most travel. Travel should, in any case, be limited to between 3,000 to 10,000 miles per person annually.

Vogel and his colleagues set themselves the goal of figuring out how to "provide sufficient need satisfaction at much lower, ecologically sustainable levels of energy use." Referencing earlier sustainability studies they argue that human needs are sufficiently satisfied when each person has access to the energy equivalent of 7,500 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per capita. That is about how much energy the average Bolivian uses. Currently, Americans use about 80,000 kWh annually per capita. With respect to transportation and physical mobility, the average person would be limited to using the energy equivalent of 16–40 gallons of gasoline per year. People are assumed to take one short- to medium-haul airplane trip every three years or so.

In addition, food consumption per capita would vary depending on age and other conditions, but the average would be 2,100 calories per day. While just over 10 percent of the world's people are unfortunately still undernourished, the Food and Agriculture Organization reports that the daily global average food supply now stands at just under 3,000 calories per person. Each individual is allocated a new clothing allowance of nine pounds per year, and clothes may be washed 20 times annually. Everyone over age 10 is permitted a smartphone and each household can have one laptop with Windows 10.

To achieve that goal, the researchers focus on what they call provisioning factors, which are intermediary institutions that people use to satisfy their needs. Provisioning factors that affect the amount of energy a society uses include public service, public health coverage, access to electricity and clean fuels, democratic quality, income equality, economic growth, and extractivism. These provisioning factors are the basis for providing sufficient human needs such as nourishment, drinking water, sanitation access, basic education, and a minimum income to keep you slaves alive.

Two things that humanity for sure doesn't need according to the study are economic growth or the continued extraction of natural resources such as oil, coal, gas, or minerals. Vogel concluded: "In short, we need to abandon economic growth in affluent countries, scale back resource extraction, and prioritize public services, basic infrastructures and fair income distributions everywhere." He added, "In my view, the most promising and integral vision for the required transformation is the idea of degrowth - it is an idea whose time has come."

Of-course the researchers are very concerned to make such a global transition to communist utopia, the goyim must be disarmed for this to ever be an enforced standard of their New World Order.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Testing an embed.

You should really be using Qubes OS, Killcen.

The Operating System was made for people like you and me.

The embed did not work, so have to leave a EewwwToob embed instead.

There's some other good info in there too, in case you want to make numerous anonymous accounts, etc…

I have an old-ass computer too, btw, but I have 8 GB of RAM now, so will finally be giving this OS a go now. You'll be hearing more about it from me.

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File: 0fb8e103354d36c⋯.jpg (306.51 KB,1058x794,529:397,qubes_partition_data_flows.jpg)

File: 82cb0f126c952d7⋯.png (837.36 KB,778x591,778:591,qubes_trust_level_architec….png)

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I have 1GB of RAM, two 500MB side-by-side old Crucial cards. I can only run a few clients at a time, like a couple p2p clients and a web browser. If I need to do something that consumes a lot of CPU I terminate my client processes, and proceed doing something while offline. However, with this being an isolated system from my two other computers it's no big deal really. I typically rip DVDs on another offline system.

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Thanks for the link, I will try Qubes OS someday, unfortunately I have not wanted to take the time to learn and try anything new, I have a backup laptop in a faraday cage but I am very hesitant to use that as that's my SHTF-only "when-in-need" laptop if all else fails after a grid-down scenario. The uses of that system would be very limited anyway, run on an inverter, maybe to pull up some dire need-to-know info backups like medical aid if I needed to treat an injury or gunshot wound.

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This Is How They Intend To Get Us To "You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy"


MY COMMENT: Good read. Like I've said before, prepping only does you good temporarily during/after a crisis, the main way to defeat this "Great Reset" agenda is to become self-sufficient long-term and to garden, raise livestock, hunt and fish to provide your own foods (as well as a local bartering option). Collect rain water and have a means to filter/boil it. Have a wood burning stove for the winter time and extra wood stocked up and trees nearby. Have a solar panel system, etc. They're destroying your ability as time goes on to get prepped and save your own lifestyle and this is all being done on purpose weaponizing inflation and breaking the supply chain. This article NAILS IT. They don't need to take all the guns, or land grab property if they can simply starve whole populations out and make them dependent. This is 101 despotism. Economic warfare against the people.

Here is the warning in a small nutshell:

>Well, the truth is that they don’t need to take your stuff to implement their goals. All they need to do is to destroy the value of your money.

>If your money becomes worthless, you will start descending into poverty and it won’t be too long before you become totally dependent on the government.

>And as the stuff that you have right now wears out, you won’t be able to replace it with the worthless money that you are now holding.

>The socialists over at NBC News are trying to help the Biden administration by putting a positive spin on the inflation crisis. In fact, NBC’s Stephanie Ruhle is trying really hard to convince everyone that inflation is not a problem because we all have more money to spend these days. But as I demonstrated last week, the truth is that inflation is rising much faster than our paychecks are, and that means that our standard of living is going down.

>If you are among those that think that things are bad now, just wait, because they will soon get even worse.

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File: 94e82eb67f56619⋯.jpg (249.08 KB,1280x720,16:9,I_Thought_There_Would_Be_M….jpg)

Why you stop posting 'REAL News' or 'END TIMES News' on >>>/freedomzine/ Killcen?

I don't personally have the time, nor the inclination, to post much on 8kun in the near future. Gotta focus on other priorities. But I may lay a diatribe down on this board once in awhile, even while I'm going through this period of inability to devote more time here; because I, like you, have a NEED to express, and will do so on occasion somewhere, and this is as good a place as any right now. It has been for awhile.

As for >>>/pnd/ … It is largely toxic as fuck, and the amount of energy it takes me merely to peck at a computer right now is mostly NOT "WORTH IT" ANYWHERE.

So, the tl:dr is that I may show up more on this board than that one, and neither very much for awhile until I find more time and energy that I am willing and able to devote in this direction, considering current limitations.

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File: d2b84f3f7eb76b2⋯.jpg (79.02 KB,719x798,719:798,1638458788620.jpg)

Are they going to use these mob robs for justification for government-control over retail?


MY COMMENT: Here's how this Amazon-CIA operation goes $$$: 1) glow niggers behind proxies exploit social media to stir mob robs, 2) mob robs loot retail then sell the shit to Amazon - Amazon then makes $$$, 3) glow niggers later pressure local politicians to "increase security" at retails and create new retail gestapo checkpoints, 4) politicians then mandate the vaccine passport system!!!

So now that you know you best keep this in mind when prepping! Become self-sufficient, make contacts at the local farmer markets, buy directly from local sources in the future and do your best to become more self-sufficient in the future. In the meantime boycott Amazon and support local retail!!

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File: e45b2caa9c08316⋯.png (103.34 KB,400x400,1:1,23987EL4.png)

DeSantis Seeks $8M To Bus Illegal Aliens Out Of Florida Into Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is seeking millions in his proposed budget package to transport illegal aliens and border crossers out of the state.

Late last week, as Breitbart News reported, DeSantis announced six proposals to cut illegal immigration in Florida by crippling the funding sources of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and corporations that help resettle border crossers for the federal government.

DeSantis also signed an emergency order that bans the issuance or renewal of all state licenses to Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) facilities that provide services to Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs).

As part of his budget proposal, DeSantis wants $8 million to transport illegal aliens and border crossers out of Florida. During a press conference, DeSantis suggested sending the illegal aliens to President Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware or Martha’s Vineyard, where former President Obama is settled in a coastal mansion.

“In yesterday’s budget, I put in $8 million for us to be able to transport people here illegally out of the state of Florida,” DeSantis said. “It’s somewhat tongue in cheek, but it is true, if you sent them to Delaware or Martha’s Vineyard or some of these places, that border would be secure the next day.”

Florida continues to be home to one of the nation’s largest illegal alien populations. At least 775,000 illegal aliens reside in the state — as many as reside in New York — out of the roughly 11 to 22 million illegal aliens who live across the United States. Only Texas and California have larger illegal alien populations.

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File: 678573d633b4f3a⋯.png (1.08 MB,1189x669,1189:669,ZUCK_AND_GOOD_GOYIM.png)

Millions Of Devices At Risk Over New Software Vulnerability

A newly discovered flaw in a common piece of open-source software is prompting researchers and companies to update their systems in a bid to prevent hacks and ransomware attacks.

The vulnerability, known as CVE-2021-44228, was disclosed on Dec. 9, which allows remote access to servers and code execution, some experts have said. Meanwhile, Log4j is used in a large number of enterprise systems, raising concerns that it may be easily exploited.

Since the vulnerability, which some dubbed “Log4Shell,” so is widespread and is likely present in highly-trafficked websites and apps, users may also see their favorite websites and apps be impacted.

Read the rest: https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/internets-fire-right-now-millions-devices-risk-over-new-software-vulnerability

MY COMMENT: HA HA HA! Did I not say many times before governments DO NOT intend on keeping up the internet infrastructure forever and at some point they have the means to take it all down!? And guess what? THEY WILL once they get their "Great Reset" in place, the next internet they plan is "Meta" which is owned by Govt-subsidy honeypot widely known as Facebook! They plan on shutting down all the old stuff, and forcing people to use a TOTALLY CONTROLLED CENTRALIZED 5G-mandated SPY GRID on "Meta"! However, when it all comes down you won't be finding me there at all! I've been working diligently over the years to go completely OFF-GRID and live the rest of my life without internet or depending on anything digital!!! So it will be up to you to decide what you plan to do when we all gets taken OFFLINE and the government rolls out their "Meta" spy-grid!!

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File: 7f7e743a8bed412⋯.png (93.42 KB,740x389,740:389,America_What_Happened.png)

“The truth is I’m not a liberal or a conservative. I’m an institutionalist.”

“I believe in this place and my love of country I yield to no one. But the darkness on the edge of town has spread to the main roads and highways and neighborhoods. It’s now at the local bar, and the bowling alley at the school board in the grocery store.”

“Grown men and women — who swore an oath to our Constitution, elected by our constituents, possessing the kinds of college degrees I can only dream of — have decided to join the mob and become something they are not, while hoping we somehow forget who they were.”

“They’ve decided to burn it all down with us inside.”

MY COMMENT TO BW: It is called communist Marxist indoctrination. Government hijacked the public educational system DECADES AGO. They took the word of God and prayer out of the public schools. Later they removed the history lessons that warned about despotism and authoritarianism, genocide and democide. Then they removed Constitutional studies. Then they took the rifle teams and shooting sports out of the schools. Years later they implemented "zero tolerance policies" and brought the local police into the schools. Then they implemented "Common Core" to dumb down the children and subvert basic math. Next they implemented "Critical Race Theory" and told children to hate successful White people, claiming if you are White you are guilty of racism. Then they pushed transgenderism and pedophilia on the kids. Now they are maiming and killing children with the clot shots. America has been hijacked, our government has been hijacked. If you don't think these people want us dead and gone you are living in fantasy land!!!! Be prepared for war because you are in the middle of a war!!!

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Chinese ‘Brain Control’ Warfare Work Revealed

The Commerce Department imposed sanctions on Chinese technology companies and announced last week revealed that China’s military is engaged in dangerous work related to “brain control” warfare research.

The announcement of the sanctions provided limited specific details of the work by China’s Academy of Military Medical Sciences and 11 related Chinese research institutes. Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security said only that the academy and its affiliates are using “biotechnology processes to support Chinese military end-uses and end-users, to include purported brain-control weaponry.”

According to one of the reports, advances in science and technology are leading to upgrades in methods and the ability to subdue enemies. “War has started to shift from the pursuit of destroying bodies to paralyzing and controlling the opponent,” said the report headlined, “The Future of the Concept of Military Supremacy.”

“The focus is to attack the enemy’s will to resist, not physical destruction,” it stated.

Brain science is being used to extend warfare in the sphere of human consciousness “causing the brain to become the main target of offense and defense of new concept weapons,” the report added.

“To win without fighting is no longer far-fetched,” it stated, quoting ancient strategist Sun Tzu’s maxim.

The intended result will be enhanced individual capabilities. “Future human-machine merging will revolve around the contest for the brain,” the report said. “The two combatant sides will use various kinds of brain control technologies and effective designs to focus on taking over the enemy’s way of thinking and his awareness, and even directly intervene in the thinking of the enemy leaders and staff, and with that produce war to control awareness and thinking,” the report said.

A second Chinese report, also from 2019, disclosed that brain-machine interface is part of Beijing’s plan for the development of intelligentized warfare. The second report said “interactive intelligentization” will involve “direct control of machines using thoughts through mature brain-machine interface.”

Fused intelligentization is also being studied and involves integrating humans and machines toward the goal of creating enhanced human physiological and cognitive capacities.

A third report published by the PLA revealed that the China Electronic Technology Group is working on “brain confrontation” technology for warfare.

Among its various research focuses are “brain control technologies, such as measuring neuronal activity in the brain and translating neuro-signals into computer signals, establishing uni-directional or bi-directional signal transmission between the brain and external equipment,” the third report said.

Research also is being conducted on “neuro-defense” technology such as “leveraging electromagnetic, biophysical, and material technologies to enhance human brain’s defense towards brain-control attacks,” it said.

One brain enhancement technology involves wearable equipment that stimulates or manipulates brain electrical activities. Another is the use of brain-implanted microchips or other computer interfaces that enhance brain functions.


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File: 958f1b4eace0734⋯.png (18 KB,688x558,344:279,Windows_10_BOTNET.png)

Microsoft Botnet To Censor Speech In New Latest Word Software

Microsoft has included a new function in the latest version of its Word software that acts as a checker for inclusivity and offers PC alternatives to phrases which could upset snowflakes. Traditionally, Microsoft Word has offered tools to its 25 0million users such as checking software for spelling, punctuation and grammar. But now, the left-wing tech giant has added an additional feature which reads through a user’s work and examines whether the language used may offend mentally ill morons.

The Sun reports it does this by highlighting phrases focusing on gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity of 'socio-economic status'.


MY COMMENT: There is always Libre Office which is open-source and FREE, many Linux operating systems come with Libre Office which is very much the same as Windows version, only much better and safer to use (does not contain bloat or spyware).

Libre Office: https://www.libreoffice.org/

Check out the latest FREE Linux operating systems: https://distrowatch.com/

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File: db6ee0ebb35545d⋯.jpg (42.12 KB,477x680,477:680,State_Propaganda_FAILS.jpg)

Jim Stone Comments:


You can't make this stuff up, AND THAT COURT IS RIGHT. Since the vax is experimental, taking it is suicidal and insurance companies don't have to cover that. I found this here:


"Picked this story up at La Quinta Columna TV's Telegram account, popped it into Google Translate (maybe the censors will learn something), et voila - - a qui esta: A Spanish newspaper, Noticiero Universal, reports that a French court has agreed with an insurance company that death after experimental vaccination is "suicide."

Is it possible? Seems too rational to be true, but here's the headline: "La justicia francesa exime a una compania de seguros de cubrir la muerte de un vacunado por considerar un suicidio que se inyectara un producto experimental"

Google translate is a bit clunky, but the gist is clear:

French justice exempts an insurance company from covering the death of a vaccinated person for considering suicide who injected an experimental product.

Follow the money, but in this case it leads not to a corrupt den of killers 'n' cash but to a ruling of bottom-line-logic. Taking an experimental shot of gene-altering nano-wiring is, yes, suicidal.

My guess is that American insurance companies are doing the same thing, but it is so completely censored no one has been able to get the word out.

If you are prominent and anti-vax, and you get vaxxed, they will give you an intentional kill shot and then say you died of covid, HERE IS PROOF: https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/other-sports/anti-vax-olympic-champion-dead-26051796

They just gave him a death jab and then claimed he died of Covid before he had antibodies from the shot. Ridiculous transparent con job murder B.S.

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File: f66c95b50615d48⋯.jpg (38.95 KB,640x347,640:347,e2becvvvvv.jpg)

HEADS UP!DO NOT Report Sick Or Dying Chickens To Any Government Agency Or Anyone!!!Simply Keep The Sick/Dying Chickens Away From The Rest Of The Flock!!! I REPEAT: DO NOT REPORT DEAD CHICKENS!!!!

The US government is ordering chicken owners who have sick chickens to destroy ALL their chickens and eggs (yes even the healthy ones too)!!!! The fact is, they only know you have sick chickens IF YOU REPORT IT to anyone!! So if you have sick chickens DO NOT TELL ANYONE, simply separate them from the coop and let them die outside naturally and no, do not eat any dead chickens that died from typical sicknesses!!! REALITY: This is just a typical bird flu… HOWEVER we do not have a typical government anymore, we have a COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT that is desperate to control ALL food supply. And guess what? Remember Bill Gates wants to ban meat because he has the toxic lab-made meat patents to profit billions from!!! This is all about AGENDA 21 and the Great Reset!!!! This is all about making you eat lab-made crap and bugs and making meat impossible to afford!!! The US government has already told big producers to KILL a total of 17 MILLION chickens!! They are now [fixed] telling smaller farms and even homesteaders to report sick chickens (and then order them under threat of law to kill their whole flocks)!!!!

I REPEAT: The government is trying to cause a massive food shortage to control the population just like communists always do!! Spread this far and wide please!!!!

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I read something about the Midwest being hit hard. I am needing to decide today what I am going to do with my chickens. I am thinking of buying a dozen more chicks and harvesting the chickens I have now, just because I'll need the meat even more than the eggs over the next year. I'm wasting eggs as it is, and no one seems to want to buy any farm fresh eggs. No one trusts anything but the USDA. Wow. People are sure trained into STUPID from birth nowadays!

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This is what I do. I keep a close eye on my chickens and chicks. If one or more get sick, and you'll notice they're sick by the way they refuse to eat, walk around, etc, then immediately remove them from the healthy flock, and cull the sick ones. Keep a further eye on the healthy flock, and if more happen to get sick, remove and cull them too. Typically the healthy flock will be just fine once the sick are removed and culled. Do not be afraid, this is only a common bird flu and it happens every year. It happens all the time, and most chickens won't be affected (think of it like natural immunity many people have to viruses in a way, a few may get sick but most will live through it just fine and remain healthy). Imagine the stupidity of a government agency saying "OMG, someone in your family has a flu, so we need to kill the whole family to save the human race hurrrr durrr!" This is all about irrational fear to impose more governmental control. Just like covid was.

I've had sick chicks before, I simply remove them, let them die naturally out in the woods, and keep the rest of my healthy flock. If I need to order more, then I order more (no questions asked, no stories told).

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File: a231d3912cdbd6c⋯.jpg (106.99 KB,750x500,3:2,map23.jpg)

Despotic WEF Davos Criminals Are Engineering Food Supply Collapse!

Engineered food shortages will lead to food riots and civil unrest around the world.

RELATED: >>>/pnd/294322 | >>>/pnd/295699

A pattern of fires striking food facilities across the United States suggests that arson team are targeting food facilities for destruction. This theory, if confirmed, is consistent with other engineered tactics now being deployed to destroy food abundance in America:

The partial halting of grain and fertilizer deliveries by Union Pacific railroad, which is largely owned by Blackrock and Vanguard investment funds.

The mass culling of chickens and turkeys, using fraudulent PCR testing to claim there’s another “bird flu epidemic” that requires the mass destruction of egg-producing chickens (and other birds used for meat).

The government paying farmers to plow their crops under, effectively incentivizing the destruction of the food supply.

Joe Biden’s dismantling of America’s energy infrastructure (pipelines, drilling, etc.) which directly impacts agriculture, creating vastly increased prices for farming inputs such as fuel and fertilizer.

In a recent broadcast, 'Black Conservative Patriot' asked his audience to crowdsource reports of fires affecting food facilities in the last few months. His audience produced the following list. It hasn’t been fully vetted, but several recent fires such as the Azure Standard fire and the Taylor Farms food processing facility fire in Salinas, California, are both widely covered in recent news stories.

– Dried milk plant – Idaho fire 10-21

– Food processing plant fire San Antonio 12-21

– JBS beef plant fire 12-21

– Mississippi poultry feed mill boiler explosion 12–21

– Hamilton Mountain poultry processing plant fire 1-22

– LeCompte Feed mill fire, Louisiana 1-22

– Bonanza meat company fire El Paso, Texas 2-22

– Shearer’s Food Plant Fire, Oregon 2-22

– Mauston Wisconsin River Meats fire 2-22

– Food bank in Maricopa county Arizona- food pantry 50,000 pounds of food destroyed by fire 3–22

– Nestle fire Arkansas. 3-22

– Walmart distribution Center fire 3–22

– Potato processing plant Penobscot, Maine 3-22

– Sherbrooke, Canada food processing fire 4-22

– Fire grain elevator plant fire, Kansas 4-22

– Fertilizer plant fire 4-22

– Azure Standard fire 4-22

– Food processing plant fire, Salinas California 4-22

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File: f66c95b50615d48⋯.jpg (38.95 KB,640x347,640:347,e2becvvvvv.jpg)


The controlled DEMOLITION of the Western food supply continues!


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File: 0bd627adcbfb1b2⋯.png (40.73 KB,656x1210,328:605,fakecovidcards.png)

CONFIRMED: Clot shot for thee but not for me: https://libertywire.net/dr-paul-alexander-says-senior-doctors-and-hospital-ceos-received-fake-covid-19-vaccine-cards/

Dr. Paul Alexander, a Canadian health researcher and former Trump administration official at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services during COVID-19, said several top officials, including senior doctors and CEOs, were issued fake vaccine cards after refusing mRNA injections.

Alexander wrote in his substack article: “Some senior doctors/CEOs in hospital (s) in various State (s) in US, have come forward to us advising that they decided to find us and come to us to say they are ready to talk. Scared about safety and careers will be destroyed. They were offered vaccine cards (fake) when they told their hospitals that they do not want the vaccine when they were mandated to take it, and the hospital leaders advised this will ensure they will not be suspended or fired. So you and I will ask, why? How come? Is it due to the lack of safety that these people know about? Or only to not fire these valuable doctors? We are told it may be country wide. So this is very very troubling.”


FACT: Anyone telling you to shut up and take the clot shot should not be trusted, just like anyone telling you not to prepare for the current supply chain breakdowns glow in the dark! The disinfo agents online today are everywhere, most of them are on GOVT taxpayer doll!

A comprehensive list of people who have died due to Covid-19 Vaccination



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File: cd2e885669f830e⋯.jpg (104.96 KB,800x599,800:599,jade_helm_civilian_casualt….jpg)

Wal Mart to deliver to your fridge when you are not home?

NOT. A. CHANCE. The DHS now has a warrantless ticket straight into your home. GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!

Wal Mart "In Home" Will now stock your groceries IN YOUR HOME WHEN YOU ARE NOT THERE: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/business/2022/01/04/walmart-inhome-delivery-mc-orig.cnn-business

JIM STONE: Do you have a beef with your kid's teacher? Do you post spicy and rebellious info that does not pass a "fact check" online? Did you opt to skip the vax? Then Wal Mart's in home delivery is for you. At Wal mart we are looking for ways to improve the lives of everyone. And we can accomplish that with home inspections when you are not there. Is that chili mac in your fridge a little bit old? We can do a free analysis for "the safety of your children" and then report the results to CPS.

Everyone knows that guns kill people so we can register those too while you are not there, got any "ghost guns"? Not anymore!!! We believe in transparency, and will happily work to accomplish it. The last thing we need is nutcases with ghost guns laying around *except for the hood, if you are going to rob whitie we won't snitch. Some "ghost guns" are good when they can accomplish political objectives…

At Wal Mart, we are partnered with the DHS, FBI, CIA and 10 other shadow orgs to service you with a network of tunnels to help everyone out when TSHTF, because we are "the shit". We have all the connections we need to send the right people to get the right data and perhaps even plant some data so the zealots who might put up resistance to "decency" can be done away with. It's all about the new "ministry of truth" system, a strong society needs to ensure it is all on the same page . . . . and yes, enjoy the groceries showing up all by themselves, THANK GOD you are too damn lazy to get them yourself while you are out of your home. Thanks for helping us keep YOU safe, we are full of love, especially for the children.

FACT: Wal mart can just hire DHS agents and by ordering the service you will automatically bypass the warrant phase by allowing them into your home willfully. How do you know what is going to show up? And they absolutely WILL provide the service, exactly as I described. How about vacuuming your hard drive while you are away with a 512GB USB stick? Think they would not? Think you have nothing to hide? How would you ever know you have "noting to hide" with the laws the way they are now, and the ability to plant evidence?

Wal Mart may be offering an in home shelf stocking service, but you can damn well bet that's not all you are going to get! The DHS is going to be ALL OVER THAT.


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File: 294fb5b452d8989⋯.png (440.74 KB,1528x856,191:107,1652274805329.png)

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File: bf92b57cf3cb224⋯.png (242.07 KB,830x861,830:861,AMERICAN_DEPOP_PLANS_2022.png)

Anti-American Despots In Congress Are Trying To Destroy America's Health By Killing Dietary Supplement and Vitamin Industry

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) is once again launching an assault on dietary supplements.

His new “Dietary Supplement Listing Act of 2022,” which was introduced with Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.), threatens to eliminate access to therapeutic doses of dietary supplements, which tens of millions of Americans rely on for their health.

“The bill threatens fines and jailtime for companies that do not comply,” warns the Alliance for Natural Health – USA. “If a company does not submit the proper information, in the correct form, by the proper date, the supplement is considered misbranded.”

“For the first offense, violators can be imprisoned for one year and fined $1,000 dollars; for the second offense, violators can be imprisoned for three years and fined $10,000. Given the safety record of supplements that will be detailed below, the punishments here hardly seem to fit the crime.”

Durbin’s bill puts both consumers and supplement companies in a lose-lose situation. In order to avoid fines and jail time, supplement companies will have to comply with it. Doing so will ultimately lead to their demise, though.

According to ANH-USA, the FDA will use the information it receives via compliance to sweep the market of as many as 41,000 supplements that do not comply with its egregious “new supplement” guidance.

“Supplement companies lose, the economy suffers, and consumers lose access to critical health products,” the group warns.

None of this is even remotely necessary, seeing as how dietary supplements are about the safest thing you can take – far safer, in fact, than FDA-approved pharmaceuticals, which kill hundreds of thousands of people every single year.

“That supplements are the products getting federal attention speaks to the power of the drug industry lobby and the willingness of elected officials and FDA officials to do their bidding,” says ANH-USA. “We cannot let these forces succeed in undermining our ability to stay healthy, naturally.”

“A well-organized, coordinated campaign from the FDA and Big Pharma is threatening access to the supplements you depend on,” ANH-USA says.

“Using the false premise that supplements are unsafe, the FDA is working to gain more power over the regulation of supplements in order to further solidify Big Pharma’s monopoly over medicine. These efforts must be opposed.”


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File: e9250332440e474⋯.jpeg (307.77 KB,1241x1387,17:19,twitter_govt_propaganda_e….jpeg)

Was Twitter A DNC Propagandist Machine? New Study & Leaks Prove So.

Almost half of President Joe Biden's current 22.2 million followers on Twitter are fake accounts, according to an audit tool provided by software company SparkToro.

SparkToro's tool found that 49.3 percent of accounts following the official @POTUS Twitter account are "fake followers" based on analysis of a number of factors, including location issues, default profile images and new users.


James O’Keefe’s investigative journalism group Project Veritas recently published undercover footage of Twitter employees proudly admitting that the platform discriminates against conservatives and that many employees are unhappy about a possible takeover by Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

Discussing Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s attempted takeover of Twitter, Murugesan noted that many of his colleagues have stated that “this would be my last day if it happens.” He noted that many Twitter employees are “stress-eating” and “worried for our jobs.”

Murugesan openly stated: “Our jobs are at stake; he’s a capitalist and we weren’t really operating as capitalists, more like very socialist. We’re all like commie as fuck.”

Murugesan noted that a major issue is Musk’s alleged dedication to free speech, a concept that Murugesan says is at odds with most Twitter employees’ values. “Twitter does not believe in free speech,” said Murugesan.


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/PND/ THREADS ON MANUFACTURED FOOD SHORTAGES: >>>/pnd/298841 ; >>>/pnd/298428 ; >>>/pnd/299775 ; >>>/pnd/294322 ; >>>/pnd/297664 ; >>>/pnd/295699

FLASHBACK: November 12, 2015.

On Monday and Tuesday, 65 international policymakers, academics, business and thought leaders gathered at the World Wildlife Fund’s headquarters in Washington DC to game out how the world would respond to a future food crisis.

The game took the players from the year 2020 to 2030. As it was projected, the decade brought two major food crises, with prices approaching 400 percent of the long term average; a raft of climate-related extreme weather events; governments toppling in Pakistan and Ukraine; and famine and refugee crises in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Chad and Sudan.

Along with WWF, the Center for American Progress and the Center for Naval Analyses, Cargill was one of Food Chain Reaction’s organizers. The company was represented in the game by Corporate Vice President Joe Stone.

“I can’t tell you the number of discussions where people came up to me from other parts of the world, saying ‘we appreciate Cargill’s role in sustainability,’ or ‘Cargill is so important in solutions for feeding the world.’ Sometimes, when you’re inside Cargill, you don’t appreciate that enough, but when you hear from other people how much they’re depending on us to help figure this out, it just increases our responsibility,” said Stone.

Cooperation mostly won the day over the short term individual advantage. Teams pledged to build international information networks and early warning systems on hunger and crops together, invest jointly in smart agricultural technology and build up global food stocks as a buffer against climate shocks.

In the face of a steep price spike with looming global food shortages in 2022, the EU at one point suspended its environmental rules for agriculture and introduced a tax on meat. Both measures were quickly reversed in 2025, as harvests went back to normal and tensions eased in the hypothetical universe.

The most eye-catching result, however, was a deal between the U.S., the EU, India and China, standing in for the top 20 greenhouse gas emitters, to institute a global carbon tax and cap CO2 emissions in 2030.

The realism of the exercise exceeded expectations, said former U.S. Senate majority leader Tom Daschle, who acted as a mentor to the players. “It’s much closer to the real world than you’d think. The people who play here are very committed and serious.”


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File: 7346376909934ae⋯.jpg (181.68 KB,1397x1080,1397:1080,7346376909934ae.jpg)

>Looks like the ARSON MERCENARIES struck another major farm facility in a bid to further disrupt America's food supply chain!


>It's all becoming a little too convenient $$$.

>Connecting the dots should not be hard when it's considered law enforcement practice 101.

Anyone with a functioning brain stem can see where this is headed in the not-to-distant future.

>we control the food supply now that the old supply was destroyed and replaced

>we will provide you rations of food to survive UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS

>Our conditions in order: hand over your firearms, stand in line and be ready to roll up your sleeve. After you received the clot shots and the implanted RFID chip, a bus will be waiting outside to deport you to the nearest mega-city. Your private property has been surrendered under agreement of conditions for rations of our lab-made food. You will live in a tiny pod as a debt slave, the government will decide what to provide you with, regulated and managed under the new social credit score system.

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The US Made A Breakthrough Battery Discovery, Then The US Government Gave The Technology To China

When a group of engineers and researchers gathered in a warehouse in Mukilteo, Wash., 10 years ago, they knew they were onto something big. They scrounged up tables and chairs, cleared out space in the parking lot for experiments and got to work.

They were building a battery — a vanadium redox flow battery — based on a design created by two dozen U.S. scientists at a government lab. The batteries were about the size of a refrigerator, held enough energy to power a house, and could be used for decades. The engineers pictured people plunking them down next to their air conditioners, attaching solar panels to them, and everyone living happily ever after off the grid.

But that's not what happened. Instead of the batteries becoming the next great American success story, the warehouse is now shuttered and empty. All the employees who worked there were laid off. And more than 5,200 miles away, a Chinese company is hard at work making the batteries in Dalian, China.

The Chinese company didn't steal this technology. It was given to them — by the U.S. Department of Energy. First in 2017, as part of a sublicense, and later, in 2021, as part of a license transfer. An investigation by NPR and the Northwest News Network found the federal agency allowed the technology and jobs to move overseas, violating its own licensing rules while failing to intervene on behalf of U.S. workers in multiple instances.

Now, China has forged ahead, investing millions into the cutting-edge green technology that was supposed to help keep the US and its economy out front.

Department of Energy officials declined NPR's request for an interview to explain how the technology that cost U.S. taxpayers millions of dollars ended up in China. After NPR sent department officials written questions outlining the timeline of events, the federal agency terminated the license with the Chinese company, Dalian Rongke Power Co. Ltd.

Forever Energy, a Bellevue, Wash., based company, is one of several U.S. companies that have been trying to get a license from the Department of Energy to make the batteries. Joanne Skievaski, Forever Energy's chief financial officer, has been trying to get hold of a license for more than a year and called the department's decision to allow foreign manufacturing "mind boggling."

It took six years and more than 15 million taxpayer dollars for the scientists to uncover what they believed was the perfect vanadium battery recipe. Others had made similar batteries with vanadium, but this mix was twice as powerful and did not appear to degrade the way cellphone batteries or even car batteries do. The researchers found the batteries capable of charging and recharging for as long as 30 years.




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File: df754a0313ceaa2⋯.jpg (115.71 KB,1200x675,16:9,satanist_false_pope.jpg)

Collapse incoming: Pope Francis orders Holy See to transfer all assets to Vatican Bank to protect the Church’s finances

Satanist false-pope Francis has ordered the Unholy See to transfer all of its financial assets into the Institute for Works of Religion, commonly known as the Vatican Bank, by October 1.

Ben Armstrong, commenting on this news on his program “The Ben Armstrong Show,” noted that the false-pope’s order to get all of the Vatican’s financial holdings pooled together is a sign that an economic collapse is fast approaching.

“Folks, when the pope brings all the money in, it means he doesn’t want to lose the money that they have because he thinks something is about to happen – and why wouldn’t he?” said Armstrong. “The pope is buds with a lot of these globalists. He’s locked in tight with them, he’s friends with them. He knows exactly what the behind-the-scenes people are saying.”

“The globalists want an economic collapse,” Armstrong added. “They want an economic Great Reset.”

Watch this episode of “The Ben Armstrong Show” as Ben Armstrong talks about the false-pope pooling together all of the Vatican’s assets: https://www.brighteon.com/60e4eb50-b7c7-497f-b20c-3809f8306388

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File: b2901570ea0822b⋯.png (844.8 KB,2554x1345,2554:1345,8kun_Security_Certificate.png)



I'm already the only one here besides you who bumps your threads on /pnd/, but I much prefer to read them over here, as Johnny's negativity is poisonous to the soul.

Did you happen to see my post in your other thread? Check it out…


I may put forth more effort here eventually. Going through some difficulties that will last into next year, but hope I'll have more time and energy for everything soon. Actually wrote a script yesterday that automagically turns Markdown formatting into 8kun formatting. May offer the script here later. You 'know how I like me someFormatting!

> it'll be in this thread with some other scripts…


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Post last edited at


profe dedo

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File: cfe1940fa7ee0be⋯.jpg (80.84 KB,750x500,3:2,signal.jpg)

They call you "Generation Z" (Z being the last letter of the alphabet) for a reason. Humans are now being culled and depopulated by criminal mad men. Those that took the clot shot are dying at a rapid pace and it is all getting covered up and swept under the rug. You are the last human generation, they are working hard to destroy your ability to procreate and have children. Next up is human-engineering labs run by governments and they will decide the perfect obedient slave model to integrate society with. And at that point it is over, humanity lost, nothing will ever be worth living or dying for. Freedom, critical thinking, natural procreation and families will be eliminated. Only hive mind retards who will be programmed to mindlessly obey orders and work slave labor will be the next 'human' generations to come (their DNA completely reprogrammed without God's protections). Nothing will ever be worth living or dying for.

RELATED: >>>/pnd/354846 ; >>>/pnd/354496 ; >>>/pnd/347756 ; >>>/pnd/353096 ; >>>/pnd/340280 ; >>>/pnd/313006

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Favorite Leftist Lie: The boomers destroyed everything.

FACT: The "boomer way of doing things" was stopped completely right around 1985, at the latest 1990, and it has been ALL DOWNHILL SINCE. Boomers thought "made in Japan was crap" and even today, the old American tools when dug out and tested beat the quality of the new Japanese tools, and totally destroy anything from China. THE BOOMERS DID IT RIGHT.

They passed on enough common sense to the Gen-x'ers to make Gen-X the next target, that generation is targeted already. Boomers were the best America ever got, at a time when America was the best at EVERYTHING. It's no wonder the ire of the elite is pointed at the boomers now, and the so-called "elite" will proceed to blame everything they themselves did to destroy the United States on the boomers to make young america, which the "elite" have made clueless, hate it's heritage. It's called "displacement", and it will serve well to make sure the old, great America never returns.

UP NEXT: The slave state the Boomers were the opposite of.

Italy's new conservative (normal) Prime Minister says it like it is and will probably get whacked: https://twitter.com/MRobertsQLD/status/1574263707001008129

Italy's new prime minister Giorgia Meloni says it like it is: The entire purpose of the attacks on family, gender, and country are to remove our self identity. She lays it all out perfectly. There are two possible ways she got into power: 1. She's a trojan horse or 2. The Jews were too afraid to steal this election in Italy because the heat is on too much right now, when it comes to election theft the gig is up worldwide, everyone knows it, nothing is hidden and stealing elections nowadays basically amounts to calculating whether or not there will be enough outrage from the people to actually threaten the local synagogue. Italy probably passed that mark, Giorgia does not look fake.

If you are going to run a perfect slave state, people cannot self identify even down to the word "I". "I" cannot exist. "I AM" a boy. "I AM" a girl. That has to be stripped, because if it is not stripped, it could evolve into "I AM worth more than this". Self must be expunged down to "what is today's assignment? Same as yesterday? OK.



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Horse and carriage is NOT the future.

Animal rights laws will prevent that. The future will not be bicycles either, the world is about to go Kim Jong on a global scale, in North Korea bicycles were banned because they gave the general public too much mobility, which "destabilized the country".

The evolotion will be: Electric, only to have that made so expensive that you call for an "electric transport" that goes about 25 mph which is enough to get to the store but not really do anything, to go somewhere you'll have to use the train.

THEN: The train and electric transport will be priced out of reach, forcing people onto bicycles. Then, they'll make up an excuse for why bicycles are destroying the planet and the common core types, (which will be totally dominant by then) will believe it.

Then they will ban bicycles.

The next step to "preserving resources" will be to have people walk everywhere, until even that will be "too much" and the world will evolve into a system of work camps no one leaves without permission - the perfect slave society.

1,000 Goy slaves? Will I live to see it? Probably not, but I'll probably live to "call electric transport".

MY COMMENT: I would never ever trust ANY public transit, especially if funded by these creeps!! You'll soon go shopping but the final destination would likely be a FEMA camp where you and your family suddenly disappear!



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I already am aware this site is a honeypot. I only use one specific (fully hardened) web browser when going to this site and after I'm done I terminate the process and gutmann bleach all the .sqlite browser session data. Routinely. There is no data they can steal from this browser and the metadata is also spoofed. Even if they tried a side channel attack there is no mic or camera on this older computer. This site is for entrapment, note how posting hard cold truth repels average users? They're not average users, that's why! Johnny already made it very clear he gets paid to drive people away from reading the content I post. Wonder who pays him to do that?

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File: 2d1f2d924877ece⋯.png (72.8 KB,1291x209,1291:209,kfschbdcfj.png)

Federal Research On Manipulating Brains And Rewriting DNA Should Worry Us All

The US government is pouring billions of dollars into understanding genetics and the human brain — and how to manipulate those systems.

The future of evolution is now in our hands. Or rather, the godlike power to alter biology rests in a few scientists’ hands, and we’re all going to pay for it, one way or another. The U.S. government is pouring billions of dollars into understanding genetics and the human brain, and most consequentially, how to manipulate those systems.

Last week, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) launched its “BRAIN 2.0” initiative (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnology), ramping up an existing program started eight years ago. Comparable to the Human Genome Project in scope and scale, BRAIN 2.0 grants $600 million to fully map our 86 billion neurons and their uncounted connections. The project is expected to reach a grand total cost of $5 billion by 2026.


RELATED: >>>/pnd/355194

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File: 564d15823158cbd⋯.pdf (4.43 MB,The_Silly_Chicken_Idries_S….pdf)

Hey Killcen.

Got a short book for you.

You may need to zoom in on the pages, depending on your PDF Reader.

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