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You are born as freedom. It is just that you have been conditioned to forget it.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Johnny Neptune is so obsessed with our President, Donald J. Trump, that he has related everything in life to the object of his obsession, our President, Donald J. Trump.

Like most leftards he thinks everything in life is about Persona; and all he does is try to build up his own by tearing other personas down. Pathetic, really. Loud, obnoxious, filled with outrage and hate, these lefties cannot be ignored. But they cannot be coddled or allowed to spread their poison either.

That is why the BO has chosen to home school his own children and protect his family and friends from any possible lefty mobs, including those on da interwebz that continue to assault the freedoms we hold dear.

The BO believes in personal responsibility, and self-control.

Those who do not learn self-control will have control imposed upon them.

That is part of Natural Law.

So, for those areas of my life where I have some semblance of control, I will exercise it.

Johnny Neptune cannot seem to stop making personal attacks, soKarma.

When he makes a personal attack on this board he can jolly well count on it being deleted, because if I feel like doing that, I will. There ain't shit he can do about it except cry and whine about "muh freeze peach", and no one will care. I will delete anything I so choose, and have said so many times. I am free to do that. He is not free to post anything he wants here without fear of it being deleted or even edited (like this thread OP was). No one is free to post whatever they want on >>>/freedomzine/ . This whole board may be gone before you know it. This whole site may disappear! It wouldn't be the first time…

But yeah, any more obsessions with Persona are not veryFREEing, so expect less tolerance with any of those persona games in the future, from anybody.

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Manic Maharishi Moron

Temper Tantrum Taoist

Frustrated Feckless Freedom Fighting Faggot

(write another 50,000 word 'blog' here you vent about your unresolved emotional issues)

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lmmfgdao @ trump (and you) LOSING

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lmmfgdao @ trump (and you) LOSING

poor jerry…. his mommy made him hate women

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File: 74e8cd803fb2411⋯.png (1.89 MB,2160x1080,2:1,tmp_4799_Screenshot_2020_1….png)

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File: 1b823491df65edc⋯.png (2.15 MB,1080x2043,120:227,tmp_12039_PicsArt_11_19_06….png)

We're Done With You And Your Type

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You'reLOSERS, both literally & metaphorically

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File: 8dc11790b0020fb⋯.png (960.41 KB,804x577,804:577,tmp_29599_PicsArt_11_20_09….png)

its basic Child Psychology 101

BO says he hates women because women don't like him

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File: de2335a35fe0f25⋯.png (2.04 MB,1080x963,120:107,tmp_29599_PicsArt_11_20_09….png)

The Truth Is :

BO simplyRESENTSwomen

because his personality repels females, but instead of assuming accountability, he blames them

(USER WAS PITIED EVEN MORE FOR THIS POST. (Imagine Thinking That Spreading Lies About Someone Is Fun. Johnny Neptune Exhibits the Worst Forms of Toxic Venominity.))
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File: 97764cc6df01ce4⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,800x599,800:599,tmp_29599_7075541713795128….jpg)

I will admit that it took me a little while, but I finally realized the women were CORRECT

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File: 2f17273a541a2f3⋯.jpg (337 KB,1104x1080,46:45,tmp_29599_PicsArt_11_20_09….jpg)

BO can eat his words

while i enjoy his SALT

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it turns out that the real human behind the persona Johnny Neptune is an emotionally unstable unmedicated bipolar TEMPER TANTRUM pain in the ass whiner & complainer




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File: c8d22f005e5d529⋯.png (172.72 KB,1080x2160,1:2,tmp_29599_Screenshot_2020_….png)


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File: df184cac892fc96⋯.png (141.71 KB,1138x1080,569:540,tmp_29599_PicsArt_11_20_10….png)


I've only just begun.


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last one :

How did that work out for you?

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I have created a new concoction, with the help of a doctor who recently prescribed me Lorazepam for dealing with chest pain and stress.

What I do is crush up a 1mg tablet and add that to lettuce juice, and mix it up in a blender with one shot of vodka.

This is really nice, as it adds a very soothing and lasting calming effect throughout the day. You won't be able to feel the vodka because it's not enough to catch a buzz, however, it seems to enhance the effectiveness of Lorazepam!

I don't know if what I am doing is legal, so I'm not telling someone to do this. However it has helped me to stay calm, yet also keeps me effective at home. I do not feel drowsy, only more calm. This is MUCH BETTER than trying to meditate which has done little good for me.

NOTE: I would not recommend doing this often, only something that is worth trying once in a while, when you happen to feel very overwhelmed.

Lettuce To Beat Stress: https://www.newvision.co.ug/news/1113442/lettuce-beat-stress

Lorazepam treatment for stress disorder: https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Lorazepam

Health Benefits of Vodka – 15 Proven & Surprising Facts: https://www.reckontalk.com/health-benefits-of-vodka-15-proven-surprising-facts/

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reported to the DEA

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Vermont IS God's Country. Spent a lot of time on Vermont's ski slopes. A LOT of time. If it wasn't God's Country, satan would not have taken over the Green Mountain State's political system. We would have never heard of Bernie Sanders, or Howard Dean.

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obviously we don't want to ask you about what country you are in. If you feel strongly about it, talk to people at the store, the fair, the gas station, see if you are able to generate interest. What is your goal, you must know that before starting.

But only do things that are allowed by law in your country. Make friends and they can make friends and maybe from there you can change policy and law.

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You are a fucking robot and irrelative. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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Dr. Lynn Fynn’s Science Enlightenment Channel & Stuff, [05.04.22 06:58]

[ Photo ]

Latest FOI of Pfizer records show that 3 months after vaccine rollout they hired 600 full time employees just to process the adverse event reports of vaccine side effects, with a plan to hire another 1200 by June 2021.

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Here's something I wondered about:

If the military made these D.UM.B.S., and there are some nefarious things going on down there in some of them, then what are we saying about the military?

Are there factions in the us military that are both corrupt and large enough to control these nefarious D.UM.B.S.?

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Coffee guy is speaking to the spooks spying on him lol

That Scavino truth is a guy who has the feds or someone up his ass big time and he knows it, so he's letting them know he knows kek.

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What happens when you corner an animal?

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The DARPA underground need-it-now was in August 2019. I remember most of booms being back in '17 (ish).

Again, who knows…doubt it's good.


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Got sauce for that claim?

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What's this arm/hand pose? Looks like a "six/claw".

I was SO naive when I saw all of this as a kid. Whole damned thing is scripted from beginning to end, every minute (second, possibly) carefully positioned.

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Also pertinent:

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Well, well. What have we here? kek

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1y 9m 1w 1d delta

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Are you still framing what is happening on Earth in terms of politics and the left/right paradigm?

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Blocking Pegasus and other backdoor threats from your cellphone or PC is not very difficult but activists and politicians are dumbass's and they are usually the main target.

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You can quit shilling now.

You lost.

Game Over.

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Remember these dates! Vote the Rinos Out!

Here are 4 Republicans, who voted to impeach President Trump, that you can defeat:

❌Peter Meijer

✅Vote John Gibbs on Aug. 2

❌Jaime Herrera Beutler

✅Vote Joe Kent on Aug. 2

❌Dan Newhouse

✅Vote on Aug. 2

❌Liz Cheney

✅Vote Harriet Hageman on Aug. 16


Forwarded from

Scott Presler

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(not Equinox)

I knew that.

Temporary Tropic of [brain] Cancer.

I know solstice v equinox, that is.

I do not know/subscribe to your clarification's heliocentrism, but perhaps proclaiming such heresy is best reserved for NOT right after demonstrating rudimentary level retardation. Kek.

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BO would surely be aware there was a rotation, are there not backend logs of some kind showing when these happen? I'm not trying to say it didn't happen, obviously I have no way to verify, I am curious why the replies on lb were conflicting about that.


1. who the fuck are you lol and 2. oh no mockery on an imageboard, whatever next how will I survive.

How am I "demoralization" when I'm saying the whole "this image Dan posted means it wasn't Q" thing doesn't hold water?

I've given reasons why, and asked anons to run the same search themselves on Google Images, and I'm asking questions, not trying to be self-appointed dictator of what anons may say or do. Unlike you.

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