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/dpr/ - ABDL: Diapers & Babyplay

A board for everything related to diaper fetishism and infantilism.
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File: 9ac347de2affb8f⋯.jpg (1.29 MB,4961x7016,4961:7016,131_19_5_10_1.jpg)

 No.90 [Last50 Posts]

Simply post cute lolis who happen to be diapered.

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File: 751a4dbe1f62181⋯.png (1.27 MB,1240x1754,620:877,19_10_9_1.png)

File: b3f582902339643⋯.png (1.06 MB,1240x1754,620:877,19_10_9_2.png)

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File: c3d356d7489ed29⋯.png (2.56 MB,1240x1754,620:877,19_5_3_1.png)

File: 7c6fc00d23381ec⋯.png (2.57 MB,1240x1754,620:877,19_5_3_2.png)

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File: 51ff068e17c45d1⋯.png (3.28 MB,2039x2894,2039:2894,19_9_18_1.png)

File: fb9456d29cacaf2⋯.png (4.05 MB,1948x2645,1948:2645,19_10_30_1.png)

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File: d049cd94483ab13⋯.jpg (262.39 KB,1447x2039,1447:2039,71330551_p0.jpg)

File: ab7a707c7e325d5⋯.jpg (265.35 KB,1447x2039,1447:2039,71330551_p1.jpg)

File: 5da3c2e561f7bb5⋯.jpg (263.58 KB,1447x2039,1447:2039,71330551_p2.jpg)

File: e2c7d89193fd3b6⋯.jpg (380.02 KB,2358x2702,1179:1351,73275607_p0.jpg)

File: cd799d65f713637⋯.jpg (358.94 KB,2358x2702,1179:1351,73275607_p1.jpg)

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File: e59e2d78d2ddf36⋯.jpg (211 KB,1809x2729,1809:2729,73430651_p0.jpg)

File: 810af481f78a010⋯.jpg (426.09 KB,1922x2727,1922:2727,74938404_p0.jpg)

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File: c7cc784c907740b⋯.jpg (312.84 KB,2039x2894,2039:2894,76484406_p0.jpg)

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File: b28d5d5d4d483f8⋯.jpg (313.06 KB,2800x2600,14:13,73514207_p0.jpg)

File: b597d47990a10cb⋯.jpg (278.9 KB,2400x3200,3:4,74464086_p0.jpg)

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File: 1e4392d150ae0fe⋯.jpg (820.71 KB,3500x2970,350:297,74911256_p1.jpg)

File: a9ca6de88ffff6d⋯.jpg (944.21 KB,4126x3200,2063:1600,76097929_p0.jpg)

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File: 536d6c83bcff91f⋯.jpg (447.79 KB,1488x2048,93:128,1574769422281.jpg)

File: cc670e966e40afe⋯.jpg (175.36 KB,1280x1810,128:181,19_11_17_2.jpg)

File: af24aa158cea256⋯.png (1.89 MB,1860x2631,620:877,77682775_p2.png)

File: fe5ce228ff9a11e⋯.jpg (67.68 KB,1200x930,40:31,IMG_20190922_095923.jpg)

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Sauce on nezuko ?

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Sadly I can't contribute to this thread. Deleted my collection a few days ago out of paranoia.


Don't bother. The artist responsible mostly does furshit.

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File: bcbb1e4e689d0e7⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,6837x4834,6837:4834,19_11_22_1.jpg)

File: 071c6b3e4255774⋯.jpg (1.41 MB,3293x4657,3293:4657,19_11_30_1.jpg)

File: f6927d2b0b82855⋯.jpg (1.35 MB,4717x6671,4717:6671,176_19_10_1_1.jpg)

File: b5b3c0f5f1a80db⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,4961x7016,4961:7016,182_19_10_19_1.jpg)

File: 161cdaa674467d7⋯.jpg (1.31 MB,4961x7016,4961:7016,183_19_10_25_1.jpg)

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File: 2f533b9b82efe08⋯.jpg (1.41 MB,4282x5997,4282:5997,19_11_13_1.jpg)

File: 657c73243b7a1a8⋯.jpg (1.43 MB,4348x6092,1087:1523,19_11_13_2.jpg)

File: 6d6bfebb82e7951⋯.jpg (1.36 MB,4803x6729,1601:2243,19_11_13_3.jpg)

File: 428c6068f8b5f01⋯.jpg (1.41 MB,4069x5701,4069:5701,19_11_13_4.jpg)

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File: 0495a2bbb98a030⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,4816x6721,4816:6721,19_12_6_1.jpg)

File: 96e6aee758dc80f⋯.jpg (1.38 MB,4358x6082,2179:3041,19_12_6_2.jpg)

File: 2502911f98cac33⋯.jpg (1.41 MB,4625x6454,4625:6454,19_12_6_3.jpg)

File: 5ec7cd950df08e7⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,4831x6741,4831:6741,19_12_6_4.jpg)

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File: 11a06f3b1062e98⋯.png (607.77 KB,2040x2880,17:24,ezgif-4-0c798d5e568c.png)

File: abc0df59ccddbd4⋯.png (614.87 KB,2040x2880,17:24,ezgif-4-12c77cff1690.png)

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File: d3199671e7cffd7⋯.png (661.87 KB,2040x2880,17:24,ezgif-4-aa3e8703d8ba.png)

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File: 9a379621998a2b5⋯.jpg (470.53 KB,760x1080,19:27,9a379621998a2b5fad12c9cd32….jpg)

File: a1748baeedab555⋯.png (2.58 MB,1241x1754,1241:1754,24eaef2b06e825a971cf78a8b9….png)

File: e71b7c6f9d5c765⋯.jpg (8.84 MB,4961x7016,4961:7016,028a4835327726fb5ec86c9206….jpg)

File: b87824b0fdf53c5⋯.jpg (114.87 KB,438x620,219:310,30f39cae-2916-49c5-9a85-54….jpg)

File: 727b6b8e3d6418a⋯.jpeg (190.97 KB,1200x1697,1200:1697,45aa8d4f17a15c9fdb541a16f….jpeg)

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File: 205a786bdd04ac4⋯.png (606.24 KB,1024x761,1024:761,dirty.png)

What are your biggest diapered loli fantasies, anons? I've always wanted to change one and then cuddle with her together after she's put in a fresh diaper.

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File: 8fe8637fca9c1e3⋯.jpg (57.77 KB,751x1064,751:1064,bratty_mattie_1_3_by_menta….jpg)

File: 2c2c3001263ce52⋯.jpg (54.44 KB,751x1064,751:1064,bratty_mattie_2_3_by_menta….jpg)

File: c98a36a6ff0b912⋯.jpg (63.91 KB,430x600,43:60,lolibooru 63111 blue censo….jpg)

File: 426f6fde9b6e87d⋯.jpg (128.51 KB,1132x800,283:200,lolibooru 75179 1girl arti….jpg)

File: 4296daadb85f35a⋯.jpg (52.26 KB,816x979,816:979,random_16_by_lilruffian_db….jpg)


Cuddling my little baby girl as she sleeps soundly in her crib as she gently sucks on her pacifier. Listening to the sounds of her gentle breathing as I stroke her hair and caress her.

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File: d79a08c077c87ad⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,7016x4961,7016:4961,122_19_4_19.jpg)

File: 16607071533e4e4⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,4961x7016,4961:7016,129_19_4_25_1.jpg)

File: f4304bd270f719f⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,4961x7016,4961:7016,130_19_5_1_1.jpg)

File: 5a433143a801d21⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,4518x6389,4518:6389,143_19_5_24_1.jpg)

File: 70772a81617f569⋯.jpg (1.17 MB,3480x4921,3480:4921,145_19_6_7_1.jpg)



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File: 2b919e1e96cb67b⋯.jpg (74.4 KB,868x921,868:921,sammy_s_time_out_by_the_pa….jpg)

File: ffe4d6ee2addbef⋯.jpg (59.34 KB,935x855,187:171,the_baby_card_saga_bad_end….jpg)

File: 7161c5a7e34dbad⋯.png (410.58 KB,695x1150,139:230,the_gravity_of_the_situati….png)

File: bf388c3a6ba463b⋯.jpg (72.65 KB,907x881,907:881,the_tall_one_by_the_padded….jpg)

File: 2fdbeaf7340109a⋯.jpg (49.62 KB,730x1095,2:3,water_you_waiting_for__by_….jpg)

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that sammy image doesn't have the body type of a loli. although the image is still cute.

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File: 4bc7b044f7a34d6⋯.png (534.18 KB,1000x1613,1000:1613,penny2_by_pieceofsoap-d95q….png)

File: ef8c78e8774e7f7⋯.png (568.72 KB,1280x870,128:87,1504920690789.png)

File: e7361a6b9bbade7⋯.png (583.08 KB,1280x870,128:87,1504920724332.png)

File: eb1cb17264dd4eb⋯.png (618.79 KB,1280x870,128:87,1504920757639.png)

File: d94e9c4a096ff1f⋯.png (597.42 KB,1280x870,128:87,1504920791099.png)

This image of Penny from Inspector Gadget got POS banned from DA for a month for "underage" and the sequence of Gwen got Meru banned from tumblr, even before they banned porn.

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File: 0d421634817c8b5⋯.png (8.94 MB,2480x3508,620:877,0d421634817c8b56d70cd8db6a….png)

File: 9dc3e5a071e2c3b⋯.png (2.01 MB,2480x3508,620:877,2b98b1e5860ed63273d33a2d3c….png)

File: b237c5aa94db3bc⋯.jpg (97.88 KB,445x620,89:124,3c73ea03-8475-4a1a-b688-27….jpg)


Huh, hard to tell. Just consider it oppai loli and we're all good.

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File: 4a1a6f879ecf151⋯.png (1.86 MB,3114x4340,1557:2170,4a1a6f879ecf151ff363f1322f….png)

File: 4aeddfb08714ed0⋯.png (8.39 MB,4961x7016,4961:7016,4aeddfb08714ed04e214c300b9….png)

File: 5f90ab321015ec0⋯.jpg (80.24 KB,438x620,219:310,4b33007c-abf9-41ce-9da0-cc….jpg)

File: 33687ae189b1bf5⋯.png (1.53 MB,1241x1754,1241:1754,5c189740169c37d13ba4829786….png)

File: 7f3d628312fe572⋯.jpg (661.37 KB,1200x900,4:3,7f3d628312fe572af28f344f79….jpg)

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>watches a new anime.

>the loli char appears.

>always convinced that the loli wears diapers under her cute poofy dress.

I basically can't imagine lolis without thinking of diapers anymore lol.

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>not wanting to be an incontinent loli sex slave

what are you fucking gay?

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would you be my incontinent loli sex slave? I will treat you lovingly.

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would it matter that i'm actually a shota?

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Ewwwww a boy.

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not >>380 but boys can be cute too!

I actually really like diapered shota, its a pity there isnt more of it thats very good

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File: 437ca0d7c769900⋯.png (1.27 MB,1240x1754,620:877,18_12_15_1.png)

File: 9bf22be13d8cca8⋯.png (1.31 MB,1240x1754,620:877,18_12_15_2.png)

File: a7060b83f85e5e4⋯.png (1.25 MB,1240x1754,620:877,19_1_9_1.png)

File: 2b47649ec317f12⋯.png (1.32 MB,1240x1754,620:877,19_1_9_2.png)

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File: f3c950cd91423ec⋯.mp4 (6.2 MB,764x1080,191:270,19_7_19.mp4)

File: 67d2918c770266c⋯.mp4 (8.34 MB,1528x1080,191:135,19_8_18_1.mp4)

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File: e91f82ce05b5a7d⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,1530x2160,17:24,63.jpg)

File: 4aca4e56f20e95d⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,1530x2160,17:24,64.jpg)

File: 701b047833b7c78⋯.jpg (1.66 MB,1530x2160,17:24,65.jpg)

File: 6967439b424ef8b⋯.jpg (1.41 MB,1530x2160,17:24,66.jpg)

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File: c73fb888318a92b⋯.jpg (1.42 MB,1530x2160,17:24,59.jpg)

File: 176965cb09aec3d⋯.jpg (1.43 MB,1530x2160,17:24,60.jpg)

File: 6667b081297af94⋯.jpg (1.77 MB,1530x2160,17:24,61.jpg)

File: 4a2fd47414042c5⋯.jpg (1.78 MB,1530x2160,17:24,62.jpg)

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File: 1a20f9b647926ca⋯.jpg (1.66 MB,1530x2160,17:24,67.jpg)

File: e891c3e540057ea⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,1530x2160,17:24,68.jpg)

File: 841b865bfb97784⋯.jpg (1.44 MB,1530x2160,17:24,69.jpg)

File: 8afc780fadf5e1b⋯.jpg (1.5 MB,1530x2160,17:24,70.jpg)

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File: e3f9e4ceeec5b6a⋯.jpg (1.52 MB,1530x2160,17:24,51.jpg)

File: 337038af877ba0e⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,1530x2160,17:24,52.jpg)

File: d1a983b61f10309⋯.jpg (1.91 MB,1530x2160,17:24,55.jpg)

File: 00e894c06dc16c6⋯.jpg (1.91 MB,1530x2160,17:24,56.jpg)

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it's a trap not a loli. so it's more of a crossdressing shota than a loli.

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File: 5502d25fe86b9fb⋯.gif (91.46 KB,420x560,3:4,d6121f67770109210765cce6f0….gif)

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File: 1e1928c0c03b3cc⋯.jpg (190.14 KB,850x1202,425:601,sample-8c2c3eb32d1425b89d7….jpg)

File: c739afcf253c31c⋯.jpg (130.87 KB,850x845,170:169,sample-e866f216afc13235310….jpg)

File: 37ab26c522dad01⋯.png (606.14 KB,750x1050,5:7,2952670_tourmalice_07da8d0….png)

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even better

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File: 513290c67a7f781⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,4335x6131,4335:6131,144_19_6_1_1.jpg)

File: 91314407458e153⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,3114x4340,1557:2170,030_18_07_07_01.jpg)

File: 4046679ae1d8743⋯.jpg (772.73 KB,3114x4340,1557:2170,032_18_07_12_01.jpg)

File: e7098162b7b7a47⋯.jpg (412.96 KB,2480x3508,620:877,033_18_07_17_01.jpg)

File: c38a949d80cc9e0⋯.jpg (526.19 KB,3114x4340,1557:2170,056_18_09_02_01.jpg)


toddlercon isn't lolicon


make a shota thread then

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File: c64102074a1934c⋯.jpg (149.09 KB,419x720,419:720,ddmwfzr-4b52061a-ed29-4c7b….jpg)

File: 9162287264d648b⋯.jpg (224.12 KB,589x720,589:720,ddn1ek3-af59c4ae-14e5-4682….jpg)

File: 2dbba5c0294f72d⋯.jpg (152.83 KB,1280x1864,160:233,an_attempt__by_lunarlunati….jpg)

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File: 48220cb7ceac8b5⋯.png (286.04 KB,900x675,4:3,diapy_diary___day_21_wip_b….PNG)

One more diaper picture of Stephanie Meanswell from the show Lazytown.

[Link to the pictures original source]


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File: bed8f144ea6cfb3⋯.jpg (53.36 KB,500x710,50:71,DWUARK0VQAATiEr.jpg)

File: 7102f3aa71ee425⋯.jpg (382.56 KB,2048x1450,1024:725,EA-FkBrVUAMiffZ.jpg)

File: d6a5dcfbeccb503⋯.jpg (627.5 KB,1024x768,4:3,ef98542716ee0366a03807c916….jpg)

File: be7ae9fd724ef3a⋯.png (2.51 MB,2480x3508,620:877,VVohogKZuhAJRUt4kGFHl97v.png)



leaving all of these images looking awful except the last one aside. her designs is based on an actual human when she was a child. that alone should make u avoid these images.

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Yeah, but thier are alot of painted cartoon drawings that is doing the same thing & from what i understand everything cartoon, loli & diapered up goes on this thread.

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File: be6fb77f976beb6⋯.jpg (92.81 KB,679x1000,679:1000,pouting_by_sixonesixone-d9….jpg)


It's a loli in a crib. Not toddlercon

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File: d0877b99304e54a⋯.mp4 (5.35 MB,764x1080,191:270,19_9_18_1.mp4)

File: 6ee7a4b42de0542⋯.mp4 (5.78 MB,764x1080,191:270,19_10_16_1.mp4)


her arms and legs are short af. if you could cite the original artist to see what it was tagged as. I would then take your word for it.

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File: da59e1ebdc058d8⋯.png (559.19 KB,2400x1800,4:3,da59e1ebdc058d80d28861d0cd….png)

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File: d87cfbc67c30233⋯.png (583.89 KB,800x1704,100:213,newmay1_by_nekoroa-db5ecj1.png)

File: 9c7d388d5b31f30⋯.png (640.87 KB,800x1704,100:213,newmay2_by_nekoroa-db5ecj5.png)

File: 468105a6aab90f9⋯.png (577.81 KB,800x1704,100:213,newmay3_by_nekoroa-db5ecja.png)

File: 490583855a10244⋯.png (1.82 MB,2372x1704,593:426,newmay_s__by_nekoroa-db5ec….png)

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File: b01e5773eadc697⋯.png (1018.85 KB,900x1200,3:4,65932432_p1.png)


It comes from here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/65932432

The sign next to her says "Riho-chan, 9 years 3 months since birth".

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Right before 8chan was shut down, I saw a pic of a blue-haired loli holding a stuffed unicorn(?) with the back of her diaper showing. I didnt save it for some reason, anyone else possibly have it (and any more from the artist)?

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File: bdcc00752c23cee⋯.jpeg (237.3 KB,1000x1419,1000:1419,AFCB1F6E-9898-4987-87D2-0….jpeg)


This one?

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That would be the one. I'm usually not a huge fan of loli stuff, but I love the artist's style on that pic.

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File: 068ea56cbb7e7be⋯.png (1.61 MB,2480x3508,620:877,068ea56cbb7e7be073cc16186d….png)

File: 15138c62df7330c⋯.png (1.69 MB,2480x3508,620:877,15138c62df7330c871298ee509….png)

File: 77674121f0e6975⋯.png (1.42 MB,2480x3508,620:877,77674121f0e6975f12ce51661d….png)

File: fa588371eda388a⋯.png (1.79 MB,2480x3508,620:877,fa588371eda388a54df4232b6c….png)

File: 77273674a1f6f75⋯.png (9.19 MB,4961x7016,4961:7016,lolibooru 206507 1girl blu….png)

More blue haired lolis coming up!

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"loli thread" more like ckaoto's thread lol.

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File: 34860bf2faf2f67⋯.jpg (914.25 KB,2894x4093,2894:4093,dream.jpg)


Personally I imagine myself caring for diapered lolis and very often being one myself. One of my greatest fantasies is being a loli wearing cute poofy dresses and a big thick diaper, probably in JS age range. Pic related is the dream

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just have a daughter, man. the only downside is that she's gonna grow up. but yeah.

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>irl daughter

ew. animu or gtfo.

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File: 676e239e88d9fe7⋯.png (456.06 KB,900x1490,90:149,cute pajamas.png)


Having a daughter is a part way solution, you're right, at least when it comes to diapering, cute clothes and cuddling, but I'd be lying if I said my desires weren't at least partly lewd. Honestly it's better just to keep this stuff as a fantasy. Not worth getting thrown into a cage over when one can imagine it and enjoy it almost just as well.

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File: b38b091f6984849⋯.jpg (635.8 KB,3114x4340,1557:2170,065_18_10_03_02.jpg)

File: 9de5854dd284b02⋯.jpg (734.15 KB,3071x4344,3071:4344,071_18_11_12_1.jpg)

File: 8f251ff51ec45f8⋯.jpg (1.36 MB,4258x6021,4258:6021,173_19_9_14_1.jpg)

File: 10b92273f745b32⋯.jpg (1.42 MB,4961x7016,4961:7016,175_19_9_20_1.jpg)

File: 3eaf540ea2f2406⋯.jpg (617.29 KB,3114x4340,1557:2170,066_18_10_12_01.jpg)

>Imagine not wanting to be the loli and do lewd shit and have fun with other lolis.

yuri+lolis go hand in hand with diaper fetish.

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there isn't enough material to start a shota thread. shotas aren't loved as much as lolis , feelsbadman.

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File: 5117cdd79abbd1e⋯.jpg (219.15 KB,906x1280,453:640,IMG_0001.jpg)

Anyone know someone who can translate a Japanese abdl loli comic? I'd gladily pay.

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Aww, she is so cute, i hope that comic gets translated.

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File: d243e417704a6af⋯.jpg (196.6 KB,640x640,1:1,3022116_p0.jpg)

File: 5c092227dde2a21⋯.png (289.23 KB,583x851,583:851,6562994_p0.png)


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File: bfd647f4f9ad74d⋯.png (5.42 MB,2480x3508,620:877,73274113_p0.png)

File: 641362278725e9d⋯.png (2.38 MB,2480x3508,620:877,74166807_p0.png)

File: a2a002c9de5849f⋯.png (3.33 MB,2480x3508,620:877,74507541_p0.png)

File: fbe354f6098b8b7⋯.png (3.31 MB,2480x3508,620:877,79177147_p0.png)

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this one is already translated I think.

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I wish it was.

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Anyone interested in roleplaying with a diapered loli? Have f-list and Secondlife I typically rp on. On on SL I do follow TOS (ie; no fuckin) but being a diapered and/or babied big girl can still be fun.

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I have F-list and I like roleplaying as a diapered loli, or even a shota, myself. Though I'm probably open to being an adult character, too!

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Someone post a profile already!

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Are Secondlife and F-list worth signing up for? I don't have an account but loli diaper rp sounds pretty fun. If not I guess there's kik and Discord

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f-list is completely free and I don’t see why to not try it out. A lot of people just use it for the fetish checklist thing and nothing else but others create elaborate RP profiles/characters/etc and use the chat.

With SL you have your own avatar you can customize and can interact with the world and so on so it’s very different but still RP at its core. The biggest downside is that to get an avatar (especially loli) that looks nice you have to drop some cash (maybe $20-30 USD to get started) for a new body/head/clothes/etc unless you want to model/texture/script everything yourself which is not reasonable for those who don’t have full-blown autism. It can also take a lot of time to get your avatar set up and looking the way you like in addition to the money. Also, if you’re playing a loli character you have to be careful about being banned and the TOS. Child avatars are allowed anywhere that adult avatars are but are not permitted to engage in sexual activities with anyone under any circumstance. There is some gray area and Linden Labs (SL’s corporate overlords) don’t seem to give a shit about light fetish stuff including spankings, diapers, etc. May want to keep any naughty chat to a separate application just in case.

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Thanks anon. I have very little experience with RP but I think I'll try out F-list here soon

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Dose anyone know about what happened to the loli board on 8chan? Has there been one recreated under a new name?

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Diapered loli, sometimes diapered adult coming on through!

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File: 2c3cbc6832d7caa⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,7016x4961,7016:4961,232_19_12_31_1.jpg)

File: 6a5cc8f06a8610c⋯.jpg (1.35 MB,4720x6675,944:1335,233_19_12_31_1.jpg)

File: 5aae34af70bdbbb⋯.jpg (1.36 MB,4961x7016,4961:7016,234_19_12_31_1.jpg)

updated version of oloong's fanbox gallery :


updated version of gogo's fanbox gallery:


debloated version of gogo's gallery:



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>stuck in wall diaper art

Pretty based.

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thanks, you are a legend my friend.

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File: cc63038b77faab3⋯.jpg (239.03 KB,1280x1810,128:181,19_5_17_3.jpg)

File: cec45862d2b4839⋯.jpg (155.93 KB,1280x1810,128:181,19_11_7_18.jpg)

File: 7ea74900fe3f7f2⋯.jpg (136.9 KB,1280x1810,128:181,19_11_7_20.jpg)

File: a1a304516ef2ba8⋯.jpg (151.43 KB,1280x1810,128:181,19_11_7_6.jpg)

File: 19db83b443d1ee7⋯.jpg (214.44 KB,1280x1811,1280:1811,18_11_12_1.jpg)

I dont know why, but I love the way ckaoto/gogo draws used diapers that are rolled up. Something about it gives me these extraordinarily innocent/vulnerable/cute vibes. Especially when they draw the 3 little lines sticking out of them. (like in the first 2 pics).

Speaking of which, has anybody noticed that they can sort of intuitively understand the non-language markings like that even though you never really learned them? Like, you might not know what it represents in as many words, but you intuitively understand it and if you think about it you can figure out what it means?

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On the subject of translations, I know that machine translations are very often not great, but at least some of the time they are better than nothing, and some of the time they are actually pretty decent. The way I see it, we have a large amount of stuff we collectively want translated, and a comparatively smaller amount of people who are able and willing to translate it. So why not use machine translations when we can so we are not wasting the time of people who would otherwise be translating something that a computer cant translate effectively?

To that end, OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is a great tool, because it lets you select a region of your screen and it generates a plain text representation of what it thinks it sees. This can either be automatically or manually fed into standard translation software. The problem with it is that it sometimes doesn't correctly identify the characters it sees. Now my understanding is that OCR uses a pre-compiled neural network to actually do the character recognition, so in theory having a better trained neural net should produce better results.

I don't think I have the knowledge to help train the translation software, and even if I did there are already very large companies with a lot of resources that are doing this now, so my contributions would be insignificant.

I DO think I might be able to help train the neural net that does OCR though. It would basically be a matter of giving it a bunch of images of Japanese text, then telling it what the correct output should be by giving it what I expect the plain text string should be from each sample. I don't actually need to understand what it says to do this, I just need to be able to give it an accurate list of characters in the image, something I can do fairly easily using a Japanese keyboard in a browser or something.

Does anybody know if this is at all feasible? If so, how do I go about doing this?

>>TLDR: How can I personally help improve/train neural network(s) that do OCR?

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File: 665f1d7fad4d00a⋯.jpg (704.87 KB,850x1200,17:24,1479518800895.jpg)


Generally speaking, OCR is already pretty much perfect at reading typefaces, even Japanese. If you're having trouble getting it to recognize the characters you need to finagle the box more or it might be an issue with the typesetting (characters being too close). It can also be a problem with the scan, the grain of the paper can throw it off. Also keep in mind the box simply reads the image on your screen so it helps to zoom in as much as possible so there's as much negative space between the characters as possible. If you're getting any parts of the word bubble or background in the box the whole machine breaks, you have to crop everything out. Hope that helps if you've been having trouble. I use Capture2Text on any snippets I'm curious about and it's tedious but it hasn't been unreliable at all.

Personally I'm not really for the idea. There are already people that machine translate things and then pretty up the output with their own interpretations. The translations are inaccurate but basically satisfy the reader by providing some serviceable text to accompany their fap material. The problem though is that when you fill a niche like that there's little incentive for anyone to do it properly. Unfortunately, ehentai doesn't classify galleries like these as "rewrites" even though that's basically what they are: an invented story inferred from the pictures.

At it's worst it can potentially give people without any ability a place of importance which has already happened. That faggot hentropy barely even knows Japanese, he just gets the gist (don't we all?) and then writes whatever he likes with what he thinks is the same gist (often to inaccurate or uncanny results). Despite his mediocrity he does the English translations for Japanese artists like cocco and Goya. They're by no means stupid but they don't know any better either. Now imagine someone that uses OCR and MTL finding themselves in the same position. It could happen.

Translators already have very small extrinsic incentives and OCR/MTling takes even that away. I think it's better for things to remain untranslated and unscanned rather than translate or scan them poorly and decrease the likelihood they'll ever be done well. Most people aren't looking to one-up each other, they just want their own little niche and if it's already filled (again, no matter how poorly) they look for another elsewhere. That's human nature.

"Some is better than none" is such a vacuous, impatient mentality and one that has injured this fetish far too long. Maybe if people were more discerning and savvy and demanded better rather than just taking and supporting whatever they can get (translators, artists, authors, admins, etc) we'd all be a little better off. But I digress.

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You make a convincing argument. My main issues with OCR are "…" being detected as the Japanese character for "3" or "!" being detested as "}" + "." or other things like that. Occasionally, I see some stuff that looks handwritten that it just really doesn't like, and it consistently produces results that are totally unlike what is actually written and translates into nonsensical gibberish. (even more frustrating is that when I tried to manually identify the characters one at a time, I couldn't read somewhere between 30% and 50% of them. Like, I would have the stuff I was trying to transcribe on one monitor, and a Japanese alphabet on another, and I would look at a character and just not see anything that I could personally identify as being remotely similar to it in the alphabet.)

The other places I have issues are with dialog bubbles that make it hard to get a clean shot of the text, or text that is tilted in such a way that makes it difficult to isolate from other things. (the OCR actually does a pretty good job of recognizing the characters with the tilt as long as it doesnt have a bunch of other stuff in the way)

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Forgot to mention, I had never thought about actually modifying the image and erasing the stuff that gets in the way of the text, like dialog bubbles or something. Ill have to try that.

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The last picture looks like they're wearing one diaper combined

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Yeah punctuation can cause some headaches. I've never edited any images, but I have grabbed individual lines of text or individual characters even if it's being temperamental.

>Like, I would have the stuff I was trying to transcribe on one monitor, and a Japanese alphabet on another, and I would look at a character and just not see anything that I could personally identify as being remotely similar to it in the alphabet.

I've never been dedicated enough to try doing that. I know that there are online dictionaries and such that can help you find Kanji by radical but no idea which are good. Hope that might help you out though.

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Sauce of the pic?

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Use saucenao dumbfuck

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File: 967c5187f714f3f⋯.png (4.86 MB,2039x2894,2039:2894,19_12_29_1.png)


I can't really see it

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Cannot find sauce for first pic.

Tried reverse search and nothing

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duh, it's a fanbox image (behind a paywall) though you can find it in the mega folder in here >>1887

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its also on exhentai

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File: 515d85fe08979cd⋯.jpg (434.65 KB,753x1062,251:354,cherry2.jpg)

File: 64db9dd41329e01⋯.jpg (371.34 KB,645x911,645:911,ah_05_1_.JPG)

File: 0d7d76888b81757⋯.jpg (324.78 KB,645x911,645:911,ah_04_1_.JPG)

File: 7721a20bf7e94c7⋯.jpg (311.05 KB,645x911,645:911,mama_22_koui26.jpg)

Reposting in /dpr/ since /abdl/ thread seems dead:

Does anyone have Kuronegi fanbox?


Here is non-fanbox stuff:


Also, I just recently realized that Sin also has a Pixiv, which is crazy, as it means he's still pumping out top tier art since for something like 22 years now. Does anyone know if M2 (see attached images) is also still making art? If so, on what site?

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No its not, because exhentai is dead

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it's came back from the dead for literally a long time and it only died for 4 days. unless you're being heavily sarcastic mimicking those who don't know that


I've posted kuronegi's fanbox stuff on exhentai as well the latest update to it was like octoperish of 2019 . if you don't have access I will just dump a mega link. probably m2 is retired you would have seen him on pixiv if he wasn't.

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Are you sure it's up? It's dead for me on both local network and cell.

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If you're getting the white page of death that's been happening more and more lately. Not sure if it's caused by ISP or IP/Range, but if you try using a proxy or VPN it'll probably fix the issue.

For more info consult the Sad Panda threads on 4chan's /h/

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Got it working. Can you post link to your sad panda for Kuronegi? I found a couple collections, but the most recent one has not been updated since October. Thanks.

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tho I would probably never update his stuff again. the stuff that he draws aren't really my cup of tea

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File: e9935cf4e157918⋯.png (1007.29 KB,1240x1754,620:877,19_12_12_1.png)

File: d6683f412cf0441⋯.png (996.02 KB,1240x1754,620:877,19_12_12_2.png)

File: d57f3c0b45f6f93⋯.png (1.26 MB,1240x1754,620:877,20_2_15_1.png)

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File: 717968bc0b16f3f⋯.jpg (1.97 MB,3009x4250,177:250,_009.jpg)

I come bearing a gift of diapered loli.


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