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Welcome to bantb, the Random Banter Board!



File: 2471897f0e9f84e⋯.jpg (230.38 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1587212232791.jpg)


Is adulthood always this dull? I miss my childhood, i miss every day having something new in store for me, i miss when life was an adventure. I miss when the entire class in school used to come to my birthday parties, my parents always ordered a bouncy castle or large inflatable slide, my parents were well off you see, now they are broke i barely speak to anyone anymore and all i do now is rot away in my bed browsing the internet besides work. It's probably my fault, i choose this path. But is there still hope for the road ahead? is there still a chance i will get to experience another adrenaline inducing adventure? Will i ever feel alive again? I hope so. Perhaps this is a lesson that must be learned, something that can help me improve myself for future events. Perhaps i must suffer to become wiser.

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File: fc7dd9734916fca⋯.jpg (169.61 KB,655x702,655:702,tumblr_nolz5hN2EX1qbaleqo1….jpg)

You're not 8 and your brain isn't 8 and the things that amused you at 8 shouldn't still be your focus at 38. As you get older and learn more you have to keep putting more and more effort into entertainment/amusement/adventure because the novelty keeps wearing off.

Or you could try drugs.

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File: 5b9092ae865b674⋯.jpg (416.09 KB,1600x1600,1:1,ville_viking1.jpg)


It's Alienate of Capitalism system

you stuck in work cycle like a rat in the jail .until you die

back then in 70-90s the economic was better than today. why ? because there are communism country like soviet who make all capitalists fear to cheat their labors

and gap of incomes was fixed by many wars in ww2 and cold wars

Now there are no communism to tame capitalism system anymore

the gap of incomes are back also natural resource have gone bad

the grow of mass middle class people in 90s maybe a exception in capitalism system more than it's normal term

even today . the bankers and governments still blame COVID-19 as reason why economic was ruin. it's lies. they will never accept that capitalism system itself is the real cause

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File: d55017fdbeeb1eb⋯.jpg (43.54 KB,500x320,25:16,Flooded_Basement.jpg)

File: 956a4be73520762⋯.jpg (23.93 KB,470x263,470:263,abbo_oh_shit.jpg)

File: ce149939841e9bb⋯.gif (1.93 MB,500x379,500:379,batman_nutpunch.gif)


>Is adulthood always this dull?

TREASURE the dull times, my child, because the adult times that are unusual and exciting are usually not much fun.

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Please excuse Klim, he didn't take his meds today.

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Walk out into the woods, get naked, and live like monkey ancestors

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