[–]▶ No.859841>>859861 >>859887 >>860513 >>860964 >>863251 >>863728 >>863870 >>863879 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
Japan has very luxurious internet cafes which are open at night and often offer showers as well so they are used by people who are "homeless" for the night. This phenomenon does not seem to exist in the west.
And here's a Russian internet cafe that uses gentoo to run diskless Linux clients booted through PXE/NFSROOT. To run windows games :^)
Are there any internet cafes in the west that resemble the two above? Or is the free wifi at Star Bucks all we got?
▶ No.859843>>859849 >>865023
>tfw linux cafes will never, ever, EVER be mainstream in USA
▶ No.859849>>859856 >>860929
Internet Cafes in general are barely a thing in the USA. You see them pop up every so often in places like San Fagsisco, and Jew York but they never seem to stick around
I never got the appeal of them. In America you're pretty much expected to own some kind of computer in your house. Maybe that's why they aren't a thing here. Because everyone has their own PC and would rather use the internet in the comfort of their own homes. We have Starbucks and we have hundreds of hole-in-the-wall LAN rooms/"e-sports arenas" here that happily fill whatever niche that would otherwise be filles by internet cafes
▶ No.859850>>859853 >>860025 >>863636
>Japan has very luxurious internet cafes which are open at night and often offer showers as well so they are used by people who are "homeless" for the night
Why would you do that in the west? It'd only become a nigger farm.
▶ No.859853>>859874 >>859925
>It'd only become a nigger farm.
I don't understand how they survive in japan though. Everyone today uses their personal NSA tracking device to have (((free))) internet everywhere so how do the cafes stay afloat?
▶ No.859855>>859861 >>859870
>All games are WIN32 usual games.
How are they running them in Gentoo? With Wine?
▶ No.859856>>860929
In burgerland, the poor/homeless use public libraries for computers and internet access. The computers are always full (with a waiting list) at the public libraries I'm familiar with.
▶ No.859861>>859870 >>859871
Nah, look at the machines, they don't even have graphics cards. The games must be running on some powerful hardware in a back room and are streamed.
>>859841 (OP)
Those russian machines aren't diskless, they seem to boot from a disk first then off the network, no idea what their set up is.
▶ No.859871
>The games must be running on some powerful hardware in a back room and are streamed.
There are indeed many internet cafes where each PC is essentially a dumb terminal and the actual hardware is essentially a set of server racks in the back room filled with Intel Xeons and GTX Titans running a different VM for every PC. Such a setup can easily run MOBAS and other shit people typically play at internet cafes. They typically do this because its easier to upgrade and manage on such a scale
▶ No.859872
>5 years ago
>any relevant
Internet cafes are long dead, every poorfag has a dumbslate these days.
▶ No.859874>>859876 >>859879
Gaming computers are expensive and need a permanent space, which is always at a premium in Japan.
▶ No.859876>>859877 >>859879
Even if you live in a single room apartment you can have space for a computer, don't be silly now.
▶ No.859877
Only if you're willing to dedicate space for one. In Tokyo, it's probably just as convenient to walk a couple of blocks to spend time at an Internet cafe.
▶ No.859879>>859882 >>859883 >>859885 >>859888 >>859893 >>859918 >>860021 >>860026 >>860353 >>860888
Japanese electrical outlets have no dedicated ground pins so high-powered equipment that requires grounding isn't very popular in Japan. That means heavy-duty gaming machines
To ground an appliances you need to use an extra outlet
▶ No.859882>>860021
Works without for me.
▶ No.859883>>859907 >>860550
How expensive are these grounding plugs and do animu studios/their 3DCG contractors in the current decade have enough outlets to let their GPUs render at full power?
If they don't then that'd explain a few things about the absolute state of mongolian megalith sculptures in the current decade.
▶ No.859885>>860032
why are japs so retarded
▶ No.859887>>859905
>>859841 (OP)
First of all, the CIA nigger who posted about that internet cafe in "Russia" should kill himself. That's the Republic of Moldova.
In my current city of Cluj-Napoca, there are enough cafes that work during the night as well, one is even 24/7. There are no "internet cafes" around here since internet is pretty fucking fast everywhere here. Must be something with Eastern civilizations and moving your ass during the night as well.
▶ No.859888>>859891
So you need an extra ground wire but not extra power wire? How does that makes any fucking sense?
▶ No.859891
There are two wires. The green wire is partially concealed by the purple one.
▶ No.859893>>860032
So on top of half the country being 50hz and the other half 60hz, their outlets are ungrounded? What the fuck?
▶ No.859905>>860354
it's probably because you don't have worker protection laws like the west
▶ No.859907>>859916
looks very klunk-y
▶ No.859916
wasn't called clang for nothing.
▶ No.859918>>859920 >>859921 >>859931
Why are electric outlets outside of the US pozzed?
▶ No.859920>>859939 >>863191
>implying the superior UK socket isn't better
▶ No.859921
do you even schuko?
▶ No.859925>>859957 >>859958 >>859979 >>860022
It's like a LAN party in the west except you call up your old pals and meet up in internet cafe to play some old cs1.6 / ut99, millenial will play mobas of course.
It has nothing to do with how good your pc at home is, it's just a social occasion.
▶ No.859931>>860032
Quite the opposite. There are few places that have outlets worse then the US/Canada. If what that other anon claims is true then Japan is one of them.
▶ No.859939>>860375
those are fuckhuge.
▶ No.859957>>860929
man, i'd love a place like that
arcades too, this whole mmo culture really sucks
▶ No.859958
I used to do that. Back when "emo" and "rock" were still a thing.
>miss the old days
▶ No.859979
That sounds actually quite cool.
▶ No.860021
A lot of eastern yuro homes don't have grounded installations either. It wasn't a thing in the Soviet block and many homes still haven't replaced their wires since then. Nobody cares.
What this guy said: >>859882
▶ No.860022>>860375
Do LAN parties still exist?
▶ No.860025
> It'd only become a nigger farm.
Here in Australia, most public libraries have Internet Access Kiosks/Systems of some kind.
They're always completely full with Coons, Tongans, and Sudos watching their Niggler Music Idols on Youtube.
▶ No.860026
>no ground pin so electrics dont werk
▶ No.860032>>860321 >>860331
There's a wider pattern to see here. Countries that pioneer in adopting some technology usually end up standardising on a primitive and underbaked implementation of it, and then get bogged down by that standard for decades.
Other examples:
>Retardedly huge bongese power plugs.
>Worst Korea adopting internet banking before web encryption standards like SSL were a thing - ended rolling up their own shitty government-mandated standard that is available only as a plugin for Internet Exploder. This is why the only Korea with any Linux adoption is the Best one.
>the plethora of non-standard nip "standards" for cell phone and mobile internet services
>NTSC. 'Nuff said.
▶ No.860321>>860962
>be me
>worst korea
>praised by 4ebbit for :O games! and :O fast internet! and :O epic gamers!!!
>no one cares about the legally mandated activex
>no one cares about the KT data leak
>no one cares about the state enforced real name system
>no one cares about cinderella laws
>no one cares about walled gardens
>no ones cares about country-wide walled gardens (hwp files why???)
>1990s web tech and design grafted onto 2030s hardware
at least we don't have net neuterality.
▶ No.860325>>863745
Truck stops have public showers, Wifi, and methamphetamines. If you want a cheap handjob, they might even have that too.
▶ No.860331>>860557 >>863702
America got it right the first time with their electrical outlets. Simple, grounded, no unnecessary pins, more than enough to handle expected loads in a given household, rigid construction by design on the plug end
Europlugs conversely are the definition of over-engineered
▶ No.860353>>860366
>heavy-duty gaming machines
wanna know how i know you have never ever worked doing anything more complex than soldering 2 headphones?
▶ No.860354
With regards to internet speeds, there are barely any regulations for ISPs. And by "barely", I mean the only regulation is that new cables in the capital city must be underground.
▶ No.860366
Your autistic ass does realize we're speaking in the context of internet cafes right?
▶ No.860368>>860866
>Gateway to the Open Source Community
I would go just to demand the pastry chef provide me all of his recipes.
▶ No.860375
What's the matter, not used to handling 230v?
I wondered this the other day, I'd suspect not as a mass gathering of millennials would likely result in someone being triggered. Weak bitches, back in my day I used to haul my tower and heavy CRT monitor in duffle bags on the city bus (while I was a no car fag).
▶ No.860513>>860545
>>859841 (OP)
Is this Linux café still around? I'm going to Japan in May and would like to visit it.
▶ No.860545>>860548 >>863293
▶ No.860548
the world is a fuck :(
▶ No.860550>>863870
▶ No.860557>>860589 >>860683 >>860846 >>863702
They absolutely did not. The fact that you can touch the live pins before they are grounded (and the fact that you can touch the live pins at all) make it shit tier. UK plugs are pretty good but the people who got it right was whoever has the plugs that are inset into the wall.
▶ No.860589
I agree with this, even though I've only ever used american plugs. There have been too many times where I've plugged something in and gotten a nice shock.
▶ No.860601>>860603 >>860840
The USA has blacks. The EU has Arabs. The west will never have such riches, just like we'll never go back into space, and never have clean safe cities again. We decided we preferred the company of animals to all that.
Well, it's still possible. Probably as a "hacker space".
▶ No.860603
Northern Europe (apart from two or three biggest cities) doesn't have these problems. Yet we barely have any. I think the reason for this is that 1. people live pretty far apart generally 2. everyone has their own computer so there is no need for one
▶ No.860610
Forza/Luce aka Type L is literally the best plug out there.
>not as autistic as Schuko
>eurocucks can still use their inferior unearthed buttplugs on this socket
▶ No.860683>>860858
Americans also think Tide pods are a healthy snack.
▶ No.860840
There's no logical progression in your post whatsoever.
▶ No.860846>>863162
UK safety sockets have been proven time and time again to be easily defeatable. They're overengineered garbage
▶ No.860858
As opposed to Syrian boy penis in Europe.
▶ No.860866
underrated comment
▶ No.860888>>860895
If I remember right you can wire the ground pin to the neutral.
▶ No.860895>>863191
Denmark looks happy.
▶ No.860929>>863721
That sounds like a very nice thing, OP. If I was born Japanese I bet I would have really enjoyed such internet cafes. Back when I was a youngfag with only a 486 at home and no internet or access to gaymes, hanging out at internet cafes was the highlight of my day. If they served food and provided showers, a decent environment (no cigarette smoke, not noisy/dirty etc), and made it security practical (external drive with my own OS or something) I might actually have a reason to leave my house.
Unfortunately every society is limited by its lowest common denominator. In America, there are too many trash people like niggers who would trash such places unless they were ridiculously expensive. American small business owners also often tend to be cunty and their greed would prevent them from offering such amenities. Even though in the long run, these amenities would stimulate their business, go figure.
Basically if there was a place in the US where people with fewer problem homeless, but a significant techie crowd who is also thrifty/minimalist, I bet these could work. But the only place I can think of is small midwestern towns with a major data center or something nearby, and everyone at such places would think "why bother going to a cafe, when I have a computer at my nice cheap house?"
It's a sort of gathering place for computer enthusiasts. Used to be that normies didn't care about computing at all, so e-cafe clientele was a more techie crowd. Nowadays I think this still holds, because casual computer users would get a laptop, and wouldn't appreciate the benefits of a desktop.
I have many fond memories of playing MP LAN games with my friends. Some games flat out couldn't be played online, but also internet was expensive on dial up, and physically being next to your fellow players seemed to add to the fun since you would get instant emotional feedback from them based on game events (ie. winning/losing). Voice chat is kind of like that but not quite IMO.
My dream cafe would be something between board game stores and Renaissance coffee shops, where you can show up and socialize with other like-minded strangers, play games or brainstorm projects. Basically like an IRL /tech/. Of course in SanFran you would get too many faggots, but in this dream all of us managed to escape that shithole somehow.
Also I really miss that brief period when internet cafes were a place you would go to take care of some urgent work and print some documents when you are traveling. Nowadays we have to torture ourselves with laptops and smartphones instead. But I suppose security was always an issue with cafes.
Well, public libraries depend on govt support, which is notoriously fickle in US. It's slightly unfair to compare Nipponese small private enterprise to a national public service.
Unfortunately LAN multiplay is an afterthought with modern games, most devs just assume everyone will do multiplayer online. A shame, I bet you could really add some value to the experience with a classy net-cafe. Serve/deliver quality food, comfy interior, good gaming hardware, good selection of games, gaming comps with prizes, regular events like the cafes private terraria/minecraft/rust/we server. Have things like minecraft builder of the month to encourage community building in the area. People would start coming just for the social aspects, and it will break the hikki cycle gamers are prone to.
▶ No.860960
How much does staying in those cafes cost?
▶ No.860962>>863156
▶ No.860964
>>859841 (OP)
>This phenomenon does not seem to exist in the west.
>Go to sleep in open internet cafe
>the shitskin the jews forced your government to house because "remember what happened when you were racist once? oy vey" stab you.
>Cafe owner can only call the police on you because you didn't have your infant daughter with you to rape, as well
>get stripped of all things posthumously and sentenced to a penentary cemetary for 90 years before you can rest at a meaningful place
Is what I would say if we didn't hang all the kikes in the next few decades.
Hail Victory, brothers.
Oh, and in case you didn't get the idea of all this.
>They have these cafes in Japan
Japan is pretty racially cohesive and pure and they're one of the few nonwhites that didn't come from a huge nigger continent where they could just move around if one place got too shitty.
So they're more sensible than other nonwhites.
▶ No.860969>>863191 >>863207
Those stayover net cafes in japan were fucking horrible
The computers are fucking shit (japs arent known for gaming PCs)
japs smoke inside so everything fucking stinks of tobacco. There's also that brown shit that you see in gore pics caked around the fan
Those kinds of places attract the homeless
They're old and/or cheap
Bailed the fuck out and checked into a love hotel after trying to stay at a couple places.
PC Bangs are nice though. The trend is premium pc bangs with game themes such as FPS, MMO etc or premium tobacco (separate smoking room of course) or cafe offered within. Pic related is not even $2/hr.
▶ No.863156>>863164
oh yeah, and our government is worse than "series of tubes" when it comes to emerging tech.
its full of old boomers who grew up in shithole industrial korea when it was still poor and they don't have the faintest idea of "brockchain" or "clyptocullency".
<so why can't we tax it?
<ban it!
<ban enclytion!
<can't we put a backdoor in 'brockchain'?
fucking hell. i'm regretting support moon jae in. ahn chul soo was leading in polls too. he'd understand since he runs ahnlab (software company), even if he was a socdem illiterate.
▶ No.863162
>easily defeatable
what does this even mean? I mean, sure, you could defeat it with a heavy blow from a hammer...
▶ No.863164
defect, anon. Go live with Mr. Kim in Best Korea. No worries about Internet there.
▶ No.863191>>863192 >>863261
Those things are horrible to get in and out of the point. Australian ones are much nicer.
You'll like this.
>checked into a love hotel
Oh sure I bet you were really pressed for choice.
▶ No.863192>>863247
>Australian ones are much nicer.
Out of all the plugs I've tried they are my favorite thus far.
They are fairly secure and don't rattle about, not easy to pull out if the cable is snagged yet not an awful amount of force is required to insert/release.
My only gripe is that the leads are easy to bend.
▶ No.863207>>863661
>smoking is a bad thing
▶ No.863247>>863259
If it's easy to bend one way, isn't it equally easy to bend the other way?
▶ No.863251
>>859841 (OP)
>This phenomenon does not seem to exist in the west.
Your link got censored. Would you mind providing a mirror?
▶ No.863259
they are easy to bend back its just a minor pet peve that rarely happens.
▶ No.863261>>863266
>Any plugged forced to terminate at a 90 degree angle
>Anything but shit-tier
▶ No.863266
What are you trying to say? The cords can come out of the plug at different angles, and they hold in well enough to be useable on the ceiling too if that's what you mean.
▶ No.863293>>863294
" I read the "Linux Café" is a great place in Akihabara / Tokyo if you are looking for WiFi to go with your refreshment. Unfortunatelly, the place seems to be out of business and has been replaced by "Caffe Solare" that has nothing to do with Linux and does not offer free WiFi, only a commercial "mzone" WiFi solution for DoCoMo customers, and it is not even possible for tourists to become customers."
▶ No.863294>>863297
Also, after further research, the people who owned Linux Cafe also run some sort of "guest wifi" business, which I want to say has all the characteristics of a huge botnet operation, but I'm not certain so take this with a grain of salt.
▶ No.863297
Also, I apologize in advance if this triggers the resident weaboos who think that everything is better in Nippon.
Maybe people offer "free" (as in money) wifi, because that's not where the real money comes from. Just a thought...
▶ No.863299>>863302 >>863636
Internet Cafes went out of style in America in the late 2000's (like, at latest 2007). They were only big in metropolises like New York to begin with though
▶ No.863302>>863303
From what I read it originated in SF, then moved to New York then to middle Amurica
▶ No.863303
and probably the most iconic one in New York was @cafe (1995)
> tf can't find any pictures at all of @cafe from that time
▶ No.863308
> tf you will never enjoy a 5.95$ cold gazpacho while surfing the interwebs on a t1 connection in 1995.
▶ No.863636>>863674
I'm not american but I'm finding a lot of results like this when searching for US cybercafes. No idea what year this "crackdown" exactly happened in but I assume it started in one state and expanded to others. Does anyone know the full story? Are there federal laws on this or are they all local?
Florida: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyboBFLFVDs
Ohio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REQEGRuBJdk
California: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nxy2H0hLawU
And: "...making a comeback in Florida"
it looks like boomers and anti-gambling laws ruined your cybercafes. See above links.
Here's a video you can store in the same folder
▶ No.863661>>863666
>Paying Jews for literal poison so I can die earlier while spreading carcinogen to those around me is totally okay
▶ No.863666
we /vape/ nao.
pure nicotine >>> caffeine
▶ No.863674>>863689
federal laws, what are you talking about. people just got computers fam
watch the vox video (additional problem for @cafe was paying for a 9000$/month t1 connection)
▶ No.863689>>863691 >>863740
>/tech/fags go outside so little they don't even know computers are illegal in 'merica because of anti-cybercafe laws.
When Florida lawmakers recently voted to ban all Internet cafes, they worded the bill so poorly that they effectively outlawed every computer in the state, according to a recent lawsuit.
In April Florida Governor Rick Scott approved a ban on slot machines and Internet cafes after a charity tied to Lt. Governor Jennifer Carroll was shut down on suspicion of being an Internet gambling front -- forcing Carroll, who had consulted with the charity, to resign.
Florida's 1,000 Internet cafes were shut down immediately, including Miami-Dade's Incredible Investments, LLC, a café that provides online services to migrant workers, according to the Tampa Bay Times.
The owner, Consuelo Zapata, is now suing the state after her legal team found that the ban was so hastily worded that it can be applied to any computer or device connected to the Internet, according to a copy of the complaint obtained by The Miami Herald.
The ban defines illegal slot machines as any "system or network of devices" that may be used in a game of chance.
And that broad wording can be applied to any number of devices, according to the Miami law firm of Kluger, Kaplan, Silverman, Katzen & Levine, who worked with constitutional law attorney and Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz.
The suit maintains that the ban was essentially passed "in a frenzy fueled by distorted judgment in the wake of a scandal that included the Lieutenant Governor’s resignation" and declares it unconstitutional.
Read the full complaint here.
Let me break it down for you:
>article says Florida's 1,000 Internet cafes were shut down immediately
>no not just the ones that were suspected of illegal gambling, all of them
>there are similar reports of other counties banning all cybercafes like in the third video I posted earlier. Here it is again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nxy2H0hLawU
>watch it carefully, they start by talking about "sweepstake cafes" but the ban affect all cybercafes in Kern County, California
>look at the screenshot for fucks sake
So it seems like boomers ruined your internet cafes with their yearning for stupid gambling schemes and then the tech-illiterate lawmakers made them illegal in several counties but not in LA for instance where I can find plenty of internet cafes by searching the internet, since California was mentioned So... are there any federal laws about this on the horizon? All else I know is that Florida is currently attempting to regulate them with new laws.
▶ No.863691>>863692
Stop trying so hard.
The accidental ban you're describing happened in 2013.
By then internet cafes had been on the down for at least 2 decades.
The end of internet cafes is concurrent with the adoption of computers and the internet by the wider population (due to sinking costs among other).
▶ No.863692
yeah I'm sure being illegal has absolutely nothing to do with it, let's just completely ignore that part
▶ No.863702>>863707 >>863709
>but the people who got it right was whoever has the plugs that are inset into the wall
But also the fact that US plugs can only be plugged in one way white you can rotate the Schuko. Why is it every time you want something engineered properly the Germans have to do it?
▶ No.863707>>863972
Germans have always been good at over-engineering and your example shows it. You don't need a massive hole in your wall and a gigantic round plugged for a simple electrical receptacle. It takes up more space on a wall and costs more money. A lot of sockets are symmetrical and can be plugged in bother ways. Including American sockets, just not grounded plugs
▶ No.863709>>863710
sage because I'm a samefag re-itetating here. But in pic related, the left plugs can go in any way you want. It's just the grounded ones that can't go in upside down
There ARE NEMA sockets that have a second ground that allows you to insert a grounded plug upside down but those are very uncommon. Somewhat more common are the higher-powered NEMA plugs for things like Ovens and Washing Machines that have an extra neutral slot up top that a ground pin can fit into as well
▶ No.863721
*nods respectfully in your direction*
▶ No.863728>>863751
>>859841 (OP)
>tfw live in low trust society
>you're a minority in your own city
>no comfy internet cafes
▶ No.863740
>suspicion of being an Internet gambling front
I thought only mudslime country banned gambling?
Not a clapper, so I don't get it, dumb people willingly throw away their own money is illegal but then why stock market is legal? They're basically the same thing.
▶ No.863745
In the US a truck stop shower will run you about fifteen bucks if you aren't a trucker with shower credits from refueling. Wifi is usually not free. I don't think I ever found one with free wifi. Meth is not found at truckstops very often. Most trucking companies drug test aggressively, and you can't refuse a search from law enforcement like you can in your personal vehicle. Lot lizards are the lowest most disgusting kind of whore there is. If you see one that is the least bit attractive, she's a cop. If you aren't a trucker, the only thing truck stops have to offer is a place to shit and maybe grab a bite to eat. That delicious PJ Fresh pizza. mmmmm.
▶ No.863751
> no comfy internet cafes that mine your consumer habits
> why no live in Nippon
▶ No.863870>>865037
>>859841 (OP)
>using the smiley with the carat nose
▶ No.863879>>863922
>>859841 (OP)
>Japan has very luxurious internet cafes which are open at night and often offer showers as well so they are used by people who are "homeless" for the night.
That's because renting a private room in those cafes is often cheaper than renting an actual apartment. It's a niche built around the low wages (motivated by an overwork culture) and a lack of jobs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtdupS0gRt0
>the wonders of capitalism
▶ No.863922
>That's because renting a private room in those cafes is often cheaper than renting an actual apartment.
It must suck not having some of the amenities of actually living in your own home. No cooking, no being actually alone; but it would be better than living on the street I Suppose.
▶ No.863972
> It takes up more space on a wall and costs more money.
The socket is mounted into the wall, not on top of it.
> A lot of sockets are symmetrical and can be plugged in bother ways. Including American sockets, just not grounded plugs
But the grounded ones are what I'm talking about. Have you ever had a cable that bends at 90 degrees? With a Schuko you can make the cable face either direction. This isn't over-engineering, it's getting the details right.
▶ No.865023>>865174
The Speakeasy in Seattle was all Linux boxes, some just terminals. Was one hoppin place bout 1999 or so.
▶ No.865037
t. cuckchan rapefugee
▶ No.865174
"The Speakeasy ... was Seattle's first Internet cafe. It offered espresso drinks, meals, snacks, and a bank of PCs connected to a single T1 line. That was one of the fattest, fastest Internet connections available at the time."
It burned down apparently.
"Speakeasy, Inc. was a broadband internet service provider and voice over IP carrier based in Seattle, Washington, United States. Their terms of service described liberal usage policies for home users allowing subscribers to run any number of servers[1] and allowing them to resell their connectivity to others through a service called "NetShare".[2] They received press coverage for their support of Linux and BSD-derivative operating systems, and were reportedly the first provider to offer a customized version of Mozilla Firefox to customers, in January 2005.[3] The company is now part of MegaPath Corporation."
@cafe also was a local ISP