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It's October and yet no channels is doing any Halloween specials. Not even a single advertisement. What the fuck happen?


>teach your kids to dress up in fetish outfits and beg strangers for (((candy)))

no thanks


Consumed by the more popular Thanksgiving x Christmas hybrid. The only truly scary thing we have to look forward to is the reality we live in now. Also, costumes for one day of Halloween have been negated by cosplay whores all year round. You'll likely see more Halloween timed anime episodes than Halloween cartoon episodes.

I don't think cartoons care that much for holiday themed episodes anymore, other than maybe Thanksgiving or Christmas since those have the possibility for the show to have that episode appear in reruns yearly even after the show ends.



Hey /tv/



Effort costs money and skill.




The echos and prudish speech make me think /pol/ though.



I wonder how long this sperg is going to do keep posting this shit.

I'm halfway tempted to shit up the board and give him the /tv/ boogeyman he keeps crying about.


you still have tv?

it's sad, yes


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The new tmnt series on nick did a 4 part time traveling episode with a universal monsters theme


We'll just rewatch It's the Great Dolemite Charlie Brown, eat a couple Snickers that we bought ourselves, and shuffle on to November like usual.





>shitting on Halloween

>/pol/ ever missing a chance to wank off to pagan holidays.

/tv/ uses the Echoes too.


Scary Godmother sucked dick.


You gays remember that baller halloween special from the 90's, the halloween tree? Had that on vhs, now that was an amazing halloween special.




>not Kimcartoon.me


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Since you asked



Gave up on simply posting "hey /tv/" everywhere I see.


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I remember a couple of years ago I saw a good special where tiny witches were destroying pumpkins and a black cat ended up saving the pumpkins.



>he actually thinks that “hey /tv/“ guy was an actual anon instead of a bot.



How would it know



Sure, sure, sperg, we believe you.



It’s one of the many theories.

One of the other urban legends is that he was Power Girl Autist eternally butthurt for being laughed off of /tv/.

Speaking of which, someone should get the archive link for his /cow/ thread. Its a riot, in both the figurative and literal sense.



It was archived on /opnei/




Nah, there wasn't enough cringeworthy claims about mysterious associates preventing him from deleting the board.


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>watch charlie brown great pumpkin

>expect fun halloween shennanigans

>wtf now I'm atheist



I still think it's 2 or 3 people. No way can someone alone do this frequently and keep it up for months.



/pol/ is not prudish enough to hate candy like some funless helicopter parent.



>this frequently

If you paid any attention he makes like two or three posts a day at most. 8/co/ is slow as shit.

It's definitely one faggot, the only question that remains is what exactly triggers him.

I'm going to figure it out and then I'm going to do nothing but post about that thing.


It's sad, I genuinely feel bad for kids today. Halloween in particular seems a lot less popular than it was when I was young. I see hardly any houses that decorated for it, most stores don't even have a Halloween section anymore, and of course cartoon channels aren't running any specials or even acknowledging Halloween's existence, its crazy.

When I was a kid Halloween and the fanfare surrounding it was my favorite time of year, I used to look forward to those Halloween specials and the Halloween themed bumps CN would play, I loved it all.

I really want to know what the cause of Halloween's decline in popularity is.



>I really want to know what the cause of Halloween's decline in popularity is.

My guess is that it got turned too much of a fad if you could cal it that rather than being treated as an actual holiday that should be observed or at least arknowleged



>I really want to know what the cause of Halloween's decline in popularity is

I'd say increasing paranoia over children being kidnapped/murdered/raped/any combination of those is partly to blame.

Also, it's likely a shitload of people your age are parents now, so depending on which generation you're from it's also likely they grew up in a soulless environment where wearing the wrong thing made you a racist.



Plus years of halloween being demonized and sensationalized as evil over the years didn't help



>I really want to know what the cause of Halloween's decline in popularity is.

Long working hours. Nobody has time for a holiday about babysitting kids all night.



A lot of parents are huge pussies, too, and can't stand the idea of their precious little ones getting scared for a night.



The things that halloween used to signify, autumn, harvest, ect. have spread out to be more of a seasonal thing with the traditional orange halloween color becoming popular season long. people's interest in the supernatural is now a yearlong thing with what was once considered nerdy niche culture becoming more mainstream and something someone can enjoy year round. Dressing up in costume can happen at any con now or event.

In essence, halloween WON. it's year round now and doesn't require a special day for people to think about ghosts and goblins and costumes and candy.



>Adults have to work holidays

>media takes shit out of context to spread fear about the most innocent things

Reminder that nobody put razor blades in apples, and nobody poisoned kids with tainted candy except for 1 man that tried to poison his OWN children for insurance money.

>Paranormal shit year round

>People dress up like it's halloween every day and always dye their hair stupid colors

>Halloween themes keep getting cuter while movies keep getting more gruesome and less enjoyable, essentially just torture porn meant to sicken the viewer

These fucks are trying to make me hate everything, and it's working.



>Reminder that nobody put razor blades in apples, and nobody poisoned kids with tainted candy except for 1 man that tried to poison his OWN children for insurance money.

The truth isn't required, even one story or a believable hoax is more than enough for anti halloween zealots to spread a message that halloween is evil and must be stopped.


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Disney Jr. has been airing their show's Halloween specials and started to air a vampire based show that's been airing since the beginning of this month. Also, for some reason they keep showing Spookly the Square Pumpkin



Yeah, withhold the truth so that someone can use it against you later.

Anyone can look up the case, retard.



You're giving stupid people too much credit anon





wrong kiss site anon. Check their wiki



Even worse - it gives them wrong (i.e. socialist) idea about economy. They don't realize that while they obtain candy by trick-or-treating, their parents give roughly the same amount of candy to other trick-or-treaters. Not to mention that kids from richer families will end up with much worse candies that their parents would've been able to buy them. Then there is whole idea of "give us your shit or we fuck you up" - that's government tyranny in a nutshell. And don't forget that if not for government regulations, kids would've been able to spend their time much more productively by working on a factory and earning real money.


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>born in early 90s

>up until I was about 9 halloween was fucking huge, the entire neighborhood participates

>suddenly one year entire neighborhood is dead, learn everyone is at churches or the mall

>since kids aren't coming by no one bothers with decorations aside for a token gas station plastic tier skeleton by their door


On the plus side though, haunted houses in texas are fucking HUGE. We have multiple ones that are the biggest in the country (take 45min+ to get through) and every year there's a 3 wait hour line just o get in. I don't think halloween is dead, it just shifted to more business and adult oriented and less community and little kid oriented.



>haunted houses

I think that's where halloween has been relegated to. It is likely why haunted houses are fuck huge now, the only people left remembering halloween and left having any desire to continue it's celebration are adults.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The Mickey Mouse shorts came out with a Halloween special

>Apparently nobody watched it

I thought this was /co/ dammit.



Most haunted houses are shit, they try to be scary but their really poor or hammy acting completely ruins it.


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>I really want to know what the cause of Halloween's decline in popularity is.

Halloween is still popular, but stores are shoving it to the side to get people thinking about Christmas. Then you factor in people are working longer hours, the economy is still shitty, and the general loss of the traditions of the holiday, you can see enthusiasm would be low.

Really, think about how many parents still carve pumpkins with their kids, or how many kids still dress up like ghosts and devils. It's almost like the greater consumer culture wants us to forget that Halloween is a holiday about death.



Who says you can't incorporate the concept of death into costumes?



Oh no, costumes are paramount for Halloween, but costume companies have been pushing more toward pop-culture fulfillment instead of the supernatural. It takes the soul out of the holiday in a way, especially with the enormous Halloween stores out there like Spirit.



>Anyone can look up the case, retard

And it's very clear that not many people do, retard, otherwise hysteria over stupid shit like that wouldn't be a thing.



>and the general loss of the traditions of the holiday, you can see enthusiasm would be low.

This is what really bothers me. Shit like "Friendsgiving" where people just hang out with their friends because they're too retarded or stuck up to try and get along with their extended family and are trying to use their friends as a surrogate family. If they actually put in the effort to understand and appreciate their families maybe they'd understand why Thanksgiving is the best holiday in the US.


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Probably the last good Halloween-themed something CN will ever do.


File: 48de994d4402c8d⋯.webm (5.69 MB, 528x360, 22:15, skelington.webm)


Now that's the Halloween Special kinda shit I'm talkin' about!



Hopefully the creator gets more work.


File: 02ba2e2bd958d73⋯.mp4 (10.9 MB, 854x480, 427:240, I'm Alive.mp4)


To think that CN squandered this talent.



Everyone just watches stuff on the internet, television actually has no motivation or reason to put any effort into any schedule.


File: 5b0cae7dc178452⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Disney Mickey Mouse S04E00….png)


Some fantastic posing and framing, too.



I remember when I moved to my current place, I got a costume because I was fully expecting my bro, who lives in the same city, to ask me to take his daughter trick-or-treating. I was hyped but alas, my bro called me to tell me his kid didn't want to because she goes to this catholic school and , in her words, "is a celebration for bad people".

There can't be anything more sad than seeing a kid deny himself the chance of getting free candy and play pretend for a whole night. I'm sad to see it's not just a thing in my country.







See , man, when you want to bait someone, you have to say stuff people will _argue_ over, not agree on.



Not him but this circlejerking about how great Halloween was when they were kids is just stupid, it's always been this way. You just aren't a kid.



>it's always been this way

You mean Halloween night has always been nearly completely devoid of anyone walking around the neighborhood trick or treating?

Because I'm pretty sure there were a lot more people who did that shit when I was younger.

For the past five years at least I've noticed a steep decline in the number of families going out and about.

Why deny things have changed? Are you afraid or something?




>nothing ever changes

>everything is exactly how it has always been


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Who came out with the idea of a Scary Godmother wiki?



Halloween has gone to shit and there are objectively true statistics about this that I can't be bothered to google for. The trick or treating scene in ET used to be actual real life, and not just for the wealthiest neighborhoods in the USA.



So, seeing as you could not be bothered, I went ahead and looked it up.

The US census site doesn't have info on 2017 halloween, but it says 41 million kids were expected to trick-or-treat in 2015. It also says that 78% of people trust their neighbors, which, if older census numbers can be trusted, appears to be more or less the same every year, so kids are apparently still allowed to go out and do it. I also found out that spending for halloween went down on 2009, but has been steadily going up, so much that 8 billion bucks were spent last halloween, compared to 2009's 4 billion, according to the NRF.

Now, I'm thinking this could be chalked up to 3 things: there's more people around, there's more people older than 13 spending on halloween shit (or ,as some other anon stated before,older people are doing it more), or people really are celebrating just the same as they've always have.

I don't know, I think you need to relate this to some other statistics to be able to tell exactly wha happen in halloween. Who knows, maybe some of us don't see kids trick-or-treating because we're too far away for a group of kids to visit. Or , y'know, maybe taking candy from a guy that lives by himself is iffy.



I don't know if trick-or-treating is down in terms of partcipation rates, likely it isn't, but the manner in which children do it certainly has changed. It is far more supervised and organized. Specific dates and hours are determined by townships nowadays. Might be due to where I live, but I've also seen more trick-or-treating in large groups with fewer total visits.



I remember in my youth i used to get 2 pillowcase worth of treats.



It's a lot more organized and police patrolling is much higher on halloween night because of vandals and pranksters causing mischief and it's a much more political environment than years ago.


File: 2558d5edebf3e0b⋯.mp4 (2.65 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Michael Jackson's Hallowee….mp4)

I can't believe you lazy dick holes aren't talking about this.



>Michael Jackson's Halloween

>doesn't feature Michael Jackson, because he is unavailable

Reminds me of the dozens of "Bruce Lee" movies that were made after his death.



Sending kids door to door is only possible in a high trust society.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bruce Lee must of had an estate bent on milking every last inch of his legacy



Actually it was his previous manager from Hong Kong, rumor is he poisoned Bruce because he was furious Bruce left his studio for Hollywood. After Bruce's death the manager went on a production spree trying to use his death to make some cash.




Yeah, nah, you're a dipshit.

I hand out candy on Halloween and I've noticed a steep decline in the number of Trick-Or-Treaters coming to my door as well as the number of people who bother to decorate for the holiday.

Try not to be such a faggot.


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How did they get away with this?



It's fitting because he's a fucking ghost now.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>this thread



Your personal experience does not reflect the entire holiday.



Has anyone ever told you that nostalgia is not automatically le 90s kids nostalgia.



>Michael Jackson's Halloween

<With no fucking Michael Jackson

>Official release oct. 27 this year

Get it? Because we dig out Jackson's corpse for this.



>Not mentioning the Gulf War

>Not mentioning Columbine

>Not mentioning Colosio's death

>Not mentioning The Simpsons going downhill after funnyman got shot by his wife with the help of a faggot.

Nick has shit taste.



Yes it does.



I don’t get it


File: 52d7a41f443706f⋯.webm (2.36 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Clown Laugh.webm)

>implying anyone here watches television



Of course a kid born in the early to mid 90s will only remember the good stuff and completely ignore the bad stuff when nostalgiafagging hard.



Fucking Dracula and his sick moves.



Ah, the cartoon that made Dracula Redd Foxx, the Goddess of Chaos Madonna, and the Boogey Man actually Fred Willard



>the Goddess of Chaos Madonna

And god damn was she hot.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



first I've heard of it



well the strong independent black girl looks cute but why does Jackson have a retarded-looking pumpkin head? Couldn't they at least have made it look cool? It's kinda insulting.



Better off watching the Thriller video this was just bad and a bunch of short bad remixes of good songs. The animation is pretty bad too. It is like something Michael wanted to do but he died before it could be done so they had it made to "honor his love of Halloween" on the tightest cash grab budget possible.



Same thing happened to my neighborhood though it was more gradual.



When I first moved into this neighborhood there was one group that passed through doing trick or treating. The next 4 years including this one have had nothing.

Meanwhile in my Mom's neighborhood, not 5 miles from here, it was packed with trick or treaters.



The 70s and 80s called, video nasties have been around for a long while.



That's an optimistic way to look at it. I like it.



>making a kids special based off a pedophile




sounds like bullshit

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