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File: c67c7506e91a90b⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 69062115_p3.jpg)

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~A Tale of Nipponese Shit Taste~

(((Editors))) that can't give good advice for the life of them, dumb authors that waste potential and get to a point where they basically back themselves into a corner and last but not least, magazines shutting down and forcing many less popular works to be finished abruptly ( >>17960 )

What "axings" still make you butthurt as fuck to this day?

To be fair, in the case of ZIGA (pics related), the fault heavily falls on the author for making a shitty, uninteresting MC, a kinda weak plot and not monopolizing the girl's popularity. And of course, let's not forget about the elephant in the room called "published on JUMP".


File: 009dff5a66744e2⋯.jpg (40.14 KB, 288x481, 288:481, chizuru.jpg)

>I hate the creator of my waifu for not finishing her shitty story!


File: 28de09bf85d6d17⋯.gif (1 MB, 500x275, 20:11, 12500.gif)


Jump has been going hyper autismo since OP is in steady decline and they need new and hot shit.



Cool strawman, have a (You)

Now fuck off.


File: 4e78ca550d0a83b⋯.jpg (584.03 KB, 1600x1065, 320:213, fucking aux.jpg)




Please stop bullying Aux, his board is already dead.



Do hiatuses count?



Only if the author plays idol games or jrpg's.



>forcing many less popular works to be finished abruptly ( >>17960 )

last i heard is that another magazine picked it up.


That looks like garbage I wouldn't even pick up.

>reeee Jump


>fag enabling

>lol look I made them look gay, see how funny and normal faggots are hurr

Gays are degenerate, anyone who uses them for humor or thinks faggotry is funny needs to be shot in the face.



M-M-Monster isn't dead, it's just that the monstergirl fad kinda died out and summer ended as well. R-Right guys? R-Right?



Monster Musume no iru Nichijou comes out tomorrow.



Stuttertyping is a symptom of extreme faggotry.





What if I'm a cute girl? Anyway that's their excuse, either the fad dying out or summer ending, they seem to like it that way however, apparently slow boards are comfy or someshit. It doesn't stop people from worrying about their favorite board dying out.



>Many Shonen Jump characters have big dreams, but this character's big dream is a nightmare! A very realistic reoccurring nightmare where a giant monster destroys a city. And it always ends with Ko, the poor dreamer, getting crushed under the rubble. But when Ko meets an unusual man who somehow knows about the monster in his dream, his nightmare takes on a whole new meaning.

Sounds intensely mediocre. The girl is admittedly cute, but cute girls alone does not make for a lasting attraction. I believe first post to be best post in this case.



Is the fad dying out?



Not at all. In fact it's as popular as ever, if not a bit more.



Afternoon Nip time. Means sometime early tomorrow morning EST. It was delayed from the 20th so either crabman was being lazy or there's an announcement coming.



Wait is the the fabled second season? Or is it just another chapter of the directionless manga?



Maybe second season but don't get your hopes up. The arc is pretty okay at the moment. They went back to Miia's lamia village and it was teased that all the snake races are going to be having a summit and something MIia does not want to happen involved with Darling is going to happen there.



* The announcement if there is one may be the second season but don't get your hopes up.




Sounds cool. Kinda dropped Monmusu ages ago at the cuckfish castle arc. Gonna take this convo further to its respective thread since its off topic here.



Robot x laserbeam, so many people to fight gone so many arcs that were mixed



>Monster Musume no iru Nichijou

what is that about?



Read it and find out



Here, this should help you, no need to thank me



I heard Black Lagoon is going on another hiatus, so it might as well be axed, though I don't blame Hiroe for still being hurt about the editor thing

By the way, didn't the author of Highschool of the Dead die, thus letting the manga unfinished? I heard he had a heart disease. Don't get me wrong though, it's not like the manga was such a masterwork, but it still leaves a bitter taste



File: 03ffd02a24ba335⋯.jpg (185.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, confused baka.jpg)


>though I don't blame Hiroe for still being hurt about the editor thing

What happened? I never heard about this and just assumed he had writing blocks or something.


File: b7a9ec04c9033e7⋯.jpg (310.41 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, Roberta Wallpaper.jpg)

File: eba8d6696056121⋯.png (524.43 KB, 709x1049, 709:1049, x5.png)

File: 512708a44db5192⋯.png (569.53 KB, 691x1007, 691:1007, x6.png)

File: 13ea87700a064da⋯.png (588.27 KB, 712x1018, 356:509, x7.png)

File: 3ea3674b902ac65⋯.png (641.62 KB, 719x1024, 719:1024, x26.png)


I'm going from memory, I actually have zero proof of this, could be bullshit, could not.

>end of El Baile de la muerte arc (Roberta's arc)

>at the end, Young Mastah and Roberta reunite, clearly showing that they care for each other

>Hiroe wants to end it in style, that is, /ss/

>Hiroe even draws the brief /ss/ scene, a few panels, not much (I remember seeing a quickie of one of the panels where they were naked, only their upper bodies though, I didn't save it and I regret it)

>editor comes in

>it's too explicit, cut those panels

>Hiroe is very frustrated

>panels are cut in the end

>Hiroe is still butthurt over it

>coincidentally, after the arc, Hiroe stumbles and starts his big hiatus (lasting something like 4 years)

That would explain his unsteadiness since then, in theory.


File: a405d5e88caa667⋯.png (207.04 KB, 911x303, 911:303, 876456412.png)


>I regret it


File: 666904c0a9fcd59⋯.png (130.36 KB, 500x480, 25:24, jazz-music-gets-very-loud-….png)


File: 23f1e0461236520⋯.png (242.76 KB, 578x667, 578:667, NEVER EVER.png)


Oh, I though he was making something new, I dropped that series when the MC went to a farm and milked a cowgirl, because she was totally ok with some stranger to do it instead of a monstergirl in the farm, cucking the farmerboy? doesnt count!

I loved the writer early stuff about the brothers sex life with their gf monstergirls, I will just wait for the pornographic mini episodes OVAs adaptation



File: db74a5cda2a1bd5⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1369x1080, 1369:1080, doublepag.png)

File: 19fa884668203a3⋯.jpg (143.67 KB, 1170x1200, 39:40, why.jpg)

>introducing the monster girl's oneechan in the very last chapter



The manga industry in Japan does very well not worrying about the opinions of Westerners on any level. Your thoughts on the topic are meaningless.



Come on now anon. If there's any place to complain about something you have no control over, it's on an imageboard.

Really, I'm more upset at things not being translated than things not being made. What happened to Bakuon and Zessyaka? I want my cute girls doing cute /o/ things dammit.


File: 75632a9285bc215⋯.jpg (375.65 KB, 1308x1413, 436:471, DmK3APFUwAAkjT3.jpg)

File: 7c3e6fcbf7405ca⋯.jpg (533.03 KB, 1304x1768, 163:221, DmK3DlkU0AIfSNx.jpg)

File: 2e866725be7989c⋯.jpg (691.61 KB, 1294x2708, 647:1354, DmK3X8sUcAI0QUs.jpg)

File: 4f2c74128b9d880⋯.jpg (328.55 KB, 827x1310, 827:1310, DmK3ZcjU4AAav-a.jpg)

File: a6bcc610401f50b⋯.jpg (227.62 KB, 934x792, 467:396, DmK2uwPUUAEOwPx.jpg)

>she's still getting art

hory fuck


File: 3c6e12c72791f82⋯.jpg (238.47 KB, 778x1065, 778:1065, DmK2v0kUcAA1It7.jpg)

File: db3b98377022149⋯.jpg (262.68 KB, 871x1011, 871:1011, DmK2w68V4AA3-4p.jpg)


File: e8d68190c290b2c⋯.png (401.62 KB, 1441x442, 1441:442, 65189561.png)


>(((Editors))) that can't give good advice for the life of them

i want to know if it was a joke or the author actually put on something that got rejected

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