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File: c218a107d9786ab⋯.gif (101.67 KB,500x500,1:1,triforce.gif)

 No.8040 [Open thread]

This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier. PC games are considered retro if the most current OS that the game supports at the time of the game's release dates from 1999 or earlier. Platforms released after 1999 (Xbox, PS2, GameCube, Game Boy Advance) are not allowed.

Only one "eceleb" thread is allowed on the board at a time. This does not apply to professionally made gaming entertainment.

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File: 8cd63c1dde1f6b6⋯.png (572.86 KB,685x457,685:457,Madden_Football_64.png)

 No.8157 [Open thread]

Could somebody please suggest me some sports games that are actually worth playing these days for the PS1, Sega Saturn, and/or N64? Especially those from EA.

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File: d8312e0398dc028⋯.png (1.39 MB,1006x761,1006:761,homm.png)

 No.8156 [Open thread]

Have you played the best game of the nineties?

Heroes 3 Might and Magic is an enchanting atmosphere of the Middle Ages and magic!

In 2024, the largest update in the history of the project was released.

The new city - the long-awaited Factory, adds a cyberpunk element to the retro game, a campaign dedicated to it, a huge amount of graphics, audio and video, new game mechanics, countless edits, major and minor innovations.

I want to share with you the result of long and difficult work! https://www.twitch.tv/cybermasterd1g

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.4604 [Open thread]


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File: 67e80954f912dce⋯.png (30.08 KB,741x568,741:568,apuisconfused.png)


,..does IDDQD still work on this version OP?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Glad this mod is still getting worked on.

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A friend of mine got banned on doomworld for making a barbed joke about trans people. But now we have a local "banworld" meme.

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File: 65702e6a457f3f2⋯.jpg (405.93 KB,827x1169,827:1169,1682227979044937.jpg)

 No.8153 [Open thread]

Come join us over https://redchannit.org/ to discuss about all things vidya

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Screw you, mark and acid

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File: b7616afe75bc506⋯.png (448.74 KB,794x689,794:689,Great_mighty_poo.png)

 No.8149 [Open thread]

This website is a piece of dog shit.

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File: db012b61239f4e7⋯.png (348.18 KB,720x715,144:143,ac69f9669b451908a6b9f23b9b….png)


Any word from the non-existent management if they are planning to fix this shit, i.e. restore the broken files?

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Dunno, can't be fucked to look through the Watkins' retarded gab feeds to see if they commented on it. Probably won't be fixed. The board still had broken images from the last time the site went offline. This board never caught on after the rule change at 4chan so I'm thinking it's time to abandon it.

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File: ac7f27f00f535bc⋯.png (1.3 MB,959x1080,959:1080,thisimagetriggersmistercuc….png)

 No.8139 [Open thread]

This is why I emulate retro games on a PC. Save your money and don't buy a MiSTer, Mister!

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>cuck fetishists are now trying to force memes on /vr/

It was just funny when it was short shitposts about the wife and the retron5.

I don't even know what a MiSTer is (I hate that shitty spelling already though), but if it's something to display games on HD, fuck that, I play my SD games on my CRT as it should be done.

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There's no "cuck fetish", the meme was created to get under the skin of MiSTercucks, but then it got under the skin of the mod/janny over at 4chan. Got me a 100 day ban over there. But I agree that playing on CRT is way better.

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File: 0fad56ee2d61b45⋯.jpg (2.54 MB,2304x4096,9:16,15357594096251223889493.jpg)

 No.7439 [Open thread]

I've committed blasphemy somehow I'm sure.

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This may be an old post, but that's still a war crime

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The 8shitdo dongle seals it.

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File: 564b9f8ceacb4e2⋯.png (728.19 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1543134361971.png)

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File: 1418383266022.jpg (56.35 KB,432x505,432:505,maomao.jpg)

 No.901 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

What are fullchan's favourite shmups?

What are the mechanics that make you shit blood?

Are you a scrub that's never 1cc'd a single fucking thing?

I've been playing Psikyo's catalogue relentlessly lately. Not much progress with anything but Sengoku Aces, but tonnes of fun has been had.
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File: 95554af84d2f237⋯.png (212.59 KB,1131x572,87:44,dadpill.png)

<current year

>not being dadpilled

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So what was the deal with all that shmup shitposting? Was it really a discord group from the shmup general in /vg/?

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literally schizos i think. i can't even follow the other shmup general because it's literally just people talking about other literally whos out of context.

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File: bf3fb89aec44cd5⋯.png (548.56 KB,1116x1200,93:100,jarpig_mindset.png)


Nah, it was falseflagging jarpigs who wish to stifle any form of shmup discussion on 4cuck /vr/ because actual skill-based videogames are verboten there.

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You never belonged to the /vg/ crowd anyway, australia. Reminder that the /vg/ crowd are just a bunch of zoomer LARPers who savestate scum their way through touhous.

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File: b0efbe545446129⋯.jpg (1.53 MB,2560x1920,4:3,161798513227.jpg)

 No.8119 [Open thread]

After 25 years, I find out about this.

Donkey Kong Country thread

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File: 1e358e5639f794f⋯.gif (345 KB,920x603,920:603,dkc_maps.gif)


I did not have a player's guide but I did have many magazines with guides on all the secrets (the bonus rounds), I just don't think they ever mentioned these big tokens.

I have no problem with that snow level nowadays, but yeah back in the day it made me suffer.

>tfw getting backtracked to the 3rd world because you can't save

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File: b41030712142a03⋯.gif (4.47 KB,200x240,5:6,toki_face.gif)


Toki was here.

DK is a loser.

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It's incredible how deep your mental illness goes, australia-kun.

But, you made a mistake posting here.

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File: 655a8aa2b1966c6⋯.png (972.18 KB,697x837,697:837,battle_maniac__by_esuse-d6….png)

 No.7226 [Open thread]

Marina Liteyears turned 21 yesterday! To celebrate, let's have a Mischief Makers thread.

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File: bacb982769853a6⋯.jpeg (25.5 KB,400x300,4:3,download.jpeg)

The japanese cartridge art looks a lot better than the american one.

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Same could be said for almost every game. But I agree, the NA art is especilly bad. It’s from that era where everything had to be a 3D model, no 2D art allowed. Stupid trend.

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File: db876a52f4bbef8⋯.jpg (28.5 KB,376x265,376:265,Mischief_Makers.jpg)



While I do prefer the JP art, I don't think the NA/EU art is that bad really, in fact I'd say it's a rather soulful render.

Also there's still some 2D art on the box, the clancers on the back and the beastector guy.

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File: d1b43e60bc110a7⋯.png (115.96 KB,1516x892,379:223,1613935178.png)


>a tranime game by Trashure

You know where it goes.

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Oh boy, australia-kun finally arrived here.

BO, can't you doxx this faggot, once and for all?

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File: ada402249615171⋯.jpg (1.44 MB,1920x1080,16:9,arcade.jpg)

 No.4689 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

This thread is for discussing all things MAME and arcade allowed under the board rules. Also so I can share the romset I've been working on.

This is not intended to be a complete romset of every game dumped, but every game that actually works under MAME. Minus all the barcade, pinball, slot machine, pachinko, mahjong, porn, and other assorted crap titles most people would never touch. This also excludes arcadized console games(Nintendo VS system, etc), Tiger electronic handhelds and Game&Watch titles. This is a completely merged MAME romset, so all the clones(regional variants and revisions) and BIOS files are contained within the same .zip file as the parent game. If you wish to play a different region or variant of the game, just rename the zip to the version you want. The end result of this is a very clean rom list. No BIOS files littering the folder, and you don't have 18 variants of the same game to scroll through. You can also be certain that the game is playable, and is actually a videogame and not something else.

Keep in mind many games expect you to have a joystick, trackball, wheel, or other specific controls. A large number of racing games act funny if you don't have the hardware it's expecting. A decent amount of sports games react the same way. It's possible to map a lot of that to a controller with analog sticks, but not all games will control 100% properly unless you have the right sort of controller for them. Best of luck to keyboard users.

I'm trying to update the set every 10 mame revisions or so, but I'll update if something major pops up, like a major new game or emulation improvements. When an update comes out, I'll put up an update pack to update all needed roms to the latest standard. All you need to do is drag and drop or copy+paste the roms and overwrite the old ones. Then I'll take down the old fullset and upload the new fullset. I'm going to try to keep from too many update packs before updating the fullset, but shit happens.

As of 5/3/2019, the current fullset is 0.205, and the current update packs are 0.205 to 0.206 and 0.206 to 0.209.

Download links for the full 0.205 set here:

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File: 631c8bb5a9b602f⋯.png (187.33 KB,1920x1020,32:17,comfy.png)

I have a comfy complete set (including all history files, cheats, etc.) from 2002 or so with all the classics and just about 5GB in size. Was the last version before they added more modern titles and runs to this day. 0.61 or some shit, newest Rom is from year 2000 and was Metal Slug 3. The next mame already featured 3D titles, mine was the last with only 2D games. Running it with the EmuLoader frontend, works fine. Here's a screen cap. 3352 working (partially emulated are hidden in the GUI but everything is 100% complete) Roms.

Took me forever back then to get them all and I didn't even bother to update ever since. It's all the retro shit I will ever need (or mostly all).

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I can post again! Finally time to get updating. Updated set coming soon.

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I'm gonna say never. This board's dead bud

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File: a248c8e7a2a4f2e⋯.jpg (210.28 KB,800x1126,400:563,sega_system3.jpg)

 No.8131 [Open thread]

Sega System is the true name of the Master System, which is just a meme name for a light phaser bundle.

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This is gay

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File: 189285c4dc11455⋯.png (32.19 KB,384x465,128:155,ninja1.png)

File: 571874fde0264c5⋯.png (222.25 KB,2000x2000,1:1,Image2.png)

 No.7698 [Open thread]

I have no idea what the name of this game is, and I've been looking all over for it. Does anyone know what it is? I wanna say it's an SNES game, but I'm not entirely sure.

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Live A Live. Play it if you haven't, it's kind of one of the essentials when it comes to fan-translated JRPGs.

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What does that have to do with anything? I'm asking what the game these backgrounds are from is called. I'm not asking for some jrpg shit that I have to hunt down a patch just to even play it.

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It's not even the game these are from. I just went and checked and none of the backgrounds match up to these.

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And I take it back. Thank you for someone finally being able to help me find this fucking thing.

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what a fucking faggot

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File: 0243d80f45643c5⋯.png (159.96 KB,270x368,135:184,Castlevania_1_cover.png)

 No.8064 [Open thread]

Alright faggots, we're having a motherfucking Castlevania thread. Post your favorite vanias and talk about them. For me it's between 1 and 4. 1 was super tight, the difficulty was just right and it didn't overstay its welcome. Super 4 had that sweet directional whip, more control, great soundtrack and one of the best final bosses in the series.

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File: 8b40e6a6dda7c68⋯.jpg (130.7 KB,1200x747,400:249,SCVIV_sketch.jpg)

I like most of them but IV is my favorite, with 1, 3 and Rondo very close.

What did you guys think of the proto of IV? Did you try the ROM?


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File: 47808ab0d265dcd⋯.jpg (13.59 KB,320x240,4:3,castlevania4beta03.jpg)


Rondo is basically a more refined and prettier 3 though. Iga being put in charge of the whole series basically doomed it. The 2D games rehashed so much from SOTN and he couldn't make it work in 3D so it basically trailed off until the reboot. Castlevania 64 was a better game than Lament of Innocence.


I didn't play it but I watched a stream of it. I wish it was a version closer this promo video. But it was still cool to see even if the levels weren't that much different from the final release. The music was the most interesting part. All the tracks are missing that little something extra that makes them great.

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I think Rondo is easily the best for me.

But you can't really go wrong with this series, unless your favourite is the original english version of 2.

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File: 1d0721a8dce5859⋯.jpg (137.44 KB,1200x738,200:123,EHLySL1XYAAzNjY.jpg)

I was thinking about playing through the series for October but that might be too much of a task for me to accomplish. I did replay a couple though, SC4 is still good, tried a little of the hard loop too but didn't get far. Need to complete that some day. Also beat SOTN again, enjoyable but it's always a slog to get through the inverted castle. I think I'll do 1 next.

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File: 2b52e3e3dc9d848⋯.jpeg (4.56 MB,4032x3024,4:3,9D05DD06_EFC9_4518_B26C_E….jpeg)

Castlevania is indeed very solid. No fat to trim and an absolute blast to run through. Just the right amount of challenge and it doesn’t overstay its welcome.

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