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R: 586 / I: 475 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-]





1. No hasperats

2. Talk mostly about Star Trek. Keep discussion of non Star Trek shows/topics to an appropriate thread.

3. No Hasperats

4. Spoiler porn and gore.

5. No hasperats

6. There is no rule 6

7. No hasperats

8. Have fun!

Accepting banners and meta discussion here.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-]


https://alogs.space/strek/ here's where we moved to, lads.

R: 37 / I: 8 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-]

You know one thing I never understood is why they never had giant robots in either Star trek or star wars. You'd think that massive hulk's of destruction would make an interesting plot point, but sadly I've never seen them. Would you like some Mecha in star trek? Or have I just been watching too much Gundam..

R: 102 / I: 16 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-]

The Ferengi are a joke species

Ferengi Lets be honest no one can build up a society on greed etc.

The rules of acquisition are retarded beyond help.

If the ferengi where real and not retarded then the first generation ferengi would realize that not telling the rules to their kids is the best idea ever(and actually in accordance with the rules "exploit your family").


>Son I'm only out there for you(Lie)

>We need to stick together (Lie)

>Money is the root of all evil (Lie)

>You are better of without this evil (Lie)

>Work for my family cooperative (I pay you nothing) I give you food etc.

>Because I love you (Lie)

>All other ferengi are evil and obey the evil commandments of the rules of acquisition (Lie)

congratulations you have a worker that will not quit and works for no money, you only need to give him food and the minimum.

Teaching him the values of poverty can only be good.

Not to even speak of how their society would collapse within days not even speaking of years.

Not to speak how devastating it is to literally say these things to your customers and how bad these rules are even from a business perspective

>Once you have their money, you never give it back.

Looks like someone never heard of net benefits(calculated in money) and what salting/bridge burning with customers is.

Sometimes its simply more profitable to replace something and suffer a loss to have a customer who will continue to buy from you on a regular basis if the profits from his participation are significantly greater then the cost of replacing a defective item (you want this graphed mathematically?).



R: 179 / I: 30 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-]

The Federation

>State their policy is to not start wars

>Has literally been in conflict with every major power in their quadrant

>Has also been in wars with nearly every minor power in their quadrant

>Those they haven't been in wars with they have had skirmishes with

>And each time it started was because the Federation was encroaching on their neighbor's territory

Remind me how the Federation are "Good Guys" again?

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-]

Eugenics Wars

Anyone else want to see a series based in another part of Star Trek history like the Eugenics Wars? There are a lot of contradictions in the lore that I feel could be explored/explained.

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-]

Meta season rankings: time for autism

Here's an idea: rank every season of Trek across all shows, with an explanation why for each. Include TAS, STD if you're a faggot and ORV or not as you wish. Here's them all for reference. I'll post mine in a bit as well. Posted this also on a different trek board, not on 8chan.













DS9 S1

DS9 S2

DS9 S3

DS9 S4

DS9 S5

DS9 S6

DS9 S7
















R: 112 / I: 19 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-]

/voyager/ General

See title. Now I know Voyager is often overshadowed by the other series, notably DS9 and TNG, but it still beats Discovery by a long shot.

Anyone else think that the writers shouldn't have had the Vidiians obtain a cure to the phage? IMO they should have set them up to attempt to invade Qo'nos in the alpha quadrant after discovering that Klingons have immunity to the phage. Voyager would have to take responsibly of accidentally introducing the Klingons to the Vidiians (the latter who are infamous for their organ-harvesting practices). It could be neat to watch the Klingons face the threat of having their entire race harvested in a similar way in which the Borg attempted to assimilate Earth.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-]

is this board still alive?

R: 7 / I: 1 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-]

Test to see if the front page will update.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-]

Star Trek Day™

aka September 8th, the day CBS took a shit on the franchise

>A series of panels hosted by Wil Wheaton and Mica Burton

>Star Trek: Discovery, with series stars Sonequa Martin-Green and David Ajala and co-showrunners and executive producers Alex Kurtzman and Michelle Paradise.

>Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, with series stars Anson Mount, Rebecca Romijn and Ethan Peck; executive producers Akiva Goldsman and Henry Alonso Myers; and co-executive producers Akela Cooper and Davy Perez.

>Star Trek: Enterprise, with series stars Scott Bakula, Linda Park, John Billingsley, Dominic Keating, Anthony Montgomery and Connor Trinneer.

>Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, with series stars Terry Farrell, Alexander Siddig, Armin Shimerman, Nana Visitor, Cirroc Lofton and executive producer Ira Steven Behr.

>Star Trek: The Original Series, with series star George Takei and the CEO of Roddenberry Entertainment, Rod Roddenberry.

>Star Trek: Lower Decks, with voice cast Tawny Newsome, Jack Quaid, Noël Wells and Eugene Cordero and series creator, showrunner and executive producer Mike McMahan.

>Star Trek: Voyager, with series stars Kate Mulgrew, Robert Picardo, Robert McNeill, Garrett Wang, Tim Russ and Ethan Phillips.

>Star Trek: Picard and Star Trek: The Next Generation, with legendary cast members Patrick Stewart and Jonathan Frakes.

The poster is a huge insult. The Kurtzman crap is in front and center of all (the Discovery, Mary Sue Burnham, Jay-El Picard), Kirk is reduced to a tiny guy in the corner and there's no Jonathan Archer.

The TOS panel is going to be so fucking boring. Why bring that old faggot and not Bill Shatner?

R: 15 / I: 4 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-]

Mt. Tillymanjaro

This photo has been floating around Twatter.

Was Tilly always this big? I thought she took up running.

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-]

Oh fuck this is some juicy shit. There may be good Trek again one day.

R: 281 / I: 54 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-]

Razörfist Deep Space Nine Series

Razörfist is going to be doing an episode-by-episode breakdown on Deep Space Nine. Are any of you planning on watching it?

R: 123 / I: 112 / P: 2 [R] [G] [-]

If Star Trek is in the future, why doesn't it have anime in it? They still have books, movies, music from Earth, and holographic entertainment. They have paintings and instruments and topiary and statuary. But not a single Miku figurine–why? Japanese people still exist. Was it just stamped out as part of the process of global "Federalization"?

R: 239 / I: 59 / P: 2 [R] [G] [-]

The Expanse

What is /strek/'s take on The Expanse and the book series its based on?

The villians logic.

The tech.

The ships.

The deliberately turning scientists into high functioning sociopaths to avoid moral scruples with their work.

The politics between belters, Mars and Earth.

R: 11 / I: 5 / P: 2 [R] [G] [-]

I've turned myself into a Tribble Sulu! I'm Tribble Kirk!

R: 9 / I: 1 / P: 2 [R] [G] [-]

The Klingon language

Why aren't you learning Klingon? What are you even doing with your life?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 2 [R] [G] [-]


R: 6 / I: 3 / P: 2 [R] [G] [-]



There'w new Plinkett, AND it's a review of Picard.

R: 12 / I: 1 / P: 2 [R] [G] [-]

Klingon society, how do?

When we see Klingons, it's always the warriors, who are usually all GRRRRR WAR AND HONOR AND STABBY SHIT FUCK YEAH, which is cool, I like that, but they can't be all there is to klingon society, right? Like, there's got to be klingon scientists, as I have a hard time believing their cloaking device just sort of happened, to say nothing of the rest of they tech; Faster than light travel, transporters, energy weapons, that shit didn't come from a crazed fuck with a bat'leth.

I always assumed they were sort of like the clanners in Battletech, having different castes that did different things, though hopefully not nearly as ass-holey as the clans are about it, fucking testtube babies. Or what about life in general for the "average" klingon? Is there non-military life on klingon worlds, or is it all warrior-culture? I fancy the idea of klingon bikers, imagine their equivalent of the Hell's Angels, lol.

Is there any canon info on Klingon life, outside of a battle cruiser?

R: 23 / I: 3 / P: 2 [R] [G] [-]

"Democracy" in Star Trek

A little something I have been meaning to take a note of for the longest time and that is the role of democracy in Trek. In particular how various races elect their leaders or people into leadership positions.

It is implied heavily that the Romulans have Senators that are elected but how or who they are elected by remains unclear.

The Cardassians could have something similar with their Detapa council but nothing is quite established.

The Klingons while ran by a High Council do have some semblance of an electoral process if only if it is a contest to show who is most fit to lead the Council.

About the only faction we see that does not has a clear established Democratic process is the Federation.

>But anon, le President and the council!

Yeah but it appears to be made up of heredity members that are clearly unelected. There also seems to be no reference to elections in the Federation at all with Presidents seemingly chosen at random. You'd think that such an important matter would be a plot point of a single episode but nothing is ever said on the subject matter.

So if I were to make a summary of my observations; Democracy does not exist in the Star Trek universe. Advancement only by sheer merit or heredity status exists.

R: 13 / I: 1 / P: 2 [R] [G] [-]

Meanwhile on the holo deck


R: 101 / I: 39 / P: 2 [R] [G] [-]

Getting Excited about 2020 Picard

Make it swole. We are back.


R: 29 / I: 4 / P: 2 [R] [G] [-]

Picard video review series

Hi! I used to post on the old infinitychan /strek/ board before the site shut down and didn't know it came back! It was swell to post on the only non-leftist Star Trek community probably ever.

Anyway, hopefully you won't mind my self-promotion, but I've been making review/analysis vids of each episode of Star Trek: Picard, replete with the nerdy perspective of someone who grew up with Trek and occasional jokes along the way. I just uploaded the one for episode 4 yesterday. I was hoping you guys might enjoy it or let me know what you think. I'm still pretty new at this!


R: 8 / I: 4 / P: 2 [R] [G] [-]

Best planet thread

If you could live on a planet in the Star Trek universe which one would you pick. I think I'd pick Betazed. I'd stare the beautiful betazoid females right in the eyes and think of the unspeakable things that I'd do to them during sex. Pretty sure I'd hook up quickly. If a guy read my mind I'd think "Lol, u gay?"

Also hanging around Betazed insane asylums would be entertaining. I'd rile these folks up with my weird thoughts and make them riot.

R: 37 / I: 9 / P: 2 [R] [G] [-]


I know, I know, I'm just doing it for the sake of waking up this fucking board up.

R: 85 / I: 39 / P: 2 [R] [G] [-]

Watching DS9 for the first time.

I never got the chance to really watch DS9 i remember like 5 episodes I watched these where:

<The one with the gambling aliens who teleport the officers into a game

<The planet of the warriors who fight and never die

<Lots of Ferengi episodes

<The holodeck episode where Sisko as a fictional James Bond like character gambles to prevent his death (the safeties where of) and talked to this James Bond like villain that he is on his sides and preses the button on his dooms day weapon to destroy the (fictional holodect) world. This pauses the villain and the rest of the crew has time to rescue Sisko

<The trip to Risa episode

<Some dominion episodes

So I decided to watch it from start to finish.

I was thinking S1 will be boring like watching paint dry.

There are some crazy episodes in S1 however its a handful of good episodes between mediocre ones.

I'm in S2 and the mix is some hood between loads of pointless and even boring ones.

Why are there so many episodes that are simply boring or uneventful.

02x10 Sanctuary

looks ok and is entertaining to watch however what even was the point of this episode?

Some aliens show up, they can not be understood by the universal translator (this could be a great idea for a episode however the translator translates them on its own = waisted opportunity).

The aliens are different.

These aliens are nasty.

They delude themselves based on some stupid old prophesy that Bajor is their homeland or place to go or something.

They want to go to Bajor.

Bajorans say NO.

one kid steals a shuttle or something for a unknown reason the shuttle has some defects and he explodes himself over Bajor on accidence.

The episode ends.

There are to many inconsequential episodes that are simply boring or even pointless.

And the show lives up to its name of being like watching paint dry.

DS9 lacks any high fiction (time travel, parallel episodes, really strange things) something that was often from the start in other series and something I like to watch even in other shows. Give me more Q, more time travel more holodeck malfunction episodes.

For a show that was supposed to be a long time story driven adventure it seriously lacks the long and story part from S1 and even into S2.

All important story events are about in 4 episodes and the other ones are simply boring.

I will keep this thread updated as I watch DS9.

If someone knows or has a list of what episodes to skip I appreciate it.

R: 52 / I: 19 / P: 2 [R] [G] [-]

Star Trek's Economic System

Does anyone else feel that Andrew Yang's vision would bring America in the direction of Star Trek's economic values?

R: 11 / I: 7 / P: 3 [R] [G] [-]


R: 43 / I: 10 / P: 3 [R] [G] [-]

>Wh- what is it?

<Kelp buds, plankton loaf, and sea berries.

Why did O'Brien not backhand her and demand she prepare a worthwhile breakfast?

R: 29 / I: 3 / P: 3 [R] [G] [-]

stre/k/ thread

For all things funz related.

Like what fucking holodeck programs did Miles and O'Brien get up to if those are their weapons of choice?

R: 25 / I: 7 / P: 3 [R] [G] [-]

CG or no CG?

has anybody tried to create a non CG version of TOS, much in the same way as the Harmy's Despecialized Edition was for the original star wars?

R: 61 / I: 13 / P: 3 [R] [G] [-]

Aaaaaaaaaaah Mr Morden! Tell me, why do your employers refuse a Babylon 5 thread?

R: 6 / I: 2 / P: 3 [R] [G] [-]

This board belongs to the Jem'Hadar

Victory is life

R: 23 / I: 9 / P: 3 [R] [G] [-]

Get in here fagets. We're making Cardassia great again.

R: 3 / I: 2 / P: 3 [R] [G] [-]


R: 24 / I: 10 / P: 3 [R] [G] [-]

Ezri Dax Thread

a.k.a. The Best Thread

R: 2 / I: 2 / P: 3 [R] [G] [-]

Make it swole


R: 46 / I: 21 / P: 3 [R] [G] [-]

Show Me Your Best Star Trek Cosplayers!

Show me your best Star Trek cosplay!

R: 6 / I: 6 / P: 3 [R] [G] [-]

Star Trek Talk

For as long as this board is dead, I need to find some other place to freely discuss Star Trek goodness.

R: 12 / I: 4 / P: 3 [R] [G] [-]

Bajorans are absolute shit

Lets look honestly how Bajorans are in DS9.

They are superstitious shit throwing racists who are incapable of forming a society.

Case in point

"In the Hands of the Prophets"

Here we see that Bajorans are so backwards that they refuse the teaching about wormholes.

Not only this they will start their racist+religious shit instantly over this.

Not only do we get bombings and assassinations the other Bajoran racists will refuse to sell to humans because all Bajorans are fucken racists.


"In the Hands of the Prophets" is a mild example we get wonderful* Bajoran behavior like the circle who thinks attacking non-Bajorans is a great way to make a point.

Considering all the assassinations and government overthrows I don't think Bajorans are capable of ever holding a stable government.

I don't see why any other species should simply not kick these savages in the teeth every time they start shit like this and think attacking non-Bajorans at every occasion.

Not only is this uncivilized its extremely retarded and delusional from these Bajoran extremists (are there even non-extremist Bajorans?) they seam not to realize they are the but joke of the galaxy and everyone can walk over them with exceptions of minor or non militaristic civilizations like the Ferengi.

Do these "fighters" really think antagonizing everyone else will make them better?

Or do they think they can single handedly win against every galactic super power?

Because the Cardassian used them for a dormat for a good while.

Do they have a fetish and hard on for being oppressed and occupied?

Was there even a point where Bajorans where not shit throwing savages in canon?

R: 38 / I: 23 / P: 3 [R] [G] [-]

Webm Thread

Old one is at the Bump Limit: >>130

R: 100 / I: 56 / P: 3 [R] [G] [-]


Fellas… I'm not really cognisant of American laws, does the Disney buys Fox thing mean that the Mouse now owns the Orville?

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]


Why is Data considered special by the Federation?

Kirk encountered that android making machine from that lost civilization. He also came across that entire planet of androids where he ended up marooning Mudd for his continued bullshit.

By the time of TNG though Data and his little extended family are treated like unique, irreplaceable creations that only Noonian Soong, Super Genius could ever hope to make from scratch.

This is just one more thing that makes me believe that TNG was actually a stealth reboot and not a continuation of the classic series.

R: 12 / I: 0 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

There's a Very Good Reason...

…why nobody comes to this board

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

Trek Pantsu

Why is the question of underwear never brought up in Star Trek? Is it something uniform or personal across varying species? Is Cardassian underwear extract stretch to accommodate the Guls? Are Romulan pantsu extract frilly for the maids?

R: 45 / I: 7 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

So are the Bajorans the Jews or the Palestinians?

R: 14 / I: 8 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

2019 Summer Infinity Cup


The Infinity Cup is returning once again, and 8chan's boards will be fighting it out on the pitch to claim divegrass supremacy. As a board that has participated in the Cup at one point or another in its history, you are invited to the reveal stream for 2019 Summer edition of the Cup. On Saturday June 22nd, at 3 PM EDT/7 PM UTC, on cytu.be/r/8cup I'll be giving you guys an early look at the Cup's 5th edition, which will include revamped aesthetics, team stadiums and other quality of life improvements I've figured out how to do in PES 17. Hopefully this will get anons back on board with the Cup, considering it has struggled mightily since its 2nd incarnation.

So how is it going to go down? I'll be staging a couple of exhibition matches between teams using their rosters from the last Cup, and we'll shitpost our merry way through the stream. Once the stream ends, entries will be open for the Cup, and boards can start putting together/editing their rosters and kits. Entries will close in early July, the field will be determined, and the Group Draw will take place approximately a week before the Cup kicks off in August. I'm also hoping to possibly introduce managers for the Cup, although I'm still working out the details to keep this from devolving into a namefag dick measuring contest. I hope you all will tune in, and in case you aren't caught up on your board's history, I've provided some links below to get you caught up:




R: 31 / I: 14 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

The Swoleverse

"Ever since I was a little kid, I wanted to join a gym and get /fit/!"

Welcome to the Swoleverse anons, I presume you are already acquainted with great gains?

Here is a recap.




Apparently there are is more Swole out there, including a Jelico comic. Be wary of the Soyverse though, as it tries to seep the Swole away.

Last Thread: >>12568

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

Non-statrek space games?

Anyone else like those 90s space combat simulators? I loved Descent:Freespace and Freespace2 and would have loved a Trek themed one. Both those games had a great storytelling and fun gameplay (vid related).

Somewhere I have some old isos of the Wing Commander series as well as Starlancer and Freelancer but I haven't had the opportunity to play them. I also remember a series called X, X2, X3 etc but I don't know much about them. Anyone ever tried them and have any recommendations?

R: 148 / I: 24 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

General Nit-Picking Thread

In Voyager season 1 episode 1 there's a fire in sickbay, why didn't the computer erect a forcefield to suffocate the fire like in that TNG episode with the Irish http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Up_The_Long_Ladder_(episode) ?

R: 209 / I: 87 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

Cardassian Appreciation Thread

The Cardassians are the greatest race in all the Glaxay. Talk about your favorite Cardassians and how they are superior to other inferior races.

Does anytone think they are autistic enough to try writing a Cardassian style mystery novel?

R: 194 / I: 28 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

Captain Picard Returns?

Looks like Picard is returning in a brand new Star Trek series. However, isn't he old as FUCK right now? He's 78 and could literally die any minute. I don't see this series going very far. Plus, with the latest introduction of the pozzed Odyssey series, it's safe to say that any new St series will be pozzed as well. After all Picard is just another Trump-hating celebrity who would agree to anything that involves subverting the science fiction we all love with some queer revisionism.

R: 166 / I: 42 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

STD Season 2 - Continuing Emissions


Looks like we hit the bump limit, so I'll bite the bullet and invite the shitposting to continue here.

Previous threads for the masochists:





>Season 2 Status Report:

Starfleet sends the USS Fidget Spinner to investigate seven mysterious red energy bursts and a creature called the red angel. These phenomena are somehow connected to Spock, but he's in the space nuthouse so nobody can ask him. Also, everyone is sad. Michael is sad about Spock and later she's sad about practically fucking everything. Stamets is sad that his boyfriend died, but then he comes back to life, but that doesn't work out so he's sad about that too. Dr. Culber is sad that he came back to life, then he gets angry about it, then he gets sad again. Tyler is sad that he can't be with either of his stronk wimmens (the Klingorc emperor and Michael) and he's sad about having to send his newborn son to Klingon Tibet. Pike is sad that he keeps getting cucked at every turn and that nobody takes him seriously. Tilly is sad because her imaginary spore parasite friend had to go away. The only person who's not sad is Saru who uncovered an evolutionary lie about his entire species and turned into a Chad overnight (but not really).

As the investigation goes on the ship encounters a giant space brain which uses its last moments of life to download all of its memories into Discovery's computer. Meanwhile, Spock escapes the loony bin and Michael has some Family Drama (TM) with Sarek and Amanda, then goes off to find Spock on her own. She takes him to Talos IV where the Talosians fix his mind, but not his autism. He explains that he met the red angel and it showed him a vision of the future where all life in the galaxy is wiped out. He now has memories of that future and Section 31 wants to know what he knows. You know, for "science." While investigating one of the red energy bursts, a time rift opens up and Discovery gets attacked by one of its own probes which came back from the future all souped up. The probe hacks into Airiam, the cyborg girl background character, who immediately starts acting shady.

Admiral Exposition tells the crew they need to go to Section 31 HQ because while everything else has been going on, their special AI threat assessment system called "Control" (henceforth called Skynet) has stopped responding. When they arrive, they find out that Skynet has gone rogue, killed everyone, and is controlling Airiam in order to download all the data from the giant space brain so it can become sentient (Isn't it already?) and kill the whole galaxy like in Spock's visions. Airiam dies in the same episode where she's given any development, but not before she tells Michael that everything happening is because of (((Her))) and something called Project Daedalus. Investigating Daedalus reveals that the red angel super suit was designed by Section 31 as part of a "temporal arms race" with the Klingons and that the angel's bio-signature is none other than Michael Burnham herself.

Stamets, Culber, Tilly, and Georgiou figure out a way to trap the red angel which requires them to all state their sexual preferences for some reason. The plan almost kills Michael, but she's rescued at the last second and SURPRISE! the red angel is actually Michael's mother, who was thought to be dead. She stole the Project Daedalus super suit (which she designed, of course) when the Klingons rolled in to fuck their shit up and has been time-hopping ever since trying to stop Skynet from destroying the future without much success. She gets a moment to exposition dump with Michael before getting sucked back to the future (?) and she reveals that while the red angel mystery has been solved, she's NOT connected to the red energy bursts. However, the real threat is now Captain Leland, the Section 31 goon, who has been hacked by Skynet via some fancy nano-bots injected directly into his eyeballs and totally isn't becoming the first Borg.

How will our intrepid crew stop Leland and Skynet from killing the future and, more importantly, will anybody even care?

R: 61 / I: 14 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

What We Left Behind: Looking Back At Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Here's the trailer for the DS9 documentary.

R: 307 / I: 72 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

Picard spin-off

It looks like the new Picard spin-off is going to be on Amazon Prime instead of Netflix outside of the US and Canada.

R: 106 / I: 20 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

Was the Delta Quadrant better or worse off with Janeway passing through?

R: 103 / I: 37 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

Birth of the Federation

>What is it?

Masters of the Orion Star Trek Edition. Even supposedly made by the same devs. It has recently been packed together with tons of mods and fixes to run on more modern systems without the need for a disc.

>Where do I download?


>Whoa those instructions seem complicated

Not really, it's only there to help the most vicious of mouthbreathers install it or if you were retarded enough to get Windows 10. It's basically first two boxes ticked from install typically if you want to just play vanilla.

>What can you do in it?

You can conquer the galaxy via conquest or diplomacy playing the 5 major Alpha Quadrant powers. Use espionage and sabotage to gain leverage over opponents, even introduce biological weapons into someone's ecosystem killing millions and blame someone else for it. You can also build a subspace graviton field and make Bajor pay for it.

>How do the Federation play?

Like an attention whoring creepy girlfriend who wants to be everyone's friend. If you go to war with too many races your people will likely rebel. Ships focus more on defence and all rounded. Uses Diplomacy to gain power over a lot of Minor Races by making them become Members.

>How do the Klingons play?

Viking raiders. If you aren't fighting or make peace your people will get pissed off and likely rebel. That said they are surprisingly capable at diplomacy and will often have more warlike Minor Species waiting round the corner to join them. Have some very good fast and hard hitting ships plus their non-combat ships have weapons. A few of their ships also have cloaks.

>How do the Romulans play?

Like what North Korea wants to be. Tell everyone to GTFO their space and keep to themselves so naturally suck at diplomacy. Their ships are slow but powerful and all of them have cloaking devices. Have very good espionage and sabotage ability so if you are facing or playing them make sure your internal security rating is high.

>How do the Cardassians play?

We want it, we'll take it by whatever methods. Capable in conquest and diplomacy. Have a poor economic penalty at start and ships work best in squadrons. The only faction that can match the Romulans in terms of spying. Best at playing other factions against each other.

>How do the Ferengi play?

Like Jews. Be a happy merchant and make profit whenever you can. Get bonus amounts of trade routes and only need Non-Aggression Treaties to trade. Their ships are meh but cheap and can be spammed out using shekel making powers.

>What are Minor Races?

The weird eared and forehead creatures you see in Star Trek Episodes. While they may not have a lot of strength each race has a unique structure that can benefit your Empire which you can gain access to either through conquering them or by them becoming a member of your Empire. Some are Science focused, while others are Militaristic etc. Membership is often preferable to Conquest with most as they will provide you a developed system without the need to declare martial law every few turns.

R: 98 / I: 59 / P: 5 [R] [G] [-]

Ship Modeling Thread

I want to get into a bit of Trek model-building. I've been looking around and it appears the most common scale commercially is 1:1000 with 1:1400 being seen a lot, too. I see a lot of 1400 ships that appear to be unavailable in 1:1000 scale so i'm looking hard at 1:1400. However, the Polar Lights 1:350 studio scale kits for Connie and Connie Refit look absolutely boss. They're just expensive as fuck (and that doesn't even include extras like lighting kits) - like $300 US. An additional cool thing about the 350's like the Polars is you can get a cheap Bird of Prey model in that same scale and have the classic film showdown in accurate size proportions for a marginal bit more time, effort, and cash. There is also 1:2500 scale mentioned on some forums but I haven't done enough reading to figure out what the significance is with something that small.

Another far-fetched idea I have in the back of my head is custom fabrication orders from China or 3D printing locally. It might be possible to group order or custom-make the various parts for Star Trek ships - bootleg style - and start our own kitbash club for way cheaper than the primo models. We could also do it in a more common scale like 1:1000 because a lot of people want quality models but not everybody wants them 3' long like the Polar Lights kits.

Also, miniatures and prop-replicas thread. Check the catalog for toys and merch thread.

R: 8 / I: 6 / P: 5 [R] [G] [-]

Klingon Language

Why do Klingons never get their dialogue translated by the universal translator, and Klingon commanders always have to yell at their subordinate to speak English (?) and not Klingon when humans are around? Why do so many of the Klingon words Worf speaks go untranslated?

Why do so many Klingons speak English so well?

Just how complete is the Klingon language that was developed by the creators? I hear of people being "fluent" in it and being able to carry out conversations at conventions and such, but I've also heard of major shortcomings (e.g. there is a Klingon word for "bridge" of a ship but not for a "bridge" across water).

Also, general Klingon/Klingon language/Universal Translator thread.

R: 163 / I: 67 / P: 5 [R] [G] [-]


Did Soong make Data have a bigger dick to give other people the impression he had that big of a dick or did he give Data a smaller dick so he can feel better about his own?

R: 149 / I: 45 / P: 5 [R] [G] [-]

Romulan Thread

I was always curious about the Romulans in regards to their motives and beliefs. There is a lot of lore surrounding them but almost nothing is really known. They don't seem to be concerned with others posing a threat to them although the mention of Garak caused a nervous twitch from a Tal-Shiar Sub-Commander Just how powerful are the Romulans really?

It always seemed they were all show but no performance; that while their ships TNG era had powerful weapons and strongly shielded they had no speed and were relatively fragile. Almost like they were compensating for something.

They also felt rather mysterious without actually being rather too edgy which really is rare to do all things considered.

R: 231 / I: 49 / P: 5 [R] [G] [-]

The Orville Season 2 Thread #2

Since last one is at bumplimit and we can't have STD staying on top.

Last thread >>28217

R: 202 / I: 35 / P: 5 [R] [G] [-]

If the federation is such an enlightened utopia why did one of her colonies degrade into a sate where planet wide roaming rape gangs made the rules the moment the replicators started malfunctioning?

R: 6 / I: 5 / P: 5 [R] [G] [-]


they share a strong gaze

R: 309 / I: 229 / P: 5 [R] [G] [-]

waifu general

post a better girl than vash

pro tip: you can't

R: 15 / I: 7 / P: 5 [R] [G] [-]

/strek/ just won the Attention Hunger Games


I say we continue on till /strek/ is made whole again! Everything that /strek/ once lost will be once more!

R: 294 / I: 86 / P: 5 [R] [G] [-]

Shameful Confessions

I felt like I needed to get one thing off my chest in regards to Star Trek anons.

I have never watched TOS

R: 25 / I: 4 / P: 5 [R] [G] [-]

Star Trek: Lower Decks

We want the Rick and Morty audience.

R: 17 / I: 4 / P: 5 [R] [G] [-]

88th birthday

Congratualtions! I have the feeling he will outlive Picard simply to prove he's the greatest Captain.

R: 7 / I: 0 / P: 5 [R] [G] [-]

What was better: the Star Trek Wars or the Star Wars Trek? Pic unrelated.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 5 [R] [G] [-]


Does anyone have a copy of William Shatner's 911 call after he murdered his wife oops I mean she accidentally drowned?

I heard it years ago but didn't save a file, and now all the internets seem to have is the transcript, without his shitty acting performance. Thanks in advance.

R: 7 / I: 2 / P: 5 [R] [G] [-]

What the fuck happened?

personally, I blame Neelix.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 6 [R] [G] [-]

The Pepsi Generation was best

Some say the OG Star Trek was better, others say the Next Generation was good. They are both plebeians. Star Trek: The Pepsi Generation was the best.

R: 157 / I: 86 / P: 6 [R] [G] [-]

Lewd Trek

I thought I would start a general porn dump thread, but some of these lewds are so hilarious I feel this is going to turn into a thinly veiled comedy thread.

R: 22 / I: 6 / P: 6 [R] [G] [-]

Star Trek Continues

I held on watching this for the longest time thinking it would simply be inferior to TOS, but I think it surpassed it in some ways. I assume it's been talked about on this board before, but I felt like bringing it up, it shows how hard STD has failed when a kickstarter does a better job than them.

The writing is on par with TOS, but without any of its lows, STC manages to keep a certain level of quality with its writing, never really sinking to the abysmal lows of episodes like "The Alternative Factor" in the original.

The casting choices are decent, I was suprised they got Scotty's son to play the role of Scotty, he actually nails the role, likely because of him being the son of the original. The guy playing Kirk actually grows into the character overtime, same could be said for McCoy's actor. With Spock, I'd say it's the weakest link, but that's only because it's a high bar to reach.

The sets and so on are pretty much on point, I was suprised they didn't just use the original sets, but after all these years since TOS, it'd be unreasonable to think they'd still be usable.

R: 11 / I: 1 / P: 6 [R] [G] [-]

The Orville | Interactive Fan Experience

Messy Desk Interactive, the people behind Stage 9 (the VR version of the Enteprise D that got C&D by CBS) are working on a VR version of The Orville.

So far it looks pretty good.

R: 43 / I: 13 / P: 6 [R] [G] [-]

Why the federation is absolute shit

This evolved from a response to a thread that I decided to make its own thread because of how extensive it is.

Why the federation is absolute shit and terrible in all possible ways.

Long live the glory of the Terran Empire.


> fix the Federation

Impossible the federation is systemically fucked and only worked because of plot armor.

Replace it with the Terran Empire, however its no longer the federation.


>Kick out all the xeno trash.


I like the way you are thinking.


1) See


2) Ignoring ST writer ideology making the federation work and trying to portray the Terran Empire as bad (despite the fact that the main federation has more insane juntas then the mirror universe; hell Mirror-Archer was a die hard patriot who only wanted to help the empire and serve it, he got a little greedy by not giving the command of the magic future ship to the idiot who was wrong and tortured him.Its not his fault that his personal whore was a corrupted power hungry bitch and poisoned him and took over the future super ship) as possible we move to the next point:

[To be continued]

R: 47 / I: 9 / P: 6 [R] [G] [-]

I have only ever watched TOS, TNG, and VOY because that's what they rerun on BBC America.

Is seeking out DS9 and ENT worth it? I heard the DS9 cast hate each other.

R: 43 / I: 9 / P: 6 [R] [G] [-]

Vulcan Ferengi Hybrid

Are Vulcans and Ferengi reproductively compatible? Suppose a Vulcan long-range expedition picked up a Ferengi female stranded in a crash or something, and one of the crew went into Pon Farr. (Alternatively you could Tuvix 'em up).

What would a half-Vulcan half-Ferengi look like? Giant pointed ears? I'm surprised I found this picture, but somehow I imagine more going on than that. Would it be strong like Vulcans or weak like Ferengi? Split the difference? How would Vulcan telepathy integrate with their 4-lobed brains?

Both races are exceptionally smart; they'd be killer at math. What do you get when you cross the Rules of Acquisition with the Teachings of Surak? Vulcan discipline with Ferengi business savvy?

I feel like the only think keeping these half-breeds from dominating the galaxy is the combination of their cultural differences.

R: 17 / I: 10 / P: 6 [R] [G] [-]

This board is under new ownership.

Proud and faithful denizens of this board, Legate Nigger has abandoned us. I know it's hard to hear, and I'm certain it breaks your heart to hear it just as much as it does mine, but fear not. In the interest of maintaining order and discipline on this board, I petitioned our benefactors to allow me to administrate it. They, being excellent judges of character, saw no reason to deny me this request, and freely handed control of the board over to me.

Now, I'm sure you're wondering, "Is he going to shake things up?" and I answer you, " Not in the least." Embrace the change.You will find that for the most part, things will continue to go on just as they have. Legate Nigger had a rather hands off moderation style, and I intend to have one as well. One thing I do promise you, is that the report queue will be checked much more regularly, and reports will be dealt with appropriately. I also think we should partake in the Attention Hungry Games once again, so that the users of all the other boards can see the glory and might that makes /strek/ such an amazing board.

I will leave this thread open for you to express any concerns, ask any questions, or to just shitpost.

This I vow with my life's blood, for my son, for all our sons

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 6 [R] [G] [-]

The guy who played Picard in the Star Trek porno has died.



R: 44 / I: 3 / P: 6 [R] [G] [-]

>captain, Borg cube detected in our sector. we're the only ship in range sir.

>ensign plot a collision course for the borg cube. maximum warp on my mark. the relativistic effects of us ramming it with out mas will surely destroy it. ladies and gentlemen it's be an honor serving with you. mark

ez pz. especialy consideirng the ship is going to be destroyed trying to fight the borg cube conventionally any way.

seems the borg weren't all that powerful at all. wouldn't last a day against the klingons for example, considering how many of them would be willing to do kamikaze tactics as described above.

R: 40 / I: 9 / P: 6 [R] [G] [-]

Now that /strek/ hates TNG, how do you feel about TOS

Does the original series still hold up or are you guys going to hate it too?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 6 [R] [G] [-]

I entered us in today's Attention Hungry Games. Our tribute was Garak, He made a valiant effort and came in fourth.

R: 49 / I: 20 / P: 6 [R] [G] [-]

Similarities of Vulcans and Romulans

So I recently finished rewatching Amok Time, and I recall hearing Spock explain to Kirk that the pon farr is part of an ancient tradition that comes even before the time of Surak. This got me wondering about the Romulans, whom we know left Vulcan during the Time of Awakening. Is it possible that the Romulans still wrestle with the pon farr, and that they might retain some of the same Vulcan traditions for dealing with it? What else do the Romulans and Vulcans continue to share in common with one another, in terms of culture and tradition, if anything at all?

R: 102 / I: 38 / P: 6 [R] [G] [-]

What is a true victory?

R: 31 / I: 3 / P: 6 [R] [G] [-]

Fixing the end of DS9

I'm just finishing up my re-watch of DS9. Meaning of course I watched up to the penultimate episode of Season 6, then watched Siege of AR-558, It's Only a Paper Moon, and a couple filler episodes that I like. I think most of us here will agree that the plot-advancing episodes of Season 7, and the last part of Season 6, became very retarded very quickly. But, while what needs to go is pretty clear, what would you replace it with? Some starting points:

>S6: Waltz

Sisko and Dukat stranded together is an excellent concept for an episode, and the first part of it is set up well. Even the second part could mostly be kept as-is, if the end of the episode includes a bit of self-awareness. Rather than it being nothing more than the baste black guy heroically outsmarting the crazy hallucinating evil alt-right bigot, make it more clear that all Sisko really did is exploit and manipulate a mentally ill man for his own indulgence, going far beyond what was necessary for him to secure his own safety. Also, when Sisko discovers that the beacon is really offline, it would be far more in-character for Dukat to off-handedly apologize, briefly explain his reasoning, then continue on with the conversation, instead of chimping out.

>You really must forgive my duplicity in this matter, Captain. But, I think we should consider this a blessing in disguise. If you had known the transmitter was off-line, we wouldn't be having this enlightening conversation right now.

<Sisko visibly prepared to nog rage

>Have no fear, captain. As soon as we have concluded our little chat, I fully intend to re-activate your transmitter, and your friends can pick you up in good time.

After he's gotten what he's needed, or it's clear that Sisko isn't talking, Dukat will activate the transmitter while Sisko sleeps, then leaves in the shuttle.

>S6: Reckoning

Remove this episode and replace it with some filler episode from the cutting room floor. Kosst Amojan is stupid, the anime-tier battle of the energy beams was stupid, there's nothing redeemable to be found in the script. The Pah-wraiths shouldn't appear at all after The Assignment. In fact, let's do a quick ctrl+f of The Assignment's script and replace pah-wraiths with pah-wraith, so that viewers assume there was only one pah-wraith, and it got killed by O'Brien at the episodes' end. Obviously, this means every S7 episode that includes the wraiths has to get deleted and re-written.

>muh Prophets episodes

Sisko isn't half-Prophet, that's retarded. Neither is he secretly the creation of a 1950s nigger fiction author. Although even without the Pah-wraiths, the Prophets should have some, albeit less major, role in the finale, as they are a major part of the series. A better way to do it would be to make it more about tensions between the wormhole ayys and secular concerns, i.e. Starfleet. Perhaps Starfleet admiralty would demand that if Sisko wants to keep his posting on DS9, he needs to renounce the title of Emissary and any relationship to the Prophets. When this conflict comes to a head, Sisko will eventually choose to resign his commission, finally stop being uncomfortable about his role as Emissary, and retire to a house/restaurant that he builds on Bajor.

>Klingons, Gowron, Martok, Worf

Gowron shouldn't suddenly start making reckless attacks and being retarded, as there's no need for Martok to replace him as Chancellor. Here's what I propose instead: the Sons of Mogh episode never happened, and Kern never got his memory wiped. He's slowly been working his way back to relevance, and has become one of Gowron's most trusted advisors, despite having no House of his own. Kern has a deep-seated resentment for Worf because of his selfish actions in The Way of the Warrior, in which he put his own honor before that of his family. The two have some nice arguments with one another about honor, duty, and other Klingon things. Eventually, as the season comes to an end, Worf comes to Gowron asking for forgiveness, and asks for him to restore the House of Mogh. But, there's one condition: Worf will renounce any claim he has to the house of Mogh, and Kern will reign as its leader. Worf, who by this point has been chastised by his brother, will agree, because he does not feel that he is worthy of father's name anymore. He keeps his position in the House of Martok. Kern will gain some grudging respect for his ex-brother, but there's still no love lost between them.


I'm not sure about this one. Perhaps, after seeing what the Dominion are doing to his own people, Dukat is the one to lead the Cardassian resistance rather than Damar?

R: 20 / I: 2 / P: 7 [R] [G] [-]

>This board

Shaka when the walls fell

R: 28 / I: 2 / P: 7 [R] [G] [-]

Mary Sue is the Red Angel right?

R: 7 / I: 0 / P: 7 [R] [G] [-]

Could someone with access to the transport computer create multiple copies of a person and use them as slaves (possibly, but not necessarily, for sexual purposes)?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 7 [R] [G] [-]

Could someone with access to the transport computet create multiple copies of a person and use them as sex slaves? And if so where does he keep them?

R: 21 / I: 9 / P: 7 [R] [G] [-]

Will Discovery Survive to Season 3?

Season 1 having 15 episodes and season to being shy one and only having 14. Some folks wonder if it could spell the end of discovery, and the beginning of a new 5 year mission for captain Christopher Pike, lieutenant Spock and the rest of the crew of the enterprise.


R: 8 / I: 2 / P: 7 [R] [G] [-]

>Specimens' soy levels are astronomically high

>reproduction procedure terminated

How do you handle this situation being an early 21st century North American male?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 7 [R] [G] [-]

/strek/ draw thread

Let's see what talent level we have here. Mine is obviously quite low


>While suggesting the free treatment of form usually attributed to Fauvism, this quite inappropriately attempts to juxtapose the disparate cubistic styles of Picasso and Léger. In addition, the use of color suggests a haphazard mélange of clashing styles. Furthermore, the unsettling overtones of proto-Vulcan influences –

R: 11 / I: 4 / P: 7 [R] [G] [-]

The "bio dampener" of the Hanson's makes no sense

I mean, it's pretty obvious the Borg got hit with the nerf bat in VOY, but Dark Frontier makes it almost too fucking hard for me to watch. I mean, the bio dampener of the Hansons which was also used by the Yoyager crew isn't a cloak, right? But, uhm, the Borg have bloody eyes?! In fact, they even have supposedly better eyesight through the cybernetic implants. Borg drones can hear as well (and the scanner of Janeway makes noise), or smell. In the finale of the episode, Janeway enters the "throne room" of the Borg Queen who immediately notices her, because, of course, she has eyes. I really wonder why they decided not to make the bio dampener a cloak, they made the same logical mistake with the Delta Flyer's "shield modulation" which supposedly hides them from their sensors, but isn't a cloak, but on the Borg Queen's viewscreen the shuttlecraft just vanishes, as if it was cloaked. Technological wise it also isn't such an ingenious technology, considering even contemporary military works on technology to shield soldiers from heat detection.

One possible solution would be the fact that the eyesight of a drone would function completely via their neural implants, like an artifical eye, with the biological eye being replaced, and that the optical implants can't process biological life as such if their life signs are dampened. If this would be true, this seems like a horrible flaw of the Borg (and there are quite a bit already). And even then, you'd assume that they can input a command to put the optical implant on stand-by and order the drones to use their "normal" eyesight again. I mean, in the episode where Seven of Nine got stranded with a few other drones on a planet, they start cooking food and other stuff as an emergency back-up routine that is activated when isolated.

Don't misunderstand me, it is still a good episode, because the looming dread in this two-parter, that is really well done, and it probably has the most horror movie like scene in all of Star Trek (Seven witnessing assimlation of a species as they scream and cry in pain in the background and she watches them being mutilated), which makes it one of the best Yoyager episodes, but this really puts me off it. I assume this is another case of inventing an "off-trigger" of a villain that the writers created to be too overpowered, but I always think of this as a bit of a deus ex machina. I mean, let me compare it to the original Terminator (1984). The T-800 is also a bit like the Borg, he is relentless, he can't be bargained with, he can't be reasoned with, he will not stop until you are dead. You can't fight him, you can't outrun him. Of course, Sarah and Kyle win at the end but only after they wear him down with everything at their disposal, Kyle dies, and even when they burn his entire flesh off, he still comes back, even if they blow his entire abdomen off with a grenade at point-blank range, he STILL keeps coming and almost kills Sarah until he is literally squished to pieces in a steel press. Of course, you can't go through a procedure like that in a episodical show everytime the Borg show up, but Species 8472 was an authentic solution, only a species from a parallel universe could be a believable "cryptonite" for the Borg, but the obvious weaknesses the Borg display afterwards (with Species 8472 sadly being discarded) are the main reason why people say that VOY ruined the Borg for them.

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 7 [R] [G] [-]

Who Pie? Who is this Who Pie?

Never saw this before. Thought I'd share.

R: 15 / I: 7 / P: 7 [R] [G] [-]

HAPPY 4/20


This thread is for Dukatposting, Cardassiaposting, redpilling, and general partying.

R: 210 / I: 43 / P: 7 [R] [G] [-]

Moral conundrum thread


What would Jean Luc Picard do?

In this thread we post and discuss moral conundrums that we can encounter while exploring the galaxy.

>have nice asian waifu

>she comes back from a visit to a planet

>turns into a 12 yo loli

>still your waifu

>she demands you fulfill your marital obligation

Was it wrong to refuse giving her the warmth and companionship she needed?

R: 53 / I: 17 / P: 7 [R] [G] [-]

How different would Star Trek have turned out if it premiered today instead of in the '60s? Would it still be recognizable as Star Trek, or would it just not be the same with the current zeitgeist?

R: 33 / I: 5 / P: 7 [R] [G] [-]

"Ever since I was a little kid, I wanted to join Starfleet."

"All I ever heard growing up was how great Starfleet was."

Does everyone in the future just work on space ships or something?

R: 7 / I: 3 / P: 7 [R] [G] [-]

Captin's Log

How did Kirky-boy and all them others make a log as it was happening in real time?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 8 [R] [G] [-]

what the fuck is a trekking burger?

R: 29 / I: 5 / P: 8 [R] [G] [-]

Section 31 in STD is incompatible with DS9 canon

Did the writers even watch Deep Space 9?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 8 [R] [G] [-]

Read comics online

10 websites to read Free Full Comics Online – Marvel Comic, DC Comic, Dark Horse Comic: https://www.wat-not.com/10-websites-to-read-free-full-comics-online-marvel-comic-dc-comic-dark-horse-comic/

R: 20 / I: 8 / P: 8 [R] [G] [-]

O'Brien Thread

Fuck you O'brien

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 8 [R] [G] [-]

>"How do you allow Klingon peta'Q to walk around in a Starfleet uniform?"

>"Remove this tohzah from my sight!"

damn i didn't know raimi wrote TNG episodes too

R: 139 / I: 17 / P: 8 [R] [G] [-]

Unpopular Opinions

I thought we gonna have a thread like this. Buckle up for my hot takes:

- most of the dialog on ST is really clumsy and I find this to be irksome. While there are certainly good monologs, dual exchanges in ST always feel awkward and awfully infantile. It's like every character is constantly in exposition mode and the audience is never required to pick up on clues.

- Let's be honest, besides very fee exceptions like "The Visitor" most of the non-story episodes of DS9 are a snoozefest and filler. There is also zero exploration despite the station being situated next to a wormhole carrying them to the other end of the galaxy.

- despite being a boring movie, ST:TMP was the most Trekish movie, especially with its aesthetic.

- there is never going to be another "real" Trek series, ever. DS9 and even VOY despite its flaws were the last ones. This is because of the industry. Shows these days are all about "personal drama", superficial core issues, Chinese fortune cookie wisdoms in dialog form, massive pressure to have the ratings after season 1, constant SJW quota fullfullment, fast pace so the consumerist audience doesn't get bored. The only chance ever for another decent Trek series would be a completely independent project, non-profit, with crowdfunding. However, you'd catch Aids nonetheless due to the retarded Trekkie community, which would have the main influence over the show.

- post-First Contact uniforms are the best ones. DS9 would be way more enjoyable from the beginning if Avery Brooks shaved his head and got that uniform from the beginning.

- Also, Avery Brooks is a horrible actor.

- despite being left-liberal in tone, there are plenty of episodes that are quite American with neoconservative undertones. In the Pale Moonlight is basically a justification for a false flag to start a war. Old Klingons resemble the Japanese. ST VI was about the end of the Cold War with the Klangs selling out their own country for a Pizza Hut like Gorbachev.

R: 64 / I: 4 / P: 8 [R] [G] [-]

Why do normies like Wesley Crusher?

Excuse my autism, but can anybody explain this to me? Why do normies like Wesley Crusher?

R: 97 / I: 34 / P: 8 [R] [G] [-]

Hello, /strek/ I made a very short Porn """game""" on rpgmaker about lt. Barclay because I like him a lot. You can play it here:


You just need to talk and activate a couple consoles, touching them is enough. The objective is to fug the hologram, after that is over. Hope it will amuse you a bit at least.

R: 163 / I: 39 / P: 8 [R] [G] [-]

Wil Wheaton is upset over a toy. He also still lives in delusion that people cared about Weasel Crusher.

If you're ever having a bad day /strek/ remember you are not and will never be Wil Wheaton.

R: 28 / I: 5 / P: 8 [R] [G] [-]

I hate this character so much.

Overall, I can tolerate Discovery, it's not the worst show I've ever watched, but every time I see this cunt and hear her speak, I want to turn the show off.

Her "mwahaha so evil" attitude is intolerable, mostly because it's not at all played for laughs, and instead for some sort of weird badass factor, making it just embarrassing to listen to.

R: 12 / I: 2 / P: 8 [R] [G] [-]

First Contact Day

Happy First Contact Day 2019, /strek/ !

Any plans?

R: 8 / I: 0 / P: 8 [R] [G] [-]

The epitome of sorting shit out

The universe's greatest problem solvers, or would /strek consider it Rodenberry libtard BS?

R: 31 / I: 3 / P: 8 [R] [G] [-]

Picard vs Sisko

What do you think?

R: 28 / I: 2 / P: 8 [R] [G] [-]

DS9 remastered

Since they're remastering a few scenes for the documentary, one of the VFX artists who worked on the show has been doing a remaster of one of the CGI shots from DS9. It's still a work in progress but I think it looks pretty good.


R: 323 / I: 51 / P: 8 [R] [G] [-]

STD Season 2


STD Season One Recap:

Michael Burnham is the greatest starfleet officer in history. She knows literally everything and can solve any problem presented to her with consummate ease and no small amount of condescension. She was adopted as a child by Spock's parents because there were no other foster parents available out of trillions of Federation citizens but those of Star Trek's most iconic character (who never mentioned an adopted sister in 50 years of canon). The greatest starfleet officer in history commits a mutiny which ends up killing her captain and single-handedly plunges the Federation into war with Klingons (who are now bald xenophobes obsessed with racial purity). Instead of serving her lifetime prison term, Michael is recruited as a science specialist on the secretive USS Discovery, the most advanced ship in the fleet which boasts holographic systems that shouldn't exist for decades, and an experimental "spore drive" that can teleport the ship instantly to any point in the galaxy over a "mycelial network" of space mushrooms. They briefly use a giant tardigrade as their navigator until someone found out that the whole concept of tardigrades teleporting via space mushrooms was plagiarized from an indie video adventure game called motherfucking "Tardigrades." Good job CBS.

Among the crew members of the Discovery are Captain Lorca: a no-nonsense hard-ass with a shady past who plays fast and loose with regulations and might be a little too trigger-happy for a starfleet captain. The alien first officer is Saru, who can sense danger and death approaching, and is from a species comprised entirely of betas. Chief Engineer Stamets is in charge of the spore drive and becomes its navigator after the tardigrade is sued out of a job. The medical officer is Dr. Culber who is gay with Stamets and is currently deceased and/or a spore ghost inside the mycelial network. And then there's Tilly: a hyperactive, overweight, autistic ensign completely unsuited for service on starfleet's most advanced, experimental starship, but is nonetheless inexplicably part of the command track program. God save the poor vessel that sees Tilly as her captain. There's a bunch of other characters that make up the bridge crew, but they're so poorly developed that most viewers don't even know their names. There's also Tyler who is a Klingon double agent / love interest for Michael Burnham, but nobody cares.

Anyway, a bunch of stupid nonsense happens and eventually we find out that Captain Lorca is actually from the Mirror Universe (which absolutely nobody saw coming because the writing in this show is just so fucking clever) and needed the Discovery's spore drive to get back home. Mirror Universe antics ensue, but eventually Lorca is killed and Burnham "saves" the Mirror Universe version of Georgiou (her dead, mutinied-upon captain) who in this reality is the Emperor of the Terran Empire, a Hitler analogue, and an actual cannibal. When the ship makes it back to its own reality there is a convenient time jump wherein the Klingons are about to win the war, but Michael Burnham the greatest starfleet officer in history with aid from Space Hitler avert disaster at the last second. For her "heroics," not only is Burnham's punishment for MUTINY, MURDER, and WAR commuted, but she's reinstated at her full rank and joins the Discovery crew full time. As the ship flies off to pick up its new captain, they are intercepted by the USS Enterprise, Christopher Pike commanding, just in time to bilk CBS All Access subscribers into re-upping their subs based on nostalgia lenses alone.

STD Season Two status:

Captain Pike takes over the Discovery and we find out starfleet gave him an urgent mission to discover the source of seven mysterious red energy bursts that appeared all across the galaxy. For reasons that will most likely make no logical sense, these seven bursts along with a cosmic entity called the "red angel" have driven Spock to commit himself to the loony bin. The only person who can save him and unravel the mystery of the red angel is his estranged adopted sister that we've never heard of in 50 years of canon, the merry mutineer Michael Goddamn-Fucking Burnham. It's whispered that Michael did something to Spock in their childhood that traumatized him so irreparably that they haven't spoken to each other since, but the show won't just come the fuck out and say what it was, because the hacks that write this shit either don't know, or are second-guessing the likely faux-incest storyline that literally everyone could see coming.

In conclusion, fuck this show and anyone who says "Oh, it's not THAT bad" because, yes, it fucking is.

R: 20 / I: 1 / P: 9 [R] [G] [-]

Always bugged me

In what years did Star fleet start allowing male crew to wear the dress?

R: 301 / I: 78 / P: 9 [R] [G] [-]

reminder that we're in the hunger games tonight at 8pm EDT


if you p'toks aren't cheering, you'll be stripped of bloodwine for the next month

R: 27 / I: 12 / P: 9 [R] [G] [-]

The Real McCoy

McCoy appreciation thread.

R: 135 / I: 27 / P: 9 [R] [G] [-]

Oh shit

R: 50 / I: 6 / P: 9 [R] [G] [-]

Star Trek 4 dead in the water


>The news comes from a piece by Deadline concerning SJ Clarkson. The director will be directing and executive producing HBO’s first Game of Thrones prequel pilot, but that news spells doom for Star Trek. The director was meant to oversee the next sci-fi blockbuster, but Deadline says the film has been put away.

Bad Robot BTFO

R: 123 / I: 27 / P: 9 [R] [G] [-]

ITT "villains" who did nothing wrong.

R: 309 / I: 80 / P: 9 [R] [G] [-]

stre/k/ weapons discussions

Let's have a weapons discussion in trek. What phaser rifles would you like to have. Would you want a Fed model, or the more brutally simple spoonhead made direct energy rifle. If the technology reaches a point where stopping powah and ammo capacity becomes relatively same, would the shape and size of direct energy weapons favor a submachine gun size instead of full length rifles.

Would you rather have a makleth instead of the larger bat'leth due to the extreme short distance of melee CQC in space ship boarding or battle situations. Do you think Worf is a klingon weeaboo who is far too focused on muh million times folded bat'leth because HONOR when he could have got a lot more more out of practical shorter bladed klingon weapons.

R: 52 / I: 12 / P: 9 [R] [G] [-]

Who had the best crew?

Simple enough question, who had the best overall crew?


>Scotty got shit done

>Bones infirmary was part minibar, part gym

>Kirk killed what he couldn't bang

>Spock was a good autist

<Chekov was just that funny Russian guy

<Uhura basically just answered the telephone

<Sulu was a hothead

<Chapel was sort of just there

<Rand just was there to get her ass spanked


>Picard wordgasm'd his way to victory

>Data was the smug android

>Geordi was your typical n33t

>Worf was a Klingaboo Punching bag who was funny to watch fail

>Crusher was a milf

>Guinian was just there to shitpost

>Barclay was what an anon would be

<Polaski was discount Bones

<Riker only purpose was to bang chicks while not putting the ship in jeopardy

<Troi just pointed out the obvious

<Yar got Tar'd

<Spot was a dick



>O'Brien just suffered for our sins

>Odo was smug

>Worf was coming to terms with his Klingabooness

<Jadzia was shit unless she was shown up Worf for being a Klingaboo

<Ezri just sort of wore diapers for the last Season

<Kira was a hothead

<Sisko was insane

<Bashir was a manchild

<Nog was shit till he lost his leg and only got dull


>Tuvok was the only sane character in a sea of madness

>Doc should have insisted it be called the EMH show

<Janeway was an insane tyrant

<Chakotay was forgettable

<Torres was PMS

<Neelix should have been eaten

<7of9 was assbait

<Paris was an ass

<Kim was a cunt

<Kes was used goods



<There are no other crewmembers of note


>Alara a /cute/

>Issac is like having a German aboard

>Gordon is who you would be if you could pilot a ship

>Bortus is a fun autist

>Dann is that awkward autist who will have good taste in film

<Talla is a hothead dyke

<LaMarr only works well with Gordon

<Dr Finn just wants that machine spirit inside her

<Mercer is literally Captain Cuck

<Grayson is Commander Pussy Pass

<Yapshit is kind of just goo

R: 270 / I: 112 / P: 9 [R] [G] [-]

I want to fuck a Romulan girl

>the short hair and pointy ears of vulcans without the autism.

R: 66 / I: 16 / P: 9 [R] [G] [-]

It's Only a Paper Moon Feels

So I've been watching DS9 for the first time since it aired. All the episodes in order. After nearly a year, I'm finally up to Season 7. Last night I marathon'ed "Treachery, Faith and the Great River," "Once More Unto the Breach," "The Siege of AR-558," "Covenant," and last but not least, "It's Only a Paper Moon." Goddamn it, but did Paper Moon hit me right in the feels…

>From the classy outfits, to the smooth music, to films like "Shane," why was the 1960's culture far more sophisticated than the degeneracy we have today?

>TFW you can never escape to 1960's Las Vegas to help run a nightclub and build a casino.

>There's no mentor figure in your life like Vic Fontaine to help you get back up on your feet.

>Nog had his leg amputated and is suffering from PTSD.

>What's your excuse?

But how did Nog eat and go to the bathroom if he was in that holosuite for days?

R: 37 / I: 7 / P: 9 [R] [G] [-]

on a ship like this doing constant exploration and whatever else starfleet assigns it to do 24 hours a day, shoulnd't there technically be three sets of senior crews (ie three captains + senior staff) working 3 shifts of 8 hours each, on account of the fact that the day/night cycle doesn't even exist? or does the enterprise just go hide in some neubla to idle for 12 to 16 hours when picard and the rest of the senior staff finish their shifts?

R: 11 / I: 1 / P: 9 [R] [G] [-]

The Kelvin Timeline

What does /strek/ think about its premise and concept? I know that the movies weren't particularly good with the last two being particularly egregious, but is it fundamentally flawed to begin with or worthy of continuing under different direction? What would you think if it continued with a Kelvin Picard rather than Kirk?

R: 13 / I: 2 / P: 9 [R] [G] [-]

Where to find the TV shows?

Where can I watch TNG, Voyger, and DS9? I want to sign up for a netflix account but I can't find out if they have these sires or not.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 9 [R] [G] [-]

It's better not to resist, Commander.

>They dive deeply into our minds.

?Our hopes.

>Our memories, our fears.

>Even our dreams.

Has anyone else been having really strange dreams lately?

R: 38 / I: 14 / P: 9 [R] [G] [-]

Your own episode?

Say you gained access to a Holodeck and you could essentially make your own custom Star Trek episode with all of the original actors, or even new ones. What would your ideal episode be about? Which crew would it feature? Would you try to write an episode about the Guardian at the edge of forever into TNG? Maybe make a mirror universe tng episode? Or would you say fuck all of that and make your own trek series. What would you do anon?

R: 314 / I: 77 / P: 10 [R] [G] [-]

The Orville - Season 2

Thread in which /strek/ celebrates the return of the greatest currently-running Star Trek series for it's second season.

R: 107 / I: 8 / P: 10 [R] [G] [-]

Misconceptions Thread

Things that retarded fans seem to parrot as facts but are complete bullshit and grind your gears.

Here is a common one as an example:

USS Defiant - Sisko's ship - Facts:

>Was equipped with a Romulan cloaking device

>Said cloak was to be only used in Gamma Quadrant

>Also meant to be only operated by a Romulan Waifu that disappeared for whatever reason

>When the original Defiant was destroyed, the replacement did not have a cloaking device fitted

Somehow this translates to:

<Federation had developed cloaking technology

<All Defiant Class ships have cloaking devices

Shit like this makes me rage about the Trek fanbase.

R: 88 / I: 16 / P: 10 [R] [G] [-]


Terra Prime did nothing wrong.

R: 30 / I: 4 / P: 10 [R] [G] [-]

The talosians

Does anyone find it weirdly contradictory that the Federation had a death sentence for going to the Talosian's planet because they were afraid people would obtain their technology and become addicted to it. Then a few decades later the Federation develops their own eerily similar technology and puts it on all of their shiny starships?

R: 23 / I: 5 / P: 10 [R] [G] [-]

Ol' Sean Finnegan

Well well… look at ye virgin babies! Muckin' about aimlessly, never knowin' when the worst is gonna strike, and when it does yer quick to wet yer wee diapers! Just like yer precious baby hero Cap'n Jimmy.

R: 49 / I: 9 / P: 10 [R] [G] [-]

Where are the toilets in Star Trek?

Or have they develop some sort of genetic engineering that means they don't have to shit?

R: 23 / I: 12 / P: 10 [R] [G] [-]

That chief engineer...

>that's forever alone in engineering

>dies on the regular

>electrocuted on the regular

>poorly "repaired" by Nomad

>fakes death and everyone laughs

>was the closest thing to the 3rd in command yet never gets any respect

>never gets invited to Kirk, Spock and Bones's Best Friends Forever club

>gets cucked by aliens

>gets cucked by his friends

>gets possessed and cucked by demons (kills the only girls in the galaxy drunk enough to fuck him)

>gets cucked by the gods themselves

>gets cucked by the unknown

>gets JUSTed by his own wife

>gets JUSTed in the divorce

>only ever gets a pity fuck from Uhura

>may have finally found some happiness

But wait

>universe rebooted by Jew Jew

>ends up forever alone

>banished to frozen shit hole

>only company is some ugly ass homo ayy

>Uhura fucks Spock then some other assholes

>Forever Alone

>Forever Justed

<“….When a man of Scotty’s years falls in love, the loneliness of his life is suddenly revealed to him. His whole heart once throbbed, only to the ship’s engines.” Kirk Log Entry

Is being Scotty suffering?

R: 29 / I: 5 / P: 10 [R] [G] [-]

Short Treks - re:View (RLM)

Interesting how much their opinions have changed since their last STD video.

R: 6 / I: 0 / P: 10 [R] [G] [-]

silicone based organisms

I just fucking realised that the Borg going from a terrifying omnipotent inscrutable menace to bumbling stooges might not have been a convenient retcon, but rather part of their actual plan.

Forget about "The Borg" as in the Star Trek "race" and what that means to you. Think about what a real galaxy-spanning machine-mind might be like: how distantly beyond any little federation it would be as a result of assimilating, cross-referencing and extrapolating on every technology and philosophy it can find and using that to advance itself.

How fucking ludicrous it is that some humans could ever out-wit a patient, immortal collective like that.

We couldn't ever even assume that whatever surface it presents to us is its real self. As far as we know, every feature or characteristic we are presented with is merely a strategic choice designed to influence our long-term decisions.

What I'm getting at is that I think the Federation has already been assimilated, they (and by extension we) just don't realise it yet.

And they did this with Jeri Ryan's massive fucking bongo titties.

What we see of the Borg are basically dumb inept insects that are the DIAMETRIC OPPOSITE of the things the Federation values about themselves, and the reason they resist assimilation. But if our individuality and sense of self really is a strength, then wouldn't the collective want to incorporate that? But how would you assimilate that without destroying it?

Maybe by letting us think we're independent will still finding an interface that integrates us as an intact organ into a greater whole.

Maybe you'd go about that with a sophisticated bimbo trojan horse aimed directly at us, the audience (and by extension the crew) and some bullshit about a unimatrix, and LARPing as antagonists while all along safeguarding their (partially-borgified) ship and ultimately even ultimately giving them a highway to get home.

R: 258 / I: 84 / P: 10 [R] [G] [-]

Worst Star Trek episodes?

This masterpiece is from DS9 season 3, episode 8: "Meridian".

R: 16 / I: 2 / P: 10 [R] [G] [-]

New Star Trek Animated Show Announced

>Produced by Alex Kurtzman for Nickelodeon

Apparently it's for kids which is weird cause I thought that what STD was for?


R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 10 [R] [G] [-]

Trek Roasties

>McCoy: Now you listen to me young woman! I'll touch you in any way or manner that my professional judgement indicates!

<Eleen: No, no… the pain is… there…

<Eleen: Lower…

>McCoy: Uh…

Was Eleen the thirstiest milf of all?

R: 13 / I: 1 / P: 10 [R] [G] [-]

First Contacts

We discuss only episodes in which a first contact took place.

Enterprise S1E01 Broken Bow is my favorite.

R: 126 / I: 20 / P: 10 [R] [G] [-]

Star Trek 4 - Directed by a woman.

Production company Paramount is in talks with S.J. Clarkson to direct the fourth installment in the rebooted film series starring Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto.

Clarkson directed episodes from TV series including "Dexter," "Bates Motel" and "Orange is the New Black," as well as the Marvel-based series "Jessica Jones" and "The Defenders."


R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 11 [R] [G] [-]

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Several years ago I purchased "Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Special Longer Version) from a thrift store. It was the first time I saw the movie. I just discovered that this was an unofficial release made by ABC that had no input from the original creators. I am curious what major differences there were between versions. Did I watch a completely different version of the film?

R: 22 / I: 5 / P: 11 [R] [G] [-]

The 8chan Cup 4


The 4th edition of the 8chan Cup is fast approaching. First kickoff is set for January 4th, 2019 at 08:00PM UTC and your board is a part of it. The Cup will be a 32 team tournament, first with a group stage followed by the 16 team Knockout Round, all to determine a champion board of the site. The 3rd editon of the Cup saw the debut of 15 different boards, all of which are returning to shoot for glory once again, amongst revived boards and a few new ones as well. The Cup is being defended by >>>/christian/, who grinded out a 1-0 victory in the Finals over newcomers >>>/ita/. Eternal powerhouse >>>/bane/ managed to claim 3rd place over >>>/strek/ (that's you) by stopping the Trekkies potent offense and pouring on four goals of their own. For a full breakdown of the 2018 Summer Cup, please take a look at the wiki http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/The_8chan_Cup

In 2019, your board has been drawn into Group H, with /wooo/, /cow/, and /pone/. Please use this thread for pre-tournament hype and also any MINOR tweaks that may need to be made.

For the full wiki: http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/

For the stream: https://cytu.be/r/8cup

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 11 [R] [G] [-]

▶8chan Cup 4 - Actual Final Day Thread

Last week, thanks to everyone's favorite shitposting liquor-seller, we started the Knockout Round late, and only made it halfway through. So today we're completing it.




A1 >>>/christian/ vs C1 >>>/genesis/

E1 >>>/test/ vs H2 >>>/cow/

A2 >>>/bmn/ vs C2 >>>/hgg/

E2 >>>/b/ vs H1 >>>/strek/


Winner of A1vC1 vs Winner of E1vH2

Winner of A2vC2 vs Winner of E2vH1

Third-Place Game

Losers of Semifinals


Winners of Semifinals

Same great time, same great channel. https://cytu.be/r/8cup

Also, a place to continue the discussion from the last thread >>>/8cup/2985

R: 36 / I: 15 / P: 11 [R] [G] [-]

Comfy Ship Thread #3

Previous thread is at bumplimit >>9811

And we have been far too long with the great comfort that is ship autism discussion.

R: 15 / I: 11 / P: 11 [R] [G] [-]

Second Animated Star Trek Series Confirmed for CBS All Access

> Alex Kurtzman Planning a New Star Trek Animated Series

> Development on any further Star Trek films appears to have stalled, but the franchise continues to prosper on CBS All Access. Apart from current titles, the network is planning to extend its reach beyond the live-action realm. In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Alex Kurtzman revealed that another animated Star Trek series is in the works for the streaming service.

> “Our goal is to not only expand the definition of Star Trek and what has qualified as traditional Star Trek, but also to tell stories that are both self-contained in a very short period of time that also connect to the larger picture of what we’re doing, not only in Discovery but in the world building of Trek in general,” Kurtzman said. “And you get to tell these very intimate, emotional stories that are side stories to characters. So you get the benefit of the experience in and of itself but then when you watch Discovery you’ll see that these were all setting up things in the world of season two.”

> Kurtzman didn’t share any specifics about the new cartoon. But when it launches, it will be CBS All Access’ second animated venture after Mike McMahan’s (Rick and Morty) Star Trek: Lower Decks. That series offers a comedic take on the adventures of a Starfleet vessel’s support crew. “[Lower Decks] is totally different from anything we’re doing on any of these other shows and we decided to tell that story and make those people the heroes,” Kurtzman explained. He also indicated that additional animated shows are possible down the line. However, he insists that “each show has to have its own identity.”


R: 7 / I: 0 / P: 11 [R] [G] [-]

So who won this?

R: 350 / I: 81 / P: 11 [R] [G] [-]

>> Hail from Captain Pike sir

It's the Enterprise

R: 49 / I: 12 / P: 11 [R] [G] [-]

recast TNG

Christina Hendricks as Beverly Crusher


also this guy as Picard

R: 58 / I: 16 / P: 11 [R] [G] [-]

The best Star Trek film ever made is The Voyage Home. Fight me.

R: 23 / I: 3 / P: 11 [R] [G] [-]

Stage 9 Cancelled due to CBS Cease and Desist

Title says it all.

I can't even say how much this angers me.

It's not that they fuck our beloved series (I'll spare you from list it all but you know what I mean), they also take away from us these small bits we even create on our own as fans.

Same as with the fan film production.

Really…fuck them.

R: 164 / I: 35 / P: 11 [R] [G] [-]

Vidya General

Noticed that while there were threads for individual Trek video games, there wasn't a general thread up.

Thread should be self explanatory, discuss Trek Vidya, Mods for games, or games that would satisfy that Trek itch.

Here is the volafile link that often gets used. So far only Klingon Academy is uploaded but will add more games as good working downloads come available.


>Why no Mega Link?

Mega is frankly shit; has a data cap and will delete files without warning.

Also since I cannot be bothered copypasta the BOTF thread, here's the link to it here


R: 145 / I: 452 / P: 11 [R] [G] [-]

TNG Rewatch - Season 3

If fags haven't seen already it's a thread where a season of TNG is rewatched where a brief review is given of each episode and a small dump of reaction tier images and webms are made. Feel free to join in and shitpost. Also if you have any requests for scenes you want webm'd make them here.

Rating Scale

Since fags asked for me to give a rating on an episode when giving an overview here's my rating scale before there is autistic screeching, well more so than usual.

Ratings Explained:


Truly awful and do yourself a favor and avoid watching an episode with this rating.


Bad episodes that while you could suffer through there is no real need for you to put yourself through such torture.


The pass mark. Decent episodes that are okay but you really won't be upset if you miss them.


Good episodes that are worth a watch. There is not really any reason to avoid them.


Truly great episodes that you must watch.

Previous Threads:

Season 1 Thread: >>25320

Season 2 Thread: >>26012

R: 95 / I: 23 / P: 11 [R] [G] [-]


So, I've started watching Enterprise and due to the popular opinion that it sucks ass my expectations were pretty low. But I'm 7 episodes in and I actually like it. Maybe because I'm just coming off of Voyager (which has possibly the least satisfying ending of all time, couldn't you have made 10 minutes of time for a real fucking wrap-up?) and am still suffering minor Janeway-related brain damage, but it seems to be a pretty decent show. The exploration of pre-Feddie Trek is interesting, the set design is good, at least on the NX-01, and the cast seem to be fairly competent. Archer is alright. And aside from going hot into the mpreg episode right at the start the stories have been solid. Does this turn into a flaming wreck later on or are the tales of how awful this show is exaggerated?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 11 [R] [G] [-]

When I find myself in times of trouble.

Roddenberry calls to me.

Speaking words of wisdom:

"Let Star Trek die"

R: 15 / I: 1 / P: 11 [R] [G] [-]

When did the Borg beam aboard the Enterprise-E?

At what point did the Borg beam aboard the Enterprise-E? Is any hint given in the film?

R: 12 / I: 1 / P: 12 [R] [G] [-]

Can these two fucking twats go 20 minutes without shilling their sponsor Eaglemoss?

R: 43 / I: 2 / P: 12 [R] [G] [-]

How pozzed was the shows, really?

>DS9 has the Quark gets a sex change and pro-feminist message episode

>Voyager after the derby race episode, Torres says "It's the 24th Century"

Were they conditioning us from the beginning? How pozzed was Trek?

R: 42 / I: 18 / P: 12 [R] [G] [-]

Anyone else feel like they should have kept the uniforms from the motion picture instead of changing it to the red ones in Wrath of Khan?

R: 24 / I: 3 / P: 12 [R] [G] [-]

She's right, you know…

R: 195 / I: 77 / P: 12 [R] [G] [-]

The Orville - Off Season Discussion

Looks like Picardo is returning and is going to have more screentime. Also why have we been ignoring this?


R: 181 / I: 369 / P: 12 [R] [G] [-]

Rewatching TNG

So I have decided to rewatch TNG from the very begining. Apart from forgetting how campy and slapstick it is at times I picked up on a few things that I felt like most fags will have missed. I mean really how the fuck did it ever get greelight when in the second episode it's showing disgusting filth like this?

R: 39 / I: 10 / P: 12 [R] [G] [-]

The Alpha Quadrant Pussy Snorkeling Championship

Welcome to the Annual Pussy Snorkeling Championship! This year sponsored by Damar's Special Reserve Kanar, drink it before he does!

Coming to you from Casperia Prime, boy do we have a special line up this year folks!

Starting off we have last years winner and favourite to win; the Remover of Hasperat, the destroyer of Bajoran pussy everywhere, he's not just any Cardassian, he's Gul Dukat! Will he go the distance and challenge the record laid down by James T Kirk? Who knows, but if anyone can come close it's him!

Next up we have a newcomer who you may be forgiven as being some random Pakled that has wandered in confused into the studio but don't let looks fool you! Grebnedlog battle record is already nearly as long as Gowron's! Speaking of which Gowron will not be attending this year due to being disqualified by refusing to have his "d'k tahg" cleaned before taking part, stirring quite a lot of controversy!

Here we have someone you are all well acquainted with by now, he's the USS Enterprise's resident Chad and last year's runner up! Commander William T Riker! Will he take the throne from Dukat? If anyone can he's the one to beat!

Last up we have the wandering rogue, the outrageous Captain Thadium Okona! Considered quite a ladies man in certain circles but will that do him any good here when he's up against professionals? While certainly no favourite to win he may yet surprise us! Certainly one to keep an eye on!

Now we have been introduced to our contenders it's time to let them get settled in. What techniques will they use? How far will they endure? We will find out after some messages from Quark!

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 12 [R] [G] [-]

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Birth of the Federation: Thread

Have you ever played the greatest Star Trek/turn-based strategy game of all time, anon? Do you still play it?

R: 10 / I: 1 / P: 12 [R] [G] [-]

Why do the (((Ferengi))) deny Pakled realism and all of its implications?

R: 105 / I: 33 / P: 12 [R] [G] [-]

Klingon Thread

Why are Klingons usually right about everything?

R: 66 / I: 16 / P: 12 [R] [G] [-]

Constitution Class

After looking up about this ship class and the history of it, was it actually ever good? For a Frontline Heavy Cruiser the Federation seemed to build hardly any of them considering how many of it's replacement Excelsior Classes they built. Was it a luxury instead of being a serious ship? It always seemed that the Miranda Class was a far cheaper option that could do it's job nearly as well.

R: 60 / I: 12 / P: 12 [R] [G] [-]

Star Trek and Pedophilia

Why is there a link between Star Trek fans and pedophilia?


>On one wall is a "Star Trek" poster with investigators' faces substituted for the Starship Enterprise crew. But even that alludes to a dark fact of their work: All but one of the offenders they have arrested in the last four years was a hard-core Trekkie.




R: 48 / I: 15 / P: 12 [R] [G] [-]

New animated series



>CBS All Access has set phasers to funny with the announcement today that they’ve given a two-season commitment to Star Trek: Lower Decks, an animated comedy from Emmy Award-winner Mike McMahan. The show, which will be produced by CBS Eye Animation Productions, Secret Hideout and Roddenberry Entertainment, will follow the support crew serving on one of Starfleet’s least-important ships. CBS Eye Animation Productions is CBS Television Studios’ new animation arm.

>Alex Kurtzman and Heather Kadin of Secret Hideout and Rod Roddenberry, Trevor Roth and Katie Krentz of Roddenberry Entertainment will serve as executive producers alongside McMahan, who is best known for Rick and Morty and has written the upcoming Harry Mudd-centric installment of Star Trek: Short Treks. Aaron Baiers, who brought McMahan to the project, will serve as a co-executive producer.


>some guy who has only done a small handful of things, one of the Rick and Morty

>animated Trek comedy

Oh boy, I can't wait for this to be absolutely shit.

R: 50 / I: 16 / P: 12 [R] [G] [-]


>Most villain vs hero stories follow the "David vs Goliath" format, i.e. little goy overcoming big goy

>Khan is the opposite, he uses his wits and intelligence to overcome the hero who holds all the cards

>End result is that appears as both deadly and intimidating

Is this why he is considering an iconic movie villain?

R: 71 / I: 16 / P: 12 [R] [G] [-]

Prime Directive Thread

What does /strek/ think of General Order Numbah 1? There are a few different interpretations of it that we see in the shows; for example, The PD would normally have kept Picard from involving himself in the Klingons picking the new Chancellor, but he was allowed to do it because a Klingon civil war might, possibly, affect the Federation's alliance with the Klinks. What's the /strek/-approved, if any, interpretation?

R: 308 / I: 45 / P: 13 [R] [G] [-]


A thread for Star Trek questions that don't need a thread of their own.

I'll start with: why do so many junior officers in TNG wear command-track uniforms? Worf, LaForge, even soyboy Crusher wore red when he got a full uniform.

R: 63 / I: 30 / P: 13 [R] [G] [-]

Star Trek books

Can we get a thread on trek books? What are your favorites? Most hated? Ever read any that tried something new with the sereis you really liked or fell flat on in its face in a mediocre disgrace?

R: 24 / I: 5 / P: 13 [R] [G] [-]

Best Finale

Just rewatched DS9 and that ending (minus the prophet's) hit me fucking hard. TNG never seemed to end, TOS ended too abruptly, but DS9 reached a climax. People changed, finished arcs and goddamnit watching them all leave made me want to cry, even if it's the second time I've seen it.

What are /strek/'s thoughts?

R: 4 / I: 3 / P: 13 [R] [G] [-]

Have you accepted the best captain into your lives /strek/?

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 13 [R] [G] [-]



R: 15 / I: 5 / P: 13 [R] [G] [-]

Terry A. Davis is the real-life Zephram Cochrane

>be Terry

>be genius

>have Irish Chad's lantern jaw

>create next-generation tech

>build it alone, from scratch

>no support network

>subsist on canned foods and beer

>live in vehicle

>blast classic rock out the windows

>communicate with a space alien

>receive gentle guidance from space alien

Where were you when Terry's exploits led directly to the formation of the Terran Empire?

R: 14 / I: 3 / P: 13 [R] [G] [-]

TNG is the only good star trek ever made

TOS is campy boring shit only liked ironically

DS9 is srs business lore autism

VOY is self-explainatory

ENT should never have been made

and let's not start with STD.

R: 27 / I: 4 / P: 13 [R] [G] [-]

>yuta will never be your personal chef

>yuta will never bee your submissive fuck pig

>yuta will never be your personal hit squad

Why even live?

R: 27 / I: 7 / P: 13 [R] [G] [-]

Star Trek: Galaxy

Thoughts on Mike Cucklasa's pitch for a Star Trek spin off?

R: 26 / I: 4 / P: 13 [R] [G] [-]

>already had a black captain

>already had a female captain

>already had a black female slightly transsexual captain

Frankly I'm not sure we have anywhere else to "boldly go" here. Maybe it's time to move on and diversify another franchise? I hear James Bond is hiring…

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 13 [R] [G] [-]

Schwarzer Kaffee Junge

R: 57 / I: 9 / P: 13 [R] [G] [-]

The Prophets

How stupid is the idea of the Prophets?

I mean its the perfect example of writers throwing in stupid ideas to make them look alien, in the end they(writers and the Prophets) only look retarded.

>pleasure what is this

>Time what is this

>Destroy him! Or he will destroy us!

>death what is this

>pleasure what is this

its really hard to imagine anything existing without the concept of pleasure and pain.

>Time what is this

If you don't understand the concept of time you are defective.

>Destroy him! Or he will destroy us!

>death what is this

The literal fuck?

1) if you understand the concept of stooping to to exist you understand death. do your retarded

>death what is this

Makes you look retarded

2) HOW? Are you implying you the Prophets can not die?

Rating 10/10 on the absurdity pure TV bullshit.

R: 28 / I: 7 / P: 13 [R] [G] [-]

You're Pike

Who would you have chosen?

R: 20 / I: 0 / P: 13 [R] [G] [-]

Did they ever explain away Barclay's fuck fetish holodeck programs featuring Troi and Crusher or is that the deep dark incident no one brings up?

R: 310 / I: 104 / P: 14 [R] [G] [-]

Is Discovery really worth it?

I'm trying to decide to spend the cash on CBS, but it just looks so objectively bad…..

R: 18 / I: 1 / P: 14 [R] [G] [-]

Cringey SFDebris schtick

I know he's loved by many, largely for being one of the first and, production-wise, the most competent, Star Trek video reviewers and he's done good work, but does anyone else find some of Sonnenberg's act absolutely cringeworthy? Every time he starts putting on his evil Janeway voice for some of his gag attempts, you may as well automatically skip a minute, and his frequent pretension (like those character profile vids) is real sixth former analysis.

The 'all hail the overlord' business at the end of many of his vids is straight from the mind of what the spergiest Red Dwarf fan Warhammer painter would think is funny. It reminds me of those dweebs who Millman meets in the pub in Extras who love his sitcom.

What do people here make of him though?

R: 107 / I: 36 / P: 14 [R] [G] [-]

Hirogen Thread

Why do they wear the mask?

R: 163 / I: 486 / P: 14 [R] [G] [-]

TNG Rewatch - Season 2

For fags that have not read the previous thread I basically rewatch TNG while making dumping reaction pics and webms. The plan was to keep it all in one thread but it was getting very cluttered so going to make a thread for each so fags know what content is which. As always if you have a request for a scene to be screencapped/webm'd let me know and I will keep an eye out for it, but please only requests for Season 2 of TNG. If you have a Season 1 request use previous thread.

Rating Scale

My intention was in the last thread to just dump content and shitpost but it grew into a more of a mini-review of each episode. My scoring system might seem a little harsh at first but there is a reason for that; mainly I do not believe in throwing out high grades unless it is truly deserving and if you do it sort of cheapens scoring. To sum up in an example; while most fags would probably give an okay episode a 6 or 7 out of 10 I would tend to give it a 4.

Ratings Explained:


Truly awful and do yourself a favor and avoid watching an episode with this rating.


Bad episodes that while you could suffer through there is no real need for you to put yourself through such torture.


The pass mark. Decent episodes that are okay but you really won't be upset if you miss them.


Good episodes that are worth a watch. There is not really any reason to avoid them.


Truly great episodes that you must watch.

Previous Threads

Season 1 Thread: >>25320

R: 27 / I: 8 / P: 14 [R] [G] [-]

Is Star Trek: Into Darkness actually better than Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan?

I re-watched it for the first time today and it's not as bad as I remember, I think the first 15 minutes at least are good.

R: 46 / I: 13 / P: 14 [R] [G] [-]

I'm halfway through the first season and this is already just as good as any of the Star Trek series I've watched.

>stars Hercules as the most moralfag dude in the galaxy

>aliens are all clearly in costumes and facepaint, some are cool as fuck while others are literally painted purple

>the ship has an AI avatar that always shows off its tits

>constantly deals with religious themes

>hilariously cheesy even when Hercules isn't being a dick to have fun with his crew

>the design of every ship, gun, and uniform is top-notch

Why doesn't this get talked about even a fraction as much as Star Trek does? I imagine it would've been completely forgotten about if it didn't have Roddenberry's name attached to it.

R: 19 / I: 2 / P: 14 [R] [G] [-]

TNG Season 5 - Ratings & Discussion.

Hi, I hope someone can watch Star Trek with me and then we can rate & discuss.

Here's what I got so far (Format is episode number, rating out of 10, episode name, a brief description & notes with spoilers).

5x01 8/10 Redemption: Part 2 - Tasha Yar's half romulan daughter (Sela) is attempting to aid the Klingon house of Duras, Picard recruits more Federation ships to create a net to detect cloaked romulan ships, Worf is reinstated to his Starfleet position @3:45 Black female fleet admiral

5x02 3/10 Darmok - The Enterprise meets a species who's language can't be translated by the UT, They beam down Picard along with their captain. SF Debris gave this a 9/10 whilst acknowledging that ratings are relative to the series

5x03 7/10 Ensign Ro - The disgraced bajoran Ensign Ro is assigned to the Enterprise, Picard is ordered to track down a bajoran terrorist who attacked a federation colony

5x04 5/10 Silicon Avatar - The Enterprise gives chase to the crystalline entity that destroyed Data's colony

5x05 4/10 Disaster - Ship's systems are disrupted by a spacial anomaly of the week, Picard is stuck in a lift with 3 kids, Worf delivers Keiko's baby, Geordie & Dr. Crusher are stuck in a cargo bay with explosive containers, and Troi is reluctantly in command on the bridge. At the end Picard says "You have the bridge number one" and Riker & the girl both say "Aye sir"

5x06 6/10 The Game - An addictive video game with the power to control minds takes over the crew & Wesley must save the day

5x07 7/10 Unification I - Spock is missing, Picard & Data must go to Romulus to find him

5x08 8/10 Unification II - Spock strives for a reunification of Romulus & Vulcan but he is double crossed by someone working for Sela. Riker physically intimidates a ferengi in to giving him information. Data learning the Vulcan neck pinch was a nice touch

5x09 7/10 A Matter of Time - A historian from the 26th century visits the Enterprise, meanwhile a planet is facing a global natural disaster - What did Star Fleet do with the timeship? SF Debris gave this a 5/10

5x10 4/10 New Ground - Worf has trouble with his son Alexandra, meanwhile the Enterprise helps test a new form of propulsion called a soliton wave which threatens to destroy a planet

5x11 3/10 Hero Worship - Data rescues a boy from a damaged research ship, & the boy begins to imitate Data, meanwhile the Enterprise encounters an anomaly

5x12 3/10 Violations - Some psychics aboard cause Troi & Riker to fall in to comas, forgettable episode

5x13 3/10 The Masterpiece Society - The Enterprise finds a planet with human genetically engineered colonists that's heading for disaster @14:20 Picard says genetic engineering was a bad idea whose time has long passed @43:40 It's mentioned that the prime directive doesn't apply to humans. This episode is much wasted opportunity, we could have had a multi part episode with the augments taking over the ship similar to the Enterprise episode with Brent Spinner

5x14 6/10 Conundrum - The crew's memory is erased & the computer's memory altered to indicate they are at war with the Lysians. Troi beats Data at 3D chess

5x15 5/10 Power Play - The bodies of Troy, Data, & O'Brien are taken over by aliens during an away mission. This is one of the episodes where Brent Spiner gets to show his range. @12:00 is when Data angrily hits the computer screen BSOD.gif

R: 52 / I: 11 / P: 14 [R] [G] [-]

ok /Strek, do I watch all of TOS, or are there episodes worth skipping.

the only series I have skipped no eps of was DS9 and I'm not sure if I regret it.

R: 29 / I: 6 / P: 14 [R] [G] [-]



Everyone's favorite soyboy is getting eaten alive by his own.

TL;DR from /tg/:

>Wil Wheaton leaves twitter because they aren't mean enough to "fascists" like Alex Jones

>Joins some new wanna-be twitter called Mastodon

>Gets run off that by users and the people who run Mastodon a few weeks later after he causes a shitstorm by overreacting to a tranny pranking him

>turns out Wheaton's constant celebrity boot-licking caught up with him

>He used Randi Harper's ggautoblocker list back during GamerGate's height of activity

>Harper was one of Zoe Quin's personal buttbuddies and also a total psycho

>Harper got excommunicated when it was revealed that she was too much of a PR nightmare (and also vocally hated trannies)

>Harper made another blocklist that largely included a lot of trannies in the indie game clique that she'd argued with

>Wheaton subscribed to that blocklist also, thus "silencing" lots of trannies

>some time later, Chris Hardwick of The Nerdist is outed as another male feminist sex pest

>Wheaton has been tonguing Hardwick's asshole for years to try and get more famous so he wouldn't have to keep kissing Felicia Day's ass

>The SJW torch and pitchfork mob has been going after Hardwick ever since

>Wheaton has said nothing on the subject

>SJW Mob has decided that Wheaton is guilty by association for not using his platform as a D-list celebrity to call him out

>cut to this Mastodon shit

>Wheaton is not a transphobic rape apologist according to the mob he's been trying to leverage into the gaming community to make himself more famous

>he's now had to quit all social media because everyone is so mean to him

>he can't cry that it's GamerGate or the Alt-Right's fault

>even the lefty blogger/journo media is grilling him about all the times he was an obnoxious cunt on twitter

>the blue checkmark brigade is on his case as well

R: 26 / I: 14 / P: 14 [R] [G] [-]

So is the Enterprise a military vessel or just like the surgeon general, they have a military structure but are just scientists?

R: 112 / I: 52 / P: 14 [R] [G] [-]

Weird Starship Designs.

Any weird, ugly or shit starships

R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 14 [R] [G] [-]


Can we have a thread about the OTHER Gene Roddenberry series that I have seen no part of other than the really damn catchy intro is it any good?

R: 228 / I: 95 / P: 14 [R] [G] [-]

Best girl

R: 41 / I: 10 / P: 14 [R] [G] [-]


So in the grand scheme of things Star Trek as a sci-fi series didn't seem to utilise robots and indeed robotics in general all that much in the grand scheme of things.

Why do you think that is?

R: 29 / I: 12 / P: 14 [R] [G] [-]

The Borg

To open, the Borg are one of the most interesting things in the Star Trek cannon to me but for that same reason the way they're portrayed just makes me autistically angry about the stupid inconsistencies and just plain out wrong shit in the series.

Professed goal of the Borg: to achieve perfection by adding the perspectives and abilities of all other species to themselves

Inconsistent iterations of the Borg:

1. The Borg is a collective mind

2. The Borg are a collective of networked minds

3. The Borg are meat slaves that serve the Queen

Wrong shit/counterproductive motives that derive from these inconsistent portrayals as well as stand alone problems

A. Obviously the first part is one of the biggest problems, considering that the moral status of the Borg changes with each iteration. For instance: In case 1 from the above the Borg are achieving their goal to some extent and really aren't exactly harming anyone, inasmuch as assumption into a collective mind is not slavery but would rather subjectively feel like a huge amount of extra brain power and ideas being added to your own. Further, due to the merging of the minds in this way the Borg get to make use of drones without moral qualms, in that each individual is simultaneously self-identical to the collective mind and is owned thereby more like a limb than a person. Further, in this model each mind added to the collective is basically immortal, as all minds added have a complete continuity of experience through the collective and thereby, by identity principle, exist even after their original body dies. Additionally, the Borg achieve their goal in part in this scenario as the collective mind becomes more complex and receives new perspectives with each assimilation. In case 2. from the above, you lose basically all the advantages from scenario one and drone use becomes immoral as each mind is an individual still attached to a body. Further, they fail to achieve their stated goal as the collective is made up of a network that does not retain lost input from dead drones. In case 3. from the above the Borg become cartoonish villains and fail their original goal entirely as the Queen takes nothing from the collective and crushes the uniqueness they claim to want.

B. The Borg had amazing potential to function as an effective counter argument to the individualistic moralism of the Federation, with a more fleshed out version of iteration 1., from the above, Borg they or rather IT could have had a very valid standpoint on ethics, a society of a single mind handily avoids almost every problem that the other species have, no rebellions, no wars, conflict is impossible inside of the Borg, every single ill of society is just impossible in that structure.

C. How the Borg ended up functioning was incredibly disappointing, inasmuch as they basically became the avatar of the common American trope of "collectivism" that gets thrown at everyone and everything that doesn't suck the neoliberal cock. Star Trek had real potential to demystify non-individual or unitary modes of ethics and failed so spectacularly that they're indistinguishable from Cold War era propaganda at times.

D. Assimilated biotechnological hybrids as your sole unit and population is retarded design. With the level of tech present in the collective they could have easily just abducted the brain by itself, added it to the collective mind as presented in iteration 1. and used engineered biotech or just pure tech bodies as foot soldiers if needed, which they largely wouldn't be. There's no reason for Borg cubes to be filled with walking corpses, it's stupid and doesn't add to their stated goal as the drone physiology is usually incredibly homogeneous and, if specialized, is artificially so, meaning that unique physical capabilities are not added to the collective what ever.

R: 7 / I: 0 / P: 15 [R] [G] [-]

You are cordially invited to a Bad Movie Night

Good evening /strek/,

I am the Board Owner of >>>/bmn/ and run the weekly Bad Movie Night stream some of you may have heard about. As you can see in the subject line, /strek/ is invited to join in the celebration stream for BMN's second anniversary.

I hope you will join us this Saturday for a selection of some audience and host favorites from the past year. Six movies and two shorts; some becoming favorites for being genuinely enjoyable, others for being comical train wrecks. The night will consist of fellow kids being battered up, "IF YOU DIE IN THE GAME…", shooting the disco, live action anime, healthy eating and undead beating, calls to the CIA, and regrets of engagement. If you're curious as to what the lineup of the night will be, please see the attached invitation flyer.

Information about the anniversary stream can be found on >>>/bmn/638 .

Also, I figure this board would be a good place to ask for any bad space faring movie recommendations. My stock of space films is low, and I'm always looking to add to my collection. If you have any suggestions, I would be grateful.

Cheers /strek/, have a good night.

R: 15 / I: 1 / P: 15 [R] [G] [-]

>Galactic civilization that only reveals itself to warp-capable species

>implying astronomers would never see the giant space battles with their telescopes.

R: 27 / I: 3 / P: 15 [R] [G] [-]

>dont watch the show

>dont read the books

>dont become in any way familiar with the franchise

>write yet another shit timeline

Jesus Christ when will this bullshit stop, it's angering me to the point of tears.


R: 62 / I: 5 / P: 15 [R] [G] [-]

Picard's Crystal

How many here remember this crystal resting on Picard's desk in the ready room? He plays with it like a pen at times, and supposedly it shows up in 78 episodes, starting from S2 of TNG.

The mandela effect dudes are throwing a party over this. I can't say I remember it either, but it's such a minor element that I might have just never noticed it on a SD screen. Still, I've spent hundreds of hours looking at that ready room and to notice such a new detail now is bewildering.

R: 6 / I: 0 / P: 15 [R] [G] [-]

Trek vessels as blue-water ships

So I've seen this image floating around, and while interesting, it seems odd to compare spacefaring vessels to aircraft, when finding navy analogues makes a lot more sense. Not super knowledgeable on shipfus but I'll start off with:


This is a good Defiant-class, I think—overpriced meme ship with a bunch of poorly implemented, untested technology all on one boat that's a massive maintenance sink. I was considering the Galaxy-class, but she's not a destroyer. In any case, I think the' Queen Mary II is a better fit. Any other suggestions?

R: 313 / I: 174 / P: 15 [R] [G] [-]

Comfy Ship Thread #2

Previous thread is at bumplimit >>25

Archive of it: https://archive.is/17d7I

Thread basically is for discussion of ships in particular ones that are deemed "comfy"

How is anon with his fan design coming along? That actually was pretty nice considering most fan ships are to be frank, godawful trash.

R: 318 / I: 147 / P: 15 [R] [G] [-]

The Swoleverse

Imagine a universe so /fit/ where gym memberships are mandatory. Where wrestling is considered a traditional form of greeting. Where men are so manly and ripped they tear bulkheads apart with their bare hands.

Welcome to the swoleverse, where there is only roid rage.

If you haven't read these masterpieces yet you can read them here:


Long overdue that this got it's own thread.

R: 53 / I: 18 / P: 15 [R] [G] [-]

Hey guys you were nominated for 8chan cup.

If you will do the following:

Figure out an emblem

Decide your team members

Give me your goal horn

Give me your Anthem

When you've got some stuff deicded post your emblem in a thread for /strek/ on >>>/8cup/ before wednesday. Doesn't have to be your final emblem, just one that represents your board.

R: 79 / I: 11 / P: 15 [R] [G] [-]

>Inventor of warp drive

More like a fraud. History is a lied agreed upon. The government already had warp drive. The elite in Star Trek planned WWIII and went underground for a few decades. When the time was right they sent their boy Zefram up to build the warp drive. How else did he get an intact rocket? The proof to prove this is the reactor of the Phoenix. There is no way a post-apocalyptic society can produce a reactor to power a warp drive even in a small craft such as the Phoenix. After Zefram pulled his little stunt the elite came out of their underground bunkers and declared a new era of humanity. From then on the march towards a globalist Masonic government began.

Star Trek First Contact is going predictive programming to tell you the game plan for the 21st century. The world is drowning in debt and the elite always use war as a way of getting out of the mess they create. WWIII is coming and all the major nations are arming up right now.

R: 25 / I: 6 / P: 15 [R] [G] [-]

>Voyager is actually the remedial holo-training program for Starfleet Academy

>The Kazon were invented so as to not offend the Klingons

>The crew are all cadets except Tuvok and Chucks-oats-in-sea, the instructors.

>Aliens are played by other cadets or instructors

>Holodoc is a test-run for long-running EMH programs

>They actually believe it was all real.

>When they finally "get home" (graduate) nobody has the heart to tell them the truth

>Janeway even gets "promoted" to admiral as diversity hire

It all makes sense now

R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 15 [R] [G] [-]

Voyager is a much more entertaining show if you watch it as the EMH being the main character who has to deal with a frustratingly imcompetent crew.

>sends casualties and shit his way because they don't follow the Prime Directive

>treated like an object because "he's just a hologram" despite any sort of alien life forms afforded civil rights.

>has to solve Janeway's messes at the end of the day.

R: 18 / I: 6 / P: 15 [R] [G] [-]

wow this place sure is dead

R: 56 / I: 12 / P: 15 [R] [G] [-]

How would you fix the Federation?

Hard mode: You can't simply get rid of it.

R: 69 / I: 23 / P: 15 [R] [G] [-]

Rewatching Trek

Barring TOS, which first watched through and through sometime last year, I haven't seriously sat down to watch the series since I first watched them in middle and early high school. I was still a bit bluepilled at the time, and just by retrospect I can see I'd view many of the episodes in a different light. Any other anons planning to watch everything again, or have done so recently? Should I bother re-watching anything besides TNG and DS9?

R: 47 / I: 6 / P: 15 [R] [G] [-]

I'm watching DS9 at the moment and it really pisses me off how close this show is to being a masterpiece. Every time I watch a couple of good episodes in succession I think "Okay NOW the show gets really good," but then I'm interrupted with a shitty Bajoran episode. Why did the show have to center around these lame ass aliens and their gay religion? If the Prophets are really that great, they wouldn't have let the Cardassians occupy Bajor. There is not one likeable Bajoran in the entire series, and don't even get me started on this cunt. It could have just been about the Dominion, Klingons, Cardassians, and the Maquis and the show would have been fine.

R: 108 / I: 30 / P: 16 [R] [G] [-]

Ok, /strek/, I just took your advice and watched Voyager. FUCK YOU THAT WAS AWFUL. Anyone who dares to like this flash-frozen reconstituted microwave bullshit should keep their shitty opinions contained in other fandoms of a higher cringe factor such as Farscape, you raving lunatics. I'd rather eat Neelix's food than watch this shit over again in the future and that's a fact.

>start episode

<oh yeah hahha lol you remember what that one guy did

<yeah I did it was really funny and happened off camera

>but aren't we going to see that?

<oh hold on about that off camera stuff, we've got the problem of the day now on our hands


<oh yeah you remember that crewman who DIED on the away mission with me

>uh, which one?

<Oh yeah it was Ensign Plotdevice, that was so sad. Good thing she's back from the dead now!

>are you fucking kidding me? she didn't even exist up until this episode and we're supposed to feel for her?

FUCK OFF WITH THIS SHIT. Oh and Endgame was a piece of shit too. The entire seven seasons are a complete waste of time, and unlike TNG I hated this show for wasting my time. Don't ever compare TNG to Voyager again, they may have similar "dynamics" such as an insistence on "problem of the day" episodes, but Voyager unfortunately mistook "quality" for "throwing money at costumes and set design" instead of writing a good fucking show.