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File: d05d6ff8d99c90c⋯.png (32.63 KB,625x786,625:786,Captura_de_tela_2024_05_28….png)

File: f4a3c588e3d215d⋯.png (2.9 KB,537x69,179:23,Captura_de_tela_2024_05_28….png)

840602 No.5532 [Open thread]

Algum BR Faz esse exercício aqui pra mim de SQL Server?

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118a76 No.5336 [Open thread]

Share your experiences with this awesome community. How did you become interested in programming? Why did you decide to learn programming? Where has this knowledge brought you in life?

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4fd75a No.5403


What's the matter? I was born in 2002. The website was index.php and some shit no one wants to see.

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3b3016 No.5406

I received a home computer and I started reading the manual for how to work with BASIC

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e7760b No.5409

I liked math but I thought computers were gay, etc...

Then I started learning about Discrete Mathematics. If you know what it is, then you know how it's the link between mathematics and computing and I didn't stop.

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5103f0 No.5428

I was contacted by some dude that had the idea of creating a social media. I made it for him because I wanted to know how to code. I never took any money for it whatsoever, and I own none of it. Tavr.me is the final product. I don't work on it anymore because the owner and I had some disagreements.

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92c36a No.5531

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f65748 No.5501 [Open thread]

A conservative software developer forum


Become more productive than 99% of software developers with freely available techniques

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a900f5 No.5503

Bump. I'm 18 and I'm also looking for something like OP

Mind dropping your email or discord?

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06b2f6 No.5530

is it good buddy!

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f9448e No.5514 [Open thread]

I am a beginner programmer, I want to learn owl programming, which language would be better?

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b887c9 No.5529

well, it's a tough question but the answer is whatever you like, but if you are a complete beginner then i suggest to learn javascript first, to learn what programming actualy is and what type of programming language you need for you vision.

I'm not a fan of javascript, i don't even use it but for learning it's good.

Javascript is easy to learn, lots of tutorials, docs and much more features and it's also have some programming things which is also used by other languages for example list, loops.

Shifting to other language is lot more easy just few keywork will be changed.

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42aea5 No.5502 [Open thread]

Hey /prog/, I'm 19 and for a while I've been half-assing an attempt at a "tech career" straight out of high school. I'm now taking it more seriously , reflecting on what I've been doing and wondering if I'm retarded, so I'd appreciate a second opinion.

>did some gay C++ programming youtube tutorials while i was in middle school, didn't learn shit and stopped after a week

>tried a bunch of free online programming courses and lose interest in them all

>buy cheap python beginner's book off the internet, it's more interesting but i'm lazy and am only 1/2 of the way through after almost a year

>know some basic shit and some formatting, "etiquette" stuff

>enroll in local technical college IT course hoping i can learn more about computers, maybe get a job and carry the experience over to different fields

>starting to worry that the certification won't be enough to get any job

>now am looking for any sort of internship to get experience and become more confident in abilities

>trying to get to the point where i can make a PR on github without looking like a sped

I'd also appreciate if anyone could point me towards somewhere else where I could talk with experienced programmers and get tips, like an IRC or discord server. Thanks.

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1ccde6 No.5515

I am a beginner programmer, I want to learn owl programming, which language would be better?

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54a71c No.5516

Hi, Python is the best programming language for me

Python is easy to write and has a clean syntax. So, writing programs in Python is much easier compared to C++, we can make quickly prototype code that can be used to build applications, Python is easy to learn and easier to practice So I advise Python for you, by the way, my friends advised https://evnedev.com/services/software-product-development-company/ you can use their services for your projects while you learn programming

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7524ba No.5526




If you wanna do it - do it. First language doesn't matter, neither is a discord server. If you want to do it - you'll find a way

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32dd8b No.5527

learn c++ at starting, are you serious, go and learn first some easy and short type language and build some intrest. then go for known languages like python, js, rust, java (if you can remember long syntex), ruby, perl etc. then go for mid level languages like c/c++ or zig

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32dd8b No.5528

if you don't have intrest then leave and do other things, i'm not discourage you but you don't have any intrest

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a7173d No.3034 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

This guide assumes you forgot everything from highschool. No you don't have to learn any of this in order to program you can just start hacking around every .c file in your kernel.org git source clone and see what happens. Why would you want to learn math? Because it will change your thinking. You won't be easily fooled by bullshit, you will have tools to sort through obvious logical fallacies. You will be able to optimize programs and create your own algorithms. You will be able to estimate. Above all, you will be able to solve problems using computation which is what computer science is all about. And least of all, you will get paid more than anybody else without this knowledge so if your goal is shekels then read on. Note: DO THE EXERCISES. You won't learn otherwise. Books instead of video lectures were chosen because they've lasted 30+ years some of them in relevancy in the field, also lectures disappear all the time like when MIT nuked all one prof's Physics OCW lectures because he tried to pickup a student, setting a precedent that at anytime this information can disappear. Read a book nigga.

Math Preliminary

Basic Mathematics by Serge Lang

Buy/Pirate this book (he's dead). It's highschool math, from the perspective of a Mathematician. You will learn up Pre-Calculus and be prepared for rigorous proofs later.

An Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning" by Peter J Eccels

This changes you from rote drilling and being a human calculator in highschool to learning what math actually is, and what proofs do. Excellent, excellent book.

How to Solve It by G. Polya

How to do proofs, written in 1940s and still for sale in every Chapters/B&N bookstore to this day because it's the best proof helper that exists.

Welcome to Proofs

Calculus" by Spivak

Actually, you are learning ANALYSIS, in addition to calculus. Torrent the 3rd edition w/the answer book. This is a fucking hard assed book, you may be bePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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4ecb20 No.5506

cool post

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000000 No.5518

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2ba7e7 No.5519

I have just started to learn programming languages. And I am already thinking about learning PLC programming. Learning how to program PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) is a great way to get a head start in automation. You may need help to learn complex topics such as programming algorithms, PLC troubleshooting, library functions, etc. And for that case, I've already found a useful resource on the Internet at https://www.programmingassignment.net/blog/how-to-teach-yourself-plc-programming/ and also tutorials, ebooks and videos to help you become a successful PLC programmer. I hope I will succeed.

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30eb61 No.5524

In the world of web development, ASP.NET has emerged as powerful and widely used framework. However, mastering ASP.NET and excelling in assignments can be a daunting task. Fortunately, Programming AssignmentHelp.com offers professional ASP.NET assignment help https://programmingassignmenthelp.com/asp-dot-net-assignment-help/tailored to assist students in overcoming challenges and elevating their skills.

Why ASP.NET Assignments can be challenging:

ASP.NET encompasses a vast array of concepts, including web forms, MVC architecture, database integration, and more. The complexity of these topics and the constantly evolving nature of ASP.NET can make assignments quite challenging. Students often struggle with understanding the intricacies of ASP.NET, Implementing code effectively, and adhering to best practices. Additionally, time constraints and the pressure to meet deadlines further complicate the difficulties. That's where ProgrammingAssignmentHelp.com steps in to provide expert assistance and guidance.

Expert Guidance from Experienced Professionals:

ProgrammingAssignmentHelp.com boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals well-versed in ASP.NET development. They possess in-depth knowledge of the framework and are familiar with the latest advancements and best practices. When students seek ASP.NET assignment help on the platform, they gain access to expert guidance tailored to their specific needs. These professionals work closely with students, understanding their assignment objectives and providing personalized solutions. They offer clear explanations, code examples, and practical insights, enabling students to grasp complex concepts and enhance their coding skills.

Tailored Solutions and Timely Delivery:

One of the key advantages of availing of ASP.NET assignment help from Programming Assignment Help.com is the provision of tailored solutions. Each assignment is approached with individual attention, ensuring that the specific requirements are met. The experts collaborate closely with students to understand their unique challenges and provide customized assistance. Moreover, the platform is committed to timely delivery, recognizing the iPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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4a2791 No.5525

i first read this somewhere around april/may 2021. one of the worst times of my life after breaking up with my gf, hated math and was nothing more than a body at every restaurant job I had.

but in here is a part “education is the way out of a personal hell” well man has that proven to be true.

I started with the calculus books, went into linear algebra, into AI and wrapped back to learn a lot of algorithms through CLRS. I’ve also done stuff with analog circuits and signal processing out of interest. Right now, I’m working through software design like design patterns(gang of 4 book) and soon computer vision(Szeliski)

I currently work in industry software but my company has great support to let me do what I want to do. the learning won’t stop

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bd2aa5 No.5520 [Open thread]

We are not really are able to know for sure what world we are living in. We were given information by whoever is in power to understand our world in certain, specific way and we take it for granted. The scientists are supposedly confirming the information or changing and adding new things according to request of controllers. However some people started questioning this information that came with education…..

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bd2aa5 No.5521

File: 8e590f0f9f48721⋯.jpeg (108.61 KB,800x400,2:1,40DB1380_2564_45E2_BD4F_B….jpeg)

For instance, shape f our world, flat or spherical or egg shape …. We are not able to see earth form space to confirm …we only believe people who supposedly went into space. But did they really go? There is not pictures of earth taken from the space ….why? Everything is digitally made. How about space station you may ask, they transmit view on YouTube, right? How do we know it is not CGI. Here is some questioning in form of fun song


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bd2aa5 No.5522

File: 1cafdf0d3b9c871⋯.jpeg (457.11 KB,1914x894,319:149,E782080E_019F_48CC_A58B_2….jpeg)

Recently controversial subject like flat earth is disputed by many. We have no way to check it on our own. We can speculate using common sense but no real proof. They say it is distraction made up by DARPA …maybe …maybe not… I think both version are possible we can find some arguments on both sides.

One day I saw trajectory of the satellite and wondered why is it going up and down and up again why not straight I wondered. So I applied it to flat earth version and…. I saw it was going in circle. That made more sense to me.

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bd2aa5 No.5523

File: 4100b80af0e57db⋯.jpeg (105.23 KB,1200x965,240:193,0023582E_C55C_4774_A9F0_8….jpeg)

There is a theory that Antarctic continent is not a continent but a wall. And beyond this wall there are other continents that we know nothing about …narrow passages in the wall would allow to go into these other continents

Here is the map, I don’t know if we can trust it, who made it based on what material… however it is interesting to know that in order to break our programing and open door for information form beyond the box we were close in

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5c8d69 No.5512 [Open thread]

We have officially created a new board over at https://8chan.moe/t/

Come join there if you're sick of pictures getting deleted for no reason at all .

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9c34e7 No.5509 [Open thread]


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e83551 No.5510

File: 47dab11a9003f32⋯.png (302.57 KB,433x575,433:575,Screenshot_2021_11_17_at_9….png)

To be honest, I am slowly going outside of my comfort zone and trying different styles. I am also looking forward to this weekend because I am planning to buy more clothes. Well, I just want to try something different. Anyway, have you guys ever tried esports betting at Betting https://esportsbitcasino.ca/games/?

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c4e9f4 No.5477 [Open thread]

Sup faggots. What should I write in the commit message when I made a change with the only effect of making a warning go away.

"Remove warning", "Fix warning" and "Eliminate warning" is not quite accurate and "Make warning go away" sounds retared.

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000000 No.5494

quell warning

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4e14a6 No.5500

Supress warning

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446327 No.5508


annihilate warning

decimate warning

destroy warning

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c1cff6 No.5299 [Open thread]

Can someone help me understand DHTs with Byzantine fault tolerance? I read the wikipedia pages but they it didn't quite click for me. I'm also new to writing P2P stuff.

What is the algorithm, exactly? So I write a bunch of servers that all store some values with some keys and listen on a port. Then I want to query a key.

1. Do I send that key to every server and see which one replies? That sounds very inefficient if I have millions of servers all retrieving values frequently.

2. Is there a way to make it so that the server can't see the information it stores? I suppose I could somehow break up the file but now every query requires many more connections. Would it work if I encrypt the file and break it up into a small number of pieces, say 2, and store each piece on a different server? Even if an individual knew the key it couldn't decrypt even the part that it has.

3. How do I know the IPs of the servers without having a centralized directory?

4. What if the servers sometimes go offline? Is it enough to just store the same key-value on multiple peers and hope that at least one will be up?

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c12183 No.5476

File: 246d5ce36eee8e4⋯.png (4.86 KB,225x224,225:224,images.png)


The first three videos are what you want.

Also the specifications of Kademlia, the DHT algorithm used in Bittorrent Mainnet DHT.


Here's my take on it.

A DHT is a key value store where the key-value pairs are not stored in a central computer but distributed among many forming a network.

When a node joins the network it can query the network for a key and will receive a value associated with that key.

Also each node is assigned a portion of the key-value pairs to store. This is a black-box look at DHTs.

The interesting part is how to implement this without a central server that keeps track of which node stores which keys.

This is done using a decentralised or "P2P" algorithm outlined next.

Each node is assigned an id, which is typically the hash of its ip (and port I think). The nodes organize themselves in a ring, where each

node connects to its successor and predecessor in the id space. That is, node 6 connects to nodes 5 and 7. If let's say, node 5 is not available,

then it connects to the next available node in that direction.

The key-value pairs are distributed such that node with id n stores the pair such that the hash of the key is n. Since the space of a modern

hash function is huge, a node stores the keys that would be assigned to the previous nodes that are not pressent in the network.

In other words, the same space is used for keys and ndoe ids, and a node stores the keys closest to it in this space. This is the distance metric.

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820a30 No.5499

File: 798dc12699dd73f⋯.jpg (66.08 KB,640x640,1:1,1571041169699.jpg)

hi anon,

you should check out something like this : https://docs.rs/libp2p/0.37.1/libp2p/tutorial/index.html

I'd use this to write any new P2P stuff.


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f3e476 No.5505

Thank you guys so much for posting these amazing resources. I'm gonna get cracking on building a nice project using the info you've all given me.

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debaa4 No.3753 [Open thread]

>Be me

>work in low-level kernel/driver development

>Working long nights to get everything done as soon as I can

>bi-annual performance review comes up

>MFW my boss says he's disappointed because I don't talk to the other employees

>apparently its a problem that none of them know anything about me

What are some fields where I can find a programming job that doesn't involve talking to normies or anyone else? I'm a motivated self-learner who's willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done on time as long as it doesn't involve interacting with other people.

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fbf59b No.5452

That's life buddy.

Just ask a question about their lives and move on.

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fbf59b No.5453


Yup, they're definitely talking behind your back

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5d5307 No.5462


Reverse engineering.

It's a highly coveted contract job that pays probably the most money of any other computer science topic and you absolutely don't have to talk to anybody except "where is my paycheck".

If you're already doing low level, you can do reverse engineering, you can esp do abstract reverse engineering which is what GrammaTech does, using lisp to split up the program logic and any kind of source you want, to produce highly obfuscated binaries the kinds of which nation state malware uses.

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c2c3b3 No.5470


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13de20 No.5504

>work in low-level kernel/driver development

>I'm a motivated self-learner

How'd you get a low level programming job? I can't get shit without a degree. Any tips?

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5ff8c9 No.3182 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

>C without pointers

>Haskell without monads

>Java without exceptions

>Python without whitespace

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f415bd No.5492



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9d8d81 No.5493


Yeah it has although the name eludes me.

>RPN Lisp

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000000 No.5495

Haskell without currying

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422155 No.5496

File: 18b5a3e98d74269⋯.jpg (35.12 KB,640x459,640:459,e1.jpg)

>Lisp without cons cells,lambdas and macros

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662804 No.5497

low hanging fruit: java without semicolons

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2ffa67 No.5137 [Open thread]

Discuss and share Fortran related talks here.

This includes all variations (for now), but specify which one you're referring to.

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faf784 No.5234

How to RICH with FORTRAN?

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b2273b No.5237


sell tutorials to hipsters

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35137d No.5491


Don't forget the gaudy html

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ad0a20 No.5469 [Open thread]

dead board

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4fe0f1 No.5485


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4fe0f1 No.5486


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4fe0f1 No.5487


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4897eb No.5488


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8c0c69 No.5490

Just found it. Looks like here is another place to shit post.

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