>What tomino we are talking about?
>Based Zeta/CCA tomino?
>Or pants on head retarded Turn A/G-reco tomino?
Thanks for exposing your ADHD, fag.
>All in all IBO is the best realization of "children of war" concept in gundam franchise so far.
Apart for cheap melodrama, no.
>It's far less idealistic and abstract than Zeta with its magic newhalf shenanigans and black and white characters.
Because gay joker and his pig pirate captain in Season 1 were so grey, right? '
I think you became so numb as the show didn't stop hammering Jellyhorn = bad muh orphan private military family = good, your adhd just got worse.
>Not only that but it also doesn't fuck around with teenagers' sexuality aspect, and delivers it honest and upfront.
Because Atra's thirst Mika's cum wasn't a joke already. And that fag whose lover was kept alive just to be offed for a cheap melodramtic death.
>Something that Zeta does not.
Actually watch Zeta instead of skimming thorough Wike pages.
>I think IBO is the best Gundam entry ever from both narrative and characterization stand points.
Reserve an appointment with emergency ward cuz you are numb and suffering from ADHD.