Rules of /pone/
- Keep it pony related. You can post non pony but keep it to a minimum.
- Funposting is okay but keep it to a maximum of 2 threads.
- Generals and cross board content are allowed but keep it to a maximum of one thread per topic at any given time.
- Bumps require a form of content, at least a picture.
- You can post NSFW material but spoiler it.
- By clicking a spoilered picture (or expanding all images) you state that you are over the age of 18.
- Names and tripcodes are only allowed when contributing stylistic content relevant to a thread's topic.
- Reported content violating the rules will be removed. All NSFW material will be spoilered.
- Ban evading is NOT allowed. Doing so will increase your ban length at the discretion of the board volunteers.
- Users who consistently break rules to the detriment of others and fail to respond to warnings will be banned as appropriate.