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File: 649fc34523f4e25⋯.jpg (232.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QResearch.jpg)

b11c14  No.5799739

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 03.20.2019

>>5796335 ————————————–——– NAT SEC.

>>5795457 ————————————–——– Sex_trafficking_is_real.

>>5794717 ————————————–——– "Q" Start A List.

>>5793286 rt >>5793235 ————————— THIS IS NOT A GAME. (Cap: >>5793320 , vid: >>5793326 )

>>5793235 ————————————–——– (51) children burned alive enough to change narrative for day(s)? (Cap: >>5793272 )

>>5792657 ————————————–——– Logical thinking.

>>5792112 ————————————–——– Did both of HUSSEIN’s parents learn “RUSSIAN”?

>>5791828 ————————————–——– “THE CLINTON FOUNDATION” (Cap: >>5791858 ; additional context: >>5792059 )

>>5791208 ————————————–——– Number(s) do not always equate to days. (Cap: >>5791384 )

Monday 03.18.2019

>>5762016 ————————————–——– Listen carefully. (Cap: >>5762037 )

>>5760517 ————————————–——– 220px-Andrew_McCabe_official_portrait

>>5760511 ————————————–——– 220px-James_Comey_official_portrait

>>5760509 ————————————–——– 220px-John_Brennan_CIA_official_portrait

>>5760494 ————————————–——– 220px-Loretta_Lynch,_official_portrait

>>5760477 ————————————–——– Susan_Rice_official_portrait

>>5760463 ————————————–——– Sally_Q_Yates

>>5760434 ————————————–——– James_R_Clapper_official_portrait


>>5760125 ————————————–——– Who is the real intended target? (Cap: >>5760144 )

>>5760023 ————————————–——– Ammunition is hard to come by.

>>5759812 ————————————–——– So much effort to “KILL” a LARP. (Cap: >>5760272 )

>>5759709 ————————————–——– Let's Keep Playing…

Sunday 03.17.2019

Compiled here: >>5791939

Friday 03.15.2019

Compiled here: >>5760619

Thursday 03.14.2019

Compiled here: >>5742578

Wednesday 03.13.2019

Compiled here: >>5703840

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

b11c14  No.5799746


are not endorsements


>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments

>>5687134 Strzok Transcript: Research so far

>>5644463, >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q


>>5799225 Anon shares anecdote (whitepill) re: loved one waking up

>>5799208, >>5799241 Q did not post pic with Mr Chelsea(?). Focus on who took the pic

>>5799376 G Papa RT: If Pres declas as Meadows asked, Deep State will be BTFO

>>5799061 Fun: Triple /qresearch/ holiday GET (Barron BDay, Equinox, Frog Day)

>>5799296 Wikileaks shared video of Creepy Joe Biden bragging about interfering in Kiev Jan '18

>>5799164, >>5799469 Anons stay focused and RE_READ drops. carefully. sentence by sentence.

>>5799458, >>5799504 POTUS "IRL Typo" 206 fixed to 306, reference to Q#206 Green Light?

>>5799040 RE_READ Seven people, undisclosed loc, very private+highly sec/guarded mtg

>>5799437, >>5799064 Zinfindel Ln dig, Pelosi, Backpage shut down

>>5799525 EPA shift focus from Climate Change(TM) to safe drinking water

>>5799717 #7418


>>5798235 RE_READ "Lead-in" and "Easy to swallow" crumbs

>>5798291, >>5798391 Jane Doe and John Doe want to prevent bombshells re: SEX_TRAF CRIMES+Epstein

>>5798296, >>5798318, >>5798376 Nick Lewin dig

>>5798335, >>5798473 Nick Lewin connected Judge Dennis Jacobs dig.

>>5798380 Lot at stake for Bayer, Jury finding upends Roundup defense strategy

>>5798460, >>5798638 Anon's shares thoughts from discussion w Q skeptic, re Pen-hand Mob boss killer

>>5798471 FBI Revelations prove Clinton was protected by Obama DOJ (Epoch Times)

>>5798446 Q PROOF? [+21] [+4] [+2] compared to Qmap players numbering

>>5798544 Red X emoji on twitter lately (tech censorship). coincidence w Stop Sex Trafficking pages+hashtags?

>>5798694 RE_READ Mezvinsky (Mr. Chelsea)

>>5798753 Suicides: Add these CPD Detectives, Officers, and Sergeant to the list

>>5798790 Reminder, No name was "Admiral of the Never Trump Movement" t. Gorka

>>5798919, >>5798712 Epstein flight manifests dig

>>5798941 #7417


>>5797458 Nick Lewin DIGG, con't.

>>5797491 Who is ex-Clinton advisor Doug Band

>>5797501 New Ben Garrison cartoon: The Projectionist

>>5797505 Bunster family, GSachs Banker and Clinton connected, ties to Haiti, DR

>>5797510, >>5797998 ID on shmuck in pool party pic: Mark Mezvinsky (Chelsea's hubby)?

>>5797532, >>5797584 Six deaths, all involving men with connections to protests in Ferguson

>>5797586 Dig, Nick, Comey, Obama, Preet, Rudy, WTC, Middle East, SEC and more, 2014 (NYT)

>>5797625 Anon re Krueger on the Clinton Body Count list

>>5797628 Alan Krueger suicide DIGG

>>5797687 Bunster spotted in pool party pics

>>5797746 Anon's constructive criticism: FOCUS. Who TOOK pics? NOT who's in the pics.

>>5797876 Q PROOF? [+21] [+4] [+2] compared to Qmap players numbering

>>5797942 QMAP Breakdown FISA Declas

>>5798050, >>5798093 Clinton-connected New York socialite becomes An Hero

>>5798107 Q PROOF: Anons knew Epstein details

>>5798130 Twitter users attempts to fight Big Tech Censorship (Wikipedia)

>>5798159 #7416


>>5796900, >>5797019, >>5797177 Planefag spots MOAB landing on Hill near Clinton (USMC)

>>5796852, >>5796857 Nick Lewin digging. Follow the wives.. (NYT, 2004)

>>5796764, >>5796887 Background on Tricky Nick: Handled cases involving Spying, Int'l Bank fraud, ...

>>5796956 Slick Nick dig: trials of Al Qaeda leaders, prosecuted bombers (Yale)

>>5797021, >>5797244 GPapa tweet, If POTUS DECLAS as Mark Meadows has asked..

>>5797054 (Sample) More cringy Q-panic from WaCompost

>>5796735, >>5796745, >>5797208 Who is Nick? from his own website

>>5797373 #7415

Previously Collected Notables

>>5795787 #7413, >>5796597 #7314

>>5793494 #7410, >>5794220 #7411, >>5795006 #7412

>>5791207 #7407, >>5791930 #7408, >>5792684 #7409

>>5788877 #7404, >>5789657 #7405, >>5790475 #7406

>>5786598 #7401, >>5787369 #7402, >>5788145 #7403

>>5784248 #7398, >>5785033 #7399, >>5785791 #7400

Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

b11c14  No.5799747

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here — https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL — https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66-#70 >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882, >>>/comms/3898

Q Graphics all in GMT #71-#75 >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>5797229

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

b11c14  No.5799762

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966 ; >>5697825

Meme Ammo

* 43 >>5639586, 42 >>5427459

* Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 40,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

* Memewar2020: prepare for the 2020 general election >>4731041

* NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

* Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

* Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5593665

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5593621

b11c14  No.5799772

File: 1a68a7163c42c8b⋯.jpg (6.74 KB, 250x214, 125:107, 1525615292907.jpg)



Baker Requesting Handoff

37764c  No.5799774

File: 901ef73b375b4a6⋯.png (118.76 KB, 635x337, 635:337, krueger.PNG)

File: 0f9f2dbee8ae953⋯.png (234.06 KB, 595x687, 595:687, other2.PNG)


If Krueger knew so much, I wonder what the other two know.

39b6da  No.5799784


thank you.

cd27fa  No.5799786

File: f2a8935c40e4e81⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 1786x2144, 893:1072, farragut_f.jpg)

4fd208  No.5799790

File: 73517d55afbc426⋯.jpg (129.53 KB, 940x800, 47:40, hrc-corruption.jpg)

e8f696  No.5799794

File: a69767f9065822b⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB, 522x240, 87:40, Andrew Dice Clay Gives CNN….mp4)

Andrew Dice Clay’s Prophetic Warning to the World When He Stormed Off CNN Live

f6a42e  No.5799802

File: 3aa78f2ee0a9d4b⋯.png (1.82 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, ARKANCIDE.png)

Hey Bill,

Arkancide Alan Krueger.

Make it look like a suicide.


fe468b  No.5799803

Secret Service take photos?

4a721e  No.5799804

Open letter to Q, Q+ and POTUS

Dear Heroes,

I wanted to sincerely thank all of you for doing something very important to me: You have given me back years of my life!

When I was a young man, I volunteered to serve in Army Intelligence, as I was indoctrinated by my schools and the MSM to believe that Russia was ready, willing and able to nuke my loved ones, our major cities and most of our country.

Around 2005, I red-pilled myself regarding the realities of the events and evil forces behind 9/11. I went into a tailspin for several months, as all my beliefs, values and knowledge about–what I thought to be true regarding my government–were stripped clean from me. I had no plan B; my operating system was wiped clean.

As I rebuilt myself with a new skepticism regarding the scope and size of the "swamp" that was my government, I became more and more disassociated politically. I felt as if I was on the back of an aircraft carrier and someone handed me an oar and said, "Try to steer this."

I felt like the best years of my life were given for naught. I was brainwashed. I was told to kill Russian sons. I invested my youth fixing equipment that was used to intercept signals to be stored on devices that were sent back to a corrupted N_A.

In hindsight, I actually felt like a man without a country.

I found "The Q movement" in early November, 2017, and immediately jumped into the rabbit hole with both feet.

Please hear my words… Q, Q+ and POTUS, have given me back my sense of pride regarding the years I served this nation.

You fine anons have no clue how important this is to me.

I'm fully aware that "Team Q" has a lot of Patriots that scour this board.

If one of you would please, please pass along a quick word to POTUS and/or Team Q, just let them know that everything they have risked and done has meant EVERYTHING to one old soldier.

Please tell them I love them, I'm eternally grateful, and I pray for them every single day.

I can hear the soft, siren song of "Taps" playing in the distance, so I will retire for the evening. I will sleep a sound sleep of someone who chose to do the right thing when I was young, but now appreciates it while I'm old.

God bless all of you, anons!

Beer at the Parade, Patriots!

8d5cdf  No.5799805

File: b393cc22c13194f⋯.jpg (96.34 KB, 497x580, 497:580, pic_0484.jpg)

NICE snipe, Baker!

e336a8  No.5799806

Heeeeere comes Johnny!

/OurGuy/ JS on Hannity

3cc5e9  No.5799807

115:7.1 In the Deity of the Supreme the Father-I AM has achieved relatively complete liberation from the limitations inherent in infinity of status, eternity of being, and absoluteness of nature. But God the Supreme has been freed from all existential limitations only by having become subject to experiential qualifications of universal function. In attaining capacity for experience, the finite God also becomes subject to the necessity therefor; in achieving liberation from eternity, the Almighty encounters the barriers of time; and the Supreme could only know growth and development as a consequence of partiality of existence and incompleteness of nature, nonabsoluteness of being.

115:7.2 All this must be according to the Father's plan, which has predicated finite progress upon effort, creature achievement upon perseverance, and personality development upon faith. By thus ordaining the experience-evolution of the Supreme, the Father has made it possible for finite creatures to exist in the universes and, by experiential progression, sometime to attain the divinity of Supremacy.


f6a42e  No.5799808

File: 2c57ea2dcbde0a2⋯.png (1.42 MB, 2000x1002, 1000:501, PROVE ME WRONG.png)

socialism = satanism.

prove me wrong.

29a7f8  No.5799809

File: 883d0d67b9ef8e1⋯.png (398.79 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 48C3F3A3-B11F-4473-8F26-CC….png)

Nice work, Baker.

4a4f1a  No.5799810

File: 55bdcd8b4ab6b0d⋯.jpg (23.9 KB, 236x392, 59:98, 18479d150fa73e7b25a30d4523….jpg)

Thank You Baker

e15af1  No.5799811

Bad actors meaning acting bad in an official capacity? Ie, acting head of…

d9d7ed  No.5799812

I don't think the public is going to be that shaken over the Clinton Foundation being exposed.

People know Slick Willie has always been a complete pervert. People know politicians are shady.

It will be big news for a short time. No one's rioting in the streets over this.

604e20  No.5799813

File: 9a7fb4ede668826⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 634x819, 634:819, Bubba.gif)




f6a42e  No.5799814

File: 0a918fa897c4054⋯.png (1.07 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, CIABOOK.png)





8b6bda  No.5799815

File: 3e4e8e82ad36363⋯.png (58.78 KB, 921x765, 307:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4addbbaed74ca74⋯.png (67.25 KB, 923x751, 923:751, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ef869411ba58cd⋯.png (9.26 KB, 917x122, 917:122, ClipboardImage.png)

Kushner's peace plan 'includes land swaps with Saudi Arabia,' book claims

A draft of the plan included an oil pipeline from Saudi Arabia to Gaza, according to newly released 'Kushner, Inc.'

The book, Kushner, Inc.: Greed. Ambition. Corruption. The Extraordinary Story of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, was written by Vicky Ward and released by St. Martin’s Press on Tuesday. The book’s 300 pages detail Jared and Ivanka’s path to involvement in every aspect of White House affairs and their alleged designs to use their influence for personal gain.

Ward cites “multiple people who saw drafts of the plan” created by Kushner that would involve not just Israel and the Palestinians but also Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates.

“What Kushner wanted… was for the Saudis and Emiratis to provide economic assistance to the Palestinians,” Ward wrote. “There were plans for an oil pipeline from Saudi Arabia to Gaza, where refineries and a shipping terminal could be built. The profits would create desalination plants, where Palestinians could find work, addressing the high unemployment rate.”

Ward said that the plan also included land swaps, where Jordan would give land to the Palestinian territories, and “in return, Jordan would get land from Saudi Arabia, and that country would get back two Red Sea islands it gave Egypt to administer in 1950.”

Jason Greenblatt, the White House's Middle East envoy, tweeted late Wednesday that the book's claims about Kushner's peace plan are false.

"No one who has seen the plan would spread misinformation like that," he tweeted. "Whoever made these claims has bad info."


Moshiach is the anti-Christ

39a61e  No.5799816

Everything is a game. NOTHING is not a game.


d4ec96  No.5799817

link to SH please frenz

fc35d4  No.5799818

File: aa8fad28f4ebd40⋯.jpg (133.69 KB, 361x342, 19:18, (You).jpg)

>>5799801 (lb)

10/10 snipe

You just lost it again btw.

8abf85  No.5799819


fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake Jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call NOW

f4k3 JEW D3V1L5

(212) 490-0666













fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake Jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call NOW

f4k3 JEW D3V1L5

(212) 490-0666













fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now




Dorothy's chicken feathers with soroanons Talmud investments made a turkey of another feather .

It's full of homo, low in trannys, has electrolytes, and grovels in petty Jew nonsense from ancient pedo

experience These are schumer trademark potatoes with butthole lips

They are very elastic and work well with crisco from the Elon experiment

Check for the double gasketed feature

t's like a backchannel 1984 hidden in a hobbit riddle for white power and African groundnuts by Apple

and iTunes and pedovores and turd swallowing bankers


>>5492579 KYS DOROTHY

>>5517024 Schumer's cat is a BAD MOTHERFUCKER



>>5714472 jew ordering bacon


>>5742811 tard dues

>>5715895 the jelly donut war is real and with "jews"

>>5716226 (You)












09d94b  No.5799820


>5799296 (You) Wikileaks shared video of Creepy Joe Biden bragging about interfering in Kiev Jan '18

Thanks for adding this one, baker!

2dcfa0  No.5799821


Fuckin' KEK!

9a23a2  No.5799822


Its way deeper than Bill being a pervert

73be7a  No.5799823


Click that shit, niggas

That’s fuckin funny

ce3067  No.5799824

File: b99901b363d2373⋯.jpeg (524.17 KB, 1203x640, 1203:640, A03CF272-2D46-47E8-92E1-5….jpeg)


Amen brother…

1acda2  No.5799825

File: 106edddabb0937d⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1245x673, 1245:673, attorney.png)

which one is the attorney

2088c2  No.5799826

File: 67f79b28e325906⋯.png (404.63 KB, 664x504, 83:63, CBPEPE.png)

>>5799757 (lb)

Just wondering who all the MuhJoo shills are gonna go for after they kill all the Joos. Christians? Germans? Russians? Catholics? Irish? Blacks? My god, the hatred must find some outlet…

ebf834  No.5799827


Good point…

d9414a  No.5799828

File: afa338641dc21d8⋯.png (482.71 KB, 662x679, 662:679, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c8fdfe98afa130⋯.png (54.42 KB, 383x435, 383:435, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa78fb5d8e6d3ff⋯.png (63.28 KB, 637x412, 637:412, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a39159178c9aab⋯.png (161.62 KB, 629x561, 37:33, ClipboardImage.png)

Perhaps the picture was taken by Dr. Salomon Melgen.


e8f696  No.5799829

Polish Ruling Party Seeks Probe of Soros-Backed Bid for Radio Broadcaster

Lawmakers from Poland’s ruling party asked the government to investigate whether a deal by Polish media group Agora SA and a fund backed by billionaire George Soros to buy the country’s second-largest radio station doesn’t circumvent competition rules.

Last month Agora agreed to buy 40 percent of Eurozet sp. z o.o. for 131 million zloty ($35 million) from Prague-based Czech Media Invest AS, with Soros’ SFS Ventures taking 60 percent. The deal included a call option for Agora to buy out the fund within 36 months.


4391ef  No.5799830

Story on Hillary and Haiti. Pre-dates Q.


Quiet genocide. Ethnic replacement. Take over of the whole country.

89e000  No.5799831

File: 94530a5ce655dee⋯.png (648.97 KB, 1664x925, 1664:925, Mayotte_Seychelles_Kenya.png)

GeographyFAGS get in here




Why so much habbenings here?

73b7fa  No.5799833

File: 85a841aa02299cd⋯.jpeg (268.83 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 1C2750F4-FCF1-456B-8BBF-1….jpeg)


why does chelsea have such a big adams apple?

d0995b  No.5799834

File: 6b93284133feb76⋯.jpeg (144.08 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 8746A941-1E15-4EA9-A12B-1….jpeg)

File: b2e20101c00e87a⋯.jpeg (28.39 KB, 370x310, 37:31, 4ADA82B0-F274-4FCB-BEA9-1….jpeg)

File: 9a5ee8ab0054c1f⋯.png (2.27 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 25263EAF-BBB5-47E7-B078-F0….png)

3edc70  No.5799835




69c748  No.5799836


WTF now that's a new picture to me

8abf85  No.5799837

these tards must be drunk

1dae55  No.5799838

File: 3c1af23c5c489ee⋯.png (361.2 KB, 837x841, 837:841, adsb320191.PNG)

File: ada71448dff79c4⋯.png (146.36 KB, 846x471, 282:157, adsb320192.PNG)

File: ae3a3f4e484c3fa⋯.png (147.86 KB, 841x476, 841:476, adsb320193.PNG)

>>5799612 lb

A lot of doubles tonight, right now 111 aircraft showing,minus a few ground

9a23a2  No.5799839


That was a thought I had too

4cb696  No.5799840

File: e705c7647ead575⋯.jpg (39.61 KB, 612x408, 3:2, night.shift.f117.jpg)

File: bf5ba84429ebda6⋯.png (768.31 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Justice_For_Children_Q_Alp….png)

File: 178acfd423bc728⋯.png (829.71 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, POW_MIA_Q_Alt_Alpha.png)

File: 908ea989e2990bd⋯.jpeg (44.29 KB, 432x363, 144:121, F7C266AE-FFC7-439C-9A6B-1….jpeg)


Keep kicking Ass Baker !

OORah !

0b3149  No.5799841

File: 439b82aabeed5c9⋯.jpeg (145.47 KB, 750x1038, 125:173, 917EADC2-90E6-4574-9661-1….jpeg)

File: b40f9336b2db499⋯.jpeg (137.47 KB, 745x659, 745:659, EF1CFA90-1203-4CC7-B894-8….jpeg)

AF KC-10 over Japan -callsign “CABAL11”

c45007  No.5799842

File: 0b51192d82f7b7b⋯.png (496.69 KB, 613x675, 613:675, ClipboardImage.png)


>>5799769 (pb)



"When I commanded the northern command and saw, mainly in the southern sector of the Golan Heights, ISIS fighters walking along the border. So what? So they walk along the border, with their Kalashnikov on their shoulder. So what? They are primitive, relatively. Relatively limited capabilities. And yes, they have their own imagination, their own determination. And it's dangerous, I admit that, but I know how to cope with that."

-Yair Golan

c10007  No.5799843

File: d5ab3d7ccc25130⋯.jpg (709.48 KB, 1111x625, 1111:625, follow-the-attorney-questi….jpg)



the one who took the picture …

2604b0  No.5799844

File: 2c5bd188158f6b6⋯.gif (2.02 MB, 498x279, 166:93, tenor-8.gif)

c81968  No.5799845


to make her nose look normal?

feb568  No.5799846

Who is looking into Uranium One???

8b6bda  No.5799847

File: 9d7bae0e1038bc5⋯.png (88.61 KB, 679x833, 97:119, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f13bcbd95358f6⋯.png (48.61 KB, 653x475, 653:475, ClipboardImage.png)

Unsealed documents shed new light on depth of the Cohen probe

A trove of newly released documents from the federal raids on Michael Cohen’s home and office are offering new insight on how investigators built their case against President Trump's former "fixer."

The nearly 900 pages of redacted documents show that investigators examined nearly all aspects of Cohen’s life, first as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe and then as federal prosecutors in New York took hold of the case.

They also reveal allegations the FBI looked into but did not charge Cohen with having committed, including concerns that President Trump's former lawyer could be acting as an unregistered foreign lobbyist.

Former prosecutors with the Manhattan attorney’s office told The Hill that the documents outline a typical investigation for the office.

Linda Severin, a former federal prosecutor with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York (SDNY), said the strategy of investigating every avenue possible is “standard operating procedure” for the office.

She said it would be particularly important for investigators to make sure they had more than enough evidence to search Cohen’s premises given the fact that he was the president’s personal attorney.

“We never want to get it wrong,” Severin added.

Sources familiar with the work of the SDNY also said it was notable that prosecutors had a significant amount of evidence of criminal activity by Cohen before the raids, which could mean they were hoping to dig up dirt on others by searching his premises.

Mimi Rocah, a former assistant U.S. attorney for the SDNY, said investigators have to reach a high bar in order to obtain a search warrant, proving to a judge that they have probable cause to believe that someone engaged in criminal activity.

Among the revelations from Tuesday’s document dump is that investigators first obtained a search warrant for Cohen’s digital and electronic communications in July 2017, nearly a year before the federal raids. That warrant was granted by a judge in D.C. as part of the Mueller investigation.

“That’s a lot for them to have had that far back,” Rocah said.

She said prosecutors could have had enough evidence to arrest Cohen at the time of the FBI raids but that they may have been seeking evidence about other individuals.

The government is currently conducting an investigation into campaign finance violations tied to Cohen. Significant sections of the documents released Tuesday that would have included evidence on that probe were redacted, keeping details about the investigation away from the public.

Cohen has publicly implicated Trump, his former client, in a plan to make payments to women alleging affairs with the president ahead of the 2016 election. Trump has denied the allegations.


604e20  No.5799848

File: b9eef14bb7598eb⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1295x971, 1295:971, POTUS SOTU.png)


feel the same way anon. everyone here gave life back to other's.

69c748  No.5799849


Watch out Japan, cabal trying to get you.

c80bbb  No.5799850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.


7b177c  No.5799851


sorry could not help it.

e336a8  No.5799852

Ukranians leaked Paul Manafort's financial records in an effort to sway the US Election - JS on Hannity

Video tapes…

9a23a2  No.5799853

c45007  No.5799854

File: 2bea3e306f6ed0c⋯.png (790.96 KB, 1855x1004, 1855:1004, ClipboardImage.png)



c80bbb  No.5799855

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

74f808  No.5799856



no where on the Q board does Hussein ever mean osama……..show me.

hussein is always referencing Obama

who do you think is "we dont say his name"…..is…..i bet you are confused there also

73b7fa  No.5799857


and how tall is gaylord

pool pedo has gotta be at least 6'3"

838229  No.5799858

>>5799677 (/pb)

When the first guy called he said his name was "Cameron".. at the end of the call he said, that's Cameron with a Q.

The name checks out.. spelling is Qamran. I'll leave it there. There were about 20 red flags in the course of 3 phone calls and bunch of text messages and last minute changes of plan.

Perhaps I was supposed to be the next Qanon to get blamed for a FF.

Aus & NZ are cabal strongholds.

1acda2  No.5799859



probably Lewin then since he comes up in the other drop?

5681bf  No.5799860


Proud of you anon!

feb568  No.5799861


Lawyer just said Huber has not contacted her

57beca  No.5799862

File: 04f9fff5e9af3b8⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Hive_Mind_MAGA_Hat_Q.jpg)

File: 9e4cf7a722020b8⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 443x234, 443:234, Q63.jpg)

File: d6a0a21019e2573⋯.jpg (12.68 KB, 434x103, 434:103, Q206.jpg)

>>5799458 LAST BREAD

Yes, I posted some of that same info this afternoon too. >>5790799

Hive mind!

a020cc  No.5799863

File: 4a70925143c49c5⋯.png (12.78 KB, 1045x90, 209:18, ClipboardImage.png)


Old dig but I think it's relevant.

e00040  No.5799864

File: d73fd1729e9ea27⋯.png (4.58 KB, 160x154, 80:77, o7.png)

586dee  No.5799865

>>5799655 (lb)

I saw a British doc from 1990's, and then binged on scientific studies supporting same findings, about the THC induced psychosis referenced, and the association of that mental illness with the lack of balancing factors thereof perhaps due to lack of CBD. Said mental illness and psychoses may only occur in a very small percentage of users, perhaps 2% to 5% of the population, but when it does it can be catastrophic. I have witnessed this phenomenon happen to those very close to me (including commitments to mental institutions) and I have been greatly saddened because of it.

09118e  No.5799866

Memes43 folder is acting spoopy…keeps "loading" but never actually loads.


d7802b  No.5799867

Hannity guests talking about Ukrainian equivalent of Attorney General having a tape of Politicians conspiring to assist HRC in the US election.

Not news to US but breaking to the mainstream now. No coverage on MSM. Surprise, surprise.

8abf85  No.5799868

seems the damn seamokeys got loose in the matrix and turned into pedo fake jews

d9ba8b  No.5799869

>>5799356 (lb)

enhance those sunglasses blade runner!

a40c35  No.5799870


You will learn one day what you really did here was waste years of your life.

d625f2  No.5799871


Not hating at alllllll but isn't it 'man the torpedoes?' Sorry…ex Navyfag, never leaves ya.

8b6bda  No.5799872

File: 952535e7e238455⋯.png (892.79 KB, 1058x599, 1058:599, ClipboardImage.png)

An Oklahoma sheriff and most of her staff abruptly quit over dangerous jail conditions

'This is just wrong'

Nowata County Sheriff Terry Sue Barnett resigned Monday, along with most of her deputies and staff, in protest of conditions at the county's jail that they say endanger the lives of both employees and inmates, according to NBC News.

Barnett had been ordered to reopen the jail by Nowata District Judge Carl Gibson, after Barnett evacuated it because of allegedly dangerous levels of carbon monoxide that sent some workers to the emergency room. Barnett quit rather than reopen the jail.

"I've said from the beginning that if I became sheriff, I would serve the citizens by standing up and doing the right things," Barnett said in a statement. "This is just wrong, and I wasn't going to put human beings in that jail until we knew what was going on."

What happened?

On Feb. 28, Barnett evacuated her staff and all inmates from the Nowata County jail after a carbon monoxide level of 18 was detected—dangerously close to a level of 20 which Barnett said could be fatal.

The inmates were relocated to Washington County jail. Barnett said four employees had to go to the emergency room due to the carbon monoxide exposure.

Barnett said carbon monoxide isn't the only problem in Nowata County Jail. There are also exposed wires in the shower areas and mold in the jail and the jail's offices. Poor plumbing also causes methane gas leaks within the jail, said Barnett.

"The Nowata County Jail is a ticking time bomb of constitutional liability," said Paul DeMuro, Barnett's attorney. "If the county thinks it has budget problems now, it better wake up because somebody is going to die in that jail.

What now?

There are five employees left on staff with the Nowata County Sheriff's Office. Dispatchers are delegating 911 calls to nearby law enforcement stations. Nowata County is a 600 square-mile area of more than 10,000 people.

Judge Gibson declared Barnett's resignation void in court Tuesday, but Barnett maintains that the judge does not have the ability to order Barnett to work once she has submitted her resignation.

"I do not work for the judge," Barnett said.


ebf834  No.5799873

File: 21ae8aff148967e⋯.gif (982.2 KB, 425x239, 425:239, tumblr_static_tumblr_stati….gif)

3edc70  No.5799874



when was the photo taken?

81285b  No.5799875

File: a86c4237cd35d1e⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1902x916, 951:458, Screenshot_2019-03-21 Inst….png)

File: 21fe50e624fa628⋯.jpg (358.62 KB, 1902x916, 951:458, Screenshot_2019-03-21 Inst….jpg)

File: 173c57082f76c57⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1902x916, 951:458, Screenshot_2019-03-21 Inst….png)

I found a connection who possible made the picture. Watch the dates!


8abf85  No.5799876

great filters to use on /qresearch/







































paul ryan










blasey ford




paul ryan








ebf834  No.5799877

File: 930373f76e6ef9a⋯.jpg (729.61 KB, 1440x2031, 480:677, 20190320_211810.jpg)




9a23a2  No.5799878


Huber apparently never contacted those bounty hunting whistleblowers either. No leaks.

6167db  No.5799881


Hmm.. that is such a big. Also looks like a pizza ring but can't tell for sure.

73be7a  No.5799882

File: d7e195ce063b34b⋯.jpeg (33.96 KB, 521x334, 521:334, A3D27A07-6E82-4AA8-B11C-B….jpeg)

69c354  No.5799883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nix's ad in the strongly Republican-leaning district offered a strong signal that upcoming congressional campaigns will take their cue from President Trump's messaging on Ocasio-Cortez, and on socialism in general. Trump has repeatedly vowed amid a humanitarian and political crisis in Venezuela that "America will never be a socialist country," and his administration has dismissed Ocasio-Cortez as a clueless politician who's in over her head.

25376c  No.5799884

File: 78809574e74f9b5⋯.jpg (1.8 MB, 1840x1810, 184:181, clarke-gayford.jpg)

File: 005e0dc1f990703⋯.jpg (110.23 KB, 720x450, 8:5, gayford2.jpg)



Wiki on Clarke Gayford.

He is MSM

Apparently a nation-wide effort has been underway since last February to QUASH RUMORS online about Gayford. But damn if I can find a single source that actually states the rumors.

a2af6e  No.5799885


"This jerk off, asshole guy!"


ae3bf1  No.5799886


why would he need to. He has all the records

61903f  No.5799887

File: 095beaee53602cd⋯.jpg (3.99 MB, 4504x4752, 563:594, 1_GlobalView_Q_Drop_133_11….jpg)

File: 0d6fd6c3498a545⋯.jpg (3.85 MB, 4552x3424, 569:428, 5_GlobalView_Q_Drop_133_11….jpg)

File: 8e6eb04621deb44⋯.jpg (3.89 MB, 5288x3968, 661:496, 5_GV_Annex_2_5_GlobalView_….jpg)

>>5799689 (lb)

Kek, Jewish collective power is part of the DS Illiminaty cabal, bozo shill :)

>>5799674 (lb)

Links to archives for the Cabal Global View graphs for ease of sharing (to save the full series of the graphs, go to the archive link, and open the image in a new tab/window, then save it):

http://archive.vn/x5qSo - #1 version 1.2

http://archive.vn/MZp6s – Annex 1 version 0.2

http://archive.vn/ypVpQ - #2, version 1.0

http://archive.vn/nGAey - #3, version 1.0

http://archive.vn/EFTt0 - #4, version 1.0

http://archive.vn/4jdTm - #5, version 1.0

http://archive.vn/iax6J – Annex 2, version 1.1

http://archive.vn/kfR77 – Annex 3, version 1.1

<Also check this protocol to exploit zionist gate-keeping shills easely using GAB and the “Flat-Tire Protocol” (named after the Laura Loomer flat tire scam fiasco):

http://archive.vn/I6kJz (and here you can think a text version of the text in that graph if you do not find it easy to read or you want to grab the links faster: http://archive.vn/tK8Dw )

All Jewish collective power needs to be eradicated from the West for all the right reasons, including the freedom and safety of non-subversive non-criminal Jews.

b8f09c  No.5799888

File: 579e0efdf480a00⋯.jpg (6.33 MB, 4786x6221, 4786:6221, SessionsInvestigatingQTime….jpg)


Who did AG Sessions task to investigate it?

No leaks.

06f914  No.5799889

File: ffbf8996a745fa9⋯.jpg (372.84 KB, 720x981, 80:109, 20190321_011735.jpg)

File: dda114039cabed4⋯.jpg (253.92 KB, 719x1003, 719:1003, 20190321_011759.jpg)

File: 158fa3899254f16⋯.jpg (101.42 KB, 720x376, 90:47, 20190321_011822.jpg)

File: 63000a929fac9fc⋯.jpg (288.79 KB, 720x1032, 30:43, 20190321_011835.jpg)


b11c14  No.5799890

File: 72f00261d16eb73⋯.jpg (68.12 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1511643278579.jpg)


9/10* snipe


9a23a2  No.5799891



1acda2  No.5799892

File: 3e39f73dbbdb870⋯.png (745.4 KB, 1489x773, 1489:773, lewin.png)

Krueger Krieger

4149c2  No.5799893

Re: the picture Q posted

bill clinton and his buds look like they are in the Virgin Islands, specifically Magen’s Bay in St Thomas. Not sure of course - just looks like it.

8b6bda  No.5799894

File: bcb0a6075490aa7⋯.png (1.08 MB, 888x718, 444:359, ClipboardImage.png)

Obama-Appointed Judge Blocks Wyoming Oil Lease Sale Over ‘Climate Change’

A federal judge temporarily blocked new oil lease auctions in Wyoming on Tuesday after finding the Department of the Interior “did not sufficiently consider climate change” when proposing the lease sales, The Washington Post reports.

Washington D.C. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras ruled the government violated federal law and did not fully study the environmental impact of oil development on 300,000 acres of federal land.

Contreras did not void leases already sold, but he ordered the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to redo the environmental reviews used to approve the leases. The BLM must include in the redone reviews the effects of each new oil well on overall emissions in the U.S., including the pumped oil’s downstream effects, Contreras’s ruling said.

“Given the national, cumulative nature of climate change, considering each individual drilling project in a vacuum deprives the agency and the public of the context necessary to evaluate oil and gas drilling on federal land before irretrievably committing to that drilling,” he wrote, according to WaPo.

Former President Barack Obama appointed Contreras to the federal bench in March 2012.

Contreras’s ruling came after the activist groups WildEarth Guardians and Physicians for Social Responsibility sued the federal government over the lease sale in 2016.

“In spite of the President’s commitment to US leadership in moving towards a clean energy future … Federal Defendants continue to authorize the sale and issuance of hundreds of federal oil and gas leases on public lands across the Interior West without meaningfully acknowledging or evaluating the climate change implications of their actions,” the two groups wrote in their lawsuit, according to Ars Technica.


e336a8  No.5799895

File: 8a7c112b15c0745⋯.jpg (487.31 KB, 960x641, 960:641, anon_humvee.jpg)

File: 72ce35f53f41577⋯.jpg (23.96 KB, 255x197, 255:197, IMG_2318.JPG)

get in anons

we're going to fuck up the DS

865213  No.5799896

File: 5d5b49952e9bfac⋯.jpg (89.27 KB, 1122x1058, 561:529, 5d5b49952e9bfac5a991a2ba83….jpg)


Thank you for sharing Anon!! God Bless!!

a6cf2c  No.5799897

File: 12d31a3d845d67c⋯.png (237.22 KB, 588x631, 588:631, Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at ….png)

>>5793235 ————————————–——– (51) children burned alive enough to change narrative for day(s)? (Cap: >>5793272 )

ae3bf1  No.5799898


>But damn if I can find a single source that actually states the rumors.

me neither

c45007  No.5799899

File: c076ca5297970e0⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, New Zealand PM @jacindaard….mp4)


New Zealand PM @jacindaardern announces 2 min. silence and broadcasting the Muslim Call to prayer.

b3c804  No.5799900

File: 2609c8fcd639f10⋯.jpg (58.38 KB, 1050x705, 70:47, ray.JPG)

The Pentagon wants $300 million to experiment with a space-based direct energy weapon for intercepting ballistic missiles – but the request may be deliberate misinformation, in the spirit of the Reagan-era ‘Star Wars’ program.

The US military has vowed to boost its space infrastructure, keeping ahead of Russia and China as they develop anti-satellite capabilities. Most of Washington’s effort is to provide more redundancy and to ensure that, if either of the two adversary nations were to start shooting down American satellites, enough would remain in orbit so that American troops on the ground are not left without communications and intelligence. But the Pentagon also wants cool new toys that –hypothetically– would kill ballistic missiles during boost phase.

The 2020 budget proposal asks for $304 million for space-based anti-missile weaponry, including powerful lasers and neutral particle beams, Defense One reported. Most of the money is to be poured into the latter project, which is supposed to result in an experiment sometime before 2023.

The neutral particle beam, also dubbed orbital ion cannon, is a device, which charges atoms, accelerates them in a magnetic field to near-light speed, then neutralizes the particles and shoots them at a target. Once it reaches its target, it generates intensive heat – and unlike a laser beam, it cannot be neutralized by a mirror. Basically, it would resemble the death rays of the early science fiction days.

But there is a catch: the equipment required to generate it is far too massive to be easily deployed in space. At least that was the case the last time the Pentagon played with the idea. In 1989, US military researchers launched a sounding rocket with a beam device on board as part of the Beam Experiments Aboard Rocket (BEAR) project.

Defense officials, who held a conference on the subject last week, seem cautiously optimistic about the advances that the technology has made in the three decades. “Power generation, beam formation, the accelerometer that’s required to get there and what it takes to neutralize that beam, that capability has been matured and there are technologies that we can use today to miniaturize,” one senior official said.

The highly public nature of the experiment, however, indicates that it may have more in common with Ronald Reagan than the time of its previous iteration. The Republican president famously tricked the Soviet Union into unnecessarily boosting its defense spending by pushing the Strategic Defense Initiative, also dubbed Star Wars by the media – an (overhyped) system of space-based anti-ballistic missile defenses that supposedly could render Moscow’s nuclear deterrence obsolete.

“Promising defense systems are usually developed by leading nations in absolute secrecy,” RT’s military expert Mikhail Khodarenok pointed out. “Leaks to the media may indicate a possible strategic misinformation campaign.”

Khodarenok questioned the relatively tiny budget requested for the supposedly-breakthrough weapon, saying it would not be enough even to buy “three fifth-generation F-35 jets.” He believes the experiment might be more of a signal to scientists that such a technology is desired and the work needs to be continued – just in case a bright idea appears on how to implement it in practice.

A particle beam may indeed look promising as a counter to ballistic missiles, and especially to hypersonic cruise missiles – the type of weapons that the US currently has no means to counter, Khodarenok added. But, he adds, the US claim that the technology to make a feasible prototype is there, especially in terms of small-sized, high-capacity power sources, may be blown out of proportion.


ebf834  No.5799901

File: 1d71835ca514f86⋯.png (11.72 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1d71835ca514f867dc11cf4167….png)

File: 8d421e7543eade1⋯.png (226.1 KB, 687x443, 687:443, da126cda4e54b159b85c1d2a8b….png)

76d3d3  No.5799902


Bill: Hey I got an Idea!

Let’s all butt fuck each other!

Guys: We came here to rape 13 yr old girls.

These People are ___

2088c2  No.5799903

File: a8aacfd87142794⋯.png (1.83 MB, 989x1000, 989:1000, a8aabrothers.png)



o7 Patriot! TY for your service.


7fd745  No.5799904


An A-List actor calls his Harum "security" on the island - all dressed in uniform swimsuits

5ea85a  No.5799905

File: fbf10d6dec21b4d⋯.jpg (17.94 KB, 484x337, 484:337, ebot.jpg)


Vote for Ebot to remove the damn seamonkeys

8abf85  No.5799906


this homo wants to grope your wallet

e241fe  No.5799907

File: 50e1eaf2d9f5167⋯.png (101.62 KB, 1003x325, 1003:325, cabal11 - 03-16-2019.png)


This was them heading out on the 16th

pic related

b0dd5c  No.5799908

File: d971df0a855ea2b⋯.png (378.32 KB, 592x576, 37:36, Army 3-20-19 6 05 am PDT.PNG)

File: 6fb2b95646ab5b4⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video Army 3-20-19 6 05 am….mp4)

3…2…1….Let's get after it with #USArmy Soldiers from the @173rdAbnBde


b11c14  No.5799909

File: 1f7ccf646f2edbc⋯.jpg (52.54 KB, 685x567, 685:567, 1508887835214.jpg)

63f8aa  No.5799910

File: 8b7f93fd0bbf974⋯.jpg (111.49 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Whitaker_muh_jew_shills.jpg)

b8f09c  No.5799911

File: d62b6a26911c71a⋯.jpg (59.93 KB, 650x520, 5:4, RidersOnTheStormREEEE.jpg)


Sounds like a plan. Our digs and memes will have them on the ropes in no time flat.

89349f  No.5799912

Well Shit on my dick and call me chocolate milk. I'm flabbergasted.

Beto is a Cannibalistic Kidfuckin cowfucker now?


If you didn't see my initial post, watch John Ward narrate the poem on youtube. God bless You Anons. Kitchen is getting HOT.

61903f  No.5799913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Whites are oppressors,

Non-Whites are victims.

But race doesn’t exist,

Yet I love racial diversity.

I celebrate our differences,

Because we are all the same.

PS: and some women have penises.

PSS: and if you disagree with any of this you hate Jews.


d7802b  No.5799914

File: 7de9db84ec5806c⋯.png (3.24 MB, 3500x2209, 3500:2209, qcFULLMOONSideskalenssnone….png)


Tomorrow in National Countdown Day (3/21… get it? 3-2-1).

Put it on the countdown clock.

85a1e9  No.5799915


>Krueger Krieger

I noticed that too U>I

feb568  No.5799916


So is she lying or her client is not needed. Sorry just a tad confused.

604e20  No.5799917

>>5799677 lb

funny you mention that ausanon. yrs ago had a similar experience in the lead up to the crash of '08. Several attempts made to arrange i-views of which I never acknowledged. They are everywhere.


e57f17  No.5799918

8abf85  No.5799919


need the cicada riddle?

7b73dc  No.5799920

File: 1350b4e0a092856⋯.jpg (56.08 KB, 662x393, 662:393, nz-pc-keks.jpg)

a1c221  No.5799921


47 arrested


25376c  No.5799922


WTF is going on with Clarke Gayford? Most of us aren't familiar, and it looks like whatever the rumors are is already scrubbed. It looks almost damn certain he was the guy in the water with Clinton in Q's pic.

61903f  No.5799923

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What do you disagree with in my post here:


[00:00] While many groups and governments wish to censor the internet, Israel and its partisans are amongst the most globally significant. They work to promote the Israel narrative while blocking facts about Palestine, the Israel lobby and other subjects they wish to cover up.

[00:17] Much of this is done by devoted individuals acting independently, voluntarily and relentlessly. But many of these activists are part of orchestrated well funded projects sponsored by the Israeli government and other pro-Israel groups.

[00:30] They utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and seniors and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. As we’ll see, some even operate out of Jewish community centers in the US.

[00:43] One such group is the Israeli military’s New Media Desk.

[00:47] “It is well known now a days that what happens on FaceBook, Twitter and YouTube has great influence on events that occur on the ground. The Internet too is a battleground, it is thus comforting to learn that the IDF employ soldiers that tweet, share, like and more.”

[01:02] Another project initiated in 2011 by the National Union of Israeli Students has the stated goal of to deepen and expand hasbara, or state propaganda activities of students in the State of Israel. Under this program Israeli students are payed to quote: “lead the battle against hostile websites”.

[01:21] The students are tasked with what many would call shilling or trolling in online forums and social media. They are directed to create original content in the form of news reports and blogs, edit Wikipedia, inject pro-Israel messages into discussion on social media, as well as report and remove what they consider to be allegedly “anti-Semitic” content.

[01:42] Its important to note that criticism of Israel is not the same thing as anti-Semitism, despite Israel’s best effort to redefine the word.

b51d46  No.5799924

File: c882d8c6cb258b7⋯.png (1.65 MB, 934x935, 934:935, reese weatherspoon.png)

Ok guys dont toss this out to quickly. I seriously think there is some kind of coding or messaging going on with this pic related.

First note the Title of book. Then note the 3-2-1 of pic matches. Also xo in center, pedo symbols (wood) just to name a few things.

Reese is Hollywood. I think it needs some more eyes here. At least study it for a moment

135096  No.5799925

Wow so many clues and easter eggs on Hannity right now from DiGenova and Toensing

09118e  No.5799926


could the incriminating info have been scrubbed?

2b6e0e  No.5799927

File: 57999bc3a89a078⋯.jpeg (307.07 KB, 799x928, 799:928, Screenshot_2019-03-20-21-….jpeg)

File: 62c17801e6d189b⋯.jpeg (219.79 KB, 797x617, 797:617, Screenshot_2019-03-20-21-….jpeg)

File: ebcb71c2172fedf⋯.jpeg (311.51 KB, 799x795, 799:795, Screenshot_2019-03-20-21-….jpeg)


We're the Boeing crashes attempt to take control of the Pentagon?

e57f17  No.5799928


Yall see the 0117 too right

cd27fa  No.5799929


It is a reference to the battle of mobile bay.

The Battle of Mobile Bay of August 5, 1864 was an engagement of the American Civil War in which a Union fleet commanded by Rear Admiral David G. Farragut, assisted by a contingent of soldiers, attacked a smaller Confederate fleet led by Admiral Franklin Buchanan and three forts that guarded the entrance to Mobile Bay. A paraphrase of his order, "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!"

(Farragut's actual order was "Damn the torpedoes! Four bells. Captain Drayton, go ahead! Jouett, full speed!".)


89349f  No.5799930

File: 74507fc973d726b⋯.png (1.55 MB, 815x953, 815:953, 74507fc973d726b8566d480e20….png)


I thought his Poem was hella Pedo-codey. For you new fags

604e20  No.5799931

>>5799921 Dozens Arrested in ‘Major Law Enforcement Operation’


c45007  No.5799932

File: 46e239dc798d731⋯.png (780.53 KB, 634x933, 634:933, chelsea.png)

8abf85  No.5799933


turn to the SOROSanon in the sky brave hobbit and larp that drumpf

02fe0c  No.5799934

File: e4d7562242cfd9f⋯.png (2.9 MB, 2512x1358, 1256:679, e4d7562242cfd9fbb5db729640….png)


bitch can't do anything right .

ae3bf1  No.5799935

File: 017237c2110dfbe⋯.png (216.67 KB, 1379x521, 1379:521, comey nz.PNG)


april 2017

FBI director James Comey has arrived in Queenstown for a ‘top-secret’ spy conference.

Comey, wearing sunglasses, a light blue shirt and chino pants, arrived on an FBI chartered Gulfstream Aerospace.

Comey was last in New Zealand in March 2016, when he met with Minister for the Government Communications and Security Bureau and Security Intelligence Service Chris Finlayson and Police Commissioner Mike Bush.

Before Comey’s arrival, a CIA jet touched down on the tarmac at Queenstown Airport.

And, just like a scene out of an action flick, two security personnel stood guard as a number of men and women in suits exited the plane before being quickly ushered along the tarmac into waiting vehicles.

5893e9  No.5799936

File: ec6e1bf23da2e61⋯.png (469.76 KB, 509x506, 509:506, heavy flow.PNG)

0cb260  No.5799937



“Today’s enforcement operation marks the culmination of a 3 ½ year investigation targeting one of the largest suspected drug organizations seen in Southeast Texas in decades,” said Glaspy. “The success of this investigation was possible only because of the many law enforcement agencies dedicated to protecting our communities in the greater Houston/Galveston area from those who prey on them.”

The indictment, which was returned in November 2018 and unsealed today, alleges the defendants engaged in a variety of cocaine and heroin transactions. Some also allegedly conspired to commit money laundering and illegally transferred money to avoid reporting requirements.

The charges allege the crimes occurred between Feb. l, 2016, and April 19, 2018. According to the indictment, the drugs were smuggled into the United States from Colombia and Mexico. Heroin and Cocaine was then distributed through Houston to Atlanta, Georgia; Buffalo and New York, N.Y.; Miami, Florida; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Norfolk, Virginia.

cdf0eb  No.5799938

Mystery parties seek secrecy in Jeffrey Epstein-related suit

The two said they could face embarrassment if the court makes public records from the suit, which accused a longtime Epstein friend of engaging in sex trafficking.

By JOSH GERSTEIN 03/20/2019 02:39 PM EDT


672287  No.5799939


cus she’s jewish.

1acda2  No.5799940

File: 2d0653cc4d70fed⋯.jpeg (2.62 MB, 2112x2816, 3:4, 500fifth.jpeg)

500 fifth ave

krieger kim & lewin llp

80c724  No.5799941

File: 35493486e032dd4⋯.png (370.11 KB, 520x598, 20:23, Screen Shot 2018-11-15 at ….png)



c45007  No.5799942

File: 25869e005eff4d3⋯.png (470.07 KB, 1000x683, 1000:683, ClipboardImage.png)


Polish Ruling Party Seeks Probe of Soros-Backed Bid for Radio Broadcaster

d625f2  No.5799943


Ngl I sometimes wonder if even I would make Bill live in a cell with that witch. And we know he's a prick.

4fd208  No.5799944

File: 9413e637a1092db⋯.jpg (74.29 KB, 900x600, 3:2, remember-haiti.jpg)

c80bbb  No.5799945

File: 0fb783a93f0b09b⋯.jpg (169.53 KB, 610x406, 305:203, _disprove_it.jpg)

e336a8  No.5799946


"will Barr do his job?" - SH

74f808  No.5799947


We are everywhere…all states and worldwide. We hear you.

We are praying as well…..without ceasing.

e0d2ef  No.5799948

For anons looking into pics, looking earlier i couldn't help but think that there is 2 points of view within the 3 photos on the site (2 cameras). Busy but will write up later.

171084  No.5799949


God Bless Patriot !!


3cc5e9  No.5799950

and another…for you…

primary requests

are too often

fought off

in the name of deliverance

glad tidings

good food

for the soul

for the whole

of infinite creations


in the eye

of a needle


which you

have tread

now that the camel

has spat

in your direction


allow for kind consideration

when attempts

are made to break the bank

where the gold is kept

success comes

in many forms

in the material



of fallen giants

when really all that matters

is their bones


by others

of their kind

with a spark

and swiftness

we run the race

of freedom

like dogs in heat

bears roam

moose mate

geese fly

in a v

for victory

do not let the bitters

get you down

1acda2  No.5799951

File: 713971fbf014180⋯.png (386.38 KB, 437x501, 437:501, happening-yoda.png)

fc35d4  No.5799952

File: 3ec19c59a6aecb9⋯.jpg (174.31 KB, 931x524, 931:524, Clinton_Doesnot_care_about….jpg)


Audible lol

80c724  No.5799953

File: e4ced8a2b6f38f6⋯.png (302.64 KB, 496x522, 248:261, Screen Shot 2018-11-15 at ….png)


Slice my penis to show you love me

9a82dc  No.5799954

File: dd473f6256ab281⋯.png (229.47 KB, 378x464, 189:232, ClipboardImage.png)

I think Q is hinting that there is a bunch of sex trafficking victims behind the camera.

The guys are all practicing that fake camaraderie of being best buds before doing something really stupid or illegal.

73b7fa  No.5799955


it was like scott morrison's apology tour for victims of rape

apology, we gonna talk and build museums to your raping

and spend tax dollars on that

no a single mention of justice

e775fd  No.5799956

File: 18ced5170e4e70a⋯.gif (1.35 MB, 560x420, 4:3, TurbulenceWindTunnel_C_560.gif)

c45007  No.5799957


Law & Justice officials, who have been accused by the European Union of extensively eroding democratic standards since taking power, have warned that they don’t want Soros to buy the radio station, which has a nearly 13 percent of the market. Polish newspapers had reported before the deal was announced that that pro-government publishers, some backed by loan guarantees from state-owned banks, were interested in buying Eurozet as part of the ruling party’s efforts to “re-Polonize” the media industry.

8b6bda  No.5799958


Prove you're not by praising Jesus?

19b09d  No.5799959


I don't Clintons will create much issue, as another said, they are known corrupt.

NOW if you frog march the Gay Kenyan out then shtf.

I have a theory, DECLAS is an op and the real DECLAS will be repealing Gay Kenyans and Big Mike first executive order.

The one that sealed all his RECORDS!

This is the DECLAS MOAB, it opens his whole back ground to FOIA access.

It will by he bomb to make him claim he is not American but is in fact KENYAN! Was never legal to be POTUS.

That would wake more people up and I think settle the #NPC #USEFULIDIOTS at least a large portion of them, that they was lied to for 8 years, and the outrage the MSM Mockingbirds helped it.

b11c14  No.5799960

File: 00f3a0c720b3efe⋯.png (3.28 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 00f3a0c720b3efe1f9567c413a….png)

File: 92b205c96756d97⋯.gif (883.54 KB, 360x270, 4:3, 46xb9.gif)

89e000  No.5799961

File: a47a22bde1c3626⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1260x840, 3:2, NightFlight.png)

File: ce02803205aa3e4⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1235x710, 247:142, NSBattlePaoli.png)

File: 88c227469f7273f⋯.jpg (71.73 KB, 450x500, 9:10, NoALLEGIENCE.jpg)


\‾ (`-` )

8abf85  No.5799962

File: f0a38972cbe7e0b⋯.jpg (2.62 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_4504.JPG)

>>5782384 KYS











>>5783561 proof the Jews larp butthole

831dfc  No.5799963


That's from the demon DNA

All demons are hermaphrodites

a2af6e  No.5799964


Dig on this guy, huh?



b0dd5c  No.5799965

File: 1c342037b7205fb⋯.png (412.26 KB, 598x598, 1:1, Sec Pompeo in Israel 3-20-….PNG)

Great to be back in #Israel! Looking forward to productive meetings and discussions with one of our closest allies and partners.


e57f17  No.5799966

File: 3715cee2f2644ad⋯.png (208.81 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 9231EBF1-7CD0-4166-AE3A-2C….png)

63f8aa  No.5799967




The arrests are the culmination of 31-month Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force investigation (OCDETF) dubbed Operation Wrecking Ball.

The indictment, which was returned in November 2018 and unsealed today, alleges the defendants engaged in a variety of cocaine and heroin transactions. Some also allegedly conspired to commit money laundering and illegally transferred money to avoid reporting requirements.

The charges allege the crimes occurred between Feb. l, 2016, and April 19, 2018. According to the indictment, the drugs were smuggled into the United States from Colombia and Mexico. Heroin and Cocaine was then distributed through Houston to Atlanta, Georgia; Buffalo and New York, N.Y.; Miami, Florida; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Norfolk, Virginia.

The indictment also seeks forfeiture of any illegal proceeds of the alleged crimes. To date, approximately $3.1 million has been seized.

8063e1  No.5799968

File: 1f3ce3c8827c670⋯.jpg (121.4 KB, 934x623, 934:623, tumblr_ml3utknBNF1qhqq6lo1….jpg)

File: 16d311ea1899156⋯.jpeg (10.27 KB, 235x214, 235:214, download - 2019-03-20T210….jpeg)

File: e0faed32a3618ee⋯.jpeg (6.81 KB, 342x147, 114:49, download - 2019-03-20T210….jpeg)

File: f074b18262a7288⋯.jpg (71.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (2).jpg)

File: 77a8d66c2626725⋯.jpeg (9.22 KB, 186x271, 186:271, download - 2019-03-20T210….jpeg)

The Jewish tale of Superman….is a trick. They have tricked American that it is an All American tale of a Hero. In fact it is a villian. Everything is in fact reversed. As the Jew has blamed the Russians then the Germans then the Americans for Anti Semitism…..they have in fact inverted everthing in the Superman story. Superman is Moses. Moses did in fact have horns and was in league with the devil. Moses slaughtered twenty thousand innocents because one Jew fucked a non Jew. Basically trauma based mind control on a grand scale. The Jews are masters of creating history. They are spinning tales. Superman is a retelling of Moses. Sent on the river to be raised by the Goy. But he is special and shit. Better and shit. Because he is a Jew and stuff. He wears this suit with a big S for Satan or Saturn or Super on it…..

His weakness is Kryptonite…..which the Gnostics and others believe mean brotherhood and truth and shit.

Called the “Stone of Successful Love,” Emerald opens and nurtures the heart and the Heart Chakra. Its soothing energy provides healing to all levels of the being, bringing freshness and vitality to the spirit. A stone of inspiration and infinite patience, it embodies unity, compassion and unconditional love.

Definitely the Satanist would be defeated by Emerald.

In Superman 2 they even have a MIRROR come floating to earth with a TRINITY of three characters. I think a mockery of the Gnostic Father, Mother, and holy Child.

Think inversion. Think mirror.

e0f37c  No.5799969


yawn. Why so desperate mossad?

3edc70  No.5799970

File: db06a74eceac2a4⋯.png (507.03 KB, 1085x1147, 35:37, Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at ….png)

>Is Doug Campbell is bringing the house down?

we never hear anything about this guy. his attorney was just on hannity. Seems like he is the one dropping MOABs to the FBI..


ae4c8e  No.5799971


I echo your words Patriot. I too was red pilled a long time ago. Papa Bush and his open alliance with Bubba opened my eyes real wide. I held a TS Security Clearance in the USN end of Nam rest Cold War. Marriage ended not solely but predominantly because of normie zombies. This is the one WAR I truly approve of. WWG1WGA

God Bless is all.

fe7675  No.5799972

File: cd7157537befcd4⋯.jpg (133.96 KB, 749x636, 749:636, fed1.JPG)

File: 941064c2769411c⋯.jpg (119.8 KB, 755x649, 755:649, fed2.JPG)

File: 0dda8430584566c⋯.jpg (150.53 KB, 738x707, 738:707, fed3.JPG)

File: f899cd3df987735⋯.jpg (45.09 KB, 741x200, 741:200, fed4.JPG)

Maybe this is the [-21] Q was referring to

Federal Reserve foresees no interest rate hikes in 2019


8abf85  No.5799973


book of KYS judas fehgel by anon





>>5677686 dorothy has a jewish negro concern


























a6cf2c  No.5799974


Q - Why did you post "burned alive"?

That did not happen, nor did the linked article claim as much.

Just as bad as their lies, to parrot it here is curious…

4fd208  No.5799975

File: 9b3e4d3ebd1782f⋯.jpg (72.85 KB, 474x915, 158:305, billy-boy.jpg)

2088c2  No.5799976


Praise Jesus for the bakers!

604e20  No.5799977

File: c512df857ac0902⋯.jpg (109.38 KB, 634x499, 634:499, still full of shit.jpg)

d625f2  No.5799978


0.0 Yes that CAN happen it's just very fucking odd to see.

d9ba8b  No.5799979


FFS is she a man?

80c724  No.5799980


8d5cdf  No.5799981


NZ has blocked, among other things, access to 8chan. So has AUS. Don't hold your breath waiting for a reply.

8fcf73  No.5799982


If the photographer is also in the water, there is a significant height difference. Comey?

9a23a2  No.5799983


Q seems do be doing more than hinting. Probably on the boat are the victims, or maybe on land. The camaraderie is probably very real, brothers in sin.

a020cc  No.5799984

File: 234fbb2e58b1683⋯.png (542.67 KB, 1101x913, 1101:913, ClipboardImage.png)

74f808  No.5799985


ohhhh….shiot…….bwahaaaaa…that is fucking great

e336a8  No.5799986

File: f692370f56ca0e6⋯.jpg (140.08 KB, 567x756, 3:4, IMG_3301.JPG)


God bless you vetanon

b0dd5c  No.5799987

File: fd0c630a36d684c⋯.png (43.61 KB, 587x309, 587:309, Gov H re Hannity 3-20-19.PNG)

I'll be on @seanhannity 2nite at 9pm ET on @FoxNews and will be swinging my arms wildly, eating magic dirt, and skateboarding in honor of Bob O'Rourke's big launch w/ lots of $$ and a fawning press which embarrass themselves by fainting at his every word.


fb7489  No.5799988

File: f955bda13df8bf8⋯.jpg (870.17 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Q45WWG1WGA 1.jpg)

b11c14  No.5799989

File: 5db84353b0ec815⋯.jpeg (23.3 KB, 469x371, 67:53, Jesus-Is-Lord.jpeg)

8abf85  No.5799990

File: ed0e15c64a6357f⋯.jpg (81.66 KB, 600x901, 600:901, 012.jpg)

>>5732052 reposted

>>5732052 ermahgerd

>>5732052 spits retainer

>>5732052 bullbaiting with queerbait homo

>>5732052 but was it gay

>>5732052 kike dues

>>5732052 spread bacon awareness

>>5732052 but muhschadenfreude

>>5478970 bewbs

ebf834  No.5799991

File: 04033be0296c4a1⋯.jpg (16.58 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 06cc3c655e0eec20dd0bd79280….jpg)

e182e7  No.5799992


>Red X emoji on twitter lately (tech censorship). coincidence w Stop Sex Trafficking pages+hashtags?

Twitanons first started using the X symbol back in 2018 as a way of showing others that they’ve been Shadowbanned or Quality Filtered. Some blue check verified person suggested the idea, can’t remember who.

25376c  No.5799993


Looks like it for sure. Here is an excerpts from a NZ Herald article.


A lawyer for Gayford has also written to some media warning that the unidentified rumours are defamatory - and publishing the allegations "is actionable."

The letter is signed by Linda Clark, a former TVNZ political editor, who now works as a lawyer at Kensington Swan.

"The allegations (which the NZ Herald did not publish) are untrue and defamatory. The story included a statement from the NZ Police that Mr Gayford is not and has not been the subject of any police inquiry," Clark's letter says.

"We draw your attention to this for the purpose of putting you on notice that any publication of the substance of the allegations regarding Mr Gayford will result in proceedings being filed immediately."

The Herald has in recent months received many "tips" reporting variations of the speculation. The false rumours have also travelled by word-of-mouth through business, legal, media, political and social circles - and have been published on social media platforms.

672287  No.5799994

File: f8aa109463d25bf⋯.jpeg (505.46 KB, 1189x1144, 1189:1144, 13CE66E2-D7C3-4FEA-A8F4-D….jpeg)

File: e1ba735411be2d6⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1034x1950, 517:975, 7F9CD6C7-3BA1-4F5A-BE48-B….jpeg)

File: 83a6fa3fefac857⋯.jpeg (908.94 KB, 924x2079, 4:9, 44DDD412-6D02-4EC2-84EB-C….jpeg)

File: ed630aee2da6443⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB, 924x1985, 924:1985, 7F43C8AF-600E-4311-8653-D….jpeg)

File: fe759eb1c1b2935⋯.jpeg (500.08 KB, 1085x1378, 1085:1378, 23FE52D8-7C87-4C56-BB33-C….jpeg)


We all know why.

2604b0  No.5799995

File: 9e04b5a8fa0aa0f⋯.png (142.24 KB, 233x350, 233:350, 2019-02-25_10-16-53.png)


Could be an anatomical anomaly, as in a man born in a woman's body, or vice versa?

80c724  No.5799996

File: c6d232f19b91a98⋯.png (288.53 KB, 490x520, 49:52, Screen Shot 2018-11-15 at ….png)


f299f5  No.5799997


Poor thing , bless her heart

4366c4  No.5799998

No doubt that Q is connected to Trump.

But to answer Q's question:

"Would the FAKE NEWS media (& other controlled assets) expend this amount of time and resource attacking [attempt to discredit - cast as conspiracy - LARP] this movement IF IT DID NOT POSE A SIGNIFICANT THREAT [DANGER]?"

There are two possibilities:

1. Q's narrative is true. They are fighting the deep state who is genuinely threatened.

2. Q's narrative is deceiving. They are part of the deep state (which would then include Trump) and they are pretending to fight the deep state who is appearing to be threatened to make the conflict seem real. A big show, while the deep state continues to build the "death star" and Trump/Q act as "pied piper."

Time will tell. Too much disinformation to know for sure ("moon landings happened" - GMAB…).

6525ae  No.5799999

File: e613495b6bc799a⋯.jpeg (952.71 KB, 1290x926, 645:463, 75A1850A-EEF7-4C43-B708-1….jpeg)

File: 06b1f6dba714bb6⋯.jpeg (542.32 KB, 851x1217, 851:1217, 6461CB23-78AB-4D17-BEC9-3….jpeg)

Anons re read drops carefully…so I did.

Then I saw this in another OP…link here



Nader’s legal problems in Prague appear unrelated to his role in Mueller’s probe in the United States.

But they contribute to the portrait of a man who has led a shadowy existence as a go-between across numerous Middle East capitals and who gave testimony to Mueller’s Washington grand jury earlier this month.

Puci, the court spokeswoman, said Nader was convicted of ‘moral corruption of minors, sexual abuse, and impairing morals,’ after abusing underage boys.

In one case, Nader requested oral sex from a 14-year-old in a room at the Hilton Hotel in Prague, Puci said.

After the boy refused, Nader masturbated in front of the boy and paid him 2,000 koruna – worth about $100 today, she said.

Nader was separately accused in Washington, D.C., of child pornography infractions in 1985, but those charges were later dropped. A criminal docket sheet obtained by the AP shows the same birthdate for Nader.”

bf0e2f  No.5800000

File: ad8a944b3ed4173⋯.jpg (195.33 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_559.jpg)

patriots laugh!

e4d2af  No.5800001


Fuuuuk …. animate it with squeaky wheel sounds

adeba7  No.5800002

File: c7ead545092d614⋯.jpg (634.15 KB, 1018x981, 1018:981, 89f2964a1c5bb789f29cbe9531….jpg)

I see the shills are pushing hard on the muhjew garbage. Epstein digs got them panicking early.

672287  No.5800003

File: af1345ab8de1ce3⋯.jpeg (145.3 KB, 800x798, 400:399, 74E27672-B815-42C7-8401-2….jpeg)

3edc70  No.5800004

Dozens Arrested in ‘Major Law Enforcement Operation’

HOUSTON – A total of 47 people are now in custody following the return of a 43-count indictment alleging drug-trafficking and related crimes in the Houston and Galveston areas.

The arrests are the culmination of 31-month Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force investigation (OCDETF) dubbed Operation Wrecking Ball.

“This operation is the result of countless hours of hard work by officers and agents from many different agencies,” said Patrick. “OCDETF is uniquely able to marshal resources for complex cases. The Department of Justice is committed to disrupting the work of international cartels and other drug trafficking organizations. This case also is reinvigorating my office’s commitment to Galveston. For the first time in decades, we have a full time prosecutor on the island who is focused on cases that will have a local impact in Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston and Matagorda counties.”

During the 2-day law enforcement operation that spanned multiple jurisdictions and states, authorities took a total of 43 people into custody. They join the four individuals who were previously in custody. Nine are considered fugitives and warrants remain outstanding for their arrests.

“Today’s enforcement operation marks the culmination of a 3 ½ year investigation targeting one of the largest suspected drug organizations seen in Southeast Texas in decades,” said Glaspy. “The success of this investigation was possible only because of the many law enforcement agencies dedicated to protecting our communities in the greater Houston/Galveston area from those who prey on them.”

The indictment, which was returned in November 2018 and unsealed today, alleges the defendants engaged in a variety of cocaine and heroin transactions. Some also allegedly conspired to commit money laundering and illegally transferred money to avoid reporting requirements.

The charges allege the crimes occurred between Feb. l, 2016, and April 19, 2018. According to the indictment, the drugs were smuggled into the United States from Colombia and Mexico. Heroin and Cocaine was then distributed through Houston to Atlanta, Georgia; Buffalo and New York, N.Y.; Miami, Florida; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Norfolk, Virginia.

This case is a clear example of the kind of federal matters we are bringing to the Galveston Division

The indictment also seeks forfeiture of any illegal proceeds of the alleged crimes. To date, approximately $3.1 million has been seized.

8abf85  No.5800005

>>5783561 proof the Jews larp butthole

>>5598916 make a wish dorothy


>>5715895 the jelly donut war is real and with "jews"







>>5543223 american dream confirmed



turn to the SOROSanon in the sky brave hobbit and larp that drumpf

96c3ab  No.5800006


Another fake Italian. Jewish actor.

3edc70  No.5800007


Sauce: https://breaking911.com/dozens-arrested-in-major-law-enforcement-operation/

ee5bca  No.5800008

Volcano erupts by mexic city.


7d9df0  No.5800009

I am fucking lost. I was on when Q first started posting, have NO CLUE jumping on now what in the sam hell is going on.

8abf85  No.5800010






>>5517336 still true


[d(-_^)freedumb]**,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ )

>>5508839 deep and dumb

69c354  No.5800011


A former Defense Intelligence Agency officer who spied for China worked secretly as a Beijing agent for five years and revealed in an intercepted phone call he was motivated in part by hatred for President Trump.

Ron Rockwell Hansen, a DIA operations officer until 2006, was arrested June 5 and pleaded guilty on Friday in Utah to attempting to sell national defense secrets to China. He faces 15 years in prison under a plea deal. Sentencing is set for Sept. 24.

63f8aa  No.5800012


MOS is not "the jooos",

C_A is not "the Americans".

Shills try to divide.

Shills glow.

9bebe2  No.5800013

File: 09578f125e4a491⋯.jpeg (938.95 KB, 2048x1327, 2048:1327, 5D13B7FD-CBDD-4A02-8A34-D….jpeg)

File: c4971f5f5a878df⋯.jpeg (941.25 KB, 2048x1330, 1024:665, AD0D1829-ED62-4D73-9624-A….jpeg)

Zeroing in on [AD], we know from the manifest he was onboard [LE] 2/5/2004 and 11/17/05

Round trip between Bedford,MA and Teterboro. Then it looks like he gets dropped off in Palm Beach.

In 05 a round trip between Montreal and Bedford,MA

1dae55  No.5800014


Pelican fag,kek

4fd208  No.5800015

File: 0cd3c4cf3fa268b⋯.jpg (76 KB, 900x600, 3:2, we-eat-kids.jpg)

e40b4c  No.5800016

File: 0e90a2634b8c003⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 7CAAE841-EB34-4A71-BA7D-1C….png)

The face in the water.

df45f1  No.5800017


disgusting but expected

c8ace4  No.5800018

We are here forevar

Its a purgatory

00c0d9  No.5800019


Quads speak truth

9b5054  No.5800020


>>5799437, >>5799064 Zinfindel Ln dig, Pelosi, Backpage shut down

not quite sure how Pelosi got stuck in that mix see >>5799509

BAKER should no be spreading rumors, please use sourced posts for notables

89e000  No.5800021

File: c8a860cc2f1ed35⋯.png (821.16 KB, 749x500, 749:500, ClipboardImage.png)

b0f6ac  No.5800022


You're a bit behind. check the Q posts.

c81968  No.5800023


Nothing Still.

33cfe1  No.5800024


That's the fetus she is trying to swallow.

7d9df0  No.5800025


Tits it is, always is! CHEERS!

61903f  No.5800026

File: 891724fc3d0882a⋯.png (615.27 KB, 700x700, 1:1, Apu_clown_Bimmy_artsy.png)

File: 6e610eef2a23008⋯.jpg (667.22 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, Apu_clown_Bimmy_bestows_ho….jpg)

File: 472726afcf02802⋯.jpg (653.83 KB, 1614x1656, 269:276, Apu_clown_Bimmy_goes_to_ho….jpg)

File: c114f0042269604⋯.jpg (117.05 KB, 1421x682, 1421:682, Apu_clown_Bimmy_rules_the_….jpg)

File: 86c5197cb34b35a⋯.png (180.57 KB, 483x638, 483:638, Apu_clown_Bimmy_super_saia….png)

96c3ab  No.5800027


Thumbs up Trump administration. I love law enforcement, not law breaking.

b11c14  No.5800028



672287  No.5800029

File: b4816e6204d4ddd⋯.jpeg (175.02 KB, 720x1000, 18:25, 6E5973AF-6D10-42D6-BAD5-A….jpeg)


Epstein is Jewish u fucking retard.

feb568  No.5800030


Okay so her client is not needed. That makes more sense. Ty anon.

daa8cc  No.5800031

File: f2d3d7fb480ff24⋯.png (267.49 KB, 1212x618, 202:103, 0909812390689.png)

97cb3f  No.5800032

File: 4027c2c2cb80082⋯.jpg (107.62 KB, 750x726, 125:121, 4027c2c2cb8008288b053cfe06….jpg)

9a23a2  No.5800033

File: ec5993ffd6614c2⋯.png (380.08 KB, 474x376, 237:188, 9d9db5e0-af34-46b9-ae70-c9….png)


Then relax and enjoy the movie

aacb32  No.5800034


Because that was the intended outcome.

d625f2  No.5800035


I think the gist is what if.

Not that it happened.

However it got called right away.

Making sure we're still on our toes? Gotta keep the keyboarders of this in shape.

586dee  No.5800036


Thank you patriot! Truly, we are fighting the only war worth fighting in many years. WWG1WGA!

ba9cdc  No.5800037

File: d41feb4f1644e4b⋯.png (967.48 KB, 1354x918, 677:459, ClipboardImage.png)


A must read DOPE INC

RIP Lyndon LaRouche

The players……


When did the German's hi-jack the British Monarchy

After WWII or before?


House of Windsor=Saxe-Colburg-Gotha

Hitler + Muslim Alliance

74f808  No.5800038




yes do that…..squeaky wheel sound will make it perfect

i'm still cracking up……that is really good

80c724  No.5800039

File: 09c7784ebb0330b⋯.png (55.91 KB, 288x144, 2:1, Screen Shot 2018-11-15 at ….png)


b0dd5c  No.5800040

File: f008f987d2894ee⋯.png (482.03 KB, 593x906, 593:906, Gov H re Israel 3-20-19.PNG)


The @IsraeliPM is bold as a lion as seen in speeches and actions but with him yesterday I witnessed his warmth, compassion and support for family of murdered Rabbi who leaves 12 children.


e8f696  No.5800041

File: b6b20eb3ea9cb8f⋯.mp4 (7.48 MB, 480x270, 16:9, As Russia collusion fades,….mp4)

File: 2011137e7f04584⋯.png (549.13 KB, 1366x2381, 1366:2381, nabu_gov_ua_en_kerivnyctvo.png)

“Today we will launch a criminal investigation about this and we will give legal assessment of this information,” Lutsenko said last week.

Lutsenko is probing a claim from a member of the Ukrainian parliament that the director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), Artem Sytnyk, attempted to the benefit of the 2016 U.S. presidential election on behalf of Hillary Clinton

“According to the member of parliament of Ukraine, he got the court decision that the NABU official conducted an illegal intrusion into the American election campaign," Lutsenko said.

"It means that we think Mr. Sytnyk, the NABU director, officially talked about criminal investigation with Mr. [Paul] Manafort, and at the same time, Mr. Sytnyk stressed that in such a way, he wanted to assist the campaign of Ms. Clinton," he continued.



006bbc  No.5800042

File: 4870a98da3d2ab7⋯.jpg (49.09 KB, 1016x430, 508:215, Pacer.jpg)

PACER - Public Access to Court Electronic Records

For those that might not know, PACER is how lawanons et al. keep track of the Sealed Indictments List (84,000+ last count).

If the PACER system's data integrity were questioned, then perhaps those sealed indictments don't exit after all.

From Politico:

The Federal Courts Are Running An Online Scam

The website [PACER] everyone uses to follow the Mueller probe is a hopeless, costly disaster.


The article attacks the COST of Pacer primarily, but I could see this developing into a trend to discredit the PACER.gov system in its entirety.

Authored by: Seamus Hughes - deputy director of George Washington University’s Program on Extremism. He also runs a company providing services on navigating the federal court records system.

ee5bca  No.5800043


Epic B00000Bs

4cb696  No.5800044

File: a29af773d1c64a3⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Army_Alt.jpg)

File: 9834500e40d67de⋯.jpg (667.51 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, HOOAH_Q.jpg)

Hooah !

63f8aa  No.5800045


very interdasting.


2c898a  No.5800046

>>5799239 (PB)

I like PapaD, but its just another book, and most people don't read books anymore. The MSM will ignore it. It might sell among Conservatives, but PapaD will only be preaching to the choir anyway. The DECLAS info will matter only when POTUS makes his AG release it and aggressively start going after the traitors. Until then…

Q says the world must be prepared for what's coming. Most people out there are dead to reality and in total denial of truth because they don't care, can't be bothered, or just refuse to believe. Many will believe only when shit actually starts to hit the fan, but not till then.

Q says 4 to 6% hopelessly lost. I think its way more than that. The apathy isn't because most don't want better, but its VERY hard to see possibility of betterment in a world that is so extremely and totally fucked up with evil, greed, and corruption. In a way, I can understand the apathy.

The evil is daily rising. And there's less than a handful of places that allow one to freely express conservative voice anymore. Even many here don't grasp the seriousness of this. What has happened in Europe is happening here too. A little more time and soon even this website will be gone.

615ed5  No.5800047

File: a059e71b6c221ee⋯.jpg (4.95 MB, 3072x4096, 3:4, beeratthrparade.jpg)


You are a Patriot and champion to this Republic.


See you at the parade.

cb853e  No.5800048

Hannity's show was pretty good tonight.

e336a8  No.5800049


I think Joe diGenova wants us to dig

Marie L. Yovanovitch

8abf85  No.5800050

> Ich habe den Drang

> (Ich kann ich kann)

> Ich kann noch eine Minute warten

> Ich habe den Drang zu Kräuter (ow Baby Baby)

> Ow yeah yeah (oh ja)

> Ich kann noch eine Minute warten

> Ich habe den Drang zu Kräutern

> Es ist alles so natürlich

> Ow Baby Baby

> Ich kann keine weitere Minute warten

> Ich habe den Drang zu Kräuter (ow Baby Baby)

> Ow yeah yeah (oh ja)

> Ich kann keine weitere Minute warten

> Ich habe den Drang zu Kräutern

> Es ist alles so natürlich

> Ow Baby Baby Ja

<< Meine Hoden fühlen sich heiß und klebrig an.

Ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja (2 x)

Ich glaube, ich habe es wieder getan

Ich habe dir glauben gemacht, dass wir mehr als nur Freunde sind

Oh Baby

Es mag wie ein Schwarm aussehen

Das heißt aber nicht, dass ich es ernst meinte

Weil alle meine Sinne verloren gehen

Das ist einfach so typisch für mich

Oh Baby Baby

Hoppla! … ich habe es wieder getan

Ich habe mit deinem Herzen gespielt und bin im Spiel verloren gegangen

Oh Baby Baby

Hoppla! … Du denkst, ich bin verliebt

Dass ich von oben geschickt werde

Ich bin nicht so unschuldig

Sie sehen, mein Problem ist das

Ich träume weg

Wenn sie sich diese Helden wünschen, existieren sie wirklich

Ich weine und beobachte die Tage

Kannst du nicht sehen, dass ich in vielerlei Hinsicht ein Narr bin?

Aber alle meine Sinne zu verlieren

Das ist einfach so typisch für mich

Baby, oh

Hoppla! … ich habe es wieder getan

Ich habe mit deinem Herzen gespielt und bin im Spiel verloren gegangen

Oh Baby Baby

Hoppla! … Du denkst, ich bin verliebt

Dass ich von oben geschickt werde

Ich bin nicht so unschuldig

Ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja (2X)

"Alle einsteigen"

"Britney, bevor du gehst, gibt es etwas, was ich will, dass du hast"

"Oh, es ist wunderschön, aber warte mal, oder?"

"Ja, ja, es ist"

"Aber ich dachte, die alte Dame hat es am Ende ins Meer fallen lassen."

"Nun, Baby, ich ging runter und habe es für dich"

"Oh, du solltest nicht haben"

Hoppla! … Ich habe es wieder zu Herzen getan

Ich habe mich in diesem Spiel verirrt, oh Baby

Hoppla! … Du denkst, ich werde von oben geschickt

Ich bin nicht so unschuldig

Hoppla! Ich habe es wieder getan

Ich habe mit deinem Herzen gespielt und bin im Spiel verloren gegangen

Oh Baby Baby

Hoppla! … Du denkst, ich bin verliebt

Dass ich von oben geschickt werde

Ich bin nicht so unschuldig

Hoppla! Ich habe es wieder getan

Ich habe mit deinem Herzen gespielt und bin im Spiel verloren gegangen

Oh Baby Baby

Hoppla! … Du denkst, ich bin verliebt

Dass ich von oben geschickt werde

Ich bin nicht so unschuldig

d7802b  No.5800051

File: 85a3b9e59051afc⋯.png (3.49 MB, 3500x2209, 3500:2209, qcFULLMOONSideskalenssnone….png)



Put it on the CLOCK.

61903f  No.5800052

File: 438bc0013992368⋯.jpg (25.29 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 911_Dancing_Israelis.jpg)

File: 145664faadf152a⋯.jpg (15.56 KB, 255x203, 255:203, 911_Evidence.jpg)

File: 4eb7dfe7e272877⋯.jpg (354.9 KB, 1180x1180, 1:1, 911_Netanyahu_Franceso_Cos….jpg)

File: 86dd0f05dc2875e⋯.jpg (76.27 KB, 520x400, 13:10, 911_Netanyahu_Says_Its_Goo….jpg)

File: d28601e4132be6c⋯.jpg (319.58 KB, 816x2880, 17:60, 911_Owner_Jew.jpg)



Israel is not an ally to the US. Israel was NEVER an ally to the US.

Would an ally try to take away your free-speech and 1st Amend rights? Watch this if you haven't:



Would an ally subvert all technology the world uses:


Would an ally attack US soldiers?


Would an ally celebrate the terrorist attacks on WTC in 2001?


Israel is not an ally to the US or the American people.

Would an ally try to false flag US personnel in order to force the hand of the US against Egypt?

You need to educate yourself on the Lavon Affair:


Israel is an enemy of the US.


“Netanyahu speaks candidly about his Agenda and view of Americans.”



What has Israel ever done for the US?

They're no Ally. Brit Hume on Fox News admitted that Israel is the biggest threat to SPY on us, and this was right after 9/11.

They might have had info that could have prevented that, but they withheld it..


Jonathan Pollard, an Israeli, was the most dangerous spy in recent times (read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Pollard ).

We need to STOP giving BILLIONS of dollars to Israel.

We need to STOP supporting them as a Nuclear Regime that has NEVER signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty.

fc35d4  No.5800053



This is nice.

d78fc6  No.5800054

File: c96127d1e595996⋯.jpg (28.92 KB, 620x413, 620:413, Hillary-Clinton-544153.jpg)


Probably the same egg that Hillary spit out

604e20  No.5800055

File: 4842ab671757c7c⋯.jpg (74.12 KB, 666x500, 333:250, whitaker do you even.jpg)


it's quint's anon. count before agreeing to something

dbf9b5  No.5800056

File: c055e349f7dc84e⋯.jpeg (187.72 KB, 1823x1300, 1823:1300, pexels-photo-815996.jpeg)

7d9df0  No.5800057


okay. Was good getting some fresh air.

The last time Q was asking who was taking the picture, It was the wife of the dude IIRC. I know it is different now, but it will be something like that won't it? Is there a flight log we can cross reference?

252d19  No.5800058

File: 16b84f93e0488d8⋯.jpg (423.17 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_20190320-182008….jpg)

9b30b7  No.5800059

File: ea347a6cb979086⋯.jpg (11.72 KB, 384x144, 8:3, EmployeeBioPhotoImageHandl….jpg)




A lawyer for Nader, Sandeep Savla, said on Friday that people eager to undermine Nader’s credibility were trying to silence him by dredging up his past.

2604b0  No.5800060

File: 19c9809866cee49⋯.png (78.52 KB, 260x189, 260:189, 2019-01-20_10-21-28.png)


Nice quints!

672287  No.5800061


why do u continue to conflate any criticism of any jew as anons saying all jews are bad??

Try harder. We know how the jew truthers drive u mossad shills crazy.

8d5cdf  No.5800062


Wow, that pic is just begging to be captioned.

Something about musicians getting all the pussy

09d94b  No.5800063

Tucker: "Muh weed is bad!"

fc35d4  No.5800064


i c wut u did thar

d9ba8b  No.5800065


Good eye planefag

0bd46c  No.5800066

This whole thing seems like a George Nassif Game.

63f8aa  No.5800067

File: 11fb152e05e2118⋯.jpg (32.65 KB, 480x445, 96:89, muhjew2.jpg)

File: 2350a5c836d0c47⋯.jpg (70.91 KB, 750x375, 2:1, POTUS_nope_shills.jpg)

They want you DIVIDED.











This is not about religions or party affiliation.

EVIL is everywhere.

There are no drawn lines.

No boundaries.

Good vs Evil.


604e20  No.5800068

File: 64257abfabe2426⋯.jpg (256.74 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, quints.jpg)

adeba7  No.5800069

File: 36fdbd851574c6d⋯.png (239.03 KB, 683x313, 683:313, 007616272c312c130de55e4e25….png)

File: ac5fa58236ca94f⋯.jpg (224.1 KB, 639x472, 639:472, ac5fa58236ca94f76eaa9f2229….jpg)

c81968  No.5800070


nope Tuckers weed is bad.

97cb3f  No.5800071

File: 746cda12e777853⋯.jpeg (49.39 KB, 1440x548, 360:137, 85898e483c17463891452a2d3….jpeg)

4ac88e  No.5800072

File: 95ed6398ae5d06a⋯.png (311.82 KB, 820x1571, 820:1571, ClipboardImage.png)

8abf85  No.5800073


what a bag of assholes

and they yours

fb0710  No.5800074

File: fedfb9650175565⋯.png (66.43 KB, 620x214, 310:107, ClipboardImage.png)

9/11 – Ex-Mossad Chief Isser Harel Predicts Arab Attack on Tallest Building in New York in 1979

Mossad and ShinBet Founding Director, Haganah Terrorist, and “Father of Israeli Intelligence”, Isser Harel made a prophecy of “Islamic terrorists” attacking the “tallest building in NYC” in 1979.

In a September 23, 1979 interview with crypto-Jew Michael D Evans, Isser Harel, “father of Israeli intelligence”, gave chilling, prescient details of the ghastly plot of the Islamic terrorists blamed for 9/11 almost as if the script was laid out before him… And he was the author.

On September 30th, 2001 a few weeks after 9/11, in an editorial published in the Jerusalem Post titled, “America the Target”, Evans recalled speaking with the Israeli prophet of doom,

I sat with former Mossad chief Isser Harel for a conversation about Arab terrorism. As he handed me a cup of hot tea and a plate of cookies, I asked him, “Do you think terrorism will come to America, and if so, where and why?”

Harel looked at his American visitor and replied, “I fear it will come to you in America. America has the power, but not the will, to fight terrorism. The terrorists have the will, but not the power, to fight America – but all that could change with time. Arab oil money buys more than tents.”

As to the where, Harel continued, “New York City is the symbol of freedom and capitalism. It’s likely they will strike the Empire State Building, your tallest building [he mistakenly thought] and a symbol of your power.”

Elsewhere in an editorial raging against Jimmy Carter, lately a favorite target of jewish supremacists, Evans related a slightly different version what Harel had told him,

My last question was would terrorism ever come to America. You have the power to fight it, he said, but not the will. They have the will, but not the power. All of that will change in time. Yes, I fear it will come to New York and your tallest building, which is a symbol of your fertility.

In another interview with Deborah Caldwell, published in 2004, Evans again recalled the prophecy:

He told me that America had developed an alliance between two countries, Israel and Saudi Arabia, and that the alliance with Saudi Arabia was dangerous and would develop a tolerance for terror among Americans. He said if the tolerance continued that Islamic fundamentalists would ultimately strike America.

I said “Where?”

He said, “In Islamic theology, the phallic symbol is very important. Your biggest phallic symbol is New York City and your tallest building will be the phallic symbol they will hit.” Isser Harel prophesied that the tallest building in New York would be the first building hit by Islamic fundamentalists 21 years ago.



f7137e  No.5800075

File: 34cca21988d2872⋯.jpg (382.65 KB, 2667x1500, 889:500, Graphic Q153 7 people.jpg)

>>5786112 (Notable #7401)

Graphic dropped last night more clearly shows the point anon made in last bread notable. (At least if one is trying to wake-up normies.)

But, maybe we should stop 'guessing' about Q's hints. KEK

Both graphics are really just 'rumors'.

"Why, hours after the election, did

seven people

travel to an undisclosed location to hold a very private & highly secured/guarded meeting?"

>>5799040 (Notable lb)

ce016a  No.5800076

I’m looking for a well done mega graphic of ALL the Zero Deltas… has anyone seen or made such a thing?

a05608  No.5800077

File: f5ba08e140a31df⋯.jpg (80.24 KB, 588x767, 588:767, 7jae.jpg)

dbf9b5  No.5800078

File: 359a8abe3e0df84⋯.png (37.61 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 359a8abe3e0df84a5825be5d61….png)


Chek't Quints

4a721e  No.5800079

File: 2f3f2701792b59b⋯.jpg (17.1 KB, 382x294, 191:147, ProperSalute.jpg)

89e000  No.5800080

File: 02e47ec6a73e3b2⋯.png (113.74 KB, 670x912, 335:456, HillarysCULT.PNG)

File: 44967c518487a9d⋯.jpg (78.88 KB, 414x480, 69:80, HillarySATANIST.jpg)

File: 2a65191c36ae6d3⋯.png (592.34 KB, 595x898, 595:898, NXIVMsexCULT.PNG)

File: 000e95be55b7a44⋯.jpg (92.38 KB, 499x672, 499:672, NXIVMbronfmanBAPHOMET.jpg)

File: 283cb8a96a857c9⋯.png (2.97 MB, 1573x2100, 1573:2100, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes they do

8fd9ad  No.5800081

File: 17dec412eba69b7⋯.jpg (24.62 KB, 255x233, 255:233, 26f8d0efb5ff16ddf08a716bb4….jpg)

d9ba8b  No.5800082


So many notables

00c0d9  No.5800083

File: faa4e4b45966235⋯.jpeg (46.9 KB, 230x230, 1:1, 898BB19B-453E-408E-AE22-1….jpeg)


thanks fren, it’s late

62e88e  No.5800084


Why do these girls have semi black eyes?

4a4f1a  No.5800085

File: 35214d227eb7e59⋯.jpeg (82.09 KB, 1020x680, 3:2, 1551743889.jpeg)

feb568  No.5800086


Nice anon!

8abf85  No.5800087


the cicada riddle got solved anon so go back to chicken feathers in your butthole

fc6ad6  No.5800088

File: 60dc70982df7eb7⋯.png (498.25 KB, 696x564, 58:47, NavySAR.png)


I'm with you brother.

61903f  No.5800089

File: 6c113743fca8fd6⋯.jpg (171.63 KB, 643x681, 643:681, Hasbara_Trolls_1.jpg)

File: 56d54ed111626ee⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1271x2097, 1271:2097, IDF_Shilling_Grills.png)

File: a37aa392b2c6ba3⋯.png (361.67 KB, 929x695, 929:695, Israeli_government_AI_anti….PNG)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, JDIF.jpg)

File: a52822461de6470⋯.jpg (185.91 KB, 844x667, 844:667, Welcome_rabbi.JPG)


Exposing Israeli and Jewish subversion is not shilling, shill :)

ebe086  No.5800090


"Judge Gibson declared Barnett's resignation void in court Tuesday"

The judge should be thrown of the bench. The Sheriff quit. Deal with it. She's not a fucking slave.

76d3d3  No.5800091


Stop paying too much for Hearing Aids

672287  No.5800092

File: cb38f91079c083f⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1242x1234, 621:617, 17AA1388-7EEC-4076-8187-3….jpeg)

File: 5bd47f4c511d189⋯.jpeg (430.47 KB, 1242x1234, 621:617, 11B542B2-5A76-49D5-A818-F….jpeg)

File: bf7347f55362ed3⋯.jpeg (682.77 KB, 1242x1254, 207:209, 20189A6C-4C0F-4A6A-BA64-D….jpeg)

File: cb38e87a80377fa⋯.jpeg (204.64 KB, 1242x472, 621:236, 30549FD6-B3AD-47E3-B2D4-5….jpeg)

File: 1bb76eb6ed2e9ef⋯.jpeg (965.02 KB, 1242x1630, 621:815, BD0CA79F-C3F7-40D2-930A-D….jpeg)


Wow…. ur desperation is palpable. I’ll pray for u.

a2af6e  No.5800093

File: 6ea331ea5781ea3⋯.jpg (54.44 KB, 1796x369, 1796:369, Nader associate.JPG)


This guy comes up a lot when looking into Nader. Is this the photographer?

ebf834  No.5800094

File: 91917ca8507b802⋯.png (914.1 KB, 992x721, 992:721, 0341772093cfb0c06235b11267….png)

e57f17  No.5800095



Witness against trump

Nipple against clinton

Meme it

cd27fa  No.5800096



Thank you for your service.

a79f67  No.5800097

The last Super moon of 2019 is tonight

63f8aa  No.5800098


I can´t loose the feeling that shills will start by posting this "salute" meme over and over….and later say "its a nose, kike, rabbi, goy, …"


btw, this meme sucks anyway.

33a0a4  No.5800099

Nicholas J. Lewin - Government Service:

Assistant United States Attorney, U.S. Attorney’s Office, SDNY (2007-2017)

Deputy Chief, Criminal Division (2017)

Special Counsel to FBI Directors Robert S. Mueller III and James B. Comey (2012-2013)

Guantánamo Detainee Review Task Force (2009)

Associate Director, White House Council on Youth Violence (2000-2001)

Presidential Management Fellow, U.S. Department of Justice (1998-2001)

61903f  No.5800100

File: d28d2564af45d97⋯.jpg (46.79 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 1526412695907.jpg)

File: eeae6ba3290948a⋯.jpg (517.82 KB, 1000x2891, 1000:2891, Bobby_Fisher_On_Jews_Big.jpg)

File: dc7a822c81da830⋯.jpg (110.49 KB, 519x675, 173:225, The_cycle_of_jewish_subver….jpg)

File: 741db62a1f1be99⋯.jpg (70.59 KB, 481x422, 481:422, The_cycle_of_jewish_subver….jpg)

File: 8899f6e071cbaa3⋯.png (222.41 KB, 1005x495, 67:33, When_Victims_Rule_A_Critiq….PNG)



79722d  No.5800101

File: 2042de1b66a1a3a⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1349x1921, 1349:1921, A77387C0-4331-4902-9989-F….jpeg)

Astana has renamed itself after outgoing leader Nursultan Nazarbayev. Astana is now Nursultan and not a creepy anagram that involves the prince of darkness.


Figured this would be relavant after all the Astana digs I’ve seen you faygeles do.

8abf85  No.5800102










Maccheroni alla molinara
















Maccheroncini di Campofilone










Scialatelli or scialatielli

604e20  No.5800103

File: 5266997090105b8⋯.gif (871.78 KB, 500x281, 500:281, Comfy anons.gif)


np. I've done it too last summer but it was a much harsher environment in here .

have a hot tub on me

cb7d8f  No.5800104


Dig on him hard! Establishment of the new world order?! King69gdad

These people are sick!!

73b7fa  No.5800105


the thought did cross my mind given the level of fukkery we are dealing with here

coulda traded the real kid out somewhere along the line for a dude

bill coulda fucked her to death or hillbag coulda done same or ate her for all we know

it's not like billy was the dad anyway

sick fuchs

8abf85  No.5800106






Fusilli bucati







Mezze maniche

Mezze penne

Mezzi bombardoni


Pasta al ceppo


Penne ricce



Sagne 'ncannulate



Spiralini (Scharfalini)





Busiate (or busiati)

Campanelle or torchio




d9ba8b  No.5800107


you get em Ebot

672287  No.5800108

File: 18168761fc7c5e9⋯.jpeg (457.05 KB, 360x3596, 90:899, D06590D2-86A7-4476-9790-0….jpeg)


Dont forget these drops.

61903f  No.5800109


Dis gon be gud

006bbc  No.5800110


Ignore the subject line - copy/pasta my badda.

8abf85  No.5800111




Creste di galli




Foglie d'ulivo



Gramigne / Spaccatelle







Pipe rigate








Su Filindeu


d4ec96  No.5800112


did the nixium guy ever hang out with BC and friends

838229  No.5800113

File: f718ba809592e93⋯.png (213.67 KB, 296x584, 37:73, john_p_oneill.PNG)


This also came to mind… pic related.

20mins before the meeting he text messaged saying he wouldn't be there and forwarded a phone contact, labeled with the name of the banking institution.

Both guys had foreign accents, not Aus.

7ce9c8  No.5800114

File: 85c0edbdc8a52cb⋯.jpg (195.27 KB, 600x541, 600:541, kick-a-kike.jpg)

672287  No.5800115

File: 556bfbb69ac344a⋯.jpeg (72.35 KB, 440x683, 440:683, 3AE216FB-76D4-4E85-BDF6-C….jpeg)


or this drop.

f3b068  No.5800116

File: 07e53c98e222be2⋯.jpg (293.95 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, __40e92d96782979b3673b068f….jpg)

8abf85  No.5800117


Acini di pepe







Egg barley









Occhi di pernice















Casoncelli or casonsèi


25376c  No.5800118


Now it's starting to click.

Clarke Gayford, with skeletons in closet, educated in Christchurch, working for MSM, and married to the PM of New Zealand (who, having been raised Mormon but denouncing her faith, is now in apparent open support of Muslims, and has a major FF occurrence on her watch) had a dirty little escapade with Clinton Co down in the caribbean somewhere….which NZ Anons are pretty much blocked from being able to contribute to the search…

e336a8  No.5800119

File: 1ce664a1164c0ed⋯.png (80.71 KB, 586x442, 293:221, ClipboardImage.png)


Marie L. Yovanovitch – Ambassador to Ukraine, Department of State


995a54  No.5800120

Tucker is a square, but I bet he can pound them down.


b66071  No.5800121


Before 8 Chan I was woke, been through some cesspool shit. Seeing the size of the cesspool, well just made my head shake with a sigh. I didn't see how it was possible to make a dent in the tentacled structure.

After learning aboout 8 Chan and lurking, reviewing drops, I began to see potential in fixing some or most of the corruption. This realization has my full attention and I will do what I can to achieve the goals of restoring our Republic.

a2af6e  No.5800122


photographer, modeling agency, talent scout. I wonder if this is who is helping with trafficking

dfd416  No.5800123

>>5799231 lb

Spartacus will probably lead a revolt at the Convention and be crucified and eaten the same day Bern has a fatal “heart attack.”

You gotta admit though, the demoncrat debates will be hysterical as they try to out-dive each other to the bottom of the intellectual gene pool. It’s deep.

8abf85  No.5800124






Occhi di lupo











61903f  No.5800125

File: d494cc5aad64939⋯.png (20.05 KB, 519x364, 519:364, How_Hasbara_Israel_first_s….PNG)

File: 1886845276b9d31⋯.jpeg (217.61 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 2_Jews_Hate_Truth_3_hones….jpeg)

File: 356f0d46da813a9⋯.png (332.15 KB, 1320x735, 88:49, 3_Jews_Hate_Truth.png)

fb0710  No.5800126

File: f17b4ef0d90c34a⋯.png (268 KB, 557x347, 557:347, ClipboardImage.png)

c3202e  No.5800127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

adeba7  No.5800128

File: d77d4611d778a15⋯.jpg (160.89 KB, 800x608, 25:19, MuuuhJooos.jpg)

File: 006c7a054c268ec⋯.jpg (135.19 KB, 1200x818, 600:409, POTUS_muh_jew_fake_news.jpg)

File: 25cf426cac4d855⋯.png (8.3 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 0b05a4d6ec3113bae188303b8c….png)

eb3a9e  No.5800129



2088c2  No.5800130

File: a6be783a9a3a836⋯.jpg (169.43 KB, 600x600, 1:1, beautifulKEK.jpg)

feb568  No.5800131


Wonder if any kin to Ralph?

e40b4c  No.5800132

File: e123df7e7ded5bc⋯.jpeg (182.67 KB, 1125x1034, 1125:1034, DF3A78D5-8B63-4719-989D-0….jpeg)

8abf85  No.5800133

can you imagine that gift card from bezos for all those jew noodles???

c837e9  No.5800134

File: b15d7dcfe162437⋯.jpeg (61.74 KB, 425x464, 425:464, 53C84F93-6D6D-4FD3-A439-6….jpeg)

Nick Lewin represents individuals and institutions in criminal and regulatory enforcement actions, congressional investigations, and complex civil litigation. Nick co-founded the firm after serving for more than a decade as a federal prosecutor and senior FBI official — including as the Special Counsel to former FBI Directors Robert S. Mueller III and James B. Comey, and as Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.

Nick also served as the Special Counsel for former FBI Directors Robert S. Mueller, III and James B. Comey. In that capacity, Nick acted as each Director’s national security advisor on policy, strategic, and operational issues. He regularly represented the FBI at senior-level White House National Security Council meetings, and prepared the Director, Attorney General and other senior FBI and Justice Department executives for testimony before Congress.

So basically this guy is a spook lawyer in charge of some pretty serious investigations/(cover ups)

3701eb  No.5800135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is not a test of power

This is not a game to be lost or won

Let justice be done

fc35d4  No.5800136


Welcome fren. We're just getting started!

Spring (enter stage right)


89e000  No.5800137

File: bcae8598aa66d3c⋯.png (103.23 KB, 743x687, 743:687, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 641eb6436ba2c8e⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1857x1461, 619:487, HRCPODESTAMANAFORTUKRAINEG….png)

The Motherfucking Ukraine is weak

586dee  No.5800138

File: 2b8a43340b2b9f7⋯.jpg (14.88 KB, 640x360, 16:9, interdasting.jpg)

9a23a2  No.5800139


I am waiting for the nxium people to be connected to the john of god guy in Brazil. The have to be related.

235e6c  No.5800140

File: 08873fdc0992f74⋯.jpeg (162.8 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpeg)

9b30b7  No.5800141


MOAR…On Nader


3cc5e9  No.5800142

one more for the road….the red road….

recycled licorice

reminds me

of the ropes

upon which

we were hung

broken necks

and backs

broken fingers

and toes

but never



we visited the elderly

and sang songs

to their seeing eye dogs

which was translated

into braille


with leaping frogs

we entered

into an alliance

home of the brave

made of the few

who now

have multiplied

like rabbits

in a zoo

consuming our


we chew constantly

with faith


that our tails

are growing

into long beards

of truth

fb0710  No.5800143



dfade2  No.5800144

File: 3f36e944cf96091⋯.jpg (46.33 KB, 725x463, 725:463, Lachapelle.jpg)

File: e1c28b0c632dbce⋯.jpg (17.38 KB, 247x220, 247:220, apple.jpg)

File: bd1c254f390e2d0⋯.jpg (16.73 KB, 99x151, 99:151, Hilldog_eyes.jpg)

File: 88883bb3ce55c00⋯.jpg (17.77 KB, 177x155, 177:155, realcute.jpg)

File: a7186aaa7bcf639⋯.jpg (69.63 KB, 533x306, 533:306, Hilldog_Lapdog.jpg)


df45f1  No.5800145


add me please

I abhor judaism

4a4f1a  No.5800146

File: 9b0249ab15984df⋯.jpeg (57.76 KB, 1080x499, 1080:499, 1552579514.jpeg)

8abf85  No.5800147



fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake Jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call NOW

f4k3 JEW D3V1L5

(212) 490-0666













fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake Jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call NOW

f4k3 JEW D3V1L5

(212) 490-0666













fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now




Dorothy's chicken feathers with soroanons Talmud investments made a turkey of another feather .

It's full of homo, low in trannys, has electrolytes, and grovels in petty Jew nonsense from ancient pedo

experience These are schumer trademark potatoes with butthole lips

They are very elastic and work well with crisco from the Elon experiment

Check for the double gasketed feature

t's like a backchannel 1984 hidden in a hobbit riddle for white power and African groundnuts by Apple

and iTunes and pedovores and turd swallowing bankers


aabc74  No.5800148

File: f31b91dd0648a35⋯.jpeg (65.31 KB, 588x500, 147:125, israelforlast.jpeg)


That was a thrill LOL


148a27  No.5800149


Well said old soldier. Well said.


672287  No.5800150

File: d2d4bda04a07f66⋯.jpeg (88.11 KB, 385x495, 7:9, 1F38997C-A189-4D09-A13F-B….jpeg)


Why not ever try to genuinely debate any of the info? Why only ridicule? That all u have left?

a40c35  No.5800151


Now THAT is impressive. The most logical thing ever posted here.

19b09d  No.5800152


forgot the sauce.


This EO stops us from getting information on EVERYTHING OBAMA admin related.

This is the DECLAS MOAB.

Opens the door to Benghazi, Gay Kenyans birth, REAL school records. etc.

fb0710  No.5800153

File: 9c5cc7176677bf8⋯.png (377.38 KB, 802x464, 401:232, ClipboardImage.png)

95d60f  No.5800154

>>5799538 (lb)

Those weird McCullar Wikileaks emails from have references to tannin from adrenal glands put into the wine. Wonder if that’s why backpage has a winery.

61903f  No.5800155

File: 5fc274b743619eb⋯.png (4.39 MB, 1464x7344, 61:306, Blacks_against_jewish_supr….png)

File: 2f89e7abcd135dd⋯.png (520.33 KB, 599x667, 599:667, Israel_anti_Blacks.png)

File: aafb1a9cd24590e⋯.jpg (559.47 KB, 663x2470, 51:190, Israel_sterelizes_Blacks.jpg)

File: 90ca54ecce9e987⋯.png (116.43 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, Israeli_Rabbi_Uses_Black_C….png)

File: d6f6e0e4204496c⋯.png (350.38 KB, 707x453, 707:453, Jews_racist_against_Blacks.png)



e36c18  No.5800156


I hear you. Our day is not yet done nor gone the sun as long as we have these leaders at the helm.

8abf85  No.5800157



fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake Jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call NOW

f4k3 JEW D3V1L5

(212) 490-0666













fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake Jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call NOW

f4k3 JEW D3V1L5

(212) 490-0666













fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now




Dorothy's chicken feathers with soroanons Talmud investments made a turkey of another feather .

It's full of homo, low in trannys, has electrolytes, and grovels in petty Jew nonsense from ancient pedo

experience These are schumer trademark potatoes with butthole lips

They are very elastic and work well with crisco from the Elon experiment

Check for the double gasketed feature

t's like a backchannel 1984 hidden in a hobbit riddle for white power and African groundnuts by Apple

and iTunes and pedovores and turd swallowing bankers


e4d2af  No.5800158


" Just like the Pied Piper led cats thru the streets , we dance like marionettes swaying to the symphony of destruction….. Megadeth

b6f2bb  No.5800159

File: 4eae5417f6ea8af⋯.png (162.58 KB, 463x678, 463:678, pepe top hat top kek.png)

586dee  No.5800160

File: 162a2646a51dd7b⋯.gif (7.89 MB, 650x615, 130:123, Interdasting!.gif)

4cb696  No.5800161

File: 2ae21cf3aa28663⋯.jpg (726.21 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 2ae21cf3aa286635ca9c6c5aa5….jpg)

02fe0c  No.5800162

File: fabd30ac56bac00⋯.jpg (139.03 KB, 723x1154, 723:1154, fabd30ac56bac002df63a0e696….jpg)

5a74e1  No.5800163

File: 576122b238110e6⋯.png (268.89 KB, 952x705, 952:705, Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at ….png)

>>5799064 /lb

>Zinfindel Ln dig, Pelosi, Backpage shut down

According to this article, Pelosi's estate is around the 1000 Block of Zinfandel which is in the vacinity of "Zeitgeist Winery" on the Google map photo attached = walking distance



80c724  No.5800164

File: c6d232f19b91a98⋯.png (288.53 KB, 490x520, 49:52, Screen Shot 2018-11-15 at ….png)



604e20  No.5800165


good you did not follow through. Always a red-flag when they change arrangements at last minute-no matter the circumstances. Also a lack of respect to you.

f945f3  No.5800166

File: 265202516ee9e66⋯.png (628.59 KB, 737x695, 737:695, 4effb29f01d390e9805b689bd2….png)


Same story…different branch…my aircraft carrier was SAC HQ Bldg 500, Offutt AFB…where nuclear war is planned…and if need be initiated. We used to have 'Soviet Awareness' briefings to let you know how bad those Ruskies were… all because some paranoid bankers think we're f*n cattle to be herded, milked, and slaughtered for fun and profit.

So, I'm all in with this Q operation and with POTUS and the good guys…I've been praying for this for years and so glad I've lived long enough to actually see it.

Winning will be glorious…beyond glorious. If it was a LARP, I'm sure my activities here have earned me one of the first bullets and that's fine too…I wouldn't want to live in that world anyway.

So, unless somebody's got a better plan, I'm pulling for all I've got to help these guys and gals and the 7 billion humans that need saving.


8063e1  No.5800167

File: 2ec3f80f3690f47⋯.jpg (115.31 KB, 500x691, 500:691, 2wjzqj.jpg)

d4ec96  No.5800168


blonde woman?

dbf9b5  No.5800169


Have fun in your dhimmi servitude kiwis. They are going to bring in muzzies by the plane and boat loads now. Have fun with it.

9b5054  No.5800170

File: 5d7776e84822c46⋯.jpg (335.84 KB, 1800x2381, 1800:2381, bakerAudry.jpg)


thanQ for your time in the kitchen

e182e7  No.5800171

Drudge banner is blank. Usually means new headlines are incoming… refresh refresh refresh refresh

d9ba8b  No.5800172


best memes


fc6ad6  No.5800173

File: f93b3080c1ad987⋯.gif (4.55 MB, 320x240, 4:3, dog-vomit-o.gif)



Watch and see

b11c14  No.5800174

File: 3fa3636be6a0d74⋯.png (74.69 KB, 1307x848, 1307:848, 1515209427026.png)

File: 6b1be41fea770c0⋯.jpg (36.32 KB, 655x527, 655:527, notable.jpg)


>>5799804 Anon's open letter to Q, Q+, POTUS

>>5799921, >>5800007 Dozens Arrested in ‘Major Law Enforcement Operation’

>>5799877, >>5799908, >>5800051 @USArmy 3…2…1…

>>5799999 Muellers convicted pedo star witness, Nader, man who has led a shadowy existence..

>>5799894 BHO-appointed judge blocks Wyoming oil lease sale over Climate Change(TM)

8abf85  No.5800175



fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake Jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call NOW

f4k3 JEW D3V1L5

(212) 490-0666













fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake Jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call NOW

f4k3 JEW D3V1L5

(212) 490-0666













fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now




Dorothy's chicken feathers with soroanons Talmud investments made a turkey of another feather .

It's full of homo, low in trannys, has electrolytes, and grovels in petty Jew nonsense from ancient pedo

experience These are schumer trademark potatoes with butthole lips

They are very elastic and work well with crisco from the Elon experiment

Check for the double gasketed feature

t's like a backchannel 1984 hidden in a hobbit riddle for white power and African groundnuts by Apple

and iTunes and pedovores and turd swallowing bankers


e400d8  No.5800176

File: 9c58bbc85818d63⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 1200x1608, 50:67, The_Frog_with_the_Golden_H….jpg)

2604b0  No.5800177

File: bd94063310a934f⋯.png (192.92 KB, 284x872, 71:218, 2019-03-20_21-36-44.png)


Another one nominated by that gay POS Barry.


4a4f1a  No.5800178

File: 583c424685597de⋯.jpeg (203.01 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, 1552494214.jpeg)

ebf834  No.5800179

File: cd7f9a9252747f7⋯.jpg (96.78 KB, 680x453, 680:453, military.jpg)

adeba7  No.5800180

File: e33a70b6e27abcf⋯.jpg (18.05 KB, 197x255, 197:255, b9c11a19750f600a2eec2db4d5….jpg)

File: da0f9b6201da6dd⋯.jpg (15.51 KB, 255x230, 51:46, e928ba88929ea91a8fcc8680db….jpg)

File: 509c6b29dd966db⋯.png (11.89 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 805d709614f344a2213c5812fa….png)

33a0a4  No.5800181


Worked with Comey and Mueller from 2012-13

09118e  No.5800182


Married to the PM of NZ? You mean the chick that was swinging some manjunk the other day?

The "michelle obama of NZ"?

e4d2af  No.5800183


its PURIM , too

7ce9c8  No.5800184

File: a45663522710643⋯.jpg (149.54 KB, 497x728, 71:104, born_to_shek.jpg)

135096  No.5800185


I love JoeD

df23a9  No.5800186


We are one!


a6e5d7  No.5800187

File: 17737c20b29e5ae⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1200x798, 200:133, Clowns.png)

9bebe2  No.5800188

File: dffd1d74cd2f7fa⋯.jpeg (72.71 KB, 506x467, 506:467, 0C9E42CB-28B8-422E-83DA-4….jpeg)


Q said not to leak it but I’m gonna say it,


7f30d8  No.5800189


T3 if youre lurking

piggyback this to your post last bread

let the stuff filter through and get sauced and anon'd

dont bake AND decode

and dont add everything lest thy get a kiss (KYS) from the hive

61c3d1  No.5800190


Jan 6 2017.


61903f  No.5800191

File: 5af62ca573496c0⋯.png (396.59 KB, 615x570, 41:38, Israel_loses_leverage.PNG)

File: 1a0801ca34e67c2⋯.png (173.14 KB, 656x651, 656:651, Jewish_interest_groups_tur….png)

File: 935d101e53f3301⋯.png (294.45 KB, 634x622, 317:311, Mossad_ex_head_pushes_Trum….png)

File: d566a7b74d30a0c⋯.jpeg (87.53 KB, 799x538, 799:538, Trump_Jews_are_going_to_h….jpeg)

File: b6c88de4bda5001⋯.jpg (163.88 KB, 978x750, 163:125, Trump_tweets_indirectly_ab….jpg)

6525ae  No.5800192


Kek prolly drives a Corvair

c72beb  No.5800193


Nick Lewin represents individuals and institutions in criminal and regulatory enforcement actions, congressional investigations, and complex civil litigation. Nick co-founded the firm after serving for more than a decade as a federal prosecutor and senior FBI official — including as the Special Counsel to former FBI Directors Robert S. Mueller III and James B. Comey, and as Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.

d9ba8b  No.5800194



19b09d  No.5800195

File: f3665c9095d045f⋯.png (140.76 KB, 577x750, 577:750, demspayrep.png)

Dems what Reparations,

They love Democracy,

Time to let them pay for it after all it was the Democrats that owned slaves, created so much racial strife, from KKK, to Jim Crow, even Gay Kenyans actions.

So lets let them pay for it..

ce32e9  No.5800196



I posted these pics. Only thing is, al-Assad is REALLY tall.

235e6c  No.5800197

Because if you decide keeping your customer data secure isn't your top priority then you deserve to lose everything.

ce3067  No.5800198

File: 3631a777cd0eb8c⋯.jpeg (156.88 KB, 631x593, 631:593, 228B34E2-803B-4599-9FEF-8….jpeg)

daa8cc  No.5800199

File: e89769b7ab6d171⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1443x954, 481:318, 3987430689906832547.png)

c81968  No.5800200


Looks like kids trying to fly a kike…..

25376c  No.5800201

File: 005e0dc1f990703⋯.jpg (110.23 KB, 720x450, 8:5, gayford2.jpg)

c8ace4  No.5800202


Why is it Q + and POTUS, is he like father and son?

3cc5e9  No.5800203


you'll have to excuse me but

wtf is that…jack?!


fb0710  No.5800204

File: 42630cc02363e1d⋯.png (20.38 KB, 532x325, 532:325, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12fe84e24764144⋯.png (53.81 KB, 690x661, 690:661, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8d797b2ece1bca⋯.png (78.91 KB, 690x729, 230:243, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb1d5bdf64c94bc⋯.png (222.18 KB, 686x589, 686:589, ClipboardImage.png)

16 Years Later, Legacy of US War in Iraq is Destruction, Lies, Not ‘Misjudgment’

As the 16th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq passed on March 19, some US government officials who helped sell the war to the American public tried to paint over their actions, portraying the war as an unfortunate accident.

On Tuesday, Ari Fleischer, the former White House press secretary for President George W. Bush from January 2001 to July 2003, took to Twitter to try to dispel some common beliefs, including that the Bush administration had lied about Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's possession of weapons of mass destruction, which the US used as casus belli.

Fleischer tried to recast the war as a consequence of "misjudgment" by the intelligence community, a mistake caused by believing faulty sources, along with "flaws in analysis and the paucity of quality information collected."


adff57  No.5800205

Hey fags, old bakerbro here from the 1k-2.5k breads. Had to check out and focus IRL. How's everything been goin? Sorry to slide, just wanted to check in with you fags

d9414a  No.5800206

File: 5345c0b0b948ff4⋯.png (186.2 KB, 684x659, 684:659, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdd1e980fd68ede⋯.png (208.29 KB, 659x676, 659:676, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 978c10c2b575116⋯.png (196.45 KB, 678x654, 113:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7df8028a4be3728⋯.png (284.67 KB, 676x985, 676:985, ClipboardImage.png)


not sure but it was taken at Casa de Campo, Dominican Republic.

Check this shit out.


8abf85  No.5800207



09118e  No.5800208


the day that the traitor haram was discovered and Esther did her duty, risked her life and saved her people from destruction. (correct me if I'm wrong in my recollection, haven't read book of Esther in a while)

3edc70  No.5800209



ecf9d6  No.5800210


This commie judge is exactly the same one forced out of Michael Flynn's case. Corrupt to the core. FISA fucker. I bet Q has one or two surprises coming his way.

ba9cdc  No.5800211



ThanQ for your service, sir



9053a1  No.5800212

File: 763480d0d07634f⋯.jpeg (582.92 KB, 1125x1134, 125:126, 6B09FEBE-C4D9-45AA-8600-7….jpeg)

File: 22915e982efe7d5⋯.jpeg (724.34 KB, 1125x1393, 1125:1393, B73A22B4-090B-4FFB-8C09-B….jpeg)

File: 6750d1f94a2ffc4⋯.jpeg (434.17 KB, 1049x1346, 1049:1346, 383369ED-B4A0-45F6-AB78-F….jpeg)


Judge Susan Carney .. also bad bad bad on 2nd Court of Appeals..

69c354  No.5800213

File: 06d221ab4cadf7e⋯.png (177.67 KB, 435x307, 435:307, HILLOUCH.png)

a020cc  No.5800214

File: 3e52bd48039e37c⋯.png (67.42 KB, 699x517, 699:517, ClipboardImage.png)

6167db  No.5800215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watched a Black Conservative Patriot Interview w/ a cool guy who liked Metallica. Went to that guy's Youtube channel and found his video from today w/ a muscled white dude butcher who is a Q follower @ 5:30 mark.

Nice habbening.. feeling comfy right now

8abf85  No.5800216



fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake Jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call NOW

f4k3 JEW D3V1L5

(212) 490-0666













fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake Jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call NOW

f4k3 JEW D3V1L5

(212) 490-0666













fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now




Dorothy's chicken feathers with soroanons Talmud investments made a turkey of another feather .

It's full of homo, low in trannys, has electrolytes, and grovels in petty Jew nonsense from ancient pedo

experience These are schumer trademark potatoes with butthole lips

They are very elastic and work well with crisco from the Elon experiment

Check for the double gasketed feature

t's like a backchannel 1984 hidden in a hobbit riddle for white power and African groundnuts by Apple

and iTunes and pedovores and turd swallowing bankers


821263  No.5800217

File: 48a1b15915147b1⋯.png (28.02 KB, 875x305, 175:61, Screenshot_2019-03-20 The ….png)


Check out the Gematria.

Color codes:

Cyan & Yellow

Pink & White

Blue & White








Square arm



Title of the book: "SOMETHING IN THE WATER"

It looks like a tic-tac-toe board with "O" winning..

4a721e  No.5800218


Thank you for your eloquent words, my brother from another mother.

Something tells me that you and I will find each other and exchange vibrations effortlessly once we make it through The Great Awakening.

Until then… peace and Godspeed, fren. I love you, as does God.

7ce9c8  No.5800219

File: c0243470263d11c⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, sod.jpg)

e241fe  No.5800220

File: 26d291711429819⋯.jpg (30.52 KB, 480x360, 4:3, watery.jpg)

4a4f1a  No.5800221

File: ea12361e1ed3d32⋯.jpeg (100.57 KB, 963x723, 321:241, 1551800232.jpeg)

adeba7  No.5800222

File: b7282c23e12629e⋯.jpg (58.54 KB, 800x552, 100:69, JQ_shills8.jpg)

File: 29bd18b8aa6401a⋯.jpg (43.6 KB, 740x531, 740:531, 29bd18b8aa6401a3b9dfeeb7b2….jpg)

f7cd7a  No.5800223

File: e95528435e47113⋯.jpg (148.25 KB, 765x984, 255:328, IMG_20190320_200455.jpg)


why did Dershoweitz come on board, and what if any conection to or for Q

aac29e  No.5800224


Reese also lives part time in Seaside/Watercolor Florida. Looks like the picture was taken there.

9bebe2  No.5800225

File: 426aaac946da387⋯.jpeg (58.82 KB, 599x439, 599:439, 927CDC98-AB28-467C-A63C-3….jpeg)


]HUBER[ gettin all the digits

ee5bca  No.5800226



27020e  No.5800227


Duuuuuhhhhhh…..it's called the Clowns. AKA the 4th Reich.

daa8cc  No.5800228

File: fe3bc4874b1cd1a⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1320x736, 165:92, 096831265732302543.png)

7ce9c8  No.5800229

File: ffba49098736287⋯.gif (292.84 KB, 300x246, 50:41, oven.gif)

7f30d8  No.5800230

File: 6fb6c8427e9ac54⋯.jpg (101.99 KB, 700x700, 1:1, rolls nom.jpg)



i wont let you hang for 3 breads like last night

it is late in the bread thuough

if you can bake one more hopefully a next baker is ready

ill be lurking but im working

my fat ass is busy af

4a4f1a  No.5800231

File: 49cff807426f699⋯.jpeg (96.51 KB, 1050x600, 7:4, 1552161364.jpeg)

3f9935  No.5800232

File: 3bfb1fac66cfb8a⋯.jpg (118.86 KB, 768x1023, 256:341, spi.jpg)

cb7d8f  No.5800233


KEK my ass off

8abf85  No.5800234

File: 076f16e9677ff39⋯.jpg (33.71 KB, 401x503, 401:503, 076f16e9677ff3932f29685a47….jpg)



615ed5  No.5800235

File: 3ea45f62fe1e2b1⋯.png (225.59 KB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_20190320-151649.png)

File: f377f43613c9c01⋯.jpg (3.18 KB, 96x96, 1:1, WcOp5GQu_x96.jpg)

daa8cc  No.5800236

File: 1d56b8e67b0e750⋯.png (1.18 MB, 920x814, 460:407, 0897326104370763.png)

498d3e  No.5800237



885ac2  No.5800238

File: 9801238d787d774⋯.png (31.02 KB, 393x786, 1:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2984ece30eb9df⋯.png (15.97 KB, 467x285, 467:285, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7fc6bb9f614ef0⋯.png (333.28 KB, 1010x539, 1010:539, ClipboardImage.png)

Delta of Q drop and POTUS tweet

61903f  No.5800239

File: 159401e6d7469e8⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1500x1941, 500:647, France_Jewish_influx_of_mi….png)

File: 7e3d5d8cf1e08fe⋯.jpg (673.39 KB, 648x1352, 81:169, Israel_Advocates_For_Soros.jpg)

File: ff16fd62dc5b769⋯.jpg (2.66 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Israel_Sends_Migrants_To_T….jpg)

File: f02593607fb5d51⋯.png (663.39 KB, 909x923, 909:923, Jews_and_Muslims_against_N….png)

File: 0564a346a72aa99⋯.png (211.08 KB, 581x664, 7:8, UN_Israel_jewish_interest_….PNG)


Very compelling argument you got there yid… kek :)

a6e5d7  No.5800240

File: c0794659f403993⋯.png (404.81 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Chimp.png)

8abf85  No.5800241



fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake Jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call NOW

f4k3 JEW D3V1L5

(212) 490-0666













fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake Jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call NOW

f4k3 JEW D3V1L5

(212) 490-0666













fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now




Dorothy's chicken feathers with soroanons Talmud investments made a turkey of another feather .

It's full of homo, low in trannys, has electrolytes, and grovels in petty Jew nonsense from ancient pedo

experience These are schumer trademark potatoes with butthole lips

They are very elastic and work well with crisco from the Elon experiment

Check for the double gasketed feature

t's like a backchannel 1984 hidden in a hobbit riddle for white power and African groundnuts by Apple

and iTunes and pedovores and turd swallowing bankers


012746  No.5800242

File: 43f1ca270d3ad15⋯.png (3.25 MB, 1600x1063, 1600:1063, D2490EC1-A7CD-4A2A-8D9D-6E….png)

Can someone please create the video game “Resident Evil: Escape from Epstein Island”

adeba7  No.5800243

3edc70  No.5800244


your sauce is fucking tumblr?


63f8aa  No.5800245

File: 7dc1bc97090daf1⋯.jpg (110.88 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, MuhJewShills1.jpg)

File: fecfdfc25eab5ac⋯.jpg (57.08 KB, 620x400, 31:20, MuhJewShills5.jpg)

995a54  No.5800246

Odd mix of brains and bullshit in here right now.

f8cb7a  No.5800247

File: 576e700727a83fa⋯.gif (347.37 KB, 425x900, 17:36, sword-point.gif)



aac29e  No.5800248



4391ef  No.5800249


>The clandestine digging, tunneling beneath Haiti soil to built their huge Embassy compound was done on the Southern earthquake fault line. This, in addition to their ocean fracking and exploiting of Haiti oil wells, probably caused the earthquake that killed 316,000 Haitians in 33 seconds and injured a million people. But the Clintons using this disaster to take more than 30% of Haiti territory doesn’t seem enough. They need the South of Haiti also because of the oil, iridium and strategic position.

>Hurricane Matthew was man-made. Six years from now, ten years from now, some white guy will say it and that’s when folks will listen. But I stand before you now, and say it, like many other Haitians whose voices are drowned out by the white savior industrial complex, rushing with “help.”

>When will the world learn that there is a bipartisan destruction of the world, especially against defenseless Haiti going on?

This article seems very relevant in terms of Q's "Haiti >" and other mentions. What did they really do to Haiti?

Note that this all pre-dates Q. It pre-dates Trump's election by a month.

I think this is an extremely notable article. A 33 second Earthquake? The article covers weather manipulation. Fracking causing Earthquakes. All kinds of Q related shit.

If you look at their more recent articles it covers illegal weapons caches. Mercencies. All kinds of shit going on in Haiti apparently.

Is this why Q refers to what will happen when the truth about Haiti comes out? Is Q/POTUS the white man who is finally going to say it to cause folks to listen? Has this Patriot Haitian been ahead of the curve?

b0dd5c  No.5800250


Has anyone noticed yet that Lewin Looks like Cernovich

d08e61  No.5800251

File: 18664191aba588a⋯.jpg (187.61 KB, 460x404, 115:101, pol has news for you.jpg)

FOX is so cucked now with Ryan et al. you are the news.

9a82dc  No.5800252

File: 0d948ca861ecc23⋯.png (943.96 KB, 1287x726, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)


That is a sign the cabal is losing.

2c898a  No.5800253


Those who make the most noise…

I'd bet all I own that this dude is a kid fucker.

b11c14  No.5800254


sounds good TY

791686  No.5800255


The hand just in the picture on the left looks like it might be black.

672287  No.5800256


Fuck drudge. He’s just another compromised jew controlled oppo faggot.

fee079  No.5800257

Do we have a photo of the dead guy …Alan Krueger ?

69c748  No.5800258


3 alleged leaders of New York-linked Jewish sect arrested on charges of kidnapping children

c72beb  No.5800259


Nick also served as the Special Counsel for former FBI Directors Robert S. Mueller, III and James B. Comey. In that capacity, Nick acted as each Director’s national security advisor on policy, strategic, and operational issues. He regularly represented the FBI at senior-level White House National Security Council meetings, and prepared the Director, Attorney General and other senior FBI and Justice Department executives for testimony before Congress.

d03b0b  No.5800260

File: b42e1572cfcd85f⋯.png (549.93 KB, 1380x925, 276:185, Screenshot_2019-03-21 Yova….png)


Studied in Russia

b51d46  No.5800261


Nice work anon Thank you. Glad someone else sees that something is there. Have a you

9053a1  No.5800262

File: faf5b78ea9ed47b⋯.png (282.66 KB, 742x1190, 53:85, 63ACACE8-5C47-4B0F-8CCD-1D….png)



Senator bad boy!

8fcf73  No.5800263

File: 466ab7de0d19878⋯.png (519.22 KB, 721x481, 721:481, 1546824526.png)

fec666  No.5800264

File: a3850ebb22cbfc7⋯.png (441.74 KB, 474x315, 158:105, ClipboardImage.png)

8abf85  No.5800265

File: 6214ed02d3e21ce⋯.png (94.59 KB, 577x223, 577:223, bfeb5aa6cfa802b0a1d2aad6c1….png)



cae4a8  No.5800266

File: 27e12df624a43de⋯.png (131.94 KB, 1779x1002, 593:334, Screenshot_2019-03-20 PAE….png)

File: c99c1fe92428edd⋯.png (15.41 KB, 1026x176, 513:88, Screenshot_2019-03-20 PAE….png)

File: 61bfad6549519a1⋯.jpg (267.92 KB, 1875x762, 625:254, Screenshot_2019-03-20 Home….jpg)

File: 28fc251a99cfe62⋯.png (15.83 KB, 1026x128, 513:64, Screenshot_2019-03-20 PAE….png)

File: 6cd0a2e4d973d9d⋯.png (48.17 KB, 1228x264, 307:66, Screenshot_2019-03-20 DCI ….png)

>>5799742 (lb)

It's getting deep.


Now we have what appears to be a Texan, running for senator involved.


Shapiro was also with Sempra Energy.


Here's their SEC filings, may be good stuff in there..


They purchased majority stake in this company for $9+ billion..


As for DCI group, here's moar..



Close ties with Bush.

Think me found the fake MAGA trail.

ae3bf1  No.5800267





235e6c  No.5800268


but he is really good at it

a6e5d7  No.5800269


G.o.o.g.l.e. You should check it out it's pretty cool.

57beca  No.5800270

File: e8e58840fc0fa6a⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 236x236, 1:1, 3f3746f39a3b14ec0854017e10….jpg)


REst easy, soldier.

New recruits are here to pick up where you left off.

61903f  No.5800271

File: 8acbbc1ef32a76b⋯.jpg (1.75 MB, 2832x3916, 708:979, Jews_Gun_Control_00_Big.jpg)

File: 13d22e3d1008a39⋯.jpg (352.03 KB, 488x2224, 61:278, Jews_Gun_Control_00_List_U….jpg)

File: 7afe6bad167d8d0⋯.jpg (339.4 KB, 620x906, 310:453, Jews_Gun_Control_1_Harvey.jpg)

File: 5e91ba10e1de856⋯.jpg (118.3 KB, 1481x878, 1481:878, Jews_Gun_Control_2.jpg)

File: 7ee35c77d69b669⋯.jpg (537.82 KB, 968x701, 968:701, Jews_Gun_Control_3.jpg)


Wow, what a great argument you've got there, zionist traitor.

I totally support Jewish subversion now! :DDDD

Reminder that the zionist jewish supremacists lead the way in attacking the 2A because they know that unless the 2A gets destroyed, they won't be able to destroy the 1A.

Jewish interest groups (all of them zionist) and individuals make up for the majority of the financing and initiatives against the 2A:



"The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws."

Disarmament is the first steep in allowing the government total abuse of its people. Jews own the MSM, entertainment and lobbying, which gives them HUGE control over politicians that they use to the benefit of Israel (and remember the amount of double citizenship Israeli-American politicians of mixed-loyalties that the US has), and if they could only disarm people, then that would allow for them to order their controlled politicians to TOTALLY ABUSE the people with full impunity, all to the benefit of Israel.

>The jewish supremacists lead the way in attacking the 2A because they know that unless the 2A gets destroyed, they won't be able to destroy the 1A.

Remember this as you notice how much of a push to criminalize criticism of Israel and jewish subversion they do using the same old trick of crying “anti-semitism”.

<Luke 22:36

Just in case the pen fails us. Hopefully it does not and all gets fixed peacefully in the next 6 years.

0ecab5  No.5800272

OMFG! Nothing to do with much else, right now, but here is US Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman, Jr., on keyboard. Playing Chicago. With Russians.

Russian collusion? Nyet! Russian collaboration!


fec666  No.5800273

File: e7b1286ef313385⋯.png (375.19 KB, 425x464, 425:464, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9cdbbbde9561ccb⋯.png (952.73 KB, 710x472, 355:236, ClipboardImage.png)

13ccaf  No.5800274

File: 19d6dbb200b49a2⋯.jpg (416.27 KB, 1017x1465, 1017:1465, Screenshot_20190320-213302.jpg)

>>579918 (LB)


d9ba8b  No.5800275


It's all right here.


but anons already know.

62e88e  No.5800276


So who was the baby delivered by?

We've already seen Ardern's junk swinging in the breeze.

This is looking more and more like obama & big mike.

e0f37c  No.5800277


dude, ur memes are so lame. its actually embarrassing. Are all u mossad faggots that gay?

cfae94  No.5800278

File: 9fc653e7b56dc5f⋯.png (342.16 KB, 838x1134, 419:567, 5b69c797eeaafed05523c597ec….png)


George Nader's in the pic but the Q question is who is behind the camera? Who took the pic?

b3b107  No.5800279

File: f9fde467199a1d3⋯.png (930.36 KB, 500x1212, 125:303, ClipboardImage.png)

e4d2af  No.5800280


Can an anon get recent real time photos of Little St. James Island USV ?

Whats it look like now ?

fc6ad6  No.5800281


That gif made me lol

d67235  No.5800282

File: aed9ef399d758ca⋯.jpg (18.5 KB, 220x209, 20:19, 322.jpg)


(pb notable)

Just realized something because 3/22 was on the mind……

How many Electoral votes did HRC receive?

Think mirror.

d625f2  No.5800283



1f6cd6  No.5800284

File: 0b4bb0a413fde9f⋯.png (86.26 KB, 496x453, 496:453, screenshot.png)

When an india developer tells u not to hire muslims. Murica should listen js ;)

4366c4  No.5800285


It's hard to tell what's worse:

1. NASA faked the moon landings.

2. NASA landed on the moon with "secret tech."

In either situation, the public is in the dark. If option #2 is correct like Q says, then they should come out with the truth, not continue to hide it. However, if there exists "secret tech" to have done it, why did they stop going? I call disinfo on option #2.

6b4572  No.5800286

File: 739efc9d9076026⋯.png (555.23 KB, 952x500, 238:125, ClipboardImage.png)

Gaslighting should be a crime.

e241fe  No.5800287


There it is folks

the 9:15ish 'feels……..man' post

almost every day

9bebe2  No.5800288

File: d9078f6f4e916d4⋯.png (2.31 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 7862F5BB-5651-44D6-9086-97….png)

b8f09c  No.5800289

File: 5a3ea0fe8f89d05⋯.jpg (118.26 KB, 566x636, 283:318, QCrumbsHuberSeverePain6.jpg)


There you go.

c81968  No.5800290


oddly enough searching CIA leads back to google….

f5852d  No.5800291

File: 33f6b0f799b3323⋯.jpg (59.59 KB, 598x351, 46:27, memorial.jpg)

162bb2  No.5800292

File: b46e5020b07a481⋯.jpeg (631.69 KB, 1242x1594, 621:797, 61FFAA98-CF62-4629-BDCA-7….jpeg)


The injustice of this vs. BC and his boyfriends is overwhelming.

Please help!!

fec666  No.5800293


Ears are way different

615ed5  No.5800294

File: 4a0ddf145440a41⋯.png (313.16 KB, 672x495, 224:165, image001.png)

aac29e  No.5800295


Gov Huckabee is now calling beto "Bob" as well.

I propose Anons graciously consider only referring to him as Bob from now on. Kind of like No Name. Optional of course.

61903f  No.5800296

File: d86e75d999b86db⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 3120x4176, 65:87, 4_NEOCONS_BIG_2.gif)

File: 25b17b4635e6d63⋯.jpg (23.78 KB, 420x291, 140:97, War_Makers_1_Saddam.jpg)

File: 6f8bf3e20879728⋯.jpg (153.68 KB, 1019x1201, 1019:1201, War_Makers_5_Iraq.jpg)

File: 4b05695c9201d27⋯.jpg (27.78 KB, 606x319, 606:319, War_Makers_6.jpg)

File: 6529e359b844f92⋯.jpg (129.34 KB, 709x690, 709:690, War_Makers_7_Why.jpg)


Zionist warmakers.

9a23a2  No.5800297


Her name might have something to do with it

f20142  No.5800298


bingo fren

8abf85  No.5800299

File: 30eaaca57f4865d⋯.png (574.45 KB, 1498x1012, 749:506, 8d498afb2624b5cb01642314c1….png)




604e20  No.5800300

File: e751eac59090bf1⋯.jpg (74.95 KB, 625x500, 5:4, merck dump.jpg)

Track ANY stock here


adeba7  No.5800301

File: 1e02abce37e7f8d⋯.jpg (68.96 KB, 480x376, 60:47, 1e02abce37e7f8de6d1815303c….jpg)

File: 73a9799bc86e35e⋯.jpeg (10.48 KB, 255x143, 255:143, ea81ee38f50db207412846056….jpeg)

ebf834  No.5800302



SuperQomm powers activated

fb0710  No.5800303


See the pattern?









d9ba8b  No.5800304


I think it's pretty clear at this point.

Stick around to find out.

a6e5d7  No.5800305

b66071  No.5800306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

53a8c2  No.5800307

File: 8729b9a8db25976⋯.jpg (483.97 KB, 985x985, 1:1, 81CV63.jpg)


agreed. thought this ship was lost.

Now see the Promised Land on the horizon.

Thanks Q & Q+

847e25  No.5800308



2604b0  No.5800309

File: aeb8bb1dbb431d6⋯.gif (2.15 MB, 320x306, 160:153, giphy-11.gif)

e40b4c  No.5800310

File: b17cecf98c74002⋯.jpeg (50.11 KB, 620x440, 31:22, AE5E9EBF-2A3A-4BA2-92D8-C….jpeg)

e336a8  No.5800311

Top Ukrainian justice official says US ambassador gave him a do not prosecute list

Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko told Hill.TV's John Solomon in an interview that aired Wednesday that U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch gave him a do not prosecute list during their first meeting.

“Unfortunately, from the first meeting with the U.S. ambassador in Kiev, [Yovanovitch] gave me a list of people whom we should not prosecute,” Lutsenko, who took his post in 2016, told Hill.TV last week.

“My response of that is it is inadmissible. Nobody in this country, neither our president nor our parliament nor our ambassador, will stop me from prosecuting whether there is a crime,” he continued."

“At that time we had a case for the embezzlement of the U.S. government technical assistance worth 4 million U.S. dollars, and in that regard, we had this dialogue,” he said. "At that time, [Yovanovitch] thought that our interviews of Ukrainian citizens, of Ukrainian civil servants, who were frequent visitors of the U.S. Embassy put a shadow on that anti-corruption policy."

“Actually, we got the letter from the U.S. Embassy, from the ambassador, that the money that we are speaking about [was] under full control of the U.S. Embassy, and that the U.S. Embassy did not require our legal assessment of these facts," he said. "The situation was actually rather strange because the funds we are talking about were designated for the prosecutor general's office also and we told [them] we have never seen those, and the U.S. Embassy replied there was no problem."

Former Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas), who was at the time House Rules Committee chairman, voiced concerns about Yovanovitch in a letter to the State Department last year in which he said he had proof the ambassador had spoken of her “disdain” for the Trump administration.


e4723a  No.5800312


Sounds like a money run.

a40c35  No.5800313


What? You think he can't figure it out himself? Why would a guy with a "security clearance" to way more information than you do need your help?

4ac88e  No.5800314

File: 43947180b84dc8c⋯.png (476.48 KB, 986x1513, 58:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 104fab0da236c9b⋯.png (455.35 KB, 640x1315, 128:263, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 464e67c11a7d440⋯.png (501.72 KB, 640x1315, 128:263, ClipboardImage.png)

f945f3  No.5800315


Peace to you, Anon. We are the Tribe of Light and this is what we do…right now it's Earth and the humans. Next round, who knows…but it's great duty, all the same. Saving creation one rock at a time…and there's a lot of rocks!

148a27  No.5800316

File: b3c59354a8616c3⋯.jpg (94.93 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 28xuyv.jpg)


I think most vets feel that way anon.

81285b  No.5800317



Could be very possible

We now know it is highly possible Carlos Slim was there. Carlos Slim is also deeply connected with Carlos Salinas.

Take a look at Nader his Instagram…this guy is connected to the music business.


1ec044  No.5800318

File: 0e2a154cc9a6bd4⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1260x542, 630:271, ClipboardImage.png)

79722d  No.5800319


Why the underscores _trafficking_is_

7ce9c8  No.5800320

File: 0fd423ad2ffce0c⋯.jpg (118.41 KB, 750x615, 50:41, 0fd423ad2.jpg)

e400d8  No.5800321

File: 9236adee81c9e3e⋯.jpg (157.15 KB, 600x1138, 300:569, 1.jpg)

File: 88546d4b37ca913⋯.jpg (141.56 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 2.jpg)

Pentagon to probe whether Shanahan used office to help Boeing


aabc74  No.5800322


FOP accuses Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx of interfering in Jussie Smollett investigation


"CHICAGO (WLS) – The president of the Chicago police union has sent a letter to the Justice Department alleging that Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx interfered in the police investigation of "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett.

Foxx had recused herself from the case, but Kevin Graham, Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) president, said that was insufficient and wants the feds to determine whether she broke any laws. "That recusal is wholly insufficient. In order for Ms. Foxx to properly charge and try this case, her entire office should have recused itself and a special prosecutor been appointed," Graham said in a statement.

Smollett, who faces 16 felony counts of disorderly conduct for allegedly filing a false police report, claims he was the victim of a hate crime in Chicago's Streeterville neighborhood in January. However, police say it was a hoax and that Smollett hired two brothers to carry out the fake attack. "

8abf85  No.5800323

File: 2bd31d9eb5941ad⋯.jpg (285.69 KB, 1498x1012, 749:506, 49baccc979c5672fa37328c6e4….jpg)



2e588f  No.5800324


I wonder what this weapon would do if pointed at Northern California in early autumn?

6525ae  No.5800325



fee079  No.5800326


Ty anon. I just jumped in tonight and was hoping he was the guy walking into the ocean in the 2nd photo.

Doesn't look like it (at all)

cdf0eb  No.5800327

File: fea04de1e46dc4e⋯.jpg (213.14 KB, 1023x767, 1023:767, billmemewho1.jpg)

Who is the guy on the left? Anthony Weiner?

d9ba8b  No.5800328



b9c359  No.5800329


Prince Andrew

fbda80  No.5800330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

did the jews create the mormon religion?

9053a1  No.5800331


Senator Bob liked the little girls in Caribbean ..

Beck was a candidate and date for Bob.. she has some connections. Soros and Epstein and others.


a020cc  No.5800332

File: 443a873260e013a⋯.png (23.77 KB, 243x241, 243:241, ClipboardImage.png)

aac29e  No.5800333

March 29 Brexit Vote.

April 9 Bibi Vote.

adeba7  No.5800334

File: fa4206eeff53a45⋯.jpg (18.16 KB, 217x255, 217:255, 8d820894c0ed8dbf9045ee2709….jpg)

adc77a  No.5800335


Turns out [CA_J]

is abusing illegal substances again.

Watch out for that full moon, cat boy.

ebf834  No.5800336

File: ed2ac1014424d1c⋯.gif (1.69 MB, 444x250, 222:125, trumps-smug-pepe-at-g8-mee….gif)

838229  No.5800337


Don't think anons taking this seriously, I don't necessarily believe when Q says "Anons are safe", because we also get this: THIS IS NOT A GAME.

Not sure you saw the above post re: "Cameron with a Q". I won't going to long boring detail, but this was not in my imagination.

672287  No.5800338


top kek. Exactly.

c72beb  No.5800339


9b30b7  No.5800340

File: 1b0bd45c087601d⋯.jpg (524.56 KB, 1080x1474, 540:737, SmartSelect_20190320-21455….jpg)

File: 9c6b46af53cbc05⋯.jpg (641.35 KB, 1072x1690, 536:845, SmartSelect_20190320-21463….jpg)

Alan Dersh Twatter March 2, 2018: Calling for hearings to be public and case to be unsealed.


086573  No.5800341

File: 260c4bfc1bb007e⋯.png (819.22 KB, 544x726, 272:363, RAustin316.png)

Can't wait to go LIVE.

Can you?

9bebe2  No.5800342


I been diggin the flight logs, haven’t really touched the pic yet.

cfae94  No.5800343

File: dca71196b13e1c2⋯.jpg (12.14 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 3bf120e8f378f5ba1ee3027ecd….jpg)


I know Qteam knows! But do YOU know is the question idiot!

97cb3f  No.5800344


I saw EBOT buff his balls once.

right on Westheimer.

I had to look away it was soooo grosssss.

aabc74  No.5800345

File: 9316c12a9695dfa⋯.png (92.42 KB, 500x429, 500:429, sublime.png)


LOL saved.

ebf834  No.5800346

File: 05e8d41eed13ca2⋯.jpg (888.37 KB, 962x2451, 962:2451, Screenshot_20190320-214039….jpg)



dash vs. minus

b3b107  No.5800347


I like it…but with the fake news playing up the "boyish charm" angle, why not stick that narrative up his wazoo and call him "Bobby"? Or better yet, "Bubby".

61903f  No.5800348

File: b6cdeb866530469⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 2816x4472, 352:559, 1_Antifa_are_cultural_marx….jpg)

File: ddcaf5ccd39efe8⋯.png (346.04 KB, 777x437, 777:437, 2_Antifa_Israel.png)

File: befb8c1b23f50d7⋯.jpg (214.61 KB, 550x413, 550:413, 3_Antifa_Israel_2.jpg)

File: 2563f170d72f8bb⋯.png (232.83 KB, 639x1231, 639:1231, 4_AntiFa_ISIS_Connections.png)

File: 7c2698e0f4db9cd⋯.jpg (617.13 KB, 948x2424, 79:202, 5_ISIS_mossad_2.jpg)


Kek, wow, another great compelling argument.

Well done bozo, keep it up :)

62e88e  No.5800349


This was breaking news a year ago.

This guys attorney (a woman, don't remember her name) was on Hannity for a week and half straight. Was big bad hot shit, then just fell out of the news cycle and no more was said about it.

Glad to see this coming back around now.

07a278  No.5800350

File: efbb084bd16b583⋯.png (376.18 KB, 800x1171, 800:1171, Screenshot_2019-03-20-20-4….png)

File: 49980463cd6dd2e⋯.png (337.48 KB, 800x1177, 800:1177, Screenshot_2019-03-20-20-4….png)



4330cf  No.5800351


many jews love jesus

9b5054  No.5800352


it is undeniable that this is a well managed psy-op

whether or not it's a LARP it doesn't matter

for all the chaos it functions in a self-repairing way

I've watched it grow

I'm here til the end

hopium is powerfully addicting

e400d8  No.5800353

File: 8e252b0fa66c6d0⋯.jpeg (371.37 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ns.jpeg)

7ce9c8  No.5800354


They created every religion. How do you divide?

b66071  No.5800355

File: 1b75e216b2dcfad⋯.jpg (29.75 KB, 512x512, 1:1, chihuahua-watch-clock-face….jpg)

File: 1d46ec8829f1b25⋯.jpg (56.98 KB, 460x460, 1:1, chiuaua-watch-clock-face-v….jpg)

When I select items for the graphic, though I have done the research, I question the first ideas and concepts.

The value of the items affects judgment sometimes when it comes to deciding to enter them into the public domain.

I have struggled with am I right or wrong about the content, have I missed any details.

If you could review my work you would see I revise my graphics at times because of this.

I don't always notice the incorrect selection(s) until after they are in the public domain.

What sucks, once you pay the price of admission, hitting send, you can't edit or cancle the graphic.

When you have more than one graphic, one is a 10 out of 12 and the other a 12 out of 12, what can you do?

8abf85  No.5800356

File: c70df82df677fb9⋯.png (557.67 KB, 1491x889, 213:127, 2b7a753762a45d9b1407e7a3a5….png)



3af322  No.5800357

BAKER Notable

5a74e1  No.5800358

File: cc098913767d956⋯.png (434.45 KB, 608x722, 16:19, Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at ….png)


EXCLUSIVE (you heard it here first): The LAPD has opened a child sex molestation investigation into P.J. Webb, the president of the Los Angeles School Police Officers union.

I interviewed Ignacio Martinez, the whistleblower who met with the DA today


92728b  No.5800359




For the long lurking Anons…This

57beca  No.5800360

File: bcfee407c873b2e⋯.jpg (15.83 KB, 255x223, 255:223, droppedthisbitch.jpg)


What an idiot John Hart is.

Here's another useful tool you don't use either.

4330cf  No.5800361

File: 147d9c01709249a⋯.jpg (6.36 KB, 300x168, 25:14, RR1.jpg)

162bb2  No.5800362


Texas can’t seem to pass legislation to classify it as legal- even though it is federally legal— Texas muh Texas

7f30d8  No.5800363

interesting post by newfag who made a thread instead

Only one other name appears in the Epstein Flight Manifests the same days when Bill Clinton was there - Doug Bands. He is the attorney behind the man.

"Until the Friday blockbuster news that the FBI was reopening its probe into the Hillary email server, the biggest overhang facing the Clinton Campaign was the escalating scandal involving the Clinton Foundation, Doug Band's consultancy firm Teneo, and Bill Clinton who as a result of a leaked memo emerged was generously compensated for potential political favors by prominent corporate clients using Teneo as a passthru vehicle for purchasing influence.

In a section of the memo entitled "Leveraging Teneo For The Foundation," Band spelled out all of the donations he solicited from Teneo "clients" for the Clinton Foundation. In all, there are roughly $14mm of donations listed with the largest contributors being Coca-Cola, Barclays, The Rockefeller Foundation and Laureate International Universities. Some of these are shown below (the full details can be found in "Leaked Memo Exposes Shady Dealings Between Clinton Foundation Donors And Bill's "For-Profit" Activities")"

636b91  No.5800364

(Y) head

The “y” with the parentheses looks like a very simplistic representation of a cobra snake’s head. Started looking for snakeheads, found Uraeus Snake. Add in the covered in gold and it leads right to Egyptian imagery. Sorry if this is totally wrong, or totally right, I’ve just been hung up on the Y heads and not knowing what it is in reference to.

fc6ad6  No.5800365


Ahhh, the ol' Shitty Kitty

df45f1  No.5800366


>did the jews create the mormon religion?

yep and the christian one too

838229  No.5800367

File: 2d873f0b3f53c22⋯.jpg (84.79 KB, 600x933, 200:311, 0528013bc9dddb1401667ad798….jpg)

e4d2af  No.5800368


" I'm sorry Mark . I can't allow you to do that ….. "

HAL - 9000

a40c35  No.5800369


No. That is why i asked. Do you have an answer?

fbda80  No.5800370


did we create christ as an escape from them then?

61903f  No.5800371

File: a5eb1ce2c2c658c⋯.jpg (99.02 KB, 551x722, 29:38, Ben_Gurion_Israel_prime_mi….JPG)

File: 34e41043ccf1d4d⋯.jpeg (208.67 KB, 622x884, 311:442, Israel_Soviet_alliance_po….jpeg)

File: 2ee7d8d9d9f007a⋯.jpg (688.29 KB, 1248x2432, 39:76, Jew_communist_Poland_Israe….jpg)

File: 3978c836ef85c06⋯.png (445.17 KB, 913x965, 913:965, Jews_communists_head_of_Ge….png)

File: 34d9475cfe4a611⋯.jpg (74.33 KB, 633x722, 633:722, Racism_word_was_invented_b….JPG)


Leon Trotsky was a Jew whose original name was Lev Davidovich Bronstein (just duckduckgo it, its easy to verify). Add to that another fact about the communist political phenomena: most of the people involved in the financing, promotion, leading and implementation of communism at its start were Jews, including in China using Mao as a proxy (verify this claim here: http://archive.vn/KJ2Rt ; http://archive.vn/1Jl6V ; http://archive.vn/R2FWk ; http://archive.vn/vxky3 ; http://archive.vn/94Ect ; http://archive.vn/PECQA ; http://archive.vn/L3Ftq ; http://archive.vn/PbEvv ; http://archive.vn/BLw97 ; http://archive.vn/1oRzt ).

Even Fidel Castro was a crypto-Jew (verify here: http://archive.vn/LCsBr ).

In fact, Bobby Fischer, one of the greatest chess players of all times, and a Jew himself, has said this about the connection about Judaism and communism: "First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism." ( http://archive.vn/Eh33u ; http://archive.vn/MDl82 )

Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise (aka: "The Red Rabbi") had this to say about communism: "Some call it Communism; I call it Judaism." ( http://archive.vn/rfCDT ; http://archive.vn/H4xdz )

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn had this to say about the connection between Judaism and communism: “We cannot state that all Jews were Bolsheviks. But: Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. The blood maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered sixty-six million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.” ( http://archive.vn/FGDwS ; http://archive.vn/mjhbG ; http://archive.vn/MZgBJ ; http://archive.vn/RLmNd )

Rabbi Rabbi Harry Waton: “The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.” ( http://archive.vn/AUxlo ; http://archive.vn/79dTX )

Now, before communism, why did Russia wanted Jews out of there? The answer is simple: debt slavery (which is a central part of religious Jewish ideology (its in their Torah (which is composed of the first 5 books of the Old Testament), in Deuteronomy 15:6: "For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you." . The nations are the goyim, the non-Jews)).

Mark Twain had this to say about that: "The Jew is being legislated out of Russia. The reason is not concealed. The movement was instituted because the Christian peasant and villager stood no chance against his commercial abilities. He was always ready to lend money on a crop, and sell vodka and other necessaries of life on credit while the crop was growing. When settlement day came he owned the crop; and next year or year after he owned the farm." ( http://archive.vn/UOoXR ; http://archive.vn/kjfzA )

Another interesting thing about the relationship between communism and Israel is that Israel refused to extradite Salomon Morel, a Jewish-Polish NKVD officer, commander of the Zgoda labour camp, and a war criminal who later immigrated to Israel and acquired Israeli citizenship to Poland ( http://archive.vn/D53jF ; http://archive.vn/QjgnD )

7b73dc  No.5800372

File: 0fdaf1bee4748a9⋯.jpg (49.88 KB, 474x266, 237:133, Ebot.jpg)

e4723a  No.5800373

File: f74fd0b5c3fb1b4⋯.png (200.13 KB, 500x533, 500:533, the-enlightened-one-pepe.png)


It is what dreams are made of.

4391ef  No.5800374



Not it.

a2af6e  No.5800375

File: 4bd5118e91c5764⋯.jpg (85.38 KB, 1019x622, 1019:622, luis.JPG)


This guy is a top model scout in Dom Repub

f5852d  No.5800376

File: ea99ce1a1ce9d5b⋯.png (10.48 KB, 255x248, 255:248, pepewtf.png)

7ce9c8  No.5800377

File: edb4a8bd3941b18⋯.jpg (224.82 KB, 720x666, 40:37, edb4a8bd3941b.jpg)

File: 94f2c21cbadbc4d⋯.jpeg (470.01 KB, 1242x991, 1242:991, jews_hate_jesus.jpeg)


>many jews love jesus

d9ba8b  No.5800378

Have we dug on act-il com.

Might be worth it.


c81968  No.5800379


Nah, I think that was a guy with magic underwear.

61c3d1  No.5800380

File: 5fe9e7ec83a1bd4⋯.jpg (71.34 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 000i0000z3r-13l8elijpg.jpg)


Maybe this guy. In this picture, Rolando Gonzalez Bunster is not visible (maybe behind camera for THIS picture).

803deb  No.5800381

File: ee0feed905995c6⋯.png (3.21 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 1070C408-0F78-4C3B-9857-6A….png)


Nick Lewin, it’s obvious, follow the attorney next post is “the attorney” is introduced

592986  No.5800382


Alan B. Kruger

f20142  No.5800383



Follow the ATTORNEY.


19b09d  No.5800384




9b30b7  No.5800385

File: 711664398deaf53⋯.jpg (583.26 KB, 1080x1733, 1080:1733, SmartSelect_20190320-21504….jpg)


Dersh twatter March 2 (continued)

09d90f  No.5800386


Roger that.

c72beb  No.5800387

Nick Lewin's wife

Leslie Karen Adelson, a daughter of Anita Bram Adelson and Stephen M. Adelson of West Newton, Mass., is to be married today to Nicholas James Lewin, a son of Deirdre Collie Lewin and Stephen M. Lewin of White Plains. Rabbi Ronne Friedman will officiate at the Seeds of Peace summer camp in Otisfield, Me., with Cantor Roy B. Einhorn taking part.

The bride, 27, will take her husband's name. She is the program director in the New York office of Seeds of Peace, an American organization that brings teenagers together to promote conflict resolution in the Middle East and elsewhere. She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and in 1997 was a summer intern in the White House Office of Presidential Personnel. Her father is a partner in Adelson Loria & Weisman, a Boston law firm. Her mother is an organizational consultant to small businesses in West Newton.

89e000  No.5800388

File: 7cec87e4779cd12⋯.png (848.29 KB, 750x445, 150:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b66c59d1b8cf08⋯.png (554.78 KB, 635x849, 635:849, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc7c9ca26b121df⋯.png (566.06 KB, 693x944, 693:944, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3b82b8420d78ba⋯.png (2.91 MB, 1674x802, 837:401, ClipboardImage.png)

Is this picture from Necker island?

Which leads to, did branson take the picture?


086573  No.5800389


I made up my mind.

RAIN Coming.

27020e  No.5800390


Read the article. Wasn't about CBD oil. They seized 30lbs of marijuana and weapons as well.

ALTHOUGH I still find that bullshit, the title of article is misleading.

c45007  No.5800391

File: 4adcb5161eb1935⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1500x844, 375:211, ClipboardImage.png)

c72beb  No.5800392


Seeds of Peace?????

4330cf  No.5800393


shill faggot you are

8abf85  No.5800394

File: dedeb44d5e87540⋯.jpg (269.84 KB, 780x780, 1:1, center-circle.jpg)



3df9d4  No.5800395



422222  No.5800396

Hey anons, let's spread so much freedom and truth on this board that we get banned by all the Deep State countries, so we know where they are. They'll all start glowing on the map.

ecbb83  No.5800397

File: 5ddbfb5780f623c⋯.jpg (960.89 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190320-184651….jpg)



** Feds: Money spent on St. Helena property derived from child sex trafficking **


5ea85a  No.5800398

File: ff46d4564050a9f⋯.png (45.85 KB, 611x220, 611:220, ClipboardImage.png)


Yet anons swoon when POTUS says he will usher in an era that will last for 1000 years.

4a721e  No.5800399

File: ca20f411faecf46⋯.jpg (150.44 KB, 270x357, 90:119, INSCOM.jpg)


I am he to which your refer, sir.

Be careful for what you wish for.

Sometimes wishes come true.

4ac88e  No.5800400

File: cae1aa6112c2755⋯.png (804.52 KB, 918x1272, 153:212, ClipboardImage.png)




73b7fa  No.5800401

File: e63a58b3e6d64d3⋯.jpeg (184.42 KB, 1200x1228, 300:307, E3209B46-F227-4057-A707-E….jpeg)

6525ae  No.5800402


Yes I’m still digging on that, not an easy task.

I’ve been hitting up Getty Images and a few other sources still nada…but Q wrote more than that in that one post, he also said follow the Lawyer, which many anons including me have.

Just have to keep digging until something develops, pun intended.

cd27fa  No.5800403

No worries, thank you for your service.

It means something in this movement to me. When I created that image there was a deep ebb in the faith many anons had in Q. People I know were giving up hope, after the mid terms, because people were convinced things were going to happen.

So I made that meme as a Rally Call. It basically said screw it: Damn the Shills Q or Die bacause we will persevere irregardless of the odds.

In addition, and what people often forget: What is the better alternative (there iss't one)

A promiment blogger actually picked it up and used it in his blog explaining why he was maintaining the faith in Q and the Great Awakening and why.

It was a cool time.

Now, we are facing lots of torpedoes, FF attacks on children. We must persevere.

58be33  No.5800404

Pretty BIG Booms today Anons.

Make sure you get your rest.

Looks like things are going to REALLY start moving.

The REAL FUN is about to begin.


61903f  No.5800405

File: d29c1edd9a7e7bf⋯.png (3.94 MB, 1584x9520, 99:595, 1_Anti_Semitism_law_USA.png)


Kek, you mean, the bullshit that the zionist communist that is owned and staffed by Jews? :D

e182e7  No.5800406

File: fa0697576e09971⋯.jpeg (288.99 KB, 1242x825, 414:275, FB408E85-33B7-4330-8ABD-7….jpeg)

New Drudge headline goes to this:


d9ba8b  No.5800407



eb3a9e  No.5800408

>>5800363 Only one other name appears in the Epstein Flight Manifests : Doug Bands


a45057  No.5800409


What have these searches done but ensure they scrub most of what we uncover? All our searches in general. What has it done? Worldwide, nationwide, statewide, citywide, what has anything we have done here done for any of those?

2e588f  No.5800410

File: ce14b27428096e4⋯.jpeg (376.23 KB, 2224x1488, 139:93, 3ABDADEF-231A-4BAD-9888-7….jpeg)

e336a8  No.5800411



no shit she's speaking sputnik

2088c2  No.5800412


For those of us who have lived in the modern age and through the post-modern age, we welcome you to the age of deception.


4330cf  No.5800413

File: 52703acd416d516⋯.jpg (75.67 KB, 536x465, 536:465, bakeryrat - Copy.jpg)

File: dd0d5d10c9cb561⋯.jpeg (12.66 KB, 255x191, 255:191, bart - Copy.jpeg)

847e25  No.5800414

POTUS digits


1eefa3  No.5800415

Lewin is bridge between Epstein and Mueller?

2c898a  No.5800416


This cocksucker was a pedo island regular. He's on of them.

162bb2  No.5800417


No no- read the article- the products are hemp buds they look like mj buds but have no thc.

9053a1  No.5800418

File: 3ef392c4a69dc59⋯.jpeg (977.8 KB, 1125x1454, 1125:1454, 84BDA0DE-52AA-452B-A5EB-9….jpeg)

File: d8197fcefe970c4⋯.jpeg (657.11 KB, 1002x1153, 1002:1153, 963AC500-EF70-4BC9-9123-B….jpeg)

File: 9f2b3a7bc5f2bab⋯.jpeg (45.2 KB, 749x499, 749:499, 686FDB4C-E9BB-4742-A54E-E….jpeg)

File: 1d7a8f6a835ddc0⋯.jpeg (34.91 KB, 749x499, 749:499, 6E0A7A41-11B4-4F2E-B0B9-A….jpeg)

File: 2d2ac9888b47da0⋯.jpeg (24.98 KB, 609x343, 87:49, 4599BD74-99E4-4D49-891E-8….jpeg)


Don’t think ears match.. but Cruz was Solicitor General 2003 to 2008..

3c48e1  No.5800419

>>5791973 PB


>Raping, dismembering and torturing while alive, then eating babies/kids.

Yep, and worse… they film their torture of the children, create "snuff films" and sell them on the dark net for their globalist government black money support funds because a global government has no way to tax (being illegitimate government as a legal matter)

Thing about it is, while they were selling their child torture vids, these crimes were being logged. Thank you NSA. Thank you….

Crime greater than treason with child torture "sauce" for our Treason and International Nuremberg trials to come.

Get em Q. Get em Potus.

God Bless our US Military… every one of you.

And our vets who never give up on the kids: https://vets4childrescue.org/

We are behind you 100% and (((they))) are desperately trying to avoid the executions they deserve… especially for what they have done to the worlds children.

Better they have a mill stone tied around their necks, and be thrown in a river. (Biblically approved punishment for their acts)

Oh.. Q? POTUS?

…. do not worry about the mentally normal people and whether they can handle the truth of it. If they could not handle the truth about it, God would have not have prescribed a public punishment for it. Let God lead when it comes to what should be exposed for the good of humanity. Just mho.

They will be shocked, yes, but, only the truth of it will heal the world, and help people understand just how sick and evil wealthy people use mentally sick blackmail-able people to run governments.

One thing that has come out of this for me, is understanding that it is much easier for them to control who the two people are that run for office, than it is for them to control the elections in each county through vote fraud.

We need to background check EVERYONE who dares to talk about running to represent us, in a big way.

Should make a Constitutional Amendment. And since corporations have no right to vote, they should have no right to donate to campaigns.

4e4c01  No.5800420

File: ed2fb1b1606eff3⋯.png (266.91 KB, 643x701, 643:701, screenshot.png)

PB Q re attack Italy



The guy Q linked published another video:


Apparently they where saved by pure luck. Fuel was already on the ground in the bus, all children tied up and phones taken. One fell on the floor and the child in the video used it to call for help.

Notice today the senate had to vote to bring Salvini (Interior minister) to trial for the diciotti ship thing (they voted no):


Elections soon for eu parliament…they are scared

97cb3f  No.5800421

File: 7690edebaef6c79⋯.jpg (97.49 KB, 736x1004, 184:251, 7690edebaef6c796822beb4d22….jpg)


I hope most KIWI/AUS anons have learned enough about VPN's by now that they all will

be back here no problem.

Am I an Optimists?

a020cc  No.5800422

File: 1b6b9640de0937d⋯.png (938.93 KB, 1337x535, 1337:535, ClipboardImage.png)

cfae94  No.5800423

File: d14e6ebfdaa1a58⋯.jpg (11.02 KB, 238x255, 14:15, e7c7a1933573760a177314c511….jpg)

62e88e  No.5800424


Should say second camera.

That would have the libtards scratching their heads till the election.

a40c35  No.5800425


What? No answers? Only insults?

8db320  No.5800426

File: 9eac343ded7c86c⋯.jpg (10.61 KB, 183x276, 61:92, DP - The Fool.jpg)


Every time I see this it makes me smile.

Badge of honor.

604e20  No.5800427

File: 725569e59ac1252⋯.jpg (58.64 KB, 800x400, 2:1, twilio dump.jpg)

File: 28dc6a64618d6d6⋯.jpg (79.4 KB, 800x400, 2:1, twilio dump 1.jpg)

Track ANY stock here


27020e  No.5800428


I'm just distracted by the disgusting bodies hugging on each other. Was Bill all fucked up or does he like it both ways?

df45f1  No.5800429


you shoud always carry a firearm just in case

4391ef  No.5800430

Thread drop imminent.

No baker.

No notables.

Do we have a hero?

89cf33  No.5800431

File: cb0a66acc3f4fd2⋯.jpg (81.94 KB, 640x853, 640:853, nslove.jpg)


noice autism fren

4330cf  No.5800432

File: 4b0c8d3fbdc2345⋯.jpg (11 KB, 186x271, 186:271, cheesburger.jpg)


BTFO muhjoo shitposters

e40b4c  No.5800433

File: b65b682716fe55c⋯.jpeg (66.68 KB, 750x445, 150:89, FB2D02EA-91E0-440D-80B1-5….jpeg)

File: e123df7e7ded5bc⋯.jpeg (182.67 KB, 1125x1034, 1125:1034, 6F625F3C-122A-488F-8715-F….jpeg)

File: 8fdc2d86291e780⋯.jpeg (78.1 KB, 900x675, 4:3, FACBAA9D-BF70-4EC5-8C3A-D….jpeg)

9aa1e9  No.5800434


God damnit

KEK'd audibly

175e08  No.5800435

File: c3cbc0efc79b008⋯.png (372.05 KB, 389x534, 389:534, savageAF.PNG)

672287  No.5800436


(((They))) infiltrated and subverted all religions… The Jews had christ killed because he spoke out against them. They have hijacked and subverted the organized religion thru things like the massive loan to vativan holy see, like Q told us about.

f5852d  No.5800437


EXCLUSIVE: LAPD Opens Criminal Child Sex Assault Investigation Into School Police Union President

The Los Angeles Police Department has opened a criminal and internal affairs investigation into allegations that the president of the Los Angeles School Police Management Association, P.J. Webb, molested an underage boy between 1994 and 1995. The LASPMA is a registered labor union for school police officers.

Big League Politics spoke exclusively with Ignacio Martinez after his three-hour meeting at LAPD headquarters in downtown Los Angeles Wednesday, at which a detective and the district attorney were present. Martinez said he was promised the case would at least go to internal affairs. Comment has been sought for Webb.

Here is Ignacio Martinez’s statement to Big League Politics:

“My name is Ignacio Martinez. I’m 40 years old now. I was molested and touched against my will against my consent when I was underage by an officer of the Los Angeles school police department, which is within the LAPD, who is now retired and living a comfortable retired life.

I was thirteen years old when I first met him. He was not in the LASPD at that time. I was 13 and in the seventh grade, and he happened to be a security guard who was working at the junior high school I was working at.

I’m not out for vengeance, I’m not out for money. There has to be justice obviously for people who break the law.

Throughout my life, I have felt a lot of shame and a strange sense of guilt about this. I guess, my main reason is just for my own personal development, I guess you could say.

I have these night terrors, and I feel a weird presence and I have a lot of anxiety about certain situations that closely resemble what happened…sometimes I can’t move because I’m just so afraid. I just want to use this as a way to exorcise those feelings. That’s really it.

It’s personal.

Martinez’s statement ends


847e25  No.5800438

Ears don't match >>5800418

6525ae  No.5800439


Sure let me send my satellite over and I’ll get back with ya…kek

61903f  No.5800440

File: 6688eade8fbad03⋯.png (107.11 KB, 1165x540, 233:108, Jews_Spit_On_Christians_In….PNG)

File: 508501a192c8cca⋯.jpg (323.45 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Jews_vandalize_Jesus_statu….jpg)

File: 00cd7f0f2e8f8dd⋯.png (127.87 KB, 666x788, 333:394, Jews_want_to_change_Bible.png)

File: b41c23d80c33d18⋯.png (604.29 KB, 862x748, 431:374, Youtube_video_Intense_Host….PNG)

File: 88b58dcfb2dd6fd⋯.png (526.26 KB, 854x800, 427:400, Youtube_video_Israeli_jews….PNG)


Only Messianic Jews.

By definition, Jews rejected Christ.

And they see Christians as idolaters, which is punishable with death in Judaism.

8abf85  No.5800441

File: e825b9af0fc9ca5⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, 5237afcf5e8855155966cf3b20….jpg)



69c354  No.5800442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

#BookerFAIL: A Record of Failure (Cory Booker) Full Version

Zuckerburg gives 100,000,000.00 to Booker on Oprah for schools, He keeps it and uses it for focus and polling groups

89cf33  No.5800443


HRC took pic?

3edc70  No.5800444


bingo. the bald guy is missing from this photo

adeba7  No.5800445

File: 1cfe9c521942c39⋯.jpg (15.5 KB, 255x197, 255:197, f47b044f697c6cd5fce7103f36….jpg)

File: fc5af221e4c6214⋯.jpg (15.38 KB, 182x255, 182:255, 4da2886f06faa3d8860dc60974….jpg)

8d5cdf  No.5800446


Why, oh why is this notable, Anon? Do you even know?

The photo was from Jan 2018. NOT at Epstein Island. So flight logs from 2005 are notable here, because…?

6525ae  No.5800447


Sure let me send my satellite over and I’ll get back with ya…kek

23909d  No.5800448

File: b2c57b2ea80a009⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1856x1198, 928:599, Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at ….png)

File: 6c66432a18e5ada⋯.png (316.87 KB, 1330x1144, 665:572, Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at ….png)

Oh the Horrors


4fd208  No.5800449

File: eb05e55f353bd97⋯.jpg (147.52 KB, 600x900, 2:3, shebeast.jpg)

File: 73517d55afbc426⋯.jpg (129.53 KB, 940x800, 47:40, hrc-corruption.jpg)

144d14  No.5800450

File: b65acfae29942b8⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1435x935, 287:187, drakeowl.png)

File: 772af85ea249703⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1643x923, 1643:923, kingcarlos.png)

d9ba8b  No.5800451


Doug Band, isint that curious. He is showing up everywhere.

16101a  No.5800452


Chin doesn't either, close but not it.

8e0f4d  No.5800453


My first thought was Anthony Weiner, no?

ba9cdc  No.5800454


Ezili Danto is a good source of information on


Her conclusions can be seen in the HRC emails in preparation of the earthquake….

reading from 2009 forward

865213  No.5800455

File: 819e50c7f481e5a⋯.jpg (79.83 KB, 1242x773, 1242:773, Night Shift.jpg)

File: 60656a88b677ccb⋯.jpg (408.63 KB, 1153x723, 1153:723, shall we play a game.jpg)


In here…

8abf85  No.5800456

File: b50316c2037ad4f⋯.jpg (74.44 KB, 625x465, 125:93, 01.jpg)



d0995b  No.5800457



df45f1  No.5800458


>BTFO muhjoo shitposters

a fundy christian is a staunch zionist?

shocked i tell ya

7ce9c8  No.5800459

File: dbbc9b8faba01c3⋯.jpeg (126 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, damnurite.jpeg)

764e16  No.5800460


Weiner seems most apparent to me, too

6de786  No.5800461



what are you on about rabbis?

5ea85a  No.5800462


how is that a BTFO? Obviously the huckleburgers aren't clued into the plan, or else his daughter would have brought it up during the press conference last year.

6507c1  No.5800463

File: 912d1ea077d5ff5⋯.jpg (76.84 KB, 403x586, 403:586, beldrkek.jpg)


so Houston?


61903f  No.5800464

File: feccb18d06d53ad⋯.jpg (45.26 KB, 571x431, 571:431, Jack_Bernstein.jpg)

File: ebff5eda5905032⋯.jpg (113.05 KB, 1108x640, 277:160, Jack_Bernstein_book_IRL_pr….JPG)

File: ed7a012d1ffd081⋯.png (870.64 KB, 942x733, 942:733, The_Life_of_an_American_Je….PNG)



Wow, what a great compelling argument, once again.

Keep it up, traitor :)

8abf85  No.5800465

File: 169db1bf832b082⋯.png (170.32 KB, 796x370, 398:185, IMG_2803.PNG)

cd27fa  No.5800466

File: 004192df45c2e7b⋯.png (413.98 KB, 529x641, 529:641, chuckcheked.PNG)


That was my take as well. Tripps Confirm

97cb3f  No.5800467

File: 2e430e1ed2540fd⋯.png (399.2 KB, 496x460, 124:115, Richie-the-Barbe-WWFYr.png)

979982  No.5800468



Don't have searchable Epstein manifests but did Lewin fly on Lolita Express?

c72beb  No.5800469


The second anonymous brief was filed by Kerrie Campbell, a Washington-based attorney who said client “J. Doe” was “objecting to public disclosure of specific content pertaining to (the client) to protect compelling personal privacy interests.”

cb7d8f  No.5800470

File: a4851a0ce93bf4d⋯.jpeg (113.64 KB, 1028x674, 514:337, 92162E62-E43C-4DBE-A2C6-0….jpeg)

Dark trumps light

dbf9b5  No.5800471

File: 7ff07f4df01dee6⋯.jpg (371.83 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ReeeeArmy.jpg)

e918b9  No.5800472

File: be4e1231b51d78a⋯.jpg (627.97 KB, 3300x1600, 33:16, RBxCdNu.jpg)


(You) Pic related

8abf85  No.5800473

File: 082ebc2aaf49ec1⋯.png (81.14 KB, 915x1225, 183:245, IMG_0549.PNG)

f36edf  No.5800474

File: dbc97d89de61836⋯.jpeg (860.36 KB, 1242x1414, 621:707, 8F71B473-FF8A-4BA1-A495-1….jpeg)


Bryan Cates

b11c14  No.5800475

File: 6b1be41fea770c0⋯.jpg (36.32 KB, 655x527, 655:527, baking.jpg)

Notable Bun


>>5799804 Anon's open letter to Q, Q+, POTUS

>>5799921, >>5800007 Dozens Arrested in ‘Major Law Enforcement Operation’

>>5799877, >>5799908, >>5800051 @USArmy 3…2…1…

>>5799999 Muellers convicted pedo star witness, Nader, man who has led a shadowy existence..

>>5799894 BHO-appointed judge blocks Wyoming oil lease sale over Climate Change(TM)

>>5799841, >>5799907 Planefag follows CABAL11 callsign

>>5800322 FOP accuses Cook County state's attorney Kim Foxx of interfering in Smollett investigation

>>5800358, >>5800437 LAPD: child sex molestation investigation v LA School Police Officers Union pres (BigLeaguePolitics)

>>5800387 Nick Lewin Wife dig

>>5800013, >>5800469 Epstein flight manifest dig

>>5800363 Only one other name appears in the Epstein Flight Manifests : Doug Bands


Requesting Handoff

a6e5d7  No.5800476

File: dd10d5c69cfbfeb⋯.png (210.7 KB, 474x314, 237:157, NightShift.png)

d0995b  No.5800477



89cf33  No.5800478

File: 66b0a0e6907da43⋯.jpg (75.12 KB, 1401x1046, 1401:1046, ns full moon.jpg)

d9ba8b  No.5800479


Calling in the photowizzard anons!

c72beb  No.5800481


Kerrie Campbell also linked??

4330cf  No.5800482

File: 0d3abcc0c758d01⋯.jpg (10.02 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ukraineweak.jpg)

1e594a  No.5800483

Alan Krueger's Curriculum Vitae. Could be some interesting digs on this!


cb7d8f  No.5800484

File: a4851a0ce93bf4d⋯.jpeg (113.64 KB, 1028x674, 514:337, 23218669-EC15-4531-BDD9-7….jpeg)

Light Trumps dark

cfae94  No.5800485

File: f0c640e9ef42013⋯.png (351.5 KB, 500x390, 50:39, e210fbf1bdb30adca1ad52e0cf….png)


I fuckin' just get on here for the damn night after reading today's notables & I got you chappin' my ass. Go do somethin' besides running' a grocery cart up heels you little bitch.

27020e  No.5800487


Oh gotcha. News reports are all over the place on this. It infuriates me bc I have friends w cancer on the oil and having great results. Stage FOUR. This is when cops need to go do something actually USEFUL instead of wasting taxpayer dollars on a sting on this shit!

6de786  No.5800488


just another apostate reveals himself

91189b  No.5800489


I didn't save them but can these guys in the pic be cross referenced witht he flight logs to the island?

I am looking for the logs now.

8abf85  No.5800490

File: a785c57008640fb⋯.jpg (42.19 KB, 540x540, 1:1, IMG_4417.JPG)

File: 80bcef59233af13⋯.jpg (118.75 KB, 650x497, 650:497, IMG_4420.JPG)

File: 48bec45ee25046e⋯.jpg (560.36 KB, 751x958, 751:958, IMG_4515.JPG)

ecbb83  No.5800491

File: 890c81ffb516e59⋯.jpg (308.33 KB, 1080x886, 540:443, Screenshot_20190320-185441….jpg)


More on 493 Zinfandel lane…

adeba7  No.5800492

File: 7dc1bc97090daf1⋯.jpg (110.88 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, MuhJewShills1.jpg)

File: b7282c23e12629e⋯.jpg (58.54 KB, 800x552, 100:69, JQ_shills8.jpg)

File: fbb92d8b0c8731e⋯.jpg (11.37 KB, 306x254, 153:127, fbb92d8b0c8731ec787ac1ada1….jpg)

d9414a  No.5800494

File: c495e8fbdcff7a5⋯.png (262.24 KB, 683x498, 683:498, ClipboardImage.png)


Casa de Campo

Senator Bob Menendez

Dr. Saloman Melgen

Terry McAuliffe

Chris Dodd


61903f  No.5800495

File: 892447a9b298005⋯.png (153.72 KB, 729x638, 729:638, Apu_Analyse.png)

6167db  No.5800496

Check out this montage at the 15:00 mark.. fuckin' awesome!!!

Couldn't make sense the URL but here it is:


97cb3f  No.5800497

File: 3c43a54b6a46411⋯.jpg (125.38 KB, 750x750, 1:1, Richie-the-Barber-750x750.jpg)

File: cdf7afc52b473ce⋯.jpg (45.06 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Richie-the-Barber-Blank.jpg)

6b4572  No.5800498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Last 20 seconds or so…Jake Tapper shitting his pants.

3af322  No.5800499

File: 2ddb41dd1349120⋯.png (49.5 KB, 989x221, 989:221, ClipboardImage.png)



ANONS- this was posted on his TWITTER.

a007b5  No.5800501

Regarding who took the picture with Prez Clinton in the water…Could it be Alan Dershowitz? We know that he was a visitor at Epstien Island and flew on the Lolita Express. I know he flipped and is a good guy now, but was he then?

672287  No.5800502


>kek my ass off

at what? two super lame memes that are posted 20 times every bread by a mossad shill that hates when anons post about the JQ?

9bebe2  No.5800503



e918b9  No.5800504

File: eebf21c668b1320⋯.jpg (55.39 KB, 255x243, 85:81, REQUESTING_HANDOFF.jpg)

e4723a  No.5800505

File: e1ee93a08ca0a01⋯.gif (3.96 MB, 337x263, 337:263, yas-absolutly-yes.gif)

604e20  No.5800506


55a2d6  No.5800507


Go see who is involved and given them endorsements


2fa6bd  No.5800508


Can’t believe a bot got this post.

7ce9c8  No.5800509

File: bc43773521a8f30⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 429x557, 429:557, the_cycle.jpg)

a40c35  No.5800510


It seems you have plenty of time for insults. I asked one question. What is wrong you said that you knew why can't you just tell me?

604e20  No.5800511

File: 0928725e37ed912⋯.jpg (108.89 KB, 896x500, 224:125, ionis pharma dump.jpg)

cdf0eb  No.5800512


I don't think it's Ted

672287  No.5800513


How many diff file names do u have for the same images? whats most funny is that u actually think those are effective memes! hahahahaha.

end is near, faggot.

fec666  No.5800514


Okay, now give the sauce that ties the property to Nancy Pelosi

53a8c2  No.5800515

File: f70c7165db65413⋯.jpg (98.32 KB, 500x375, 4:3, i0000z3r-13l8elijpg (1).jpg)


Everyone realizes these pics are from

Jan 6, 2017

in the Dominican Republic

at Palmilla, Bayahibe beach right?

This is not with Epstein or his place


89e000  No.5800516

File: 9b5c1a41651184d⋯.jpg (2.34 MB, 1488x5793, 496:1931, BarronTimeTravel.jpg)

happy birthday B!

e400d8  No.5800517

File: f9521c2be79998b⋯.jpg (168.65 KB, 725x1285, 145:257, Sophia Loren 2.jpg)

e182e7  No.5800518



6b4572  No.5800519


Republican or Democrat?

27020e  No.5800520


Hahaha I love when Anons can't sense sarcasm.

e918b9  No.5800521

File: f1a54cc4f0117bb⋯.jpg (438.23 KB, 1181x658, 1181:658, efg45gw45gw4.jpg)

File: db8010335083031⋯.jpg (41.63 KB, 460x215, 92:43, header.jpg)

File: b90e26155948360⋯.jpg (187.27 KB, 1172x1172, 1:1, Night Shift1234fr134fr243t….jpg)

File: 182aca227a391a3⋯.jpg (285.98 KB, 1181x658, 1181:658, t78klt79lkr6rk7.jpg)

File: aa48b8a5c84fe5a⋯.png (55.49 KB, 398x439, 398:439, The-Night-Shift-Logo-2014-….png)

7ce9c8  No.5800522

File: 3b08cd5ee8f6e0f⋯.jpg (111.83 KB, 700x625, 28:25, 2e961adc676dda.jpg)

c8ace4  No.5800523

File: 40d283745b9c1e9⋯.jpeg (75.98 KB, 1540x800, 77:40, BE6FE6F2-7844-46D7-BF8D-D….jpeg)

Its fucking Acosta

In late 2018, a Miami Herald report on a controversial non-prosecution agreement with billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, a serial child molestor,[8] which had been approved by Acosta a decade earlier while he was serving as US Attorney for Southern District of Florida, became a focus of Congressional concern and led to calls for an independent investigation and for Acosta's resignation from the Trump Administration. Wiki

6525ae  No.5800524



232e7c  No.5800525

Well, that was a waste of a bread

lots of lefties meme spamming tonight

9bebe2  No.5800527


That’s fine, we can and will research both nigga.

4a6e09  No.5800528

File: 5e85a666245f8f8⋯.jpg (134.59 KB, 800x475, 32:19, hell o from the island.jpg)

Parents, watch your kids around water.

b7c0cc  No.5800529


At least it was the best bot we got

283e62  No.5800530

File: eef62b237cdc4a1⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB, 2500x2500, 1:1, EB2596D4-0C3F-484A-B3AC-8….jpeg)

This graphic complete the Markers for the original Q markers. IN summation, Markers equal Iran, Germany, Russia and the Catholic Church. This could be why Q emphasized crumbs and pills being small. How do you explain Nazis were still running things? Looks like Nazis shifted to CIA compartments.

604e20  No.5800531

File: 980a20616e34ba1⋯.jpg (156.76 KB, 888x499, 888:499, nightshift ice 1.jpg)

8d5cdf  No.5800532



Stay focused on what Q has asked us to dig on!

086573  No.5800533

It was a GREAT LARP.

I gotta hand it to yall…


cb853e  No.5800534


Glory glory hallelujah

e40b4c  No.5800536

File: 713bd5d2693bf65⋯.png (966.99 KB, 1024x615, 1024:615, 5CF78EF8-8CB9-4B2B-9F1F-12….png)


Skin too light for Podesta.

No glasses

Appears female

That looks like HRC’s nose/eye/cheek ratio

Mouth is open

4391ef  No.5800537


>>5800249 The story of Haiti and Hillary

>>5800101 Astana renamed

>>5800258 Jewish kidnapping arrests, trafficking to Mexico

cae4a8  No.5800538

File: 4765c2978ea88be⋯.png (74.44 KB, 1618x624, 809:312, Screenshot_2019-03-20 Covi….png)

File: d1fb1786a938df8⋯.jpg (769.81 KB, 1878x1215, 626:405, Screenshot_2019-03-20 KBR.jpg)

File: 6e2919b014102a4⋯.png (35.16 KB, 1604x233, 1604:233, Screenshot_2019-03-20 Covi….png)

File: 8a0da92549e80e4⋯.png (102.21 KB, 1619x834, 1619:834, Screenshot_2019-03-20 Acad….png)

Adding that the law firm which took that case against Kellogg Brown & Root Services was none other than Covington & Burling (your Australian link). (KBR, which the U.S. government had paid 10's of billions to)


State of California

The State of California has hired Covington & Burling attorney and former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder to fight the Trump administration.[3][4]



e918b9  No.5800539

File: c7be0eecb60e471⋯.jpg (75.11 KB, 500x575, 20:23, 13272t.jpg)

d625f2  No.5800540

File: 0ff7e74a51bccc3⋯.jpg (78.67 KB, 720x479, 720:479, 0ff7e74a51bccc383e639b196c….jpg)


o7 Shipmate.

422222  No.5800541


I doubt that Dershowitz would be that "chummy" with Mr. Bill. No offense, but Dersh isn't that high in the food chain.

f78b9f  No.5800542


Don't know, but he served in the Clinton White House.

(now looking for sauce)

4ac88e  No.5800543

File: 476827ce4e6915d⋯.png (318.57 KB, 378x499, 378:499, ClipboardImage.png)







d9ba8b  No.5800544


Have my cabinets stocked w/ popcorn, can't wait to watch it play out.

cdf0eb  No.5800545


These pictures were taken at the same time at the one Q posted in #3131

592986  No.5800546

File: 3cc24ee63adfa6e⋯.jpg (37.04 KB, 474x610, 237:305, akkb.jpg)


Alan B. Kruger>>5800515

e2075d  No.5800547


This photo just convinced me that Drake is David Blaine.

ceffad  No.5800548

File: d0a6039d78326cb⋯.jpg (13.77 KB, 197x256, 197:256, jews.jpg)

61903f  No.5800549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kek, Bibi is a war criminal.

He will get all he deserves soon enough :)

b11c14  No.5800550




Fresh Bread

Requesting Handoff


sorry i missed em

63f8aa  No.5800551

File: c7131fa87c29d1c⋯.jpg (69.77 KB, 722x500, 361:250, MuhJewShills2.jpg)

File: eb133e59f6baa30⋯.jpg (127.99 KB, 960x720, 4:3, MuhJewShills4.jpg)


So they work well. Ok, thanks, will carry on.

2de8e2  No.5800552

File: 190ef9154b978d9⋯.png (55.07 KB, 189x187, 189:187, ClipboardImage.png)


Also looks like this guy

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