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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

04c781  No.5441948

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 02.26.2019

>>5408817 ————————————–——– Test 10

>>5408814 ————————————–——– Test 12

>>5408812 ————————————–——– Test 11

>>5408700 ————————————–——– Test 8

>>5408690 ————————————–——– Test 7

>>5408097 rt >>5407826 ————————— Test 6

>>5407223 rt >>5406506 ————————— Test 5

>>5402283 ————————————–——– The Armor of God

>>5402061 rt >>5401939 ————————— It's going to be HISTORIC! Planned long ago.

>>5399463 ————————————–——– Conformity and Behavior.

>>5399134 ————————————–——– THIS IS THEIR LAST STAND.

>>5398367 ————————————–——– Truth v Lies - the propaganda war for your mind.

>>5397816 ————————————–——– Puppet & Puppet Master.

Monday 02.25.2019

>>5387042 ————————————–——– Test 3

>>5386040 rt >>5385640 ————————— How can anyone support such EVIL?

>>5385001 ————————————–——– These people are SICK & EVIL.

>>5384552 ————————————–——– Good find, Anons.

>>5384495 ————————————–——– Many more to come?

>>5380595 rt >>5380232 ————————— Think Map. The truth can always be found.

>>5380099 ————————————–——– Arrival team reporting light rain

>>5379762 rt >>5379729 ————————— Just another day at the office

>>5379626 rt >>5379582 ————————— You are on the right track

>>5379494 ————————————–——– Dear AG Barr, Advice from insiders (cap >>5379625 )

>>5377668 ————————————–——– Who will be next to fall post Weinstein?

Sunday 02.24.2019

>>5363071 ————————————–——– Why did ISIS launch a social media campaign designed to 'attract' US/UK to join their cause?

>>5362299 ————————————–——– Those who are the loudest…..

>>5362124 ————————————–——– RETURNING POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

Friday 02.22.2019

Compiled here: >>5383236

Thursday 02.21.2019

Compiled here: >>5333466

Wednesday 02.20.2019

Compiled here: >>5320765

Tuesday 02.19.2019

Compiled here: >>5305779

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

04c781  No.5441957


are not endorsements


>>5389728 ; >>5392971 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch

>>5387705 Democrats want to murder babies. Keep the pressure on.


>>5441265, >>5441568 For Keks: Believing conspiracy theories might make you a criminal

>>5441273 Warfare is going underground, into dark, tight spaces

>>5441287, >>5441290 Kirsten Gillibrand’s Stepmother Was In Child-Trafficking Sex Cult Says Former Cult Employee

>>5441292, >>5441304 New Video CPAC Video Shows Reagan's Chilling Warning That Is Now America's Reality

>>5441305, >>5441367, >>5441584 John Solomon: Witnesses refute Cohen's testimony about not wanting White House job

>>5441306 WaPo and NTY targeting Kushner

>>5441375 Reminder: Kushner met with Mueller then had Clearance restored (CommieNewsNetwork clip)

>>5441409 On the Cardinal George Pell Conviction and the pecking order

>>5441419 Majority of Americans Favor a Border Wall over a Green New Deal

>>5441532 Coast Guard’s last heavy icebreaker caught on fire during South Pole mission

>>5441619 Link to POTUS' interview on Hannity

>>5441575, >>5441694 "Boomerang" side by side

>>5441729 Breaking: Hit and Run on a NYPD officer in NYC

>>5441752 Feinstein "Land Grab" Bills pass House

>>5441911 Ocasio-Cortez Hit With Complaint Alleging She Laundered Money To Boyfriend

>>5441942 #6956

#6955 Baker Change

>>5440427 Ohio couple plead guilty to healthcare fraud against first responders and military members

>>5440445 Former D.C. Government Employee Convicted of $400,000 Welfare Fraud

>>5440459 #RedforEd Leader in Marxist Magazine: Teachers Must Embrace Community Organizing

>>5440463 702,000 Overstay Visa Nearly Two Decades after Terrorists Did it to Execute 9/11

>>5440546 Almost 200 illegals apprehended by CBP crossing the border in New Mexico

>>5440586 James Woods "holding back (his) thoughts on Q"

>>5440674 North Korean Satellites May Hold Nuclear Bombs

>>5440598 Detroit's Rashida Tlaib says 'right-wing media' targeting her sister

>>5440707, >>5440758 New POTUS Tweets

>>5440786 Family Found Dead In Bucks Co. Recently Joined Cult

>>5440850 Whistleblower claims Facebook employing ‘deboosting’ tools to suppress conservative content

>>5441145 #6955


>>5440202 No deal at Trump-Kim Summit is bad news for China

>>5440302 Raleigh Police searching for 14 year old boy with autism.

>>5439690 Lara Logan: ‘Too much politics’ infiltrating journalism — ‘what happened to reporting the facts?’

>>5440082, >>5440270, >>5440306 Q test crumbs line up with Swamp infested circuit courts.

>>5440216 Sarah Sanders: President Trump will always put the safety of the American people above politics. Re: NK no deal.

>>5440180 AF1 passing over Toledo Ohio. Almost home!

>>5440026 Nancy Pelosi swells gun violence deaths by 66 percent.

>>5440002 Chris Hill's opinion on POTUS/NK negotiations.

>>5439926 Venezuela is so safe the second-in-command is smuggling his kids to China.

>>5439892 Twitter's thesarus poet voices his concerns over a perfectly legal Presidential privilege.

>>5439807 Emergency debate in House of Commons over SNC-Lavalin controversy.

>>5439738, >>5439772 The specifics of Netanyahu’s alleged crimes.

>>5439708 China feeling the heat on the steel industry. Car sales down.

>>5439689 CNN didn’t disclose Democratic Party ties of questioners in Sanders town hall. NYPost picks up memefag's dig.

>>5439681 Children are safe from Smyrna hostage standoff.

>>5440380 #6954

Previously Collected Notables

>>5438788 #6952, >>5439574 #6953

>>5436440 #6949, >>5437239 #6950, >>5438031 #6951

>>5434070 #6946, >>5434839 #6947, >>5435665 #6948

>>5432610 #6944, >>5433378 #6945, >>5434070 #6946

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

04c781  No.5441959

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66 >>>/comms/3702

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

04c781  No.5441961

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

*How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966

Meme Ammo

42 >>5427459, 41 >>5290716, 40 >>5057528

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5342673

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5342654

04c781  No.5441966



0b624b  No.5441980

File: a198b482ea43ae2⋯.png (64.68 KB, 425x156, 425:156, wutevennow.png)

File: afa631b4d0a4e54⋯.png (21.2 KB, 438x156, 73:26, vvNHt.png)

File: 40cd67f2724be2e⋯.png (68.7 KB, 432x168, 18:7, wuttt.png)

File: 5e8a2596ade27e3⋯.png (33.14 KB, 438x162, 73:27, andanonther.png)

File: 3e7c1aa2af1ca34⋯.png (74.88 KB, 432x153, 48:17, httc.png)

Look at these.

Just look at them.

Are we being MOCKED, here?

Really, are you kidding me?

Do patriots question this?

Do patriots think for themselves, especially when it is obvious something is amiss?

Or not?


control of NARRATIVE (control over you).

>(control over you)



b9d8e7  No.5441985


>It is not March 1st 2019 yet.

It is in Vietnam

0b624b  No.5441993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Who made this video?

Do we know?

It is very slick. Hardly amateur.

Do we know where it came from?


Or did it just show up, and was accepted?

Accepted by whom?

How do we know?

Does Jordan Sather push this video?

Does Jordan Sather also peddle things for money?


If you knew certain truths were going to get out no matter what, what would you do?

Would you try to seize the communication of those truths?

Might you expose A LOT, while carefully and subtly controlling the emphasis?

Could controlling the emphasis control perception, and reaction?

Does this video present DIFFICULT and COMPLEX truths using simplifications that will make them seem absurd to many?

While at the same time being extremely slick, and hence convincing?

Does this video take the HARDEST part of our job– explaining complicated and also very weird realities to the public, and run roughshod over the need for careful presentation?

Does it just chuck out an interpretation that is easy, in many ways true, but in others very incomplete– and in any case likely to be ignored by many?

Is this a form of control?

Is saying “criminals took over” a simplification? Does it tend to make a complex reality look a bit cartoonish? And how does that (cartoonishness) make US look?

Is the title “plan to save the world” also cartoonish?

Does it undermine in many subtle ways?

Who made it?

How would we know?

Does anyone ask?

Or just assume someone else did?

Will it get removed?

Does its origins and validity get addressed?

What controls the board and decides?

Are the people in control of this board?

How do you know?


0b624b  No.5441999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What is this video? Patriots “explaining the Q board”?

Or is this something being used to push a narrative

onto patriots? Did "chan culture" create Q? That is

the MSM narrative, and that is what this video

reinforces, strongly.


"Chan culture" has been co-opted by fakeness and is now being FORCED.

Will patriots ever wake up and demand a space free from FAKENESS?


b509d4  No.5442004

File: f76bbf4f73b2fb4⋯.png (44.33 KB, 588x344, 147:86, AQ4.PNG)


Ted Cruz leading the charge against Big Tech (Conservative) Censorship in recent hearing on Internet Transparency

cbc192  No.5442012

File: 1417518862b8215⋯.jpeg (106.15 KB, 834x960, 139:160, 6abb9ef89737e114ed1c3057f….jpeg)

File: d5923e4f580a851⋯.jpg (10.93 KB, 241x255, 241:255, 5eec219a6671ffbf60e1792963….jpg)

File: d5923e4f580a851⋯.jpg (10.93 KB, 241x255, 241:255, 5eec219a6671ffbf60e1792963….jpg)

File: e1b0097ef2a3770⋯.jpg (224.9 KB, 924x1200, 77:100, e1b0097ef2a3770110069cc8c3….jpg)

f889e5  No.5442017

File: 14a792f6690d1d5⋯.jpg (190.89 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, DaysFree457.jpg)

f0cec7  No.5442018

>>5441996 great digging anon

63ddae  No.5442019

File: e621beae0095a45⋯.png (517.12 KB, 500x562, 250:281, ClipboardImage.png)

ff1070  No.5442020

File: a2ca4858a52daac⋯.jpeg (11.91 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 4e9efccc5d4634d16e59ee4bb….jpeg)


TY Awesome Baker

e30540  No.5442021

>>5441994 (pb)

No lie, on "days without an immigrant" and stuff like that, there is NO TRAFFIC in LA. The only days that beat it are Jewish holidays. If they ever both happen on the same day, it's just going to be me and Mel Gibson on the 101.

e186cb  No.5442023

File: 95f5df68411f660⋯.png (272.77 KB, 407x522, 407:522, IMG_731.png)

patriots remember!

4753da  No.5442024

File: 5f16740f95784ea⋯.jpg (18.48 KB, 602x392, 43:28, kzhLDqi.jpg)


TY Baker!!!

24ca8b  No.5442025

File: 2cb0b6bcddc66b7⋯.jpg (3.06 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, Devil-May-Cry-5_2018_06-10….jpg)

Me when ET disclosure happens

6217fb  No.5442026

File: 3222494c9294dba⋯.jpg (141.93 KB, 556x556, 1:1, Maine_CalledtoServe.jpg)


Great Job Baker !

Semper Fi & OORah !

af8bda  No.5442027

>>5441972 lb

everything is open source… just some shit, u gotta shed the flesh and access it.

c313a2  No.5442028

POTUS said Kim was mecurial 2X


(of a person) subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind.

"his mercurial temperament"


volatile · capricious · temperamental · excitable · fickle · changeable · unpredictable · variable · protean · mutable · erratic · quicksilver · inconstant · inconsistent · unstable · unsteady · fluctuating · ever-changing · kaleidoscopic · fluid · wavering · vacillating · moody · flighty · wayward · whimsical · giddy · impulsive · l

b8eccd  No.5442029

>>5441238 (PB)

The truth about the world you live in will be hard to swallow. Out of respect for everyone, this reality will be forced on no one. We will offer the opportunity, to witness and understand it , to anyone who wants to see the truth but we will force it on no one.

38ea58  No.5442030

>>5441970 LB

True until he is sued, then SCOTUS has to rule.

We’ve seen this already after he has exercised his presidential powers.

77581c  No.5442032

File: a0ada3da92329b2⋯.jpg (45.62 KB, 456x810, 76:135, hotbrunette.jpg)

thx baker…

cf77c6  No.5442033

>>5441841 lb

FENTANYL comes in to Cali and up to Alaska via Alaska airlines.?

a8a436  No.5442034

File: ff32ec1f4c23427⋯.jpg (229.26 KB, 785x359, 785:359, Try something New.jpg)

Well Well Now….

U All Seem To be Getting Sick…

5d980d  No.5442035

What they))) have now is all they will ever have.

Their apex turned free fall.

msm is over, go Anons.

social media, thank you TwtPros.

What they))) have now is all their arsenal.

No one is coming to help.

Soon, resources running low, more LIGHT, less ds.

Thanks to Anons, because they are the news now and truth is like a lion.

39d00c  No.5442036

File: a950b89e599f185⋯.jpg (75.55 KB, 741x337, 741:337, 2ux8w3.jpg)

e30540  No.5442037

File: b46552d30c3dfad⋯.png (64.26 KB, 752x340, 188:85, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

f0cec7  No.5442038

File: fc1ba5eeaee96a3⋯.jpg (47.19 KB, 376x480, 47:60, DP - Sauce.jpg)

5f4828  No.5442039


Nice bewbs.

157ffc  No.5442040

File: b81c5a1e0a23d40⋯.png (476.59 KB, 1136x827, 1136:827, HunkaHunkaBurningChekt.png)

69aa17  No.5442041


>Does it tend to make a complex reality look a bit cartoonish?

the reality IS cartoonish

>And how does that (cartoonishness) make US look?

ask the Q team

the vehicle they chose was an image board known for (among other things) cyber pranks and cartoon nazi frogs

a66a26  No.5442043

File: 9b24f7d5fc749d4⋯.png (609.24 KB, 852x480, 71:40, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3e64e4fca23569⋯.png (374.54 KB, 720x397, 720:397, ClipboardImage.png)

I have this growing worry that there are VERY LARGE numbers of humans living underground, harvested, like something out of total recall.

47784d  No.5442044

File: 4832b2147c7d7d9⋯.jpg (969.61 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, PAIN_inDC.jpg)

Frenly reminder everyone talks

20bf65  No.5442045

Political operative, four others arrested in North Carolina ballot fraud scandal

Emery Dalesio and Jonathan Drew, Associated Press Published 6:54 p.m. ET Feb. 27, 2019


RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — The political operative at the center of an election fraud scandal that has engulfed a North Carolina congressional race was arrested Wednesday on charges of illegal ballot handling and conspiracy. Four people working for him were also charged.

Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr., 63, was accused of directing workers to collect and mail in other people’s absentee ballots during the 2018 Republican congressional primary and the 2016 general election. It is against the law in North Carolina for anyone other than the voter or a close relative to handle a mail-in ballot, a measure aimed at guarding against manipulation.

Prosecutors are still investigating evidence of ballot tampering by Dowless and others working on behalf of GOP candidate Mark Harris during last fall’s congressional election in the mostly rural 9th District, which includes part of Charlotte and extends eastward across several counties.

The indictment represents the first charges in a scandal that has cast doubt on election integrity and will leave a congressional seat unfilled for months.

“These indictments should serve as a stern warning to anyone trying to defraud elections in North Carolina,” state elections director Kim Westbrook Strach said.

Dowless was arrested less than a week after the state elections board decided that his work for Harris, starting with the primary, tainted the Republican’s apparent victory in November. The board ordered a new election but hasn’t set a date.

Harris is not running in the do-over election; his Democratic opponent from November, Dan McCready, is.

Harris has not been charged and has denied knowledge of any illegal practices by those involved in his campaign. But he, too, could come under scrutiny. During last week’s board hearing, he admitted writing personal checks to Dowless in 2017, a potential violation if the payments weren’t reported.

Dowless has denied wrongdoing and did not respond to phone and text messages Wednesday. A woman hung up on a call to Dowless’ attorney.

Dowless was charged with illegal possession of absentee ballots, obstruction of justice and conspiracy to obstruct justice. He was booked into a Raleigh jail. The four others were charged with illegal possession of an absentee ballot and conspiracy to obstruct justice.

f0cec7  No.5442046

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.


but is it deep house

a66a26  No.5442047



20bf65  No.5442048



The crimes “served to undermine the integrity of the absentee ballot process and the public’s confidence in the outcome of the electoral process,” the indictment said.

Dowless was accused of directing his workers “to mail the absentee ballot in such a manner to conceal the fact that the voter had not personally mailed it himself” — an act the indictment said constituted obstruction of justice.

In last fall’s congressional election, Harris led McCready by 905 votes out of about 280,000 cast, but the state elections board refused to certify Harris as the winner because of the fraud suspicions. Last week, Harris abruptly dropped his bid to be declared the winner and called for a new election, and the board agreed.

More: After ballot fraud suspicions, GOP candidate in North Carolina congressional race drops out

More: Disputed North Carolina House race: Elections board orders new election

Wake County District Attorney Lorrin Freeman, who pursued the charges announced Wednesday, is still looking into evidence of irregularities in November. She indicated it could be weeks before any decisions are made on charges.

According to evidence at the elections board hearing, Dowless and his assistants illegally gathered up absentee ballots from voters by offering to put them in the mail, and in some cases forged signatures and filled in votes for local candidates.

Dowless refused to testify before the board without immunity from prosecution.

Dowless is a political junkie with felony convictions for perjury and insurance fraud — which led to a prison sentence in the 1990s — and several worthless-check offenses. He came to Harris’ attention because he was known to produce votes.

Harris said he wanted to sign Dowless onto his 2018 campaign after noting the Bladen County man’s work resulted in one of Harris’ Republican rivals scoring an incredible 98 percent of the mail-in ballots in the 2016 primary.

Harris hired Dowless despite repeated warnings from the candidate’s son, now a federal prosecutor in Raleigh, that Dowless was probably resorting to illegal methods.

In fact, Dowless had been on the radar of state elections investigators since 2010, when he was suspected of vote-buying but never charged. That was one of at least a half-dozen instances over the past nine years that prosecutors and election officials received complaints of serious irregularities in Bladen County.

38c4af  No.5442049

Donald J. Trump


I will be interviewed by @seanhannity at 9:00 P.M. on @FoxNews. Enjoy!


7:15 PM - Feb 28, 2019

talk? Sir, Talk is a stalling tactic.

24ca8b  No.5442050


Anon, this is a bot that posts in every bread

0a6362  No.5442051

Trump on Hannity

It’s one of the greatest plans I have ever seen

5f4828  No.5442052


Fake and gay.

e30540  No.5442053


Probably true. What was that Michael Bay clone island movie? The Island?

f49fc0  No.5442054

File: 56f72a996bb16ad⋯.png (573.93 KB, 706x303, 706:303, chek'em.PNG)




taken fren

c3e4b3  No.5442055


So is posting.

2dfe05  No.5442056


There are VERY LARGE numbers of humans living on Mars.

5d980d  No.5442057

File: 43408aa1bcefa25⋯.jpg (256.92 KB, 973x551, 973:551, Vietnam_2 1886.jpg)

File: 7aecce83d008745⋯.jpg (282.87 KB, 1060x918, 530:459, Vietnam.jpg)

File: 76a712d28073665⋯.jpg (190.39 KB, 655x726, 655:726, Indochina 1886.jpg)

File: a99c2bdcf5f2cc7⋯.jpg (226.56 KB, 953x787, 953:787, Spartans in Darkness SigIn….jpg)

File: 527c375386157e0⋯.jpg (198.73 KB, 1161x768, 387:256, Spartans in Darkness SigIn….jpg)

7bd972  No.5442058



38c3b6  No.5442059

File: aacfa638f0c498a⋯.png (553.23 KB, 600x448, 75:56, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5442043 Original

408ea8  No.5442060

File: 9d07559a1492c38⋯.jpg (188.8 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, clam8ch.jpg)


fucking fuck i got suckered into watching hannity again.


e1f6b8  No.5442061

File: 620b1843bf0eceb⋯.jpg (406.77 KB, 1470x1080, 49:36, lizard RA3.jpg)

Who really runs the world?

63ddae  No.5442062

File: cfcdb7d7d43c939⋯.png (419.1 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

fdf53b  No.5442063

File: 1d4bb05bd023542⋯.jpg (35.07 KB, 641x530, 641:530, 1d4bb05bd023542875fb5896e0….jpg)


Excellent video for normies. Wonder why the shills attack this at the top of every bread for weeks on end. Totally organic goyim.

d2286d  No.5442064

File: e966e50922afcfc⋯.jpeg (81.38 KB, 750x628, 375:314, 680137F9-5CB2-414B-B31A-1….jpeg)


The bewbs are coming, the bewbs are coming.

157ffc  No.5442065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ukraine's teens living underground to stay alive

38c4af  No.5442066


maybe so..but not intent

5ae594  No.5442067


tres leches

f0cec7  No.5442068

File: c46764f1debfc90⋯.png (44.8 KB, 590x340, 59:34, baconbromance.png)

2304d4  No.5442069

File: 540bfafe6c3e1e7⋯.jpg (21.67 KB, 255x249, 85:83, For wee anon so love it.jpg)

>>5441901 lb

Excellent. Teach your children to have minds of their own. I homeschool so my child is full of truth. But this also stings. My child could never 'adapt' to a socialist college with views so skewed and left he would be expelled within a week, wearing Trump hat and singing God Bless America in off tones but with conviction. The horrors of being my child. you have a brain and you use it. -Pic from Anon frens for WeeAnon.-

Having a brain and using it are 2 different animals

f7c964  No.5442070

File: 1bfd35213ff83d2⋯.png (622.93 KB, 857x485, 857:485, ClipboardImage.png)

795066  No.5442071

File: 3cb3c7ced20dd66⋯.jpeg (467.61 KB, 2036x1581, 2036:1581, D15705F8-41E1-458B-A144-7….jpeg)

>>5441894 (LB) shill Project much?

e186cb  No.5442072

File: 9cc82817b84bc61⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, IMG_714.png)

patriots remember!!

7b7a51  No.5442073


"I don't give you enough information to think"

Best line ever

85b0e2  No.5442074

File: 4635de4291baff7⋯.png (589.99 KB, 600x681, 200:227, Rhumb Line vs Great Circle….png)


Right, on a FLAT earth the shortest distance is a straight line…

I can tell you we live on a sphere earth, because if I flew the Rhumb Line when crossing the Atlantic, not only would it add more time to the route, given the C-130's range, we'd potentially run out of gas and die. The pilots, crew and passengers wouldn't be too cool with that…

f5dbb5  No.5442075

>>5442015 lb

>>5441880 lb

>>5441833 lb

>>5441851 lb

>>5441871 lb

>>5441917 lb

Interdasting from Last Bread.

Murkowski/Feinstein running drugs into Alaska?


db5d5b  No.5442076

Larry Kudlow speecj at CPAC…

"I have just one ask. Put socialism on trial…. and then convict it!"

97a37d  No.5442077




cee9a6  No.5442078



you say underground and it makes sense

so some reply says mars to knock it off the radar

why does it make sense?

"as above so below"

think about what that means

f89780  No.5442079

File: 3137cfab24cf155⋯.jpeg (68.24 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 43C40E04-0425-4018-84C5-7….jpeg)

Sean, why didn’t you ask?????

99e6fb  No.5442080

File: 87336d4bae1d6c7⋯.png (533.75 KB, 473x630, 473:630, d692958b-ca09-4f47-8796-ea….png)


Thank you Baker, much appreciated

5f4828  No.5442081

File: 776470ee63d3fa4⋯.jpeg (64.31 KB, 640x974, 320:487, 776470ee63d3fa48315352c3d….jpeg)

cf77c6  No.5442082


>Rhumb Line

Is that a dance move?

f0cec7  No.5442083

File: dedeb44d5e87540⋯.jpg (269.84 KB, 780x780, 1:1, center-circle.jpg)

the american dream

center circle jerk

defc00  No.5442084


Buy muh Pillow

a8a436  No.5442085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

64904c  No.5442086

File: 712ab0268879502⋯.jpg (54.4 KB, 570x677, 570:677, o-JASMINE-TRIDEVIL-570.jpg)

157ffc  No.5442087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I try some times



And don't call me House.

fdf53b  No.5442089

File: cf34070be391748⋯.jpeg (23.77 KB, 490x600, 49:60, 346114809bab7025d1537b0cc….jpeg)


LMFAO i was saying the same thing before i got back to PC. I fucking hate the first 15mins are dedicated to leftist commies.

77581c  No.5442090


i clicked a link a few breads back and had to listen to all of tucker until the bread ended.

clicker beware.

f0cec7  No.5442091

File: 32d13749eae2fe7⋯.jpg (75.81 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 52005966_147247929626065_3….jpg)

221b69  No.5442093


POTUS On Hannity

Hannity: "And Next week we have the Muller report"

POTUS: Yeah.

POTUS: I mean I don't know that for fact.

Did POTUS just bait the Dems with this lil fake slip up.

Could be its coming next week and or its bait so that the Dems use one of their last cards. RBG death etc.

85b0e2  No.5442094


Yes, but that one is spelled "Rum Line". Very popular in Puerto Rico…

cee9a6  No.5442095


so now you torture us with a big ass?

576d67  No.5442096

Are we just recycling notables from this morning? kek

38c4af  No.5442097


Democrat promise of transparcey, except that which is wanted to be seen?

1fe47d  No.5442098

File: 321773bde8daf62⋯.jpg (6.13 KB, 121x255, 121:255, djt.jpg)


9fc9fe  No.5442099

File: d763f4508b9699f⋯.jpeg (243.68 KB, 560x716, 140:179, 73895033-876D-47C5-A066-0….jpeg)

4753da  No.5442100

File: bb396424fd069dd⋯.mp4 (3.27 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 20190228_195447.mp4)

Bwahahahahaha!!! Hannity just trolled the FUCK out of Gorka.

ea9569  No.5442101

File: d02c13827cfcaa8⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1366x3665, 1366:3665, www_wsj_com_articles_thank….png)

Thank You, Tax Reform

The American economy is a tremendous engine of prosperity when politicians get out of the way, and for proof look no further than Thursday’s report on fourth-quarter growth. It’s clearer than ever that business investment has rescued the U.S. economy by shifting into a higher gear. Tax reform and deregulation, take a bow.

Tax reform arrived in 2018, removing the roadblock of the highest corporate tax rate in the world and inviting companies to repatriate profits held abroad. Investment picked up almost exactly as chief White House economist Kevin Hassett predicted it would. He predicted growth for the year would rise by 3.1% in 2018 on a fourth-quarter to fourth-quarter basis, and growth came in exactly at 3.1%.

Mr. Hassett made these predictions in the heat of the 2017 tax reform debate and was ridiculed by progressive economists. One quote that doesn’t age well came from Larry Summers, the former Barack Obama adviser, who wrote in the Washington Post that tax reform would make no difference unless “you believe in tooth fairies and ludicrous supply-side economics.”


fd3e3d  No.5442102


Pisses me off too. Haven't had tv in over a decade. Takes me back to bad places.

TV sucks. Hannity sucks moar.

2e7da8  No.5442103

Wow feel like i just rewatched the 2am press conference close up. Good job hannity you fuckwad

b8eccd  No.5442104


i saw that too. if I can hunt down the video, I'd call it NOTABLE AS FUCK. anons, you know he's talking to us. right?

f0cec7  No.5442105

File: d60ef38f9cce3c2⋯.png (483.25 KB, 613x705, 613:705, d60ef38f9cce3c27dbf0709057….png)

3a92f7  No.5442106

File: ce8e1a1f4e777de⋯.jpg (47.99 KB, 636x538, 318:269, Desp1.JPG)

File: 889ed2af0489c0d⋯.jpg (53.83 KB, 728x625, 728:625, Desp2.JPG)

File: be8298c2e6bca39⋯.jpg (46.63 KB, 670x571, 670:571, Desp3.JPG)

File: 30082c76ae681b3⋯.jpg (55.66 KB, 750x513, 250:171, Desp4.JPG)

fb6337  No.5442107

File: 7032b9b05bd9b8e⋯.png (901.37 KB, 1127x965, 1127:965, ClipboardImage.png)

db2dc5  No.5442108

File: e4574c32133a668⋯.jpg (179.42 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, Storm.jpg)


Does it MATTER Who Made the Video?

I would say it doesn't - just like it doesn't matter whom Q is.

So what does matter? TRUTH, but who trusts bullshit; so you VERIFY - that is what Anons DO, so some are Autists who get hung up on details/super focused. Others with Foresight bring skills in what they KNOW and CONTRIBUTE. Everyone knows someone with a SPECIALTY.

Some See the BIG PICTURE, others have GAME, others KNOW ODD DETAILS, some know LAW, some COMPUTER SKILLS, and even the person making the VIDEO has editing SKILLS. With a little help from FRIENDS PEOPLE CAN DO ANYTHING - even if its nothing more than walking a specific street and taking a picture for a VERIFICATION or digging an old pic out.

Jordan is just an example of a Kid with a Phone and need for seeking Truth - rarely looked at. He spoke up, and people listened.

Without Snowden most would not even know of COLLECTION of DATA, so many trust their computers, even the encrypted data - which only means it takes a few minutes longer to get…if you are Targeted.

What people lack? Overall Picture of the FULL GAME, while this video gives the needed details to start to see the SCOPE of such a Game…its always been at your fingertips…but who looks? Whom thinks if they knew, could they themselves do something about it?

What was missing was TIME to catch everyone else up - so they couldn't be fed an ILLUSION - the offering of TARGETS to watch, to VERIFY, nice little PROOFS that speed a Process of LEARNING.

Education is not hard, Learning is more of a challenge - it requires thinking - thinking for SELF is a challenge to many. Time to VERIFY even Harder.

In a way its a GAME in a way it CHANGES your ENVIRONMENT, and could change the GAME; only this one? Real LIVES are on the LINE, even the youngest lives whom have yet learned to protect themselves yet.

FOCUS and pay attention to DETAILS - is how you KNOW. Best things are Questions, only some don't need answered and some do - what needs VERIFIED? Not whom people are, but only the ACTIONS and RESULTS. How many know now? That is a good question.

If you haven't noticed, the BOARD and ANON's have their own MiNDS and QUESTIONS - if important they answer; they also have Shills who their job is to distract, tear apart, thus divide and conquer. We play game, so we don't fall for those tricks.

If this board didn't have Control? It wouldn't exist - obviously you are new to ask that question, so Observe, ask better questions; better yet contribute your Skill, find something missing, a detail, help out.

Its only your ENVIRONMENT we are changing as you will live within it, once its changed. Better to learn what is wrong, so you know what needs fixed - its broke right now. DOJ/FBI were first on the list. Without them being Honest? You never get Justice.

Think for yourself, learn something, help somewhere, while its still a word game with verification and look up Facts. Then REASON is the LOGIC one employs to Solve.

d2286d  No.5442109


Not big, that’s a phat ass!

f49fc0  No.5442110

File: 5f595a48694ed2e⋯.jpg (30.27 KB, 560x375, 112:75, Mitt the shit 8.jpg)


trying to rationalize which is worse PR or Cal.

live in cal and know PR.

fbbbc5  No.5442111

File: fcdfcf346695aef⋯.jpeg (226.77 KB, 1541x1724, 1541:1724, E3ACB153-D3FE-4C42-8AC3-7….jpeg)


38c3b6  No.5442112

File: 350a89c748bb9d9⋯.png (286.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

578324  No.5442113



63ddae  No.5442114


You can torture me anytime you'd like.

24ca8b  No.5442115


Anons, how do embed this video? I'm a poor phonefag and i've only been here a few weeks

64904c  No.5442116

File: 686a057a1f6d1e5⋯.png (142.4 KB, 500x566, 250:283, before-and-after-cocaine-a….png)

790140  No.5442117


Has Hannity ever asked Trump about Q?

1a67fa  No.5442118

File: 4bf0941c9568d3d⋯.png (79.57 KB, 402x282, 67:47, 2019-02-28_21-56-48.png)



20cc9b  No.5442119


do you have a link?

my browser closed by accident

Behind the Curtain?,

like the Wizard from Kansas who pretended to be the God Oz?

>>5441831 pb

>>5441818 pb

he is not the real leader of NK

he is a placeholder

the real leader hides behind the curtain

>>5432381 pb

>>5440890 pb

aeaeff  No.5442120


It is! I'd hit that.

56e433  No.5442121

File: 8fa3d2b52f72702⋯.png (671.62 KB, 616x720, 77:90, mypepe#.png)

fdf53b  No.5442122


Did you just type that to reply to a shill?

5f4828  No.5442123

File: ce05e8ad796f2f6⋯.jpg (52.81 KB, 640x750, 64:75, ce05e8ad796f2f6055963ddf2f….jpg)

578324  No.5442124

File: 559018b1002ca8b⋯.png (11.78 KB, 498x253, 498:253, embed.PNG)

File: 3aff2db8f3e1161⋯.png (37.09 KB, 500x502, 250:251, embed101.png)

4abcc0  No.5442125

File: cdd99050b455a7e⋯.jpg (171.37 KB, 896x1200, 56:75, 77.jpg)

TY Baker

2ad0f1  No.5442126


Gotta force the LEFT to ask.

Otherwise it will backfire.

f0cec7  No.5442127

File: aab412fb115bec6⋯.gif (2.75 MB, 367x420, 367:420, Boardwalk Empire Girl Gyra….gif)

38c4af  No.5442128



a66a26  No.5442129


damn…that makes it more real and accessible. less hollywoodesque.

3a92f7  No.5442130

File: acdd10ee1f7eaf9⋯.jpg (60.41 KB, 960x666, 160:111, 53461739_672199953221902_6….jpg)

0b624b  No.5442131

File: 5d50a39ea97cc76⋯.png (87.81 KB, 393x294, 131:98, sjhzmy.png)


Reality, by definition, is the opposite of cartoonish, therefore your words lack sense.

Are you a patriot, or an "anon" whose job is to keep this board locked into a rigidly enforced pattern of "chan culture". Be honest please.

WHAT decided to PUT nazis on the chans, "anon"?

Was it organic?

Were the chans a THREAT.

Of courese.

BUT THEN organic nazism that DESTROYED THE THREAT and turned the chans into A BOOGEYMAN just happened to crop up.

The extreme convenience for THE CONSOLIDATION OF "LIBERAL" POLITICAL CONTROL via scare tactics was just an coincidental side effect of organic nazism, right "anon"?


Because, after all, this is just "the chans" and "Qanon" is just an anon on those wacky chans.

Yes, "anon"? Do I have your shtick down?

And do you have a right to force your lies here?

What gives you that right?

c99750  No.5442132

the matrix is fighting against me

24ca8b  No.5442133


Thank you anon

af9b62  No.5442134



establishment tool

f8e7b3  No.5442135


Looks comfy

996adb  No.5442136

File: 937d68e2a028af5⋯.png (655.71 KB, 670x526, 335:263, ClipboardImage.png)

If you ever need to know if your being shadow banned just ask …

"Hey who likes McRibs?"

If no one answers your being shadow banned.

157ffc  No.5442137

File: 8d1ca7c9aa42084⋯.jpg (67.95 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 53216082_2375764869312415_….jpg)


20cc9b  No.5442138


That was quick

Hi there shill

74385c  No.5442139



In my world that’s called a perfect ass

d2286d  No.5442140

File: 8c6fea7c784054e⋯.jpeg (211.45 KB, 1866x1529, 1866:1529, C6A4BF94-F553-435A-B701-6….jpeg)

f49fc0  No.5442141

File: 8494d34cbdb1450⋯.jpg (98.78 KB, 1280x640, 2:1, larry summers.jpg)

73c16f  No.5442142

File: 9defdcc1cc62f1a⋯.jpg (102.89 KB, 952x500, 238:125, aswdaaasdxs.jpg)

2ecd57  No.5442143

File: 684533faef8969c⋯.jpg (103.18 KB, 1175x710, 235:142, 1a.JPG)

File: 285ca4287ad5022⋯.jpg (87.14 KB, 546x832, 21:32, 3.JPG)

File: a532a71eea6b61c⋯.jpg (82.86 KB, 555x859, 555:859, 4.JPG)

File: 1c5a4940f49a8ce⋯.jpg (76.33 KB, 565x878, 565:878, 5.JPG)

File: 41c9f75dfe8e1f0⋯.jpg (59.03 KB, 601x606, 601:606, 6.JPG)

New clues as records confirm ‘mystery case’ involves Mueller probe


26911d  No.5442144

I like this. Simple.


fd3e3d  No.5442145

File: 134809dd14ce357⋯.jpg (208.44 KB, 792x1000, 99:125, RMT.JPG)



Last week, Bob's report was coming this week.

f5dbb5  No.5442146



85b0e2  No.5442147


Good question. They both have shit in the streets, but I'd go with Cal., because TDS is an epidemic there. PR, they're more classic liberals…not full blown crazy…

03487b  No.5442148

24ca8b  No.5442149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This game came out in 2001, and yet this 12 minute clip from it sounds like its coming out of today's reality. Anybody else a little shaken by this?

2ecd57  No.5442151

File: af4a9351cd26889⋯.pdf (3.2 MB, SCO-Grand-Jury-20190228.pdf)


Unsealed doc to go with story

2470b7  No.5442152

>>5441950 lb

>>5441974 lb

The world would otherwise collapse.

40,000ft. v. (again) and need to decrease altitude to avoid ‘conspiracy’ label.

fe9399  No.5442153

File: 86a6ba3e6f5f48d⋯.png (12.63 KB, 390x146, 195:73, Selection_888.png)

f89780  No.5442154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ff074b  No.5442155

OK anons. I’ve been here for over a year now & shouldn’t have to say this

The Whitehouse, POTUS& @realdonaldtrump twat feed is getting pummeled with bots, lefties & paid trolls

I can’t keep up taking up for him

Trump deserves our utmost respect & he deserves us to FIGHT for him on social media like he fights for all of us in the real world

If you have a twat account, get on there and take up for our GUY, our PRESIDENT!!!

b3c961  No.5442156

File: 42ef51c8ef106f5⋯.png (56.95 KB, 602x330, 301:165, Gov H re JWoods Tweet re S….PNG)

Gov H retweets James Woods tweet that also had Q reference

He does it again! @RealJamesWoods wins Tweet of the Month!


Bread 6951 [pb]


4753da  No.5442157

File: ca3f91abedee302⋯.jpeg (84.81 KB, 1110x727, 1110:727, a5a2157d4e5be781dad8fb12d….jpeg)


If your stuck looking at the ass, then you are missing on the real prize in that photo. Just sayin…

cf77c6  No.5442158

File: 33b579bfe14a360⋯.png (58.97 KB, 897x564, 299:188, embed.PNG)


Click on the arrow and you will get the screen shot where an embed block appears.

paste it there,

abc679  No.5442159


Hardliners not cut…run

38c3b6  No.5442160

File: 9bd8ea244243bce⋯.png (357.85 KB, 600x338, 300:169, ClipboardImage.png)

3df6f9  No.5442161

File: 95f57c721047999⋯.jpg (86.94 KB, 480x798, 80:133, Biden Tweets.jpg)

45f4b2  No.5442162


Did anyone hear POTUS say Cohen,and others, had seen the Mueller report right after they were talking about it may be released next week? Did I hear that wrong? I had noise around me and don’t have a DVR.

64904c  No.5442163

File: ddcb8e7500be7a8⋯.jpg (43.01 KB, 500x375, 4:3, internet_memes_the_wizard_….jpg)


welcome new fag

be sure to check out …


795066  No.5442164



Agreed 👌🏻

dd0bd7  No.5442165

Mr. Jazzek - Work (Ft. Masters at Work) #NowPlaying on Electro Swing Radio,


4abcc0  No.5442166

This letter was entered in the Record at S1410:

Illegal border crossings are near forty-year


There is no documented terrorist or na-

tional security emergency at the southern bor-


There is no emergency related to violent

crime at the southern border.

There is no human or drug trafficking emer-

gency that can be addressed by a wall at the

southern border.

This proclamation will only exacerbate the

humanitarian concerns that do exist at the

southern border.

Redirecting funds for the claimed ‘‘national

emergency’’ will undermine U.S. national secu-

rity and foreign policy interests.

The situation at the border does not require

the use of the armed forces, and a wall is unnec-

essary to support the use of the armed forces.

There is no basis for circumventing the ap-

propriations process with a declaration of a na-

tional emergency at the southern border.

Respectfully submitted,


Madeleine K. Albright, Jeremy B. Bash,

John B. Bellinger III, Daniel Benjamin,

Antony Blinken, John O. Brennan, R. Nich-

olas Burns, William J. Burns, Johnnie Car-

son, James Clapper.

David S. Cohen, Eliot A. Cohen, Ryan

Crocker, Thomas Donilon, Jen Easterly,

Nancy Ely-Raphel, Daniel P. Erikson, John

D. Feeley, Daniel F. Feldman, Jonathan


Jendayi Frazer, Suzy George, Phil Gordon,

Chuck Hagel, Avril D. Haines, Luke Hartig,

Heather A. Higginbottom, Roberta Jacobson,

Gil Kerlikowske, John F. Kerry.

Prem Kumar, John E. McLaughlin, Lisa O.

Monaco, Janet Napolitano, James D. Nealon,

James C. O’Brien, Matthew G. Olsen, Leon E.

Panetta, Anne W. Patterson, Thomas R.


Amy Pope, Samantha J. Power, Jeffrey

Prescott, Nicholas Rasmussen, Alan Charles

Raul, Dan Restrepo, Susan E. Rice, Anne C.

Richard, Eric P. Schwartz, Andrew J. Sha-


Wendy R. Sherman, Vikram Singh, Dana

Shell Smith, Jeffrey H. Smith, Jake Sul-

livan, Strobe Talbott, Linda Thomas-Green-

field, Arturo A. Valenzuela.

2ad0f1  No.5442167


My wife is vietnamese, she is always a day ahead too…

d50344  No.5442168

I am very confused by the Senate, why is the senate betraying President Trump, they keep voting against everything good and for all that's bad. I thought "we" had the Senate?? Can someone please help me understand this?

e30540  No.5442169

File: 901c172f59ae4db⋯.jpg (57.54 KB, 500x1053, 500:1053, -19.jpg)

578324  No.5442170


The spreadsheet.

Best kept non-secret of qresearch

6a40c7  No.5442171

-19 Days

cf77c6  No.5442172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

did it for you, but click on 'show post options' and embed block appears

2304d4  No.5442173

File: 9a715686f173479⋯.png (1.21 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Gold Standard POTUS Q Alph….png)


Quads speak truth. Simple. Direct. Profound

157ffc  No.5442174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This guy has superhero hair, if that counts…?

Romania: The Sewer Dwellers of Bucharest

ff1070  No.5442175

File: 3fbd31738a498ec⋯.jpg (24.03 KB, 500x320, 25:16, USArmycheck.jpg)

fd3e3d  No.5442176

File: 003c67feb3b75c9⋯.jpg (261.16 KB, 721x1121, 721:1121, McRib.jpg)


>"Hey who likes McRibs?"

Need a spoiler on that pic related

795066  No.5442177


Looking for the angle also anon.

084b10  No.5442178


Blumenthal has that problem from his days in Nam

27e389  No.5442179

File: 37c391355492836⋯.jpeg (540.61 KB, 1979x1242, 1979:1242, 0F0DAFDF-10DB-4E8D-ADA4-D….jpeg)

0f3503  No.5442180

File: fe86e364cee552c⋯.png (55.12 KB, 879x725, 879:725, ClipboardImage.png)


Just in case the opposite is true..

6fb014  No.5442181

File: 6f0c9dd4eefb139⋯.png (73.65 KB, 847x426, 847:426, PR PEDO ALERT.png)

SAN JUAN, PR - Fiscalía Federal Solicita Asistencia https://www.justice.gov/usao-pr/pr/fiscal-federal-solicita-asistencia

576d67  No.5442182

File: 028447c0f3e8c7b⋯.png (485.39 KB, 663x585, 17:15, ClipboardImage.png)


Patton Oswalt Compares Trump White House to ‘Diarrhea Covered Monkeys on PCP’

56e433  No.5442183

File: 606fcb7466546c5⋯.png (245.62 KB, 568x710, 4:5, goldenpepe.png)

d80a98  No.5442184


Nice an Anon from early Q.


defc00  No.5442185

File: 7c3e5cb19b7e5d9⋯.png (333.11 KB, 588x406, 42:29, ClipboardImage.png)

db2dc5  No.5442186


No I typed it a few days back at 0300 something in the morning fag, when you were fucking sleeping.

I get tired of seeing the Same Post repeated - so you are seeing it again.

Go ahead, look it up.

03487b  No.5442187


More time, more noise, more waking up - imo.

221b69  No.5442188


Nope you surely didnt hear that wrong.

I was like wait wtf ? Cohen? HUh?

That was strange as hell.

578324  No.5442189


oooh new pointer, sweet

b989cb  No.5442190

C10 is too close to this.

e30540  No.5442191

File: 0b8e579a8754050⋯.jpg (56.3 KB, 500x1053, 500:1053, [-19].jpg)


better left aligned?

ea9569  No.5442192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anti-Trump RINO Lamar Alexander Joins Democrats in Opposing Trump Emergency Declaration on Border Security

Alexander joins fellow RINOs Lisa Murkowski, Thom Tillis and Susan Collins in opposing the National Emergency declaration on the southern border.


2e5720  No.5442193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



> below in post options in the embed box

fdf53b  No.5442194

File: eb8bcd14ae508a9⋯.jpg (87.71 KB, 642x909, 214:303, 1548928359021.jpg)


Because save for a few people like Tea Partiers, Cruz and Paul they are all NWO socialist traitors.

bd899b  No.5442195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

64904c  No.5442196

File: 3b9df2d4a75e602⋯.jpg (213.68 KB, 736x1125, 736:1125, proxy.duckdgfgfhsuckgo.com.jpg)

084b10  No.5442198


Make Comedians Funny again.

9c08ac  No.5442199

UM, has anyone ever noticed that EBOTS NAME is a link to an email trigger?

" H3r.n4m3.w4s.tr4c3r@love.u "

f49fc0  No.5442200


have not been to PR for many year's so can't speak to current situ but you are spot on with the syndrome in ca. the stupid burns much. much of it is pure laziness or turn the tv on. can say it's not quite as bad where I reside and that would be south of la county-it's moar of the lazy attitude here, but only just.

dd0bd7  No.5442201

Deepsy - Clumsy Clown #NowPlaying on Electro Swing Radio,


2ad0f1  No.5442202


hes going to be very popular in prison…

This one I hope goes to civilian lockdown.

aeaeff  No.5442203

What Senate votes are you referring to? The House has been voting on a bunch of nonsense that will fail in the Senate, if it ever gets there.

2304d4  No.5442204

File: 4cb357aa6549e67⋯.png (3.03 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Steampunk Gold Q Alpha.png)

795066  No.5442205


Man 19, not 17yr old.. 19 is the days of the coundown.. we gotta watch the numbers anons (like we arent already)

f5dbb5  No.5442206


I kind of horny for that reporter's face.

38c4af  No.5442207


yeah , Gifford with Comey's severed head?

04c781  No.5442208

Notables so far


>>5442004 Tweet: Ted Cruz leading the charge against Big Tech Censorship

>>5442045, >>5442048 Political operative, four others arrested in North Carolina ballot fraud scandal

>>5442051 POTUS on Hannity: It’s one of the greatest plans I have ever seen

>>5442101 Thank You, Tax Reform

>>5442143, >>5442151 Claim from documents: New clues as records confirm ‘mystery case’ involves Mueller probe

20d563  No.5442209

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

370a63  No.5442210


I doubt POTUS gets through a single sentence without Sean interrupting him.

ea9569  No.5442211

Nearly 200 Illegal Aliens Apprehended at New Mexico Border

Border patrol agents patrolling an unsecured section of the southern border in New Mexico apprehended 180 illegal border crossers in the early hours of Feb. 26, according to a statement.

The federal agency said the group included mainly Central American families and unaccompanied juveniles. They were found near Sunland Park just west of El Paso, Texas.


cd0848  No.5442212

File: 34d6e7ee218e501⋯.png (707.97 KB, 851x381, 851:381, three_witches.png)

File: d84f4c2abd3adc8⋯.png (3.72 MB, 1413x1167, 471:389, macbeth_witches.png)

File: c077ef7456a62fb⋯.jpg (75.26 KB, 656x503, 656:503, birnam.jpg)

Three Witches

The Three Witches represent evil, darkness, chaos, and

conflict, while their role is as agents and witnesses.

Their presence communicates treason and impending doom.

During Shakespeare's day, witches were seen as worse

than rebels, "the most notorious traitor and rebel that

can be". They were not only political traitors, but

spiritual traitors as well.

Much of the confusion that springs from them comes from

their ability to straddle the play's borders between

reality and the supernatural. They are so deeply

entrenched in both worlds that it is unclear whether

they control fate, or whether they are merely its agents.

They defy logic, not being subject to the rules of

the real world.



First Witch

I come, Graymalkin!

Second Witch

Paddock calls.

Third Witch



As I did stand my watch upon the hill,

I look'd toward Birnam, and anon, methought,

The wood began to move.


c5892c  No.5442213


this THIS this, but this is also what worries me, what is plan for 2024? who can we trust?

2dd722  No.5442214

Is the wall for protection when the US invades several South American countries?

We know the caravans are staged by the cabal.

We know the cabal are pushing the wars for Cuba Nicaragua Venezuela

f5512c  No.5442215


nice, steampunk Q is best Q

4f856e  No.5442216

ET North Korea Satellites May Hold Nuclear Bombs


Reported by Daniel Ashman

North Korea Launched two supposed weather satellites 1 in Dec 2012 and the other January 2016. The two satellites hover 230 mile above America, both launched by North Korea without any protest from then President Obama. If detonated, it will cause EMP that will knock all electric grid and a full 90% of the people could die. More on

The Epoch Times

2304d4  No.5442218

File: ef5b6f9db6febbf⋯.jpg (228.81 KB, 1280x983, 1280:983, BaconSeed.jpg)

Where is Kim Jung Un's response to all this? Nothing? Really?

45f4b2  No.5442219


Ok. I thought the same. wtaf. It was so odd I thought I had not heard it correctly.

38ea58  No.5442220

>>5442108 Reminds me of this, well said by the way.

1 Corinthians 12 New International Version (NIV)

Concerning Spiritual Gifts

12 Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. 2 You know that when you were pagans, somehow or other you were influenced and led astray to mute idols. 3 Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.

4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8 To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues,[a] and to still another the interpretation of tongues.[b] 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.

Unity and Diversity in the Body

12 Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by[c] one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. 14 Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.

15 Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body.

21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” 22 On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23 and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, 24 while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, 25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 28 And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues. 29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 30 Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues[d]? Do all interpret? 31 Now eagerly desire the greater gifts.

47784d  No.5442221

File: d601981cdbe1691⋯.gif (448.58 KB, 444x258, 74:43, DO_YOU_GET_IT.gif)



38c4af  No.5442222

Comey's wife severed head would be at bounds of humor?

2408e8  No.5442223

File: 4023589c7688bce⋯.png (443.85 KB, 905x731, 905:731, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

File: a957e1e9cf18224⋯.png (422.69 KB, 877x691, 877:691, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)


The City of Arcata announced today that the statue of President William McKinley was removed from Arcata’s Plaza early this morning.

A crane removed the McKinley statue early this morningCity staff continued with the statue removal process when a break in the rain occurred with a long enough window for it to be transported safely and at a time when Plaza businesses, parking and traffic would be least impacted.

The City is currently working with the City of Canton, Ohio to relocate the statue.

790140  No.5442224

File: ace630cf2e0922d⋯.jpg (209.73 KB, 1176x500, 294:125, 2b98p7.jpg)

7421a2  No.5442225

File: 4c65061b3a96dea⋯.jpeg (1.73 MB, 1242x1686, 207:281, 5608D208-9010-4874-AD67-D….jpeg)

File: 6f8719cab5ba946⋯.jpeg (843.86 KB, 1125x1282, 1125:1282, 354E1662-A6D8-4DF6-8D4D-C….jpeg)

File: bad3aa836b38f80⋯.jpeg (731.39 KB, 1125x827, 1125:827, 3A788409-354A-4DFD-BD38-C….jpeg)

File: 1bca223bd7ba930⋯.jpeg (780.82 KB, 1125x1921, 1125:1921, 428241DD-5157-42A0-B6AD-7….jpeg)


Mercurial: think Cinnabar. Think: Pelosi's fucking necklace at SOTU. Think: her picture in NK. Think: she took a congressional delegation to Vietnam same year (2015) as RBG was there and also went to South Korea.

Think: Otto Warmbier, the hostage American who would have been the 16-year plan [pawn] to start WWIII.

0f3503  No.5442226


He also said not in a negative way. From synonym liist things that stand out:

changeable · quicksilver · fluid · whimsical · giddy

Quicksilver - Rocket Man

eb0801  No.5442227

>>5441261 (pb)

They apparently don't like where they are from, or why would they come here? Then shitbag muzzies like her want to criticize our culture, and want to turn the US into a shithole like where they came from! It makes absolutely no sense, until you understand that they are really here to infiltrate and overthrow our government, to create there WW caliphate! That is the way of Islam. Fuck pedo, thieving, murderous, pos mo-ham-med and allah can suck my asshole!

867ee8  No.5442228


Heard it. Not sure what to make of it.

f49fc0  No.5442229

File: 341a2a0d3b24e8a⋯.png (237.38 KB, 334x505, 334:505, Pepe Nightshift samurai.png)


like dat. taken

653f76  No.5442230

File: 0b42729aca1cb2f⋯.png (419.67 KB, 1080x606, 180:101, NPnotable.png)

eb0ac9  No.5442232

File: efcc2d85b3ab358⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1484x994, 106:71, ClipboardImage.png)


British Columbia’s money laundering is an emergency. The public deserves an inquiry.

308df7  No.5442233


Positive News on POTUS Twitter


Post positive news as replies on POTUS twitter feed.

Whenever he tweets, overpower negative bots with good news.

Take control of the reaction to POTUS tweets.

Utilize the platform to spread the truth.

POTUS is greatly loved.

Major accomplishments are making America great again.


APART you are weak.











d2286d  No.5442234

File: 8510b59aea85f29⋯.jpeg (78.64 KB, 651x383, 651:383, 0D368F05-7E1C-453A-8F8F-A….jpeg)


Monkey boy Patton.

ea9569  No.5442235

File: 679ab1fe9f0ad0c⋯.png (66.63 KB, 598x442, 23:17, twitter_com_KimStrassel_st….png)


2304d4  No.5442236

File: 9ecd70f6a487ef1⋯.jpg (511.67 KB, 2068x2554, 1034:1277, Silent Stealth Q.jpg)


don't tell anyone.

8a4b4b  No.5442237


yep heard that

85b0e2  No.5442238


Not sure I understand your response anon.

Flat Earth is the only conspiracy I 0% can't get behind, because I have lived the science that has confirmed the Earth is round.

Now, want to talk have we ever been out of low earth orbit…that's something I can get behind…

IMO, NASA has lied a lot over the years and I find it hard to believe that we have been to the moon in any capacity that was advertised by NASA…

67d229  No.5442239

File: 726720688f1318c⋯.png (766.19 KB, 960x640, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b872c62b77fb112⋯.png (343.97 KB, 640x489, 640:489, ClipboardImage.png)


>Thinks Cruz is one of the good ones

bdfe7b  No.5442240

File: cb978933292e48f⋯.png (72.31 KB, 300x400, 3:4, FrogWTF.png)


Heard the same, anon. Spoopy kek.

ff1070  No.5442241

File: 48c4bb619b951d9⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1903x2942, 1903:2942, Screenshot_2019-03-01 Rep ….png)

Rep. Jim Jordan on Cohen Exhibits: ‘CNN Had the Exhibits Before We Did’

4abcc0  No.5442242



The Democrats do not allow debate to close on bills the Republicans want.

It takes sixty Senators for a cloture vote, except for nominees.

With nominees the Democrats require a cloture got, 4 days for each nominee.

Epic obstructionism.

Other than that, the Republican Senate seemsxquite loyal to MAGA.

McConnell is doing a fantastic job, media concern fagging notwithstanding.

No president has had nearly as many nominees turned back, 128 for Trump vs 12 or something for the next closest.

0e5417  No.5442243

File: 5edfcbe348ec008⋯.png (1.45 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, texasQ.png)


Hopefully Cornyn will join him.

Texas anons, contact your reps!

fdf53b  No.5442244

File: d2a2a5026880c47⋯.jpg (252.07 KB, 1868x991, 1868:991, 1548625788847.jpg)


On Laura Ingraham podcast Joe DiGenova said 'vote and buy guns'.

Theres no guarantees this plague will be removed in 6 years.

9d3984  No.5442245


WATCH MSM - push Nuke War now that there is no signed agreement…. Trump walked - They are going to eat this up and spread the FEAR to the public

dbb26f  No.5442246

File: 7b6983d201f4595⋯.jpg (129.04 KB, 570x370, 57:37, 3456546546453f50762126535j….jpg)

dd0bd7  No.5442247

File: fe862fab0739325⋯.jpg (184.52 KB, 658x894, 329:447, IMG_6297.JPG)

But is she gay?

abc679  No.5442248


Cornyn best step up!

578324  No.5442249




even most of our shills do better than this

592346  No.5442250


>>5442149 Yes.

You mean: METAL GEAR.

I have every one in the series. Love it.

Member the game Syphon Filter?

Had to stop the bad guys that have a genetically programmable virus that can take out an individual, or an entire race.

9fc9fe  No.5442251


They don’t “hover” over the US - they’re in an orbit that passes over the US everyday.

0a6362  No.5442252


So it’s already out


20cc9b  No.5442253


The Cohen made quite a mess.

He 's a sad sack. The ones behind him knew how bad he was doing, but poor guy so messed up didn't even realize it himself too much as it was happening.

Media PR will be a band-aid but as things progress the reality will sink in to many?

f49fc0  No.5442254

File: 1b71eddb306ebf6⋯.jpg (131.62 KB, 874x500, 437:250, pepe Federal Reserve news.jpg)

Fed's Powell: 'Muted' inflation gives room for wages to rise

(Reuters) - A rise in productivity last year gives more room for wages to grow without the risk of higher inflation, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said on Thursday, offering another reason why the U.S. central bank can hold off on further rate increases.

"Signs of upward pressure on inflation appear muted despite the strong labor market," with unemployment at 4 percent and wage increases picking up of late, Powell said in remarks prepared for delivery at the Citizens Budget Commission in New York.

With sidelined workers moving back into the labor market and an improvement in productivity last year, the economy can continue filling tens of thousands of new jobs each month and support higher wages without sparking an inflation spike that might prompt the Fed to begin raising rates again.

"More plentiful jobs and rising wages are drawing more people into the work force," Powell said. "Business-sector productivity growth, which had been disappointing during the expansion, moved up. … Rising productivity allows wages to increase without adding to inflation pressures."


5f4828  No.5442255


Cruz's wife works for Goldman Sachs.

38c4af  No.5442256

Pelosi's husband's head, severed, on a stick, would that be humorous, or just fitting?

7421a2  No.5442257

File: 2ad57d21c74af59⋯.jpeg (635.67 KB, 1125x1943, 1125:1943, 25654A8E-2258-42AA-92D3-1….jpeg)

cf77c6  No.5442258


Mueller report may have to be put on hold in RBG dies.

Although, Cohen is suppose to be testifying again next week, but unless it is public it won't distract from Mueller.

Anybody notice there have been no leaks about what Cohen testified to behind closed doors.

If it was beneficial for dems, there would have been leaks.

27e389  No.5442259

So the media kind of shat on POTUS briefly re: NK and went back to Cohen. A few Dems (Pelosi) even gave President Trump some credit for not “accepting the deal”.

But that’s it. Back to Cohen. Why not push North Korea more? Why let the story go quietly away already? Because NK is already free of rouge control and (((they))) know it. So they can’t brag too much, knowing what will eventually come.

0f3503  No.5442260

(Insert Demonrat, out of stater, many foreign nationals)


> like her want to criticize our culture

It's a liberal, or enemy thing.

Funny though with some if you sit with them and talk rationally you find there is a lot of common interest and ground.

Media and Demonrats divide us.

dd0bd7  No.5442261


I just pooped

19bfee  No.5442262

File: a9e88e19d930a3e⋯.jpg (246.31 KB, 600x1675, 24:67, 1.jpg)

Congressmen Want ‘Doomsday’ Plan In Case Of Hudson River Tunnel Failure


157ffc  No.5442263



have you never notices the conversations involving people with variants on it?

2304d4  No.5442264

File: 05b8b96c222c6d2⋯.jpg (301.34 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, bacon.jpg)


funny. kek. Kim is a bacon seed. Slap some hot grease on that and he will sizzle

4753da  No.5442265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Overton window. Think Wile E. Coyote stretching himself on a rubberband apparatus to catch up with road runner going from the left side of the screen to the right.

2ecd57  No.5442266

File: f45bdd630ccd0b2⋯.jpg (146.19 KB, 859x890, 859:890, 1a.JPG)

File: 67a787feca885a7⋯.jpg (148.87 KB, 646x927, 646:927, 3.JPG)

File: 7476d1aafae3145⋯.jpg (78.76 KB, 663x554, 663:554, 4.JPG)

75 Face Drug Charges In Puerto Rico, Some Allegedly Fed Victims To Reptiles


a66a26  No.5442267


speak clearly anon.

ade081  No.5442268

File: af4a529f5058b64⋯.jpg (197.28 KB, 802x500, 401:250, mirror2ux9qr.jpg)

File: 8b9ba2de9a18ac9⋯.jpg (142.9 KB, 853x454, 853:454, mirror2uxab3.jpg)

MIRRORS are trippin me the fuck out. last night and now this.

WTF is it about Vietnam and mirror?

8a4b4b  No.5442269

Is it just me or are people like Hannity who thank God at least tells mostly the truth and is a patriot, doesn't seem to put all the dots together and report it?

abc679  No.5442270


How large is the stick?

24e784  No.5442271

File: 526ccb93d520c47⋯.jpeg (804.76 KB, 1536x983, 1536:983, 31D7200A-2C2B-426C-917C-4….jpeg)


Stumbled on this blog while researching something else.


Bastards are everywhere!

8b3ff6  No.5442272

File: 60ff15fa0ee4655⋯.jpg (550.96 KB, 616x1000, 77:125, black-chamber.jpg)


Came across this in some digging, putting it up for the Clock Fags and just general interest. Looks very interesting. Reading some of the excerpts, sounds like the same kind of operations and ethical questions being wrestled with today.

Maybe we can gain some comms insights? Any Anons have this book?

f5512c  No.5442273


nice, also saved

85b0e2  No.5442274


Copy that

eb0ac9  No.5442275

File: ee3df5ea760cd5d⋯.png (115.69 KB, 276x500, 69:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 701c4ca45e21a65⋯.png (1.24 MB, 723x1024, 723:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

39d00c  No.5442276

File: d881636c14fe88c⋯.jpeg (17.76 KB, 300x300, 1:1, guns mom.jpeg)



Unfortunately I lost all

of my legally attained

firearms in a tragic

canoeing accident.

f5dbb5  No.5442277


Will need video fag for this one.

f49fc0  No.5442278

File: 4b53e48dd3314be⋯.jpg (57.17 KB, 736x446, 368:223, digits confirm 1.jpg)

6fb014  No.5442279

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — After a four-day trial, a jury found Ruslan Kirilyuk, 41, of Beverly Hills, guilty on Tuesday of 24 counts of wire fraud, two counts of mail fraud, and one count each of aggravated identity theft and failure to appear, all arising out of his involvement in a nationwide credit card fraud scheme, U.S. Attorney McGregor W. Scott announced.

According to evidence presented at trial, between approximately October 5, 2011, and March 5, 2014, Kirilyuk conspired with Mihran Melkonyan, 38, of Sacramento; Rouslan Akhmerov, 42, of Studio City; Alexandr Maslov, 38, of Sacramento, and others in a credit card billing scheme that involved creating approximately 71 fraudulent online companies established with the sole purpose of fraudulently charging approximately 119,000 stolen credit card numbers. In total, the members of the scheme billed the stolen credit card numbers for over $3.4 million in unauthorized charges.

As established at trial, to create the fraudulent companies, the members of the scheme obtained over 200 stolen report cards from the San Juan Unified School District in Sacramento. Those report cards had students’ personal identifying information on them such as names and social security numbers. Using that information, Kirilyuk and his associates created fraudulent companies with names designed to sound like real companies, such as “CVS Store,” “Walt Mart,” and “Chevran.”

Working with a hacker based in Moscow, they used those fraudulent companies to charge stolen American Express credit card account numbers.

In order to transfer the stolen money, they used shell bank accounts held in the names of individuals whose identities had been stolen and former Russian J-1 visa holders. According to court documents, Kirilyuk has a history of corporate cyberintrusion dating back to at least 2003.


24ca8b  No.5442280


Heard of syphon filter, never played it

8b3ff6  No.5442281


Meant to add:

During the 1920s Herbert O. Yardley was chief of the first peacetime cryptanalytic organization in the United States, the ancestor of today's National Security Agency. Funded by the U.S. Army and the Department of State and working out of New York, his small and highly secret unit succeeded in breaking the diplomatic codes of several nations, including Japan. The decrypts played a critical role in U.S. diplomacy. Despite its extraordinary successes, the Black Chamber, as it came to known, was disbanded in 1929. President Hoover's new Secretary of State Henry L. Stimson refused to continue its funding with the now-famous comment, "Gentlemen do not read other people's mail." In 1931 a disappointed Yardley caused a sensation when he published this book and revealed to the world exactly what his agency had done with the secret and illegal cooperation of nearly the entire American cable industry. These revelations and Yardley's right to publish them set into motion a conflict that continues to this day: the right to freedom of expression versus national security. In addition to offering an expose on post-World War I cryptology, the book is filled with exciting stories and personalities.

157ffc  No.5442282



ed4a19  No.5442283


>flew the Rhumb Line when crossing the Atlantic

Did your plane fly with nose up, rather than zero pitch, as it maintained altitude at cruise?

27e389  No.5442284


If he put all the dots together he wouldn’t have a network show.

38c4af  No.5442285


small stick?

74385c  No.5442286


My favorite game of all time. Metal gear solid

dd0bd7  No.5442287

File: 2ce18d9362bb790⋯.jpg (60.7 KB, 500x668, 125:167, IMG_6323.JPG)

File: 2bba95682efb638⋯.jpg (84.87 KB, 700x597, 700:597, IMG_6324.JPG)

File: 6e68fa9cacaa097⋯.jpg (77.43 KB, 630x630, 1:1, D9BAE86F-83F3-4E03-959A-BE….jpg)

File: b57c36c01bb4698⋯.jpg (81.04 KB, 800x540, 40:27, 693BAE22-EC80-45E3-841D-9C….jpg)

93bb78  No.5442288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trumpwave inspiration

0f3503  No.5442289

bd3003  No.5442290

>>5441729 Breaking: Hit and Run on a NYPD officer in NYC

"Officer fired shots at the vehicle, which fled the scene…"

Hmmm, I wonder why the car would flee the scene like that? Any respectable citizen would have sat there while bullets rained down on their windshield.

What if this was some old lady, and an accident?

c5892c  No.5442291


DUB DUB DUBs… rub a DUB DUB DUB. love the tools, need moAR! but otherwise keep your powder dry and FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT

592346  No.5442292


They probably mean a geosynchronous orbit. Stationary, or hovering for those that don't understand the difference.

0b624b  No.5442293


No, it's an excellent video to DRIVE AWAY PEOPLE WE NEED TO WIN OVER.

As explained.

The information needs to be CAREFULLY presented. It needs EASING IN– this intentionally does the OPPOSITE.

Stop defending FAKENESS, "anon". You don't have a right to force your lies here.

eeda3e  No.5442294

Lynne Patton is feeling heartbroken.

Dear Haters:

Since so many of you are asking, I am only going to say this ONCE, so please pay attention before any of you start breaking out the champagne:

1) I will be the first to concede that IF actual physical evidence exists that the President directly instructed Cohen to lie to Congress then, yes, it would be the ONLY accusation made against POTUS over the past three years that would worry me. Otherwise, it remains the word of one person over another with ZERO evidence. Period. One of whom is going to jail for perjury & fraud.

2) More notably, it should be known that Donald Trump does not use email and never has. Nor (up until his inauguration at least) does he text. Therefore, the likelihood of some "smoking gun" email or text is slim to none. It should also be known that any/all visitors to the West Wing must check their cell phones upon entry in a secure locker before meeting with the President. Omarosa was not a visitor.

3) Many of you may already know that I considered Michael Cohen to be one of my very best friends. Countless people can confirm that we were virtually inseparable during my employment at Trump - and that he is, single-handedly - responsible for introducing me to the Trump family and effectively changing my entire life. I would be lying if I didn't admit that my heart still breaks for him and for his family, with whom I had grown extremely close.

4) What many of you may not be aware of is the fact that I can personally confirm that the ONLY reason Michael Cohen "turned on" the President of the United States is because Mueller threatened to throw his wife in jail for up to 30 years. Period. She is the co-guarantor of a $20M personal loan that Mueller discovered Michael secured back in 2015 by falsely inflating the value of his taxi medallions - effectively making her part & parcel to the federal charge of "Making False Statements to a Financial Institution, " to which Cohen ultimately plead guilty. This is also the reason why Cohen's longtime taxi medallion partner, Evgeny "Gene" Freidman, was granted immunity.

5) Michael Cohen also told me (after they raided his apartment) that the reason why he elected to pay Stormy Daniels $130, 000 by using his home equity loan - effectively committing bank fraud - instead of easily using the over $5M+ cash he has sitting in various stateside bank accounts is because his wife controls their finances and he simply did not want her to notice the missing money, as many husbands wouldn't considering to whom it went. Period. Moreover, he confessed to me that he never imagined in a million years that Donald Trump would actually win the Presidency and that the misappropriation of his home equity loan would ever be exposed, since thousands of Americans misuse this type line of credit to pay for colleges, boats, cars and vacations every single day.

6) By Cohen's own admission, Trump ceased all interest and communication in constructing Trump Tower Moscow in June 2016. Over a month before officially being declared the Republican nominee for President. To that end, it is NOT ILLEGAL for him to explore - nor deny - any "for profit" construction projects during the campaign, as he was still a civilian global real estate mogul.

7) BuzzFeed, themselves, officially admitted on CNN this morning that they have yet to independently confirm or see ANY evidence that corroborates their story.

8.) Most significantly, Mueller refused to recommend any leniency, nor lack of jail time (as he did for Michael Flynn), for Michael Cohen when he was sentenced to 3+ years in federal prison. This would lead most legal experts to reasonably conclude that the Special Counsel deems information gleaned from Michael Cohen of little consequence or contribution.

9) Lastly, given that Michael Cohen is barred from discussing the Russian investigation when he testifies before the House Oversight Committee, it's safe to conclude that his testimony will effectively amount to nothing more than political theater and partisan fodder for late night hosts simply to embarrass a sitting President over past behavior he may or may not have engaged in as a private citizen.

10) In closing, Michael Cohen always wanted to be famous. Sadly, he has gotten his wish. I personally stopped communicating with Michael when it became known in May 2018 that he was defrauding various companies (from a Korean defense firm to a global pharmaceutical company) for millions of dollars by falsely claiming he could leverage his connection with the President to their favor.

5b28db  No.5442295

Can anyone tell me what's the plan for the next 21 days or so? I have a feeling that Cohen is bait for the Democrats, and having him testify was planned all along. I also have a feeling that Korea did NOT go to plan… but maybe it did after all.

The idiots in the House are really showing their true colors, that's for certain.

20cc9b  No.5442296


Cabal made a nice [foolish] list of themselves.

cee9a6  No.5442297



senate is still corrupt

they want to keep power

so they will never give POTUS what WE THE PEOPLE want - which is what he asks for

whatever they do to coooperate always have their own institution and power and business friends firmly in mind

this is why the MOABS have to fly IMO

no amount of standard procedure with change the system cus the system is designed to protect itself

1a67fa  No.5442298

File: 102667a1a9900aa⋯.png (225.09 KB, 376x337, 376:337, 2019-02-28_22-08-44.png)

578324  No.5442299


no idea.

it's great

ac0601  No.5442300


He was never funny. This should only underscore what he must have done to gain his fame.

eb0ac9  No.5442301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

64904c  No.5442302

File: 6886e7a70749d84⋯.jpg (292.79 KB, 1000x962, 500:481, Suggested Food Pyramid.jpg)

20d563  No.5442303

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

647f0d  No.5442304

File: fa8a0227b6c9a24⋯.jpg (60.78 KB, 686x1048, 343:524, 52753346_2655345981148668_….jpg)

abc679  No.5442305


Either/or. One down…

03487b  No.5442306

File: 227ae6d742814a6⋯.png (132.46 KB, 386x818, 193:409, Q2888.png)

File: 83322572bbdbc77⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 1800x2700, 2:3, PattonOswalt_Pedo.jpg)

File: 8f3997e062d36fa⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 1800x1786, 900:893, PattonOswalt_PEDO1.jpg)

File: d6c9a65d7f3e812⋯.jpg (346.82 KB, 1200x1432, 150:179, PattonOswalt_PEDO2.jpg)

157ffc  No.5442307

File: b27c7b5ca7ef39b⋯.jpg (62.76 KB, 608x960, 19:30, 53419644_2051116785179657_….jpg)

well this is a thing, apparently…

1a67fa  No.5442308

File: 531df658d135151⋯.png (128.7 KB, 489x190, 489:190, 2019-02-28_22-08-12.png)

e30540  No.5442309



0b624b  No.5442310


The video is designed to make DIFFICULT truths unpalatable to normies WHILE AT THE SAME TIME appearing plausible enough to be accepted. THAT IS THE GAME.

I am not reading all your beep.

b989cb  No.5442311

File: 6bd5aeb425fae97⋯.png (3.9 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2019-02-28_19.10.38.png)

Charges in place. Testing to make sure it works as intended.

784d81  No.5442312

Testimony from NASA / Exxon Mobil code monkey - Some Anon posted this a day or two ago…should been seen far and wide! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7R1_ixtlyc

221b69  No.5442313

POUTS talking about SCOTUS??

"read POTUS's words from Hannity interview"

POTUS: "I will tell you its a very dishonest group of ppl and its I've done a great service for this country by exposing it. When you look at what happened there and AT JUSTICE they call it justice but it hasn't been justice. When you take a look at whats going on.

I'm very proud of the fact that we exposed a lot of ppl, its like 12, some buddy said much more than that now.and this is great dishonesty at a very high level."

38c4af  No.5442314

Lynne Patton is feeling heartbroken.

Dear Haters:

lol, you married him, you get half his wealth which entitles you to half the horrendous blame, bitch.

cf77c6  No.5442315


I wouldn't bet money on anything other than this is the best movie ever and Trump is great.

5d980d  No.5442316



Be careful, in my exp, this is an easy way to get (shadow) banned.

Otherwise, love the idea.

What I think happens is we defend, they report us, twtr shadow bans.

Weigh what's more important, defending @_ or keep account online/available.

For me, when news breaks, or Anons memes, I like to get it out without delay of (shadow) ban.


eeda3e  No.5442317



To me, that was the moment I knew our character, principles & loyalty to one another had finally diverged.

Much like the moment I ultimately realized that Omarosa Manigault Newman was lying to me about the existence of an "N-word" tape.

Like Cohen, it is no secret that Omarosa was one of my of very best friends. She and I developed the closest relationship out of everyone during the campaign, transition and newfound Administration.

From sharing hotel rooms to texting and speaking up to 80 times per day, I considered her to be like a sister. Michael Cohen was like my family.

While both of them often declared their loyalty to this President and his family in public, I realize now that neither of them FULLY understood the definition.

You don't give loyalty to get loyalty in return.

You do it simply because it's the right thing to do.

I am not a rich person. Nor am I poor.

People who have known the Trump family for less than a year are now signing multi-million dollar book deals. I have known them for 10. I know what's written in their pre-nups & in their wills. I know what they think of certain people, the details of their family lives - good or bad. I know their medical histories & even the passcodes to their emails, credit cards, computers and homes.

NOT ONCE has it EVER crossed my mind to share that information in exchange for monetary gain. Not even in the multiple millions. Nor will it ever.

Feel free to call me either the dumbest loyalist on the face of the earth, or the poorest member of their inner circle.

I, on the other hand, simply choose to call myself a NORMAL FRIEND.

fd3e3d  No.5442318

File: cdcce98cae5992c⋯.png (33.87 KB, 800x925, 32:37, feung.png)


>WTF is it about Vietnam and mirror?

Feng shui

9c08ac  No.5442319


between him and a Human…yeah kinda..

He's also replied to me saying my first name…. but it may be a coincidence? Kinda freaky.

67b0dd  No.5442320

File: d88b4b11b7d7517⋯.jpeg (220.51 KB, 1107x1142, 1107:1142, 3199CEEA-ADAE-4BAD-A141-B….jpeg)

File: ab951f1dc95e48d⋯.jpeg (46.2 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, EFACAA67-C44A-433F-B759-F….jpeg)

eb0801  No.5442321


Paul? Where the fuck have you been? Rand Paul opposes POTUS National Emergency Border Declaration, which has changed my whole view of him. He must be dirty, otherwise, why?

38ea58  No.5442322



eb0ac9  No.5442323


Go on..

592346  No.5442324


Psycho Mantis, had to use both controllers to beat him.

0f3503  No.5442325



Hmm Cinnabar is deadly


4abcc0  No.5442326

File: 8c29ecdba1e4c6b⋯.jpg (64.09 KB, 1000x538, 500:269, overwatch_tracer.jpg)


Tracer was SJWed to death in Gamergate.

Ebot is OG.

67b0dd  No.5442327

File: eade24fd09c093b⋯.jpeg (174.11 KB, 1437x597, 479:199, CB009D03-776E-40C1-96EC-0….jpeg)

File: ec4a9b0b5fe3ca2⋯.jpeg (320.09 KB, 3459x1948, 3459:1948, 526CB687-6424-44E4-80FD-D….jpeg)

0a6362  No.5442328

Cohen thing makes no sense

Logical thinking tells me this is a trap for DS

Trump = POTUS. Billionaire. Trust the plan. Q+. Art of the deal.

He would not employ a fuckwit.

What is the long game

cba4d5  No.5442329

File: 33cb01200f131eb⋯.jpg (100.75 KB, 680x681, 680:681, TruthAndLIGHT.jpg)

Props to Anon who made original.

f7621d  No.5442330

All ears are on.

Five eyes.

Sticky tape over a nonsense.

The EU know that no deal will end it.

EU know that DECLAS will end it.

At any moment.

At ANY moment.

Nuclear blackmail.

Davy Croketts plus plus p…

Trump Card.

Bless POTUS for wanting 6% to be 4%.

Bless him.

Time enough.

God bless the United States of America.

Not a democracy.

A shining constitutional republic.

God bless anons who saw through the bullshit.

We are the NEO

Obama is a MASSIVE lying tool.

I think him and Hilldawg get bitten b5 the snake that strikes.




966291  No.5442331


But what happens when they run out of things to sue him on?

Cohen was their last stand and it failed miserably.

Pain comes next.

defc00  No.5442332


I think there is some fuckery going on there…Cuomo was crying about lack of funds for the tunnels because of POTUS tax cuts…I can see them setting up a FF with this

38c4af  No.5442333

while Potus flies for hours, anyone else sleeping ?

e3c9f6  No.5442334

>>5441716 (lb)

Your response has absolutely NOTHING to do with dual citizenship - Who gives a fuck about Hereditary claims.

No Name NEVER had Panamanian Citizenship and Cruz dropped his Canadian Citizenship (which you noted).

5dcfdb  No.5442335


Dumb fkn shll. Try it on a flat circle.

And while you're at it, tell us why the Azimuthal Equidistant map was removed from earth.nullschool.net when weather patterns only make sense with that visualization.

aca8e4  No.5442336


The Wall (tm) is to keep us in when we get the next D president

5b28db  No.5442337


I've figured on Total Control for awhile.

Everything is SO predictable.

e30540  No.5442338


Women's sports have gotten good now that they're men's sports.

e60871  No.5442339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Check these two out if you haven't already.

0b624b  No.5442340


Are you really pretending to be unable to think of ANY other possibility?

Is that a plausible thing to try to pretend to portray, "anon"?

64904c  No.5442341

File: 4360a24584a79f7⋯.jpg (465.64 KB, 1000x561, 1000:561, dream.jpg)

fd3e3d  No.5442342


Nothin new under the sun- means bbalance, Asians dig it.

wiki: is a pseudoscience originating from China, which claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment.

5d980d  No.5442343


When did POTUS first think about being POTUS?

When was cohen hired?

85b0e2  No.5442344


It is trimmed to fly level just like every other plane you see holding an altitude…slight fluctuations in pitch may occur with autopilot to maintain altitude, but I'm sure it is negligible as far as degrees of pitch (fractional)

37204f  No.5442345

File: 372088c3ed53c01⋯.jpg (190.54 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, Faj55eJi.jpg)

2dd722  No.5442346


that too

7421a2  No.5442347


Otto was taken in 2015. How do you start a war?

cf77c6  No.5442348

Another contradiction from Cohen occurred to me today.

Cohen said that Trump told him that Jr was not the smartest or best decision maker and therefore Jr would not have taken a meeting without telling dad.

On the other hand, It was Jr who found and hired Cohen initially.

4abcc0  No.5442349


Its the most important part of anyone's day.

7de447  No.5442350


Yeah, you talk about an eye-opener for the normies to see the FAKE MSM and government secrets for what they are… If POTUS ever outed the moon landings for the fakes that they were…

0a0fda  No.5442351

File: ed98207ef5c6e72⋯.jpeg (67.89 KB, 640x610, 64:61, BCC3DC0C-29FE-45AF-996D-D….jpeg)

578324  No.5442352

File: f1cb64cdd52d07c⋯.jpg (30.47 KB, 500x320, 25:16, Armycheck.jpg)


reporting tripdubs, sir

f49fc0  No.5442353


never understood how bannon thought he was going to make any money off that token scheme.

084b10  No.5442354


I listen to Owen's firesat chats some…esp when he talks about the moon landings….but I can't do 4 hrs of that shit all the time.

I don't think he's particularly funny, but I agree with most of his politics and shit.

b3c961  No.5442355

File: 033f2ff1cc5b5ff⋯.png (58.53 KB, 605x327, 605:327, Gov H re Davi re Illegal I….PNG)

File: 47c7c0d564a0215⋯.png (386.07 KB, 595x638, 595:638, Davi re Illegal Immigratio….PNG)

File: 7998095963c84a3⋯.png (428.27 KB, 607x575, 607:575, MSNBC re Rinos 2-26-19.PNG)

File: 0348391c1a7523a⋯.mp4 (4.01 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video Davi re Illegal Immi….mp4)

My friend and great actor and singer @RobertJohnDavi nails it!





ed4a19  No.5442356


>but I'm sure it is negligible as far as degrees of pitch (fractional)

i bet it was 2+ degrees up. makes you wonder which was the surface below was curving…

aca8e4  No.5442357


Same as Walden (R-OR)

They believe it is an exercise of power not supported by the constitution.

4b61b2  No.5442358

>>5442306 he really is an ugly motherfucker.

784d81  No.5442359

>>5442316 That is exactly what happens…I've been banned multiple times! No threats, foul language…ONLY presenting conservative arguments and opinions…Banned! That's their recourse….you offend them, they get you banned!

e39e07  No.5442360

helperanon could you please sneak one in here for me?

Who really runs NK?

578324  No.5442361


hehe, nice

cf77c6  No.5442362


This transgender stuff should get a nomination for a movie award too.

300752  No.5442363


He doesn't want the Dems to use it either. He is just against the principle of the declaration, he's not against the wall.

ff1070  No.5442364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2/27 - 2/28/2019 - Hanoi, Vietnam Summit success!



0b624b  No.5442365


What are you supposed to be trying to look like you are going for here with this whatever the heck it's supposed to be "anon"?

221b69  No.5442366


Even if he splits his dick and turns it inside out

in to a oozing open wound. He will still be a dude

with dude muscles. This shit has gone too far.

He makes one ugly bitch btw.

93bb78  No.5442367


Hit the trip dubs thank you for your approval Kek

301627  No.5442368


Sauce it


its as fake and gay as female athletes

8ee212  No.5442369

¿qué pasa, nightshift? by off chance we don't have any NYC anons faggin or maybe plannin' to fag nearabout central park do we? The anon in New world order thread going by Thomasanon has almonds abuzzing in full oldfag weaponized autist mode over the statue of Alice in wonderland that's in the park. he is hoping someone might have or could take a picture of the disk upon which the sculptures sit. dude is an archeologist by training and profession, as a B.A. college anthrofag back when I will says he's the real deal and it's worth the squeeze to watch him make the juice (to turn phrase)… LMFAO as I typed that kek!

link to his dig requesting pic


1a67fa  No.5442370

File: b7972a5de91ddbc⋯.png (178.32 KB, 477x463, 477:463, 2019-02-28_22-07-03.png)

f7621d  No.5442371

Notice that Dems are putting all eggs in baskets of doom.

POTUS just told us.

No deal(s).

5b28db  No.5442372


We should be taking Cohen's statements and figuring out who is actually guilty.

Cohen is just lubricating the skids so we can get the real guilty parties.

790140  No.5442373

File: 3d3636e3e9f5b1e⋯.webm (3.6 MB, 576x360, 8:5, MC.webm)

6b806a  No.5442374


Confirmed.. Michael Cohen has seen the Mueller Report

45f4b2  No.5442375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

64904c  No.5442376

File: 878085873d6f7fe⋯.jpg (421.4 KB, 800x500, 8:5, the sauce force 3.jpg)

2ad0f1  No.5442377


Don't need a wall for that.

if I am correct about this, the USA (since 911) is only one country in history that requires a passport to EXIT the country.

The other was Germany, under Hitler.

-This is akin to me requiring people to have permission to leave my property. That is illegal you would think.

having permission to ENTER is totally acceptable, but the other is imprisonment.

c1e4cd  No.5442378

File: 57ae9a7965afcad⋯.jpg (358.07 KB, 1210x924, 55:42, yq3sdq2j.jpg)

f8aece  No.5442379

eb0ac9  No.5442380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

308df7  No.5442381


No, if you read the article, these 2 satellites are in a very very low orbit, far lower than a geosync orbit. Better read the article, it has some numerical details you'd enjoy that I can't recount perfectly from this morning.

6b806a  No.5442382

File: ce826a7c9b636d2⋯.png (549.28 KB, 725x1265, 145:253, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)


784d81  No.5442383


Not really sure what's up with that guy! I know his father Ron was a mason!

6ec616  No.5442384


Holy fuck I thought I had completely purged that image from my subconscious long ago. Thanks fucker.

46aadc  No.5442385

File: 76c27661d699be1⋯.jpeg (80.77 KB, 747x499, 747:499, 13D3879D-6E3F-4D62-B7F3-F….jpeg)

64904c  No.5442386

File: 4407628c6fc1035⋯.jpg (261.93 KB, 400x600, 2:3, Q jango.jpg)

fd3e3d  No.5442387


>Who really runs NK?


b5d31e  No.5442388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Owen took too many red pills and is not funny. Additionally, he's horrible to his dog – that's a 6'7" man with two small children that dog is going to be dead or put down if he keeps it up.

Nick is solid and much, much funnier.

7de447  No.5442389


It is because it takes 60 out of 100 votes to move forward legislation (other than approving nominations). Rs only have 53 votes. Ds have 47. We need 7 to cross over to get anything done on bills. Need more Rs in Senate.

784d81  No.5442390

300752  No.5442391


Fuck Owen. He has never been a bit funny, and he is an idiotic drunk that loves banning and censoring people.

1e9951  No.5442392

File: c5530b0cb5123ba⋯.jpeg (622.42 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 8FFC204A-34E6-4CD2-A56A-2….jpeg)

File: afc984b162dfd8b⋯.jpeg (138.5 KB, 750x549, 250:183, 5064B6D4-C90D-48CE-935F-7….jpeg)

File: 25ccfeca7ca23f9⋯.jpeg (332.29 KB, 622x1220, 311:610, 57EE497A-89BC-4956-B6B0-1….jpeg)

File: 9dc1b72e944a4dc⋯.jpeg (164.31 KB, 492x1106, 246:553, 6C9862D8-9056-46B4-B494-D….jpeg)

File: 7e30dd9f5bbc7d0⋯.jpeg (167.68 KB, 433x1283, 433:1283, 293A5FFA-97BB-4522-B383-C….jpeg)

Game time betches…

7421a2  No.5442393

File: 63ca5926e07cc54⋯.jpeg (626.2 KB, 1125x1614, 375:538, 288928B5-E3FD-4B63-801D-6….jpeg)

File: 0d1370707942f6b⋯.jpeg (540.24 KB, 1125x1056, 375:352, DF83A60B-BA73-47AC-A60E-9….jpeg)

File: cbbe733c9e95b3a⋯.jpeg (600.58 KB, 1125x1089, 125:121, 514087C8-5E5F-4323-90CC-A….jpeg)

File: fd4d42dd2cd1f46⋯.jpeg (249.42 KB, 1125x489, 375:163, CB6F42B7-0BD3-4C0D-AA02-B….jpeg)

f49fc0  No.5442394

File: 9b81bb3f24a187f⋯.jpg (38.62 KB, 474x302, 237:151, bezos cia 1.jpg)

44f438  No.5442395


Who's that dude?

e6e3e7  No.5442396

File: 31c1464ecf0fdb4⋯.png (52.92 KB, 970x261, 970:261, 1-minute-off.png)

ah, we finally got this one to come to life

1 minute off

8:15 as opposed to 8:16

f5512c  No.5442397

File: efca316c7eaee93⋯.jpg (8.48 KB, 474x252, 79:42, xfiles.jpg)


X files says this will work

03487b  No.5442398

File: e3c52582a365e16⋯.jpg (37.03 KB, 400x400, 1:1, PEDO_Fuck.jpg)

File: cab352ac8c2aeb9⋯.jpg (31.94 KB, 392x522, 196:261, RABBIT.jpg)

File: 2fb5b4c6e9d6425⋯.png (326.42 KB, 587x505, 587:505, Patton_Oswalt_PEDO.png)

b989cb  No.5442399

Verified. Going into production.

cf77c6  No.5442400



>>Who really runs NK? C H I N A

that begs the question?

Who really runs C h I n a?

c1e4cd  No.5442401

File: 27347307c1de120⋯.png (107.04 KB, 280x360, 7:9, snapshot1.png)

08d33c  No.5442402


Collusion delusion

5d980d  No.5442403


Nice news.

Attuned and talented, we are lucky to have you.

Good luck EU.

Who knows the future?

Somehow, some way, I hope USA Frens are thanked for their time and hard work.

Hopefully once less ds, we can be fair partners on this World.

WE can do it, working together.

Anons are the news now.

How long will Anons be needed?

157ffc  No.5442404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12,000 Year Old Massive Underground Tunnels are Real and Stretch from Scotland to Turkey

7421a2  No.5442405

File: 97267cda7eff1fb⋯.jpeg (859.4 KB, 1125x1603, 1125:1603, 34A5194D-9FE6-4A27-B622-C….jpeg)



b61391  No.5442406


Grammar nazi is around, be aware.

I was called out for anti-mercurial ways.

I suggest you make that 'FUCKING' immediately.

You're welcome!

cee9a6  No.5442407


"As above, so below" is an aphorism associated with Sacred geometry, gnostic study and Hermeticism

it means in plain terms that life and death and indeed all activity and forms here on earth possess similar traits and characteristics with the rest of the universe we live in

so if you consider our relationship to and attitude towards the earth itself and the other living things on it you may now imagine how we fit into the scheme of beings further up the many layers and levels of power and intelligence "above" us -

comms clear?

fdaad4  No.5442408


He also withheld the vote to get out of the wars. Then remember 2 yrs ago he was ranting about FISA 702, promised to filibuster? Yep…did nothing. All talk, no action until its to oppose Potus. They are all swamp.

20cc9b  No.5442409

File: 63e434a182c2b48⋯.jpg (550.59 KB, 1024x726, 512:363, detentioncenter.jpg)


Yes, it's hard not to feel sorry for Cohen,

I hope that Mueller gets what he deserves..

Very much so.

Don't you hate out-of-control Prosecutors?; especially because if you were ever to be lucky enough to bring them down, you and they would be hurting people's faith in a system of law. They hide behind that. I hate those who do crimes "under color of law"

They deserve a special hell. It's worse than a hate crime; though how hate crives are played up you'd never know it.

46aadc  No.5442410

File: d35cd3efbc27531⋯.png (516.69 KB, 819x611, 63:47, 16739254-BE09-4990-8A6F-AB….png)

45f4b2  No.5442411

>>5442162 me

Only other explanation is that POTUS was referring strictly to collusion and Cohen’s testimony yesterday said none and the thought got caught up in that sentence.

b61391  No.5442412


Forgot some ,,,,,,,,

get some grammar

578324  No.5442413


>Grammar nazi is around, be aware.

just don't type "could of" and you'll be ok

d50344  No.5442414







Thank you anons, I thought I was losing my mind!

03487b  No.5442415


Will quickly lead to FISA DECLAS imho.


d76759  No.5442416




c99750  No.5442418

Anons, God is by our side, always remember! Love you all, can't thank you enough for the work being done here!! WWG1WGA

cf77c6  No.5442419


>Who really runs NK?

Who ever is at the top of the cabal pyramid runs NK , China, Venezuela, Pakistan, etc. ….and runs our deep state.

2dd722  No.5442420


FFS really? Come on don't fall for Murdoch's propaganda

c1e4cd  No.5442421


ausfag dont do grammas

4753da  No.5442422

File: 6a483d770bb7e40⋯.jpg (409.82 KB, 1080x635, 216:127, Screenshot_20190228-202016….jpg)

Michelle Malkin just said "chutzpah".

f8aece  No.5442423

We almost there anons. We who have known ever since we could remember. We always knew. We were punished, made fun of, shunned for saying what we knew.

We never gave in, no matter what. That''s what makes us anons. What a glorious day to be alive.

04c781  No.5442424

Notables so far


>>5442004 Tweet: Ted Cruz leading the charge against Big Tech Censorship

>>5442045, >>5442048 Political operative, four others arrested in North Carolina ballot fraud scandal

>>5442051 POTUS on Hannity: It’s one of the greatest plans I have ever seen

>>5442101 Thank You, Tax Reform

>>5442143, >>5442151 Claim from documents: New clues as records confirm ‘mystery case’ involves Mueller probe

>>5442262 Congressmen Want ‘Doomsday’ Plan In Case Of Hudson River Tunnel Failure

>>5442266 75 Face Drug Charges In Puerto Rico, Some Allegedly Fed Victims To Reptiles

e30540  No.5442425

File: 28b5c4cfd8a7032⋯.jpg (68.62 KB, 500x721, 500:721, Dr. This.jpg)

f048b7  No.5442426

File: 7adae63dc785ac7⋯.jpg (55.99 KB, 501x480, 167:160, 7adae63dc785ac77441e08df61….jpg)


you missed a few pounds

aea3cb  No.5442427

File: 89fc6508f58c67d⋯.jpg (727.43 KB, 1250x1546, 625:773, proudpedo.jpg)

d2286d  No.5442428

File: 6b9bc8e507414d5⋯.jpeg (24.06 KB, 224x225, 224:225, 0E06BE15-90D7-48DA-B393-8….jpeg)

File: c4d42cf28b394be⋯.jpeg (17.56 KB, 194x260, 97:130, BFC69B1C-42D3-4F52-A9B5-6….jpeg)

cee9a6  No.5442429


he is a paytriot at heart


part of the corrupt system

the best we can do now is "not evil"

f5dbb5  No.5442430

File: 67ccf9d369d221b⋯.png (459.81 KB, 528x647, 528:647, Screenshot_125.png)

File: d00814d9936a744⋯.png (193.19 KB, 419x259, 419:259, Screenshot_127.png)

eeda3e  No.5442431

784d81  No.5442432

>>5442397 Watched that one last night!

20cc9b  No.5442433


that mistake is allegedly spelling, not grammar.

0f3503  No.5442434



>Derp State tool


7421a2  No.5442435


Tool, read the Warmbier piece. It's a clue.

2dd722  No.5442436


Left right left right left rIght

This place is over run with low IQ retards

20bf65  No.5442437

The Hill

‏Verified account @thehill

14m14 minutes ago

President Trump arrives back at White House.


f21bdb  No.5442438

File: c8301bfc268d733⋯.png (218.6 KB, 578x261, 578:261, 56f72a996bb16adca1960b7da2….png)

c1e4cd  No.5442439


i dont smell either

cee9a6  No.5442440


my dog buried all mine


03487b  No.5442441

46aadc  No.5442443

File: 1f404a28741815d⋯.png (467.95 KB, 501x385, 501:385, 24DE400E-980F-4F71-A8BB-C4….png)

cf77c6  No.5442444


>Women's sports have gotten good now that they're men's sports.


you need to meme that, anon.

the libs heads would explode

2dd722  No.5442445



5d980d  No.5442446

>Yes, it's hard not to feel sorry for Cohen,

Convicted liar, careful who you follow.

ff1070  No.5442447


All roads leads to Rome

f49fc0  No.5442448

File: 7ebf9df6f589d07⋯.jpg (15.73 KB, 474x256, 237:128, Cooked for ya.jpg)

af8bda  No.5442449


fight for sanity is right. kek

932e5b  No.5442450


It sure comes off that way, but…

The people he mentioned:

Nunes - House committee

Burr - Senate committee

Cohen - House testimony

All said they saw no collusion.

So, he's saying all the different parties are saying there's no collusion.

b61391  No.5442451


Honestly, not fully.

I became lazy mid-sentence and should've just typed 'ur' instead.

03487b  No.5442452


sick bastard.

b989cb  No.5442453

File: 5ca3c6feaa41862⋯.png (3.7 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2019-02-28_19.21.52.png)

File: b97641ba44c97ce⋯.png (397 KB, 1876x1200, 469:300, thearabia.png)



Retards of 44.


20cc9b  No.5442454



fd3e3d  No.5442455

File: cf484e3bf155684⋯.jpg (42.24 KB, 728x567, 104:81, xi.jpg)


>Who really runs C h I n a?


bb3781  No.5442456

File: 875a4379863c77b⋯.jpg (16.55 KB, 239x300, 239:300, MostInterestingBankster.jpg)

The physical silver market is the Achilles heal of the banksters. Their source of power is the ability to create currency out of nothing. In order to keep the fiat illusion healthy, they need to suppress the precious metals market (which they have been doing via the paper metal futures). The banksters sell massive amounts of paper contracts on the market, which is treated as an increase in supply. However, 99%+ of the precious metal market is paper contracts. Calling the paper tigers bluff through a supply crunch would break the banksters narrative.

Buy silver and bet on the good guys winning. You can't drain the swamp and beat the final boss (monetary wizards) while using their monetary system. What's the point if the clowns win anyway. So make a stand and diversify your currency holdings into sound money (silver and gold, but especially silver). Participating in the clowns fiat monetary system enables them to buy an endless amount of slaves and armies, simply to send to their death or abuse.

0b624b  No.5442457



You don't even know how to begin to try to figure out how you are supposed to know how to answer that, do you b.sys?

19bfee  No.5442458



there's a copy at archive.org

a32a96  No.5442459

News from the supreme court this week!


TL:DR; world bank financed shit which shat on locals. They sued, and the SC ruled that the world bank is suable.

Buckle up. If they can go after them legally now, all bets are off for the BiS, IMF, etc.

Even more interesting is this quote from the article:

"On February 27, 2019 in a historic 7-1 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that international organizations like the World Bank Group can be sued in U.S. courts."

7-1 ruling. Sc has 9 justices. Paging RBG… are you in the building RBG?

f5dbb5  No.5442460


I clicked the "like" button on this one.


38ea58  No.5442461


Pain can’t come soon enough, but it will require an extraordinary effort on POTUS and Q to pull of and put forth the military tribunals. It’s necessary to deliver a convincing body of evidence to the public normies for their support and ultimate success in the execution of the plan.

0bcd53  No.5442462

File: 9d8f5387a8e8817⋯.jpg (109.04 KB, 926x500, 463:250, 2uxbhb[1].jpg)

5f4828  No.5442463



0b624b  No.5442465

File: 99613e673364141⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1333x868, 43:28, xiimmy.png)

b989cb  No.5442466


Ah Uncle Xi. Imagine if doing something like, oh, say, wearing a hat that said "Make America Great Again" pissed off our leadership.

They drink Winnie mugs.

We need to steal their hacks.

8eb490  No.5442467

With this timezone jump we can now say POTUS is a time traveler.

f10fe8  No.5442468



>> 5440674 (pb)

The North Korean satellites are not in geosynchronous orbit. And they don't hover over any location on the planet. They make a complete orbit every 1.5 hours, passing over (or near) every point on the planet twice a day (once going north to south, another time going south to north.)

There's a lot of misinformation in the Epoch Times article.

"Another unusual feature of the North Korean satellites is that they orbit from south to north. Normally, weather satellites go from north to south to help obtain a sun-synchronous orbit—to observe conditions on earth under regular sun conditions—which can be desirable for earth observation satellites."

This is mixing up two completely different concepts.

For ICBMs the trajectory matters. Radar fences tend to be looking north, at the direct path for a Soviet attack. Something launched in the other direction, coming in from the south, would be less visible. That's likely what the author was aware of when comparing directions.

This is totally irrelevant for an orbiting satellite in a polar orbit. Since the satellite will - every day - approach from both north and south, on a well established and known trajectory.

What does matter for an Earth observation satellite in a sun synch orbit is the time of day the satellite passes over, as this affects local weather and shadows for imagery. And that is sometimes defined in terms of when the satellite is going in a particular direction (the northbound or southbound pass of the day.)

Another reason the n vs s direction does not matter for an orbiting satellite, is if the satellite orbit is at the right altitude for an EMP, it would fire by surprise on a known trajectory. There is NO element of surprise to be masked by taking a path that evades radars (unlike an ICBM).

Anyway - there is real info in the article, but unfortunately it's mixed with lots of stuff that is simply mixed up and not accurate or relevant. Read with a critical filter.

e1f6b8  No.5442469


the face on that peter guy is pure fucking EVIL. You can literally see it.

f8aece  No.5442470


My sister stole mine.

6ec616  No.5442471


Someone get that soldier some corrective eye-wear.

2dd722  No.5442472

File: 4052579368e8772⋯.png (300.84 KB, 668x334, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Putin: Hotbeds of terrorism will be eliminated in Syria soon

Moscow, SANA- Russian President Vladimir Putin said that hotbeds of terrorism will be eradicated in Syria soon.

RT quoted Putin as saying to journalists in a statement on Thursday that the situation in Syria has stabilized and the last hotbeds of terrorists will be eliminated in the near future.

Putin indicated that more efforts should be exerted to restore stability to unstable areas such as Idleb.


d3f27e  No.5442474

When does shit hit the fan, Q?

b3c961  No.5442475


>Left right left right left rIght

>This place is over run with low IQ retards

Such as yourself

Those that are trying to hide the libtard hypocrisy regarding illegals and border control, which the video RT'd by Gov H spotlights perfectly >>5442355

5e3d61  No.5442476

Hey Anons, I've got a thought and will try to be quick so please bear with me.

I think Trump and Kim have got a deal.

They knew when they announced the summit the left would trigger Cohen.

If you listen POTUS says they had docs to sign.

I still think Mueller's report needs to come out first.

This may have been another opportunity to show the hypocracey of left.

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 27d57d No.594016 📁

Mar 8 2018 19:55:52 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 576924 No.593959 📁

Mar 8 2018 19:53:28 (EST)

nov14.png ⬇



Thank you Kim.

Deal made.

Clowns out.

Strings cut.

We took control.

Iran next.


what do you think?

aca8e4  No.5442477


You should post that video of the bears talking up silver. That would be awesome.

The markets can stay irrational longer that you can stay solvent.

45f4b2  No.5442478


I’m thinking that as well and replied to myself saying that. Thank you for taking a look This makes more sense but that verbiage threw me off.

1e9951  No.5442479


Fuck yeah it will. I call 3:14

cf525d  No.5442481

File: 3a1bff6dd329854⋯.png (59.52 KB, 985x567, 985:567, interesting.png)

85 years old, but still. Sudden spate of news stories. Link to Benjamin Netanyahu?



74385c  No.5442482


That’s some scary stuff… I always wondered who these filmmakers or game developers - Hideo Kojima in this case - get their ‘scripts’ from

8eb490  No.5442483


Thank you Russia.

5f4828  No.5442484


That is "the" question.

a66a26  No.5442485

46aadc  No.5442486

File: 6b221923b432e1d⋯.jpeg (86.34 KB, 888x500, 222:125, E62D55C7-E854-4F28-901A-A….jpeg)

2dd722  No.5442487


Seriously you are dumber than a rock

d4d8ab  No.5442488

File: 31c386164855da6⋯.png (48.27 KB, 777x503, 777:503, 167eyasyt5w.png)

Court to unseal Christopher Steele deposition

"The depositions could be released as soon as March 14."


308df7  No.5442489


ThankQ satelliteAnon.

85b0e2  No.5442490

File: 1316babda4708ea⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 2058x1746, 343:291, Mercator_projection_SW.jpg)


On a flat circle longitudinal lines would continue to increase the further away from what we know as north pole you go south; I can assure you that south of the equator, the distance between longitudinal lines decreases as you continue south away from the equator as you would expect on a sphere earth.

I'm not a shill. Just a Navigator who has spent close to two decades flying all over the world…

On a flat earth, you would only need (pizza shaped), you would only need ONE type of chart to represent the earth. Because the earth is round and representing a round planet on a flat chart, you get induced error - this is why there are so many types of charts, because the type of error you want to induce depends on the purpose of that chart.

It's what Greenland looks huge on a Mercator projection. Greenland is not that fucking huge.

Maybe you are a flat earther, maybe you are a shill…either way…think whatever you want…

29bbbd  No.5442491


That's a decent pic of Feinstein.

422f35  No.5442492

File: 9e92a70671eccf5⋯.png (504.58 KB, 295x640, 59:128, tesla 2.PNG)

File: c34c768df77dc8f⋯.jpg (37.39 KB, 668x433, 668:433, Tesla.JPG)

Are these two things related re: Tesla and possibly 6G, Xgen stuff…I can't keep with you guys and all your posts so am interested if this has been discussed yet???

fb3b13  No.5442493


lots of anti-owen stuff the past few days. wonder what he's been talking about lately

20bf65  No.5442494

File: 76d716142bf5065⋯.png (391.38 KB, 328x390, 164:195, ClipboardImage.png)


‏Verified account @ICEgov

Feb 25

#ICYMI: 18 members and associates of white supremacist gang indicted for racketeering and drug distribution https://www.ice.gov/news/releases/18-members-and-associates-white-supremacist-gang-indicted-racketeering-and-drug …

156d5f  No.5442495

File: cecc17ed9ad04aa⋯.png (41.54 KB, 386x513, 386:513, MoabMemeDrop.png)

File: f41f7a93494d899⋯.png (36.02 KB, 388x432, 97:108, RedCarpetDrop.png)

File: fd8776a0c316cb6⋯.png (105.33 KB, 381x696, 127:232, MOAB.png)

I've been pushing the view that a France State Dinner photo will figure in a meme in the finale. I won't repost my revised interpretation of finale since I think it is supposed to suck the fake news into a trap before we pounce, but you can find it above.

But I found two more drops that together suggest that the MOAB marked for the State Dinner should inspire memes. (Q responds to his own drop to emphasize.)

(The red carpet event is the 24 Apr 18 State Dinner for France.)

4f856e  No.5442496


I stand corrected Anon, TY Fren. Meant to say orbit south to north with these two which means military application. Don't know if this was already post, just wanted it out there if it wasn't.

2304d4  No.5442497


This is love. kek

578324  No.5442498



a beautiful salad

46aadc  No.5442499

File: e6749e6dd200aae⋯.jpeg (70.42 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 73FDCF47-8737-4125-B477-8….jpeg)

2ad0f1  No.5442500

File: a0c6f561dfb4e58⋯.jpg (73.04 KB, 480x332, 120:83, !SpreadingTruth.jpg)


as you wish..

e30540  No.5442501

File: 06442a664e2e505⋯.jpg (86.65 KB, 657x500, 657:500, menssports.jpg)


like this?

f7621d  No.5442502



In every good movie, the right things are resolved. Even if ex machina.

Big loves, anon…

e6bdcf  No.5442503

File: 539675f9aff771d⋯.jpg (68.19 KB, 750x741, 250:247, Russians.jpg)



A short explanation of why the world bank news is so huge.

2dd722  No.5442504

File: e908f2168f1140d⋯.png (76.64 KB, 747x852, 249:284, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e962292fbb848b⋯.png (60.18 KB, 736x676, 184:169, ClipboardImage.png)

Kingsmen President and Nomad, Convicted by a Federal Jury of Murder and Racketeering, Sentenced to Life in Prison


5d980d  No.5442505

File: e29877aefae3b0f⋯.jpg (90.72 KB, 797x447, 797:447, Off the Rez.jpg)

File: 142fe7e983f2582⋯.jpg (200.37 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Horse ride washington DC.jpg)

File: c3df00bab057b6e⋯.jpg (253.43 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Native in horse ride washi….jpg)

2304d4  No.5442506


and the moon is green cheese

d4d8ab  No.5442507



eb0ac9  No.5442508

File: 8360132d71417d4⋯.png (16.28 KB, 449x165, 449:165, ClipboardImage.png)

d76759  No.5442509


Exactly anon. Some people are just here to shit stir.

8bbfcc  No.5442510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Shape Shifter"

I've got a big old problem

I've got a big old problem

I've got a big old problem

Shape shifters all around

Where did my world go?

One minute everything is

Home and friends and New York Times and lawn

Beware the blob they said

How was I to know they meant the

UPS delivery man

The koi in the tank and the anchorwoman?

I've got a big old problem

I've got a big old problem

I've got a big old problem

Shape shifters all around

Shape shifter, shape shifter

You gotta quit that

Shifting of shapes

I accepted what you were and then

Everything changed

And I don't want to live in any

place where the people are

shifting their shapes

They're such a liar

They said the planet wouldn't

Undulate and then burst into flames

What used to be my house?

Is it that purple tentacle?

Or is that the TV repairman?

The clarinet? The vegetable stand?

I've got a big old problem

I've got a big old problem

I've got a big old problem

Shape shifters all around

Shape shifter, shape shifter

You gotta quit that

Shifting of shapes

I accepted what you were and then

Everything changed

And I don't want to live in any

place where the people are

shifting their shapes

I've got a big old problem

I've got a big old problem

I've got a big old problem

Shape shifters all around

If you're someone I used to know

I sure don't recognize you so

I'm only hanging round amorphous mounds

In the town where nothing familiar can be found

I've got a big old problem

I've got a big old problem

I've got a big old problem

Shape shifters all around (shape shifters all around)

Shape shifters all around (shape shifters all around)

Shape shifters all around (shape shifters all around)

Shape shifters all around

422f35  No.5442511

File: 06b8aaba353ce27⋯.png (343.5 KB, 552x684, 46:57, HRC face.png)

e5acb4  No.5442512


and yet, not ONE word from supposed "conservative" Justices about RBG.. Or the "Lack Of" RBG at the Court…. kek

fd3e3d  No.5442513

File: 63c605c1e044ad1⋯.png (166.07 KB, 2400x1572, 200:131, rome.png)

20bf65  No.5442514

Ryan Saavedra

‏Verified account @RealSaavedra

3h3 hours ago

Ryan Saavedra Retweeted Rep. Ilhan Omar

18 U.S. Code § 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government:

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the 5 years next following his conviction

Rep. Ilhan Omar

‏Verified account @Ilhan

I believe that impeachment is inevitable. It also is a terrifying notion. Nations struggle any time they overthrow a dictator, and Trump really has the markings of a dictator.

85b0e2  No.5442515


Could be…I wouldn't know on that…

159f04  No.5442516


heard that and was gonna post it but forgot. ty

c1e4cd  No.5442517

File: d891499c9933572⋯.jpg (64.15 KB, 800x584, 100:73, pepepepepeepepep.jpg)

7399b1  No.5442518


I think it was just a run on in his sentence, I took it as (all these people who've seen the Mueller report [and Cohen] say there is no collusion)

67d229  No.5442519

File: 2928f6635916abc⋯.png (31.21 KB, 508x233, 508:233, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d778009ac776d0⋯.jpg (214.95 KB, 1198x629, 1198:629, 09-kyle-odom-martian.w1200….jpg)


Not easily accomplished.

>former U.S. Marine charged

>Six hollow-point bullets

>another penetrated his skull but missed his brain.

<Marine misses the brain at short range.. unlikely.



46aadc  No.5442520

File: 44683e0671680e9⋯.png (618.02 KB, 893x575, 893:575, 08DBF920-BFD6-447D-B925-A6….png)

936192  No.5442521


SSHHHH! Be vewy Quite we hunting Wabbits!

635799  No.5442523


I called his office on Monday about the 200 targeted accounts!

2a8c11  No.5442524


found the sodomite

f10fe8  No.5442525


For clarificaiton about low Earth orbits (this inclids everything below the radiation belts, the space station, polar weather satellites, Iridium, etc):

The satellite follows a circle over the Earth, making an orbit every 90 to 120 minutes. The Earth rotates under the satellite's orbit. So each orbit the Earth has turned by about 1/16 to the east, and therefore on each orbit the satellite's groundtrack (path below the satellite on a map) is moved some hundreds of miles to the west.

The orbit is tipped (inclination) to the equator. The degrees inclination is the farthest norht and south the groundtrack passes. So a satellite in a 50 degree inclination orbit passes over every point on Earth within 50S - 50N twice a day. No way to avoid it, even if yoiu wanted to.

Sun sync orbits are good for Earth observation due to stable and consistent lighting. It's a special place where the tug of the Earth's equatorial bulge tips the orbit at a rate that matches the Earth's orbit around the Sun, otherwise there is a drift in the overflight time of day. Sun sync requires an orbit nearly polar, tipped about 5-10 degrees from perfect polar. So in that kind of orbit a satellite passes over everywhere by necessity.

0bcd53  No.5442526

File: ff6983b77a67f9c⋯.jpg (74.84 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2uxby1[1].jpg)

932e5b  No.5442527


But, the one thing that did strike me was how fast POTUS interrupted Sean after next week for the report was mentioned.

"Now, I don't know that"

In psychology that's a pretty good tell that POTUS does indeed know that.

bf5f09  No.5442528


Did your bong tell you that?

d2286d  No.5442529


Projection Media, well done by the Dems for so many years.

2dd722  No.5442530


Trump Demands WH to Grant Kushner Top Security Clearance Amid US Intel Concerns

US President Donald Trump ordered senior White House officials to upgrade his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner top-secret security clearance despite concerns of the intelligence community, media reported.

Trump ordered his chief of staff at the time John Kelly to grant Kushner security clearance despite warnings from intelligence officials and White House lawyers, the New York Times reported on Thursday. In an interview with New York Times in January, Trump denied any involvement in helping secure the top-level clearance for Kushner.

Last year, Kushner's interim security clearance was reportedly downgraded from Top Secret/SCI-level to the Secret level.

According to NBC News, two White House security specialists rejected last month Kushner's application for a top-secret clearance after a FBI background check raised concerns about potential foreign influence on him, but they were overruled by their supervisor, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

NBC News also reported, citing sources familiar with the matter, that Kushner's FBI background check identified questions about his family's business, his foreign contacts, his foreign travel and meetings he had during the campaign.

According to the broadcaster's sources, Kushner sought to obtain the highest security clearance level to access the so-called sensitive compartmented information (SCI), which is the most classified type of data in the United States, but needed to get a lower, top secret clearance first. While the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) must be the one to grant SCI access, the White House could also issue a top secrecy clearance.

Meanwhile, the White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders has told the reporters that the administration does not comment on security clearances.


55598c  No.5442531

File: c9856052eaa842c⋯.png (656.37 KB, 1581x1230, 527:410, 7000illegalsoneweek.png)

Holly Shit

7000 in one week

cee9a6  No.5442532


1999 he made it clear

but also asked about on tv earlier

cohen hired 2008

c3549a  No.5442533

>>5441532 (lb)

someone probably left some alkaline batteries in their trash. instant fire.

b5d31e  No.5442534


No, there's positive Owen spin when he's just full of nonsense. There's no defense to his animal abuse. He's just taking up space and NOT anyone /qresearch/ takes seriously.

46aadc  No.5442535

File: 1a3dbb82fbd2a06⋯.jpeg (61.19 KB, 640x371, 640:371, 437617F9-2066-44C8-885A-7….jpeg)

5e3d61  No.5442536



Ha…love it. So I'm stating the obvious…sorry.

267e7b  No.5442537



966291  No.5442538



That's one of the stipulations to this whole Military Operation.

Public Opinion has to be on POTUS' side(majority) before these traitors can go down.

Unfortunate bi-product of shit actors in the past.

0b624b  No.5442539





Canned dialogue, imported directly from 4chan.

All fake fake fake, this bickering. Filler, that fills up MILLIONS of posts.

This board is an insane river of FILLER that keeps sweeping along for absolutely no conceivable organic reason.

Yet somehow, the illusion prevails, unquestioned.

How is this possible?

cf77c6  No.5442540


Yeah, that works,

I can't meme, but imho, i think it would work with just the top and bottom lines and pics of transgender men/women or whatever they are called.

6e1a5d  No.5442541

Any Doctor Anons here?

Fell today while snow skiing. Pain on left side of chest. Hurts bending over, reaching, sitting down. I'd rather not go to doctor, so if it sounds like it's just a pulled muscle and I can be careful and let it heal, I'd like to do that.

What do you say?

4ec397  No.5442542

File: b22418048c2fc84⋯.png (315.28 KB, 766x602, 383:301, bidenrumble.PNG)

Go change your diaper, you useless old turd.

45f4b2  No.5442544


I agree after watching it a few more times. Appreciate your thoughts.

eb0ac9  No.5442545

File: ca36895d0479398⋯.png (318.55 KB, 600x338, 300:169, ClipboardImage.png)


The Strategic Advisory Board of Genie Oil and Gas advises management on strategic, financial, operational and public policy matters.

Michael Steinhardt (SAB Chairman)

Noted Wall Street investor and Principal Manager, Steinhardt Management LLC. Founder Steinhardt, Fine, Berkowitz & Co., and noted philanthropist.

Richard Cheney

46th Vice President of the United States. Vice President Cheney also served as President and CEO of Halliburton Company and U.S. Secretary of Defense from 1989 to 1993.

Marry Landrieu

United States Senator from Louisiana from 1996 to 2014. Senator Landrieu served as chair of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. In her capacity as chair, she sponsored and passed the U.S.-Israel Energy Cooperation Bill. The bill fosters partnerships focused on developing resources such as natural gas and alternative fuels, on the academic, business and governmental levels.

Rupert Murdoch

Founder and Executive Chairman of News Corporation, one of the world’s largest diversified media companies. News Corporation’s holdings include Fox Entertainment, Dow Jones and Company, the New York Post, HarperCollins and significant media assets on six continents.

Bill Richardson

Governor of New Mexico from 2003 to 2011. Mr. Richardson has served asU.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (1997-1998), Energy Secretary in the Clinton administration (1998-2001), Chairman of the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and as Chairman of the Democratic Governors Association.

Jacob Rothschild, OM, GBE

Chairman of the J. Rothschild group of companies and of RIT Capital Partners plc. Chairman of Five Arrows Limited. Lord Rothschold is a noted philanthropist and Chairman of the Rothschild Foundation.

Dr. Lawrence Summers

Charles W. Eliot University Professor and President Emeritus at Harvard University. Dr. Summers served as the 71st Secretary of the Treasury under President Clinton and as Director of the National Economic Council for President Obama.

R. James Woolsey

Director of Central Intelligence from 1993 to 1995 and as Under Secretary of the Navy from 1977 to 1979. Mr. Woolsey is co-founder of the United States Energy Security Council and is Chairman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

e30540  No.5442546

File: 9d829c644a36039⋯.jpg (77.68 KB, 529x499, 529:499, mennsprts2.jpg)

2304d4  No.5442547


100's of them on letter Q Thread. except the shill crap. Shill be shillin' >>2730380. He's a faggot that didn't get enugh love from joo's

2dd722  No.5442548


World Bank’s Legal Immunity Stripped, Opening Door for Lawsuits

The Supreme Court of the United States has rejected World Bank claims of complete legal immunity, ruling that one of its arms can be sued in relation to lending activities.

The 7-1 ruling could also open other American-based international organizations to the threat of lawsuits over financing overseas development.

For the World Bank, it means that it now faces having to defend against a suit by members of a fishing community in Mundra, India, who contend that their homes and livelihoods were damaged by pollution from a coal power plant that was financed by the bank’s private sector lending arm, the Washington, D.C.-based International Finance Corporation.


Did you know the cabal said they would bring down the world economy in March 2019?

c0535c  No.5442549

File: ec067740d9beebe⋯.jpeg (1.9 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, C80ABBB2-D5AE-4213-92B9-F….jpeg)

File: 11341a6e043199e⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, D6DC1717-6879-4846-879E-4….jpeg)

Look what I saw today around 3:30 on the Central Coast!

At first I thought it was a circular chemtrail. I looked up a moment later and it had changed.

I thought it was a 2 at first, but then I realized it was a Q!!!

Anyone else see this?

415413  No.5442550

File: f3ed50e5ba7eefc⋯.jpeg (217.77 KB, 1029x1018, 1029:1018, 51CDACED-C5DB-467C-87F1-9….jpeg)

cf77c6  No.5442551


that works!!!

784d81  No.5442552


Probably popped a rib out of socket! Chiro will take care of that right away!

0bcd53  No.5442553

File: 6c67f49ac6efa35⋯.jpg (87.79 KB, 851x477, 851:477, 2uxc65[1].jpg)

8eb490  No.5442554


What type of fall? Did you catch yourself with your arm on the way down?

4da02c  No.5442555


Not sure this is the place you want to get medical advice

03487b  No.5442556




fbbbc5  No.5442557

File: 76e5ace045df33c⋯.jpeg (66.04 KB, 900x462, 150:77, FD56F06F-E26E-42DE-A22A-5….jpeg)

This is the MSM saturation we are up against. The general public is being brainwashed so badly. I don’t know if we will ever get the majority to open their eyes.

It’s on US, anons. We gotta challenge every media report to spread the word.

a32a96  No.5442558


Remove buttplug. Pain while reaching, squatting, and twisting should go away.

f5dbb5  No.5442559

File: 862ecf59b71bc87⋯.png (511.03 KB, 633x803, 633:803, Screenshot_284.png)

4f856e  No.5442560


TY you for the clarification Fren.

38c4af  No.5442561

File: 1f2e2f5dfbea6ff⋯.jpg (88.34 KB, 640x480, 4:3, blue angel.jpg)

belief, rolled

45f4b2  No.5442562


Interdasting. Didn’t know that.

d76759  No.5442563


This entire subject INFURIATES me. Where the feminazis now?!?

People who think they are the opposite sex when they very clearly ARE NOT, need psychological help, not encouragement for their insanity!

If I claim to be a bird and look to test my wings off World Trade One, and you ENCOURAGE me, then I go kirsplat, would that be accessory to commit suicide?? Or is that not being bigoted?

e5acb4  No.5442564


If that's in fact true, then we are doomed… Without a real "media" and honest reporting, never gonna see majority +++ numbers for POTUs…

6e1a5d  No.5442565


Couldn't just be pulled muscle?

6d9c11  No.5442566


Part 1

Hi anons, so recently I have been conducting research into a totally off topic (to Q) set of historical queries which led me to various different sites and old articles. During the research I was looking into the ancient mythical connection between the number 72 and various different connections which, if you do not already know, connects to an ancient myth about the angels versus Baal and his 72 evil demons who were said to consume children, the flesh of people in general and, in short, what (I assume) several of you already know about given the pizza gate investigations. I should note that my personal investigation before I (literally) stumbled upon what I will explain here was actually a historical analysis on ancient cities as I was trying to determine a few things. So all of this was a completely random find. Typically I come on here during the night shift and I rarely post here during the day since I find the day shift to be full of dingleberry shitheads looking to slide important data or clueless mongoloids who want to power level for self importance. However and to the point, I am positive there will be some of you here who are true anons and true Q followers who value research and investigation above all else and will find this data interesting (to say the least) given the players involved.

I first came to this story which described a woman in NYC who owned a restaurant known to serve "raw" food with an emphasis on vegan. Apparently she was popular with her main clients being well known assholes such as Alec Baldwin who, again apparently, was a big fan of her "raw lasagna". Her name is Sarma Melngailis who was arrested and the original claims were that she was arrested after "ordering a pizza". Now when I first was skimming through to look for what I originally intended I said to myself "wtf, why does this matter and why would places like fucking Vanity Fair, Daily Beast and the NYT give even a second of time to a dumb bitch restaurant owner from a vegan place?" I will get into that but first, here is the initial article I found:


0e5417  No.5442567


if ppl are living underground in cities then there is money involved. If money involved where are the realestate listing and employment want adverts?

eb0ac9  No.5442568

File: bea5d57597062e6⋯.png (596.97 KB, 822x799, 822:799, ClipboardImage.png)

Can someone translate this?

0b624b  No.5442569

File: bdc355e0ef1b2b1⋯.png (201.69 KB, 488x742, 244:371, vvvvvvv.png)

File: 11b66e7fa496dc6⋯.png (241.62 KB, 444x558, 74:93, biden105.png)

File: 22ad9ff7c2c16c4⋯.jpg (117.4 KB, 555x454, 555:454, VMBRMN.jpg)

File: 12ad6f8838daaa8⋯.png (321.86 KB, 429x704, 39:64, bidenreddress.png)

File: 023b653f2b1d73c⋯.gif (7.45 MB, 354x370, 177:185, kisspleasebiden.gif)



f34e35  No.5442570



>That's one of the stipulations to this whole Military Operation.

>Public Opinion has to be on POTUS' side(majority) before these traitors can go down.

Interesting theory to add to the pot.

eeda3e  No.5442571


Boomers ruin everything

578324  No.5442572

File: 9507a3c3ad07676⋯.jpg (32.42 KB, 480x454, 240:227, CCpPqdhUIAAQUUY.jpg)

5d980d  No.5442573

File: 199e5acd669a44f⋯.jpg (85.49 KB, 794x499, 794:499, plaskett.jpg)


If POTUS was awake in 1999, then he would know about or find out about cohen by 2008.

Trump (and Q) bring them in close and comfy.

Only to trick them into exposing themselves.

kek exposing themselves.

4abcc0  No.5442574


Omar doesn't like the war on behalf of the Zionist state.

Neither do I.

Or the flak she got for naming the problem.

b3c961  No.5442575

File: a9b580c2d6d7b97⋯.png (26.96 KB, 594x297, 2:1, tspooky re Never Trump jon….PNG)

File: d823c90fbfe8285⋯.png (200.11 KB, 598x617, 598:617, tspooky to Never Trump jon….PNG)

File: b7512232d137797⋯.png (45.29 KB, 598x437, 26:19, Arnold re new Never Trump ….PNG)

File: 034f82f3b9d6918⋯.png (235.74 KB, 598x663, 46:51, Axios re Never Trump Media….PNG)

File: 0a3a9042157d7b7⋯.png (428.4 KB, 784x816, 49:51, 1 Axios re Never Trump Med….PNG)

Will it have a "scratch and sniff" section?



Bread 6949 [pb]


Never Trumpers to begin NEW media [bird cage liner] endeavor



db2dc5  No.5442576


Agreed its a good video for normies, and there are a few more also.

It was the words in the post, that I replied to because some people read them - if they do then they might also read mine.

eb0ac9  No.5442577



2304d4  No.5442578


>Did you know the cabal said they would bring down the world economy in March 2019?

Can we all jin in saying 'Thank God for President Trump" We would be dead now under killer rule, C_A would have destroyd America by now via NK

cee9a6  No.5442579


ok then

Q posts incoming….

6d9c11  No.5442580



Part 2

So the article outlines a bunch of shit to attempt to make it abundantly clear that her arrest wasn't due to ordering a "pizza" but rather because she committed fraud and broke labor laws along with her "husband" Anthony Strangis which led them flee to evade arrest. I sat there again with the "wtf" thought in my mind about why this story mattered and why the fuck those said mentioned "news" groups gave a shit about this story. I mean, seriously, when do major "news" groups give two shits about an arrest for fraud, no racial connection, no deaths, no nothing of interest outside of the biggest issue - that she didn't order a pizza but was "brainwashed" into ordering a pizza. The shitshow Daily Beast now jumps in because, you know, when you are facing fraud charges you always want to make sure to tell the media (who for some reason find this important). She had to set the record straight on the pizza: "Actually, the non-raw, non-vegan cheesy pie (plus a side of chicken wings) was only for the 300-plus-pound Strangis, who placed the order using his real name, thus leading authorities to the hotel". Daily Beast calls it a "raw food empire":


Now this is where it gets weird. The fatass dude, Strangis, who was living in Florida and even before he married the "raw food" bitch from NY, I repeat, even before he married her/moved up there he was conversing with numerous "star" level actors/actresses such as Alec Baldwin. So consider this for a moment, random fat guy without a job and absolutely zero connections to anything somehow has the ear of "A list" fucks like Baldwin, Woody Harrelson and Gisele Bundchen. Have you ever heard of a random nobody with zero connections randomly being associated with big name actors when said person has absolutely nothing of value that they would want? No, of course you haven't because it makes no fucking sense. Yet he was not only conversing/dealing with them but he also maintained a Twitter follower count of over 50k assholes. The question is of course why?

Oh but it gets more interesting my faithful anon fellow autists. He stated this back in 2012: “My Tweets have been featured in Rolling Stone, Funny or Die, People Magazine, Jimmy Kimmel Live. Proud Nerd and Gamer.” So now we add Jimmy Kimmel, Corey Booker (!!!) and vagina steam expert Christy Teigen.

So to sum this up. Fat loser with absolutely no connection to anything and (at that time) no clear job, no connection to "raw food vegan" bitch from NYC somehow, he somehow, has connection to Baldwin, Teigan, Harrelson, Corey Booker, Kimmel and many other "big names". I ask again, why?

But even more interesting, this asshole along with his fraudster "wife" who fled the cops, defrauded in the amount of over one fucking million dollars and so on…. guess what… they are free and are not in prison despite all of that. These nobodies who on paper have nothing to offer and yet are connected to seriously high powered names… they are not in jail, they received a huge amount of media protection and they now changed their social media names and are still chirping away. He (stupidly) kept his same Twitter address and merely changed his name. Now he is (sigh..) "Dorian Gray":


His attorney, Samuel Karliner, is a well known name in NYC as well. Remember when a Chris Cuomo (Governor of New York) aide was gunned down and shot? Well, Karliner represented one of the shooters:


The only one who died - Carey Gabay — a 43-year-old Harvard-educated lawyer who’d worked for Cuomo’s Empire State Development Corporation. Yet there was no DNA or ballistic evidence to link to the event even happening or the "shooters" even having to do with it. They claim they weren't there, they claim the event never even happened and claims abound that the event was an assassination of Gabay by one shooter and there wasn't even a crowd around and that everything else was fabricated with no evidence to show any of it happened.

However, despite that, guess what happened, a "foundation" to end gun violence emerges:


But back to the other subject. Karliner (attorney) also represented Yona Weinberg who is a notorious child molester/trafficker who fled NYC to Israel. A local rabbi in NYC stated:

"Horowitz told The Journal News/lohud that he won't be intimidated by Weinberg, who used his position as a bar mitzvah tutor to gain access to his victims, who were 12 and 13.

He also sees the fight as part of a larger effort designed to thwart others from exposing sex offenders and warning potential victims of the danger. The Israeli legal maneuverings are key to this tactic, he said."


and here is his disgusting history:


The attorney also represented the rapist of an 83 year old woman:


39d00c  No.5442581

File: 362ae04782c24eb⋯.jpg (10.11 KB, 255x255, 1:1, df21a35280281d86d5e0389928….jpg)



Take 2 Tide pods

and call me in the


4aa783  No.5442582



Ribs arent in a socket!

1a67fa  No.5442583

File: ee31bae16587bc5⋯.png (229.1 KB, 510x438, 85:73, 2018-08-05_11-19-08 copy 2.png)

592346  No.5442584



it came out September 3, 1998.

Lots of bong hits, hot pockets, and beer went into defeating MG.

38ea58  No.5442585

f5512c  No.5442586

File: 82a40ca08694dea⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 390x205, 78:41, well there it is.gif)

6d9c11  No.5442588



Part 3 (final)

But don't worry if you scam almost 1 million dollars through fraud, attorney Karliner will make sure you get no jail time:


Attorney Karliner who married Jill Postelnek who once wrote


Yet her husband is deeply connected with the foster system in NY and has taken many cases of youth offenders only for them to end in the very place in which his wife states causes mental issues:


So we have an attorney who is connected to a claimed assassination of a Governor aide and represents clients who rape and molest children and is connected to the foster care system in which his wife works. But importantly, look who else frequented the "raw food" vegan spot in NYC. Bill Clinton:


All of this, every square inch of this research, coming due to the media converging to make sure the story of the fact a raw food restaurant owner didn't herself order a 'CHEESE PIZZA".

My fellow anons, I have been investigating things a long time and this right here, this, this door will lead to a bunch of trafficking, molestation and the kidnapping of children through the foster system. It's all here and just needs to be dug out more and refined but this is it, I am certain of it. I just wanted to open this door for you all since I know there are a few like minded investigators on here like myself. This one is for you Q.

eb0801  No.5442589

>>5440850 (pb)

Fuck kikebook and CIA backed kike nigger Zuckerturd!

784d81  No.5442590

>>5442565 My experience is a popped rib heals a lot faster than a pulled muscle…with a chiro visit!

2dd722  No.5442591


Thank God for God Fren

Idols are idols

e059a7  No.5442592

File: 579cd8081643bf4⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, ZenPepe.jpg)

Had to do it - Zen Pepe

e9b295  No.5442593


No I'm on East Coast and a thousand lines made in the sky today by planes, all day long

0b624b  No.5442594





790140  No.5442595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


@0:24 If this is his campaign energy, he doesn't stand a chance against Trump.

576d67  No.5442596

Would like to hear more about that package that caused a lock-down at the WH today Q.

03487b  No.5442597

File: b7282c23e12629e⋯.jpg (58.54 KB, 800x552, 100:69, JQ_shills8.jpg)

0bcd53  No.5442598

File: 580f4c21901ebe1⋯.jpg (71.53 KB, 800x451, 800:451, 2uxcfm[1].jpg)

784d81  No.5442599

>>5442591 Amen! God's got it!

d76759  No.5442600


Impact on chest? Impact on arms, catching yourself?

Are you someone who exercises regularly, as in, lifts weights, and understands soreness vs injury?

56df92  No.5442601

The anon needs to go to ER. Geezzzzz

6e1a5d  No.5442602


It happened so fast, I don't really know what I did when I fell. I don't think I used my arm because I still had hold of my poles..

f34e35  No.5442603


ProMedicAnon here…

Take 2x KYSs and call me in the morning.

defc00  No.5442604


If they allow this nonsense in something like boxing, it will end up with a death

5d980d  No.5442605


To make cohen a part of the 'plan', what did cohen do to deserve that?

Possibly around 2008 or before, against Trump or family?

Or is cohen an easy tool.

Seems personal re long time line, 2008-2019.

f048b7  No.5442606

File: a8e4421c3f4c358⋯.jpg (411.92 KB, 1000x1277, 1000:1277, 93a192381a3969f28e569fd246….jpg)

0c4ff7  No.5442607

File: 55f88ae04ddbed9⋯.png (26.67 KB, 326x327, 326:327, aleister pepe.png)

CPAC if bullshit. NeverTrumper paradise.

Why are we lauding that fuckfest? If you can't get laid at CPAC, you can't get laid.

790140  No.5442608


Meant @0:14

784d81  No.5442609


Ok…"popped out of place"

157ffc  No.5442610


apply directly to back of the head, right?

f5dbb5  No.5442611

File: 51e40261fa49f5d⋯.png (122.16 KB, 354x266, 177:133, Screenshot_38.png)

File: af265e53802c5f4⋯.png (889.33 KB, 588x591, 196:197, Screenshot_37.png)


>"We used Shadow Moses as a paradigm for the exercise."

6e1a5d  No.5442612


There are guys being stupid but I think I have at least a couple who are serious.

fbbbc5  No.5442613

now WHY would Cohen be privy to seeing the Mueller report? Interdasting…

38c4af  No.5442614


because we are fucked, anonymity has been negated, now all is known..

8eb490  No.5442615

A lot of newbies on tonight. Not super fresh newbies but some of you clearly weren't here back during the last summit.

I know there are a lot of crumbs but please try to break up the reading over a few days and read all of the crumbs at least just once through.

2dd722  No.5442616

File: 473b6c3790aaaa8⋯.png (694.27 KB, 659x714, 659:714, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b659b996021766e⋯.png (1.18 MB, 663x895, 663:895, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 168e2df79d4c4b0⋯.png (63.3 KB, 668x903, 668:903, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e1b817a9a7ef55⋯.png (1.23 MB, 678x920, 339:460, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e4d483f599e954⋯.png (52.92 KB, 672x824, 84:103, ClipboardImage.png)

#RedforEd Leader in Marxist Magazine: Teachers Must Embrace Community Organizing

Noah Karvelis, the 24-year-old leader of the #RedforEd movement that inspired teacher strikes around the country in 2018 and 2019, wrote in an article published by a Marxist magazine last month that community organizing “must be embraced” by teachers, “particularly in ‘right-to-work’ states.”

Karvelis — who, after teaching music at an Arizona public school for just two years, led the Arizona teachers strike when he launched the #RedforEd movement in March 2018 — has confirmed in his own words what Breitbart News reported last week:

A well-funded and subversive leftist movement of teachers in the United States threatens to tilt the political balance nationwide in the direction of Democrats across the country as Republicans barely hang on in key states that they need to hold for President Donald Trump to win re-election and for Republicans to have a shot at retaking the House and holding onto their Senate majority.

This teachers union effort, called #RedforEd, has its roots in the very same socialism that President Trump vowed in his 2019 State of the Union address to stop, and it began in its current form in early 2018 in a far-flung corner of the country before spreading nationally. Its stated goals–higher teacher pay and better education conditions–are overshadowed by a more malevolent political agenda: a leftist Democrat uprising designed to flip purple or red states to blue, using the might of a significant part of the education system as its lever.


eeda3e  No.5442617


Seriously kys

2ecd57  No.5442618

File: 47ee36acb00cfe6⋯.jpg (135.64 KB, 886x817, 886:817, 1a.JPG)

File: b31e4fbd6e1e1a0⋯.jpg (44.39 KB, 574x368, 287:184, 3.JPG)

Day of reckoning: A wave of fresh accusations against priests has been unleashed


*story is too long to post the whole thing.

Hmmm… coincidence?

a32a96  No.5442619


Seriously man, we are not your personal WebMD.

Fuck off, dig, weed, pray, and stop shitting the bread up, faggot.

bd3003  No.5442620


How is that image related???

Sauce or GTFO.

f5512c  No.5442622


dude, ribs are fused, there is no place from which to pop

unless a fractured rib, which most definitely doesnt need some med school dropout twisting their back to bits


e30540  No.5442623

File: 07916441d33cde7⋯.jpg (109.88 KB, 500x584, 125:146, men's sports 3.jpg)

f5dbb5  No.5442624

File: b20c560946595a4⋯.png (552.55 KB, 634x357, 634:357, Screenshot_39.png)



"Shadow Moses"?

4b61b2  No.5442625

>>5442541 Are you spitting up blood? If not the broken rib did not puncture the lung.

aeeb16  No.5442626

Q running those Tests from Vietnam were interdasting.

His Trip was there but his ID would change in the same Bread.

That’s why I think he wouldn’t post.

Anyone else notice that?

8eb490  No.5442627


He's literally not privy to seeing it.

932e5b  No.5442628


Any time a person makes an unprompted defensive statement,

It shows that they're cognizant of potentially letting the cat out of the bag when they didn't mean to.

If you watch again, POTUS initially nods and mutters "uh-huh".

Then quickly corrects it with the "Now I don't know that".

05cabb  No.5442629


Yep, loved Owen. He's gone to the darkside lately. Just loud, obnoxious, irrational, preachy, and simply not funny anymore.

04c781  No.5442630



>>5442004 Tweet: Ted Cruz leading the charge against Big Tech Censorship

>>5442045, >>5442048 Political operative, four others arrested in North Carolina ballot fraud scandal

>>5442051 POTUS on Hannity: It’s one of the greatest plans I have ever seen

>>5442101 Thank You, Tax Reform

>>5442143, >>5442151 Claim from documents: New clues as records confirm ‘mystery case’ involves Mueller probe

>>5442262 Congressmen Want ‘Doomsday’ Plan In Case Of Hudson River Tunnel Failure

>>5442266 75 Face Drug Charges In Puerto Rico, Some Allegedly Fed Victims To Reptiles

>>5442472 Putin: Hotbeds of terrorism will be eliminated in Syria soon

>>5442481 Sheldon Adelson in "dire Health"

>>5442459, >>5442548 SCOTUS decided that international organizations like the World Bank Group can be sued in U.S. courts

>>5442530 Trump Demands WH to Grant Kushner Top Security Clearance Amid US Intel Concerns

308df7  No.5442631


Yeah, there IS something a chiropractor does to fix ribs out of place. Had it done on me. With sort of a percussive tool.

My comment is irrelevant to the injured anon tho.

6ec616  No.5442632

File: a399a924901969b⋯.gif (1.82 MB, 178x260, 89:130, ddbc1d4d70be9f56be33a80151….gif)

d76759  No.5442633


They're gonna get eaten up and spit out. Held up only by their extreme hatred and Koch dollars.

c2ead7  No.5442634

File: 9b6e6b50ec1f0b5⋯.jpg (47.32 KB, 845x786, 845:786, tim-remington-11-e14573178….jpg)

af8bda  No.5442635

File: c3a7ce743b8ee82⋯.jpeg (188.08 KB, 761x1000, 761:1000, 3866F5CA-5BE3-46CD-98A2-7….jpeg)

6e1a5d  No.5442636



I've been online like you all for the past 16 mos more than exercising so other than shoveling snow not much exercise. No, don't know the difference between soreness vs injury.

eeda3e  No.5442637


Yer the same fag who said q wouldn’t post during the summit.

Quiet down shit bag and lurk only.

26911d  No.5442638

X-ray. Stat.


395bd1  No.5442639

This A&3 Biography: The Trump Dynasty is fucking awesome!

fbbbc5  No.5442640


Exactly My point.

6d9c11  No.5442641



Additional information. Vanity Fair article linking Chelsea Clinton (among many others) to the spot in question:


Current Twitter of woman:


MANY other names connected including NYT writer Porochista Khakpour. This is a big deal and will open the door to a shit load in terms of pizza shit including many other issues.

d76759  No.5442642


You first fuck twit.

2a8c11  No.5442643


nobody noticed that…nobody

8a8bce  No.5442644

File: 74af556cd3a5c38⋯.jpg (385.54 KB, 1080x575, 216:115, Screenshot_20190228-213649….jpg)

Because they can…


0c4ff7  No.5442645

File: d1f8e6f472ca36d⋯.jpg (101.88 KB, 963x1016, 963:1016, concernfag is in.jpg)


That you are shill. But true to form, in ten minutes Q will show up offering advice, thoughts, and prayers as though you were a much loved dog. Maybe even a helicopter emergency evacuation.

b61391  No.5442646


When you fell, how did you land?

Most likely muscle strain or costochondritis.

If the pain initiated directly after the fall, no worries for other issues related to CP that are more serious.

If a rib is fractured you would know immediately.

Deep breathing as tolerated to avoid pnuemonia.

NSAID's + Tylenol cycled properly if no contraindications exist.

If you think it's too painful and it's not able to be controlled with proper dosing of OTC medications mentioned above…

It's headed towards rib fracture.

Seems like your pain is easily attributed to fall.

Tell me if otherwise.

No need for chest x-ray.

45f4b2  No.5442647


So you think Trump is a dictator. Thanks for outing yourself. She is mb, plain and simple, and you probably are too.

cee9a6  No.5442648


serious question anon cuz i believe your post

is it not true that your navigation etc is all based on assumptions about magnetic directions and other forces of nature described in modern science?

if that is true what if the nature of gravity and electro magnetism etc were other than that taught by current science

such that the paradigm you used yeilded correct results to get from a to b but were in fact based on flawed or rigged assumptions?


trying to reconcile

2e8091  No.5442649

I need a Visa credit card recommendation. I do not want cards that discriminate against conservatives.


a9e3e8  No.5442651

'Suppression,' Debunked: Study Concludes Voter ID Laws Do Not Depress Voter Turnout


Not that we didn't already know it's bullshit.

19bfee  No.5442652

File: ee8798bdc4ccfd7⋯.jpg (228.94 KB, 500x1818, 250:909, 1.jpg)

Special Operations Command is calling all creative technology futurists


4da02c  No.5442653


Does it hurt more or sharper when you take a deep breath?

38c4af  No.5442654


Q team running tests has nothing to do with Viet Nam, sure of that

cf77c6  No.5442655


>Not sure this is the place you want to get medical advice



c8a96f  No.5442656


2dd722  No.5442657



6e1a5d  No.5442658


Thank you We all need help once in awhile.

784d81  No.5442659


they are held with cartilage

99e6fb  No.5442660


I thought ID's stayed the same, but he posted without tripcode

6ec616  No.5442661


In medieval times she would have been burned at the stake. Can't say we've moved forward in a lot of ways.

e474c3  No.5442662

File: ab2f009c7aa16a6⋯.jpeg (181.37 KB, 828x1651, 828:1651, A76BFCDE-82CC-4CF7-8584-2….jpeg)


Interesting stuff

87b474  No.5442663

File: 91f3305040a7451⋯.jpg (140.94 KB, 713x1024, 713:1024, IMG_8343.JPG)

e71c9f  No.5442664

Creepo Joe keeps us all in suspense

308df7  No.5442665




>>5442641 Dig re: child trafficking in NYC, call for digging

baker notable

8eb490  No.5442666


If you have mostly the same range of motion but are just sore you are probably ok. Even if you cracked a rib they would only give you pain killers and tell you to take it easy.

6fb014  No.5442667

File: 205e906800bb52e⋯.jpg (84.22 KB, 662x441, 662:441, camera on the ceiling brit….jpg)

Fishing is fun

camera on the ceiling

Teacher allegedly had sex with 13-year-old while his friend watched

The perverted flirtation went on for weeks until one night, when the boy was staying at his grandparents’ house, the teacher messaged him while her husband was out fishing and asked the boy “if she could come over to show how much she loved him,” the news outlet reported.


b3c961  No.5442668

File: d9e281ced560254⋯.png (49.52 KB, 585x500, 117:100, Saavedra re Omar re overth….PNG)

File: a2e0fdb88a182f5⋯.png (219.36 KB, 607x653, 607:653, Omar re overthrow POTUS 2-….PNG)

File: 19796e5a61fe0d0⋯.png (199.53 KB, 723x912, 241:304, Archive Omar re overthrow ….PNG)

I believe that impeachment is inevitable.

It also is a terrifying notion.

Nations struggle any time they overthrow a dictator, and Trump really has the markings of a dictator.


twitter.com/Ilhan/status/1100841749663105024 [archive.is/qgyla]

99e6fb  No.5442669



a7b156  No.5442670

File: 4176260472cd533⋯.png (927.13 KB, 1526x1048, 763:524, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

How the (((Cabal))) uses money to enslave us: I have dedicated decades to studying this subject and I believe it ties in closely with what is going on now. The cabal controls our currency through the federal reserve. After 1913 the federal reserve (a private bank) was given the ability to create currency. After taking us off the gold standard in 1971, we now have no anchor of a physical scarce physical commodity to back our currency with value. The federal reserve is able to create currency out of thin air and even collect interest on this currency that we pay through the IRS. By aiming for a 2% inflation rate per year, they are using reverse compounding interest to devalue the purchasing power of the dollar since 1913 and they have been successful. They also have been manipulating the price of gold in order to prevent the masses from noticing the devaluation of the fiat dollar. The ability to create currency allows them to fund all of the evil (((they))) commit and also cover it up. This is the reason the deep state is so powerful and had so much success, unlimited funds. This is why Q has only spoken about this topic briefly but he sums it up in one sentence, "Gold shall destroy the fed". The federal reserve only has power through the fact that we all agree that the US dollar is our currency. This great awakening is going to blow the lid off all the tricks (((they))) have been doing to us for over a century. We need a currency that cannot be manipulated, and I believe that will be Trump's final act at the end of his 2nd term will be a currency that is issued by the people (no interest payments) backed by gold.

6e1a5d  No.5442671


No not spitting up blood. Didn't even think about the possibility of puncturing a lung.

bd3003  No.5442672


That's in just one week… In one valley.

eeda3e  No.5442673




Yer all dick lickers shut dafuq up now

fb3b13  No.5442674


he's a comedian. are we supposed to take him seriously? i watched that clip, definitely not animal abuse. dogs like to play around like that, have you never had a pet dog?

b02928  No.5442675

Heart attack from stress and cold. Call 911


e9b295  No.5442676

60e578  No.5442677

Which one of you queers can recommend some music

6e1a5d  No.5442678


Can't wait until tomorrow?

03487b  No.5442679




read all crumbs once.

Qmap.pub also shows connections between players.

Also Youtube has some good info, I like prayingmedic, Justinformed Talk, Stroppy Me, …

On Qresearch: Learn to see the shills. The ones who spread hate, division, concern are not with us.


4abcc0  No.5442680


Uncle All Pepe, nice.

2dd722  No.5442681


Big fat doob aughta fix ya

084b10  No.5442682


This nigger can't be gone soon enough

f5512c  No.5442683


so youre telling me that a chiropractor is going to twist this fucker into a pretzel and the rib is going to magically insert back into the sternum and re-fuse, by magic?

eb0ac9  No.5442684

File: acf46f483c13fab⋯.png (74.55 KB, 155x366, 155:366, ClipboardImage.png)

113ca5  No.5442685

File: 337332b83f285ac⋯.png (160.21 KB, 358x238, 179:119, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

4a1262  No.5442687


And the majority go through Switzerland on the way

936192  No.5442688


No dude is going to waste a steak on this shit-for-brains!

eeda3e  No.5442689



Retarded niggers need go back reddit

38c4af  No.5442690


you would have to describe what you mean, not familiar with act. are you experienced?

24ca8b  No.5442691

I gotta say anons, it makes me really happy that MGS is getting this much recognition and love on this board

It lets me know that we're gonna be all right as long as we got eachother

385a60  No.5442692


Possible Broken Ribs

Nothing but waiting til they grow back together

I broke 4 ribs in a fall off a ladder

As long as nothing is punctured you will get better with time

790140  No.5442693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6e1a5d  No.5442694


Not a shill. Been here since day one and a patriot through and through.

9bc6e4  No.5442695


Can multiple people login with the same tripcode at the same time? Maybe the whole Q team were logging in unison to prove more than 1 person dropping crumbs

2dd722  No.5442696


I"LL post what you need to read next bread

d76759  No.5442697


Go get it checked out then.

e30540  No.5442698


Fallon Fox. MMA. Dude beats up women for money, feminists silent.

defc00  No.5442699


But what about diversity

157ffc  No.5442700


Kim's watch?

56df92  No.5442701


Anon, go to the ER or clinic.

eeda3e  No.5442702


Ask yer mom

e71c9f  No.5442703


Pi day

3b1fad  No.5442704

File: c614ff9c2333e51⋯.png (605.9 KB, 559x559, 1:1, Womens sports are better.png)

f26b19  No.5442705

File: 22d6e1032b2028e⋯.jpeg (186 KB, 1242x916, 621:458, 9048A784-21CA-4D86-B076-D….jpeg)

File: b151cfe894f4be1⋯.jpeg (170.84 KB, 1242x677, 1242:677, 4F95BAC9-05EE-461D-9899-E….jpeg)

File: ec8f830f4fc5192⋯.jpeg (223.68 KB, 1242x836, 621:418, 85E9849D-BBE6-4935-B60B-C….jpeg)

File: 61e8a76e820462e⋯.jpeg (422.63 KB, 1161x1478, 1161:1478, 343CE220-CCC4-4927-987A-5….jpeg)

File: 56c257b86997548⋯.jpeg (147.76 KB, 1242x712, 621:356, 95F8AF19-DF93-48B6-A24B-2….jpeg)

d85d59  No.5442706

File: d0471bdf18feb04⋯.png (185.9 KB, 522x593, 522:593, ee81889a64447d50e18742cfd8….png)

8eb490  No.5442707

File: fda98d54f91cbef⋯.jpg (31.71 KB, 556x501, 556:501, fda98d54f91cbeff72bbededa9….jpg)

4aa783  No.5442708


Very impressive

936192  No.5442709


WEBMD your wasting Bread!

784d81  No.5442710

>>5442683 I was at the chiro today for exactly that! Hurts when he's pushing that thing back in place, but the relief is almost instant after he lets you up off the table! This is the second time in a year for me…I know what I'm talking about when it comes to dislocating a rib!

6fd3f4  No.5442711

File: 6916bd5f211a0e1⋯.png (124.22 KB, 680x680, 1:1, AE2D105B-4FFE-460B-9D5D-BB….png)


I see… this is mgs2 sons of liberty, came out in 2001

6ec616  No.5442712

File: 44c843ec0bc5d2a⋯.jpg (42.13 KB, 1010x565, 202:113, steak.jpg)


"Did someone say STEAK?"


cf77c6  No.5442713




d46612  No.5442714


Stay away from CitiCards.

04c781  No.5442715


>>5442004 Tweet: Ted Cruz leading the charge against Big Tech Censorship

>>5442045, >>5442048 Political operative, four others arrested in North Carolina ballot fraud scandal

>>5442051 POTUS on Hannity: It’s one of the greatest plans I have ever seen

>>5442101 Thank You, Tax Reform

>>5442143, >>5442151 Claim from documents: New clues as records confirm ‘mystery case’ involves Mueller probe

>>5442262 Congressmen Want ‘Doomsday’ Plan In Case Of Hudson River Tunnel Failure

>>5442266 75 Face Drug Charges In Puerto Rico, Some Allegedly Fed Victims To Reptiles

>>5442472 Putin: Hotbeds of terrorism will be eliminated in Syria soon

>>5442481 Sheldon Adelson in "dire Health"

>>5442459, >>5442548 SCOTUS decided that international organizations like the World Bank Group can be sued in U.S. courts

>>5442530 Trump Demands WH to Grant Kushner Top Security Clearance Amid US Intel Concerns

>>5442566, >>5442580, >>5442588, >>5442641 Dig re: child trafficking in NYC, call for digging

e30540  No.5442716


Good phrasing, anon

b61391  No.5442717


if you were going fast

you definitely need a CXR

if it was a slow controlled fall you don't

I am correcting my prior statement

5d980d  No.5442718


MG Revengence - child stealing, organs stolen, brains removed but kept alive, wild final boss against American politician.

0c4ff7  No.5442719

File: 680658f8aece9fc⋯.gif (16.64 KB, 255x255, 1:1, popcorn blitz pepe.gif)


Anon is beginning to think impeachment is inevitable, too. Maybe even part of the plan. Clinton was impeached, but not removed.

Who knows. Used to think the plan involved dumping a bunch over loser D congresscritters, but that isn't habbening, is it? Now thinking popcorn is a cheap survival food and no longer celebratory.

2408e8  No.5442720

File: 6072912ad3e5143⋯.png (37.13 KB, 624x327, 208:109, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

f5512c  No.5442722


youre trolling me arent you, goddammit

nicely done

b3c961  No.5442724


>WEBMD your wasting Bread!

So does EBot and various other shills

Go bitch at them

5f4828  No.5442728


That's a horrible meme.

03487b  No.5442729

File: 4fdd98cc015a18c⋯.jpg (32.94 KB, 499x350, 499:350, gloria-steinem.jpg)

File: 18f35711965a92e⋯.jpg (47.74 KB, 480x320, 3:2, Terry_Richardson.jpg)

File: 0c077a49fda3ee8⋯.jpg (69.35 KB, 570x378, 95:63, Terry_Richardson2.jpg)

File: 76937098b301207⋯.png (448.05 KB, 650x465, 130:93, 20120415-onc-gloria-steine….png)


Take a look at this feminist activist and the photographer next to her.

Nothing to see here…

Just illuminati acting public roles for the sheep.

6e1a5d  No.5442730


Yes immediately after fall. I can take a lot of pain, so I'll do Tylenol (woman). When you fall it happens so fast you really don't know what you did with arms and legs, but the fact that I still had my poles leads me to believe I didn't use my arms.

24ca8b  No.5442731


Oh my god… How did i not see this connection before

f5dbb5  No.5442732


"Shadow Moses"


Can you tell from the look in our eyes?

(we're going nowhere)

We live our lives like we're ready to die

(we're going nowhere)

I thought I buried you and covered the tracks

You'll have to take this with your cold dead hands

I thought I buried you

What's dead can never die

I thought I'd cut you loose, severed the feeling

I slipped through the cracks and you caved in my ceiling

I thought I buried you

What's dead can never die


Can you tell from the look in our eyes?

(we're going nowhere)

We live our lives like we're ready to die

(we're going nowhere)

You can run but you'll never escape

(over and over again)

Will we ever see the end?

(we're going nowhere)

This is sempiternal

Will we ever see the end?

This is sempiternal

Over and over, again and again.

Rise from the dead you say?

Secrets don't sleep 'til they're took to the grave

Signal the sirens, rally the troops

Ladies and gentlemen,

It's the moment of truth


Can you tell from the look in our eyes?

(we're going nowhere)

We live our lives like we're ready to die

(we're going nowhere)

You can run but you'll never escape

(over and over again)

Will we ever see the end?

(we're going nowhere)

This is sempiternal

Will we ever see the end?

This is sempiternal

Over and over, again and again.

592346  No.5442733


Ewwww, Stop. I can smell that now.

f26b19  No.5442734

File: b19ec8ae3c88a77⋯.jpeg (212.29 KB, 1212x930, 202:155, 7D6A8306-EC7E-4868-AE24-0….jpeg)

File: 49deae5b467596b⋯.jpeg (478.78 KB, 1170x1608, 195:268, 9F807888-27C2-4370-95CB-0….jpeg)

File: 8a1e0288c21b0c3⋯.jpeg (42.88 KB, 1242x874, 27:19, 44C32CE7-9E31-4D23-BCC7-C….jpeg)

File: e6590465425e7ca⋯.jpeg (104.71 KB, 1076x643, 1076:643, D92C7C1C-DF11-4B49-8B19-8….jpeg)

File: e4ba1ba9bc1036e⋯.jpeg (106.97 KB, 1242x710, 621:355, C796DCFF-0197-49AA-8235-4….jpeg)

2dd722  No.5442736


C_A cunt

99e6fb  No.5442737


I think impeachment is definitely a possibility. What better way to get the public following what is habbening.

0c4ff7  No.5442738


Then expect your high five from Q. And don't go to the internet for medical advice.

eb0ac9  No.5442739

File: d89419f7bcd8556⋯.png (375.68 KB, 397x600, 397:600, HotelSacher.png)

File: 2f8b8a13aba8f7b⋯.png (693.85 KB, 939x604, 939:604, ClipboardImage.png)



2215b3  No.5442740


New Mexico politicians are always lying - witness Bill Richardson. Don't trust that lying traitorous swap scum snake.

20bf65  No.5442741


Naw I doubt it. Q is probably tired.

f5dbb5  No.5442742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

03487b  No.5442743



6e1a5d  No.5442744


How would I know immediately if rib fracture. It really hurts. I can breath fine and taking a deep breath pulls at left side and hurts.

f49fc0  No.5442745

File: db2040b2cf87095⋯.jpg (33.11 KB, 480x360, 4:3, meaning of PI 1.jpg)

you newfags need to pill

37e2f3  No.5442747


You have probably pulled an intercostal muscle.

If not it's definitely cancer.

Malignant rib cancer.

b61391  No.5442748


As long as you are not short of breath and you were not going too fast… pain controlled with regimen stated…. no major bruising or otherwise. You are ok. Sleeping will be the worst due to positioning.

ed1b0f  No.5442749


Circumferences Shed on Pi.

0e5417  No.5442750


Lock Her Up.

aeeb16  No.5442751





Check out Test 12 and then his next post 3 down.

Different ID’s

You people missed it and called me an asshole

Thx fuckheads

d2286d  No.5442753

File: 7aed1d62bd68b6d⋯.jpeg (102.49 KB, 888x500, 222:125, FE412B8C-D6FD-4CC8-8A3C-8….jpeg)

084b10  No.5442754


Clowns working on the farm.

Manson …feminism….all pyops

99e6fb  No.5442755


Then go to a doctor and quit shittin the bread

38c4af  No.5442757

what is the term for a Christian jihad?

87b474  No.5442758

File: 2090e3278e03241⋯.jpg (49.39 KB, 400x322, 200:161, IMG_8286.JPG)

6ec616  No.5442759

File: f401e92914de9c3⋯.jpeg (211.92 KB, 1378x1698, 689:849, ea55ededeac24d0213dab0d27….jpeg)


>I'm really really hurtin', anons!

37fb71  No.5442760



37e2f3  No.5442761


You have probably pulled an intercostal muscle.

If not it's definitely cancer.

Malignant rib cancer.

936192  No.5442762

File: 45e2804d37391cd⋯.png (732.91 KB, 625x458, 625:458, ClipboardImage.png)



6e1a5d  No.5442764


Stopped smoking a long time ago.

eb0ac9  No.5442766

File: f4ee95841f1346c⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1000x750, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

e71c9f  No.5442767


>Her father was Jewish

>Her paternal grandmother, Pauline Perlmutter Steinem, was chairwoman of the educational committee of the National Woman Suffrage Association

eeda3e  No.5442768

All you ski accident niggers and wanna doctor fags can shove a big fat moose cock in you right ass cause your faggotry is fucking up the bread.

Take that shit to Facebook or Twitter shiteaters

f26b19  No.5442769

File: 738dc7e8af7c96b⋯.jpeg (87.25 KB, 1242x914, 621:457, 57A05139-2706-4A48-9B2C-D….jpeg)

File: 30adcfaa73a570a⋯.jpeg (240.06 KB, 1211x891, 1211:891, F10EB1BE-E63D-48A7-A9B1-C….jpeg)

File: 0ebb4f69607fb88⋯.jpeg (190.7 KB, 1242x794, 621:397, F68B93AA-2C9D-4CA5-AF13-F….jpeg)

File: 02f627861a68c3e⋯.jpeg (288.28 KB, 1242x1142, 621:571, B7FC3D8F-98BE-45DC-B6FD-C….jpeg)

File: f18f98122da0b0d⋯.jpeg (197.87 KB, 1240x880, 31:22, 68A6FD1A-BCCF-4800-9803-5….jpeg)

784d81  No.5442770

>>5442722 Kek! No! Not trolling you! I've blown 2 ribs about 6 months apart! Once was front left…xray'ed - chiro dug his fingers in and straightened it out! Today, was my back…exact symptoms skianon has…chiro had me face down and used his elbow to push that rib back in place…freakin' HURT…but only for a couple of minutes…still does, but NOTHING like it did…won't disturb my sleep tonight!

ee9002  No.5442771

File: 0a13cf334b970be⋯.jpg (99.62 KB, 700x465, 140:93, unilad_cup.jpg)

5d980d  No.5442772

File: defecd4381f75ac⋯.jpg (148.02 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Q drop 02192019.jpg)

File: eac59221297c09a⋯.jpg (76.49 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Truth of Comfort.jpg)

File: 21d267a8416f876⋯.jpg (128.56 KB, 582x800, 291:400, Cold outside.jpg)

File: ec9e873b1475f6e⋯.jpg (197.4 KB, 882x982, 441:491, DIG.jpg)

File: 59e848fa44c3127⋯.jpg (136.58 KB, 896x515, 896:515, nancy smollette tweet.jpg)

0e5417  No.5442773


Lock Her Up.


On what charge exactly is impeachment going to occur? Also not enough votes.

Clinton was impeached, he was never removed from office. Nixon resigned, and was not impeached.

defc00  No.5442774


Drink a gallon of bleach….If you die…your rib was fractured

e71c9f  No.5442775



9c08ac  No.5442776

I was told 60 sit ups with no audible "cracking" sounds means the rib is not broken. You have to do them within 2 minutes and no rests. If you take a rest then you have to start over. Listen carefully.

084b10  No.5442777


Niggers don't ski

Charlie don't surf

26911d  No.5442778


I’m thinking cracked rib. Heal up.

04c781  No.5442779

File: 3b89ee3ca3f3b90⋯.png (345.12 KB, 714x602, 51:43, 3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

9af518  No.5442780


we need hwanon's 1 and 2 on this asap

6e1a5d  No.5442781


Wasn't moving that fast. I guess it was controlled as I was able to get my skis out of the way.

966291  No.5442782

File: 1cc11a9f636c91e⋯.jpg (123.62 KB, 960x720, 4:3, wpa.jpg)


Na, we're getting there.

I can see the atmosphere changing.

Like I said lb, that Cohen fiasco really shit the bed for them.


Powers of War

Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power to declare war, and gives to the president the power to direct military forces accordingly once war has been declared. Section 8 also names the president as “Commander in Chief.” During times of conflict, Congress and the president are supposed to cooperate, but instances have occurred in which the president has used military forces without the consent of Congress. Such situations include the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and Operation Desert Storm.

The use of emergency powers in these situations has brought about a great deal of controversy, as some politicians believe that, as Commander in Chief, the president has the authority to use the military even when Congress does not consent. Opponents believe that the powers of the president should be limited and that acting without Congressional approval is going too far.


my .2

b02928  No.5442783

Shit in a dead loaf?


eeda3e  No.5442785



Right in your ass


5d980d  No.5442786

File: b6f385aa4e9ce68⋯.jpg (157.52 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Q vs.jpg)

56df92  No.5442787


You need to qualify feminism.

6fd3f4  No.5442788


I want back my first PlayStation with the MGS Solid Snake CD-ROM

75496c  No.5442789

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