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File: 929419eccc29b37⋯.png (8.7 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

3153aa  No.5434119

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great >>5408626Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 02.26.2019

>>5408817 ————————————–——– Test 10

>>5408814 ————————————–——– Test 12

>>5408812 ————————————–——– Test 11

>>5408700 ————————————–——– Test 8

>>5408690 ————————————–——– Test 7

>>5408097 rt >>5407826 ————————— Test 6

>>5407223 rt >>5406506 ————————— Test 5

>>5402283 ————————————–——– The Armor of God

>>5402061 rt >>5401939 ————————— It's going to be HISTORIC! Planned long ago.

>>5399463 ————————————–——– Conformity and Behavior.

>>5399134 ————————————–——– THIS IS THEIR LAST STAND.

>>5398367 ————————————–——– Truth v Lies - the propaganda war for your mind.

>>5397816 ————————————–——– Puppet & Puppet Master.

Monday 02.25.2019

>>5387042 ————————————–——– Test 3

>>5386040 rt >>5385640 ————————— How can anyone support such EVIL?

>>5385001 ————————————–——– These people are SICK & EVIL.

>>5384552 ————————————–——– Good find, Anons.

>>5384495 ————————————–——– Many more to come?

>>5380595 rt >>5380232 ————————— Think Map. The truth can always be found.

>>5380099 ————————————–——– Arrival team reporting light rain

>>5379762 rt >>5379729 ————————— Just another day at the office

>>5379626 rt >>5379582 ————————— You are on the right track

>>5379494 ————————————–——– Dear AG Barr, Advice from insiders (cap >>5379625 )

>>5377668 ————————————–——– Who will be next to fall post Weinstein?

Sunday 02.24.2019

>>5363071 ————————————–——– Why did ISIS launch a social media campaign designed to 'attract' US/UK to join their cause?

>>5362299 ————————————–——– Those who are the loudest…..

>>5362124 ————————————–——– RETURNING POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

Friday 02.22.2019

Compiled here: >>5383236

Thursday 02.21.2019

Compiled here: >>5333466

Wednesday 02.20.2019

Compiled here: >>5320765

Tuesday 02.19.2019

Compiled here: >>5305779

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

3153aa  No.5434121


are not endorsements


>>5389728 ; >>5392971 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch

>>5387705 Democrats want to murder babies. Keep the pressure on.


>>5433460 On individuals potentially resetting the financial system

>>5433503 Project Veritas weighs in on Facebook docs re: “deboosting" and other censorship

>>5433459 ; >>5433522 ; >>5433625 ; >>5433705 Both sides of the aisle praise walking away from NK deal (albeit backhandedly for the Schitt-head)

>>5433610 Polls re: statewide approval ratings for POTUS

>>5433636 2018 US economic growth rate greater than 2005 high

>>5433692 Chinese manufacturing hits 3-year low owing to US tariffs

>>5433709 On “watch the water” and recent footage from NK (speculation)

>>5433809 ; >>5433832 Luke Perry suffers stroke

>>5433876 On POTUS statement before departing Vietnam and potential lingering cabalists in NK (speculation)

>>5433881 Pompeo in the Philippines

>>5433918 Poll re: The Wall vs. Green New Deal

>> 5434070 #6946


>>5432653 SCOTUS strips World Bank of immunity

>>5432677 Netanyahu may be indicted

>>5432678 Senate Committee: US Colleges Violated Law

>>5432687 ‘Hundreds’ of Venezuelan Troops ‘DEFECT’ as Country Descends into Chaos

>>5432710 Former Sen. Reid wants UFO studies made public (possible distraction?)

>>5432796 NY Governor Andrew Cuomo wants to mandate insurance coverage for IVF and egg freezing.

>>5432801 USAF We're more ready…

>>5432826 Pakistan to release pilot tomorrow

>>5432832 Dems opposing ‘Born-Alive Act’ Got Half a Million from Planned Parenthood

>>5432866 Returning Syrian Refugees Were Fleeing US Proxy War, Not “Assad”

>>5432891 Gambino predicts Cohen will get Whacked (DS comms in our faces?)

>>5432907 US Economy grows 2.9% in Q4 of 2018 = WINNING!

>>5432914 Tesla Said To "Secure" $2 Billion In Funding For Shanghai Plant

>>5432943 U.S. companies put record number of robots to work in 2018

>>5432957 US, Taliban talk troop withdrawal, counter-terrorism at peace talks

>>5432980 "Moral case" for age change?

>>5433068 DJTjr tweet Wapo doin what it do

>>5433083, >>5433227, POTUS support plane back up from Japan

>>5433100 Denmark not ruling out deporting Somalis

>>5433121 Connections in Kraft trafficking case

>>5433150 May welcomes Jordanian King

>>5433188 UC Berkeley journalists get list of criminal cops, AG Becerra threatens criminal action

>>5433218 USMC tweet "Take a look at what this bad boy can do."

>>5433234 NBC reporter caught lying about Michael Cohen's testimony. Surprise!

>>5433257 Woman discovers her sisters body buried in Tijuana backyard

>>5433322 Compare & contrast articles

>>5433342 DOD “Can Do!”

>>5433378 #6945


>>5431948, >>5432053, Hanoi Summit vid compilation

>>5432005, >>5432358 UN/Swiss/BO Confederation tidbit

>>5432016 Cohen "and the Deal was, I would get a Reduction in Sentence"

>>5432094, >>5432385, AF1 support plane in Japan?

>>5432110 Who was in India these last months?

>>5432177 AOC isn't enjoying the spot light... anymore!

>>5432255 POTUS travels update

>>5432268, >>5432312, On POTUS/Kim "private convo"

>>5432291 Jim Jordans confirms SDNY reports to Rod Rosenstein

>>5432355 ABC news all about "concrete" steps

>>5432359 WATCH! FINAL VIDEO Trump ends North Korea Summit

>>5432381 Dig on [P] + KJU = Who is Behind The Scenes?

>>5432399 DOD Tweet Here comes the

>>5432401 Man tries to jihad abortion clinic kek!

>>5432436 Rodman posts letter to Kim

>>5432442 Weaponized Language - Operation Classified

>>5432443 Interdasting article about MSM Germany

>>5432536 The Iran pallets of money went through Switzerland! now this post is notable >>543238

>>5432587 KJU's Swiss School

>>5432576 USAF tweet "Everything must connect"

>>5432610 #6944

Previously Collected Notables

>>5430286 #6941, >>5431055 #6942, >>5431793 #6943

>>5427932 #6938, >>5428734 #6939, >>5429510 #6940

>>5425546 #6935, >>5426348 #6936, >>5427116 #6937

>>5423229 #6932, >>5423977 #6933, >>5424775 #6934

>>5420933 #6929, >>5421690 #6930, >>5422459 #6931

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

3153aa  No.5434123

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

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Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66 >>>/comms/3702

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

3153aa  No.5434126

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

*How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966

Meme Ammo

42 >>5427459, 41 >>5290716, 40 >>5057528

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5342673

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5342654

3153aa  No.5434130

File: 0314a9556f5c42b⋯.jpeg (14.78 KB, 255x177, 85:59, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



83d47a  No.5434166

Prime Minister Netanyahu to be indicted!


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be indicted on bribery, fraud and breach of trust, pending hearing


008956  No.5434173

File: 1e4c1babda98ba5⋯.png (959.69 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, IMG_729.png)

patriots remember!

1b7aca  No.5434178

File: 15f5fa7150094a5⋯.png (789.5 KB, 555x740, 3:4, jvbs.png)

File: 31c7ca638ac50ad⋯.png (238.07 KB, 333x459, 37:51, pr.png)

File: bcfc13e4b8dc620⋯.gif (377.51 KB, 969x333, 323:111, rcoe.gif)

File: 523d8c04a22e2f3⋯.png (238.18 KB, 750x422, 375:211, mmbnn.png)

File: 15e3e56d646c282⋯.png (378.85 KB, 789x444, 263:148, BMNG.png)

WHAT is our enemy?

Some things are hard to swallow.

Reality is stranger than common understanding allows.

The war TRULY is spiritual.


ba5d63  No.5434188

File: 52895d19bf1469c⋯.jpg (14.17 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dig.jpg)

File: 6bebfd1d9aecdd0⋯.jpg (12.53 KB, 600x600, 1:1, meme.jpg)

File: b06777b42bcc0f1⋯.jpg (13.18 KB, 600x600, 1:1, pray.jpg)

1b7aca  No.5434189

File: d8e48d811ea4a5d⋯.png (118.25 KB, 432x159, 144:53, morebad.png)

File: afa631b4d0a4e54⋯.png (21.2 KB, 438x156, 73:26, vvNHt.png)

File: 40cd67f2724be2e⋯.png (68.7 KB, 432x168, 18:7, wuttt.png)

File: af0461ec780e2c5⋯.png (65.55 KB, 427x154, 61:22, cute.png)

File: 3e7c1aa2af1ca34⋯.png (74.88 KB, 432x153, 48:17, httc.png)

Look at these.

Just look at them.

Are we being MOCKED, here?

Really, are you kidding me?

Do patriots question this?

Do patriots think for themselves, especially when it is obvious something is amiss?

Or not?


control of NARRATIVE (control over you).

>(control over you)



22fa61  No.5434190

File: 22ea1c4d30bf81b⋯.jpg (292.86 KB, 894x1272, 149:212, pope death.jpg)

Argentine prostitute who accused Pope’s friend of complicity in child sex trafficking found dead.


8b385a  No.5434191

File: 1defcee9f72e7d0⋯.jpg (24.43 KB, 747x412, 747:412, hot in kitchen.jpg)

026d21  No.5434192

File: 7093c99b08ecac7⋯.png (1.63 MB, 2370x1355, 474:271, VQC-BreakingQews-OutputUpd….png)


c556dc  No.5434193

File: dfb0a7c4132f4a5⋯.jpg (15.56 KB, 300x300, 1:1, SkeletonWinning.jpg)


dbf84b  No.5434194


First Adulteress? Rom. 7:2, 3

4a6d75  No.5434195

>>5434133 (lb)

Think about all those Disney movies that have pedo tones to them, and you still doubt?

Your a fucking loser indeed, or your just flat out brain dead to the fact of it slapping you right in the face and can't accept it.

c357b8  No.5434196

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Anyone can run a mind control operation and groups who have got ahold of the technology (in addition to the bloodline families initiated as children the secret of MC include cults like the masons, Shriners, the nation of Islam, charismatic religious leaders, intelligence agencies etc.

Massive alienation from MSM pseudo reality has created myriads of lost souls, vulnerable addicts and seekers. These poor souls are caught between the Scylla of the big pharma dominated public mental health "system" and the Charybdis of mind control cults like Scientology and other predatory control systems using the ancient technology of the assassins to insure the loyalty of initiated members.

The unconscious isn't empty. It has a preexisting population and protocols. Observe them and walk in the light. Transgress them and get owned by bezzlebarf and friends.

1b7aca  No.5434197

File: f261f85b828e669⋯.png (237.28 KB, 332x458, 166:229, frnkly12.png)

File: 855eac31a402d28⋯.png (129.5 KB, 861x654, 287:218, whatisitTT.png)

File: 1bcd6e825306e16⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1111x734, 1111:734, kog.png)

File: 1246c68b880abe3⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1989x9020, 1989:9020, thrxmpl.jpg)

File: f21e8583735c714⋯.png (366.24 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

>>5380595 rt >>5380232 ————————— Think Map. The truth can always be found.


Why aren't we answering this question?

d0fd54  No.5434198

Prostlicyzing eunuchs of a Greek choir

d3daac  No.5434199

File: dd88615ad673070⋯.png (12.71 KB, 600x600, 1:1, bait_is_mindkiller.png)

Frenly reverse forgetting:

muh_AI is a smokescreen for the too easily triggered clown operators posting here.

The more you Know~

c556dc  No.5434200

File: fe08990d6c00b3e⋯.jpg (13.97 KB, 300x300, 1:1, SkeletonSitting.jpg)

Trust the PLAN!

Trust the PLAN!

Trust the PLAN!

Trust the PLAN!

Trust the PLAN!

Trust the PLAN!

e9e79d  No.5434201

Please meme silly faggot dick are for chicks

>>5434047 lb

e597a5  No.5434202

File: 55b2975758f1f0f⋯.png (698.77 KB, 692x567, 692:567, ClipboardImage.png)

ty baker

b9a5e3  No.5434203

Shills are pretending to be clockfags again…

8518a3  No.5434204

File: 5970d047631fb77⋯.jpg (18.88 KB, 480x358, 240:179, habbining.jpg)

2afe36  No.5434205

I thought there might be something to the missing tests. Being #s I thought maybe was an EO# so did a little digging.

I want to say I am not an Autist so forgive me if this is off the wall or stupid but I did find some interesting things.

I entered the first 4 missing tests and this is what I got when adding EO in front (EO 1249) in a search.

EO 12498 came up https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/codification/executive-order/12498.html

Executive Order 12498–Regulatory planning process

Source: The provisions of Executive Order 12498 of Jan. 4, 1985, appear at 50 FR 1036, 3 CFR, 1985 Comp., p. 323, unless otherwise noted.

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, and in order to create a coordinated process for developing on an annual basis the Administration's Regulatory Program, establish Administration regulatory priorities, increase the accountability of agency heads for the regulatory actions of their agencies, provide for Presidential oversight of the regulatory process, reduce the burdens of existing and future regulations, minimize duplication and conflict of regulations, and enhance public and Congressional understanding of the Administration's regulatory objectives, it is hereby ordered as follows: (please see link for the rest)

There is a link to EO 12291 - Federal Regulation in the document and here is the the first paragraph of that.

Executive Order 12291–Federal regulation https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/codification/executive-order/12291.html

Source: The provisions of Executive Order 12291 of Feb. 17, 1981, appear at 46 FR 13193, 3 CFR, 1981 Comp., p. 127, unless otherwise noted.

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, and in order to reduce the burdens of existing and future regulations, increase agency accountability for regulatory actions, provide for presidential oversight of the regulatory process, minimize duplication and conflict of regulations, and insure well-reasoned regulations, it is hereby ordered as follows: (please see link for the rest)

It looks to me that the president can get rid of Unnecessary and duplicate laws through the Director of Office Management and Budget. This would be Mick Mulvaney.

Is this a Coincedecnce? I think not but I will let you all decide if it is notable or not.

Oh and the other 3 #s that are out of order I thought might be EOs written in those years and since not in order I thought maybe by year in a certain order. Not really sure about that but would be a good guess I think.

163c89  No.5434206

File: 37b59bf50ef1433⋯.png (115.76 KB, 595x555, 119:111, ClipboardImage.png)

1b7aca  No.5434207

File: 161fd0b714606de⋯.png (313.71 KB, 333x474, 111:158, jesussavesyou2.png)

File: 590268f6834e725⋯.gif (253.24 KB, 333x440, 333:440, lolandy.gif)

File: 9ef9102c37d79e5⋯.png (434 KB, 635x672, 635:672, jiiii.png)

File: 204d96d44f673eb⋯.png (280.34 KB, 569x450, 569:450, ccst.png)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

390978  No.5434208

File: 4985ffcb5d04d32⋯.jpg (416.21 KB, 819x512, 819:512, Feminism-Femininity-Discus….jpg)

008956  No.5434209

File: 584c78bbe5c4f48⋯.png (1.28 MB, 853x1280, 853:1280, IMG_721.png)

patriots remember!!

7cf457  No.5434210

I keep an old 3.1 just to read peoples malware programs…. >>5434131 LB windows xp

4868e2  No.5434211

>>5433942 lb lb lb


POTUS is not the problem

KIm wants to make sure POTUS wins so he dont get Lybia'd by the DS

in other words KIM is also waiting for the habbenings

0d1b4d  No.5434212

File: f5d676194a1f250⋯.png (841.96 KB, 1083x580, 1083:580, 1_Pelosi_UM.png)

588194  No.5434213

File: 0bc6e4581694b55⋯.jpg (50.74 KB, 303x457, 303:457, DwgRFhJU0AAhWpr 8.14.44 AM.jpg)

File: d1e32ab0e5ff479⋯.png (542.11 KB, 660x442, 330:221, noCoincidences.png)

File: caaf94431ea59dd⋯.png (427 KB, 904x634, 452:317, Screen Shot 2019-02-23 at ….png)

File: 2d3b3b6e5bb30b4⋯.png (295.27 KB, 488x343, 488:343, Screen Shot 2019-02-23 at ….png)

Someone say fake MAGA (lb)?

1f6d0e  No.5434214

File: fdd61688e82d784⋯.jpg (365.81 KB, 897x676, 69:52, WhiteRabbitTRIX.jpg)

c6e8bf  No.5434215

File: 9776af70f151abc⋯.jpeg (113.5 KB, 750x480, 25:16, 62DEEFD3-543E-4879-A46E-0….jpeg)

File: 5b6a36da5cbaac5⋯.png (1.33 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, CE75CFFE-30A6-4535-A1A3-15….png)

File: fff0aa606670a99⋯.png (1.38 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 076FD6EC-11BE-44F6-A2A9-A2….png)

:17 sec on the Thank You video. Handshake and watching the water.

174c43  No.5434216

26, 27, 28, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

count them faggot


c357b8  No.5434217

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Score of incarcerated 'vores

Getting ready for the GITMO git down


4f3878  No.5434218

File: 06bdb7950c0aed7⋯.png (181.74 KB, 655x575, 131:115, Screenshot 2019-02-28_11-1….png)


c4898d  No.5434219

File: 8adb3a96b52fccd⋯.jpg (4.87 KB, 400x227, 400:227, 400px-screenshot003.jpg)

a0abe6  No.5434220

File: fd3b3394fd47df2⋯.jpg (38.4 KB, 680x510, 4:3, faceit.jpg)

You know it's true.

Damned liar if you say otherwise.

129c13  No.5434221

File: 55b4ec3a2e36ebb⋯.jpg (75.63 KB, 654x500, 327:250, rt.jpg)

4f3878  No.5434222


why did you include 26th if dropped on 26th



4868e2  No.5434223


same as mueller and the house impeaching POTUS

political theater

they got nothing

c556dc  No.5434224

File: 13fd6876150fde9⋯.jpg (11.36 KB, 300x300, 1:1, SkeletonHabbeming.jpg)



8b8e9c  No.5434225

File: cba1aa1a75259bd⋯.png (95.21 KB, 1280x793, 1280:793, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e09214ba203a35⋯.png (117.07 KB, 1247x740, 1247:740, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 568b43b7796e3a8⋯.png (187.9 KB, 1233x759, 411:253, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a98fb90830f5545⋯.png (324.55 KB, 1233x757, 1233:757, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25b474959adb2d6⋯.png (205.38 KB, 1251x780, 417:260, ClipboardImage.png)

Facebook insider leaking docs. See last panel for specific language related to "Red-pilling Normies". Ah, who might use this language????

Did not screenshot entire article.


dbf84b  No.5434226

File: f8ce17fe2c70f14⋯.jpg (18.21 KB, 269x263, 269:263, Anti Semite 23850928038407….JPG)


Ga 3:28

677bb7  No.5434227

File: a0d8ebb02c4bfad⋯.jpg (9.32 KB, 275x201, 275:201, taarnamad.jpg)

Democracy does not function without a free press.

How will Q-Team free the press?

They are owned by people of the same ideological bent.

Their output is nearly identical.

They no longer report facts but opinions or outright falsehoods.

They omit most international news.

Without free press, there cannot be dissenting views.

What is the plan to fix our broken media?

c4898d  No.5434228


Anyone have him in their deadpool?

008956  No.5434229

File: 108759708e8d07a⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, IMG_715.png)

patriots remember!!!

8b385a  No.5434230

File: 5fae319f6e5d6c8⋯.jpg (135.94 KB, 666x500, 333:250, pepe advice own it.jpg)

File: d91b81702fceced⋯.png (666.23 KB, 798x600, 133:100, Pepe end the fed.png)

File: 199076263ec3220⋯.jpg (48.19 KB, 474x286, 237:143, FED.jpg)

174c43  No.5434231

7e0c2e  No.5434232

File: 7e7e5595cda4853⋯.jpg (277.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, trustresearch.jpg)

86a91a  No.5434233


and a FAT one at that!!!!

1b7aca  No.5434234

File: 078b98c3a0439a5⋯.gif (159.18 KB, 335x444, 335:444, iaea.gif)

File: 3f0d37fdeddc769⋯.png (658.95 KB, 564x885, 188:295, OUITEBIBBOO.png)

File: 44333e5aefb4eda⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1332x999, 4:3, dygg.png)

File: c91e3b6cf84667a⋯.png (101.35 KB, 941x411, 941:411, TT.png)


Indeed, "anon"?

So there is NO AI here, right, just "clown operators", spewing reams of filler, for thousands of threads and millions of posts… that COULDN'T be ai, right?

Meanwhile, all the tech giants that have feverishly invested billions in ai for reasons that aren't altogether clear would NOT be using it to control the internet, even though we know in principle that would not be hard to do?

Am I getting what you're saying right, "anon"?

0975a1  No.5434235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

— Macaulay Culkin Exposes Big Names At The Oscars As Pedos!! 2/25/19 —

7d2786  No.5434236



Lb an anon indicated that HRC gave enriched uranium to Russia & then Russia gave it to Iran & N. Korea.

Anon questioned that. Maybe Russia gave the enriched uranium to no one. Maybe the actors who gave Russia the uranium gave the same to Iran & N. Korea handlers.

767e30  No.5434237

File: 9cd4b5d4c7e3282⋯.jpg (9.34 KB, 177x255, 59:85, tits.jpg)

Thank you baker

4a6d75  No.5434238

File: daab04d7e6ea8ee⋯.png (633.84 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Multiple posts about this in different places, must be real.


Israeli PM Netanyahu faces bribery, fraud, breach of trust charges


8b8e9c  No.5434239

File: c04b5a138b8eb0f⋯.png (403.16 KB, 1381x699, 1381:699, ClipboardImage.png)


Here it is. Sorrry!


65fd54  No.5434240

File: 3731acf51fce638⋯.png (22.19 KB, 433x270, 433:270, 21.png)


ed7a07  No.5434241

>>5432369 lb

iirc, POTUS was asked about "concrete steps" at the NK presser. Makes me wonder if Hussein planted a nuke or something in the WH steps during the renovation while he was ROTUS.

62e672  No.5434242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

watch this

Captain Higgins: "America United"


love this guy

4868e2  No.5434243


>Why aren't we answering this question?

cuz you wore out your welcome here long ago

8b385a  No.5434244

File: ff5396f758e7c1d⋯.jpg (18.51 KB, 255x146, 255:146, pepe its habbening suit.jpg)

767e30  No.5434245


Wow, does he have a death wish or what?

4f3878  No.5434246


either way 11th is another a strategic marker

9351cf  No.5434247

File: e1a8d87371c139a⋯.png (436.17 KB, 584x541, 584:541, Sec Pompeo re Duterte 2-28….PNG)

File: f2ee1728f7bac54⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1129x749, 1129:749, Sec Pompeo re Duterte 2-28….PNG)

File: 7192264f85d21e2⋯.png (2 MB, 1121x746, 1121:746, Sec Pompeo re Duterte 2-28….PNG)

Productive meeting with Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte – look forward to continued cooperation on regional security.



63f40c  No.5434248

File: 694ab8b82e35008⋯.png (314.04 KB, 607x559, 607:559, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d12972a79c7ef4⋯.png (51.03 KB, 597x355, 597:355, ClipboardImage.png)

High School Reportedly Bans MAGA Hat Because It Might Make Kids Feel ‘Unsafe’





(both reposts from late lb)

3cc977  No.5434249



ed7a07  No.5434250

a25c32  No.5434251


HRC and other traitors sure like to say "concrete" don't they.


3a0177  No.5434252

File: 29094c50f9dc3ba⋯.png (148.18 KB, 599x602, 599:602, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

File: 9e567fea522acef⋯.png (139.83 KB, 784x991, 784:991, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

I guess I just got a twatter badge of honor for over-following…

e133c0  No.5434253

File: 1cb8d5ca0590a95⋯.jpg (86.84 KB, 580x387, 580:387, 19227-rashida-tlaib-gty-77….jpg)

a2b6d2  No.5434254

>>5434081 lb

When you go long the stops are below you they took those out, big fish eating little fish

>>5434061 lb

No it's all manipulation

4a6d75  No.5434255


We are NOT a democracy.

The sooner you understand that, the sooner you know what freedom is.

d3daac  No.5434256

File: 95bd6dae496ac3d⋯.jpg (16.72 KB, 236x353, 236:353, ThePastWasErased.jpg)

>Too easily triggered clown operators.

Told ya' lol

7cf457  No.5434257

Cool! Rocking! I like the 3.1 , because Virk sent shows only as source code in it

Then you do a little Manipulation ……


e6dcb3  No.5434259


Specific timing rests w/ POTUS.

Hints expend ammunition.

Think NYT 'Anon' article (Ex)



One man, who gave up everything, risking his life (himself/family), to fight for & defend, We, the PEOPLE.

Bait expends ammunition.

EVIL has no place here.


174c43  No.5434260


Haha, so is 3/15

86a91a  No.5434261

File: 5a32b40579060d8⋯.jpg (56.21 KB, 538x629, 538:629, fat and ugly.jpg)

11aa7b  No.5434262

File: c57b5b8a8cc94aa⋯.png (1.59 MB, 800x2000, 2:5, Trumplove.png)

lets get cited up in here


03b60f  No.5434263

What is the benefit to Q flaunting that NK/US summit will be glorious, historic, etc when NO DEAL was made public (or even made)?

7cf457  No.5434264

ed7a07  No.5434265


pretty casual attire for President Duerte, no?


36daff  No.5434266

File: 0c98e546ea69518⋯.png (19.17 KB, 377x392, 377:392, 9c349235-150a-4a3a-8699-83….png)


I feel like most have ignored this word. It's an important word. Within means anytime between now and then.

1b7aca  No.5434267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Compare Mac Culk to this video:

Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Who made this video?

Do we know?

It is very slick. Hardly amateur.

Do we know where it came from?


Or did it just show up, and was accepted?

Accepted by whom?

How do we know?

Does Jordan Sather push this video?

Does Jordan Sather also peddle things for money?


If you knew certain truths were going to get out no matter what, what would you do?

Would you try to seize the communication of those truths?

Might you expose A LOT, while carefully and subtly controlling the emphasis?

Could controlling the emphasis control perception, and reaction?

Does this video present DIFFICULT and COMPLEX truths using simplifications that will make them seem absurd to many?

While at the same time being extremely slick, and hence convincing?

Does this video take the HARDEST part of our job– explaining complicated and also very weird realities to the public, and run roughshod over the need for careful presentation?

Does it just chuck out an interpretation that is easy, in many ways true, but in others very incomplete– and in any case likely to be ignored by many?

Is this a form of control?

Is saying “criminals took over” a simplification? Does it tend to make a complex reality look a bit cartoonish? And how does that (cartoonishness) make US look?

Is the title “plan to save the world” also cartoonish?

Does it undermine in many subtle ways?

Who made it?

How would we know?

Does anyone ask?

Or just assume someone else did?

Will it get removed?

Does its origins and validity get addressed?

What controls the board and decides?

Are the people in control of this board?

How do you know?


43a1eb  No.5434268


Libel laws …Coming soon

c556dc  No.5434270

File: 4081a9d68750531⋯.jpg (11.54 KB, 300x300, 1:1, SkeletonSwing.jpg)


>File (hide): 9ef9102c37d79e5⋯.png (434 KB, 635x672, 635:672, jiiii.png) (h) (u)

8b385a  No.5434271

File: f866d8bce9f7b42⋯.jpg (130.26 KB, 1080x612, 30:17, CS.jpg)

File: d75d19202d62c78⋯.jpg (63.83 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Sub Captain.jpg)

a5e87a  No.5434272

File: c1125485e917111⋯.png (53.15 KB, 528x282, 88:47, ClipboardImage.png)


BREAKING: Israeli attorney general seeks charges against PM Netanyahu in alleged fraud and bribery case - BBC

3cc977  No.5434273


You glow, shill.

4efbe1  No.5434274

File: 8c4b000917b4c4b⋯.png (792.98 KB, 1084x656, 271:164, injuns.PNG)


iT IS FIXED; WE are THE Media nao!

588194  No.5434275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4a6d75  No.5434277


The WAY he posted that makes me think he was forced into posting it.

"There, I said it."

767e30  No.5434278


You are correct Anon

174c43  No.5434279


Nope. I’m just pointing out the BY date

8b8e9c  No.5434280


Sec. Pompeo getting stuff done.

8ed3f3  No.5434281


Their DS is probably worse than ours.

82a52f  No.5434282

9d7731  No.5434283


Two birds of a feather.

Hope Mr. Pompeo had a good time in Philippines.


He got his own image to show supposedly.

a0abe6  No.5434284

File: 2c195b5b69aaf25⋯.jpg (14.52 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 2c195b5b69aaf259f9e13c6574….jpg)

File: bc43773521a8f30⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 429x557, 429:557, it'sthefukkenjews.jpg)

File: 15a7ad58e73769b⋯.jpg (55.59 KB, 474x513, 158:171, ej.jpg)


oy vey oy vey oy vey oy vey oy vey

kikes turned swastika into hate symbol

originally meant divinity and spirituality…no wonder the kikes ban it.


You GLOW like a cuck, nigger.

America first or Isreal first, choose your side.

3cc977  No.5434285



d8e52b  No.5434286


More like clearing his conscience

3171ad  No.5434287

Anons, i dont want to shit bread, or to sound like a shill, but i seriously want to ask you few honest questions, and if someone want to answer them honestly, thank you. If those questions offend you, dont spend post to reply and just ignore it

1. Do you expect Q and team to "save world", or you are making something for help too? /except being here and making memes/ → i mean like somethig out there in real world

2. Do you really understand all crumbz, numbers, timestamps, clocks? If not, what are you doing to change it?

3. When Q post something, for example pictures, and noone is able to understand point of it, what do you think, are those pictures meant for us, or someone else? If for someone else, why are we digging? If for us, doesnt it mean that we are still not there, that we are not able to connect all dots? That Q see that we need more time to be awake?

145e9e  No.5434288


How many points are notables.

ed0e8e  No.5434289


Duerte is the honey badger he DGAF.

Besides that's one of the most humid places on Earth…

c723bc  No.5434290

File: 7913314a61e380d⋯.png (95.24 KB, 577x363, 577:363, ClipboardImage.png)

Only 8 Judges are voting on SCOTUS.

0f9fb9  No.5434291

File: 32ac3836ec5438f⋯.jpg (280.45 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, AmericaFirstGuttedObamaReg….jpg)

7a3008  No.5434293

File: 509f8360722d9db⋯.jpg (45.34 KB, 401x471, 401:471, apl.JPG)

Luke Perry's son, "Jungle Boy" (????) Jack Perry

4f3878  No.5434294



2f4b0f  No.5434295

>>5433466 lb

So Q and + have everything. When you have everything, you can max out dramatics executed within exquisitely orchestrated time frames, right?

Remember when Joshua and his army circled the wall of Jericho for 7 days then when the trumpets were blown, the wall fell down flat? KEK That's a perfect plan being executed. If the people of Jericho had believed they were under threat, they would have done something about it. Considering events from the standpoint of literally having everything may help to better see the forest for the trees especially in the long-term scenarios.

1f9e48  No.5434296

If a joint resolution is passed by Congress can it be vetoed by POTUS?

If so, must the Congress override his veto in order to make this joint resolution law?

If so, what are the odds of the House and the Senate overriding the President's veto?

Unlikely I would say.

Therefore, it appears the Joint Resolution will never overturn the President's National Emergency.


8b8e9c  No.5434297


Check notables for that night, anons. It's there.

7e0c2e  No.5434298

Child Cannibalism:


Controversy has been sparked when the performance artist Zhu Yu claimed that he prepared, cooked and ate real human bodies, including fetuses,[1] as an artistic performance.[2] The performance was called Eating People he claimed it was to protest against cannibalism.[3] It was intended as "shock art".[4][5] The Chinese Ministry of Culture cited a menace to social order and the spiritual health of the Chinese people, banned exhibitions involving culture, animal abuse, corpses, and overt violence and sexuality[6] and Zhu Yu was prosecuted for his deeds.[7][8]


Capsule pills filled with human baby flesh in the form of powder were seized by South Koreans from ethnic Koreans living in China, who had tried to smuggle them into South Korea and consume the capsules themselves or distribute them to other ethnic Korean citizens of China living in South Korea.

References in popular culture:

In Fruit Chan's Dumplings, fetuses are consumed with the belief of their rejuvenating properties.

In the Taiwan ghost movie, The Heirloom (2005), infants who've died or been aborted are kept in jars and fed blood to raise 'young ghosts' (who grant the bloodletter powers).

Japanese rock band Dir en grey's song "Umbrella" is about the act of child cannibalism.

In Cormac McCarthy's novel The Road, a father and son encounter a family that consumes a fetus.

In the popular comedy Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, the character Fat Bastard is known for his obsession with eating infants.

In an episode of South Park, Christopher Reeve is shown eating fetuses in order to regain his mobility as well as to seemingly become stronger (in satirical reference to his acting roles as Superman, his real-life paralysis, and subsequent advocacy for fetal stem cell research).

In an episode of Robot Chicken, "Nutcracker Sweet", the resurrected Walt Disney feeds exclusively on Cuban children. After watching coverage of the Elian Gonzales deportation case on the news, Disney sets out on a quest to devour the boy.

In Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead and its live-action adaptation, a group of survivors who dubbed themselves "the Hunters" turned to eating their children to survive in the zombie apocalypse, though not without clear remorse.


f7154f  No.5434299

3cc596  No.5434300


Don't know. It sounds like they weren't really all that close in their positions. Kim Jong Un was not prepared to go very far at all with denuclearization. Whether he was just trying to negotiate a better deal in the face of congressional opposition to POTUS is unclear at this point.

62e672  No.5434301


that's fine

it was notable

ffb1a8  No.5434302

File: 37c391355492836⋯.jpeg (540.61 KB, 1979x1242, 1979:1242, F0674473-55E2-468F-93B0-C….jpeg)

This was shown on Fox @ 11:11 Vietnam time.

Pepe sign flashed very quickly.

Great show.

Concernfags are adding to the entertainment.

Cause Trump NEVER uses optics. Kek.

69c116  No.5434303


Your subconscious is the "mind" of your soul.

Holds every memory. Because memory is all you get to take with you when you leave the planet.

648bfd  No.5434304


He doesn’t give a shit about his appearance, never. I love that guy

e6dcb3  No.5434305


we are

Yonder : the place between here and there

4a6d75  No.5434306


How do you figure that?

Any context to this post that may have not been shared yet?

808062  No.5434307


Just a thought…-21 Planned along ago

21 months back is June 2017??

85da9f  No.5434308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Complete Absence of Black History In the Fascist Fatherland Month

8b385a  No.5434309

File: 67cd0f4c43c4ea2⋯.jpg (90.96 KB, 793x493, 793:493, confirmed 3.jpg)


ty for adding that anon. busy day!

7cf457  No.5434310

Dogs. = shooters

Concrete = suicides/ deaths

Evergreen = train incidents

This is what i found so far…

c357b8  No.5434311

File: e66ccbe2c2723b2⋯.jpg (12.23 KB, 236x325, 236:325, e66ccbe2c2723b29637a3b34ed….jpg)


>>5434255 < correct

Never-the-less the IS a plan to rectify the damage.

As far as the reorganization of media - it starts with secure identity based networking networking

perhaps (you) can conceive what would happen next. When every deliberate lie is instantly recognized as such.

4f3878  No.5434312

File: 4a26adf3a539abb⋯.png (43.13 KB, 553x199, 553:199, Screenshot 2019-02-28_11-2….png)


85da9f  No.5434313


Kim is Q!

ed7a07  No.5434314


except she's obviously Jewish

174c43  No.5434315



4a6d75  No.5434316

4868e2  No.5434317


ok tuesday march 19

here is the real question

will the habbenings be:

1. POTUS related? or

2. Q related?

#1 is NOT what i am hoping for anons

#1 is MAGA great BUT all in front of the curtain - we need Q/POTUS to disclose what is BEHIND the curtain - its time

32a9c2  No.5434318



9d7731  No.5434319


Words mean something.

We are at war.

Be aware of (((shills))) and kikes using buzzwords and multiple IP hops to drum up FAKE expecations before each event - which then they later scream "SEE SEE IT DIDN'T HAPPEN FUCK YOU CULTISTS" etc.

War is real. How many times have we seen this?

Expect the unexpected, war situation is fluid. Also, something this significant doesn't just 'unravel' within 2-3 hours of 'talks'. All were anticipated beforehand and prepared for.

Use reason - something like this doesn't happen on the fly.

Are there further NK and chinese elements that need to be taken care of?

7e0c2e  No.5434320

File: b66efbd0d09944a⋯.jpg (208.12 KB, 1161x797, 1161:797, punisher.jpg)

a5e87a  No.5434321

File: ad5646cf935790f⋯.png (51.03 KB, 520x286, 20:11, ClipboardImage.png)


They're deflecting the news that just dropped about Bibi being indicted. BlackCube in full effect, yo.

e133c0  No.5434322


POTUS knows…

d3daac  No.5434323


>Two birds of a feather.

Hold on fren.

The original idiom is:

Two birds of a feather flock together, untill the cat arrives

It's a warning about fair weather friends.

6b1757  No.5434324


Do we know if somebody recused themselves?

1f6d0e  No.5434325

File: e27d06dd9b56722⋯.jpg (208.96 KB, 1357x443, 1357:443, 7354676767-647hcwer542e65a….jpg)

5c8e07  No.5434326

File: f91d80dd2fba0ea⋯.jpg (255.86 KB, 579x458, 579:458, 2019-02-28_08-26-56.jpg)

1baad7  No.5434327

File: 73ccc4e96f26d7a⋯.png (879.31 KB, 1272x710, 636:355, 75gh.png)

File: 44489b645f68b18⋯.png (961.57 KB, 1270x614, 635:307, 75gy.png)

File: adb60aaf4ed400d⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1460x818, 730:409, 75h9.png)

File: 5b89c5e2436643b⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1214x780, 607:390, 75gx.png)

File: 5bdba5305dba9c3⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1456x966, 104:69, 75gz.png)


RBG is busy filming a herpes commercial.

7ba5ab  No.5434328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Dulcefoe video - good explanations/clues on Hanoi:

7a3008  No.5434329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jungle Boy Jack Perry

4868e2  No.5434330


>seeks charges


not brings? they have been seeking for years

nothing burger

1b7aca  No.5434331

File: 55949cea6f20001⋯.png (498.45 KB, 444x607, 444:607, lhvvl.png)

3a0177  No.5434332


Judgment: Vacated and remanded, 5-3, in an opinion by Justice Kagan on February 27, 2019. Justice Alito filed a dissenting opinion, in which Justices Thomas and Gorsuch joined. Justice Kavanaugh took no part in the consideration or decision of the case.


c723bc  No.5434333


>Pepe sign

8 judge>>5434324

On a dementia case? Doubtful, unless Ruth has dementia

a5e87a  No.5434334


what makes you think evergreen is rail? interdasting

026d21  No.5434336


Does this make sense as a Japanese version of MAGA?


Nihon ni meiyo o kaesu

Returning honor to Japan

c357b8  No.5434337

File: 53a95b796fb5c99⋯.jpg (82.22 KB, 1024x764, 256:191, 1506042216117m.jpg)

To understand information systems, it is necessary explain some basic scientific concepts. The principles are simple, almost everyone will understand, but a straightforward logical presentation will not reach anywhere near the number of people as would the same information embedded in dramatic entertainment.

Once we establish the most important ideas everybody should know we can tell the story across all platforms. We know the story. We also know the most efficient way to convey a large amount of important complex true information to the largest possible general audience is to embody the information into dramatic entertainment.

The correction of historical narrative means a wholesale renovation of our historical record to incorporate new knowledge concerning the nature of historical events. A virtual re presentation of the past enables a new understanding of the present.

a92fa1  No.5434338

31 Jan 2019 Interview in OO.

NYT, @maggieNYT

Wall negotiation, Rosenstein, Stone, Kushner SecClearance, NYT Publisher.

85da9f  No.5434339


Not so fast. All State actors need to be identified and checked. Media awareness is paramount




1f6d0e  No.5434340

File: a5bf44f2b2dbb8c⋯.jpg (128.77 KB, 566x358, 283:179, te5860634543gsf3dgfgf4Y6.jpg)

54a2c5  No.5434341



Anon theory on missing Q test numbers. Correlation to EO 12498 Presidential oversight for Administration's Regulatory Programs and Actions.

87e901  No.5434342


1. Beyond sacrificing ourselves in a failed bloody revolution for the sake of principle, there is nothing to do. That's why we're here and waiting to see what Q can do.

2. Plenty of anons understand it as well as anyone is going to be able to prior to full disclosure. A majority don't, but that's an IQ problem and no amount of effort will "change it"

3. They are usually for someone else, with maybe a secondary purpose of giving anons a vague hint or a wink with source pics. Anons tend to have a complex where they overestimate their capabilities and value, and then assume they have a role to play in everything.

d8e52b  No.5434343


That’s just my gut on how to read the tweet. It’s a fact that has held on to, didn’t fee like it was a request by others. No sauce…

86a91a  No.5434344

I wonder how thin the line is between "Impeachment" and "Sedition/Treason for trying to impeachment without valid cause"…

I guess it would be like a False Arrest sort of thing!!!!

a2b6d2  No.5434345

Rulings coming out now dont include Kavanaugh since he wasn't there for orals and what not

a92fa1  No.5434346

File: 9078dd463a083b6⋯.png (547.16 KB, 2056x1044, 514:261, ClipboardImage.png)

7ecec6  No.5434347


Our goal here was laid out by Q.

We thought initially it may have been parallel construction but Q has told us that we are here to prepare the uninitiated for the reality of they will see happen during the storm in order to help make a smooth transition.

We are also here to help drive public attention through use of memes, to topics that will be very important in the near future to help build support for happenings.

NO ONE has a 100% decode of Q posts. Famefags will claim they do, but no one does.

IRL, we meme, we have the conversations with frens and family, we make stickers, posters, shirts, fund raise, go to rallies and spread the message as we can.

There are definitely some Q posts that are not meant for us. They may not even be meant for operators. Some are total disinformation to help conceal real activities or to bait DS players into trying to prepare.

4a6d75  No.5434348


He we go with this fucking slide again.

7cf457  No.5434349


After the many tweets the other day with just the word evergreen, then suddenly 4 trains had incidents in one morning… later two more

8b385a  No.5434350

File: 7d02bf0ce42148c⋯.jpg (73.72 KB, 710x500, 71:50, munchkins concrete.jpg)

File: 3f7d91d4630179e⋯.jpg (116.35 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Munchkins 2.jpg)

19b82e  No.5434351

File: 2e90f51352c250a⋯.jpg (765.45 KB, 1536x866, 768:433, 00009-DoItQ.jpg)

63f40c  No.5434352

File: 3769257580f46ab⋯.png (317.05 KB, 603x521, 603:521, ClipboardImage.png)


Gang jailed for rape and abuse of children in foster care home.

2f4b0f  No.5434353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

62e672  No.5434354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Captain Higgins: "A Nation at War"


243538  No.5434355

File: b25ba5cb6287a06⋯.jpeg (81.27 KB, 826x426, 413:213, potus nk.jpeg)

File: b0760d1dab686ec⋯.jpg (15.29 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 25a95745f31ca7cc7aa77b6eec….jpg)

Russian state TV alleged US target list features mysterious locations

@ https://www.foxnews.com/us/potential-strike-target-in-us-named-by-russian-state-tv-has-ties-to-the-underground-pentagon-a-secretive-mountain-bunker-complex

GeeWizz is Putin giving us locations to dig for cabal sites?

8b385a  No.5434356

File: 25aebdc3c8529d0⋯.jpg (59.49 KB, 300x400, 3:4, RBG Coping!!.jpg)

c38765  No.5434357

File: 8518802732e0aef⋯.png (39.21 KB, 588x246, 98:41, ClipboardImage.png)


ed7a07  No.5434358


good points, both.

Duerte is impressive. Loves his people. Tough as nails… just was thinking that the optics were maybe a bit embarrassing for Sec. Pompeo.

4a6d75  No.5434359


Still think it was forced.

994802  No.5434360

File: f28e235f65833ca⋯.jpg (33.31 KB, 625x626, 625:626, dis gon be good.jpg)

The Deal is Done.

Bait to expose Hater news. We dont need accomplishments yet, we need to continue to tire the public on whats being fed to them on tv and print

4868e2  No.5434361


prolly cuz he was NOT indicted

as this tweet confirms


7cf457  No.5434362


They mention concrete, the news reports someone or a few new deaths..

Mention of dogs and wall the sudden shooters in several places

d161c3  No.5434363



if they had something on him he would be done already

Same as Trump

f19bb9  No.5434364






-Blockade removal ['Scaramucci' model]

-[RR] removal [Goodbye #2 [#1 _ oversight of Mueller]

-[Ohr] removal

-[1-4] removal

-Barr install

-Barr (w/ Whitaker) review [RR] notes re: strong reservations to DECLAS due to sources & methods + Foreign CLAS (irreparable harm) > OIG review prior to executing order

-Barr (w/ Whitaker) pull DECLAS review assignment from OIG [cite: executive order from POTUS does not require special oversight - DOJ/FBI (Wray) fully capable in reviewing and commenting re: OP integrity (sources & methods) etc.]

-Barr executes order to DECLAS + provide members of H committee long requested supplemental documentation in C setting [scope memo + CLAS] as required by US Law.

-Whitaker remain DOJ senior staff

-Barr meeting Huber & OIG

-OIG report

-House D's threaten subpoena of Barr/Whitaker re: DECLAS, SC report, Huber, etc….

-House D's use subpoena power to ……………………Acts 1, 2, and 3. [spill +30]

-Meeting w/ NK > DENUC plan/process > sanctions lift meets subj A, B food for people (aid)

UK/AUS narrative shift re: in_country spy campaign v. POTUS (hops 1 to 2; 2 to 3; 3 to 4; 4 to target)

-D sky is falling push to public (scare to control)(projection)

-Public Awakening

-Narrative damage control

-Placeholders active

-Wall discussion end (public awareness of D's)

-Red/Green Castle per orig plan

Dark to Light.



Posted on 9th Feb. [-21] posted on 26th Feb

Difference between dates = 17

d3daac  No.5434365

File: 1a3fb92892d6bfa⋯.jpg (133.69 KB, 361x342, 19:18, (You).jpg)


Very OnPoint.

d8e52b  No.5434366


He’s dangerous- POTUS needs to fire him again. For good. And explain why.

dc8ca3  No.5434367


The Sage from South Central! If you mention the name Larry Elder to almost any black person they immediately say Uncle Tom. I say he speaks a truth that is uncomfortable to them.

8b8e9c  No.5434368


Gotchya. Shoulda known.

bd6692  No.5434369

Sen Dianne Feinstein

Verified account


2m2 minutes ago


Great meeting with Metrolink. I got an update on their implementation of Positive Train Control, a key tool for improving railroad safety. Looking forward to working with you.

70b5c0  No.5434370

File: 11931cb050b14b6⋯.jpg (380.95 KB, 753x861, 251:287, #0.Chan Archive Service.jpg)

GAA Update

"Optics are important!"Edition

Hello Anons,

I added #6928 to #6946 and updated the checksums.



6928-6946.zip MD5: f179d991e5b3d8f2795d3a6a7b33e811


6928-6946.html.zip MD5: ab42b6c554a50620c6e5adb40235781a

The archive now contains 6948 breads.


767e30  No.5434371


Macaulay Culkin

‏Verified account @IncredibleCulk

Feb 24

Just statistically speaking, there are at like at least 14 secret rapists in that room right now. And 6 secret DJs. #MackTweetsTheOscars

e35b88  No.5434373


Does anyone have the side-by-side of Trump & Obozo in Vietnam?

Thought it was in notables, but cant find.

d11f29  No.5434374

File: b2e02098fc7cf75⋯.png (528.82 KB, 695x462, 695:462, ClipboardImage.png)

026d21  No.5434375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


aaaaaah the classics.

ac5b24  No.5434376

What the story with Kim's watch?

00b56f  No.5434377


The picture they are looking at. Any anons know what this pic is? would like to find a high res version. I can't find it, been looking all morning.

c38765  No.5434378

File: 66046c165c325ca⋯.png (38.97 KB, 591x258, 197:86, ClipboardImage.png)



e6dcb3  No.5434379

File: 49898745501de78⋯.png (743.77 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_BiteCrumbs_20171124_TheC….png)

File: 1a670504126366f⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_pepeCrumbs_Amazing.png)

File: 692d7303bef8e59⋯.png (442.34 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_pepeCrumbs_You_During.png)

3153aa  No.5434380


Grüß Gott, GAA.

Danke schön.

3cc596  No.5434382


Does anyone know if he can be removed from office if they manage to convict him?

ec475a  No.5434383

File: 43cbaa5867bbf07⋯.png (590.26 KB, 792x628, 198:157, The One (((THEY))) Thought….png)

Anon's know

54a2c5  No.5434384


Explaining drag culture to kids = some children were abused by adults who did not want them to be the boy or girl they were born as and so they were convinced to pretend to be the opposite sex to please their child abusing parent(s) or family member

35841c  No.5434385




None it takes 2/3

36daff  No.5434386


That right there looks like the future Intercontinental Light Heavyweight Champion.

767e30  No.5434387


Many thanks!!!

a5e87a  No.5434388

File: 83a75b66c0faf5b⋯.png (124.73 KB, 365x530, 73:106, ClipboardImage.png)


Railroads have tracks…

Timing I thought for this tweet was suspect about all the railroad incidents you talked of as well.

8612c5  No.5434389


nice post

7cf457  No.5434390

Concrete was mentioned several times, actress dead … another in hospital…

c357b8  No.5434391

File: 7a018d5ec18f546⋯.png (773.37 KB, 736x981, 736:981, 7a018d5ec18f54682bde4fb9af….png)


Information Poisoning is a catch all description for cognitive impairment resulting from Information Operations. Information Operations, aka IO, psyops, are the methods and tactics employed in non-linear war against “enemy” populations.

Entertainment is not just entertainment, it is adult education and the principal mechanism employed by nation states to reliably influence social behavior.

Digital entertainment media are a critical element of national security infrastructure. The content of entertainment exerts significant, predictable effects on human behavior and belief systems. Entertainment directs popular attention, either lends support or selectively subverts social issues, fosters unity or division and incrementally enhances or gradually constricts collective cognitive capacity.

"Entertainment" is a general term. We might say “that which fascinates.”

Information Poisoning is found throughout nature. Organisms will exploit perceptual biases to evade predators or to attract prey; some species practice deception on many levels.

The Paussid or “ant’s nest” beetle forges chemical signals which blinds the ants, its prey, to the beetle’s presence among them. The Paussid beetle eats the ant’s children and lays its eggs in worker's bodies which it paralyses an injected toxin it also manufactures.

Predators exploit perceptual deficiencies of prey, or of host civilizations, they are parasitic on.

Predators can be of the same species, or as with the Paussid beetles, may create the appearance of being so.

Normally we consider the eye reliable. Unless there is a reason to suspect forgery, we’re usually willing to accept the signal we receive from our eyes, even when it comes over a known insecure, anonymous network like the POS internet. Our enemies are stupid, but they're still as smart as Paussid beetles. Do you think they might employ similar tactics?

Note that the beetle injects false information to deceive the ants inside the perceptual loop of the ants, by synthesizing their chemical language. The Passidae are living organic chem labs, able to synthesize many chemicals, not just to make themselves invisible to ants, but to make the ants voluntarily work for the beetles and remain blind to their own exploitation by the enemies living in their midst.

We trust what we see in the mirror.

We assume what we see when we look in the mirror - that's us.

We see TV and movies and think

yeah that's also us

but it isn't

It is fun-housed

To make us appear what we're not.

To conceal what we are

And what we can be

We conform our self- image to their distorted media caricature

Our susceptibility to false image and tendency to conform our behavior makes this one of the pedo-cultist slavers favorite tactics.

9fd720  No.5434392



Admiralty Law.

>Watch the water.

>PAIN 23

Luke 23

"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."

9351cf  No.5434393

File: 782c8e5a2b70acf⋯.png (748.22 KB, 815x559, 815:559, Jack Perry Wrestling.PNG)


>Luke Perry's son, "Jungle Boy" (????) Jack Perry

Because his sport is wrestling?


7cf457  No.5434394



bd6692  No.5434395


“The person developing the Soros story was using Judicial Watch as a source as I understand it — the story was not only poorly sourced, it relied heavily on one less-than-credible source,” Lansing said.

Judicial Watch has rejected the criticism of its work and said it never spoke to any Martí reporter. The group frequently criticizes Soros and what it says is his “radical left-wing agenda” being subsidized by U.S. foreign aid.

Tom Fitton, the group’s president, said that with the firings, Lansing was “abusing his office to punish people critical of Mr. Soros.”

Lansing said USAGM is beginning a broader content review that could result in further disciplinary action.

The Washington Post reported in December that Martí published a ­Spanish-language opinion piece warning that the “Islamization” of Europe by migrants is destroying the continent’s Christian character and posing a danger to the United States “greater than that from the Nazis in the 1940s.” The author of that piece has not written for Martí since the Post report.

“I’m confident we’ve found the root of the Soros reporting,” Lansing said. “I’ll reserve judgment on anything else until our content review is completed.”

145e9e  No.5434396

File: 0e4ff7843179e3c⋯.gif (973.13 KB, 400x266, 200:133, 8E553E08-C87E-4E3E-9E3D-E4….gif)



Try putting milk on her

87e901  No.5434397


I feel like if nothing happens then we will also memory hole this prediction altogether.

So what exactly is the point of even talking about it?

Q has been "wrong" about these hype ups so many times shouldn't we start assuming it's all disinfo to head fake the cabal?

188c6b  No.5434398

File: 0f2367ddd9696cd⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1192x645, 1192:645, FreedomForPatriots.png)

>>5434043 (lb)

Do you like my version?

43a1eb  No.5434399

So If BB gets indicted …Might that be we save Israel for last …Fireworks starting soon ?

54a2c5  No.5434400


Great work!

7a3008  No.5434401


umm …..not a sport,,performance art

ed0e8e  No.5434402


>just was thinking that the optics were maybe a bit embarrassing for Sec. Pompeo.

Don't get me wrong that was my immediate impression, too.

But, yeah, it's Duerte and people already know how he rolls by now.

c357b8  No.5434403

File: 9be08a92da69067⋯.png (405.14 KB, 646x654, 323:327, 1501509309758.png)



step by step

e6dcb3  No.5434404

<NK on pause

so now what happens - or stops happening - with Pakistan will be very telling

86079a  No.5434405


>And 6 secret DJs.

For the ignorant (including me) what is a DJ in this context?

ffe1f7  No.5434406


And as soon as possible…then we will see some serious changes in their attitudes.. remember when Trump said to file a class action suit for lying to the public and causing the stock market to fall 500 points

Clarence Thomas Calls For Review Of Libel Ruling That Would Help Trump

President Trump has also called for changes to libel laws.

Thomas said on Tuesday that the high court should review its 1964 New York Times v. Sullivan case that made it more difficult for public officials to win libel suits, the New York Times reported.

The court’s only Black justice made the statement in a concurring opinion, in which he agreed that the court was right to reject an appeal from Katherine McKee who sued Bill Cosby for libel. The entertainer’s lawyer had said McKee was dishonest when she accused Cosby of raping her in a Detroit hotel room in 1974.


35841c  No.5434407


my opinion it tags along with the Chinese and the new trade treaty… which maybe falling apart or I should say not getting what the US wants… time to play the ace card… threaten to arm SK, Japan with nukes.. then see how fast they come to the table

026d21  No.5434408


Oooooh, this one sounds Japanese AF



Eikō o Nihon ni kaeshite kudasai.

Please return the glory to Japan.


2300b8  No.5434409

So we know PP is selling baby parts….

They now want full term babies to possibly

sell living babies or just for more expensive organs…

The big question is….what the fuck are they doing

with all of these baby organs???!!!

Stem cells, blood transfusions, face creams?

There has to be more to it for the huge price

these "fetuses" are getting.

AJ almost answered it yesterday on Rogan

but was derailed

3cc977  No.5434410

a52406  No.5434411

File: 9f03740310344d1⋯.jpg (76.99 KB, 751x436, 751:436, ttbblf76.jpg)

4cde53  No.5434412

File: bc34a967d393984⋯.png (330.76 KB, 615x626, 615:626, 0120ea6bc7648020a1f04e70a2….png)

File: 5f03630d02f5e53⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1179x782, 1179:782, 5f03630d02f5e534d802832cad….png)


Something is/was/will be happening on rail yards.

8b385a  No.5434413

File: 69244c5489cdfe5⋯.png (97.48 KB, 500x514, 250:257, munchkins.png)

File: a974ee40c3d1266⋯.gif (374.37 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, OneWest.gif)


Treasury Nominee Steve Mnuchin’s Bank Accused of “Widespread Misconduct” in Leaked Memo


From IndyMac to OneWest: Steven Mnuchin's Big Score

Wall Street veteran Steven Mnuchin rode into Pasadena and bought what was left of IndyMac. Now he’s making a killing


e6dcb3  No.5434414


> shouldn't we start assuming it's all disinfo to head fake the cabal?

start? START?

yes, if you had not yet done that long ago (as it's explained in the crumbs over and over and over again), you should.

re-reading crumbs wouldn't be a bad idea either

7e0c2e  No.5434415



7b3b40  No.5434416

File: ef951a6deb5b149⋯.png (1.16 MB, 720x2283, 240:761, ClipboardImage.png)

Remember Q said that POTUS would be safely aboard AF1 and out of the country when the SHTF?

IMHO, Cohen's public perjury, D's display of fuckery during the testimony, combined with (pic related) NO SAUCE, but seemingly believable testimony of a close friend, all combine to make sense.

IF, and I say IF, Mueller's thugs physically tortured him (remember the arm in a sling?) and then threatened his wife in return for lying to get POTUS, then we now have just about everything we need to finish off Mueller's "investigation", the D Party and MSM.

The proverbial cherry on top of our sundae!

Beer at the parade, frens!

acc274  No.5434417


She is a package of hatred

4f3878  No.5434418

File: 8bc6cfd6170a57d⋯.png (47.91 KB, 565x251, 565:251, Screenshot 2019-02-28_11-3….png)


145e9e  No.5434419

File: 1320b57fdb9c086⋯.jpeg (322.36 KB, 750x554, 375:277, FB6D03C5-DFEB-4D40-998E-4….jpeg)

58ebfc  No.5434420


so it wasnt actually a test of comms while in a commie country, it was a 12 part drop to have 4 intentional failures so (You) could take the missing numbers and relate them to something?

767e30  No.5434421


I dont know fren, I was hoping some anon would know

c556dc  No.5434422

File: ec3f187abac0e1f⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 203x300, 203:300, SkeletonGI.jpg)




тrυѕт тнe plαɴ!

trust the plan!



a5e87a  No.5434423

File: ba11caf6a916bed⋯.png (107.35 KB, 409x537, 409:537, ClipboardImage.png)

f22b53  No.5434424

How does POTUS & KJU usually communicate?

What if the meeting was for KJU to give POTUS factual evidence? That evidence could have concerned POTUS.

Could be why the summit ended early

c6e8bf  No.5434425


A few things jumped out at me. Someone is pointing to the handshake

Then they point to the pic on the wall.

Also way the boats are making an arrow

8b8e9c  No.5434426

FOX Business just interviewed David Rubin, Mayor of Shiloh, Israel. Said Netanyahu has not been indicted but after a hearing, will most likely be indicted.

Said even with charges, he may not have to resign. Says he predicts that even with indictment, Netanyahu will still be Prime Minister on April 10th.

69c116  No.5434427


The path to a brighter future.

7cf457  No.5434428

I did find this on “ Evergreen tweets”

An evergreen tweet

by Reza Shabanali

Social media is not usually considered as a suitable platform for evergreen content. Because every post is quickly buried under dozens of activities and newer contents. In fact, Twitter is the worst case among other social tools as even a one-day-old tweet feels like an old age content there.

So just to feed my curiosity, googled “evergreen tweet” to become sure that the term “evergreen tweet” is an oxymoron. But I was wrong. A tweet from Bernie Sanders was considered as an evergreen tweet by most media. A three-word-tweet about the AHCA:

Evergreen Tweet Example

Such a tweet can be considered as a vivid description of the current state of the politics without considering any specific context, even beyond the United States political landscape.

So it seems that I’ve to change my mind about the term “evergreen tweet”. Most descriptions of the politics can be considered timeless and evergreen, especially if they are talking about corruption, incompetence, and disgrace.


a4b211  No.5434429




2f3b54  No.5434430


Is it a coincidence that Trudeau is also facing the same allegations today?


332fb1  No.5434431

File: 4b09e1c1402fa60⋯.png (1.24 MB, 973x825, 973:825, 11:35:39_001.png)

1b7aca  No.5434432

File: 97aa04c4185a01e⋯.png (508.79 KB, 443x606, 443:606, wh.png)


Who makes these things?


Are you sure?

dfda37  No.5434433

File: 5c186bab252a91e⋯.jpeg (108.21 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, A367D7C1-7E7D-422E-ADCB-6….jpeg)

2426a2  No.5434434

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>5428832 PB

Reposting for the daycrew. Fantastic video.

videochan man has got some skills.

Be sure to pay close attention at 5 and a half in.

7cf457  No.5434435


His tweet was …

Just a disgrace…

Bernie Sanders…

0f9fb9  No.5434436

File: 5132f125898fa8a⋯.jpg (667.77 KB, 1796x1259, 1796:1259, PepeShowTime.jpg)

f48136  No.5434437

File: dfc198e11fcd541⋯.jpg (161.09 KB, 1141x721, 163:103, Capture.JPG)


maybe something, who knows?

c556dc  No.5434438

File: 157e909870d79ff⋯.jpg (9.45 KB, 209x300, 209:300, SkeletonZombie.jpg)




тrυѕт тнe plαɴ!

trust the plan!



e35b88  No.5434439


This has been up for a week

Lurk Moar

8f57fb  No.5434440

File: 85fe3bdb8991c5e⋯.png (1002.02 KB, 810x1146, 135:191, 2019-02-28_11-15-52.png)

08cc65  No.5434441

File: f40d89c8bce8124⋯.jpg (45.94 KB, 500x514, 250:257, 2uvh0c.jpg)

d161c3  No.5434442


prolly nothing

judge will throw out if no evidence

but who knows

7b3b40  No.5434443


I believe that Evergreen was USSS' code name for Killary.

7d2786  No.5434444



That is one religious radical right there.

da124c  No.5434445

File: 0c46bee608720b3⋯.png (641 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, QNN Pepe.png)

dc8ca3  No.5434446


For the record the summit ended 2 hours early…only fucking 2 hours. The MSM is blowing it all out of proportion.

86079a  No.5434447


No it's you….definitely you

a5e87a  No.5434448

File: dc2631c2a82d609⋯.png (398.42 KB, 711x469, 711:469, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b07c93e3dc9da09⋯.png (351.79 KB, 929x782, 929:782, ClipboardImage.png)

7cf457  No.5434449


Awesome find!

c556dc  No.5434450

File: 28602afd4ba3fda⋯.jpg (260.16 KB, 962x1440, 481:720, SkeletonFace.jpg)




тrυѕт тнe plαɴ!

trust the plan!


d8e52b  No.5434451


Keep your enemies close. I guess.

2f3b54  No.5434452


Nope, not just you. Shilling is really bad today.

4cde53  No.5434453

File: 7ec41a78b133547⋯.jpg (188.42 KB, 987x1024, 987:1024, 4d81bd656141fe0bf151f22cb0….jpg)

7cf457  No.5434454

026d21  No.5434455

File: b0e4d663d8c423f⋯.png (218.26 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, VQCTurtles.png)

6625c0  No.5434456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lara Logan sits down with 'Fox & Friends' to discuss the reaction to her remarks about media bias.

154828  No.5434457

>>5434180 (LB)

I know what Q posted… but I think he/she is confused about that…. because he's also quoted as saying this is a battle "against spiritual forces".

Well, that is indefinitely tied to religious thoughts and traditions. So if we're really going to find a solution here, we're going to have to parcel those aspects out, otherwise, realize, at the end of the day, we'll still be left with those differences, even when this is over….

Which means, we'll STILL be left with the evil we came here to destroy.

However, that doesn't mean I'm behind everything Brother Nathaniel has to say. But I do think he brings up some important points… however, it is mostly slid.

f22b53  No.5434458


Although marketing fetal tissue is a violation of federal law, a major loophole and a carefully devised scheme by abortion industry insiders has allowed for a profitable and growing industry in the sale of baby body parts. Using a “wholesaler,” who can best be described as a middleman between researchers (at medical schools, pharmaceutical companies, bio-tech companies or government agencies, etc.) and the abortion clinics, requests for certain body parts are made, harvested, and “donated”. In this process the wholesaler pays a “site fee” to the clinic and is reimbursed for the cost of retrieving the parts


4f3878  No.5434459

File: e5af0e2601f6d5a⋯.png (326.1 KB, 584x585, 584:585, Screenshot 2019-02-28_11-4….png)

Over the winter, as Westminster argued about how and when to leave the EU, a vital development in Brussels went virtually unnoticed. Having failed for years to persuade sufficient Member States that the EU should become a fiscal union, in the days before Christmas the European Commission announced its intention that the EU, nevertheless, is in effect about to become just that.


5010db  No.5434460

File: e962e3c1c259c53⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1401x991, 1401:991, WhoisThis.PNG)

7ecec6  No.5434461

File: 0dd55e4bb0c8350⋯.png (44.21 KB, 743x516, 743:516, Korea.png)

c4898d  No.5434462

This place got lame….

da124c  No.5434463

File: 4d033e20747d468⋯.gif (9.47 MB, 565x517, 565:517, Q.gif)

9fd720  No.5434464


Remember the Deepwater Horizon?

Who was contracted to manufacture and provide the CONCRETE to seal the wells?

87e901  No.5434465


That's cute anon but direct your incredulity at OP who I was handling lightly, not me.

03b60f  No.5434466

Is NO DEAL in NK designed for mainstream media to cover Cohen and Summit horribly…..to further highlight the bias when Q/POTUS drop the 4 BOOMS?

134414  No.5434467


I don’t want to sound like a shill so I’m gonna use bold red text

b691ae  No.5434468

File: 7be0c9ec864c965⋯.png (268.31 KB, 725x548, 725:548, ClipboardImage.png)

Cohen will get whacked by mob

If you don't understand why Cohen can't come clean on what he's REALLY been doing over the last decade (ie, FBI mole), consider this.

Trump will likely pardon him, 'for his protection'.

But Cohen has to look like a rat, for optics.

d11f29  No.5434469

File: 870537657bd6553⋯.jpg (42.37 KB, 513x522, 57:58, 17four.JPG)

a92fa1  No.5434470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Agreed on all 3 points, Anon.

By way of illustration of how the Autists here might speak a different kind of language, internally and amongst each other, and sometimes with Q and often about Q Posts, seeing what others may not perceive, please view the embedded video.

Between the autists, the diggers, the graphicmakers, and Anons who pray, encourage, disseminate, and ask the questions that need to be asked (see the role of preparing for new eyes and normies), there is much interaction and not all of it smooth and sweet. But there is much smooth and sweet also, as this is a community – a movement – with its own characteristics.

92ef97  No.5434471

File: 9a32339705eef9c⋯.jpeg (141.04 KB, 487x900, 487:900, 0ACA745C-2B3C-4206-BA2B-0….jpeg)


try harder mossad

trying to equate all jew truthers as being a racists?? Yawn.

a4b211  No.5434472


They cancelled the signing ceremony and a lunch that was planned between the two.



f702fd  No.5434473

File: 4bff6794cf438c9⋯.jpg (69.13 KB, 500x618, 250:309, 2uvhbi.jpg)

568a49  No.5434474






62bc20  No.5434475

Walking away from the summit was POTUS' only play. Signing a comprehensive deal with KIM was what the MSM was expecting, I think. They, no doubt, had a "Trump is a Putin puppet" enhancement narrative lined up (which they still tried to push anyway.) Now, what can they say? They had already astroturfed up the hand wringing on how Kim couldn't be trusted and Trump was dangerous because he foolishly "loves" Kim. Now, Trump turns around and walks–making him look strong and independent. The MSM can't now go back on its narrative and say, oh, Kim's a good guy and Trump should have given him more of a chance (though, here again, they are pushing the edges of that as much as they can as well.)

This way, the pressure is off. Still guaranteed no more testing etc. But now, Pompeo and Co can work behind the scenes without the pressure of the spotlight and never ending hand wringing about how Kim can't be trusted and we're all being bamboozled. There's more that needs to be done, obviously–probably mostly to do with Iran and whatever common link their nuke programs had under the DS. Feels like there's more evidence to be recoverd in NK that's best done under the radar.

7cf457  No.5434476


Yes!!!! Think we are on track… pardon the pun

2657a8  No.5434477


That's my thought, too

c4898d  No.5434478


No deal means KJU out negotiated Trump. The zipper head got the upper chopsticks.

c556dc  No.5434479

File: bc7f97afefb0fd3⋯.jpg (10.29 KB, 211x300, 211:300, SkeletonConspiracy.jpg)




тrυѕт тнe plαɴ!

trust the plan!

188c6b  No.5434480

File: b08297fdd7063ae⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1192x645, 1192:645, PepeWins.png)


Thank you!

← Blank for creative LazyAnons.

2300b8  No.5434481


So…individuals aren't purchasing the dead babies? We are? With our tax dollars?

648bfd  No.5434482

Wow it got really shilly in here - fast

fb286f  No.5434483

File: 29088ec394030fa⋯.png (1.63 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81801453c8e9b62⋯.png (1.82 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

f702fd  No.5434484

File: 41bf5322f358263⋯.jpg (29.69 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 2tlq0n.jpg)

86f4b7  No.5434485

File: 9b73d2a2a89a7e4⋯.jpg (104.61 KB, 993x962, 993:962, 9b73d2a2a89a7e4e64695233e7….jpg)

86079a  No.5434486


mmmmmm NOT today it seems….but perhaps down the road

c38765  No.5434487

File: 04152613dc1c6ff⋯.png (393.9 KB, 836x726, 38:33, ClipboardImage.png)





62e672  No.5434488

File: c7db142b5c59d76⋯.png (271.86 KB, 598x401, 598:401, crazed.png)


suck it rosie ya fat ass

you're really desperate

7cf457  No.5434489


Wow! Missed that one!

7d805e  No.5434490

File: 822055a9d0cbe27⋯.png (44.32 KB, 576x438, 96:73, 100 dollar bills surge.PNG)


050f8b  No.5434491


The Netanyahu news cued the shills

acc274  No.5434492

File: d635a9ebf4c7e1b⋯.jpg (21.68 KB, 300x230, 30:23, 300px-Buddy_christ.jpg)


FYI. Q has not posted about religion. Rather, he has posted sayings and such from important characters from history. There is a difference you know.

a0abe6  No.5434493

File: 5f56191a3ac6162⋯.jpg (120.89 KB, 500x861, 500:861, po.jpg)

File: cdc878210f36792⋯.jpeg (74.4 KB, 474x449, 474:449, d14b8237b04f0303edbb45f6a….jpeg)



with reddit space

yea, you blend real well, nigger.

eat shit and die with your muh diversity is strength bullshit.

86079a  No.5434494

File: 131c93f3c7186a5⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1490x2000, 149:200, ClipboardImage.png)

2d2791  No.5434495

File: 407760c3bc30774⋯.png (328.59 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 27CD52F7-1BA1-43F2-AEF1-06….png)

Guys this post from Q strikes me odd, when has he ever explained what [-21] means. We all know it means in 21 days. Then a statement in 21 days…BiG, BIG Happenings, why repeat Big 2x? Idk, did anyone discuss if this was really Q?

ed7a07  No.5434496

File: 92e9d0496f0c0ef⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1580x1332, 395:333, DBA40056-9101-42F0-919A-5….jpeg)


John (methinks)

332fb1  No.5434497


Rosie looking more like a Rodie

1c1e6d  No.5434498

File: cbbe0b803edb923⋯.png (648.27 KB, 600x400, 3:2, d7d48e37-ffbe-11e7-b3b2-cd….png)

026d21  No.5434499

File: 5f8451c3969f95c⋯.jpg (157.36 KB, 794x454, 397:227, 8430769bfd54e1054cb5f749f1….jpg)

File: 10776d0f78f5376⋯.jpg (251.95 KB, 512x702, 256:351, 6660c6081dfff594764167c8f3….jpg)

c3497f  No.5434500


>Explaining drag culture to kids = some children were abused by adults who did not want them to be the boy or girl they were born as and so they were convinced to pretend to be the opposite sex to please their child abusing parent(s) or family member

that pretty much sews it up

da124c  No.5434501

File: 5130e3b21c3e23e⋯.jpeg (205.71 KB, 1126x1317, 1126:1317, ANONS KNEW.jpeg)

af53e6  No.5434502

It’s like ever time they throw a Hail Mary the DS calls a penalty and lets them throw another one. Just when you think Cohen is the las desperate attempt Reid comes out with the UFOs. You just know they’ll throw out some partial disclosure at some point and then will get burned when people demand Full Disclosure or someone in the know will let the cat out of the bag.

a5e87a  No.5434503

File: fd27d79ccc8678a⋯.png (25.18 KB, 363x226, 363:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 456aaca094239b6⋯.png (40.29 KB, 401x240, 401:240, ClipboardImage.png)



"off market"

32dacd  No.5434504

File: 1bca223bd7ba930⋯.jpeg (780.82 KB, 1125x1921, 1125:1921, A0125D29-96AC-4C45-B862-5….jpeg)

File: 0d1370707942f6b⋯.jpeg (540.24 KB, 1125x1056, 375:352, F2842267-14DA-472E-B778-0….jpeg)

File: cbbe733c9e95b3a⋯.jpeg (600.58 KB, 1125x1089, 125:121, C771416B-CFFC-44EC-A4A5-9….jpeg)

File: 1571a80e75f0609⋯.jpeg (638.6 KB, 1125x1948, 1125:1948, 86C4A0A0-4178-4F92-B302-4….jpeg)

File: 48bf3c44e5f2582⋯.png (4.33 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 8F67E99B-69B6-4B4B-977F-F2….png)


Ill bet if they ask her about Otto Warmbier we see a glitch in the matrix. Was Otto part of the 16-year plan? The flame to start the war with NK? Pelosi interestingly was on a 'diplomatic' trip to Hanoi in March 2015 in which she was also said to visit SK. Upon returning she met with reps of TAF.


Vietnam is edicational RBG was in Hanoi August 2015.

Otto in trouble Dec 2015.

86079a  No.5434505

File: f5af6a92c798bf0⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1504x2002, 752:1001, ClipboardImage.png)

050f8b  No.5434506


Mafia rivals whack mafia rivals… especially behind bars.

082757  No.5434507


Just saw it and getting in here. I figured something was coming. Been MASSIVELY pro-vs anti Israel SHill for the past few days.

b42933  No.5434508

File: 286268ac1ae9590⋯.png (706.03 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, DAC7C8C0-AC00-46C5-A56E-EC….png)

File: 945d99e09872c7c⋯.png (628.81 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 12CD4DE0-7B1D-4001-9F18-97….png)


568a49  No.5434509

File: b21b12844338b44⋯.jpg (91.39 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 2uvhuf[1].jpg)


e9e79d  No.5434510



That’s right trust the plan in tour sleep….you guys do understand after all

0f9fb9  No.5434511

File: f966743a10cb203⋯.jpg (137.72 KB, 890x577, 890:577, qresearch2TruthWeAreNews.jpg)

File: 6d5835bcf3550b8⋯.jpeg (519.04 KB, 1500x980, 75:49, QRN:Sick.jpeg)

File: bd6c5f2f755bbc5⋯.jpg (202.47 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, QRN-PuppyShow.jpg)

File: db1fbfa3e2b627b⋯.jpg (380.84 KB, 1428x804, 119:67, QRN-Oscars-Pedo.jpg)

File: e78db3e042f25b4⋯.jpg (243.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, QRN-MuellerPuppyShow.jpg)

06dce9  No.5434512

File: 4be2faca0eeb324⋯.png (66.84 KB, 1722x280, 123:20, Teacher sex.png)


833b82  No.5434513


Pelosi just mentioned she had a meeting in Brussels.

2300b8  No.5434514


So we are paying for the elite to buy dead babies

to use for medicines or life extension to be used by THEM in their breakaway civilization?

Just keep paying those taxes!

8b385a  No.5434515


Sun Tzu

c2529b  No.5434516

File: 0e822deeffdca14⋯.jpg (72.51 KB, 433x681, 433:681, shillin aint easy though i….JPG)

050f8b  No.5434517


Good Jews and bad Jews. Just like good Americans and bad Americans. Just like good Christians and bad Christians. Fake vs real. Israel is draining their own swamp.

9351cf  No.5434518

File: 1f382779310a75a⋯.png (52.23 KB, 605x298, 605:298, McMorris re Babylon Bee re….PNG)

File: da58fb888564b3c⋯.png (504.2 KB, 599x539, 599:539, Babylon Bee re Kim 2-28-19.PNG)

File: 562b226744214ee⋯.png (530 KB, 584x829, 584:829, 1 Babylon Bee re Kim 2-28-….PNG)

Kim Jong Un Criticized For Meeting With Nation That Has Killed 60 Million Babies




396f8f  No.5434519


The public is about to learn that the DOJ, FBI, + other US/Foreign assets have been actively working behind the scenes in one of the largest criminal investigations in modern day history.

DECLAS > Purpose > illuminate the 'TRUTH' > People

Transparency is the only way forward [CONTROLLED MEDIA - 'Enemy of the People'].


86a91a  No.5434520

File: 7336a573f619995⋯.jpg (88.38 KB, 842x745, 842:745, Cartoons.JPG)

@Jack can suck a dead dog dick…

c6c204  No.5434521

The Electric Swing Circus - Hit & Run (Wolfgang Lohr Remix) #NowPlaying on Electro Swing Radio,


86079a  No.5434522

File: d39844441a99e38⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1862x1804, 931:902, ClipboardImage.png)

3fa193  No.5434523

File: 4bc02759ba18c7e⋯.png (629.18 KB, 720x592, 45:37, 1551371058175blob.png)

6625c0  No.5434524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Indian Air force (IAF) has shown off the wreckage of a US-made missile, which it says “conclusively proves” Pakistani jets attacked Indian military bases. Pakistan had previously denied sending its warplanes.

0f9fb9  No.5434525

File: 3ac57f2bb5521ab⋯.jpg (292.77 KB, 864x648, 4:3, aqtionnewsRALLY.jpg)

File: 0ed025543f8e6ea⋯.jpg (156.18 KB, 864x648, 4:3, aqtionnewstarmac.jpg)

File: b62c7b564973e64⋯.jpg (191.19 KB, 864x648, 4:3, aqtionnewsbroward.jpg)

File: 983a44c09cba562⋯.jpg (157.1 KB, 864x648, 4:3, AqtionNewsWeStandTogetherW….jpg)

File: 7113529e5d6c263⋯.jpg (164.85 KB, 640x832, 10:13, qnewsnowend.jpg)

dfda37  No.5434526

File: 97432595d17b9f1⋯.jpeg (153.33 KB, 750x334, 375:167, C874A9F0-8B87-4228-8EFC-E….jpeg)


And might I add, the murdered Canadian pharma billionaire husband and wife were owners of patients on organ transplant rejection suppression medication.

2426a2  No.5434528

File: 2463683a0f46e74⋯.png (43.79 KB, 461x207, 461:207, CEMENT.png)





Something to consider.

7e0c2e  No.5434529


Probably already does

8b385a  No.5434530

File: fb1407efd37ad58⋯.jpg (57.47 KB, 736x446, 368:223, Notable 1.jpg)

>>5434490 Mysterious surge in $100 bills in circulation

a4b211  No.5434531


Except all Jews live by their religion. That's what they are trying to play out. That's why they want control of everything.

62e672  No.5434532


wonder how many of her clones were watching yesterday

6625c0  No.5434533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


wrong video linked

568a49  No.5434534

File: 74f19826923e5a5⋯.jpg (105.34 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2uvi7r[1].jpg)

e4fdbe  No.5434535

Truth and love will win the day

Anons dig and Anons Pray

We have it all, we see you there

You’re panicking now, and we are aware

That the swamp has been drained,

And You have been exposed

All your schemes will fall flat,

cause we Anons all know

We know who you are

We know where you live

We’ve counted the bodies

That in the basement you hid

Did you really believe

All your lies would last?

That your tangled web

Would really hold fast?

The truth has dissolved

What illusions you made

The light is on you

And we see you’ve decayed

So go ahead and let

Your Mockingbirds squawk

And we’ll direct you to Gitmo

Cause it’s a pretty long walk

And we will all live

In truth, strength and love

Giving thanks to each other

And the lord up above

God bless POTUS, Q, Anons, and all Patriots who are fighting the good fight


396f8f  No.5434536



























395703  No.5434537

File: 89500082804ab2e⋯.jpeg (582.51 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, CE35D732-DEA8-45B6-8EE4-6….jpeg)

Joy Villa wearing Q earings!

fc7249  No.5434538

File: f346e2a5b694349⋯.jpeg (51.23 KB, 750x530, 75:53, alien7b1dc9b0f479ecae5e32….jpeg)

File: be25ff51cc5d66d⋯.jpeg (60.31 KB, 750x548, 375:274, aliena530f37ea8c02cdc1c9b….jpeg)

File: 585879ff309c534⋯.jpg (81.2 KB, 600x575, 24:23, Ronan_O'Rahilly_1987.jpg)

guys i was digging some older posts and found this disturbing imagery and it rings legit i did a reverse image search for one of them and got 1 site,


did some more digging and saw this picture of a research who died at the age of 94 which was interesting here are some links from my brief dig and as maybe unbelievable as it may be it seems that if there were a group of people who could pioneer the industrial scale of farming humans then it would be these people

the book "The Third Eye" (in the picture of the man here) is all about the pineal gland tho I have not looked at it could be the key here are my links. remember wwg1wga, q's recently posted pray, and that we are doing the Lord's work. it's time to dig and be brave












preview https://books.google.de/books?id=pkDgJBd4O6oC&pg=PR3&hl=de&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=2#v=onepage&q&f=false

Richard Marshall Eakin



Robert Cyril Stebbins (linked to Eakin via, - He was persuaded to study the parietal eyes of reptiles by his colleague Robert C. Stebbins

Robert C. Stebbins (A professor of zoology at the University of California, Berkeley, for over 30 years)



Ronan O’Rahill (died at 94!)



pub list - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=M%C3%BCller%20F%5BAuthor%5D&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=23183269

Dr. Fabiola Müller (Ronan's wife, research partner)



"Carnegie Stage 12"

pub list - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=M%C3%BCller%20F%5BAuthor%5D&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=23183269

Mark Hill





Donald L. Kimmel


pub list www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=KIMMEL%20DL%5BAuthor%5D&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=13756002

Human Developmental Anatomy Center - HDAC 19 Kimmel Collection Histology slides of 25 human embryo specimens from research by Donald L. Kimmel and Elizabeth Moyer, Temple University, 1940s-50s.

Osborne Heard



Osborne O. Heard (1891–1983) produced model reconstructions for the Carnegie Institute. He spent 42 years at the department and made over 700 wax-based embryo reconstructions models. The models were mainly made by the lost-wax casting process. His models were also more detailed than the earlier Ziegler embryo models (1880's).


>News - Ronan O’Rahilly, Anatomist and Embryologist, Dies at 96



it's time

35841c  No.5434539


said that two days ago sarcastically when a shill stated POTUS was mob… but after watching his testimony and basically saying he is being forced to do this… the man knows it… and running scared… he might have a suicide weekend before he has to report

87e901  No.5434540


It gets worse when you realize that they've created legal loopholes where a baby can be born and kept alive through childhood all the while being legally "dead" and having no more rights than a pool of blood on a sidewalk.

c3497f  No.5434541


when this was first questioned, an anon pointed to some guy at Goldman Sachs who is an actual DJ in his spare time.

another anon pointed to an UrbanDictionary entry saying "DJ" means closeted homosexual.

f22b53  No.5434542

UCSF Admits to Using Aborted Baby Body Parts to Research HIV


The University of California, San Francisco is required to use aborted baby body parts for research, according to a contract they have signed with the National Institutes of Health.

The body parts are used to make at least two types of "humanized" mice to research HIV treatment.

"The actual total amount of this contract, including all options, is $13,799,501 for a full performance period through December 5, 2020," the NIH told CNSNews.com. "We have obligated $9,554,796 to date."


3153aa  No.5434543

Notables Dough


>>5434166 ; >>5434272 Moar on pending Netanyahu indictments

>>5434247 Moar Pompeo in the Philippines

>>5434352 England: gang jailed for rape and abuse of children in foster care home

>>5434370 GAA Update

>>5434412 US DOD tweet: Joint readiness training exercise at NY rail yard

>>5434430 Ex-Canadian AG to testify against Trudeau

>>5434459 On the EU seizing member states’ finances

>>5434487 Three dead in train-vehicle collision in NY

Baker will request handoff at top of next bread.

Anons, please volunteer then.

026d21  No.5434544

File: 9e91f055294a635⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 2266x1164, 1133:582, WhenDoTwoParallelLinesMeet.jpg)



I'm not sure if you know how those two thing relate or not…

But that'd be nuts.

Should also throw March Madness in there, me thinks.

9351cf  No.5434545

File: a2e704f94315224⋯.png (58.88 KB, 596x293, 596:293, MZHemingway re Yahoo re Ab….PNG)

Yahoo News correspondent @alexnazaryan extremely upset that Republicans have noticed Democrat support of infanticide.


86079a  No.5434546

File: 57899ac96daec4e⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1502x1798, 751:899, ClipboardImage.png)

…..these (I hate to call them people) need the same standard of care that they voted for these babies…..ALL of them, which means NO Care ever.

b42933  No.5434547

dc8ca3  No.5434549


Art of the deal. Sometimes before you close a yuge deal you need time to build trust. The one thing you don't want to do is rush it.

174c43  No.5434550

File: 2d25c193625666e⋯.png (1008.83 KB, 720x1266, 120:211, B077AB35-1AD8-4AD5-A8B6-C4….png)

File: 00ceb09a8893af9⋯.png (634.76 KB, 720x1171, 720:1171, CD8174C1-CE23-453A-A726-1F….png)

File: a89fe0141e0efd2⋯.jpeg (343.9 KB, 1964x976, 491:244, 3E66A7EF-D53C-4BE3-B6C4-4….jpeg)

No celebration dinner?

134414  No.5434551


Here’s how I’ll explain it:

Timmy, some people were abused as kids and it’s caused them to have psychological issues as adults. This doesn’t mean you should hate these people; in fact they deserve our love and prayers. However, we shouldn’t embrace or praise their lifestyles

588194  No.5434552


zero difference.

Performers. Entertainers.

396f8f  No.5434553

ed0e8e  No.5434554



The Onion v2.0 is on a roll lately

51c56b  No.5434556


I don't think I've ever seen Q use caplock.

3171ad  No.5434557


We as patriots should be looking for opportunities to create change in our country.

However, change cannot occur without motivation from something. We need some reason to push forward. Some reason to overcome the daunting obstacles. Some reason to do that which is not easy.

What kind of motivation is right, though? We all may have motivation for different reasons, but we must make sure we have the right motivation behind our change. We should ask ourselves, “Am I doing this to glorify myself or to glorify the Lord and help my fellow man?”

We’ve all seen politicians who, because of their selfish motives, do whatever it will take to bring themselves power and prominence. In contrast, however, we as patriots must be committed to principles and doing right.

Unless we are first motivated for the right reasons, we will have a very hard time producing principled results.

As true patriots, our motivation and drive should not be for prominence, power, or wealth. Instead, our motivation should come from a desire to return this nation back to its’ founding principles, a desire to be the change we want to see in this country, and a desire to carry the torch of freedom honorably until we pass it on to the next generation.

7d805e  No.5434558

File: 3240d553343a747⋯.png (1 MB, 1080x593, 1080:593, pp doc break baby's neck.PNG)

A Planned Parenthood abortionist’s shocking admission to a late-term abortion patient is back in the spotlight after Democrats in Congress repeatedly blocked bills to protect newborns from infanticide.

According to a former patient, the abortionist admitted that she would “break the baby’s neck” if he was born alive after a botched abortion.

The unnamed patient shared her horrifying experience with Pro-Life Action Ministries. She was 22 weeks pregnant when she went to a Planned Parenthood in St. Paul, Minnesota for an abortion in 2017, but she said she chose life after hearing what the abortionists would do to her son.

The woman said she asked the two abortionists, “If you guys were to take him out right now while he’s still, his heart rate is still, you know, going, what would you guys do?”

She said one of the abortionists looked at the other one, then looked back at her, “and she told me that we don’t tell women this, and a lot of women don’t even ask this question, but if we was to proceed with the abortion and the baby was to come out still alive and active, most likely we would break the baby’s neck.”

This would be a clear violation of Minnesota’s “Born Alive Infants Protection Act,” which requires that, “All reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice . . . shall be taken . . . . to preserve the life and health of the born alive infant.”


082757  No.5434559


Couldn't have said it better and i do believe most of the world is following our example.

0f9fb9  No.5434560

File: a23a5d0e5b25f24⋯.jpg (353.58 KB, 1834x941, 1834:941, EndPlannedParenthoodKickba….jpg)

File: dd26dc84934d5ce⋯.jpg (166.5 KB, 1024x544, 32:17, Infograph:TheBigRip-Off.jpg)

File: 38b800b4dec96d4⋯.jpg (169.7 KB, 1024x544, 32:17, Infograph:PayoffsMustEndNo….jpg)

>>5434514 Essentially, yes.

b4e243  No.5434561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Obamacare (The ACA) was an insurance bill and not a healthcare bill. The main root issue of the problems in American healthcare system is that there is a high degree of separation between the customer and the seller. Insurance companies create PRICE INSULATION so the customer never knows how much they're paying and the customer cannot reward good service. The dynamics of free market capitalism are broken in this industry. Insurance companies need to be destroyed.

c4898d  No.5434562


Trump needs the feather in his cap so he can strut. Kim dont need shit and knows it.

8b385a  No.5434563

File: bc164741c44f656⋯.jpg (20.64 KB, 474x632, 3:4, Take a drink.jpg)

dbf84b  No.5434564

File: a2c8bcf763f2b6f⋯.jpg (166.24 KB, 1052x733, 1052:733, Joos 283458209830980980293….jpg)


Ga 3:28

5586ad  No.5434565

File: 2e5dc6b60a4e48d⋯.png (75.51 KB, 255x183, 85:61, ClipboardImage.png)



Link works


63f40c  No.5434566


Where did you get this from?

a92fa1  No.5434567


Well put, fren.

We contribute where and when we can. And how we can. Questioning everything.

2657a8  No.5434568


Iranians printing 'em up with the Imbroglio we 'borrowed' them in 1979

Switzerland helping get the plates & cotton to them

4f3878  No.5434569

File: 1e75d5963e0e8b9⋯.mp4 (6.1 MB, 640x360, 16:9, cOCoGQMapwtmbNDr.mp4)

Facebook senate investigation to begin, next month maybe *march?

acc274  No.5434570

File: 26fa39e2035f2f6⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB, 640x480, 4:3, QNN-Oscars-Spike.mp4)

Click to Play - QNN at Oscars

35841c  No.5434571


I hope you're right.. if not (because we already have max pressure sanctions) all these experts might get just what they want…

c2529b  No.5434572

File: 64b4f6be3643251⋯.jpg (293.98 KB, 877x714, 877:714, (YOU).jpg)



>be careful who you follow

>trolling is fun

134414  No.5434573


We were asking the same thing Sunday night. Nobody had any good ideas

62e672  No.5434574


copypasta - of Q Post 1746



c4a964  No.5434575


Do you see Q's trip code errr NOOOOO

7ba5ab  No.5434576


This video also has stuff on Cern, Alice (talked about in earlier breads, Brexit, the 17-second wave cycle last 11/11, China's moon launch, Vatican and more.

They also highlight the Black Eye galaxy. Remember Q post 2615, 12/12/18:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 089200 No.4280699 📁Dec 12 2018 18:54:13 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 5c3172 No.4280617 📁Dec 12 2018 18:52:39 (EST)

Q - Should we be prepping for some kind of shutdown?



Reports of 'power grid' attacks (6 mo prep) should be disregarded.

While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'.


332fb1  No.5434577

File: 7e1674b3b56e9e8⋯.png (388.11 KB, 914x676, 457:338, 11:51:25_001.png)

ee93df  No.5434578


Oh good, the expert is here. HAHAHAHAHA!

e6dcb3  No.5434579


and to think not so long ago

> drag culture

was all about being outsiders and misfits, far, far, far away from kids…


7a3008  No.5434580


Only difference is reality vs pretend… and it's scary that you knew who that dork was.

1f6d0e  No.5434581


counter moves

050f8b  No.5434582


Q would never annoy us with the nonstop caps. Q understands when to use the caps lock.

32dacd  No.5434583

File: f38ba7fd0554052⋯.jpeg (84.65 KB, 375x574, 375:574, 248AE875-7135-4235-8257-5….jpeg)


Something's habbening!

>not JFKJr you tard

f41d79  No.5434584


Expel ammunition and expose avenues and attempt…

We learned:

Cohen - Lanny Davis lawyer, Mueller immunized, met with CNN and SCHIFF preparing testimony…

Trump - loved by Vietnam, loved by UN, will not capitulate (as CNN was pushing if deal cut)

3dce46  No.5434585

File: 004636339c8a51c⋯.jpg (33.37 KB, 296x486, 148:243, OurLadyofGuadalope.jpg)

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 62:

Song of Trust in God Alone

A Psalm of David.

62 For God alone my soul waits in silence;

from him comes my salvation.

2 He only is my rock and my salvation,

my fortress; I shall not be greatly moved.

3 How long will you set upon a man

to shatter him, all of you,

like a leaning wall, a tottering fence?

4 They only plan to thrust him down from his eminence.

They take pleasure in falsehood.

They bless with their mouths,

but inwardly they curse. Selah

5 For God alone my soul waits in silence,

for my hope is from him.

6 He only is my rock and my salvation,

my fortress; I shall not be shaken.

7 On God rests my deliverance and my honor;

my mighty rock, my refuge is God.

8 Trust in him at all times, O people;

pour out your heart before him;

God is a refuge for us. Selah

9 Men of low estate are but a breath,

men of high estate are a delusion;

in the balances they go up;

they are together lighter than a breath.

10 Put no confidence in extortion,

set no vain hopes on robbery;

if riches increase, set not your heart on them.

11 Once God has spoken;

twice have I heard this:

that power belongs to God;

12 and that to thee, O Lord, belongs steadfast love.

For thou dost requite a man

according to his work.

86f4b7  No.5434586

File: e3ebcc954e36ede⋯.png (116.93 KB, 1632x1224, 4:3, iu.png)

69c116  No.5434587


I wonder how much insurance paid BP for that disaster.

dfda37  No.5434588


“We never left”

Just sayn

da124c  No.5434589

File: 355cf864d2f2d20⋯.png (335.2 KB, 470x536, 235:268, 355cf864d2f2d20943034d1dc8….png)

86079a  No.5434590


>We were asking the same thing Sunday night

Saw this Sunday and had hope we had found an answer by now that I had missed….Thx

396f8f  No.5434591


I try to remember to add Review before I post them for the folks that don't know q posts.

f7154f  No.5434592

File: e271398897993c0⋯.jpg (80.42 KB, 621x420, 207:140, STFU John.jpg)

a5e87a  No.5434593


I dont understand it. Is the innocence of the boy? What makes her attracted to the physical part of it… Something makes me think there is an exchange of goods type thing that happens with the abuser and the "demon", so to speak.

Like material wealth or fame is traded for harvesting innocence.. Does that make sense?

396f8f  No.5434594


I'll try*

c4a964  No.5434595


shut up fool

c723bc  No.5434596


Just plain silly comment there.

35841c  No.5434597


no… then they'll pull out project blue beam..

b691ae  No.5434598


>he might have a suicide weekend before he has to report

Unless he gets to go to a country club like Weiner,

He's got a reporting delay, like Manafort and Flynn sentencing delays, which tells me they are stalling for time until some grand reveal.

Then the optics change, and Trump has room to pardon.

e6dcb3  No.5434599


past few (days)+ an anon has been half-larping as Qteam, learn to spot

e4fdbe  No.5434600

Tis’ the season for the treason

Traitors indicted for a reason

The birds will sing with holiday fear

While the anons stay comfy with popcorn pulled near

First it was May, then Macron both fell

Next it was Merkel, and Trudeau as well

How could this year, have ended so bright?

How could the dark have been brought to light?

It was You, it was Q, Who made it come true

Who made others ready, To see through the blue

With Digging, with Memes, with Hope, and with Dreams

People’s Power returns and topples regimes

May God bless all, who are fighting this fight

Who are working to change, the wrong to the right

You are not alone, be proud and stand tall

And remember always, WWG1WGA

8b385a  No.5434601

File: 686da9a2884b346⋯.jpg (68.17 KB, 436x310, 218:155, Pepe movie time 1.jpg)

File: 0c217ea603dd32e⋯.jpeg (81.77 KB, 750x489, 250:163, whitacre my nigga's.jpeg)

050f8b  No.5434602


Standby for massive cognitive dissonance. Saving Israel for last.

Maybe the question to be asked isn’t “Who is Q” but rather “How many nuclear weapons does Israel have?”

Nobody would dare ask that.

14633c  No.5434603


Baker, you may have already noticed but mentioning anyway… There's an extra space in the dough and current notables are not endorsements post for the following line item:

>> 5434070 #6946

c723bc  No.5434604


If Kim doesn't need anything, why did he suspend nuke testing?

5bcc08  No.5434605

File: 660c996aec7daaa⋯.jpeg (253.34 KB, 665x983, 665:983, Screenshot_2019-02-28-11-….jpeg)

92ef97  No.5434606

File: c24822bb8b409a0⋯.jpeg (72.42 KB, 502x377, 502:377, 9D1B80DC-754A-4149-9E33-6….jpeg)

File: 9067a1b8827a39d⋯.jpeg (409.5 KB, 868x1339, 868:1339, CEDED476-C7D2-4840-8700-9….jpeg)

File: d2d3efee8346cf0⋯.jpeg (416.75 KB, 873x1716, 291:572, ED69A831-A9A9-43C8-878B-C….jpeg)

File: 94f2c21cbadbc4d⋯.jpeg (470.01 KB, 1242x991, 1242:991, 938BE55F-DA5D-48E0-96E5-9….jpeg)

File: 4c27a2b81ea0564⋯.jpeg (31.63 KB, 400x328, 50:41, E5344249-4553-4BA8-85BE-3….jpeg)


>u use reddit spacing

this isnt pol - We can see what you’re doing (((faggot))). U mossad kikes are so worried about anons discussing the JQ - that ur best play is to hijack the discussion and sully it with stoopid shit to smear us.

Ur shit wont stop what is coming. Good luck to ya!

7241a6  No.5434607


I have not been on since yesterday. How long has the fake q been posting?

06dce9  No.5434608


Actually it does Anon. I've been wondering the same thing myself. There has to be more to this than just sex. She could get sex anywhere, with probably anyone. But sex with a child. That's a totally different thing.

da124c  No.5434609

File: e2637b05957c001⋯.png (605.63 KB, 1300x688, 325:172, JUSTICE IS COMING.png)


9351cf  No.5434610

File: f1fd61b5dd55f45⋯.png (36.45 KB, 599x428, 599:428, Hayward re NOKO NO Deal 2-….PNG)

File: 13a4e41b2ac3d2f⋯.png (475.6 KB, 600x690, 20:23, N_C re NOKO NO Deal 2-28-1….PNG)





62e672  No.5434611


seriously dude

try harder

62bc20  No.5434612


Clever, anon.

54a2c5  No.5434613

File: 0c3fd3b63b1b722⋯.png (37.13 KB, 787x132, 787:132, Montreal Sex Crime Magnott….png)

File: 3f66edeeb812cd8⋯.png (514.79 KB, 1408x464, 88:29, Cannibal Killer.png)

File: 1306a7c6a36d541⋯.png (479.08 KB, 563x585, 563:585, Young Victim of Montreal K….png)


Speaking of pedos, an interesting connection was made by a person in the comments section of Zero Hedge article about Prime Minister Trudeau on February 27, 2019. Trudeau's college buddy and roommate, Christopher Charles Ingvaldson, who was arrested for pedo trafficking crimes was the likely planned recipient of a grisly package following a gay sex murder in Montreal, Canada – as were the Conservative and Liberal headquarters. Was the young gay cannibal killer trying to tell us something?

0f9fb9  No.5434614


^ this

Also, insurance companies accumulate ginormous pools of capital which they need to invest when not paying out claims. This gives them enormous economic leverage. The bigger pool of capital you have to invest, the more you can control the direction of markets and specific market assets. If you can control the direction, then you can bet long and bet short at appropriate times with derivatives for massive leverage multiplier effect, to suck the money away from the outsiders, no matter which way the market moves.

It's not really capitalism at that point; it becomes oligarchy.

7a3008  No.5434615

File: 8720db83d7985f4⋯.jpg (32.75 KB, 419x480, 419:480, jnes.JPG)

da124c  No.5434616

File: 3772d7f8a94e0c7⋯.jpg (357.91 KB, 926x911, 926:911, NO DEALS.jpg)

568a49  No.5434617





560ce4  No.5434618


About 10% of posts from 8pm to 2am were shill posts and about 20% of posts were anon's replying to shills.

Heavy flak

62e672  No.5434619


idk but I'm getting annoyed

588194  No.5434620

File: b02aee324f6ca9d⋯.jpg (43.64 KB, 369x480, 123:160, b02aee324f6ca9d4926aa03dad….jpg)



ALL anons should know about the Marc Dutroux story and the CHATEAU DES AMEROIS {Mother Of Darkness Castle} . Pelosi knows.

14633c  No.5434621

4cde53  No.5434622


Armenian j _ _

818d33  No.5434623

>>5434456 Lara Logan is trying to tamp down the damage the leftists in the media have done! I don't trust her!

a92fa1  No.5434624


TY Anon, that expression is too often clipped and its full meaning missed or deliberately discarded. When that happens, by misfortune or by scheming, the expression becomes a mere half-truth.

Until the cat arrives, indeed.

fa5ef9  No.5434625

File: 4cd1be16d014f2f⋯.jpg (100.34 KB, 354x357, 118:119, rundncc.jpg)

06dce9  No.5434626

File: 08ae35261517251⋯.png (62.44 KB, 932x364, 233:91, Break the MSM.png)

9f6575  No.5434627



Learn to countdown.


The government pays for the abortions performed by Planned Parenthood. Funds are allocated for PP spending and released when PP gets a signature saying they performed an abortion.

They then turn around and sell the tissue to research companies against the federal statutes. Those companies obtain their funds from the inflated healthcare costs.

Consider… How many elderly sell their homes to pay for overpriced end of life care? Where would that home likely have gone, otherwise? Generational wealth extraction.

767e30  No.5434628


THank you fren

86f4b7  No.5434629


What? "Droopy" looks like Cohen

8b385a  No.5434630

File: c31d7e8fc8e302e⋯.jpg (74.85 KB, 500x500, 1:1, then leave.jpg)

b6917d  No.5434631

umm… this language is unambiguous:


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu indicted on bribe and fraud charges

The indictment marks the first time in Israeli history that a sitting prime minister has been charged with a crime.

Israel's attorney general announced Thursday that his office had indicted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on corruption charges after a two-year investigation.

The prime minister faces one count of bribery and two counts of fraud and breach of trust.


The attorney general's decision to publish his conclusions 39 days prior to the general election on April 9 is raising questions about what impact it can have on the outcome of the vote.

Israeli media reported Thursday that with just hours to go before Mandelblit's anticipated decision to indict Netanyahu, his Likud Party filed a petition to the Supreme Court to stop the announcement from happening before the election on the grounds that it would unfairly impact on Netanyahu's prospects of re-election. However, the court's spokesperson confirmed later in the afternoon that the petition was rejected.

The indictment marks the first time in Israeli history that a sitting prime minister has been charged with a crime.

Legal experts in Israel say it could take up to a year for a hearing process into the charges to end and an additional two years for a court case to be heard.

c1ff2b  No.5434632

Well of course Dems praise POTUS for NK walkaway, they don’t want him to succeed there.

174c43  No.5434633

Walking away from a half deal is BIG

568a49  No.5434634

File: fb9ad7fd51fb583⋯.jpg (140.6 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2uvjbi[1].jpg)

2b6005  No.5434635


REMEMBER: Hussein not the only one to go to NK. Pelosi went too.

86079a  No.5434636

File: bba6ef2eeaf5fe7⋯.png (992.86 KB, 1586x948, 793:474, ClipboardImage.png)

b48c53  No.5434637

File: 01c747fb7ba0c4b⋯.jpg (75.11 KB, 900x1231, 900:1231, 01c747fb7ba0c4b5ec644b0c36….jpg)



Damn proxies… lets try that again.


767e30  No.5434638


Just filter him anon, there is more than one btw

7d805e  No.5434639

File: d1c03a2a0e813c3⋯.png (506.49 KB, 469x496, 469:496, lynn patton 1.PNG)

File: 1ca77bffec3b70a⋯.png (47.85 KB, 563x540, 563:540, lynn patton 2.PNG)


e4fdbe  No.5434640


Since Nov 2017 Kek

7241a6  No.5434641



shills acting curious lately.

me thinks shit is about to get real.

dfda37  No.5434642


Test 2

Just sayn

87e901  No.5434643

File: 2af3eb5a8e7d387⋯.jpg (16.99 KB, 600x468, 50:39, 2af3eb5a8e7d38768d63e8d1fa….jpg)






>tfw worthless fucking mid-wit newfags jump all over a post in a dick measuring contest because they don't know the MAP, and also are too god damned stupid to do a basic check before splerging all over the board

082757  No.5434644


Alleged Threats, Bribes, Prostitutes: Growing Scandal Threatens to Bring Down Canada’s Trudeau

a5e87a  No.5434645


Is there an off-label use for this that would be such a secret and need the owners whacked?

Or is it harvested from stem cells or something?

a0abe6  No.5434646

File: ab92c1e736e5556⋯.jpg (103.32 KB, 1024x720, 64:45, ab92c1e736e55566ff9d0d3654….jpg)

File: 1306b1ce3a28b5f⋯.jpg (198.01 KB, 688x459, 688:459, hhhh.jpg)

File: ec424e21ceb2632⋯.jpg (67.12 KB, 304x378, 152:189, JewsBehindRaceMixing.jpg)


shut the fuck up, shlomo.

cute, you went to preview of the jewish question and stole some memz(bet that killed you to do) in an effort to cuck it.

go full or not at all, bitch.

now go back.

86079a  No.5434647

File: fe69a3877b7b206⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1496x1528, 187:191, ClipboardImage.png)

396f8f  No.5434648


I am not trying to be Q. I repost drops for folks to review. Maybe you need to re-read q crumbs so you will be more aware. Exactly the reason why I post them.

e89892  No.5434649

File: d80ee80f0ed695e⋯.jpg (117.15 KB, 792x960, 33:40, D0fV5lLWkAEXs3C.jpg)

File: 68b64093681433a⋯.png (923.64 KB, 792x960, 33:40, PELOSI AND THREE FRESHMAN ….png)

File: 6e8a249e8a41855⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1100x1333, 1100:1333, PELOSI AND NEW LIBERAL LIA….png)

e133c0  No.5434650

File: ce2775542c59053⋯.png (1000.45 KB, 1290x544, 645:272, QKIM.png)

082757  No.5434651


CNN’s Alisyn Camerota Urges Rashida Tlaib to Walk Back Apology, Declare Mark Meadows Racist

Aiming at Meadows.

560ce4  No.5434652


Maybe state it's a Q Review then fucknuts

332fb1  No.5434653


Just repeating

The Democrats are all about the bullshit

But none of the Jobs.

70b5c0  No.5434654


Thank you for your relentless service baker.

We're at 7000 brads soon.

I think i've read your first "Grüß Gott" response about five thousand breads ago.

What a ride.

Beer at the parade is on me!


62e672  No.5434655


I provided the reference you fucking FAILED to provide.


4f3878  No.5434657

File: 302d1a5d8414531⋯.png (32.85 KB, 552x176, 69:22, Screenshot 2019-02-28_11-5….png)


b691ae  No.5434658


It's the (stealth) deal

For Trump, its better this way.

He looks like a tough negotiator, countering concerns he's giving away the store.

Kim will then 'voluntarily' destroy his plutonium enrichment facilities, as a show of good faith.

Trump later grants Kim some concessions in return.


e89892  No.5434659


Take a closer look around the redo on far right.

134414  No.5434660


Taking out one person is far from draining their swamp, and almost feels like an effort to distract away from Israel’s much larger crimes. Once they expose the pedophilia, organ harvesting, creation of terrorist groups, infiltrating and subverting foreign governments, forcing immigration on Western nations, controlling foreign media, dividing nations based on hot-button issues, and destroying individual sovereignty through their Babylonian money magick cult, then I’ll believe Israel is draining their swamp.

396f8f  No.5434661


I said I will try to remember to do that fucknuts

588194  No.5434662


I have no idea who you are talking about. I just said wrestling or football, same thing ENTERTAINMENT by PERFORMERs

see muh notable


>>5377583 Sportsball: Sport or Entertainment?

a92fa1  No.5434663

File: a3ecb7b587c550d⋯.png (801.12 KB, 2904x836, 66:19, ClipboardImage.png)


NYT Publisher and (unwittingly) his confirmation bias.

1dcab5  No.5434664

Anons why do I still listen to Ben Shapiro?

54a2c5  No.5434665


I have just a superficial knowledge of these crimes and house of horrors and I don't want to know more.

86f4b7  No.5434666


You think that might be what Desantis [sic] was meaning by that tweet to Cohen

72ef62  No.5434667

File: 460c617e7f80cb2⋯.jpg (40.94 KB, 500x310, 50:31, DP - Fuck Yeah.jpg)

0a676c  No.5434668



4m4 minutes ago



61a136  No.5434669

File: 5594d97b23f817d⋯.jpeg (325.66 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, 1551372502.jpeg)

dfda37  No.5434670



There are 3 or 4 other similar medications produced by an apotex sister company.

There is something big here but I can’t connect the dots.

2300b8  No.5434671

File: a74b84a4601a437⋯.jpg (27 KB, 385x385, 1:1, peperetard.jpg)



332fb1  No.5434672

Democrats must eliminate jobs,

it's the only way they survive.

Jobs destroy them.

Trump creates Jobs.

7d805e  No.5434673


race baiters, those mockingbirds

e6beca  No.5434674

T-Minus 21 days - Q did say "saving Israel for last"

RE: Netanyahu

026d21  No.5434675

File: 35bcc3e76298f2e⋯.png (1.93 MB, 2370x1303, 2370:1303, PleaseReturnTheGloryToJapa….png)

7d2786  No.5434676


It's satanic, showing their power, showing they are in control. They are mocking God, committing the ultimate sin, destroying the innocence of children.

568a49  No.5434677




4868e2  No.5434678


>UCSF Admits

its not a fuking secret

this is legal in all 50 states

9f6575  No.5434679


I'm not sure that insurance companies need to be destroyed.

The problem is the way in which employer insurance coverage was mandated under FDR. I "can" shop for insurance plans - but realistically, why should I have insurance plans outside of the group plan my employer has invested in?

Rather than insurance companies catering to the best interests of consumers and appealing to them, they appeal to the interests of employers and appeal to the goals of employers, rather than their individual clients.

03c73e  No.5434680


>I repost drops for folks to review

IF you put the fucking date on the "Q post for review", you might not be accused of "trying to be Q", dipshit!

174c43  No.5434681

396f8f  No.5434682


Thank you anon. I am not doing all that. I usually posts several q drops all in one shot (which should be obvious it's not Q). This just happened to be 1 and everybody got their panties in a bunch.

79d488  No.5434683

It's going to be HISTORIC!

Planned long ago.


Within the next 19 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.


4451f9  No.5434684


Piss poor shop job

1dcab5  No.5434685


Dubs confirm. Seriously WTF.

7d805e  No.5434686


trips confirm cohen bared false witness

8b385a  No.5434687

File: 7151af64b3874c0⋯.png (18.85 KB, 859x310, 859:310, Notable.PNG)


Alleged Threats, Bribes, Prostitutes: Growing Scandal Threatens to Bring Down Canada’s Trudeau

082757  No.5434688


8 Times Cohen's Testimony CLEARED Trump

Cohen Cleared Trump of Campaign Finance Allegations

It was always dumb to believe Trump would be impeached over a stupid campaign finance violation. The idea being that Trump not reporting his perfectly legal decision to pay hush money to a couple of blackmailing porn stars with his own money is illegal.

Cohen Cleared Trump of Russia Collusion Allegations

To begin with, Cohen claimed Trump never believed he would win and was only using his presidential campaign as a brand-enhancing gimmick.

Cohen Clears Trump of Allegation the President Told Him to Lie to Congress

If you recall, Buzzfeed’s face plant of fake news last month revolved around the “bombshell” Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress about the date his Trump Tower negotiations ended with Russia. More importantly, Buzzfeed also claimed Special Counsel Robert Mueller had written proof of Trump suborning this perjury.

To this day, even after Mueller released a statement saying Buzzfeed was lying, the far-left outlet refuses to retract its fake news.

On Wednesday, Cohen sunk it forever.

Cohen Cleared Trump of Knowing In Advance About the WikiLeaks Document Dump

Another crucial piece of Cohen’s testimony:

In July 2016, days before the Democratic convention, I was in Mr. Trump’s office when his secretary announced that Roger Stone was on the phone. Mr. Trump put Mr. Stone on the speakerphone. Mr. Stone told Mr. Trump that he had just gotten off the phone with Julian Assange and that Mr. Assange told Mr. Stone that, within a couple of days, there would be a massive dump of emails that would damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign.”

Mr. Trump responded by stating to the effect of ‘wouldn’t that be great.’

Cohen Cleared Trump of Wife Beating Allegations

There is a nasty rumor going around about video of an elevator incident where Trump hit Melania.

Cohen said, “It doesn’t exist… I don’t believe Mr. Trump ever struck Mrs. Trump ever, I don’t believe it.”

Cohen Cleared Trump of Love Child Allegation

When asked if he was aware of Trump fathering a child out of wedlock, Cohen said, “Not to the best of my knowledge.”

This rumor stems from the Enquirer paying $15,000 to “catch and kill” a story about this love child, which bolsters Trump claim he pays hush money to blackmailing liars, which means Trump paying off Stormy Daniels cannot be used as proof she is telling the truth.

Cohen Cleared Trump of Abortion Allegation

When asked if he ever set up or knew anything about Trump arranging an abortion for a mistress, Trump’s former fixer said, “I’m not aware of that, no.”

Cohen Cleared Trump of Drug Abuse Allegation

Trump has been accused of using illegal stimulants, even the ludicrous claim he snorted Adderall on the set of The Apprentice. When asked if he knew anything about this, Cohen said, “I am not aware of that, no.”

9fd720  No.5434689


Person /= Human /= Man

Citizen /= National

STATE /= Nation

What is a Birth (Berth) Certificate?

Define Debtor.

Define Creditor.

>You are a SLAVE.


9351cf  No.5434690

File: 341109958c8fe0a⋯.png (570.14 KB, 602x705, 602:705, DoD 2-28-19 9 am PST.PNG)

File: 883c607252518f5⋯.png (2 MB, 1132x753, 1132:753, DoD 2-28-19 9 am PST pic.PNG)

A @USMC M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System launches a missile in Sukhothai, Thailand 🇹🇭, during exercise #CobraGold, a multinational exercise focused on supporting the humanitarian needs of communities in the region.



b9a5e3  No.5434691



>Trump creates Jobs.

Trump loves self-empowerment.

63f40c  No.5434692

File: 599e9dcacfa3b0c⋯.png (455.9 KB, 637x729, 637:729, ClipboardImage.png)

A @USMC M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System launches a missile in Sukhothai, Thailand 🇹🇭, during exercise #CobraGold, a multinational exercise focused on supporting the humanitarian needs of communities in the region. #KnowYourMil


588194  No.5434693

File: a43d6c5e413b9f3⋯.png (12.18 KB, 90x103, 90:103, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

File: bf204a1b72614f1⋯.png (31.89 KB, 176x140, 44:35, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

File: 2b433776f96b467⋯.png (36.86 KB, 163x176, 163:176, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

ccdf74  No.5434694

KJU and DJT are BOTH using Art Of The Deal to quell the naysayers.

ab86a0  No.5434695

File: 0412f9192c9bd2f⋯.jpg (96.37 KB, 1411x1080, 1411:1080, scarf,x1080-bg,f8f8f8.2u3.jpg)

62e672  No.5434696


I hope we learned something here today.

f702fd  No.5434697

File: 5b96e1e794b1285⋯.jpg (47.64 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2uvk2n.jpg)

4868e2  No.5434698


movie movie movie

didnt anyome notice how POTUS repeated "no hurry" "no rush" several times before all the news of break off?

comms clear

fa5ef9  No.5434699

File: 782076989403444⋯.jpg (190.96 KB, 511x707, 73:101, pphkprb.jpg)


it's all about power and control. and sometimes baby parts.

edf3b6  No.5434700

Bibi indicted.


050f8b  No.5434701


It’s all connected, anon. Dig deeper.

0625bf  No.5434703


August Dunning

Anthony Peratt

Douglas Vogt

IS THIS TRUE????????

4868e2  No.5434704




3153aa  No.5434705


Thank you for all of your hard work.

Big fan of Ayinger, for what it's worth.

Will offer your choice of US craft brew in trade/solidarity (Bell's Two-Hearted Ale strongly recommended).

God bless, and have a great day.

082757  No.5434706


Mark Levin Hammers Israeli AG for Prosecution of Netanyahu

According to Levin, Netanyahu, who he described as the “Churchill” and “Reagan” of that nation, was being charged for nothing more than accepting champagne and cigars, and for freedom of speech.

cf4564  No.5434707


back in the day, a DJ would scout out and find new talent and then share it with their audience…. maybe same thing applies here?

03c73e  No.5434708

File: 3a3050c64f95369⋯.png (477.71 KB, 668x506, 334:253, 2-27-19 Vietnam Summit 201….png)

b9a5e3  No.5434709


It's so unfortunate that Roger Waters is such a dipshit.

e89892  No.5434710



Two more to go!

b97bdb  No.5434711

The Summit and the promise that it would be HISTORIC forced the DS to expend another huge cache of ammunition.

Q has mentioned this strategy before - Google it (ht CU).

They exposed so much in that hearing.

4451f9  No.5434712


mis post meant for


03b60f  No.5434713

File: df2264c059b44ef⋯.png (32.1 KB, 243x295, 243:295, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

File: ffb8bb2d2b0ea36⋯.png (16.26 KB, 244x116, 61:29, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

File: 9fd4b0a42b0927c⋯.png (23.94 KB, 252x240, 21:20, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

These posts connect NK to possible March happenings. Whoa!

36daff  No.5434714

File: 685b3f17e35e69f⋯.jpg (2.38 MB, 3840x2880, 4:3, Jody-Wilson-Raybould.jpg)


Am I the only one that thinks this is a man?

b691ae  No.5434715

File: c1da80a092e0e86⋯.png (433.58 KB, 950x825, 38:33, ClipboardImage.png)

Group running robocalls impersonating Trump's campaign has already raised more than $100,000


35841c  No.5434716


dick jockey

8b385a  No.5434717

File: 0210a027b09dd2c⋯.jpg (78.14 KB, 792x399, 264:133, bain dump.jpg)

File: a197ea75dcfc21a⋯.jpg (23.32 KB, 400x511, 400:511, mitt the shit 12.jpg)

File: 8b1a729e62d1fde⋯.png (408.52 KB, 623x457, 623:457, mitt the shit 3.png)



ba5d63  No.5434718

DID POTUS and KIM ended negotiations early to focus on derailing IMMINENT THREAT OF MAJOR (NUCLEAR?) WAR between India and Pakistan?

HRC (Evergreen) spent a great deal of time lately in India. Wedding, etc… Multiple trips? Unsure… WHAT WAS SHE DOING THERE?

HAS BHO been to INDIA/PAK recently?

DOES BHO have ties to PAK?

DID BHO/HRC set the stage for war in INDIA/PAK?

IS THIS "Plan B" after SYRIA fail at starting WWIII?

DID Twitter light up with EVERGREEN tweets yesterday to signal start of an escalation op?

DID POTUS and KIM end negotiations early to derail start of WAR in INDIA/PAK?

4868e2  No.5434719


>According to a former patient

blah blah blah

yada yada

we reject this as sauce from msm but its fine for abortion horror porn

dont think so

396f8f  No.5434720


I think I have contributed to that today. Hope you have too anon! :)

ffe1f7  No.5434721

File: b1f01eda1978eff⋯.png (453.58 KB, 559x336, 559:336, Capture.PNG)

Gunman Of Unknown Nationality Opens Fire On Bronx Street In Broad Daylight – Child In Direct Line Of Fire! (VIDEO)

He was firing at a group of teens


fa5ef9  No.5434722

File: df4fd63ec93ed4f⋯.jpg (220.74 KB, 600x600, 1:1, justpeewee.jpg)

8b385a  No.5434723

File: 5f595a48694ed2e⋯.jpg (30.27 KB, 560x375, 112:75, Mitt the shit 8.jpg)

818cd2  No.5434724


still waiting for a BOOM or something big..

I think my BIGS or BOOMS are different than Q's

When I think of a BOOM, i think of arrest, death, major news about a traitor exposed.

I don't think Q has that in mind. His BOOMS aren't my BOOMS.


c723bc  No.5434725


Possible. Look at hands and face different angles. Belly button position, etc.

2300b8  No.5434726

File: 246615b2eb4b5bb⋯.jpg (34.43 KB, 657x527, 657:527, pepesurprise.jpg)

85da9f  No.5434727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

86f4b7  No.5434728


Always Florida!

dfda37  No.5434729


There is more than one flat earther so I assume no.

4295f7  No.5434730

What are the chances Q is KJU?

188c6b  No.5434731


You assume that those numbers can only mean remaining days and by changing them removing any other meaning that could be in the post.

>Multiple meanings exists.

If you really want to do a count-down that much put the altered numbers below, maybe in a different color.

dc8ca3  No.5434732


Looks like a border jumper to me.

a075ae  No.5434733


Missing beavis & butthead?

4868e2  No.5434734


> immunized


slide it is

no sauce

62e672  No.5434735


alrighty then.

carry on.

edf3b6  No.5434736



alone, he's roger waters. gilmour, alone, is gilmour. but together, wow.

332fb1  No.5434737

Trump = Jobs and Peace

Democrats = Welfare/Drugs and War

Take your pick

10835d  No.5434738


Ditching of paper for physical.

134414  No.5434739


If you have evidence that Israelis are working to expose the crimes I listed, then present it. I dig very deeply into this, and I haven’t seen anything that leads me to believe Israel is legitimately draining their swamp.

174c43  No.5434740


Have another 12 pack

8b385a  No.5434741

File: 1a7434bda5f99db⋯.jpg (116.96 KB, 884x500, 221:125, confirmed 1.jpg)

9351cf  No.5434742

File: c829330431a2503⋯.png (474.74 KB, 589x734, 589:734, AF7Fleet 2-21-19.PNG)





112280  No.5434743


He did say “fantasy movie” yesterday.

a0abe6  No.5434744


According to the paytriot, WD, it's anton

edf3b6  No.5434745


maybe I shoulda stayed in school after all…

834904  No.5434746


desantis or gaetz?

61a136  No.5434747

File: 0ae5cc865e141d4⋯.jpeg (134.64 KB, 1275x714, 25:14, 1532716813.jpeg)

568a49  No.5434748

File: ade80b47562123c⋯.jpg (79.5 KB, 375x500, 3:4, 6815189242_9c524edca0[1].jpg)



b26f14  No.5434749

Earlier an anon posted

"saving face" for titan leaders.

Very well constructed post.


Kim's best option might just be to delay the process through the up coming election cycle.

Korea knowingly pauses deal making to allow POTUS to use this momumental work as catalyst for election votes.

Kim knows without DJT in office things will return to the Old Guard.

We ALL need to see DJT re-elected to office.

Masterful peice of workmanship on their part.

TY to previous post by "saving face" anon

7e7674  No.5434750


Remember when the shills spammed that image when corsi and Q stopped buttfucking each other

That was great

86f4b7  No.5434751

File: 1be684eee7acee2⋯.jpeg (10.09 KB, 255x205, 51:41, d8c4388f5d774ee34495f6ebc….jpeg)

814cb6  No.5434752

File: 659031d993f4e7c⋯.png (17.13 KB, 1234x340, 617:170, QMirrorAnsweryesA.png)

Q answered yes to the JFK Jr. question. It is a MIRROR.



SEE the IDs, then fill in the blanks…

1. Odds of cc occupying spaces 5 and 6 on both randomly-generated IDs:_______

2. Odds of interrogator's randomly-generated id adding up to 23 (PAIN/JFK Jr.):_____

3. Odds of Q's randomly-generated id adding up to 17: _____

4. Odds of a flipped question/answer matching Q's THINK MIRROR:_____

5. Odds of 2 of the above happening together:_____

6. Odds of 3 of the above happening together:_____

7. Odds of 4 of the above happening together:______

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? -Q

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)




Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



e133c0  No.5434753



814cb6  No.5434754

File: 474d9ce89b6daf6⋯.png (13.98 KB, 451x299, 451:299, Qmirrorsanddisinfo.png)

7241a6  No.5434755


israel last says Q

79d488  No.5434756


I'll do that just for you

d7f928  No.5434757

File: 02df6cf484e942b⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1600x947, 1600:947, puppet_puppet_master_di_fi….png)

Who are they? Sneaker guy & the big guy w/the cell?

332fb1  No.5434758


Leads to hyper inflation.

814cb6  No.5434759

File: 21816379a61059f⋯.png (14.34 KB, 546x289, 546:289, WaitUntilYouLearn.png)

e89892  No.5434760


I didn't respond to you directly, my bad.

Nice job, now find the last two anon!


31745c  No.5434761

World leader are having a bad week, NK, POTUS, Bibi, them House of Sand Nigga's, them Cannucks etc.

fa5ef9  No.5434762

File: 5aef9a36e447690⋯.jpg (97.18 KB, 548x362, 274:181, shit.jpg)

814cb6  No.5434763

File: 10beda4ed0e9b31⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AmbulanceFront.jpg)

588194  No.5434764

File: aa2e2bab487e14f⋯.jpg (64.83 KB, 1245x231, 415:77, D0XuFJrV4AYyHrO.jpg-large.jpg)

File: ccc9bf689925765⋯.jpg (24.6 KB, 380x378, 190:189, um.jpg)


he also said get ready to battle the 'devil' and the 'evil one'. Last Boss? Israel and those using it as a shield.

1+1= Synagogue of Satan, Israel

7e7674  No.5434765


Its funny cuz Q should not ever be trusted

Hes gonna let all the pieces of shit save face just cuz they died or made it easy

Every single thing hw bush did will be covered up same with mccain

Ill see you in hell Q

0f9fb9  No.5434766

File: 2cda7d2f8d35f0f⋯.jpg (385.47 KB, 1400x875, 8:5, QNN:MSMhypocrisyHanoiSummi….jpg)

ffe1f7  No.5434767

File: 10a241756fbaa28⋯.png (186.76 KB, 319x256, 319:256, Capture.PNG)

TOO DUMB TO FAIL: School Bill Would Set “F” School Performance Grade At 39% Instead Of Traditional 59%. 85% Becomes An A!

This is not a smart idea. A North Carolina bill would make it much easier to get an A and much harder to get an F.

Date: February 27, 2019Author: Bright Start News 1 Comment

This is not a smart idea. A North Carolina bill would make it much easier to get an A and much harder to get an F.

NC bill proposes changing school performance grading scale, sets 'F' at 39% or lower https://t.co/9xZrg76MZH

— Jeanette McCants (@GigiSotomayor) February 27, 2019

NC bill proposes changing school performance grading scale, sets ‘F’ at 39% or lower


BUT there’s a catch to this story… It’s not for student grades. Thankfully, they’ll still be held to a high standard. No, this is for the grade the adults are given for THEIR performance! It’s the grownups who can’t make the grade, and so they want to dumb down the grades THEY are given.

The grading scale would not change the scale used for students, only school performance. If passed, the scale would be in effect starting with the 2019-2020 school year


Do the authors of this bill ride the short bus to the Capitol when they vote??

If this passes, it will only be a matter of time until the students are granted the same dumbed down scale.


134414  No.5434768


Exactly. We’re gonna have to drain their swamp for them because the Israelis won’t do it themselves

c1ff2b  No.5434769


814cb6  No.5434770

File: bda7a71dee254ba⋯.png (814.56 KB, 913x501, 913:501, CarolynYoungtownProfileCom….png)

f702fd  No.5434771

File: cd0646a8668689f⋯.jpg (27.27 KB, 679x367, 679:367, 2uvkrw.jpg)

188c6b  No.5434772


Don't do it for me,

do it for transparency and honesty.

2b3a5a  No.5434773

File: 601442aa0fc3809⋯.png (103.2 KB, 362x668, 181:334, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

This is their last stand.

Our last set-backs during these [19] remaining days.

Then Glory.

814cb6  No.5434774

File: 5de122caed3ef34⋯.jpg (2.1 MB, 3021x4028, 3:4, c76ba55e0.jpg)

a5e87a  No.5434775

File: 94c912504fb33cd⋯.png (85.44 KB, 901x387, 901:387, ClipboardImage.png)



7e7674  No.5434776


And trump says israel first

Trust the plan tho

4efbe1  No.5434777


If (((their))) cancer cure involves baby parts or are in any way is connected to PP & its macabre baby parts side industry do you think people that are dealing with cancer would accept the treatment as 'normal'?

I was recntly diagnosed & I wouldn't want a cure which came from the killing of babies or depended on that practice to continue, in order to provide said cure, would


6625c0  No.5434778

Mom finds suicide instructions hidden in videos on YouTube Kids

A Florida mother said she has found clips on YouTube and YouTube Kids that gave children instructions on how to kill themselves.

Free Hess said the first time she saw such a video was back in July when another mom alerted her to it after she and her son were watching cartoon videos on YouTube Kids. Spliced in the middle of one of the videos was footage of a man in sunglasses telling children how to slit their wrists.


08876b  No.5434779

File: 65936e103ea7f0d⋯.png (3.3 MB, 1600x1057, 1600:1057, NSLNBEYOND2.png)

d161c3  No.5434780

File: f84a98bf65a53a9⋯.png (1.17 MB, 900x645, 60:43, ClipboardImage.png)

7241a6  No.5434782




814cb6  No.5434783

File: 0f48afc3f62430a⋯.jpg (40.62 KB, 439x468, 439:468, jfkfusca.jpg)

21f397  No.5434784


Excellent question. If the battle fizzles out now, it was likely a FF/threat.

My thought is POTUS is using NK as bargaining chip with China.

e89892  No.5434785

File: a8c46ee3d3ff5e2⋯.png (6.35 MB, 2822x1772, 1411:886, Jesussaves facebookwhambul….png)

8b385a  No.5434786

File: 1f709093e49b923⋯.jpg (23.46 KB, 480x360, 4:3, scratch my balls 1.jpg)

c357b8  No.5434787

File: 38b70dfb10ecdac⋯.jpg (68.48 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 7039917b7ca5f1dc907361e09f….jpg)



it's fiat currency but it is FAKE fiat currency?

Oh dear oh dear oh dear…I'm late, oh dear oh dear >>5434568

47d38a  No.5434788

After processing the Cohen testimony yesterday, here is what my gut is telling me:

Cohen is playing his part in this movie, and is purposely helping Trump

Yes he said a lot of bad shit about POTUS yesterday, but none of it can be proven. He is also safe because he cannot get in trouble for any of it

He did however have two VERY IMPORTANT takeways:

1) He said he has never been to Prague, or even the Czech Republic.

2) He said the claim that POTUS asked him to lie about the Moscow tower project being dead when it wasnt dead was also a lie and POTUS never asked him to do that.

Those are both significant, as those are 2 things that gave the Russia collusion cry an ounce of credibility.

We don't know what was obtained during his office raid last April, but we know its good stuff

4868e2  No.5434789


>The government pays for the abortions

false - this is 100% ILLEGAL

govt does not fund and has not since 1990's

PP is required to seperate all accounting income and expense for abortion for this reason

the ONLY claim if illegality to date is that they failed to do the accounting properly

that claim already failed

the follow the law and GAAP

if you want change criticize CONGRESS not PP

da124c  No.5434790

File: 5a39457b9090325⋯.jpg (48.26 KB, 540x710, 54:71, CHOOSE_GREATNESS.jpg)

2b3a5a  No.5434791


Don't let your kids watch things you haven't watched without you. Be vigilant.

03b60f  No.5434792


No one biting on this? Definitely notable.

814cb6  No.5434793

File: 573fdd9834a5c86⋯.jpg (50.3 KB, 502x628, 251:314, carolynbksplit30s50s.jpg)

File: 8a03e787c38d554⋯.jpg (44.45 KB, 511x583, 511:583, carolynbksplit62pctopac.jpg)

File: 43c72290b617751⋯.jpg (48.48 KB, 499x616, 499:616, Carolynbksplitnoopacity.jpg)

File: 5ab63c1a05247d1⋯.png (490.56 KB, 1055x418, 1055:418, Carolynbksplitsvariableopa….png)

2b2721  No.5434795

File: bf4b76f62046fdd⋯.png (58.78 KB, 720x364, 180:91, Screenshot_20190228-110940….png)

814cb6  No.5434796

File: 03e80331a1a624b⋯.jpg (166.08 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, jfk_jr_red_cover-1024x1024.jpg)

31745c  No.5434797


Here is a clue, that house floats on US dollars…..

85da9f  No.5434798

File: 08a0ce1af580656⋯.mp4 (12.99 MB, 202x360, 101:180, Ring me up..MP4)

814cb6  No.5434799

File: d94e768735b9bc5⋯.jpg (264.9 KB, 1310x598, 655:299, 8f426e739c1c.jpg)

8c6dee  No.5434800


Dimples MUCH bigger

86f4b7  No.5434801


Oh Schitt! You're right anon, it was Mat Gaetz! thanks for the heads up!

0a2d9a  No.5434802




7e7674  No.5434803


Cuz youre a sheep who follows israeli shills like ben shapiro and Q

dfda37  No.5434804


Hopefully we can get a live stream of this. Any more information ?

0aee23  No.5434805


Major Fail, not historic at all.

NoKo is China's Trump card on tariffs, these talks seem bound to fail also. All or nothing on the NK sanctions was never a realistic expectation.

fa5ef9  No.5434806

File: 97b441eb1d58cdc⋯.jpg (232.84 KB, 960x434, 480:217, yovinnie.jpg)

64f46b  No.5434807


It's habbening ;)


c357b8  No.5434808

Movies and Television are where the dreams come from which are projected on the world by every human consciousness.

Changing the content or ritual dramatic formula of dramatic entertainment changes the elements of the dreams we project on the world.

It is possible to destroy the world by destroying consciousness; slowly, incrementally degrading our minds over time. This intentional subversive degradation of consciousness creates unthinking and obedient slaves to the dream pseudo-reality. Half our country is effectively enslaved. Call them by whatever label you chose but they're victims of Information Poisoning and the related induced materialist trance.

Information poisoning is real.


Bad information does damage.

In higher information density environments, it's critical that information be of the utmost possible purity, ideally, error free. The relative error state distinguish such environments, one would imagine.

Imagination is where the abstract meets the material realities and the two may interact. The Persians called it the Mundus Imaginalis and viewed it as an environment between the real and material and abstract.

Only if you know the world is made of dreams have you awakened.

134414  No.5434809


Who’s paying you to post here?

a09f24  No.5434810


Trump will not pardon Cohen, that is a liberal talking point to make people think Cohen is hiding info and covering up for POTUS. If ANY incriminating evidence against POTUS was taken from Cohen'[s office it would have been leaked by now. Cohen is charged with lying and tax fraud neither of which have to do with POTUS or his orders.

814cb6  No.5434811

File: 4e4f4bf2e186bc9⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1319x1181, 1319:1181, Rallymanjr.jpeg)

File: 2b692208fd8d48a⋯.jpeg (166.69 KB, 999x1187, 999:1187, Rallymanjrdistancejr.jpeg)

814cb6  No.5434812

File: d8cc81ef1752e13⋯.png (469.45 KB, 424x588, 106:147, VinceFuscaWVrally.png)

58ebfc  No.5434813


because you say Q posts a year in advance?

Hmm… Sauce?

83420c  No.5434814

File: 9a934e823013f92⋯.jpg (87.76 KB, 907x531, 907:531, harwoodimage.jpg)

File: 459e5730620bec0⋯.jpg (87.07 KB, 766x531, 766:531, mariacantwell.jpg)

>>5434052 pb

Whoa Mockingbird shows up plain as day asking Podesta what should be his line on "Jeb"

"John Harwood is an American journalist who is the chief Washington Correspondent for CNBC. He is a contributor for The New York Times.Wikipedia"

Got 'em.

1.Clown family, nepotism

Harwood has been around politics practically his entire life. His father was a reporter for The Washington Post and Harwood flew with him on a presidential campaign press plane when he was just 11 years old,


Writer for the fraud front-company of C-A; New York Times

3.Background in creating Race War

He covered the apartheid regime and deepening unrest in South Africa

4. Hater of Conservatives; What is he hiding?

Biased "reporting" i.e. liar


On the Economy, Republicans Have a Data Problem

Tax Plans of G.O.P. Favor the Rich Despite Populist Talk

Timing Gives Sanders a Lift in His Quest

Republicans Vow to Erase Obama’s Record, but Such Promises Are Rarely Kept

Outsiders Stir Politics, but Often Fail to Win or Govern Well

Angry Bent of Party Let Trump Rise

Bernie Sanders: A Revolution With an Eye on the Hungry Children

Hillary Clinton’s Chief Defense Strategist

Hypocrite regarding Clinton email security

Sells Obamacare to public via lies.

5. Connects with Frankie Blackburn of "Trusted Space Partners"

"Designing Pivotal Moments for Community Change"



Community Change Organizations

Union Capital Boston, Boston, MA.

Ed Foundation- Birmingham, Ala.

Enterprising Latinas - Wimaumau, Fla.

Impact Silver Spring - Montgomery County, MD

Lawrence Community Works - Lawrence, MA

Community Development Corporations

Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation - Jamaica Plain, MA

Olde Holyoke Development Corporation, Holyoke, MA

New Vue Communities - Fitchburg, MA

Housing Providers

Reach CDC, Portland, Oregon

Community Preservation and Development Corporation - Silver Spring, MD

Housing Management Resources, Quincy, MA

HOME City Housing - Springfield, MA

Preservation of Affordable Housing(POAH) - Boston, MA

The Community Builders (TCB) - Boston, Ma.; Akron, Oh., Chicago, Il.;

Telesis Corporation - Washington, D.C.

Trek Development - Pittsburgh

Social Service Providers

Metropolitan Family Services, Chicago, Illinois

Hispanic Services Council - Tampa, Fla.

Manna Food - Montgomery County, MD


EOS Foundation/Boston Rising - Grove Hall and Boston, MA

Neighborhood Connections/The Cleveland Foundation - Cleveland, Ohio

National Initiative on Mixed Income Communities, Case Western Univ., - Cleveland, Ohio

Knight Foundation/Community Builders Convening - Miami, Fla.


>>>>Federal Reserve Bank of Boston/Working Cities Initiative - Boston. MA <<<<<<<<

New Communities Initiative/Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development - Washington D.C.

Jobs Plus Initiative, Department of Housing and Urban Development - Washington D.C.

Charlotte Housing Authority, Charlotte, NC

Chicago Housing Authority, Chicago, Illinois

Housing Opportunities Commission, Montgomery County, MD

Housing Authority of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa.

National Organizations

NeighborWorks America - Washington D.C.

Local Initiatives Support Corporation(LISC) - Boston and Washington D.C.

Also connected to Maria Cantwell [rumor of affair with her]

Considered one of the top ten most Liberal Senators in Congress


8b385a  No.5434815

File: e1a42882c80976b⋯.jpg (6.12 KB, 255x162, 85:54, dorsey slay.jpg)

File: 4d861b1973128f0⋯.jpg (153.06 KB, 955x500, 191:100, facebook twatter square.jpg)

File: 9554febd0caff6b⋯.jpg (57.62 KB, 667x374, 667:374, transdigm group dump.jpg)


814cb6  No.5434816

File: d17d47de2ff8497⋯.jpg (118.89 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Rallyyphotoo.jpg)

61a136  No.5434817

File: e8015e89ecbc73b⋯.jpeg (177.23 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, 1549079275.jpeg)

7e7674  No.5434818





3cc977  No.5434819


Jew truther???

You glow.

4868e2  No.5434820


not helpful not clever not wanted

do not change q posts

54a2c5  No.5434821


great memes!

f702fd  No.5434822


Technically, that is only 2 bigs.

d161c3  No.5434823

File: 8402f23e702c19c⋯.png (1.02 MB, 630x914, 315:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c893db28143a3b7⋯.png (587.81 KB, 659x439, 659:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ece87c1b8d5672⋯.png (104.74 KB, 293x172, 293:172, ClipboardImage.png)

0b081a  No.5434824


please be clearer unless you are Q, then you can do whatever you want.

new rules, dont cha know.

you're supposed to know about it.

if you don't that tells us all something

85da9f  No.5434825

File: a4f3c9a2b2c7bcc⋯.jpeg (86.31 KB, 935x526, 935:526, 4ad1f1eef55b2593d02eec3c2….jpeg)

File: da224e680e69aeb⋯.jpeg (23.4 KB, 300x285, 20:19, da224e680e69aeb9d9772abc8….jpeg)

File: 693ccbd75100373⋯.jpg (43.4 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 693ccbd751003739b0e2b89032….jpg)

File: ab0f3e0fc05cb67⋯.jpg (53.2 KB, 600x400, 3:2, b98d9b830a22f52b4e6e01e692….jpg)

File: a6c394f9ea1ec4d⋯.jpg (107.26 KB, 750x764, 375:382, DoyALovUcAAbkhS.jpg)

c357b8  No.5434827

File: cd3df77b78768c7⋯.png (848.15 KB, 720x1080, 2:3, ca5eb4a53f32b1c63f5554c908….png)

Mainstream legacy media is a monster. It has knowingly poisoned the unconscious and distracted and trivialized the conscious process. Karl Kraus the Viennese satirist, documented the media’s role in fomenting the incompetent and disastrous charade of WW I. As one of Kraus’s recent translators, Michael Russell , says, ‘Kraus saw a powerful influential press in Vienna becoming ever more mendacious, manipulative, corrupt and self-serving, forming ever stronger ties with the aristocratic, industrial, financial and above all political elites of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and later, after the war, with the struggling democracy of a new Austria. Kraus saw the media as an apocalyptic threat, creating a false reality, one which it was impossible to reject publicly without being considered a fool or a mad man.

“Simply expressed, what is consciously perceived by individuals, groups or nations has little or nothing to do with the physical, biological, economic and social realities the perceptions represent. “

Our current conscious reality is crippled engineered to keep us ignorant and enslaved.

9fd720  No.5434828



Who owns the CORPORATIONS masquerading as sovereign nations?

The SEC.

a5e87a  No.5434829


No, I wouldnt want anything that was harvested from the pain of anyone.

What worries me is that we, as a nation, already ingest and or use products that are just that… harvested from pain. What if that is what lowers our resonance in a way, breaking universal laws that we knew nothing about. Thats the scariest part.

Get well Anon, Im sorry you're having to go thru that.

3cc977  No.5434830

7e7674  No.5434831

Be me

Be Q

Have all the cures and evidence

Whoops sorry goyim you arnt good enough to get the cures

Gotta keep big pharma intact so we can make more money

174c43  No.5434832


You didn’t count his dick

814cb6  No.5434833

File: e31ed1f359fc6d4⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 2816x2112, 4:3, IMG_7952.JPG)

File: f3f457417165ac7⋯.jpg (2.47 MB, 2816x2112, 4:3, IMG_7953.JPG)

File: 21c5c57aaa51b68⋯.jpg (2.22 MB, 2816x2112, 4:3, IMG_7954.JPG)

64f46b  No.5434835


Law of averages.

Stuck in the middle with …

4868e2  No.5434836



israel DS same as impeaching POTUS

political theater

834904  No.5434837


we're in this together. good catch im sure thats what he meant. Cohen looked scared/upset all hearing if you ask me. definitely unwilling to talk about himself.

588194  No.5434838

File: 93d59fda7b48b41⋯.png (141.26 KB, 899x677, 899:677, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

File: 33afd245d662a38⋯.png (223.08 KB, 914x636, 457:318, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

File: 13b8b5d928d51e7⋯.png (198.93 KB, 905x664, 905:664, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)




3153aa  No.5434839

Notables Bun


>>5434166 ; >>5434272 Moar on pending Netanyahu indictments

>>5434247 Moar Pompeo in the Philippines

>>5434352 England: gang jailed for rape and abuse of children in foster care home

>>5434370 GAA Update

>>5434412 ; >>5434690 US DOD tweets: Joint readiness training exercise at NY rail yard; rocket testing in Thailand

>>5434430 Ex-Canadian AG to testify against Trudeau

>>5434459 On the EU seizing member states’ finances

>>5434487 Three dead in train-vehicle collision in NY

>>5434651 CNN admonishes Tlaib for apologizing to Meadows for her namecalling

>>5434657 Report of KJU to hold news conference re: POTUS summit

>>5434688 Eight times Cohen’s testimony vindicated POTUS

>>5434814 Comprehensive Dig on John Harwood and his clients/reasons for bias

134414  No.5434840

File: d2b5ce7cfd3aea5⋯.jpeg (145.72 KB, 2000x1430, 200:143, 239175C5-DFA3-4C07-9229-B….jpeg)

35841c  No.5434841


we've come to this… operation Cobra Gold a multinational exercise focused on supporting humanitarian needs… then DOD post a picture of rocket artillery firing away….

677bb7  No.5434842

File: 9acca205e234e40⋯.jpg (487.75 KB, 729x1050, 243:350, cofbewbs.jpg)


Anons should remember that the central banking system plan is to hide their fuckery in a world war.

all wars are bankers wars.

cabal is funded by the central banking system washing dirty money or outright loaning money to cabal.

flash points were planned: syria, ukraine, north korea, afghanistan

now appears syria is no more

now appears north korea is wanting peace

afghans at the negotiating table too

whoops - the kashmir lights off

whoops - stories of arms moving to ukraine

no coincidences

a09f24  No.5434843


Countries know the end of the petro dollar is close and are unloading the reserves they held in US dollars.

79d488  No.5434844


It's going to be HISTORIC!

Planned long ago.



Within the next 21 (19) days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.


fa5ef9  No.5434845

File: 7f982b123a35db5⋯.jpg (279.41 KB, 1024x567, 1024:567, tedfoot.jpg)

9fd720  No.5434846

7e7674  No.5434847



Remember goyim all the rich jews are just freemason niggers


7c07d4  No.5434848

File: dc5f78516f189ab⋯.jpg (111.31 KB, 600x632, 75:79, snek.jpg)

8b385a  No.5434849

File: b3499ff70d85070⋯.jpg (102.8 KB, 500x667, 500:667, prick 2.jpg)

d161c3  No.5434850

File: f61cd0404414817⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

8eb151  No.5434851


Yea and meadows wasnt gonna have that shit. He was fucking pissed!! Blew right up in her face Id say.

e9e79d  No.5434852



The storm be announced on twatter in 19

Days? IDK. Meanwhile I’ll dig meme

And pray. Winning bigly

b9a5e3  No.5434853


You.. Well heeled big wheel.

Haha, charade you are…

You try to keep our feelings off the streets.

You're really a big laugh…

d2723e  No.5434855

It’s going to be so disappointing when 21 days pass and we’re still waiting for something big to turn the tides. No matter how many times Q gives us false dates/false hope, I’ll keep coming back here waiting and hoping.

4f3878  No.5434856

File: d5bc7a66b2bb1cb⋯.png (349.69 KB, 608x537, 608:537, Screenshot 2019-02-28_12-1….png)


439431  No.5434857


Spoiler, they get them at the end. MAGA

7e7674  No.5434858


Oh man you sure showed me niggeranonshill

8ede88  No.5434859


>be you

>pretends you aren’t a newfag

03c73e  No.5434860

File: b9307c10c8787c5⋯.png (203.25 KB, 554x372, 277:186, John Jung Jr.png)



>Dimples MUCH bigger

c357b8  No.5434861



John Harwood's professional history is Deep State/Cult

a09f24  No.5434862


No evidence JFK Jr is alive, not a shred….none.

4868e2  No.5434863


well only cuz Q has used POTUS achievements as the Booms and they were

but what i want are Q beHind the curtains Booms to come out - OPEN THE CURTAIN Q

eb9d30  No.5434864

File: aae51e88d482cb9⋯.jpg (33.9 KB, 480x427, 480:427, Dpartydeath.jpg)

62e672  No.5434865

File: 24ed6526c8b18e8⋯.jpg (9.69 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 1547004344.jpg)


>Shannon Pettypiece

588194  No.5434866

File: 2fd4a69ce4e1307⋯.png (23.46 KB, 91x134, 91:134, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

File: d85b180cb957e5c⋯.png (3.25 KB, 96x45, 32:15, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

70b5c0  No.5434867


>Big fan of Ayinger

Kek. So be it. Thats going to be quite a mess.

Some other Anon already ordered "Milchschnitte" (sweets) and "kleine Feiglinge" (fig flavored shots).

I wonder how i get this 10ft container through customs.

79d488  No.5434868


say it's not true

568a49  No.5434869


"Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place."



7e7674  No.5434870

Anons how will you guys react when potus and congress pass hate speech laws that make criticizng israel illegal

Same with anti semitism

Or "racism"

814cb6  No.5434871

File: 65137d7ba8fd9e2⋯.png (407.4 KB, 624x560, 39:35, HowToMakeTheSwamp.png)

b8f8ed  No.5434872

File: bdf5f40524115fc⋯.png (208.46 KB, 461x619, 461:619, Kevin Cirilli tweet.PNG)


From Bloomberg:



I’m in room:


8b385a  No.5434873

File: 5523f10fb19b8ec⋯.jpg (95.37 KB, 906x500, 453:250, Willard chicken tendies.jpg)


sucks to lose doesn't it

134414  No.5434874

File: c269b411fb35c74⋯.jpeg (83.06 KB, 457x523, 457:523, 64320547-7D9B-4318-BC0C-8….jpeg)


(((HasBeen Shapiro)))

814cb6  No.5434875

File: 2b794f5b26f17fc⋯.png (384.04 KB, 637x588, 13:12, JFKJr.RDJTorigpost.png)

396f8f  No.5434876


Love Rep Meadows!! Keep fighting for us Sir. We see you!

814cb6  No.5434877

File: 9b16cd73575e493⋯.png (6.65 KB, 456x185, 456:185, The Start.png)

83420c  No.5434878

File: 5c4607bfeecfc9b⋯.jpg (21.83 KB, 344x480, 43:60, frankieblackburn.jpg)


Frankie Blackburn is or was Harwood's wife

"Watch the Wives"


is her charity conglomerate.

814cb6  No.5434880

File: b44aa146a829fee⋯.png (337.14 KB, 626x618, 313:309, VKCigarSmileHat.png)

3fc6c8  No.5434881

File: dc51d15872cf7d2⋯.jpg (232.88 KB, 1752x956, 438:239, DkhQvQoUYAEDzzw.jpg)

File: 2689f653eca11e5⋯.jpg (83.65 KB, 640x629, 640:629, rainn_wilson_pedo_tweets.jpg)

File: 576c5b0362178f2⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 2100x1500, 7:5, MAKE_IT_RAINN.jpg)

File: c484be0c86e4d43⋯.jpg (42.26 KB, 640x480, 4:3, rainn_wilson_haiti_connect….jpg)

File: c22bb7b44a9f8ef⋯.png (889.63 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, dwight.png)

Assistant [to the] Regional Manager

1f6d0e  No.5434882


Can't wait to find out how much I was fined for not paying for "health care insurance" that does not having anything to do with providing decent health care services.

Where is the start up coalition of doctors who abide by the Hippocratic Oath, or is that something that is even followed by health care professionals

4efbe1  No.5434883

File: 863ab7cf2c06c73⋯.png (729.99 KB, 600x633, 200:211, BTFO4GOOD.PNG)


This one is officially the fucking winner in the 8ch R LARP ridicule memes competition, well done.

For the record, I declared RLARP DOA after the first week of it. Same shill effort level as FLATTARDERY, zero IRL influence, just board annoyances, easily fixed by a judicious approach to filtering.

It is now a favorite slide of the resident JIDF shillkikes in here.

pic related

7e7674  No.5434884

File: 445ca9557b0bc5e⋯.jpg (137.57 KB, 640x503, 640:503, Klan meeting Satania.jpg)


Be me

Be immortal spirit in prison body

Older than you bitch ass anons


5bc644  No.5434885


Evergreen was a popular tweet the other day, Monday I think. An anon posted a thread and that word evergreen was the highlight.

050f8b  No.5434886

File: 76cea018b7b48d2⋯.jpeg (616.02 KB, 1536x1018, 768:509, 9CCDBBFC-5FA7-4D68-AD71-F….jpeg)

Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho says "we offered a realistic proposal" to the US.

814cb6  No.5434887

File: 2722bf7847991b1⋯.png (304.55 KB, 635x624, 635:624, VKItAllStarts.png)

125990  No.5434888


Been a never Trumper and never will.

a09f24  No.5434890


Why are you paying taxes?

92ef97  No.5434891


Cohen’s father supposedly survived a holocaust and directly after Cohen received over a million dollars from the govt of Kazakhstan (cabal roots), he was turned and now snd always he will be a double crossing faggot.

7e7674  No.5434892


How can i lose if im on no one side faggotanon

f702fd  No.5434895

File: 9483af1293587ac⋯.jpg (71.09 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 2us6xe.jpg)

fa5ef9  No.5434897

File: 03e65cb0af96df2⋯.jpg (200.99 KB, 626x618, 313:309, vk_100.jpg)



439431  No.5434898


MMMM, humanitarian rockets. Are they shooting burritos at them. Frozen ones would work,

668a08  No.5434899


she's pretty

ced615  No.5434900

File: bf06d27b8fafacd⋯.jpeg (246.02 KB, 1036x1396, 259:349, NK-Royals-WTF.jpeg)

396f8f  No.5434902

Steve Herman

‏Verified account @W7VOA

6m6 minutes ago

North Korean officials have called a midnight news conference here.

Steve Herman

‏Verified account @W7VOA

3m3 minutes ago

#DPRK Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho says "we offered a realistic proposal" to the US.

Steve Herman

‏Verified account @W7VOA

2m2 minutes ago

If sanctions partially removed by US, the #DPRK will permanently remove plutonium and uranium processing facilities at Yongbyon in presence of US experts, explains Ri.

62e672  No.5434903

File: 1ebdefd60c0da33⋯.png (342.3 KB, 500x569, 500:569, 9000lies.png)

47d38a  No.5434904


No doubt he is dirty, but he could be working for POTUS now

eb9d30  No.5434905


I don't trust you.

814cb6  No.5434906

File: 59f4cd9b2323ee1⋯.png (25.32 KB, 533x555, 533:555, MrJohnVineyard.png)

File: 39427e3c9dd22be⋯.jpg (71.52 KB, 640x418, 320:209, marthas-vineyard-kennedy-f….jpg)

John Vineyard is JFK Jr. kek

0a75f3  No.5434907


They would, but our DS has been the enabler and protectors. With ours fading, it will make theirs and easier target. Totally agree on the overall thought though. Their DS is last.

ced615  No.5434908

File: 5573d459eb0a99e⋯.jpg (108.38 KB, 736x500, 184:125, Kim School Switzerland CIA.jpg)

a09f24  No.5434909


When you sell weapons to the world there will never be peace.

c6c204  No.5434910

Lazlo - The Ska Was Pink #NowPlaying on Electro Swing Radio,


fa5ef9  No.5434911

File: 67c3e3156b796ba⋯.jpg (11.43 KB, 194x199, 194:199, ced7b6e02ce44cc8e46c89e341….jpg)

8b385a  No.5434912

File: 9fda41f9dad4b01⋯.png (107.99 KB, 252x192, 21:16, Nigel is fuckin happy.png)


faster and smarter than you. Deal with it.

b9a5e3  No.5434913


So you are going to broadcast that you have no idea how chain of command works, nor do you understand what mission scopes are?

Because that is what you just did..

5bc644  No.5434914


I wish!

I miss that guy. He could be counted on to defend the constitution.

2b2721  No.5434915

File: 5f058a93b4347ea⋯.png (224.05 KB, 720x768, 15:16, Screenshot_20190228-111817….png)

Dprk wants sanctions partially lifted before they give up anything

9f6575  No.5434916



Sorry, to be more precise, Medicaid is billed for the abortion - to pay Planed Parenthood.

8612c5  No.5434917


i still cant believe it went as long as it did

the same uid said he was just fucking around because he was bored, and we were idiots. yet, here we are, like a year later, and people still listen

and its not just shills, normies irl are talking about it too, fucking pathetic

767e30  No.5434918


Tesla tower?

082757  No.5434919


Kinda wish Meadows and Jordan would pull Gaetz aside and let him know what's up. Praying he doesn't become a Rubio 2.0.

a075ae  No.5434920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Live now

ef9c8c  No.5434921


Oooo I like this game

188c6b  No.5434922


Kek. Thanks

47d38a  No.5434923


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be indicted on bribe and fraud charges

An indictment would mark the first time in Israeli history that a sitting prime minister has been charged with a crime.

Israel's attorney general announced Thursday that his office plans to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on corruption charges after a two-year investigation.

The prime minister faces one count of bribery and two counts of fraud and breach of trust.

Police have previously recommended indicting Netanyahu for bribery, fraud and breach of trust in three different cases.

The most serious allegations against Netanyahu involve his relationship with Shaul Elovitch, the controlling shareholder of Israel's telecom giant Bezeq. Police recommended an indictment in the case based on evidence collected that confidants of Netanyahu promoted regulatory changes worth hundreds of millions of dollars to Bezeq. In exchange, they believe Netanyahu used his connections with Elovitch to receive positive press coverage on Bezeq's popular subsidiary news site, Walla. Police have said their investigation concluded that Netanyahu and Elovitch engaged in a "bribe-based relationship."

Police also recommended charges be brought against Elovitch, members of his family and members of his Bezeq management team.

Plus more…………


f702fd  No.5434924


Me too Anon…

62e672  No.5434925

File: de6fd6419f6d55f⋯.png (347.92 KB, 500x559, 500:559, wish-cohen.png)

814cb6  No.5434926

File: 4bbea56ddb37a1c⋯.png (947.43 KB, 750x612, 125:102, JFKjrRFKjrwithunknownkidsf….png)

File: 799b8de222bd789⋯.png (423.78 KB, 599x446, 599:446, JFKjrRFKTweet7_16_18.png)

File: 9142cfad1cd7b6b⋯.png (571.44 KB, 486x674, 243:337, JFKjrsfbayparade.png)

Let's see the Clown shills explain this. On July 16 of all days. kek

8fa560  No.5434927


we learned HE was not a saint… groomed for his position, and dirt was held on this great Justice… the moar you know.

396f8f  No.5434928


Oh I think Gaetz is very aware of what's going on!

a075ae  No.5434929


Aaand it’s over.

3fa193  No.5434931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

trafficking arrests

134414  No.5434933


How does that stop their people from speaking out? If the French can do it, then Israelis sure as hell can

ced615  No.5434934


shut up kike

0d1b4d  No.5434937


From the article:

>And still Camerota pressed Tlaib: “But just to be clear, you still today feel that he is not racist?”

>Tlaib responded: “Look, I feel like the act was. and that’s up to the American people to decide whether or not he is.”

Well, this American person thinks that he isn't and she is.

e9e79d  No.5434938


Hope the proof comes

Out that he was murdered

d161c3  No.5434939

File: 123285a8c516a3c⋯.png (68.55 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

ced615  No.5434941


he's controlled. he has a record.

47d38a  No.5434942

The NK stuff is all for show. Anons know. Its just for optics. NK people need to see their leader is "fighting for them" just like normies need to see POTUS is "fighting for us". If Trump met Kim once and just magically made peace and got everything right, it would look to fake. It has to play out this way

61a136  No.5434943

File: 33c093236cba207⋯.jpg (14.93 KB, 516x287, 516:287, CvsqK1eUEAA8OmJ.jpg)

668a08  No.5434944

62e672  No.5434946

File: 9b0a3787c9585b5⋯.png (357.67 KB, 500x558, 250:279, tothefed.png)

ced615  No.5434949



how about murder?

5734c5  No.5434952


Ok now you are just trying too hard

You are starting to glow

f7154f  No.5434953

File: 7377fadaa3cfebb⋯.jpeg (286.21 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, WeDidntGetKilled.jpeg)

47d38a  No.5434954

Get Islam out of our congress

273330  No.5434955

File: 34e88cead3bd531⋯.jpg (142.99 KB, 733x800, 733:800, 8b79de740850f01c7e823dc927….jpg)

File: 86c2d46c4b7d45c⋯.jpg (102.75 KB, 800x611, 800:611, 9be44fc468376c5e9527eee569….jpg)

File: 3d482e67c84b84c⋯.jpg (118.77 KB, 800x427, 800:427, ad7677ac4590d492a8c85a39d4….jpg)

File: fff895d9393690b⋯.jpg (93.35 KB, 800x612, 200:153, cc2d4576b836f2b06a72251510….jpg)


<Pawndale more like it.>

>eyyyyyy sigintardoes look what time it is

>sssssssss ouch, gave up on blackjack

>why tho

>dunno, it's got good strategy to it


>oh no

>time now?

>give up on that weird mirror


<DJ Chaintard in the mix

<Time for some music!







ced615  No.5434956

File: d1adc8aab1acfdd⋯.jpg (50.74 KB, 470x423, 10:9, GoogSchmidtInNK.jpg)

3153aa  No.5434957

File: a0e83047ede7fbb⋯.jpeg (12.91 KB, 255x177, 85:59, BakerArt.jpeg)






Baker Requesting Handoff

Anons, please volunteer.

8b385a  No.5434959

File: effe6d017f09493⋯.gif (3.92 MB, 480x258, 80:43, Bluto Thanks you.gif)

4451f9  No.5434960


you are a sad piece of shit if that is your only response to something that hurts your feelz, "Kike"…. you people are truly pathetic

d161c3  No.5434961

File: a0b26ad2088fa4d⋯.png (149.27 KB, 355x278, 355:278, ClipboardImage.png)

568a49  No.5434962


62e672  No.5434964

File: a426f746c02cfd4⋯.jpg (61.91 KB, 500x569, 500:569, fear.jpg)

588194  No.5434965

File: 599d7b25f8608bf⋯.png (60.83 KB, 909x248, 909:248, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

082757  No.5434966


Which was what i was referring to. >>5434919

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