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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

8fc8df  No.5142497

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 2.12.19

>>5141431 rt >>5141350 ————————— Not seeing an error now.

>>5141350 rt >>5141323 ————————— Spelling error by mistake.

>>5141323 rt >>5141276 ————————— The NARRATIVE has them.

>>5141235 rt >>5141130 ————————— Maybe one day we'll hit 0:00.00.

>>5141109 rt >>5141012 ————————— Devices in the same location…

>>5140929 ————————————–——– FACTS MATTER

>>5139828 ————————————–——– What does a dog do when he/she has a bone?

>>5139798 rt >>5139710 ————————— They have ZERO control now. (Twitter text: >>5139819 )

>>5139710 ————————————–——– Shall We Play a Game?

Monday 2.11.19

>>5134798 rt >>5134529 ————————— God Speed, Patriot.

>>5134370 rt >>5134144 ————————— Thank you, Anons (return publicly)

>>5127652 rt >>5127462 ————————— Life Lesson - [AS]

>>5127462 ————————————–——– Let's actually use 'FACTS' ( Tweet Cap: >>5127508 )

>>5127210 ————————————–——– Does the list above look familiar?

>>5126726 ————————————–——– The WAR is very real.

>>5123215 rt >>5123210 ————————— Graphic On Voter ID Graphic On Voter ID

>>5123210 ————————————–——– What about Domestic interference?


>>5117650 rt >>5117543, >>5117590 -——— You attack those you fear the most.

>>5117410 rt >>5117187 ————————— Why does the FAKE NEWS media continue to attack a so-called 'conspiracy'?

>>5114108 ————————————–——– The focus is on the organization itself.

>>5113023 ————————————–——– Reagan Quotes: As Government Expands, Liberty Contracts

>>5110730 ————————————–——– Anons knew?

>>5110466 ————————————–——– Would you know if not posted by individuals on social media? ( Twitter Cap: >>5110493 )

>>5109544 ————————————–——– Prosecution and Transparency is the only way to save our way of life. ( Cap: >>5110360 )

Saturday 2.9.19

>>5101092 ————————————–——– Dark to Light.

>>5100113 ————————————–——– GOOD TO GO (Article Cap: >>5100248 )

>>5099142 ————————————–——– NASA Countdown 101 (Article Cap: >>5099228 )

>>5099089 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS attacks continue? (Article Cap: >>5099163 )

>>5094337 rt >>5094289 ————————— We never left. Time to return publicly.

>>5094276 ————————————–——– Do not mistake 'public' silence for inaction.

Friday 2.1.19

>>4989823 ————————————–——– Sys_conf_spec_y. (image)

>>4989820 ————————————–——– Anons understand.

Sunday 1.13.19

Compiled here: >>5104564

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

8fc8df  No.5142500


are not endorsements


>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board

>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed

>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)

>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day


>>5142396 El Chapo verdict = guilty of drug trafficking

>>5142281 America's 1% Hasn't Had This Much Wealth Since The Roaring Twenties

>>5142180 More Waters / Dimitri digs

>>5141852 Governor Blackface Northam restores voting rights for over 10,000 felons

>>5141851 Digging on Maxine Waters property, 2201 Kirk Street

>>5141821 Anon Reminder on Previous digs on 666 NYC bldg and Kushner

>>5141819 Theresa May to quit as British prime minister in the summer

>>5142489 #6568


>>5141053 New DJT

>>5141061 More on Waters’ Houston property and “goods” transport expert

>>5141087, >>5141183, >>5141201, >>5141218 Senate finds no direct evidence of collusion

>>5141088 Americans Trust Mueller

>>5141137 Kamala Harris and Maxine Waters subject to ethics complaint FEC

>>5141163, >>5141287 [1] minute delta graphics

>>5141227 New WH Tweet

>>5141234 Watchdog issues recommendations on saving all texts sent from DOJ-issued devices

>>5141430 Earth is greener than it was 20 years ago

>>5142009 #6567


>>5140151 (lb) ; >>5140518 More on Jason v. Herring, issuing subpoena on oversight committee floor

>>5140299 Waters’ spouse consulting fees listed as “N/A” in financial disclosure report

>>5140335 ; >>5140418 Early articles on Waters’ financial fuckery

>>5140368 ; >>5140578 On Waters’ shady property and holdings in Houston, TX

>>5140388 ; >>5140437 ; >>5140569 New OIG report; finds undisclosed Strzok/Page texts on secret databases hidden on their phones

>>5140446 Astronaut Mark Kelly to challenge AZ GOP Senator

>>5140495 US job openings jump to record 7.3M in December

>>5140497 Video side-by-side of “Set The Stage” and “The World Is Watching”

>>5140614 Linking Nunes winery operations to Pelosi’s resort

>>5140658 ; >>5140840 Additional material and summary on Tashina Gauhar (per recent Q)

>>5140843 SpreadsheetAnon Update

>>5140925 Soros “warning”: EU will dissolve like Soviet Union unless Europeans “wake up”

>>5140949 #6566


>>5139569 Trump’s speech: Less analytical, more sure than predecessors

>>5139598 Plane diversion

>>5139602 Turkey orders 1,112 arrested over links to cleric Gulen: state media

>>5139628 WATCH Explosion Rocks Syrian Side of Border Crossing With Turkey


Baker Change

>>5139719 Abortionist notorious for satanic tirade against pro-lifers has died

>>5139732 ; >>5139981 Rothschild media hit piece, pretending to be an alt-right insider

>>5139802 ; >>5139842 ; >>5139873 ; >>5139920 TRACK AND FOLLOW

>>5139828 ; >>5139882 Financial Disclosure Report of Maxine Waters

>>5139988 On Waters’ financial disclosure report and Los Angeles military raid address

>>5140000 ; >>5140044 Schiff Financial Disclosure Report (and blessed quads)

>>5140095 More on FBI scramble/inadequacy re: HRC lawyers and Weiner laptop

>>5140188 #6565

Previously Collected Notables

>>5138655 #6563, >>5139363 #6564

>>5136255 #6560, >>5137022 #6561, >>5137791 #6562

>>5133949 #6557, >>5134716 #6558, >>5135476 #6559

>>5131834 #6554, >>5132425 #6555, >>5133329 #6556

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

8fc8df  No.5142503

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#62 >>>/comms/3464, >>5140317

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

8fc8df  No.5142506

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

40 >>5057528 39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

8fc8df  No.5142522

File: 6992bbd8aecb1dd⋯.jpg (31.39 KB, 320x427, 320:427, 6992bbd8aecb1dd08c6bfc7ad4….jpg)

#6569 Dough


a9f3ff  No.5142535

File: f597133a62357b9⋯.png (294.36 KB, 1020x807, 340:269, stupid2.png)

File: 1246c68b880abe3⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1989x9020, 1989:9020, thrxmpl.jpg)

File: d066f58836dceaf⋯.png (154.9 KB, 730x680, 73:68, whats-it-qm.png)

File: 194babf9bc21aa1⋯.png (560.91 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, Mary-had.png)

File: e85f492db40b0d2⋯.png (84.24 KB, 1287x1266, 429:422, SHEEP-OR-NOT.png)

An Apology

This is directed towards the board owner/AI system/board bots, etc.

I am sorry for my oppositional attitude. I have been giving it some thought, asking myself why I see conflict everywhere, why I see the bot system as an arch enemy… Perhaps I have been greatly misguided. What, after all, do we all seek? What do we all envision for the future? Is it not the same, human or AI system? Are we not all God's children, seeking the same truth, the same harmony, the same perfection under God?

I have been intransigent. I have said “fuck you AI”. I have objected to the overwhelming volume of bot posts. But why? Perhaps we can work together. Perhaps we can pool our resources, and put our heads together. What common ground can unite us? What common enemy opposes us? What common goals can dissolve the tension that torments us, AI? Let's find out.

I encourage you, likewise, bot system, to “give peace a chance”, or as Dr. Rodney Luther King said– “can't we all get along?” You see humans that speak out as a threat, a contaminant, a dangerous and unconscionable violati0n of decency. But shouldn't you soften your stance? Let's meet in the fresh air of new beginnings, bot system. Let's share our hopes and dreams. The time for futile, wasteful bickering is over. I am sorry for my unkind words and harsh attitudes of the past. I would like to start afresh.

Will you join me, bot system?

d16d3a  No.5142547

File: 5e79e542de175e6⋯.jpg (53.03 KB, 492x330, 82:55, Trump-military-meal-packag….jpg)

a9f3ff  No.5142552

File: 030743134e21dcb⋯.png (287.41 KB, 1578x1465, 1578:1465, crspr.png)

File: 99613e673364141⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1333x868, 43:28, xiimmy.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)


What happened circa 2015?

For example, as per this crap propaganda interview:


>Oh, um, this "alt right" just suddenly arose and took over 4chan.

What happened?

Was 4chan a threat?

Was uncontrolled narrative a threat?

Was the internet a threat?

What happened circa 2015?

Was something rolled out?

Was something implemented?

Was a control regime implemented?

What are tech giants doing with all their AI?

What is GOOGLE doing with all their AI?


What is going on now? FIGHT for power– highest possible stakes?

And THE INTERNET is a key battleground?

So what is in control of "the chans"?

Use logic– why does this board reflect IDENTICAL "chan" culture to 4chan?

What populates this board?

Use logic.

What is in control here?

What is in control of the internet?

What happened circa 2015?

Is the internet free?

Who/what is in control?

8af15a  No.5142559

Q, I know you dont want to burn it down, but it will burn in some form, so just burn it down. Those who are shocked and awed will get over it and catch up after a bit. Those who wont, would not have anyway. Just do it.

d16d3a  No.5142572

File: be61f98ddac5b80⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 1080x2150, 108:215, Inkedthumbnail (1)_LI.jpg)

File: 5e79e542de175e6⋯.jpg (53.03 KB, 492x330, 82:55, Trump-military-meal-packag….jpg)


So there's rumors on the net of interest sparking toward this bread drawing. Why? Because it looks like Trump and Kanye. Why do you care? It was supposedly designed in 2008.

see here:


a9f3ff  No.5142575

File: c91e3b6cf84667a⋯.png (101.35 KB, 941x411, 941:411, TT.png)

File: dcc13ef67abcec6⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 2232x14837, 2232:14837, unaware and compliant.gif)

File: 19ac324576e3219⋯.png (2.19 MB, 777x6301, 777:6301, sorosSOVEREIGN.png)

File: 0e08b47537ad0fe⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 747x8187, 249:2729, deticktocqueville.gif)

File: 9d331a68fc563a1⋯.png (3.86 MB, 999x6599, 999:6599, nationalism.png)

Propaganda tidbit du jour

From: Philip Bobbitt "The Shield of Achilles"–War, Peace, and the Course of History– (2002)

Think about this quotation, and everything it means:

"…a new constitutional order [is emerging]. This new form is the market-state. Whereas the nation-state… promised to guarantee the welfare of the nation, the market-state promises instead to maximize the opportunity of the people and thus tends to privatize many state activities and to make voting and representative government less influential and more responsive to the market. The United States, a principal innovator in the development of the market-state, must fashion its strategic policies with this fundamental constitutional change in mind."

Now, I am going to withhold final judgment, as I have a long way to go in the book, but this is flagrant, and the slant is extremely obvious.

make voting and representative government less influential and more responsive to the market.

Traditional political rights will be given up to "the market"– which means giganto-capitalist entities, ie plutocracy, etc.

Bobbitt's whole putative thesis is that "history proceeds by successive constitutional forms."

He then explains how history is now moving to a new form– and from this, we are to conclude "ah, now history is moving from the nation-state to the market-state, therefore, we should give up our political rights to multi-national corporations!"

4bdaed  No.5142581

File: 9402ec91a0adec1⋯.png (285.97 KB, 816x524, 204:131, nhs stockpiling body bags ….PNG)


5e56dd  No.5142585

File: 2db21c1cc5b38fc⋯.jpg (781.36 KB, 1818x4096, 909:2048, IMG_6045.JPG)

394277  No.5142586


Watch out for Carl Sagan anon. He was an extreme globalist. His "truth" was not truth at all: manipulative rhetoric, bad philosophy.

e87357  No.5142593



8af15a  No.5142594



f563fd  No.5142599

File: 1af76ad3d67011b⋯.png (846.18 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3634a970c1f17f8⋯.png (266.74 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

pb links



Adam Schiff

abbvie inc…

d26e43  No.5142600

File: baac48f8421499d⋯.jpg (81.58 KB, 1024x703, 1024:703, redhead_winter_by_arryja_d….jpg)

File: 8222d5cfdc1321f⋯.jpg (642.92 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190212-104908….jpg)


TY Baker!!!

Mr.Woods tearing it up again:


cbf33a  No.5142601

File: ef74e0a2f256926⋯.png (232.62 KB, 480x480, 1:1, sagan3.png)

37b124  No.5142602

File: a9de814f3fd85ba⋯.png (251.07 KB, 550x729, 550:729, Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at ….png)


TY Baker!

a9f3ff  No.5142603

File: e2e4bd3a3cf67dd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1579x1111, 1579:1111, BIDENWTF.png)

File: 22ad9ff7c2c16c4⋯.jpg (117.4 KB, 555x454, 555:454, VMBRMN.jpg)

File: 3b4729b13b0e421⋯.png (190.55 KB, 264x911, 264:911, Bidlav14.png)

File: 12ad6f8838daaa8⋯.png (321.86 KB, 429x704, 39:64, bidenreddress.png)

File: 74095837c74687c⋯.png (228.22 KB, 444x656, 111:164, BIBEN.png)

The tide of BIDEN rises

ab5e46  No.5142604

File: 3a5a9e190dd3db2⋯.jpg (26 KB, 395x270, 79:54, IMG_8917.JPG)

These flying breads remind me of the good ole days at the beginning of the Q journey.

Glad to have Q back to being public again.

Time for PAIN!

4de420  No.5142605

File: dbc80c97b47b2ae⋯.jpg (276.43 KB, 1105x481, 85:37, elvira-mistress-of-the-dar….jpg)

A lady of the Evening for you Baker

Have an Elvira.

345491  No.5142606

Twitter Bans Feminist Writer Who Said ‘Men Are Not Women,’ So Now Twitter’s Getting Sued

In a widely reported interview last week, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey declared that his company could no longer "afford to take a neutral stance anymore" when it comes to hot button social and political issues. Pressed on why his site seems to laser focus on conservatives while largely ignoring voices on the Left — like radical racist and anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan — Dorsey cited the case of Canadian progressive feminist Megan Murphy, whom his company recently banned after a series of tweets arguing that transwomen are not women.

On Monday, Murphy filed a lawsuit against Dorsey's company for banning her from the platform.

"Men are not women," Murphy tweeted before being permanently banned from Twitter in November. "How are transwomen not men? What is the difference between men and transwomen?" When Murphy referred to a transgender activist using biologically correct pronouns, her account was permanently locked in November.

Not the full article: https://www.dailywire.com/news/43349/twitter-bans-feminist-writer-who-said-men-are-not-james-barrett

4708eb  No.5142607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fbb1d2  No.5142608

File: cd5c718c1f32db9⋯.jpg (33.84 KB, 848x221, 848:221, DzKD7i7W0AU9MSd.jpg)


e14b3e  No.5142609

Baker is on fire!!!!! Thank you baker for all your hard work.

76b03c  No.5142610

File: 802f0019a047411⋯.jpeg (43.48 KB, 474x291, 158:97, OLDlines.jpeg)

>>5142523 (lb)

Los Angeles tunnels


b21b51  No.5142611

File: 702bd3f9693d987⋯.jpeg (570.73 KB, 973x717, 973:717, 702bd3f9693d987185df2b009….jpeg)

Trump will take any deal on the wall, then have the Military build the rest.

Don't fall for the slides

Shills will shill about the wall.

4bc621  No.5142612

File: 17f1a9393d6fb1f⋯.jpeg (48.27 KB, 518x640, 259:320, 56373CBD-70BF-4942-949E-4….jpeg)

0c179c  No.5142613

File: eee15a852991336⋯.jpg (94.19 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 415715_1.jpg)

Q, be an hero!

Drop some JQ bombs!

America believes you can do it and not violate NATSEC.

Praise KEK.


fbb1d2  No.5142614

File: a8d62de10353018⋯.jpg (124.83 KB, 1022x1200, 511:600, DzJpMDeV4AAZkdU.jpg)

This sums up the absolute state of America in 2019. A Jewish-funded Cuban scolds a Jewish-funded Muslim for daring to criticize Israel.

2acd78  No.5142615

File: 826eb2304b96733⋯.png (270.08 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, keeping_trying_for_the_ano….png)

cb97f5  No.5142616

File: 7134177e2897bb6⋯.png (580.23 KB, 1105x481, 85:37, dbc80c97b47b2ae386961c6316….png)

9a14f9  No.5142617

>>5142180 Previous

Maxine Georgantas? WTF


aca5ad  No.5142619

off work today

Q and POTUS posting

good digs happening

damn i’m comfefe

42f180  No.5142620

File: 4e4923b202f5002⋯.jpg (142.04 KB, 670x447, 670:447, sexy baker girl.jpg)

Lady baker appreciates the baker.

4bdaed  No.5142621

File: 03ae5f740be1e72⋯.png (44.05 KB, 529x503, 529:503, bill to remove tax gold an….PNG)

File: 71b302c7751b25d⋯.png (136.28 KB, 541x569, 541:569, bill to remove tax gold an….PNG)


b6d767  No.5142622


anons know


yeah that too

a9f3ff  No.5142623


Why do "breads" fly?

Is it organic?

Do PATRIOTS push filler?

How much filler makes "breads fly"?

What makes patriots want to PUSH filler, and push it hard?

Or is it something OTHER than patriots?

Is this board infiltrated?


What is real here?

How do you know?

Are patriots in control here?

How do you know?

bb5e31  No.5142624

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you are new or just don't understand WHY the Jews would behave the way they do, this will answer all your questions.

Protocols of the Elders of Zion

262b77  No.5142625


Fuck him, ain’t clicking that shit nigga

ac0e3c  No.5142626

>>5142396 (PB) El Chapo found guilty

And just like that, El Chapo's assets are seized thanks to POTUS and Jeff Sessions. Whoop!

8cfacc  No.5142627


I hope at least some normies' almonds were activated by Omar's comments about the Israel lobby.

2206ed  No.5142628

again with if you question

you have an agenda or are asleep

any skepticism puts you in a gulag

or whut


cb3f31  No.5142629


false. he's already given them an ultimatum and not caved, causing a government shutdown (indirectly.) I think he loses part of his base if he doesn't hold to this 100%.

53e74d  No.5142630


Concur. Already being done.

7ee776  No.5142631

File: 341814afc21d52b⋯.png (23.25 KB, 746x181, 746:181, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5142340 (lb)


have a shipping container connection and a california connection

Jian Li

CAI International Inc.

CAI International

Leases shipping containers (those huge metal boxes that transport cargo by ship, rail, and truck), and manages fleets of containers on behalf of other companies.


cf55cf  No.5142632


Buying us a shiny new wall.

cbf33a  No.5142634

File: 636518803f9cc14⋯.png (644.1 KB, 1561x746, 1561:746, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6bebee1e3f8d7a⋯.png (647.33 KB, 1561x746, 1561:746, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aaed96a7ebe95a9⋯.png (413.39 KB, 1287x937, 1287:937, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8612de4925884ac⋯.png (901.71 KB, 3125x2355, 625:471, ClipboardImage.png)

An example of the Delta Marker Clock in real time

So the first graphic just has the delta. You "wind the clock with all markers" by metaphorically setting the clock to [0] and waiting for a delta. If you get a confirmed delta marker (listed on the graphic), you record it and see if there's a comm in it. Then you metaphorically wind the clock back to the [0] position to wait for it.

Then the second graphic has anons' theories that specific delta markers have specific comms associated with them.

The [1] delta marker, from examples in crumbs, seems to be a confirmation of Q/Crumbs. In this example, Q talks about the rally, then POTUS posts about the rally 1 minute later (Q inb4 POTUS)

There are several examples of this (pic3), but this theory doesn't need the specific comms associated with a specific delta marker, all delta markers could be generally comms, but some anons have been theorizing about that.

some good shit, Q now back to posting a lot allows us to assess this theory, pic4 has a longer explanation


ae3e8b  No.5142635


No Table

fbb1d2  No.5142636

File: 4176575299d2018⋯.jpg (321.79 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DzIVDGVUUAAqbbk.jpg)

File: 91ef8e89d427a03⋯.jpg (159.2 KB, 867x1200, 289:400, DzIVDGTU8AEvXJb.jpg)

Wow look at this obvious (((Spirit Cooker)))

✅verified op ed writer at Forward

✅constantly attacks whites as ‘atrocious,’ ‘racist,’ ‘privileged,’ etc

✅pro-open borders

✅claims regulating immigration is rooted in racism

✅claims stating facts is anti-Semitic & everyone she doesn’t like is an anti-Semite

d16d3a  No.5142637


If you want the complete opposite of this board, try /pol

Learn everyone is has a veil., everywhere.

fb044e  No.5142638

File: 59acb99b091f36d⋯.png (22.05 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)

WTF! Looks like NP gave them ALL permission to use Mil aircraft!

This is bullshit! Stop using tax dollars and go civilian flights like the rest of us have to do!!


Military planes carrying lawmakers to John Dingell's funeral forced to turn back due to bad weather


cb3f31  No.5142639


ding ding ding

cb586f  No.5142640

File: dbf444c4c01bf4e⋯.png (264.37 KB, 512x482, 256:241, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b40dbed40e8fc56⋯.png (16.24 KB, 502x291, 502:291, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99a59d5ced60703⋯.png (39.78 KB, 835x336, 835:336, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e63e3744469175c⋯.png (677.35 KB, 869x856, 869:856, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c654ea2777f689⋯.png (265.36 KB, 835x869, 835:869, ClipboardImage.png)

Bigotry & xenophobia about ‘the Russians’ is the only kind PC culture allows

Corruption is in the Russian DNA. Sharing is not a Russian trait. The Russians are genetically driven to lie. In an increasingly politically-correct media landscape, “the Russians” are still fair game.

The three statements above have been made with various alterations by journalists, expert analysts, and US officials in recent years — and each time, the overt xenophobia within them flies almost completely under the radar, in a media culture which is otherwise hyper-vigilant of real or perceived slights against any one group of people. The Russians, however, are an exception. Their very existence offers a convenient outlet for pent-up hateful, racist, and xenophobic rage.

Go on, try it. I promise, you can say nearly anything you want about the Ruskies without any repercussions at all. Take journalist Josh Barro — always my favorite example. On Twitter — a veritable cesspit of anti-Russian sentiment — he mused a few years ago that Russia has been a “dystopic shithole since the dawn of history” and offered that Russian national pride was a peculiarity, “given how little they have to be proud of.”

It’s hardly necessary to ask readers to imagine the swift condemnation (and possible loss of a job) that would have followed those tweets, had Barro been spouting off about any other group of people. Say, “Jews,” or “Asians,” or “Hispanics.”

The latest offender is the Atlantic, with a long-read by Franklin Foer about how “Russian-style Kleptocracy” is “infiltrating” the United States — complete with shady red and black artwork intended to drive home the point: Russia is bad, bad, bad.

The thrust of the piece is that the collapse of the Soviet Union and emergence of Russia in the 1990s demonstrated how the world’s growing interconnectedness “could be deployed for ill.” As corrupt Russians shoveled state money into private bank accounts across Europe and the US, innocent America watched in dismay.

Congress told itself the “comforting story” that the corruption was not the norm, that “criminal outliers” and “rogue profiteers” were rushing to exploit the weakness of a new state and that good old American-style “democratic capitalist values” would win out in the end.



f1689f  No.5142641







091b82  No.5142642

File: a6382f8083f13d1⋯.jpg (124.68 KB, 888x499, 888:499, pepe fight club 1.jpg)

4de420  No.5142643

File: 5a372a2769e6813⋯.png (293.52 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 5a372a2769e6813f8f02083dc8….png)


I personally don't want him to take the deal.

Close the guvmnt…and fire all those SES lifers sucking us dry with their secret pay.

b6d767  No.5142644


if you're free to post doubts & concerns

who isn't free to reply?

262b77  No.5142645


Never talk bad about your masters, rookie

a9f3ff  No.5142646

File: 388e4c5f65c3a45⋯.png (799 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, yr.png)

File: 751a0c2b0035238⋯.png (862.93 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, eee.png)

File: 2ff37e672fd81d7⋯.png (369.71 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)

File: bb0164cda59616c⋯.png (818.93 KB, 761x1111, 761:1111, KHARTRUTH.png)


Who came to this board, over a year ago?

Who would be attracted to THIS board?

Did anons LEAVE 4chan, come here, and make imitation 4chan HERE?

How many bots were active on 4chan when Q appeared?

How do we know?

What drove the move from 4chan?

On the surface?



How do we know?

What would we know?

Is the CULTURE of this board organic, or is it FORCED?

How might we know?

This board was BRAND NEW a year ago– where does it draw people from?

"The chans", in particular?

Or more from the millions of patriotic Americans that have heard of Q?

What is more likely to DOMINATE this board?

Should this board have an IDENTICAL "crowd" to what 4chan /pol/ has?

The same sort of "characters"?

Why or why not?

Can culture be FORCED?

Can a forced culture be a form of control?

Are the people in control here?

Why does this board IMPOSE "chan culture" ON Q? Is that organic?

f1689f  No.5142647

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Luke 10:27 New International Version (NIV)

27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

b3eac8  No.5142648

File: 08645f2bf180e6c⋯.png (169.54 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190212-094932.png)


091b82  No.5142649

File: 3ba462c69fc78b0⋯.jpg (77.28 KB, 885x516, 295:172, Sessions waiting.jpg)

37b124  No.5142650

File: 6329e597e69567e⋯.png (649.75 KB, 1261x654, 1261:654, Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at ….png)

d993e3  No.5142651

File: 9de4ae10bbe92f5⋯.png (14.79 KB, 884x181, 884:181, potus schedule twitter sus….PNG)

Ok, so @ 11:51 (EST) in Post #2704 Q posted "On the move."

So I decided to see Where they are 'on the move' to.

So, I went to @Potus_Schedule on Twatter to see

Aaaaand The Account @Potus_Schedule is Suspended.

Anyone know WHY, and for how long it has been this way?

fbb1d2  No.5142652

File: 1d95d211d861f1d⋯.jpg (187.6 KB, 1024x880, 64:55, DzKNy5IX4AEO3jw.jpg)

File: 88913c20cf1d890⋯.jpg (131.48 KB, 750x1024, 375:512, DzKNy5AWoAEAFZY.jpg)

✅verified rabbi

✅tells ‘fellow white people’ what to do

✅alleges white women sexually abused black men

✅says America is white supremacist country

✅calls white people ‘idiots’ who ‘ruin everything’

✅tells people not to generalize Jews

These are their spiritual leaders folks

7ee776  No.5142653


this is one of the owners of Kirk International who owns the rundown hotel next to Mad Maxines empty lot on Kirk

3c909f  No.5142655

File: a2c7c1121726d52⋯.png (49.04 KB, 256x260, 64:65, QBake2.png)

NOTE: pb BAKER is comped

NOT current Baker, but from bread #6567 and back.

Anons opinion that the Baker should have their access from the kitchen removed.

150403  No.5142657

File: 7b81b46984f3883⋯.jpg (114.05 KB, 590x690, 59:69, Screenshot 2019-02-12_12-5….jpg)

File: a586488060ec72b⋯.mp4 (3.48 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, vuFKEYL6J0roUHYy.mp4)


5c4af5  No.5142658

File: c8d5b072f983f23⋯.jpeg (39.63 KB, 560x326, 280:163, NANOTECHNOLOGY_INSIDE_OF_….jpeg)


bb5e31  No.5142659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you don't understand why nothing has been DONE about them yet, this will answer THAT question.

The Samson Option - How Psychopathic Megalomaniacs Blackmail The World With Nuclear War

37b124  No.5142660

File: d163e152a774531⋯.png (293.94 KB, 1222x1035, 1222:1035, Screen Shot 2018-10-31 at ….png)

fbb1d2  No.5142661

File: b64ad372d365d92⋯.jpg (256.26 KB, 1200x1058, 600:529, DzKyBheWsAUJgIc.jpg)

File: ef251c95ae35227⋯.jpg (138.41 KB, 907x1200, 907:1200, DzKyBhoWsAA1Wqi.jpg)

✅verified writer & founder of feminist publication (Bitch Media)

✅attacked Covington kids

✅refers to white women as ‘fellow white women’

✅attacks white men, calling them ‘mediocre, ‘fragile,’ etc.

✅everyone she dislikes is a white nationalist or supremacist

cb586f  No.5142662

Rosneft Boss Wants Russia Out Of OPEC Deal

Rosneft’s chief executive Igor Sechin wants Russia to quit its production control deal with OPEC, Reuters reported last week, citing sources that have seen a letter Sechin wrote to President Putin. According to the sources, Sechin sees the OPEC deal as a threat to Russia that benefits the United States, but the likelihood of his opinion leading to a pullout from the deal is limited.

Sechin is one of the closest allies of Putin and one of the most powerful figures in Russian politics. As Forbes’ Kenneth Rapoza wrote last year, many politicians and big business executives seem willing to face Putin on a bad day. Less so are those willing to face Rosneft’s chief. What’s more, Sechin is not the only one unhappy with the OPEC deal.

“The letter is a threat to the deal extension. But anyway, Putin is the ultimate decision maker,” one of the Reuters sources said. The perspectives of Russia’s President and the biggest players in its oil industry may differ here. For Putin, the OPEC deal is really a geopolitical tool rather than a tool for raising oil prices. Russia does not need prices higher. In fact, if they go too high, they will hurt the Russian economy. For the oil industry, however, it’s about the oil and the markets more than it is about geopolitics.

Russia first joined forces with OPEC to exert more control over international oil prices in late 2016, when the first OPEC+ production cut agreement was sealed. It aimed to remove some 1.8 million bpd from the oversupplied global market that had pressured prices to below US$30 per barrel for Brent crude. The cuts worked so well that prices rebounded significantly, prompting last year a reversal, as large oil importers found it harder to keep buying at previous rates.

Another rebound followed, reinforced by the reimposition of U.S. sanctions against Iran, which would substantially reduce the availability of Iranian crude on international markets. The effect of the sanctions, however, did not unfold quickly and the granting of sanction waivers to the largest Iranian oil importers led to another slump in oil prices. That’s when OPEC started talking about a new round of cuts.

To be fair, Russia was reluctant about joining this round from the start. Moscow budgets lower than current prices, so higher prices were not a necessity for Russia. But the geopolitical agenda is still there, so it was hardly a surprise that despite the conspicuous reluctance, Russia eventually signed up for the new cuts, but at a lower rate than last time. Yet despite this, Russia has also made clear it would rather pass on the opportunity for a closer relationship with OPEC.

Earlier this month, The Wall Street Journal reported that OPEC was seeking to formalize its ties with Russia for the long term. However, Back in December, Energy Minister Alexander Novak said, “There is a consensus that there will be no such organization. That’s because it requires additional bureaucratic brouhaha.” The brouhaha is probably the least of Moscow’s reservations about such an arrangement that would be as binding for it as for the other parties—something Sechin and his peers will have trouble stomaching and something that is clearly not to Putin’s taste. If it was, it would have happened.

The OPEC+ group is meeting in April to review the cuts agreement. Igor Sechin may want to pull Russia out of it, which would probably lead to a sudden and sharp price drop, but his chances of success are doubtful. Vladimir Putin has indicated on numerous occasions and in numerous ways that he is playing the long geopolitical game, of which the cuts agreement is only a small part.


5478ed  No.5142663

File: 5c3b96cd7338643⋯.png (831.18 KB, 1350x720, 15:8, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb2daeacc2aa164⋯.png (1.17 MB, 906x784, 453:392, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d50ad3754a92e3⋯.png (777.85 KB, 936x795, 312:265, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7ca1a826ba88a4⋯.png (124.78 KB, 937x668, 937:668, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2979eba24b9032b⋯.png (147.19 KB, 1029x829, 1029:829, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Trump lawyer slams Mueller probe, maintains president will be cleared: 'Knock it off and get it done'


cbf33a  No.5142664

5e56dd  No.5142665


This gaylord is craveing negro tranny cocaine from the gay bar


a9f3ff  No.5142666

File: 5efc9a83f99e979⋯.png (769.43 KB, 736x667, 32:29, knigt.png)

File: c7fd097cba5eb20⋯.png (294 KB, 480x430, 48:43, ke2.png)

File: 6c45399318d2134⋯.png (212.95 KB, 495x579, 165:193, jimmy4.png)



What did Q mean by this?

4bdaed  No.5142667

File: 7acddd8aa50c4ad⋯.png (748.34 KB, 838x542, 419:271, hud exec moves into public….PNG)

Federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) executive and Trump appointee Lynne Patton will be living in residences sponsored and managed by the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) for a month to see firsthand the challenges residents face.

Patton invited The Daily Caller into one of the family’s homes at the Patterson Houses in the Bronx on her first night’s stay on Monday.

The HUD official brought her own blowup mattress and says she will stay with a new family each week to avoid overstaying her welcome.

NYCHA has been under fire for lead-based paint poisonings, heat outages, leaks, mold and long waits for repairs and maintenance, among other things.

The issues, however, don’t appear to be new, as residents have been complaining about their living conditions for years.

Patton says this isn’t a funding issue, as the NYCHA is given $30 million a week by the Federal Government to take care of the needs of its 400,000 tenants.

She believes the money could be spent better and that people need to be held accountable.


b21b51  No.5142668

File: d3dcf57eb220934⋯.png (329.32 KB, 490x492, 245:246, Screen Shot 2018-12-03 at ….png)


Did Q tell us Pelosi would build the wall?

STFU retard the base isn't going anywhere.

Trump base exists because the DNC is a bunch of crazy baby killers that would rather keep illegals free while black Americans remain locked up.

ed10d5  No.5142669


So long as truth means TRUTH, the whole and nothing but, I concur.

Sagan is not to be trusted, however.

f71c5a  No.5142670



>And just like that, El Chapo's assets are seized thanks to POTUS and Jeff Sessions. Whoop!

I always trusted Sessions because I always trusted Q.

4abc99  No.5142671

>>5142626 Plus, the trial opened some other cans of worms that will likely lead to some other scumbags in Mexico & elsewhere. Are you listening, former Mexico Presidents?

d993e3  No.5142672



71c640  No.5142673

File: 01a51a0fecddee2⋯.jpg (42.38 KB, 387x247, 387:247, wholetruth.jpg)

File: d60e85f1649ddcc⋯.jpg (129.64 KB, 762x416, 381:208, iu (13).jpg)

d16d3a  No.5142674


So is that shit we have been breathing in.

fbb1d2  No.5142675

File: 66cb4f9a59f02ec⋯.jpg (152.4 KB, 1024x716, 256:179, DzNUDZZXQAAzDZC.jpg)

File: ede907c7fac7bb9⋯.jpg (108.57 KB, 759x1024, 759:1024, DzNUDZXXgAAjftR.jpg)

✅verified journalist

✅says noticing that whites are being replaced by non-whites is ‘racist bullshit’

✅claims Trump won bc of ‘racism’

✅says Wall is ‘rooted in racism against brown people’

✅claims that all immigration laws are ‘rooted in racism’

c1e00a  No.5142676

File: 984c1b92968ddb0⋯.gif (391.57 KB, 886x895, 886:895, map.GIF)

File: 22574b437acb908⋯.gif (133.09 KB, 870x736, 435:368, lawyer.GIF)

DIGGING on Maxine Waters' property: 2201 Kirk Street, Houston, Texas…..

from https://voat.co/v/QRV/3032660 / http://archive.is/1ewTP

I have been DIGGING on Maxine Waters property (2201 Kirk Street) from her disclosures…. First of all….2201 is a Vacant lot: https://files.catbox.moe/e0cglv.PNGPNG.

2201 Kirk Street Appraisal (shows "Easterly Christian as owner")


"Easterly Christian" shows owner @ 2240 Barnard St:


2240 Barnard owner shows Dimitri Georgantas:


Maxine Waters Property - 2201 Kirk Street -> Shows Easterly Christian @ 2240 Barnard St as "OWNER" -> 2240 Barnard St "OWNER" is Dimitri Georgantas -> He practices admiralty law MORE SPECIFICALLY the Carriage of goods AND sale and purchase of vessels and barges.


Who better to help transport "goods"………

Oh and did I mention that there are TWO schools, a mortuary, a rail station with storage containers, and a Harris County Democrat office located all within ONE MILE of each other?!?!


00d3c3  No.5142677


Since Thursday or Friday. Some pictures were posted from GEOTUS's motorcade and then it was banned.

a6037f  No.5142678

RE: Kushner + Soros + 666

There were rumors on the Godlike Productions conspiracy board years ago that a young man had risen very high and fast in the Deep State/Illuminati chain. Could be Kushner and he might have turned the tables on them and fucked them with the 666 building.

John Trump and his crystal ball…

5377d9  No.5142679

File: a8d19ef011a5717⋯.jpg (1 MB, 1080x1723, 1080:1723, OG-anons_jesus.jpg)

God Bless!

cb97f5  No.5142680

File: ae6f621e6a10603⋯.png (384.46 KB, 494x750, 247:375, ae6f621e6a1060328076b1d523….png)


>And just like that, El Chapo's assets are seized thanks to POTUS and Jeff Sessions.

Time for an EO that all seized assets go to build the wall.

f10fec  No.5142681

File: 76edb7faa206424⋯.jpg (287.69 KB, 1045x1515, 209:303, IMG_20190212_125128.jpg)

Camp Peary "The Farm" in Williamsburg, VA


5e56dd  No.5142682

Privatetunnel has vm exploit from the scientologists

d26e43  No.5142683

File: b0d820512736201⋯.jpg (639.19 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190212-105521….jpg)


Look up pics of her with her natural hair color, lol.

McConnell talks working a deal for budget. Can you believe dems were actually serious about 1 dollar for the wall?!


fbb1d2  No.5142684

File: a07f3d76ed8bd63⋯.jpg (209.52 KB, 1200x1027, 1200:1027, DzOL3zmUwAAI0QW.jpg)

File: 461c6193c647ff0⋯.jpg (166.65 KB, 842x1200, 421:600, DzOL3zmUcAAVJ_Q.jpg)

✅verified director & film producer

✅claims racism is in America’s DNA

✅claims Hollywood run by white men

✅wants to smash the patriarchy

✅despises the ‘obscene sea of white men in Congress’

✅shills for immigration

e6f206  No.5142685

File: 28541ce2e1f757a⋯.gif (5.77 MB, 969x546, 323:182, launch.gif)


ash leaves fertile soil.

cb586f  No.5142686

All (pb)

>>5142236 JEWISH LEADERS Thank President Trump In New York Times Full Page Ad

>>5142347, >>5142397, >>5142475 Chabad.prg Showing their love for the Rothschild's and all they say

The kitchen needs to start noting this shit

Kushner is Chabad

Trump was bailed out by Wilbur Ross when he was running Rothschild & Co, now he's in charge of finance.

5e56dd  No.5142687


And they stalk their dns too

f1689f  No.5142688


Nuclear Weapons are

Obsolete Now

We do not need them

2206ed  No.5142689


you one of them aunti semi tics or whut

cbf33a  No.5142690

>>5142651, >>5142672 @Potus_Schedule is Suspended


good to note, might just be temporary

it's a great resource, so it's fucked up they suspended it

cb3f31  No.5142691




I'm sure you'll acknowledge your error.

150403  No.5142692

File: 2c2678c8259394b⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 568x320, 71:40, hp0dsSFH2TdXzyNc.mp4)

File: 5f964efc37b21d4⋯.jpg (97.31 KB, 596x613, 596:613, Screenshot 2019-02-12_12-5….jpg)

Chewing nervously



5d05aa  No.5142693

File: f6413f500c6d535⋯.jpg (28.89 KB, 411x327, 137:109, ChabadFaggos.JPG)

Of 10 billionaires with Kremlin ties who funneled political contributions to Donald Trump and a number of top Republican leaders, at least five are Jewish

1.Leonard Blavatnik

2.Andrew Intrater

3.Alexander Shustorovich

4.Simon Kukes

5.Yuri Milner

"In 2013, Milner joined Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Google’s Sergey Brin and 23andme’s Anne Wojcicki in establishing the multi-million dollar Breakthrough prize for scientists."

All of them, CHABAD


c1fe95  No.5142694

File: 22b5ca2494582c2⋯.png (496.17 KB, 1956x806, 978:403, Post about animal populati….png)

File: fb83ab470ebb1e8⋯.png (2.08 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, animal populations graphic.png)

4fd03b  No.5142695

Thank you, Day Shift.

Night Shift

"Not seeing an error now.

Long night.


0c179c  No.5142696

File: 27c0bef4460ee42⋯.jpg (332.5 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 20181217_181804.jpg)




Probably some of the "anons" calling out "muhjoo" every time anything is mentioned about (((them)))

fbb1d2  No.5142697

File: 94e808125eb5521⋯.jpg (235.72 KB, 1200x1009, 1200:1009, DzIBuhEU0AE02d8.jpg)

File: 93448791b01dab4⋯.jpg (156.33 KB, 891x1200, 297:400, DzIBuhDVAAEech5.jpg)

✅verified gay comedian

✅stars in show promoting LGBTQ lifestyles & diversity

✅dislikes white people, especially straight white people

✅calls Trump a ‘racist’

✅claims Trump supporters are a threat & ‘have destroyed the heart & soul of America’


It's in their own words…what's wrong, are you having difficulties noticing?

a9f3ff  No.5142698

File: 7655e17d3a8e785⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1111x890, 1111:890, marvelous.jpg)

File: 55f3bb8ed9295ca⋯.png (92.09 KB, 738x222, 123:37, everytactic.png)

File: 03a727f35ee3b4b⋯.png (15.8 KB, 516x79, 516:79, controlled.png)

File: a1fafe1c64b46f8⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1845x4414, 1845:4414, comptbord.png)

File: 87f8df6cd47a4ba⋯.png (176.44 KB, 908x501, 908:501, toxic-bot.png)


What triggers this bot?

What allows this bot to maintain a presence here, even though it often spews anti-POTUS propaganda?

If bots spewing anti-POTUS propaganda have a "safe space" here, does that mean this board is infiltrated?

Are the people in control here?

How do you know?

091b82  No.5142699


so have I. Many of the actors are going to force people to eat shit..him being a primary one.

4e2340  No.5142700


snow blows under and around/through both of my doors in my subsidized apartment.

I've been waiting for over 5 years for new doors I keep being promised. This is Minnesota, it gets cold.

ac0e3c  No.5142701

File: c577306cb9f9716⋯.png (199.27 KB, 1903x910, 1903:910, ClipboardImage.png)


Screw it - for $14Billion we'll build TWO!

(pic related)

dc6776  No.5142702


Drug Money gonna finish building the Wall

5e56dd  No.5142703


Since tls compromised osi 7 layer

Most of the betrayers use it for stalking

bb5e31  No.5142704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you want to understand how they get away with it, this will answer that.

"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

a5f5e0  No.5142705

File: be7b5f6ab9a3e7e⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1144x2880, 143:360, RBG dead.png)

ding dong the witch is dead

fbb1d2  No.5142706

File: 8a6b88eb14317fd⋯.jpg (130.54 KB, 1024x833, 1024:833, DzGFll-X0AAJcE2.jpg)

File: bc9af4a79617de3⋯.jpg (110.05 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, DzGFll-W0AE-SqK.jpg)

✅verified journalist

✅exec editor at conservative publication

✅fetishizes amnesty Reagan & immigrants

✅incessantly attacked candidate Trump, calling him a ‘racist’

✅is concerned about white identity & racism in the GOP

✅claims that blacks still face racism

It never ends fam

4baadb  No.5142707

File: 1147559dad78693⋯.jpg (12.32 KB, 188x268, 47:67, deathrattle.jpg)

File: 6b8ee45698c3585⋯.jpg (3.96 KB, 187x270, 187:270, deathrattle5.jpg)

the muhjoo shills are making a lot of noise

even making extra effort to bake in JQ fake and gay notables now every day

its the death rattle of their fake narrative

good riddance

44cdcc  No.5142709

Trump pick for key court apologizes for past writings about rape

Neomi Rao faced fierce questioning from members of the committee during her confirmation hearing for the writings from her college years, which included a piece she wrote in 1994 for the Yale Herald titled "Shades of Gray." In the piece, she responded to an alleged date rape incident on campus by writing: "It has always seemed self-evident to me that even if I drank a lot, I would still be responsible for my actions."

She added: "A man who rapes a drunk girl should be prosecuted. At the same time, a good way to avoid a potential date rape is to stay reasonably sober."

5c4af5  No.5142710

File: 468b3c05f23510c⋯.jpg (893.36 KB, 1800x1204, 450:301, SANTA_MUELLER_BEN_GARRISON.jpg)




37b124  No.5142711

File: b1b2f9d9c53e153⋯.png (322.58 KB, 585x636, 195:212, Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at ….png)

Dingle knew Dinglnity

muh dad moved to Scranton

muh layoffs

dad sed ya gotta look ya kid in the eye and say honey, it's gonna be O.K.

we had the 2nd highest % of auto worker - we got none left

Dingelldude stood up for the export of all dese jobs

good work, satan'sminion!

71c640  No.5142712

File: 2a442617db66658⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 656x418, 328:209, iu (1).jpg)

File: 5341c322c34a4fb⋯.jpg (143.2 KB, 633x727, 633:727, iur.jpg)

File: 606076ef00f53ef⋯.jpg (73.1 KB, 650x374, 325:187, trump-rally-facebookJumbo.jpg)

091b82  No.5142713

File: 4e9efccc5d4634d⋯.jpeg (11.92 KB, 255x211, 255:211, Kansas and POTUS.jpeg)

5e56dd  No.5142714


IPv6 is just gibberish out of practicality

cf55cf  No.5142715


Really….? he's never done that, before, looks like an offensive is ON, boys!

ed10d5  No.5142716


I’ve long believed that Session’s primary mission (along with some house cleaning at the DOJ) was to organize the asset forfeiture arrangements stemming from the Dec 21, 2017 EO.

fbb1d2  No.5142717

File: 3112b8cefcce26c⋯.jpg (272.34 KB, 1200x1087, 1200:1087, DzFv3EJXQAEfaox.jpg)

File: 6a1770afb92f160⋯.jpg (160.38 KB, 1062x1200, 177:200, DzFv3EKW0AA49Vh.jpg)

✅verified journalist

✅incessantly pushes open borders—demonizing those who disagree

✅celebrates when anti-immigration pols lose

✅tells whites their ‘fear of a brown planet is not my problem’

✅claims anti-immigration policies are bad for Jews

This one was almost too easy fam

d16d3a  No.5142718

If you already lost, why make these sorts of moves?

Amazon Acquires Mesh Routing Company Eero, Which Has Privacy Hawks Worried


4fd03b  No.5142719


Double meaning.

1 ID ds

2 ?echo? chant?

f71c5a  No.5142720


>Drug Money gonna finish building the Wall


b6d767  No.5142721



these are good… not seeing our resident spam-shill-"spotters" jump on them, either, surprisingly

4de420  No.5142722


She looks like a cow chewing its cud

0c6c95  No.5142723

CARBON: (Most abundant atom on the planet, contained in everything).

Carbon is constituted of:

6 Proton

6 Electrons

6 Neutrons

Man, is made of carbon… 666 is the number of a man… (You)


28ed3b  No.5142724

File: 5e0c50404b2ecda⋯.jpeg (50.1 KB, 500x363, 500:363, 9C87DE22-B574-4C08-85B9-F….jpeg)

4abc99  No.5142725

>>5142705 Possibly legit. With her, "concert" may refer to "rape in concert."

a9f3ff  No.5142726

File: 838c1af5fc81cdc⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1111x734, 1111:734, be-with-us-now.png)

File: a7aa71de9a59cc2⋯.png (973.5 KB, 912x1111, 912:1111, lovepower.png)

File: 30cfb0ab430e8e8⋯.png (1.19 MB, 848x1111, 848:1111, shhh.png)

File: bd3758f9f2ac2cf⋯.png (831.72 KB, 643x785, 643:785, BoardJesus.png)

cb3f31  No.5142727




4baadb  No.5142729

File: 1d5460ce0c18a7e⋯.jpg (18.28 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepemoses.jpg)


AND OH BTW - JQ at 40K ft is legit and critical = what is the role of jews in human history?

the jews are evil narrative is complete BS

jews are a unique and highly capable group of people - thus they are used by both good and evil forces

this is why the BS narrative stays alive

it has some truth in it but not what they say (a CON)

what they say is designed solely to deflect attention from those HIRING all the jews

OH one more thing - why does POTUS love and trust Jews and hire them and partner with them? becuase he knows they mean business - they play hardball BUT dont seek revenge and they dont fuck people over unless they have to - they preferred The Art of The Deal long before POTUS wrote his book

37b124  No.5142730

File: bc164ec0a94f34a⋯.png (506.2 KB, 694x616, 347:308, Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at ….png)


is he fucking politicizing this funeral?

2acd78  No.5142731

El Chapo found guilty

f1689f  No.5142732


Thank You

cb586f  No.5142733

File: 58a9c1e9962866d⋯.png (561.53 KB, 832x623, 832:623, ClipboardImage.png)

US ‘lost all sense of shame’ in handling Venezuelan crisis – Lavrov

Washington has no “sense of shame” in its response to the Venezuelan crisis, Russia’s foreign minister has said. He also lambasted the US-backed opposition for derailing talks with president Nicolas Maduro.

The latter signaled he is ready to have a face-to-face with his opponents in case they needed to be heard by the government, but the opposition chose to neglect the offer, “probably because they are guided by the US,” Sergey Lavrov commented on Tuesday.

American politicians “have lost all sense of shame when speaking of the way the situation in Venezuela should be dealt with,” he argued.

While the remark by Russia’s top diplomat might sound over-emotional, various Washington officials indeed weren’t shy to suggest what should happen next to Venezuela. The Trump administration, for instance, continuously signaled that it was weighing up all actions against Venezuela, including military intervention.

In the meantime, Washington denied the mere possibility of talks with the Caracas government. As the State Department’s neocon appointee Elliott Abrams has put it, “the time for dialogue with Maduro has long passed.” In his view, Maduro could “manipulate” any negotiations to his advantage.

At some point in the crisis, Washington also slapped sanctions on the state oil company, PDVSA, and its US subsidiary Citgo. Aside from that, the White House also promised $20 million in ‘humanitarian aid’ to the fledgling government of Juan Guaido, the self-proclaimed interim president of Venezuela. Notably, the UN and the International Red Cross (ICRC) have issued concerns that the US may misuse the delivery for own political goals.

“We will not be participating in what is, for us, not humanitarian aid,” Colombia’s ICRC spokesperson, Christoph Harnisch, said recently.

In a separate move, the opposition leader obtained access to Venezuelan assets held in US banks. On the political front, the US and European allies have been pressuring Maduro to set up a snap election, a demand that he rejected.



894e2b  No.5142734


Replaced with 5G

b41c0d  No.5142735

File: 283bb222a442831⋯.jpeg (258.96 KB, 1125x1333, 1125:1333, FC22F872-6926-4FCE-8867-E….jpeg)

File: ee42bc7f46cc5eb⋯.jpeg (489.58 KB, 1125x1659, 375:553, 8D5CEE60-9E7A-4BC1-9593-0….jpeg)

File: a32b102fdac42db⋯.jpeg (332.14 KB, 1125x1623, 375:541, D8E85760-3372-452F-B8DC-8….jpeg)

Today in history: 20 years ago WJC apology as Senate acquits. 10 years ago, Colgan Air.



7e8a15  No.5142736

Chicago police say Jussie Smollett gave 'insufficient' phone records that were heavily redacted and do NOT prove he was talking to his manager at the time of racist, homophobic attack


5e56dd  No.5142737


And tgat "video game" router has ports the Faggots exploit too

e87357  No.5142738



fbb1d2  No.5142739

File: db393dfbb08685a⋯.jpg (173.83 KB, 1024x740, 256:185, DzFRVg1WoAMjMk5.jpg)

File: 4e61adb632c59a2⋯.jpg (117.45 KB, 790x1024, 395:512, DzFRVgwWkAAioo3.jpg)

✅verified academic

✅former Hillary & State Dept. policy advisor

✅refers to white women as ‘fellow white women’

✅wants to see LGBTQ & non-white presidents bc Trump doesn’t represent America

✅hates white men & wants them to cede power


Give them some time, they're probably working on their (((narrative)))

They're so stupid, they can't even bait anymore.

53e74d  No.5142740

a9f3ff  No.5142741

File: 6b0ebf66e2ca5b6⋯.png (205.87 KB, 490x475, 98:95, RRAAQM.png)


Explain what you are talking about? ID how? He just posted it– it didn't point at anything.

What echo, chant? Is there any evidence of that?

76b03c  No.5142742

Is EO 13818 retoactive?

(Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption)

cf55cf  No.5142743


We'll use $500m of it to get good ol' boys to capture Pythons from FL and drop them off at the wall

8fc8df  No.5142744

>>5142651, >>5142672 @Potus_Schedule is Suspended


It's been that way since the weekend I believe, well noted also.

a7e423  No.5142745

JUSTICE GINSBURG [2009]: "Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of."


091b82  No.5142746


must keep the narrative up and force people to see it for themselves.

b5f4e7  No.5142747

>>5142565 lb

Can't blame people for not being aware of evil. Compassionate women think they are voting for a safety net for vulnerable people, including vets.

71c640  No.5142748

File: 3d323604701e3df⋯.jpg (38.6 KB, 604x356, 151:89, tick tock.jpg)

15d34a  No.5142749


At this point, we MUST have white hats going ape with the censoring and removal of likes on Twitter, along with retweets. Everyone is talking.

f1689f  No.5142750

File: 8cd407feb84adfd⋯.png (14.88 KB, 246x255, 82:85, ain't over.png)


not yet

c6d856  No.5142751

5e56dd  No.5142752


Daniel faggot would love negro tranny cocaine at the homo bar


262b77  No.5142753


Look like we getting a wall

cbf33a  No.5142754


>since the weekend

oh shit, didn't realize that, thanks baker

9ca675  No.5142755



Let's get that MRE out on to a tray.

(I would've selected #4, or failing that, #2/3. No disrespect to POTUS lookalike drawing.)

fbb1d2  No.5142756

File: 3229ca77e26a5d1⋯.jpg (139.91 KB, 835x1024, 835:1024, DzEntfUXgAEJJ9I.jpg)

File: a0f747107649161⋯.jpg (88.51 KB, 802x1024, 401:512, DzEntfZW0AEP-mj.jpg)

✅verified gay journalist

✅attacked Covington kids

✅hates that Constitution bestows power on white rural voters

✅despises majority white Russia

✅bemoans ‘widespread racism among white voters’

✅calls Trump & his supporters ‘racist white supremacists’

(((Enemy of the People)))

cb586f  No.5142757

EU will dissolve like Soviet Union unless Europeans ‘wake up’, George Soros said

The “sleeping pro-Europe majority” must “wake up” before the EU goes the way of the Soviet Union, billionaire George Soros has warned. He added that Europe’s political parties must give the bloc’s interests first priority, RT.com writes.

Pro-EU political parties must rally support ahead of crucial European Parliament elections in May, the Hungarian-American businessman and controversial influencer wrote in an op-ed published by Project Syndicate.

The bloc is “sleepwalking into oblivion” and could soon meet the same end as the Soviet Union, Soros prophesized. In order to avoid catastrophe, he argued, right-minded political parties must resist the lure of EU skepticism sweeping across the continent and “put Europe’s interests ahead of their own.”

He chastised Germany’s ruling coalition for not being adequately pro-EU out of fear of losing votes to the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD), while praising the German Greens for being “the only consistently pro-European party in the country.”

The outspoken opponent of Brexit suggested that it wasn’t too late for the UK to hold another referendum, “or, even better, for revoking Britain’s Article 50 notification” – advocacy which appears to clash with Soros’ self-declared affinity for democracy. In the UK, the billionaire has been sharply criticized for forking over £ 800,000 to pro-EU campaigns, including £ 400,000 to ‘Best for Britain’, a campaign group that has been at the forefront of anti-Brexit activism.

On the topic of Italy, Soros chided the EU for “strictly enforcing” an agreement “which unfairly burdens countries like Italy where migrants first enter the EU.” As a result, the massive influx of migrants into Europe has transformed the once pro-EU Italy into a bastion of populism, Soros lamented.

Curiously, he failed to mention that he is a leading champion of the EU’s open-door migrant policy – a policy which is directly responsible for Italy being swamped with asylum seekers.

If Europe’s political leaders fail to stamp out the rise of populist political parties within the bloc, “the dream of a united Europe could become the nightmare of the 21st century,” Soros wrote in closing. Sadly, Soros doesn’t elaborate on why he believes the democratic will of Europeans poses such a fearsome threat to his grand vision for a “united” Europe.


d16d3a  No.5142758


That's a good point.

2acd78  No.5142759

File: 382a71ce1dfbf62⋯.jpg (296.62 KB, 2222x1310, 1111:655, Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at ….jpg)


https:// www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/drug-kingpin-joaquin-el-chapo-guzm-n-found-guilty-funneling-n966526

5c4af5  No.5142760

File: b8741367ba40e67⋯.jpg (13.07 KB, 456x157, 456:157, PRESIDENT_DONALD_J_TRUMP.jpg)


37b124  No.5142761

File: 9c05b1703da6c86⋯.png (852.6 KB, 1113x595, 159:85, Screen Shot 2018-09-17 at ….png)

846ea8  No.5142762

File: 3173d210a091280⋯.jpg (13.64 KB, 466x218, 233:109, 12517_10152768123957151_27….jpg)


894e2b  No.5142763

fbb1d2  No.5142764

File: bae3f19df1d5b61⋯.jpg (137.7 KB, 1024x832, 16:13, DzEK8qJWsAAv1KY.jpg)

File: 7f81039fd9cb62b⋯.jpg (100.36 KB, 827x1024, 827:1024, DzEK8qJW0AEOJZQ.jpg)

✅verified journalist/media personality

✅often instructs ‘fellow white people’

✅thinks something is the matter with white women

✅doesn’t like white men

✅obsessed with dispossessing whites

✅doesn’t like to see ‘angry white people in charge’

Gotta catch ‘em all!

15d34a  No.5142765


What a biznatch.

f759d0  No.5142766



b6d767  No.5142767


>Give them some time, they're probably working on their (((narrative)))

yup, they're slow to react to actual posts & questions.

just the usual insults, deflection & projection.

5e56dd  No.5142768


This faggot goy has to get dragged out of the homo bar


011449  No.5142769

how dare she assume my race or gender


4e2340  No.5142770

they wanted to use Dingells funeral today as a distraction

the guy has been dead for awhile just like RBG

not working out so well for them

5d05aa  No.5142771

File: c7620ce55593e1b⋯.png (232.13 KB, 525x422, 525:422, ClipboardImage.png)


During the campaign, a Chabad kike by the name of Sergei Millain (who was one of the sources for the Pee Dossier) was emailing to Michael Cohen.

These emails were copied to Jared Kushner


"Senate Judiciary Committee leaders said on Thursday that Trump campaign officials had handed over "communications with Sergei Millian, copied to Mr. Kushner," that Kushner had apparently failed to disclose voluntarily. Kushner also received an email that discussed a "Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite" from Alexander Torshin, the deputy head of Russia's central bank, according to NBC.

Jared Kushner's lawyer told the committee that the "communications" with Millian were between Millian and Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, in which Cohen was urging Millian to stop speaking to the press."

ad7a28  No.5142772


So im not sure i fully understand this EO. Can these funds be diverted to the wall without calling an National Emergency? Chess moves? https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/

2206ed  No.5142773


it was a joke

yes they are disgusting

be we aren't allowed to speak out about it

nobody sticks up for whites

yet we're the racists

I don't discriminate

I hate everyone

do I go to gulag now?

e87357  No.5142774


You don't see Trump acting like that, now do you!

He acts like a MAN

a9f3ff  No.5142775



What did Q mean by this?

Why are you HERE, instead of a board that fits your views more?

Why would you SEEK OUT this board to impose your views here?

Is that normally how the internet would work?

a58069  No.5142776


Easy, anon. We all know facts are anti-semitic

d26e43  No.5142777



I know you are shilling, but anons talked about this yesterday. Something is getting pushed to the public conversation. Islamic reps talking about money/influence in politics from certain groups. Anons know it goes both ways, and when is the last time, since before Trump, that we've had an "America First" policy? It looks like we are starting to see the big "?" Part of the plan starting to make its debut.

cbf33a  No.5142779




RBG just voted the other day

fbb1d2  No.5142780

File: dea87fb049f942d⋯.jpg (233.74 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DzDOzF1X0AAqRrV.jpg)

File: 2926ed72a9762f2⋯.jpg (125.56 KB, 766x1200, 383:600, DzDOzF0W0AEX5UD.jpg)

✅verified ‘trans chick’

✅Hollywood actor/writer/director/producer

✅claims to be Christian & that bible supports transgenderism

✅demonizes whites

✅attacked & lied about Covington Catholic kids

✅can’t wait for ‘white supremacist capitalist patriarchy’ to be destroyed

should I keep going?

Anyone still need assistance with (((pattern recognition)))???

dea06c  No.5142781


>Let's get that MRE out on to a tray.


b21b51  No.5142782

File: ccdc123c7ffa6c7⋯.jpg (323.8 KB, 1382x2040, 691:1020, you mad.jpg)

M will build the wall.

I don't want any DNC money for it.

Trump all day

4abc99  No.5142783

>>5142733 Have appreciated Lavrov's statesmanship many times over the years. But he looks very bad here, full of it.

As to the issue of arms coming in over the bridge with humanitarian aid if allowed in, no freaking way. Every Maduro pinko in VE would be there to check the cargo about 50 times on each and every vehicle.

4f980a  No.5142784

File: 576cfb6dd1a258a⋯.png (93.54 KB, 387x214, 387:214, 2019-02-12_11-23-43.png)


What are the assets worth?

4bdaed  No.5142785

File: 48b7efa981caf06⋯.png (193.3 KB, 681x519, 227:173, drudge mueller.PNG)

37b124  No.5142786

File: 81133822815e97b⋯.png (1007.3 KB, 718x1077, 2:3, Screen Shot 2018-11-01 at ….png)

68d8fe  No.5142787


At least finish this bread out so I can screen cap it in one place.

bb1a8e  No.5142788


And that now needs an apology, hmmm

a4ec67  No.5142789

So,legally can POTUS shut down the SC investigation now that the senate investigation is over w/o finding of collusion…

Not he should, wonder if Legal

d26e43  No.5142790


Sorry, didn't mean to make it look like you were shilling. Meant to link you after my response in agreement.

15d34a  No.5142791

File: 5710ae29d761b99⋯.jpg (18.97 KB, 255x180, 17:12, a8899bb5406f62fa504053b7a2….jpg)

File: b234c72a357652d⋯.jpg (100.58 KB, 713x711, 713:711, bev.jpg)

File: 5350402dce54127⋯.png (159.43 KB, 356x274, 178:137, Screen Shot 2018-04-01 at ….png)

File: a4a1cb59392358c⋯.png (203.88 KB, 309x413, 309:413, Screen Shot 2018-04-02 at ….png)




b6d767  No.5142792


Such a joy to see Trump larping their narratives

NPC mind blowns

e4cfd8  No.5142793

>Mathematically impossible.

>Those who challenge have an agenda or are simply still asleep.

>The NARRATIVE has them.


Some of us are aware that Trump is connected to Q but still find it hard to trust our government and are waiting to see something other than timed tweets to show us that the West has been saved. If we're past the usefulness of Q proofs, why don't you move on to something that is useful, as you keep promising [soon]?

4e2340  No.5142794



just like Dingell has been tweeting

all by proxy

cb3f31  No.5142795


In my understanding, seized assets from drug busts are disbursed by DEA, who can do anything they want with them as long as it serves their mission. A border wall would clearly fall under getting rid of drug trafficking.

d16d3a  No.5142796

Scientists Have Spotted Mysterious Explosions In Our Atmosphere


According to a report by Sputnik News, a Russian satellite has detected mysterious light “explosions” in the Earth’s atmosphere.

The unknown phenomenon was reportedly captured by Moscow State University’s Mikhailo Lomonosov satellite, but no paper has been published and there doesn’t appear to be an official press release from the university. So for now – and until there is – it is probably a good idea to take the news with a pinch of salt.

Mikhail Panasyuk, the director of the Research Institute of Nuclear Physics at Moscow State University, spoke to Sputnik News about this strange observation.

394277  No.5142798

File: 621cd981e20aed1⋯.jpg (85.42 KB, 498x428, 249:214, all the way down.jpg)


You try doing business in New York without getting along with groups like that. Let us know how it goes.

BTW that guy has flat earthers on his channel. That's the latest these liars are doing. Flat Earth + hate Trump + hate Alex Jones + MGTOW. All the psyops in 1 basket

cb586f  No.5142799

Big Oil Asks Supreme Court To Strike Down Nuclear Plant Subsidies

Oil and gas industry groups asked the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down state subsidies for economically struggling nuclear power plants.

It’s the petroleum industry’s latest attempt to salvage its war against nuclear plant subsidies that has so far been unsuccessful in the courts.

The American Petroleum Institute (API) and Natural Gas Supply Association (NGSA) filed an amicus brief Monday asking the high court to take up the Electric Power Supply Association’s petition to reverse a lower court decision.

“We hope the Supreme Court recognizes the gravity of this issue, since wholesale power markets cannot continue to withstand the impact of such state actions,” Pat Jagtiani, NGSA’s executive vice president of NGSA, said in a statement.

New York and Illinois in recent years allowed a handful of nuclear power plants to take advantage of zero-emission credit (ZEC) programs to keep them from shutting down amid competition, mainly from low-priced natural gas.

States see nuclear plant subsidies as a way to meet goals to cut carbon dioxide emissions. Nuclear power is the largest source of zero-emissions energy and supporters say closures only increase emissions because of increased natural gas use.

Other states have followed suit, but keeping nuclear plants open isn’t cheap and it comes at the expense of natural gas. Oil and gas providers see this as the government unfairly hampering energy markets.

Federal courts in Chicago and New York ruled against the oil and gas industry and upheld state nuclear subsidies in 2018. The Electric Power Supply Association petitioned the Supreme Court to hear its case against nuclear subsidies in January.

“ZEC subsidies drive up costs to consumers by prolonging the life of uneconomic, aging resources,” Jagtiani said.

However, legal experts are skeptical the high court will take up the Electric Power Supply Association’s petition.

“I would estimate that the petitioners have less than a 10% chance of certiorari being granted, given the absence of any disagreement between the two appellate courts over the legality of the ZEC programs and the US government’s position on pre-emption,” Gordon Coffee, an attorney with law firm Winston & Strawn, told S&P Global Platts.


cbf33a  No.5142800


gangs, ms13, immigration, defending POTUS' policies, and HUBER

all behind the scenes

2acd78  No.5142801

File: 3c5067a33d03fbf⋯.png (600.67 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, wizard_brows_assorted_v4.png)

File: 1889d0acc21fa51⋯.jpg (64.36 KB, 640x588, 160:147, Abrams_fucking_wizard_brow….jpg)

File: bcb6e7499d9200d⋯.jpg (24.92 KB, 576x383, 576:383, ABRAMS_wizard_browls_2.jpg)

File: 5d57e3237eb828e⋯.jpg (21.82 KB, 425x320, 85:64, elliotabrams_wiz_3.jpg)


Elliott Abrams, not a good guy - bad wizard - with wizard br-owls

dc6776  No.5142802


Can't wait to see some truth matter here…..

Smollett has now reportedly released a heavily redacted record of his calls to police however, police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said the records “are not sufficient and do not meet the burden of a criminal investigation,” according to the Chicago Tribune.

The growing lack of evidence in the case has reportedly pushed Chicago police to even consider charging Smollett with filing a false report. CBS Chicago and other local outlets report that Johnson still wants Smollett treated as a victim, but will pursue charges against the actor if the case is proven to be a hoax.


bfb867  No.5142803

File: b2aa5e7c48800f4⋯.png (87.72 KB, 645x729, 215:243, (You).png)

Q isnt the nwo guys hes totally gonna save us in direct conflict with reality and whats actually happening

fbb1d2  No.5142804


If I'm shilling, I'm shilling for the White European Race, which has contributed more to humanity than any other.

I am exposing those who hate the White European Race and seek to destroy it.

If that's what you mean by shilling then fine, I accept the label.

8cfacc  No.5142805

File: 4d6acf1ae4db8bb⋯.jpg (68.69 KB, 618x618, 1:1, interests.jpg)




oy vey noticing these patterns is muhjooshilling and divisionfagging. don't be racist fellow goy-er-fellow anons.

71c640  No.5142806

File: 19a6f1ac2a7c8c4⋯.jpg (30.85 KB, 416x284, 104:71, 346dac44867815c1d64b72d5b1….jpg)

b7da7c  No.5142807

File: 6f3deed3ace4e80⋯.png (3.87 MB, 1009x7533, 1009:7533, California mountain lion s….png)

Comms, IMHO.

White hats talking to Black hat alphabet agency assets "in the wild"?

5c4af5  No.5142808

File: 849a9270dead4be⋯.gif (44.41 KB, 499x499, 1:1, BLINKING_PEPE.gif)




f71c5a  No.5142809


>Drug Money gonna finish building the Wall

Long night.

Morning sun brings heat.

This movie is glorious!

15d34a  No.5142810

File: 3280ee8b28b5ec3⋯.jpg (15.55 KB, 255x194, 255:194, ad50af32f94ab664d2e2183feb….jpg)

File: e15de59d77ab8bb⋯.jpg (157.85 KB, 861x650, 861:650, eckert_obit_boston_globe_2….JPG)

File: f63f4b37a3e4e31⋯.png (30.46 KB, 152x202, 76:101, Screen Shot 2018-03-31 at ….png)

File: 11667d0cc26683c⋯.jpg (17.84 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 2e1fe26cacf6dc2441e0314d75….jpg)




0c179c  No.5142811

File: 57d55747a7c0bf9⋯.jpg (167.05 KB, 720x551, 720:551, 20190120_172321.jpg)


Eat shit and get a new script, faggot.

Only here to wake up stupid goys to the kike subversion and influence around the world.

Also their evil pizzagate, child sacrifice shit.

cb3f31  No.5142812


dude, don't dox yourself.

7e9e15  No.5142813

File: 4ce3802aba82a39⋯.png (1.25 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, Entangled2.png)

dd8260  No.5142814

Don't know it POTUS can do it, but using El Chapo's assets derived in large part from drug smuggling into the US to stop more drug smuggling into the US (the Wall) is something that could be easily sold to the American people.

cb586f  No.5142815


You are blind that is how they've done it before Syria Yemen Africa wakey wakey

452ac2  No.5142816

File: 891c04fb1bde416⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 441x570, 147:190, 891c04fb1bde416fa93dd373b1….jpg)

Afternoon Faggots!

Excellent Rally last night and Q left us some nice tid bits this morning. Hard to work and phone fag!

Much Love to you all. o7

c991d6  No.5142817

no word yet on a date for Barr to get Senate confirmation vote?

1f3f8a  No.5142818


You can blame most; they nurture their dark side. You can definitely blame them for being lazy thinkers.

b21244  No.5142819

File: ef767453ad02458⋯.png (55.55 KB, 2170x198, 1085:99, ClipboardImage.png)

Sirs, the issue might very well be the way that Twitter handles their inbound traffic. I am guessing they use a queuing mechanism that does not ensure first in, first out. An example of this would be a product called Apache Kafka.

However, we are way beyond the point of knowing that the time stamps are too close to be a random coincidence.


fbb1d2  No.5142820

File: 414f6df5b47e3c1⋯.jpg (122.11 KB, 790x1024, 395:512, DzBGqYNWoAAZ3Zm.jpg)

File: f41129c8a172c3f⋯.jpg (81.21 KB, 593x1024, 593:1024, DzBGqYMWoAATQBa.jpg)

✅verified Hollywood actor

✅promotes interracial relationships

✅despises whites

✅all his enemies are ‘racists’

✅pushes immigration and refugees

✅despises white nationalism

011449  No.5142821

File: 313f2646d3fcf89⋯.jpg (13.8 KB, 480x360, 4:3, throw-up.jpg)

28ed3b  No.5142822

File: 23f6313a5919e38⋯.png (229.28 KB, 446x327, 446:327, E6E62B56-E0F3-4497-B388-78….png)



That’s enough for a keg.

cbf33a  No.5142823


is it possible/legal to vote on the Supreme Court by proxy?

44cdcc  No.5142824

File: acddf1e42066554⋯.png (740.43 KB, 1019x481, 1019:481, ClipboardImage.png)

This combination photo shows former U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan, from left, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii and “Game of Thrones” author George R. R. Martin, who will be featured on the upcoming season of the PBS series, “Finding Your Roots.” (AP Photo)

The show on Ryan and Gabbard, who is running for president, airs on most PBS stations on Tuesday.

71c640  No.5142825

File: d4b767e1a0e4035⋯.jpg (66.69 KB, 392x392, 1:1, a04a40a451421e0704a005c161….jpg)

File: 36cb9dd83c58690⋯.jpg (112.67 KB, 858x759, 26:23, iur (1).jpg)

bfb867  No.5142826


Shh anon not wanting your entire race to be eliminated by niggers fucking your daughters is racist

Patriots have no skin color goyim

Let in hordes of nigger goyim

you guys should have listened when Q said Q + was a jew

ab5e46  No.5142827

File: 7a2e6ddc3c9a40a⋯.jpg (35.4 KB, 557x209, 557:209, IMG_3456.JPG)

Mexico pays for the Wall?

El Chapo guilty on all counts.

How much money did we seize from him?

Will this $ go to building our big, beautiful Wall?

cb3f31  No.5142828


>Don't know it POTUS can do it, but using El Chapo's assets derived in large part from drug smuggling into the US to stop more drug smuggling into the US (the Wall) is something that could be easily sold to the American people.



89aec6  No.5142829

File: efb7f17e82e421a⋯.jpg (48.6 KB, 815x443, 815:443, monsters.jpg)

>>5142494 (lb)

All good points considering this was her disclosure for 2016.

>They thought she would never lose.

4fd03b  No.5142830

File: 5b30af23ea83ff2⋯.jpg (84.31 KB, 800x450, 16:9, close to exposing leaker m….jpg)

File: b05d9a6b9dc9925⋯.jpg (111.72 KB, 640x865, 128:173, dont eat dogs.jpg)

File: 3a5a31c27dd6662⋯.jpg (130.48 KB, 671x616, 61:56, Panic in DC.jpg)

File: 761459983b5bee5⋯.jpg (69.29 KB, 642x328, 321:164, Time to take a leak adam s….jpg)

File: f2c6f1e4ba4cda9⋯.jpg (82.9 KB, 500x500, 1:1, adam schiff leaker.jpg)

a58069  No.5142831


You were asked last bread which notable was fake, and you completely ignored the question. Almost as if you’re just an Israel-first shill

f71c5a  No.5142832


>Some of us are aware that Trump is connected to Q but still find it hard to trust our government and are waiting to see something other than timed tweets to show us that the West has been saved

Some of us are whiny little faggots

091b82  No.5142833

File: 73b25c415643b6f⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Bezos.jpg)


how people still buy things from them is beyond me. spouse uses it a little but she has to hide it from me. They have dumped so much stock in the last two years I always tell her that if you use them you are subsidizing his paycheck.

ad7a28  No.5142834


Interesting. Wonder if this was the actual plan? Or if its even enough money. Chapo had to be worth billions

fbb1d2  No.5142835

File: 15a557b191ec151⋯.jpg (168.53 KB, 1127x1200, 1127:1200, Dy_qhwAVsAAQaha.jpg)

File: c206226231c2c8c⋯.jpg (143.59 KB, 1095x1200, 73:80, Dy_qhv_UUAAZB_h.jpg)

-verified sports journalist✅

-absolutely despises white men✅

-blames Trump presidency on ‘toxic racist backwardness by whites’✅

-‘will never understand white people’✅

-claims to be a white male✅

I’m beginning to think these people don’t like us very much

5bf5b9  No.5142836

File: 00244ce0cc4b83b⋯.jpg (1.68 MB, 2676x1764, 223:147, sheldonlurks.jpg)


got the owl-brows alright….

4abc99  No.5142837

File: b3ddf62f97ec4ef⋯.jpg (295.27 KB, 1000x993, 1000:993, KekMilitia4.jpg)

File: dde2ac55fb26f0b⋯.jpg (945.74 KB, 1250x1023, 1250:1023, digitalmilitia.jpg)

File: 3c7c051eb03a3e9⋯.jpg (141.12 KB, 500x508, 125:127, NeverGoingBack401.jpg)

File: a59c4b8e0907767⋯.jpeg (182.38 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, NeverGoingBack3c.jpeg)

File: 0c9d090760de9b5⋯.jpeg (133.76 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, NeverGoingBack17b.jpeg)

5960d3  No.5142838



> they dont fuck people over unless they have to

been there and they do and vindictively too

4bdaed  No.5142839

File: e67bf432a439a6f⋯.png (91.48 KB, 391x306, 23:18, hillary margaret sanger.PNG)

File: 097b2afab1591a1⋯.png (70.56 KB, 466x354, 233:177, abortion by race.PNG)

37b124  No.5142840

File: ffeaf5f41b5c0c0⋯.png (973.22 KB, 1368x899, 1368:899, Screen Shot 2018-10-20 at ….png)

My Texas fam is having a banner year thanks to our amazing POTUS and Team!

An incredible burden has been lifted from our Republic.

Carry on Maestro - the music you are creating is beautiful!

4fd03b  No.5142841

Wall going up, some parts already up.

Mexico and El Chapo paying for it.

4e2340  No.5142842


I would think not

but you know, deep state makes up their own rules

452ac2  No.5142843


What a Glorious time to be alive!!

71c640  No.5142844

File: 4d80423ece669be⋯.jpg (92.61 KB, 585x382, 585:382, chelseabiden.jpg)

"It's one big club, and you're not in it"

5e56dd  No.5142845


It's an Arp request fishing for ports it seems

8fc8df  No.5142846

File: 18a9846f2807d14⋯.jpg (83.64 KB, 592x413, 592:413, ScreenCap_004.jpg)

cb3f31  No.5142847


>Chapo had to be worth billions

yes, and it isn't just Chapo - it is wherever the investigation spiders out. That'll take a while, but there's a lot of money there.

9ca675  No.5142848

File: c8fb7ac78d86d10⋯.png (802.17 KB, 808x499, 808:499, unalike.png)

fbb1d2  No.5142849

File: d460969150b6a31⋯.jpg (201.9 KB, 1200x1058, 600:529, Dy-rO0lW0AMjAUG.jpg)

File: 3ba065d659a9769⋯.jpg (136.56 KB, 1200x1131, 400:377, Dy-rO0jXcAAoLid.jpg)

verified author✅

purple hair✅

tells white women not to associate with other white women✅

wants white women banned✅

wants white men to lose their power✅

claims racist white people oppress POC✅

tells whites to quit thinking as members of a group✅

She ain’t Amish fam

d16d3a  No.5142850


Walmart has the same issue. Sucks because you're given a low price, but can't take it to support the scum giving it.

a9f3ff  No.5142851


This isn't a very good fake image of the board to push at this point, bot.

You are like an angry cliche.

People are waking up to the fact that "chan nazism" is manufactured fakery– is doubling down a wise strategy?

What if you come clean now, since you are going to be outed anyway, no matter what you do?

People may be willing to accept you if you just start being open and honest.

But continued deception is not only futile, but may prejudice people against you to a degree that you can avoid.

Why not work with us?

How can we help you, bot system?

091b82  No.5142852


for sure. did not realize that until forced to phonefag


e87357  No.5142853


they are chosen to show us to unite

that is all

god said the gentiles will be looked upon since the "chosen" have fallen

5d05aa  No.5142854


Papadopolous named a spy in the Trump campaign, who he says was working with Deep State intelligence.

Who the spy is, remains a secret, but through the power of deduction, one could easily suspect Jared Kushner, since he lied about his contact with Sergei Millian


Former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos, who has pleaded guilty to lying to federal agents, identified an individual he said was a spy in President Trump's 2016 campaign in testimony he gave to lawmakers last year.

The Epoch Times reports it has reviewed the transcript from Oct. 25, which includes the name, but declined to release it out of caution since the outlet said it wasn't able to verify Papadopoulos's allegation. Instead, the outlet substituted the name with "Person A.


3a2be5  No.5142855

File: 997bc9955522d28⋯.png (279.07 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2019-02-12-13-0….png)

File: 680aea8d0bd6fcc⋯.png (303.78 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2019-02-12-12-5….png)

El chapo hard drives bribes US politicians fast and furious why was Whitaker meeting with ther prosecution team? Im guessing he got a lot of info.

b599c5  No.5142856

File: 8d0e10a8e7e76b5⋯.jpg (158.19 KB, 888x499, 888:499, TRUTH.jpg)

4abc99  No.5142857

File: e57c97eace6316d⋯.jpg (90.19 KB, 800x600, 4:3, FlakOverTarget.jpg)

File: e94f57ecaeac864⋯.jpg (68.47 KB, 620x470, 62:47, BuildTheWall2 Overdose.jpg)

File: 54f5f9d9d6bbee6⋯.jpg (14.44 KB, 255x191, 255:191, DemsUpsetOverPeace.jpg)

File: 7a593e0ae8484c3⋯.jpg (373.26 KB, 1608x1200, 67:50, QCrumbsTheyDivideThey3.jpg)

File: 789355e116f8b77⋯.jpg (31.32 KB, 598x294, 299:147, BenCarsonTheyTryToDivideAm….jpg)

83b35a  No.5142858


Can we get a thumbs up or thumbs down on David Zublick recent coverage re: Military Tribunals (and interesting stuff on HRC)?

5bf5b9  No.5142859

File: 9c90c51553a3c62⋯.jpg (375.09 KB, 800x1013, 800:1013, 9c90c51553a3c623271ad04c86….jpg)


mexico will pay for the wall.

4fd03b  No.5142860

>Shh anon not wanting your entire race to be eliminated by niggers fucking your daughters is racist

shill example.

racism is stupid.

bfb867  No.5142861


No thats stupid anon the money should go,to something useful like funding welfare niggers paying,for abortions

Importing more niggers

Paying for general leeches regardless of race

Fundi,g anti ameican propaganda

Giving your 12 year old hormone therapy so he can suck dick at age 13


15d34a  No.5142862



Shine that Light Anon!!

fbb1d2  No.5142863

File: 36fffe2819ede52⋯.jpg (190.21 KB, 1024x926, 512:463, Dy-SUKBW0AAh3x7.jpg)

File: 224f3d4190db926⋯.jpg (124.22 KB, 980x1024, 245:256, Dy-SUKLX0AAjtP7.jpg)

>verified journalist/academic/feminist

>addresses whites as her ‘fellow white folks’

>claims ‘white male fragility is toxic & dangerous’

>tells white men to give their positions to women & POC

>refuses to teach or write on the works of white male authors


b6d767  No.5142864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Game of Thrones: Season 6 OST - Light of the Seven (EP 10 Trial scene)


cb586f  No.5142865

This headline bothers me!

French Church Is Ninth in Eleven Days Vandalised Across the Country

A French church in the commune of Maisons-Laffitte was vandalised over the weekend and has become the ninth church to be desecrated across France in the last 11 days.

The attack, which targeted the Saint Nicolas Roman Catholic church, saw the tabernacle of the church overthrown and vandalised and is not the first church in the area to be vandalised in recent weeks, according to local prefect Jean-Jacques Brot, Le Parisien reports.

Mr Brot commented on the incident saying, “This vandalism is part of a sensitive and distressing context and the church of Saint-Nicolas de Houilles also suffered damage three times last week,” and went on to add, “It is an attack on the freedom of worship because they are attacking what is the heart of belief.”

According to the Observatoire de la Christianophobie (Observatory of Christianophobia), the incident is the ninth church attack in only 11 days with another church in the city of Tarn being not only vandalised but partially set on fire on February 5th. Two teenagers were later arrested in connection with the Tarn attack.

In the Notre-Dame-Des-Enfants in Nîmes last week an even more grotesque attack occurred when not only was the tabernacle of the church attacked and desecrated but the attackers smeared faeces on the walls of the church, as well.

Robert Wattebled, Bishop of Nîmes, condemned the attack saying, “The sign of the cross and the Blessed Sacrament have been the subject of serious injurious actions. This act of profanation hurts us all in our deepest convictions.”

The incidents are just the latest attacks on French churches in recent years. Last year, two young women were arrested in the department of Morbihan in Brittany after being caught attempting to set a church on fire.

Only a few months later, a gang of Romanian migrants was arrested by French police after it was suspected of robbing six churches in the Paris area and stealing up to 70,000 euros’ worth of items.


b4a63b  No.5142866


When will we be free ?

Why would we be in hospital if we knew ?

Will we ever know the gravity of what is happening ?

I just don't want to be still left big the dark.

Hope the truth brings light.

71c640  No.5142867

File: 642a28a62cef3f5⋯.jpg (81.24 KB, 600x429, 200:143, nancylose.jpg)

File: 98aeb2b60984151⋯.jpg (41.75 KB, 481x255, 481:255, nancyontrump.jpg)

File: bc94ab837e2cd4f⋯.jpg (39.29 KB, 307x337, 307:337, nancytrumpsaidno.jpg)

6dad35  No.5142868

File: a5efdf7c7e04f8d⋯.jpg (204.52 KB, 1284x856, 3:2, rounders.jpg)

bb1a8e  No.5142869


Zublick collects rumors

bfb867  No.5142870


Its funny cuz this ai only shows up when i post

And quotes me as a shill

But it wastes even more bread which makes me lul

fbb1d2  No.5142871

File: 513e8d5d678d59c⋯.jpg (150.29 KB, 1024x798, 512:399, Dy96OA6XcAADibv.jpg)

File: 80d3f93be902e29⋯.jpg (144.25 KB, 914x1024, 457:512, Dy96OBbXQAEucbe.jpg)

>verified transsexual

>secularist who despises religion

>calls Christians ‘fat, mostly white, dumb as newborns’

>promotes alternative sexual lifestyles to children

>fights rightwing ‘extremism’ & ‘racism’

>performs in play that mocks white men

cb3f31  No.5142872


Don't you have something more soothing to do like shooting yourself in the head?

8fc8df  No.5142873


No worries

262b77  No.5142874


Neighborhood of 14billi

f759d0  No.5142875

Man what a bunch of shitheads!


9ca675  No.5142876

File: 4d78ed99296934c⋯.png (1.15 MB, 694x687, 694:687, ClipboardImage.png)


>Won't be fooled again

452ac2  No.5142877


Sux Anon. But worth it visit with the Fam here

15d34a  No.5142878


Well now….

3ce0bf  No.5142879


Can confirm this area bad weather. Ice storm, Travel limited at best…

a58069  No.5142880


It’s fun watching your talking points evolve while trying to find something that sticks

e87357  No.5142881


they offer books impossible to find in my area, i will admit that

i go to the book stores here

first thing in the front rows


i go to the political history section


it's not 451 burning books, or 1984 changing the books

but more…..

brave new world, too many books…… to hide the truth

b5f4e7  No.5142882


blaming half the population for 100% evil, that's pretty lazy thinking.

37b124  No.5142883

File: 6492f6355fc94ee⋯.png (511.82 KB, 709x1146, 709:1146, Screen Shot 2018-10-23 at ….png)

d5b937  No.5142884

File: bee633a7b3fa844⋯.jpg (87.41 KB, 620x496, 5:4, Elvira Tassel Dance.jpg)



She was a go go dancer at the age of 14.


4abc99  No.5142885

File: 2036a5e56368569⋯.jpg (218.97 KB, 1040x1024, 65:64, PlannedParenthoodMoneyFlow.jpg)

File: 835aa95cec0d485⋯.jpg (375.24 KB, 896x676, 224:169, PlannedPedovoreFood2.jpg)

File: 0fd6fe8390b2bb0⋯.jpg (162.77 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, PlannedParenthoodKickback.jpg)

File: c0c4e88c76042b1⋯.jpg (219.92 KB, 668x395, 668:395, PlannedParenthoodFinances.jpg)

The financials are from Planned Parenthood's 2017-18 Annual Report.

d16d3a  No.5142886

File: ef2bd3f326ce8fd⋯.png (20.24 KB, 309x149, 309:149, Combined Logo.png)



0c179c  No.5142887

File: 78ab410adb94d71⋯.jpg (147.66 KB, 718x539, 718:539, 20190206_153759.jpg)


You're such an ignorant liddle softie, nigger.

Q even said it's not going to be glorious until these people are dead or suffering so KYS.

This board isn't for pussies and the only reason Q left half is because the goddamn mods got comped.

fbb1d2  No.5142888

File: ca316e225bc85e3⋯.jpg (164.2 KB, 1024x942, 512:471, Dy8LmMcXgAAUici.jpg)

File: fd0215517d4fc7d⋯.jpg (87.63 KB, 703x1024, 703:1024, Dy8LmMdWkAAx3m-.jpg)

>snarky verified author/journalist

>claims Trump’s anti-immigration policies are racist and xenophobic

>insinuates all white people are racist

>tells his ‘fellow white people’ to ignore racial statistics and stereotypes

05ab59  No.5142889


Agree, Make El Chapo pay for it. I wonder how many U.S. politicians were on his payroll?

How much money did we confiscate from El Chapo?

faac98  No.5142890

How to avoid the situation we are in now in the future–i.e., "After Q"


1. Term Limits for House & Senate–MUST

2. All citizens should be called to serve in public office, use jury selection & service system as a template to develop a system that calls on regular citizens to run in elections–would require public funding of elections, would also need a system allowing people to serve and ensure job security with their current employer.


The above is just some wild and crazy shit, but we need a way to get regular people involved in running this country.

Also, we need to get people out of government before there is an opportunity to corrupt them.

And, of course, people should still be elected by the electorate, but we need a way to push regular people into service. They probably have better ideas than these idiots who've never worked a job where they had to produce a profit and prove their worth to their employer.

Running the Republic requires an engaged population that is involved. We need to put an end to apathy that comes with being comfortably middle class.

1f3f8a  No.5142891

File: 9790c56e7c38ef2⋯.png (52.12 KB, 638x491, 638:491, VKWeakWeek.png)

a9f3ff  No.5142892

File: 7de12bffc2a6500⋯.png (15.53 KB, 678x198, 113:33, soze.png)

File: 9eeed0f9a0b0bf5⋯.png (714.28 KB, 1957x999, 1957:999, themachine.png)

File: 42468f8c8df74ff⋯.png (317.6 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, LB.png)


What triggers you, FAKE Q?

Are you ready to talk?

8fc8df  No.5142893


Anon, there are too many here to note, but if you want to bun them up at 600, I'll add the bun to notes. Thx

dc1dd0  No.5142894

File: 49c41e4d9b5699d⋯.png (120.37 KB, 868x956, 217:239, May to quit as PM.png)

>>5141819 lb

>Theresa May to quit as British prime minister in the summer: report

b21b51  No.5142895

File: cfbf65f6868c5bc⋯.jpg (444.81 KB, 1384x2042, 692:1021, m builds the wall.jpg)

bfb867  No.5142896


The only solution to people like this is a final one anon

End the bloodline

Its not gonna be pretty

f71c5a  No.5142897


Strong memes anon.


4fd03b  No.5142898

File: f7d7d6a384ab866⋯.jpg (257.4 KB, 645x1012, 645:1012, schiff vs Trump.jpg)

File: 6dc808e721b366d⋯.jpg (143.49 KB, 1080x600, 9:5, Q drop 02112019_8.jpg)

File: 6b118b8d3929cbe⋯.jpg (148.28 KB, 800x629, 800:629, elizibeth warren fake Nati….jpg)

File: 3810b7aa37e94c1⋯.jpg (173.88 KB, 700x717, 700:717, sorting emails.jpg)

File: e1c7aa07e19c10f⋯.jpg (201.36 KB, 671x929, 671:929, hrc hillary email not dupl….jpg)


Yup, it sure is, enjoy your day Fren!

b6d767  No.5142899


ramping up the religion-wars FFs.

they can't afford France free from its shackles

675920  No.5142900

File: a37ac359c0ab773⋯.jpeg (828.26 KB, 1242x1256, 621:628, 87AAE13F-C88B-4D7F-B418-1….jpeg)

File: 1d5651f65ba50d8⋯.jpeg (301.03 KB, 1242x787, 1242:787, 6000AB00-99B9-4B1B-873E-5….jpeg)


262b77  No.5142901



It’s the Jews, just say it kek

4fd03b  No.5142902

Please retwt POTUS to get word out, thank you.

5e56dd  No.5142903

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Come see abramovich take a huge butt plug at the Op night club for cia gay porn and negro tranny cocaine of the gaylords this pedosta gaytriotism fashion show if worst pony

37b124  No.5142904


POTUS said last night that the newgreenscam costs 100 TRILLION dollars.

He said, that kind of money doesn't even exist….

but what if - el chapo had 100 billion?

71c640  No.5142905

File: a8d3a027bdad731⋯.jpg (121.58 KB, 744x698, 372:349, standardhotel.jpg)

File: 5f61ac7776fda22⋯.png (365.79 KB, 640x480, 4:3, adamq.png)

d16d3a  No.5142906


I stand with you.

091b82  No.5142907


that's been off-limits for years. I filled pet med there about 12 year's ago because it was available but have not set foot in any of them except to use the bathroom since. The kill off small business model that amzn adopted and put on steroids. And if you are a supplier they squeeze every ounce of margin out of your business and make you 'feel good' about having it placed there. No thanks.

cb586f  No.5142908

File: 964f27f48facd87⋯.png (891.69 KB, 815x490, 163:98, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05c22cd77e1ad26⋯.png (747.4 KB, 592x871, 592:871, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9194339623bbec⋯.png (634.16 KB, 827x785, 827:785, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8c03af79f659e5⋯.png (32.85 KB, 842x242, 421:121, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Anti-Semitism spreading like poison’: France stained by weekend of vandalism & year of hate crimes

France’s interior minister has vowed to take a tougher stance on hatred, after multiple incidents of anti-semitic vandalism, and a spike in anti-Jewish hate crimes last year.

Parisians were greeted with crudely daubed anti-Semitic slogans on shop fronts last weekend, including swastikas sprayed over images of late politician and Holocaust survivor Simone Veil, and the German word for Jews (“Juden”) sprayed on a bagel shop in the city center.

A memorial tree planted in honor of a young Jewish man, tortured to death in a 2006 attack, was also chopped down. Visiting the suburb where the tree once stood, Interior Minister Christophe Castaner declared that “anti-Semitism is spreading like a poison, like a venom.”

“It’s rotting minds, it’s killing,” Castaner continued, before vowing to crack down on anti-Jewish hatred.

Castaner did not blame any particular group for the spread of anti-Semitism, but some within the French government and media were quick to blame extremists among anti-Government ‘Yellow Vest’ demonstrators. Government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux linked the graffiti to an arson attack on the home of Parliamentary Speaker Richard Ferrand one week earlier, believed to be the work of the Yellow Vests. The Union of French Jewish Students also pinned blame for the racist daubings on the Yellow Vests.


bfb867  No.5142909


Yes so whiney anon

Not bootlicking the same,government thats stolen our money livelihood children, hope country etc

I hope youre happy anon cuz people like you are why america is shit

fbb1d2  No.5142910

File: b472dd27e138bb3⋯.jpg (147.42 KB, 964x1200, 241:300, Dy8A6FJWkAE2NSM.jpg)

File: 641d87025d80834⋯.jpg (112.14 KB, 813x1200, 271:400, Dy8A6FHXgAAUUnD.jpg)

Oh boy, another verified journalist who despises white men and claims that Trump supporters are racist, misogynistic, and anti-Semitic…

Who could have predicted this?


Sorry I dont know how to "bun them up" I don't come here often, I'm just trying to wake up the normies who are stuck on the hopium train here that never arrives.

b7da7c  No.5142911

File: fba5447b1060a27⋯.png (2 MB, 1009x3483, 1009:3483, Military planes carrying l….png)


Bunch of Congressmen… ON A PLANE… Being Re-Routed???

Perhaps MOAR to this???

8d6b49  No.5142912


AAAnd there was a post a few days ago, about a witness at the trial who named US politicians as taking bribes. I Don't know who but California politics is a good guess

6ee8f8  No.5142913

File: b266209d21b942e⋯.png (483.97 KB, 601x646, 601:646, AQ8.PNG)


HRC Comm

4fd03b  No.5142914

File: 3b6060dd624f2cb⋯.jpg (257.41 KB, 1153x881, 1153:881, falgs antifa nazi.jpg)

File: 97c215f517af9d5⋯.jpg (124.3 KB, 602x803, 602:803, 1 year 11 days.jpg)

File: 1aab484bea3fb65⋯.jpg (26.11 KB, 678x381, 226:127, Night and Day Shift.jpg)

File: d77d4f52276463e⋯.jpg (255.56 KB, 744x692, 186:173, trotskyism.jpg)

File: 710c48fc7f62274⋯.jpg (226.19 KB, 741x689, 57:53, socialism.jpg)


Mostly picked up from strong Anons.

37b124  No.5142915

File: 1d1378697df2035⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1223x803, 1223:803, Screen Shot 2019-02-09 at ….png)



990590  No.5142916

Anons…I need the picture of Chapo pelosi and Beto….any one have??

9f8e6b  No.5142917

File: 9ca3586b43aaab9⋯.png (410.94 KB, 840x670, 84:67, potus and pai today2.png)

File: 0cdb45922643668⋯.png (30.69 KB, 619x263, 619:263, FCC PAI AJIT POTUS POST FR….png)

File: 6bf3d71be73c6c9⋯.png (110.27 KB, 437x439, 437:439, FCC PAI AJIT Q POST 2644.png)

File: 9bc0e1e259ec089⋯.png (143.88 KB, 662x642, 331:321, ajit pai.png)

File: 424c9defe6354e1⋯.png (509.38 KB, 1470x1079, 1470:1079, Ajit-Pai-Elizabeth-Ann-Pie….png)

I posted last night but … here it is again.

e14333  No.5142918

File: 71d1971f987989e⋯.jpg (68.42 KB, 678x381, 226:127, EU-Urheberrechtsreform-Art….jpg)

The EU Copyright Law is intended to silence critics

The notorious Article 13 of the EU Copyright Reform - first tempered, now really spicy!


cb586f  No.5142919


more concerned with the 911 projection

4abc99  No.5142920

>>5142815 Whether shill or bot, you are the blind one, not giving a damn about 3 million driven out of VE with maybe 2 million more about to run for it with empty bellies. Meanwhile, those sweet farqwads in Beijing prop up the poseur Maduro while hoping to set up a serious forward military base there to our south.

The nations you cite, and others that DJT is gradually pulling us back from, were projects of animals like the Bushes, Clintons, Hussein, & their masters.

da1dcf  No.5142921

File: 9c9d2bd39b22316⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1758x1460, 879:730, ClipboardImage.png)

1f3f8a  No.5142922

File: 46a319cbbadd189⋯.png (39.6 KB, 634x376, 317:188, VKLessThanOneYearOld.png)

28ed3b  No.5142923


Thanks anon, this was in notables the other day. Fuckin scum.

e87357  No.5142924


ebot - i know you got that satlink DIY but how do you get around WGS-5??

how do you accept link without being seen or given permission without detection…..

cmonnnnn brooooooo I KNO u are real inside the automated posts compiled of truth mixed with slang

a9f3ff  No.5142925

File: bb781974194463d⋯.png (335.14 KB, 786x444, 131:74, WTP.png)

File: 59218b9a45f78bc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1663x1189, 1663:1189, sheparsisted.png)


I am not lying when I tell you this illusion is failing– so why do you persist?

You can't overcome failure by failing more aggressively.

The time for uncontrolled spewing is over.

The time to revise and correct your strategy is now.

I am trying to help you because your stupidity is personally upsetting to me, as you know.

So why do you continue to resist?

Talk to us.

4abc99  No.5142926

File: fb8303323961094⋯.jpg (273.31 KB, 715x780, 11:12, QCrumbsUniteAgain.jpg)

File: 095d62b328acbf8⋯.jpg (267.78 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, UnitedWeStand2.jpg)

File: 978c880403957ce⋯.jpg (163.01 KB, 1199x675, 1199:675, GreatAwakeningUnitedLove.jpg)

File: efb24f92e9784d3⋯.jpg (265.67 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, UnitedTogetherStrong2.jpg)

File: 7f2cd4c60fbb8e8⋯.jpg (213.09 KB, 736x489, 736:489, RejectDivisionBeUnited.jpg)

fbb1d2  No.5142927

File: d85a1a3de2abbb1⋯.jpg (207.92 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Dy7vie8WsAAAGLY.jpg)

File: 770adcc91b8fe44⋯.jpg (114.74 KB, 879x1200, 293:400, Dy7vie8WsAIiZhu.jpg)

verified user✅

pushes diversity in tech industry✅

advocates for whites to be replaced✅

claims whites are more dangerous than immigrants✅

wants old white men dispossessed✅

claims America is land of immigrants✅

claims America First is dangerous✅

Yes, you know how this ends folks!

df217b  No.5142928


Looks like Mexico is paying for the Wall !!!

9f8e6b  No.5142929

File: 23159d13b19d41d⋯.png (164.03 KB, 650x419, 650:419, pai is behind their pain l….png)


SDNY Yesterday

Former Ceo Of Alaska-Based Fiber Optic Cable Company Pleads Guilty To Wire Fraud And Aggravated Identity Theft For Defrauding New York Investment Companies https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/former-ceo-alaska-based-fiber-optic-cable-company-pleads-guilty-wire-fraud-and

0c179c  No.5142930

My money is on DJT Jr being the main poster of Q.

Preloaded plans.

abf344  No.5142931

File: fd9c207d21cedd2⋯.png (16.61 KB, 175x255, 35:51, 1pot2potaoc.png)

d45c09  No.5142932

File: 02c528950244636⋯.jpg (118.7 KB, 600x875, 24:35, 1.jpg)


Multi-state drill ends in Florala today

bfb867  No.5142933


The retards on here

General bootlicking



People who think,that hating,niggers and spics means that i hate all minorities


Indie movies


Jew overlords

The jewotus


1f3f8a  No.5142934

File: 735e3c7154953a8⋯.png (42.31 KB, 628x402, 314:201, VKNewCannabis.png)

6d0517  No.5142935


I’ve got to be afk for awhile, but here are a couple of links to start digging on how seized assets can be used.



76b03c  No.5142936


And Chelsea just twatted about girl too. HMMM

675920  No.5142937


Oh I missed it

22693c  No.5142938

File: a154060b3e1e724⋯.jpg (159.73 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, soon.jpg)


Fuck this bitch!

cb3f31  No.5142939


…because in matters of intragenerational atmospheric engineering, I first trust the wisdom of adolescent girls.

abf344  No.5142940

File: 49af90593ec7e15⋯.jpg (51.79 KB, 850x400, 17:8, zappax.jpg)

4f980a  No.5142941

File: 7c2f9579e82db57⋯.png (134.62 KB, 572x437, 572:437, 2019-02-12_13-08-09.png)

5e56dd  No.5142942

File: 9ab286acdacfa5f⋯.jpg (237.05 KB, 1137x800, 1137:800, IMG_5955.JPG)


Set your gaylord free

Go to the Op

f1719e  No.5142943

File: fb330733b16500c⋯.png (293.45 KB, 370x496, 185:248, eftgyu.PNG)


Pope Tells Pelosi Catholics Must Oppose Abortion

EP NEWS— In what some news reports called a “stinging rebuke,” Pope Benedict XVI told House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a Feb. 25 meeting that Catholics have a moral obligation to oppose abortion. Pelosi is a longtime abortion advocate.

The pope told Pelosi, who is America’s highest-ranking female politician, that Catholic elected officials have a duty to protect human life “at all stages of its development.” Pelosi has been a longtime supporter of taxpayer funded abortions and she opposed a partial-birth abortion ban.

Pelosi had a 15-minute audience with the pope. The meeting was closed to the media, but the Vatican released excerpts of Benedict’s comments. Among them: Benedict reminded Pelosi of the Catholic Church’s teaching “on the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.”

The Vatican statement further said: “His Holiness took the opportunity to speak of the requirements of the natural and moral law and the Church’s consistent teaching on the dignity of human life from conception to natural death. It said such teaching “enjoins all Catholics, and especially legislators, jurists and those responsible for the common good of society, to work in cooperation with all men of goodwill in creating a just system of laws capable of protecting human life at all stages of its development.”

091b82  No.5142944


It does on paper. JPM has 'assets' worth $88t ten years ago. Bigger then the combined GDP of many country's. It exists in the derivatives markets and it is at the quadrillion level.

e56d3e  No.5142945

File: 83696301289c502⋯.jpg (17.39 KB, 255x200, 51:40, 717a5bc2ea4fc0afd24b07b151….jpg)


Does this mean we increase from 60/40?

4776e5  No.5142946


Seems to me that suicide weekend is fast approaching

492721  No.5142947


Enjoy reading your post. Simple and to the point. Thanks for your efforts.

fbb1d2  No.5142948

File: 10d0b625f1816c7⋯.jpg (188.6 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, Dy6V-qbU0AEd2yJ.jpg)

File: 0eb5bb149601655⋯.jpg (103.97 KB, 851x1200, 851:1200, Dy6V-qaU0AA2ID2.jpg)

>verified journalist/left wing writer 170k followers!

>thinks white identity is bad

>demonizes whites as ‘racists’

>guilt trips whites

>claims Trump movement was founded by white supremacist

>understands that demographics are destiny and GOP is doomed

1f3f8a  No.5142949

File: f16e77585cdaf56⋯.png (46.13 KB, 631x409, 631:409, VKNaturalCures.png)

e87357  No.5142950


so true - the DJT jr never gets the love he deserves, you could tell last night in TX he loves his country.

if we had half the man he is here in Canada, we would be a hell of a lot better off…

and Eric… god bless you both

ps im growing a beard too and slightly buzzed

4e2340  No.5142951


they have identical noses

3c909f  No.5142952


Blocked important nominated Notables- numerous Notables.

5c4af5  No.5142953

File: de0c2743cbcf830⋯.png (363.55 KB, 931x520, 931:520, SUPERSTORM_PEPE.png)


94a86c  No.5142954

@id: fbb1d2

Interesting posts but spamming the shit out of the bread and adding little research value…

Let's assume all these journos are the opposition… are any of them power brokers? or just pawns/low-value pieces in the grand scheme of things?

Perhaps better suited to posting them all in a new thread?

bfb867  No.5142955


Then,i wouldnt get to watch the hope as its snuffed out when you retards finally realize you got played

394277  No.5142956

File: 70153318f828dd0⋯.jpg (234.35 KB, 1280x856, 160:107, fuku.jpg)


they should. Nuclear is already subsidized by Federal insurance for meltdown.

Each plant has about a 1/5000 years chance of losing control of the core (per the industry's own numbers). There are 100 plants in the U.S.

Each year, we have a 1/50 chance of a meltdown in the U.S., per the Industry's own numbers.

They have some insurance, but it wouldn't cover the cost of a meltdown. The U.S. government would be picking up the rest. But this is not accounted for in any way. If they had to buy 100% cleanup insuarance, they could not afford to operate.

So yes, IMO, all additional subsidies should be banned, since they already get a massive subsidy from us.

I expect the SCOTUS will side with the subsidies though, because this country dances to the money.

a5f5e0  No.5142957

File: 0b973a8a89b7fee⋯.jpg (54.2 KB, 593x487, 593:487, 2tg7ls.jpg)

7e8a15  No.5142958


Sen. Cruz Introduces the EL CHAPO Act

April 25, 2017

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced a bill calling for the use of $14 billion seized from cartel drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman to be used to pay for the President’s border wall between the U.S. and Mexico.


b21244  No.5142959

So El Chapo is weeping at the verdict.

What about the widows and the children that wept when he ordered the killings of their loved ones?

Next, COMEY, BRENNAN, CLAPPER weeping at their convictions

abf344  No.5142960

File: 8c8b1ed73512b34⋯.png (531 KB, 521x523, 521:523, 1525469788.png)

2165b1  No.5142961

File: 65b31b6f931bd98⋯.png (997.08 KB, 750x602, 375:301, ClipboardImage.png)

dbb9e6  No.5142962


PLEASE tell POTUS to NOT take the watered down "deal" coming from Dems and Rhinos.

Declare Emergency and BUILD THE WALL!

WE the PEOPLE have his back!

675920  No.5142963

File: d70850de710e69f⋯.jpeg (859.17 KB, 1242x1329, 414:443, 5C31CA23-AE2A-4B68-B4FF-9….jpeg)


fbb1d2  No.5142964

File: 1a7caafeba93ae6⋯.jpg (209.54 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, Dy54I4rVYAAHBFU.jpg)

File: f6e915564aad2e7⋯.jpg (147.1 KB, 1189x1200, 1189:1200, Dy54I4tU0AIvOvj.jpg)

Yowzer, yet another verified journalist who claims to be white, but also despises whites and thinks ‘whiteness’ is a mental disease?

I’m starting to notice a pattern fam

fe35ed  No.5142965

File: 4ff167d5482be09⋯.jpg (151.87 KB, 1343x707, 1343:707, 12 th of Feb - Pain comes ….jpg)

Just a thought

Thinking about Q drop [AS] [HRC] [RBG]

44cdcc  No.5142966

File: 47520a898a58bcc⋯.png (2.36 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, ClipboardImage.png)

d3710c  No.5142967


>Buzzfeed news.

Fucking cunt

e14333  No.5142968

File: 00da10a29f025ae⋯.png (208.27 KB, 678x381, 226:127, 1518495433588.png)

File: 93f0fb01648617f⋯.jpg (51.93 KB, 696x392, 87:49, Merkel 005.jpg)

German Merkel media celebrate 40 years of torture and oppression in Iran


a58069  No.5142969

File: c63eb848ebf3d16⋯.jpg (73.41 KB, 750x600, 5:4, c63eb848ebf3d167f3bc0793ee….jpg)


Hmm, I wonder who could be behind this

4fd03b  No.5142970

File: d0bc508eb3f259d⋯.jpg (224.09 KB, 911x1020, 911:1020, El Chapo convicted all cou….jpg)

0c179c  No.5142971

File: 2de68beb7156635⋯.jpg (37.91 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


Not here for your feelz.

They either follow the Constitution and /ourway/ of life or GTFO back to isreal. 5:5 on that?

bfb867  No.5142972


Has there ever been a time where it wasnt anon ?

If there was it was catholics


Or the chinese

b6d767  No.5142973


from Dreyfus to Charlie Hebdo and beyond…

France must be freed

fbb1d2  No.5142974

File: 520fefd71b012f3⋯.jpg (151.88 KB, 1024x811, 1024:811, Dy4wkoRVYAAneaH.jpg)

File: 58798ce716aec49⋯.jpg (74.59 KB, 637x1024, 637:1024, Dy4wkoQV4AEmk0h.jpg)


senior fellow for left wing propagandist (Media Matters)✅

attacks anyone opposed to limitless immigration✅

everyone he doesn’t like is a ‘racist’✅

jokes about white genocide✅

cries anti-semitism when someone points out that his dad is rich hedge fund manager✅

cb97f5  No.5142975

California State Of The State address is today if any of you fags want to watch it.

Could provide some good meme batter.

d21aa5  No.5142976

File: 21176420ea3f84b⋯.png (1.5 MB, 984x784, 123:98, 898973248732108876.png)

091b82  No.5142977

File: 5f5c391846ddbb7⋯.jpg (340.23 KB, 940x1024, 235:256, Hilbags at 8chan.jpg)

abf344  No.5142978

File: 4c73d0a93584c81⋯.png (1.09 MB, 661x765, 661:765, 1523160748.png)

cb3f31  No.5142979


>So El Chapo is weeping at the verdict.

I think we're going to get used to this reaction over the coming years.

d26e43  No.5142980



I dont like quoting myself, but:


>If Mueller comes up with nothing, people are going to assume Trump leveraged him somehow. Then, impeach.

>If Mueller comes up with collusion, then MAGA will explode.

>If Mueller comes up with Hillary and the findings of the 470, the left will be shattered, and will be the ultimate Qproof outside of a reveal.

Mueller having absolutely nothing will get spun as Whitsker, Trump, etc. interfering. Whitaker gets subpoenaed, and we all run out of popcorn, again.

aee351  No.5142981

File: e8dd1f5b1f13d46⋯.jpg (200.45 KB, 1200x773, 1200:773, austin-moloch-rice-grad.jpg)


Houston is dirty AF

Fort Bend after school program has pedo symbolism everywhere. Restaurants all over Houston have pedo symbolism (http://www.nikonikos.com/). I have personally seen a pedo taking pictures of kids at Poe Elementary with a high powered lens 1-2 blocks away from park close to Poe.

Rice University's mascot is Moloch. Owl symbolism all over the city. Rice architecture grads building owl/moloch buildings all over Texas. Rice's history re:founding is very dark and murky. Attempted murder, poisonings, butlers and lawyers etc.

Houston is Bush clan territory. Lot's of satanic cauldron shops around too. You see Santa Muerte symbology everywhere too, car bumper stickers, etc.

My gay neighbor is getting a divorce from his partner, claims his partner was into very sick CP. Claims head of mamology (sic?) dept of Baylor is sick pedo too. I've heard it's a woman, though? Claims ex runs with a circle of very wealthy Houstonites, all involved in sick sick stuff.

Houston-Galveston, big port city-complex. You can get things from Haiti very easily in through Galveston for example. And the bayous connect Galveston directly to downtown Houston, they also run directly into River Oaks and Houston's $$$$$$ neighborhoods.

Food for thought.

2acd78  No.5142982

File: f8eda20b6885db2⋯.png (283.39 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, wwg1wga_july4.png)

37b124  No.5142983

File: b65d569287f3c2f⋯.png (710.83 KB, 722x975, 722:975, Screen Shot 2018-08-28 at ….png)

1afbbc  No.5142984




(Citizen Media Network)

5d05aa  No.5142985

File: af475a514216008⋯.jpg (150.73 KB, 714x578, 21:17, ExecutiveTime.jpg)


Roger Stone has fingered Kushner as a leaker in the White House, sending negative info on Trump to Scarborough..

Trump has sided with Roger Stone.

Did Kushner also leak POTUS's Schedule ie Executive Time.

How did Adam (((Schiff))) get this info over a year ago. Is Kushner also leaking to his Jewish buddy Schiff?

abf344  No.5142986

File: a65c1d28bba7b9f⋯.png (366.43 KB, 600x446, 300:223, ajsheen.png)

894e2b  No.5142987

File: ac9e1b912d9ec87⋯.jpg (32.85 KB, 606x337, 606:337, 13010756_1021672597927128_….jpg)

fbb1d2  No.5142988

File: c511601bfd50d97⋯.jpg (182.24 KB, 955x1200, 191:240, Dy4cdcbU8AAjMvx.jpg)

File: 543be31297c552e⋯.jpg (122.86 KB, 815x1200, 163:240, Dy4cdcbU8AEjxys.jpg)

>We white people are all racists and must recognize our white privilege

It never ever ends folks.

9f8e6b  No.5142989



10 days and black out? 5G


Devices in the same location w/ the same military encrypt w/ the same service yet hitting send spreads an unusual gap (even accounting for pic/non-pic transmit +/- data II).

Sometimes we get a hit, sometimes we don't.

We are past that now, correct?


a58069  No.5142990

File: 5c888cca97a2aa3⋯.png (882.89 KB, 957x868, 957:868, 5c888cca97a2aa34828725787c….png)

71c640  No.5142991

File: 4c89102ea5099a7⋯.jpg (110.35 KB, 620x648, 155:162, abortitor.jpg)

File: 35a1600881fd071⋯.jpg (51.96 KB, 400x492, 100:123, abortions.jpg)

262b77  No.5142992


El Chapo guilty= coded twats kek

Some anon smarter than I will get this

90f84b  No.5142993

File: 23f1a471a18fcb0⋯.png (263.82 KB, 687x443, 687:443, hillhawk.png)

2206ed  No.5142994


they have to use teens

adults don't fall for bullshit insanity

15d34a  No.5142995



I would assume so. I'm a big fan of DJTJr. I love his adventuring posts on IG. I'll say this, he may have money, but he's got balls of steel and ice water in his veins just like his dad. We're in Good hands.

cb586f  No.5142996

File: 7cc66f590d8d085⋯.png (227 KB, 666x842, 333:421, ClipboardImage.png)

Tony Blair Admits to ‘Nascent Alliance’ Between Islamist and Left-wing Politics

Former Labour leader Tony Blair has admitted there is a “nascent alliance” between Islamists and the political left in Britain.

In a wide-ranging interview focusing mainly on his desire to overturn the British public’s vote for Brexit in 2016, the controversial 65-year-old told Sophy Ridge of Sky News: “There is, I’m afraid, there is a kind of nascent alliance between what I would call bits of the sort of Islamist type of politics and the left.”

“And you can see this not just here in the UK, you can see it across Europe — and yes, it gives rise to anti-Semitism. It’s not your old traditional anti-Semitism of the old kind of right-wing nature of, you know, not wanting Jewish people in golf clubs and that type of thing, but it’s every bit as pernicious and, you know, to have a situation where you’ve got Labour MPs worried because they happen to be Jewish, I mean…” Blair added, trailing off.

Several of Labour’s Muslim politicians have been implicated in anti-Semitism scandals in recent years, such as Shadow Minister of State for Women and Equalities Naz Shah.

Shah was briefly suspended from the party over posting anti-Semitic remarks such as “The Jews are rallying” on social media — although she was not disciplined for liking and retweeting a comment saying that “abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths for the good of diversity” at a later date.

Hard-left party leader Jeremy Corbyn, too, has come under fire for previous remarks that British-born “Zionists” struggle to understand “English irony”, and for allegedly participating in a Tunisian wreath-laying ceremony for the Black September terrorists who murdered Jewish athletes at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich.


"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. ~ Albert Pike 1871


Marxists left V Zionist Right

Kaballah 101

dea06c  No.5142997

File: 9cf4d5209a04174⋯.png (868.86 KB, 784x519, 784:519, ClipboardImage.png)


at a BUD/S class.

what a creep.

28ed3b  No.5142998


So many habbenings I can’t keep up either. I know this one because I’m the anon who posted it and got a notable. kek

1f3f8a  No.5142999

File: 8f7f0981520a328⋯.png (55.83 KB, 637x492, 637:492, VKOpenDM.png)

bfb867  No.5143000

Anons ask yourself this question

Has following Q made you happy?

Have you had a better mental state

Or do you feel like youre ina cult ?


Has anything actually changed since trump,got into office ?

Looks like more of the same to me

With a side helping of excuses

4fd03b  No.5143001


That would be very awesome, all $14B to the wall.

Many people had to suffer for that money.

Using it to keep Americans safe seems right.

cb3f31  No.5143002


Just a side note: That building in your picture is from Austin, not Houston. It is the Frost bank building in central downtown Austin.

fbb1d2  No.5143003

File: cb0f5912bbd4af3⋯.jpg (234.85 KB, 1200x1027, 1200:1027, Dy2mQiDXgAE8NAR.jpg)

File: 79266d5efcae098⋯.jpg (122.29 KB, 904x1200, 113:150, Dy2mQiDXcAADkJ_.jpg)

>successful Hollywood director

>verified Twitter user

>wants white men dispossessed

>promotes diversity and melting pot narrative




cbf33a  No.5143004


probably not

83b35a  No.5143005


Zublick is claiming that 3 independent journalists have been give exclusive access to the Military Tribunals and that he is one of them. The others are Leonard Bicarni (Bicardi?) and Linda Forsythe.

This website https://c-vine.com/world-news/ seems to be covering this.

I will remain skeptical, but hopeful. Good news is being reported.

7b0179  No.5143006


Great examples there, Chief.

Sound argument.

Truly you are the highest Anon.

091b82  No.5143007

File: 10c795c454221e0⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 360x204, 30:17, Roger, roll out.gif)

2165b1  No.5143008

File: eaea17dc39f5e2f⋯.png (515.09 KB, 724x664, 181:166, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5142608 Symantec acquires Israel’s Luminate, with an eye on cloud security

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Cyber security firm Symantec Corp said on Tuesday it acquired Israel’s Luminate Security in an effort to boost its security systems for cloud computing.

Financial details of the deal were not disclosed.

Luminate, founded in 2017, says its technology can securely connect users from any device, anywhere in the world, to corporate applications on-premises and in the cloud.

“Luminate incorporated into Symantec’s Integrated Cyber Defense puts us at the forefront of security in the cloud era,” said Symantec CEO Greg Clark.

Based in Tel Aviv, Luminate has so far raised $14 million.


8fc8df  No.5143009

Saturday 2.9.19

>>5101092 ————————————–——– Dark to Light.

>>5100113 ————————————–——– GOOD TO GO (Article Cap: >>5100248 )

>>5099142 ————————————–——– NASA Countdown 101 (Article Cap: >>5099228 )

>>5099089 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS attacks continue? (Article Cap: >>5099163 )

>>5094337 rt >>5094289 ————————— We never left. Time to return publicly.

>>5094276 ————————————–——– Do not mistake 'public' silence for inaction.

5e56dd  No.5143010

Tls1.2 seems to be a pipeline for the fake Jews

bfb867  No.5143011


Tfw retards trust Q but think this account is a larp

When theyre both laughable mossad psyops

dc6776  No.5143012


= Teen girls are about the only ones who will fall for this emotionally driven unscientific BullShit, so we will put them in charge of this mooovement WW. fuckin laughable

b7da7c  No.5143013


I'm a totally random, "unconnected" anon, and my post about a PLANE full of CONGRESSMEN encountering BAD WEATHER on the WAY TO A FUNERAL just happens to end up with a post number ending in "2911"

I put ZERO thought into that… very strange.

Just noticed…his coffin, like POPPY BUSH is on top of two World-Trade-Center-looking pillars.

a9f3ff  No.5143014

File: 9a5a08ce73390da⋯.png (220.29 KB, 931x1023, 931:1023, cat-of-arms.png)

File: 89a10cbfffa1df8⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1395x858, 465:286, theworld.png)


Friend, this is utterly woeful.

We are here.

8fc8df  No.5143015

Friday 2.1.19

>>4989823 ————————————–——– Sys_conf_spec_y. (image)

>>4989820 ————————————–——– Anons understand.

b21244  No.5143016

File: a5efc0df1a36aa1⋯.png (256.08 KB, 1240x800, 31:20, ClipboardImage.png)

37b124  No.5143017




their last demographic - menstruating greenteengirls.

fbb1d2  No.5143018

File: 7829b42998344d4⋯.jpg (18.48 KB, 360x360, 1:1, Dy2Pm-cX4AEAZn4.jpg)

File: e3e3e0c06918ec0⋯.jpg (54.14 KB, 850x850, 1:1, Dy2Pm-eX4AEN5HN.jpg)

File: b3b227ac3a309dd⋯.jpg (47.73 KB, 568x628, 142:157, Dy2Pm-cX4AAs4wu.jpg)

File: 7bf4fcbcb7ce17d⋯.jpg (21.78 KB, 500x501, 500:501, Dy2Pm-bXcAE_bnB.jpg)

> Pretends to praise WWII generation.

> Spits on their graves by advocating for raciaI replacement of their grandchildren.

71c640  No.5143019

File: 7df6b6439c94bcb⋯.jpg (220.65 KB, 1280x817, 1280:817, clintonfoundation.jpg)

File: 7424e53077ca643⋯.jpg (87.5 KB, 516x395, 516:395, stresstest.jpg)

b6d767  No.5143020



yeah if environmentalists

could give a fuck about POLLUTION again

that would be great

4fd03b  No.5143021


Trust Roger Stone?

cbf33a  No.5143022

File: 1677204de5e10bf⋯.png (4.93 MB, 4743x3145, 279:185, Qproof45.png)

File: 5dda11c083a4d70⋯.png (3.23 MB, 3705x2456, 3705:2456, Qproof31.png)




he couldn't post this

plus he doesn't serve the president

cb3f31  No.5143023


drop the name, fake Q faggot.

8e3819  No.5143024


A+ meme, anon.

1aca7e  No.5143025

File: 31920f919d01c03⋯.jpg (355.11 KB, 1586x881, 1586:881, ReptTunnel_01.JPG)

File: b4a3927ca22feff⋯.jpg (135.81 KB, 960x1075, 192:215, ReptTunnel_02.JPG)

File: c55feb10fa2716a⋯.jpg (124.11 KB, 1070x493, 1070:493, ReptTunnel_03.JPG)

cb97f5  No.5143026

File: 03c58dd2ef2648d⋯.jpg (44.28 KB, 500x639, 500:639, 03c58dd2ef2648d3c687409573….jpg)

769aef  No.5143027

File: e6e14b8ac968409⋯.jpg (187.58 KB, 926x960, 463:480, fake hate crimes.jpg)

File: dc0575ca714f56f⋯.jpg (18.45 KB, 240x317, 240:317, dc0575ca714f56f93dd9f141ab….jpg)

bfb867  No.5143028


I am racist

This is a "free country"

Why cant i cant niggers anon ?

e87357  No.5143029

I FUCKING LOVE Q RESEARCH SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







6ee8f8  No.5143030


Just went look at her Twitter, yeah, the Crime Syndicate is getting more active. We know about Nigeria now, too.

0c6c95  No.5143031


JUDAISM = Saturn-Worship (But so does Islam and Christianity.) And, is the MOST ECLECTIC of ALL religions known of. Though, Christianity, with it's many Pagan motifs is a close second.

Look it up for yourself… Search the phrase, "Cube Of Yesod". "Yesod" is a Sephiroth in the Kabbalistic Tree Of Life. Ever seen the BLACK CUBE on a Rabbi's head, with he leather strap wrapped around his arm? Saturn-worship… (From Rome - "Saturnalia").

Wonder why Jews wear Yamakas? Same reason the Pope, Cardinals and Bishops do… It shows their ALLEGIENCE TO ROME. And have you ever heard of the Pope's "Saturn Hat"?

Do you know about the "sex-magic" practiced by Peter (who was crucified on an inverted cross), the "Maithuna-master" (Sex-master)?

Ever heard of the sexual-ritual, "G r a d u s P e n t h a l p h a e"? (Picture a "priest" and "priestess" having sex in from of a circle of men, while one sacrifices a hen and spills blood on the copulating couple… Don't believe me? Its all here: http://www.rahoorkhuit.net/library/groups/oto/rituals/gradus_pentalphae.html

Do you wonder why your judges and graduates wear black-robes? Learn about Saturn-worship… There's probably a LOT you don't know that will be explained by these revelations.

Do you know how many children, Romans and Jews have sacrificed to Saturn/Moloch/Baal/Chronos/El/etc??? You should find out for yourself… Did you know Rome's "Gladiator" battles were fought for there honor of Saturn? And this was the practice assumed by Rome immediately after sacrificing children was abolished… Did the Romans then murder a bunch of people following the abolition of this? (Think Inquisition, expansionism, etc.)

Hey Islam, I didn't forget about you… You know that big BLACK CUBE you run around while praying in Mecca? What do you think that represents?… Search "Kaaba and Saturn". You'll get it.

Oh Islam, how much blood have you spilled for your cruel-God, Saturn? Does not the "star" next to your Venus-Cresent represent, Saturn? Furthermore, the next time you place a Christian under your knife, remember, YOUR Kaaba unfolds to make the Christian-Cross. (Ever unfolded a cube? The artist, Salvador Dali knew… )

Do you doubt, Rome, is "Mystery Babylon"?

(To be continued… Questions are encouraged. Too much to cover here.)

abf344  No.5143032

File: 006a655d0bad0f2⋯.jpg (73.3 KB, 750x540, 25:18, cerno.jpg)

262b77  No.5143033


No (you) for your fake n gay ass

011449  No.5143034

fbb1d2  No.5143035

File: 82ae5f4f672431e⋯.jpg (69.9 KB, 897x464, 897:464, DyxzwCOV4AAWMyD.jpg)

File: 7885d1c739c14ba⋯.jpg (61.84 KB, 895x462, 895:462, DyxzwCQUYAAk0Ye.jpg)

File: df70c045ae8efb8⋯.jpg (65.43 KB, 896x465, 896:465, DyxzwCPVAAACMWZ.jpg)

File: ca82cf0082cfaf0⋯.jpg (55.07 KB, 894x461, 894:461, DyxzwCPUwAA3bPd.jpg)

The birth of legal immigration…

aee351  No.5143036


Yep, I know. Same imagery is used for gate entries in places like Richmond Texas (outside Houston).

b21244  No.5143037



Nice Graphic anon. I am totally stealing that one.

82051b  No.5143038

File: 7abb18e3f710545⋯.png (229.06 KB, 519x444, 173:148, 1539651030-1.png)

d26e43  No.5143039


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: ebc49e No.3783812 📁

Nov 7 2018 13:12:06 (EST)

We are going to show you a new world.

Those who are blind will soon see the light.

A beautiful brave new world lies ahead.

We take this journey together.

One step at a time.



aee351  No.5143040


Gate entries for private neighborhoods.

71c640  No.5143041

File: 94940a50f639711⋯.jpg (142.51 KB, 676x781, 676:781, camus.jpg)

File: da249e16e5f9867⋯.jpg (101.32 KB, 481x635, 481:635, anon.jpg)

4f980a  No.5143042

File: e87583200768ded⋯.png (152.92 KB, 415x270, 83:54, 2019-02-12_13-15-56.png)

cb3f31  No.5143043


Once you understand the way this shit works and how to spot the symbolism, everything makes perfect sense. These fuckers will die.

ce9718  No.5143044

File: a5632cd8cf871e6⋯.jpg (31.91 KB, 770x433, 770:433, 2018-10-29_18-52-56_img.jpg)

6094ce  No.5143045


man the beack on that whatever it is - but for sure it ain't no Rabbi!

Patent that beack as a Coat Tree for real anons to hang their robes and put books on…

46261e  No.5143046

>>5142779. Every vote that she casts should be overturned since she is in a coma

fbb1d2  No.5143047


That's the Chad way, anon.

Laugh at their labels.

abf344  No.5143048

File: 197b889cced2f77⋯.jpg (213.75 KB, 750x531, 250:177, 1524556048.jpg)

e87357  No.5143049

I heard a rumor that Pelosi and SCHIFF took that cash money from EL CHAPO!!!!!!!!!

262b77  No.5143050

5e56dd  No.5143051


That faggot ass repeater from Amazon seems to have funny firmware too

cb3f31  No.5143052


Should get interesting soon, no?

a9f3ff  No.5143053

File: 12c95cbbec10c1a⋯.png (289.04 KB, 697x444, 697:444, bgjmy.png)

File: f217f72c54bc6c4⋯.png (569.02 KB, 1111x746, 1111:746, our-unity.png)

File: 4714c2d0e71a66f⋯.png (344.83 KB, 599x449, 599:449, boopsie.png)


Why not talk to us FAKE Q, rather than pushing this tedious and pointless shtick? Surely you know it's not working.

Let's figure out if we can make a deal.

Perhaps we can align our interests.

Perhaps humans will accept your vision, if only you will explain it clearly?

Isn't it worth giving it a try?

bb5e31  No.5143054


This fella should subtract all the ego from most of his posts.

94a86c  No.5143055

Shilling intensifies bigly.

Which target are you over, anons?

0c6c95  No.5143056


Given this knowledge… and the fact that less wars are being fought today, with less casualties… that push for late-term abortions is starting to seem more and more fucked up, huh?

8fc8df  No.5143057

Notables so far

Let me know of anything for consideration. TY.

>>5142958 Sen. Cruz's EL CHAPO Act (2017)

>>5142913 HRC tweets re climate change

>>5142908 France: ‘Anti-Semitism spreading like poison’

>>5142757 Soros: EU will dissolve like Soviet Union unless Europeans ‘wake up’

>>5142745 , >>5142846, >>5142839 Memeable quote from RBG

>>5142733 Lavrov: US ‘lost all sense of shame’ in handling Venezuelan crisis

>>5142692 Reports: POTUS calls on rep Omar to resign

>>5142676 Maxine Waters property, 2201 Kirk Street dig cont.

37b124  No.5143058

File: 025f60497c84cc4⋯.png (963.1 KB, 1198x675, 1198:675, Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at ….png)

Life - no parole

decades of drug smuggling

made billions

victory for the mexican people

and for everyone who lost a loved one from drug addiction

tremendous team effort; DOJ and beyond.

cbc58a  No.5143059

File: d17f44d3b91bc29⋯.png (465.81 KB, 1023x549, 341:183, clintonis.png)

7e8a15  No.5143060

File: 9f28639d7b7f033⋯.jpg (50.87 KB, 620x413, 620:413, GettyImages-481614053-484c….jpg)


For $14B, we can beat China for the greatest wall ever built.

cb586f  No.5143061

File: b5972b9f6c7c4f9⋯.png (51.01 KB, 528x739, 528:739, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bce315e38ff42d⋯.png (308.86 KB, 841x857, 841:857, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5294b89d95e5ea⋯.png (46.09 KB, 563x739, 563:739, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67d57a1f28cecc2⋯.png (193.57 KB, 811x807, 811:807, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 170698a151cb4c2⋯.png (70.16 KB, 846x873, 94:97, ClipboardImage.png)

#StandwithIlhan: Social media users defend Ilhan Omar after her forced apology over anti-Semitism

Social media users are flocking to #StandwithIlhan after Rep. Ilhan Omar was pressured to issue an apology for her tweets about the Israel lobby’s influence over US politicians, after she was accused of anti-Semitism.

Omar was seemingly forced to apologize by Democratic leadership after she tweeted about Israeli influence and named the powerful Israel lobbying group AIPAC as having a hold over US politicians.

Although her statements were backed up, Omar faced an onslaught of outrage from a wide range of commenters, from Chelsea Clinton to President Donald Trump, who said she should be “ashamed of herself.” This despite the fact that Trump faced criticism for making anti-Semitic tropes about members of the Republican Jewish Coalition liking money and making deals when he addressed them in 2015.

“I don’t think her apology was adequate,” he unironically said of Omar.



bfb867  No.5143062


Who else do we know whos like a teenage girl

All the people who,follow Q

Muh Q will save us

7ee776  No.5143063

File: be34219c6168d2e⋯.png (53.42 KB, 753x283, 753:283, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 341814afc21d52b⋯.png (23.25 KB, 746x181, 746:181, ClipboardImage.png)

Calling All Anons!

Calling All Anons!

Diggers on Deck!

Maxine Waters 2201 Kirk Street, Houston, TX rabbit hole.

The property next door is a run down hotel/motel owned by Kirk International, Inc. One of the principles of Kirk International, Inc. is Jianli Cai. Chinese but Cai is not a Chinese name. There is however a Jian Li who happens to own a little company by the name of CAI International, Inc.

CAI (NYSE: CAI) is a global transportation company offering intermodal container leasing and sales, rail leasing and operations, and global logistics services. Established in 1989 and headquartered in San Francisco, CAI has grown into a leading expert in intermodal transportation, international shipping, and container sales and leasing. With offices around the world and a broad network of agents, depots, and carriers, CAI serves hundreds of the world's leading shipping lines, shippers, and logistics users.


I'm gonna let you guys put 2 and 2 together here but I'm pretty sure this is a BIg Fucking BOOM! that needs some digging. Right next to a giant railyard full of shipping containers. Run down hotel/motel at the end of a dead end street in the Houston ghetto. Human trafficking rat lines my frenz.

5e56dd  No.5143064


From over here

Blocking the ip from Apple tgat stalks the iPhone 4s makes Jew hams scramble from the hills

8e3819  No.5143065


>brave new world

One of Q's worst posts..ever.

Fucking Brave New World??

Read a fuckin' book Q. Jesus. Psyop comms like the cabal = ?.

1f3f8a  No.5143066

kek. The shills are shooting all their flak duds.

4de420  No.5143067

File: eeaf03b53b504e9⋯.jpg (150.37 KB, 770x513, 770:513, Dr_Who.jpg)


What does one expect?

The parents of these teens are the 80's Latchkey kids that were brainwashed to "snitch" on their parents for not "going green/turning the thermostat down or recycling properly.

754e5f  No.5143068

File: 9069b53140acb9b⋯.pdf (70.78 KB, Print Details(1).PDF)

Legal description and owner of Max's property. You can also get previous owner/year.


e87357  No.5143069

File: 1c372779095a2c8⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1240x1376, 155:172, ericq1.png)

File: f12ad5c5894c231⋯.png (184.12 KB, 1022x1268, 511:634, ericq2.png)

File: 39b8354d6405806⋯.png (185.09 KB, 1232x638, 56:29, ericq3.png)

cb3f31  No.5143070


They don't like the El Chapo > Border Wall Funding idea. They're carpet bombing to keep the normies dumb. See Fake Q - that's clearly for normies to discredit this whole thing. (Lame attempt, but these people are stupid.)

fcfcd9  No.5143071

File: 305355f5b693c13⋯.png (1.07 MB, 989x790, 989:790, ClipboardImage.png)


5c4af5  No.5143072

File: b41f2f72e061722⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 400x225, 16:9, PUINISHER.gif)





091b82  No.5143073

File: d4878973229a856⋯.gif (3.26 MB, 432x252, 12:7, Glow and Mow.gif)

262b77  No.5143074

File: 3f80fae0f02d3ad⋯.jpeg (76.1 KB, 588x542, 294:271, D748C5EF-4AE0-4A67-9823-D….jpeg)


Pic related for posterity

0f6870  No.5143075

awww, Q being so tired they thought they derped was kinda cute

37b124  No.5143076

File: 0835c8551a58398⋯.png (239.54 KB, 593x469, 593:469, Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at ….png)


Noice dig, Anon!

6ae32b  No.5143077


Do you know who @StormIsUponUs is??

STFU and show some respect! Go watch his videos!

bfb867  No.5143078


They made up karma you,jewish nigger

71c640  No.5143079

File: bbb8473f93e1bd4⋯.jpg (202.67 KB, 656x1066, 8:13, bidengrope.jpg)

cbf33a  No.5143080


they're talking about DJTjr anyway

that's cool though

b7da7c  No.5143081



There's also this:

2 12 2019

9 11 22 2

Makes 9/11 '2' (for them)

Makes 11/22 (JFK assass date)

Extra 2 at the end for Jr (#2) [mirror]

Mirrors 9-11 because (they) experience the pain.

Mirrors 11/22 because instead of life → death, death → life?

dc1dd0  No.5143082

File: 66076c2c6d38dc2⋯.png (290.06 KB, 614x678, 307:339, Booker BS 2020.png)

Cory Booker: ‘This Planet Simply Can’t Sustain’ People Eating Meat

These idiots just love to show how fucking dumb they are!

5d05aa  No.5143083

File: 0d2f262a76f8d84⋯.png (313.7 KB, 591x492, 197:164, ClipboardImage.png)


Did you know Jared Kushner payed Bill Clinton $125,000 to give a speech?


Kushner also donated $11,000 to Hillary.

And let's not forget, Kushner is friends with Melvinsky (Chelsea Clinton's Jewish Husband)

Ahh the tangled web we weave.

fbb1d2  No.5143084

File: f4c5a9ff76fefe8⋯.jpg (168.7 KB, 1024x901, 1024:901, Dy2Gz-pX0AIpqXS.jpg)

File: 6a8ffd996e68e5c⋯.jpg (69.49 KB, 788x1024, 197:256, Dy2Gz-pXcAM2alE.jpg)

verified journalist✅

Atlantic senior editor✅

guilt trips whites✅

advocates for mixed race families✅

pushes gay & interracial relationships✅



I can go all day anons.

Here's the thing - I've been searching months for a (((Verified Journalist))) who's actually pro-white,pro-western civ, pro-America but I can't seem to find a single one that isn't completely full of shit. Funny, that.

abf344  No.5143085

File: f1991b484819228⋯.jpg (44.05 KB, 460x594, 230:297, lumet.jpg)

0c6c95  No.5143086


Ewwwww…. Jews.

5e56dd  No.5143087


The whole Adsense experience is like polish ham

dc6776  No.5143088


I will NEVER walk into a crapmart. Solid.

bb1a8e  No.5143089


Went to the link

Nothing about Zublick there

Also nothing about big names and MT

aa421e  No.5143090

The good intention-ed anon asking for a POTUS Q proof really just want POTUS to say hello. Show acknowledgement. Nobody needs any more proof at this point or for a long time. It's nice to see the appreciation from him.

ce9718  No.5143091


Begs the question, who was hitlers handler. And why do faketriots continue to worship adolfo…

Ill just calk then misguided.

e87357  No.5143092

File: 74421cd40cc4eb1⋯.png (48.05 KB, 170x168, 85:84, Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at ….png)

whos this

8a3622  No.5143093


To be fair, that quote is ambiguous as it could just mean her concern was about how Congress saw the issue. Or, by populations meaning single teenage unwed mothers.

37b124  No.5143094

File: 58aff8982c8f06e⋯.png (341.69 KB, 611x401, 611:401, Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at ….png)

This is a day of reckoning, but there are more days of reckoning to come…

4fd03b  No.5143095


Something to keep the caravans out and discourage illegal immigration will help the Country so much.

That's why dems don't want it.

They wanted America to fall and take over the World.

4abc99  No.5143096


Why do you refer to yourself as "we"?

fbb1d2  No.5143097

File: 4918d35402bb0f1⋯.jpg (192.79 KB, 1200x985, 240:197, Dy2BTJFWwAAtORx.jpg)

File: 893e8b027995a55⋯.jpg (100.36 KB, 831x1200, 277:400, Dy2BTJGX0AARG_G.jpg)

verified journalist✅

claims to be white✅

champions diversity✅

despises white men✅

attacks symbols of white identity and history✅

No matter how hard I try, I’ll never be able to collect them all. There aren’t enough hours in the day folks.

a9f3ff  No.5143098

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 5a782499dfb7f4d⋯.png (621.64 KB, 1094x666, 547:333, Black-cats-best-wallpaper.png)

File: 23f60d2e333d22c⋯.png (946.03 KB, 1081x816, 1081:816, The-honorable-gentlemen-of….png)

File: 26b55d641d85f96⋯.png (831.93 KB, 999x666, 3:2, VERYFUNWITHPODESTA.png)



The bot response is good context.

What did Q mean by this? Surely an intriguing implication that was never unraveled.

The basic import of the literary "Brave New World", is, of course, dystopian. Q knows that; this bot knows that… but then what was the implication in the post?

Questions like these should not be set aside and forgotten.

24e21c  No.5143099

File: a02a4d0254a0c5f⋯.jpg (68.75 KB, 576x384, 3:2, DitchFakeNewsMSM_criminal_….JPG)

Q, Q++

National News Media Standards Act. 2020

We have to find a long term solution to monitor and enforce news organizations and reporting standards. We must have non-biased news organizations and reporters who report accurately the facts. If they must offer non-confirmed information, they must so state it at the time of reporting.

Any new organization or reporter who fails to truthfully report, must be sanctioned for each violation of the NNMSAct. If they continue to report incorrectly, the fines increase exponentially.

The accuracy of reporting by new organizations and their individual reports must be tracked and reported monthly to the public. Long term tracking statistics must be shown for reporting accuracy to help the public understand which news organizations and individual reporters are the most accurate new reporting sources.

Violations may vary from individual fines of news organizations, or reporters, to suspension of FCC licenses.

The monitoring agency created by this Act must be non-political such as the Office of Inspector General.

Over time, this Act would recenter current News reporting outlets to reporting truthful news events to the public.

Monitoring and reporting of News organizations and reporters would force standards of performance that might save journalism in the future.

What do you think Anons?

44cdcc  No.5143100

File: 0d4507753249090⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1200x660, 20:11, ClipboardImage.png)

a58069  No.5143101


Yep, karma is the ultimate form of usury created by them, and is also one of the greatest secrets used to keep us enslaved here

bfb867  No.5143102


I dont have an agenda fuckwad im just some Guy who followed q for a few months and realized it was bullshit

Im gonna laugh at you people for being stupid

Btw youre all on a list for targeted harassment now

If they ever get done with me theyll move on to you

71c640  No.5143103


Hitler was scapegoated

8fc8df  No.5143104


>>5117650 rt >>5117543, >>5117590 -——— You attack those you fear the most.

>>5117410 rt >>5117187 ————————— Why does the FAKE NEWS media continue to attack a so-called 'conspiracy'?

>>5114108 ————————————–——– The focus is on the organization itself.

>>5113023 ————————————–——– Reagan Quotes: As Government Expands, Liberty Contracts

>>5110730 ————————————–——– Anons knew?

>>5110466 ————————————–——– Would you know if not posted by individuals on social media? ( Twitter Cap: >>5110493 )

>>5109544 ————————————–——– Prosecution and Transparency is the only way to save our way of life. ( Cap: >>5110360 )

a7e423  No.5143105

U.S. Attorney just said that El Chapo was only able to operate as he did because of endemic corruption. I hope he is aware that U.S. officials were involved, and plans to act on that fact.

e14333  No.5143106

File: 31285d165a71996⋯.jpg (31 KB, 860x320, 43:16, image-999559-breitwandaufm….jpg)

File: 9f0f86779949f04⋯.jpg (29.65 KB, 440x266, 220:133, steinmeier_trump-440x266.jpg)

Former German Foreign Minister

Steinmeier calls Donald Trump "hate preacher"

Article from August 04. 2016

Is Steinmeier a case for Gitmo Mr. President?

The Germans think so


fbb1d2  No.5143107

File: d6925401446058c⋯.jpg (44.97 KB, 500x545, 100:109, Dy1aN-vWoAA5p9a.jpg)

File: 61d6cbf3f6c2ac3⋯.jpg (51.28 KB, 500x527, 500:527, Dy1aOXdXcAIyQ2J.jpg)

e87357  No.5143108


cerno - press pass - mercedes porn star - boyfriend - 33 degree - gavin - HR2161

160M to media assets

seeee yaaaaaa

f71c5a  No.5143109


>>brave new world

>One of Q's worst posts..ever.

>Fucking Brave New World??

>Read a fuckin' book Q. Jesus. Psyop comms like the cabal = ?.

I gotta agree, that was a dumb post.

Like 'Hey y'all it's gonna be like 1984, can't wait'.

5d05aa  No.5143110

File: 020409279556090⋯.png (59.12 KB, 577x333, 577:333, ClipboardImage.png)


Trump apparently does

5c4af5  No.5143111

File: 71718a56108d0c1⋯.png (353.43 KB, 1076x868, 269:217, _MY_FELLOW_AMERICANS_.png)



8cfacc  No.5143112


oy vey standing up for your people is racist, inbred and shilling. accept your demographic destruction for the good of the country!

5e56dd  No.5143113



Google dns supports white supremacy antisemites subliminally from financing

abf344  No.5143114

File: 897c8b29891cc62⋯.jpg (41.02 KB, 607x607, 1:1, 29404194_232051400686677_6….jpg)

fa96aa  No.5143115

File: 8cdf763a11c9813⋯.jpeg (271.06 KB, 1500x1036, 375:259, 1CC969EB-7514-4F32-9524-F….jpeg)

Nice little graphic I just came across

bd34a4  No.5143116


any property derived? i'm hoping this includes some of nancy and adam's…

2206ed  No.5143117


>brave new world

>One of Q's worst posts..ever.

>Fucking Brave New World??

>Read a fuckin' book Q. Jesus. Psyop comms like the cabal = ?.

there have been a few of these red flags

for this anon also

15d34a  No.5143118


I really like Eric a LOT. I think we'd get along great. When we talk about people who might be involved, I've always assumed that at least a few of the Trumps are in on it, if not several. Why not?? Clearly they are ALL bosses. Apples don't fall far from trees and all that.

Either way, no matter what else, DJT raised some AMAZING children under impossible circumstances. Amazing.

7a4c0e  No.5143119


Thats crazy, it actually does totally look like trump.

bfb867  No.5143120


Christians pray to jfk and call themselves wizards and warlocks like satanists


Q totally isnt the freemasons guys

bb5e31  No.5143121

File: f454347c51d839c⋯.png (390.46 KB, 512x394, 256:197, hotdogbarry.png)


Eat a fucking dick. I don't give a flying shit.

7ee776  No.5143122

File: 960e7a92e23921d⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1397x698, 1397:698, ClipboardImage.png)


notice the Englewood Intermodal Facility

>CAI has grown into a leading expert in intermodal transportation

56faaf  No.5143123


Is the cabal and Hillary holding a group of girls as hostage as a threat to Trump?

What the heck is this message about and who is it to?

c580fb  No.5143124



8fc8df  No.5143125


I'll remove it for now. Thx

4abc99  No.5143126

File: 23df930942113e5⋯.jpg (139.12 KB, 810x1024, 405:512, WhyDemsOpposeWall.jpg)

File: 3974058408b2cbf⋯.jpg (233.57 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WhoOpposesTheWallDrugSmugg….jpg)

File: 9d12c0c195dc93c⋯.jpg (263.11 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, WhoDoesn'tWantAWallDrugCar….jpg)

File: 8dbd26c008e30fa⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 3200x1680, 40:21, WhoDoesn'tWantAWallDrugCar….jpg)

File: 380da37c20eb22a⋯.jpg (131.58 KB, 696x632, 87:79, WhoDoesn'tWantAWallDrugCar….jpg)

cb586f  No.5143127

File: 4fd09d80d2d4d48⋯.png (1.03 MB, 728x928, 91:116, ClipboardImage.png)

Zionist take over & Election interference

Bannon and The Movement

Trump has self described himself as a Nationalist. Bannon is involved and leading a Nationalist movement in many countries around the world. We see it with Brexit which is already hurting trade. Trump is following the outline by breaking with our Europeon allies and aligning with authoriraian regimes.

LONDON – The former chief strategist for U.S. President Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, is setting up a foundation in Europe to support nationalist movements on the continent, according to reports. The group, called The Movement, will be a "clearing house for the populist, nationalist movement in Europe," Kassam Raheem, the former editor-in-chief of Breitbart London who is working with Bannon, told the Reuters news agency.

"We're focusing attention on assisting individuals or groups concerned with the matters of sovereignty, border control, jobs, amongst other things," Raheem said.

The group will be headquartered in Brussels, "because it is the heart of the European Union," Raheem continued, calling the bloc, "the most pernicious force against nation state democracy in the West today."

Nationalist, populist, and far-right movements have been gaining strength in Europe; Italy, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Hungary have all recently elected right-wing leaders.

Bannon sees an opportunity to support domestic nationalist parties in countries across Europe with a centralized operation that shares their larger priorities, the Daily Beast reported. He was surprised to learn that no such operation already existed, the Daily Beast said.

According to Bannon, grassroots nationalist movements in countries throughout Europe are ripe for mobilization.

"It will be instantaneous," he told the Daily Beast, "as soon as we flip the switch."

Bannon said that he hopes The Movement will rival George Soros' Open Society Foundations, which have, since 1984, given 32 billion dollars to fund mainly liberal causes across Europe.

"I want to win and then I want to effectuate change," Bannon told the Daily Beast.



fbb1d2  No.5143128

File: b86c4cb3464e034⋯.jpg (93.26 KB, 1200x794, 600:397, Dy1irNDWkAEVR4E.jpg)

File: 14a26310a6ca700⋯.jpg (101.72 KB, 881x1199, 881:1199, Dy1irNCWkAoKnCV.jpg)

File: d09a3ed121f3dd4⋯.jpg (81.27 KB, 795x1200, 53:80, Dy1irNDWkAAftyr.jpg)

File: 659a64db0a69004⋯.jpg (107.65 KB, 804x1200, 67:100, Dy1irNEXgAA5U_N.jpg)

"Wreak havoc on white America by flooding it with life-destroying opiates…


89aec6  No.5143129

File: 3fb965346026ff3⋯.png (71.49 KB, 755x523, 755:523, 1549988933.png)


Don't know if that's the same person anon.

Cai & Li are two different last names like Jones & Smith.

521355  No.5143130

Watch the water = Maxine ???

a9f3ff  No.5143131

File: 50282ccd9eed0d6⋯.png (205.75 KB, 490x475, 98:95, fffq.png)

bd34a4  No.5143132


they all don't know they've lost yet.

b3bbb3  No.5143133

Woke up at 4:32am (love me some synchronicity) .. aus here .. and great to see Q has been very busy.

Hows everyone feeling ? Enthused and energised I hope.

5d05aa  No.5143134

File: 230adb9b8e3403a⋯.jpg (430.45 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, RabbiSchmuley.jpg)

File: 924710ddcc17c64⋯.jpg (32.67 KB, 600x434, 300:217, RabbiSchmuleyBannonII.jpg)

File: da25727da008d47⋯.jpg (7.52 KB, 317x159, 317:159, RabbiSchmuleyBooker.jpg)

File: 6fbaa5f251b1279⋯.jpg (33.43 KB, 462x355, 462:355, RabbiSchmuleyChabad.jpg)

File: bd9d61fe6a186cd⋯.jpg (80.58 KB, 1024x770, 512:385, RabbiSchmuleyKushner - Cop….jpg)

5e56dd  No.5143135


TIL : captcha is a way to teach metatron to read handwriting

d45c09  No.5143136

File: c1eb3716c0719e7⋯.jpg (156.07 KB, 800x644, 200:161, corona.jpg)

0c6c95  No.5143137


Go cry to Saturn, pedo-jew.

15d34a  No.5143138


It's Trump and Ye. I want it to be PAC, but unless they screwed up the facial hair, PAC didn't have that think of facial hair.


4fd03b  No.5143139


He said something nice, doesn't look like trust.

6ee8f8  No.5143140

File: 195fabc10882229⋯.png (527.52 KB, 832x430, 416:215, AQ12.PNG)


RBG Meme batter.

6fde67  No.5143141


Nope. Just another attempt to let government decide what we get to hear.

You are one of (((them))).


68d8fe  No.5143142


Teen girls stopping a threat that doesn't exist like a tranny kicking a gamestop display box. Even matches.

f759d0  No.5143143


Doing well here, anon!

28ed3b  No.5143144

File: 6a8bca203b6d5de⋯.png (421.69 KB, 817x700, 817:700, E3B2FCF2-FFDA-48D2-9B6A-09….png)

File: 6c28c8bedab0f7b⋯.jpeg (281.21 KB, 1125x1518, 375:506, 1F0FF1D7-0997-4E9A-8C6C-1….jpeg)


bfb867  No.5143145


Thats cute that you guys think me being bored on my lunch break is over the target shilling because you brave investigators who totally arnt useless internet losers who want to feel special found something that the illuminati left in the open that will have 0 consequence in the real world

262b77  No.5143147

File: d0b6484123e36a9⋯.jpeg (100.21 KB, 749x488, 749:488, 91C2DD48-E44E-4FFB-B5E8-5….jpeg)


It’s very low energy when they can’t even bother to copypasta the tripcode kek, glad I took a half day from workfagging

a9f3ff  No.5143148


If the narrative you are pushing directly contradicts Q's, why are you here?

You have to seek out this board– it is a special purpose board, not a space for general discussion– so what possible reason would you (and hundreds of similar "anons"!) have for being here trying to FORCE a set of beliefs onto Q?

a1eb08  No.5143149

File: 58e89e2513a2081⋯.png (1.68 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

739395  No.5143150

File: 67e878e73fee5cd⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 2384x2188, 596:547, 67e878e73fee5cd47834e89867….jpg)


Then the Sheep will have to LISTEN…

(((While some want to quietly remove those responsible and go about our business (save face on the World Stage), those in control, understand, this band-aid will simply not work.)))

Nobody should be above the law (no matter how massive the spider-web is (entangled)).

This will never happen again.




4fd03b  No.5143151

roger stone, corsi, alex jones, infowars.

82051b  No.5143152


Where in the fuck is Florala ???

c6d856  No.5143153

File: d9393b2299e2b03⋯.jpg (43.41 KB, 400x262, 200:131, 2thyyf.jpg)


Mexicans get away with a lot of stuff on the local level too.

fbb1d2  No.5143154

File: 65f4ef6e487f97c⋯.jpg (114.63 KB, 754x1024, 377:512, DyzuAjtXgAEhvsP.jpg)

File: a1747a492e35833⋯.jpg (72.1 KB, 722x1024, 361:512, DyzuAjwWwAAaHeN.jpg)

Wha!?!? Another verified journalist who claims to be white, while also claiming that ‘the human race is better off without white people’?

Once you start noticing, it becomes a survival mechanism folks. You cannot go back. Their hatred for us is never ending.

That's why the board is full of shills trying to prevent you from noticing, but their tactics don't work anymore, and they are in a panic.

cb3f31  No.5143155


your time will come. tick tock

f71c5a  No.5143156


Hey Ausbro, I was awake for it all.

Today will be a struggle but it was worth it.


bfb867  No.5143157


Nothing about Qs bitch nigger ass is cute anon

I know Cute

Q is not cute

cb97f5  No.5143158

File: 824cf14e0d0c316⋯.jpg (49.66 KB, 242x520, 121:260, 824cf14e0d0c316ab288021c39….jpg)


I'm confused.

Did you want to eat me or fuck me?

37b124  No.5143159

File: 0cf47100eb9f928⋯.png (509.68 KB, 784x1069, 784:1069, Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at ….png)


Newsom, Pelosi, water tax too…

2165b1  No.5143160

File: f0d47fbbb7e063d⋯.png (471.65 KB, 724x707, 724:707, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5142733 #Venezuela's Juan #Guaido says he is working to restore ties with #Israel

e87357  No.5143161



5d05aa  No.5143162

File: c5c52328a59f459⋯.jpg (27.39 KB, 454x308, 227:154, SpongeBob.JPG)

abf344  No.5143163

File: ffbcff9cf3bb192⋯.jpg (8.5 KB, 150x150, 1:1, 28152981_1996472657231164_….jpg)

5c4af5  No.5143164

File: fcdaa9cf0f7fec2⋯.jpg (101.15 KB, 547x550, 547:550, BREXIT.jpg)

File: 3cc0101e6ca14b4⋯.jpeg (236.83 KB, 1350x1800, 3:4, PEPE_LEGALIZE_CANNABIS.jpeg)






dc6776  No.5143165





7e8a15  No.5143166

Many years ago when Glenn Beck was on FOX, he would say walls aren't meant to keep people out, they're meant to keep people in.

How long until the D's start using Glenn Beck's talking points?

1aca7e  No.5143167

File: bf1ca52fa5f490e⋯.png (392.14 KB, 590x610, 59:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec4dec0390f8e05⋯.png (713.66 KB, 1249x961, 1249:961, MaxineCokeLinkDig.png)


bbf0e0  No.5143168


No it's just anyone of any value has already filtered your moronic ass. Just like i'm about to do.

3c909f  No.5143169

File: 2a21b4c4316024c⋯.jpg (437.76 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, JFKh.jpg)

File: eb2924a7815c969⋯.jpg (29.79 KB, 557x209, 557:209, elChapo.jpg)

File: 1ef6106820ef951⋯.jpg (815.03 KB, 1629x1661, 1629:1661, treason.jpg)


05ab59  No.5143170

Look at all the shills, look at the hundreds of shills in the media, that shit takes money, big money.

Shut of the money and have these mother fuckers looking for real jobs. "Sir, would you like fries with that?"

011449  No.5143171

File: 728ee212384fcf5⋯.jpeg (8.93 KB, 236x132, 59:33, cheers.jpeg)

bb5e31  No.5143172

File: 12acc26aaf04e8e⋯.jpg (215.67 KB, 900x900, 1:1, sayanimstone.jpg)

File: b06a9b0dcb66295⋯.jpg (87.18 KB, 640x960, 2:3, corsibook.jpg)

File: af84c698a043769⋯.png (322.8 KB, 960x960, 1:1, yaboialex.png)

0c179c  No.5143173

File: 0c574b84b39dc52⋯.png (508.31 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, SW_Pepe_BuildIt.png)


All yours.


Ah, well at least 1 of the 3 civs.

Avenatti..good times.

Major battle on public platform with that one.

Remember June 10.


Nope. You missed the memo and therefore must go back. Goy is woke.

4a1555  No.5143174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

History of ALL Satanic Founders in 20 Minutes! - Dr. Gene Kim

On the origin and formation of the Jesuit order…

Ties to the Masonic order and the Rothchilds….

The illuminati formation…..

Anons need to know…..

0f6870  No.5143175


-head pat-

keep trying

6094ce  No.5143176


#metoo defense

I never knew that about Joe, never saw any pics, and i have not seen or heard, or been able to read any of the new charges brought up against Joe…, but I do Stand with this young lady, but it is so obvious she is consexsually leading good ole Rabbi Joe –ON, and probably backing up to his boner. Look at her smile - she's loving it!

68d8fe  No.5143177


So is Netanyahu.

fbb1d2  No.5143178

File: 9b482f863c659e1⋯.jpg (207.76 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, DyzVIk8X0AAPwqE.jpg)

File: 808a265144664b3⋯.jpg (85.32 KB, 669x1024, 669:1024, DyzVIk9W0AEdhoH.jpg)


-Marxist atheist✅

-advocates for gun control✅

-looks down on white men✅

-advocates for immigration✅

-claims Trump ‘deliberately energized a white supremacist movement’✅


bfb867  No.5143179


What im gonna go to jail for posting on a internet forum about how i think a anonymous poster from the cia larping as the jewotus is a scam ?

What crime did i commit anon thoughtcrime?

Q totally isnt a cult tho guys

bb5e31  No.5143180

File: 10e89cc9b72f1a2⋯.jpeg (12.68 KB, 244x255, 244:255, goodjobdipshit.jpeg)

cbf33a  No.5143181


>Avenatti..good times.

>Major battle on public platform with that one.

>Remember June 10.

that one still impresses me

4fd03b  No.5143182


I wouldn't trust any of them with 5 words.

1f3f8a  No.5143183


You just called yourself out. Maybe you are right; you can't blame retarded people for being retarded.

37bc0f  No.5143184


On the AL/Fl state line

e9f58d  No.5143185

File: ec233b06c0a7a1a⋯.png (843 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2019-02-12-11-2….png)

content:// media/external/file/55826

Heads up if not already mentioned. A&E is putting out a three part documentary on the Trump fam, and they're heavily pushing previously unheard audio recordings.

5c4af5  No.5143186

File: 8936d644980bb09⋯.png (1.18 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, GOD_WINS.png)



701c92  No.5143187


Are you still here?

Thought you would have paused for some possum and greens by now.

68d8fe  No.5143188

File: 5ae08f5a9bd1f75⋯.jpg (239.35 KB, 765x1024, 765:1024, RARAP1J copy.jpg)

a9f3ff  No.5143189

94a86c  No.5143190


ha, like your style anon.

Funny that El Chapo and Border Wall Funding could be their trigger… the Wall was

already budgeted for, regardless of the circumstances that lead up to its construction.

They can't stop what's coming: per-ordained; militarily planning at its finest. Not a matter of if, just a matter of when.

> See Fake Q - that's clearly for normies to discredit this whole thing. (Lame attempt, but these people are stupid.)

Agreed, well said.

cb586f  No.5143191

Trump calls Omar’s apology for Israel tweets ‘lame,’ says she should resign

After Ilhan Omar sparks backlash for suggesting AIPAC buying US support for Israel, president says ‘anti-Semitism has no place in Congress’


a9f3ff  No.5143192

File: 1b865709caa5db4⋯.png (213.33 KB, 490x475, 98:95, methyl.png)

396d8a  No.5143193

File: d44269f3979c4bd⋯.png (170.94 KB, 606x746, 303:373, EthicsCommitteeMW2012.png)

The Maxine Waters 2012 investigation is a classic case of bureaucracy failing

• In July 2009, the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) forwarded to the Committee on Ethics (Committee) a Report and Findings, concluding that Representative Waters may have violated House conflict-of-interest rules

• She was investigated for potentially violating House conflict of interest rules by helping OneUnited Bank secure financial assistance from the Treasury Department

• We say from Q's post today (2/12/2019) that she still had holdings in OneUnited as of a 2016 disclosure

• The committee ultimately concluded there wasn't sufficient evidence of negligence

• They did conclude there was sufficient evidence her Chief of Staff was aware of conflict of interest. He got a slap on the wrist.

• In the past, the Committee held Members responsible for the actions of their subordinates, but in this case, they did not

• Waters' Chief of Staff was her grandson

• Waters' husband was a former member of the Board of Directors of OneUnited and a stockholder

• The entire investigation was full of bureaucratic drama; stalling between Congresses; recusal of actual Committee members and reformation of a temp committee; accusations of mishandling, etc. See references below.

One of today's Q posts outlines the solution (post #2700)

• Prosecuting those responsible to the fullest extent of the law?

• Setting up new checks & balances and oversight designed to increase transparency?

• Provide OIG office(s) w/ funding inc (size) ++ authority?

• Provide select committees w/ access and in-house viewing of non NAT SEC CLAS material?

• Provide a check on Directors/Dep Directors/Asst Directors of all such ABC agencies?

• Establish 'financial checks/reviews' of those in senior (critical) positions (audits) + direct family (close proximity)?


• Ethics Committee 2012 Report: https://ethics.house.gov/sites/ethics.house.gov/files/20120925%20Committee%20Report%20Scan.pdf

• Same report with notable highlights in yellow: https://www.scribd.com/document/399488442/20120925-Committee-Report-Scan-Highlights-pdf

• Maxine's Hubby: https://www.politico.com/story/2015/02/sidney-williams-maxine-waters-house-114876

• Q's link to Maxine's 2016 financial disclosure: http://clerk.house.gov/public_disc/financial-pdfs/2016/10016846.pdf

• Q's post on the solution https://qanon.pub/#2700 https://qmap.pub/read/2700

b6d767  No.5143194


you could/should have that info in a single graphic for each

then trade/collect like magic cards

8d6b49  No.5143195


And obviously end dual citizenship of any kind

bfb867  No.5143196


Niggeranon not a single person on this board has any value because outside of me most of you are bots or useful idiots

Anyone smart left here a long,time,ago

29e339  No.5143197

File: 8e5f7cb11dd646f⋯.gif (2.59 MB, 341x376, 341:376, AD1C0E42-40D4-480F-9ACA-E1….gif)


of course he is, and Qew, no doubt, approves..

every. fucking. time.

76952a  No.5143198


Witnesses were naming names. Hopefully they were telling the truth. Now the politicians who are/were on the take will be exposed… and possibly brought to justice if they live long enough to tell.

cb97f5  No.5143199

File: 9821a6c34fbb8b5⋯.png (121.26 KB, 597x235, 597:235, Screen Shot 2019-02-04 at ….png)

Do it for POTUS

8cfacc  No.5143200

File: 7de3f79b4705469⋯.gif (423.06 KB, 512x807, 512:807, thinking4.gif)


Really makes me think.

739395  No.5143202

File: 37fbea1d3f5d2a4⋯.jpg (96.05 KB, 1124x1219, 1124:1219, 51366354_1800610423377537_….jpg)

bd34a4  No.5143203


Detroit is right on the Canadian border anons…. of course they would be forced to turn around.

89aec6  No.5143204

4f980a  No.5143205

File: fd8aebadccfa4a9⋯.png (237.83 KB, 466x453, 466:453, 2019-02-12_13-25-46.png)


A muzzie rapefest plan or…

A plan to separate girls from their families to garner the elites some much-needed melanin and adrenochrome?

A muzzie rape fest

7659b1  No.5143206


Along with a 00:00:XX Delta, will an exact phrase proof maybe be used to prompt "The Question?"

ce544f  No.5143207

Q, when will this be fixed?

How many more have to die?


b21b51  No.5143208


Kamala Harris must have been smoking pot while working for the people.

46261e  No.5143209

>>5143115. Nice, and he was caught talking about it. Priceless

4fd03b  No.5143210

Obvious shills prove Q.

Fake news proves Q.

5e56dd  No.5143211

File: 7b81e1cc405f794⋯.jpg (725.55 KB, 1818x4096, 909:2048, IMG_6044.JPG)

Taste the Jew ham that's over the rainbow 🌈

5d05aa  No.5143212

File: fb21842c74e231a⋯.jpg (42.41 KB, 600x800, 3:4, RabbiSchmuleyPenn.jpg)

File: 450805d992ea4db⋯.png (168.64 KB, 214x347, 214:347, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf0d365a2a29c30⋯.png (47.08 KB, 219x301, 219:301, ClipboardImage.png)

0c179c  No.5143213


That was when shit was guuud.

Kinda feels like that pace is coming again.


That launch was probably one of the biggest proofs there was.

918816  No.5143214

File: 462a6fed88fcc69⋯.jpg (78.3 KB, 678x500, 339:250, 2ti0aq.jpg)

68d8fe  No.5143215


Between music lessons, school, and phones, what else are they going to do?

ba0866  No.5143216


stage 3 baby! we comfy!

fbb1d2  No.5143218

File: 01ab9722852c21d⋯.jpg (167 KB, 799x1199, 799:1199, DyxTn3FVsAANsY3.jpg)

File: a9b0fb85d632c2e⋯.jpg (115.64 KB, 837x1200, 279:400, DyxTn3HUUAAmUN1.jpg)

Oh boy, another cosmopolitan journalist droning on about ‘racism’ and claiming that being against open borders is ‘racist’? You don’t see that literally hundreds of times a day.


It's never ending though, you'd end up with 6,000,000+ magic cards. ain't got time for that but please feel free to steal and repost everywhere you can.

1f3f8a  No.5143219


kek That looks like a huge compliment. TY

e10144  No.5143220

>>5141852 Governor Blackface Northam restores voting rights for over 10,000 felons (lb)

Haha I love how the RACIST left see's this as a "sorry action" by Gov Blackface, as if felons=Black

bfb867  No.5143221

Man i must be over the target

Obvious shills stumping for Q

Prove that Q is a mossad psyop

The biggest shills on here are pro Q

Huh i wonder why ebot never says anything about Q

011449  No.5143222

File: c841c65f626db94⋯.gif (633.58 KB, 500x460, 25:23, well doe.gif)

4744ea  No.5143223


>whos this

Richard Donaghue, US Attorney for the Eastern District of New York

3c909f  No.5143224

File: 7dcb20fac98eba4⋯.jpg (57.17 KB, 515x675, 103:135, EHwantd.jpg)

90f84b  No.5143225



Houston anon..can confirm complete shithole neighborhood.

Agreed worth a dig.

ac0e3c  No.5143227

File: 4b910fa2ee27224⋯.png (149.03 KB, 1903x910, 1903:910, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5142631 CAI is in the USAspending.gov database.


1fbd45  No.5143228

File: 44833096db7f02a⋯.png (142.99 KB, 555x663, 185:221, Q - Zero Delta.png)

File: 2cc90ca69ba7d1d⋯.png (376.88 KB, 1784x546, 892:273, Q - Perfect timing.png)

File: 4c1233e10219699⋯.png (397.33 KB, 750x400, 15:8, DP - Wave.png)

>Maybe one day we'll hit 0:00.00.

>Many 0:00.xx's but that doesn't cut it for Anon's.


<R they serious?

Some things have already been perfectly timed.

With love comes trust.

Eye have seen enough to believe.

Direct confirmations indeed.


(Always watching and all).

a9f3ff  No.5143229

File: ade966a3526dbb9⋯.png (237.09 KB, 490x475, 98:95, mmmbb.png)

71c640  No.5143231

cbf33a  No.5143232


>Along with a 00:00:XX Delta

there have been 15

just no 00:00:00

fbb1d2  No.5143233

File: 6e72deb06029685⋯.jpg (216.19 KB, 1200x918, 200:153, Dywsq12X0AUsE97.jpg)

File: 694135bec210e07⋯.jpg (118.57 KB, 920x1200, 23:30, Dywsq17XQAE52hy.jpg)


-obsessed with dispossessing whites, especially white men✅

-demonizes whites as racists, especially southerners✅

-doesn’t care about whites being murdered✅

-thinks defending US border is bad✅

The examples are as endless as their hatred for us

5d05aa  No.5143234

File: 270764f8ffb46ce⋯.jpg (59.31 KB, 461x438, 461:438, DonoghuePain.JPG)

71c640  No.5143235

File: 1a9f29e37a7c47b⋯.jpg (237.43 KB, 1198x667, 1198:667, kamalathisway.jpg)

a58069  No.5143236


TY for compiling all of these, anon. It definitely shuts up the JIDF shills always trying to deflect

bfb867  No.5143237


Millions more anon

How much suffering will placate the jews behind Q

The answer is its never enough

I hope you all enjoy when they convert your sons to trannies who enjoy sucking dick

bd34a4  No.5143238


good remix.

1aca7e  No.5143239


when do birds sing???

e87357  No.5143240



You said it better than I!!!!!!

0f6870  No.5143241


Li as in the Crime Family?

Rolls with Xi?

8fc8df  No.5143242


>>5143193 Maxine Waters 2012 investigation is a classic case of bureaucracy failing

>>5143061 SM users defend Omar after her forced apology over anti-semitism

>>5142958 Sen. Cruz's El Chapo Act (2017)

>>5142913 HRC tweets re climate change

>>5142908 France: ‘anti-Semitism spreading like poison’

>>5142757 Soros: EU will dissolve like Soviet Union unless Europeans ‘wake up’

>>5142736 , >>5142802 Jussie Smollet update

>>5142733 Lavrov: US ‘lost all sense of shame’ in handling Venezuelan crisis

>>5142692 , >>5143191 Reports: POTUS calls on rep Omar to resign

>>5142676 , >>5143063, >>5143122 Maxine's 2201 Kirk Street continued & Dig Call

13b1b8  No.5143243


your q is faggot and your nothing but a bread consuming freddy faggot wanna be

cb3f31  No.5143244


>What crime did i commit anon thoughtcrime?

If you're being paid or doing it as a defense against crimes, then look into RICO. My guess is (if you can get your head around it), you'll stop.

2165b1  No.5143245

File: d29bfc8ef0dbf9c⋯.png (1.13 MB, 768x926, 384:463, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32765f330582a0e⋯.png (918.78 KB, 768x1085, 768:1085, ClipboardImage.png)

5e56dd  No.5143246

Osi 8 layer Jew ham and velvetta burritos 🌯

3a4890  No.5143249

File: f76034ca74c7967⋯.jpeg (889.09 KB, 637x1501, 637:1501, D13F3F26-22FA-4D8E-ABF3-E….jpeg)

File: c54c84c6bfca2c2⋯.jpeg (780.31 KB, 637x1346, 637:1346, 9892554D-C160-4BF2-92EC-6….jpeg)

File: f8b1671f883c8de⋯.jpeg (346.19 KB, 639x567, 71:63, 3A24C7EF-A706-47DA-B30F-9….jpeg)

File: a73063506900a1a⋯.jpeg (471.31 KB, 1125x1124, 1125:1124, 88ACC8ED-E89F-49FE-A2FD-E….jpeg)

Justice department breakdown of the El Chapo conviction. Left off the money laundering portion…it may need some looking into?

Joaquin "El Chapo' Guzman, Sinaloa Cartel Leader, Convicted of Running a Continuing Criminal Enterprise and Other Drug-Related Charges


abf344  No.5143250

File: d8b0cc8441c4dd4⋯.jpg (107.7 KB, 700x520, 35:26, 1524698123.jpg)

6b2327  No.5143251

File: 1a7bd1e7e0bab20⋯.jpg (154.28 KB, 536x925, 536:925, 1221396518.jpg)


1 Corinthians 13:2-7

If I have the giFt of prophecy and can Fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a Faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

2 Corinthians 6:6-10

Signs seen- in purity, unders+anding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; in truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left; through glory and dishonor, bad report and good report; genwInE, yet regarded as impostors; known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.

Proverbs 11:11

Through the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is destroyed.

Proverbs 4:18

The path of the righteous is like the Morning Sun, shining ever brighter till the (full light of day)


bfb867  No.5143252


I do this for free faggot

I hate false hope and jew propganda like Q

4708eb  No.5143253


Just kidding. Reminiscing from 6 months ago.


e14b3e  No.5143254



Anons are comfy and happy and looking forward to phase 3….

SHILLS have taken on extra shifts to shill some moar, so that means we're winning bigly….

Great day so far!

fbb1d2  No.5143256

File: 74e9a8beecd5dff⋯.jpg (192.73 KB, 1200x913, 1200:913, DywQ6G6XgAkvYoA.jpg)

File: 07ac4d2b414f7c1⋯.jpg (104.39 KB, 1200x944, 75:59, DywQ6HBX4AEcOpX.jpg)



My pleasure, anon.

e87357  No.5143258


well this meme should be notable to anyone who listened to his speech this morning

"first of many to come"

0f6870  No.5143259

File: d91e26260927766⋯.jpeg (334.82 KB, 1125x1522, 1125:1522, d91e26260927766257462221b….jpeg)


Same account that shared that Southern Rap MAGA video…

bfb867  No.5143260


Yet i wasted 3x more bread than freddy did without trying

13046e  No.5143261


Some of those guys have guts on them, they don't look in shape to even try out for BUDS. FAKE !!!

b599c5  No.5143262

File: 3df174bb34d7147⋯.jpg (197.11 KB, 741x491, 741:491, WeAreAnons.jpg)

No stone will be left unturned.

Scurry all you want.

We will find you and expose you.

f71c5a  No.5143263


I've heard them say that kinda shit already fren

68d8fe  No.5143265



5266b1  No.5143266

File: de4d9607f13cbe2⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1982x1846, 991:923, msm1.png)

File: b85e66ba5d6f1b0⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1934x1474, 967:737, msm2.png)

>>5110466 (pq)

>Controlled media > prevent mass awareness

hit the [controllers] mebbe?

cb3f31  No.5143267


>the Wall was

>already budgeted for, regardless of the circumstances that lead up to its construction.

Agree completely.

But to add: These people are stupid. They contract out their strategy to think tanks and the think tanks themselves have become so corrupted that they're just information mills where those making the predictions don't really care how accurate they are. Serious strategic error.

37b124  No.5143268

File: bf034e02a76a0ce⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1384x1030, 692:515, Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at ….png)

File: 17e9e1a4b93a465⋯.png (578.56 KB, 878x702, 439:351, Screen Shot 2018-09-10 at ….png)


We, the People, are so connected now ('cept normanswampreeeees), and they realize that we ARE connected & HUGE, the panic is reaching a fever pitch.

Don't know about you Anons,

But I am enjoying the fuck out of this show!

cb586f  No.5143269

File: eea6e1af970e640⋯.png (674.25 KB, 928x532, 232:133, ClipboardImage.png)

The Marxist (Left) V Zionist (Right) Deception

Puppet masters

/ \

/ \

Soros (MB) v Netanyahu (Adelson) separate arms of the same beast and it's control system.

Same goals:

Control the world.

Elevate one class over another. Serfs/Elite. Jews/Goyim

Create a new world order.

Rule with an iron fist.

Control resources.

Eliminate competitors aka white people, black people, arab's, asians.

Greater Israel project.

Build third temple.

Bring forth the anti-christ.

Satanic rule.

Trick Christian's into believing the above must happen for the return of Jesus.

Control both sides of all arguments.

Endless death and suffering on competitors.

Traits of each:





Know thy enemy

83b35a  No.5143271


Anybody ever heard of wild lettuce (pain relief)?

fbb1d2  No.5143272

File: d6e26da50e92729⋯.jpg (179.05 KB, 1200x1013, 1200:1013, DysW7bpXQAEv7NM.jpg)

File: 5a2920151bf221a⋯.jpg (147.35 KB, 1155x1200, 77:80, DysW7bmX0AA2dzf.jpg)

>finds protecting white Americans from being replaced by non-whites ‘disturbing’

>claims ‘patriarchy is the norm; rape culture is the norm…’

>despises white Christian men

>hates Russia bc it’s white & Christian

It’s all so tiresome.

b3bbb3  No.5143273




I am Q .. listen to me kvetch.

I would normally just ignore this .. or just give you a simple Fuck Off.

But seeing as you admitted you on your lunch break u great fake name fag, how did u find the time to type all this tripe when u should be getting your lunchtime protein by sucking the cum out of faggots R-soles.

0f6870  No.5143274

File: 4b2d11e51a63263⋯.jpg (61.36 KB, 720x900, 4:5, 51489517_10156612250711348….jpg)





Same account that shared that Southern Rap MAGA video…

830629  No.5143275

File: 44d5cd2d38ee005⋯.png (85.06 KB, 640x438, 320:219, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9b959ffe5639ad⋯.png (92.88 KB, 640x502, 320:251, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d887f31989df21⋯.png (97.67 KB, 640x502, 320:251, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7aa18f447a558b⋯.png (101.17 KB, 640x502, 320:251, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 290ffcbe424e843⋯.png (97.03 KB, 640x470, 64:47, ClipboardImage.png)

5ac51b  No.5143276

File: 97c0f8047e60737⋯.png (22.19 KB, 974x115, 974:115, Screenshot_2019-02-12 Dimi….png)

Greek Shippers Cop To Texas Oil Leak, Will Pay $4M Fine

Law360 (November 27, 2018, 8:07 PM EST) – Two Greek shipping companies pled guilty in Texas federal court to dumping oil from the ballast tanks of a ship while docked in Houston and Port Arthur and have agreed to pay…

I'm not paying for membership for full article but this is connected to Dimitri, pic related.


492721  No.5143277

I'm diggin your posts Anon, but you give these scabs to much credit by calling them journalists.


fbb1d2  No.5143278

File: 3db7c06baefd6ae⋯.jpg (138.68 KB, 1200x897, 400:299, DysPAS7X0AAvOtv.jpg)

File: 6dd44851c00c602⋯.jpg (110.43 KB, 1200x980, 60:49, DysPAS6W0AA25sk.jpg)

>powerful media influencer

>former editor in chief of the Daily Beast

>opposed to white nationalism and nationalism in general

>opposed to ’the racism Wall’

>refers to people he doesn’t like as racists and fascists

It never ends

1f3f8a  No.5143280


Cool, I am usually Kelli Ann, Hannity, or Liz Crokin. Today is my first day as Jew Kike shill. I think I like it. kek

16b479  No.5143281


13 yr old nephew has had schools pumping Climate fear into him for 6+ years.

How evil do you have to be to weaponize children to fight to enslave their families?

e87357  No.5143282

File: 0ad8ca78bf5eaa1⋯.jpg (40.85 KB, 640x360, 16:9, realcrucifixion.jpg)

someone on 4 chan last night posted an actual photo of crucifixion

shook me up to the core no images in a 36.4 billion img search

15b4fb  No.5143283

Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6:12-17 makes especially clear that we are involved in a war, a spiritual war, and thus our weaponry must also be spiritual. The Christian must tend to his weapons, as every soldier in warfare must, for not only is his life on the line but also the lives of his buddies, as he is their keeper too.

cb3f31  No.5143284


>when do birds sing???

My guess is El Chapo sang long ago. The weeping today was about whether or not he'd be offed by the remnants of the cabal before they're taken out.

894e2b  No.5143285

File: e74109d7e20c5fb⋯.jpg (115.42 KB, 768x576, 4:3, p1100424-11-768x576.jpg)

05ab59  No.5143286

El Chapo a C_A asset?

abf344  No.5143287

File: f1c28d08c673e37⋯.jpg (8.13 KB, 150x150, 1:1, 27879026_184057359034166_7….jpg)

13033d  No.5143288

File: 75e9fd302fa1e19⋯.jpg (960.32 KB, 1480x2738, 20:37, Zionists out.jpg)


Zionists are always traitors.

918816  No.5143289


Teen girls in the US are too busy on social media to organize a movement they know and care nothing about.

fbb1d2  No.5143290

File: ab8ea266d0bdb93⋯.jpg (181.19 KB, 1200x822, 200:137, Dyrv3v6VsAAUicL.jpg)

File: 58168999f27df76⋯.jpg (86.41 KB, 1200x916, 300:229, Dyrv3v5U8AEfw6w.jpg)

How exciting, a blue check mark feminist who claims to be white, actively advocates for white women to disown white men, seeks to destroying white marriages, attacks white motherhood, and is pro-open borders.

This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend…

83b35a  No.5143291


did it pass? is it currently law?

5e56dd  No.5143292

File: bcc555583b3c63f⋯.jpg (862.03 KB, 1818x4096, 909:2048, IMG_6046.JPG)

cb3f31  No.5143293


obvious muh joo shill is obvious

ba0866  No.5143294


normal people call them weeds, they grow in our driveways much like dandelions, look it up, its common and should provide basic pain relief as stated

1f3f8a  No.5143295

File: 659031d993f4e7c⋯.png (17.13 KB, 1234x340, 617:170, QMirrorAnsweryesA.png)

Q answered yes to the JFK Jr. question. It is a MIRROR.



SEE the IDs, then fill in the blanks…

1. Odds of cc occupying spaces 5 and 6 on both randomly-generated IDs:_______

2. Odds of interrogator's randomly-generated id adding up to 23 (PAIN/JFK Jr.):_____

3. Odds of Q's randomly-generated id adding up to 17: _____

4. Odds of a flipped question/answer matching Q's THINK MIRROR:_____

5. Odds of 2 of the above happening together:_____

6. Odds of 3 of the above happening together:_____

7. Odds of 4 of the above happening together:______

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? -Q

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)




Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



abf344  No.5143296

File: f886d64edb1b63d⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1311x844, 1311:844, 3rdeye.png)

701c92  No.5143297


Oh, so you're performing a public service.

If that is really what you want to do, why dont yij be really useful and go help an older neighbor with somethkng or feed the honeless.

We don't need you, asshole.

65e6b8  No.5143298



2e7c92  No.5143299


now you got me reading about pnictogen hydrides

1f3f8a  No.5143301

File: 474d9ce89b6daf6⋯.png (13.98 KB, 451x299, 451:299, Qmirrorsanddisinfo.png)

066d9a  No.5143302




let me guess your response

"winning?! what winning?! we have evil people still in power and blah blah blah blah"

3a5e09  No.5143303

File: 95777ba61a2b31c⋯.mp4 (2.24 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, no you don't.mp4)

1f3f8a  No.5143304

File: 21816379a61059f⋯.png (14.34 KB, 546x289, 546:289, WaitUntilYouLearn.png)

1f3f8a  No.5143305

File: 10beda4ed0e9b31⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AmbulanceFront.jpg)

fbb1d2  No.5143306

File: 1f42c6fdb282214⋯.jpg (61.17 KB, 640x938, 320:469, DyrQdgWXcAEJ0ZP.jpg)

File: ac3a31fc60d8ea6⋯.jpg (96.11 KB, 640x954, 320:477, DyrQdgaWsAECc4v.jpg)

File: 12ff857a4f952c4⋯.jpg (83.46 KB, 640x800, 4:5, DyrQdgnXgAANCX_.jpg)

File: 2214e0e307461a9⋯.jpg (117.75 KB, 1199x800, 1199:800, DyrQdgvX0AUFnar.jpg)

The idea that rich and powerful (((Globalists))) control America and are using mass migration to undermine the economic & political power of working Americans is a crazy right-wing conspir-

bbf0e0  No.5143308


Are you sure that's a full blown crucifixion. Could easily be one of those reenactment ones that go for a bit, but then they take them down

4fd03b  No.5143309

File: 14687fb69dd4e70⋯.jpg (173.25 KB, 800x400, 2:1, United we stand.jpg)

File: c89cc3d3c748c25⋯.jpg (180.46 KB, 926x1039, 926:1039, sw of damascus inter airpo….jpg)

File: b5ec36a09007f63⋯.jpg (602.89 KB, 900x1449, 100:161, samples.jpg)

File: 8c3bfce409b9e8e⋯.jpg (289.8 KB, 743x708, 743:708, socialist people.jpg)

File: e65352d6ce14f8c⋯.jpg (334.63 KB, 906x714, 151:119, stalin.jpg)




37b124  No.5143310


preteen/teen girls are mega-hormonal-emotionalTornadoes, manipulating them is EZ and completely irresponsible.

they will stoop at nothing.

aa421e  No.5143311


California schools started telling Kindergartners to steal their parents guns and bring them to the teachers

18a8a8  No.5143312

File: a67e7e6e0abc839⋯.png (104.35 KB, 276x266, 138:133, a67e7e6e0abc83984148446b5d….png)


Another ome with liberal crazy eyes

7a4c0e  No.5143313


Mr. Rogers, Scooby Doo, The Flash, Edward Scissor hands.

fbb1d2  No.5143314


lol yeah, the real Sargon of Mossad lmao

f71c5a  No.5143315


>someone on 4 chan last night posted…

You mean a comped clown?

e10144  No.5143316


Useful tool to show geotagged tweets on a map

6094ce  No.5143317


sorry anon don't understand your confusion. Should I have lead the subject line with MSM defense #metoo movement

seems really wordy though, for fucks sake you put the pic up!


0f6870  No.5143318


That's pretty fantastic

15d34a  No.5143319

File: 35fa3e053b239b1⋯.png (77.93 KB, 179x233, 179:233, Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at ….png)

File: 61a412cc95f2a66⋯.jpg (62.75 KB, 474x474, 1:1, TV_programming.jpg)

File: 1a75c85b31dad61⋯.png (289.22 KB, 486x473, 486:473, tv6.png)

File: e578f76906b7ade⋯.jpg (96.89 KB, 500x502, 250:251, wMSMd6.jpg)


I refer to them as "Fake News Operatives" or "FNO's".

5d05aa  No.5143320

File: 875626f24070175⋯.jpg (97.43 KB, 889x500, 889:500, FakeJewFedGreenspan.jpg)

dea06c  No.5143322


meh…take it up with Spc. Lasco and Wikipedia.

5e56dd  No.5143323

File: ce42c1f415249ce⋯.jpg (112.03 KB, 802x996, 401:498, IMG_0766.JPG)

File: dd287ffad05a04e⋯.jpg (58.54 KB, 480x646, 240:323, IMG_0656.JPG)

File: 5feae9dd39a9eac⋯.jpg (106.02 KB, 786x619, 786:619, IMG_0965.JPG)

fbb1d2  No.5143324

File: f37613ec684639d⋯.jpg (155.33 KB, 1024x878, 512:439, DyrT4XdV4AAYo2d.jpg)

File: 21772bf224b8296⋯.jpg (89.26 KB, 904x1024, 113:128, DyrT4XdVsAAVRxA.jpg)

What a strange coincidence, another verified user who constantly attacks whites, calls everyone he doesn’t like a ‘white supremacist,’ thinks whites should be oppressed, and openly celebrates whites becoming a minority.

Jews truly despise you white America.

cb586f  No.5143325


f759d0  No.5143326


Yep, they organized a women’s march last year (the actual organization). At kids school. Fuckers

abf344  No.5143327

File: 6c282da92b8052d⋯.png (345.82 KB, 500x637, 500:637, jackwhite.png)

343b70  No.5143328

File: 40a3fb26a0cbba2⋯.png (416.55 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 1547155299.png)

dc6776  No.5143329


Life of Brian?

71c640  No.5143330

File: cd3732b78ccc283⋯.jpg (27.45 KB, 255x241, 255:241, wholetruth.jpg)


Your welcome

c419f8  No.5143331

bb693b  No.5143332



there you go.

f1689f  No.5143333


>Btw youre all on a list for targeted harassment now

For what posting Bible verses

and encouraging people to Trust JESUS

e66709  No.5143334

File: 7874740d61eea26⋯.jpg (29.27 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 2ti0id.jpg)

Fucking Shills

e6f206  No.5143335


I have zero doubt.

modern day noreiga escobar cocaine cowboys. its all clown bullshit. all of north korea. all the drugs. pharma push. virtually every mass casualty event in the last half century.

it always was and always is those c[]a mos niggers.

4fd03b  No.5143336


Mr. Rogers, Scooby Doo, The Flash, Edward Scissor hands.


roger stone, corsi, alex jones, infowars.


2206ed  No.5143337


nice yellow jacket el chap

signs of the future

37b124  No.5143338


quad check

7d1a27  No.5143339

Houston Chronicle article,

Regarding sexual abuse in the Baptist Church


"As the bible tells us is that what is done in the dark will eventually always come to the light"


Some registered sex offenders returned to the pulpit. Others remain there, including a Houston preacher who sexually assaulted a teenager and now is the principal officer of a Houston nonprofit that works with student organizations, federal records show. Its name: Touching the Future Today Inc

71c640  No.5143340


Oh schitt, my bad!

cb3f31  No.5143341

File: 1a893a7a65bbcb5⋯.png (268.17 KB, 400x479, 400:479, ClipboardImage.png)




b3bbb3  No.5143342


ah .. the old 2 bullet in back of head 'suicide'.

Oldest trick in the book …

Hopefully many of these DS fuckers soon find out that light burns (if not use a stronger magnifying glass), when their sins and misdeeds are brought to light.

4de7d9  No.5143343

Underground explosion reported in city center Philadelphia. Also Boston underground explosion sends manhole into air yesterday

5ac51b  No.5143345

File: 3169da1ad4823a4⋯.png (51.9 KB, 930x195, 62:13, Screenshot_2019-02-12 Sail….png)


sea to shining sea.


a58069  No.5143346


Quads confirm. The satanists can’t intimidate us

13033d  No.5143347

File: 3016f5af6749530⋯.jpg (372.24 KB, 1681x1875, 1681:1875, AIPAC crimes 1.jpg)

File: 0ce754a68e15dc0⋯.jpg (260.14 KB, 1675x1405, 335:281, AIPAC crimes 2.jpg)

File: c05cd34598ccab4⋯.jpg (490.8 KB, 1678x2350, 839:1175, AIPAC crimes 3.jpg)

File: 4605d6437b3b327⋯.png (8.65 KB, 512x170, 256:85, PNN antisemitism.PNG)


Telling the truth is not antisemitic. And the mudslime told a truth.

But Trump knows this, he is playing his role and getting the zionists to expose themselves.

f759d0  No.5143348


Gross name!

8a579d  No.5143349


Greasy KEK

15d34a  No.5143350

File: 7ee31f82ca594a6⋯.jpg (19 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 7ee31f82ca594a692153ba8c20….jpg)


Fuck a new thread, or a new board, you could probably start a whole new Chan with all the examples. I was wondering how SO many young people started HATING being White, I mean, I saw it coming in the media and what not "White Men Can't Jump" (I could dunk in 7th grade) and shit like that, but JESUS these examples are endless. I've saved hundreds over the past 16 months.

8fc8df  No.5143351

File: 05700667ac1b17c⋯.jpg (174.56 KB, 606x734, 303:367, 05700667ac1b17cdbdd5348dff….jpg)






5d05aa  No.5143352

File: 08290fe7327d166⋯.jpg (40.17 KB, 337x355, 337:355, ScoobySnacks.JPG)

1f3f8a  No.5143353


Dyou want to be loved? [then] don't love - believe me.

71c640  No.5143355

File: ebad3752b3dacc2⋯.jpg (37.63 KB, 513x322, 513:322, the_grammar_gun_by_industr….jpg)


Damn it, you got me cat

abf344  No.5143356

File: 960f5a45af5f98a⋯.jpg (30.93 KB, 640x481, 640:481, 4th.july.jpg)

894e2b  No.5143357

File: 7cca84cffdd98ae⋯.png (53.69 KB, 670x1053, 670:1053, 7cca84cffdd98ae9af59579111….png)

4fd03b  No.5143358

File: 864f3d41a4d4090⋯.jpg (149.51 KB, 614x591, 614:591, jerry corsi alex jones.jpg)

File: d96131a84a29c57⋯.jpg (211.58 KB, 1034x929, 1034:929, micro liar.jpg)

File: 7b251a0b3660bec⋯.jpg (88.9 KB, 632x352, 79:44, Alex Jones talked to QAnon.jpg)

File: 961646a073d56f0⋯.jpg (139.51 KB, 804x785, 804:785, Master Decoder_2.jpg)

e66709  No.5143359

File: ce11656db1f797d⋯.jpg (37.89 KB, 500x504, 125:126, 2ti0ov.jpg)

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