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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, main.jpg)

9a1d96  No.5050169

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

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PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 2.1.19

>>4989823 ————————————–——– Sys_conf_spec_y. (image)

>>4989820 ————————————–——– Anons understand.

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4965770 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH. (Cap)

>>4965765 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator? (Cap)

Friday 1.11.19

>>4956136 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee (Cap)

>>4956094 ————————————–——– Public access to intel? (Cap)

>>4956076 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China? (Cap)

>>4956045 ————————————–——– BOOM! (Cap)

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

9a1d96  No.5050180


are not endorsements


>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board

>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed

>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)

>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day.


>>5049439, >>5049479 Pelosi peeps POTUS' papers (pics)

>>5050000 quads confirm, anons thoughts on pelosi peepin the potus sig pics

>>5049535, >>5049487, >>5049480, >>5049536, >>5049591 These are YUGE numbers

>>5049482 Q post 694 feb 7 2018 Disease/Cancer Cures Exist

>>5049638, >>5049692 new WH twat

>>5049506 we are braver and stronger than ever before

>>5049683 mini-bread from GOOG's 10-Q ( >>5038507 pb)

>>5049808 a president intent on unity.... mockingbird chatter from the MKUs on twatt

>>5049889 GOP's Jason Rarick wins tight special election for Minnesota Senate seat

>>5049974 planefaggin the doomsday E4B

>>5050135 #6448


>>5048687 Eagle Pass influx of state authorities as caravan arrives at border

>>5048817 POTUS Schedule and pics

>>5048925 Pompeo remarks on SOTU

>>5048764 Acting Attorney General Matthew G. Whitaker Statement on the SOTU

>>5049045 Huawei Tried To Steal His Technology, But He Was Working For The FBI All Along

>>5049203 76% approval of SOTU poll

>>5049319 #6447

#6446 Baker Change

>>5047920 did POTUS mention young Trump, the bullied kid?

>>5048143 Green Screen bs for D response

>>5048294 anons on POTUS' tie off center

>>5048538 #6446


>>5047790 DJT Tweet: "#SOTU" (video)

>>5047650, >>5047664, >>5047682, >>5047693 State of the Union Address: Key Points

>>5047161 Trump says US would be in "major war" with North Korea if he hadn't been elected.

>>5047831 #6445

Previously Collected Notables

>>5046236 #6443, >>5047073 #6444

>>5044034 #6440, >>5044807 #6441, >>5045497 #6442

>>5042544 #6438, >>5043271 #6439, >>5043271 #6439

>>5040893 #6436, >>5040893 #6436, >>5041764 #6437

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

9a1d96  No.5050187

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

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Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

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>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

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Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>5006726

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

9a1d96  No.5050193

QPosts Archives

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New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

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* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

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Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

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Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

9a1d96  No.5050198

File: 2d918cf41eb29d4⋯.png (5.46 MB, 3236x1308, 809:327, ClipboardImage.png)


coming soon

8a50c1  No.5050199

This is a public service announcement


God help us.

31538b  No.5050200

File: 571596c370603d6⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1310x966, 655:483, OCSHUTIT.png)

b63838  No.5050201



9ffbef  No.5050202

File: 6f85080a1dec6a1⋯.png (78.07 KB, 255x182, 255:182, ClipboardImage.png)

0da98f  No.5050203

File: fba6b85e10bb7e3⋯.png (776.63 KB, 923x487, 923:487, justlikeme.png)

4621df  No.5050204

File: c188ed2fe255aea⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1776x1683, 592:561, ClipboardImage.png)

9a1d96  No.5050205


Fresh Dough


ede46f  No.5050206

File: ff3038d92a24e12⋯.jpeg (69.38 KB, 504x500, 126:125, F61DBEFA-C199-4160-84D0-5….jpeg)

02a4ac  No.5050207

File: 5df17a8aac10a79⋯.jpg (4.8 KB, 273x184, 273:184, disappointed.jpg)

You are all suffering from "Trump can do no wrong derangement syndrome"

Discuss among yourselves.

fa9950  No.5050208


This fucking retard on Laura's show, FFS

44d62d  No.5050209

You know what the best day ever will be?

When in the middle of a segment the news talking head, stops, looks at the camera and says, "I can't do this anymore".

a778a0  No.5050210

>>5049439 (lb)

10 USC 284

Authority to build Wall requires 15 Day congressional notification

2f0475  No.5050211


Memorabilia for first and second in line?

Or even… in case he couldn't finish?

Or… something similar to the Bush Funeral letters?

9a1d96  No.5050212


next baker

you wanna rock this bread or next bread a handoff?

3b14ef  No.5050213

>>5050156 (pb)

Kek! Wonder about this often!

4621df  No.5050214


Is that the lounge uniform?

8efe0b  No.5050215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

234a0b  No.5050216

File: b3d719b792cb66f⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1232x1358, 88:97, ClipboardImage.png)

How are these mind numbed cultists able to function in life?

9bdf0d  No.5050217


Eat shit among your kind.

4621df  No.5050218


Maybe executive orders on each topic?

2e6821  No.5050219

File: edff3bc90718ca6⋯.mp4 (6.47 MB, 854x480, 427:240, NeverSocialist.mp4)

America will never be a socialist country.

0bae39  No.5050220


Try harder faggot

e0a5c4  No.5050221

File: 42ad7d920d23b7d⋯.jpg (99.74 KB, 889x500, 889:500, 2syttk.jpg)

7d627d  No.5050222

File: 87b2e7634b7e113⋯.png (373.29 KB, 687x500, 687:500, ClipboardImage.png)

fee994  No.5050223

Could use some help anons. Right after POTUS talked about the USS Cole, the camera panned to Debbie Wasserman Schultz staring at an ipad and looking like she wanted to vomit. I have gone back through the replay and that specific camera pan is GONE. Did anyone record it? Should be around the 1:15 mark. I want to know what was on that ipad.

086f87  No.5050224


Why does that look like a map of some sort?

44d62d  No.5050225


Should have had a guy with 10,000 pins on him representing the Americans killed by illegal criminals.

4621df  No.5050226

File: a399fb205ae617e⋯.gif (978.99 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Kavanaugh.gif)

234a0b  No.5050227

File: 8485fef6e445cae⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1248x1298, 624:649, ClipboardImage.png)


Worship rites of the congress cult members.

7272e4  No.5050228


Too bad they didn't vote for a wall instead of little crap ass pins.

She'd still be alive.

Dems Immigration Plan - drones and wearing little pins.

9a1d96  No.5050229




handoff request soon

can go one more if you are lurking and shitposting

815c86  No.5050230

>>5050175 lb

It’ll be one helluva show. Need more popcorn.

Welcome back, anon.

333fd2  No.5050231

File: a7e4a74ba595db6⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1242x1786, 621:893, 95F19D55-BFE0-4E33-BD5B-D….jpeg)


f2a416  No.5050232

File: 08bb5bb9172187f⋯.png (470.09 KB, 695x390, 139:78, Output file.png)

1f5194  No.5050233

File: e297292dbb7e3b8⋯.png (215.57 KB, 607x403, 607:403, POTUSppmf.png)

>>5050168 LB

885a85  No.5050234


Only as a herd. They must band together.

4cee69  No.5050235

File: 594534563987943⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1905x1065, 127:71, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

File: 8baa5789ed0fbc1⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1908x1075, 1908:1075, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

File: e059b3361957728⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1908x1070, 954:535, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

File: 8a4bec7e16b3399⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1912x1072, 239:134, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

File: c64df0d136644fa⋯.png (586.02 KB, 804x620, 201:155, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

Did someone give Chuckles an order to sit there and look evil tonight?

53272a  No.5050236

The new transparency is hidding things for decades.

Any of you know that girl from NASA that came out and tell that she eraised UFOs from nasa pictures??

815c86  No.5050237


Kek. That’ll drive em’ insane.

34e567  No.5050238

File: af97de0f96d4f3c⋯.jpg (147.77 KB, 945x673, 945:673, booml.jpg)

>>5050116 LB

Booms in Philly Monday (and with military exercises in LA posted earlier today)


>>5050014 LB

7272e4  No.5050239



d2ee69  No.5050240

File: c85a17274d3a2cd⋯.mp4 (7.29 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, vxZhz4O80eA (1).mp4)

File: 7368b2632cfacef⋯.mp4 (5.92 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, vxZhz4O80eA.mp4)

Out of all the redpills, I think these are the ones that will convert the world.

136438  No.5050241


THIS is a thing, actually.

Trump literally just threw America under the bus for Israel, and his lemming-supporters love it. He lost my vote with that shit, tonight.

403e8b  No.5050242

File: a412b1d3acfe387⋯.png (181.47 KB, 600x576, 25:24, Pepe-on-the-mound.png)

ab51d7  No.5050243


But they chanted "USA" so we're definitely winning

a63570  No.5050244


Kek, he couldn't get any smaller

885a85  No.5050245


I don't have it, but did see it live.

234a0b  No.5050246

File: 2d2f5392f98420d⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1224x1258, 36:37, ClipboardImage.png)

The internet must be broken. WaPo has a headline about POTUS that is actually true for a change.

31538b  No.5050247


The faggot is a commie from way back. He must hate Hillary so much. There may have been enough retards to get him in.

44d62d  No.5050248


Dancing around like ghetto trash.

9ffbef  No.5050249

File: aeb6da72ee444a5⋯.png (8.8 KB, 632x361, 632:361, ClipboardImage.png)

7915bc  No.5050250

File: c5f60a28b313210⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1444x1124, 361:281, 1549422786976.png)

Bernies seat marked with the Star of David

oy vey the goyim know

0c426c  No.5050251

File: 8ba8d1b25a929c5⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1180x1138, 590:569, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

I hope he doesn't see what Robert Mcnamara was talking about or my heroism is going to go down the tubes!


19:00 mark

28f033  No.5050252


then move to iran or some shit

34e567  No.5050253


Do you mean literally as in literally?

4621df  No.5050254

File: 21a1524c4745155⋯.png (893.62 KB, 1180x664, 295:166, ClipboardImage.png)

fa9950  No.5050255


The Red zone is for departing travelers.

See ya!

23a4ce  No.5050256

File: 05646e4dcf37e22⋯.jpeg (69.05 KB, 470x619, 470:619, 644859DD-FD93-4365-903F-3….jpeg)

7338b6  No.5050257


momma said go back to bed

53272a  No.5050258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


At the end, knowing truth will be yours.

like this dead bed:

0a002c  No.5050259


they really are stupid.

great meme material.

333fd2  No.5050260

File: 206a4f6336bd917⋯.jpeg (989.28 KB, 1242x934, 621:467, 1C4028A8-11A2-4047-865C-4….jpeg)

0b78c2  No.5050261

File: 2de359054cadb5f⋯.png (166.95 KB, 1986x674, 993:337, 1549424339269.png)

885a85  No.5050262


Some of them looked like strippers grinding.

1370c2  No.5050263

File: 19b4bbfa16abd97⋯.png (447.43 KB, 452x526, 226:263, Godzilla Awkward.PNG)

Tokyo to hold informal talks with Seoul over Sea of Japan name

The government will hold informal talks with South Korea over the name of the Sea of Japan as early as this spring, it has been learned.

The sea is currently described solely as the “Japan Sea” in the guidelines compiled by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). Seoul has calling for revising the guidelines, demanding that the sea also be referred to as the “East Sea.”

Although the government has agreed to have informal talks with Seoul, Tokyo firmly maintains its stance that discussions should be carried out based on practical points of view, such as whether the revision could serve the safety of navigation. Therefore, the government will likely refuse to discuss the possibility of using two names for the sea, according to sources.

The IHO publishes “Limits of Oceans and Seas,” which contains such information as the names of seas around the world and serves as guidelines for each country to compile sea charts.

From its first edition in 1929 to the latest edition compiled in 1953, the Sea of Japan is referred to as the “Japan Sea.” This serves as the basis that the current name is internationally recognized as the sole name for the sea.

Meanwhile, South Korea has been repeatedly raising the naming issue with the international community, insisting that “East Sea” should also be used. South Korea, together with North Korea, has suggested revising the IHO guidelines. The international organization decided to present a report on revising the guidelines at the next general meeting slated for 2020 and asked Tokyo to have informal talks with South Korea and North Korea before the meeting.

According to diplomatic sources, the Japanese side had been reluctant to hold talks, but the IHO secretariat has strongly requested that Japan do so. As a member of the international organization, Japan concluded that it should not oppose revising the guidelines if there are reasonable grounds. For these reasons, Japan told the IHO it has accepted the request.

rest at link


e0a5c4  No.5050264

File: f378b09f3d059c5⋯.jpg (73.79 KB, 678x499, 678:499, rtgyhjndtregh.jpg)



OK, thanks for stopping by.

Enjoy imploding.

086f87  No.5050265


No, click on the pic. There's a bunch of lines all over the place.

2f0475  No.5050266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia???

815c86  No.5050267

403e8b  No.5050268

Funny when Trump says things Pelosi doesn't understand. She sort of claps, sort of smiles…then tries really hard not to fart.


c3bc44  No.5050269

File: bc0af876ea200e4⋯.jpeg (79.94 KB, 614x497, 614:497, 4597A6A9-9AFF-44EA-A278-A….jpeg)

3b14ef  No.5050270

>>5050241 Welp…I guess we'll be seeing ya then!

234a0b  No.5050271

File: 21bd1716d11febb⋯.png (675.03 KB, 1250x1170, 125:117, ClipboardImage.png)

The WaPo must have some of their own autists or they are learning our comms. Either way - suck it WaPo.

4621df  No.5050272

File: eab4845b1570af1⋯.png (202.78 KB, 343x427, 49:61, ClipboardImage.png)

44d62d  No.5050273


Get this cunt a rope.

32c47d  No.5050274


Now the JQ shills are fighting the Trump is a Zionist shills.

5a3cd9  No.5050275

careful guys, if you criticize Zionism, you WILL get left behind.

136438  No.5050276


Yeah, sorry guys… I love my country more than the temporary president.

But resume sucking cock, lemmings.

527d71  No.5050277

File: 1eed43d0f96f2e1⋯.jpg (78.04 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 5415794bc930adda5543315bde….jpg)

You know this was what you were thinking.

f20732  No.5050278

File: b6eeeddfeed5502⋯.jpg (137.7 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2syu2m.jpg)

36f3ff  No.5050279


because that was informative, not heavily edited, and coming from a solid source.

885a85  No.5050280


Agreed. She is a miserable shit, for sure.

421cb0  No.5050281

File: dbcd336a6752158⋯.png (61.73 KB, 600x167, 600:167, PelosiBTFO.png)

23a4ce  No.5050282

File: 19025f4f856e935⋯.gif (1.18 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 4BE6A0B9-EBE5-4112-8456-5E….gif)

f23c13  No.5050283

File: df5b3fbaf15a802⋯.jpg (209.94 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, OcExl.jpg)


Al Cortez Horse Face!

3bbd0d  No.5050284

File: b7c39e30fa38ef7⋯.png (540.55 KB, 1030x538, 515:269, life In Prison but non vio….png)

File: 72a7b3ece594b25⋯.png (738.83 KB, 1071x535, 1071:535, become a minister inspire ….png)

File: 308b5166178a0ae⋯.png (805.62 KB, 1021x533, 1021:533, you wont be there all your….png)

File: bf83c2897f1568d⋯.png (884.21 KB, 1026x539, 1026:539, in 6 I commuted.png)

File: ce28384c47d2242⋯.png (549.82 KB, 1043x520, 1043:520, think about your family.png)

noticed this comm at the SOTU2019 - it's saying that you cultists fear a life in prison but it might not be that way - stop resisting us and help and I may even commute your sentence before I leave office (non violent offenders only)

85892a  No.5050285

File: 1809fafa1db8ace⋯.png (48.41 KB, 584x219, 8:3, SOTU boom boom and we are ….PNG)

White House twitter posts "BOOM BOOM… and we are just getting started" portion of SOTU

2986db  No.5050286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This dirty finger wagging shitbag. Same old tired bullshit. What a cruddy douche. Why doesn't this thieving dandruff covered pile garbage just croak already?

6b7f41  No.5050287

File: d74b61c7896c19a⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 04C5098C-AC71-4C0C-BDDB-44….png)

7c11c6  No.5050288

File: ddca79be48ac433⋯.jpg (100.13 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, IMG_7809.JPG)


Choose Greatness Faggot

4cee69  No.5050289


I'd meme that so hard…

bf9523  No.5050290

Can’t post meme?



c3bc44  No.5050291


I don't think she's dead but she might not be alive technically either.

e0a5c4  No.5050292

File: ee5891369187611⋯.jpg (44.48 KB, 480x360, 4:3, GITMOcruises.jpg)

ea14f7  No.5050293

File: 4d1fd25fd3f8478⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1160x1824, 145:228, 4d1fd25fd3f847825b7330ed0d….png)


I would not feel bad if Tester lost the rest of his fingers.

<dark to light…dark to light…breathe…..

5bcf8f  No.5050294

File: 268ef658c8cbfbe⋯.png (608.25 KB, 545x475, 109:95, Screenshot red pin.png)

Red pin Close - up

136438  No.5050295


Where is it you think I'm going, faggot? What if I drop my support for Trump, I have to leave the country, in your opinion?

Come make me, cupcake.

a64e00  No.5050296

File: 6408a7aecadfdd9⋯.png (158.87 KB, 368x373, 368:373, sotu pelosi confused where….png)


She made a hot mess out of that neat stack of papers Potus gave her. Reminds me of my grandson after he get's into my note files.

8a50c1  No.5050297


Red Dawn Protocol has been activated

Prepare accordingly.

76a089  No.5050298

Q, please tell me POTUS is not signaling a truce with the swine and the justice train is still steaming toward the station.

403e8b  No.5050299

File: 5555f484be78b8d⋯.jpg (89.9 KB, 651x500, 651:500, 2sysmt.jpg)

1370c2  No.5050300

File: 3a901edcf034cf1⋯.jpg (129.5 KB, 675x766, 675:766, Still your president.jpg)

09e4ab  No.5050301

File: 3378e545049adc2⋯.jpg (68.32 KB, 600x414, 100:69, paininbound.jpg)


That should do it.

44d62d  No.5050302


Embarrassing. I get depressed when I think about people from other countries seeing that kind of behavior. Makes me feel sad. Americans are better than that. These are our leaders?

499356  No.5050303

File: 60e9b355862c014⋯.jpg (62.19 KB, 500x576, 125:144, 2sytzy.jpg)

Capped for;

1. Keks

2. Posterity

3. More Keks

0a002c  No.5050304


someone put Pepe peeking out….

f23c13  No.5050305

File: 0a26269403cfd60⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 2nsw5i.jpg)



First Time?

7338b6  No.5050306


Trump Train is taking off without (You) then

All Aboard

joo joo joo

joo joo joo

joo joo joo

dcfab6  No.5050307

File: d00bd505358b22c⋯.jpeg (38.64 KB, 600x400, 3:2, bernie fish taco.jpeg)

28f033  No.5050308

File: 34c9588a0ecbb67⋯.png (354.67 KB, 800x538, 400:269, ClipboardImage.png)

Underrated Audience Member

660742  No.5050309

File: 2e30456ca8ddf6f⋯.jpg (64.98 KB, 500x400, 5:4, budabra.jpg)

>>5048324 pb


086f87  No.5050310


What are the lines?

2f0475  No.5050311


reminds me too much of a bottle cap to fall in love with the design.

aa1fd9  No.5050312

>>5049549 (pb)

socialism is and always has been a grift.

for all their preaching, most of it's advocates averse to being publicly called out.

3b14ef  No.5050313


That's just how he is! Evil!

237de6  No.5050314

File: b62150f19c3599b⋯.png (35.75 KB, 659x358, 659:358, Gaetz to Cortez re SOTU 2-….PNG)

File: 2832c35ec654af4⋯.png (61.85 KB, 651x581, 93:83, Cortez re SOTU to Noonan 2….PNG)

Why should I be “spirited and warm” for this embarrassment of a #SOTU?

Tonight was an unsettling night for our country. The president failed to offer any plan, any vision at all, for our future.

We’re flying without a pilot. And I‘m not here to comfort anyone about that fact.



136438  No.5050315


Right… Because if you think our president should put America before Israel, you should move to Iran.

You must be one of those super-smart, autists, I heard about.

59bc21  No.5050316

File: 387f0292871bb73⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1176x942, 196:157, ClipboardImage.png)

New Mexico governor pulls National Guard troops from border


2 hours ago

SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — The governor of New Mexico ordered the withdrawal of the majority of the state’s National Guard troops from the U.S. border with Mexico on Tuesday, in a move that challenges President Trump’s description of a security crisis.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced the partial withdrawal shortly before Trump’s State of the Union address. Her Republican predecessor deployed National Guard troops to the border in April 2018 at Trump’s suggestion, and 118 remained there before Tuesday’s reversal.

“New Mexico will not take part in the president’s charade of border fear-mongering by misusing our diligent National Guard troops,” Lujan Grisham said in a statement.

At the same time, the governor said a small contingent — around a dozen guardsmen — will remain in the southwestern corner of the state to assist with humanitarian needs in a remote corridor for cross-border immigration. She also mobilized state police to assist local law enforcement.

“I recognize and appreciate the legitimate concerns of residents and officials in southwestern New Mexico, particularly Hidalgo County, who have asked for our assistance, as migrants and asylum-seekers continue to appear at their doorstep,” the governor said.

At remote stretches of New Mexico’s border with Mexico, large numbers of Central American migrants have surrendered in recent months to U.S. authorities. The perils of the state’s desert borderlands have been highlighted with the deaths of Guatemalan immigrant children Felipe Gomez Alonzo and Jakelin Caal while in U.S. custody in New Mexico.

New Mexico’s contingent of border troops is dwarfed by recent federal deployments of active duty troops.

The Pentagon announced Sunday it would send 3,750 more troops to the U.S.-Mexico border to put up barbed wire and provide support for Customs and Border Protection, increasing the total number to 4,350.

Lujan Grisham traveled last month to New Mexico’s southern edge for briefings from the National Guard and Customs and Border Protection, explaining that she wanted to see the situation for herself.

On Tuesday, she also directed 25 troops from other states — Arkansas, Kansas, Kentucky, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Wisconsin — to withdraw from the New Mexico border.


2986db  No.5050317


bleh bleh bleh 15 bucks an hour, social security, medicaid, climate change, bleh bleh bleh

76a089  No.5050318


eb3b39  No.5050319


Cool story, faggot.

Now run back to Soros and let him diddle you a bit.

987123  No.5050320


Zionism must hurry its ass up.

4cee69  No.5050321



No worries. That one's going into the meme hall of fame.

885a85  No.5050322



eeb487  No.5050323


Sauce it Please!

58000c  No.5050324


mpeg does that to flat colors all the time

136438  No.5050325


Not an argument, kike.

28f033  No.5050327


go back to reddit already dumbass

7338b6  No.5050328

File: a757a4e848ba987⋯.jpg (22.99 KB, 515x650, 103:130, SSS.jpg)


> strippers grinding

753d73  No.5050329

>>5048277 pb

There were several ladies dressed in red, is there some connection on that? I don't know their names, saw them as the camera panned around.

70d863  No.5050330


His signature.

ede46f  No.5050331


Trump fucked up by not draining the swamp in 2017-2018. Now any attempt will be seen as an attempt to influence the 2020 election.

Nancy Pelosi is speaker of the house, making things EXPONENTIALLY more difficult for him. Voter fraud ran rampant in 2018 midterms - UNDER HIS WATCH.

Trump is the fucking greatest president of all time. There isn’t any room for debate anymore. That said, he is not without his strikes. The ones listed above can derail the Trump Train VERY FAST if he doesn’t unfuck DC.

44d62d  No.5050332


Needs an organ grinder and her with a fez hat. I'm not in the mood.

76a089  No.5050333

Why do I feel like deals are being cut?

ec6e2f  No.5050334


5bcf8f  No.5050335

File: 01070cc7e9fe149⋯.jpg (39.37 KB, 356x287, 356:287, close up.jpg)

6b7f41  No.5050336

File: 703e961e3e4411d⋯.jpeg (290.87 KB, 1776x1683, 592:561, EB95B961-A1D7-41EA-A347-F….jpeg)


It looks like a fuckin map with colors. Holy fuck.

4621df  No.5050337

File: 96960fc94639de0⋯.png (475.78 KB, 528x504, 22:21, ClipboardImage.png)

ec6dce  No.5050338


Trump could be taking their ammo away by avoiding the whole anti semetic angle by embracing the Jewish people.

Our enemies are running out of masks to wear.

ea14f7  No.5050339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2f0475  No.5050340


Israel is last.

Til then…

"Nooooo, everything's fiiiiiine. It'll be like…. summer camp! You'll love it."

53272a  No.5050341


How come at the end will know the truyh??????

Do you love to poot people in a machine, and smash their heads, w/o telling them from the beginning what will happen????

Would you like to buy something , pay a billion for what I will tell you at the end?????

Should we trust military????

Didn't they hidden the truth from the beggining??????

What change that play for "suppose truth"?

09692b  No.5050342


xray time

3b14ef  No.5050343


Listen fag! You're being a moron! Learn the difference between the Jews / Hebrews, and the synagogue of satan! That'll take care of your problem…if…you can maintain intellectual integrity!

ede46f  No.5050344


It’s his signature bud.

885a85  No.5050345


This bitch needs a trip to Gitmo.

ab51d7  No.5050346

Like after midterms, in an attempt to play it off, will Q post topic headings in the outline on /patriotsfight/ ?

Saving Israel for Last

Israel 9/11

Israel USS Liberty

Jews and Progressivism

Israel White Genocide

Israel and Little St. James

44d62d  No.5050347


The saddest part is that he keeps getting re-elected.

5a3cd9  No.5050348


There is no such thing as a transfer of power without blood being spilled

Trump isn't draining the swamp and he definitely isn't going after the Deep State, they just switched sides and are purging the old guard and bringing in the new one

Same master, different puppet

35b2d8  No.5050349




I don't know if they are good or bad - jews or synagogue of satan - but I will say this, reign in your own or some one else will - history repeats.

b07808  No.5050350


No they're just artifacts that show up when it tries to display flat colors.

aa1fd9  No.5050351


lol it's probably a flowchart of all her dirty dealings.

8a50c1  No.5050352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Red Dawn Protocol is now active

2f0475  No.5050353


Smash that Muffin Button.

237de6  No.5050354

File: 8c20e94cfecbe1e⋯.png (24.15 KB, 647x292, 647:292, Morrison to Schitt re SOTU….PNG)

File: d721e2077bb0162⋯.png (40.47 KB, 661x445, 661:445, Schitt re SOTU 2-5-19.PNG)

You spelled Stacey Abrams wrong man.



33e79c  No.5050355

File: a40c6bba84d02b0⋯.jpeg (532.47 KB, 828x945, 92:105, 2503D4EF-5B69-49F4-B495-8….jpeg)

File: 12f749a290d6668⋯.jpeg (528.58 KB, 828x932, 207:233, DB91AE6F-8DA6-411B-8EAB-3….jpeg)

File: f9ee17cb2e63fb0⋯.jpeg (429.37 KB, 828x935, 828:935, C820237E-8150-4422-8869-C….jpeg)

File: 3fa94279e94ae44⋯.jpeg (726.4 KB, 828x942, 138:157, EF706C66-832A-4500-BC90-4….jpeg)

Instagram posts

234a0b  No.5050356


Anyone know what Strzok is up to these days?

6b7f41  No.5050357


Zoom in bud.

df0cdf  No.5050358

File: 304b9fa5656a229⋯.jpeg (529.89 KB, 1031x798, 1031:798, 94B1814B-B4B1-4AD5-82C4-2….jpeg)

f23c13  No.5050359


She Just Lost any Chance of Reelection!

And Might find herself in Irons!

785ce1  No.5050360



'Poot people in a machine' - KEK

f20732  No.5050361

File: bf668852665aaca⋯.jpg (46.29 KB, 700x447, 700:447, 2syug3.jpg)

136438  No.5050362

Trump: "These ISIS (Semites) terrorists are bloodthirsty monsters."

Also Trump: "We unwaveringly support these bloodthirsty monster's cousins, the Jews (The other Semites.)"

4621df  No.5050363

File: 868e39f13b34091⋯.png (83.2 KB, 218x178, 109:89, ClipboardImage.png)

d2ee69  No.5050364


A draftsman drawing or something?

a4c16a  No.5050365


POTUS Q gesture

2b9fc6  No.5050366

File: d3dfb15f2472c6d⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1024x1022, 512:511, cu1.png)

File: 90e7f0abd8c4221⋯.png (383.15 KB, 468x385, 468:385, cu2.png)

57f960  No.5050367


It's compression artifacts, normal for jpg images. .png, .bmp and .tga don't have those

1de9d7  No.5050368


It worked for me.

f23c13  No.5050369

File: 9c6bec43c90c3c8⋯.jpg (358.16 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, bob-dobbs-scan-web_1024x10….jpg)



Twat that out!

59bc21  No.5050370


Right before the SOTU.

Very disrespectful to POTUS.

499356  No.5050371


>Pixels. Lighting. Camera lens flare from artificial lighting. Nothing to see here.

eeb487  No.5050372


Not clicking that!

815c86  No.5050373



c418f8  No.5050374

File: dd25f637ac74b85⋯.png (53.08 KB, 412x360, 103:90, freed.png)

I posted a couple breads ago that I thought we could see subtly that there had been another night of freedom. Adam Shitt and presumably wife seemed extremely relieved as opposed to his normal extreme nervousness. Others seemed odd in similar ways and the 'feel of the room' was simply off from expectations.

Maybe this ties into papers NP was holding. She was seeing the 'freedom' in letter form with DT's signature. Perhaps the 'freedom' is not just that the congressmen make a deal and are then freed like 'Law and Order'; they come adequately clean to the needs of those destroying the cabal and they are given a pardon. They are freed not by FBI, DOJ, but by the military courts and president himself.

Not all were freed, not NP or CS. But many, and to my surprise it seems even McShittles, were oddly positive, relieved, and even confused a bit. McShittface was in a great position to give useful testimony; a big whopper of a flip, so I say that is a win even if he is complete poo.

I almost felt like I was watching congress 8 months in some ideal future.

4cee69  No.5050375


Map lines don't follow paper curvature

ec6e2f  No.5050376

You can see Ocasio-Cortez thinking should I stand now ….? Retards

c3bc44  No.5050377


Cmon he's Gimped human trafficking worldwide there's no way these insane cannibals aren't all turning on each other when the cameras are off.

2e0a7b  No.5050378

File: 90b9d7b67e29331⋯.jpeg (327.15 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 6668F08F-D434-4424-B73E-B….jpeg)

32aa5c  No.5050379

File: 593e1e87109ab2b⋯.jpeg (115.94 KB, 1241x1404, 1241:1404, npcresponses.jpeg)

File: 741ebcf19735755⋯.jpeg (226.38 KB, 1222x1706, 611:853, npcresponsesss.jpeg)

dems had to distribute SOTU talking points to their NPC followers

403e8b  No.5050380

File: e83a46aa5a4549d⋯.png (168.09 KB, 343x427, 49:61, pepe_aoc.png)

2a5d7c  No.5050381

File: cedb57e64d410c4⋯.png (469.12 KB, 1005x508, 1005:508, polrap.png)

3b3092  No.5050382


can we just decide RIGHT now - to BLITZ the fuck out of Ann Coulter…… FUCK THIS BITCH. TRUMP is fighting DEMS, RINOS, the MEDIA, SOCIAL MEDIA - if this fucking piece of shit is soooo smart - how does she not understand how GOV'T works - Potus is President - not Emperor.

b6d885  No.5050383


Turn it upside down, 911.

Yes, I know it's the 116th congress.

6b7f41  No.5050384


Why isn’t on her white jacket?

237de6  No.5050385

File: 003a57e7e7af47c⋯.png (61.52 KB, 644x355, 644:355, Mackowiak re Brian William….PNG)

File: 2ae679d9cda8b0c⋯.png (471.4 KB, 661x574, 661:574, MRC re Brian Williams re A….PNG)

File: 2416b3ce8302c6c⋯.png (533.29 KB, 621x793, 621:793, 1 Brian Williams re Aborti….PNG)

File: 4798fad404f9b94⋯.png (159.48 KB, 614x758, 307:379, 2 Brian Williams re Aborti….PNG)

Someone should explain to him what an abortion is.

He’ll faint.



Brian Williams Taken Aback By Trump’s ‘Graphic Language on Abortion’


53272a  No.5050386


You know that machine of brain washing??????????

Young bird.

02a4ac  No.5050387

File: 4bac5be01bca982⋯.gif (3.46 MB, 377x372, 377:372, 1549429639473.gif)


Why build the fucking wall, then.

Like we don't already have our fill of third-world slime.

Mueller must have something.

136438  No.5050388


The resounding responses condemning me for having an opinion based on loyalty to country, not party or politician… are VERY telling.

Fucking lemmings.

ede46f  No.5050389

File: b65d2ccdf3e8bfe⋯.jpeg (394.18 KB, 1125x944, 1125:944, 6E265355-1C3B-4301-8A2C-5….jpeg)


Here you go bud. Flipped horizontally, bud-bud.

fa9950  No.5050390


Its a pin representing membership in the 116th Congress

086f87  No.5050391


Are they pushing for POTUS to declare a National Emergency? Texas won't pull troops and neither will AZ. CA and NM both have threatened and are now doing so…

44d62d  No.5050392


Did she actually listen to his speech?

885a85  No.5050393


Yep. Very nasty woman for sure.

204207  No.5050394

File: 4f41c7e81348ed0⋯.png (9.08 KB, 235x131, 235:131, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

File: 0edaf010d6642c9⋯.png (531.45 KB, 495x689, 495:689, GetHerThere.png)

>>5048145 (pb)

Reposting for visibility. You can see some dried up clam in white mouthing "This fucking bullshit. It's fucking bullshit"

f57409  No.5050395

File: bfc4feb93792259⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1111x890, 1111:890, bigmouth stacey1.png)

02f8f2  No.5050396

The Great Awakening has arrived!

0cc9c1  No.5050397

File: 409f19042aaba16⋯.jpg (237.81 KB, 1242x934, 621:467, BERN.jpg)

c3bc44  No.5050398


She's fake maga satanic swamp creature.

527d71  No.5050399


Haven't heard him talk in a long time. Being here so long I can now pick out how he picks and chooses his truths to push his message.

5a3cd9  No.5050400


How many Zionists do you think post here just to make sure the sheep are walking in the right direction?

I'd wager many….

4621df  No.5050401

File: 9983213788911fe⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1160x773, 1160:773, ClipboardImage.png)

1f91b0  No.5050402

twtPros, check out @WhiteHouse, scroll, it's kinda cool.


6bd26f  No.5050403


Trumps signature done with a marker

2b0b12  No.5050404

>>5049439 pb

she picked the letter up around 1:15 in the cspan video for the first time. The next ten minutes watch Pelosis reactions. POTUS' speech during this part is like a hypnotic trance. Wild.

02a4ac  No.5050405


He should have taken the chance when he had it.

Fucked up. Now it's too late.

f23c13  No.5050406

File: 96284db6c67f2d4⋯.jpg (147.83 KB, 1440x907, 1440:907, Trump-SOTU-2018-rtr-img.jpg)


GITMO Floor Plan!

Welcome Nancy!

421cb0  No.5050407


>Being legitimately this retarded, or a shill

LEGAL IMMIGRATION faggot. The wall is for illegal immigrants. That fucking ICE agent he had at the SOTU was a LEGAL immigrant from Puerto Rico. Legal immigrants hate illegals more than native Americans do.

785ce1  No.5050408



You know that 'poot' is the gas that comes out of your ass? Young illiterate

23a4ce  No.5050409

File: 334fdb1e9a5e8aa⋯.jpeg (96.72 KB, 500x555, 100:111, 8053D0C4-5441-4AA4-8602-1….jpeg)

2f0475  No.5050410


And as you can see, (((they))) had plans (game theory) and numerics of (((their))) own.

For the last year and a half, folks have been presented with such topics, and ran with 'em.

We call such folks "autists".

234a0b  No.5050411

File: e06cd01c33d3228⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1228x1100, 307:275, ClipboardImage.png)


The temple death cult priestesses…

0bdbb1  No.5050412


It's a pic of her bolt hold

885a85  No.5050413


Consider the source. Lying Brian Williams.

ec6e2f  No.5050414

Was it me or did the Dems look like they were told they are all going to jail before the speech …They looked Pale

740e87  No.5050415

File: 0e2705a464dcb1a⋯.png (533.71 KB, 566x748, 283:374, cs moloch.png)

02f8f2  No.5050416


Kinda like white smoke at the Vatican.

ed3674  No.5050417

File: 5c11a440281e1e2⋯.png (3.93 MB, 2400x2100, 8:7, lll.png)

2a5d7c  No.5050418


She's only out to sell books and get booked on the commie chat shows, so perhaps giving her zero attention is best.

ede46f  No.5050419



But the idea of HRC and Hussein and company getting shipped off to gitmo is slipping away.

35b2d8  No.5050420


another problem is, why would a hebrew live in cains land?, well thet wouldnt, when they converted they read our holy scripts and penned themselves in, it speaks of the false scribes. People see the discrepency and use it to deny God, when in fact there is a false god and the true God in the OT, The jews are the caanites and the white race are hebrew, look up old names of Ireland. And its same in NT, You have the true Christ then theres Paul. Our God doesnt ask for blood sacrifice only the blood thirsty caanite god does. Jesus came to give you the truth and faith and the jews murdered him and sacrificed him to there god and thats the truth.

660742  No.5050421


military at the border! Never interupt…

94ed2e  No.5050422


Isn't that DJT's signature?

312016  No.5050423

So you TRUST the polls now?

How stupid are you?

cee751  No.5050424



731763  No.5050425

File: 96c08791125f1d4⋯.jpg (94.95 KB, 616x600, 77:75, aoctoohigh2.JPG)


take a deeeeep breath…

5a3cd9  No.5050426


>But the idea of HRC and Hussein and company getting shipped off to gitmo is slipping away.

They don't put their own in jail, you guys should know this by now.

3c9225  No.5050427


Nancy Pelosi is doing what she’s told. Hoping to avoid prison. You’re watching a movie.

1e10ac  No.5050428

File: 21a94f2540e8d46⋯.png (22.67 KB, 582x406, 291:203, ClipboardImage.png)

looks familiar





28f033  No.5050429


he's behind the scenes, but important because he's holding down the DOJ

2986db  No.5050430


KEK!!!! Love this one

4621df  No.5050431

File: 97f742c96e76cdf⋯.png (671.75 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


thanks budbudbud

aa1fd9  No.5050432


eh, cut her some slack.

she's been at this longer than a lot of people here.

remembers the Reagan amnesty betrayal

she's just a bit (justifiably) cynical.

02a4ac  No.5050433


The legal immigration is a fucking joke.

What he needs to do is STOP ALL IMMIGRATION for at least 40 years until the people here assimilate.

No wonder the left love his immigration policy.

America will be a third-world shit hole in less than a generation.

fb568c  No.5050434

Whooooooa doggy…

The shills are fired up tonight.

Like someone went and pissed on their cheerios

ed3674  No.5050435

File: 48aa446f3f8cbe3⋯.png (3.91 MB, 2400x2100, 8:7, III.png)

6b7f41  No.5050436


We wish but it’s probably only pixels and shit.

1f91b0  No.5050437


dam, that's a cool meme, rage on, mind the Citizens.

5db294  No.5050438

File: cbc5fb90a441e14⋯.jpg (63.49 KB, 500x667, 500:667, bong.jpg)

bf9523  No.5050439



One hand clapping

28f033  No.5050440


Because POTUS did a good job

e737a7  No.5050441


The ICE agent was from the Dominican Republic. Puerto Ricans can't "immigrate" here because they're already US citizens.

9a1d96  No.5050442


>>5050231 Breitbart - democrat women standing O for POTUS at SOTU

>>5050316 New Mexico governor pulls National Guard troops from border

baker needs some no table unless anons just chillaxin and shit posting

thats fine with me

7338b6  No.5050443


>I love my country more than the temporary president

what country is you from femboi?

2e0a7b  No.5050445

File: c8fffb8b703d971⋯.jpeg (267.38 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 20848840-8A55-4633-929F-4….jpeg)

85892a  No.5050446


enlarge the picture and look at the patterns at the top right of the photo. they are the same as on the paper. It's a shitty digital photo doing strange shit. Nothing to see here accept DJT's signature. which is interesting enough.

227d36  No.5050447


Attorney General Legday

b4d1a8  No.5050448


The Tampon-Mob.

b6d885  No.5050449


What's on the pin? It sure seems like she's drawing attention to the pin.

0da98f  No.5050450

File: 6553b059bcf0735⋯.png (604.04 KB, 797x488, 797:488, if you could just.png)

File: d4b0046ab3cdb7b⋯.png (639.46 KB, 797x488, 797:488, seriously.png)

ab51d7  No.5050451


This way the white genocide will happen legally

02f8f2  No.5050452


What kind of paper did he sign that bled through like that?

28f033  No.5050453

File: 75fc7bcb47f8283⋯.png (64.33 KB, 511x446, 511:446, Tyknykachally.png)


Acting Attorney General Legday

c3bc44  No.5050454


Fake Maga pedo dating swamp creature.

204207  No.5050455

File: 0df8bdfb24814ed⋯.png (161.78 KB, 972x294, 162:49, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

7482c3  No.5050456

File: 3582f67018de4f8⋯.png (814.14 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

3c9225  No.5050457






421cb0  No.5050458


You attract more flies with honey than you do with shit. He needs a more unified country before he could even possibly consider a policy like you've suggested.

eeb487  No.5050459

File: ab512c8cf65fe8f⋯.png (758.07 KB, 852x611, 852:611, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. supports 'dictators, butchers and extremists' in Middle East, says Iran

GENEVA (Reuters) - The United States supports “dictators, butchers and extremists” in the Middle East, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said in a Twitter post Wednesday in a response to U.S. President Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech.

Tensions have ramped up between Iran and the United States since Trump pulled out of a multilateral nuclear deal last May and reimposed sanctions on the Islamic Republic. “US hostility has led it to support dictators, butchers & extremists, who’ve only brought ruin to our region,” Zarif wrote in the Twitter post.


6b7f41  No.5050460


I am aware of that. I thought I saw something through the page but I was wrong.

4621df  No.5050461


Give a monkey a chainsaw.

1de9d7  No.5050462


What is the little red pin thingy?

733196  No.5050463


Boom, bitches.

27b3ba  No.5050464

File: d02f486c6bccddf⋯.png (324.74 KB, 545x475, 109:95, Screenshot red pin.png)

421cb0  No.5050465


Yup, my bad.

aa1fd9  No.5050466


>The Tampon-Mob.

meme them into adopting red head scarves.

f23c13  No.5050467


Much Better

Definitely Map.

Possible GITMO!

086f87  No.5050468


Too big of a map to be GITMO.

San Fran or Napa underground?

5bcf8f  No.5050469

File: 822bc5703d72874⋯.png (133.35 KB, 730x299, 730:299, 822bc5703d72874ccb3be63472….png)


Thanks !

7290d2  No.5050470


Digits confirm.. her voice is like eating broken light bulbs… I am sick of her regardless if she is a white hat or not. It has to be a script for the Good guys she is reading because you cannot make up this shit. Either way…. I am disgusted.

3b14ef  No.5050471

>>5050420 You're talking out your ass! Check out Dr. Ivan Panin's research…it cannot be refuted! THEN…you can pitch your ideology in the trash…cause your opinion is hurting you and everyone within earshot of you!

da0106  No.5050472



02f8f2  No.5050473


Congress pin.

2e068e  No.5050474


She seemed to almost enjoy her new handler, Trump.

ede46f  No.5050475


Obviously not, dipshit.

Why do we need the courts? Why do we need DOJ? Why do we need Congress? The senate?

All houses of government went Dark.

This was an act of war against a sitting administration, against the people. And it was perpetrated by those in power.

So you know, when it’s all said and done, could Trump declare martial law and hang these bags of shit on the street. Yes.

But he will not. He can’t. He’s damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.

A crying shame what Dems have done to the minds of the American people.

A tragedy that I just can’t compare to anything else.

0c426c  No.5050476

File: e05cbf87ec99520⋯.png (259.4 KB, 416x462, 208:231, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

I think that pill just kicked in….

4621df  No.5050477

File: c2918c75a55bf82⋯.png (50.48 KB, 162x153, 18:17, ClipboardImage.png)

237de6  No.5050478

File: f8c260db2a15fe8⋯.png (769.32 KB, 664x666, 332:333, Toncich re Losers SOTU 2-5….PNG)

File: fc4d58f69037059⋯.png (1.03 MB, 577x741, 577:741, Toncich re Losers SOTU 2-5….PNG)

File: b0d8e4fa6af0620⋯.png (833.63 KB, 584x778, 292:389, Toncich re Losers SOTU 2-5….PNG)

File: dc7b0ff82432875⋯.png (959.57 KB, 595x753, 595:753, Toncich re Losers SOTU 2-5….PNG)

File: 39644623ec43ecb⋯.png (972.86 KB, 602x723, 602:723, Toncich re Losers SOTU 2-5….PNG)

Imagine hating a country, that you serve, as much as these losers do..🤦🏻‍♀️ #SOTU


02a4ac  No.5050479


The left would never go for it under any circumstances. If he is waiting for them to come around to his way of seeing things, he will be waiting a very long time.

02f8f2  No.5050480


Like I said, Congress pin.

3fca53  No.5050482


he didn't say the word "israel" once

8a50c1  No.5050483

File: da76b8fd4fd91a9⋯.png (172.27 KB, 504x290, 252:145, ClipboardImage.png)



ReD DawN Protocol is Active

3c9225  No.5050484

File: ae08f33600e4f98⋯.jpeg (153.17 KB, 698x832, 349:416, AC30141F-0F2A-44D4-92A4-A….jpeg)

0bdbb1  No.5050485


Tunnels btwn her property and her NXIVM neighbor?

8af0a5  No.5050486

>>5049779 lb

Millenials are mostly cuck soi bois who wouldnt even know what to do with a woman begging for sex.

>>5049856 lb I'd bet about a zillion dollars I know more history than you after earning 4 degrees. Stupid anons are ruining the board lately.

Lurk moar and just go back.

>>5050097 lb Yeah, overall, that's a bad thing socially.

499356  No.5050487

File: a690b53db9cfa2b⋯.jpg (86.7 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2syuon.jpg)

File: c7a2109f87e9883⋯.jpg (65.23 KB, 468x385, 468:385, 2syusq.jpg)

1f91b0  No.5050488

File: 592094ac0cbed0c⋯.jpg (134.58 KB, 576x565, 576:565, Thanks baker.jpg)

File: b15058498ed84b2⋯.jpg (366.58 KB, 1000x728, 125:91, James Baker Out.jpg)

File: a810ffc167ec03f⋯.jpg (223.78 KB, 1242x788, 621:394, Trump Baker.jpg)

File: 8c0ee9906bfe5ef⋯.jpg (157.71 KB, 1200x780, 20:13, MAP peter james baker.jpg)

File: 6a1c001435cec19⋯.jpg (129.64 KB, 800x600, 4:3, rr baker declas in charge.jpg)

Thank you, Baker.

f26092  No.5050489

File: 372111b491695bf⋯.jpg (16.38 KB, 400x294, 200:147, Hannibal_a-team.jpeg.jpg)

0c426c  No.5050490

File: 52ad05f4a5ae243⋯.png (447.81 KB, 526x618, 263:309, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

He knows…..

809b74  No.5050491


Muh joos not useful anymore shill?

403e8b  No.5050492

File: 28ebe8b27c28349⋯.jpg (107.55 KB, 664x500, 166:125, 2syuxq.jpg)

59bc21  No.5050493


Resembles flow chart(s).

02a4ac  No.5050494


Trump is special. He's the one that said it.

f57409  No.5050495



8af0a5  No.5050496


Her voice sounds like Mickey Mouse on cocaine.

bf9523  No.5050497

File: 9c49477b23b5916⋯.jpeg (108.02 KB, 1242x690, 9:5, A7474CD7-302F-48F3-85DB-3….jpeg)

4621df  No.5050498

File: 7031e5eee78c88d⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, I want to thank President ….mp4)


I want to thank President @realDonaldTrump for being the warm up act.

Now we have the real show:

The great Stacey Abrams from the State of Georgia. #SOTU

ea14f7  No.5050499

File: da28ed42a21bd41⋯.jpg (9.98 KB, 255x194, 255:194, pepemag.jpg)

885a85  No.5050500


nothing? He knows nothing for sure!

e20796  No.5050501

File: 27e3f062f5f5e5b⋯.png (627.96 KB, 724x458, 362:229, kungfuhustle4.png)


Is dat … Ann Coulter?

She rooka rike a man.


edce8e  No.5050502

Today was a turning point.


1de9d7  No.5050503


Fucking MEME THAT SHIT. You got it nailed here.

58000c  No.5050504

c3bc44  No.5050505


I suspect whatever they're putting in the water to make the frogs gay is making men more gay too as well as more likely to be paedophiles. Or maybe that's just the msm.

02f8f2  No.5050506

The Great Awakening is here!

02a4ac  No.5050507

File: aa1face71596b67⋯.png (309.73 KB, 480x360, 4:3, b852cdbed4124ed7667302421e….png)


Jews are the biggest problem.

Trump can't seem to see it, but that's ok.

The goyim masses are waking up.

53272a  No.5050508


Those literate took your freedom.

Anyway, my ass give that "poof" cos is not fucked,

your will be like a cow wash out\

cos you're large in as like podesta's family treat you well.

efd498  No.5050509

File: f6b3944335a5114⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1936x2448, 121:153, F6057C3F-EFDB-4FB2-9686-F….jpeg)

File: 0599af4d8bb4fdc⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1936x2448, 121:153, 81B4754B-F218-482A-9AAD-6….jpeg)

File: 52d97e736f6ccc3⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1936x2448, 121:153, EBC1BF12-FD21-4FE7-ABE5-8….jpeg)

27b3ba  No.5050510

File: e50a8be5f58594b⋯.png (126.32 KB, 340x236, 85:59, 20190206_015944.png)

4621df  No.5050511

File: 5d2cecef6329763⋯.png (674.32 KB, 618x738, 103:123, ClipboardImage.png)


It will take days to fact-check all the misrepresentations that @realDonaldTrump made during tonight’s #StateOfTheUnion address. #SOTU

0c426c  No.5050512

File: 560b43a6754b457⋯.png (442.98 KB, 494x676, 19:26, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

Open your mouth again and I'll tell CNN you don't wear underpants….

8af0a5  No.5050513


Trump is doing good, but build the wall, lock /them/ up, purge the voting rolls is my pet agenda. Not so great on those.

eb3b39  No.5050514



Trump isn't going to do anything, himself. The Military is.

Tonight was about realigning himself (or rather, the country) under a single roof, instead of just right v left. He did that by very specifically citing his accomplishments– which happen to be major talking points from the traditional left (no war, immigration reform, prison reform, minority/women, etc) and then teased ways to build on those successes.

Ergo, to stand against Trump is to stand against what you once claimed to believe. That will be hard for many people, with such blatant evidence. Many world views are being shattered tonight.

And when the hammer drops, it will be an act of transparency (DECLAS). Trump didn't author what's in there. He's simply sharing them with the public– another traditional liberal ideal.

So by the time the authorities move in, most people will have at least begin to come around on Trump, and disillusioned with the whiny Dems. Criticism will still happen, but with 70% support, who cares?

4621df  No.5050515



Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after President Trump delivered his State of the Union Address:

“Tonight, the President spoke about the honor of being in the House Chamber, and all the progress that has been achieved here. But at the same time, he threatened the United States Congress not to exercise its constitutional responsibility of oversight.

“It will take days to fact-check all the misrepresentations that the President made tonight. Instead of fear-mongering and manufacturing a crisis at the border, President Trump should commit to signing the bipartisan conference committee’s bill to keep government open and provide strong, smart border security solutions.

“Sadly, while talking about perceived threats to the safety of the American people, he completely ignored the gun violence epidemic that is claiming lives across the country.

“The President’s call for ending HIV transmission in America is interesting, but if he is serious about ending the HIV/AIDS crisis, he must end his assault on health care and the dignity of the LGBTQ community.

“With the complicity of the GOP Congress over the last two years, President Trump failed the middle class by trying to take away Americans’ health care and enriching the wealthiest 1 percent. The state of the American middle class has been weakened by President Trump’s special interest first agenda.

“The President said that he wanted to work to lower prescription drug prices and build America’s infrastructure. Thus far, the President has not put forward any real proposals. Now, with a new House Democratic Majority working For The People, the President has an opportunity to join us to deliver real progress in lowering the price of prescription drugs and making the bold investments needed to rebuild America’s infrastructure in a green and modern way.

“President Trump must now take concrete steps to work with Democrats to strengthen the health and economic security of families across America. After two years of the President’s empty words, the American people deserve real results.”

970548  No.5050516

File: d68c3c44fab02fc⋯.png (418.69 KB, 682x266, 341:133, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)


The Guilty Remnant

They wore white too

(The Leftovers, HBO)

885a85  No.5050517


Pelosi bullshit!

1f91b0  No.5050518

59bc21  No.5050519


She likes that red jade testicular looking necklace a lot.

4ec8f8  No.5050520

File: ddc05cee75d0bbd⋯.jpg (109.93 KB, 1208x638, 604:319, batter.jpg)

Meme batter

f20732  No.5050521

File: 7f67f104ddf0e10⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1911x1074, 637:358, 7f67f104ddf0e104d066c8e8c2….png)


This one looks like he's going to have a heart attack

bf9523  No.5050522


In my mind it was brilliant

……and so should you = and socialist you


086f87  No.5050523


Yes, and also the 116th Congress.

But for their symbolism…

7624b9  No.5050524

File: d95d7f574243533⋯.jpg (92.87 KB, 816x552, 34:23, mntl7.jpg)

Fantastic speech.

1f5194  No.5050525


During actual speech, not much cognitive reasoning going on… when 'womyns' mentioned, full blown oprah 'YOU GOT A VAGINA, YOU GOT A VAGINA, YOU GOT A VAGINA!!' breaks out. Emotional creatures, those womyns

237de6  No.5050526

File: 180f8f41fa0ac1c⋯.png (808.01 KB, 646x705, 646:705, Gorka re Dem Women SOTU 2-….PNG)

8af0a5  No.5050527


Brad Sherman? Dirty like Schiffty and Mad Max.

02f8f2  No.5050528


You have it up side down, idiot.

Eagles feet always down.

b4d1a8  No.5050529

File: 7af72f57fe0f08b⋯.jpg (199.25 KB, 970x539, 970:539, tamponmob.jpg)


Here it is…

f12f84  No.5050530


>This way the white genocide will happen legally

yes sadly

4621df  No.5050531

File: def1690efc251c0⋯.png (184.59 KB, 627x462, 19:14, ClipboardImage.png)

987123  No.5050532


Wow. Freaky.

85892a  No.5050533











i don't think this is an intentional slide but please stop and think before this get's out of hand.

read these posts.



It can't be something that is on the back of the paper and in the background. It's got to be digital compression ramifications.

740e87  No.5050534

File: f315e05ca29ec55⋯.jpg (61.76 KB, 400x387, 400:387, batman slaps robbin deal w….jpg)

1f91b0  No.5050535

nancy and chuck be on 8ch, drinking, kek.

ede46f  No.5050536


It’s the 116th congress for Christ sakes.

God DAMMIT you guys! First it’s “a map with all these really crazy colorings”, now this. What in the actual fuck is going on tonight?!

785ce1  No.5050537



You are so fucking illiterate that your post is incomprehensible. Go back to school. You misspelled your own misspelling. It cant possibly get more stupid than that. You have reached the height of your incompetence. Retard

3fca53  No.5050538

File: e2da45a1c0b9a77⋯.png (75.72 KB, 299x162, 299:162, Messages Image(2976879014).png)


he won over everybody in that room

it was a great night for america

we have not yet begun to dream

2b0b12  No.5050539



a55ccc  No.5050540

File: d414734d78eb5b0⋯.jpeg (221.54 KB, 799x1012, 799:1012, Screenshot_2019-02-06-00-….jpeg)

File: 88bca95bef9dbb6⋯.jpeg (95.4 KB, 799x220, 799:220, Screenshot_2019-02-06-00-….jpeg)


94ed2e  No.5050541

Every time you respond to a shill, somewhere a kid called Trump gets brain cancer.

Don't respond to shills.

8af0a5  No.5050542

File: be3ca5b9b634a22⋯.jpg (29.33 KB, 300x300, 1:1, bornfree.jpg)

58000c  No.5050543

File: 9b0b482338ca237⋯.png (911.22 KB, 1048x595, 1048:595, tampon-mob-1.png)

df8f73  No.5050544

File: 66f81ad43eeaa76⋯.jpg (82.3 KB, 500x575, 20:23, yodareleasecures.jpg)

File: 467f667ba4ed035⋯.jpg (72.42 KB, 590x462, 295:231, trusttheplaniwastold.jpg)

527d71  No.5050546

File: cc58f2a6cfd77ef⋯.png (780.65 KB, 2237x814, 2237:814, do-you-lift-bro.png)

ec6e2f  No.5050547

Hi I am Stacy Abrams and my Dad walked home in the rain and it’s all the White mans fault

3cb41d  No.5050548

File: 353481030d5352b⋯.gif (2.1 MB, 850x478, 425:239, F15pepe.gif)

fb568c  No.5050549


it's the shills trying to slide

59bc21  No.5050550

File: d4356d6f9eb3d85⋯.png (301.06 KB, 360x481, 360:481, ClipboardImage.png)


shop some strings on em.

a206fe  No.5050551


Stacy Abrams IS NOT an actor in this movie.

She almost stole our Ga governorship.

Check her past/family.

She's a fucking crook.

237de6  No.5050552

File: 2c8c6b6aba1fd61⋯.png (60.47 KB, 655x363, 655:363, Hull re Brian Williams re ….PNG)


Just wait until Brian Williams finds out what abortion looks like


5a3cd9  No.5050553

File: a836293f2da4636⋯.png (170.72 KB, 813x770, 813:770, 1549432490876.png)

Guys are you sure that 30 billion we gave to Israel was enough?

Maybe they need more. We could all get second jobs to help out.. they are our greatest ally after all.

4621df  No.5050554

File: 0e3d05f4be518f5⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



8af0a5  No.5050555


Fuck has never had a private sector job.

227d36  No.5050556


Active rest day?

f23c13  No.5050557


Or Not!

136438  No.5050558


Fair point.

70d863  No.5050559


Not about collectivism, apparently. Not about logic, either… appeal to authority, really?

660742  No.5050560

File: 6ff596e473a85c1⋯.jpg (29.44 KB, 540x231, 180:77, momybody.jpg)

58000c  No.5050561

File: c3708793569d253⋯.png (912.83 KB, 1048x595, 1048:595, tampon-mob-infanticide.png)

02a4ac  No.5050562


I think he had to eat raw coal for breakfast, too.

He also had to walk 25 miles to school in the snow.

6b7f41  No.5050563

File: 75b6794d904416d⋯.jpeg (218.7 KB, 1115x1168, 1115:1168, E35F82CF-81D1-4A53-BBCF-9….jpeg)


ab51d7  No.5050564

File: 606116842cb0342⋯.jpg (40.02 KB, 720x507, 240:169, OrthodoxFugly.jpg)

White middle class is saddled with debt and underemployment and dealing with societal, political, and economic uncertainties. So amidst the turmoil, Trump wants to welcome waves of third world immigrants legally to work for cheap in the companies moving back. It's a win for everyone except the middle class who will pay for it all until we can no longer pay. Middle class couples put off having kids for economic reasons or have been brainwashed into liberalism and not having kids meanwhile brown families are imported. Orthodox fuglies want to be the only ones left with light skin.

797cc1  No.5050565

File: 122da4b8bee64a1⋯.png (800.25 KB, 719x960, 719:960, ClipboardImage.png)

70d863  No.5050566


Almost is the operative word, and the fraud has since been exposed.

dbe4a5  No.5050567

Uhh guis. Guess who tonights designated survivor was. Rick Perry.


Guess what level clearance he has…


ede46f  No.5050568

File: f090f163bab1c2f⋯.jpeg (28.33 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 68BD16AF-9897-4C1F-92F2-1….jpeg)


As she huffs and puffs

1f91b0  No.5050569

File: 2db1627ce9a6513⋯.jpg (92.31 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Never surrender.jpg)

File: 872c1264e304f48⋯.jpg (87.19 KB, 604x612, 151:153, never forget_2.jpg)

File: 00a5ba2506397ec⋯.jpg (230.76 KB, 749x739, 749:739, never forget.jpg)

File: 22d1745a1e9de3c⋯.jpg (161.48 KB, 719x709, 719:709, graham never get it.jpg)

File: a54c298a9392dcd⋯.jpg (94.58 KB, 620x470, 62:47, forget never.jpg)

987123  No.5050570

File: 6d1b8182c775b75⋯.png (402.4 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Indeed. The concept of Unity and a bright, victorious future for all PEOPLE is so alien to our programming.

Life without conflict? Where we are all truly One? Clashes with all the drama and violence programming (they) instill in us from birth. But it's coming. Aquarius is a real thing. Messiah is a real thing. The Golden Age is coming and we are ALL going to be winners.

02f8f2  No.5050571


…at this point, no. Try before this point though.

7290d2  No.5050572


Its all scripted… I don't know how much.. its not my Plan to know… but every time POTUS makes a huge speech like this… he maintains a peaceful and Loving vibe. Its for the Public. Slow awakening. Maybe bad actors expected him to say some wild stuff… thats not how this has been working. As much as normies are annoying and slowly killing me with their bullshit… we need them. WWG1WGA

f12f84  No.5050573


why don't you tell us wtf you're talking about

in english

instead of spamming over and over


6b7f41  No.5050574



885a85  No.5050575


Might be that Ol Lying Brian like cock too much to worry about abortions.

1370c2  No.5050576

File: 4e2f5fd92c283ca⋯.gif (6.77 MB, 1000x556, 250:139, Whiskey chillax.gif)

809b74  No.5050578


POTUS hacked their comms and told them when and how to react. Just like in Scott Free Productions "Braindead (2016)".

136438  No.5050579

File: c932c0d59f42ef2⋯.jpg (152.78 KB, 600x541, 600:541, Trump-Cuck-12.jpg)

Check out this rare, Trump-Cuck, photo I found…

0f93b0  No.5050580


That Gov. just declared herself a traitor. She pulls out Nat’l Guard the same day the caravan arrives?

AZ has a LARGE number of crooked politicians.

Do not forget this woman when she runs again.

b6d885  No.5050581

File: 47c4bff164e171a⋯.jpg (244.11 KB, 1519x855, 1519:855, Screenshot_2019-02-06 Sean….jpg)

Anyone else catch this on Hannity tonight?

53272a  No.5050582


I agree.

Not think about this.

If a retarded person is looking for truth, and you accept the truth that was told to tou, and you accepted, imagine how retarded are you?!

i can live with some misspelings, you can live with a hole life that is a lie, and you will wait for an answer, at the end of it?????????

w/o gifing a chane to your life to know the truth and choose that what is good or wronf, and fight for it??????????

how retarded are you, that insult me, as a non english speaker????

02f8f2  No.5050583


Said it before the SOTU even started…Q was the designated survivor.

9ffbef  No.5050584

File: 66d7fe6d5389330⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB, 320x320, 1:1, ohbOUrJIOeNShzA6.mp4)

007660  No.5050585

Resignations in the news today - part 1

Waupaca School District Administrator Resigns


Somerset County warden fired


Teacher’s aide charged with rape fired, Oxford Middle School principal suspended


Sunset Beach mayor resigns, new manager hired


Laketown supervisor Hofmeyer to retire after 6 decades of public service


Hazelton federal prison warden to retire March 31


Chancellor-dean of Southern Ag Center, Bobby Phills, abruptly resigns


Montgomery chamber president retiring, successor named


Albany architecture firm EYP gets new CEO as Birdsey retires


Scotland County chief deputy resigns, says he wasn't supported


La Plata County planning director resigns amid rewrite of land-use code


Suzanne Beck to retire from Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce


Ron Walker Resigns From Cameron City Council


Medic fired after putting camera in women's bathroom


Top administrator leaving Cobb employ


Accused of sexually abusing two boys, Collier Sheriff's Office jail technician fired


Mortgage lender Jim McMillan to retire in March


c375f6  No.5050586

File: 2dcc9adc3f67565⋯.jpg (52.84 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, post-flight press conferen….jpg)

TFW restraining the uncontrollable excitement of the greatest technological achievement in recorded history…

<womp womp

ede46f  No.5050587


It’s rare because it’s shit.

a7a4f4  No.5050588


haha sucks to be you after POTUS just called you out.

227d36  No.5050589

File: 49882feac8e2061⋯.jpg (185.91 KB, 500x500, 1:1, bayou-bloody-mary.jpg)


The need some bloody Marys for their spirit cooking Bloody Marys.

007660  No.5050590


Resignations in the news today - part 2

Zambeef Director Yusuf Koya Resigns, Appoints Designated CEO To Board


Belgian climate minister resigns after protest march scandal


Belgian minister resigns over school-strike conspiracy claims


Safety Department Commissioner to retire


Clarkson College president resigns after less than three years in position


Indiana superintendent resigns after charged for using own insurance to help sick student


Dean of Southern University's agricultural college resigns


Alison Quirk, 16-year veteran, resigns from Muncie City Council


Baseball Hall of Fame president Idelson to retire


Winchendon Selectman Austin Cyganiewicz resigns


iSIGN Media Announces the Resignation of a Director


Hennepin Healthcare CEO Jon Pryor to resign


Auburn police chief to retire


Prof who called for U of M leadership overhaul resigns


Doctor resigns from health authority Cape Breton site lead position


Heron President to retire


Woolcott resigns as director at PNG Air


Magisterial District Judge Janice Jimenez makes 'difficult' and 'emotional' decision to retire


Chicago police sergeant resigns amid sex crime, brawl investigations


City’s Department of Doing director resigns


Morgan Stanley replaces retiring Emea CFO


Dallas ISD trustee resigns


Health issues force Falkirk Council Labour Group leader to resign


785ce1  No.5050591



WHY did you have to post that and make me hear all the Q drops in his voice????

1de9d7  No.5050593

File: 0fe0543a96ef868⋯.png (250.5 KB, 1127x685, 1127:685, Trusting the plan.png)

File: ca85f7adbe842f0⋯.jpeg (161.44 KB, 565x425, 113:85, Approve.jpeg)

0c426c  No.5050594

File: b9b675e0df65f10⋯.png (580.28 KB, 640x808, 80:101, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

I'm smelling a false flag brewing.

d20852  No.5050595

File: f8bda930bfb4ec9⋯.jpg (626.23 KB, 1251x664, 1251:664, roth-bernie.jpg)

>>5050107 (pb)

136438  No.5050596

File: 0d95b425adf42a1⋯.jpeg (11.92 KB, 299x169, 23:13, images-56.jpeg)

4621df  No.5050597

File: cdacfe08e1cf759⋯.png (421.98 KB, 824x429, 824:429, ClipboardImage.png)

32a634  No.5050598


It is likely a signal.

Keep a lookout.

See something, Say something.

70d863  No.5050599


Sigh… no it's not. So does just about everyone in Trump's cabinet as well as just about everyone that works for Perry.

131e5a  No.5050600


Trump is taking the high road for optics. He will stay above the storm that is coming.

987123  No.5050601


Kek - well put.

4cee69  No.5050602

a87ec4  No.5050603


It's dark inside or your head. And there's not much furniture.

136438  No.5050604

File: d0fd1931046b154⋯.png (492.18 KB, 840x795, 56:53, trump-cuck1.png)

f57409  No.5050605

File: fb39123991ec72e⋯.png (166.49 KB, 857x452, 857:452, 1549433387654.png)

237de6  No.5050606

File: c91bb8824be787a⋯.png (54.64 KB, 633x766, 633:766, Gorka to Shapiro re SOTU 2….PNG)

File: 4edc2f8fde54338⋯.png (46.96 KB, 666x345, 222:115, Shapiro re SOTU 2-5-19.PNG)

Trump's #SOTU was the strongest speech of his presidency.

It may not change the math much overall – there's not a lot of give in his numbers – but it's a reminder that when he's on-script, his depiction of an America that is essentially good is still compelling.



4cee69  No.5050607


Can I get a copy of the sauce pic?

d5fa1f  No.5050608

File: 984780ec407c716⋯.png (263 KB, 457x446, 457:446, 984780ec407c7165dc29007de1….png)


>As much as normies are annoying and slowly killing me with their bullshit…

Fukken kek!

8af0a5  No.5050609


He's actually one of the least effective Senators.

eeb487  No.5050610

File: f1076a08f27c4ea⋯.png (721.78 KB, 435x944, 435:944, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c36524916731b48⋯.png (965.03 KB, 588x723, 196:241, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons, I have a strong suspicion that the woman with the Red Coat, in this Q drop, is Kamala Harris. She had her start in the same district as Dianne Fienstein..the 2 are quite familar with each other prior to her seat in the Senate. I suspect she was helpful with Fienstein's spying endeavors.

ede46f  No.5050611


Can I just get the clean Bernie pic? No fonts?

fee994  No.5050612

File: b0f47dfcc7142ca⋯.png (220.82 KB, 514x407, 514:407, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

File: 5333301e42ecc36⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1910x1034, 955:517, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

At the 1:40 mark of this version of the speech (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXep_uf-ESY)

Debbie Wasserman Shultz is shown something on an ipad. Can a photoshop anon make it out? She looks like she just got her death sentence.

57f960  No.5050613


Doubtful, but he has got to be in on the plan

f20732  No.5050614

File: fbf9e7cf85cee23⋯.jpg (34.89 KB, 501x500, 501:500, fbf9e7cf85cee2375abf79b201….jpg)

58000c  No.5050615

File: f84d2b11e657c8e⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1048x595, 1048:595, tampon-mob.png)

ed3674  No.5050616

File: 462f44e28169257⋯.png (1.82 MB, 2400x2400, 1:1, TBL.png)

1de9d7  No.5050617


The Squaw (Poke-a-hauntus) is the best sad face ever.

885a85  No.5050618


Or tampon bloody marys, since they are the tampon mob?

02f8f2  No.5050619


dbe4a5  No.5050620


And how many of them were held out to be the designated survivor?

785ce1  No.5050621



The only thing more stupid than the text of your posts is the ideas behind them. You are an idiot, and it shines here for all the world to see. Keep posting. Every village needs an idiot, idiot.

ab51d7  No.5050622


Obama the Islamist

Trump the Zionist

5bcf8f  No.5050623

File: a0e9187481d9d99⋯.jpg (22.89 KB, 282x179, 282:179, hert.jpg)

32c47d  No.5050624

File: a5aad2d3c78534e⋯.png (781.93 KB, 1208x638, 604:319, stacyfloyd.png)

136438  No.5050625

File: 0c5a39265c9a6af⋯.jpg (66.56 KB, 600x537, 200:179, Trump-Cuck-13.jpg)

53272a  No.5050626


Imagine knowing the truth at the end

You sure you will like it??????

why don't you go blind fuck or weven get merry blind?????????

who will tell you the truth, anyway???????

those that kept the truth hidden for centuries?????????

885a85  No.5050627


Shapiro = Never Trump POS!

d5e823  No.5050628

File: b22aceaed941ddc⋯.jpg (264.15 KB, 2560x1088, 40:17, s1WTlDw.jpg)


…Was watching that; MK like coding. Seen activity similar to this maybe a month ago.

1370c2  No.5050629

File: 70405e0e8587c80⋯.gif (78.98 KB, 296x400, 37:50, Reagan approves.gif)


thanks for the reminder

spouse bday too

1de9d7  No.5050630


Wolverinessssssss…… yeah right.

02a4ac  No.5050631


Real Christians used to kill both.

Look what we have become.

6b7f41  No.5050632


I think it is.

403e8b  No.5050633

MASSIVE CHILD SEX RING BUSTED Oprah interviewed him. Bill Clinton, singer Paul Simon and supermodel Naomi Campbell are said to have been his clients.

(Apologies if this has been covered already)


660742  No.5050634


I was searching the youtube video with the russian comedians, but in germany, it seems vanished…

4cee69  No.5050635


Danke, anon.

Will be great for blackpill meme of dems cheering most women ever forced into the workplace.

9441f2  No.5050636

File: 4e9c30050f123f6⋯.jpg (83.04 KB, 1420x946, 710:473, 07-rick-perry.w710.h473.2x.jpg)

f12f84  No.5050637


>“President Trump must now take concrete steps to work with Democrats

we wish he'd take "concrete" steps

as in put all you bitches in concrete steps

once and for all

8a50c1  No.5050638


Red Dawn Protocol has been activated

Prepare accordingly


136438  No.5050639

File: cba03655a8df406⋯.jpg (103.14 KB, 633x500, 633:500, Trump-Cuck-9.jpg)

2e0a7b  No.5050640

File: 5a3a7b1a9f9d974⋯.jpeg (2.03 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 333B999C-EC49-41C6-BF4E-A….jpeg)

File: 18127f713851aa0⋯.jpeg (2.25 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 08EBF06C-337F-4D18-AE32-6….jpeg)

File: 4d469020ffaaf0c⋯.jpeg (1.95 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 219EC1BE-00AD-43DB-8FFE-3….jpeg)

File: 1444ae077d7ac43⋯.jpeg (1.58 MB, 3762x2123, 342:193, 9310F46B-A989-4878-A956-F….jpeg)

File: 015c65d861998b0⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 3673x2079, 3673:2079, B3BF5480-8DE4-4496-87D8-9….jpeg)

there was some unexpected comms

reminds me of the bush sr funeral

c4d923  No.5050641

File: 6a1c46b065216ac⋯.png (176.34 KB, 425x282, 425:282, 1549309856.png)



809b74  No.5050642


Bsrry looks like a Goa'uld in that pic.

70d863  No.5050643


What difference does it make? If any one of them was the "designated survivor"

it would have been the same connection because they have the clearance, too.

Not only that, the majority were at the SOTU. This isn't rocket science.

f88ece  No.5050644


Looking moar like The Penguin than ever.

1de9d7  No.5050645


Commie jew with hundred thousand dollar sports cars…. like any good commie. Everyone is equal except for those in power.

a206fe  No.5050646


Are you even old enough to vote, schlomo?

Oh, that's right - you have to live here to cast a vote.

785ce1  No.5050647



Texan here. Cant stand the man

fee994  No.5050648

File: cd5f896c8e59ad1⋯.png (977.09 KB, 1050x846, 175:141, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

File: 626abdf9db7233a⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1569x765, 523:255, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

2b1519  No.5050649


You piece of shill shit, you! How dare you. The greatest POTUS in our history and you dare to meme him into a lapdog. You filthy piece of evil shit, you. You muhjewshills were never loyal to POTUS, Q, our plan, anons, none of it. You're loyal to your hate. Fuck right off this board and suck 17 bags of dicks. All of you ((( muhjewshills))). Fucken UNGRATEFUL , dumb as a rock, full of evil hate shills.

GTFO. You wont be missed. This is not your POTUS! This is not your movement! This is not your MAGA! Leave!

Be gone Satan!

In Jesus name!

d20852  No.5050650


I don't have it, I am not the anon who did the original meme. Maybe he is still on the board and sees this.

f23c13  No.5050651


Only works in horse shoes!

Hillary almost won!

She's a Crook!


e5956e  No.5050652

File: 2bbb53bd85f72bc⋯.png (2.27 MB, 2268x1095, 756:365, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5050140 (pb)


70d863  No.5050653


Of course. Desperation does that to idiots.

aa1fd9  No.5050654

File: 0d9d5390a10789a⋯.png (2.32 MB, 735x1306, 735:1306, Tampon Mob.png)

85892a  No.5050655

File: b4a2eadba6daf93⋯.jpg (636.16 KB, 1776x1682, 888:841, Inkedback of pelosi notes ….jpg)



what's this then. be open minded but not dumb

2c2e02  No.5050656

File: 333b04a28cf600c⋯.jpg (68.59 KB, 720x525, 48:35, IMG_20190205_235915_135.jpg)

Fucking Twitter! I replied to a tweet about Chris Coons and had the name "Coons" in my tweet. Well now Twitter says im a racist and has locked me out of my account for 7 whole fucking days! SEVEN!! WTF!!

57f960  No.5050657

File: 046f762687f28fc⋯.gif (73.1 KB, 100x26, 50:13, copypasta.gif)

237de6  No.5050658

File: c4976f9ab9293f9⋯.png (43.07 KB, 657x378, 73:42, MBerry re Sisterwives SOTU….PNG)


Getting the Democrat sisterwives to cheer during his speech, and then join in a "USA" chant, was 4D underwater blindfolded Bobby Fisher chess.

I bet they get hate mail from their base over that one.


d5fa1f  No.5050659


>almost stole our Ga governorship.

But she definitely stole cookies from the cookie jar.

885a85  No.5050660


Agreed. Perry sucked big time.

53272a  No.5050661



Suddenly, all people want to tell you the truth…………

praise to them

they were busy till now


2e0a7b  No.5050662

File: 36ee9c675c3bd50⋯.jpeg (2.31 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 956E139A-FF4C-4EA6-9976-F….jpeg)

1f91b0  No.5050663


Aww we are not so bad, kek.

I don't feel long enough here to be Anon.

I never felt normal.

Newbies become Anons over time.

Train them well, GOOD insurance.

fc902f  No.5050664

File: 79cbf5936bd99d1⋯.jpg (68.64 KB, 500x583, 500:583, 2sy34m_1.jpg)

File: 25a17a9a7d70252⋯.jpg (80.88 KB, 500x658, 250:329, 2sy0yk_1.jpg)

I can lead the country.

2b9fc6  No.5050665

File: d4d6e118c63df9e⋯.png (166.22 KB, 514x407, 514:407, ipad.png)




067b95  No.5050666


I caught that too

bb0373  No.5050667

This whole night was great

7272e4  No.5050668

File: f7c1e9f2e3b0dcc⋯.jpg (41.73 KB, 444x318, 74:53, 2syvju.jpg)

5bcf8f  No.5050669

File: 9af5d00ed6687e2⋯.png (454.62 KB, 930x486, 155:81, 9af5d00ed6687e2deafb805648….png)

2b0b12  No.5050670


Looks like a waveform - like sound. Like a voice message maybe?

136438  No.5050671

File: 10f7636202e7eb7⋯.jpg (89.39 KB, 960x940, 48:47, Trump-Cuck-15.jpg)

bb0373  No.5050672

4cee69  No.5050673



>Debbie Wasserman Shultz is shown something on an ipad. Can a photoshop anon make it out? She looks like she just got her death sentence.

Is that right before she jumped out of her chair in tears (during jewish stuff)?

Maybe a subpoena?

ed3674  No.5050674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

785ce1  No.5050675



Fuck off, idiot. You are the most boring shill ever. You dont even make sense. Go learn English

53272a  No.5050676



f51828  No.5050677




067b95  No.5050678


Trips confirm Obama the Anti-Christ

8af0a5  No.5050679


Time is of the essence. See Kennedy, Jack

136438  No.5050680

File: f399115bda72f0e⋯.png (198.51 KB, 352x253, 32:23, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

987123  No.5050681

Jah bless you POTUS, QANON and USA.

Love your styles

Gnight frenz

3e2a70  No.5050682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What was this 'wristband' that some guy gave to the POTUS and he put it in his pocket?

4621df  No.5050683

File: 2193832de66d484⋯.png (11.12 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c32ee7ecba12bf1⋯.jpg (71.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, download.jpg)

9a1d96  No.5050684


>>5050231 Breitbart - democrat women standing O for POTUS at SOTU

>>5050316 New Mexico governor pulls National Guard troops from border

>>5050385 Brian Williams taken aback by POTUS graphic words on abortion

>>5050515, >>5050511 Pelosi issued this statement after SOTU

>>5050567 designated survivor was… Rick Perry.

>>5050585, >>5050590 Resignations in the news today

lurking bakers

fire up your ovens, get your recipes together,

handoff next bread at the dough please

5db294  No.5050685

File: 8a5da4e190f0fb6⋯.jpg (61.52 KB, 625x502, 625:502, aocmanson.jpg)

b6d885  No.5050686


Evil trips confirm

28f033  No.5050687


just go back to /pol/

7290d2  No.5050688


Don't doubt yourself. If you are here… with good intent… you are an Anon. Just glad you are here. Be proud.

a7575d  No.5050689

Bahahahahah That puerto rico mayor propagandist crying Puerto Rico wasn't mentioned! Wow, they are pimping up that hurricane for all they can. That place was already a collapsed island because of all the CROOKS… they cry they want statehood yet show nothing but disrespect. If anyone COULD help them it would be Trump. Sorry handle your own corruption and then get back to us when you want to be respectful and love the country you want to be a part of.

3e2a70  No.5050690

File: bf2524a8db4c0c5⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1860x1060, 93:53, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

File: 24c9731c7cbfeb9⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1864x1074, 932:537, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

File: a81a0688e566c79⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1862x1056, 931:528, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

File: b8e1f4b2726f374⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1848x1066, 924:533, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

dbe4a5  No.5050691


One would assume that if POTUS was going to designate someone it would be someone that would carry out the plan. Killary and Obummer are still out there. He may not be Q but he is definately aware of the plan.

6d9ab0  No.5050692

I'm taking a break from baking for a while anons.

I hope you guys can pick up the slack in my absence.

Thank you!

fee994  No.5050693


Who is that sitting next to her.

2e0a7b  No.5050694


aoc is not the best actress

she obviously has thrown all the cabal under the bus somehow

6b7f41  No.5050695


Because I disagree with you I’m an idiot. I feel bad for your loved one if you have any anon.

4621df  No.5050696

File: b83ac58b4597cff⋯.gif (3.49 MB, 460x320, 23:16, 420elf.gif)


>Jah bless


fc902f  No.5050697

File: 34c30254bf4d757⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1111x890, 1111:890, 34c30254bf4d7574891baffe1e….png)

d47f58  No.5050698

8af0a5  No.5050699


Is she still measuring wall mileage now that it's started? THAT's a good question for her.

2b9fc6  No.5050700


And that answers that. Nothing burger, mapfags.

bb0373  No.5050701

File: dab342372e4ce4a⋯.png (341.79 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 2EF1A483-8C0B-41C5-85C3-6D….png)

The people who boycotted the speech

a206fe  No.5050702


Don't fall for the MOS jooo slides.

(((They're))) in here like cock roaches trying to divide us over SOTU.

Stay strong.

Stay focused.


136438  No.5050703

File: 32a1507c418802d⋯.png (42.95 KB, 500x303, 500:303, im-a-goy-and-a-jew-im-both….png)

65f2b4  No.5050704


Ya we are fucked you notice he said we don't need investigations, not Mueller but the feds got something on someone I think the wall is fake and gay, our military can't take a drug cartel out of power in Mexico, fight wars all over but not there, straight up used us but why should they care they told us the truth about how they feel [Snake poem] we knew this day would come, now the swamp rats are nice to him he won huh? we had a glimpse of hope is all. at least im not worried about Impeachment he is one of them, tricked us tho hard to do well played, shutdown won't happen Dems will come around after that Inspiring speech Even the MSM will praise him now sweet buy some Facebook stock it soaring

4621df  No.5050705

File: 8ea79eac3b03075⋯.png (996.45 KB, 1006x916, 503:458, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 969674ead5602e7⋯.png (91.63 KB, 306x308, 153:154, ClipboardImage.png)

ec6dce  No.5050706


>hacked their comms and told them when and how to react

Yep. Something like that, brainwaves are difficult to mask. Just transmitting every thought.

Now I have another DVD to buy.

32c47d  No.5050707

File: 84c48a4e8c60f89⋯.png (754.58 KB, 1208x638, 604:319, stacyisis.png)

a7575d  No.5050708


Statehood wise…. YOU ARE A TERRITORY of the US and with the TERRITORY you are somewhat still independent. Now ACT LIKE IT!!!!

53272a  No.5050709




YOU PRAISE WHO??????????

136438  No.5050710

File: e8320c56e190826⋯.jpg (83.67 KB, 504x500, 126:125, 1ftene.jpg)

2986db  No.5050711


Signaling to NP?

d1844a  No.5050712

File: 544ebce025a2f9a⋯.png (88.51 KB, 307x238, 307:238, 70f3259cde0ca09f6081793aa1….png)

File: a78cc50ac7dc226⋯.png (879.88 KB, 1080x1192, 135:149, a78cc50ac7dc226ee19fc1bf06….png)

8af0a5  No.5050713


I know an illegal immigrant who overstayed a VISA, got status somehow, and now she's all for Trump! That's almost a miracle!

1370c2  No.5050714

File: 8c7aa7b146b5502⋯.jpg (22.71 KB, 474x284, 237:142, chet 1.jpg)

70d863  No.5050715


He's going to designate someone in order of succession. The rest of

the team

was attending the SOTU. Learn the Constitution. Start with the 25th Amendment.

This is why we have the government we have. You anons simply don't

understand how it works.

3e2a70  No.5050716

one the Fox stream there was a guy that gave POTUS some wristband that he said 'that is it' and 'I will take look at it'


8a50c1  No.5050717


We have prepared for this..

660742  No.5050718

File: 04f4ec4c62f7450⋯.jpg (120.67 KB, 647x498, 647:498, schwanger.jpg)

885a85  No.5050719



2e0a7b  No.5050720

File: 6adda9e7664ae99⋯.jpeg (281.65 KB, 1200x1208, 150:151, E86B24B8-1400-4853-906B-9….jpeg)


there it is again

the boom in the room

potus droppin the hammer with cameras on and nowhere to hide

love this plan

70d863  No.5050721


No, you're an idiot because you don't know how our government works.

ab51d7  No.5050722


Yeah, members..of..CONGRESS chanting USA is definitely remarkable. We're making great strides when legislators remember the name of our country, even though they want to see its downfall.

3e2a70  No.5050723

53272a  No.5050724



785ce1  No.5050725



You are still unable to make an iota of sense. I called you an idiot, not a shill. You are not smart enough to be a shill. Very sad

ef9ac5  No.5050726


How ignorant do you have to be to not get the message that he's conveying?

e53b19  No.5050727

For far to long, evil ayy's had power over humanity, now they are losing, big time. How does it feel, my dear evil ayy's to know you are no longer in control of this great race.

d47f58  No.5050729


Don't you know? There are anons who have been anons longer than you and me, who are just now coming onto the boards?

4cee69  No.5050730

File: 2e007a7f3644335⋯.png (424.86 KB, 469x529, 469:529, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

Did anyone get screencaps of #'s of viewers to compare to last year?

8af0a5  No.5050731


With ya 100%.

8a50c1  No.5050732


We gave Trump the benefit of the doubt. Tonight, he played his cards..

=Ghost Protocol in Effect==

d1844a  No.5050733

File: 933a04535448d08⋯.png (216.55 KB, 534x548, 267:274, 933.png)

136438  No.5050734

File: 7c1c931ea879a85⋯.jpg (124.05 KB, 1000x699, 1000:699, 57114ec0b2bb89abf3b836f9c8….jpg)

Trump did his part for Israel… Now he wants his baby-dicks.

6a9240  No.5050735

File: 91a7745be0e8dc2⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Cracked_Ice_3.jpg)

assets frozen >>5050204

a206fe  No.5050736


Too bad you don't love OUR country!

f57409  No.5050737

File: 8e2052ed082a8f1⋯.png (433.21 KB, 720x379, 720:379, 1549434081204.png)

File: f14bee2e10162be⋯.jpg (47.55 KB, 720x379, 720:379, 2019-02-06t032836z_2141367….jpg)

01c907  No.5050738


I love you guys

2e0a7b  No.5050739


wtf is nancy lookin at

660742  No.5050740

File: 834d45b9f95452e⋯.jpg (54.69 KB, 640x480, 4:3, jabba.jpg)

02a4ac  No.5050741


I got the message, all right.

He wants the largest number of immigrants to come to the US.

It is pretty fucking plain and simple, donchathink?

136438  No.5050743


No, you didn't.

53272a  No.5050744






8a50c1  No.5050745


You are now the enemy

1370c2  No.5050746

File: b3dc14109623abe⋯.jpg (43.14 KB, 474x355, 474:355, Sandberg dump.jpg)


take your stock advice somewhere else.

Not a place for that here.

Good luck in your new job facebook employee

6b7f41  No.5050747

File: 3448299c2ccb668⋯.jpeg (28.64 KB, 237x255, 79:85, 8BAA78F0-63E7-4DAC-AD8C-7….jpeg)


Fuck off faggot.

3fca53  No.5050748

File: 4d95f93a1225483⋯.png (84.37 KB, 293x181, 293:181, Messages Image(2932277174).png)

if your response to the SOTU is anger, bitterness, feelings of divisiveness, race-bating, hackkneed memetics, and other such utterances: you missed the point, or you're paid / programmed to feel that way. POTUS showed he's a wonderful politician. he made liddle adam schitt laugh. he made bernie sanders laugh. he made them get up off their asses and actually feel proud of themselves. he made them feel like they could actually DO the job the people elected them to do. it's their choice to fuck it up, like anybody. why all the rage? why all the bullshit? oh that's right, nobody's are only happy when someone else feels as bad about themselves as they do , nobody's are only happy when they can pull the conversation back into the pit of their own shitty selves. it's whack, and you're a retarded. unlock your imagination. do something interesting for yourself. go dig, find something interesting out, stop vomiting out your self loathing and pathos and calling it knowledge and insight.

ed3674  No.5050749

File: 8f2210cb4e80eac⋯.jpg (71.28 KB, 720x923, 720:923, 8f2210cb4e80eac8ac9a8dcb59….jpg)

53272a  No.5050750



785ce1  No.5050751



Annnnnnd you just went full retard

ec6dce  No.5050752


It says "there will be consequences".

3e2a70  No.5050753


- I am meeting Kim this month

- I am negotiating with Talibans to screw you for poppy fields

- I am building the wall on the southern border

- Dems so sad their coyotes and MS13 are going out of business

- Cabal is freaking out while we invoke freedom and God

183e6b  No.5050754


But, was she wearing red boots?

0da98f  No.5050755





I'd guess that's a usb or micro sd

136438  No.5050756


I love America… Not Israel.

8a50c1  No.5050757


Yes WE did.

27b3ba  No.5050758

File: 4e6b585bc1a5a81⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 720x379, 720:379, 06022019022027.jpg)

797cc1  No.5050759

File: 4584363f0afaf52⋯.png (413.46 KB, 851x656, 851:656, ClipboardImage.png)

0:45 seconds




785ce1  No.5050760



I just feel sorry for your mom

0cecce  No.5050761


RGB Pin?

48a283  No.5050762


they're fucking traitors you soft cunt

and so are you

e5956e  No.5050763


State The Of Union?

53272a  No.5050764




3bbd0d  No.5050765

File: 2b1a50ad5753e99⋯.png (799.27 KB, 1072x549, 1072:549, chrome_2019-02-05_16-34-33.png)

File: 5e575b2f3d27968⋯.png (853.52 KB, 1113x548, 1113:548, chrome_2019-02-05_16-31-44.png)


comms are everywhere

2f0475  No.5050766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So a few breads back someone stopped in talking about Abrams and ended with Hi Grace.

They were suggesting that she's a Great Actor.

Consider that for a sec.

Out of any villain… whether WWE or TV Stereotype…

Who rouses your ire? Who make you feel things against that person?

Voldemort? Nurse Ratched? Dean Wormer? Hans Gruber? Buffalo Bill?

What about Stacey Abrams?

Don't you have "all the feels"?

Not about her… but the character she's so openly portraying…

AOC… same thing thing.

They're almost caricatures… but they're not.

They just represent something farther down the line than the old guard wants to be open about.

But back to Abrams…

Her red shirt… AOC saying "socialist red"…

Fucking with the liberals?

"Wear red, guys! life will improve under the color red!"

Meanwhile, in China… n/m

What about Avenatti and Stormy Daniels (who is already a professional/sometimes believable actress)


"She didn't even watch it!"

It was pre-recorded. Both are absurd.

"She was in front of a green screen!"

Just like when Schmuck and Nance responded to GEOTUS from behind that little podium.

Just… imagine your Cenk. Ignore that Cenk is Gay Frog Jones for the libs.

Whenever you think about Abrams and she fits the stereotypical "worst the left has to offer" or "the boogieman"… say:


Remember that the Old Guard likes to have private meetings but… Gosh golly…

This new generation just can't keep their faces off cameras and fingers of twitter.

Just like GEOTUS but that's his schtick anyway.

So… People really follow those caricatures.

You saw how flagrantly disrepectul Ilhan Whatsherfuck was.

Is she not behaving like we know a semite of upbringing actually would, instead of trying to ease into things like the Old Guard?

And they keep rushing to do things, don't they?

Things that backfire…

Suddenly the "Fair Fight" thing she set up becomes a honeypot.

Rally people behind… things that will be used against their idols.

Y'know… how like they were prepping people with Roger Stone and the show of force, regardless of his health…

Cuz you never know who else is in the house, for starters.

Especially with such Dangerously Convincing Criminals that make some sympathize with and follow them… portrayed by actors who make their characters relatable or polarizing, depending if they're a face, a heel, or chaotic-neutral…

Have you suspended your belief yet?

Why did I mention Roger Stone?

Has he ever worked with muslim-leaning blackety folks before?

136438  No.5050767

59bc21  No.5050768


very funny!

237de6  No.5050769

File: 05342fc1ceb2e2b⋯.png (549.39 KB, 642x693, 214:231, Scavino45 re SOTU 2-5-19 1….PNG)

File: 1da4b9a6811dac1⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1187x790, 1187:790, Scavino45 re SOTU 2-5-19 1….PNG)

File: b90e7c0359907bb⋯.png (772.74 KB, 789x524, 789:524, POTUS 2019 SOTU Born Free ….PNG)

"We are born free, and we will stay free. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country." #SOTU President @realDonaldTrump


28f033  No.5050770

File: 6fa1d88da397579⋯.jpg (71.03 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 111daytheory.jpg)

Old graphic on the 111 day delta

been archiving the side by side thread and came across this gem

had forgot when the 111 day theory came, might've been before this but this is a good graphic on it

was talking about it a few days ago and couldn't remember it

(not my graphic)

1f5194  No.5050771

File: 39ef35875bc2076⋯.png (574.99 KB, 793x555, 793:555, vaginasunderyourseats.png)

f57409  No.5050772

File: 0587bd417df7179⋯.png (52.83 KB, 488x612, 122:153, bigmouth.png)

01c907  No.5050773


When they tell you to think for yourself it's because of people like this guy. Sheep tend follow the herd.

3e2a70  No.5050774


a short summery

8af0a5  No.5050775


I'm the authority, dipshit. You're just another grad from a shitty high school. Go read a fucking book.

2f0475  No.5050777


and no one cared.

785ce1  No.5050778









For the love of god

900b49  No.5050779

File: e842c6b8e0aff03⋯.jpg (145.28 KB, 618x738, 103:123, pelosi concrete steps.jpg)

Pelosi's statement after SOTU "President Trump must now take concrete steps"

787ab9  No.5050780

File: 601f3c6a195761e⋯.png (734.08 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

2b1519  No.5050781

The MuhPOTUSsoldOutToIsrael shills are all the muhjewshills. And they're reeeeeing. And it's funny. Kek. Top kek for POTUS for that one… Pure comedy

28f033  No.5050782


the anon means you said STOU instead of SOTU

a206fe  No.5050783



"unsettling af" . Kek

136438  No.5050784


You're a cuck… We don't negotiate with terrorists.

ef9f69  No.5050785


POTUS makes a generous first offer, his subsequent offers are less and less.

70d863  No.5050786


Thats what's known as admitting you don't know what the fuck you're

talking about and realizing you just got schooled. Learn the Constitution

and stop being part of the problem. People like you are the reason we

got Obama in the first place.

2e0a7b  No.5050787

File: c75b0e9631fa7ab⋯.jpeg (922.22 KB, 2646x1834, 189:131, 2E9F13A9-3EEE-4C28-B9C7-9….jpeg)


this was it

not the paper thing

4cee69  No.5050788


I'm tarded and having problems with outline fonts in gimp.

Can you do one that says:

Record number of women

Forced into the workplace

53272a  No.5050789


e5956e  No.5050790


Yeah but STOU ;)

58000c  No.5050791

File: 704e6c3cef9ff67⋯.png (494.49 KB, 1200x535, 240:107, SHILL.png)

8af0a5  No.5050792


Media, junk foods, gay agenda, medicines, everything. henrymakow.com is good on this subject.

01c907  No.5050793


Code for concrete shoes.

c3bc44  No.5050794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nancy's literally shaking!


0bdbb1  No.5050795

2b9fc6  No.5050796

File: af8e5f821bdd583⋯.png (11.79 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, bern.png)

183e6b  No.5050797


Where can I buy a sheet of these?

ede46f  No.5050798

File: 5bad05fa65b505f⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB, 2168x3335, 2168:3335, 9AEE277F-0A3A-4E30-99BF-4….jpeg)

File: 7dc47382da58303⋯.jpeg (2.73 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, FDA845CB-FED8-4680-BBF1-3….jpeg)

File: d1f85b0c1ad5a92⋯.jpeg (2.56 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 7915A3DC-7C62-425A-B7CE-1….jpeg)

3e2a70  No.5050799


that looks like some kind of wristband or fitbit something like that

2e0a7b  No.5050800



53272a  No.5050801



56b7e9  No.5050802

File: 9e505a85f94eb2c⋯.png (94.72 KB, 1001x220, 91:20, UnitedStatesCorporationAct….png)

File: 02332ccaefdc14b⋯.png (473.36 KB, 1009x1926, 1009:1926, US CODE: Title 28,3002. De….png)

POTUS didn't say "indivisible" or "liberty" or "United States" in last minute of speech in spots where it seemed a president would be just about to…and then didn't.

The end was NOT "and God Bless The United States of America."

It was just "God Bless America."

Are we officially out from under the foreign-owned corporation? Ya know, the one some genius in Scotland incorporated in 1868 and called "THE UNITED STATES" Inc.? And a legal fiction got substituted in place of OUR COUNTRY as part of the Act of 1871 and later Acts in icluding, but not limited to, The Federal Reserve Act.

As seen in line 15 a BELOW

stuff that happens in DC is done affecting the corporation and we've all been duped into going along with it. Instead of Common Law, we're acting under Admiralty Law/Maritime Law (Law of the Sea)← why "Ports of Entry" are always being discussed.

136438  No.5050803


(sorry, meant that for the guy you were responding to).

70d863  No.5050804


That was sort of my point. I notice you don't mention anything that would

indicate you have even the slightest understanding of economics,

or logic.

But hey, you're an "authority," therefore you must be right.

Fucking morans need a brian.

900b49  No.5050805



( • )( • )

4ec8f8  No.5050806

8af0a5  No.5050807


Trump was quite pointed on the investigations. I think he's going to unleash the Kraken if /they/ start them up.

6d9ab0  No.5050808

2e0a7b  No.5050809


it scared the shit outta me whatever it was

da1840  No.5050810

File: f9eb6cce5711647⋯.jpg (246.97 KB, 768x384, 2:1, already embalmed ruth at s….JPG)

2f0475  No.5050812

File: 8a63028707df68c⋯.jpg (388.23 KB, 894x671, 894:671, 13dbcbd3ce713185e03f0c7698….jpg)


Also, the phrase "Hi Grace" being homophonic with "High Grace".

48a283  No.5050813


legal from where?

india? pakistan? china? brazil? where?

1de9d7  No.5050814


gorilla cage at the zoo background.

48442b  No.5050815

File: c65f1a33acb97b9⋯.jpg (10.31 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Q POTUS TIE.jpg)

POTUS tie.

POTUS is approx. halfway through his FIRST term.

He walked in, tie nearly 45 degrees to left. Saw bunch of dem assholes snickering about it. 45 greets Pence, I kept hoping he'd give 45 the high sign or something.

45 gave about HALF of his speech and suddenly the tie is straight.

POTUS just told us that in 2 years he has pulled the gov't from left cliff hanging to dead center rudder. Straight course from here on in!!!

0cecce  No.5050816

File: 753a75722061fb7⋯.jpg (55.01 KB, 504x759, 168:253, I surrender.jpg)


Alternatively… a white flag or cloth can be used as a symbol of surrender, truce, or a desire to parley.

09e4ab  No.5050817

File: 2318e7060b241c4⋯.gif (2.14 MB, 373x280, 373:280, idk.gif)

8a50c1  No.5050818


Who is "We"?

a64e00  No.5050819

File: 98c36c4b0de8434⋯.jpg (42.46 KB, 600x314, 300:157, AOC spirited.jpg)


Yeah right AOC. What did she think there were no camera's in the room

01c907  No.5050820

File: fc9ac1f958825d0⋯.jpg (543.4 KB, 900x629, 900:629, winnie-the-pooh-mr-sanders….jpg)


I know where I'm spending my weekends.

950adb  No.5050821

File: a76d89a2738d7f5⋯.jpg (153.51 KB, 824x821, 824:821, FreeClinic.jpg)


53272a  No.5050822




c375f6  No.5050823

File: 1dd5150b3e02685⋯.jpg (51.54 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dissent pins.jpg)

136438  No.5050824


America… That has been our policy for decades.

Where are you from, Israel?

f26092  No.5050825


Ok. That's fuckin' funny.

f57409  No.5050826

File: 4225ea8212df56d⋯.png (415.09 KB, 720x379, 720:379, 1549434528782.png)

32a634  No.5050827



Think about what you are doing.

The Plan belongs to my God.

Not smart.

70d863  No.5050828

8af0a5  No.5050829


"I ate my Dad's coat."

06d605  No.5050830

Hey Brock- can't you at least hire shills that are able to type in legible english? It's like reading kindergarten scribblings.

1f5194  No.5050831

File: e9da45001286935⋯.png (557.46 KB, 755x580, 151:116, sotuvaginas.png)

8a50c1  No.5050832


Have you ever been in a war?

ef9f69  No.5050833


>POTUS didn't say "indivisible" or "liberty" or "United States" in last minute of speech in spots where it seemed a president would be just about to…and then didn't.

>The end was NOT "and God Bless The United States of America."

>It was just "God Bless America."

noticed that too, thanks for explaining.



7290d2  No.5050834


I have to watch more thoroughly again tomorrow… computer and cuntTube were fucking with me… Was there any mention of RBG at SOTU?

eb41d4  No.5050835


Yes dipshit. He could have chosen anyone in the order of succession. He didnt have to choose the guy with the department of energy clearance. Read the constitution you faggot.


d14c4d  No.5050836


Could also be Pocahontas’ head dress

4801f8  No.5050837

guys I'm 30 next month and have nothing keeping me in my home country. is that too old to apply for MIL INTEL. I actually feel like doing something and wouldn't mind learning a language as that's usually part of it, don't care which language either.

8efe0b  No.5050838

File: 116d14c7339884b⋯.png (291.05 KB, 947x583, 947:583, _ff.png)


don't bite it anons.

they want us to respond with the TRUTH.

which is too brutal rn without the DECLAS.

ede46f  No.5050839


Someone see this. It was mean for (((you)))

8a50c1  No.5050840


God speaks, you don't listen.

ce60eb  No.5050841

File: 0443bb2d12d2066⋯.jpg (396.47 KB, 634x831, 634:831, chbbell.jpg)

0bdbb1  No.5050842


Did anyone else see clitches?

3e2a70  No.5050843

File: 177dfa14fdda837⋯.png (5.65 MB, 2938x2430, 1469:1215, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

This might be some setup for the POTUS see this bold DOJ guy was waiting to make photo of that

27b3ba  No.5050845

File: 39f2cdbaa99dae2⋯.gif (925.57 KB, 492x251, 492:251, bTQ.gif)

8af0a5  No.5050847


You're just another uneducated fool running down the board by attacking your superiors. KYS

70d863  No.5050848


Did you not fucking pay attention?


136438  No.5050849


What do you define as a war?

Being directed to shoot at strangers for the sake of Israel, at the direction of my gov't? Is that "war", to you?

13c302  No.5050850

Was so emotional after that speech, then scrolling through pb, that I almost forgot this is my 1 year anniversary here with so many frens! Thank you to Q, POTUS, all the amazing bakers, and of course to all the anons! Y'all have made this last year one of the best even through divorce and starting life over as a single parent! Thank you, thank you, thank you! WWG1WGA!!!

53272a  No.5050851





ed3674  No.5050852


Excellent intro, fren

403e8b  No.5050853

File: 0261d03b489b882⋯.jpg (115.19 KB, 664x500, 166:125, index.jpg)

bb0373  No.5050854

Now I’m waiting for “my fellow Americans the storm is upon us”

aa1fd9  No.5050855


>and thank God we have all these women in government

>so they can better advocate baby murder I guess.

could've been a way of illustrating the folly allowing women in politics.

>See? all these women given a chance to lead, and all they focus on is "muh vagina"/"why cant we murder babies"

8af0a5  No.5050856


I wish I could embarrass you with an iq test, then give you the bitch-slapping you clearly deserve.

136438  No.5050857


Have you ever lived in a free nation?

8a50c1  No.5050858


Turkish prisons=human trafficking.

e7a62c  No.5050859

File: 17aa3d34628ab73⋯.png (830.12 KB, 782x5378, 391:2689, 227 - 10 U.S. Code § 284 -….png)

>>5050210 RT: >>5049439 (lb)


3fca53  No.5050860

File: 0970a1cdc57a971⋯.png (193.48 KB, 490x274, 245:137, Messages Image(3884639776).png)

it may just have saved all our lives

b83a67  No.5050861



Make Israel Great Again, he said.

The presidential sycophantic worship is disgusting, no matter which party is in power.

Republicans suck as much as democrats.

Yes, really.

c5840b  No.5050862


me too

4cee69  No.5050863


POTUS speech brought people together and envisioned great things

Pelosi response is fear mongering.

6b7f41  No.5050864


Didn’t Florida and Texas just get hit with major Hurricanes too? They’re not begging for money every fucking day.

eefd69  No.5050865

File: dca1a2396e01588⋯.png (1.31 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 8BC166C5-B799-4292-A366-73….png)

File: e6439d67a7d2e6d⋯.png (1.19 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 01EB0533-BBB1-4C0C-8A43-F2….png)

File: ed46d79d53acdfd⋯.png (1.05 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, EACA6DE1-393C-4EAE-8583-F3….png)

File: 0889d1d34048d5b⋯.png (1.69 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, EE3559FB-510F-458E-9780-CD….png)

Adam Schiff on tap for Wednesday.


53272a  No.5050866



8efe0b  No.5050867

File: 9abe9df9487ca3f⋯.jpg (36.56 KB, 432x439, 432:439, dork2.jpg)



we are most definitely in the 3 EO rodeo.




efd498  No.5050868

File: e80f35d8d64422d⋯.jpeg (231.65 KB, 1228x985, 1228:985, 430E67BF-8F2A-4732-845D-C….jpeg)

7290d2  No.5050869



Only Govt cameras were there. Something may have happened.. not sure how that would work.. but that would be crazy if a bunch of bad actors were "dealt with" in whatever way in a "cut out" portion that we would all get to see at a much later date. Sounds fantastic … but who the heck knows what is possible with The Team.

28f033  No.5050870



kek, we've been waiting since it was posted

but the storm isn't upon us

we're still in the Calm Before The Storm, Mueller isn't done yet and Huber hasn't even started (publicly) yet

4cee69  No.5050871


Beautiful black pill. Thanks, anon!

8a50c1  No.5050872



What do you know about war.

We are fully prepared, armed with the latest weapons…

785ce1  No.5050873



I have to watch it tomorrow too – I was in class.

But I scanned the breads and all I saw was POTUS said 'ruthless' at some point in the speech

136438  No.5050874


I don't know if he said those words, exactly… But he certainly implied it.

b83a67  No.5050875



Moving forward, the SOTU speech should be cancelled.

The president should just submit a written statement like the olden days.

136438  No.5050876


bb0373  No.5050877


Who really knows tbh

53272a  No.5050878



c5840b  No.5050879


I saw either a post or a tweet today that Mueller has checked out (he supposedly has a booze problem) and Weissman is running things. Anyone able to confirm?

e7a62c  No.5050880

File: 49d5e900e0bf2d0⋯.jpg (91.91 KB, 960x727, 960:727, clintondoubles.jpg)

File: 12fcd715051216b⋯.jpg (115.35 KB, 800x500, 8:5, clintondoubles2.jpg)

9a1d96  No.5050881


>>5050231 Breitbart - democrat women standing O for POTUS at SOTU

>>5050316 New Mexico governor pulls National Guard troops from border

>>5050385 Brian Williams taken aback by POTUS graphic words on abortion

>>5050515, >>5050511 Pelosi issued this statement after SOTU

>>5050567 designated survivor was... Rick Perry.

>>5050610 anon theory - Kamala Harris - woman w red coat in Q drop

>>5050612 Debbie Wasserman Shultz is shown something on an ipad and reacts

>>5050859, >>5050210, >>5049439 (lb) the 15 Day congressional notification is what NP was reading ?

>>5050585, >>5050590 Resignations in the news today

136438  No.5050882


Good for you… You aren't going to do shit.

8efe0b  No.5050883

File: 381163353f8baa5⋯.jpg (99.91 KB, 581x602, 83:86, TROJANS.jpg)


my high school was greater than israel.


b83a67  No.5050884


He must protect Israel…with American blood & treasure.

That's what I heard.

Same as it ever was.

8a50c1  No.5050885


Future will prove past

a206fe  No.5050886



Nothing out of Pelosi's hole is Notable

a64e00  No.5050887


Theres a transcript in the threads im sure

e1f720  No.5050888

File: 1525afbca918ba0⋯.jpg (253.61 KB, 659x625, 659:625, ww.jpg)

The world is waking up guys.

KEK be praised!!


9a1d96  No.5050889

File: 48c4c1e028a1ff3⋯.png (323.57 KB, 500x500, 1:1, bakin.png)


anything missed or fresh, repost next bread

8af0a5  No.5050890

I wonder if Trump will get serious about shutting down the govt this time and actually draining that fucking swamp??!! Fire them all! The best possible move for the economy is to shrink the govt bigly.

fe33be  No.5050891

File: b7d7d45e156555d⋯.png (152.36 KB, 952x717, 952:717, 65d57159e61606a0eda11a220f….png)

797cc1  No.5050892

File: 029130ca521b158⋯.png (140.22 KB, 379x531, 379:531, ClipboardImage.png)

136438  No.5050893



2b0b12  No.5050894


He did say ruthless coyotes.

b49dfc  No.5050895

File: 7317315bb19efd4⋯.jpg (26.43 KB, 600x300, 2:1, compression_artifacts.jpg)


Compress artifacts as a result of the blocking filter.

Example I just whipped up in GIMP related.

0da98f  No.5050896


Thinking has been expanded!

Possibilities are limitless!

4ec8f8  No.5050897

136438  No.5050898


Well, nothing was done in the past, either. So… I expect you to prove that.

785ce1  No.5050899


I want to watch the whole thing, I dont want to read it. There were lots of posts of parts of the speech and that's cool, but I like to watch POTUS speak, and I want the whole show

70d863  No.5050900


If it came from "sources," definitely not true. Besides, any problems with

Mueller means nobody will believe the report, which means Trump's


gets dumped and we start over. Trump picked Mueller for a reason

(hint: because he's been working with RM for years).

8db23f  No.5050901


I will NEVER believe he is a white hat.


NAU super highway

Rigged Texas GOP

8efe0b  No.5050902

File: 8196acace3b0110⋯.png (16.34 KB, 400x397, 400:397, hammertimechart.png)


not true.

>you are watching a movie

>each character has a story

>each story has a narrative [idea/though pattern]


>history books




797cc1  No.5050903

File: b58f68f37405424⋯.png (197.77 KB, 403x651, 13:21, ClipboardImage.png)

4ec8f8  No.5050904

File: d34b74b61115a99⋯.jpg (84.78 KB, 640x385, 128:77, NPC.jpg)

eb41d4  No.5050905

File: c34698f2f9362c1⋯.png (150.77 KB, 1280x806, 640:403, Dataaccess.tiff.png)


Show us where the department of agriculture has that clearance genius. Ill wait

8a50c1  No.5050906


Your left shoulder.

Feel it?

2e0a7b  No.5050907

File: fbab2c39e4b1991⋯.jpeg (480.22 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 03CEAEC6-53BF-4AF8-8175-3….jpeg)

136438  No.5050908

File: 9c50c74f39bc544⋯.png (256.83 KB, 621x325, 621:325, 1510476265662.png)

There are no coincidences…

bb0373  No.5050910


Idk I think that’s reaching

785ce1  No.5050911


Wonder what ever happened to lil Baby Ruth? We'll find out

e7a62c  No.5050912

File: 0641279a40fae24⋯.jpg (89.97 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Abortion_Cookies.jpg)

File: 7a65b11988e0925⋯.jpg (228.23 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Abortion_Cookies2.jpg)

File: 6bf0d5c93b34036⋯.jpg (60.79 KB, 564x670, 282:335, harpy eagle 1.jpg)

32a634  No.5050913


Militia related. IMO

53272a  No.5050914




aDMIRAL bYRD WASN'T A US ARMY??????????????

wHAT CHANGED THAT?????????????


oR SAME ?????????


NEED FOR A??????????????????



3b14ef  No.5050915


Also attended bilderberg meeting

c5840b  No.5050916


I hope so. I have believed from day one that Mueller was really working for Trump to drain the swamp .. but some of the things that come out seem pretty strange for that to be true.

136438  No.5050917


What about it?

70d863  No.5050918


Mueller's close, according to Whitaker. I think it was Grassley that said he'd

be done within the month. Of course, he also hinted we might not see the

report, either, which seems kinda wrong.

8db23f  No.5050919



eae4ae  No.5050920

8efe0b  No.5050921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


thought pattern*

let us learn something new…

"OK GOOGLE, what is Center Of Gravity?"

48a283  No.5050922

File: a6b3ba078e27115⋯.png (160.77 KB, 1366x590, 683:295, Screenshot_2019-02-06 unti….png)

File: 78938cad6a09dd3⋯.png (110.02 KB, 1349x1611, 1349:1611, Screenshot_2019-02-06 Onto….png)

File: 744d9f1a54390cf⋯.png (98.33 KB, 1349x590, 1349:590, Screenshot_2019-02-06 Drab….png)

File: 57f6bfcc69e7cc9⋯.png (214.64 KB, 1349x1591, 1349:1591, Screenshot_2019-02-06 It t….png)

File: fae4197fb9c31ba⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1349x6587, 1349:6587, Screenshot_2019-02-06 It T….png)

fe33be  No.5050924

File: 6f2e0d98e82a41f⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1368x741, 24:13, 6f2e0d98e82a41fce099f44aa3….png)

File: b6d10bffa7d51de⋯.png (751.14 KB, 864x901, 864:901, 6f1104168220c0ac0ccf12277e….png)

File: 4038e4d714d1f31⋯.png (262.94 KB, 977x660, 977:660, 4038e4d714d1f31b1d8f3291cd….png)

4801f8  No.5050925


he's working to avoid the death penalty because of his role in U1

53272a  No.5050926



ef9f69  No.5050928


the storm is Trump. He directs his fury calmly and with precision, as befitting the holder of the most awesome power of any mortal

8a50c1  No.5050930


Sweet dreams.

df0cdf  No.5050931

File: 76869a00cc1c2fe⋯.jpeg (569.53 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 9C23C11C-A204-44E8-BD9A-9….jpeg)

File: 7c5d1976b765b56⋯.jpeg (733.77 KB, 1031x798, 1031:798, E6A32346-0A9F-4690-B155-E….jpeg)

File: 48a609f9a43437a⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1911x1074, 637:358, D84F26C0-6D9F-41B4-9A99-F….jpeg)

660742  No.5050932

File: df1bdcffdd51d8c⋯.png (865.1 KB, 1060x595, 212:119, jabba1.png)

785ce1  No.5050933


The absolute retardation and mental instability. It boggles.

ed3674  No.5050934

File: 60456bf434066a9⋯.png (206.78 KB, 499x345, 499:345, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)


e7a62c  No.5050935


>Show us where the department of agriculture has that clearance genius. Ill wait

possibly, https://www.nfc.usda.gov/

c5840b  No.5050936


agree .. but Q told us we would see a tweet that said exactly that.

2683f1  No.5050937


there was one period of disrupt ruckus somewhere < 1/2 way through

403e8b  No.5050940

File: 28e0069f7f3baca⋯.jpg (81.61 KB, 623x500, 623:500, 2sywky.jpg)

136438  No.5050941

File: b07ca3d0ab54745⋯.jpg (35.52 KB, 700x245, 20:7, Israel-First-or-America-Fi….jpg)

1de9d7  No.5050942


Neil, if you tell them about the aliens we will kill you and then tell everyone about your pedophile tendencies. Have a nice life.

d5e823  No.5050943

File: 497a0aa0bb016b0⋯.jpg (85.93 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, rs-11577-devo-624-13724249….jpg)


…We're all Devo.

70d863  No.5050945


They have to maintain independence, even if it is only on the surface. It can't

look like Trump had anything to do with it. That means he has to take down

some of his own people, even if only for minor crimes (all have been process

crimes so far). I think the only legit major public bust is Manafort, btw. Flynn

was clearly a front to take down Ukranian donors to American politicians.

136438  No.5050946

53272a  No.5050947






b83a67  No.5050948


Funny, sad, and true.


9a1d96  No.5050949

File: 6a66fcd7fb04400⋯.jpg (71.87 KB, 508x596, 127:149, lights on nightshift.jpg)

ef9f69  No.5050950


halfway there?

8db23f  No.5050951


Yes, that too!

I saw him have armed guards remove a young man (17-ish) in a Boy Scout uniform from his book-signing line because he asked the then governor why his family was being forced to hand over land that has been theirs for 100+ years. The book was about the Boy Scouts. He is evil to the core, so I'm really confused here.

136438  No.5050952

File: 77fb9d3f522f4b3⋯.png (809.26 KB, 900x506, 450:253, download-209.png)

File: 300a2572a3ece8c⋯.png (964.52 KB, 900x600, 3:2, download-15-5.png)

8efe0b  No.5050953

File: 6d22055deb7b60a⋯.png (216.25 KB, 702x417, 234:139, AllowUs.png)


thank GOD we have not had to push the send button yet.


116824  No.5050955


stay tuned for #SPACEFORCE. no coincidences. I can't wait either. early spring apparently (hoping too).

ec6dce  No.5050956

File: ff042f234c6df19⋯.png (322.39 KB, 631x672, 631:672, JerkinsCumrag.png)


>armed with the latest weapons…

b6d95f  No.5050958

File: 24482d45cf911ee⋯.jpg (41.84 KB, 706x378, 353:189, IMG_20190206_194012.jpg)

Q, can you please let POTUS know that it would be virtually impossible to call out anti-semitism (or anti- black, gay, Christian etc) in the breads as the bread would be approximately 30% that shit, 60% calling it out, 5% Jr Lives, 3% Bible verse, 1% keks and 1% Q research.

Nice sentiment though.

0da98f  No.5050959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You guys don't need to be arguing about this shit…

53272a  No.5050960




70d863  No.5050962


Nonsense. His role in U1 was to expose how they were laundering uranium

sales between Russia and Iran. His work is what will be used to take HRC


28f033  No.5050963

File: 2bc223e4ea9278f⋯.png (279.26 KB, 386x2118, 193:1059, ClipboardImage.png)


you're 100% right

mid february they were saying

then they submit the report, and finish up anything else

then Huber → ]Huber[


nah didn't hear that actually

0bdbb1  No.5050964


My thought as well

Mafia term

9a1d96  No.5050965


3b14ef  No.5050966

>>5050951 I bet Perry is TOTALLY controllable! I don't see him doing anything apart from what he's told to do!

8efe0b  No.5050967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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