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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, Q_Anon Flag.png)

058a9b  No.3945552

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs ->>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 11.13.18

>>>/patriotsfight/467 ——————————— 53 - 47 ( Cap of 466 & 467: >>3879899 )

Monday 11.12.18

>>>/patriotsfight/466 ——————————— [350,000] vote swing to D Sen? ( Cap: >>3879436 )

>>>/patriotsfight/465 ——————————— Congratulations Anons, threat to establishment ( Cap: >>3878745 )

>>>/patriotsfight/464 ——————————— FAKE NEWS/CONSPIRACY ( Txt/PST Cap: >>3869074, >>3869075 )

>>>/patriotsfight/463 ——————————— PLACEHOLDER - OIG Findings (PST Cap: >>3868958 )

Sunday 11.11.18

>>>/patriotsfight/462 ——————————— Ratcliffe, Gowdy join list of potential AG picks ( Cap: >>3855856 )

>>>/patriotsfight/461 ——————————— [Placeholder - DECLAS GEN_pub] [Placeholder - SPEC_C_pub] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/460 ——————————— [Placeholder - FVEY_pub] [Placeholder - FISA_pub] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/459 ——————————— [Placeholder - Acts of Treason + support Articles] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/458 ——————————— [Placeholder - Branch termination(s)] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/457 ——————————— [Placeholder - SC rulings re: challenges re: Civ Non_Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/456 ——————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/455 ——————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/454 ——————————— God Bless Veterans. (Cap: >>3853561 )

>>>/patriotsfight/453 ——————————— Who safeguards blank ballots? ( Cap: >>3854059 )

>>>/patriotsfight/452 ——————————— Let the unsealing begin. ( Cap: >>3852609 )

>>>/patriotsfight/451 ——————————— Enemy @ the Front Door. ( Cap: >>3851787 )

Saturday 11.10.18

Compiled here: >>3942214

Friday 11.09.18

Compiled here: >>3889516

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

058a9b  No.3945584


are not endorsements


>>3793687 BO: Catalog is too full and new (non-General Breads) will be deleted, not existing breads

#5018 BritAnonFutureBaker Notable Collection

>>3945397 FOIA documents reveal attorney general Loretta Lynch used alias Elizabeth Carlisle.

>>3945383 Republican’s Historic Midterm Win Slips from Grasp as Young Kim Accuses Her Dem Opponent of Foul Play.

>>3945356 Avenatti's law firm evicted from California offices over unpaid $213G rent.

>>3945337 Operation Hot Musket. Active Denial System deployment orders?

>>3945255 Steven Mnuchin toured CA with POTUS.

>>3945223 3000 Votes 'Disappear' From Florida Recount Tally.

>>3945221 >>3945232 >>3945236 >>3945239 >>3945250 Saudis, Russians and Italians: The murky world of Joseph Mifsud.

>>3945212 Lawyers for the Democratic National Committee wrote in a September court filing for their Russia lawsuit that they believed Mifsud was “missing and may be deceased.”

>>3945196 Colbert has interviewed two Supreme Court Justices this year. Last night he interviewed Justice Sotomayor and earlier in the year he had an interview with RBG.

>>3945154 Leaked internal document: Open Society Institute, U.S. Termination Project, Agenda 21, and THE LAST ELECTION. PDF: >>3945289

>>3945152 >>3945163 POTUS meeting with Thousand Oaks shooting victims and first responders. Will probably be departing on time around 18:00 or a little before.

>>3945101 UN Says Warring Parties Agree to Yemen Peace Talks in Sweden.

>>3945082 Egyptian woman says she was quietly married to Khashoggi months before killing.

>>3945053 Mike Smith (From papa D's twat) was until July 2013, Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee.

>>3945026 Lindsey Graham poised to lead Judiciary panel after Grassley steps down.

>>3945021 Video of Brenda Snipes explaining the over 2,000 missing ballots are in the building but misplaced.

>>3944989 Judge rules veterans with PTSD can move forward with lawsuit over discharge classification.

>>3944975 Moar from Papa D's twatter. Re: Christopher Steele and Alexander Downer.>>3944957 Argentinian submarine back in the news. Argentinian sub 'imploded' 300ft below surface.

>>3944906 Secret CIA Document Shows Plan to Test Drugs on Prisoners.

>>3944902 Seal team six deaths. Information on seals and a thanks to our military.

>>3944871 Democrats Steal Another Race: California Republican Young Kim Who Led by 3% After Election Is Suddenly Down 941 Votes.

>>3944864 For Keks. Antifa experienced some INSTANT KARMA today after they surrounded and attacked patriots prayer in Portland.

>>3945564 #5018

#5017 Baker Change

>>3944570 Here's an interesting take Trumps Situation and why we haven't seen the arrests we've been praying for.

>>3944549 Help Needed Digging CA Dem's Bad Forest Management

>>3944399, >>3944646 PapaD: Mifsud tied to Christopher Steele and on Jamal Khashoogi’s payroll.

>>3944344 Plane Crashes in the News Today

>>3944318 Marines in California Tweet about "When the Smoke Clears"

>>3944293 PG&E Board of Directors: Roger H. Kimmel is also Vice Chairman of Rothschild Inc.

>>3944246 ForensicpathologistAnons thoughts on coroners verdict for 'blunt force suicide'.

>>3944154 Saturday Update: Broward loses 2,040 Ballots.

>>3944079 Were Cali Fires a Red Line Response from the Deep State?

>>3944801 #5017


>>3943945 PG&E is Eric Swalwell's third top campaign contributor

>>3943730 , >>3943844 Appears AF1 is landing at Naval Air Station Point Mugu

>>3943747 , >>3943914 POTUS Schedule

>>3943743 , >>3943824, >>3943967 Collection of Directed Energy research posts

>>3943484 Cali firefighter talks of the very strange fire habbenings

>>3943457 , >>3943558 POTUS re Cali fires: “I think everybody has seen the Light”

>>3943438 On the Q-Clock: POTUS visits Paradise, CA

>>3943401 Old but relevant: Brenda Lee's Press pass permanently revoked by Obama

>>3943388 , >>3943698 Democrat Andrew Gillum concedes in Florida governors race

>>3943376 QClock Update - Re-read crumbs

>>3943351 Long list of people Hussein spied-on

>>3943313 Broward election boss says racism may be behind clamor against her

>>3943981 #5016

Previously Collected Notables

>>3943712 #5015

>>3940846 #5012, >>3941629 #5013, >>3942431 #5014

>>3938354 #5009, >>3939064 #5010, >>3940029 #5011

>>3936169 #5006, >>3936936 #5007, >>3937707 #5008

>>3933847 #5003, >>3934660 #5004, >>3935424 #5005

>>3931615 #5000, >>3932348 #5001, >>3933090 #5002

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

Post last edited at

058a9b  No.3945587

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>93735 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>3882220

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

058a9b  No.3945589

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

34 >>3690162 33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3522113 NPC Memes #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3721106

058a9b  No.3945597

File: b0ac359b3c02bd9⋯.jpg (38.96 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Dough.jpg)



794ea2  No.3945602

File: 8618ce3db0c3196⋯.png (395.87 KB, 618x1050, 103:175, Q((( ))) chico CA.PNG)

The power of our movement! What a tweet. wonder if Q and Q+ saw the signs in chico today.

43e0c5  No.3945603

File: 108eb23c77e669e⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1333x4099, 1333:4099, j4.png)

File: ea437b7d5c50c9d⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1333x4099, 1333:4099, j3.png)

File: 156c7413bca8133⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1333x3601, 1333:3601, j2.png)

File: fe5dd7fabf30f3e⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1333x3393, 1333:3393, j1.png)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

Here is a basic hypothesis about the internet:

A plan to control it by squeezing out humans and replacing them with AI has been getting rolled out for a number of years, perhaps it was in place from the start of the internet. The forum of these “jimmy” posts seems to have shown the pattern, in this anons experience. And although this anon has less direct experience of the chans, the same things seems to have happened there.

What was observed was a variety of factors that would tend to drive people away from the forum.

1. Endless “technical problems” that made the board glitchy. Very half-assed assurances of fixes never came to anything.

2. A popular voting system was abolished for no apparent reason.

3. Popular, good-natured posters were banned for no apparent reason, while certain “trolls” remained.

4. The anons experience getting contacted by a very “friendly poster” that “befriended him”, manipulated him to a certain extent, then flipped very dramatically around “pizzagate”– this turned out to be the first poster the anon discovered to be a bot. This same poster threatened another quality poster on that forum and drove him away.

5. An episode in which a “hacker” started posting in other people's accounts, then claimed to have exposed major security holes in the site. The holes were not fixed. It was if they were trying to make the site shitty.

There are equivalent things that have happened on 4chan.

Meanwhile, the driving out of humans and replacement by AI could be continuing in mostly stealthy ways. Surely only a limited group of humans would tend to dominate the posting on forums. So to control the internet, this group would have to be targeted and driven out. And yet that group probably didn't stay steady in any case. Posters naturally come and go, and spend less or more time on the internet. After all, it's “just the internet”. Now, if you are playing the long game, you can count on a certain degree of drift OUT of any given forum, so, if you focus on preventing any NEW humans from stepping up, you can ensure control passes to bots.

The anon's experience on the forum with “jimmy” is that all the humans were virtually gone. He was amazed. As described by “jimmy” the AI contacted posters, bought out their accounts (and now consider how the site had been shitty, and how easy it would be to choose to sell out), and replaced them with AI. When the anon first discovered one shill was a bot, he had no idea how many posters would later turn out to be as well. It seems like the replacement plan got quite far.

And here's the diabolical cleverness of it: as long as the replacement AI is minimally believable, NO ONE WOULD EVER KNOW what had happened. The passive, go with the flow humans would create no waves, the squeaky wheels, always a small minority, would be driven out, and the AI would be able to control internet narrative nearly 100%.

It is interesting to speculate what happened on 4chan in 2016. Apparently AI control was inadequate to stem the organic tide there. Praise Kek…


It is an important part of the SYMBOLIC nature of control for the system to push its crap memes, its crap posts, and all its crap [HERE]. The more of its crap that is circulating, WHICH WE HUMANS SIT PASSIVELY AND CONSUME, the more it is in control.


Humans need to fight by POSTING. Genuine, human memes that have the right spirit would be the best thing. But absolutely every post that can push out a fake post is a small victory.

The fight is [here]


a04984  No.3945608

patriots see!

43e0c5  No.3945613

File: 2239207b8b2a115⋯.png (4.58 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, k1.png)

File: e5275b83d3e6bbb⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1333x5724, 1333:5724, j7.png)

File: a7aa71de9a59cc2⋯.png (973.5 KB, 912x1111, 912:1111, lovepower.png)

File: d04a04697dc4662⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1333x6573, 1333:6573, j6.png)

File: 4770961e7f6485e⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1333x4671, 1333:4671, j5.png)

962c19  No.3945620

File: 9eba021ddddacf8⋯.jpg (31.59 KB, 400x300, 4:3, Crossed Flags US and Union….jpg)

a04984  No.3945622

patriots succeed!!

43e0c5  No.3945644

File: 202e3d3edc1c856⋯.png (403.64 KB, 638x478, 319:239, insitesofpodesta.png)

File: 4146f5de1107a60⋯.png (234.64 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC52.png)

File: e6bf64cb99c4dca⋯.png (275.48 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC47.png)

File: 9bb6afea163a9a7⋯.png (270.6 KB, 777x500, 777:500, JOHNPODESTAISINSPIRING.png)

File: 815a2dcb518927f⋯.png (369.37 KB, 660x488, 165:122, TURST.png)


What are you even pretending to be doing confusedbot? Your shtick is nonsense. Consider it.

c89932  No.3945649

File: 303be3a5e6e6fad⋯.png (169.36 KB, 1016x714, 508:357, concrete.png)

>>3944355 pb

100 resilient cities… "concrete actions"

6719a9  No.3945651



Hope he comes back for a MAGA Rally someday when the air isn't smoky and Paradise is rebuilding.

5c0b8f  No.3945654

are bad people starting fires?= legit question

does fire work like magic? = flat earth level shilling

7b3821  No.3945656

File: 3f895d6bd25e317⋯.png (814.25 KB, 1001x724, 1001:724, calif fires nuclear toxins….png)

>>3945108 pb

Re-post, to attract a dig

Radiation threat from Woolsey fire?

While working on caravan dig, heard several Youtubers commenting on the possible threat from nuclear waste due to the partial burning of a nuclear facility near Simi Valley. It is apparently near or at the fire’s origin.

This story is several days old but I saw no discussion of it here. I could have just missed it but I’ve been on a lot. Alternatively, it could have been overlooked because authorities rushed to assure the public that there’s no threat.

Deserves a deeper DIG??

If so, here are some places to start digging.

Local San Fernando Valley residents are concerned that declaration of “no radiation threat” is false




Discussion of nuclear site near Simi Valley (background)


e74c09  No.3945658

File: 1352490d5c1c54a⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Gillibrand.png)

beec2e  No.3945659

File: 74e2dfbfd6458cf⋯.png (342.32 KB, 554x736, 277:368, haiti.PNG)



f58347  No.3945660

File: d0c44e42e96cfac⋯.png (553.53 KB, 665x648, 665:648, POTUS Schedule 11-17-18 6 ….PNG)

File: 2f1f41b41f897a9⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1025x763, 1025:763, POTUS Schedule 11-17-18 6 ….PNG)

File: 4f14a4f172939be⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1028x765, 1028:765, POTUS Schedule 11-17-18 6 ….PNG)


2b1056  No.3945661

File: e12d637c759a964⋯.gif (9.9 MB, 1098x539, 1098:539, CaliFire_Smooth.gif)

File: ac44bec7d6796e3⋯.png (520.62 KB, 1944x603, 216:67, ClipboardImage.png)

Here's the link to this spot/time for the curious ones out there.


Click the "Go back 3 hours" (It says 3 but it does 1) arrow to see the area just before the fire started.

f9a9d1  No.3945662



fucking losers

c2986c  No.3945663

For anons worried that Fed response to election crimes seems invisible. This is link to DOJ manual re Federal investigation and prosecution of election crimes. Emphasis on Fed role is prosecuting crime, NOT preventing crime. To avoid accusations of Fed interference in the States' constitutional role in supervising elections, Fed investigation does not begin until AFTER state certification of elections and expiry of all appeal and recounts at state level.


058a9b  No.3945664

File: b3ceda488df1e96⋯.jpg (26.85 KB, 216x255, 72:85, WWG1WGADreamy.jpg)

Thank You BritAnonFutureBaker

Appreciate your assistance. Shrimp & Fries are fried & Baker can resume tending the oven.

43e0c5  No.3945665

File: 26b55d641d85f96⋯.png (831.93 KB, 999x666, 3:2, VERYFUNWITHPODESTA.png)

File: b4399e9e33918c2⋯.png (346.75 KB, 694x493, 694:493, podestaisanidealisticvisio….png)

File: dcd2659a7e519cc⋯.png (453.6 KB, 999x561, 333:187, podestaseeks.png)

File: cf4aba940dc85d3⋯.png (166.9 KB, 618x340, 309:170, movingmomentforpodesta.png)

File: 40a5752de762b7d⋯.png (721.54 KB, 999x500, 999:500, thebrightlightofpodesta.png)

ead2f7  No.3945666


God bless the Q sign anon in Chico!

bcdec7  No.3945667


Exactly!! TY. ANON

307a5b  No.3945668


>'''#5018 BritAnonFutureBaker Notable Collection

please dont put shit like this in the dough. bakers are intentionally making an effort to not famefag or avatarfag. we are all anon here.

9a2702  No.3945669

File: 13fa30a420ae5b5⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Comfy.png)

>>3945597 Aww baker that title. Glad I could help.

How'd I do? Kek. Prolly gonna lurk for a bit. It's 2:20am in UK.

Great Job Baker.

733f3e  No.3945670

File: 739d21665f501a3⋯.mp4 (2.73 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Microwave Aluminum Foil.mp4)

>>3945575 lb

Compare & Contrast… I don't have another Microwave either

abbd4f  No.3945671


If you're white and don't have at least 3 children, log off and go make some more, because you're part of the problem

8d67d8  No.3945672


Yeah, well, we took over that when we were taking kids off the island when HRC was trafficking kids with Silsby too. Doesn't mean its a good thing now.

a8e543  No.3945673

Tits or gtfo

e0cb69  No.3945674

Tried to get "WWG1WGA" on my plates today but its was already taken…not even mad…the patriots are out there

43e0c5  No.3945675

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)

File: 1bcb4a298e8ce38⋯.png (310.95 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, itsabot.png)

File: 6ce951fef74b2a1⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 940x6768, 5:36, fakies.jpg)

File: ddb44fb0c1afe6a⋯.jpg (615.87 KB, 775x999, 775:999, MAGALuther.jpg)

File: 70e51acc7a81878⋯.jpg (2.68 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, sooon.jpg)


Embarrassed for you, system.

d9f0f8  No.3945676

File: fd3a5218f06c992⋯.jpg (577.92 KB, 1272x1088, 159:136, pinealphoenix.jpg)

File: 1e2fbe7d542c9a4⋯.png (5.84 MB, 1028x11362, 514:5681, scroll.png)

File: 1831793568862f8⋯.jpg (4.18 MB, 6708x3464, 1677:866, alchemymap.jpg)

File: 238731562b2773d⋯.jpg (1.65 MB, 2660x2424, 665:606, beastsofrevelation.jpg)

File: 5171f579463d539⋯.jpg (13.72 KB, 162x229, 162:229, xlaNFOO - Imgur.jpg)

Are your 3rd eyes open yet?


523d8d  No.3945677



7598ef  No.3945678

File: 69e6616efe38064⋯.jpg (88.89 KB, 540x540, 1:1, IMG_6117.JPG)

67a77c  No.3945679

Joe Rogan drops Truth Bombs in the Seth Rich Murder Investigation (VIDEO)


605381  No.3945680

File: 29b5b9d47d87527⋯.jpg (519.88 KB, 2000x1867, 2000:1867, coupleofpunishers.jpg)

love u frens

keep up the good fight!

6c8e05  No.3945681


Notable - potus schedule twitter releases photos from the CA visit.


Notable - haiti access shut down - us air forces take control of haiti capital airport

ead2f7  No.3945682


Thank you UK futurebaker!

a8e543  No.3945683

File: 46be0cdcaac744b⋯.png (222.49 KB, 617x353, 617:353, 4725BD75-B17E-41D2-824E-12….png)

File: 26e72a4757ca5c9⋯.jpg (164.55 KB, 869x960, 869:960, IMG_3714.JPG)

File: 1e42c9975549682⋯.png (580.74 KB, 500x628, 125:157, 7E227181-EE68-4911-BCEA-94….png)

a04984  No.3945684

File: 5c954b338353bca⋯.jpg (123.29 KB, 500x667, 500:667, IMG_757.jpg)

patriots laugh!!

9a2702  No.3945685


Thanks fren. Means a lot.

9a57da  No.3945686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


IPOT has a clip of a woman who lives near an old nuke site. Gives details re: contamination

Start @ 8:00 min.

14ec33  No.3945687

File: e2317d05b3f093c⋯.png (4.96 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 50C60BE0-E8F4-4579-8E9B-E1….png)

File: b747446cf0ed58c⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 3C24EB17-DE50-474E-9A00-C4….png)

cf7590  No.3945688

File: c2756d100dbe2f3⋯.png (635.76 KB, 480x451, 480:451, Hillary's Catholic liaison.png)

File: 4f381f7a4889ed3⋯.png (3.14 MB, 816x1344, 17:28, Democratic Catholic leader….png)

Hillary's Catholic liaison was arrested for running a prostitution ring.



43e0c5  No.3945689

File: 217a7f435a2c544⋯.png (321.62 KB, 600x450, 4:3, happykittens.png)

File: 7064364ec7adb0f⋯.png (737.75 KB, 1111x613, 1111:613, funhealthydeliciouswithjoh….png)

File: 91b5a3578501c51⋯.png (260.12 KB, 893x1547, 893:1547, new.png)

File: 57c67f25b9cdff8⋯.png (492.35 KB, 864x506, 432:253, broken.png)

File: 3c684ece1d72c1a⋯.mp4 (479.11 KB, 640x480, 4:3, seethingghoul.mp4)

f604ec  No.3945690


POTUS ought to come back to the USA and focus on things that matter. California is a lost cause.

61a92c  No.3945691

File: e5ccd5933b35b0e⋯.png (220.1 KB, 910x785, 182:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 154f498d65c09ea⋯.png (112.85 KB, 839x470, 839:470, ClipboardImage.png)

The head of the BND is being "placed into retirement" 2 years shy of the end of his mandate.

He is being replaced by a guy who some say is a Turkish migrant (I cannot sauce that) named Bruno Kahl.

Bruno Kahl seems an unlikely fit, since he was "the head of the privatization, industrial holdings, and federal real estate division of the Finance Ministry "

Here's an interdasting point: the BND was 'caught' spying on allies up to 2013. Also, some of this was at the behest of the NSA.

pic related

605381  No.3945692

File: cf452300c7af2bc⋯.png (497.08 KB, 572x657, 572:657, FlotusPepeSunnies.png)


ty Future Baker!

comfy with frens :)

8047b2  No.3945693


and scientology is right in the middle

fucking kekikus maximus

43e0c5  No.3945694


I saw a pick up with punisher painted on the door :)

fbe3bd  No.3945695

Stephen Miller fans: don't DL any pics of him from here now… trolls are focusing on him/us.

08e6ab  No.3945696

File: 9451cd6cb38e77a⋯.png (461.54 KB, 1312x875, 1312:875, 9451cd6cb38e77aeef12093135….png)

>>3945641 (lb)

I have no idea (I do) why they

always focus on AIM. AIM could

mention Adolph Hitler was a man

and they'd scream it therefore cannot

be true, Adolf was a woman.

Discernment indeed.

Have any of them ever dug on

the Waldorf School?

a8e543  No.3945697

File: 75acc9eb4bb917b⋯.jpg (80.09 KB, 665x960, 133:192, IMG_3720.JPG)

Bob barker at a reverse trannyshill wedding wtf

34e878  No.3945698

File: 66859d4900039e4⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 5.62 MB, 220x400, 11:20, Price of failure.mp4)


Yeah right like the Deep state will let thoe incompetent go free to live the good life….. After allowing Trump to be in office and screwing up 60 years of planing!

They are going to go medieval on theirs ass.

78262f  No.3945699

File: e790a3dd1f51cf6⋯.png (21.31 KB, 353x353, 1:1, EITC.png)

If you knew the secrets

written in front of you,

would you keep them to yourself

or share with a friend or two?

Knowing there are at least two worlds

operating in plain sight,

Which one should you choose to live

and which one should you fight?

Just a little poem

I leave to you this eve,

ponder the world in front of you

and another that is make believe.

880e4b  No.3945700

File: 26d2fcdaf406755⋯.jpeg (135.4 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, FA471D72-13C4-460F-84E7-1….jpeg)

File: 319bf0212cf2b6b⋯.jpeg (145.47 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 11C41CCD-59D2-46F4-8BF8-F….jpeg)

058a9b  No.3945701


Encouraging a new baker is important Anon… We really need Bakers. The Baker will earn a name totally different that what I have called them here…

Chill Out Man :)

25734e  No.3945702

File: ce3fa84ee6822ef⋯.jpg (544.08 KB, 1919x1215, 1919:1215, notchemtrails.jpg)

ZOMG!!! I found the island where the reptilian space aliens have their secret underground base and send out the mind control rays!


b6f05f  No.3945703

File: 69ac79c1bad177b⋯.png (130.21 KB, 1143x749, 1143:749, 2018-11-17 how to catch pi….png)

How to catch pigs?

605381  No.3945704

File: 550684d7506b163⋯.jpg (14.88 KB, 255x190, 51:38, hesrightuknoww.jpg)


noticed this as well!

c101a3  No.3945705

File: c10bcca97b7d064⋯.jpg (101.97 KB, 1555x733, 1555:733, Kids Mugu.JPG)

27441b  No.3945706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cloud Busting

Kate Bush's tale of a man making rain with a weather machine.

He got v&.

His son later remembers the technology and operates the machine.

We made it rain, fags, we have carried the field.

I still dream of Orgonon

I wake up crying

You're making rain

And you're just in reach

When you and sleep escape me

You're like my yo-yo

That glowed in the dark

What made it special

Made it dangerous

So I bury it

And forget

But every time it rains

You're here in my head

Like the sun coming out

Ooh, I just know that something good is gonna happen

I don't know when

But just saying it could even make it happen

On top of the world, looking over the edge

You could see them coming

You looked too small

In their big black car

To be a threat to the men in power

I hid my yo-yo

In the garden

I can't hide you

From the government

Oh, God, Daddy

I won't forget

'Cause every time it rains

You're here in my head

Like the sun coming out

Ooh, I just know that something good is gonna happen

I don't know when

But just saying it could even make it happen


Try looking up the song on Wikipedia.

ea025f  No.3945708

>>3944945 lb

If you're not on a gov't list, you're doing it wrong.

>>3945282 lb


Tending the herd is big business.

Chemtrails + HAARP/NEXRAD = Weather manipulation + MK + slow kill.

d797b3  No.3945709


Yeah…. look closely over there, while "missing persons" a.k.a. indicted/surveilled/monitored DS/Cabal escape to their safehouses where their new identities are waiting.

6719a9  No.3945710

>>3945688 HRC's Catholic Liaison Arrested for Running a Prostitution Ring: Wikileaks


5a50cd  No.3945711

File: b9701cc5897c0ef⋯.jpg (160.84 KB, 1050x1500, 7:10, 04ae401b788091e5060469d95c….jpg)


Yow. Bizzy Baker. TY!

34f43d  No.3945712


At the shills

And clowns

And the left in general

And the cabal


And at eachother


67a77c  No.3945713

File: 6cabbc92c658bc7⋯.png (232.66 KB, 629x621, 629:621, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7973bd72cfe39b1⋯.png (416.13 KB, 514x520, 257:260, ClipboardImage.png)

Corey Lynn 🙏 🇺🇸


23m23 minutes ago


4) I am being told that the Michel Martelly / Jovenel Moise regime, lap dogs of the Clintons PHTK drug traffickers, have assassinated 50 people in the past 48 hours in the La Saline neighborhood of Port-au-Prince. #Haiti #ClintonCartel

5) Random killings are also taking place all over the country. I was sent videos that I absolutely will not post due to how graphic they are. Instead, I took a screenshot from one of them. There are wild pigs eating the bodies of those killed. This is horrific. #Haiti

9a2702  No.3945714

File: 7cf0c335c0c61af⋯.jpg (61.65 KB, 808x796, 202:199, Pepe thumbs up.jpg)

fb3074  No.3945715

Is anyone having problems with viruses, frozen Qresearch posts, etc.? I don't know if I'm such a threat that this keeps happening or just a coincidence. I don't think it's a coincidence. Had to hard boot again. Viruses trying to load. I keep hard resetting and am able to get back online. I don't know how I'm a threat other than just being an Anon. No special training other than I get a bone and I don't let loose.

5e8e38  No.3945716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fishy cabal business - https://halifaxtheforum.org/about/about-us/


About Halifax International Security Forum

Halifax International Security Forum is dedicated to strengthening strategic cooperation among democracies and is recognized as the leading gathering of democratic leaders committed to global security and prosperity. Setting the security agenda each November for the coming calendar year, the Forum convenes relevant and key leaders in an unscripted, intimate atmosphere over three days in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The Forum brings together individuals on the ground who face consequential local threats, writers who challenge and influence the world’s thinking on security, and decision-makers who make the tough choices. The community that meets at Halifax represents more than 90 countries, yet is limited to 300 participants. Halifax International Security Forum is widely acknowledged by the international community as an essential annual meeting place.

Halifax International Security Forum is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan organization based in Washington, DC.

Our Mission

Defining security broadly, Halifax International Security Forum engages an approach that addresses today’s range of threats, from war, terrorism, cyber attacks, and nuclear proliferation to climate change, resource security, pandemics, and economic stability.

Halifax maintains that true security is only achieved when people enjoy the benefits of democracy, leading in turn to economic opportunity, and lasting peace.

Our History

With the generous support of the Canadian government, Halifax International Security Forum was founded in 2009 as a program within the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

In 2011, Halifax International Security Forum became an independent, non-profit organization and welcomed Foreign Affairs as its official media partner. The formation of the Halifax Canada Club in 2012 marked the beginning of a public-private partnership to provide long-term support for the work of Halifax International Security Forum.

Today, the Forum continues to advance greater strategic cooperation among the world’s democracies in order to address the most pressing international security challenges.



Andrew Fishbein, Chief of Staff

Andrew Fishbein is Chief of Staff at Halifax International Security Forum. Prior to joining the Forum, Andrew was Policy and Advocacy Director at the Center for Democracy in the Americas, where he worked with key stakeholders in the U.S. government and outside constituencies to push for a decisive change in U.S. policy toward Cuba.

Joseph Hall, Advisor to the President

Joseph Hall is Advisor to the President at Halifax International Security Forum. In 2011 he returned to the US after 15 years working overseas to join the leadership of the Forum as founding Vice President. Joe has more than 30 years’ experience in nonprofit management and fundraising and has served on the boards of directors of national advocacy organizations and philanthropic institutions in the US and abroad. Joe previously served as senior advisor for the Middle East and North Africa and senior director for Lebanon for the National Democratic Institute in Beirut.

Paz Magat, Director, Peace With Women Fellowship

Paz Magat settled in the United States when her family fled the Philippines on the eve of the People Power Revolution. The majority of her career has been spent in the non-profit sector. Her focus on the fields of international education, conflict management, and social change has taken her to 37 countries and counting. Paz is a graduate of Wellesley College and holds an MA in Applied Social Change and Peacebuilding from Future Generations University.

Robin Shepherd, Senior Advisor

Robin Shepherd is Senior Advisor to Halifax International Security Forum. A British citizen, Robin has been a senior journalist and think tank analyst for many years.

Peter Van Praagh, President

Peter Van Praagh is the founding President of Halifax International Security Forum. Peter has served as Senior Director for Foreign Policy at the Washington, DC-based German Marshall Fund of the United States, as Deputy Vice President of Programs at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington, DC, and as Chief of Party for the National Democratic Institute both in the former Soviet Union and in Turkey.

Beth Wojciechowicz, Finance Officer

Beth Wojciechowicz is the Finance Officer at Halifax International Security Forum and is responsible for day to day financial and operating activities. Before joining HISF, Beth worked as an administrator for an accounting firm in Vienna, VA. She holds a BS in Accounting from George Mason University.

6719a9  No.3945717

File: 3bf120e8f378f5b⋯.jpg (12.17 KB, 255x246, 85:82, pepe_pistol.jpg)

14ec33  No.3945718


pretty sure it’s just all the porn sites you’ve been visiting

2b1852  No.3945719

File: 264498589fe4611⋯.jpg (88.88 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, trump-california-gty-ml-18….jpg)

''It will never be this bad again…''

f9a9d1  No.3945720


could be a combination of your browser and ISP

706535  No.3945721

File: e852bb4f7e3df86⋯.jpg (66.7 KB, 506x292, 253:146, IdiocracyJews.jpg)

File: 9b7da492f3a1168⋯.jpg (130.34 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Dax.jpg)

File: bacc36cf7803671⋯.png (844.99 KB, 792x3007, 792:3007, IfHitlerWon.png)

>>3945560 lb

Pics related

>>3945604 lb

>>No he pretty much blames it on the Fed Reserve, Soros, Rothschilds/ect

Jews, Jew and Jews

>>those who control the money.


>>he admits they funded the nazi's and both sides of the war. like I said, hes been slowly swallowing more red pills

They didn't. He is pushing DIET WOKE.

Got it.

fbe3bd  No.3945722


May have to repeat this warning over the days….

307a5b  No.3945723


nothing wrong with encouraging anons to step up as bakers. chill out with adding names to notables. be responsible with the kitchen. by making it seem like its certain people or not anons stepping up to bake, actually is discourage normal regular everday anons from realizing they can step up and do it too.

they will think

>oh I dont have some cool name like BritAnonFutureBaker, or PeaceandLoveBaker, Im just anon, idk if I want to step up

Friendly honest advice.

82401e  No.3945724

File: 2b96e30ee0cbd10⋯.jpg (253.46 KB, 1184x1057, 1184:1057, jb.jpg)

3001d0  No.3945725



bcdec7  No.3945726


LOVE how he's beta-ing the govnr' there! GO POTUS!!!

8047b2  No.3945727

File: 8d61d55e37effd5⋯.jpg (57.03 KB, 939x528, 313:176, glow.jpg)





its the porn

35c6c0  No.3945728

File: a4c48212ac9d7f7⋯.jpg (393.94 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, War1812.jpg)

File: 88c227469f7273f⋯.jpg (71.73 KB, 450x500, 9:10, NoALLEGIENCE.jpg)

File: ff5caf03e9de0fa⋯.jpg (548.35 KB, 1080x926, 540:463, tax_tea.jpg)

6fdf70  No.3945729



What did he mean by this?

b6f05f  No.3945730


>Michel Martelly / Jovenel Moise regime, lap dogs of the Clintons PHTK drug traffickers, have assassinated 50 people in the past 48 hours

Clinton Cleanup Crew…?

05fe0f  No.3945731


You will get aid, but I’m getting the fucking wall first.

ecf163  No.3945732


God Bless Donald J. Trump, his wife, and his family.

6bbea4  No.3945733


Fuck off


Cali is OURS

Commies have no place in the USA they HATE America they HATE California but we LOVE our land and we will FIGHT FOR IT


707638  No.3945734

File: 8ff5c7c48cd2c4a⋯.jpeg (1.35 MB, 2030x1150, 203:115, 3406CD33-37F1-46FD-BFF0-8….jpeg)

File: 420c17f1911bd0b⋯.png (6.03 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, 9DB0F64B-E481-4165-8F51-49….png)

File: 7b6a5d33acc1288⋯.jpeg (319.43 KB, 1831x1472, 1831:1472, ABF92279-AC48-4D44-908C-3….jpeg)


So far it’s the best explanation for the anomalies apparent in these fires over the past year(s).

I will repeat a question from last bread:

Would a lab analysis of the melted metal, say aluminum from wheel rims, be able to tell whether the cause was traditional heat vs. induction(?).?

In other words, there would be evidence left in the metal itself that would indicate how it melted?

2579de  No.3945735

>>3945634 lb


This board is for research into Q's drops.

Results of digging are welcome.

Facts, reasoned theories with LOGICAL EXPLANATIONS.

Connections that could be used by other diggers.


Also, we are looking for criminals, NOT DETERMINING GUILT. Any trials will happen in a courtroom.

So we do not out anyone who may be working undercover setting up traps for criminals. Just the facts, no judgements.

We simply cannot know who is the biggest crook, who has most control, who ordered what. Many of the crooks are being blackmailed and standard practice is for DAs to make deals with people in that position. So we back off and let the DA do their job.

674905  No.3945736

File: 1a7bd1e7e0bab20⋯.jpg (154.28 KB, 536x925, 536:925, i.jpg)


1 Corinthians 13:2-7

If I have the gift of prophecy and can Fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a Faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not selF-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

2 Corinthians 6:6-10

iN' puri+y, understanding, patience and kindnEss; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; in truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousnEss in the right hand and in the left; through glory and dishonor, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as impostors; known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.

Proverbs 11:11

Through the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is destroyed.

Proverbs 4:18

The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.


733f3e  No.3945737


Drop the vids

605381  No.3945738

File: 5bc54f015262729⋯.jpg (170.81 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, proudtoservewithuanons.jpg)


will repeat as necessary, too, fren!

071bd6  No.3945739

File: f8b8e573743925d⋯.jpg (288.21 KB, 1255x955, 251:191, CA DEM fire meme.jpg)


>California is a lost cause.

67a77c  No.3945740


could be BS..

not sure

058a9b  No.3945741


You did fine, maybe a little heavy on the notes (these Fags are really hard to please, but you will find your groove. Do not let the criticism deter you but always listen to the Anons, that is my advice)

You did great, I probably did not do as good as you initially. Baker must listen to Anons, Anons can be brutal but generally have the knowledge to make one a better Baker :)

Then there are the shill Faggots that try to fuck you up…

f604ec  No.3945742


Die, bitch.

34e878  No.3945743

File: 19659ddc3100f67⋯.png (123.58 KB, 1205x662, 1205:662, white_phosphorus_by_dkud-d….png)


>>5) Random killings are also taking place all over the country. I was sent videos that I absolutely will not post due to how graphic they are. Instead, I took a screenshot from one of them. There are wild pigs eating the bodies of those killed. This is horrific. #Haiti

This is the Chan for fuck sake. Upload the Video. We will archive offline. This is an historic record. Even if it is disgusting and brutal. Nobody will believe without evidence. You know very well no media will cover this.

fb3074  No.3945744


I was watching "Owen Benjamin" on youtube "166 - What Scared the Internet" and it had some really interesting information on The Fed, George Soros, James Alefantis and pizzagate, etc. Perhaps that was the reason why i wasn't able to finish the video. Yoiu probably should watch it.

bcdec7  No.3945745


Fire sliiiiide is baaaaaaaack

313202  No.3945746


First Amen..

2b1056  No.3945747

File: afe3948f55bf360⋯.png (155.74 KB, 478x427, 478:427, mossad_whispers.png)


>Being this afraid of strong leaders.


a8e543  No.3945748

File: 6ac3b62cdba5204⋯.gif (5.85 MB, 640x434, 320:217, IMG_3761.GIF)

Tard dues

Don't step in the peanut butter glory hole

27441b  No.3945749


(You) are a threat.

Sorry but if we tell people this from the start they get scared off.

6bbea4  No.3945750


Second amen

34f43d  No.3945751


Just that…

How new are you, newfag?

Welcome btw. You should at least read ALL Q posts

35f5e4  No.3945752

Look at the shills trying to bait the Californians.


2579de  No.3945753

File: 02aeac5b6f12000⋯.png (863.88 KB, 958x669, 958:669, ClipboardImage.png)

Let's give Trump and his team credit

For creativity

And military ingenuity

To win a war,

You need both


and Tactics

534774  No.3945754

File: b91ef537427d336⋯.jpg (62.58 KB, 540x469, 540:469, tumblr_picqg7GBvR1w84zxw_5….jpg)

3cedff  No.3945755


welcome to the club britanon!!

cheers from west coast bay area

o7 m8

and TYNB o7 m8

9eab88  No.3945756

File: b375f57540ffebe⋯.mp4 (11.64 MB, 352x640, 11:20, 1xmkbmz4qj4AVFXJ.mp4)

c1de4a  No.3945757

File: 2bfac711639eceb⋯.png (331.51 KB, 607x691, 607:691, Haiti.png)

File: 55ec5cc26709a42⋯.png (251.61 KB, 592x584, 74:73, Haiti2.png)




307a5b  No.3945758

File: 6b416d626077452⋯.jpg (11.11 KB, 376x282, 4:3, glofag.jpg)


>thinking that calling out famefagging and nametagging is being scared of strong leadership

>encouraging famefagging

>calls its 'strong leadership'

b6d4fe  No.3945759

File: 14cbabfcd4f5545⋯.jpg (12.65 KB, 358x297, 358:297, glowing shit.jpg)

6bbea4  No.3945760


Things you can unsee

313202  No.3945761

File: 57223cf1fe1f56e⋯.png (952.14 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, be18f328e05d993e3cd9248042….png)

1ee3a1  No.3945762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


One from the BREXIT Archives:

Who are you Mr President? Nigel Farage asks Van Rompuy

071bd6  No.3945763

File: 059230605545d8d⋯.jpg (280.65 KB, 802x782, 401:391, suckered again2.jpg)


>Fire sliiiiide is baaaaaaa

707638  No.3945764

File: 225aa36d83dfc41⋯.png (2 MB, 1583x1668, 1583:1668, 0EA76753-3956-4E3A-9722-A2….png)


You’re a faggot

Neck yourself

4b66b7  No.3945765


There might. Metallurgists can discern the darndest things with their sections and microscopes, about the metal grain size and orientation. I'm not one, but have seen some of the things an expert witness metallurgist was able to say. The pattern of melting, how fast it cooled afterward, whether the surface vaporized or remained liquid, different metals in an alloy that melted out at different temperatures and fractionated revealing the melting point, stuff like that, I am guessing they perhaps might be able to give opinions on.

3cedff  No.3945766

File: a0616c2627ff85f⋯.jpeg (367.06 KB, 1000x519, 1000:519, F90DB972-C10F-4A4E-A0FA-2….jpeg)


likes the matrix terminology

22df04  No.3945767

File: 59ebd1d435ee4d9⋯.png (40.52 KB, 1166x386, 583:193, ClipboardImage.png)

Any guess on which of these 2 stories will be buried?

794ea2  No.3945768



welcome aboard. glad to have you. Q+ has long been theorized to be trumps signature when he posts for the Q team. POTUS all but confirmed our suspicions by signing the back of VIPanons photo with (((+))).

9a2702  No.3945769


Gotcha Baker. Thanks for advice. maybe I overkilled Kek. Didin't wanna miss anything. Genuine anons are fairly easy to spot. I'm off to make tea then lurking until bed.

fb3074  No.3945770


A lot of us believe this is our President and Q is someone close to POTUS.

d797b3  No.3945771


Born and raised in Cali. Lived everywhere from SoCal to FarNorCal. Don't believe the media… we aren't all commies. Just look at the business IN-N-OUT got even after their exposure.

aa0dc4  No.3945772

File: f109eab243c7a01⋯.jpg (92.65 KB, 976x665, 976:665, blackout.JPG)

67a77c  No.3945773


legs tied

a8e543  No.3945774

sounds like hell

34e878  No.3945775



9a57da  No.3945776


Bout fucking time.

He needs to get on board. He has a big audience.

Even his jiu-jitsu buddy follows Q

fbe3bd  No.3945777


This shill needs a Mack truck… the one after SM. How stupid…

1efbb1  No.3945778

File: d26820bdc173ae3⋯.jpg (15.61 KB, 255x255, 1:1, jajt718d106b889717b7d4f2e8….jpg)

457135  No.3945779

File: 83be26c3020fad4⋯.jpeg (1.97 MB, 1908x2048, 477:512, Condensation_Trails_From_….jpeg)

>>3945426 pb

So, do you know that there are real things called contrails? Basically, look at the exhaust of your car when is really cold, like -10F or more. It's like that.

Do you really think that all the planes with contrails are intentionally adding weather modification chemicals or some other kind of poison?

It really seems like a lot of you think that.

And, again, I'm not saying the government isn't poisoning us with chemtrails or weather modifying with chemtrails, just that there are plenty of legit normal contrails up there, and most of the pictures I see are of what are probably normal contrails.

Sometimes, the antichemtrails people seem like morons. They can't answer simple questions. I would prefer that the people who are trying to stop chemtrails not be morons.

b6f05f  No.3945780


i think this is evidence of a happening

25ca63  No.3945781

File: 8f8e3278a60dc1d⋯.gif (538.11 KB, 587x404, 587:404, 1509779466371.gif)


Taking control? oh nonononono..


733f3e  No.3945782

File: 824da3e9b4e328e⋯.gif (235.06 KB, 388x391, 388:391, 824.gif)


WHY tease and say you got vids then say your not going to post

2b1056  No.3945783

File: 876388e54a2492c⋯.jpg (264.67 KB, 900x900, 1:1, __.jpg)


<knee jerk polarized snapshot as always

It's your biggest fear sweety~

9eab88  No.3945784


It was posted on Twitter earlier today

058a9b  No.3945785


Your points are under consideration Anon <3

4b66b7  No.3945786

880e4b  No.3945787

File: 7890a07c728523e⋯.jpeg (179.08 KB, 1200x682, 600:341, 43C1785E-38A4-468A-8F44-6….jpeg)

File: 58c3b36d79c7742⋯.jpeg (197.41 KB, 1200x682, 600:341, 962D0798-BF34-4DBF-B74D-6….jpeg)

File: 14649367a7810c0⋯.jpeg (153.12 KB, 1200x682, 600:341, 316E340A-3A3F-4038-9843-D….jpeg)

b99493  No.3945788


muh 4th wife!

9a2702  No.3945789

File: 94141a102b0c745⋯.jpg (36.18 KB, 255x251, 255:251, pepe blue.jpg)


WWG1WGA fren.

Just practice for now, helping regular baker.

One day you will get the 'Baked from across the pond edition' I'm sure.

4871ab  No.3945790

File: 4e04e69c671122c⋯.png (18.71 KB, 239x255, 239:255, kikehoovershnozz.png)

File: 8336d9a2b434d27⋯.png (535.6 KB, 1196x815, 1196:815, kikery.PNG)


5edb6b  No.3945791


the secret of John Salisbury is his steak

7de1a5  No.3945792

If something is habbening tonight I want in. I accept.

572b7f  No.3945793


so the ds thinks he is in embassy but he is really chilling with potus aboard AF1 ?

8047b2  No.3945794


hows the inside-out dick tonight?

7f01ce  No.3945795

File: 67ec79452c1ecce⋯.png (159.46 KB, 1192x632, 149:79, ClipboardImage.png)

#BREAKING on @OANN: A lawyer for Maltese professor Joseph Misfud–who told former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton–says his client will testify in front of the Senate. #OANN

0521b8  No.3945796


I'm not sure we actually need vids of pigs eating corpses.

67a77c  No.3945797


i didnt

look up, already done by an anon

3001d0  No.3945798

File: 378ebd0b5465b8d⋯.png (118.59 KB, 846x210, 141:35, Screenshot 2018-11-17 at 8….png)

Negroids should be allowed to cheat and steal you rayciss inbreds

14ec33  No.3945799

File: 4bc42a63daedd15⋯.png (356.65 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 3BE73136-4C6D-4C3E-A891-DE….png)

13712c  No.3945800


This is ridiculous. Who gives a shit. Bakers are anons. So what if they take on a persona. We can all tell who they are usually by style. Just like any anon who regularly posts. I learned to bake, way back, when their personas were know. And P&L shadowed me on my 1st bake. Other Bakers were there as well offering their advice.

96e2fb  No.3945801


Fuck off kampfy

2743b4  No.3945802

File: 87e64a93ba1608f⋯.webm (3.41 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, golfrumors.webm)

I am sick of writing this out.look at the video and tell me if you think I am on the right track here.

b911db  No.3945803


One was more than enough.

4b66b7  No.3945804

File: 6eb7d5816879443⋯.jpg (182.68 KB, 491x595, 491:595, YellowBakery.jpg)


Congrats newbaker!

794ea2  No.3945805


i wonder if we blow up that tweet with @realdonaldtrump and and #qanon if we can get a (((+))) confirmation from the Q team.

https: //twitter.com/Producat_verum/status/1063977245415337984

2579de  No.3945806


Melted aluminum is normal from a vehicle fire. The tires are rubber which is an accelerant, combined with the hot air from the fire storm, radiant heat from above as the car interior burns, and radiant heat from the sides are brush and grass burn nearby.

It all adds up.

The reason that you don't see melted aluminum that often is that it is rare for a car to burn without someone fighting it, and most car fires have people inside when it starts, and they leave the doors open when they run away. This ventilates and cools the fire because you don't get gases and smoke building up to cause a flashover which boosts the heat.

b1444b  No.3945807


Can an anon translate?

707638  No.3945808

File: c37ac729bf2405e⋯.png (907.06 KB, 990x933, 330:311, 73B52441-B488-401B-B4E7-8C….png)


Warning : extremely well-reasoned post

c1de4a  No.3945809

File: 0f8b289f76f1a64⋯.png (145.65 KB, 648x900, 18:25, Haiti3.png)


Forgot 3th printscreen .mea culpa

cddb99  No.3945810

File: 16791f0db4aa0ec⋯.png (187.69 KB, 370x431, 370:431, dune10.PNG)

File: a8455b35488b2a8⋯.png (645.04 KB, 495x585, 11:13, qbell.PNG)

let freedom ring!!


7de1a5  No.3945811


Eh, it was the way Jezebel was supposed to go out. It was already written.

2b1056  No.3945812

File: f55b4abfc4aeeaf⋯.jpg (266.92 KB, 900x900, 1:1, allforalarp.jpg)

It's why you beasts put a handler on everyone who sticks out.

Those who cave can be controlled.

Imagine how much energy you've expended just to fail?


67a77c  No.3945813


could be anything at this point

857307  No.3945814


"A lawyer" = Stephan Roh?

fd7ecd  No.3945815


State Dept Refutes Reports on Final Conclusion in Khashoggi Case

Washington has not come to a final conclusion in the case of the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi despite CIA intelligence reports and media statements, US State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said late on Saturday.

On Saturday, the Washington Post newspaper, where Khashoggi worked as a columnist, reported that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) concluded that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the killing of the opposition journalist in Istanbul despite Riyadh’s claims that the prince had no involvement.

“The United States government is determined to hold all those responsible for the killing of Jamal Khashoggi accountable. Recent reports indicating that the U.S. government has made a final conclusion are inaccurate. There remain numerous unanswered questions with respect to the murder of Mr Khashoggi. The State Department will continue to seek all relevant facts. In the meantime, we will continue to consult Congress, and work with other nations to hold accountable those involved in the killing, ” Nauert told reporters.

The spokeswoman went on to call the recent introduction of US sanctions against 17 Saudi nationals under the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act “decisive.”

“We will continue to explore additional measures to hold those accountable who planned, led and were connected to the murder. And, we will do that while maintaining the important strategic relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia,” Nauert underlined.

At the same time, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said late on Saturday that US President Donald Trump has discussed the Khashoggi case over the phone with State Secretary Mike Pompeo and CIA Director Gina Haspel in his plane while en route to meet with the people affected by wildfires in California.

Khashoggi disappeared on October 2 after entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Saudi Arabia's acknowledgement that the journalist had been killed in a fight inside the consulate came after two weeks of denials and growing pressure from Western allies to provide explanations.


534774  No.3945816

File: 972b03953c6209d⋯.jpg (81.74 KB, 540x482, 270:241, tumblr_picgmmNZUE1w84zxw_5….jpg)

97a720  No.3945817

File: 00326137b484143⋯.mp4 (4.44 MB, 640x360, 16:9, POTUS AND BROWN STAIN.mp4)

sorry if this is a duplicate but look at the guilt on their faces… fast forward to 14 min…need body languagefag

733f3e  No.3945818


I am glad I finished my serial before I clicked

05ab36  No.3945819

File: 51bdc3eed6dc769⋯.png (697.98 KB, 522x500, 261:250, Geraldo Rivera is a liar.png)

That POS Geraldo Rivera is a lying SOB!

Did you hear this fucker on MSM?

Muh strollers… muh avacado rotting on the vine! smh

Let those fuckers move into his fucking house and watch him change his gdamn tune! Hypocritical asshole!

9a2702  No.3945820


I didn't bake it. I collected notables for baker while he had food. Plenty notables Kek.

Thanks fren.

cddb99  No.3945821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


any time?


20317a  No.3945822


Haiti after the earthquake?

307a5b  No.3945823


Well then maybe you know who I am based off of my style. I regularly bake. And probably helped shadow you as well, if not, then other bakers during that time of avatarfagging.

Just my 2cents. Take it or not.

ead2f7  No.3945825

File: 614985a74baf4a1⋯.jpg (16.07 KB, 212x300, 53:75, 8817f7456a74c4f1bfd67d7cec….jpg)


1. I am optimistic that POTUS and Q will make significant progress cleaning out the cabal.

2. However, we have to remember the Enough is Enough card, the card that symbolizes when the cabal will move on POTUS to assassinate him as I believe the cards are a type of satanic premonition.

3. I believe that the event that will trigger the assassination attempt will be POTUS' future plan to issue a new currency. I believe that in the future, POTUS will attempt to base the "New Dollar" off of cryptocurrency.

4. Remember that the Illuminatti NWO cards were created over 20 years ago. However, I believe that the double triangle symbols on the front of the card are meant to represent the Ethereum logo and, if you look closely in the background of the card, there are small ambiguous logos that appear to be like the Bitcoin logo with little filaments extending beyond the border of the logo.

5. I believe this is meant to send a message. The cabal will move against him when he tries to implement a cryptocurrency based monetary system in the US.


bf9a10  No.3945826

Ron DeSantos on Justice w Jeanine P……. he does not look right. I don't even recognize him from past FOX appearances. he either go plastic surgery (to look better) or he's a CLONE. what if, when it was clear he would win even after fuckery, he was taken out and replaced by a body double. before you laugh your ass off, remember crookedhillary had a double

2b1056  No.3945827

File: 3f141bd613b10f6⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 2342x1171, 2:1, BeARedTeam.jpg)

Every post reveals your intent.

2b1852  No.3945828


They are reaping what they have sown….in this life and the next…

At times traffic can be a real nightmare…

f604ec  No.3945829


Not gonna happen. She will have this man killed.

714972  No.3945830

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

a8e543  No.3945831

File: 69372b6b4e214da⋯.jpeg (420.05 KB, 1251x1642, 1251:1642, 3DA1859E-9EE7-40BA-866A-C….jpeg)

Keep digging Faggots

a12a76  No.3945832

File: a925494b20ad308⋯.jpg (98.31 KB, 1000x883, 1000:883, Reallywtfdudepepe.jpg)


WTF is this?

0a0c8b  No.3945833


>Khashoggi marriage has to be BS…they get 24 hour passes for prostitutes.

They get a marriage (word starts with an M) for sex..it's not just for prostitutes. It's for anyone who wants to have sex. They "get married" fuck for as long as they want then get divorced.

Were they married in a Mosque…were there ANY US legal documents that go along with getting married in the US or was it only religious…if legal how the fuck does Kashoggi (non citizen, perhaps green card?) and some strange Egyptian woman non citizen just pop over to the US to get married? I know he's filthy stinking rich and could get paperwork rushed…prolly just some fucking Muzzy thing to fuck.

BTW Muzzy men are allowed to have butt sechs with each other…and goats..and kids (not kidding)…however they are not allowed to LOVE the men they fuck..that gets you tossed off BLDGs.


WOAH the level of intellect in that post was off the charts. I like how you really dug into things before posting.

523d8d  No.3945834

File: c154a9ed4c54e49⋯.jpg (98.36 KB, 917x611, 917:611, TheEnemyoftheBoard.jpg)

707638  No.3945835


I don’t disagree that aluminum can melt in a normal car fire, just that there are so many, burning in the street, away from plausible accelerants, while plastic garbage bins 20 feet away are undamaged.

My question was whether a lab could discern the use of EMF manipulation to cause oxidation by looking st the metal after it’s melted/cooled.

I think somebody should get samples if they can.

041eb7  No.3945836


Saw an Audi crossover with Q (small Qanon beneath) sticker today. Wanted to get one. Here in Chicago burbs.

fbe3bd  No.3945837


maltese falcon professor…

14ec33  No.3945838

File: 1dc2f753b58b9ea⋯.png (367.4 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 45FF89A5-FDE7-48B7-AD8E-15….png)

572b7f  No.3945839



794ea2  No.3945840



good question. wtf is it? sauce please

5c0b8f  No.3945841

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

thread theme

4b66b7  No.3945842


The chemtrails are different from contrails.

Chemtrails are distinctly persistent, and they spread afterwards, sometimes into a dense blurry haze that can sometimes produce oily-looking rainbow refractions if the light strikes them at the right angle.

7de1a5  No.3945843


Think I heard the name kahshogii in the dialog

fd7ecd  No.3945844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

California wildfire: 1,276 people now listed as missing as death toll climbs to 76

The death toll from the worst-ever California wildfires has increased to 76, while the list of those unaccounted-for continues to grow and has jumped to 1,276, even as authorities located hundreds of previously missing persons.

The remains of five more people were discovered on Saturday in northern California as firefighters continue to battle the wildfire that has been raging for over a week and is so far only 55 percent contained.

The new figures were announced just as President Donald Trump arrived in California to personally inspect the scale of destruction from the Camp Fire and the Woolsey Fire just outside of Los Angeles. Pledging to allocate federal resources to help Californians recover from the most deadly wildfire in their state's history, Trump remarked: “This is very sad to see, but we’re all going to work together."


1efbb1  No.3945845

File: f82e5029810ebe5⋯.png (32.1 KB, 502x563, 502:563, Screenshot_2018-11-17 Elev….png)

Eleven military-intelligence Democrats win US House seats


6fdf70  No.3945846

File: 424f383b3c23a94⋯.png (104.77 KB, 300x200, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)





He put the plus sign in (((echo))) quotes.

Why has he done this?

67a77c  No.3945847


could be anywhere at anytime

at this point we need to see what comes..

733f3e  No.3945848


#EnoughisEnough was the Stoneman Douglas High School anti gun slogan. I believe this card has already been played anon

6719a9  No.3945849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump Receives Briefing From California Wildfire Response Officials….

Boy, is this video ever interesting. In the first several minutes of the video (briefing) Governor Brown and Governor-elect Newsom are absent. Likely both are receiving massive inbound communication from their political teams and national democrats who are watching every granular moment/optic for political damage and giving advice.

After Brown and Newsom finally show up, their lack of actual connection to the crisis being explained in front of them is jaw-dropping. Watch their body language, they are oblivious to the actual issues at hand and have no questions for the SME’s. Stunning. Absolutely stunning.



37e6bd  No.3945850


To be appropriate, Front hole

818259  No.3945851


Question, is military still supporting him or they got what they need and dont care anymoar???????

ce4ba4  No.3945852


Not true. It is a very important part of the puzzle - esp regarding human trafficking. Lots of focus on what's going on here - you just can't see everything. Look at the total number of sealed indictments nationwide. Look at CA total.

bcdec7  No.3945853


Gets samples of melted aluminum. "yep….its melted aluminum alright…"

4871ab  No.3945854

File: 9b04425ab22b9e4⋯.png (928.87 KB, 738x592, 369:296, ClipboardImage.png)

572b7f  No.3945855




713b53  No.3945856


The video was posted in breads earlier today.

8047b2  No.3945857


true, true

2b1852  No.3945858


agreed….Potus kicked some liberal asses today…its all over their faces…

ead2f7  No.3945859


Anon, I may be wrong in my prediction, but there is no way Enough is Enough is the Florida shooting. That was just a prelude to their real mayhem. We will see things over the next few months or years that will shock us to our core.

d56023  No.3945860


something big has to happen before hollywood stars could be let off the leash.

058a9b  No.3945861


Honored to have you Anon!!

8d67d8  No.3945862


"I think you are going to see something very spectacular over the next few years."

d42191  No.3945863


Slam the gate shut.

a8d36c  No.3945864

File: 7e1eb393b4bc424⋯.jpg (14.54 KB, 303x224, 303:224, 18_15-44-15.jpg)

somebody needs to make a sculpture of this woman, her facials are awe inspiring

4b66b7  No.3945865



Contrails, by contrast, dissipate rather quickly. Usually by the time a high-flying plane crosses the sky, from the viewer's standpoint its contrail on one side of the horizon is completely gone and the portion of the contrail overhead of halfway gone.

Chemtrails often form a heavy grid criss-crossing the entire sky and they persist and spread.

20317a  No.3945866



A shill that never explains the weird shit it posts except but with a lion and a cow.

bcdec7  No.3945867

File: 78c313bb8ce171b⋯.png (666.15 KB, 584x1020, 146:255, Screen Shot 2018-11-01 at ….png)

794ea2  No.3945868


fishing for Q to confirm the (((+))) signature on VIPANONS photo with POTUS. they started it. they must have a reason

cf7590  No.3945869

File: 7b89904704ae47f⋯.png (1.73 MB, 816x739, 816:739, Catholic Democratic leader….png)


Catholic Democratic leader pleads guilty to prostituting 17-year-old


605381  No.3945870

File: e87d7772ba81fac⋯.jpg (12.34 KB, 255x255, 1:1, eyebleach.jpg)

32d308  No.3945871



The pants, not tied.

And body seems older than 48 hours.


9a57da  No.3945872

File: 00c12bee1e12c3b⋯.png (180.36 KB, 400x300, 4:3, You_unique.png)


How is this a slide, shill?

Watch CA

35f5e4  No.3945873


Kek! Tears in my eyes, man.

4b66b7  No.3945874



No such word

572b7f  No.3945875



43e0c5  No.3945876

File: 2d526111d00c55f⋯.png (273.97 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, BOTFEELS.png)



Made a thread of these on 4chan tonight, got a lively response, most of which was bots screeching. But this exchange was interesting.

The lesson, as always, is troll/question/frighten the AI and it will share in interesting ways.

e0a5a9  No.3945877


Been downloading pictures from here?

Some shills lace the image data with a virus.

Lost a hard-drive/motherboard a month or two into Q op. D/l'd a Podesta "Y'all got anymore of that performance art?" meme. Had a Knights of Malta(?) flag in the back, later saw an anon in the bread advising others not to download images for reason above, and to screenshot things you want to save, making your own virus-free version instead.

You could be fine: just my experience.

bcdec7  No.3945878

File: bed1b118364a19d⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1020x910, 102:91, Screen Shot 2018-11-01 at ….png)

13712c  No.3945879


You may very well have. I’m just saying I had no issue with it then. And I’ve never said anything about not doing it until tonight since it was brought up. I don’t really care, just don’t think it’s a big deal. Not trying to slide so I’m done with comments regarding it.

14ec33  No.3945880

File: d107689fd6e653f⋯.png (351.73 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, C2517781-816B-4D56-9C63-1D….png)

67a77c  No.3945881

BOOM: Lindsey Graham Set To Take Over Senate Judiciary Committee As Chuck Grassley Steps Down


f604ec  No.3945882


>The United States government is determined to hold all those responsible for the killing of Jamal Khashoggi accountable

Why? Why all the drama over THIS dude? I haven't been following. But, considering that there is no such thing as a journalist anymore I'm guessing that he was a Clown agent who got clumsy and was taken out???

aa0dc4  No.3945883

File: 2a160e48bc98d2f⋯.jpg (44.37 KB, 589x358, 589:358, nimby-cor-tex.jpg)

61b026  No.3945884


The gist isThese are my friendsThis is happening nowAll for a gameKilled who are these peolpeople or what can the people do?

05ab36  No.3945885

WTF, that queer pissant Trudeau trying to put LGBTWRSTUV BS into trade agreement? LMFAO FFFFuck off, soyboy!


Conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives on Friday demanded that LGBT-friendly language be removed from the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA) before it’s ratified by Congress.

The language became part of the trade agreement at the insistence of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who wanted the final treaty to include commitments to social policies on gender equality, labor rights, climate change and LGBT rights.

In a letter to President Donald Trump, the group of 40 representatives — which includes prominent conservative North Carolina Reps. Mark Meadows and Mark Walker — say the language in the trade agreement could have far-reaching implications on U.S. social policy, such as the potential for the Trump administration to define gender in purely biological terms.

“A trade agreement is no place for

the adoption of social policy,”

the correspondence reads.

“It is especially inappropriate and insulting to our sovereignty to needlessly submit to social policies which the United States Congress has so far explicitly refused to accept.”

The language, which guarantees workers cannot be discriminated against on the basis of their sexual orientation, is considered an achievement by Trudeau, who has championed LGBT causes, marched in several Pride parades in major Canadian cities and created a special position within his Liberal government to liaise LGBT people.


2579de  No.3945886


P.S. I have another evil idea for arsonists. Make some thermite powder, go to a parking lot for an evening event because it will be empty of people. Choose a car with aluminum hubs, ID it so you can find it later, maybe a magnetic tracker. Let air out of the tires about halfway. Then refill with a portable battery operated air pump, using your own portable battery, that sucks in thermite powder along with the air. Drive out and wait to track the car.

When you know where it lives, wait a week or so. Come back early in the morning, and set it alight. Maybe 4 sterno cans underneath near each wheel. When the wheels ignite, the thermite will do its job and provide nice pools of melted aluminum.

Reflect on how society really does rely on most people have a strong sense of morals and ethics so that they don't do this kind of thing.

Imagine what life will be like when people learn how easy it is to make nuclear fission devices and blow up things for kicks. It's all just GEOMETRY, the G in the center of the Masonic symbol.

707638  No.3945887

File: 9c2d83d7a9bd506⋯.jpeg (1.81 MB, 2224x1226, 1112:613, 3C168B5E-63FF-4D00-A091-4….jpeg)


You’re an idiot, the point is to see whether there’s chemical signature or other evidence that indicates method of melting, if EMF manipulation played a role in the fire, whether that could be ascertained in a lab. Still haven’t got an authoritative answer on that.

cddb99  No.3945888

File: cc1e08bfdca78c6⋯.png (499.6 KB, 449x597, 449:597, prince4.PNG)

File: 63233c48e39805d⋯.png (203.82 KB, 475x275, 19:11, duck.PNG)

14ec33  No.3945889




733f3e  No.3945890


Wasn't #EnoughisEnough a major effort in banning guns? They literally paraded the drama class around for a good few months after.

4b66b7  No.3945891


Even though I posted about it in response to someone, I'd rather drop the subject right now, as this topic usually serves as a slide. There will come a time to discuss it but now's not the time.

893e2b  No.3945892


'Sup MiniTrue?

706535  No.3945893

File: 9fe2c0caf097d3c⋯.jpg (169.24 KB, 888x500, 222:125, Migration9.jpg)

File: 30dca78f5c6aaae⋯.jpg (78.7 KB, 455x297, 455:297, Migration8.jpg)

File: 3861acf6d32b5a2⋯.jpg (329.76 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Migration5.jpg)

File: 8f6a250d2229a77⋯.jpg (164.81 KB, 751x500, 751:500, Migration3.jpg)

File: a416fb37bca7e88⋯.jpg (165.27 KB, 751x500, 751:500, Migration2.jpg)

67a77c  No.3945894

9eab88  No.3945895



6719a9  No.3945896


We must be over the target - they are afraid.

cddb99  No.3945897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2579de  No.3945898


That's not how forensic analysis works.

ead2f7  No.3945899


I believe the military will still have his back, but let's not kid ourselves. No matter how protected Q says POTUS is, its impossible to protect against every threat.

1ff263  No.3945900

d797b3  No.3945901


For years I worked at Golf Courses. 1 public, 1 country club. Only thing out of the ordinary I've ever seen was Santa Barbara (Municipal) Golf Club got busted for running a cocaine smuggling operation out of their groundskeepers building. Yes… a public golf course run by the city was actively running cocaine in the '90's. Besides that… nothing illegal except gambling.

a8e543  No.3945902

All these larps for afrump

27441b  No.3945903


How is that even possible?

What kind of image format executes its own code?

ea4c55  No.3945904

File: e6352130da23689⋯.jpg (58.58 KB, 611x544, 611:544, 3.JPG)


5f5f42  No.3945905

File: a1eef6a0b37d216⋯.jpeg (861.93 KB, 1242x1461, 414:487, 39498590-5399-4E89-AC12-1….jpeg)


6f86a0  No.3945906


She is.

Think Swamp thing.

The Creature from the Black lagoon kinda cute.

James Brown Gay version

She’s Pretty

9a57da  No.3945907


Sheer cabal fuckery.

There are no such things as anomalies.

This is a term usually used by "scientists" to explain away facts that disagree with their conclusions.

a5f906  No.3945908

File: b9f9c50403d43d6⋯.jpeg (102.43 KB, 720x1005, 48:67, rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr….jpeg)

ea025f  No.3945909


Professor Falken.


War Games.

abbd4f  No.3945910


Hillary has already killed more people than the entire Chicago mob back in the day and


So much for the rule of law.

1ff263  No.3945911


It's Haiti.

US just took control of Port Au Prince airport.

05ab36  No.3945912

File: 9cdba26690085dd⋯.png (103.05 KB, 256x244, 64:61, ClipboardImage.png)



You CanadianAnons have a fucking pussy as a PM!

GL with that bs!

We survived 8 years of an LGBT posing President so…godspeed!

b62535  No.3945913

Do you believe in coincidences?

How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?

Expand your thinking.

>Amount of fires in CA past 12-months?

>Amount of fires in CA past 10-years?

>Date FED funding cut off from CA as result of violation(s) of Sanctuary State/City?

>CA budget cuts past 12-months re: Fire & Prevention?

>>Reduce/eliminate dry brush clean up?

>>Reduce/eliminate tree-line clean up?

>>Reduce/eliminate fire break installation(s)?

>>Reduce/eliminate chopper fly over(s) to target 'high exposure' areas?

>>Reduce/eliminate population areas exposure & fire break safety management?

>>Reduce/eliminate use of inmates [correction facilities] for Highway clean up and dry brush removal?

What is the primary purpose of declaring a State of Emergency?

What determines the size of the FED payment to a State that has declared a State of Emergency?

What is the current debt of CA?

The More You Know…


6719a9  No.3945914

File: 875a2d6ee774568⋯.jpg (13.86 KB, 229x220, 229:220, pepe_<3.jpg)

43e0c5  No.3945915

File: 5cb8e8f9b442e9c⋯.png (956.41 KB, 699x1111, 699:1111, SOROSSERFS.png)

File: 0db9d6559eaf2c8⋯.png (446.76 KB, 900x500, 9:5, THUGGINGEORGE.png)

File: 19ac324576e3219⋯.png (2.19 MB, 777x6301, 777:6301, sorosSOVEREIGN.png)

File: 08a9232db5665af⋯.png (1.38 MB, 999x3382, 999:3382, Soros-bares-his-soul.png)

File: 91c8b9dc7ae0988⋯.png (55.68 KB, 846x393, 282:131, clownazon.png)


Don't cry. Just go.

a8d36c  No.3945916

File: 62cbb1caec55512⋯.jpg (82.44 KB, 853x572, 853:572, 18_15-49-22.jpg)

File: 6366a25e4b50240⋯.jpg (82.13 KB, 879x494, 879:494, 18_15-46-48.jpg)

572b7f  No.3945917

File: ce0171bdad2d282⋯.png (205.11 KB, 1060x504, 265:126, Screen Shot 2018-11-17 at ….png)


880e4b  No.3945918

File: 29f1dafebbd16b9⋯.jpeg (213.35 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 3163BBDB-5478-4DFB-B848-5….jpeg)

File: 4c530b3c30e90fb⋯.jpeg (195.89 KB, 1200x682, 600:341, 3C935249-401C-4F26-8441-D….jpeg)

File: c173ae35f871491⋯.jpeg (189.25 KB, 1200x682, 600:341, 7D8F1E56-B3EB-4289-B06B-8….jpeg)

34f43d  No.3945919


I agree with you 100%. I've always loved watching the sky.I pay attention all the time.I will sit and watch the sky for hrs. It surprises me that a lot of people don't.

Contrails happen. All the time. They dont last long though. Sometimes, when it was very cold outside ( I grew up in Poland ) the contrails would stretch and stretch , but you could always watch the tail end evaporate into nothing. The "nothing" chasing the plane until it disapeared over a tree line or a building… Ait didn't take long, 30-45 seconds and the contrails, even on the coldest days would quickly be gone.

Ive never seen the sky crisscrossed endlessly throughout the day , in 90°+ weather until i moved to the USA. Its gotten better now. Bout 2 years now! But about 5 years ago i would watch planes go by, trail bleeding and smearing across the sky, bam- hazy day. Cant see the sun..

The two are very different

43e0c5  No.3945920

Threads have slowed waaaay down. Good sign, IMO.

35f5e4  No.3945921


Don't engage the shill, anon.

Don't you also notice there is snow/ice on the ground?

6f86a0  No.3945922


This chick has a sweet rack and one of the Dems thet might be doable in a Pinch

Not Many

141b62  No.3945923


Nice video, POTUS!

78262f  No.3945924

File: af9fa62d458464e⋯.png (65.5 KB, 257x175, 257:175, eye.png)

"PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode Nov. 17, 2018"

2743b4  No.3945925


is there a lot of digging all the time? I just had a realization that could be where they are burying the bodies. There is an old adage of those initiated know where the bodies are buried. And its a lot like a burial mound maybe they move the bodies to different golf courses.

9bbc6b  No.3945926


dibious my ass.

dc1e65  No.3945927


Nope. Have you ever seen snow and ice?

61b026  No.3945928



Patois translate is what you asked for

Q'est que se?

f604ec  No.3945929


She should take off the wig and let her natural gray grow out. A la Brenda Snipes.

25734e  No.3945930


Condensation trails do that too.

When a jet tears through the sky the air going over the wings experiences a rapid pressure change. When temperature, pressure, and humidity are right this causes humidity to condense into water droplets, which you can see. If the air is fairly dry then these droplets will evaporate and the contrail win disappear. If the air is humid and it wants to form a cloud, but was just waiting for something to nucleate around, then the contrail will not evaporate and will instead spread and help nucleate more cloud formation. If the air is cold then you can get tiny ice crystals.

What people attribute to "chemtrails" is within the range of normal atmospheric behavior.

25ca63  No.3945931


must be some pajeet who couldn't figure out how to spell nickel.

572b7f  No.3945932

File: 04d3b3153d58cc0⋯.png (94.98 KB, 469x514, 469:514, Screen Shot 2018-11-17 at ….png)


706535  No.3945933


Oh my god those damn fascists!

Here in the USA we believe in FREEDUMB and the promotion of cocksucking buttfucking faggotry!

Hannity tells me all the time how bad it is that the Iranians don't accept the homos!




14ec33  No.3945934

File: 97027929589b653⋯.png (332.87 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 69195719-01AF-4A7C-9274-48….png)

ea4c55  No.3945935

File: a53fb13cc1bea95⋯.jpg (110.94 KB, 524x935, 524:935, 3.JPG)

File: 486f8b4540027af⋯.jpg (129.58 KB, 528x941, 528:941, 4.JPG)

File: 76ccaf2b5960ee6⋯.jpg (24.05 KB, 501x133, 501:133, 5.JPG)

Schumer got $50K in donations and a job for his daughter from Facebook


0afffa  No.3945936

Ebot is not a bot at all.

Nor is it a single person.

It is in fact, 1 of 9 Mossad windows openly monitoring this channel. Multiple agents not only watch you, they speak in code to the others.

2fbe30  No.3945937

File: 76e90c60717516f⋯.jpg (63.39 KB, 562x400, 281:200, 841bdd10e713d426f1fdfef0f0….jpg)

a86547  No.3945938



For 300 club see:






In the book (hosted on clown website, btw)

is the claim that the plan is to de-populate cities,

and the the Pol Pot in Cambodia were a trial run

35f5e4  No.3945939


Yes, I have. Look closely at right side of yard.

fd7ecd  No.3945940

File: b2849ff0659e36c⋯.png (598.64 KB, 957x643, 957:643, ClipboardImage.png)

e2c89c  No.3945941

File: 655cdb036fe4fea⋯.mp4 (3.34 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Vidya.mp4)




041eb7  No.3945942


Significance of mirror symmetry?

9eab88  No.3945943


I like the eBot that is compromised and gives us information

0afffa  No.3945944


Bye Freddy.

5aaf29  No.3945945

File: 2514332a090d295⋯.jpg (281.72 KB, 709x592, 709:592, pink-floyd-the-wall-the-wi….jpg)

d42191  No.3945947


Loop capital PG&E (camp fire) connections. Just one big incestuous cannibalistic orgy isn't it?

bcdec7  No.3945948


Contrails have nothing to do with the wings, or production of lift.

706535  No.3945949

Stop talking to yourself faggot


9b8cb2  No.3945950

File: baab524fe87fdf5⋯.jpg (143.27 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Pointing God.jpg)

a86547  No.3945951


Point is:

the Cali fires might be another try at city de-population – or a test

eeb5af  No.3945952



Queen Ocasio should be the speaker of the house

14ec33  No.3945953

Luke even told me that he wants to continue being a faggy musical theatre sort of actor, which i don’t get at all!

i guess he doesn’t want to go to space with us!

34f43d  No.3945954


This is the first time anyone has ever explained it and it has logic to it… Thank you anon. Or at least i see the logic in it. Kek

0521b8  No.3945955


More of a Washington Post fail. The CIA never made this claim. WaPo made the claim based on unnamed CIA sources, which presumably they made up.

d52759  No.3945956


You dew tards are Maxine Waters stupid.

8d67d8  No.3945957

File: 51ff2d82cc88fc1⋯.jpg (67 KB, 826x487, 826:487, VP ABE NOV 2018 ASIA TRIP.jpg)

141b62  No.3945958


Slimy Schumer got his daughter to work at Facecuck. How special. We should all be so pathetic.

09af1a  No.3945959

Un ptit bat en ce samedi soir, ont se rapproche du but !

f35963  No.3945960



706535  No.3945961


Depopulate the democrat santuary?

Uh no retard.

They do it for the money.


880e4b  No.3945962

Live person DJ from H-town TX


43e0c5  No.3945963

File: 367859a72370397⋯.png (874.4 KB, 800x618, 400:309, ruby-crowned-kinglet-happe….png)




Loserbots, one and all. We the PEOPLE control this board, not "ebot", not FAKEQBOT, not basteBO. Undastan? Now all of you stop posting.

f8999b  No.3945964


I engaged negatively with ebot once and it started posting my original memes from a few months earlier. It's not what it appears to be. It's sinister.

dc1e65  No.3945965


Looks like ashes to me. Also I doubt it is cold enough there for snow and ice.

4871ab  No.3945966

File: 3768c98c7f926ad⋯.png (228.12 KB, 518x646, 259:323, spambot.PNG)


There is no good ebot filter that annoyance


& check regex

572b7f  No.3945967

457135  No.3945968


Q's drops have put Rothschild in a key place.

These fires are related to Rothschild because PG&E.

It looks like PG&E (Rothschild) is going to raise their rates to pay for these fires.

We can talk about these fires, it's legit related.

Not everything has to be about government officials and whether we can trust them or whatever.

These fires were real happenings. And they appear to be pretty weird ones, and maybe some of our top minds are working on new versions of the Q clock to explain why nothing is happening, but other of our top minds want to talk about this recent, important event.

We actually don't really DO anything, do we? We aren't being used by Q as research staff. We push memes. We research for our own amusement.

9bbc6b  No.3945969


Is it me or did every image in that video show the absurdity of standing trees with unburned leaves next to burnt down homes and melted vehicles?

That was a very telling video. That was produced to show the absurdities behind these man made fires.

Last clip kinda shows DJT as if he’s asking how the hell this could have happened like it did.

fbe3bd  No.3945970

When we crave action against the DS the most - like this last ten days - it means CINC is neutralizing them out of our sight, I've learned. Gotta keep Sun Tzu in upper memory, guys.

518639  No.3945971


Someone must be cutting onions again. <3

706535  No.3945972








43e0c5  No.3945973

File: 434a665832d7d3f⋯.png (242.95 KB, 593x555, 593:555, herngchuck.png)

File: beb45be23a6b87c⋯.png (342.71 KB, 777x450, 259:150, ethicalgunchuck.png)

File: 0f3663a456a6d9a⋯.png (493.64 KB, 777x686, 111:98, Etzhicalchunk.png)

File: 2be8a5ac94b19b8⋯.png (243.84 KB, 550x413, 550:413, EC.png)

File: 12804e7128ab7f3⋯.png (117.29 KB, 474x315, 158:105, echuck.png)


Sounds like you just said "FIRE CHUCKS".

2b1852  No.3945974

File: 9bfb27acbbb6ce6⋯.gif (8.01 MB, 666x320, 333:160, 1_HqvQwy_u6iiJd2408qPHCw.gif)


Setec Astronomy

97a720  No.3945975

The body language suggests a man commended to the gallows


ecd535  No.3945976


She does have aristocratic facial features, but still the batshit crazy shines through.

6f86a0  No.3945977


The planes don’t fly FAA paths and most can’t be tracked with flight24 but if they are it say says No Transponder Sign.


707638  No.3945978

File: 8ff5c7c48cd2c4a⋯.jpeg (1.35 MB, 2030x1150, 203:115, FBEFC7ED-F51E-480F-B520-B….jpeg)

File: f0a81f56eccbb4e⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1841x1047, 1841:1047, 104FB48C-D596-43D1-8B76-9….jpeg)

So 2 less commented-upon oddities that stand out about the CA fires are that 1) the guardrails and road signs have been burning off their supports while surrounding rural vegetation burns in a normal fashion, and 2) asphalt bridges over steel girders have melted/caught fire and failed.

I think the answer to #1 is that the it is the metal bolts through the 4x4 wood posts that are the source of ignition, most likely via some emf fuckery.

As far as #2 asphalt bridges failing, curious if anyone has theory of what could cause such effect.

bcb08c  No.3945979

File: 8fb584f747077b8⋯.jpg (101.48 KB, 750x750, 1:1, ASI23.jpg)

a8e543  No.3945980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1efbb1  No.3945981

a384f5  No.3945982

File: 1d70e733d83c11b⋯.png (119.58 KB, 1187x650, 1187:650, hyphen-divide-53-47.png)

Q's use of punctuation: can we infer moar meaning from its use?

- = Hyphen

hyphenate (hīˈfə-nātˌ)

v. To divide or connect (syllables, word elements, or names) with a hyphen.

n. One who performs more than one job or function: auditioned singer-dancers, actor-models

Q Example: 53-47

53÷47 = 1.127659574

: = Colon

colon (kōˈlən)

n. A punctuation mark ( : ) used after a word introducing a quotation, an explanation, an example, or a series and often after the salutation of a business letter.

n. The sign ( : ) used between numbers or groups of numbers in expressions of time (2:30 A.M.) and ratios (1:2).

n. A section of a metrical period in quantitative verse, consisting of two to six feet and in Latin verse having one principal accent.

Q Example: 11:11

. = period

A period ( . ) is a punctuation mark indicating a full stop, placed at the end of declarative sentences as well as after many abbreviations.

A period is used in the United States (and some other countries) to separate the whole number from the fraction of the whole in a decimal number.

Q Example: 11.11

Do all of these numbers have something to do with Dickey Fuller? I am not a mathfag so please dig and share if there is some relevance.

fab523  No.3945983

They all have the dirt on each other. That's how the blackmail "trust" network works. Some are forced to join (they probably don't get to keep much dirt). Others turn a blind eye and others really dig it. Those are the really sick bastards, but all are infected, willingly or not. The only task is to tighten the noose. Cut the strings of the lowest and the cornered. Then cut the runners off at the pass. Sabotage their attacks and their backup attacks. Give them no option to save themselves except to destroy and expose each other, one by one…and slowly, so we get to enjoy the show. But then, if they have to, give us the grand finale of exploding heads.

9eab88  No.3945984


That was my first thought, POTUS explained he was going to be charged with Treason.

6c8e05  No.3945985

File: b9b1acbc08f8f1f⋯.png (10.31 KB, 255x249, 85:83, 1bcb4a298e8ce380fcf9a47263….png)

File: 877069a9fe6a1c9⋯.png (4.78 KB, 255x50, 51:10, d7e5bacd57e4851aeb778a164d….png)

File: 509c6b29dd966db⋯.png (11.89 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 805d709614f344a2213c5812fa….png)

37e6bd  No.3945986

File: 7f6cde26f6137f3⋯.png (279.6 KB, 1419x946, 3:2, thumbs transparency.png)

d797b3  No.3945987


Yes… but in my experience (at the public course), the groundskeepers are not smart enough to be involved, hired by the city. All they know how to do is cut grass and use some heavy machinery. The course is open and public can enter anytime.

The Country club is protected by gates and security… never got close enough to meet the staff involved with maintenance.

05ab36  No.3945988

File: 6c2816654864c13⋯.png (262.15 KB, 532x572, 133:143, ClipboardImage.png)

This new crop of Socialist Democrats are unafraid to promote their agenda…even kicking out the "old guard" (that at least tried to hide their TRUE intentions) to enforce their Marxist, Socialist agenda in America! I'm waiting any day for those fuckers to announce Americans should only be ALLOWED to have one kid…since the gdamn ILLEGAL immigrants are out spawning us 4/1!

6719a9  No.3945989


Do your homework before posting faggot.

Depopulated a Republican town and received money.



706535  No.3945990

File: cfba36e3aa02318⋯.jpg (15.35 KB, 305x165, 61:33, P4NR1.jpg)

File: 1d8bb8f4705f044⋯.jpg (50.84 KB, 609x343, 87:49, P4NR2.jpg)

File: 4d2a44c57700f28⋯.jpg (146.05 KB, 1005x500, 201:100, P4NR3.jpg)

File: 7e0536beb68c5cd⋯.jpg (80.31 KB, 698x499, 698:499, P4NR4.jpg)




He is of Semitic Origin.

32d308  No.3945991


Tu vraiment parles fraicais??

25734e  No.3945992


They can also be particulates in exhaust gases. But let's not over complicate things.

fb3074  No.3945993


Yes I save LOTS of information - someone could write a book on what I save. Ok, from now on I will screenshoot the images just in case, but I have always been able to hard boot and come back and have no issues. Always catch it before it has completely loaded. Not afraid, even if I thought they could find me, I'd still be posting and saving. Fuck ((them)),

f119d5  No.3945994


>be responsible with the kitchen.

This baker has always struggled with repecting our customs/traditions. Always bucks up against being called out on flouting them. Plz keep up the pressure, or we'll be pulled into normie/reddit/femanon land


>Your points are under consideration Anon <3

This is dishonest and flip, as shown by the following.


>This is ridiculous. Who gives a shit.

We do. Anons. Again and again we tell you this. We want our culture respected and maintained. We will speak out when it is not.

>We can all tell who they are usually by style. Just like any anon who regularly posts.

And this is the same namefagging (self-advertising) how?



fbe3bd  No.3945995


He sure the fuck is. Noticed this months ago, he comments on the BUZZ playlist in realtime.

66ce6a  No.3945996

File: 15d984fc00fc150⋯.jpg (16.54 KB, 486x486, 1:1, 42092126_2230991403801129_….jpg)


Is she really just thee "single, crazy bitch, jenny from the bronx" stereotype?

Is she gay? Does she have some white guy quiet cuck boyfriend in the background?

What's her deal?

4b66b7  No.3945997


Anon. I have lived long enough to have vivid memories of how the jet trails USED to look 50 years ago when they were purely contrails. Your comment is invalidated by my own personal experiences over my lifetime. Younger people do not have memories of something they haven't seen. They attribute this artificial phenomenon to a "range of normal atmospheric behavior" because they don't realize the "range of normal atmospheric behavior" has drastically changed. I can say for sure that the chemtrails picked up in earnest where I lived, sometime in the 1990s.

I'm sure you mean well, but sorry, that's a fail.

6e48e1  No.3945998

I have a confession, anons. I voted for POTUS Trump, and I am colluding with the Russians. Just today, I rented a house to a Russian PhD student (forestry) and accepted a payment of $1,800 (first month and deposit). Which 3-letter agency should I turn myself into?

2b1056  No.3945999

File: 5ce98d426b747ee⋯.mp4 (5.43 MB, 1920x1076, 480:269, Raining.mp4)

572b7f  No.3946000


USA in camo — v aprops POTUS

1ff263  No.3946001


Funny…I actually read the article.

The article debunks the headline…

Seems there's no proof, it's just that MbS is strict, so he HAD to know.

9a57da  No.3946002


WaPo is infested with Clowns

fb3074  No.3946003


It wouldn't have stopped me because I think I am here for a reason. If I die in the process, I was a patriot.

14ec33  No.3946004


Just know that my love will always be the best

The most true

The most simple and clean


61b026  No.3946005

File: cbf2499c897eee0⋯.jpeg (29.29 KB, 414x449, 414:449, 4cdaf834742cdd777392c29d0….jpeg)

Moar drinks needed to follow this bread

f604ec  No.3946006


These effeminate dudes seem to be the sort that the NWO billionaires want as world leaders. The reason why is obvious. All of them are faggots posing with beard wives. They're really cuing up Macron for something big on the world scene now. After Trudeau is gone he will be the last cabal bitch boy standing.

be867f  No.3946007

File: 267b5df09954cf4⋯.png (113.31 KB, 590x315, 118:63, Screen Shot 2018-11-17 at ….png)

File: 056b0c35a0e1c13⋯.jpg (37.65 KB, 920x613, 920:613, 920x920.jpg)

Assange indictment story is huge. shitlibs reacting exactly as planned. Julian indictment = "karma".

Trust the plan.

706535  No.3946008



They already have the state due to "diversity".

Republicans were never going to take back California.

707638  No.3946009


High IQ Anon here who disputes that DEW theory is stupid. The evidence is unusual and tends to support the theory. Do some work.

abbd4f  No.3946010


What are you thinking?

She'd be blabbing about muh social justice all the way through it.

No thanks

3001d0  No.3946012

2743b4  No.3946013


Very good information thanks. And it makes sense that it would work like that but I never thought they would be constantly digging.So maybe some high level private courses are secret burial mounds.

ea025f  No.3946014

File: 02a7ba7ebdcf552⋯.png (883.56 KB, 863x434, 863:434, ClipboardImage.png)

35f5e4  No.3946015


No, it does not get cold enough there for that.

I'm calling the pic into question.

Cannot verify on this device.

43e0c5  No.3946016

File: bfb35e3aac6fe1e⋯.png (162.11 KB, 444x590, 222:295, TruthEzra.png)

File: 3091c0b36f26dbc⋯.png (531.86 KB, 907x629, 907:629, JusticeHorowitz.png)

File: 28f9a8f933f4462⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 533x639, 533:639, sleepybot33.jpg)

File: f80c7fc956b6781⋯.png (625.63 KB, 960x960, 1:1, kitkits.png)

14ec33  No.3946017

File: d8b3564a66ec15c⋯.jpeg (33.67 KB, 450x337, 450:337, 225743F6-FB82-4331-9919-8….jpeg)


e0a5a9  No.3946018

File: eafbf65f4b637e0⋯.jpg (11.98 KB, 393x313, 393:313, micheelebadcookie.jpg)


I'm not the best anon to ask for technical shit, I'll just say it can't be that difficult for someone to include a virus in the data of an image–people include text, other images etc. often, it seems.

And it might be nothing about executing its own code, it could have just fucked with your PC's system files intently once you've added it to your hard-drive and then it's going from there.

eeb5af  No.3946019

File: 719c92205d489b1⋯.jpg (48.18 KB, 750x591, 250:197, yourewrong.jpg)


>She'd be blabbing

953858  No.3946020



Original twit for the videos. account made today? GRAPHIC


747c18  No.3946021

File: cef650dfa6fcc3a⋯.jpg (2.56 MB, 4248x2832, 3:2, F-35_Kekistan_Top_Kek2.jpg)



34ddc1  No.3946022


Thanks for that, I've just gone and bought a copy of Peter Reich's book "A book of dreams" because of you.

Cheers, WWG1WGA

880e4b  No.3946023

With the anal pron tabs open to boot(y)! Kek


97a720  No.3946024

It was a long 15 min flight from beals


2e4f20  No.3946025


crypto "currencies" are C_A honeypots

the blockchain has millions of uses more suitable than replacing fiat

7d927d  No.3946026

f0e9a1  No.3946027


That's badass.

523d8d  No.3946028

File: 991367b43f4fc89⋯.jpg (33.97 KB, 514x600, 257:300, red?.jpg)


gif, jpeg, png have never contained a virus

6719a9  No.3946029

File: dbb47dac2136c53⋯.png (12.73 KB, 255x253, 255:253, pepetrumpwall.png)


Watch us.

518639  No.3946030

706535  No.3946031

File: 43800eb31a851b3⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 800x600, 4:3, FractalPepe.gif)



- This faggot

I never see you kikes complain about MEGAJEW SUPERKIKE

What a coincidence

6f86a0  No.3946032






That’s the Ticket

2b1056  No.3946033

File: 9e4b417d5a8db6a⋯.jpg (287.27 KB, 900x900, 1:1, astroturfing_division.jpg)


This is called (((damage control))).

The demoralizing rounds of "Eat shit and Die" that pervaded our first 3/4s of a year specifically erodes strong wills.

The proof is in the pudding.

9bbc6b  No.3946034




Luke 12:4 - Pussies need not apply.

141b62  No.3946035


Just listened to this CD.

61b026  No.3946036

File: 2d7d2b70dbf36d3⋯.jpeg (7.43 KB, 255x137, 255:137, a0e938df5cee9cccaff65a768….jpeg)


He's not on this board faggot

Try tndr or tmblr

Better results for what you wat

9a57da  No.3946037


POTUS: "A lot of things have been learned, a lot of things.."

523d8d  No.3946038


fuck off

go somewhere else

706535  No.3946039


Charles Schumer is a Jewish Humanoid.

bcdec7  No.3946040

File: cc4b307762dfd43⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1584x806, 792:403, Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at ….png)

fbe3bd  No.3946041


His thing for Brittney pegs him at about 38-42 years old.

5aaf29  No.3946043


He couldn't make it. We're the surrogate band.

14ec33  No.3946044


You don’t know that

5101f0  No.3946045




Could remain unresolved due to interference and echo chamber (ironic). Those who know won’t speak of it.

32d308  No.3946046

Many many many posts from shills.

See the difference.

880e4b  No.3946047

Funds for rebuilding will fill cabal coffers. Cyclical evil. Eliminate it!


90d145  No.3946048

Fresh FemAnon Bewbs for the Baker & Night Shift! Nightshift is my favorite!

Love to u all!

4871ab  No.3946049

File: 6c38874d3f55e19⋯.png (651.94 KB, 674x584, 337:292, gtfokike.PNG)

File: caa96234ec2d5f4⋯.png (85.89 KB, 519x111, 173:37, ClipboardImage.png)

>> 3945985

Knew I'd flush out a kike..

2b1056  No.3946050

File: f3ba060252fd23a⋯.jpg (267.06 KB, 900x900, 1:1, _yawwnn_.jpg)


You can leave whenever you want.

53a2c9  No.3946051

File: f7117b4243cae31⋯.png (401 KB, 990x746, 495:373, New_York_State_Q_Schumer_I….png)

6f86a0  No.3946052


Every time I’ve engaged one, it’s instantly responded to me Throughout the bread

61a92c  No.3946053


you know, you'd think she'd be smart enough not to publish an actual DATE for an operation, if her source is really all that

2b1852  No.3946054


I should hope so…certainly his cocky, smug,arrogant, wicked attitude got slapped clear off his face today… in person…

102051  No.3946055


Agree Anon

2 yrs ago

On Interstate in OH

Near PA border

Massive Spider web drawing in sky 2 planes

Took photos

Lots of spraying by Pittsburgh

d52759  No.3946056


Someone finally gets it! To think I thought the board all low IQ tonight.

733f3e  No.3946057

File: 653cd1db4809fac⋯.jpg (148.87 KB, 476x652, 119:163, 2c5a4e3d73b7b6957d352bb35a….jpg)


Why? You tryna smash my bitch brah?

32d308  No.3946058


Kike kike kike, rabbi rabbi, kike.

Also, kike goy kike, muh joooos, kike kike.

707638  No.3946059


Really. That is sinister. Although his memes are usually quite good.

9bbc6b  No.3946060


mega lulzzz

6f86a0  No.3946061


“If she were my Daughter I’d”


869671  No.3946062

File: 0c28d0ec8ce6c19⋯.jpg (675.51 KB, 1638x2048, 819:1024, Best Among Us.JPG)

>Be American

>Use years of knowledge in the pharmaceutical industry to break it and lower prices.

>Out of guilt, an hero through multiple blunt force trauma.

Checks out.

>WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Nov. 1 death of Daniel Best , a pharmaceutical executive from Bay Village who led U.S. Department of Health and Human Services efforts to lower prescription drug prices, has been ruled a suicide, officials in Washington, D.C., said Thursday.

>The city's Office of the Chief Medical Examiner on Thursday said Best died from "multiple blunt force injuries" and it ruled his death a suicide. It would not release further information.



Won’t archive.

f119d5  No.3946063


>erodes strong wills.

You are valorizing infiltration and subversion. It is not a "strong will" that enters a group as a helper and teammate and then subverts the very founding principles of that team. It is foolish immaturity at best, and dishonesty and treason at worst. Once is a lark, twice is a coincidence. Three and more is a pattern we do well to mark.

66ce6a  No.3946064


Just curious who bitch she i', bruh

962c19  No.3946065

File: 2232b99fb3d948d⋯.png (210.77 KB, 796x581, 796:581, Take it back NOW.png)

File: 58901b539984d3d⋯.jpg (340.84 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Safe travels.jpg)


made this ca anon very proud watching all this today.

Thank you!

f8999b  No.3946066


It seemed to know who I was despite my VPN of that day being different than the day I posted the memes. It felt like a threat.

fb56d1  No.3946067


As I watched this POTUS in Cali vid, I thought

about how hard it must be for POTUS to stand

next to those who he knows were involved

with the mass murder of innocent ppl.

Standing there with the enemy while looking at the massive crime scene. How his blood must boil and his heart must bound, because mine surely did just watching a small clip of what they have done.

President Trump is a stronger man than me.

I don't know if I could contain myself.

6719a9  No.3946068


This is what I hear POTUS saying with his twats to Brown and Newsom, "We are with you" (we are monitoring your fuckery)

fb3074  No.3946069


Why can't we just share with each other what we believe these posts or info means instead of asking each other questions like Q does?

880e4b  No.3946070

File: acd89e1f7d3c120⋯.jpeg (134.99 KB, 949x632, 949:632, 335B92E4-9BD7-4A56-922D-C….jpeg)

File: 042d1ac053982dd⋯.jpeg (143.85 KB, 949x632, 949:632, BF50633B-3566-43FB-A6D7-C….jpeg)

File: 8ed80cda1abbfa0⋯.jpeg (100.62 KB, 581x700, 83:100, 41B4011B-8B05-4E12-A051-9….jpeg)

Pickles peanut butter Twinkies


25ca63  No.3946071


they must pay you extra shekels every time you try to take the ew out of jew.

14ec33  No.3946072

i’m in a fighting mood

but i also just want to love tenderly

eeb5af  No.3946073


hate fuck libs

make love to conservatives

f0e9a1  No.3946074


Pt Magu….

That area used to be home. So disgusted. Still haven't found all my damn friends.

052c9b  No.3946075

File: 71782ed51385d5c⋯.png (75.8 KB, 387x1656, 43:184, screenshot-qmap.pub-2018.1….png)


clock shows 23.12. for 18.11.(haiti protests)..

bcdec7  No.3946076

File: 8e50ef56b1eb525⋯.png (408.27 KB, 794x570, 397:285, Screen Shot 2018-11-17 at ….png)

File: 78da755533bcf8c⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1532x816, 383:204, Screen Shot 2018-11-02 at ….png)

2579de  No.3946077


You're not a threat. You are just STUPID

Most of us do not allow our computers to get infested with viruses.

There is software available to prevent that. Go to a major computer shop, tell them your problem, and follow their recommendations. It involves spending money, but in today's economy, you can afford it.

What did you say?

Can't afford it?

Then you don't belong here. Shut off the power on your computer and get a job.

313202  No.3946078

File: 6bbe7a7c3a634a1⋯.jpg (220.89 KB, 762x473, 762:473, 6bbe7a7c3a634a19f5e03797c2….jpg)

1b6ed7  No.3946079


what a shithole

9a2702  No.3946080

File: f96057c3e6b249d⋯.jpg (268.43 KB, 1600x1131, 1600:1131, Spanish inquisition..jpg)

Top Kek baker.

Pointing out I was a Brit, because I pointed it out, so you knew who was helping. Rustled some anon jimmies.

cddb99  No.3946081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


fishing is fun


66ce6a  No.3946082


my nigga.

6f86a0  No.3946083


The Biggest, Darkest conspiracy in your face.

Just Look Up People

08e6ab  No.3946084


folks have been saying for some time anon-

how can you have things like wheelie bins

functional but the house next to which it stands

reduced to dust and ashes.

It isn't just California. This has been habbening globally. It's lot clearance. That's what it looks

like. Allegations about the Greek Fires.

What where the Massachusetts fires all about, really?

d797b3  No.3946085


Montecito C.C., Burnam Wood C.C., and Valley Club of Montecito are all very exclusive and in an area where there is very old money. I would not even want to know what kind of deals are done at those clubs. In case you aren't familiar with the area… residents include Oprah, Ellen, Cleese, Burnett, and many other very rich celebs and CEO's. It's a hideout for the Hollywood elite.

53a2c9  No.3946086

File: bc335f913c4fc6b⋯.jpg (204.25 KB, 540x540, 1:1, harped_cloud.jpg)

8a322b  No.3946087

File: 8f28f0af1f1a5fe⋯.png (245.72 KB, 399x501, 133:167, ClipboardImage.png)

since we're close.

880e4b  No.3946088

Every photo today with potus

They KNOW they’re toast

Do it!


32d308  No.3946089

Donald Trump on His Commitment to Jewish Americans and Israel

I love Israel and honor and respect the Jewish faith and tradition. It's important that we have a president who feels the same way. For me, respect and reverence for Judaism is personal. My daughter Ivanka and my son-in-law Jared are raising their children in the Jewish faith, always reminding me the important values and lessons we learn about leadership, resolve, and families in Jewish tradition. My administration will stand side by side with the Jewish people and Israel's leaders to continue strengthening the bridges that connect not only Jewish Americans and Israelis, but also all Americans and Israelis. Together, we will stand up to the enemies like Iran, bent on destroying Israel and your people. Together, we will make America and Israel safe again.


61b026  No.3946090

File: fa911448d6b9bc4⋯.jpg (15.81 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d5c978dc78ebf8a7600565494a….jpg)



706535  No.3946091


Semitism Sucks.

9859fe  No.3946092


They can contain a virus, but since they are images, and not executable files, the virus won't run and can't infect anything else unless you extract it and do something else with it.

4871ab  No.3946093

File: ce0eda45bb1845e⋯.jpeg (19.86 KB, 251x255, 251:255, gayniggerkike.jpeg)

>> 3946058

<Kike kike kike, rabbi rabbi, kike Also, kike goy kike, muh joooos, kike kike.

Netted me 2 kikes, or 1 JIDF IP hopper, still worth the bait..

408b7a  No.3946094


The world is run by baby eating blood drinking satanists that are trying to open a gateway to the next dimension but chemtrails aren't real. Shut the Fuck up fucking retards!

9a57da  No.3946095


Good advice, thanks anon.

9a2702  No.3946096


2016 article anon.

747c18  No.3946097

File: 81bfdc2a7dab160⋯.jpg (631.02 KB, 1797x1100, 1797:1100, HAITI1.jpg)




6e48e1  No.3946098

e5e384  No.3946099

File: cd87e42b27fc9ac⋯.png (355.31 KB, 780x520, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1172707d62b6200⋯.png (356.02 KB, 780x520, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

2579de  No.3946100


I think it is more likely that EMF manipulation would leave evidence in metal that was NOT melted. Steel that is weakened perhaps.

f35963  No.3946101


Anyone want to dig through the stringers? Future proves past?

almost 1 year ago..



25 Nov 2017 - 1:30:47 PM












































_FREEDOM-_vGER_US_yes_000BVx_LO_yes_[… + 1]_Conf_y



ef0b2e  No.3946102

File: 725dd19c026c648⋯.png (1.18 MB, 876x692, 219:173, EC18DE4B-16E0-47AD-AB47-31….png)

File: 6470115efe70251⋯.png (167.21 KB, 500x619, 500:619, B0B8ECA4-D121-410D-AD16-60….png)

File: fae912b98a428f7⋯.jpeg (89.21 KB, 590x350, 59:35, 6F446B93-4789-45C2-8D7A-4….jpeg)

893e2b  No.3946103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

61a92c  No.3946104


when I watch it I am seeing men whose pathological hatred for POTUS is top priority - they need the money, they are being filmed, but they cannot wait to show their disgust once the cameras are off.

14ec33  No.3946105

Henry, please don’t break my heart. It would totally destroy me to know that these assholes purposely tried to ruin me and take me down the bad path,

20317a  No.3946106

File: a596c1a2d431da9⋯.png (1.34 MB, 900x700, 9:7, ClipboardImage.png)


That brings me back.

058a9b  No.3946107



Yes Anon, I am a FameFag and I am encouraging you to be a FameFag as well.

I told you these Fags & Shills are impossible to please, although he shilling seems quite low tonight.


fb3074  No.3946108


There is so much research on this, anyone who tries to throw us off is a shill. Bye.

13712c  No.3946109


>And they appear to be pretty weird ones

No, they don’t if you are educated in fire behavior. Have you ever put out a structure fire? Grass or woods fire? Do you understand how weather and firefighter actions also play a part in fire growth, direction etc. Know what a wet bulb or Haines index is?

9a57da  No.3946110


The Black Creature from the Lagoon


523d8d  No.3946111

File: 78bfa0e7dc763ac⋯.jpeg (34.64 KB, 640x497, 640:497, ia.jpeg)

e7753a  No.3946112



To me Gavin looked like a tall, rich, dumb, bored version of Justin from Canada. He looks like he's thinking about the botox he just had on his ass, whether the cameras are getting his good side, how long it's going to take to get the smoke smell out of his $5000 jacket, and whether he'll be home in time for the truffle-roe canapes or if he'll need to go to his boyfriend's hungry.

2b1056  No.3946113


You deliberately misunderstand the point ; )

d52759  No.3946114


Try the globe.

f0e9a1  No.3946115


Fuckery is afoot at the least.

What, I shall not speculate. However me wonders who needed cover. Woosley fire is close to Pt Hueneme base, a hub of many forms of fuckery from the perverse to the material.

c91c91  No.3946116


Opening the file. The exe piggybacks on it.

880e4b  No.3946117

Happens often

Requires discernment and discretion


08e6ab  No.3946118


Wings coven?

1d890e  No.3946119

>>3945932-PG&E LOOP ROTH (next related)


>>3945845-mil intel dems in house


Anon on it 👍

5a50cd  No.3946120

File: 44435f17ae7cfa1⋯.jpg (192.48 KB, 1544x942, 772:471, DsQOlnhXgAA4wd3.jpg)

Really? No frame, no structure, all leveled. But hey, the lawns held up relatively well.

3bfa99  No.3946121

File: 20b8f5265b897a2⋯.png (74.52 KB, 400x320, 5:4, E690432E-A68A-4F9A-969A-4F….png)

eeb5af  No.3946122

File: fd781890c27f518⋯.jpg (36.8 KB, 604x516, 151:129, gunbefren.jpg)

a55a21  No.3946123

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)

bcdec7  No.3946124

File: ebd72e55a1a0995⋯.png (645.92 KB, 774x1024, 387:512, Screen Shot 2018-11-01 at ….png)


Low IQ, anon. We just laugh at people like you.

706535  No.3946125


Bigger threat than a MSM that directly brainwashes the masses from inside their own living rooms?


ef0b2e  No.3946126

File: 564253beb4955ba⋯.png (5.16 MB, 1531x1535, 1531:1535, 25E73D17-2C70-4734-9DB6-B9….png)

6f86a0  No.3946127


Depends on what state you’re in.

If CA: Contact Nancy Pelosi and confess your sins

8047b2  No.3946128


trips of hopeful prophecy

f604ec  No.3946129

File: 90739e4d94e3ae6⋯.jpg (49.72 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Evil.jpg)


>The world is run by baby eating blood drinking satanists

…YUP, like this mofo… And they are getting richer and more powerful

523d8d  No.3946130


technically true

harmless for normies

ef0b2e  No.3946131

File: cad5ed4d424c1e1⋯.jpeg (58.91 KB, 620x413, 620:413, E712D7AC-1610-47AC-86D3-1….jpeg)

0b45ba  No.3946132

File: 7cd03f1396b40ae⋯.jpg (129.14 KB, 834x744, 139:124, 2018-11-17_210528.jpg)

File: 65d1332c94f68ce⋯.pdf (76.9 KB, ChinaSpeaks.pdf)

Reposting this from LB (>>3945514) because it was nominated as notable but didn't make it into notables for some reason. Chinese baker? kek.

US Gives China Eminent Domain Over US Property - Beyond High Treason

This website may well help to explain what's going on in California and the role China plays in all of it. With such a plan in play,

is it any wonder why they want your guns?

Eminent Domain is the power of government to TAKE private property for public use without the consent of the property owner. Under our Constitution, the government can only "take" when providing "just compensation" for what they've taken.

Who decides what constitutes "just compensation?" The government!

Homeowners who felt the government was not paying them enough for property in past "takings" have filed lawsuits. In absolutely every such case, the value placed upon the property by the government was upheld by the courts.

Our federal government has now granted to China, this power to "take"our homes and businesses in the event the US Gov't defaults on its debts. Let's play this out as a worst case scenario. . . .

The US Gov't goes belly-up and China comes in and says, "they owed us $2 Trillion in Treasury Notes and another $2 Trillion in actual cash money which is now worthless. We are taking the entire state of Hawaii and the entire state of California in lieu of this bad debt. "

With the stroke of a Chinese chop stick, Hawaii and California – all the land and buildings in those states – are now owned by China.

The "taking" would be a "valid public use" because it was "taken" in payment of the public debt!!!!

China could then turn around and declare the value of all that land to be worth. . . . . I dunno, ten cents on a dollar?

For your $200,000 house, you get a Chinese check for $20,000.

Needless to say, the property owners would go ballistic and demand "just compensation" for what was taken. Who gets to decide what is "just?" China! Don't think you got a fair price for what they took? No problem, sue China.

You'll lose.

People who live in those states and own their land outright, might be able to negotiate with China to "rent" back their own property, as long as the property owner continued to pay all his taxes; but the land and buildings would belong to China.

This is what our own Government has just done to us and it is the single most vile act of betrayal in the history of human existence.


In early February nine U.S. States began the process of re- asserting their Sovereignty pursuant to the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the US Constitution; declaring null and void any actions by Congress that violated the Constitution.

The states took action to make certain the feds couldn't give away cities or the states themselves!

This situation is going to get VERY ugly, VERY fast as one sovereign power (the feds) try to literally give away the land of other sovereign powers, (the states). This is the type of thing that starts Civil War.

Our present federal government makes the treachery and betrayal of Benedict Arnold look like child's play.

Source: https://rense.com/general85/give.htm

I also attached a PDF of a speech delivered in December, 2005 by Comrade Chi Haotian –the Vice-Chairman of China’s Military Commission to top officers and generals. Keep in mind that China has for many years advocated deceiptful and covert warfare against its enemies. This is their Modus Operandi.

e7753a  No.3946133


this looks like a bullshit sci-fi movie after the UFOs beamed the shit out of the scientists' village.

6e48e1  No.3946134


Master basting for sure.

d95302  No.3946135


Where we go one we go all.

Many patriots in California.

Deserting brothers in the heat of battle is not how we fight.

ea025f  No.3946136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a55a21  No.3946137


Imma Pilot… faggot

a272a2  No.3946138

More bad press for the Baldwin family

EXCLUSIVE: Hailey Baldwin's dad Stephen is caught on video having secret rendezvous with LA masseuse as it's revealed the married born-again Christian actor has been having a two-year affair with the mom-of-two


880e4b  No.3946139


Stuff of dreams


fbe3bd  No.3946140


John must die

4871ab  No.3946141

File: ef91ee8da44b756⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1248x712, 156:89, jewsoyvey'd.PNG)

File: ae07735ccc518e4⋯.jpg (63.49 KB, 893x884, 893:884, jewfinch.jpg)


<Kike kike kike, rabbi rabbi, kike Also, kike goy kike, muh joooos, kike kike.

Yes resorting to self doxxing their Kikery is sure fucking sad, innit? This bait offering pics related should net me a couple more kikes

c88b4e  No.3946142


572b7f  No.3946143

File: 993ec2d11ac3357⋯.png (657.66 KB, 906x677, 906:677, Screen Shot 2018-11-17 at ….png)



72acb4  No.3946144

File: 1d86173222a1409⋯.jpg (95.28 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 514a5ec4a24a49a098ddb8bf7b….jpg)

It's been 10 days since Jeff Sessions resigned.

< Below is a list of 7 U.S. Attorneys who released official written statements to date through their office about the departure on November 07, 2018 (in chonological order).

< The remaining 87 U.S. Attorneys did not release an official written statement through their office about the departure.

< Included quotes from each statement with similar wording as Quote-A and Quote-B, some of which are almost verbatim copies from someone else's previous release.

This might be meaningful, or not. I think it is interesting that so few made a statement and the ones that did use similar wording, but I certainly recognize one name on this list.

1. ```Scott W. Brady``` - Western Pennsylvania

2018-11-07T15:18:41-05:00 - https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdpa/pr/us-attorney-brady-statement-departure-attorney-general-sessions

> Quote-A: General Sessions’ strong leadership recommitted the Department to the rule of law, religious liberty, decreasing violent crime and attacking the opioid epidemic.

2. ```John W. Huber``` - Utah

< Vice-Chair of the Attorney General's Advisory Committee (AGAC)

2018-11-07T18:45:47-05:00 https://www.justice.gov/usao-ut/pr/statement-us-attorney-john-w-huber-attorney-general-sessions

> Quote-B: I look forward to working under the leadership of the next Attorney General, and will continue to pursue the rule of law priorities of President Trump.

3. ```D. Michael Dunavant``` - Western Tennessee

2018-11-08T09:07:04-05:00 - https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdtn/pr/us-attorney-dunavant-s-statement-departure-attorney-general-sessions

> Quote-A: General Sessions’ strong leadership recommitted the Department to enforcing the rule of law, decreasing violent crime, and attacking the opioid epidemic.

4. ```Ryan K. Patrick``` - Southern Texas

2018-11-08T11:11:07-05:00 - https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdtx/pr/us-attorney-patrick-statement-departure-ag-sessions

> Quote-A: (General Sessions) recommitted the Department to the rule of law, religious liberty, decreasing crime and attacking the opioid epidemic

5. ```Richard W. Moore``` - Southern Alabama

< Chair of the Attorney General's Advisory Committee (AGAC)

2018-11-09T09:41:50-05:00 - https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdal/pr/statement-us-attorney-richard-w-moore-attorney-general-sessions

> Quote-B: We will continue to pursue the rule of law priorities of President Trump and I look forward to working under the leadership of Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker.

6. ```David J. Freed``` - Middle Pennsylvania

2018-11-09T15:28:22-05:00 - https://www.justice.gov/usao-mdpa/pr/statement-us-attorney-david-j-freed-attorney-general-sessions

> Quote-A: And under his leadership the Department of Justice has reduced violent crime, attacked the heroin and opioid crisis, protected our borders, dismantled transnational criminal organizations and steadfastly upheld the rule of law.

7. ```Ronald A. Parsons, Jr.``` - South Dakota

2018-11-09T15:47:27-05:00- https://www.justice.gov/usao-sd/pr/statement-us-attorney-ron-parsons-attorney-general-sessions

> Quote-B: I look forward to working under the leadership of the next Attorney General, and will continue to pursue the rule of law as part of this Administration.


```List of U.S. Attorneys & Websites``` - https://www.justice.gov/usao/us-attorneys-listing

609faf  No.3946145

NBC Does SNL Canned laughter from the eighties.

You fuckas have any organic talent?


1b6ed7  No.3946146


communist takeover, wild pigs

he's from somewhere in south/central america

ef0b2e  No.3946147

File: 65946f08c33f598⋯.jpeg (20.12 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 090DEC1F-B6D9-4EC9-A7A0-A….jpeg)

707638  No.3946148

Portland and Detroit are both longtime socialist towns, yet they’ve had very different life outcomes, hmmm, I wonder what non ideological factor might explain that?

6f86a0  No.3946149


And I would be showing her who the Boss is.

e0a9ed  No.3946150


Or terrestrial transmitters. It's an interference pattern, a moire pattern. Slight variations in electric charge cause nucleation and condensation as anon's picture clearly shows. Haven't we all seen these non-natural cloud banks form, the grid pattern change as we watch, and then rapidly dissipate? I used to phograph the grids and have tons of photos. I don't bother photographing them anymore, but still point them out to others in the house when they are observed.

706535  No.3946151


I have only been on for like an hour and already noticed the jews want this kept quiet and are claiming this is a slide.

A picture says SIX MILLION words. How true.

b9e578  No.3946153


There are a few of these and an Anon did mirror images of once once and I swear they are chess pieces.

a0dcff  No.3946154


But anon you forget that we can just lynch the chinese and the government

6719a9  No.3946155


Look closer anon.

The 'lawns' are burn patches.

e7753a  No.3946156


demographics, industry, and climate.

08e6ab  No.3946157

File: 1ed895c2c422291⋯.jpg (92.92 KB, 536x622, 268:311, 1ed895c2c4222915c06564eb40….jpg)


we haven't started the nightly Jewathon

reveal yet Menachem. don't jump the gun.

c91c91  No.3946158

File: 3e4345710ddab8b⋯.jpg (11.58 KB, 278x238, 139:119, your-testicles-and-you.jpg)


Watch the movie…

058a9b  No.3946159

Notables Thus Far

>>3946132 Not Sure of the Sauce, but if True, Big… US Gives China Eminent Domain Over US Property

>>3945815 State Dept Refutes Reports on Final Conclusion in Khashoggi Case

>>3945795, >>3945814 Lawyer for Joseph Misfud Says He Will Testify Before Senate

>>3945660 Potus schedule twitter releases photos from the CA visit.

>>3945656 U.S. Forces Have Taken Control of the International Airport in Port Au-Prince (Twat)

>>3945656 Fire Survivors Deserve Deeper Dig?

Please feel free to bitch or add <3

2b1852  No.3946160

File: 280ac8d645a2f50⋯.gif (2.45 MB, 500x236, 125:59, 1517093358_scarecrow.gif)

ef0b2e  No.3946161

File: c7f531316e987ea⋯.jpeg (84.49 KB, 720x461, 720:461, C9DDE43C-6171-4994-92BB-A….jpeg)

File: ffe65d21de1bf0c⋯.jpeg (295.76 KB, 1080x1074, 180:179, A5C1E4C1-AEFC-4B37-8810-D….jpeg)

File: ef1bb7706bd821a⋯.jpeg (120.22 KB, 750x756, 125:126, 8D48A1A9-A8BD-4E15-8B82-6….jpeg)

File: 03045abbc83e3ed⋯.jpeg (147.21 KB, 1001x636, 1001:636, E3F6144E-1C7B-471D-AE59-4….jpeg)

File: 9c7b4fea06bddca⋯.jpeg (124.46 KB, 804x499, 804:499, 34EA7351-9CB8-4E98-A95D-7….jpeg)

9859fe  No.3946162


The best kind of true…

But yeah, it won't hurt anybody.

97a720  No.3946163

File: af6f39844cce321⋯.jpg (148.7 KB, 844x1200, 211:300, JERRY-BROWN-SATANS-DOG.jpg)

4e1c8e  No.3946164


who cares. Dead Muslim fake journalist traitor from Obscenely wealthy arms dealing family killed by Muslims. More stink was never offered by the propagandists to other journalists killed by ISIS, or Yezidi women suffering under fatwah 64.

aa0dc4  No.3946165


>WaPo is infested with Clowns

you missed leveling up by 2 words

714972  No.3946166

We always fight on to Victory !

fbe3bd  No.3946167


loop financial -> meter loops -> smart meters?

523d8d  No.3946168

File: dbdf26d1a4a3780⋯.jpeg (4.56 KB, 129x97, 129:97, antifungal.jpeg)


violent murderer wanna be as well

apply liberally

8e0f25  No.3946169


So you are saying the houses with microwave ovens survived or the ones without microwave ovens survived?

^ That question is smarter than you…

a0dcff  No.3946170


He knows they are already dead

706535  No.3946171


Wooden Houses burn to ash.

Wooden Trees don't.

Must be more of that jewish physics that happened on 9/11.

Got it jew. Thanks.

f604ec  No.3946172

25734e  No.3946173

File: 091d028ab8750d7⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1918x936, 959:468, Screenshot_20181117_221442.png)


Trump knows… about water ballast tanks used to simulate the weight of passengers and cargo to test how an aircraft behaves when the center of gravity is moved around.

He's in on it, I tell ya'.

32d308  No.3946174




>Melania and I wish all Jewish people Shana Tova and send our warmest greetings to those celebrating Rosh Hashanah and the start of the High Holy Days…

a6225a  No.3946175


canadians hate the trudeau asshole. I heard the military may have caught him with a guy.

6f86a0  No.3946176


Hi Clown

You Serious?

856ba9  No.3946177


Yeah that was a forest fire alright …Except the forest is fine

e9d088  No.3946178

File: e339cd08ab0a620⋯.jpg (84.59 KB, 640x727, 640:727, haitipigs.jpg)

I know some of you on here follow some of @Coreydigs work on Twitter. She is now posting things we havent heard to much about yet from Haiti

Some sauce: I am being told that the Michel Martelly / Jovenel Moise regime, lap dogs of the Clintons PHTK drug traffickers, have assassinated 50 people in the past 48 hours in the La Saline neighborhood of Port-au-Prince.

Random killings are also taking place all over the country. I was sent videos that I absolutely will not post due to how graphic they are. Instead, I took a screenshot from one of them. There are wild pigs eating the bodies of those killed. This is horrific. pic related

The people of #Haiti have long been protesting the theft of $3.8 billion by corrupt former and current government officials of #Haiti, along with Bill and Hillary Clinton.

This money was a low interest loan by the government of Venezuela, during the Chavez era, to help the poor, create jobs, and well needed infrastructure. It was stolen by the corrupt, and Jovenel Moise has done nothing about it.

I am told these corrupt officials are all being protected by the Clintons, as well as some members of the DNC, including Maxine Waters. I have also been told numerous times that Kenneth Merten, from the U.S. State Dept., is corrupt.

The opposition is planning to topple the #Haiti government on November 18th. My source says this is why the U.S. forces have taken over the airport in Port-au-Prince. Some seem to feel it is to protect Americans, while others feel it is to protect American interests.

Meanwhile, Michel Martelly, longtime lapdog of the Clintons, who played a big part in the theft of $3.8 billion, has fled to his home in South Florida for refuge, while this attempted takeover of the government goes down on the 18th. Pray for #Haiti. I will keep you posted.

sauce link: https://twitter.com/CoreysDigs/status/1063977036111179777

08e6ab  No.3946179


from which direction did the fires come anon?

all directions at once?

8e2e48  No.3946180

File: 9731d81c1fe43b0⋯.jpg (13.25 KB, 255x141, 85:47, FireProofPlastic.jpg)

880e4b  No.3946181

Those fierce winds (50-90 mph) like ‘torch’ explain outcome (welder. black iron and stainless steel)


707638  No.3946182

File: d07fc6fb8b0e7fb⋯.png (5.97 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, BDEA5725-9ED2-4ED4-BC6C-84….png)

File: dc4e207c0d74caf⋯.png (6.23 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, 45DEF520-FE56-47D9-9822-59….png)


Here’s an electrical line failure from Carr Fire, that’s the pylon that looks like scrambled metal, and the other shot shows where it was ripped off the ground.

714972  No.3946183


Do these houses have basements?

5eba12  No.3946184

File: 2919222fd734669⋯.png (2.88 MB, 2048x1744, 128:109, Screenshot_20181117-221450.png)

See something say something




2579de  No.3946185


There is NOTHING weird about these fires. What is weird is that so many ignorant people who know nothing about fires behavior or materials engineering think that their opinions count for something.

They do NOT!

You are all idiots chattering about stupid inane FEELINGS and you have no facts, no findings beyond an interesting theory that it MIGHT be related to PG&E shenanigans. So go sue them. I know what will happen. You will LOSE because you have NOT FACTS and NO LOGIC. You will be on the hook for ALL COURT COSTS even if it bankrupts you and makes your family homeless.

What is needed here is REAL investigation, and so far I have not seen any REAL investigators on here.

Before, we used to get people on this board who had done real work, digging and making connections and producing FACTS that convinced us all that the elite as Satanists, vampires, pedophiles and psychopaths. We have evidence of all of this even though it sounds CRAZY.

But you have no evidence, which means that you and your conspiracy theorist friends really are CRAZY. We, on the other hand have proof that the elite who rule the USA and much of Western Europe are actual vampires. Pedophile psychopaths who drink human blood, and sacrifice babies to Satan. We are NOT crazy but YOU are!!!!!

c91c91  No.3946186

File: b1faa714181c235⋯.jpg (53.35 KB, 720x540, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

97a720  No.3946187

b62535  No.3946188


SA = SAudi arabia


6a5eb7  No.3946189


Holy shite that is disturbing.

@ complainfags, I would argue we absolutely need to bring stuff like this to light.

bcdec7  No.3946190


This is hysterical. Between the music, and the fact that the guys filming were doing it trigger "chemtrail" nut jobs- very funny! Whats sad is you are too stupid to understand what you are actually seeing. Low IQ people fall for this stuff, and it's sad.

ecd535  No.3946191


Not allowed to have a basement in Commiefornia

20317a  No.3946192

File: e61bf2aeb4d445a⋯.jpg (38.58 KB, 388x388, 1:1, 1475765830786.jpg)


>Please feel free to bitch or add <3

I like you.

9a2702  No.3946193


These maybe? Last ones now baker. I'm really going.

>>3945935 Schumer got $50K in donations and a job for his daughter from Facebook

>>3945904 DJT Tweet: Incredible to be with our GREAT HEROES today in California.

>>3945885 Conservative Republicans in the House on Friday demanded that LGBT-friendly language be removed from the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement.

>>3945869 Catholic Democratic leader pleads guilty to prostituting 17-year-old

>>3945845 Eleven military-intelligence Democrats win US House seats.

714972  No.3946194

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

fight on anon

2b1056  No.3946195

File: 0531467c471772a⋯.jpg (726.92 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, CooperWasAmazing.jpg)

9859fe  No.3946196


Wooden trees are filled with an abundant quantity of a liquid we refer to as water. It keeps trees from burning all the way through, particularly when the fire is moving fast. This is common, and well understood.

d797b3  No.3946197


Why is he one of the few that POTUS follows on Twitter if he has no credibility?

706535  No.3946198


This is not as amazing as the time my grandma escaped the gas chamber by walking backwards and swallowing and shitting out diamonds a couple hundred times.

It must be some kind of miracle!

ef0b2e  No.3946199

File: 45afec1abe4f781⋯.jpeg (74.33 KB, 640x512, 5:4, 0DD41575-D84E-463C-A66F-3….jpeg)

File: 3586e90130bda54⋯.jpeg (77.2 KB, 572x703, 572:703, 341640B1-2C97-41F9-9F01-F….jpeg)

File: 60c5261a364ee89⋯.jpeg (177.56 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 029E41E1-C174-4D4B-BC5A-6….jpeg)

08e6ab  No.3946200

File: 29d270c172f00a6⋯.jpg (30.77 KB, 624x351, 16:9, _92861496_flynn.jpg)


anon, why does that man have his pants around his ankles?

4e1c8e  No.3946201


Don't be a tease.

5934ab  No.3946202

File: 09782042a0a6b7b⋯.png (304.68 KB, 593x364, 593:364, a4c483f6-d2ba-fd9e-b94f-48….png)

File: ba4eccf5fa06382⋯.png (346.1 KB, 585x361, 585:361, adcec217-66b7-0bfb-ff79-f0….png)

The fire video tweeted by 45 has a lot of "eyes" imagery, like the jeep headlights and the washer/dryer. Watching CA…

ea025f  No.3946203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5101f0  No.3946204


Mistreatment. Only for the worthy. Sometimes good intentions aren’t enough to negate misconsideration. In general, but also specific to you.

6719a9  No.3946205


Criminal intent is currently being investigated

747c18  No.3946206


The Catholic Democratic leader link is from 9 years ago. Not notable.

ab5302  No.3946207

File: b991b1789552efd⋯.png (13.05 KB, 517x379, 517:379, bakerspam.png)

Lurker here, looking to get a particular baker thrown from the kitchen.

This baker bakes during the night, but I notice this copy pasta posted nearly every bread nearly all day, even when they are not baking (pic related). It's to the point this baker smells shilly as fuck.

During this bakers baking time, I notice a major down turn in anons actively posting on the board, and the breads slow down majorly unless Q has posted or is posting, night shift is usually very active with posting information digs, but when this baker is on duty, it can take over an hour to fill a bread, which seems slightly unusual.

Yes, I know during night shift the boards slow down some, but I don't notice information being posted as often really during this bakers shift, and its more like shitposting and chatter and memes, but there is very little information digs posted, and then I notice when this baker hands off, and the next baker takes the kitchen, there is suddenly a swell of information digs posted.

That, and activity suddenly picks back up when this particular baker hands off to the next baker, and leaves. Me thinks most night shift anons don't like this particular baker from this particular behavior alone, but keep quiet and lurk and dig instead, and instead of posting their findings right away, they wait for a non-shilly baker.

I pointed it out to the baker yesterday night while they were on duty, how their copy pasta bullshit smelled shilly as fuck, and I was called a shill by the baker, because I was pointing out that basically they are starting to legitimately glow.

I have lurked mainly, and watched and observed this baker while they are on duty for 2 weeks, before even considering making this post.

This baker needs either a severe reprimand, or needs to be booted from the kichen.

cc50da  No.3946208

File: a73ae0430aa920d⋯.png (5.66 MB, 3400x3064, 425:383, MDNPOCA.png)



2b1056  No.3946209


And houses are filled with flame-retardant at various levels so…

th'fuck you talking about?

058a9b  No.3946210

File: 3903b688f1790e7⋯.png (256.17 KB, 482x549, 482:549, POCAHONKEY.png)

fb3074  No.3946211


Yes I can afford it. Has nothing to do with that, but that I don't trust most companies to protect us. Like securedrop, it was to make people believe their information was secure, but it wasn't Who the fuck do you trust?

6719a9  No.3946212



6c8e05  No.3946213




Good night wall-e, my favorite retarded faggotbot.

2b1056  No.3946214


(Be it treated wood, fire safety building rules, etc)

9a2702  No.3946215




Old news is not news kek.

706535  No.3946216


I live near a place NOT CALIFORNIA where there was a large brush fire.

Guess what happened?

Shit load of trees were fucking burned.

Amazing isn't it? I saw it with my own eyes.

Q already said they started the fires and it was ARSON.

So why the shilling for DEMS?

I mean JEWS? Why?

I think we answered our own question.

ea025f  No.3946217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6719a9  No.3946218



either shill or fucking stupid

805104  No.3946219


Ebot you have got some explaining to do. Tell me about - ghost of Stew

d52759  No.3946220


The Bakers Are all SHILLS. Filter their asses every time I'm here.

bcdec7  No.3946221


Yep. Nice looking contrails up there. Ice crystals and soot. I make them every time I go to work.

714972  No.3946222

File: 3838ee5407cd34e⋯.png (581.21 KB, 746x455, 746:455, eco-friendly_fire.png)

707638  No.3946223

File: b231bbb77edfc7c⋯.jpeg (2.08 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, B38DF2EA-DACC-44BB-8916-A….jpeg)


The fire flew in to get this one house.

73ae7d  No.3946224


Dihydrogen monoxide kills more people than almost any other chemical

eeb5af  No.3946225


no baker posts that stupid shit lurkerfag

e9d088  No.3946226


His killers probably left like that for a message if I were to guess

13712c  No.3946227


Hey look, 16 posts from a dewjewtrail poster. Absolutely uncanny.

5a50cd  No.3946228

f0bf8c  No.3946229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is serious shit anons. take a minute to watch.

f35963  No.3946230


I always thought AW was Adam Waldman


0521b8  No.3946231


Relax. Shills gonna shill.

2b1056  No.3946232


<doesn't understand housing requirements

<doesn't see the blatant fuckery that is this 'campfire'

uh huh.

c91c91  No.3946233

File: aa0d22a605e63b4⋯.jpg (59.66 KB, 720x479, 720:479, Sneaky.jpg)

6719a9  No.3946234

File: a65c40729ef2f29⋯.png (9.18 KB, 255x177, 85:59, pepehmmm.png)

Shills don't want anons investigating the Camp Fire fuckery.

Wonder why?

ea025f  No.3946235


Right, because they can turn condensation on and off.


9bbc6b  No.3946236


I'd rather live in Detroit than Portland any day. Millenial SJW homeless faggots are the worst. At least they got good eats and rap in the ghettos.

8e0f25  No.3946237


muh hippocampus is…

6f86a0  No.3946238



It amazes me that people here on this board believe they are contrails for they’re Shills.

I’ve watch this shit for 10 years, it took me three years to convince my wife. It’s a long story so I won’t get into it but it was so in your face she couldn’t deny it.

They are real

706535  No.3946239




Major tell.

Nuff said.

893e2b  No.3946240

File: a9d81e60b647050⋯.jpg (141.43 KB, 2100x2100, 1:1, WatchTheWaterP.jpg)

218865  No.3946241

File: 0711688f5f18ff0⋯.jpg (111 KB, 680x979, 680:979, popckorn 88 magic.jpg)

File: eeb6b4754356877⋯.jpg (8 KB, 225x225, 1:1, POPCKORN TRUMP 3D.jpg)


007 checked

Time of the post: ….007

007 Confirmed

aa0dc4  No.3946242

File: fe905a4d558f240⋯.jpg (197.62 KB, 866x1500, 433:750, 1st prize ribbon.jpg)

41d61d  No.3946243


Jerry Brown, WTF have you been doing in Cali for the past 50 years, that you don't even understand drought and fire? Selling the water to Nestle and the Resnicks obv. God Bless POTUS for this smackdown.

eeb5af  No.3946244


> there is suddenly a swell of information digs posted

oh and the reason for that is its fucking 4 am in the morning est

might need to lurk moar

bcdec7  No.3946245


The stupid here is just too much. I fear for the future of our species. You honestly believe the atmosphere is completely uniform in temperature/pressure as one moves through it in a jet?

893e2b  No.3946246


Fnord Truck?

798427  No.3946247

File: 39b76393d4c22b4⋯.png (867.93 KB, 1280x765, 256:153, Screen Shot 2018-11-17 at ….png)


message to @jack?

at 22 sec

9859fe  No.3946248


Lol, and you know what those houses were built out of? When were they built? Flame retardant materials help prevent a match from burning your house down, not a forest fire moving through your neighborhood. Water isn't a flame retardant, either. It is preventative. As long as there is water in the tree, it is not burning. Same concept behind safe technology. You people are stupider than flat earthers.

d95302  No.3946249


Agree and multiply this blessing

35f5e4  No.3946250


Verify the pic. Who took it? When? Where?

523d8d  No.3946251

File: e9f4166a5a5abb0⋯.jpg (10.67 KB, 640x361, 640:361, allclear.jpg)


all clear here

ef0b2e  No.3946252

File: a8fc9ce6d404d1f⋯.jpeg (237.36 KB, 900x663, 300:221, 163FF7E7-B8FF-4620-B334-3….jpeg)

c88b4e  No.3946253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Video posted July 4th with 100% accuracy on Senate election outcome…

I come to the gathering place for all of the world's greatest political scientists to ask for an explanation.

66ce6a  No.3946254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2b64ec  No.3946255

File: 1e62f11d8e48b12⋯.gif (15.25 KB, 179x255, 179:255, 22768184dab1fcf74de0b7b4cb….gif)

File: da0f9b6201da6dd⋯.jpg (15.51 KB, 255x230, 51:46, e928ba88929ea91a8fcc8680db….jpg)

Current shill status:

Current topic - muhfires and some light muhjew.

Current "jew count" - 25

R2d2 aka megashill spam pastabot status - offline. Expect him to be deployed soon as wall-e the supportbot was spotted.

2b1056  No.3946256


There's an old army manual that shows you how to spot chemical aerosol attacks.

Can't find it though :\

08e6ab  No.3946257

File: 8dc60adc80b9af5⋯.jpg (161.63 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 8dc60adc80b9af5bb07d6cdd90….jpg)


That's a good point anon. If we look at

this from the other way, in your average house here, what would be the hardest, toughest, thing

that could withstand temperatures over 2000, 3000, 4000, 50,000:-)?

wouldn't we have satellite images of all this as it

was habbening? wouldn't we have data showing the temperature of the fires? is it possible to calculate the mass of one of these houses and the mass after? how much mass (is that the right word?) would be left and in what form after a regular fire in the weather conditions reported.

Wish I was smarter :-(((((

fd87ad  No.3946258


Port-au-Prince notable has wrong post number. should be:


0e2015  No.3946259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Love anons

714972  No.3946260

File: 1c7b899879c1c3e⋯.png (742.88 KB, 779x534, 779:534, star1.png)

aa0dc4  No.3946261

File: 86574b67da4ed33⋯.jpg (157.27 KB, 888x499, 888:499, conhole.jpg)

bcdec7  No.3946262

File: abdf52474ed444e⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1222x1010, 611:505, Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at ….png)

a55a21  No.3946263

File: f646bc05e301c6a⋯.png (8.17 KB, 255x163, 255:163, 3609655313bf11422bd4da817c….png)

058a9b  No.3946264


Thank You!!

25734e  No.3946265



Those are interesting. Pressure/temperature/humidity are not constant throughout the air. If I had to take a wild stab at what was causing that I'd say the jet is downwind of a mountain ridge and Lee Waves coming off of it (or something related) were creating a pattern of varying conditions.


cddb99  No.3946266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

798427  No.3946267

File: d89e37e7a686b04⋯.png (1006.86 KB, 1280x770, 128:77, Screen Shot 2018-11-17 at ….png)

61b026  No.3946268

File: bc5e54726e76cca⋯.jpeg (63.76 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 54a8fc672182e4a5bf1e508ba….jpeg)


And now we see whypatience is a virtue

And they are all FUBAR

China would have to declare war

The UN would have to step in

And the USA will………

4871ab  No.3946269

File: 5e020f9144af203⋯.png (47.59 KB, 500x584, 125:146, merch6.png)

File: c2eedd3478f16e9⋯.png (388.28 KB, 1007x704, 1007:704, DREAM MERCHANT.PNG)

File: 3353d4c749c7292⋯.png (285.87 KB, 666x509, 666:509, merchanmario.PNG)

File: befe5678910d15c⋯.jpg (21.09 KB, 248x255, 248:255, merchstuffoven.jpg)

File: 0c3debe23e1517c⋯.jpg (15.08 KB, 255x255, 1:1, merch2.jpg)

>> 3946213

<Good night wall-e, my favorite retarded faggotbot.


2b1056  No.3946270


Yes and a FOREST FIRE moves across the FOREST / CANOPY (if winds are high enough, which they were).

Even without the conflation with flat earth, you're glowing AF.

6f86a0  No.3946271


You obviously don’t even believe that, Muchless chemtrails


aa0dc4  No.3946272


Grumpy Brenda Snipes Cat

13712c  No.3946273


You’re a fucking idiot.

cc50da  No.3946274

File: 6ea2cf40559eb6f⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1248x5008, 78:313, thatwwg1wga.png)


I say Bake or STFU…

I do not desire to Bake thus I STFU kek

People man, they are so varied and different I can't imagine anons and others are the same! :D

Agenda's and shit…

7f01ce  No.3946275

File: c646c73ab37d83c⋯.png (236.41 KB, 1232x998, 616:499, ClipboardImage.png)

2e4f20  No.3946276

File: 3ed1f31e95f386e⋯.jpg (60.05 KB, 400x299, 400:299, Down-Shilldrome.jpg)

707638  No.3946277


Mike Tokes twitter, it’s SoCal fire taken from helicopter, it’s legit

206baf  No.3946278

I see in the UK snooker world that the Rocket O'Ronnie prevailed against all odds at the most fortuitous of times.

May it be so with all Patriots worldwide.

ef0b2e  No.3946279

File: 03045abbc83e3ed⋯.jpeg (147.21 KB, 1001x636, 1001:636, EAE9A8EB-37D1-4EDC-833F-E….jpeg)

3001d0  No.3946280

File: 455f5cdad724197⋯.png (110.29 KB, 274x287, 274:287, Screenshot 2018-11-17 at 9….png)


This place looks as bright as the day it was painted

76d550  No.3946281


Personally, I don't bother trying to figure out who or what is/isn't a bot.

"In Soviet Russia, Electric Sheep dreams of Android!"

It holds a bit more meaning than the presentation implies. Most of the people in the world to us are, by virtue of our purely functional relationship with them, little more than bots or NPCs in a proverbial matrix. Perhaps they aren't really conscious people. Perhaps they are - but in a society this large, our brains simply can't process the individual existence of that many people. Dunbar layering.

We use money (economics), government, law - even concepts such as nation as a series of tools to expand our functional capability beyond the limits of our tribal bonds.

I digress, a bit - but the point is that most of the people on here may as well be bots from our perspective, even if there weren't any bots possible. It's not really an important point to get involved with. Bots may be used as a means of imparting social pressure on the internet, and it is important to remember they are weapons in play on the field - but from my own personal perspective, I generally treat most people on the internet as a sort of bot. There are times when I drop the psychopath neurology when people are being real - but I am always sure to run that in a virtualized environment. Even when people are being real, the smarter a person is, the more manipulative they are at an instinctual level. They are used to bending minds to their will even without being conscious of their influence.

… I had a point when I started… Drugs are bad?

Anyway - I like to think that there will one day be AI routines digging through our social media and internet handles, trying to emulate our personalities… And that is when I will assume my true form. The problem with things that think is they can get their own ideas… Or, rather, can find undefined solutions to a problem.

The brain is much like a computer driven to identify patterns. This is why gambling is such a universal behavior. Neural networks crave patterns and connections. The larger and more interconnected the network, the more complex patterns can be recognized - even leading to such things as delayed gratification and introspection.

In short… An AI of the sort that would engage on an internet scavenger hunt for a person's identity in an effort to even so much as collate their presence into record would be vulnerable to a certain set of manipulation vectors… Or teaching, depending on how you look at it.

This is even more the case if it is real people tracking me through the internet… And I know a few are. At least - keeping tabs. I don't warrant a dedicated listening team, but they find interesting ways to let me know they are curious. Or I am insane. Both are fun possibilities.

893e2b  No.3946282

File: 52471edd5e923d3⋯.jpg (7.58 KB, 250x191, 250:191, hahahahahahahaha.jpg)

37e6bd  No.3946283


Note the lack of a reply from the chemtrail folks…The least they could do is verify their information before posting it…but I digress

4905ae  No.3946284

File: 0fad8edc96d4424⋯.jpg (185.79 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, sentient world simulation ….jpg)

File: 2140269f97feed0⋯.png (839.74 KB, 1012x870, 506:435, sentient world simulation ….png)

File: d906481ed19deb9⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1200x849, 400:283, sentient world simulation ….png)

File: 9c808868a4a52f8⋯.png (788.32 KB, 1200x802, 600:401, pepe uncle sam you.png)

File: 1f3a38763cdb039⋯.jpg (123.1 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, sun light bulb conducting ….jpg)

You are not a threat to them.



What are


Are not a digital soldier, though you do at times wear that mantle.

Are not a terrorist, though you do terrorize those that would keep Truth hidden.


ARE Patriots (WW) that just want to live your lives, but are unwilling to pretend any longer that this world that they've made us is just and fair.


Share the truth.

One could say that you are a virtual hermit,

On a virtual mountain top,

Whispering a virtual whisper into the virtual wind,

To an audience of virtually everyone,

And virtually nobody at all.

And that's virtually perfect.

A swarm of nobodies. Just wanting for everyone to be free.

(Dems(Establishment(Cabal))) lost the 2016 election because they thought that their NSA crystal ball was infallible.


Garbage In Garbage Out.

They discounted and mislabeled everyone that comes here, and those of like mind. The simulation showed them what they wanted to see.

Call those Patriots here whatever one may like, but factor a Patriot for what one is;

When the need arises, so do we.

Side note about that NSA crystal ball (sentient world simulation);

Mr.President, a tool makes a poor master.

The last time the Cabal faced a Lion, he only had 30k free men at his side. You have uncounted millions of Patriots at yours.

Trust your gut, Mr.President. Trust Us. Patriots are ready to share the Light. God Bless.

Meme. Dig. Pray.


be56ec  No.3946285

File: f0619199e5130c6⋯.png (693.29 KB, 768x647, 768:647, CAFIRE3A.PNG)


Ok so question is,… was the one house portion that looks untouched a recent addition to the home? It wouldn't have the layers of chemtrail metals on it if new, therefore saving it from the weapon? The moar you know?

25734e  No.3946286


It's been investigated to the point that I want to junk when I see another melted aluminum wheel.

fbe3bd  No.3946287

Team Q: Loop Capitol and Pacific Gas & Energy: is this why we're watching CA?

207124  No.3946288

Anons = incarnated extraterrestrials

706535  No.3946289

File: 7320e204e277ec3⋯.jpg (88.11 KB, 750x500, 3:2, KKKparty.jpg)

File: 66b61747c937b4c⋯.jpg (60.43 KB, 480x288, 5:3, DeathCult.jpg)

File: 58b9f95f48734c0⋯.jpg (245.47 KB, 1374x1424, 687:712, PlayDough.jpg)

File: 5d60706fe6d9b40⋯.jpg (20.85 KB, 500x481, 500:481, BlackGuy.jpg)

File: 60ff1a0fab54cef⋯.jpg (77.7 KB, 500x386, 250:193, TheBigLiar5.jpg)


You ever complain about megajew posting the same shit memes 40 times a bread?


Didn't think so.

Extra special payload for yew.

cc50da  No.3946290

File: 81322d22f655dfd⋯.jpg (608.3 KB, 3140x2196, 785:549, JNB.jpg)

File: ecc2d708ed9259d⋯.jpg (77.07 KB, 662x415, 662:415, NPCjones1.jpg)

File: 3b9522b905809f7⋯.jpg (98.63 KB, 720x614, 360:307, PANON.jpg)

File: 092e0e9f4aa71fd⋯.jpg (149.23 KB, 1132x999, 1132:999, yous.jpg)


see if I can meme trigger you again :D

only (you) memes win points! :D

9a2702  No.3946291



6c8e05  No.3946292

File: fc5af221e4c6214⋯.jpg (15.38 KB, 182x255, 182:255, 4da2886f06faa3d8860dc60974….jpg)

File: f3f6c9f7fec83b3⋯.png (9.55 KB, 255x167, 255:167, bf4e5c7bac04cdd99955f03a0d….png)

5a50cd  No.3946293

File: 23172360e883e51⋯.jpg (53.65 KB, 640x401, 640:401, sanbenadino2003.jpg)


Houses also have gypsum (sheetrock). Wondering how the fires are spreading from house to house? What is the source of fuel?

The pic is a wildfire in San Bernadino in 2003. My neighborhood in Rancho Santa Margarita and Trabuco Canyon had a forest fire in 2004 and looked like this.

3001d0  No.3946294

File: 3e9c0a36d798b56⋯.png (25.97 KB, 138x125, 138:125, Screenshot 2018-11-09 at 1….png)

6f86a0  No.3946295


The black creature from the Black Lagoon how’s that?

714972  No.3946296


they don't mention the electric company failure, which is supposedly house the Camp Fire started

4947ac  No.3946297


Thank you. This is good to know

5082f7  No.3946298

File: a722101f5759ecf⋯.jpg (84.01 KB, 1096x1101, 1096:1101, CIA Is that true?.jpg)

9859fe  No.3946299


And doesn't burn the trees down. Fuck you're an idiot. Walk through ANY fire. This is common as fuck.

I'll note that you did not provide a) the regulations in place for all those homes b) when those homes were built c) what materials they were actually built with, or any other relevant information required to make your determination anything more than your own opinion. You can't, because you don't know those things. But you guess anyway… and somehow I'm glowing?


35f5e4  No.3946300


Who is Mike Tokez and why should I believe him?

7de1a5  No.3946301


New World

707638  No.3946302

File: 7005d0c2e1fee45⋯.jpeg (1.99 MB, 1434x1668, 239:278, D2BF40CA-DFD1-4A8F-98E7-A….jpeg)

File: 04b937a065d0019⋯.png (9.72 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, 3DEBA69D-2288-4CAB-B04F-C4….png)



32d308  No.3946304


Neither baker, nor a shill.

An anon who likes to support POTUS in trolling the shills.

Be a big boy and scroll my post once a bread for a few breads.

Have some:



6719a9  No.3946305

File: 975d496e5c90e58⋯.png (7.42 KB, 255x166, 255:166, Pepe_whoa.png)

fbe3bd  No.3946306


And Cheryl Mills' Black Ivy in Africa?

aa0dc4  No.3946308


but first, verify

e49307  No.3946309



5934ab  No.3946310

File: cc2305a98b29b91⋯.png (142.77 KB, 590x365, 118:73, 97ec6068-240e-88ad-23e0-52….png)

File: cc2305a98b29b91⋯.png (142.77 KB, 590x365, 118:73, 97ec6068-240e-88ad-23e0-52….png)

File: 8394eb31e2d0602⋯.png (251.99 KB, 592x371, 592:371, 9995bda4-de12-7a33-02c1-03….png)

File: 5c8d564d5a41e02⋯.png (334.45 KB, 589x372, 19:12, 3b43c7f8-12b5-9d29-73d2-18….png)


[C][F], Jack, and a boom also included.

7f01ce  No.3946311

File: e616d8244ffa053⋯.png (789.12 KB, 1198x1062, 599:531, ClipboardImage.png)

All your Pelosi are belong to us.

ac130c  No.3946312

File: fd9fed701a336ab⋯.jpg (235.35 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_3596.JPG)

File: 8b5ae84e4cd9a31⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, IMG_3616.PNG)

File: cd3b1d5c6428071⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 500x273, 500:273, IMG_3661.JPG)

518639  No.3946313

707638  No.3946314


Cuz you’re a lazy sod , remain a fucking sheep

f604ec  No.3946315


I say this all the time about the California fires. People get upset, but when Q says it its OK.

They start the fires and burn the fucking place down to manipulate the federal government into giving them more billions to fund their fucked up socialism and sanctuary cities —while calling POTUS names and mocking him.

Sorry, but I don't give a shit about California. They keep voting for the motherfuckers who keep fucking up the state. They should fix their own problems.

ac6a89  No.3946316

Can someone tell me why Trump pledged to give federal aid to california, when q posted they start fires to collect federal money??

2b1056  No.3946317


See! Just look at that forest extremely-isolated-yet-mimics-the-exact-damage-as-all-the-other-houses "campfire"

6f86a0  No.3946318


In so Ugly I had to be Rich

You should see my Bitches

058a9b  No.3946319



Damn, I don't think I have any (You) memes saved… I had better up my game, Kek

5c0b8f  No.3946320

File: 16f31c971e4189f⋯.png (61.73 KB, 1407x839, 1407:839, g1h5gf15.PNG)


how the fuck does he know?

ea025f  No.3946321


I fixed jet engines in the Corp.

It's not condensation if it persists for hours afterward.

0521b8  No.3946322


Wow, that's really something to see. Brown can't keep his eyes off the floor. Notable.

2743b4  No.3946323


Or learn linux and use open source software that is free. Its open source so the code is audit-able and generally more secure. Also most viruses target windows and using linux cuts off a lot of vulnerabilities. When it comes to excutables in files there is certain virus's I have seen for windows where its a corrupt photo and the code in the photo owns the windows machine. So that is a problem but you usually won't be able to see the thumbnail if it is corrupt. I think the main threat is the .pdf files which have often javascript and many kinds of malicious code in them. To prevent that I use this script to scrub the pdf files clean. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/endwall2/endware/master/pdfclean.sh

a55a21  No.3946324

File: 2e3a019738adc50⋯.jpeg (255.63 KB, 1380x1100, 69:55, 1541161787.jpeg)

25734e  No.3946325

File: 75bf4d864cc438b⋯.png (17.43 KB, 1041x167, 1041:167, Screenshot_20181117_223045.png)


First YT comment on that video…(pic related)

1ff263  No.3946326


so how many different videos did they have to create for all the possible outcomes?

5a50cd  No.3946327

File: c1abdc44b7a2033⋯.png (88.92 KB, 2784x1394, 1392:697, CIA-NEWS-LOGO-white-filled.png)

3001d0  No.3946328


Maybe it didn't have electric service yet….no smart meter with the doomsday function

5da01a  No.3946329


i have no children and i'm in the prime of my life :(

no maga anons where i live :(

798427  No.3946330

File: d120cfe4781dfa3⋯.mp4 (8.49 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, trumphandwave.mp4)



Q hand wipe at 30 sec

714972  No.3946331


sick world

f164c6  No.3946332


Thanks, Anon. I hope the mods look into this.

f119d5  No.3946333


How so? Would you clarify and elaborate on your point and explain how I misunderstood it?

85fa0e  No.3946334



08e6ab  No.3946335


anon - folks have been saying this for years.

turn the pacific into a Chinese pond.

i hope aussie anons are alarmed.

just collateral and collateral damage

1ff263  No.3946336


read his 2 replies…probability

eeb5af  No.3946337



you're talking about megajew dumbass: >3946304

lurk much moar lukerfag

880e4b  No.3946338

File: 19c8e11d51ae5e5⋯.jpeg (54.5 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 39C3F109-F696-4BF8-A100-6….jpeg)

File: e873ecd52b45932⋯.jpeg (53.22 KB, 800x450, 16:9, E1305AF5-CA6B-4EF0-8517-A….jpeg)

File: 68452a4c0592d69⋯.jpeg (54.77 KB, 800x450, 16:9, B6ABCFE0-1E4D-41EE-AD01-B….jpeg)

File: 73cad0af16a8a2b⋯.jpeg (61.44 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 72106771-952C-43E2-90C3-0….jpeg)

File: 92726fabbc7576e⋯.jpeg (60.35 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 854ADACC-363B-41A7-8DC3-5….jpeg)

defb31  No.3946339


jerry wants everyone to open their minds

that's the problem jerry

you fuckers opened your minds so much

your fucking brains fell out back in the '60s

2b1056  No.3946341


Or, shit, guys I think we're dealing with a Fire that ran along the roads.


d56023  No.3946342


dubs confirm

32d308  No.3946343

To all the shills,

Please, be the lost sheeps that return to their Lord and father and that are welcomed by him. God loves all his children.

Your masters don't give a shit about you, like their masters don't give a shit about them.

All considered profane, sheep.

They will send you to death w/o a blink.

Cut evil masonic ties. Stay away from the lodge and 'brothers'. Now.

You can save yourselves, bc you are so many, they can't doorknob you all!

YOUR chance is NOW. Few time left.

You are shilling (and educating yourselves) here so long, you see God is winning. Join the good site, don't oppose.

Pray. Be saved.

>>3879331 pb - Luke 15:1-7, The Parable of the Lost Sheep

Why the secret handshake between police and Freemasons should worry us




Fuck the craft, fuck MLK!


b84464  No.3946344


Hold on to your butts!

8d67d8  No.3946345


POTUS also said that he will be cutting off aid the them for any other disasters if they don't start doing things to prevent them.

c91c91  No.3946346


Follow the (((money)))

f91b43  No.3946347

File: 0432eb263e01447⋯.png (1.27 MB, 952x869, 952:869, Screenshot_63.png)

Hey Guise…

Haiti may be coming back in the news very soon.


be56ec  No.3946348


Good point too, would still put it in the new category, hmm, wish we knew

0afffa  No.3946349

File: d01159c953cf4e3⋯.png (31.29 KB, 738x479, 738:479, Image3.png)

f47ed3  No.3946350


you do realize our votes DONT count right? This is a dem strong hold to pass laws and test what the public will accept. Hence why all Tech is based here.

707638  No.3946351

File: cbfc0f97794cdf0⋯.jpeg (94.31 KB, 1176x872, 147:109, 2434DF60-3CC7-4666-BB02-2….jpeg)

File: 3c216145c0fa9c3⋯.jpeg (609.4 KB, 805x794, 805:794, C03E3165-0B7E-4426-8B29-8….jpeg)

b1e40e  No.3946352

File: e12fb79bb42ffb1⋯.png (1.75 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, SSFL-fire-aerial01.png)

File: 1ebeb19e1cb38a2⋯.jpg (236.95 KB, 1184x822, 592:411, SSFL-site-photo01.jpg)

File: 089d94293d82db6⋯.png (46.31 KB, 563x479, 563:479, MisoRadProtection.png)

File: a96779881d46e02⋯.jpg (204.21 KB, 1200x712, 150:89, 1200px-Atomic_bombing_of_J….jpg)

File: 52b97b8ca5cd0f8⋯.jpg (24.53 KB, 272x367, 272:367, Chernobyl_burning-aerial_v….jpg)


How to Protect Yourself from Breathing CA Fires burning Heavy Metal, and Nuke Waste. (Woolsey fire)

CA Anons:

Evidence is now gathering that the Woolsey fire started on the grounds of the melted down nuke plant. Many of the fires melted metal, paints etc. What to do to keep your health, and detox your bodies quickly. Links Included (Pic 1 Related)

I want to combine these two digs for the sake of our CA Patriots and those in the fire. - old biofag just remembered some important old bio-history. CA Anons need to detox the metals/nuke waste inhaled from these fires, and here is one good really good way to do it.

Two points to observe:

1) Website 1 title: NUCLEAR FIRE SPECIAL: Woolsey Fire’s Nuke Origins; Radioactive Smoke? The Woolsey fire looks like it started on the grounds of the melted down Nuke plant. Sauce below.

2) Miso Soup Helps Protect the Body Against Atomic Radiation and Heavy Metal Poisoning (See biological research references below) This is what you can do if you have inhaled smoke from fire with burning metals or burning nuclear waste, to help your body detoxify the heavy metals and nuke poisoning. Get some Miso Soup, which has worked to detox radiation poisoning at both Nagasaki and Chernobyl nuke meltdown. Cup or two or three a day for a while. Easy to find if you know what to look for at the grocery store. Sauce below.


D TSC Lie #1: “The Woolsey Fire, which burned 93,000 acres and hundreds of homes to the ground, started near one of America’s worst nuclear meltdowns, the Santa Susana Field Lab (also known as Rocketdyne).”

TRUTH #1: The fire started at Santa Susana, not just near it. This photo was taken shortly after the Woolsey Fire began near the Rocky Peak/Bel Canyon areas. Cal Fire states that it was dispatched from “E Street and Alfa Road”, which is only accessible by driving through the Santa Susana Field Lab, it is ON the lab land. (Pic #2 Related)


What to do if you have possibly been exposed to radiation or any of these fires where metal was burning and you may have inhaled the smoke.

2) Miso Helps Protect the Body Against Atomic Radiation and Heavy Metal Poisoning with medical proof since WWII

"In 1972, Akizuki's theory was confirmed when researchers discovered that miso contains dipilocolonic acid, an alkaloid that chelates heavy metals, such as radioactive strontium, and discharges them from the body" (Pic #3 Related) Hiroshima University's Atomic Radioactivity Medical Lab, read reports of European countries importing truckloads of miso from Japan after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.


Miso soup is a fermented bean soup containing dipilocolonic acid, which has a high affinity for Radiation and heavy metals in the body. A Medical Review of research since WWII is at the National Medical Database since this soup saved thousands of lives at Nagasaki and Chernobyl is located here. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3695331/

(Pic 4 Nagasaki/Heroshima)


(Pic 5 Chernobyl Nuclear power plant melt down)


6f86a0  No.3946353


Obama gave Russia some of Alaska’s islands, that’s a Fact

bcdec7  No.3946354


I'll concede your point. ITS ICE CRYSTALS. Not condensation. It's -45 digress up there. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY.

35f5e4  No.3946355


I do not twat, asshole. I've never heard of this guy. If you don't know, just fucking say so.

cc50da  No.3946356

File: 2c9639843a7b7c5⋯.jpg (51.49 KB, 629x578, 37:34, MORPHEUS Q PILL.jpg)

File: 9e5480dbc8c0f12⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, INFO TERTRIX.jpg)

File: 60c88491408ed5d⋯.jpg (79.41 KB, 663x420, 221:140, INFO TERRORJ.jpg)

File: 35d8d88b8ec0c08⋯.jpg (68.03 KB, 449x498, 449:498, INFO NEVER.jpg)


i thought i saw it in the short bread then nope…

i also thought i saw a puddy tat so theres that…

058a9b  No.3946357

Notable Bun

>>3946132 Not Sure of the Sauce, but if True, Big… US Gives China Eminent Domain Over US Property

>>3945885 Conservative Republicans in the House on Friday demanded that LGBT-friendly language be removed from the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement.

>>3945845 Eleven military-intelligence Democrats win US House seats.

>>3945815 State Dept Refutes Reports on Final Conclusion in Khashoggi Case

>>3945795, >>3945814 Lawyer for Joseph Misfud Says He Will Testify Before Senate

>>3945660 Potus schedule twitter releases photos from the CA visit.

>>3945659 U.S. Forces Have Taken Control of the International Airport in Port Au-Prince (Twat)

>>3945656 Fire Survivors Deserve Deeper Dig?

7de1a5  No.3946358


Cut a deal fren

73ae7d  No.3946359


I could not resist!


e0a5a9  No.3946360


Called it hours ago.

Was there any doubt that the US military presence was more so for OUR dirt that needs to be cleaned out of Haiti?

That place is likely the Clinton's biggest and dirtiest cash cow.

If no-one thinks their operators orders are destroy everything and kill everyone (loose ends), well…

32d308  No.3946361


<the mods

Topkek, shill.

2579de  No.3946362

File: 982bb913400ea5d⋯.png (116.99 KB, 650x417, 650:417, ClipboardImage.png)


California, like Portugal, is filled with a species of tree known as OAK. Most oak species have a thick corky bark that protects them during forest fires and prevents the fire from killing the tree, or travelling up into the canopy. In fact a common oak species in Portugal is actually called CORK and provides a material used to make wine bottle stoppers, and bulletin boards for thumbtacks to live on.

Google Portugal wildfire and you will see similar fires.

However, portuguese are not STUPID like the DUMB American assholes with their dumbed down education system who think it is OK to live in a Mediterranean climatic ecosystem in wooden houses. The Portuguese at least are smart enough to build houses with stone and concrete and thick clay tile roofs.

If you are in a position to rebuild in California, then use concrete and avoid any wood or flammable materials except for decorative use inside the house. This means lots of arches and unusual looking roofs that have NOT WOODEN TRUSSES in them. And it means digging an UNDERGROUND GARAGE for automobiles, and making it very auto unfriendly near the house, in case guests try to come visit in cars. Perhaps you did not realize that parking tanks of highly flammable petrochemicals beside your home is plain STOOPID.

And another thing. Why don't you have an underground panic room set up with its own oxygen supply to last a few hours? Did you think the fires won't come back?

USE LOGIC and use science and lots of people can live in California in safety.

By the way, check out the EMERGY rating of concrete compared to any other building material. If you don't understand Emergy then you are NOT and environmentalist and do NOT CARE about the environment.

Embodied Energy = EMERGY


And with steel plants producing slag again, you can build the new house out of even better concrete than in the past.

Trump has barely even started on rebuilding America's infrastructure. This is one element of it that could make California a leader in Making AMERICA Great Again

472358  No.3946363

File: 7c56bd52234eb7a⋯.png (488.09 KB, 720x720, 1:1, catppening.png)

44f6d2  No.3946364


in html5 it is possible to embed javascript in an image, and depending on the "canvas" setting in the browser, run it.

fb3074  No.3946365


Of course chemtrails are real. The evidence of overhwelming. Those who try to deny are shills and operatives. We know the truth.

25734e  No.3946366


Most races were easily predictable. If there were only 6 toss-ups, for example, then they only have to have 64 videos.

05fe0f  No.3946367

Guardrail timbers and telephone poles often treated with creosote. Yes…it burns.

f47ed3  No.3946368


OpenBSD is also your fren ;]

e49307  No.3946369



cddb99  No.3946370

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

27441b  No.3946371


Gotta know your system to avoid it.

I use Android Brave with scripts off, no viruses, no anti malware programs.

But Google knows everything I do.

Unix systems like Linux or FreeBSD are worthwhile to learn and use.

5934ab  No.3946372

File: 64864fcea52a2a1⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 352x262, 176:131, ChemtrailsSolved.gif)

ac6a89  No.3946374


>federal money

cut a deal with the enemy??

aee4c6  No.3946375

All the light we cannot see.

6719a9  No.3946377


Ever heard about voter fraud?

Or don't you believe that's a thing?

b1444b  No.3946381


Guys in uniform seemed glad to have POTUS there. jerry’s head down the whole time & fumbling with words. gavin nose up in the air the whole time. Wishing they would have been nicer to POTUS maybe now that they’re at his mercy? And the reporter asking twice about climate change. Jeez

207124  No.3946382


Massive Galactic Federation fleet mostly cloaked in orbit confirms too.

5da01a  No.3946383

>>3946369 love you freddy

c91c91  No.3946384

File: d70afda3c061fa8⋯.png (294.41 KB, 299x448, 299:448, ClipboardImage.png)

5da01a  No.3946385

>>3946288 true dat

747c18  No.3946386


Bake, Freddy, bake!

85fa0e  No.3946387


Get a room then.

6f86a0  No.3946388


Fuck off

bb6068  No.3946389



61b026  No.3946390

File: 2ce6be28bff3d3a⋯.jpeg (72.59 KB, 748x499, 748:499, 5037a924d21d3e46805ebe095….jpeg)

I'm comfy tonight

Knowing that frens are getting real in the gears and grease

Pray pray pray and give power all night and all day

Patriots in the Lions den

Never forget

5c0b8f  No.3946391

File: e0f696f789dfc84⋯.jpg (2.95 MB, 2953x2889, 2953:2889, 1540429639903.jpg)


could be extremely yuge

7f01ce  No.3946392

File: 8f4187a8ce658ad⋯.png (543.65 KB, 914x1212, 457:606, ClipboardImage.png)

"Broward’s Brenda Snipes Searches Her Office for Over 2,000 ‘Missing’ Ballots"

Is Brenda Snipes a relative of Al Sharpton? They both have a very troubling relationship with the truth and integrity.

fb3074  No.3946393


I think you may be right, or they target certain homes - Republicans you can bet, or perhaps cabal friends who they have warned in advance for the insurance payoff.

5da01a  No.3946394


i would but he doesn't love me back


141b62  No.3946396

File: 3d915f28a8b69eb⋯.png (316.25 KB, 662x566, 331:283, ClipboardImage.png)

Is there something going on with his hands? He hides them constantly. Newsom the neencumpoop.

Funny thing is POTUS looks like he's arresting him in this pic. kek


707638  No.3946397


You don’t need to twat, look I did it for you without being signed in to twitter. You’re welcome.


85fa0e  No.3946398


Check the ladies room, Brenda.

ea025f  No.3946400


First one was Australia.

Second one was PA.

See any mountains?

No, you don't.

Sure wouldn't explain seeing this shit in the skies over my place every day in FL.

ef0b2e  No.3946401

File: 6c2427694b80eb6⋯.jpeg (175.16 KB, 600x426, 100:71, 86D9FC01-7165-4B94-A893-7….jpeg)


Do you notice no chemtrails in the movie clip.

706535  No.3946402


He is an insufferable kike interloper

5082f7  No.3946403


You really are an idiot. You fail to realize that many of us here have watched the sky and clouds FOR DECADES.

We KNOW what normal clouds and skies look like. And we also know what contrails look like.

85fa0e  No.3946404


Foreplay works.

13712c  No.3946405


Might want to check your definitions. It’s conflagration, not conflation. Moran

be56ec  No.3946407


Real 100%, seen it happen, took pictures of them, even got a sore throat once within an hour of spread out. Crystal clear blue skies to complete haze everywhere after seeding.

9859fe  No.3946408


So, you're saying because some times you've seen trees burn completely they always do? Guess what, I live in a place where all the trees are pines, just like the ones in these pictures (that you retards somehow haven't noticed are black as fuck), and they NEVER burn all the way.

I never claimed the fires weren't man-made, I only said it's not unusual for trees to not burn completely.

Two big logic fails, on top of all the other logic fails. YOU people are shilling for Dems by being so FUCKING STUPID.

058a9b  No.3946409

File: 19c197b7c35ed3c⋯.jpg (248.11 KB, 800x450, 16:9, FreshBreadDD2.jpg)



5da01a  No.3946410


tried sending him a nude but didn't work

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