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File: a543b41b04fa6c7⋯.jpg (31.36 KB, 630x403, 630:403, 2467000_0.jpg)

63ad30 No.2309153

Last night was only the second time I ran across someone else who had written about this same thing. I want to take a second to acknowledge this person, Yig Wilson – https://theyig.ning.com/front-page-news/an-anon-finds-that-q-s-tripcodes-link-to-books – and applaud them for starting to share the information – because as I just stated, it needs to get out. But this article barely scrapes the surface of what is truly being shared with us. It also only references Q’s Trip codes themselves – but there is MORE to this. I mentioned earlier that my spreadsheet compilation is taking extraordinarily long to compile – there is a good reason for this. Once I got to Mid-November (when Q finally established a permanent Trip code) I accidentally copied and pasted Q’s User ID portion of his post into the Google Browser instead of the Trip code. Let’s just say this was a happy accident – I discovered that not only are Q’s Trip codes tied to relevant links, but so are EACH AND EVERY USER ID THAT Q HAS EVER USED!!!!! Take a second to think of the magnitude of what I am telling you – you may not even have realized just how many different User IDs Q has actually posted from!

That realization actually brought me to another epiphany – On any given night, when Q is in a posting Frenzy – we sit there eagerly waiting for him to post to us. (And I say “Him” even though we know it is a team – admit that we all think it is a single member of the team talking to us on any given night…) But Looking at these posts from this new perspective, where there are different user IDs being used one after another, I realized that the members of the Q team are actually talking to EACH OTHER, and giving each other confirmations. More: https://thefreespeechzone.com/inplainsight

3f994f No.2309436

I have no doubt there's a team that is on the board. How often? No clue. But they are there to kind of point Anons in the right direction, or like yesterday with RR, spell shit out for us when we are burnt out or just not comprehending. Many got upset about RR. Not sure why. Anyway. In my mind, when this is all said and done, even years later, people will be deciphering things from this. I wouldn't be surprised if 90% of what Q has dropped to us has yet to be discovered or figured out. Or figured out, but only partially. You would think some grand intelligent put this together with the way double and triple meanings can fit. And not just fit items. But fit a current item happening now, an item in history, etc.

6b619d No.2309842


Sounds like fun, however, there is absolutely no reason all the posts cannot be defined and revealed in the light after the fulfillment of the posts since not doing so would be so deep dark state. It's all supposed to be public knowledge, right? This isn't Biblical prophecy. :)

I do hope the plan leads to a spiritual revival and reprieve from God's wrath by outlawing pre-born and post-born child sacrifice. The LORD God's red line for nations is legalizing child sacrifice. BOOM invasion and conquest without forgiveness…2 Kings 24:3 & 4

Have you followed "R"s trip codes? spook the spook? Aren't user ID's as disposable as burn phones? LOL Hey, maybe they're using burn phones. Have a blessed day!

33d038 No.2310030

Perhaps the book in the tripcode contains the Key to decoding Qs posts. If placed over a cipher.

678130 No.2310787



Good work Anon!!

I am at your service as I have quite of bit of time on my hands and this is right up my alley.

63ad30 No.2311603

If you guys want to help, cause we need it. You can email us at tripcodelibrary{at}protonmail.com. Need codemonkeys and cryptofags, particularly those into book cipher.

6f1453 No.2316962

I've got a list of 400+ unique ids out of a list of 1084 q posts. I'm still missing a bunch of q posts, but almost have them wrangled down. Lemme know if you want the list to save some data entry time…

ae99cf No.2318016

File: 0e1258817b198aa⋯.pdf (305.74 KB, xowAT4Z3VQ-Q_trip_code.pdf)

File: 3e7c80626e2d8c3⋯.pdf (297.72 KB, itpbqbhqo-Q_trip_code.pdf)

File: 66e7a2927643810⋯.pdf (889.15 KB, UWyye1fxo-Q_trip_code.pdf)

File: 7aa83ad20dfc34c⋯.pdf (251.48 KB, CbboFOtcZs-Q_trip_code.pdf)

File: c2a7f91ff9f2afd⋯.pdf (208.81 KB, 2jsTvXXmXs_4pRcUA0lBE-Q_tr….pdf)

pdfs of the tripcode books

ae99cf No.2318171

File: 5427846da1c6c37⋯.png (26.07 KB, 504x395, 504:395, Example3.png)


some research on book ciphers:




b8c02f No.2322625

File: fd943bc63817492⋯.jpg (15.52 KB, 400x400, 1:1, tsVyLEms_400x400.jpg)


email us at tripcodelibrary[at]protonmail.com with any relevant info or data. We are working on developing a platform for people to log into to help us and share materials. Thanks to all. WWG1WGA!

f5875b No.2323876

File: 89c4c84a6df1c0e⋯.jpg (3.08 MB, 2340x6760, 9:26, 9bf395d4550c3b605a847c64a0….jpg)


Time line that has occurred between 7/19-7/22

>Hollywood Anon posts lists and names and occurrences on pol

>few hours later james gunn info breaks on pol and floods the interwebs

>mass media panic and twitter start to be deleted

>mass archiving of said twitters with 1000s of big wig Blue checks in serious trouble with horrendous tweets

The tweets all seem to revolve around this inside joke of fucking, rapeing, murdering, eating, and other degenerate satanic acts

>Dan Harmon deletes his tweeter and begins scrubbing social media after bad tweets AND a video of him rapping a rubber baby doll

>a major player in Hollywood posted here after that and thought it was private

He posted his tax return gross income of 327 million for last year…

He was demanding you talk to Admin…

> on July 22 the many threads and I investigations here were SHUT DOWN and blocked and mass people were banned for 2-14 days…

Many refugees in FullFeg

This video is a must!!!



Hollywood is the Royalty of America…

And commit just as much evil as them also

ed8ed3 No.2324424

Hey ANON…. So I was one of the people noticing that same stuff In R Research. The legal post was what was interesting to me at that time and still is. So I have a few thoughts on these codes. The new discovery of the ID = information is super-bad-ass. Good job on that one. Now on to Google. So, Google is essentially the brain of the Deep State. WHO controls Google? We don't really know now do we? IMO Anything google is automatically "bad guys". That is my starting point. Now I look into the actual books and info that is coming up and for that specific information to be able to come up would require the following:

1:Someone internal to Google who controls the back end algos of the Google search system. The crown jewels of Google.

2:Someone who HACKED the above

The hack is a stretch because once discovered it would be fixed in a hot-minute. So we have a situation where the Qteam has a POWERFUL insider at the highest levels of Google. Someone who can completely control the back-end of the system and can continue to do so for a YEAR or more without worry with NO ONE being able to disrupt that manipulation. The other possibility is that this is the action of the "Bad Guys". This ABSOLUTELY MUST be considered as a possibility going forward. When I looked at the possible books though NONE of it was anti-trump. So it is a deeper subversion then designed to lead anons off into the weeds of Aliens and psychic meditation instead of dealing with the real world… See what I mean?

That was my point for this reply. THINK about the information source and who controls it. It is a major issue with this. I certainly believe that the back-end of google is very likely controlled by the good guys but there is no guarantee of this. Good work and I will dig on this information when time permits. One more point. I have been listening to that “Baron Trump’s journey to the center of the earth book” by ingersol lockwood. It is on Audible and is pretty fun actually. Didn’t you know know, Baron Trump went to Googleland in the 1890s in a fictional book?! Cheers!

If you need help compiling all the data on that spread sheet post chunks of ID’s to be searched out by anons in blocks of 10 or something so more people can work on it in an organized fashion and not do the same work over and over.

When pulled from the PDF’s some of these trip codes have spaces and carriage returns in them… Also they are not in the same font. Inquiring minds want to know??!






ed8ed3 No.2324529


Another tidbit that is NOT a definitive answer on how this is done but is possibly part of it.

Remember, TRIP CODES are generated from the password and ID's are generated from the posters ??ip address?? ( could be wrong wit that) Static IP's are easy to get as are trip codes so the trick is to control the back end of google's search. That, obviously happening, means we have A LOT of new information about Google… Stuff to ponder ha ha.

f05d1f No.2324704

File: 2c79b37ba55a8e5⋯.png (107.76 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Alaska_Vols_G7_sing_txt_.png)

File: 5ef4f8415b6acbf⋯.png (389.18 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, Alaska_Vols_G7_sing.png)


Seems like the place =)

(Full disclosure I know some of

my translations wrong.) when

viewing a Quing you gotta look at it like those

posters we used to stare at when we were

young. Relax gaze, tilt head, interpret.

Take Q pics, archive(zip)

Open zip /w/photo inside.

right click pic /w/still in zip

EDIT, copy all paste to rich

txt doc helps clean it up a lil

below was the shortest I could

find and farthest I could get.

Come back around the /b/ time 2 time.

enlighten the ones who get lost in this

shit shuffle.=). Thx for the book tip!

b36942 No.2324820


(pssst…my fellow anon, take a look at this post I just put up. I think YOU will find it most interesting.)


f05d1f No.2324873

File: e47e6fc80fcf64b⋯.jpg (39.03 KB, 474x436, 237:218, dante.jpg)

Wanna send one back?


f05d1f No.2325183

File: 9957962395a28a1⋯.jpg (21.46 KB, 323x202, 323:202, FMM.jpg)


Fuggin )A(non.

A gambit stuffed in a puzzle shrouded with secrecy chucked in a mire that sits in a labyrinth, At the heart of it all a truth

f05d1f No.2325369

File: 858ae7233af58b5⋯.png (40.11 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, special.png)


}{ ([]) /"\/'\ & //\\\//\\ @ [])) [[-


ed8ed3 No.2326306

DVsTEKFUQAEKlkJ the title of the image in 1699 delivered the following book:


f05d1f No.2326693

File: 254d3301a888d24⋯.png (726.49 KB, 295x640, 59:128, penit.png)

rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="https://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" Extracted from Pen.

ed8ed3 No.2326734

Looking at these books… Most are colossal garbage. Like BAD. Exopolitics is pretty much the answer to all of this… This is right up there with that GAIA nonsense that is floating around out there. Alien Infomercials straight from the crew of QVC. I think reverting to the "Google is doing this and Google is evil" idea is probably the safest bet here at this point. That is the issue really at hand… It is coming from a compromised deep state source known as google…

332842 No.2326789



f05d1f No.2326879

lil ways down the rabbit hole provided from the links through the pen img gov law / OWLs no doubt who put it there.

f05d1f No.2327059

Q post 1743 last line.

Think chess. D5

Knight sits at D5.

Be ready for another All Nighter

f05d1f No.2327153

File: 9724b17c9a46c53⋯.png (866.33 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, NAM.png)

(0) (0)

Y not even tryin to hide this chubby



63ad30 No.2335983

File: 8904e2d5d5d8627⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 492x346, 246:173, CTnAoySWcAAl1Fp.jpg)

[OP] Appreciate the input you guys. We are not presuming to know where it comes from or why, but it is something. Everything is a layer, there are no coincidences. Sorry there has been a lull in activity, I got violently ill over the weekend. I will post a fresh thread with the raw data. Just look at the pattern. WWG1WGA!

63ad30 No.2336220


703972 No.2350675

File: 021aea1923dea99⋯.jpg (181.6 KB, 1434x1063, 1434:1063, IMG_20180730_010848.jpg)


Love to see Anons spread the Q word but…

not sure if you intended to give credit to the dude you Sauced or he is giving credit to said "Anon" where it is undue. This is old news to OG Autists, like 6 months ago. I only call this out due to the fact that I keep seeing some New-Fags on Twat etc taking credit for Autists work.

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