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File: f9d8eae9515eb3a⋯.png (65.17 KB,255x138,85:46,ClipboardImage.png)

f90def No.21631895 [View All]

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578 posts and 344 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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e88bdd No.21632621

File: 0d10b2d23f3f315⋯.png (567.42 KB,675x701,675:701,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f828d9a9a33591c⋯.mp4 (7.38 MB,1280x720,16:9,CONFIRMED_Patriots_at_Trum….mp4)

CONFIRMED: Patriots at Trump rally have their eyes burned by unknown chemical


The woman who was left temporarily blind after the Tucson, AZ Trump rally told me an eye specialist CONFIRMED her eye injury was from a chemical burn. She also said the others who were harmed received the EXACT same diagnosis.

She wants answers.

10:43 AM • Sep 20, 2024


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6887fe No.21632622


> 11:42 PM

= 17

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e88bdd No.21632623

File: 40f9da96a2eef84⋯.png (943.71 KB,923x617,923:617,ClipboardImage.png)


>Is this okay?


Be apart ofTEAM UNITY

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457e09 No.21632624




story…as in "MOVIE"

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6fa415 No.21632625


Now that shit is fucking funny.

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6fee7f No.21632626


And another thing, where are all their people with degrees? Their BAs and Doctors? Can't figure out basic plumbing? They supposedly have more BA's, BS's, and Doctors than any other nation in the world right.

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a44dd6 No.21632627

File: f306bb456e92e28⋯.png (327.42 KB,654x489,218:163,ClipboardImage.png)

Weve Only Just Begun

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ed46c8 No.21632628


I do not know the legal qualifications for asylum. For asylum, you may not need to have sponsor as 'regular' immigrants do…but I'm not sure. Sorry I can't help you more.

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54f719 No.21632629

File: 1772cf982a376c6⋯.jpg (112.92 KB,750x779,750:779,1772cf982a376c62b7c063cdb9….jpg)


Muh sides!

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c87791 No.21632630


So if I can do something else based on dig, meme, and pray, is that the right answer?

So you have no problem making what you consider to be the best choice you can make for this movement?

Does that mean that if we use what is written in the Qdrop as a rule or guideline, me will be fine?

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e88bdd No.21632631

File: 8466c6d42a8bc75⋯.png (497.41 KB,675x648,25:24,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f9d3345d97fdcc⋯.png (635.87 KB,800x597,800:597,ClipboardImage.png)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


10:09 PM • Sep 20, 2024


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000000 No.21632632

In before. Diddy didn't kill himself.

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457e09 No.21632633

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688a03 No.21632634

File: 1abfb4b0f08ebd5⋯.png (207.35 KB,568x702,284:351,ClipboardImage.png)

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688a03 No.21632635

File: 9b0a12a1c25ea77⋯.png (92.32 KB,568x378,284:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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688a03 No.21632636

File: 1273cf2a8bc297d⋯.png (401.85 KB,568x559,568:559,ClipboardImage.png)

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bfbb3d No.21632637




Again, the only pattern I see is simply sharing X posts here instead of the research here going to Twitter. Why no research anon?

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c87791 No.21632638


Thank you.

I understand that those of outside the US can only protect ourselves and contribute as much as me can.

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688a03 No.21632639

File: 6a1c4fc8bb3216b⋯.png (158.81 KB,460x230,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c87791 No.21632640


Thank you.

I understand that those of outside the US can only protect ourselves and contribute as much as me can.

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1a9ed1 No.21632641


they passed it because they already let in 24-50million people.

Mission accomplished faggots

Now the uniparty has to cover face

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688a03 No.21632642

File: 6e251385a2e8756⋯.png (493.26 KB,568x614,284:307,ClipboardImage.png)

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457e09 No.21632643


smoke and mirrors to keep the illusion that we have a choice

they are one party with few exceptions

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000000 No.21632644


> Why no research anon?

Don´t project on me.

I bring questions and answers, you only bring questions, so you look like an agent.

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c87791 No.21632645


^ Mistake.

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812422 No.21632646


I didn't know a human could drink that much and stay conscious

had hoped her message would hit home in the hearts of intemperate lushes across America

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7488d7 No.21632647


Will there still be the government shutdown on Oct 1st or did they play some backroom tricks already?

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ed46c8 No.21632648


we've been down that road. it's gonna take a constitutional amendment that specifically defines eligibility to get a final answer.

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688a03 No.21632649

File: 6e251385a2e8756⋯.png (493.26 KB,568x614,284:307,ClipboardImage.png)

BOMBSHELL! Report confirms Trump authorized 10,000 troops for J6. Destroys Democrat claims of 'insurrection,' as no one would call in opposition soldiers if such a scheme was under way


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688a03 No.21632650

File: 106ff6f1a48f94c⋯.png (290.76 KB,568x355,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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7488d7 No.21632651


What are you currently researching?

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6fa415 No.21632652

File: 7dea7b6d5254f3f⋯.jpg (128.95 KB,737x1074,737:1074,cowgirlpelosi.jpg)

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8b10cd No.21632653

notables @ 610

#26493 >>21631908

>>21631940 Boeing defense chief Ted Colbert pushed out

>>21631966 Arizona Supreme Court rules nearly 98,000 people whose citizenship documents hadn't been confirmed can vote in all races

>>21631968 Elon: Just had an excellent conversation with President @NayibBukele

>>21631973, >>21631988 Whistleblower suggests the second assassination attempt on Trump could have been an inside job by the Secret Service

>>21631980 Voters in Maryland recently reported receiving sample ballots in the mail with incorrect names on them

>>21632005 Illegal alien was driving drunk at 114mph, resisted arrest, kicked female Trooper in the head multiple times, and grabbed her taser

>>21632009, >>21632017, >>21632027 Biden Holds First Cabinet Meeting in 11 months, Jill Biden Sits at the Head of the Table

>>21632091 Stationary at the White House now has the Presidential Seal flanked by “President” Jill Biden’s signature

>>21632039 Far-left pro-Hamas protesters interrupted Kamala Harris’s campaign rally in Madison, Wisconsin on Friday

>>21632042 Somali leader and former chair of the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority pleads guilty to stealing millions meant to feed children

>>21632143 Diddy as a 20yo began an internship at Uptown Records which was founded by Andre O’Neal Harrell

>>21632068 The person who organized the "MAP Camp" in Vermont is a trans nonbinary Latinx leftist drag queen named Jonathan Peter Jacquez

>>21632085, >>21632087 1,039 days later, not a single person has been connected to the Internet from Harris' $42B plan

>>21632101 Diddy Sold Child Rape Tapes of Bieber to Multiple Hollywood A-Listers

>>21632133 HHS sued for resisting FOIA for transgender official's role in trans surgery standards for kids

>>21632137 FBI intercepts threatening letter intended for Utah election workers

>>21632225 J&J subsidiary files for bankruptcy to advance $10 billion talc settlement

>>21632236 Elon Musk says the FAA should make Boeing pay for putting the Starliner astronauts at risk, not fine SpaceX 'for trivia'

>>21632239 Biden Climate Chief Podesta Touts Oil Boom as Economic Victory

>>21632251 Today the House passed H.R. 5717 to prevent sanctuary cities from receiving federal funding to benefit illegal aliens

>>21632258 AFPI's Rundown: National Security, Protecting Candidates, Federal Reserve - 9/20/24

>>21632263 Biden-Harris Campaign Did Not Inform FBI of Iranian Hackers Offering Stolen Trump Info

>>21632265, >>21632295 Cards Against Humanity sues Elon Musk's SpaceX over land bought to curb Trump border wall

>>21632272 Kamala Says Freedom Is Ours 'By Right' (Except for Speech, Guns and Whatever Else She Doesn't Like)

>>21632319 Bulgarian President Signs Law Banning LGBT 'Promotion' In Schools

>>21632326 Alec Baldwin urges judge to stand by dismissal of involuntary manslaughter case in 'Rust' shooting

>>21632359 Interesting cat study with prisoners

>>21632372 Democrats Panic After Poll Reveals Reliably Blue State Is Neck-And-Neck

>>21632374 Secret Service updates on investigation into the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21632385 Robinson won’t appear at Trump’s North Carolina rally after report on online posts

>>21632399 Black pastor tells the truth about Haitian voodoo culture and eating animals

>>21632405 DJT: I will protect women at a level never seen before

>>21632437, >>21632538 Video of Obama in jail is from South Africa visit, not Guantanamo Bay

>>21632434 50 Cent claims Ben Affleck left JLo after finding out about her involvement with minors at Diddy "freakoff" parties

>>21632459, >>21632485 Rashida Tlaib's jiminnies rustled over exploding pager cartoon

>>21632473 Scientists have captured Earth's climate over the last 485 million years - here's the "surprising" place we stand now

>>21632499 Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk informs Poles that German soldiers are arriving in Poland to help with the flooding disaster

>>21632503 RNC files lawsuit against Montgomery County PA for illegally issuing untested early ballots

>>21632561 Loomer says she has copy of ABC whistleblower documents

>>21632602 ICYMI: Former Border Patrol Chief testifies he was ordered by Biden-Harris admin to cover up number of terrorists at border


>>21632609 Oprah Releases Moving 1-Hour Special On Dangers Of Alcohol Abuse

>>21632621 Confirmed: Patriots at Trump rally have their eyes burned by unknown chemical

>>21632631 Trump Cloud

>>21631933, >>21631999, >>21632047, >>21632176, >>21632297 Memes


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688a03 No.21632654

File: a7e7ffc179a3a2a⋯.png (135.35 KB,568x647,568:647,ClipboardImage.png)

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cb5dde No.21632655

So what up with this placing being so slow on events anymore, read the notes and most of it is old sauce.

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688a03 No.21632656

File: 40bf385489a2f3d⋯.png (202.56 KB,568x767,568:767,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b10cd No.21632657

notables FINAL

#26493 >>21631908

>>21631940 Boeing defense chief Ted Colbert pushed out

>>21631966 Arizona Supreme Court rules nearly 98,000 people whose citizenship documents hadn't been confirmed can vote in all races

>>21631968 Elon: Just had an excellent conversation with President @NayibBukele

>>21631973, >>21631988 Whistleblower suggests the second assassination attempt on Trump could have been an inside job by the Secret Service

>>21631980 Voters in Maryland recently reported receiving sample ballots in the mail with incorrect names on them

>>21632005 Illegal alien was driving drunk at 114mph, resisted arrest, kicked female Trooper in the head multiple times, and grabbed her taser

>>21632009, >>21632017, >>21632027 Biden Holds First Cabinet Meeting in 11 months, Jill Biden Sits at the Head of the Table

>>21632091 Stationary at the White House now has the Presidential Seal flanked by “President” Jill Biden’s signature

>>21632039 Far-left pro-Hamas protesters interrupted Kamala Harris’s campaign rally in Madison, Wisconsin on Friday

>>21632042 Somali leader and former chair of the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority pleads guilty to stealing millions meant to feed children

>>21632143 Diddy as a 20yo began an internship at Uptown Records which was founded by Andre O’Neal Harrell

>>21632068 The person who organized the "MAP Camp" in Vermont is a trans nonbinary Latinx leftist drag queen named Jonathan Peter Jacquez

>>21632085, >>21632087 1,039 days later, not a single person has been connected to the Internet from Harris' $42B plan

>>21632101 Diddy Sold Child Rape Tapes of Bieber to Multiple Hollywood A-Listers

>>21632133 HHS sued for resisting FOIA for transgender official's role in trans surgery standards for kids

>>21632137 FBI intercepts threatening letter intended for Utah election workers

>>21632225 J&J subsidiary files for bankruptcy to advance $10 billion talc settlement

>>21632236 Elon Musk says the FAA should make Boeing pay for putting the Starliner astronauts at risk, not fine SpaceX 'for trivia'

>>21632239 Biden Climate Chief Podesta Touts Oil Boom as Economic Victory

>>21632251 Today the House passed H.R. 5717 to prevent sanctuary cities from receiving federal funding to benefit illegal aliens

>>21632258 AFPI's Rundown: National Security, Protecting Candidates, Federal Reserve - 9/20/24

>>21632263 Biden-Harris Campaign Did Not Inform FBI of Iranian Hackers Offering Stolen Trump Info

>>21632265, >>21632295 Cards Against Humanity sues Elon Musk's SpaceX over land bought to curb Trump border wall

>>21632272 Kamala Says Freedom Is Ours 'By Right' (Except for Speech, Guns and Whatever Else She Doesn't Like)

>>21632319 Bulgarian President Signs Law Banning LGBT 'Promotion' In Schools

>>21632326 Alec Baldwin urges judge to stand by dismissal of involuntary manslaughter case in 'Rust' shooting

>>21632359 Interesting cat study with prisoners

>>21632372 Democrats Panic After Poll Reveals Reliably Blue State Is Neck-And-Neck

>>21632374 Secret Service updates on investigation into the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21632385 Robinson won’t appear at Trump’s North Carolina rally after report on online posts

>>21632399 Black pastor tells the truth about Haitian voodoo culture and eating animals

>>21632405 DJT: I will protect women at a level never seen before

>>21632437, >>21632538 Video of Obama in jail is from South Africa visit, not Guantanamo Bay

>>21632434 50 Cent claims Ben Affleck left JLo after finding out about her involvement with minors at Diddy "freakoff" parties

>>21632459, >>21632485 Rashida Tlaib's jiminnies rustled over exploding pager cartoon

>>21632473 Scientists have captured Earth's climate over the last 485 million years - here's the "surprising" place we stand now

>>21632499 Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk informs Poles that German soldiers are arriving in Poland to help with the flooding disaster

>>21632503 RNC files lawsuit against Montgomery County PA for illegally issuing untested early ballots

>>21632561 Loomer says she has copy of ABC whistleblower documents

>>21632602 ICYMI: Former Border Patrol Chief testifies he was ordered by Biden-Harris admin to cover up number of terrorists at border


>>21632609 Oprah Releases Moving 1-Hour Special On Dangers Of Alcohol Abuse

>>21632621 Confirmed: Patriots at Trump rally have their eyes burned by unknown chemical

>>21632631 Trump Cloud

>>21631933, >>21631999, >>21632047, >>21632176, >>21632297 Memes


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54f719 No.21632658


>Will there still be the government shutdown on Oct 1st or did they play some backroom tricks already?

FBI siezed the thousand bottles of baby oil specifically for those backroom tricks.

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688a03 No.21632663

File: 126b6e7e5e85cd4⋯.png (275.3 KB,568x690,284:345,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e17b2 No.21632666


She could use some cream rinse in that hair.

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bfbb3d No.21632667








Understand the playing field. Out to do research, since it isn't habbening here. Afterwards, I will pass the popcorn. Later to attend the parade. Keep mouth breathing anons, see you at the parade. +1

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c87791 No.21632668

>>21632630 edit.

So you have no problem making what you consider to be the best choice I can make for this movement?

How far would that go?

On the other hand, if I express my opinion on something that is being done away from this movement, I will be called out as an attack,

If I express my thoughts on the issue without saying so directly, I am also called into question.

Where is there such a thing as a correct template?

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ab3775 No.21632669


Freedom isn't free you know.

America has to keep funding their mafia uniparty and overseas island ventures.

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000000 No.21632671

The Times of Israel

@TimesofIsrael 4h

Former Jewish Press editor gets 4-month prison term for role in US Capitol riot

Elliot Resnick, who claimed he was covering January 6 for the Jewish newspaper, to serve his sentence at prison with large population of Orthodox Jews

Sep 21, 2024 · 1:19 AM UTC



The best is yet to come.

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8b10cd No.21632673

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65ff9b No.21632674

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770865 No.21632675

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6fa415 No.21632676

Is there some parody thing out there about exploding goats and the terrorists who rape them?

Might be in the style of a news report.

Coworker was talking about it but couldn't find it at the time.

Anybody got a link handy?

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1fcf39 No.21632678

File: eccb087b639ccae⋯.png (361.01 KB,710x599,710:599,eccb087b639ccae0c5245d96d8….png)

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666de8 No.21632680

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