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File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,c91e618b272bf5d2a1299413e0….png)

b5ea59 No.21631119 [View All]

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701 posts and 469 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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5c6f0f No.21631875

File: ace54323646950d⋯.png (253.15 KB,577x433,577:433,notable_asian_notabru.png)


>Tucker on ryan routh and his cia-fed ukraine links

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677264 No.21631876

File: b39c33eeba02bc8⋯.png (438.82 KB,474x489,158:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ba202 No.21631877

File: eb4ed662ce85ec4⋯.jpg (301.87 KB,1750x2500,7:10,scary_nun_mask_for_adults.jpg)

File: c507d60d0aaa879⋯.jpg (175.41 KB,700x393,700:393,000PRAY.jpg)

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6efd4e No.21631878

File: bb1cc789af877c2⋯.png (31.46 KB,458x506,229:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e877076b12fb6ed⋯.png (7.86 KB,469x176,469:176,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a552b7426cca9b⋯.png (1.03 MB,1781x843,1781:843,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37b3ad929d584b2⋯.png (53.11 KB,499x952,499:952,ClipboardImage.png)



We Gots Pipe Hittin Niggahs here That Hit With Digits…So Godspeed

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3ba202 No.21631879

File: 20ae0da726a8d1b⋯.png (659.44 KB,1186x962,593:481,1apray4.png)

File: 6b5b1d68a742038⋯.png (527.23 KB,1502x920,751:460,1apray3.png)

File: 08048d68f16f400⋯.png (816.23 KB,1582x906,791:453,1apray2.png)

File: dd32c7b4c8d58af⋯.gif (1.96 MB,500x200,5:2,1apray1.gif)

File: fce4350012c710e⋯.png (551.41 KB,1228x1034,614:517,pray12.png)

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dbb10b No.21631880


i still have my nigga wnb sniped last bread

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ea619b No.21631881

File: 50c10be84be7829⋯.jpeg (80.32 KB,500x845,100:169,IMG_1513.jpeg)


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d91ca6 No.21631882

alas, ur.


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5f507b No.21631883


If you pray when it happens God will answer, it's His promise when you know He will answer, He will. In a world faced with un-reality, God is our only true source of protection.

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3ba202 No.21631885

File: 30bcbfbd55ce33d⋯.gif (465.25 KB,220x220,1:1,00exactly1.gif)


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113bac No.21631886


sounds like obummer, again

he is woke, she is soaked and the crowd was bored

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fb8c2f No.21631887

File: 7418314d7669b24⋯.png (2.22 MB,1080x1878,180:313,ClipboardImage.png)

Stationary at the White House now has the Presidential Seal flanked by “President” Jill Biden’s signature


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3ba202 No.21631888

File: 423dd708b46e4b3⋯.png (3.76 MB,3399x767,3399:767,0COINCIDENCES1A.png)

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3a286b No.21631889


Then why don't you start doing nothing faggot.

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ba5af3 No.21631890

notables FINAL

#26492 >>21631128

>>21631224 Kamala cringe

>>21631249 RFJ Jr: I’m paying close attention to the seed oil issue …

>>21631292, >>21631321, >>21631355 BIS Quarterly Review September 2024

>>21631293 Maricopa Country election shenanigans

>>21631296, >>21631300 Mohamed Al Fayed, late Harrods owner whose son died with Princess Diana, accused of dozens of sexual assaults

>>21631303 Chinese hacking "typhoons" threaten U.S. infrastructure

>>21631307 Rent-free, worldwide

>>21631309 (2016) Former Secret Service agent exposes Hillary Clinton

>>21631310 Refresher: Kamala is an insane person

>>21631319 The Fake News is melting down over a new rule requiring ballots to be hand counted in Georgia

>>21631326 US officials expect significant escalation between Israel and Hezbollah

>>21631335 Switzerland will be expelling Russian scientists from its CERN labs

>>21631345 DEI Activists Delete Social Media Accounts Ahead Of Matt Walsh “Am I Racist?” Movie

>>21631358 In early-December 2020, Milley opposed planning efforts to have the National Guard secure the capital on January 6

>>21631360, >>21631362 New York Times: Mossad Front Company in Hungary Manufactured Exploding Pagers

>>21631365 @SharylAttkisson: An interview like no other… @realdonaldtrump

>>21631366, >>21631389, >>21631686 Scavino: Westchester bakery faces threats for selling presidential cookies (mostly from one side)

>>21631369 The mainstream media is now covering Alexis Lorenze's horrific vaccine injury

>>21631377 Hilldog reached a new nevel of seethe and cope

>>21631398 South Carolina inmate Freddie Owens dies by lethal injection in state’s first execution in 13 years

>>21631406, >>21631469 Last night, Trump's counsel filed an Omnibus Reply in support of discovery motions

>>21631410 Herridge: With President Trump’s Guard request back in the news, here is the DoD timeline I posted six weeks after Jan 6

>>21631419 The current Secretary of Defense evidently opposes the targeted elimination of a terrorist who killed hundreds of Marines and Americans

>>21631428 Democrats privately worry the Teamsters non-endorsement is a warning sign

>>21631518 Liz Harrington: "That's What They Fear The Most, They Fear Your Vote"

>>21631533, >>21631689 The county this Sherriff shot Kentucky judge in has an interesting name

>>21631632 House votes to block Biden-Harris administration EV mandate

>>21631642 Patty Morin provided details of the illegal immigrant from El Salvador who raped and killed her daughter

>>21631648 Kamala's rallies have the vibe of an abortion clinic

>>21631682 Any ideas what this plane is up to plane fags?

>>21631724 Frederick Becomes Largest Municipality in Maryland to Approve Non-Citizen Voting

>>21631732 Italian Parliament Begins Drafting Law To Treat Violent Sex Offenders With Chemical Castration

>>21631787 Devin Nunes: Only 3 questions left from the debate before we vote…

>>21631848 Scavino posts a Trump Cloud

>>21631849 Donald Trump posted on Truth a video of Tucker exposing Democrats

>>21631190, >>21631237, >>21631456 Memes


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f25b42 No.21631891


Search "Plasma in Nature" pb >>20006241 at 2023-12-01. I stated this way before this date too but didn't call it plasma like but extra lights of some sort. Now STFU, I am always right.

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043311 No.21631892


>The best player of all time (sorry Babe) is a Jap

Gonna need to MAGA baseball hard in the years ahead.

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3ba202 No.21631893

File: 9e4df26c81a2715⋯.png (2.92 MB,3399x767,3399:767,0COINCIDENCES1B.png)

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aff476 No.21631894

File: ed9917ff24e2448⋯.png (868.35 KB,718x500,359:250,ClipboardImage.png)


notable and Someone post the direct trump link to this video

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3ba202 No.21631896

File: 7bc659113856736⋯.png (3.25 MB,3399x767,3399:767,0COINCIDENCES1C.png)

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677264 No.21631897



Your tax dollars in the hands of DEI psychos

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fb8c2f No.21631898

File: 0cf62ab72e8f52b⋯.png (29.1 KB,675x245,135:49,ClipboardImage.png)



PHOENIX (AP) — Arizona Supreme Court rules nearly 98,000 people whose citizenship documents hadn't been confirmed can vote in all races.

6:22 PM • Sep 20, 2024


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3ba202 No.21631900

File: a7cde4e1c17f26b⋯.png (1.74 MB,2953x767,2953:767,0COINCIDENCES1D.png)

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d91ca6 No.21631903

>thinks it thinks>21631762

always in the words of other men.

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3ba202 No.21631906

File: bdb9ce9d2ec6470⋯.jpg (77.73 KB,1280x720,16:9,SA8.jpg)

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043311 No.21631907



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000000 No.21631909

President Biden


When I came to office, there was no plan in place.

No plan to deal with the pandemic.

No plan to get the economy back on its feet.


I refused to accept that.

Sep 20, 2024 · 5:05 PM UTC



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ba5af3 No.21631910

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1b1d10 No.21631911

very nice AI >>21631860


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931134 No.21631912

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB,695x888,695:888,_11111111.png)

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da34cc No.21631914

File: bf51387057893a2⋯.png (354.58 KB,819x460,819:460,bf51387057893a2710c1a00dd2….png)


>>>>git sum RUBdwayne$CULOonIT at gahy barr too voat


>>>>git sum RUBdwayne$CULOonIT at gahy barr too voat

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52eb79 No.21631915


Kek. Now do Israel, Ezra.

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931134 No.21631916

File: 46ae5b0bea13fdb⋯.png (483.82 KB,740x738,370:369,_11.png)

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9e7416 No.21631917

File: b56a26d09f8c0c5⋯.jpg (1 MB,1440x3120,6:13,Screenshot_20240920_190336….jpg)

File: 0a8901ac7086ea2⋯.jpg (996.58 KB,1440x3120,6:13,Screenshot_20240920_190330….jpg)

Garret O'Boyle reposted

Eric JM Jensen




The DOJ under biden & Hussein Obama (& Bush, & Clinton,) has been criminal.

The Patriot Act’s intended use was always to allow turning DOJ/FBI against Americans who demand that our Republic be run based on the Constitution & Bill of Rights.

#Seditious #Treasonous #Criminal


Garret O'Boyle


Likewise in the @fbi

. Now SAC of @FBIMiamiFL

Jeffrey Veltri retaliated against those who cited their Christian faith as reason to abstain from the covid "vaccine" and as reason to revoke their security clearances. He's now in charge of the most recent Trump assassination attempt.


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ba5af3 No.21631918


Repost nb pls.

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3ba202 No.21631919

File: a57b758c060f658⋯.png (746.95 KB,891x799,891:799,nswf0s.png)

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931134 No.21631920

File: 81b4987a9c91481⋯.jpg (102.77 KB,601x599,601:599,_111111.jpg)

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931134 No.21631921

File: 49f335c2ec2331e⋯.jpeg (40.38 KB,387x470,387:470,0DAEAEEF_3B1A_4E1A_80CB_6….jpeg)

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931134 No.21631922

File: a2fc7ada49da2b3⋯.png (122.14 KB,561x502,561:502,01c50b274ec4f1b604379cdb77….png)

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3ba202 No.21631923

File: 17dc0b3b93b11e2⋯.png (94.52 KB,778x792,389:396,b5.png)

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18285a No.21631924

File: 649ab2ce9ef7b38⋯.png (322.58 KB,609x342,203:114,ClipboardImage.png)


say it with a meme


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da34cc No.21631926

https://open.spotify.com/track/3afQ9lPFcLfDeZ5C89o25I >>21631914

>RUBdwayne$CULOonIT at gahy barr too voat

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931134 No.21631927

File: 0e0eb7dba711af3⋯.jpg (66.86 KB,480x425,96:85,0e0.jpg)

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931134 No.21631929

File: f655e36cf6800ba⋯.jpg (99.17 KB,745x500,149:100,2l2mlc.jpg)

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3ba202 No.21631930

File: d433af2e7f2c317⋯.png (135.63 KB,954x660,159:110,8.png)

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e9c989 No.21631932


Notable, send to Juan O Faggin

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6efd4e No.21631934

File: 3a701be50187261⋯.png (17.19 KB,464x309,464:309,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a3980161766321⋯.png (880.56 KB,654x980,327:490,dowhatiwant.png)


a lot of my drive to be here in the thick is a deep desire to see that highest level of treason to be accounted for in the manner that will be felt for generations…simply expressed as deep kinowing of…Never Again…Dont Tread

Govertment By The People…For The People


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6b2684 No.21631935

File: bce19d0e1b10fa2⋯.png (200.36 KB,383x346,383:346,8d15db38d5890d975a3e9ac820….png)

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931134 No.21631937

File: 00bc70732c2295a⋯.jpeg (509.7 KB,1800x1521,200:169,03E63DD2_10D9_4439_8B38_F….jpeg)

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931134 No.21631938

File: 17fdf4627e30e43⋯.jpg (104.57 KB,760x427,760:427,3a3d7eb0be68cc51d769086348….jpg)

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