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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

bce5d9 No.21627719 [View All]

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453 posts and 286 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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88356c No.21628368

File: 5d76107d29f5e43⋯.png (29.62 KB,764x288,191:72,ju.PNG)



Billionaire hedge funder John Paulson says he’ll yank his money from market if Kamala Harris wins election

By Nicholas McEntyre

Published Sep. 18, 2024, 6:44 a.m. ET

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7123ea No.21628369



Better luck next time, clown. Think I'll filter your sad, sorry ass and your lame bigotry narrative that you use as a shield of obfuscation. It's you and those like you, not the Jews. The mimics proved they pretend to be someone while trying to smear that someone, the exact same tactic you're using now.

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4354fe No.21628370

Early voting today in Virginia. Made my presidential vote for the Liberterian Party. Can't take any more of Trumps bad mouthing his enemies instead of running a campaign. The Republican Party needs to re-think their approach for the next 5 or so weeks. There are a shit load of us that have reached our limit with the Republican Party.

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1033bf No.21628371

File: b347628527e8dd0⋯.jpeg (13.83 KB,197x255,197:255,projectionincepton.jpeg)

File: eeb057c46d11aee⋯.jpg (254.15 KB,1000x680,25:17,projection.jpg)


yes Trump supporters are authentic Q researchers = authenitic anons here

Jew Haters never do Q research, talk shit on DJT

so yeh.

you guys are fake.

No matter now much blah blah blah spam you do

And you guys invented "Mimic" because that's all you have left.

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cdf7bf No.21628372

File: 875e6ce8a71b23a⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB,480x766,240:383,ssstwitter_com_17268442377….mp4)

>>21627513 Wall Street Apes w/CAP: Democrat Corruption in California is UNRIVALEDPN

She talks about a lot more corruption in CA, see video

Wall Street Apes


Democrat Corruption in California is UNRIVALED

After the Sonoma County, CA Wildfires homeowners weren’t getting their payouts from PG&E, “For 2 years, Former Judge, Mr John Trotter, was receiving, you heard this correctly, $125,000 a f*cking month to babysit the trust”

There’s more and it involves… you guessed it, Nancy Pelosi.

(There's an awakening going on anons, whistleblowers, releasing the dam)


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88356c No.21628373

File: 56263684a5ed30e⋯.png (1.17 MB,1139x569,1139:569,rep.PNG)


Rep. Crane Warns Trump: “There is a Very Real Possibility that There is a MOLE in the Secret Service”

Steve Watson

18th September 2024


“He needs somebody, like a group of individuals around him that are loyal to him”

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2698b8 No.21628374


Diddy can't wait for general population in prison so he can get some o dat big prison dick. Just need to wipe some of that std smeg off first.

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f5bb26 No.21628375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The survivor of an apparent satanic ritual two years ago says she wants her four attackers given life sentences.

Apr 19, 2013

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db4399 No.21628376


It’s all about monopolizing on the power of your belief.

Kinda like how all media is owned by 6 corporations…

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244098 No.21628377


they've calcified our pineal glands with fluoride and other toxins. they've taken away our bells, which have healing vibrations and frequencies. they've blocked our connection to the universe around us.

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a7618a No.21628378

File: e11a4178d7f8fbc⋯.png (1.05 MB,1070x1070,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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bddecf No.21628379

File: 50b97eb5f849ca4⋯.png (329.75 KB,686x685,686:685,ClipboardImage.png)

2 hours 17 mins ago

facebook sharing buttontwitter sharing buttonwhatsapp sharing buttonmessenger sharing buttonemail sharing buttonsharethis sharing button

Turkey joins western critical minerals club amid EU-China rivalry

US- and EU-led Minerals Security Partnership Forum may benefit Turkish rare earth infrastructure and offer an alternative to Beijing

Turkey has joined the Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) forum to cooperate with the United States, the European Union and others on the production of critical raw materials and rare earth elements, official sources told Middle East Eye.

“The state department can confirm that the government of Türkiye has joined the [MSP] forum”, a US State Department spokesperson told MEE. “There will be a formal announcement in the coming weeks.”

Rare earth elements are used in the manufacture of many high-tech devices, from the screens of smart phones and computers, to the batteries of hybrid and electric cars.

The MSP is a group of 14 countries and the EU that aims to diversify the global secure supply chain of rare earth minerals and other critical minerals.

The MSP forum, launched in 2024, brings together partners and mineral-producing countries, such as Kazakhstan, Namibia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, to push against Chinese dominance in the field.

In 2022, Turkey said that it discovered the second-largest rare earth element reserve in the world with a 694-million tonne deposit in Eskisehir.

Even though no independent work had been conducted on the mine, the discovery attracted global interest, including from China, which controls more than 70 percent of the rare earth elements trade.

Turkish officials say they eventually aim to produce an annual 10,000 tonnes of rare element oxides, in addition to 72,000 tonnes of barite, 70,000 tonnes of fluorite, and 250 tonnes of thorium, which is crucial for nuclear technology.

Turkey is expected to become a full member of the MSP in the future as well. …


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daa5ac No.21628380


>>>21624851 Nancy Mace Enters Flirty Texts Into Record She Says Were Sent To Her By CNN Panelist After They Publicly Feuded

well, she is a hot milf…and I don't see anything overboard there. good on him for trying…and so far, being a gentleman. the republican gynocentrists (conservative feminists) taking "hitting on women" a little far here…

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1033bf No.21628381

File: 5835330ac76f6a8⋯.jpg (78.04 KB,613x380,613:380,filterwithyourmind.jpg)


bad idea to filter.

That's what they want you to do

Just sayn

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a588ab No.21628382

File: cf1a9216237b12f⋯.png (225.03 KB,675x659,675:659,ClipboardImage.png)

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7123ea No.21628383

File: 562cd5ac2c08b82⋯.jpeg (16.19 KB,281x414,281:414,562cd5ac2c08b82918ccd1e4d….jpeg)

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724e5d No.21628384

11:30 AM EDT

Haitian Caucus News Conference

Members of the Haitian Caucus hold a news conference to discuss the situation in Springfield, Ohio, after Haitian immigrants in the community were falsely accused by former President Trump and Senator JD Vance of eating people’s pets.



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a15e25 No.21628386


Slap A Hoe Tribe

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005a81 No.21628387


>Think I'll filter your sad, sorry ass and your lame bigotry narrative that you use as a shield of obfuscation.

In other words, you don't have an argument. Got it. o7

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2698b8 No.21628388


Boosters separating early.

Nose cones falling off.

Yep, space is looking bright.

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7123ea No.21628389


>bad idea to filter.

No, it's not, and you're trying to tell me what to think and how to behave. You failed to blend in too.

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88356c No.21628390

File: adf024fd65f4d36⋯.png (32.57 KB,1357x218,1357:218,wr.PNG)


Arizona admits that nearly 100,000 non-citizen 'voters' wrongly listed on voter rolls amid lawsuit

Non-citizens lawfully residing in Arizona “shouldn’t be registered to vote” since they are labeled as non-citizens on their driver’s licenses, Former Arizona Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Wright said.

By Natalia Mittelstadt

Published: September 17, 2024 11:00pm

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005a81 No.21628391

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bddecf No.21628392

File: f1b07d6dcd77091⋯.png (338.29 KB,742x789,742:789,ClipboardImage.png)

Ragıp Soylu

EXCLUSIVE: Turkey joins western critical minerals club amid EU-China rivalry

• US- and EU-led Minerals Security Partnership Forum may benefit Turkish rare earth infrastructure with credits, tech transfer and offer an alternative to Beijing


8:17 AM · Sep 20, 2024·29.9K Views

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f5bb26 No.21628393


(19 Feb 2020) An American woman charged with human trafficking for allegedly attempting to smuggle a 6-day-old baby out of the Philippines inside a sling bag was arrested on an additional count of kidnapping, authorities said on Wednesday.

Jennifer Talbot from Utah, who was on bail while facing the human trafficking charge, was presented to reporters in Manila on Wednesday by officials from the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), a government anti-crime investigative agency.

Talbot wore an orange shirt and had a mask on, with her left arm in a sling.

She pulled down her mask and said, "I object to this press conference without my attorney and the embassy present."

Talbot had planned to board a Delta Air Lines flight to the United States with the baby on 4 September 2019, according to prosecutors.

After discovering the baby, airline staff called immigration personnel, who arrested Talbot at the airport.

The baby was turned over to government welfare personnel.

The prosecutors said that Talbot presented an affidavit at the airport, allegedly from the baby's mother giving consent for the newborn to travel to the US, but it had not been signed by the mother.

Officials said no government travel approval had been issued for the baby, prompting them to file human trafficking charges last year against Talbot.

Talbot also violated at least two other laws, kidnapping and illegal detention, the prosecutors said.

Talbot was served with an arrest warrant for the kidnapping on Monday while she was attending a court hearing related to the trafficking charge.

There is no bail available for kidnapping.

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88356c No.21628395

File: 98245946b7deac0⋯.png (365.24 KB,590x511,590:511,ur.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Jill Biden to Honor Cast Members of ‘West Wing’ TV Show – Admin Couldn’t Even be Bothered to Honor Gold Star Families at Arlington Cemetery

From thegatewaypundit.com

3:24 PM · Sep 18, 2024




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f5bb26 No.21628396

File: 185f1f6f39a8328⋯.png (531.57 KB,1200x500,12:5,23me.png)

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48ac39 No.21628397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sanford and Son Theme (The Streetbeater) Quincy Jones


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2698b8 No.21628398


>Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs new company will be largest Black owned cannabis operator

Well cartels run operations from inside prison.

Let's see what habbens.

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88356c No.21628399

File: 15c6c8ac35bbddc⋯.png (721.69 KB,595x794,595:794,char.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


BREAKING: Crossdressing teacher at @waverlyschools

and LGBTQ activist charged with child s*x crimes.

Robert Maurice Herzing allegedly planned to meet a minor for s*xual activities.

He’s facing charges of accosting a minor for immoral purposes, third-degree attempted criminal s*xual conduct and using a computer to communicate with another to commit a crime.


3:06 PM · Sep 18, 2024




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7123ea No.21628400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

KEK. They try so hard. Must be so frustrating for them at this stage of the end game. Poor little dumb bastards.

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daa5ac No.21628401

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52ec06 No.21628402


#26488 >>21627731

>>21627741 Rep. Matt Gaetz Claims There Are 5 Known Assassination Teams in U.S.

>>21627746 New Docs Shed Light On Air Force’s ‘Goal’ To Reduce ‘White Male Population’ Joining Officer Ranks

>>21627840, >>21628066, >>21628079, >>21628112, >>21628306, >>21628322 Swampenins

>>21627844 45 Days to 45-47 WINNING

>>21627846 ICYMI: Rep. Good and Rep. Norman Press Conference Denouncing World Health Organization

>>21627854 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21627855 Knowledge to have

>>21627910 ICYMI: ECW: Interdiction

>>21627955 Former Assistant District Attorney Indicted on Bribery, Money Laundering Conspiracy, and Other Felony Charges, Gary Haynes,

>>21627971 A Target on His Back – Trump as the New John Wick

>>21628002 A Dramatic Tax Pounding Come 2026 (if kneepads wins)

>>21628003 FOUR FAMILIES: Brown, Newsom, Pelosi & Getty have ruled over Cali w/ IRON FIST for 80 years

>>21628006 ICYMI: Suspected Trump assassin flagged by U.S. during return from Ukraine, but Homeland refused probe

>>21628019 ICYMI: The Attorney General Merrick Garland just vetoed charging Ryan Routh with attempted assassination.

>>21628028 HAITI Demographics

>>21628071 War Room Morning Edition

>>21628075 ICYMI: A federal judge in South Carolina issued a precedent-setting ruling, voter rolls are public record under fed law and are subject to inspection by election integrity activists

>>21628121 ICYMI: Oklahoma announces it has complied with state law and cleaned up its voter rolls by removing some 453,000 voter registrations, including ineligible voters such as convicted felons and deceased voters, since 2021.

>>21628123 Small Town Kentucky Sheriff Accused of Shooting Judge Dead in His Chambers

>>21628137, >>21628083 A rape offense is reported every hour in London, according to data obtained by the BBC.

>>21628143 Ohio Governor Mike DeWine is refusing to identify the foreign actors who called in the majority of hoax bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio


>>21628163 ICYMI: Walz appointee with apparent CCP ties could expose potential veep's national security weakness

>>21628166 Friday Morning Minute

>>21628173 ICYMI: BlackRock and Microsoft plan $30bn fund to invest in AI infrastructure Nvidia and Abu Dhabi-backed MGX will join effort as energy-intensive tech strains power and data grids

>>21628185 Jesse Watters: This whole thing is strange/Trump

>>21628199, >>21628283, >>21628310, >>21628363 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day A Hazy Harvest Moon/Space/Science

>>21628200, >>21628222 Doocy and KJP exchange following KJP again calling President Trump a “threat”

>>21628203, >>21628214 Fear Pron: @SenWarren We're in a world where doctors have to tell women in the middle of a miscarriage they can't get the medical care they need because they're not near enough to death/cut fed rates

>>21628205 ECW: Collusion?

>>21628207 Not one person voted for Kamala Harris to be the 2024 nominee

>>21628212 CIA ‘predator’ who sexually abused unconscious women across multiple countries — keeping 500 pics, videos of horrid acts — sentenced to 30 years in jail

>>21628219 Gutfeld: A classic Kamala video has resurfaced

>>21628240 Moar Dr. Jay Varma Receives Grant to Study COVID-19 Disease Surveillance

>>21628268, >>21628259 @realDonaldTrump You are an amazing guy. My father would be proud of you. Thanks for the memories! Donald J. Trump

>>21628270 What’s weird is how the legacy media all has the same talking points simultaneously, even the same phrases like “sharp as a tack” about Biden before the debate, Then they all stabbed him in the back right after the debate ended

>>21628277, >>21628279 LIVE: Harris County judge to give update after remains found in SUV near Deer Park pipeline fire

>>21628285, >>21628292 Hearing over open records lawsuit against Fani Willis | Court livestream

>>21628286 @MELANIATRUMP WH vid

>>21628297 Former Dem fundraiser slams 'hypocrisy' on the left: 'I'm tired of it'

>>21628309 ICYMI: NARA confirmed that VP-Biden had communications related to CEFC (CCP influence op) and/or Burisman, refusing to release them

>>21628379 urkey joins western critical minerals club amid EU-China rivalry

>>21628384 Haitian Caucus News Conference


#26487 >>21626659


>>21626673, >>21627055, >>21627045 CROWDER CONFRONTS: [New York] Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma

>>21626682 Rumble To Get Discovery In Suit Against 'Check My Ads' Founders

>>21626687, >>21627024 Trump retruth: Fred Trump Story from the 70's

>>21626707 Oprah said she was stopped at the airport by a black man to let her know he’s voting for Trump.

>>21626731 @WarClandestine: Trump speaks about the FBI confirming Iran spied on his campaign and shared the info with the Dems.

>>21626737, >>21627009, >>21626812, >>21626897, >>21627050 Kamala/Oprah event having difficult time getting over 10,000 viewers. The Joy is gone.

>>21626747 for the keks: Texas declared sanctuary state for memers.(bun)

>>21626784 America tested 100,000 forgotten rape kits, resulted in 1,500 convictions

>>21626805, >>21626923, >>21627100 Queen Margrethe of Denmark rushed to hospital following fall at Fredensborg Castle

>>21626869 Vid: Guy who wrote the book on the Franklin Coverup in 2009 and published Epstein's little black book.

>>21626930 BREAKING - Gold strikes fresh record high above $2,609

>>21627014 Two of Newsome's deefake election laws already being challenged

>>21627020 Trump Supporter Puts CNN ‘Reporter’ in Her Place With Awesome Responses

>>21627023, >>21627028, >>21627093, >>21627031, >>21627143, >>21627152 P Diddy Panic

>>21627037 MAGA rally @ Penn State - 1,500 hats and they didn't have enough

>>21627042 @VigilantFox asking the good questions about Routh

>>21627081 @NobleNegroe: I was honored to participate in @FrankLuntz Black male focus group recently.

>>21627106 @GenFlynn: And we’re NOT at war!? A Palestinian flag has been raised over the ROTC building at UNC

>>21627114 Fungal Infection in the Brain Produces Effects Similar to Alzheimer's

Ghost grab

>>21627161 musk w/CAP: leadership spends their resources attacking @SpaceX for petty matters that have nothing to do with safety, while neglecting real safety issues at Boeing…

>>21627166 Walz’s former colleague believes Walz stole the nuclear SOP manual. one of the only people with access to where the manual was stored.

>>21627175, >>21627179, >>21627189 [They're] all on the take. Springfield corrupt money ops from Gunvna to Mayor.

>>21627233 The de-wokifying of Catperpillar?

>>21627316 Three teenagers, aged 18, 17 and 16, are arrested for killing and EATING New York village's beloved mother swan, Fay…

>>21627482 Chicago elementary teachers have come forward alleging that administrators instructed them they have to give migrant students a passing grade of 70% in every subject.

>>21627513 Wall Street Apes w/CAP: Democrat Corruption in California is UNRIVALED

>>21627665 Google Directs Americans Searching For Voter Registration Info To A Dark Money, Left-Wing Elections Group Called Democracy Works.

>>21627676 Habbenins habbening for 9/20/2024

>>21627714 #26487

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1033bf No.21628403


dream on, loser.

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20109a No.21628404

File: b904af96fce549c⋯.jpg (150.48 KB,626x616,313:308,EVERY_DAY.jpg)

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f5bb26 No.21628407

File: e57932ce2848617⋯.png (1.31 MB,1280x853,1280:853,ClipboardImage.png)

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e46735 No.21628408


Judge in Kentucky gunned down by sheriff who alledgedly had been sexually assaulting the underage daughter of the judge.

Leithcher County

Posted in the early morning breads, graveyard shift.

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3982ed No.21628409

File: ed19f2c2c1d4309⋯.jpg (120.29 KB,1200x675,16:9,Menendez_gold_bars_robbery….jpg)

File: f61c9a5761c4f31⋯.jpg (872.09 KB,2400x1800,4:3,StevenMnuchin_874567476.jpg)

File: f8edd35b1de3d5d⋯.jpg (62.69 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_2961070253.jpg)

File: 716b8f4e0023ae5⋯.jpg (698.62 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240920_080956….jpg)

Stopping financial crimes investigations is the priority, among other priors… priorities!

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2841b6 No.21628410


Wanna try that again?

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2698b8 No.21628412



>Former NYC Covid Czar Held Secret Drug-Fueled Sex Parties During Global Pandemic

Smocking news.

Is D.C. just one big swingers party?

What are the Black Tie after parties like?

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d2a5a8 No.21628413

File: 7ae50db66a470fd⋯.png (3.71 KB,161x93,161:93,ClipboardImage.png)


> My father would be proud of you.

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52ec06 No.21628414

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152d83 No.21628416

File: 8cdd73daf6f5d92⋯.png (647.08 KB,764x960,191:240,ClipboardImage.png)

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1033bf No.21628417


I'm allowed.

take it or leave it.

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1033bf No.21628418

File: 1437ef8523cfe4e⋯.jpg (311.53 KB,640x427,640:427,3.jpg)

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88356c No.21628419

File: bfe36f9751de24d⋯.png (815.44 KB,676x677,676:677,mill.PNG)


Biden-Harris Admin Sent Taiwan Moldy Armor, Expired Military Gear


The DoD’s delivery of non-mission capable items to Taiwan inhibits the DoD’s ability t

Dept. of Defense

Frances Martel17 Sep 2024

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6be4ed No.21628420

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88356c No.21628422

File: ce7adbb04b597b9⋯.png (62.11 KB,446x515,446:515,js.PNG)


Why was Tony Podesta emailing John Podesta about Maya Harris (Kamala's Sister) going to a "pizza party" for Hillary's campaign?

2016 email from Wikileaks archive 👇


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52ec06 No.21628423


full bun, take a look

migrate, locked

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7bd6af No.21628451

File: 934005a238d1260⋯.mp4 (982.84 KB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17268445756….mp4)



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