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File: 3887b2cc0aa00cb⋯.png (68.72 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

3a543a No.21625753 [View All]

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627 posts and 355 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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4eb70a No.21626610

File: 2c4dfecb70bb50f⋯.jpg (181.55 KB,1024x1024,1:1,_39bbf7ba_1b93_40e4_a408_7….jpg)

Too bad Damon Knight isn't still around

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dafae6 No.21626611


grew up hearing


(top gun)

guess i never understood it

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705da3 No.21626612


The rumours anons came up with is that one of the propellers was jammed in reverse thrust an one was going full forward to create the corkscrew effect?

It happened a couple of months back with some doctors going to a convention.

Indonesia i think?

Cant sauce currently workfaggin…o7

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20c062 No.21626613


no shit. tough for this 58 yo for sure.

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6991b2 No.21626614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


crank this..

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02992c No.21626615


>It'll take me a week or so to get back into fighting shape but I used to post some good stories

Sharpie in the pooper anon?

Is it really you?

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ffcfa8 No.21626616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mentour Pilot talked about briefly:


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9ba435 No.21626617

notables @ 630

#26486 >>21625766

>>21625785, >>21626549, >>21625843, >>21625812, >>21625818 Dig: Ryan Routh's wife

>>21625795 Springfield mother tells Vivek that an immigrant with a machete chased her daughter, police didn't respond to her call

>>21625817, >>21626217 Kamala: "If somebody breaks into my house, they're getting shot - sorry, probably shouldn't have said that!"

>>21625828 Sheriff who shot and killed a Kentucky judge allegedly did so because he was raping the Sheriff’s underage daughter

>>21626253, >>21626154 Judge killed, sheriff arrested in courthouse shooting

>>21625839 ABLECHILD: Adderall ADHD Drug Causes Psychosis and Mania

>>21625845 'Pizza, Ravioli, Spaghetti, Mamma Mia!' Says Kamala Harris In Mario Hat And Mustache While Addressing Crowd Of Italians

>>21625929, >>21625941, >>21626212 Refresher on doxxing

>>21626007 (Mar 2, 2018) Diddy & Justin Bieber Cashed In On Spotify's IPO

>>21626029 Prepping to be Epstein'd: Diddy placed on suicide watch

>>21626033, >>21626044 Mohamed Al Fayed tried to rape me but I kicked and kicked

>>21626078, >>21626088, >>21626115 #1: Kahn’s Trump Tribute ‘Fighter’ Tops iTunes Charts Across All Genres

>>21626095 Report: Mark Robinson’s Email Linked to Ashley Madison Account

>>21626145 Proof update: We are talking to you

>>21626233 How to say nothing while speaking words

>>21626261 DeSantis Says FBI Blocked State Investigators From Trump Assassination Crime Scene

>>21626268 Marijuana was developed and came out of China some 12,000 years ago

>>21626301 Biden admits economic recovery still needs ‘work,’ forgets meeting Fed chair in error-laden speech

>>21626313 Here are two questions Trump was asked that didn’t make the Gutfeld show last night

>>21626340 Beattie: The Truth Of Latest Bomb Trump Assassination Scare Could Be Darker Than You Imagine

>>21626350, >>21626423, >>21626496 12 firefighters, emergency personnel involved in a mass casualty crash in Orange County

>>21626352 Federal Court sides with Trudeau censorship ruling against Rebel News

>>21626418 Scavino: Are you better of than you were four years ago?

>>21626422, >>21626437 Natalie Winters Blasts Rep. Chip Roy For Pushing The CR On The WarRoom

>>21626445 New Batch Of Patriot Front Records Reveals More Evidence Of FBI Infiltration

>>21626451 Chinese Spies Lurked for Months Inside U.S.-Based Engineering Firm’s Network

>>21626467 Rep. Good Warns Of U.S. Losing Its Sovereignty To The WHO And UN, Subjecting Americans To Globalism

>>21626506 Kamala Harris arrested and perp walked this mother who did nothing wrong—and then lied about it

>>21626554 DTJr.: Walz had just returned from another trip to China around the time when the manual went missing

>>21626609 Husband of Russia’s richest woman arrested after deadly shooting

>>21625796, >>21625811, >>21625862, >>21625951, >>21625966, >>21626196, >>21626217, >>21626446 Memes


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bfae00 No.21626618


>who was on board


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34f2af No.21626619

File: c44aaae298a7aac⋯.jpg (331.73 KB,1178x1674,19:27,20240919_233640.jpg)




one misses infinitechan




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15b215 No.21626620


If you could see the smile on my face!

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672390 No.21626621


The link was taken down

Song is notable

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372b7f No.21626622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fucking nerds, ohtani just became the first player MLB history to go 50-50. look at his jersey number.

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8a791e No.21626623

File: e26d57b8f293572⋯.mp4 (4.28 MB,460x816,115:204,aVv3MD2_460sv.mp4)

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6991b2 No.21626624

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ffcfa8 No.21626625

File: 883c19505ec9b4a⋯.png (242.39 KB,432x437,432:437,pepe_on_saving_the_world_o….png)


image boards are the best.

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1b8876 No.21626626

File: ea0ebadb200be97⋯.png (3.89 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_3297.png)



Baptism and Confirmation

First Presbyterian Church

Jamaica, NY

13 years of age

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000000 No.21626627


11 August 2024

As investigations continue into the plane crash in Brazil that killed 62 people, more details have emerged about the victims.

Those who died included cancer doctors, a three-year-old child, a lawyer specialising in lawsuits against airlines and a Venezuelan family and their dog, local media have reported.


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34f2af No.21626628

File: b361b9c06bb5282⋯.jpg (275.11 KB,1178x1120,589:560,20240919_234109.jpg)

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d8b8ab No.21626629


the right ear, but I swear I remember the trigger finger

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6991b2 No.21626630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


try again. I still have it

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705da3 No.21626631


ThanQ very much anon.. o7

I stand corrected brazil!

Trying to multitask but badly, kek..

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8a791e No.21626632

File: 7b14366b0a153ce⋯.mp4 (2.17 MB,360x640,9:16,axy1gz1_460sv.mp4)

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1a7980 No.21626633


wqsn't the Titanic, but the sister ship.

so i heard

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15b215 No.21626634


zomgosh…He's kinda all beat up today…kek…but what a handsome boy!

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6991b2 No.21626635


Is true

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5b5f81 No.21626636

File: 24008bc0464108e⋯.png (234.6 KB,478x416,239:208,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91e4d2d73f36a2d⋯.mp4 (15.19 MB,854x444,427:222,bkILt_caa.mp4)

You are an amazing guy. My father would be proud of you. Thanks for the memories! Donald J. Trump


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1a7980 No.21626637




was the ear

though some could have taken trigger fingers

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372b7f No.21626638

>>21626622 (me)

not sure what anons are missing here? 17 just broke a first in baseball history record going 5:5

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048c0f No.21626639

File: 85c9fd27dde0621⋯.gif (2.06 MB,268x170,134:85,20240919_234806.gif)



it was not as bad as '28.

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15b215 No.21626640


kek…Ima a Canuk, so funny as fuck also FAKE as shite!…I'd rent out my barn though! You can shower in the pig trough….sorry the pig spa!

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02992c No.21626641


>not sure what anons are missing here?

Watching sportsball?

Not really our thing.

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8a791e No.21626642

File: fd5c7569e293155⋯.mp4 (968.45 KB,460x840,23:42,aRB3Key_460sv.mp4)

Made in China

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ab018e No.21626643


Turbo Prop with Variable Pitch Rotors.

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52444c No.21626644




Dirty RINo tricks

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dafae6 No.21626645


he is good

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15b215 No.21626646


…and the witnesses were never seen again!

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9ba435 No.21626647

notables FINAL

#26486 >>21625766

>>21625785, >>21626549, >>21625843, >>21625812, >>21625818 Dig: Ryan Routh's wife

>>21625795 Springfield mother tells Vivek that an immigrant with a machete chased her daughter, police didn't respond to her call

>>21625817, >>21626217 Kamala: "If somebody breaks into my house, they're getting shot - sorry, probably shouldn't have said that!"

>>21625828 Sheriff who shot and killed a Kentucky judge allegedly did so because he was raping the Sheriff’s underage daughter

>>21626253, >>21626154 Judge killed, sheriff arrested in courthouse shooting

>>21625839 ABLECHILD: Adderall ADHD Drug Causes Psychosis and Mania

>>21625845 'Pizza, Ravioli, Spaghetti, Mamma Mia!' Says Kamala Harris In Mario Hat And Mustache While Addressing Crowd Of Italians

>>21625929, >>21625941, >>21626212 Refresher on doxxing

>>21626007 (Mar 2, 2018) Diddy & Justin Bieber Cashed In On Spotify's IPO

>>21626029 Prepping to be Epstein'd: Diddy placed on suicide watch

>>21626033, >>21626044 Mohamed Al Fayed tried to rape me but I kicked and kicked

>>21626078, >>21626088, >>21626115 #1: Kahn’s Trump Tribute ‘Fighter’ Tops iTunes Charts Across All Genres

>>21626095 Report: Mark Robinson’s Email Linked to Ashley Madison Account

>>21626145 Proof update: We are talking to you

>>21626233 How to say nothing while speaking words

>>21626261 DeSantis Says FBI Blocked State Investigators From Trump Assassination Crime Scene

>>21626268 Marijuana was developed and came out of China some 12,000 years ago

>>21626301 Biden admits economic recovery still needs ‘work,’ forgets meeting Fed chair in error-laden speech

>>21626313 Here are two questions Trump was asked that didn’t make the Gutfeld show last night

>>21626340 Beattie: The Truth Of Latest Bomb Trump Assassination Scare Could Be Darker Than You Imagine

>>21626350, >>21626423, >>21626496 12 firefighters, emergency personnel involved in a mass casualty crash in Orange County

>>21626352 Federal Court sides with Trudeau censorship ruling against Rebel News

>>21626418 Scavino: Are you better of than you were four years ago?

>>21626422, >>21626437 Natalie Winters Blasts Rep. Chip Roy For Pushing The CR On The WarRoom

>>21626445 New Batch Of Patriot Front Records Reveals More Evidence Of FBI Infiltration

>>21626451 Chinese Spies Lurked for Months Inside U.S.-Based Engineering Firm’s Network

>>21626467 Rep. Good Warns Of U.S. Losing Its Sovereignty To The WHO And UN, Subjecting Americans To Globalism

>>21626506 Kamala Harris arrested and perp walked this mother who did nothing wrong—and then lied about it

>>21626554 Walz’s former National Guard colleague alleges classified nuclear manual went missing in Nebraska during his tenure

>>21626609 Husband of Russia’s richest woman arrested after deadly shooting

>>21626632 Rent these days…

>>21625796, >>21625811, >>21625862, >>21625951, >>21625966, >>21626196, >>21626217, >>21626446 Memes


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1a7980 No.21626648


he knew

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372b7f No.21626649


don't watch either, but saw it in a thread and noticed the 17 and 5 for 5

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6991b2 No.21626651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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048c0f No.21626656

the young Prince moves.


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372b7f No.21626658


this q research, no?

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9ba435 No.21626660

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048c0f No.21626661



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672390 No.21626662

>>21626233 How to say nothing while speakingPN

Look at the people's faces behind. Hardly anyone is buying this bullshit. The more she talks the more they know she has No Intelligence and she doesn't inspire anyone. Even Oprah looked bored!

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1a7980 No.21626663



then you have to match up pre event habbenings to see if you get a hit on who the target was.

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52444c No.21626664


It had to be leaked by Rs

The da would have leaked it after the deadline passed so he could not be replaced.

Who is head of NV GOP?

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c6ca7f No.21626665


Can you redo this one?

I ducked, you fucked.

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0f1709 No.21626667

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