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File: ef63fbeb0af1536⋯.png (68.73 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

25306d No.21624771 [View All]

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e94b9a No.21625721

File: fbedd1e78dfc794⋯.png (926.3 KB,1002x666,167:111,ClipboardImage.png)

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3cd4ad No.21625722

File: 2d42366481ea412⋯.png (81.12 KB,749x359,749:359,ClipboardImage.png)


She apparently still works for Victoria Secret, not Maximus. That's a different Kathleen Shafer.

Here's her actual emails.

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80b71b No.21625723


What's up with this "Let me be clear" shit?

It that a tell that he is about to tell a lie?

Kamala says it too.

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a8a092 No.21625724

File: e34cd9e2dcfeb43⋯.png (4.38 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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30035f No.21625725

Is it any wonder?

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98712f No.21625726

File: bb5a14f21cb0ebc⋯.png (1.21 MB,2067x2454,689:818,proof.png)

updated with even More PROOF Q+ is talking directly to anons


Most illogical comment here, ever.

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580d0a No.21625727

File: 7c0ff7a84a0057f⋯.png (206.17 KB,564x397,564:397,ClipboardImage.png)


he should have never been prez


everyone knows it's the true true

wonder how many have really given it thought

american rights and customs should apply to those only with american citizenship and that includes voting

it's the only true way to ensure loyalty to america instead of an obligatory latch on proxy state we are forced to fund with tax dollars and arms

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7b191a No.21625728

I don't know about any of (You), but pretty sure Diddy's prison tell all album will be my favorite.

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6ec013 No.21625729

File: 9c596d41773a4e0⋯.jpg (185.5 KB,1400x1401,1400:1401,1000001503.jpg)

Go Bless America

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30035f No.21625730

Is it any wonder?

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816c8b No.21625731

File: 01cf690afe51c12⋯.jpg (101.73 KB,605x603,605:603,ROLLING_OVER_DEEP_STATE.jpg)

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e94b9a No.21625732

File: 5f53d4081be5c39⋯.mp4 (11.88 MB,358x480,179:240,awakenings.mp4)

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a65b86 No.21625733


The DoN or unit 8200, board member Marc

Most fag officers. Retired, owe something or someone to keep those bennies

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a1f2f9 No.21625734

Mr. Biden: I'm also relieving student debt for nearly five million borrowers, many of whom are Latinos. And I have not stopped yet; the courts are not going to win this.

[the Supreme Court already 'won'; you are in direct violation of the highest court in the land]

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98712f No.21625735

File: d798ded8e8d55f1⋯.png (642.37 KB,1245x1181,1245:1181,less_than_10.png)


Is this relevant?

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a4f146 No.21625736

Anybody know how to stream "am I racist"? Or is it too early?

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0f8a0c No.21625737


Yep. Even if you accept HIS 'official' birth story, he was still a duel citizen.

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75d978 No.21625738

File: 69d20c90c0ea8fe⋯.jpg (3.39 MB,3008x2000,188:125,Our_flag.jpg)

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98712f No.21625739


Is Relevancy and Timing the name of The Game?

The real issue is that these comms are not chronologically tracked at this crucial time FFS.

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a1f2f9 No.21625740

Mr. Biden: And now Trump and extreme MAGA officials have an agenda…at the top of that list, and he means it, is the deportation of over eleven million people. They say they will use local police, the National Guard, and even the United States Military, to round up, round up and rip away, millions of people from their homes, families, and communities….mass detention camps, that will tear our country apart and damage our international relationships…he wants to take away birthright citizenship; if you're born here, it doesn't mean you're automatically an American citizen. That can not happen.

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a65b86 No.21625741


America first

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a8a092 No.21625742

File: 093fd875e193d20⋯.png (102.29 KB,1080x781,1080:781,ClipboardImage.png)

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587bdb No.21625743

Transcript: Biden @ Hispanic Caucus


Mr. Biden: My administration is also expanding access to legal representation, and resources, for people seeking legal status…Let me be clear, there is no substitute for comprehensive immigration reform. None.


Mr. Biden: We're turning around Puerto Rico's economy, investing more than one hundred and forty billion dollars, and adding one hundred thousand new jobs in Puerto Rico.

[are those jobs as fake as those you 'created' in the United States, the money stolen like in the United States?]


Mr. Biden: I'm also relieving student debt for nearly five million borrowers, many of whom are Latinos. And I have not stopped yet; the courts are not going to win this.

[the Supreme Court already 'won'; you are in direct violation of the highest court in the land]

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0f8a0c No.21625744


I looked for it and couldn't find it. As long as it's still in theaters, I doubt Matt will release it to the web. He deserves some time to make some bucks off it though.

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e9da1e No.21625745

File: aa403d10f8e6ef4⋯.png (83.48 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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30035f No.21625746

This road is gon’ take us back now

You look so fine, I don’t know how to act now

They say “My child, don’t stroll off easy

‘Cause when it’s time, you gon’ hear what she said”

Is it any wonder?

Is it any wonder?

If you ever, leave me alone

I’ll be cryin’, wishin’ you’d come home

When I look in your eyes, I see you starin’ at me, girl

And when it’s time, I see you holdin’ on me, girl

‘Cause you, you got a hold on me, yeah

So I’m, gonna make you see, yeah

Aw yeah

Is it any wonder?

Is it any wonder?

Is it any wonder?

Is it any wonder?

When the sun goes down at night

Gon’ let you know that everything’s alright

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587bdb No.21625747

Transcript: Biden @ Hispanic Caucus


Mr. Biden: My administration is also expanding access to legal representation, and resources, for people seeking legal status…Let me be clear, there is no substitute for comprehensive immigration reform. None.


Mr. Biden: We're turning around Puerto Rico's economy, investing more than one hundred and forty billion dollars, and adding one hundred thousand new jobs in Puerto Rico.

[are those jobs as fake as those you 'created' in the United States, the money stolen like in the United States?]


Mr. Biden: I'm also relieving student debt for nearly five million borrowers, many of whom are Latinos. And I have not stopped yet; the courts are not going to win this.

[the Supreme Court already 'won'; you are in direct violation of the highest court in the land]


Mr. Biden: And now Trump and extreme MAGA officials have an agenda…at the top of that list, and he means it, is the deportation of over eleven million people. They say they will use local police, the National Guard, and even the United States Military, to round up, round up and rip away, millions of people from their homes, families, and communities….mass detention camps, that will tear our country apart and damage our international relationships…he wants to take away birthright citizenship; if you're born here, it doesn't mean you're automatically an American citizen. That can not happen.

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a8a092 No.21625748

File: 9d67846dc439aaa⋯.png (94.33 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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3cd4ad No.21625749

Can anyone pull up an archived account on LinkedIn?


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01915d No.21625750

File: 4194ba638617d51⋯.png (441.62 KB,504x500,126:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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587bdb No.21625751

notables FINAL

#26485 >>21624786

>>21625179, >>21625511, >>21625518 DJT speaks @ Israeli American Council (IAC) in DC Round 2

>>21625570 Transcript: Trump @ IAC in DC Round 2

>>21624933, >>21624975 Archive: Trump Headlines a Fighting Anti-Semitism Event and Speaks at the IAC in D.C. Round 1 - 9/19/24

>>21625652 Scavino: View from above, departing NYC for Washington, D.C. earlier today…

>>21624866, >>21625562 Kamala and Oprah event

>>21625747 Transcript: Biden @ Hispanic Caucus

>>21624837, >>21625030 Ex-Border Chief Aaron Heitke was Ordered to Cover up the Border Disaster

>>21624851 Nancy Mace Enters Flirty Texts Into Record She Says Were Sent To Her By CNN Panelist After They Publicly Feuded

>>21624939 Wisconsin abortionist running for House seat vacated by Republican Mike Gallagher

>>21625007 Vivek Ramaswamy's town hall event in Springfield, Ohio

>>21625082 Oofprah

>>21625103 Walz's former National Guard colleague alleges classified nuclear manual went missing in Nebraska during his tenure

>>21625404 We are talking to you

>>21625434 Links on the Lawn and Kamala Harris?

>>21625510 The Shanwei zoo admits they painted dogs white and black to make them look like pandas

>>21625525 Suit alleges Kentucky deputy forced woman to have sex in judge's chamber in lieu of fees

>>21625568 Elon: SpaceX letter to Congress

>>21625606 Dave Chappelle's Cambodian breast milk P Diddy sketch

>>21625613 Jaguar Wright Amazed Diddy will stay in jail but cries for Bryshere Gray

>>21625653, >>21625680 Newscum says he can't rule out taking legal action against Elon Musk and a conservative memer for posting memes

>>21625662 Chicago: Teachers saying admins instructed them to give migrant students passing grade in every subject no matter what

>>21625686 Interesting Detail – U.S. Secret Service Agent Was Less Than 10 feet Away When He Shot at Ryan Routh

>>21625042, >>21625124, >>21625377, >>21625524 Memes


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16f393 No.21625752

File: 491eb759019651d⋯.png (818.67 KB,710x927,710:927,arnold_screw_your_freedom.png)


doody isn't flood gates tho.

More of a distraction from Trump shooting #2 along with the exploding pagers

flood gates are creaking like maybe they want to open. but they currently remain firmly shut

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30035f No.21625755

Is it any wonder?

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30035f No.21625758

Is it any wonder?

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337773 No.21625761


I believe you anon. I've been here forever and remember Q+ posting here in real time. It was amazing!

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30035f No.21625762

Is it any wonder?

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01915d No.21625763

File: 24060ef24f84a51⋯.png (894.84 KB,728x839,728:839,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f9e0f No.21625764

File: f2fa0c5eea80d61⋯.png (402.42 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240919_191725.png)

File: 7aac586cf692909⋯.png (617.28 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240919_191705.png)


Dang tried to lure me to the dark waters

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04c8d8 No.21625765

File: 29359a9b730da51⋯.gif (666.46 KB,481x597,481:597,1660019849105728.gif)

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30035f No.21625767

Is it any wonder?

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587bdb No.21625768

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04c8d8 No.21625769

File: 0f330d8f01e7704⋯.jpeg (301.1 KB,1177x728,1177:728,RememberThisDay_From_Q8.jpeg)

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01915d No.21625770

File: 8c807fb862c886e⋯.png (971.84 KB,1000x469,1000:469,ClipboardImage.png)

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04c8d8 No.21625771

File: 11dd48ae04f583f⋯.jpg (6.61 KB,480x360,4:3,_Bellingcat_Who_Funds_Bell….jpg)

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30035f No.21625772

I wonder who sees this.

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80b71b No.21625773


Sad piano music like they played during all of those lame covid, we're all in this together, ads.

fuck that

My response is, oh well, too bad for you, now you have turbo cancer, diabetes, myocarditis, etc. Do you still trust the government?

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04c8d8 No.21625774

File: 267b866202c2e53⋯.jpg (189.43 KB,624x576,13:12,_Anonymous_You_3_hours_ago….jpg)

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63cfdc No.21625775

File: bec9a91445bb81a⋯.png (1003.31 KB,828x553,828:553,IMG_4013.png)

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04c8d8 No.21625776

File: d65ca33111ae257⋯.jpg (60.97 KB,604x340,151:85,8kun.jpg)

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7fab4a No.21625777

migrate, locked cleanin

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