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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,stormyBANNER.png)

e2eab6 No.21623171 [View All]

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e84a53 No.21623849

File: da41a1fa00fb2cc⋯.png (11.42 MB,2700x2024,675:506,veterans_homelessness.png)



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fb4246 No.21623850


Are you also the orgy anon that did dudes but says you not gay

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cd86b5 No.21623851


Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Toolbox is empty.

This is a jab at Trump more than anything.

He's just a Lt. Governor, but running for Top spot.

Two birds, one slander.

Easy to find fallacies on good people, but are proven false soon after.

Then they correct their story a week later on page 17 that sheep pay no mind of.

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72b371 No.21623852

File: c542782a828c4f1⋯.png (701.87 KB,726x895,726:895,Kamala_on_guns.png)

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700ef9 No.21623853

11 days till October Surprise

Wonder what it'll be?

[R][R] Spilling the beans would make my day

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843c9c No.21623854


catholics are not Christians

if they WERE

they would not be catholic

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cc836e No.21623855

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 394a8e931f056c4⋯.png (13.24 KB,147x58,147:58,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)


rumors that gaga is one of the people who handed diddy up

maybe she turning on other pedo's as well

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c34510 No.21623856

File: cdbcf5ba751827a⋯.jpg (556.07 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240919_125517….jpg)

File: 831642c1fb73a83⋯.jpg (694.31 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240919_125632….jpg)

File: 9721ea243418069⋯.jpg (641.04 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240919_125706….jpg)

File: d150ea803e4ae42⋯.jpg (809.01 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240919_125715….jpg)

File: 40423d981c3f0b4⋯.jpg (653.68 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240919_125720….jpg)

Trump comes out of pope mobubble to check fainting audience membre [another one, different city].

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95ad6f No.21623857


That wouldn't be Routhy, now would it?

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79c02e No.21623858

File: 8085400c43b21c8⋯.png (2.67 MB,1596x1846,798:923,ClipboardImage.png)

Remember When Kamala Said Everyone Should Attend A Trump Rally? Turns Out She Was Right!

All about the Long Island Trump Rally… including the epic ending where Trump, while exiting the stage, stopped briefly to be the maestro as the aria Nessun Dorma played in the background…


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cd86b5 No.21623859


Remember how Kamaltoe explained she could asrrest someone and ruin their lives before dropping charges a week later?

How much power that was to her?


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fcecc7 No.21623860


For those who know how to mine bitcoin, they can use it anonymously. Most people need someone like Coinbase to access their wallet.

Aside from your point, everything is tracked on a public ledger, we are approaching an interesting time regarding solar flares and electromagnetic activity. It's a stupid time to be doing anything 'digital', money or cars.

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d74d2e No.21623861

File: 22caa537ef34be8⋯.jpg (40.75 KB,720x313,720:313,20240919_152548.jpg)

BREAKING: Nike CEO John Donahoe to step down - FT



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7eca9e No.21623862

File: 2cfa8b180dc4dc0⋯.png (61.12 KB,640x580,32:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc7d84 No.21623863


treason has no gear for reverse

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67c17e No.21623864


>catholics are not Christians


The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the largest Christian church,

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95ad6f No.21623865

The Street will screech!

BOJ to keep policy steady, signal more rate hikes to come

Sep 19th, 16:07:16

By Leika Kihara

TOKYO (Reuters) - The Bank of Japan is set to keep monetary policy steady on Friday, but signal its confidence that solid wage growth and consumption will allow the central bank to raise interest rates again in coming months.

Such hawkish communication would contrast with many other central banks that are now shifting to a rate-cut cycle, including the U.S. Federal Reserve, which delivered an oversized reduction in borrowing costs on Wednesday.

The divergence may cause more turbulence in markets with expectations of narrowing U.S.-Japan interest rate differentials already helping the yen rebound to around 143 versus the dollar, off the nearly three-decade low of 161.99 hit in early July.

Markets are focusing on any hints from Governor Kazuo Ueda on the timing and pace of future rate hikes at his post-meeting news conference.

"Having just raised rates in July, the BOJ will likely prefer to scrutinise market developments for the time being," said former BOJ official Nobuyasu Atago.

"It's natural to think the next rate hike will come in December" so the BOJ can gauge the impact of the Fed's rate cut as well as political events such as Japan's ruling party leadership race and the U.S. presidential election, he said.

At a two-day policy meeting concluding on Friday, the BOJ is widely expected to keep short-term interest rates steady at 0.25%, and maintain its view the economy will continue to recover moderately as rising wages underpin consumption.


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843c9c No.21623866




you will understand

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2b39b7 No.21623867

File: 6931ba652321adf⋯.png (22.49 KB,596x334,298:167,ClipboardImage.png)

Ouch, that's gotta hurt.

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8c8f2a No.21623868


i've heard recently that every single governor is compromised.

i wonder if robinson would have been a course correction and a change, ie., not a rino, which is why they are after him and trump, too, obviously.

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700ef9 No.21623869


it would be

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641adf No.21623871


Trump not gonna like that fact

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85a8aa No.21623872

File: fa666722b1201a4⋯.png (1.41 MB,1122x1450,561:725,Comfy_in_the_yard_with_mem….png)

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67c17e No.21623873


>those aren't REAL(tm) Christians

>some day you will understand my genocidal christian god

I doubt it

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cc836e No.21623874

File: fe01db1da8c9da2⋯.png (419.15 KB,753x678,251:226,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The New York Times published an investigation Wednesday into the Secret Service’s security failures at the deadly July 13 Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania—revealing the identity of some agents, including two who have hired lawyers.

Much of the NYT investigation retreads the same information about Secret Service’s lack of planning ahead of the rally, as well as its lack of communication with local law enforcement. NYT also aired the opposing opinions about whether the Secret Service or local law enforcement was to blame for not securing the AGR building used as a perch by Trump shooter Thomas Crooks.

More interestingly, NYT revealed the name of the Secret Service’s lead counter-sniper at the rally, John Marciniak; the agency’s lead advance agent, Meredith Bank; and two site agents, Myosoty Perez and Dana DuBrey—the latter two who have hired lawyers.

DuBrey and Bank have been put on administrative duties along with the agency’s Pittsburgh boss, Timothy Burke.

FBI whistleblower Greg Roman told Headline USA that the Secret Service agents lawyering up is an indication that the agency may be looking to scapegoat them for the Butler failures.

“The Secret Service higher ups will gladly sacrifice a few of their own just to placate Congress and some in the media to put this thing to bed as soon as possible. At least one of the scalps will have to be a bit higher in rank/position, such as Burke … so it doesn’t appear lower level line agents get all the blame,” Roman said.

“It’s smart for them to lawyer up while they’re on administrative leave. They obviously smell the stench of whatever is being cooked up against them. They’ve been isolated and virtually excommunicated and I doubt the Secret Service HR department is of any help to them whatsoever.”

According to NYT, Perez hired Larry Berger—a lawyer who’s represented embattled Secret Service agents in the past—while DuBrey has hired notorious anti-Trump lawyer Mark Zaid.

Readers may be well familiar with Zaid.

A self-described advocate for whistleblowers, Zaid has worked on a wide variety of politically charged matters, including the first Trump impeachment. His clients have included Facebook’s dubious pro-censorship whistleblower, Frances Haugen; the brother of impeacher-turned-war profiteer Alexander Vindman; and a slew of CIA agents who’ve made numerous unfounded claims about having so-called “Havana Syndrome.”

Additionally, Zaid has been accused of spreading disinformation about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. According to acclaimed JFK researcher James DiEugenio, Zaid once gave a speech arguing against the probability that Lee Harvey Oswald was an intelligence asset—despite his numerous links to the CIA.

“At this same conference, Mark Zaid then went down to Dealey Plaza where some of the witnesses were arrayed, and handed out literature saying why they were not credible,” DeEugenio wrote in December 2022.

“And this is the guy demanding cred and calling the witness he never met ‘garbage.’ I guarantee you if this witness said, ‘I saw the files and there is nothing in there incriminating the CIA,’ Zaid would have a grin on his face.”


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740093 No.21623875

File: 3c2e687239b15c1⋯.png (158.64 KB,435x500,87:100,kek_delayed_reaction.png)

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95ad6f No.21623876


So NOT a well know Former DoJ Offishul….

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4cfdab No.21623877


Aren't you Baruch the Scribe?

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843c9c No.21623878


typical lib

you rewrote

what i typed

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740093 No.21623879

File: 441eb1eb1607f88⋯.png (134.34 KB,520x480,13:12,pepe_proper_fkd.png)

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e84a53 No.21623880


They were made between 2008 and 2012 on “Nude Africa,”

My calendar says 2024

I am suspicious of who suddenly "revealed" this just before an election

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6a433f No.21623881

File: 4587739622aae7a⋯.png (165.83 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



Any main character have the name Rockstar? Also I highly recommend this brand over Monster. Drink the zero sugar varieties if you are diabeetus.

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cd86b5 No.21623883


Now that right there is punny as fuck!


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fb4246 No.21623884

File: 1b10d424e4d5431⋯.jpeg (889.29 KB,1125x1912,1125:1912,IMG_4167.jpeg)

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c34510 No.21623885

File: 20937cfb2efecf4⋯.jpg (215.94 KB,530x755,106:151,shotgun_wedding_ver9_61949….jpg)


Accusations of cannibalism…

H.L. (hell)

Hannibal Lecter

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7943dd No.21623886

zero resources fentanyl border crisis

emergency powers focused on CA MEME CENSORSHIP PROSECUTION



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a2e5db No.21623887

File: 1e4ea5e276891d6⋯.png (534.18 KB,608x308,152:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2eab6 No.21623888







#26483 >>21623177

>>21623187 Judge agrees to delay Hunter Biden’s gun charges sentencing until December

>>21623196, >>21623239, >>21623270, >>21623270, >>21623325 DIG CALL 'American Slaughter Pen' Dan Goldman Declares Trump ‘Will Execute a Coup’ on J6 2025

>>21623214 Israel Unleashes Heavy Strikes On South Lebanon

>>21623216 Lebanon bans all pagers and walkie-talkies on all flights leaving Beirut

>>21623218, >>21623322 LIVE: Trump Headlines a Fighting Anti-Semitism Event and Speaks at the IAC in D.C

>>21623236, >>21623319 PlaneFaggin'

>>21623242 Watch the film THIS IS TREASON

>>21623251 Sen. Fetterman & Sec. Mayorkas Speak at The Atlantic Festival

>>21623267, >>21623320 Matt Gaetz Claims There Are 5 Known Assassination Teams in U.S.

>>21623268, >>21623281, >>21623393 Docs Shed Light On Air Force’s ‘Goal’ To Reduce ‘White Male Population’ in Officer ranks

>>21623287 AZ Cardinals Fan Forced to Throw Away MAGA Hat by Stadium Security

>>21623301 Trump surprises 8-year-old boy with gift before rally - GodSpeed & God Bless Liam WRWY

>>21623324, >>21623411 How to Detect ATM and Credit Card Skimmers that Can Gain Access Your Money

>>21623337, >>21623341 FBI Raids Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing Headquarters in Indiana

>>21623339 Israel’s Explosive Electronic Warfare: Genocidal Pariah Nation Is A Terrorist Organization

>>21623340, >>21623381, >>21623797 Shooter ROUTH DIGG

>>21623346 Dems Move To Loosen Oversight Of ‘Sponsors’ That Take—And Often Lose—Migrant Children

>>21623365, >>21623375 Harris’s $42 Billion Broadband Initiative: ‘Not One Person, Home, or Business Connected in 3 Years!’

>>21623418, >>21623420, >>21623453 NASA & Related Space News

>>21623422 The UNs Goal Is For America To Surrender Its Sovereignty To A Global Government

>>21623443, >>21623671, >>21623813 Here we go - hit pieces circulating on GOP nominee for NC Governor

>>21623447, >>21623715 Democrat ACT BLUE Donor Arrested For Threatening To Kill 6 Supreme Court Justices

>>21623452 DIGG CALL on WAR GAME MOVIE - Webb says War Game is "by" Peter Strzok & Alexander Vindman

>>21623464 Wireless technology causes infertility, cancer and DNA damage

>>21623489 Diddy's debauched life of threesomes and unspeakable violence exposed in gory tell-all book from Kim Porter

>>21623512 Diddy Faces Massive Asset Forfeiture: Hundreds of Millions of Dollars In Property and Cash

>>21623519 Pro-Russian Billboards Pop Up All Over Italy. ‘Putin Is Not Enemy’ 'No Aid To Ukraine'

>>21623535 @Dan Scavino TRUTH - TY Nassau County Police!

>>21623588 DNA Contamination in mRNA Covid Shots up to 145 Times Regulatory Limit

>>21623627 Arizona GOP’s new TEAM UNITY Billboard Trump, Vance, Ramaswamy, Musk, Gabbard, RFK Jr.

>>21623631, >>21623695 Why Israel maimed people with a surprise device attack — and here’s what comes next

>>21623634 William Cooper on "What role in the Middle East does Israel play in all this?"

>>21623636, >>21623646, >>21623656 Tits For Trump! Boobs For The Boss!

>>21623679 Michigan Voter: "I'm going to vote for Donald Trump this year. I am typically a Democrat…

>>21623687, >>21623737, >>21623849 "qualified aliens" to receive Federal Welfare, including Medicaid, Social Security, SSI, SNAP, TANF, & Student Aid.

>>21623691 A sheriff has been arrested after shooting at a judge in Whitesburg, Kentucky

>>21623701 America First Legal Launches 7 Investigations into Kamala Harris’ Record As California Attorney General

>>21623764 The 5 Diet Biomarkers EVERYONE Should Know - Carnivores & Vegans Too! w/ Calley Means

>>21623858 Remember When Kamala Said Everyone Should Attend A Trump Rally?

>>21623861 Nike CEO John Donahoe to step down - BREAKING

>>21623865 Bank Of Japan to keep policy steady, signal more rate hikes to come

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fb4246 No.21623889

You too big to be hoein’

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32d14b No.21623890


LOLOL! https://www.facebook.com/584372451/videos/1245665820087136/

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4cfdab No.21623892


You should leave, Clown.

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e84a53 No.21623894


Same network that gave Harris the debate questions in advance?

Same network that chose a Sorority sister of Harris as a co-moderator?

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289e9d No.21623895


will lock bread after bake


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987054 No.21623897

File: 1e2c5536f5f818f⋯.png (180.55 KB,432x236,108:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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d74d2e No.21623898

File: 5718de2b0a21d7b⋯.jpg (213 KB,720x879,240:293,20240919_152036.jpg)


JUST IN - Earth will get a second moon for about two months this year when a small asteroid begins to orbit our planet - CBS

What the fuck is this bullshit?

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e2eab6 No.21623899

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bc31ba No.21623900


>You should leave, Clown.

If I were a clown, why would you address me as something different?/

Do you know who you are, yet?/

Were you to be someone different, who would you be?/

I am glad you have been able to elicit a response but this is not really a place for wild accusations that have become all to common place./

I don't want to see that anymore from you./



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4cfdab No.21623901

You can also stop throttling the board connection and stop creating fake spam to pretend ti have a reason to censor here.

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8460ca No.21623902

File: b3a4f40d0424ed0⋯.png (36.98 KB,873x387,97:43,ClipboardImage.png)


They just claim to be. Catholics deny Jesus come in the flesh… that is us. They're waiting for a king. The pope is the "placeholder" for that king, because they deny the King of kings and Lord of lords lives in us. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

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289e9d No.21623903

bread locked plz migrate




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