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File: 3887b2cc0aa00cb⋯.png (68.72 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

2b986a No.21620290 [View All]

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493 posts and 299 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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137771 No.21621099


Elephant sitting on chest = heart attac

Sharp knife pain = anxiety

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e54d6b No.21621100

File: 454bc2ea5b2f8f4⋯.jpeg (61.27 KB,480x480,1:1,IMG_7719.jpeg)


> Beep Beep

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ca1693 No.21621101

File: e045b3c6da5bd09⋯.png (103.16 KB,419x416,419:416,ClipboardImage.png)

spam spam spam your shit

you're a giant fag

spammily spammily spammily homo

you're like a bitch on the rag

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7acd7d No.21621103


They love mockeries, do you know who else does?

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5f8f25 No.21621106



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9bc706 No.21621108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


full show, runtime 36 minutes, not sure how long it will last, but anons can watch djt here while it is up


Gutfeld! 9/18/24 FULL END SHOW | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP September 18, 2024


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373233 No.21621109

File: 970aaa749bde15c⋯.png (101.45 KB,663x387,221:129,graveyard_skeletons.png)

baker on duty

notes ~@500

#26480 >>21620300

>>21620352, >>21620377, >>21620525 Nessun Dorma (English Translation)

>>21620355 # CHECKMATE 9/11 ref?

>>21620364 Collection Of Clips Of Springfield Ohio Residents Trying To Get Their Stories About What’s Happening To Them

>>21620367 Body found during search for I-75 gunman in Kentucky, identity unconfirmed, police say

>>21620395 Venezuela seeks arrest warrant for Milei

>>21620405, >>21620504, >>21620555, >>21620656 Why do so many celebrities answer to this woman?

>>21620417 Panic as 'vulnerable' Polaroids of Sports Illustrated swimsuit models from Kim Kardashian to Brittany Mahomes go missing

>>21620434 *Please clap*

>>21620443 Disgraced Iran envoy Robert Malley may have been on ‘classified White House-organized’ call after security clearance was suspended

>>21620460 J13 photo resolutions were downscaled to lower the quality of the investigation

>>21620464 Trump tells New York rally crowd he's going to Springfield, Ohio within 2 weeks

>>21620521 Reports Indicate There May Have Been A Third Attempt On Trump’s Life

>>21620536 JD Vance says control over the government's power must be returned to the American people

>>21620629 US Army deploys ‘Arctic Angels’ soldiers to remote part of Alaska amid Russian exercises

>>21620630 State of things: Pima County Board of Supervisors

>>21620638 Two former Canadian lawmakers are calling on DTrump to apologize for spreading rumors of Trudeau's association with Fidel Castro

>>21620654 CNN Analyst Van Jones Forced to Apologize After Confrontation with Vivek Ramaswamy Over Previous Unhinged Rhetoric

>>21620664 PBS’ Resident-Witch Judy Woodruff Forced to Apologize for Peddling False Story to Live Audience About President Trump

>>21620670 Joe Rogan: You need a vaccine passport for food, but voter ID is 'racist'?

baker change

>>21620714 Toward COP 29 in the spirit of Laudato si'

>>21620724 453,000 Oklahomans purged from voting registration rolls

>>21620731 U.S. clears way for release of $6 billion in frozen Iranian funds as part of prisoner swap deal - Did Joe Biden pay Iran $6 billion to spy on Trump's campaign and send the information to Kamala Harris? DIG CALL

>>21620735, >>21620744 Baste Records’ pro-Trump anthem ‘Fighter’ by Jon Kahn SKYROCKETS to top of iTunes charts

>>21620749 Fears for Justin Bieber as he struggles to cope with Diddy allegations

>>21620739 It's all about to BREAK TO THE SURFACE - most dangerous time

>>21620806 The Psychology of Authority

>>21620855 Diddy ‘as bad as Epstein’, says officer who saw his sex rooms, hidden cameras during Miami mansion raid

>>21620866 At the end of her latest interview, Kamala virtually BOLTED from the room

>>21620936 Pelosi: We Had An Open Primary And Kamala Harris Won It, "It's Just Nobody Got In Because She Had A Running Start" <<< HUH??

>>21621003 Panic Susan Rice: Trump Will Implement 'Mass Expulsions of American Citizens'

>>21621006, >>21621065 Diddy's ADOPTED Daughter (His BIZARRE Relationship with a MISSING Girl)

>>21621009, >>21621011 Jerome Powell drops 50 points interest rates and the b.i.s quarterly report as of 16th sept 2024 - sources

>>21620569, >>21620860, >>21620871 Memes

looks like SHILLS are haunting the graveyard tonite


will BAKE SOON, morning baker can take care of next round of shillery

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93340f No.21621110


Why not the 5th or 6th?

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f5f37a No.21621111

File: 5e6f631763af673⋯.png (526.58 KB,644x806,322:403,GATESP3b.png)


Q said "Do not follow the Wives because Imagine the smell!"

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f5f37a No.21621112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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630e98 No.21621113


Akshully, 10=J

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373233 No.21621114

File: 16124308cf883ef⋯.jpg (12.95 KB,259x194,259:194,boat_planter.jpg)


spam spam spam the bread

weakly through the stream - -

merrily merrily merrily merrily

it's a losing scheme

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137771 No.21621116

Is diddy gonna khs?

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137771 No.21621117

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404954 No.21621123

are you trying to test resolve?

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698303 No.21621124

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)

i felt that!

nice try!

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137771 No.21621125


It’s time to do a back flip

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698303 No.21621126

File: efdd9d9637ba1aa⋯.png (624.8 KB,1730x786,865:393,000b.png)

pewm pewm!

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2ca74d No.21621127

File: 1fca0d6546c9517⋯.png (297.4 KB,635x351,635:351,00000000000teehee1.png)

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2ca74d No.21621128


i am afraid i will fall

will you support?

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2ca74d No.21621129

File: e163ced3ab6ceb3⋯.jpg (24.43 KB,500x291,500:291,4o.jpg)

i feel weak right now

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f00ad6 No.21621130

File: a43da59841b3cfb⋯.png (610.39 KB,680x382,340:191,ClipboardImage.png)


bullet quads chek'ed

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e1e92a No.21621131


Maybe, but I would need to know more about the pain. When did the pain start? (I have deadlines to calculate over here) Does anything make the pain better? Or worse? Does the pain radiate anywhere? Then you check their blood pressure, give the nitro and reassess. Get the EKG and call the cath lab.

OR you get a ride in the Van…the Ativan…

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2ca74d No.21621132

File: b59a8699606c311⋯.jpg (91.32 KB,1284x773,1284:773,4fa.jpg)

i am afraid

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630e98 No.21621133

File: 886b16c767c5378⋯.jpeg (64.91 KB,360x450,4:5,45D40105_DE47_46A6_B64A_F….jpeg)


keks, leoninely

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026d80 No.21621134


Traitors first

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2ca74d No.21621135

File: d0d1038fbdecb27⋯.webp (8.17 KB,300x300,1:1,run11.webp)

hold me!

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2ca74d No.21621136

File: bcdc9680a991e96⋯.jpg (20.22 KB,255x191,255:191,00nsf2a.jpg)

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2ca74d No.21621137

File: ad2977655df4022⋯.png (2.23 MB,1420x776,355:194,00dsds.png)

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306448 No.21621138

File: 9760255332bb061⋯.jpeg (195.1 KB,1024x1261,1024:1261,96A111FB_0DAE_46FE_A6E7_9….jpeg)


I’ll hold ya, baby.

Bring that bucket of chicken with you.

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e1e92a No.21621139


(you) can trust me…

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137771 No.21621140


Off of a bridge, I meant.

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2ca74d No.21621141

File: 2312f66eb62208b⋯.gif (80.44 KB,592x415,592:415,4fb.gif)

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341381 No.21621142

File: c8743462dae83b5⋯.png (406.82 KB,568x373,568:373,ClipboardImage.png)

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341381 No.21621144

File: fd7df89d37e1969⋯.png (909.49 KB,568x756,142:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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341381 No.21621146

File: 7d67c77872943eb⋯.png (454.77 KB,540x437,540:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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341381 No.21621148

File: d0eb4a6fe603695⋯.png (141.81 KB,568x499,568:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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306448 No.21621149

File: 546befd98bb5b53⋯.png (403.03 KB,451x614,451:614,F9006259_EF7F_4995_BDB3_8B….png)

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026d80 No.21621151

File: 9a6e19c79401b14⋯.png (386.1 KB,438x407,438:407,ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like a brick chucker. Where did all the paid Antifa & BLM riot organizers go, anyway? Did they leave the DNC, or are they in J6 gaol?

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137771 No.21621153

File: 6d3b740882385ca⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB,320x568,40:71,6d3b740882385caca00f844a82….mp4)

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e1e92a No.21621158


I have a duty to humanity. I don't care if you are Joe Biden or DJT, you get the same level of care…

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026d80 No.21621159


Woodrow Wilson's tory handler Colonel Mandel House changed his stage name to Colonel Edward House and advised FDR until his death in 1938.


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026d80 No.21621167

File: c62f16225b35b40⋯.png (222.01 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Get out of the way. These people have to grow up and handle their own problems. You aren't doing them any favors.

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341381 No.21621170

File: f8bcb527a6cfec2⋯.png (206.19 KB,469x340,469:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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373233 No.21621172

#26480 >>21620300

>>21620352, >>21620377, >>21620525 Nessun Dorma (English Translation)

>>21620355 # CHECKMATE 9/11 ref?

>>21620364 Collection Of Clips Of Springfield Ohio Residents Trying To Get Their Stories About What’s Happening To Them

>>21620367 Body found during search for I-75 gunman in Kentucky, identity unconfirmed, police say

>>21620395 Venezuela seeks arrest warrant for Milei

>>21620405, >>21620504, >>21620555, >>21620656 Why do so many celebrities answer to this woman?

>>21620417 Panic as 'vulnerable' Polaroids of Sports Illustrated swimsuit models from Kim Kardashian to Brittany Mahomes go missing

>>21620434 *Please clap*

>>21620443 Disgraced Iran envoy Robert Malley may have been on ‘classified White House-organized’ call after security clearance was suspended

>>21620460 J13 photo resolutions were downscaled to lower the quality of the investigation

>>21620464 Trump tells New York rally crowd he's going to Springfield, Ohio within 2 weeks

>>21620521 Reports Indicate There May Have Been A Third Attempt On Trump’s Life

>>21620536 JD Vance says control over the government's power must be returned to the American people

>>21620629 US Army deploys ‘Arctic Angels’ soldiers to remote part of Alaska amid Russian exercises

>>21620630 State of things: Pima County Board of Supervisors

>>21620638 Two former Canadian lawmakers are calling on DTrump to apologize for spreading rumors of Trudeau's association with Fidel Castro

>>21620654 CNN Analyst Van Jones Forced to Apologize After Confrontation with Vivek Ramaswamy Over Previous Unhinged Rhetoric

>>21620664 PBS’ Resident-Witch Judy Woodruff Forced to Apologize for Peddling False Story to Live Audience About President Trump

>>21620670 Joe Rogan: You need a vaccine passport for food, but voter ID is 'racist'?

>>21620714 Toward COP 29 in the spirit of Laudato si'

>>21620724 453,000 Oklahomans purged from voting registration rolls

>>21620731 U.S. clears way for release of $6 billion in frozen Iranian funds as part of prisoner swap deal - Did Joe Biden pay Iran $6 billion to spy on Trump's campaign and send the information to Kamala Harris? DIG CALL

>>21620735, >>21620744 Baste Records’ pro-Trump anthem ‘Fighter’ by Jon Kahn SKYROCKETS to top of iTunes charts

>>21620749 Fears for Justin Bieber as he struggles to cope with Diddy allegations

>>21620739 It's all about to BREAK TO THE SURFACE - most dangerous time

>>21620806 The Psychology of Authority

>>21620855 Diddy ‘as bad as Epstein’, says officer who saw his sex rooms, hidden cameras during Miami mansion raid

>>21620866 At the end of her latest interview, Kamala virtually BOLTED from the room

>>21620936 Pelosi: We Had An Open Primary And Kamala Harris Won It, "It's Just Nobody Got In Because She Had A Running Start" <<< HUH??

>>21621003 Panic Susan Rice: Trump Will Implement 'Mass Expulsions of American Citizens'

>>21621006, >>21621065 Diddy's ADOPTED Daughter (His BIZARRE Relationship with a MISSING Girl)

>>21621009, >>21621011 Jerome Powell drops 50 points interest rates and the b.i.s quarterly report as of 16th sept 2024 - sources

>>21620569, >>21620860, >>21620871 Memes




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7e0532 No.21621174


"Spies who lie: 51 ‘intelligence’ experts refuse to apologize for discrediting true Hunter Biden story"


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026d80 No.21621175

File: b9b486f65b3caf5⋯.png (731.85 KB,667x500,667:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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0abf4d No.21621178

File: 5c04ad84eb02f56⋯.png (108.68 KB,462x536,231:268,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58b46331581dc49⋯.png (43.62 KB,460x597,460:597,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4827af5ccc7600⋯.png (775.08 KB,891x540,33:20,ClipboardImage.png)



Simple process.

1. Family of 'supporter' hired @ CF engaged law firm(s)

2. CF 'donated' funds [primary influx _foreign][under 'legal' payment(s)] to engaged law firm [Dla Piper]

3. Dla Piper payment (salary, bonus & other) to family member of supporter

4. Family member transfer to supporter _campaign _foundation _gift _asset (home) _other


Follow the expenses.

Follow salaries & benefits.

Follow professional & consulting.

Follow cost of sales.

Follow other.

FUNDS: EXPENSES V. PAYOUTS [for 'causes'] _analyze % [how much of the actual donated money actually goes to help select 'causes']?

Less than 10% [TTM _5 year historical]?

Gifts & Grants:

2014: $172,579,474

2015: $108,915,463

2016: $62,901,979 [loss of power _POTUS win _start of PAY-TO-PLAY collapse]

2017: $26,566,825

2018: $24,167,053 [total revenue 2018: $30,703,366][total expenses 2018: $47,510,175]



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026d80 No.21621179

File: 47bc108abf80f24⋯.png (621.46 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


They aren't poor. They are hustling squares.

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373233 No.21621180

fresh bread, please migrate





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