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File: 2b78f8339aee97e⋯.png (289.63 KB,1057x608,1057:608,1e9539dfa07b89fdc7a515c37d….png)

396d5a No.21617156 [View All]

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effa98 No.21617887


>The family were valued members of the Jewish community, and the Valley Chabad Jewish Center held a memorial for them on Sunday evening.



that one's pretty good though. I'm 50/50 on it myself

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6a9df5 No.21617888

File: 47bdc350ca8e803⋯.jpeg (104.66 KB,577x433,577:433,IMG_0055.jpeg)

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0e7ff9 No.21617889



This is why anon has been refusing to sell old shit.

Can't hack a car if there's no computers in it.

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34bd46 No.21617890


Today is the day, anons.

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e2a70a No.21617891


>Don't forget the nano shit in the jabs

Charles Lieber

Don't forget this name.

He will be famous one day.

If you are reading this, looking back through Qresear.ch for Charles Lieber, yes we already knew about that piece of shit.

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effa98 No.21617892



no transmission in GPS

cars have a cellphone in them though, if that's what you mean

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ee1fad No.21617893

File: 8d2c8fef985fa2a⋯.png (74.19 KB,221x234,17:18,ClipboardImage.png)

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556549 No.21617894


The fuck was he thinkin’ being born a nigger?

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0b22d1 No.21617895

File: 0317ac8a421779a⋯.png (131.49 KB,891x834,297:278,ClipboardImage.png)

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7c1a80 No.21617896

File: a984ca33788d3b6⋯.jpg (259.94 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OIGsm.jpg)



Trips checked


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3903aa No.21617897


>This is why anon has been refusing to sell old shit.

how's that sit with wifeanon?

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effa98 No.21617898

File: b8b65173ad68843⋯.png (401.56 KB,373x481,373:481,psycho_killer_homeless_whi….png)

File: 24d72381ce3419b⋯.png (368.06 KB,595x892,595:892,Why_was_MSNBC_filming_Trum….png)

File: 54ed25681d1e5ab⋯.png (227.39 KB,1720x2435,344:487,JD_Vance_post_about_the_2n….png)

File: 4cfb2e6e37f8075⋯.jpeg (173.5 KB,1179x1232,1179:1232,trump_2nd_shooter_ryan_ro….jpeg)

File: ea94254f1e1caee⋯.png (2.27 MB,959x961,959:961,FAGGOT_THAT_SHOT_TRUMP_9_1….png)



who cares seriously

They just tried to shoot Trump again

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06fe01 No.21617899

File: 555e9d8a480fdd2⋯.mp4 (4.4 MB,720x1280,9:16,weak_and_gay.mp4)

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fa3bba No.21617900


They kind of had no choice with the Biden admin pushing the EV market and threatening disposal of ICE vehicles.

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e68829 No.21617901

File: 499e33b5f8637c8⋯.png (139.69 KB,626x722,313:361,ClipboardImage.png)



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e2a70a No.21617902




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b65d28 No.21617903


something or someone is stopping the Truth from being spoken

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3903aa No.21617904


>Get spare parts while you can


have two complete parts cars and two additional engines

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7922e2 No.21617905


true, denial, they can't look at truths that harm their little bubble.

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effa98 No.21617906

File: fcfa1207e678fe9⋯.jpeg (93.69 KB,710x816,355:408,freedom_of_speech_faggot_….jpeg)


>directed emp device

want one for drone safety system, how to buy/make pls

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556549 No.21617907


She looks pretty.

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3903aa No.21617908


>But what does it really mean?


sounds like a city in china

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ad9d9a No.21617909

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Brief up close interview

New York Post



Former President Trump vowed to "make New York great again" at an appearance at the NYC Bitcoin bar Pubkey


5:39 PM · Sep 18, 2024


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0e7ff9 No.21617910

File: 068b3bd1c9ef232⋯.jpg (47.88 KB,600x620,30:31,068b3bd1c9ef232fab63f1265b….jpg)


>how's that sit with wifeanon?

Bought her a car with electronically controlled steering and good life insurance.

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34bd46 No.21617911


See Oh King.

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00d38c No.21617912

File: 65a99053f3ed780⋯.png (114.65 KB,971x555,971:555,ClipboardImage.png)

Justice Department Files Lawsuit Against The Owner And Operator Of The Vessel That Destroyed The Francis Scott Key Bridge


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396d5a No.21617913




#26476 >>21617161


>>21617819, >>21617886 Speakers @ TRUMP RALLY NASSAU COLISEUM NEW YORK 9/18/2024

>>21617428, >>21617480, >>21617595 @DanScavino LET’S GO NEW YORK🇺🇸🦅 RALLY DAY Uniondale, NY 7PM

>>21617464, >>21617567 @realDonaldTrump SEE YOU TONIGHT ON GUTFELD AT 10:00PM EASTERN—MAGA2024!!!

>>21617489, >>21617496, >>21617503, >>21617507, >>21617732, >>21617797, >>21617805 Choking Pepe (not smoking Pepe) kek

>>21617730, >>21617746, >>21617812, >>21617846, >>21617909 Trump meets with supporters at PUBKEY Bar and uses crypto currency for first time

>>21617756, >>21617783, >>21617805 Pepe. Q #521 Fight. Talking to anons here.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21617181, >>21617212 Justice Department doing it's job

>>21617182 Trans-Identifying 19-Year-Old Arrested After Expressing Desire To Shoot Up Elementary School

>>21617192 'Apolitical' Fed Slashes Rates By 50bps With Stocks & Home-Prices At Record Highs


>>21617207 Kirby will not engage

>>21617216, >>21617528 After Overwhelming Pro-Trump Polling, TDS Teamsters Will Not Endorse Trump

>>21617219 Trump "200% tariff" on Mexican automakers that are trying to sell cars in the United States

>>21617238 Pharmaceutical Giants Proclaim The ‘Golden Age Of Vaccines’ Are Here

>>21617247 Russia strongly condemns unprecedented attack on Lebanon

>>21617284, >>21617901 NYC lawyer admits he gamed immigration system in plea that could force him to pay $16M in restitution

>>21617300 NEW SONG INSPIRED BY TRUMP: I’m a fighter

>>21617302 old video of Diddy's former bodyguard allegedly revealing on Sean Combs?

>>21617338 Max Factor heir granted Harris' Early Parole after 86 counts of drugging and raping unconscious women in 2003

>>21617359 Boeing to temporarily furlough tens of thousands of employees

>>21617372, >>21617551 Israel has a long history of inventive, unusual assassination methods

>>21617376, >>21617382 KJP - Violent rhetoric is only dangerous when discussed after the fact

>>21617422 Fed Chair what's allowed the unemployment rate to rise? "massive influx of illegal immigrants"

>>21617424 This is why 23andMe is evil..

>>21617436, >>21617506, >>21617538, >>21617571, >>21617719, >>21617739 Old News Clip on Ryan and Lora Routh for the DIGGS

>>21617438 Luzerne County, Pennsylvania have BANNED all mail-in ballot drop boxes from the county

>>21617450 Juanita Broaddrick - My God. She’s drunk. This is so bad.

>>21617460 PlaneFaggin'

>>21617466, >>21617647, >>21617686, >>21617713 Biden Hosts White House Reception for Hispanic Heritage Month


>>21617533 Israel's War Cabinet Greenlights Offensive War Against Everyone Left Standing

>>21617581 Billionaire expects stock market crash, recession if Kamala Harris wins

>>21617790 @thejimwatkins We still have honey in stock It is too sweet to pass up. Stop by our store and get moar!

>>21617861 FBI agents get an earful when they visit man over ‘assassination threat' to Biden

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effa98 No.21617914

File: 597186ff3f74d2a⋯.png (405.3 KB,577x433,577:433,ClipboardImage.png)




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e68829 No.21617917


Where is this from?

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effa98 No.21617918

File: 9a3733d407754a8⋯.png (258.21 KB,640x480,4:3,EZRA_ONLY_TWEETS_ABOUT_1_T….png)


I guess that should be pro tip huh

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6db1e6 No.21617919


clock reads 6 o'clock? hmm…

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fa3bba No.21617920


Same here, i like the simple older cars, anon does his own repairs, hobby style, easy to work on and yeah, no electronics, other than the basics. Same with motorcycles.

Anon knows new motorcycles have 240 plus horsepowers, but anons old bike produces over 170 hordepowers, which is plenty to kill yourself.

I recommend everyone keep an old gas or diesel banger, diesel preferable as you can run it on kerosine or any old cooking oil.

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88a125 No.21617921


EO hitting the pipes on that ship and the rats are attempting to avoid the light as they exit the ship kekekekekekek

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3903aa No.21617922


>Bought her a car with electronically controlled steering and good life insurance.

could always get an older car with driver-side airbag only, then look for a bridge abutment next time she's your passenger

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527608 No.21617923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stupid fuckin bitch(s) got caught doin seriously fucked up bad shit.

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f70811 No.21617925



Cho King


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34bd46 No.21617926






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723ad7 No.21617927


How bout Hollywood scum?

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396d5a No.21617928

File: ae0ddd753b51e4a⋯.png (436.28 KB,600x400,3:2,ae0ddd753b51e4a22ca96e2e0b….png)

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effa98 No.21617929


wheres this from tho

pepe poster at pool


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396d5a No.21617930


pls repost

just missed it

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ea59f1 No.21617931


Waiting for the 3rd C&D.

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723ad7 No.21617932


it's a bar

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fa3bba No.21617935


Yes, what if the cell chip is out of range?

It habbens a lot in AUS, due to vast distances.

Anons experience with boat GPS, using no cell tower tech, can relay information bi-directionally.

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ee1fad No.21617937

File: cd1fcf11a6d6f46⋯.jpg (59.84 KB,931x524,931:524,weissman.jpg)

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34bd46 No.21617939



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396d5a No.21617940

File: e3274cd6dc43b19⋯.jpg (558.83 KB,2560x2560,1:1,e3274cd6dc43b1948470451765….jpg)

File: f538e561fd196ad⋯.png (2.22 MB,1241x827,1241:827,f538e561fd196ad23c801402cb….png)

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f4cbd1 No.21617943


The Bitcoin Bar he visited earlier today in NY >>21617846

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396d5a No.21617945

File: 7df94295bbbc06b⋯.png (1.38 MB,800x800,1:1,7df94295bbbc06bcfc006f2dd0….png)

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840cef No.21617946

File: 35ed873da2e6ca6⋯.png (505.13 KB,383x510,383:510,ClipboardImage.png)



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