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File: ae6d26348261932⋯.png (65.09 KB,255x138,85:46,ClipboardImage.png)

3e56cf No.21612071 [View All]

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701 posts and 544 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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0c7282 No.21612967

File: 699adf27d623206⋯.png (131.75 KB,960x640,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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143ba8 No.21612968

File: 9e9eb94a8ccc4c8⋯.jpeg (101.9 KB,500x747,500:747,night_shift_jolly_roger.jpeg)

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463772 No.21612969

File: 944552c50577472⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,3103x1677,3103:1677,QClock_September_12_2021_K….jpg)

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143ba8 No.21612970

File: cece21b89a4777f⋯.jpg (138.86 KB,838x646,419:323,Night_crew_night_vision.jpg)

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cce675 No.21612971


still a stupid choice for a sniper rifle

needed to fit the automatic weapons ban narrative?

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b2f11c No.21612972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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143ba8 No.21612973

File: 00421bec1dcce28⋯.jpg (146.89 KB,800x800,1:1,Night_Crew_kitten.jpg)

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3079c9 No.21612974

File: 816c883ccc97d42⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB,Family_Guy_Cutting_The_Que….mp4)



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bda803 No.21612975


That was the cover for the meeting. Czebotar says she went there to try to work out a deal that they make Hillary the scape goat n the rest of them walk free.

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143ba8 No.21612976

File: e593d419bad0b41⋯.jpg (330.85 KB,540x720,3:4,Stitching_it_all_together.jpg)

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826c19 No.21612977

notables FINAL

#26471 >>21612088

>>21612141 Springfield City Manager acknowledging that they’ve heard of complaints of domestic animals being eaten back in March

>>21612188 Springfield, Ohio: Mass Immigration Drives Up Rents, Welfare Rolls, Car Crashes

>>21612851 Springfield City Council Member caught on hot mic saying “literally, I really don't give a shit about the businesses of the city”

>>21612162, >>21612833 NY Times refers to Trump assassin Ryan Routh as "crusader for causes large and small"

>>21612231 @USSF_SSC: Imagine electronic pulses in space that block signals and replace them with counterfeits

>>21612291 Scientific American makes presidential endorsement for only the second time in its 179-year history (for Kamala)

>>21612304, >>21612759, >>21612793, >>21612830 Motorola = Google

>>21612867 Turning the pagers

>>21612887, >>21612918, >>21612906, >>21612910 Why did Iran's ambassador have one of their pagers?

>>21612329 Did they arrest Diddy to seize all the blackmail he had on [them]?

>>21612353, >>21612274, >>21612938 Diddy’s Home Raids: What the Feds Founds in Sean Combs’ Homes (Is "Baby Oil" code for Adrenocrome?)

>>21612725, >>21612269 Kamala thanked Sean Combs for hosting town hall back in April 2020

>>21612907 In light of P Diddy getting arrested, it looks like Kim Kardashian may be in deep 💩 soon, too

>>21612431 Swath of East Coast beaches shut down after needles, pill bottles and tampons mysteriously washed up on shore

>>21612577 Nurse who met would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh while in Ukraine says she realized he was a threat and reported him the Feds

>>21612661 Michigan voters erupt in cheers after Trump tells them that he will put a 200% tariff on cars made in Mexico

>>21612665 DJT: Finally everyone is agreeing that I won the Debate with Kamala

>>21612687 Jesse Watters: Biden has his fingerprints all over this (S15)

>>21612698 Adam Schiff & most members of the Congressional Black Caucus were all paid members of Epstein's "Congressional Advisory Group"

>>21612751 Elon Musk says there will be a Golden Age in America once D.O.G.E is implemented

>>21612761 Newscum goes full Gay British Meme Police Are Coming: bans memes in California

>>21612808 Ukrainian drones successfully struck a massive Russian ammunition dump

>>21612831 Seattle City Council approves SOAP, SODA zone proposals

>>21612922 Senators @ChuckGrassley and @RonJohnsonWI uncover more Biden-Kamala lawfare and election interference against Trump

>>21612929 Trump shooter used an SKS-type rifle?

>>21612113, >>21612147, >>21612261, >>21612756, >>21612938, >>21612956 Memes


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742001 No.21612978


Someone claimed that only medical personal had the pagers…This seems to stand in contrast

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143ba8 No.21612979

File: 1cdbe489307dc4c⋯.png (243.8 KB,506x509,506:509,BadgeSuperElite.png)

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85e30f No.21612980


Automatic Weapons are banned.

I don’t agree with it, but there it is.

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e1eb7e No.21612981

File: cd3bb65085a4cf7⋯.jpg (84.94 KB,735x632,735:632,podesta_trudeau.jpg)

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143ba8 No.21612982

File: 4c59793f7e7dc5e⋯.png (1.18 MB,1024x921,1024:921,Nightshift_Pepe_1024.png)

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143ba8 No.21612983

File: ae77fe695726875⋯.png (41.2 KB,500x500,1:1,weseeyou.png)

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bda803 No.21612985

File: 6d3b740882385ca⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB,320x568,40:71,6d3b740882385caca00f844a82….mp4)

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463772 No.21612988

File: 8add823d1179a29⋯.gif (393.43 KB,500x375,4:3,giphy_1_.gif)

>>21612969 (me)


nobody ever ponders that Kanye got 99 problems cuz he cooperatin'

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143ba8 No.21612990

File: 134d611dc8575c5⋯.jpg (56.39 KB,252x255,84:85,PatchAnons.jpg)

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584816 No.21612991

File: 2954fcd6563dfac⋯.jpg (73.48 KB,567x565,567:565,DRIVE_THE_NIGHT.jpg)

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b9daa0 No.21612993

File: c95083525acf00d⋯.png (349.33 KB,758x845,758:845,ClipboardImage.png)

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143ba8 No.21612994

File: 88185b629f296e1⋯.jpg (115.83 KB,759x475,759:475,074d558dca2e2f95ec6f0ae677….jpg)

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143ba8 No.21612995

File: c0b4b95bb09fa9f⋯.jpg (137.56 KB,811x463,811:463,wwg1wwga.jpg)

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de0aaa No.21612997

File: 36937bc472599ef⋯.jpg (205.42 KB,1600x990,160:99,IMG_4159.JPG)


>>>>>>>>> nigger alert

>juw+faggot = mike rothschild

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826c19 No.21612998

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143ba8 No.21612999

File: 924fbe561c808dc⋯.jpg (157.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,nsft.jpg)

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3079c9 No.21613000

File: d8fc4e3194ef7b5⋯.mp4 (2.67 MB,Rishi_Sunak_Wanker.mp4)


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143ba8 No.21613002

File: 6bbaf26ac218946⋯.jpg (201.58 KB,1023x723,341:241,welcome_tothe_night_shift.jpg)

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8b2c60 No.21613004

File: 40a624db292f50d⋯.png (426.66 KB,600x553,600:553,ClipboardImage.png)


it could also be that ss phones are being listened to without them knowing.

so they may not even know if the s.s are being spied on

1 or 2 steps removed from djt.

all things need to be taken into account.

ss is getting a lot of heat,

they must be getting paranoid and giving each other the side eye.

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7b3cf4 No.21613005

File: b41a1c8cf6d0853⋯.png (57.91 KB,545x899,545:899,Screenshot_2024_09_17_2312….png)



All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest.

Kevin Liles (Music Exec)

Eric Pryor (President of Fine Arts)

Johnathan Halloway (Rutgers President)

Robert B. Davis (General Manager of Martha's Vineyard)

Chris Cameron (LaCrosse Coach)

Kathy Newsham (Bay City Mayor)

LaMonica McIver (Newark City Councilman)

Allyson Green (Tisch Dean)

Craig Maladra (5th Ward Geneva)

Joseph Kerschner (Doctor)

Mike Foster (President of Nexian Travel)

Suzi Williams (Executive Director)

Romain Mazeries (CEO)

Henry Leventis (Chief Prosecutor)

Matthew Teitelbaum (MFA Director)

Darren Lehmann (Assistant Coach)

Arvind Kejriwal (Chief Minister)

Giuseppe N. Colasurdo (Doctor UTH)

~Not Damning But Peculiar

3:27 PM · Sep 17, 2024





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143ba8 No.21613006

File: 5aa24e999f55960⋯.jpg (202.75 KB,648x1041,216:347,Addams_Family_addams_famil….jpg)

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fa3749 No.21613007


fantasy to think we will ever find out the truth

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8be0b8 No.21613008

File: 3868d5451b23ff6⋯.jpg (152.71 KB,1200x800,3:2,milley_.jpg)

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143ba8 No.21613009

File: 8517e994730cc58⋯.jpeg (256.09 KB,700x768,175:192,gys.jpeg)

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143ba8 No.21613010

File: c45f8d28ada6034⋯.png (275.08 KB,496x489,496:489,LV_10_01_10_01.png)

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cb24b7 No.21613011

File: a267c1ceef54f0b⋯.png (997.58 KB,665x649,665:649,juturyuyryrt.PNG)

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05788f No.21613012


Scientific Americans first endorsement was biden

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b9daa0 No.21613013

File: 5dfc9e1bd6822e4⋯.jpg (120.32 KB,800x800,1:1,pager4.jpg)

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7b3cf4 No.21613014


Party on to flavortown

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d943af No.21613015

File: f93c6fa42559016⋯.png (182.54 KB,206x409,206:409,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8738a2ffb63e02⋯.png (293.81 KB,399x594,133:198,ClipboardImage.png)


I'll have the Pat Benatar's daughter one, ty.

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143ba8 No.21613016

File: 8d2e4e6b8094ea4⋯.jpg (289.73 KB,814x900,407:450,wtg54g5w5gw5yy.jpg)

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e1eb7e No.21613017

Cuban was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,[3][4] on July 31, 1958.[5] His father, Norton Cuban, was an automobile upholsterer.[6][7][8] Cuban described his mother, Shirley (née Feldman[9]), as someone with "a different job or different career goal every other week."[10]

Cuban is Jewish,[11] and grew up in Mount Lebanon, a suburb of Pittsburgh, in a working-class family.[12][13] His paternal grandfather changed the surname from "Chabenisky" to "Cuban" after his family emigrated from Russia through Ellis Island.[14][15] His maternal grandparents were Romanian Jewish immigrants, according to Mark's brother Brian,[16] though Mark has claimed his maternal grandmother was from Lithuania.

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da8928 No.21613018

File: a107b57898009a3⋯.png (1.62 MB,1056x1656,44:69,Physics_Formulae_Sheet.png)



The clock proofs always blow me away, and I'm someone who used to make Physics Formulae Sheets for my college classes and for sport.

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143ba8 No.21613021

File: 09704f16283d214⋯.jpg (323.89 KB,937x846,937:846,67b57aa9ec626199e605ca018c….jpg)

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3079c9 No.21613022

File: 926d41ca81218a7⋯.jpeg (514.53 KB,944x782,472:391,IMG_9700.jpeg)

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143ba8 No.21613023

File: 25745561bc4430e⋯.jpeg (341.12 KB,1500x1138,750:569,WWG1WGA.jpeg)

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0c1d21 No.21613025

File: 1241673dc980d81⋯.png (44.88 KB,692x768,173:192,ClipboardImage.png)


>Kanye got 99 problems cuz he cooperatin'

Beloved celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak appeared to threaten to "institutionalize" Kanye West so that the rapper would be medicated into "Zombieland forever."

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143ba8 No.21613026

File: 6cd23885d6b51d7⋯.jpg (345.59 KB,1000x1000,1:1,nitecrewqanon_patch.jpg)

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fcd479 No.21613028



Automatic firearms have been banned for decades in the US. Nearly impossible for general public to own them legally.

Semi-automatic is common.

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